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2013, scirj

Introduction: Please refer above stated URL. There under, above headed experiment is mentioned. That experiment is claimed tobe the proof of Special Relativity by each performer; but, It is not so. The experiment lacks of basic concepts of special Relativity. However, the experiment proves Einstein's statement that, all inertial frames are equal in themselves; but, it doesn't prove that, the light speed with respect to an observer is, irrespective of relative speed between the observer and the source. An utmost endeavor is made by the Author here, to prove that, the speed of light signal is c with respect to (w.r.t.) its source and it is (c2 - v 2 ) 1/2, with respective to the observer.

Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), Volume V, Issue V, May 2017 ISSN 2201-2796 1 An Innovative Review of Kennedy-Thorndike experiment http://en.wikipedia.org/wiky/Kennedy-Thorndike_experiment Dadarao Dhone B. E. Electrical(1971) Retiree Exe. Engr., Electric. & Mechanical, Gov. Maha. In India.(2005)& Retd. Electrical Engg. Faculty.(2007 to 2013), India; <dbdned@yahoo.com> Introduction: Please refer above stated URL. There under, above headed experiment is mentioned. That experiment is claimed tobe the proof of Special Relativity by each performer; but, It is not so. The experiment lacks of basic concepts of special Relativity. However, the experiment proves Einstein's statement that, all inertial frames are equal in themselves; but, it doesn't prove that, the light speed with respect to an observer is, irrespective of relative speed between the observer and the source. An utmost endeavor is made by the Author here, to prove that, the speed of light signal is c with respect to (w.r.t.) its source and it is (c 2 - v2)1/2, with respective to the observer. Key words: Speed of light: in space, w.r.t. source, w.r.t. observer; motion, energy, basic mass particle, photon. Discussion: Please have perusal through below two figures. Figure: 1: Kennedy-Thorndike experiment from above URL Referring to Fig. 1, key optical components were mounted within vacuum chamber V on a fused quartz base having extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion. A water jacket W kept the temperature regulated to within 0.001 °C. Monochromatic green light from a mercury source Hg passed through a Nicol Polarizing prism N before entering the vacuum chamber, and was split by abeam splitter B set at Brewster's angle to prevent unwanted rear surface reflections. The two beams were directed towards two mirrors M1 and M2 which were set at distances as divergent as possible given the coherence length of the 5461 Å mercury line (≈32 cm, allowing a difference in arm length ΔL ≈ 16 cm). The reflected beams recombined to form circular interference fringes which were photographed at P. A slit S allowed multiple exposures across the diameter of the rings to be recorded on a single photographic plate at different times of day. By making one arm of the experiment much shorter than the other, a change in velocity of the earth would cause changes in the travel times of the light rays, from which a fringe shift would result unless the frequency of the light source changed to the same degree. In order to determine if such a fringe shift took place, the interferometer was made extremely stable and the interference patterns were www.scirj.org © 2017, Scientific Research Journal Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), Volume V, Issue V, May 2017 ISSN 2201-2796 2 photographed for later comparison. The tests were done over a period of many months. No significant fringe shift was found (corresponding to a velocity of 10±10 km/s within the margin of error) [1]. Now refer the below figure-2. Figure: 2:Theoretical figure of Inertial Frames and event. In Special Relativity, to explain Inertial frame S of an observer O attached to it, is considered stationary; and Inertial frame S' of another observer O' attached to it, is considered moving at linear constant speed v with respect to(w.r.t.) observer O attached to the frame S, assumed stationary; in the direction of vision of observer. A source is attached to frame S' and observer remain attached to frame S. In Einstein's consideration, there is relative motion v as described above between the source and observer in free space (It corresponds to we as an Observer O, stationed at observatory on earth considered stationary for an instant and a stellar body in space moving away from us in direction of our vision of sight. And that corresponds to observer O stationed on Y axis, looking at the source event in the direction of either x-x' or parallel to it). From figure-2 above, below mentioned relations are derived [2] and they have become universal now as Lorentzian Tranformations. x' = [1/(1 - v2/c2)1/2].[x - vt]--------------------------------(1) t' = [1/(1 - v2/c2)1/2].[t - vx/c2]-----------------------------(2) Let us substitute [t=0] in above equations (1) and (2). It means, Observer O has received the signal at instant (t=0). As t is the instant of time, when observer O have received the signal; let us discuss first the result of this substituting in equation (1) above in detail. Then after its consequences on equation (2) above will be discussed. After substituting (t=0) in equation (1) above; it reduces to. x'= [1/(1 - v2/c2)1/2].x --------------------------------------(3) In above equation, x is the relativistic distance of signal-source moving away from the observer O at relative speed v w.r.t. him. It is relativistic because, it is not distance actually physically measured by a measuring tape; but, it is judged by observer O with the help of light signal received from the source at instant of time (t=0). Special Relativity mathematically finds out, the actual distance x' of the source from observer O as per above equation (3). The substitution of (t=0) further means that, The event has actually happened with the source attached to frame S',in space, at the instant of time (-t=-t'), before instant of time (t=0), as per observer O and O' respectively; so that, when observer O and O' coincide; observer O will read (t=0) in his watch.And at that instant (t=0), O, will read istant of time in his watch www.scirj.org © 2017, Scientific Research Journal Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), Volume V, Issue V, May 2017 ISSN 2201-2796 3 t'= (-v/c2).x' ----------------------------------------------(4) Now see that, the event-signal has reached to observer O at instant of time (t=0) and that to observer O' at t'=(-v/c2).x' when, both of them were coincided with each other; so that, Observer O, attached to frame S as a Scientist stationed in his observatory attached to earth, measuring the relativistic distance x with the help of light signal and calculating actual distance x' with the help of equation (3) derived above, is also observer O' at that instant of coincidence of frames S and S' at instant (t=0). Below figure-3 is drawn as per equation (3) derived above. It indicates that an event p has taken at instant of time (t = -t), and the watches of observers O and O' are also synchronized at the same instant so that (-t = -t'). The attached frame of O is considered stationary and attached frame of O' is moving along x-x' direction at relative linear constant speed v. the signal reached Observer O and O' at instant of time (t = 0), when both the frames and hence both the observers coincided with each other. Hence, only one observer, the stationary one corresponding to scientists in his observatory is considered. He measure the relativistic distance x of point p where the signal appeared to him and calculated the real distance x' of the signal source. Figure: 3: Release of Signal by source and its Receipt by Observer. Please refer equation-(3) above. x'= [1/(1 - v2/c2)1/2].x Above equation can be written as below. x'/x = c/(c2- v2)1/2---------------------------------- (5) Observe above equation, It represents the correspondence between distances of the event-source and the velocities of the same signal observed in respective frames. Thus, x' is the rest distance of the source in its attached frame. It is measured by the light signal whose speed with respect to both the source and the observer O' is c in Kennedy-Thorndike experiment-setup. Einstein's statement that 'the speed of light is independent of the motion of the source [3], is mistaken by all scientists to mean that, the speed of light c is not with respect to its source. The statement means that, The speed of light c is always c with respect to its source, at whatever speed the source be moving. x is the judged distance of the same source by observer O, w.r.t. whom the signal source is moving at speed v. He measures this distance x with respect to his frame by means of the same signal of which speed he found equal to (c 2 - v2)1/2 w.r.t. him or his attached frame (refer equation-5 above). Because, for the stationary observer, signal coming from moving source, is also affected by relative speed of source. It shall prove very interesting to see that, what so ever experiments have been performed worldwide, to find or to verify the speed of light; gives it with respect to source only; though it be measured by any observer attached to its inertial frame in relative motion with the source. See all stellar bodies are moving away at accelerated speeds giving red shift. More farther the body is, its red shift is more. It corresponds to light speed (c2 - v2)1/2 with respect to us. Greater the relative instantaneous speed of accelerating body, greater is the red shift observed. It is a fact observed by Scientists [4][5]. Obviously, as per mathematical derivation ahead to derive equation-4 speed of light c must be taken with respect to its source. Hence speed of light is c www.scirj.org © 2017, Scientific Research Journal Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), Volume V, Issue V, May 2017 ISSN 2201-2796 4 w.r.t. its source, not dependent on relative speed of the source w.r.t. observer. There is one more observation supporting to light speed (c2 - v2)1/2 with respect to observer and c w.r.t. source moving at speed v relative to observer. It is that an incandescent clear glass electric bulb gives Reddish light where as milky incandescent bulb gives white light [6]. Think on it. When electric current flows through a resistive wire, the valance electrons jump from one atom to another atom in the suitable direction of applied electrical field. Applied electric field, carry the source energy and imparts it serially to the atoms of the resistive wire. In a chain of atoms, an excited orbital electron of previous atom, elevates valence electron to conduction electron and it gets ejected out of its orbit. During this process the electron spills out light photons, while moving along the field in the resistive wire. Here, thus the case of light released by source moving w.r.t. observer is created (moving electrons release light photons). Hence the speed of light is some less than c, causing a red shift. Hence, the light of a clear glass incandescent filament electric bulb is Reddish. In milky bulb a florescent powder is applied to the glass of the bulb. A material-atom of the florescent powder absorbs light energy from the light of bulb-filament wire, gets excited, and immediately releases other light photon, remaining florescent powder material atom stationary w.r.t. the observer. Hence, milky white bulb coated inside with florescent material, give white light. Thus the speed of light with respect to source is c but it is, (c2 - v2)1/2 with respect to an observer. With this back ground perception, let us review the Kennedy-Thorndike experiment (figure-1), claiming that, speed of light c is the constant, for any observer attached to any inertial frame, in relative motion with the source. But, the experiment doesn't have relative motion between the light source and the observer who receive the light signal. Actually here the observer is the photo plate. They have assumed the free space as observer, the medium through which light travels; from its source mercury to the photo plate, which is meant for recording the light interference fringes. They have processed the signal, such that, first the signal is split into two light beams; each beam path length is set for different lengths with respect to each other. Then both the beams are united and their interference pattern is recorded. These observations are taken days together; so that the experimental set up can be in different places in the universe in different orientations in space. This experiment was designed by the Experimenters to prove that the speed of light is constant c in space irrespective of its source and also irrespective of any observer attached to any inertial frame. But from that point of view, they should have arranged relative motion between the light signal source mercury and the signal receiver photo plate as observer. Instead they have allotted the role of observer to the free space only which is attached with the experimental set up. An observer is meant to receive and absorb signal and not to pass it through itself. Therefore there is no provision for observation of light speed w.r.t. its source in this experiment. Therefore, there is not any matter in the opinion that, the speed of light doesn't depend on relative speed between observer and signal source as mentioned in this experiment. Now, let us realize; how an observer see the speed of the light signal (c 2 - v2)1/2 instead of (c-v) or (c+v), with respect to himself or w.r.t. his attached frame, when the source of light is moving at relative speed v with respect to the observer?. The reason lies in the process of signal releasing from an orbiting electron. To know it, please see the figure-4 below. Figure: 4: Release of Light Photon by an Excited Atom. www.scirj.org © 2017, Scientific Research Journal Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), Volume V, Issue V, May 2017 ISSN 2201-2796 5 To pin-point the phenomena of release of light signal, let us analyze, how an excited atom as a source moving at relative speed v w.r.t. observer, releases extra energy as light photons and what is the speed of the light photons in rest frame S' of the atom and that w.r.t. the observer. In its rest frame of the atom; the excited electron releases light photon, during its travel from point A to B' in its elevated high energy orbit. The electron travel at speed of light c along the periphery of the orbit and releases the light photon at the light speed, as if a stone is released from a rotating sling. As the speed of the light photons released from an excited atom is c, the photon releasing electron's speed in its orbit must be also c. Hence, excited electrons rotate around their Nucleus in their, 'higher than normal energy' orbit, at the speed of light c. Let us see now that; when a stationary observer O receives the event-signal from a source of light moving at relative speed v w.r.t. him, at what speed he receives the light. In order to realize how an energy photon is emitted as light photon from an orbital electron; let us go through Electron Excitation and Emission by Florida State University [7]. As per it, in the figure-5 below, An orbital, absorbs energy photon from outside and delivers it in outer space immediately. Figure-5: Absorption of energy and Emission of Photon. The photon energy is numerically given there in is, [E = hν = hc/λ]. Let us concentrate on [E = hc/γ] It clearly indicates that, light photons are ejected or released from excited orbital electron at the speed of light c with respect to the orbital electron's host atom. Please see the Figure-4 above. The observer O is seeing the atom, as the source of light signal, moving at speed v w.r.t. him along his line of vision. Therefore he realizes the motion of the excited orbital electron from point A to B along the curvilinear path AnB very logically. Because, speeds greater than c w.r.t. an observer cannot be perceived with the help of signals directly by the observer (In such a case, one has to install precise watches along the path of the moving object, duly synchronized by a similar watch, by means of electric signal conducted to all those watches through equal length screened cables. Then each of the watches/timers should shut down when the object passes exactly over it, by means of a electromagnetic signal. The line of watches should be parallel to the path of travel of the object and very near to the path).Why we can't perceive speeds greater than c the speed of light? The reason is in 'Natural very basic laws' which are not yet quoted. Those laws being inherent, they remained dormant always. Let us discuss those laws.Basically the nature have allotted us the individual perception system as electric system [8] on its nano and still smaller scale. Different senses like seeing, hearing etc. all work electromagnetically to perceive the world by the Life in the Universe. There are two basic phases of the Universe; particles and the energy. After all energy also is not independent phase. It is associated with particles. Then what is energy? The answer is, something moving is energy'. Energy is a condition that describes the capacity to do work. Energy can be stored in motion just as well as it can be stored in position. Thus something is definitely existing, the very basic particle, which ever it may be. For the time being suppose some hypothetical particles having minimum possible mass of each. Hence energy is defined as energy due to motion (kinetic) or state of rest of a particle, with respect to any other particle in the Universe [9]. Please do think and rethink, if there were not different motions and there would not have been ultimate limit to motion, the resolution and even the perception of the Universe would have been impossible. The most perceptional instrument in nature is the light. We have read, why there is ultimate speed limit in nature. Now we www.scirj.org © 2017, Scientific Research Journal Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), Volume V, Issue V, May 2017 ISSN 2201-2796 6 will try to understand or revise, how some particle like electron can not speed up more than c with respect to its energy imparting source. An electron is having electrical charge. When it is stationary or moving of its own without any influence from outside in free space; its electric field is directed in all directions homogeneously radial to it up to infinity. When it moves along some electric field; its all field is directed towards its self direction of motion inside the conductor (The physical sciences have not given a deep approach to the electric field inside a conductor; under the influence of static charge and static electric field). Some field of surface charge, is directed outside of the conductor, obviously proportional to the permittivity ratio of field mediums, [permittivity of medium outside to conductor/permittivity of medium inside the conductor] When current flows through the conductor, electrons flow through the conductor at speeds approaching c.. During its speed each electron shifts from point to point. It causes change in electric field due to an electron motion constituting a current. The field changes occur along the length of conductor equal to distance between two consecutive electrons travelling along the conductor to form a current. Therefore, electric field density changes point to point along the travel of the electron. There is a general basic rule of nature that, everything tries to maintain its own prevailing state. Therefore, the change in electric field is opposed naturally by magnetic field generated by changing electric field, so as to oppose the change in it. Hence, we have to spent some energy to effect the change. Spending energy means transformation of energy from one form to other. Thus, the birth of Universe took place due to transformation of energy from some dormant form to 'something moving'(author's opinion).Thus when a charge move under the influence of electric field, and when it achieve speed c, then, at that junction, any high energy feeding to the charge when tries to speed up it more beyond c, equal magnetic opposition is developed disallowing the speed rise beyond c, It is all w.r.t. the rest frame of the source atom that is getting energy fed to its electron. With this know how, we will turn now to our observer O attached to frame S. The source sends information about itself by means of photon signal released from its rest frame at speed c as mentioned above. But, for the observer O, the signal generating electron is actually moving at speed greater than c w.r.t. himself. But, he cannot perceive it. Because, an electrical charge cannot move at speed greater than c in its source's frame. Hence, the sensing charge with the observer ( that is the charge with nurons, the charge with image recording parts of telescope)cannot respond to speed signal as it is, which represents signal velocity greater than c . The observer gives response to that signal representing velocity greater than c ; as if it were a signal of velocity less than c. The motion of orbital electron, while releasing the light signal photon, has two components of displacement, horizontal and vertical to his line of vision. Sensing of speed, distance, acceleration, by observer, is done with the help of above vertical component. Therefore, the motion of signaling orbital electron along the line AnB in figure-4 is observed as AB' more correctly as AR, by the stationary observer. That displacement corresponds to linear speed of (c 2 - v2)1/2. Hence the stationary observer O, realizes the speed of light signal coming from a moving source at relative speed v w.r.t. him, equal to (c2 - v2)1/2 . That is less than c, as measured w.r.t. S, the attached frame of the observer O or, the observer O himself who is attached to his rest frame S. Thus the speed of light is c w.r.t. the source itself but, it is equal to (c2 - v2)1/2; w.r.t. observer where, v is the relative speed between the source and the observer. It is the same case either the source is moving away or towards the observer. It happens in both opposite to each other relative speeds, due to the typical method of ejection of photon as mentioned above and the natural law of perception discussed above. Thus it is definite that, speed of light is c w.r.t.the source, as measured from any frame and it is (c 2 - v2)1/2 w.r.t. any point attached to an observer's rest frame in relative motion v with the source. The experimental set of Kennedy-Thorndike, let us call it KTR set, totally corresponds to inertial frame S' of Einstein's frame,attached to both the source and the observer. By changing the position of it in space, due to motion of earth, they have attributed the attached frame of source and the observer, a role of various inertial frames in the space moving at relative motions with each other. They have allotted the space/hypothetical aether the role of observer and the experimental set up as a source. In this fashion, they have found out that, in any inertial frame in space, in relative motion with all other frames, the speed of light is constant. Remember here that the www.scirj.org © 2017, Scientific Research Journal Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), Volume V, Issue V, May 2017 ISSN 2201-2796 7 source of light, that's the mercury green laser light and the photo-plate recording the fringe rings of the light split into two rays, each ray travel different distance then uniting to form one ray, to form interference pattern. If the speed of light w.r.t. the free space, that's its medium, were to change at different locations of the source, the interference pattern of light, would also be changed respectively, though there is not any relative motion between the source of light and the photo-plate. With this experimental results, they claimed that, speed of light in free space is c only, for any observer, in relative motion with the source, irrespective of the relative speed between the source and the observer. This conclusion can not be drawn from this experiment. Because, there is not any relative motion between the source and the observer. The space is assumed observer in KTR experiment. The space is medium of transmission of light signal. It cannot be observer. In KTR experiment 'laser light emitting mercury' is source and its observer is the 'photo-plate'. And not the space. An observer receives, not passes through itself, the signal. It receive, processes the signal. In order to verify, whether the speed of light c is with respect to its source or not; it is absolutely necessary that, there should be relative motion in between the source of light and the observer; and, the experiment should be designed to measure the speed of light with respect to the point attached to the frame of observer which have relative linear motion w.r.t. the source. I repeat that, all the experiments performed worldwide till now; inherently give the speed of light w.r.t. its source only. But, without pioneering through the experiments microscopically, the Scientists worldwide, have taken results of those experiments as the speed of light is constant c irrespective of any attached point of the respective frame which is in relative motion with the source. In Kennedy-Thorndike experiment, they have proved that, the free space does not affect the velocity of light anywhere in the Universe. It proves that, all inertial frames are equal in space. That's all that the KTR experiment proves. Conclusions: 1. Speed of light C with respect to its source and with respect to its attached frame. 2. Speed of light is (c2 - v2)1/2 with respect to an observer or with respect to any point attached to the rest 3. Kennedy Thorndike experiment proves that all inertial frames are equal in themselves. frame of the observer. Author, Dadarao Dhone, Retiree Exe. Engr. Electri. & Mecha. Gov. Of Maha. In India & Retd. Faculty of Electri. Engg. At e3ngg. Colleges. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [1] Kennedy–Thorndike experiment - Wikipedia; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy–Thorndike_experiment [2] Lecture Notes on Special Relativity by JD Cresser, Department of Physics, Maqruuie University, 8th August 2005; Chapter-4, Einstein's Relativity, equations (4-35, 4-36) [3] Lecture Notes on Special Relativity - Macquarie University; physics.mq.edu.au/~jcresser/Phys378/LectureNotes/VectorsTensorsSR… · PDF file; Chapter 4 Einsteinian Relativity; page 28; equations (4-30). [4] Redshift and Hubble's Law - NASAhttps://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/questions/redshift.html [5] Astronomical Redshift - Amateur Astronomers, Inc.www.asterism.org/tutorials/tut29-1.htm [6] Incandescent light bulb - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incandescent_light_bulb [7] Electron Excitation and Emission - Florida State Universitymicro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/fluorescence/exciteemit/index.html [8] Visual perception - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_perception [9] Historical Development of the Word "Energy" - Energy …www.energy-fundamentals.eu/01.htm www.scirj.org © 2017, Scientific Research Journal