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2020, Concepts-clés de la communication environnementale et du développement durable (coordinatrices Daniela Rovenţa-Frumușani et Valentina Marinescu; Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca; ISBN 978-606-37-0914-2)
Europe solidaire sans frontières
Engie, Carmeuse et John Cockerill ont signé en Belgique un accord de développement conjoint portant sur « un projet innovant de Capture et d'Utilisation du Carbone en Wallonie ». 1 Columbus-c'est le nom de cet accord de développement-est salué par les médias et par les représentants politiques comme un magnifique projet « vert », qui permettra de réduire radicalement les émissions de CO2 tout en créant une activité industrielle d'avant-garde à Charleroi. En réalité, Columbus est surtout un magnifique exemple de… greenwashing.
Oléagineux, Corps gras, Lipides, 2006
Cahiers de praxématique, 2019
Oléagineux, Corps gras, Lipides, 2005
Growth and sustainable development. How to get out of luring of a “green washing” concept? The concept of growth is at the origin of important debates on the notions of environment, unequal exchange, and exploitation or dependence. That is why a new paradigm should be sought. The notion of sustainable development which has supplanted the former notion of development is a central concept in the rhetoric of nations, especially Western nations. However, the global unanimity on sustainable development seems to uncover its apparent nature. From a philosophical standpoint, one can question whether sustainable development is a splendid new idea or a new ideology which attempts to manipulate the countries of the periphery. Is the philosophy of joint responsibility developed about sustainable development not a Western strategy of extortion in order to coax the countries of the South on the grounds of preserving biodiversity and claim solidarity, to the detriment of their development? It is postulated in this paper that a work which consists in altering the lawfulness of the manipulation of the concept of “green washing”, which is essentially western-centrist, should be carried out, while giving a new orientation to the concept of green growth, which is ecocentric-oriented and which can enable to think of another model of development, which is a provider of a genuine human development and which takes into consideration environment realities. The ecocentric action will consist in construing development in its cyclolinear dimension. The development of societies which are said to be modern is built on a linear time, and that is what makes its predatory rationality, and this leads to overdevelopment and the consequence of which are environmental crises. Cyclolinearism is a novel historic systematization which incorporates linearism and cyclicism in a dialectic process. Cyclic time is presented as an opposing force to linear time. Its objective is to call to order by preventing from being misled by libertarian liberalism in its uninterrupted growth. However, cyclic time will neither be a replica of natural archetypes nor a primary cyclism of biocentric type. There seems to be a phenomenon of continuity and break away which enable to correlate both dimensions of time is a cyclolinear time. The outcome of this hypothesis of convergence is “developmental ecocentricism” which is built on an ethics which is less anthropocentric but more anthropogenic and consequentialist. Henceforth, the criteria of evaluation of what should be carried out in the economic domain should be based on the welfare of human beings. It is not a question of going backward to a purely naturalistic life as it is the case with biocentricism, that is to say, thinking of a complete growth, but to consider economy as the service of life, in the qualitative sense, without making confusion with the concept of economic growth which focuses only on objective accumulation. What the countries of the South will benefit from this concept of development are the following: an environmental justice based of the values of solidarity, equity and dignity which will therefore reconcile the economic necessities of development, the requirements of social justice and the concern about environment on a global scale. Résumé Le concept de croissance a généré d’importants débats sur les notions d’environnement, d’échange inégal, et d’exploitation ou de dépendance, d’où l’amorce d’un changement de paradigme. La notion de développement durable qui fait suite, va constituer un élément central de la rhétorique des nations et principalement des pays du Centre. Cependant, cette unanimité mondiale sur le Développement durable semble trahir un accord de façade. Un recul philosophique permet de se demander si le développement durable est une brillante idée nouvelle ou alors une nouvelle idéologie qui tente de manipuler les pays de la périphérie. La morale coresponsabiliste qu’enjoint le développement durable n’est-elle pas une arnaque occidentale pour amadouer les pays du Sud afin de pouvoir au dépend de leur développement, préserver la biodiversité et réclamer la solidarité ? Je postule alors la nécessité d’un travail de déligitimation de la manipulation du « greenwashing » essentiellement occidentalo-centriste, en donnant un nouveau sens à la croissance verte, celle de l’action écocentrique qui permet de penser un autre model de développement, pourvoyeur d’un véritable développement humain dans le respect de l’environnement.
Marges. Revue d'art contemporain, 2018
Since the beginning of its history, Environmental photography has been exploited for the sake of politics purpose in the United States. This “fair use” is part of the DNA of this photography, a genre that mixes landscape and nature aesthetics with environmental awareness. How can one deal with the aura of the words “environment” “nature”, which “green” the content of any publication or exhibition? This paper intends to explore a subtler greening made of the genuine intention of the spectator. Depuis les prémices de son histoire, la photographie environnementale a été instrumentalisée à des fins politiciennes aux États-Unis. Cet « usage loyal » fait partie de l’ADN de cette photographie qui allie l’esthétique paysagère et naturaliste à une conscience environnementale. Comment gérer l’effet de mots-clefs comme « environnement » ou « nature », qui suscitent l’éco-blanchiment du contenu d’expositions ou de publications ? Cet article entend explorer un verdissement plus subtil, celui opéré par la bonne conscience du public.
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Byggelsehistorisk tidskrift Nr 85/2023. , 2023
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