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The ancient intellectual tradition of India holds that the epic Mahabharata reports part of national history. However, historicity of key personalities like Krsna has depended more on an unbroken tradition, rather than on archaeological evidences. The single most important physical source available for present day study is the text of Mahabharata itself. It is unlikely that later reciters and copyists of the epic would have tampered with descriptions of natural phenomena like eclipses, even though transcription and transmission errors cannot be ruled out. Hence, such celestial observations would become the most important physical evidences if they can be scientifically investigated and dated. Planetarium softwares are powerful tools for computer-based searching of thousands of possibilities and for sifting through obscure texts on celestial events. Such an exercise in archaeo-astronomy leads us to the conclusion that the eclipses and planetary observations of Mahabharata should belo...
Amelia Wilde & altii - Deep Pockets Ro
Dans un contexte d’illégitimité persistante de la prévention et de la lutte contre les discriminations, les réseaux « de veille et de vigilance » déployés à Aubervilliers, Grenoble-Alpes Métropole, Nantes Métropole et Villeurbanne, parties prenantes du projet «Prévention et lutte contre les discriminations envers les jeunes» soutenu par le Fonds d'expérimentation pour la jeunesse (Fej), font figure d’exception. Loin d’occulter les discriminations, les réseaux de professionnel.les mis en place dans ces collectivités s’attachent à repérer, analyser et traiter les discriminations en agissant sur un double plan : celui de la mobilisation du droit comme outil de lutte contre les discriminations d’une part ; celui du changement au sein des organisations, afin de réduire les risques de discrimination directe, indirecte ou systémique d’autre part.
Obradoiro de Historia Moderna, 2023
URBAN WOMEN AND AUTONOMOUS WORK IN EARLY MODERN PORTUGAL (COIMBRA, 1500-1834) This article analyses the economic activities developed by women in a Portuguese city, Coimbra, during the Early Modern Age, assessing their numerical significance, their protagonism and their decision-making capacity in the socioeconomic life of the city. Coimbra was then a medium-sized city, an episcopal and university seat; however, under this image of a traditional city, it had an intense economic activity that was managed and supervised by the City Hall, especially with regard to the daily supply of goods. After clarifying the legal status of Portuguese women in terms of property and work —which is still the subject of misunderstandings— it is emphasized that marital status was not a determining factor in the exercise of autonomous professions. Drawing on administrative sources and using a quantitative approach, the paper focuses on women who were self-employed rather than salaried workers. It establishes that women appear in multiple activities (about one hundred professions); that they were two-thirds of self-employed merchants, both in the mid-17th century and in the early 19th century; that most commercial activities were not segregated by gender, and men and women performed them in competition; that in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries women obtained examination charters and were integrated into the guilds of about ten trades, as the closure of guilds to women only occurred during the eighteenth century; and that, although economic activities were intensely regulated and supervised by municipal authorities, women often offered passive or active resistance to this regulation. Keywords: women; trade; handicrafts; self-employment; women’s agency. Este artículo estudia las actividades económicas desarrolladas por las mujeres en una ciudad portuguesa, Coimbra, durante la edad moderna, valorando su importancia numérica, su protagonismo y su capacidad de decisión en la vida socioeconómica de la urbe. Se trataba de una ciudad de tamaño mediano, sede episcopal y universitaria, pero bajo esta imagen de ciudad tradicional, tenía una intensa actividad económica que era gestionada y vigilada por la Cámara Municipal, en especial lo referente al suministro diario. Después de aclarar la situación jurídica de las mujeres portuguesas en términos de propiedad y de trabajo —que todavía es objeto de malentendidos—, se subraya que el estado civil no fue determinante para el ejercicio de profesiones autónomas. Utilizando fuentes administrativas y un tratamiento cuantitativo, el artículo se centra en las mujeres que trabajaban por cuenta propia y no en las asalariadas. Se concluye que las mujeres aparecen en múltiples actividades (cerca de cien profesiones diferentes); que eran dos tercios de los comerciantes autónomos, tanto a mediados del siglo XVII como a principios del XIX; que la mayoría de las actividades comerciales no estaban segregadas por género, y hombres y mujeres las realizaban en competencia; que en los siglos XVI y XVII, las mujeres obtenían cartas de examen y estaban integradas en los gremios de una decena de oficios, ya que el cierre de los gremios a las mujeres solo se dio durante el siglo XVIII; y que, si bien las actividades económicas estaban intensamente reguladas y supervisadas por las autoridades municipales, las mujeres a menudo ofrecían resistencia, pasiva o activa a esa regulación. Palabras clave: mujeres, comercio, artesanado, trabajo por cuenta propia, women’s agency.
Body Part Terms in Conceptualization and Language Usage, 2020
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, Vol. 9, (1): 121-150, 1989
The authors present a concept of devaluation and review the position of the Métis in Canada as a devalued people. They examine the position of Métis and other Aboriginal people in the correctional systems of Manitoba and other provinces, noting both systematic and systemic discrimination. They conclude with recommendations for Aboriginal control of Aboriginal justice and correctional systems. Les auteurs présentent un concept de dévaluation et réexaminent la situation des Métis au Canada en tant que race dévaluée. Ils étudient la situation dans laquelle se trouvent les Métis et les autres autochtones qui sont dans les institutions correctionnelles au Manitoba et dans d'autres provinces, et constatent une discrimination systématique et systémique. En concluant ils recommandent un contrôle autochtone de la justice et des institutions correctionnelles autochtones.
Resolución 0312, 2019
Resolución 0312 de 2019, Se definen los estándares mínimos en SG-SST
Made in Italy. L'identità di un brand storico, a cura di B. Pozzo, 2024
Il mito dell'Italia e il Grand Tour: qualche retroscena, a partire dal Settecento di Baretti fino agli stereotipi ancora vitali nel Novecento.
Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 137.2, 2024
Recensie van: Olivier Hekster. Heersende verwachtingen. Romeins keizerschap in een veranderende samenleving, Amsterdam 2023.
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Systèmes d'information & management, 2016
Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 1992
Developed for the new AB Political Science Program Curriculum, Centro Escolar University Manila, 2018
2015 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2015
Hypersonic and Supersonic Flight - Advances in Aerodynamics, Materials, and Vehicle Design [Working Title]
ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2017
Frontiers in Neurology, 2015
Nauka ì tehnìka povìtrânih sil zbrojnih sil Ukraïni, 2017
International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2016
Malaria Journal, 2019