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... to thank a lot more people but Brian tells me I'm running out of space so I'll just list a small number of people I have to thank for many reasons: Adam Somlai-Fisher, Ailadi Cortelletti, Alberto... more
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      Arduino(nano & Micro Electronics) &(software Programing)Electronics ArduinoArduino Platform
The paper is mainly based on detecting the earthquake and to save the life of differently abled person during an earthquake. At the time of Earthquake people use to go to safer place but wheel chair users or physically disabled people... more
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      EarthquakeArduinoGSM networkBrain Waves
To address the requirement for three-phase inverters in microgrid systems or sustainable-powered industrial facilities, a MOSFET-based three-phase inverter is designed and implemented, which can convert DC power into three-phase AC. The... more
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      Power ElectronicsElectronicsElectrical and ElectronicsArduino
The purpose of this paper is to design and implement a low cost system intended in terms of hardware and software, to make a light intensity control system. This system will be built using the Arduino Uno development platform, and... more
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      Labview ProgrammingArduino Project
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      Electronics EngineeringMikrokontrolerElectronics ArduinoArduino Project
Security and secrecy are some of the significant concerns in the communications world. In the last years, several encryption techniques had been proposed to improve the secrecy of the information transition. Chaos-based encryption... more
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      Chaos TheoryCryptographyChaotic cryptographyArduino
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      Image ProcessingMobile RoboticsHealth Care ManagementDigital Image Processing
Most metalworking fluids (MWFs), widely used for cooling and lubrication, consist of oils diluted in water in concentration ranging from 1% to 10%. To guarantee good performance and reliability of both machines and processes, oil... more
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      Sensors and SensingSensorEmbedded SystemsImpedance Spectroscopy
Comfort, Security and safety are very important factors to consider during design of a modern house. In fact, automated houses (smart houses) have great impact in maintaining healthy lifestyle and minimize energy usages. Maintaining all... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringArduino Project
this book for total basic knowledge of Arduino Programming and interfacing
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      Arduino PlatformArduino ProjectProgramming with Arduino
voici le rapport de mon projet à propos de la précaution contre Covid-19. Mon projet est sous forme d'un système automatique à l'aide d'un arduino UNO, des capteurs infrarouge, ultraçon, aussi un moteur à courant continu, valable pour les... more
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      Embedded SystemsAutomationArduino Project
The main objective of this project is to develop a home automation system using an Arduino board with Bluetooth being remotely controlled by any Android OS smart phone. As technology is advancing so houses are also getting smarter. Modern... more
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      Electrical EngineeringComputer EngineeringAutomation Using ArduinoArduino Project
Medicine intake, as prescribed by physicians and health care providers, is important not only for minimizing the risk of relapse but also to treating conditions and improving one's overall well-being. However, adherence to a... more
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      Medical Device DesignMedication AdherenceMedicineMicrocontrollers
Plotting Robot is a robot that prints an image or text on A3 paper, and the photos are given to it through a computer or mobile program that identifies the microcontroller used in the project and on the Arduino by converting image... more
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      RoboticsArduinoRobotsElectronics Arduino
This paper is about the development and implementation of a GSM based password protected control system for electrical home appliances that enables to control remotely. GSM module is used for receiving short message service (SMS) from... more
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      Computer ScienceControl SystemsGlobal EngineeringGsm Based Projects
Abstract This paper proposes the design of a working prototype of radio controller (RC) controlled quadcopter which is realized based on Arduino UNO microcontroller as a flight controller. In this paper Arduino based quadcopter uses the... more
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    • Arduino Project
Internet of Things(IoT) merupakan sebuah teknologi yang tengah menjadi perbincangan dunia elektronik. Dengan teknologi tersebut, setiap piranti yang dimiliki bisa dengan mudah terhubung dengan internet,... more
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      ArduinoVoice RecognitionArduino ProjectShift Registers
The aim of this research is to develop a secondary weather station prototype for measurements of temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure. To validate the operation, a variance analysis and an experimental design r&R were conducted.... more
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      Environmental MonitoringExperimental DesignSensorsArduino Project
Hampir semua orang mengenal lampu lalu lintas, lantas bagaimanakah cara kerjanya? Apakah kita bisa mensimulasikannya menggunakan Arduino? Tentu saja bisa! Silahkan baca lebih lanjut artikel berikut :)
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The main goal of this work is to get the information from the Knowledge Base (KB) about the current statement for each of five sensors separately, showing the results by lighting the LEDs according to the information from the KB. There... more
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      Computer EngineeringC Sharp ProgrammingArduino Project
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      AC / DC Power SuppliesWireless Relay NetworksArduino Project
Abstrak-Dewasa ini, perkembangan teknologi di berbagai sektor semakin pesat, khususnya teknologi berbasis Instrumentasi dan Kontrol yang membawa dampak positif. Pengamatan dan pengontrolan volume air berguna untuk diterapkan ke berbagai... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringControl EngineeringArduino Project
To address the requirement for three-phase inverters in microgrid systems or sustainable-powered industrial facilities, a MOSFET-based three-phase inverter is designed and implemented, which can convert DC power into three-phase AC. The... more
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      Power ElectronicsElectronicsElectrical and ElectronicsArduino
Réalisation d’un robot détecteur d’obstacle, contrôlé par une carte Arduino. Le guidage du robot sera fait à distance en « temps réel » grâce à des modules sans fil Xbee, qui utilisent le protocole Zigbee comme moyen de... more
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      LabVIEWArduinoZigbee NetworksObstacle Detection
Di ajukan sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memproleh gelar sarjana 1 teknik Pada jurusan teknik elektro fakultas sains dan teknologi
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    • Arduino Project
Traditionally, visually challenged individuals employ the white cane to aid their mobility outdoors, which provides very limited utility. In order to improve the safety of visually challenged users and enhance their awareness of their... more
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      The Internet of ThingsFire detectionVision Impairment and blindnessObstacle Detection
—Automated security system is a useful addition, where safety is an important issue. By this project a security system has been designed to protect the bank vault from thief or unauthorized person. This security system consists of four... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionInformation Technology
La Guía didáctica de robótica educativa con Arduino es una herramienta digital que integra diferentes actividades guiadas para el diseño y construcción de prototipos robotizados basados en la tecnología Arduino, orientadas para los... more
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      Electronics ArduinoArduino ProjectProgramming with ArduinoArduino Uno
For any operations, the patient being in an anesthetic condition is must. The patient won't feel any pain during the medical procedure using anesthetics. The impact of the anesthesia should be there how long the operation goes and for... more
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      Regional AnesthesiaGeneral AnesthesiaResin infusionDigestive infusions
contoh paper pembuatan kunci pintu otomatis berbasis RFID dan ARDUINO. Dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas mikrokontroller. (dikutip dari berbagai sumber)
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      Telecommunications EngineeringMicrocontrollersRFID and Sensor NetworksArduino Project
This paper relates to the information on creating a MATLAB application with resistor value calculation program. In this application, use Graphical User Interface (GUI) for ease to use. It notes the use of color code technique to manually... more
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      NeuroscienceMicrostrip AntennasAntennas & Radio Wave PropagationFinite Element Methods
The aim of this research is to develop a secondary weather station prototype for measurements of temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure. To validate the operation, a variance analysis and an experimental design r&R were conducted.... more
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      Environmental MonitoringExperimental DesignSensorsArduino Project
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      Biomedical EngineeringWireless CommunicationsElectronicsBiotechnology
Un convertisseur numérique-analogique prend une série d'entrées numériques et le convertit en une sortie analogique. Dans notre configuration, nous allons utiliser l'Arduino Uno pour définir les valeurs des broches... more
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      ArduinoCNAElectronics ArduinoArduino Project
Quyển sách “Arduino cho người mới bắt đầu” (quyển căn bản) được thiết kế cho các bạn chưa biết hoặc biết một ít về lập trình Arduino. Nội dung sách chủ yếu viết về định hướng suy nghĩ liên quan đến lập trình vi điều khiển nhằm mục tiêu... more
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      ArduinoVietnameseArduino Project
Typically, a conventional drive lift is used to move from one floor to another in tall buildings. This system suffers from instability and maintainability issues due to the unavailability of proper monitoring system for users. This paper... more
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      Motor ControlElevatorArduino Project
The main concept behind the Arduino-based Smartphone Charging Controller is to control the charging time by setting the time for which you wish to charge the phone, and once the time is up, the power to the charging adapter is... more
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      Embedded SystemsAutomatic ControlBatteryRELAY
Diseño e implementación de un sistema digital de medición de temperatura, que permita el reporte de temperatura de cada piso del compartimento del refrigerador y también del compartimento de la nevera, que emita señales de alarma... more
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      INGENIERIA BIOMEDICAUmssUniversidad Mayor de San SimonIngeniería electrónica
This paper represents the design and development of a high fidelity prototype design using cardboard, hardboard, an Arduino microcontroller, a motor driver L298N, jumper wires, a 9-volt battery, 6 Led lights and an Android smart mobile... more
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      User Experience (UX)Qualitative methodologyProduction DesignUX and design methodology
An open source and low-cost Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System based on Node-RED and Arduino microcontrollers is presented in this paper. The system is designed for monitoring, supervision, and remotely controlling motors and... more
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      Sensors and SensingThe Internet of ThingsOil and gasSensors
Apa itu Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)? LDR yang juga dikenal sebagai photo resistor, photo conductor, atau photo conductive adalah komponen elektronik yang nilai resistansinya meningkat saat dikenai intensitas cahaya, dan menurun saat... more
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Progress in livestock monitoring and precision livestock farming (PLF) is a requirement if modern agriculture is to keep pace with demands. This can be seen by trends in the academic research, the adoption of electronics in farming and... more
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      Additive ManufacturingArduinoPrecision Livestock FarmingAutomation Using Arduino
The project is designed to acute a load when IR rays are interrupted by any object. This is useful in industries for sensing movement of material in a conveyor belt for any action to be taken. The project utilizes 38 KHz IR signal... more
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      Electronics ArduinoBuild Ir SensorArduino ProjectProgramming with Arduino
The open-source release of self-replicating rapid prototypers (RepRaps) has created a rich opportunity for low-cost distributed digital fabrication of complex 3-D objects such as scientific equipment. For example, 3-D printable... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMicrofluidicsElectrochemistryLab On A Chip
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      Internet of Things (IoT)Raspberry PiArduino ProjectInternet of Things (IoTs)
Tutorial penggunaan Sensor Temprature LM35
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      Instrumentation EngineeringArduinoTemperature SensorsTemperature
This paper presents a gesture recognition model; known as Digital Vocalizer. Digital Vocalizer is an arduino UNO based system and this system is designed to make the communication gap between dumb, deaf and blind communities and their... more
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      Sign LanguageTri-Axial AccelerometerBendingHand Gesture Recognition
Đồ án môn Lý thuyết điều khiển tự động của nhóm 1
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      ArduinoAutomation Using ArduinoArduino ProjectArduino Interface Matlab
ABSTRACT Weather Forecast stations are used for the prediction of future weather conditions. These systems require intensive human efforts and are sometimes inaccurate in its prediction. Wireless weather monitoring stations are created... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringWireless CommunicationsMobile TechnologyElectronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Ce projet concerne la conception, la réalisation et la commande d’un robot mobile à trois roues a l’aide d'une carte électronique" Arduino" adapté pour pouvoir la relier au robot après avoir développé le programme en logiciel Arduino ,son... more
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      Mobile RoboticsUltrasoundSensorsTemperature Sensors