Information Systems Frontiers 3:3, 281–296, 2001
C 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.
Workflow Automation: Overview and Research Issues
Edward A. Stohr
Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management, Stevens
Institute of Technology, Castle Point on Hudson, Hoboken, NJ
07030, USA
J. Leon Zhao
University of Arizona, McClelland 430, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
Abstract. Workflow management systems, a relatively recent technology, are designed to make work more efficient, integrate heterogeneous application systems, and support interorganizational
processes in electronic commerce applications. In this paper, we
introduce the field of workflow automation, the subject of this
special issue of Information Systems Frontiers. In the first part
of the paper, we provide basic definitions and frameworks to
aid understanding of workflow management technologies. In the
remainder of the paper, we discuss technical and management
research opportunities in this field and discuss the other contributions to the special issue.
Key Words. workflow management systems, workflow overview,
research issues
1. Introduction
“Office automation” was a dream of the 1970’s. The
hope at the time was to eliminate paper and automate
a large proportion of office work. Like so many other
information technology movements, office automation
did not achieve its promise. Instead, paper has proliferated and only isolated office tasks such as word
processing, mail merge, and faxing, have been automated. To be sure, the modern office is far different
from the offices of the day when the term office automation was coined. But, the early dreams are yet to
be realized. We are still saddled with paper, and inefficient processes prevent organizations from responding to the demands of a world characterized by global
competition, shifting markets, and rapidly changing
Workflow management systems are a new breed of
information technology designed to automate business
processes by coordinating and controlling the flow of
work and information between participants. They can
also be viewed as a form of middleware linking separate office and legacy applications into an enterprisewide system. Many software companies crowd the
workflow market by providing stand alone workflow
products (IBM, Oracle, and Hewlett Packard) or implementing a workflow component in their existing software packages (Microsoft, SAP, BEA Systems, CommerceOne, and WebMethods.) Workflow management
systems are now used not only for coordinating office
tasks, but also for managing inter-organizational information flows. In short, workflow automation is a new
wave of business process engineering for both intraand inter-organizational processes.
While successful commercial Workflow Management Systems have been developed in the United States
as well as abroad, it is interesting to note that most
academic research on the subject has been conducted
in Europe—a fact that is reflected in the authorship
of the articles in this special issue. Given the implications of the technology for organizations, it is also
interesting to note that research articles in the topic
first appeared, and, for the most part, continue to appear, in the computer science literature. We believe that
the present volume is the first issue of a major information systems journal that is entirely devoted to the topic
of workflow technologies and their application in organizations. We hope that this collection of articles on
current workflow research issues will stimulate others
to work in this fascinating and important area.
Stohr and Zhao
Because workflow management systems are relatively new, this introduction provides an overview of
important workflow automation concepts as well as an
introduction to the articles in the special issue. In the
first several sections of the paper, we discuss the technical aspects of WfMS. We then develop a framework
for the discussion of workflow research issues that is
rooted in an organizational or managerial view of the
field. This lays the foundation for discussing the five
very different and valuable contributions to this special
2. Brief Overview of Workflow
Workflow management systems (WfMS) automate entire work processes, rather than isolated tasks. The idea
of automating the transmission of documents from person to person in an organization first arose as a necessary adjunct of imaging systems in early applications
such as insurance claims processing (Sviokla and Elam,
1992). Since that time, many commercial WfMS have
been introduced (Ader, 2000) and other technologies
such as document management systems, call centers,
and enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) have
developed workflow capabilities. Like other information technologies, the architecture of WfMS has moved
from mainframes, to client server architectures, and
more recently to the Web. The technology has experienced a 26% annual growth rate and an expanding
range of applications (Gartner, 2000).
Successful WfMS deployment results in significant
process cycle time reductions, cost reductions, improved accuracy, greater control, and greater worker
satisfaction. For example, (Ader, 2000) reports productivity gains from process automation of 5% to 30%
and cycle time reductions of 30% to 80%. According
to the Gartner survey cited above, successful workflow
projects met or exceeded ROI expectations approximately 89% of the time. A comprehensive set of case
studies of successful workflow projects is contained in
(Fischer, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000).
Unfortunately many workflow projects are unsuccessful. In a related area, Grove et al. (1995) estimate
that business process reengineering projects fail 50%
of the time. The most important reasons for failure
include poor change management, resistance from
rigid bureaucratic organizations, and lack of sustained
top management support. Workflow projects generally
involve reengineering and similar failure rates and reasons for failure are likely to apply (Joosten et al., 1994).
It is apparent that workflow automation is both a
technical and managerial subject. Difficult challenges
abound in both areas. Perhaps understandably, the technical issues have received more attention by researchers
than the managerial and human issues. Fortunately,
practical considerations have forced the investigation
and development of workflow technology improvements along lines that satisfy organizational needs in a
general way. For this reason, we are able to frame our
very brief review of workflow research and development issues primarily in terms of organizational issues.
However, there is an urgent need for more research on
the impacts of workflow automation tools on humans,
on the nature of work, on appropriate organizational
structures, and on support for non-routine work.
3. Workflow Management Systems:
Basic Concepts
3.1. Basic definitions
We first introduce some basic concepts of workflow
using terminology derived from the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC, 1996).1 While different authors and workflow products use their own terminology,
the following definitions are fairly standard. A business
process consists of a sequence of activities. It has distinct inputs and outputs and serves a meaningful purpose within an organisation or between organisations.
An activity is a discrete process step performed either
by a machine or human agent. An activity may consist
of one or more tasks. A set of tasks to be performed
by a user in a workflow system is called a worklist.
The worklist is prepared by the WfMS and displayed
to the user on his/her screen. The individual tasks on
the worklist are also called work items. A workflow is
the automation of a business process in whole or in
part, during which documents, information or tasks are
passed from one participant to another according to a
set of procedural rules. In other words, a workflow is
a specific kind of process, whose transitions between
activities are controlled by an information system, the
WfMS. Note that it is not necessary for any or all of
the information to be in electronic form (although this
is usually the case).
Processes and their corresponding workflows exist
as logical or generalised models that have specific
Workflow Automation: Overview and Research Issues
instances. Thus, a new claims workflow instance must
be initiated every time a new claim is received by the
claims department in an insurance application. When
a new workflow instance is instantiated, the job to be
performed is often called a case. Many different cases
may be in process simultaneously under the guidance
of the same workflow model. Each case will have different data associated with it and may therefore take
a different path through the organisation as dictated
by the workflow model. This leads to a different perspective on workflow—that of the cases or jobs that
are processed through the system. Consistent with this
view, the package of data items that are associated with
a job or case is called a work folder in some commercial systems. More generally, initiation of a new case
causes the generation of associated work objects that
are to be processed.
The WfMS is said to enact the real world process
for each process instance. A WfMS supports individual
users in the performance of the tasks associated with
the activity for which they are responsible by providing
access to the required software and information. It also
coordinates the flow of work from one user to another.
Task assistance is most important for a business process
that is performed predominately by a single person—
the so-called “case” approach that is often touted in
the business process reengineering literature (Davenport and Noria, 1994). It is also possible for tasks to be
completely automated. For example, Kraft Food’s Accounts Payable workflow application contains a number of expert system “robots” that automate tasks such
as validation and tax rate checking (Fischer, 2000, pp.
249–266). On the other hand, an emphasis on routing
is more natural where the business process is designed
to coordinate the activities of different people in situations where the division of labour (or expertise) is
As discussed more fully later, a WfMS performs
a number of coordination and control activities that
should be of great interest to management scientists.
Coordination activities include instantiating workflow
instances, assigning human or non-human agents to
perform individual activities, generating worklists,
routing tasks and their associated work objects from
agent to agent, sending reminders to human agents
that a specific work item has to be performed, and
so on. Thus, the coordination activities are similar to
those that might be performed by a human supervisor
in an office or factory. In the case of interorganizational workflows, the coordination task is made more
difficult because of the different locations and interests
of the various parties to the transaction. The control
functions performed by a WfMS include monitoring
and reporting on the performance of processes and the
human agents involved in their execution, enforcing
deadlines, ensuring security, and authenticating users.
In this aspect, a WfMS combines activities of human
supervisors as well as those of accounting and auditing
Roughly speaking, a WfMS is to business processes
as a DBMS is to data. A DBMS relieves developers of
the need to manage the physical aspects of data, while
a WfMS relieves developers of the complex task of
managing the flow of data and control between interrelated process activities or tasks. Database management
systems remove data dependence and therefore make
information systems more flexible and adaptive to
changes in data contents and structures. Analogously,
workflow management systems remove process flow
dependence (Leymann and Roller, 2000). Fig. 1 illustrates the idea of removing data and flow dependence by
database management systems and workflow management systems. One of the great advantages of a WfMS
is its ability to separate the logic of the workflow from
the logic of the applications that are used to automate or
assist users in performing specialized tasks. This allows
application programs to act as independent computational units and greatly simplifies the task of enterprise
integration. Workflow systems start other applications
such as word processors, spreadsheets, imaging systems, and legacy mainframe applications. A related
concept is that a WfMS can be viewed as “middleware” serving to integrate diverse applications such as
mainframe legacy systems and ERP applications.
3.2. Workflow management system frameworks
A standard framework developed by the Workflow
Management Coalition (WfMC) provides a convenient
platform for describing the capabilities of a workflow
management system (see Fig. 2). The WfMS “engine”,
shown at the center of the figure, contains the logic
necessary to sporn new business process instances in
response to triggering events, execute routing logic,
determine the human or software agents to perform
each of the process activities, route documents to
the selected agent, generate and maintain a menu or
“worklist” of tasks to be performed by each human
agent, maintain security, and log all activities. As
shown in the figure, the WfMS engine provides five
standard workflow application program interfaces
Stohr and Zhao
Fig. 1. The role of workflow automation.
Fig. 2. The WfMC standard interfaces.
(WAPI’s) by means of which it interacts with the
external world.
Interface 1 (Process Definition Services) is used at
build-time to define the workflow process. Usually
this consists of a graphic interface through which the
developer defines the workflow process as a partial
ordering of distinct activities.
Interface 2 (Workflow Client Applications) defines the
standard mechanism for interacting with the users of
the WfMS—the worklists that appear on user screens,
and so on.
Interface 3 ( Invoked Applications) is the API through
which the WfMS interacts with user applications such
as ERP or mainframe legacy systems. This capability
allows the WfMS to provide an important enterprise
integration function.
Interface 4 (Other workflow enactment services) is
the standard API through which WfMS provided by
different vendors can interoperate. This functionality
is of particular importance in e-commerce applications.
Interface 5 (Administration and Monitoring Services)
is the API through which administrators gather
Workflow Automation: Overview and Research Issues
information from the log maintained by the WfMS.
This supports managerial control through detailed
analysis of the activities of each agent and the performance of the overall workflow process.
The WfMC model is useful for understanding the
relationships between the WfMS engine, its users, and
other software systems. We now turn to a framework
that is useful when considering the analysis and design
requirements for a workflow system.
The WfMS “enacts” an electronic model of a portion of the organization. This model consists of five
related views or “perspectives” (Curtis, Kellner, and
Over, 1992; Jablonski and Bussler, 1996). Fig. 3 illustrates the interrelations between these concepts.
The functional perspective. What does the workflow
do? This perspective specifies the workflow by decomposing high level functions into tasks that can
be allocated to human or software agents.
The behavioral perspective. When are the activities
and tasks executed? A process model defines the
time precedence of individual process activities, the
events and triggers, and the pre- and post-conditions
for activities. Rules associate agents with roles, roles
with activities, and activities with data and software
applications. These can be specified using process
logic in Petri nets (Reisig, 1998), state-charts (Harel,
1987), or other process models (Kumar and Zhao,
The informational perspective. What data is consumed
and produced? This perspective describes the
Fig. 3. The five perspectives of workflow.
business data, documents, and electronic forms
that are transported between agents, and the files
and databases that store persistent application
The operational perspective. How is a workflow activity implemented? The WfMS provides coordination
as specified by the behavioral perspective. The
operational perspective specifies the workflow tools
and applications that perform the discrete steps of
the process.
The organizational perspective. Who performs what
tasks and with what tools? The organizational
perspective defines the organizational hierarchy,
the “roles”, the security and access authorizations,
the document approval levels, the teams and work
groups that need to be recognized, and the list of
agents (individual people and software applications).
A role is a collection of tasks and responsibilities
that can be assigned to an agent at run-time. The notion of role is important for two reasons. First, it provides flexibility since the WfMS is insulated against
the comings and goings of individual people in the organization. Second, it facilitates dynamic balancing of
work loads since users can be switched between roles
as bottlenecks occur.
3.3. Workflow analysis and build-time tools
At build-time, the systems developer must define each
of the above perspectives and ensure that the resulting
system is internally consistent.
Stohr and Zhao
The analysis and design of a workflow system
presents new challenges to systems developers because
these systems impact so many technical, human, and organizational aspects of the organization. A comprehensive development methodology is suggested by Kwan
and Balasubramanian (1999).
Powerful analytical tools such as Petri nets are
needed to formally analyze workflow processes for correctness and consistency. Two articles in this special
issue, by van der Aalst and Wirtz, et al., respectively,
use the Petri net formalism. The van der Aalst article
contains an appendix explaining the technique. Some
WfMS engines are, in fact, designed around the Petri
net formalism. Other WfMS are based on a state-event
formalism. Most workflow processes are, however, designed using less formal techniques.
Process modeling tools have been around for
many years. Graphical representations were developed
first for software specifications, for example, IDEF0
(Feldman, 1998) and incorporated in computer-aided
software CASE tools such as ARIS (Scheer, 1998). The
business process reengineering movement triggered a
new spate of tools offering dynamic simulation capabilities (for example, CASEwise, 2000). All of the above
tools have been used in the design phase of workflow
applications. Nowadays, unless simulation of alternative process designs is required, most WfMS provide
adequate graphical modeling tools. Moreover, in most
cases, these graphical tools directly define the run-time
system. Some systems such IBM’s MQ Series Workflow also provide a scripting language to support the
definition of the processes, activities, organizational
structures, data entry forms, and database structures,
etc., that define the workflow. In other cases, such as
Lotus Notes, only a scripting language is available to
develop the workflow system.
4. Classes of WfMS Systems
and Applications
The majority of commercial WfMS today follow the
highly structured model of a WfMS that was described
in the previous section. They are therefore best suited to
applications with standard inputs, processes, and outputs. Workflow applications in this area include production systems such as policy application and claims
processing in insurance and order entry and billing in
manufacturing. Here, processes are well defined and
stable, although each instance of a process may follow
a different path through the organization. These applications are characterized by a high volume of transactions, several thousand or more per day, and by the need
for accuracy, reliability, efficiency, short processing cycles, security, and privacy. Administrative applications
such as travel expense and new employee processing fit
this standard model but have less stringent throughput
Production and administrative WfMS are suitable
for routine, clerical situations that demand efficient,
consistent and accurate execution of fairly standard
processes. They are not suitable for the increasingly important area of knowledge work, where processes can
not be defined precisely beforehand and there is a need
for communication and collaboration between workers. Here, processes are not structured or premeditated
but, rather, “emerge” as actors choose their next steps
one at a time. For these situations, more flexible, ad hoc
workflow systems and/or collaborative tools are more
suitable. Ad hoc workflow systems allow spontaneous,
user-controlled document routing and support collaborative sharing of documents. Application areas for ad
hoc WfMS include engineering design, planning for
marketing campaigns, brainstorming, and knowledge
sharing. Another viewpoint on this range of applications is to say that ad hoc and collaborative systems are
relatively “unspecified” while application systems, at
the other end of the spectrum, are highly “specified”
(Bernstein, 2000).
A view of the workflow arena based on this “flexibility” or “specificity” dimension is shown in Fig. 4.
Outside of the workflow area, at the human-oriented
end of the spectrum lies groupware such as IBM’s Lotus Notes and Fujitsu’s Teamware. At the machineoriented end of the spectrum lies application software,
such as ERP or mainframe-based payroll, inventory,
and order processing systems.
Fig. 5 shows examples of commercial workflow and
collaborative tools arrayed on the two dimensions of
value added and repetitiveness (Ader, 2000). (To reconcile Figs. 4 and 5, note that the ability to execute
repetitive transactions efficiently is usually accompanied by a lack of flexibility).
The system classes along the flexibility spectrum
face different challenges. Research and design issues
for ad hoc WfMS include, ease of generating new oneoff processes, understandability, flexibility, information sharing, and protocols for decision support and
collaboration. At the other end of the flexibility or
Workflow Automation: Overview and Research Issues
Fig. 4. The flexibility spectrum.
Fig. 5. Examples of commercial tools.
specificity scale, research and design issues for production systems include scalability, ability to integrate
external applications (ERP, legacy systems), security,
data integrity, exception handling, process control and
audit information, ease of use, and the ability to modify
process designs without compromising existing transactions. An even more interesting challenge to researchers is to integrate systems of different classes so
that, for example, knowledge workers using an ad hoc
system can easily gather data from a production workflow system. A research prototype of a system that can
accommodate the different levels of “specificity” along
the flexibility frontier, has been developed by Bernstein
5. WfMS Architectures
The appropriate architectures for WfMS of the different
classes is a matter of debate. Fig. 6 shows three basic
Production architecture: Production WfMS support
complex workflows, and communicate with corporate databases, mainframe systems, etc. Usually, a
Fig. 6. Basic architectures.
workflow folder containing all the documents related
to a particular process instance or “case” is generated
and presented in turn to each agent that needs to be
involved in processing the case. Most existing production WfMS consist of a single workflow engine using a
single database to provide services to a number of users
in a (fat) client-server architecture. Examples of commercial production WfMS include Staffware, Filenet,
and IBM’s MQ Series Workflow.
Stohr and Zhao
Messaging-based architecture: Administrative
WfMS support less demanding throughput requirements and are often implemented by adding workflow
features to e-mail transport mechanisms such as
SMTP. This primarily involves adding electronic
form, logging, and worklist generation capabilities
to the underlying e-mail system. These systems
integrate easily with office suites using the DDE,
MIME and OLE protocols. They are also fit naturally
with telephone call centers and computer integrated
telephony to bring telephone calls directly to the
customer service representative’s desktop. Examples
of commercial WfMS in this class include JetForm’s
Intempo and Microsoft Exchange.
Document-centric architecture: Systems using this
architecture add workflow capabilities to document
management systems. Example applications for these
systems include management of engineering drawings
and Lotus Notes administrative applications that are
implemented using a scripting language. In cooperative
workflow, work may be processed by one user passing
work to another user through an e-mail message containing pointer(s) to the document(s) to be worked on
next. The second user will then check the relevant documents out of the database, perform the work on them
and return them to the database for the next user. Commercial systems in this class include Lotus Notes, and
Existing products in each of these three classes
are rapidly being Internet-enabled. In addition, some
systems such as Fujitsu’s i-Flow are being entirely
developed using Web-based object-oriented architectures based on the Object Management Group’s
(OMG) Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA) (OMG, 1992). Architectures in this genre
promise a much higher degree of interoperability between internal applications and the workflows of trading partners. They are driven by the rise of electronic
commerce and the need for integration in distribution
and supply chain applications. Because of their object
orientation, these new WfMS should also be much easier to adapt to changing business requirements.
The paper by Kwang and Ellis in this special issue
provides a unique architecture classification scheme
based on the degree to which processing logic is performed centrally or distributed to a process class or
to individual instances of the process. We discuss this
paper in more detail later.
In another development, a sub-committee of the
WfMC is developing an XML message set for
interactions between requesters and providers of
workflow business services. The proposed Wf-XML
standard (WfMC, 2000) addresses issues of interoperability between workflow systems by taking advantage
of emerging XML standards. It is based on existing
workflow interoperability standards including previous efforts of the WfMC (WfMC, 1998), jFLOW in
OMG Workflow Management Facility (OMG, 1998),
and the Simple Workflow Access Protocol (SWAP)
(Bolcer and Kaiser, 1999). Wf-XML provides a structured and well-formed XML message set encoding for both synchronous or asynchronous messagehandling that is independent of the particular transport
Interoperability issues are important in the ebusiness era because more and more companies are
outsourcing their work to other companies and heterogeneous workflow systems from multiple companies
need to interoperate seamlessly. In fact, workflow management systems are becoming platforms for Internet
EDI. For instance, BEA Systems, Inc. has purchased a
workflow company to use workflow engines to coordinate various e-business components (
Automating interorganizational processes across
supply chains presents significant challenges in workflow management. Because point-to-point links between every buyer and supplier are impractical, the
trend is to transform supply chains into open marketplaces. Three types of e-marketplaces are envisioned: process portal, process vortex, and dynamic
trading processes (Sheth, van der Aalst, and Arpinar,
1999). A process portal helps companies manage intercompany processes on a one-to-one basis. For example, in the telecommunications industry, process portal services include consumer-to-business e-commerce
applications such as integrated billing and customer
self-care. E-commerce sites such as are
examples of process portals that manage inter-company
processes. A process vortex is more complex than a
process portal because it can manage multi-party processes. Here, interactions between buyers and sellers
occur through a third-party marketmaker as opposed
to peer-to-peer interactions between buyers and sellers.
Examples of process vortices are the Ariba and CommerceOne marketplaces. Dynamic trading processes,
which are very transient and spontaneous, are not
easily handled by current workflow systems. Hence,
new workflow techniques are needed that will take
into account unique company attributes and services
to dynamically construct workflow processes on a per
Workflow Automation: Overview and Research Issues
customer basis. This is a major challenge for the workflow research community.
6. Research Perspectives
Our aim in this special issue is to bring the issues of
workflow research to a wider, information systems audience. In this brief overview, we can only skim the
surface of possible research opportunities. Table 1 lists
some research opportunities under the three categories
of technical, managerial, and market, economic and
social issues.2 The list is by no means exhaustive. The
papers in this special issue cover five different areas
(highlighted in the table) and are representative of the
research currently under way in the field. In this section, we very briefly discuss the first and last research
categories. We spend more time on the organizational
and management issues because there has been so little
research in this area and the opportunities for a significant contribution are correspondingly great. In essence,
a WfMS is a “machine bureaucracy” (Mintzberg, 1983)
in electronic form—a fact that should be of great interest to organization theorists!
6.1. Technical research issues
Workflow technologies are not as mature as (say)
database technology in terms of scalability, flexibility,
fault tolerance, and the other technical qualities listed
as research issues in the table. This is because they
are a newer technology and because they face more
demanding requirements such as long transactions
(lasting hours or days), geographic distribution of processing nodes, and the involvement of humans in the
processing steps. The technical issues in Table 1 are
being actively researched and many research and commercial WfMS are being developed that will provide
proof of concept for new ideas on workflow modeling, hardware and software architectures, and new approaches to handling problems of data integrity, and
so on. However, progress is likely to be steady rather
than revolutionary because of the technical complexity of these systems. Georgakopoulos, Hornick, and
Sheth (1995) and Bolcer and Taylor (1999) provide
good overviews of technical research issues. Of particular interest to management scientists is the technical
research in the areas of exception handling (Hagen and
Alonso, 2000), adaptive and flexible workflow management (Divitini and Simone, 2000), and workflow
security (Gudes, Olivier, and van der Riet, 1999).
Table 1. Workflow research issues
Technical issues
• Interoperability: standards and implementation strategies
• Scalability and WF architecture
• Availabiliy, reliability, concurrency, fault tolerance
• Security, especially in B2B workflows
• Increasing the scope of systems (desktop, department,
enterprise, B2B)
• Integration of WfMS with: external application systems,
ERP, component-based application systems, business objects
• Integrity of cross-enterprise workflows
(deadlocks, rollback, etc.)
• Monitoring & controlling cross-organizational workflows
• Integration of multi-paradigm process modeling methods
• Business process management suites (modeling, simulation,
verification, workflow, analysis)
• Dynamic process change
• Exception handling with and without manual intervention
• Authorization flexibility and integrity
• Resource management and brokering
Management and organizational issues
• New analysis and design methodologies for automated processes
• Flexible modeling of workflows, verification of process
• Matching workflow to organizational strategy, structure,
and culture
• Analysis and design of collaborative systems
• Workflow implementation and change management
• Cost/benefit analysis and impact studies
• Factors leading to adoption of workflow systems
• Controling work and monitoring of employees
• Performance measurements and incentive systems
• Integration of audit trail data and data warehouses;
data mining opportunities
• Run-time scheduling and utilization of workflow human
and software agents
• Impact of WfMS on clerical work and middle management
Market, economic and social issues
• WF market directions and investment opportunities
• Prospects for competing stand-alone, embedded,
& component-based workflow engines
• Impact of workflow on supply chain automation,
electronic markets, & industry structure
WfMS as a vehicle for enterprise integration and electronic commerce. To satisfy the demands for enterprise integration and electronic commerce, WfMS take
advantage of the increasing availability of distributed
processing technologies such as WWW, CORBA,
XML, and Java. High interoperability is imperative for business-to-business electronic commerce because open trading transactions require cooperative
workflows between buying, selling, and intermediary
organizations (Fu et al., 1999). While many have
Stohr and Zhao
stressed the importance of interoperability in electronic commerce systems, little work has been done
to specify interoperability requirements. A new framework for describing interoperability consisting of four
levels of workflow interoperability (connectivity, expressivity, visibility, and flexibility) is described in
Zhao (1999). In an e-commerce environment, it is
conceivable that workflows with various levels of automation must coexist. Some workflow systems can
be completely automated with, possibly sophisticated,
software agents, while other workflow systems may
be completely manually coordinated. These heterogeneous workflow systems must be integrated seamlessly
to support e-commerce transactions (Leung and Chung,
There have been several attempts to develop systems, specifically for e-commerce workflows. These include the Vortex-based Coordination System proposed
in Hull and Su (1999) and the Virtual Enterprise Coordinator (Ludwig and Whittingham, 1999). Vortexbased Coordination Systems provide a coordination interface in workflow systems that integrates workflow
systems for passing information, querying status and
history of workflow instances, and coordinating participating workflows. The Virtual Enterprise Coordinator
is a method for establishing and managing workflow
processes for outside organizations on the basis of simple agreements. Using VEC, organizations can provide
external partners with a controlled way to access workflow processes, while retaining the freedom to change
the internal details of those processes.
6.2. Managerial research issues
Given the potential impact of workflow automation on
organizations, it is surprising that there is so little research on the human and organizational impacts of
workflow management technologies. We cover three
sets of research issues here: WfMS in organizations,
WfMS as a vehicle for knowledge sharing and learning, and WfMS as a support platform for performance
measurement and control.
Workflow in an organizational context. Researchers
on work in organizations disagree with regard to the impact of information technologies on workers (Attewell
and Rule, 1984). At one extreme, some researchers see
automation as having a negative impact on the workplace. They claim that automation fragments work,
deskills workers, and destroys morale. Others see automation leading to the elimination of drudgery and
thereby to richer and more fulfilling jobs. There are
also two different views as to the nature of work. The
first view sees work as a structured process of activities that need to be performed. This corresponds to a
naı̈ve view of workflow automation. However, even in
the most rigid workflow process, a lot of activity takes
place outside the purview of the WfMS. This includes,
work-related conversation and manual work arounds
for exceptional situations. The second view of work
asserts that work is an emergent activity determined
over time both by the technology itself and by the humans who use that technology (Orlikowski, 1992). This
view is relevant to structured workflows and, to an even
greater degree, to unstructured knowledge work.
Workflow research should be informed by both of
these research themes. Installing a WfMS inevitably
changes business processes and work activities and
therefore has a major impact on people and organizational culture. In this context, much might be learnt
from studies of work such as those by Suchman (1983)
and the socio-technical school (Mumford and Weir,
1979). Little research of this nature has focused on
automated workflow systems, per se. An empirical
study by Joostens et al. (1994) relates workflow management to the organizational structure types defined
by Mintzberg (1983). In addition to the positive impacts of workflow noted earlier, this study cites possible negative impacts including: overly rigid procedures, reduced motivation of workers because their
work is more mechanical, over reliance on machine
performance data by managers, underestimation of the
importance of human communication in performing
work, and reduced learning by employees.
Explicitly considering these “organic” aspects of
the organization, in addition to the “mechanistic viewpoint” of workflow software, can be an important
consideration in choosing workflow software and designing systems (Stohr and Zhao, 1997). Consider a
typical “soft” workflow design issue: worker autonomy. A WfMS can impose a work environment that is
so rigid that it is difficult to handle exceptions (Sachs,
1995). As a consequence, users develop time consuming manual “work arounds” which lower efficiency and
create dissatisfaction with the system. Providing a less
rigid workflow—one in which the users can, within
limits, define the flow of work, could be advantageous.
In other situations, such as workflows involving monetary transactions, no exceptions to the established work
pattern should be tolerated and workers should have
almost no freedom to change their pattern of work. To
Workflow Automation: Overview and Research Issues
fit either situation, a WfMS should allow the designer
to vary the amount of autonomy provided to workers.
For example, one way to increase worker autonomy is
to substitute user choice for a hard-coded branching
rule. Another way is to choose an ad hoc WfMS so that
users can define their own workflows.
Research is needed on how a workflow system can
be designed, not only to execute the logic of the workflow, but also to satisfy human, cultural, and organizational needs. Besides the issue of worker autonomy,
other “organic” design variables that should be considered are: process adaptability, worker empowerment,
centralization versus decentralization of decision making, adherence to the hierarchy of the organization,
team support, learning, performance measurement, and
incentive schemes. Unfortunately, almost no research
has been done in this area. The paper by Davis et al in
this special issue is a notable exception.
WfMS as a vehicle for control and performance measurement. Workflow automation provides unique
opportunities for directing work and measuring performance. In effect, a WfMS supports a cybernetic feedback mechanism executing a continuous loop of six
sub-processes: goal setting, directing work, monitoring work, measuring performance, recording outputs,
analyzing outputs, and evaluating personnel (Child,
1989). Each of these sub-processes, especially the first
and last, should involve significant management input.
But, a WfMS automates a very significant proportion
of the control cycle. As a result, a number of techniques
from management science and accounting can be implemented with relative ease (zur Muhlen, 2001).
With regard to directing work, most WfMS perform
a rudimentary load balancing function. It is not difficult to imagine that more sophisticated personnel planning and resource scheduling techniques, analogous to
those used in some manufacturing settings, could be
brought to bear in “office factories” such as insurance
claims processing. Because the WfMS always maintains knowledge of its state, monitoring performance on
a real time basis is possible, and performance measurement becomes a matter of examining the system log.
Using data mining techniques, it is possible to analyze
processes in minute detail to identify bottlenecks and
develop ideas for continuous improvement (Leymann
and Roller, 2000). WfMS also facilitate the application of Activity-based Costing techniques (Cooper and
Kaplan, 1991) to allocate costs to services and
processes. This is because a large proportion of the
data collection is performed automatically. A similar
observation applies to performance measurement and
incentive techniques such as the Balanced Score Card
(Kaplan and Norton, 1996).
While workflow automation provides unprecedented opportunities to direct work and measure performance, there is a “dark side” to all of this. Management may have a tendency to over control, thereby
stifling initiative and demotivating employees (Bowe
and O’Flaherty, 1995). Worse still, a WfMS can be
intrusive and subject to management abuse. Research
is needed on the impact of various types of automated
monitoring and control on the morale of employees and
the overall performance of organizations.
WfMS as a platform for knowledge sharing and learning. Because WfMS automate the mechanical aspects of work, an argument can be made that workers
are free to perform more satisfying and creative intellectual activities. WfMS are, of course, a repository of
valuable process knowledge. If the WfMS is capable of
dynamic change as described by van der Aalst in this
special issue, it can greatly facilitate continuous process improvement. Beyond this, a WfMS can directly
support the learning objectives of an organization by
acting as a vehicle for the collection and distribution of
We provide two examples. The first is an actual implementation of the “double loop learning” concept of
Argyris (1994). The claims processing workflow system employed at Cigna involves about 30 steps executed by a single “case manager” (Nolan and Stoddart,
1995). The “inner learning loop” of the process executes work tasks and captures ideas and problems as
a built-in part of the workflow. An analysis team that
forms the “outer loop” analyzes suggestions from employees and the process data produced by the inner
loop workflow to determine better ways to perform the
work and interface with the customer. The ideas from
the outer loop are then fed back to the work process
in the inner loop. A key idea is that these chunks of
knowledge from the outer loop are made available at
the associated step in the workflow so that knowledge
is supplied at precisely the point where it is needed in
the decision process.
Our second example, process-driven knowledge delivery goes one step further by searching for useful
information on the user’s behalf (Abecker, Bernardi
and Sintek, 1999; Zhao, Kumar and Stohr, 2001). The
main thrust of the research in this area is to combine the
Stohr and Zhao
process modeling and enactment functions of workflow
management with the information modeling and delivery mechanisms of knowledge management. Research
issues include adaptive user profiling, real-time process
monitoring, accurate matching of knowledge demand
and supply, and object-oriented knowledge capture and
6.3. Economic, market, and social issues
Some studies in the trade literature have examined the
market for workflow automation technologies (Gartner, 2000) and there has been considerable speculation
on the competition between rival technologies, such as
traditional stand-alone workflow systems versus workflow systems embedded in other applications such as
ERP and CRM. However, little is known about the penetration of workflow automation in industry and its impact on organizations. On a grander scale, since WfMS
can support e-commerce by speeding processes and reducing transaction costs, there is a possibility that the
technology will have a long term impact on market
structure. Finally, the automation of a significant portion of white collar work should increase productivity,
but may have unanticipated social consequences in the
long term.
7. Contents of the Special Issue
We now introduce the five papers in this special issue
in the context of the organizational issues discussed in
the previous section (see Table 1).
Dynamic process change. Information technology
can have a significant impact on the ability of organizations to execute new strategies and to respond to
external events (Lucas and Olson, 1994). This is particularly true of legacy systems, which are notoriously
inflexible. It is also a danger with WfMS because it may
be hard to change a process design both for technical
reasons and because of resistance from users. On the
other hand, workflow automation can help because at
least there is a definitive definition of the process—a
“process memory”, which is often lacking in manual
The existence of very long transactions, sometimes
lasting days (loan application processes) or months (insurance claims), complicates the process of modifying
an existing workflow process. It is relatively easy to
process newly arriving work through a modified process. But then one is left with the question of how to
handle process instances that are not yet complete. For
legal and business policy reasons, it may be necessary
to migrate them to the new process immediately—or at
least as soon as this can be done without compromising the integrity of the existing process instance. An
uncontrolled switch to the new process might result in
skipped process steps, incorrect results, or even process
This is the issue addressed by Wil van der Aalst in
his paper, “Exterminating the Dynamic Change Bug:
A Concrete Approach to Support Workflow Change.”
One approach to dynamically changing a process
instance is to match the completion of the existing
workflow design with the completion of the modified
process design (Weske, 2001). In this volume, van
der Aalst takes a more fine-grained approach to this
problem by defining a “change region”, a subgraph of
the process graph for the existing process instance that
must be exited before the switch to the new process
can be safely executed. The results in the paper are
rigorously proved using Petri net theory.
Authorization flexibility and integrity. To streamline
manual work processes, there is a need for WfMS to
reflect the policy of the organization with regard to decision making authorizations and security policies. The
“role” concept introduced earlier provides a first level
constraint on what each agent is authorized to perform.
For example, a workflow activity, such as approving an
expense voucher for payment, may be performed only
by someone authorized to play the “Supervisor” role,
and only certain people with the requisite training and
responsibilities can act as supervisors. When the WfMS
determines that the next process task is to be performed
by a supervisor, it chooses from the list of agents who
can play that role on the basis of their availability and
current work load. Most WfMS systems provide this
basic capability. However, in a real organization, the
pattern of workflow authorizations may be much more
complex. What happens if the only person authorized to
play the role of supervisor in the payroll department is
away? Most organizations will have the payroll checks
approved by the supervisor’s manager. As another example, many financial workflows require enforcement
of the “separation of duties” principle—for example,
the person authorizing purchases should not also be
the person authorized to pay the invoices. In addition
to managing the agent-role assignments, there is a need
Workflow Automation: Overview and Research Issues
to specify which tasks can be performed by each agent
so that appropriate software and information resources
can be dynamically assembled for use by agents as they
play their roles.
Enabling flexible agent-role and role-task assignments and yet enforcing constraints, such as the
separation of duties constraint, is a challenging task
for WfMS designers and developers. In their paper,
“Managing Workflow Authorization Constraints
through Active Database Constraints,” Fabio Casati,
Silvana Castano, and Maria Grazia Fugini, provide an
elegant solution to the general problem of workflow
authorizations. They represent organizational structure
using a hierarchy of role levels and use the formalism
of Event-Condition-Action rules from the field of
active databases to define and execute the authorization
Scalability and workflow architecture. Workflow systems may process hundreds or even thousands of workflow instances (transactions) per day. For example,
telecommunications companies typically service ten
thousand or more cases per day and employ hundreds of workflow users (Georgakopoulos, Hornick,
and Sheth, 1995.) The processes themselves can be
complex, involving hundreds of separate activities with
complex branching logic. Inter-organizational workflows, in particular, are often complex and, in addition,
require security capabilities such as digital certificates
and encryption services, which add to the processing overhead. Finally, production workflow systems
have requirements for flexibility, availability, robustness, and modifiability. Current systems run into serious performance barriers when handling requirements
such as these. Developing systems architectures to
achieve scalability is therefore a major research issue.
Kwang-Hoon Kim and Clarence Ellis in their paper, “Performance Analytic Models and Analyses for
Workflow Architectures” discuss a number of possible
architecture choices for very high throughput WfMS.
Their paper provides a novel framework for classifying
possible workflow architectures based on the degree
to which processing logic is performed centrally or
distributed to a process class or to individual instances
of the process. The major contribution of their paper is
their use of an analytical technique based on queuing
theory to assess the ability of three distinct workflow
architectures to handle increasing workloads. They
conclude that software architecture is as important
as hardware architecture in determining throughput
capabilities. They also conclude that the client-server
architecture commonly employed by commercial
WfMS does not scale as well as the “class-active” or,
‘instance active” alternatives they also analyze.
Modeling of workflows. As discussed in an earlier
section, many general purpose and specialized tools
can be used to specify a workflow system. The purpose
of the WfMC standard process definition interface depicted in Fig. 2 is to allow multiple definition tools
to provide input to the WfMS at build-time. Unfortunately, this part of the WFMC standard has yet to be
finalized. Worse still, there is a mismatch between the
available process design tools and the object-oriented
distributed architecture of a modern WfMS.
This is the problem addressed in the paper, “The
OCoN Approach to Workflow Modeling in Objectoriented Systems,” by Wirtz, Weske, and Giese. In this
paper, the authors describe a comprehensive modeling
language that captures the five different “workflow
perspectives” mentioned above. The language uses
the Unified Modeling Language (UML) (Fowler and
Scott, 2000) for the data representation component
and Petri nets for rigorous modeling of the dynamic
components. An important objective is to maintain
the independence and relative simplicity of the five
individual perspectives while, at the same time,
unifying them to enforce consistency. This design
approach should be especially beneficial for complex
processes and, especially, for business-to-business
Analysis and design of collaborative work systems.
The first four papers in this special issue focus on
workflow management systems to support structured
workflows. In contrast, the paper, “Creating Shared
Information Spaces to Support Collaborative Design
Work,” by Davis et al., describes experiences with a
collaborative system to support knowledge work in the
product development group at a major manufacturer.
As knowledge work becomes more critical to organizations, the support of unstructured work situations
becomes increasingly important. Systems to support
collaborative work differ in a number of ways from
traditional workflow systems. Information use is no
longer organized around a particular process, but is
much more diffuse and informal. As a consequence,
the analysis phase of such a project calls for a much
broader requirements gathering scheme in which an
attempt is made to observe existing patterns of information flow.
Stohr and Zhao
In their paper, Davis et al describe the use of an “information mapping” technique to reveal patterns of use
and weaknesses in the current support. The goals of a
collaborative system are to promote collaboration and
information sharing rather than efficient information
processing. This results in a number of novel requirements that are described in the paper. Finally, the paper
discusses some preliminary findings gained from observing the system in use over an extended period.
8. Conclusion
WfMS help implement large, heterogeneous distributed execution environments. In this sense, they are
a response to current demands for decentralized decision making, efficient processes, detailed information
for monitoring and control purposes, and the rise of ecommerce. In our discussion of research opportunities,
we discussed research problems that were inherent in
the technology from its beginning as a tool for supporting work in organizations. But we also discussed
the expanding horizon for workflow technologies as
a platform for enterprises application integration, as a
means for communication with ERP systems, as a vehicle for management control and performance measurement, and as a platform for knowledge distribution
and sharing. Research opportunities abound in all of
these areas.
Workflow technologies will no doubt evolve and
may take entirely different forms than those we see
in research labs and commercial applications today.
A large portion of future white collar work will be
completely automated or, at least, supported to a significant extent by workflow management systems. Interorganizational and customer-facing processes will
also be workflow enabled. We believe that these trends
are inevitable and that they will have profound implications for workers, organizations, markets, and society
at large.
1. Founded in 1993, the WfMC is a non-profit organisation of vendors, users and academics, whose mission is to establish standards for workflow terminology, interoperability and connectivity
2. The items in the table are based on Alonso and Schek (2001), a
panel session on research at a recent conference (HICSS 2000),
and our own experience.
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Edward A. Stohr holds a Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree from Melbourne University, Australia, and
M.B.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Information Science from
the University of California, Berkeley. His research
focuses on the problems of developing computer systems to support work and decision making in organizations. He is currently a professor in the Information
Management Department at Stevens Institute of Technology. For the period 1984-95 he served as Chairman
of the Information Systems Department at the Stern
School of Business, New York University. From 1995
through 1999, he was Director of the Center for Information Intensive Organizations at the Stern School. In
1992, Professor Stohr served as chairman of the executive board of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Professor Stohr serves on the
editorial boards of a number of major journals.
J. Leon Zhao is an associate professor in the
MIS Department, University of Arizona. He holds a
Stohr and Zhao
Ph.D. degree in Information Systems from University
of California, Berkeley, an M.S. degree from
University of California, Davis, and a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Beijing Institute of Agricultural
Mechanization. He has previously taught in Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology and College of
William and Mary. His research work has appeared
in (or has been accepted to) Management Science, Information Systems Research, IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering, Communications
of the ACM, and Journal of Management Information