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Helmida Anisyah Putri , 2020
Daulay and Mariyati Salmiah. This article was published on 2020 is informative and insightful because the author explain clearly about L1 has a significant influence on the learning of L2 and the one of focus from this article is how L1 influences L2 acquisition. The author said this influence occurs because when the L1 want to communicate in target language she tends to rely on her first language structure. In this journal, the authors used Chinese student at public university in the UK as subject, where mandarin as their first language. Although there are good point in the article, L1 interference L2 from three linguistics aspect; Phonology, Morphology and Syntax. Article is about L1 interference L2 acquisition in various linguistics aspect. English as a second language since it serves as a lingua franca, meaning it is much used by people of different mother tongues and countries of origin as a language of contact in immediate. The author argues that English teaching and learning in order circle countries, where still holds the belief of native speaker competence as a golden standard to reach. This states that the success of learning English is when she as learner must resembles a native speaker even though each mother tongue has a different structure. Therefore, they must advice the introduction of Wes in their classroom and not only focus on developing student's English competency like native speaker. This research used qualitative approach. The data was carried out with two instruments, observation and open-ended interview. Shine as a participant in this study. He is a native speaker of Chinese/Mandarin. Shine as most L2 speakers of English, he made some mistake and deviation in his English due to some interferences from his L1. The author find Shine's L1 interferences on his English from three linguistic aspects; Phonology, Morphology, and Syntax. Shine used his English only in class and learn English to pass the test.
journal the researcher tries to analyze how the influence of the first language in the acquisition of second language. Here the researchers took a sample of a student from China who was studying at a university in the US. The student's first language is Mandarin and the second language is English. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine how the influence of Mandarin on English as the second language of these students. This journal takes one of the World Englishes theories or abbreviated as (WEs). The aim of this journal is to find out how L1 affects the acquisition of L2 in terms of linguistics, there are phonology, morphology, and syntax. This study used 2 instruments, namely observation and interviews (open-ended interviews), observations were carried out for half a semester or 7 meetings at English 101 class in a state university in the Northeast area in the US. The researcher conducted an interview which interviewed a student named Shine (pseudonym), he is a student in the US who came from China. After the researcher conducted the interview process, it turned out that there were errors in terms of phonology, morphology, and syntax. Whereas in terms of phonology, Shine seems to use a unique sound pattern and appears several times. The Chinese peer explained that this disorder occurred because of the influence of Mandarin on his English pronunciation. That's why most Mandarin speakers have more problems with sounds. The second is in terms of morphology, this time Shine made a mistake in using verb conjugation and using gender. And it turns out that the cause of it all happened because of their L1, in Mandarin there is no such thing as a verb conjugation. That is enough to explain why Shine is also confused about the use of Gender and verb conjugation. And the last thing is the syntactic aspect, here Shine also makes mistakes in
—One of the most important and fascinating aspects of human development is language acquisition. The present review summarizes some difficulties that second language learners may face to learn English. It has tried to find out factors that play an important role in the acquisition of second language. It is a popular belief that first language has an effect on the second language acquisition, and it is claimed that L1 can interfere with the acquisition of L2. It is also believed that the role of L1 in the L2 depends on some similarities and differences between the two languages. The present review brings to the fore the similarities and differences between the first language and second language acquisition. It then concludes with some implications for teachers and researchers.
In this report I have outlined the standard process of negotiation and the different approaches that could be taken, as well as some skills needed to negotiate. I have also described different tactics that could be used, as well as stating how advantageous they can be in business.
BBC History XIV. évf. 2. sz. (2024. február) 6–12.
Studying Philosophy Is Useless: Except For, 2023
In my comments today, I will argue for three points: (1) Studying philosophy-whether majoring in it or just taking one or more philosophy courses-is a legitimate career choice, even from a narrowly vocational perspective. (2) Studying philosophy is also valuable to every citizen of a democracy, and to the maintenance of democracy itself. (3) Philosophy has made immense contributions to our civilization, especially to the development of science. Moreover, by its nature it is impossible for philosophy to ever become obsolete.
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