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Ga and the Universe

In my articles, tilldate, I have put up the birth of universe by, inrushing the whirling particlesGa in space domain of the universe. But, could not tell the satisfactory cause of, why the Ga particles rushed in. The cause was given that a small disturbance in whirling particles symmetrically distributed in cosmos all over it. But, why that disturbance should occur? Was searching in my brain. That cause is triedto be put up here in this article. Discussion: The nature works on 'cause and effect' principle. But, what is the materialistic cause of birth of materialistic universe. There seems no reason to get the symmetry of the particles lay out in cosmos. So assume multiverses concept. Before the first ever universe, not any universe was in existence. The very basic elementary mass particles Ga, were filled all over the cosmos. At very very remote past. Ga have respective original gravity. Any two Ga particles have attraction in between them due to, their gravity. Therefore, the even distribution must have assembled in tremendously large spheres. much grater than our universe. Very much distant from each other; each one being then for each universe. But this thought is not perfect too. Because each Ga particle will try to construct this like sphere. Therefore, all Ga, will remain distributed homogenious throut the cosmos. Thus, materialistic cause on the basis of its effect, we can not find at all.. Probablity mathematics also fails to find the ultimate cause of the universe. To disturb the perfect symmetry of particles Ga, we have to go beyond materialistic particle's existence. As we construct a machine, and operate and monitor it; in the same way the particles Ga must have used to start the construction of the universe, its monitoring by an Intelligence. It is the original intelligence. It disturb the symmetry of these building blocks of the universe the particles Ga by initiating motion, of a particle. Then, due to its minute gravitational field it pulled with it other Ga near it; and this process continued as a chain reation all over.forming above mentioned universe's related spheres. Then in distribution of infinite such spheres some where imbalance have to happen, such as some shere may have created vacuum inside it. Due to gravity of each sphere, all caould get motion separating from each other, and lessening the gravitational forces on each other. Thus lessoning the gravitational forces on the sphere, where in absolute vacuum is created. Then the inrush of particles in that must have to start giving birth to universe s mentioned by me in my respective article up loaded on aca.edu web and enotes. To NASA and CERN. Then, by following the Physics Rules the world has got Born as per Big Bang theory after the collection of two dimensional particles Ga having no thickness. The Gravity went on playing and the universe was born. Along with gravity, electromagnetism got born from motions due to gravity. Gravity is not electromagnetic field. Gravity is the original eternal field. It causes motions of othe particles due to interaction of gravity between each other. And from different motions due to

Ga and the Universe By Dadarao Dhone Abstract: In my articles, tilldate, I have put up the birth of universe by, inrushing the whirling particlesGa in space domain of the universe. But, could not tell the satisfactory cause of, why the Ga particles rushed in. The cause was given that a small disturbance in whirling particles symmetrically distributed in cosmos all over it. But, why that disturbance should occur? Was searching in my brain. That cause is triedto be put up here in this article. Discussion: The nature works on ‘cause and effect’ principle. But, what is the materialistic cause of birth of materialistic universe. There seems no reason to get the symmetry of the particles lay out in cosmos. So assume multiverses concept. Before the first ever universe, not any universe was in existence. The very basic elementary mass particles Ga, were filled all over the cosmos. At very very remote past. Ga have respective original gravity. Any two Ga particles have attraction in between them due to, their gravity. Therefore, the even distribution must have assembled in tremendously large spheres . much grater than our universe. Very much distant from each other; each one being then for each universe. But this thought is not perfect too. Because each Ga particle will try to construct this like sphere. Therefore, all Ga, will remain distributed homogenious throut the cosmos. Thus, materialistic cause on the basis of its effect, we can not find at all. . Probablity mathematics also fails to find the ultimate cause of the universe. To disturb the perfect symmetry of particles Ga, we have to go beyond materialistic particle’s existence. As we construct a machine, and operate and monitor it; in the same way the particles Ga must have used to start the construction of the universe, its monitoring by an Intelligence. It is the original intelligence. It disturb the symmetry of these building blocks of the universe the particles Ga by initiating motion, of a particle. Then, due to its minute gravitational field it pulled with it other Ga near it; and this process continued as a chain reation all over.forming above mentioned universe’s related spheres. Then in distribution of infinite such spheres some where imbalance have to happen, such as some shere may have created vacuum inside it. Due to gravity of each sphere, all caould get motion separating from each other, and lessening the gravitational forces on each other. Thus lessoning the gravitational forces on the sphere, where in absolute vacuum is created. Then the inrush of particles in that must have to start giving birth to universe s mentioned by me in my respective article up loaded on aca.edu web and enotes. To NASA and CERN. Then, by following the Physics Rules the world has got Born as per Big Bang theory after the collection of two dimensional particles Ga having no thickness. The Gravity went on playing and the universe was born. Along with gravity, electromagnetism got born from motions due to gravity. Gravity is not electromagnetic field. Gravity is the original eternal field. It causes motions of othe particles due to interaction of gravity between each other. And from different motions due to gravity, electromagnetic field come into existence to oppose the motions primarily due to gravity. The only field eternal field in the cosmos is of “ATRACTION”. It is manifested then in different forms in the materialistic world. The event of getting the symmetry of calm and quiet whole cosmos getting disturbed leads to the Supreme power. Everything has its three faces. Innertial, intelligent and accommodation. So the face of the Supreme Power is Power/property is its infinite capacity to disturb the symmetry of the whole cosmos; It is his unique intelligence. And his accommodation is infinite. Infact the space is also inside it. In Veds the supreme power is named Eeshwar, the Brahm. The conscious causing disturbance in the universe is he only. And his accommodation is infinite. It is only unique infinity. All other infinities we call are not infinite; but, they are tending to infinity. Simultaneously it is a point having no dimension but having sure existence. It made the universe relativistic. Without conscious certain forms, certain constructions etc. in the universe could not have come; cannot exist. The intelligence in the universe is induced from the Supreme. It is artificial intelligence with objects as Physical rules. All are eger to know the cause of the universe, the cause of the life. All are working more or less on that. Its answer won’t be materialistically. The Spirituality in Aryan Philosophy, ShriMadBhagwadGeeta can only give it correct. Conclusion: The cause of Universe is unique eterrnal intelligence the Supreme Conscious.