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A peer-reviewed version of this preprint was published in PeerJ on 5 January 2017. View the peer-reviewed version (peerj.com/articles/2856), which is the preferred citable publication unless you specifically need to cite this preprint. Rouzé H, Lecellier GJ, Saulnier D, Planes S, Gueguen Y, Wirshing HH, Berteaux-Lecellier V. 2017. An updated assessment of Symbiodinium spp. that associate with common scleractinian corals from Moorea (French Polynesia) reveals high diversity among background symbionts and a novel finding of clade B. PeerJ 5:e2856 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.2856 An updated assessment of Symbiodinium that associate with common scleractinian corals from Moorea (French Polynesia) reveals high diversity among background symbionts and a novel finding of clade B. Héloïse Rouzé Corresp., 1 , Gaël J Lecellier 1, 2 , Denis Saulnier Wirshing 5 , Véronique Berteaux-Lecellier 1 1 2 3 4 5 3 , Serge Planes 1 , Yannick Gueguen 4 , Herman H PSL CRIOBE USR3278 CNRS-EPHE-UPVD, Labex CORAIL, BP 1013 Papetoai, 98729 Moorea, French Polynesia Université de Paris Saclay, Departement de Biologie _ Versailles-Saint Quentin, 55 Avenue de Paris, 78035 Versailles Cedex, France UMR241 EIO Ifremer-ILM-IRD-UPF, Labex CORAIL, BP 49, 98719 Taravao, French Polynesia UMR5244 IHPE, CNRS-Ifremer-UM-UPVD, Université de Montpellier, 34095 Montpellier, France Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC, USA Corresponding Author: Héloïse Rouzé Email address: heloise.rouze@gmail.com The adaptative bleaching hypothesis (ABH) states that depending on the symbiotic flexibility of coral hosts (i.e., the ability of corals to “switch” or “shuffle” their algal symbionts), coral bleaching can lead to a change in the composition of their associated Symbiodinium community, and, thus, contribute to the coral’s overall survival. In order to determine the flexibility of corals, molecular tools are required to provide accurate species delineations, and to detect low levels of coral-associated Symbiodinium. Here, we used highly sensitive quantitative (real-time) PCR (qPCR) technology to analyse five common coral species from Moorea (French Polynesia), previously screened using only traditional conventional molecular methods, to assess the presence of low-abundance (background) Symbiodinium. Similar to other studies, each coral species exhibited a strong specificity to a particular clade, irrespective of the environment. In addition, however, each of the five species harboured at least one additional Symbiodinium clade, among clades A-D, at background levels. Unexpectedly, and for the first time in French Polynesia, clade B was detected as a coral symbiont. These results increase the number of known coral-Symbiodinium associations from corals found in French Polynesia, and likely indicate an underestimation of the ability of the corals in this region to associate with and/or “shuffle” different Symbiodinium clades. Altogether our data suggest that corals from French Polynesia may manage a trade-off between optimizing symbioses with a specific Symbiodinium clade(s), and maintaining associations with particular background clades that may play a role in the ability of corals to respond to environmental change. PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.2607v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 22 Nov 2016, publ: 1 An updated assessment of Symbiodinium that associate with common scleractinian corals 2 from Moorea (French Polynesia) reveals high diversity among background symbionts and 3 a novel finding of clade B. 4 H. Rouzé1,#, G. Lecellier1,2,*#, D. Saulnier3,#, S. Planes1,#, Y. Gueguen4,#, H. H. Wirshing5, V. 5 Berteaux-Lecellier1,*# 6 7 1. PSL - USR3278 CRIOBE CNRS-EPHE-UPVD, BP 1013 Papetoai, 98729 Moorea, Polynésie 8 française 9 2. Université de Paris Saclay - Versailles-Saint Quentin, 55 Avenue de Paris, 78035 Versailles 10 Cedex, France. 11 3. UMR241 EIO Ifremer-ILM-IRD-UPF, BP 49, 98719 Taravao, Polynésie française 12 4. UMR5244 IHPE, CNRS-Ifremer-UM-UPVD, Université de Montpellier, 34095 Montpellier, 13 France 14 5. Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, P.O. 15 Box 37012, NHB MRC-163, Washington, DC 20013-7012, USA 16 * present address : UMR250/9220 ENTROPIE IRD-CNRS-UR, 101, promenade Roger-Laroque, 17 BP A5, 13 98848 Noumea cedex New Caledonia. 18 # Laboratoire d'Excellence "CORAIL" 19 20 Corresponding author: Héloïse Rouzé1,# 21 1. PSL - USR3278 CRIOBE CNRS-EPHE-UPVD, BP 1013 Papetoai, 98729 Moorea, Polynésie 22 française. 23 Email address: heloise.rouze@gmail.com 24 ABSTRACT 25 The adaptative bleaching hypothesis (ABH) states that depending on the symbiotic flexibility of 26 coral hosts (i.e., the ability of corals to “switch” or “shuffle” their algal symbionts), coral 27 bleaching can lead to a change in the composition of their associated Symbiodinium community, 28 and, thus, contribute to the coral’s overall survival. In order to determine the flexibility of corals, 29 molecular tools are required to provide accurate species delineations, and to detect low levels of 30 coral-associated Symbiodinium. Here, we used highly sensitive quantitative (real-time) PCR 31 (qPCR) technology to analyse five common coral species from Moorea (French Polynesia), 32 previously screened using only traditional conventional molecular methods, to assess the 33 presence of low-abundance (background) Symbiodinium. Similar to other studies, each coral 34 species exhibited a strong specificity to a particular clade, irrespective of the environment. In 35 addition, however, each of the five species harboured at least one additional Symbiodinium clade, 36 among clades A-D, at background levels. Unexpectedly, and for the first time in French 37 Polynesia, clade B was detected as a coral symbiont. These results increase the number of known 38 coral-Symbiodinium associations from corals found in French Polynesia, and likely indicate an 39 underestimation of the ability of the corals in this region to associate with and/or “shuffle” 40 different Symbiodinium clades. Altogether our data suggest that corals from French Polynesia 41 may manage a trade-off between optimizing symbioses with a specific Symbiodinium clade(s), 42 and maintaining associations with particular background clades that may play a role in the ability 43 of corals to respond to environmental change. 44 45 INTRODUCTION 46 The foundation of coral reefs is based on the symbiotic association between scleractinian 47 corals and dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium. Molecular phylogenetic analyses currently 48 subdivide Symbiodinium into nine clades (A-I), each divided further into sub-clades or types 49 based on various molecular techniques (reviewed in Pochon, Putnam & Gates, 2014). However, 50 corals most commonly associate with Symbiodinium in clades A-D (reviewed in Baker, 2003), 51 and, in rare cases, with members of clades F and G (LaJeunesse et al., 2010; Putnam et al., 2012; 52 Lee et al., 2016). Symbiodinium is assumed to provide up to 95% of the energy required for coral 53 metabolic activities (Muscatine & Porter, 1977; Davy, Allemand & Weis, 2012), mostly due to 54 their photosynthetic activity (i.e., production of carbohydrates). In return, the algae benefit by 55 receiving a protected habitat from predation, and a source of inorganic nutrients derived from the 56 host’s metabolism. However, this symbiosis can break down, depending on the degree of stress 57 tolerance of either partner, in response to various stressors that may include natural and/or 58 anthropogenic sources [e.g., increasing seasurface temperatures, ocean acidification, and 59 sedimentation; (Pandolfi et al., 2011)]. 60 The overall fitness of a coral colony depends on the biological and functional traits of the 61 various organisms that comprise the coral holobiont, [i.e., the coral host, its Symbiodinium 62 assemblages (Mieog et al., 2009b), and other associated microorganisms (e.g. bacteria) (Neave et 63 al., 2016)]. Moreover, some coral holobionts are characterized as having different sensitivities to 64 environmental conditions, which can correlate with specific biological characteristics such as 65 morphology (van Woesik et al., 2011). For example, the massive coral Porites predominately 66 associates with a thermally tolerant Symbiodinium, type C15 (Fitt et al., 2009; Fabricius et al., 67 2011), and has been shown to exhibit increased resistance to environmental stressors such as 68 temperature anomalies (Penin, Vidal-Dupiol & Adjeroud, 2012), and experience lower mortality 69 and/or bleaching rates compared to those observed for branching corals such as Acropora and 70 Pocillopora (Penin, Vidal-Dupiol & Adjeroud, 2012). To date, both in situ (e.g. Rowan et al., 71 1997; Baker, 2003; Berkelmans & van Oppen, 2006; Sampayo et al., 2008) and in vitro 72 physiological studies (e.g. Banaszak, 2000; Kinzie et al., 2001; Hennige et al., 2009) suggest that 73 Symbiodinium species are characterized by intrinsic physiological properties that enable them to 74 be differentially suited for various environmental conditions. 75 Spatial partitioning of different Symbiodinium clades may occur at micro-scales within a 76 single coral colony depending on solar irradiance, or among individual colonies across different 77 depths (Rowan et al., 1997; Kemp et al. 2015). In addition, coral-Symbiodinium associations may 78 be diverse, and can include either mono or multi-clade associations (Fabina et al., 2012; 79 Silverstein, Correa & Baker, 2012). Moreover, these assorted Symbiodinium assemblages have 80 been described in different coral colonies from the same species (Cunning, Glynn & Baker, 81 2013), during coral ontogeny (Abrego, van Oppen & Willis, 2009; Little, van Oppen & Willis, 82 2004), and/or in ‘normal’ vs. ‘stressful’ environmental conditions (e.g. seawater temperature 83 anomalies) (Berkelmans & van Oppen, 2006). Symbiodinium in clade D have been identified as 84 the predominant algal symbiont in resistant coral colonies during and after massive bleaching 85 events, and/or, more generally, in reefs exposed to local stressors such as sedimentation and 86 eutrophication (van Oppen et al., 2001; Ulstrup & van Oppen, 2003; LaJeunesse et al., 2010, 87 2014; Cooper et al., 2011). These observations highlight the importance of coral-Symbiodinium 88 associations with respect to thermo-tolerance (Berkelmans & van Oppen, 2006; Stat, Carter & 89 Hoegh-Guldberg, 2006; LaJeunesse et al., 2009). Consequently, it has been proposed that corals 90 with flexible associations among various Symbiodinium clades (or types), those that result in a 91 range of host-Symbiodinium associations, may contain an ecological advantage in the context of 92 environmental change, and is the foundation of the ‘Adaptive Bleaching Hypothesis’ (ABH) 93 (Buddemeier & Fautin, 1993). 94 The ABH asserts that there is potential for rapid ‘adaptation’ of corals facing stressful 95 conditions by a dynamic modification of their Symbiodinium community composition either by i) 96 the acquisition of resistant Symbiodinium clades from free algae present in the environment (i.e., 97 ‘switching’) or ii) repopulation by background pre-existing resistant Symbiodinium clades (i.e., 98 ‘shuffling’). Therefore, in the context of the ABH, coral flexibility (the ability of a coral species 99 to associate with multiple Symbiodinium types) is of the utmost importance, and has led to the 100 characterization of coral hosts as either ‘specialists’ (associating with a specific Symbiodinium 101 clade) or ‘generalists’ (associating with multiple Symbiodinium clades) (Fabina et al., 2012; 102 Putnam et al., 2012; Silverstein, Correa & Baker, 2012). 103 The development of molecular tools with highly sensitive detection capacities such as 104 real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR), which is up to 1000 times more sensitive than conventional 105 methods (e.g. cloning, DGGEs, RFLP) (Mieog et al., 2007), allows for the detection of 106 background symbionts (in addition to the dominant symbionts), and provides a measurable 107 degree of host flexibility among corals (Silverstein, Correa & Baker, 2012). As a result, some 108 studies have suggested that corals may be more flexible than previously thought (Mieog et al., 109 2007, 2009a; Silverstein, Correa & Baker, 2012). The goal of this study was to investigate the 110 degree of flexibility in host-symbiont partnerships among particular coral species from the 111 under-explored Moorea island in French Polynesia using qPCR. Coral flexibility, considered 112 here as the ability of a coral species to associate with multiple Symbiodinium clades or types in 113 different proportions, and which represents one of the main conditions of the ABH, was tested. 114 The presence of Symbiodinium clades A-F was quantified among five coral species, 115 Acropora cytherea, Acropora pulchra, Pocillopora damicornis, Porites rus and Pavona cactus. 116 Although each coral species displayed a high degree of specificity to a dominant Symbiodinium 117 clade, all of the coral species hosted multiple Symbiodinium clades in low abundance, including 118 partnerships never recorded in French Polynesia. 119 120 MATERIALS & METHODS 121 Choice of coral species 122 Five coral species, chosen among the most common scleractinian coral genera from the 123 Pacific: Pocillopora (P. damicornis type β sensu Schmidt-Roach et al., 2014; Genbank 124 references KY110998- KY111024), Acropora (A. cytherea and A. pulchra), Porites (P. rus) and 125 Pavona (P. cactus), were collected from a fringing reef with a depth 0.5-2.0 m off Moorea island 126 in French Polynesia (17°30’9S, 149°50’9W) (Fig. 1). These five coral species display different 127 biological traits, and were among corals characterized as having varying resistance during severe 128 local bleaching events in 2002 and 2007 (Penin, Vidal-Dupiol & Adjeroud, 2012). Acropora is 129 considered the “sentinel” coral genus, described as having high sensitivity to environmental 130 stressors (e.g. McClanahan et al., 2007; Penin et al., 2007; Penin, Vidal-Dupiol & Adjeroud, 131 2012). Conversely, the genus Porites was chosen for its high resistance to stress (e.g. Kayal et 132 al., 2012; Penin, Vidal-Dupiol & Adjeroud, 2012), living in a wide range of various habitats on 133 the island (e.g., sedimentary bays). Finally, the last two genera, Pocillopora and Pavona, were 134 chosen because they are considered to have intermediate degrees of sensitivity (Penin, Vidal- 135 Dupiol & Adjeroud, 2012). 136 All of the coral species were sampled during the dry season between August and October 137 2012, P. damicornis (N=27), P. rus (N=21) and A. cytherea (N=16) were sampled in greater 138 proportions compared to A. pulchra (N=6) and P. cactus (N=7). Sampling was performed among 139 five contrasting fringing reefs from the lagoon of Moorea island: Mahareapa (Ma) and Vaiare 140 (Va) are exposed to anthropogenic influence, and Teavaro (Te), Linareva (Li) and Tiahura (Ti) 141 are more isolated from human activities (Nahon et al., 2013; Rouzé et al., 2015). 142 143 DNA extraction 144 Small coral fragments (0.5-1 cm3) were sampled at several areas of the top of each coral 145 colony, placed directly into a tube underwater, and immediately transferred at the surface into a 146 new 1.5 mL centrifuge tube containing 80% ethanol. All samples were stored at - 20°C until 147 DNA extraction. Prior to extraction, all of the ethanol was discarded and the sample was gently 148 rinsed with sterile freshwater to eliminate all traces of mucus. This allows for better targeting of 149 Symbiodinium present in the host tissues. 150 Total coral DNA (i.e., Symbiodinium, polyps, and associated micro-organisms) was 151 extracted using a CTAB-based extraction protocol adapted from Mieog et al. (Mieog et al., 152 2009a). To increase the efficiency of DNA extraction, coral samples were incubated in 600 μL of 153 extraction buffer CTAB 2% (2% CTAB, 1.4 M NaCl, 20 mM EDTA pH 8, 100 mM Tris-HCl 154 pH 8 and 20 µg/mL proteinase K). They were then exposed to 3 cryo-shock cycles (5 min in 155 nitrogen liquid following by 10 min at ambient temperature), and incubated at 60°C overnight 156 while rotating. Next, the CTAB buffer was recovered and placed into new tube in which 600 μL 157 of chloroform/iso-amyl alcohol (24:1 vol/vol) was added. The resulting solution was mixed 158 thoroughly and centrifuged for 15 min at 12000 g (4°C). The aqueous phase was then transferred 159 to a new tube and mixed with 600 μL of isopropanol at 0°C and incubated for 20 min at -20°C. 160 After a new round of centrifugation, the supernatant was discarded and the pellet rinsed with 161 500 μL of 70% ethanol. After a final centrifugation of 10 min at 12000 g, the ethanol was 162 removed and the DNA pellet air-dried before dilution in 100 μL sterile water (Sigma). All DNA 163 samples were then stored at -40°C. 164 165 qPCR assay 166 Primer set assessment 167 Six primer sets optimized for the amplification of nuclear ribosomal 28S in Symbiodinium 168 clades A-F (Yamashita et al., 2011), and one coral-specific 18S primer set for the coral host (i.e., 169 polyps) 170 ATCGATGAAGAACGCCAGCCA-3’ 171 5’CAAGAGCGCCATTTGCGTTC-3’) were designed with Primer 3 (Untergasser et al., 2012) 172 from the 18S rDNA sequence alignment (276 sequences) of 18 coral species that are among the 173 most abundant genera found in French Polynesia (Porites spp., Pocillopora spp., Acropora spp., 174 Montipora spp., and Povona spp.) as well as Symbiodinium clades as negative controls. were used. The 18S coral host primers and (univPolyp-18SF: 5’- univPolyp-18SR: 175 The quality of the different primer sets for qPCR was confirmed using the evaluation of 176 indicators of specificity and efficiency. Firstly, the specificity of the symbiont and host primer 177 sets were verified with DNA from cultured Symbiodinium strains [available from the BURR 178 Collection (http://www.nsm.buffalo.edu/Bio/burr/); clade A: CasskB8 and Flap1, B: Pe and 179 Flap2, C: Mp, D: A001 and A014, E: RT383 and F: Sin and Pdiv44b], and with coral DNA from 180 various species (Acropora: A. pulchra, A. cytherea, A. hyacynthus; Pocillopora: P. damicornis, 181 P. verrucosa, P. meandrina; Porites rus; Pavona cactus; Montipora spp. and Fungia spp.). A 182 percentage of specificity (Sp: expected with target / unexpected with non-target region) of the 183 symbiont-specific primer sets was calculated according to the formula: Sp= 1- ∑ (100/2(Cti-Ctx)), 184 where Cti and Ctx are Ct obtained from a specific primer set (Cti) and from other primer sets 185 (Ctx) on the same targeted DNA sample. Secondly, the efficiency of the different primer sets 186 was estimated from the standard curve method based on the log-linear regression of the Ct values 187 with 10-fold serial dilutions of the DNA over 7 concentrations. For both Symbiodinium and the 188 coral host, the matrix for dilution was based on a series of known DNA concentrations. In order 189 to mimic multiclade associations and/or the DNA complexity, the matrix was performed by a 190 mixture of several DNA extracts equally concentrated for Symbiodinium (70 ng of each clades 191 A-F; one reference strain per clade; clade A: CasskB8, B: Pe, C: Mp, D: A001, E: RT383 and F: 192 Sin), and the coral host (on 1/ mixture multi-specific: 50 ng of the ten coral species mentioned 193 above or 2/ mixture mono-specific: 50 ng of five DNAs from the same coral species for 194 P. damicornis, P. rus or A. cytherea). Additionally, for Symbiodinium the standard curve method 195 was applied on a series of known 28S rDNA copy numbers (amplified DNA for clades A-F; 196 Supplementary method), or a series of known cell densities of clade A, C and D isolated from the 197 coral hosts (clade B was not available; Supplementary method). Percentage of efficiency (100% 198 of efficiency indicates that the amount of PCR product doubles during each cycle) was the ratio 199 of the observed slope and the expected slope (-3.322) of the log-linear regression. In addition, the 200 standard curves of efficiency for each corresponding primer set denoted sensitivity, which 201 corresponded to the threshold of Ct ranges to insure an accurate amplification (i.e., the limits of 202 the detectable log-linear range of the PCR). 203 204 Quantification of Symbiodinium in coral hosts 205 In order to compare Symbiodinium clade amounts between different coral samples, the 206 raw number of 28S copies of each Symbiodinium clade (from A to F) was normalized within 207 coral hosts to evaluate the Symbiodinium densities per sample. For each coral DNA sample, a 208 value of polyp unit was estimated by the 18S copy quantification using the standard curve 209 equation (Fig. S1b) in order to normalize the quantification of the Symbiodinium clades in 28S 210 copy number, or in cell number per unit of 18S polyp. 211 All qPCR assays were conducted on a MX3000 Thermocycler (Stratagene) using SYBR- 212 Green. Each reaction was performed, in a final volume of 25 μL containing: 12.5 μL of Brillant® 213 SYBR Green Master Mix reagent, 2.5 μL of both reverse and forward primers diluted at the 214 concentration of 4 μM, and 10 μL of DNA at various concentrations for standard curve analysis 215 or at 1 ng.μL-1 for field sample analysis. The following run protocol was performed: 1 cycle of 216 pre-incubation of 10 min at 95°C; 40 cycles of amplification: 30s at 95°C, 1 min at 60°C or 64°C 217 for Symbiodinium and coral host respectively, and 1 min at 72°C; and a final step, for melting 218 temperature curve analysis, of 1 min at 95°C, 30s at 60°C and 30s at 95°C. Each sample was 219 analysed twice on the same plate, as one technical replicate, and averaged when the variation 220 between both Ct values was not exceeding 1 (if not, samples were re-processed until ∆Ct≤1). An 221 interplate calibrator (i.e., positive control with known concentrations and Ct values: mixture of 222 DNA from Symbiodinium clades A-F), tested in triplicate (one technical replicate), was added to 223 each plate to calibrate Ct values (performed manually on the MxPro software to set the 224 fluorescent threshold to a fixed Ct value) among different plates of coral DNA samples. Positive 225 amplifications were taken into account only when both technical replicates produced Ct values 226 inferior to the estimated threshold ranges (i.e., limit sensitivity to insure an accurate 227 quantification; Table S1) after correction with the interplate calibrator. In addition, all melting 228 curve analyses ensured the specificity of the amplifications (Table S1). For new partnerships 229 between Symbiodinium clade(s) and coral species, we further purified the qPCR products (~100 230 bp) using QiaEx II Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen GmbH, Hilden, Germany) and sequenced in both 231 directions [GATC Biotech (Cologne, Germany)]. 232 233 Statistical analysis 234 All statistical analyses were performed using R version 3.3.1 software. For each 235 Symbiodinium clade, positively quantified in coral DNA, the symbiont/host ratio (i.e., S/H ratio) 236 were log+1 transformed for further analyses. Slopes, intercepts, and the Pearson correlation 237 coefficient (R2) were evaluated and compared by pairwise comparisons with Student’s t-tests 238 using R package RVAideMemoire version 0.9-27 (Hervé, 2013). 239 Discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) on S/H ratios, available for the 5 240 coral species, was performed in R package ade4 version 1.7-4 (Dray & Dufour, 2007) in order to 241 characterize their preferential endosymbiotic assemblages and densities. Therefore, the 242 discrimination represented by ellipses was applied through the coral species as factor. 243 244 RESULTS 245 Validation and optimization of qPCR assay 246 For all clade-specific primer sets, the specificity of each qPCR assay was greater than 247 98%, and was characterized by a unique melting temperature (Table S1), confirming the high 248 accuracy of each primer set to its targeted sequence. All clade-specific primers yielded a good fit 249 linear regression with similar efficiencies close to the desired efficiency of 100% (95-101%; 250 Table S1), strong linear correlations (R2 > 0.985; Fig. S1) between Ct and concentrations of 251 DNA template, and no significant differences among slopes. This indicates that the increase in 252 clade-specific Symbiodinium quantity is directly proportional to the number of amplification 253 cycles regardless of whether the tests were performed on DNA from either Symbiodinium culture 254 strains (Table S1 and see Yamashita et al., 2011), purified PCR products (Fig. S1a), or from 255 counted Symbiodinium cells (Fig. S2). The sensitivity of the clade-specific primers allowed two 256 groups of primer sets to be distinguished. Pairwise comparisons of the intercepts (Student’s t- 257 test, p<0.05) between the standard regression lines of 28S amplicons (Fig. S1a) showed earlier 258 detection of the primers specific to clades A, B, E and F (i = 16.36±0.39; Fig. S1a) when 259 compared with the clade-specific primers to clades C and D (i = 19.83±0.27; Fig. S1a). From the 260 Symbiodinium cell extraction, clade D sensitivity was significantly different from clades A and C 261 (Student’s t-tests, pairwise comparisons of slopes: D/A P < 0.005 and D/C P = 0.104; intercepts: 262 D/A P < 0.001 and D/C P = 0.015; Fig. S2). The threshold of 28S copy number estimation for 263 each clade A-F, evaluated by the absolute quantification of Symbiodinium clades, was effective 264 under 200 copies of the gene (Table S1 and Fig. S1a). 265 Similarly, the specificity of the coral-specific primer set was confirmed with positive 266 amplifications from 10 coral species and no amplifications with Symbiodinium DNA. In addition, 267 the amplification of multi (mixture of 10 coral species) vs. mono-specific (mixture of P. rus, P. 268 damicornis or A. cytherea) mixes with the coral-specific primer set yielded a good fit linear 269 regression with similar efficiencies that were close to the desired efficiency of 100% (101%; 270 Table S1b), contained strong linear correlations (R2 > 0.99; Fig. S1b) between Ct and 271 concentration of DNA template, and demonstrated no significant differences among linear 272 correlation slopes and intercepts (Student’s t-tests, pairwise comparisons among the 4 DNA 273 mixes: P > 0.05). In order to consider the higher complexity of multi-partner coral DNA, we 274 performed and used analyses on multi-specific mixes of Symbiodinium and coral hosts to 275 quantify the different Symbiodinium clades in coral DNA samples. 276 277 Diversity and flexibility of dominant vs. background Symbiodinium clades 278 Symbiodinium clades A, C and D (among the tested clades A-F) were detected at least 279 once in association with each of the five coral species studied, except for P. cactus which was 280 never found associated with clade A (Fig. 2). The quantification of these clades either by 28S 281 copy number or by cell density displayed similar orders of magnitudes when present, whatever 282 the species (Fig. 2A, B). For some coral species, this represents novel associations for corals 283 from Moorea: clade C for both Acropora species, A. cytherea and A. pulchra, clade D for 284 P. cactus, and clades A and D for P. rus (Table 1). The corresponding 28S sequences for these 285 novel coral-Symbiodinium partnerships revealed the presence of lineages within sub-clades: A13, 286 C15, C1, and D1 (Table 1; Fig. S3). In addition, Symbiodinium clade B was detected in 287 P. damicornis (N=2; Fig. 2), albeit in low abundances equivalent to 26 and 183 copies of 28S 288 (4.25 and 6.21 in log+1, respectively Fig. 2A). However, no relationship was available to 289 estimate this clade’s cell number. The presence of clade B was confirmed by a match to a 290 sequence within the sub-clade B1 (Fig. S3: PDAM2_Moo). Two slightly different profiles in 291 temperature melting curves were obtained with clade C amplification for P. rus. Their sequences 292 showed that each profile corresponded to two distinct lineages within sub-clades (Fig. S3): C1 293 (Tm~82.95°C; Fig. S3: PRUS5_Moo and PRUS6_Moo) and C15 (Tm~83.5°C; Fig. S3: 294 PRUS3_Moo and PRUS4_Moo). In subsequent analyses of the Symbiodinium community 295 composition, each clade was expressed by 28S copy number per unit of coral 18S in order to 296 cover clades A-F. The S/H ratio calculation displayed intra and inter-specific variation of the 297 total Symbiodinium densities harbored within the host (Fig. 2A), either for a specific clade or 298 from the total Symbiodinium density (all clade(s) included). 299 The occurrence of clades A, B, C, and D led to fifteen possible theoretical patterns among 300 which nine have been observed previously, including assemblages of three clades together (Fig. 301 2): ACD (A. cytherea and A. pulchra), BCD (P. damicornis) or ABC (P. damicornis). However, 302 Symbiodinium patterns that include clade B as either a unique clade (B) or as an additional clade 303 (BA, BC, BD, BAD and ABCD) have never been recorded. Using the Symbiodinium densities 304 (S/H ratio) within the coral host (Fig. 2C), relative proportions were determined, and allowed for 305 their classification as either dominant (>5 %) or background clade(s) (≤5 %; Table 2). 306 Symbiodinium clade B, only detected in P. damicornis, was always characterized as background 307 regardless of the clade pattern (0.0002-0.0009% of the Symbiodinium communities; Table 2), 308 and was systematically associated with at least clade C. All of the other three clades (A, C and 309 D) were observed at least once as background clades, depending on the species and on the clade 310 pattern. For example, clade A was occasionally background in P. rus with an AC-pattern 311 (0.0001 % within Li-05 and 0.002 % within Va-03), and was frequently observed as background 312 in A. cytherea (<2 %; Table 2). Clade D was background in P. rus (0.026 % within Va-05) or 313 P. cactus (0.003 % within Ti-05) with a CD-pattern. Clade C was observed as a background 314 clade only once in P. damicornis with a CD-pattern (0.04 % within Li-01). In some corals, 315 different Symbiodinium clades occurred in more even proportions. For example, clades C 316 (51.07 %) and D (48.93 %) within P. damicornis (Li-02; Fig. 2C) exhibited a BCD-pattern, and 317 clades A (57.13 %) and D (42.87 %) showed AD-pattern within A. cytherea (Va-03; Fig. 2C). 318 319 Selective coral-Symbiodinium partnerships 320 The discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC; Fig. 3) on the five coral 321 species showed compositional differences among associated communities of Symbiodinum 322 according to clade identity and to their density in the host. The first axis (43.9 % of total 323 variance) of the DAPC opposed Symbiodnium communities characterized with higher clade D 324 density (Pearson’s corelation: P < 0.001, t = 15.7) from communities composed of higher clade 325 C (Pearson’s correlation: P < 0.001, t = -21.5) and/or clade B (Pearson’s correlation: P = 0.01, 326 t = -2.5) densities. Clade D was strongly representative of P. damicornis Symbiodinium 327 communities (100 % of coral colonies sampled), nearly always appearing as a unique clade 328 (24/27 = 89 %; Fig. 2). In contrast, P. rus (18/21 = 85.7 %; Fig. 2) and P. cactus (6/7 = 85.7 %; 329 Fig. 2) colonies were nearly exclusively composed of mono-clade C communities. However, one 330 P. cactus colony also associated with clade D (Fig. 2), underlying a larger range of variation in 331 the density of the associated symbiotic communities (wide size of discriminant ellipse, Fig. 3). 332 The second axis (24.9 % of total variance) of the DAPC differentiated Symbiodinium 333 communities was composed of clade A (Pearson’s correlation: P < 0.001, t = 11.4), and was 334 comprised of both Acropora species. These two species mainly associated with multi-clade 335 communitities (A. cytherea: 81% and A. pulchra: 67 %) and were distinguished by a second 336 preferential clade in addition to clade A (Figs. 2, 3): D for A. cytherea (AD and ACD patterns 337 11/16 = 68.8 %) and C for A. pulchra (AC and ACD patterns 4/6 = 66.7 %). 338 339 DISCUSSION 340 This study analysed the Symbiodinium communities of five abundant coral species from 341 Moorea (A. cytherea, A. pulchra, P. damicornis, P. cactus and P. rus), and found Symbiodinium 342 clades A, C and D (from the six clades tested, A-F) in all of the species except P. cactus, which 343 was never observed in association with clade A. This is congruent with previous observations 344 that have described these three Symbiodinium clades as the principal clades inhabiting 345 scleractinian corals (van Oppen et al., 2005). In contrast, while Symbiodinium clade B is 346 commonly reported in Caribbean corals (Rowan et al., 1997; Diekmann et al., 2003; Pettay & 347 Lajeunesse, 2007; Cunning, Silverstein & Baker, 2015) it is rarely reported in corals from the 348 Central Pacific (e.g., LaJeunesse, 2001). This study is the first record of clade B found associated 349 with corals from French Polynesia (see previous studies by Magalon, Flot & Baudry, 2007; 350 Putnam et al., 2012). Clade B was detected exclusively as a background population in 351 P. damicornis, and genotyped as belonging to sub-clade B1. Coincidentally, among the few 352 detections of Symbiodinium clade B in Pacific corals to date (e.g. LaJeunesse, 2001; Silverstein, 353 Correa & Baker, 2012; Parkinson, Coffroth & Lajeunesse, 2015; Lee et al., 2016), lineages of B1 354 were found in association with P. damicornis in Hawaii (LaJeunesse, 2001). In addition, clade B 355 has also been found in Moorea, but as a symbiont with the nudibranch Aeolidiella alba (Wecker, 356 Fournier & Bosserelle, 2015). 357 The low abundances of clade B may also have come from an exogenous source (e.g., surface 358 environmental cells), and, therefore, represents a non-symbiotic interaction with the host. 359 However, the strict conditioning of the samples during DNA extraction (e.g., eliminating traces 360 of mucus; described in Rouzé et al., 2016), and the absence of any detection of clade B in the 361 other coral species from the same sampling site largely reduce this hypothesis. Instead, the rarity 362 and low abundance of B1 lineages in corals from Moorea may be consistent with a previous 363 report in which a B1 type was found to opportunistically associate with cold-bleached 364 Pocillopora colonies following a coral bleaching event (LaJeunesse et al., 2010). However, a 365 recent study by Lee et al. (2016) found clade B (type B2) to commonly reside in the host tissues 366 of Alveopora japonica. Alternatively, although Pacific corals rarely associate with clade B, the 367 function of this symbiosis may represent an, as of yet, unknown ecological niche. However, 368 given the rarity of this association, the significance of this partnership it likely to have minor 369 physiological consequences on the host’s survival (e.g. sensitivity to thermal stress; Loram et al., 370 2007). 371 The qPCR assays revealed that each of the four clades A-D could be detected at least 372 once at a background level (i.e., ≤5%), a finding that is consistent with previous studies (e.g. 373 Mieog et al., 2007; Silverstein, Correa & Baker, 2012). In addition, this study increases the 374 number of known background clades, and presents novel partnerships between corals and 375 Symbiodinium (e.g. P. rus with clades A or D). However, some coral-Symbiodinium pairs were 376 not recovered. For example, P. cactus was not found to associate with clade A, and P. rus, 377 P. cactus and the Acropora spp. did not associate with clade B. This could be due to a limited 378 sampling effort among some of the corals (e.g., 6 A. pulchra sampled) rather than a selective 379 exclusion by the host or symbiont to a particular partner by cellular recognition mechanisms 380 (Silverstein, Correa & Baker, 2012; Davy, Allemand & Weis, 2012). While a majority of 381 background clades were only occasionally detected within some coral species (e.g., clades A and 382 D in P. rus or clade B in P. damicornis), the presence of clade A in low abundance in A. cytherea 383 was nearly exclusive. Consequently, the ability of corals to harbour multi-clade Symbiodinium 384 communities at background levels may be due to the environmental history of Moorea island, 385 which has experienced a variety of massive bleaching events (Penin, Vidal-Dupiol & Adjeroud, 386 2012), and, therefore, represents a meaningful ecological function that could influence holobiont 387 resistance (Berkelmans & van Oppen, 2006; Mieog et al., 2007). Indeed, background clades 388 support the potential for dynamic ecological strategies (e.g., switching vs. shuffling), as 389 described in the ABH, that could lead to a rapid selective mechanism of tolerant coral- 390 Symbiodinium partnerships in response to environmental change (Buddemeier & Fautin, 1993; 391 Baker, 2003). 392 Despite the observed increase in variation among Symbiodinium clade associations for the 393 five coral species studied, each species was restricted to a particular dominant or background 394 Symbiodinium clade(s). For example, clade A was exclusively observed (>95 %; Fig. 1) in the 395 Symbiodinium assemblages associated with both Acropora species, either as a background clade 396 or as a dominant clade. Similarly, other coral species exhibited a principal association with a 397 particular clade: either exclusively, as with clade C in P. rus and clade D in P damicornis, or 398 dominant, as with clade C in P. cactus. Similar to the study by Putnam et al. (2012), which 399 investigated a wide range of various fringing reefs during different seasons (i.e., dry season in 400 this study vs. April: wet season), our findings also support consistent associations of coral 401 species to particular Symbiodinium clades (LaJeunesse et al., 2008; Stat et al., 2009). The few 402 exceptions of the multi-clade associations found for P. damicornis or P. cactus could be 403 preferentially attributed to a transient acquisition (Muscatine, 1973; Yamashita et al., 2011; Lee 404 et al. 2016) of Symbiodinium clades, rather than to a spatial partitioning of Symbiodinium within 405 host colonies (e.g. Rowan & Knowlton, 1995) given our standardized sampling method. Overall, 406 our findings are consistent with corals as ‘specialists’ (low flexibility: specific to particular 407 symbiont(s)) or ‘generalists’ (high flexibility: associated with various symbionts). To further 408 explore symbiont diversity in corals, similar fine-scale molecular approaches (e.g., qPCR, next 409 generation sequencing; see Barbrook, Voolstra & Howe, 2014) should be performed on a wide 410 range of coral species throughout a large geographic range. 411 The association of coral species with specific clade(s) observed among Moorea’s reefs is 412 consistent with previous reports of stable partnerships between coral hosts and subsets of 413 Symbiodinium (e.g. Thornhill et al., 2006, 2009; Suwa, Hirose & Hidaka, 2008; Rouzé et al., 414 2016). Such symbiotic specificity can be derived from the ‘winnowing’ of multiple symbiont 415 types initially present in the host (Nyholm & Mcfall-Ngai, 2004). This process occurs in many 416 mutualisms (e.g. legume-zhizobial bacteria: Hirsch, Lum & Downie, 2001; squid-luminous 417 bacteria: Nyholm & Mcfall-Ngai, 2004; cnidarian-Symbiodinium: Wolfowicz et al., 2016), and 418 consists of a complex series of molecular recognition interactions between the host and the 419 symbionts. It is likely that the specific partnerships observed between corals and Symbiodinium 420 are derived from various biological traits (Yost et al., 2013), as well as different physiological 421 and ecological attributes among Symbiodinium clades (Kinzie et al., 2001; Berkelmans & van 422 Oppen, 2006; Hennige et al., 2009; Baker et al., 2013) that ultimately lead to the ecological 423 success of distinct holobionts. For example, the high resistance of Porites to a variety of stressors 424 could be explained, in part, by its stable association with Symbiodinium type C15 (Putnam et al., 425 2012). This symbiont has been characterized as thermally tolerant (LaJeunesse et al., 2003; Fitt 426 et al., 2009) and more resilient to extreme environmental conditions compared to other clade C 427 types (LaJeunesse et al., 2003), which may have contributed to an ecological radiation of this 428 Symbiodinium type throughout the Indo-Pacific (LaJeunesse, 2005; Pochon et al., 2007). In this 429 study, and similar to a previous report by Putnam et al. (2012), P. cactus always associated with 430 Symbiodinium in clade C. However, it likely belongs to type C1 (Fig. S3; Putnam et al., 2012) 431 which is described as thermo-sensitive (Deschaseaux et al., 2014), and that could explain the 432 lower resistance to environmental conditions of the species. Similarly, the ecological sensitivity 433 of branching corals from the genera Acropora and Pocillopora could be explained, in part, by 434 their specialization with Symbiodinium clade A, type A1 (Putnam et al., 2012) and A13, and 435 clade D, type D1/D1a (Putnam et al., 2012) respectively. Indeed, while both clades A and D are 436 characterized with eco-physiological benefits for the holobiont, including photo-protective and 437 thermo-tolerance abilities, respectively, it has been mainly described in stressful vs. non-stressful 438 conditions. This duality likely corresponds to trade-offs between coral host resistance and low 439 energetic budget contributions (reviewed in Lesser, Stat & Gates, 2013). In some cases, 440 Symbiodinium belonging to these clades have been reported as nominal contributors to host 441 metabolism [e.g., growth and reproduction (Little, van Oppen & Willis, 2004; Jones & 442 Berkelmans, 2010) and/or nutrition (Stat, Morris & Gates, 2008; Cantin et al., 2009; Baker et al., 443 2013)]. 444 The specialization of coral hosts to particular Symbiodinium clades likely represents a 445 driver resulting in stable mutualisms, initiated from selective pressure, that enhances the benefits 446 of specific symbiosis by co-evolution (Douglas, 2008; Thornhill et al., 2014). However, this 447 specialization is contrasted with the maintenance of the horizontal transmission of symbionts in 448 the majority of coral species as well as the detection of additional clades, at trace levels, within 449 the five coral species examined. Lee et al. (2016) suggest that low abundance ‘background’ 450 Symbiodinium populations are not necessarily mutualistic but can reflect a transient relative 451 abundance in the surrounding environment, such as non-directional ingestion by polyps leading 452 to ephemeral symbiont shifts (LaJeunesse et al., 2009; Stat et al., 2009; Coffroth et al., 2010). 453 Nevertheless, every Symbiodinium species may not be transiently ingested. For example, 454 Symbiodinium clade F was never found in the host tissues of the five coral species examined, 455 despite clade F being detected in the surrounding environment (Supplementary data: Fig.S4), 456 and, although in a temperate environment, described as a dominant symbiont within 457 Alveopora japonica (Lee et al., 2016). This suggests a combination of physiological controlled 458 processes among the coral host and its background Symbiodinium communities. Therefore, two 459 opposite selection pressures may be co-occuring in the context of Moorea’s reef environment 460 (which has been exposed to consecutive massive bleaching events in the past): i) the 461 optimization of a symbiosis with a specific clade(s) and/or ii) the maintenance of the ability to 462 integrate several different (but not all) clades in low abundance that could yield an overall 463 benefit to the coral holobiont. 464 Altogether, these findings emphasize the need to better understand whether those 465 Symbiodinium present in low abundance play an ecological role for the holobiont over time, and 466 to further explore the processes that may govern the maintenance of Symbiodinium in low 467 abundance in addition to the dominant symbioses that occur with particular clades. 468 469 Acknowledgments. We thank B. Espiau and M. Vairaa from CRIOBE and J. Fievet (in charge 470 of qPCR platform utilization) from IFREMER from Taravao for their advices and assistance in 471 laboratory. We are also grateful to M.A. Coffroth and her laboratory (BURR ; 472 http://www.nsm.buffalo.edu/Bio/burr/) for providing us cultured Symbiodinium strains. We also 473 thank C. Bonneville who performed analyses of Symbiodinium diversity in the water column 474 during her master internship. 475 REFERENCES 476 477 Abrego D., van Oppen MJH., Willis BL. 2009. Highly infectious symbiont dominates initial uptake in coral juveniles. Molecular Ecology 18:3518–3531. 478 479 480 Baker AC. 2003. Flexibility and specifictity in coral-algal symbiosis: diversity, ecology, and biogeography of Symbiodinium. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 34:661–689. 481 482 483 Baker DM., Andras JP., Jordán-Garza AG., Fogel ML. 2013. Nitrate competition in a coral symbiosis varies with temperature among Symbiodinium clades. 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Vaiare (Va), Teavaro (Te), Maharepa (Ma), Tiahura (Ti) and 705 Linereva (Li). 706 707 708 709 Figure 2 Quantitative composition of different Symbiodinium clades observed in association 710 with ACYT: A. cytherea, APUL: A. pulchra, PCAC: P. cactus, PDAM: P. damicornis and 711 PRUS: P. rus based on: (A) 28S copy number estimation (B) cell number estimation and (C) 712 clade proportions within coral hosts: the grey circles represent the presence of background clades 713 under a 5% threshold (dashed line). 714 715 Figure 3 Spatio-temporal multivariate analysis of clade A-D quantifications converted in 28S 716 copy number. Axis 1 and 2 of the discriminant analysis of principal component (DAPC) 717 according to the five coral species: A. cytherea, A. pulchra, P. cactus, P. damicornis and P. rus. 718 719 720 Table 1 Comparative census of Symbiodinium clades and types associated with common coral 721 species from Moorea (A. cytherea, A. pulchra, P. damicornis, P. cactus, and P. rus) detected in a 722 previous report by Putnam et al. 2012 [1] vs. the present study. 723 A. cytherea A. pulchra P. damicornis Previous report [1] clade(s) type A, D A1, D1 A, D A1, D1 A, C, D DA, A1, C15 clades A, C*, D A, C*, D A, B*, C, D P. rus C C15 A*, C**, D* P. cactus C C1, C3, C45 D* Coral species 724 725 * novel detected clade from this study ** new type of previously reported clade Present study * type * C1 * B1 *: A13, D1; C15, **:C1 *: D1, **C1 727 Table 2 Proportion of background clades identified within the coral hosts A. cytherea, 728 A. pulchra, P. cactus, P. damicornis and P. rus. 729 Species Coral ID Li-02 Li-03 Li-04 Va-01 Va-02 Va-04 Va-05 Te-02 Te-03 Te-04 Te-05 Te-06 Background clade proportion A = 0.0012% A = 0.0005% A = 1.5718% A = 0.7750% A = 0.1496% C = 3.0797% A = 0.2089% A = 0.3314% A = 0.0242% C = 1.5921% A = 0.1931% A = 0.8460% A = 0.7958% Ti-04 Ti-05 Ti-06 C = 5.0116% A = 0.2073% D = 0.7418% P. cactus Ti-05 D = 0.0029% P. damicornis Li-01 Li-02 Ti-01 C = 0.0380% B = 0.0002% B = 0.0009% Li-05 Va-03 Va-05 A = 0.0001% A = 0.0020% D = 0.0259% A. cytherea A. pulchra P. rus 730 A = 0.3984% A = 0.0002%