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2020, Die Welt des Islams
European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'92), 1992
The aim of this paper is to provide a semantics for general logic programs (with negation by default) extended with explicit negation, subsuming well founded semantics 22]. The Well Founded semantics for extended logic programs (WFSX) is expressible by a default theory semantics we have devised 11]. This relationship improves the cross{fertilization between logic programs and default theories, since we generalize previous results concerning their relationship 3, 4, 7, 1, 2], and there is an increasing use of logic programming with explicit negation for nonmonotonic reasoning 7, 15, 16, 13, 23]. It also clari es the meaning of logic programs combining both explicit negation and negation by default. In particular, it shows that explicit negation corresponds exactly to classical negation in the default theory, and elucidates the use of rules in logic programs. Like defaults, rules are unidirectional, so their contrapositives are not implicit; the rule connective, , is not material implication, but has rather the avour of an inference rule, like defaults. It is worth noting that existing top{down procedures for well-founded semantics without explicit negation 24, 14] can be easily adapted to the semantics we are proposing for extended programs. This issue is only brie y considered here and will be the subject of a forthcoming report.
ABSTRAK Dalam suatu proses belajar mengajar, terdapat dua unsur yang amat penting yaitu metode mengajar dan media pembelajaran. Kedua aspek tersebut saling berkaitan. Pemilihan salah satu metode mengajar tertentu akan mempengaruhi jenis media pembelajaran yang sesuai. Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam kehidupan telah mengubah paradigma pendidikan yang menempatkan guru sebagai fasilitator dan agen pembelajaran di mana siswa dapat memiliki akses yang seluas-luasnya kepada beragam media untuk kepentingan pendidikannya. Terutama media audio visual, dimana media tersebut sangat mudah dioperasikan ketika fasilitas di satuan pendidikan tersedia. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kelebihan dan kekurangan didalam penggunaan media audio visual. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara kepada seorang guru dan juga siswa yang bersangkutan. narasumber yang kita pilih melalui acak atau random agar tidak ada manipulasi didalam proses pengumpulan data. Penggunan media audio visual sangat berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan pendidikan dikarenakan akan membantu seorang guru menjadi lebih mudah untuk menyampaikan materi yang ingin diajarkan. untuk peserta didik lebih bisa memahami materi yang abstrak menjadi lebih kongkrit atau nyata. Tetapi banyak kendala didalam menggunakan media audio visual ini yaitu kurangnya fasilitas dan peralatan pendukung penggunan media video pembelajaran. Seperti kurangnya alat-alat pendukung media video pembelajaran sebagai contohnya proyektor, pengeras suara, layar dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Penggunaan media video pembelajaran ini selain untuk membantu seorang guru dan siswa sekolah dasar tetapi agar kita mengetahui perkembangan teknologi dan informasi didalam bidang pendidikan.
UAD TEFL International Conference
The potential of tourism industry increases every year. The tourism sector is believed to be able to create centers of economic growth of the country. One of the institutions that play a role in tourism industry is English Education Department, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. This department cooperates with several tourism partners to train the students about tourism. There are two subjects about tourism named English for Tourism and Practicum on Tourism. The problem emerged from the students and materials. The students of English for Tourism lack of vocabulary and speaking. They need specific materials (textbook) for learning English about tourism. The materials of English for Tourism should be developed. Therefore, the objectives of the study are (1) developing English materials for English for Tourism; (2) finding out the possible English developed materials for English for Tourism. This study is research and development. The steps are identifying potentials and problems, collecting t...
Once I had explored the research issue of North and South unification with a focus on the legal integration for uniform constitution and various statutes. It pushed me to deal with a big question, and looked like a semi-textbook with an inchoate idea and baby theory upon the completion of research project. The literature review thankfully had allowed the space of creativity and originality of my work product, and can also be a typical way of foreign graduate legal researchers in the process of his dissertation work. They would be beneficial with new statutes and codes, for example, from the Korean Congress, that are enacted recently, which would be their research topic certainly original and contributive. This could be viewed as one of qualitative enclaves enmeshed into a larger scope of qualitative inquiry. This interplay is fairly consequential in excavating a new knowledge and research findings. It could be aboriginal -- one trait word to characterize the qualitative studies-- from the viewpoint of host country, but became original as a crop to expand the horizon of new knowledge. I have once argued that the quantitative studies are on generality of subjects and commonness for involved strands. This profile would vary that the qualitative studies tend to be strong with the story and enclaves. The e-age and rapid compression of space with the development of telecommunication technology also factor to change a paradigm of knowledge and research activities (Ronald, 2014). At least, the contemporary society certainly would be more specific as if we can trace a person with the satellite spotting and the electronic identifier on the leg of sex criminals in Korea guarantees to be safeguarded from his potential danger. That may be favorable concerning the elements and environments of qualitative studies. For example, we may follow up by comparing the research work of Korean statute with the e-government of Korea displaying the statute. We can entertain many on-line sources of information and stories with the dissertations of aboriginal culture. With my time on the qualitative studies, I came across the nocebo effect illustrated with the fear of MERs-CoV in Korea. The effect looks into the negative dimension of human mind and his personality, which could aggravate the current challenge of national crisis, June, 2015. Paradoxically, the nocebo effect can be said to characterize the qualitative context of inquiry. As Freud suggested, the vast of human element is of unexplainable dimension that is less easily quantifiable or generizable over the population (Broome, 2010). This does not say that the continental researchers had been affected with a late nationalization or late development of region leaving them to search for an ego. This is to say that the qualitative studies could explain the part of truths for the universe and human. The researchers interested in deep knowledge could employ their method, but in ethics, who would not vulture the objects of his theme and conduct on due scientific ground.
es sobre radiografía industrial
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2014
Yad Vashem Kuchinowsky Collection, 2023
Surgery Today, 2019
Women and Birth, 2017
2013 International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS), 2013
Dental Press Implantology, 2015
A handbook of phonological theory. Blackwell …, 1993
Chirurgisches Forum 2007, 2007
Displays, 2008
Security and Communication Networks, 2022
British Journal of Surgery