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Vasomotor sympathetic outflow in the muscle
metaboreflex in low birth weight young adults
Jephat Chifamba 1
Brilliant Mbangani 1
Casper Chimhete 1
lenon gwaunza 1
larry a allen 2
herbert Mapfumo
Chinyanga 1
Department of Physiology, College
of health sciences, University of
Zimbabwe, harare, Zimbabwe;
section of advanced heart Failure
and Transplantation, University
of Colorado school of Medicine,
aurora, CO, Usa
Correspondence: Jephat Chifamba
Department of Physiology, College
of health sciences, University of
Zimbabwe, PO Box MP 167,
Mount Pleasant, harare, Zimbabwe
Tel +263 4 772 573 418
A growing body of evidence suggests that low birth weight (LBW) offspring are
associated with an increased risk for coronary artery disease,1 hypertension,2 and heart
failure.3 Previous studies have also shown that exaggerated vasoconstrictive and neuroendocrine responses are associated with development of hypertension in adults and
may function as markers for preclinical or pathophysiologic phases of hypertension.4,5
LBW is associated with an increased sympathetic nerve activity and therefore predisposing LBW individuals to development of hypertension in adulthood.6–8
Static/isometric handgrip exercise evokes an increase in heart rate, mean arterial
pressure, muscle and skin sympathetic nervous activity. Forearm blood circulatory arrest
just before cessation of the exercise causes blood pressure (BP) to remain above resting
levels.6,9 These responses are evoked by two neural mechanisms, components of the
muscle metaboreflex, which are: central command (neural signals of central origin) and
the exercise pressor reflex (EPR, a reflex arising from exercising muscle).10 The central
command has a minor role in cardiovascular regulation during exercise. The EPR is a
feedback system arising from thinly myelinated mechanosensitive (group III/Aδ-fibers)
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Integrated Blood Pressure Control 2015:8 37–42
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Abstract: A growing body of evidence suggests that low birth weight (LBW) offspring are
associated with long-term structural and functional changes in cardiovascular and neuroendocrine
systems. We tested the hypothesis that muscle metaboreflex activation produces exaggerated
responses in cardiac autonomic tone (represented by heart rate variability ratio) and cutaneous
vascular sympathetic tone (represented by plethysmography pulse wave amplitude) in LBW
compared to normal birth weight (NBW) young adults. We recruited 23 LBW (18 females and
five males) and 23 NBW (14 females and nine males) University of Zimbabwe students with
neonatal clinical cards as proof of birth weight at term. Resting electrocardiogram, pulse waves,
and blood pressures were recorded. Participants then underwent a static/isometric handgrip exercise until fatigue and a post-exercise circulatory arrest period of 2 minutes. We observed (results
mean ± standard deviation) a greater mean increase in heart rate variability ratio from baseline
to exercise for LBW compared to NBW individuals (1.015±1.034 versus [vs] 0.119±0.789,
respectively; P,0.05). We also observed a greater mean decrease in plethysmography pulse
wave amplitude from baseline to exercise (-1.32±1.064 vs -0.735±0.63; P,0.05) and from
baseline to post-exercise circulatory arrest (-0.932±0.998 vs -0.389±0.563; P,0.05) for LBW
compared to NBW individuals. We conclude that LBW may be associated with an exaggerated
sympathetic discharge in response to muscle metaboreflex.
Keywords: blood pressure, heart rate variability, plethysmography pulse
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Chifamba et al
and unmyelinated metabosensitive (group IV/C-fibers)
afferents in the skeletal muscle.10 When oxygen delivery to
active skeletal muscle is insufficient to meet the metabolic
demands, metabolites, eg, lactic acid, adenosine, diprotonated
phosphate, potassium, H+, and arachidonic acid products
among others, accumulate within active muscle and stimulate
group III and group IV afferent neurons leading to a reflex
sympathetic discharge (the muscle metaboreflex).1,2,10 The
EPR is exaggerated in hypertension and related conditions
like heart failure, with the over activity of the afferent arms
(mechanosensitive and metabosensitive afferents) of this
reflex being the cause of the exaggeration.3
Pulse wave amplitude (PWA) is useful in monitoring
sympathetic influences on skin blood flow in the finger
and heart rate variability (HRV) ratio monitors the cardiac
autonomic tone.9,11
Studies have assessed the modulation of the sympathetic
outflow by the muscle metaboreflex.9,12 However, no study has
compared the modulation of the sympathetic nerve activity
to the cardiovascular system by the muscle metaboreflex,
between individuals with LBW and normal birth weight
(NBW). In this study, we hypothesized that individuals
born with LBW would respond with exaggerated sympathetic discharge to the heart and the vascular system during
stimulation of the muscle metaboreflex, compared to NBW
The study was conducted in the Exercise Laboratory in the
Department of Physiology, University of Zimbabwe. Forty-six
healthy voluntary participants were drawn from students at the
University of Zimbabwe. Before the actual day of study, all
participants were provided with the full details of the study and
we familiarized each subject with the protocol. Informed consent was sought and obtained from the participants. The study
participants were screened using a self-administered questionnaire. Participants were recruited on the basis of documented
proof of birth weight in the form of a Ministry of Health, Child
Health Card. The exclusion criteria were 1) age ,18 or .25
years; 2) a history of cardiovascular disease or hypertension
(defined as the current use of antihypertensive medication or
resting BP $140/90 mmHg); 3) previous endurance training; 4) pre-term birth; 5) body mass index (BMI) more than
24.5 kg/m2. The participants were assigned into two groups,
LBW and NBW. LBW was defined as birth weight ,2,500 g
at term. Participants in the two groups were matched for BMI.
Ethical permission was granted by Joint Parirenyatwa Hospital
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and College of Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee
and the Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe.
anthropometric and resting
Weight and height were measured with the participants putting
on light clothing and without shoes. BMI for each participant
was calculated (kg/m2). Resting BPs were measured. Resting
computerized electrocardiogram (ECG) recording was obtained
from lead II and resting pulse wave recordings were obtained
from the finger pulse plethysmography for 5 minutes, using
iWorx research system hardware (IWX/214) (iWorx Sytems,
Inc., Dover, NH, USA) and the Labscribe 2 software.
exercise protocol
In the 24 hours before exercise, participants were asked
to abstain from taking alcohol, energy drinks, and caffeinated products. Participants underwent a static/isometric
handgrip exercise performed with the dominant hand
using a handgrip dynamometer (Lab BSL 3.7.7; BIOPAC,
Goleta, CA, USA) at 40% maximum voluntary contraction
(MVC) until fatigue to ensure that they have all reached
a common metabolic end point. This level of force was
chosen since it has been previously shown that handgrips
sustained at 40% and 60% of MVC elicited a comparable
increase in muscle sympathetic nerve activity.12 Once the
exerted force declined to ,80% of the desired force (40%
MVC) for .2 seconds, a 2-minute post-exercise circulatory arrest (PECA) phase began using an arm cuff inflated
to a pressure .200 mmHg. During the static handgrip
exercise and PECA participants were instructed to avoid
breath holding. After PECA period, participants were given
a 5-minute recovery period. ECG and pulse wave recordings were obtained during the period of exercise, PECA,
and recovery.
Data analysis
Frequency domain measures of ECG R-R variability were
used to estimate the high frequency (HF, 0.15–0.4 Hz) and
low frequency (LF, 0.04–0.15 Hz) power. The HF power peak
represents modulation of efferent parasympathetic (vagal)
activity by ventilation, but only in the presence of sinus rhythm.
The LF power peak represents combined modulation of efferent parasympathetic and efferent sympathetic nervous system
activity by baroreflex activity. Overall the amplitudes of LF
and HF power reflect modulation of sinus node firing rate and
the LF/HF ratio (HRV ratio) has been proposed as an index of
sympathovagal balance.9,13 However, very LF indices could not
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Table 1 Baseline demographic characteristics of the study sample
age (years)
Body mass index (kg/m2)
Mean systolic BP (mmhg)
Mean diastolic BP (mmhg)
Mean heart rates (beats/min)
Birth weight (grams)
Total (n=46)
Mean ± SD
NBW (n=23)
Mean ± SD
LBW (n=23)
Mean ± SD
Note: *Indicates that birth weight was the only baseline variable where there was a significant difference between the two groups.
Abbreviations: nBW, normal birth weight; lBW, low birth weight; BP, blood pressure.
be used since they require power spectra that are more than 5
minutes long, which was not in keeping with our experimental
protocol. The IWORX Labscribe 2 software which is part of
the physiological system was used to analyze these variables
(iWorx Sytems, Inc.). SPSS software version 16.0 (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL, USA) was used to analyze the data. Independent
samples two-tailed Student’s t-test at 5% level of significance
was used to compare the various means of the cardiovascular
parameters between NBW and LBW individuals (P,0.05 was
considered significant). The data are represented as mean ±
standard error of the mean on figures and as mean and standard
deviation (SD) in tables.
A total of 23 LBW (18 females and five males) and 23 NBW
(14 females and nine males) black adults, with a median
age of 20 years (18–25 years), successfully completed the
experiment. The baseline characteristics and mean MVC,
time to fatigue as well as the heart rate changes are shown
in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
hrV ratio
The trends of mean HRV ratios for LBW and NBW individuals
during the experimental protocol are shown in Figure 1. The
mean increase in HRV from baseline to exercise was greater
for LBW compared to NBW individuals (1.015±1.034 versus
[vs] 0.119±0.789, respectively; P,0.05). However, the mean
increase in HRV ratio from baseline to PECA and from
baseline to recovery was not significantly different between
LBW and NBW individuals (Table 3).
The trends of the mean PWA for LBW and NBW individuals
during the experimental protocol are shown in Figure 2. The
mean decrease in PWA from baseline to exercise was greater
for LBW compared to NBW individuals (-1.32±1.064 vs
-0.735±0.63, respectively; P,0.05). The mean decrease
in PWA from baseline to PECA was also greater for
LBW compared to NBW individuals (-0.932±0.998 vs
-0.389±0.563, respectively; P,0.05). However, the mean
change in PWA from baseline to PECA was not significantly
different between LBW and NBW individuals (Table 3).
HRV ratio and PWA responses to activation of the muscle
metaboreflex are exaggerated in LBW compared to NBW
individuals. This suggests that the EPR, which is involved
in tight regulation of the cardiovascular response to exercise,
is persistently dysregulated into early adulthood for LBW
Table 2 Mean heart rates during entire protocol and mean maximum voluntary contraction and time to fatigue
MVC (kg)
TTF (seconds)
hr-B (beats/min)
hr-e (beats/min)
hr-PeCa (beats/min)
hr-r (beats/min)
Total (n=46)
Mean ± SD
NBW (n=23)
Mean ± SD
LBW (n=23)
Mean ± SD
Note: *Indicates a significant difference.
Abbreviations: MVC, maximum voluntary contraction, TTF, time to fatigue; nBW, normal birth weight; lBW, low birth weight; sD, standard deviation; PeCa, post-exercise
circulatory arrest; hr-B, heart rate at baseline; hr-e, heart rate during exercise; hr-r, heart rate during recovery.
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HRV ratio
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Figure 1 Mean heart rate variability (hrV) ratio responses during rest, static/isometric handgrip exercise, post-exercise circulatory arrest (PeCa) and recovery period, in
nBW and lBW individuals.
Note: *P,0.05.
Abbreviations: nBW, normal birth weight; lBW, low birth weight.
HRV ratio for LBW was modestly elevated at rest,
although there was no significant difference between the HRV
ratios of the two groups. This may be due to LBW individuals
being prenatally programmed to increase sympathetic nerve
activity secondary to the adverse intra-uterine conditions
that the fetus will be subjected to.14 Studies have shown that
the EPR is exaggerated in hypertensive rats, in part due to
over activity of the afferents.3,13 We investigated the efferent
component of the EPR; the afferent pathway has not been
investigated in LBW subjects. In hypertensive subjects,
exercise evokes an excessive increase in BP from a chroni-
Table 3 Mean changes in hrV ratio and PWa from baseline to
exercise, PeCa, or recovery
Mean change in hrV
ratio from B-e ± sD
Mean change in hrV
ratio from B-PeCa ± sD
Mean change in hrV
ratio from B-r ± sD
Mean change in PWa
from B-e (mV) ± sD
Mean change in PWa
from B-PeCa (mV) ± sD
Mean change in PWa
from B-r (mV) ± sD
Notes: *P,0.05 showing a significant difference between LBW and NBW. B-E
represents mean change in PWa/hrV ratio from baseline to exercise; B-PeCa
represents mean change in PWa/hrV ratio from baseline to PeCa; B-r represents
mean change in PWa/hrV ratio from baseline to recovery.
Abbreviations: hrV, heart rate variability; PWa, pulse wave amplitude; PeCa,
post-exercise circulatory arrest; sD, standard deviation; nBW, normal birth weight;
lBW, low birth weight.
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cally elevated resting value.14 During exercise, compared
to baseline, LBW individuals experienced an exaggerated
sympathetic response to the static handgrip. This was indicated by a significant mean increase in HRV ratio (increased
HRV ratio reflects an increase in sympathetic tone compared
to the vagal tone) as well as a significant mean decrease in
PWA (Table 3). LBW and NBW individuals had an increased
sympathetic discharge to the heart and the peripheral vessels, although that of LBW individuals was exaggerated. The
increased sympathetic discharge we observed in both groups
is in keeping with the findings by Jarvis et al12 and Ichinose
et al2 who described an increase in sympathetic discharge
in normal individuals. However, in these two studies birth
weight was not considered as a variable while in our study
it was.9,12 The mean increase in HRV ratio from baseline to
PECA decreased but was not significantly different between
the two groups (Table 3), whilst the mean decrease in PWA
showed a significant difference between the two groups
(LBW and NBW). This indicated a potentiated sympathetic
discharge in response to accretion of metabolites in the once
active muscle, with the differences in the sympathetic discharge to the heart and the peripheral vessels during PECA
being probably due to the fact that there is organ specific
sympathetic nerve activity and regional differences in this
nerve activity as is experienced particularly in cardiovascular
diseases.12,15,16 Animal models in which there was ganglionic and α-adrenergic blockage using hexamethonium and
phentolamine, respectively, showed an abolishment of the
exaggerated pressor response to exercise, suggesting that
these exaggerated hemodynamic responses were mediated,
Integrated Blood Pressure Control 2015:8
Muscle metaboreflex and birth weight
Pulse wave amplitude (mV)
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Figure 2 Mean pulse wave amplitude during rest, static/isometric handgrip exercise, post-exercise circulatory arrest (PeCa) and recovery period, in nBW and lBW individuals.
Note: *P,0.05 nBW versus lBW.
Abbreviations: nBW, normal birth weight; lBW, low birth weight.
in part, by the abnormally large EPR-induced sympathetic
nerve activity.14 This might be the same reason why the
LBW individuals in our study had an exaggerated response
to the EPR. Exaggerated neuroendocrine and vasoconstrictive responses have been shown to predict the development
of hypertension in adults.4 Therefore, the exaggerated EPR
response, in our study, may function as a marker for the
pathophysiologic phases of hypertension.
The insignificant difference in mean increase in HRV
ratio and significant difference in mean decrease in PWA
during PECA may also suggest an increase in cardiac
parasympathetic tone caused by buffering by the arterial
baroreflex.9 Insensitivity of baroreceptors, which buffer BP
increases during exercise, has been reported in hypertensive individuals and individuals with heart failure.13 This
might also be present in LBW individuals since they are
predisposed to these conditions; therefore, future studies to
investigate the baroreceptor sensitivity in LBW individuals
are warranted.
Overall, the totality of these findings support the hypothesis that LBW young adults have an exaggerated EPR
response that is measureable long before progression to the
cardiovascular disorders that LBW individuals are prenatally
programmed to develop. The EPR is dysfunctional in cardiovascular disorders such as heart failure and hypertension.
This leads to an increased sympathetic discharge underlying
the exaggerated increase in BP, heart rate, and peripheral
resistance during acute physical activity.3,10,13
We concluded that LBW may be associated with an exaggerated vasomotor sympathetic outflow during the muscle
Integrated Blood Pressure Control 2015:8
metaboreflex activation during exercise in normotensive
young adults. LBW individuals may have an exaggerated
EPR response.
We are greatly indebted to E Nhandara and RT Mbanje for
technical assistance and V Chikwasha for statistical analysis. Authors declare sole responsibility for the scientific
content of this research paper. The study was funded by
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
Office of the Director-National Institutes of Health and
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institutes through Medical
Education Partnership Initiative Grants to the University of
Zimbabwe, College of Health Sciences (1 R24 TW008881
and 1 R24 TW008905).
The authors report no conflicts of interest related to this paper.
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