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20. yy.'da one çıkan Müslüman Düşünürler'den Bahaeddin Şakir (1874-1922)
Ardahan Değerlemeleri-4, 2022
Turkish Studies History , 2018
ÖZET Kuzey Afrika’nın çeşitli bölgelerinde emperyal devletlerin (Fransa, İngiltere, İtalya) istilaları karşısında cihad ülküsünü ön plana çıkaran Şeyh Ahmed Senusi (1873-1933), İslam birliği fikrini de taşımaktaydı. Emperyalizme karşı cihad ve ittihad-ı İslam fikirlerini İslam coğrafyasında yaymak üzere Enver Paşa tarafından Osmanlı Padişahı V. Mehmed Reşad adına bir davet almıştı. Önce İstanbul’a daha sonra da çeşitli İslam memleketlerine gidecekti. Fakat olaylar planlandığı gibi gerçekleşmedi. Şeyh Ahmed Senusi İstanbul’a gelmeden Sultan Mehmed Reşad vefat etmiş ve tahta VI. Mehmed Vahdeddin geçmişti. 30 Ağustos 1918’de İstanbul’a ulaşan Şeyh Ahmed Senusi 31 Ağustos 1918’de düzenlenen bir merasimle Sultan Vahdeddin’e kılıç kuşattı. Sultan Vahdeddin’in izin vermemesi üzerine, İslam coğrafyalarını dolaşarak cihad ve İslam birliği fikirlerini yayma projesi akim kaldı. Bir müddet İstanbul’da kalan Şeyh Ahmed Senusi İstanbul’un işgali sonrasında Bursa’ya nakledildi. İki yıl kadar Bursa’da ikamete mecbur kalan Şeyh Senusi Millî Mücadele’ye dahil olmaya karar verdi. Anadolu’nun birçok vilayetini gezdi. Gittiği yerlerde verdiği vaazlarda halka Millî Mücadele’nin haklılığını anlatmaya çalışarak işgalci güçlere karşı cihad çağrısında bulundu. Delibaş İsyanı ve Koçgiri (Kürt) Ayaklanması gibi olayların bastırılmasında önemli bir rol oynadı. Şeyh Ahmed Senusi’nin İstanbul’a gelişinden itibaren Türk basını tarafından yakından takip edildiği görülmektedir. Anadolu seyahati esnasındaki yer değişiklikleri, çeşitli konularda verdiği beyanatlar, zaferler ve özel günler dolayısıyla devlet erkânına gönderdiği telgraflar basında yer almış ve basın aracılığı ile kamuoyu tarafından da ilgiyle takip edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada bazı ulusal gazetelerde yer alan haberler ekseninde, Şeyh Ahmed Senusi’nin Millî Mücadele’deki rolü ve basın tarafından kamuoyunda Şeyh Ahmed Senusi ile ilgili nasıl bir algı yaratıldığı tespit edilmeye çalışılacaktır. SHEIKH AHMED SENUSSI IN TURKISH PRESS (1918-1924) STRUCTURED ABSTRACT Sheikh Ahmad Senussi is one of the religious leaders of the National Struggle. Sheikh Ahmed Senussi lived in Turkey between the years 1918-1924 and in the press in those years was the subject of numerous news. Arrival in Istanbul, the sword siege ceramony to Mehmed Vahdeddin VI, his visits and his activities in Istanbul were frequently mentioned in the press. When Sheikh Ahmad Senussi came to Istanbul, it is seen that news and articles about him were heavily emphasized the ideas of Islamic unity and jihad and attached great hope to him at this point. This represents one of the key points reflecting political climate of the period in Turkey. When we look at the period of National Struggle, it is seen that the news about Sheikh Ahmad Senussi consisted mostly of travels, statements and greeting telegrams. The Government of Ankara appointed Sheikh Ahmad Senussi as the Anatolian preacher. Sheikh, entangled in the southern and eastern provinces of Turkey to tell the public the legitimacy of the National Struggle was preached and invited people to jihad. In the press, news was usually made when the sheik left a city or went to a city. Sometimes, the purpose and program of the trip took place in the news. Congratulatory telegrams sent by Sheikh Ahmad Senussi to Mustafa Kemal and the army because of the victories they won in the National Struggle and the telegrams he sent for special religious days and holidays were also published in the newspapers. These telegraphs with the press were often shared by the state. In addition, interviews with Sheikh Ahmad Senussi on various issues were frequently reported in the press. It is generally understood that telegrams containing good news or sent for congratulations are shared. In this way, it is aimed to increase the motivation of the people and the army participating in the National Struggle, to make the support of Sheikh Ahmad Senussi to the National Struggle to be known more broadly, thus to legitimize the National Struggle in the sense of religion and to enable the wider masses to participate in the struggle. Sheikh Ahmad Senussi is not very active since the National Struggle had come to an end at the time of his residence in Tarsus and Mersin. Therefore, the news in the press are also less frequent. It has not seen the news about the departure from Turkey. There is only a report in the November 6, 1924 edition of the Tarsus newspaper that he had arrived in Mecca. However, the word come here (muvaslat) should be used accidentally instead of the word depart (azimet). Because according to a number of news in the western press, Sheikh Ahmad Senussi has not yet reached the Hejaz region. According to the Northern Whig newspaper's report dated 5 November 1924, he is in Syria. According to the Belfast News-Letter newspaper's report dated 12 November 1924, he went to Palestine. Sheikh Ahmad Senussi is not known the exact date of departure from Turkey. However, the letters he wrote to Mustafa Kemal and Ismet Pasha were thought to have been separated on 23 or 30 October 1924. After leaving Turkey is not much news about Sheikh Ahmad Senussi. In an interesting version of Vakit newspapers March 14, 1933 issue, there was no mention of Sheikh Ahmad Senussi's role in the National Struggle and his religious personality. Just as in the foreign press, “The death is announced from Mecca of Ahmad Sherif el Senussi, who was head of the famous religious order which invaded Egypt in November, 1915.” was given in the form of a short notice. The newspapers that followed the Sheikh Ahmad Senussi most closely and gave detailed information were Yenigün, İkdam and Hakimiyet-i Milliye. Especially the news of Yenigün newspaper is recent. It is usually given immediately the next day. While the Varlık newspaper gives less frequent news, it is seen that the events can be misleading about the dates due to the delayed news. For example, Yenigün newspaper gave news on 19 January 1923 from Ankara to Diyarbakır. Varlık newspaper gave the same news 29 January 1923 with a ten-day delay, although the word "yesterday" he used the phrase. From time to time, it is seen that the same news articles were given again and again. For example, the news of Sheikh Ahmad Senussi departing from Ankara for Diyarbakir was given by Yenigun newspaper on 19 January 1923 and 21 January 1923. It is seen that the news about Sheikh Ahmad Senussi is usually given on the first page and with his photograph. In the period when the agenda is quite intense, giving the news on the first page and giving a photograph shows the importance of the press to Sheikh Ahmed Senusi.
Cihannüma Tarih ve Coğrafya Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2024
Among the works written on the type of biography, which is an important part of the science of history, there are also those about the chief admiral. Such works, which were written independently by the authors, are undoubtedly of great importance for the researchers of the field. One of them is among the writing sources of Ottoman history, Zübdetü’l-Ahbâr el- Müteʿallika bi’l-Bihâr, which was not known and used as a source until recently. İstanbul University Rare Works Library, TY, this work, which is among the leaves 291b-366b of nr. 2548, is important in that it is one of the first works devoted to the biographies of the chief admirals. In this study we mentioned, Zübdetü’l-Ahbâr, which was written by Şehrîzâde Mehmed Said in the 18th century, will be emphasized. Especially after giving information about the author of the work and its manuscript, its content, the relationship with its sources and the translation of the capitan pashas whose biographies are included in the work will be summarized.
Öz: 1897-1898 yılında, etnik-ulusal özneleriyle eklemlenmiş Bağdat-Musul coğrafyasında bir nüfus sayımı yapılmıştır. Dört sene önceki sayımın aksayan yönleri 1912-1913 yıllarında merkezle yapılan yazışmalarda ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu yazışmalarda, belli bir düşünce alışkanlığının diyalektiğinin gereği olarak sayımın mühim bir iş statüsünde gördüğünü vurgulamıştır. Bu mühim işin ağırlığı ile hareket eden memurların karşılaştıkları güçlükler ve kendilerini savunma yöntemleri araştırmanın bir kısmını oluşturmuştur. Bütün bu bilgiler ile birlikte, belli bir müfredat, plan çerçevesinde, belli kurallara göre yapılan nüfus sayımının işleyişi hakkında bilgi verilecektir. Öte yandan sayımı yapılan coğrafyanın temel bazı özellikleri ile arşiv malzemelerinde bahsi geçen etnik-ulusal öznelerin millet-devlet eksenli tarihsel anlatılara konu edilen çalışmaların tasviri yapılacaktır. Son olarak sayımın argümanları istatistiki olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Böylece çalışmanın eksik kısmı tamamlanarak yekpare bir anlatımın dışına çıkılmıştır. Bu bağlamda Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi’nde tespit ettiğimiz vesika grubu bu mühim işin değerlendirilmesine öncülük etmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, nüfus sayımı, Bağdat, Musul. POPULATION CENSUS IMPORTANT A JOB: BAGHDAD-MOSUL EXAMPLE (1912-13) Abstract: In 1897-1898, a census was conducted in Baghdad-Mosul geography articulated with ethnic-national subjects. The lagging aspects of the census four years ago were revealed in the correspondence with the center in 1912-1913. In the these correspondence, he emphasized that the census has the status of an important business as a requirement of the dialectic of a certain habit of thought. The difficulties faced by civil servants, who act with the weight of this important work, and their self-defense methods constituted part of the research. Along with all this information, information will be given about the functioning of the census carried out according to certain rules within a certain curriculum and plan. On the other hand, some basic features of the geography counted and the works of ethnic-national subjects mentioned in the archive materials in the nation-state oriented historical narratives will be described. Finally, the arguments of the census were evaluated statistically. Thus, by completing the missing part of the study, a monolithic narrative has been left. In this context, the document group we identified in the Prime Ministry Ottoman Archive pioneered the evaluation of this important work. Key Words: Ottoman Empire, population census, Baghdad, Mosul.
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