Zootaxa 5001 (1): 001–083
Copyright © 2021 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
Ants of the State of Pará, Brazil: a historical and comprehensive dataset of
a key biodiversity hotspot in the Amazon Basin
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 1000 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20560, USA; School of Life Sciences,
Arizona State University, 427 E Tyler Mall, Tempe, AZ 85281, USA.
Coordenação de Ciências da Terra e Ecologia, Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Av. Perimetral 1901, Belém, PA 66077-830, Brazil.
Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Nazaré 481, São Paulo, SP 04263-000, Brazil.
� crfbrand@usp.br; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4689-5845
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Departamento de Zoologia, Av. Francisco Heráclito dos Santos s/n, Curitiba, PR 81531-980, Brazil.
Laboratório de Mirmecologia, CEPEC-CEPLAC, Km 22 rodovia Ilhéus-Itabuna (BR-415), Ilhéus, BA, Brazil.
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Coordenação de Biodiversidade, Av. André Araújo 2936, Manaus, AM 69060-095, Brazil.
� itanna.fernandes@gmail.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1619-4201
Univesidade Federal do Amazonas, Departamento de Biologia, Av. General Rodrigo Octávio, 6200, Manaus, AM 69077-000, Brazil.
� fbaccaro.ecolab@gmail.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4747-1857
Instituto da Mata Atlântica, Av. José Ruschi 4, Santa Teresa, ES 29650-000, Brazil.
� jlpsouza@protonmail.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4574-8111
livia.pires7@gmail.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1819-8767
10 �
joudellys@gmail.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5393-6502
11 �
emelysiqueira@gmail.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8819-3868
12 �
kelli.liane@yahoo.com.br; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1580-0436
13 �
14 �
ronyalmeida@museu-goledi.br; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0681-0357
15 �
rogeriorosas@gmail.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0599-2155
16 �
palomaandradebio@gmail.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4752-2071
17 �
rsmfeitosa@gmail.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9042-0129
18 �
elmoborges@gmail.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2022-4066;
19 �
jacques.delabie@gmail.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2695-1061
corresponding author. � albuquerquee@si.edu; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2888-2864
these authors contributed equally to the work.
Magnolia Press
Auckland, New Zealand
Accepted by J. Longino: 14 Jun. 2021; published: 16 Jul. 2021
Ants of the State of Pará, Brazil: a historical and comprehensive dataset of a key biodiversity hotspot in
the Amazon Basin
(Zootaxa 5001)
83 pp.; 30 cm.
16 Jul. 2021
ISBN 978-1-77688-300-4 (paperback)
ISBN 978-1-77688-301-1 (Online edition)
Magnolia Press
P.O. Box 41-383
Auckland 1041
New Zealand
e-mail: magnolia@mapress.com
© 2021 Magnolia Press
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ISSN 1175-5326
(Print edition)
ISSN 1175-5334
(Online edition)
2 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
Table of Contents
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Materials and methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
List of species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Agroecomyrmecinae Carpenter, 1930 [1 genus, 1 species] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Amblyoponinae Forel, 1893 [2 genera, 6 species] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Dolichoderinae Forel, 1878 [7 genera, 74 species, and 9 subspecies] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Dorylinae Leach, 1815 [8 genera, 43 species, and 5 subspecies]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Ectatomminae Emery, 1895 [3 genera, 45 species] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Formicinae Latreille, 1809 [7 genera, 78 species, and 6 subspecies]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Heteroponerinae Bolton, 2003 [2 genera, 3 species] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Myrmicinae Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1835 [41 genera, 330 species, and 2 subspecies] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Paraponerinae Emery, 1901 [1 genus, 1 species] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Ponerinae Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1835 [14 genus, 93 species] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Proceratiinae Emery, 1895 [2 genera, 4 species] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Pseudomyrmecinae Smith, 1952 [1 genus, 52 species] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
The state of Pará in northern Brazil is located entirely within the Amazon Basin and harbors a great diversity of landscape
and vegetation types that support high levels of biodiversity. Here, we provide a comprehensive inventory of ant species
and their distribution in Pará. This regional list is based on an extensive review of species records from published and
unpublished sources covering a period of 134 years (1886–2020) and includes the five most representative ant collections
in Brazil. In total, we documented 12 subfamilies, 90 genera and 753 ant species, including 97 species recorded for the
first time in Pará and 12 species newly reported in Brazil. Sampling effort across the state is highly uneven, and most
records may be associated with research areas near the state capital, mining areas, hydroelectric dams, and research field
stations run by the state or universities. In addition, our results suggest a strong bias in ant collection in Pará in terms
of proximity of sampled sites to access routes, such as roads and rivers. We also found that species records were highly
unevenly distributed based on areas of endemism within the Amazon, vegetation type, and protected areas within the
state. Ant surveys are still lacking from most protected areas of Pará, and further sampling is urgently needed in view of
the current trend of expansion of major infrastructure projects and natural resource harvesting within protected areas of
Pará. Our database represents an extremely valuable and rich source of information for further studies on ant biodiversity
and conservation in the Amazon Basin.
Key words: Database, Entomological collection, Formicidae, richness, public politics, conservation
Located entirely within the Amazon Basin, the state of Pará has been considered a relevant historical and geographical
region in northern Brazil since its inception. Historically, it was one of the first Amazonian areas targeted by early
Portuguese settlers in 1616 (Silva & Silva 2008) and the site of important scientific expeditions by great naturalists,
such as Johann Baptist von Spix (1781–1826), Carl Friedrich Philip von Martius (1794–1868), Henry Walter Bates
(1825–1892), Alfred Russell Wallace (1823–1913), and Emilia Snethlage (1868–1929) (Vanzolini 2004; Lovejoy
From a geographical standpoint, it is the second largest Brazilian state, occupying 1,253,164.5 km2, and the
13th largest first-order administrative division in the world (Silva & Silva 2008; Moure et al. 2013). The state is
characterized by a great diversity of geological environments and vegetation cover types, such as dense ombrophilous
forests, open ombrophilous forests (which include periodically flooded forests, e.g., várzea and igapó), campinaranas
(endemic vegetation of Amazonia), cangas (herbs and shrubs associated with iron-rich conglomerates), savannas,
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
and pioneer vegetation (including sand bars and mangroves) (IBGE 2012), which support a high level of biodiversity.
Pará is also a gateway to and from the Amazon River through its connection to the Atlantic Ocean (Barros &
Pimentel 2001).
The state plays an important role in the economic development of the Amazon region. Historical and current
infrastructure projects have impacted local biodiversity. Examples include the construction of railroads from the
capital of Pará, Belém, to the coast; the construction of the Estrada Real road from Belém to the state of Maranhão;
a highway from Belém to the capital of Brazil, Brasília; the Trans-Amazonian Highway; and transmission power
lines, power plants, and mines (Laurance 1998; Laurance et al. 2001; Silva & Silva 2008). These projects are
the main contributors to habitat loss, affecting species richness and ecosystem resources through the removal of
pristine forest areas and increasing deforestation rates in the state of Pará, which has one of the highest rates in the
Amazon Basin (Vedovato et al. 2016). The latest report of National Institute for Space Research (INPE) on Amazon
deforestation rates shows an increase of 9.5% between August 2019 and July 2020, with Pará ranking first and
accounting for 46.8% of the accumulated deforestation recorded in the Legal Amazon (INPE 2020).
Over the last 50 years, a significant proportion of the ant samples collected in Pará came from Environmental
Impact Assessment studies (Prado et al. 2020). As legal repositories of Brazilian biodiversity, these official biological
collections include specimens from different regions, allowing not only an appreciation of the biodiversity from
irreversibly modified regions but also an evaluation of the environmental impact of human actions (Taddei et al.
1999; Vivo et al. 2014).
Recently, efforts have been made to study the diversity and distribution of ant species in the Amazon Basin;
in recent years, checklists have been published for French Guiana (Franco et al. 2019), for Amazonian Colombia
(Castro et al. 2018; Guerrero et al. 2018; Fernández et al. 2019), and for several Brazilian Amazon states (Miranda
et al. 2012; Fernandes & Souza 2018; Prado et al. 2019; Schmidt et al. 2020). However, no comprehensive checklist
integrating taxonomic validation has been published so far for the state of Pará, one of the largest areas in the
Amazon Basin.
In this paper, we gather information on ants recorded in Pará. To do this, we obtained data available from (i)
published and unpublished sources, (ii) online biodiversity databases, and (iii) ant specimens from Pará deposited in
the main ant collections in Brazil. We created the most detailed database of ant records and spatial data from eastern
Amazon to generate a list of ant species from Pará and describe sample coverage throughout the state. We highlight
priority areas for further studies to understand and advance the knowledge of the ant fauna in the Amazon Basin.
Materials and methods
Data Records. We compiled a dataset of ant species from Pará recorded in the literature from 1886 (the first record
in the literature of ants collected in Pará) to 2020. Most published data records were provided by the Global Ant
Biodiversity (GABI) project (Guénard et al. 2017), including data extracted from AntWeb (AntWeb 2020). Next,
we extracted geographical information from labels of specimens collected in Pará and deposited in one of the five
main Brazilian entomological collections, namely Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG); Coleção Entomológica
Padre Jesus Santiago Moure at Universidade Federal do Paraná (DZUP); Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau at Comissão
Executiva do Plano de Lavoura Cacaueira (CPDC); Museu de Zoologia at Universidade de São Paulo (MZSP); and
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA). Thirdly, for the MPEG dataset, we retrieved records from the
Brazilian Biodiversity Information System (SiBBr), a national online biodiversity database (https://www.sibbr.gov.
br/). The SiBBr repository hosts and mirrors the information available from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information
Facility; https://www.gbif.org). Lastly, material from recent surveys conducted by the authors in the state of Pará
were also used to update the database.
The full database contains a unique species record per row and columns displaying metadata, with variables as
defined on Dryad dataset (https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.6djh911h).
Georeferencing. When available from the original source (specimen labels and/or published information),
coordinates were transformed to decimal degrees before analyses. We used WGS84 as datum (if entry datum was
not reported in specimen data). For records without coordinates, we georeferenced specimens using the GeoNames
geographical database (http://www.geonames.org/), Fallingrain: Maps and Weather (http://www.fallingrain.com/
index.html), and searches in Google Maps. Finally, we used personal databases of Pará localities from researchers
at MPEG (William L. Overal) and Instituto Tecnológico Vale (ITV; Tereza C. Giannini and Rafael C. Borges) to
4 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
determine the coordinates of some sites. In all cases, we kept a detailed description of the source of coordinates and
georeferenced data.
Taxonomic and Status Validation. Species identifications were validated by examining the specimen (directly
or using high-resolution images, whenever possible) and reviewing the tools used for species identification (for
literature data). In case of questionable records and new distribution records, experts were consulted to decide if the
records should be included or excluded. Data that could not be validated using the available tools were discarded.
Valid species names were assigned according to the Online Catalog of the Ants of the World (AntCat; Bolton 2021).
We included a column in the database labeled “Technical.Validation” (a binary variable that specifies whether to
keep or exclude records in the analyses) to represent identification errors. We only gathered information on formally
named species (morphospecies data were excluded from our dataset). The dataset is available in Unicode (UTF-8)
format on Dryad (https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.6djh911h).
Exotic Species. The classification of species as exotic in our list is based on the historical records of species that
had no previous occurrence in the state of Pará and that are reported as invasive in the myrmecological literature.
The monitoring of species status over time was based on the comparison of occurrence lists and taxonomic catalogs
with the recent literature obtained mainly through the Global Ant Biodiversity (GABI) project (Guénard et al. 2017).
In addition, we reported new occurrences of exotic species based on the material deposited in the ant collections
consulted for this study.
Analyses. The full database contains all specimen records, including multiple specimens of the same species
and same collection data, or multiple records for a species at the same site that differ in date, collector, or other label
data (for example, label code). We used ‘site-specific records’ to avoid duplicate records in analyses. We defined a
‘site’ as a unique coordinate (decimal degrees to 6 decimal places) in the dataset. A site-specific record was a unique
combination of a species and a site (i.e., collapsing all records that differed only in date, collector, or other label
First, we characterized the distribution of ant records in the state of Pará by mapping records into four major
geographical categories: (1) areas of endemism in the Brazilian Amazon, (2) vegetation types, (3) protected areas,
and (4) access routes. Our goal was to describe (and not model) patterns of species richness and number of records
based on classification systems frequently adopted in analyses of biodiversity data from the Amazon Basin. Exotic
species were mapped, and total number of records and sites were determined; further, we analyzed their distribution
regarding access routes to describe the influence of roads and rivers on exotic species records. We followed Silva
et al. (2002) for areas of endemism in the Amazon Basin, a classification based on the confluence of the main
Amazonian rivers (Wallace 1854) that outlines the main biogeographic divisions of understory birds and primate
species diversity within the basin (Haffer 1969). To explore the entire database, we also added the Marajó region
as an area of endemism. Brazilian vegetation types were based on the classification of the Brazilian Institute of
Geography and Statistics (IBGE 2012), which extracts information from the most current data on native vegetation
cover in Brazil.
For protected areas (indigenous lands and conservation units), we obtained the distribution of municipal, state,
and national protected areas of Pará from the Brazilian Ministry for the Environment (MMA) (http://mapas.mma.
gov.br/i3geo/datadownload.htm). We also investigated whether distribution records were biased towards proximity
to access routes (roads and main rivers). Maps of access roads and rivers were obtained from MMA and Forest-Gis
(http://forest-gis.com/download-de-shapefiles/), respectively. We extracted the number of records observed within
1, 5, and 10 km buffers around roads and rivers in the state of Pará. We used these distances because we expected the
highest record density in the Amazon to be concentrated within this range of distances from access routes (Oliveira
et al. 2016).
We extracted the municipality (second-level administrative level) of Pará that included collections using the
package ‘brazilmaps’ (Siqueira 2017) in the R environment for statistical computing (R Core Team 2020 version
4.0.0). Maps depicting endemism areas, vegetation types, protected areas, and access routes were created using the
QGIS software (QGIS Development Team 2020).
We further explored the relationship between the number of records and the number of species recorded
over time. To do this, we used collection year as the collection unit of museum data or year of publication as the
collection unit of published sources. However, since for most records there are no unique identifiers available to
detect the overlap between specimen data from museums and from publications, these sources are not completely
independent. Similarly, our database does not separate primary records in the taxonomic literature (records from
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
specimens examined in the study) from secondary records (records published formally and reported again in a
following publication), which may inflate records over time in published literature.
Our compilation of ant species from Pará generated an updated list of 21,646 ant records belonging to 12 subfamilies,
90 genera, and 771 species names, including 12 exotic species. We excluded, after taxonomic validation, 25 records
and 18 species from the analyses (see Table 1), resulting in a total of 753 valid species in Pará (see list of species).
All numbers provided hereafter in the text consider only the taxonomically validated records (N = 21,621).
TABlE 1. List of species and subspecies recorded in the literature and our online dataset (see dataset on Dryad) excluded
after taxonomic validation.
Apterostigma carinatum Lattke, 1997
Solar et al., 2016b
Needs Verification
Atta capiguara Gonçalves, 1944
Chaves et al., 2018
Needs Verification
Atta robusta Borgmeier, 1939
Chaves et al., 2018
Needs Verification
Cardiocondyla nuda (Mayr, 1866)
Vasconcelos et al., 2006
Crematogaster minutissima Mayr, 1870
Vasconcelos et al., 2006
Cyphomyrmex costatus Mann, 1922
Vasconcelos et al., 2006
Cyphomyrmex salvini Forel, 1899
Vasconcelos et al., 2006
Dorymyrmex flavus McCook, 1880
McCook, 1880
Gnamptogenys menozzii (Borgmeier, 1928)
Camacho et al., 2020
Wrong location assignment
Lachnomyrmex nordestinus Feitosa & Brandão, 2008
Harada, 2016
Lachnomyrmex plaumanni Borgmeier, 1957
Harada, 2016
Neivamyrmex opacithorax (Emery, 1894)
Borgmeier, 1936
Pseudomyrmex mordax (Warming, 1894)
Forel, 1904
Pseudomyrmex rubiginosus (Stitz, 1913)
Baroni Urbani, 1977
Wrong location assignment
Rogeria scandens (Mann, 1922)
Vasconcelos et al., 2006
Simopelta bicolor Borgmeier, 1950
Harada, 2016
Strumigenys perdita Bolton, 2000
Harada, 2016
Strumigenys splendens (Borgmeier, 1954)
Harada, 2016
For 1,336 records the only locality information was ‘state of Pará’ and thus they lacked within-state locality
data. For the remaining 20,285 records, we recorded ants from 101 municipalities and 775 unique coordinates
(based on 6 decimal places; Fig. 1A). In the database, 4,990 records did not originally include a second-order
administrative level, which was assigned based on the coordinates available from the labels (see Materials and
methods). In addition, there was a relatively high number of ant records without precise coordinates; 280 of the 775
unique coordinates (36%) were assigned by us.
In total, 97 species belonging to 8 subfamilies and 35 genera were recorded for the first time in Pará; of
these, 12 species were also new records for Brazil. In addition to species reported for the first time in Pará, our
database also includes species recorded for the first time in the Brazilian Amazon (e.g., Strumigenys sublonga
Brown, 1958). Our dataset covers both arboreal and ground-nesting species, as well as native and introduced ants.
Regarding conservation status, two species are classified as vulnerable (SISG, 1996) according to the IUCN Red
List of Threatened Species (IUCN 2020): Megalomyrmex symmetochus Wheeler, 1925 and Oxyepoecus inquilinus
(Kusnezov, 1952).
Among the 90 ant genera recorded, 19 genera had 10 or more species and subspecies found in the state of
Pará: Pheidole (68 species and subspecies), Camponotus (60), Pseudomyrmex (52), Strumigenys (43), Azteca (37),
Gnamptogenys (35), Cephalotes (29), Dolichoderus (29), Crematogaster (26), Neoponera (24), Neivamyrmex
(23), Acromyrmex (15), Odontomachus (14), Rogeria (14), Solenopsis (13), Eciton (11), Leptogenys (11), and
Megalomyrmex (11).
6 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
FIGuRE 1. Ant sampling distribution (localities) in the state of Pará by data source (A), area of endemism (B), vegetation type
(C), protected area (D), roads and rivers (E), and the distribution of exotic ants in 78 records (F). DF = Dense Ombrophilous
Forest; OF = Open Ombrophilous Forest; DcF = Seasonal Deciduous Forest; SF = Secondary Forest; PV = Pioneer Vegetation;
VR = Refúgio Vegetacional; Sv = Savanna.
The distribution of site-specific species records is highly skewed (Fig. 2; N = 6,056, excluding records without
spatial resolution). There were 546 species known from ten or fewer sites, or 71% of all species recorded in the
state of Pará. Species with 100 or more records add up to 58% of the database. The number of species known from
a single locality is also high: 158 ant species (21% in 753 species). The most common ant species recorded in
the state of Pará were Ectatomma tuberculatum (Olivier, 1792) (139 sites), Cephalotes atratus (Linnaeus, 1758)
(127), Paraponera clavata (Fabricius, 1775) (119), Ectatomma brunneum Smith, 1858 (99), Camponotus atriceps
(Smith, 1858) (98), Pseudomyrmex gracilis (Fabricius, 1804) (93), Pseudomyrmex tenuis (Fabricius, 1804) (89),
and Gigantiops destructor (Fabricius, 1804) (87).
Most records in our database (N = 21,621) were obtained from museum collections: 18,543 records, or 86%
of species-level identifications; we found 3,079 records in the literature. The database includes ant records from
specimens collected (or sources published) between 1886 and 2020. We found that 1,340 records (6.2%), representing
345 ant species, had no collection year information. The number of records extracted from collections and from
the literature tended to increase over time but fluctuated markedly (Fig. 3; see Fig. 1A: spatial distribution of data
sources). We found 5,495 site-specific museum records collected from 1903–2018, including 553 species. From
published sources, we extracted 2,639 site-specific records, from 1886–2020, corresponding to 580 species (Fig.
The distribution of sampling effort throughout the state is highly uneven. For example, taking into account
site-specific records, the state capital, Belém, had 769 records, followed by Parauapebas (479), Santarém (447),
Oriximiná (419), Melgaço (392), and Paragominas (365). Indeed, most records can be associated with research
sites near the capital of Pará (Belém, Marituba), mining areas (Parauapebas, Paragominas, Óbidos, Oriximiná,
and Bannach, near Parauapebas), a hydroelectric dam (Tucuruí), and field stations belonging to research institutes
(MPEG in Melgaço, Portel, and Breves municipalities) or universities (Santarém and Altamira).
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
FIGuRE 2. Abundance distribution of site-specific ant species records in the state of Pará. The x-axis is on a logarithmic
FIGuRE 3. Number of ant records in the state of Pará based on museum specimens and published sources over time. Note: 695
of 3,502 site-specific records from published sources did not indicate the collection year; 64 of 4,531 site-specific records from
museum specimens did not indicate the collection year.
8 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
FIGuRE 4. Collector’s curve based on museum specimens (546 species) and published sources (561 species) for ant species
recorded in the state of Pará, Brazil, between 1886 and 2018.
Records mapped based on areas of endemism in the Amazon, vegetation types, or protected areas within the state
of Pará also reveal a highly uneven distribution (Fig. 1B–D) (N = 7,226 site-specific records aggregated by species
and year, excluding 1,336 records without spatial resolution). For example, more than 2,000 records were found in
areas of endemism in Xingu or Belém (24% and 10% of the territory, respectively), while the other areas had less
than 1,000 records (Tab. 2). Comparisons based on record density/km2 suggest a more homogeneous sampling effort
among areas (Tab. 2). In the Belém area of endemism, records were concentrated along approximately 250 km of
roads from Belém towards coastal areas (Fig. 1B). In Xingu, most records were associated with Serra dos Carajás
and Tucuruí (Tocantins River). Sampling in both regions was primarily driven by research on biodiversity to comply
with the legal requirements for development projects in Brazil (for mining and the construction of hydroelectric
dams). Similarly, record density in the Guiana area of endemism was the result of sampling performed at a mining
site (Porto Trombetas region). Moreover, most records along the east-west borders of the areas of endemism of
Belém, Marajó, Guiana-Tapajós, and Rondônia were associated with the Amazon and Tapajós Rivers (Fig. 1E).
In terms of bias in vegetation types, most records were associated with dense ombrophilous forest (3,185, or
44%); secondary forests included 2,495 records, or 34% of all records (Tab. 2; Fig. 1C). Dense ombrophilous forests
occupy around 57% of the area of Pará, while secondary forests correspond to 7%; record density/km2 suggests
greater effort in secondary forests than in dense ombrophilous forests. We did not find records in seasonal deciduous
forests, which occupy 1.11% of the land area. The most uneven distribution of records was observed in conservation
units: only 2,213 records (30%) were collected in these areas (Fig. 1D). However, these collections were highly
aggregated: out of 34 conservation units in the state of Pará, 57% of the records came from the three conservation
units in the most sampled areas in the state (Parque Estadual do Utinga, Belém; Floresta Nacional de Carajás; and
Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã) (Tab. 2).
There was also a strong bias in ant collection in Pará caused by infrastructure (i.e., proximity to access routes
such as roads and rivers; Fig. 1D). We found that 4,675 (64%) and 2,383 (33%) records were concentrated within 10
km of the main roads and rivers of Pará, respectively, while a 5 km buffer explained 29% (roads) and 16% (rivers),
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
and a 1 km buffer corresponded to 4% and 7% of the total records in roads and rivers, respectively (Tab. 3). In terms
of species richness recorded, the bias was concentrated within a 10 km buffer, with roads and rivers explaining 68%
of the total ant species known in Pará (Tab. 3).
TABlE 2. Distribution of ant species richness and number of records across the state of Pará based on three geographical
categories (areas of endemism, vegetation types, and protected areas). APA = environmental protection area; FLOES =
state forest; FLONA = national forest; PARES = state park; PARNA = national park; REBIO = biological reserve; REDES
= sustainable reserve; RESEX = harvest reserve; REVIS = wildlife refuge. The area of the state is 1,261,077 km2. The
total number of site-specific records, aggregated by species and year, is 7,226 (excluding 1,355 records without spatial
Geographic Categories
Areas of Endemism in the State of Pará
Area Occupied in the
Number of
Density (No.
24.24 %
10.38 %
21.28 %
32.79 %
5.06 %
4.62 %
Vegetation Types in the State of Pará
Dense Ombrophilous
56.80 %
Secondary Forest
7.16 %
Open Ombrophilous
26.15 %
Pioneer Vegetation
2.35 %
6.30 %
Vegetation Refuges
0.03 %
Seasonal Deciduous
Protected Areas in the State of Pará
Number of
Indigenous Land
Alter do Chão
Igarapé Gelado
Lago de Tucuruí
Região Metropolitana de
São Geraldo do Araguaia
Triunfo do Xingu
......continued on the next page
10 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
TABlE 2. (Continued)
Number of
Serra dos Martírios/Andorinhas
Campos Ferruginosos
Serra do Pardo
Rio Trombetas
Mestre Lucindo
Rio Xingu
Metrópole da Amazônia
Regarding exotic species, we recorded 12 species from 78 records and 29 study sites in Pará (Fig. 1F), accounting
for 0.3% of all records. Most of the records (61) were within 10 km of a road; five records were within 10 km of a
river (Tab. 4-A and 4-B).
The ant fauna of the state of Pará
Our regional list of ant species for the state of Pará represents the most accurate information ever compiled for
any region in the Brazilian Amazon. We combined species records from published and unpublished sources, records
from museum specimens deposited in the main entomological collections of Brazil, and spatial data to characterize
the distribution of ant records in eastern Amazonia.
The species richness recorded in Pará is among the highest for any political unit in Brazil or South America
(Guénard et al. 2017; Janicki et al. 2016; Guerrero et al. 2018; Franco et al. 2019). However, this is expected
given (i) the wide geographic area of its territory, in turn inserted into the largest tropical forest on earth, and (ii) a
thorough examination of literature records and museum specimens to mapping species occurrences.
Among the 90 genera of ants known to occur in Pará, 20 genera were particularly rich in species and included
523 ant species, or 72% of the regional list. The eight most frequently recorded genera (Pseudomyrmex, Camponotus,
Ectatomma, Cephalotes, Dolichoderus, Neoponera, Paraponera, and Eciton) were common in our database,
probably because they usually include medium to large ants, easily collected through traps and by direct sampling.
The other 70 genera are represented by only 208 species, which are probably undersampled.
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
TABlE 3. Distribution of species richness and ant records along (A) the main rivers and (B) along roads of the state of
Pará based on empirical data (1, 5, and 10 km buffers).
Number of Records
1 km
5 km
Species Richness
10 km
1 km
5 km
10 km
River Name
Rio Amazonas
Rio Anapu
Rio Acara
Rio Araguaia
Rio Arraia do Araguaia
Rio Aruandeua
Rio Capim
Rio Guama
Rio Gurupi
Rio Jari
Rio Moju
Rio Nhamunda
Rio Paru
Rio Paru de Este
Rio Piria
Rio Tapajos
Rio Tocantins
Rio Trombetas
Rio Xingu
% of Total for the State
Rio Itacaiunas
Number of Records
Road Name
Species Richness
1 km
5 km
10 km
1 km
5 km
10 km
......continued on the next page
12 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
TABlE 3-B. (Continued)
Number of Records
Road Name
Species Richness
1 km
5 km
10 km
1 km
5 km
10 km
......continued on the next page
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
TABlE 3-B. (Continued)
Number of Records
Road Name
Species Richness
1 km
5 km
10 km
1 km
5 km
10 km
% of Total for the State
TABlE 4. Distribution of the 78 records of exotic ants along the main rivers (A) and roads (B) of the state of Pará
based on empirical data (1, 5, and 10 km buffers). The unique record of Cardiocondyla nuda in Pará was excluded from
Number of Records
River Name
Species Richness
1 km
5 km
10 km
1 km
5 km
10 km
Rio Amazonas
Rio Arraia do Araguaia
Rio Aruandeua
Rio Tapajos
% of Total for the State
Number of Records
Road Name
1 km
Species Richness
5 km
10 km
1 km
5 km
10 km
% of Total for the State
14 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
The ant fauna of Pará and the Amazon Basin requires additional taxonomic studies and higher sampling effort
for an accurate description of its diversity and distribution. Almost half of the new records belong to diverse and
taxonomically challenging genera, such as Pheidole (20 new records), Pseudomyrmex (15), and Camponotus (13).
The new records reported for Pheidole and Pseudomyrmex were noticed by experts who studied the collections
recently, while for Acromyrmex, Azteca, Camponotus, and Neivamyrmex the new species and subspecies records
mostly come from samples identified in the past by experts whose data was not made available at the time. Therefore,
increasing taxonomic knowledge of historically neglected genera (e.g., Hypoponera) and from regional reviews that
do not include species from the Amazon region, such as Eurhopalothrix (Longino 2013), Nesomyrmex (Hita Garcia
et al. 2017), Nylanderia (La Polla et al. 2011; Kallal & La Polla 2012), and Solenopsis (Pitts et al. 2018), may reveal
new records and lead to the discovery of new species for Pará.
To a lesser extent, we also present records exclusively from museums and not cited in the literature before for
common species—widely distributed in the Neotropics [e.g., Linepithema angulatum (Emery 1894)]; rare species—
known only from the type locality or with a limited known distribution (e.g., Dolichoderus haradae MacKay 1993);
and recently described species—less than 10 years ago (e.g., Octostruma pexidorsum Longino 2013).
The species list includes 12 non-native species commonly recorded in Brazil. Our descriptive analysis suggests
that records were more associated with roads than rivers. However, sample coverage is extremely low, constraining
further analyses about drivers of exotic species distribution or exotic species as drivers of biodiversity losses.
Record distribution among species is highly skewed, and many species are known from a single locality. If ten
or fewer records is defined as an arbitrary threshold in order to describe narrow-sampled species in our database,
546 species meet this criterion or 71% of the regional list is characterized by small samples. Although numerous
processes may lead to this asymmetry in species distribution (e.g., biases in surveys and museum data, rare species
in assemblages, distinct relative species abundances; Longino et al. 2002; Jones et al. 2019), the main insight is that
there is incomplete knowledge about species-level distributions (Wallacean shortfall; Whittaker et al. 2005) for a
large percentage of the ant fauna. Further, the robustness of species distribution models relies on a minimum number
of specimen records to develop accurate models (Van Proosdij et al. 2018).
Historical considerations
In the 19th century, ant collections in Pará were conducted by naturalists, including Emílio Goeldi (18591917), Jacques Huber (1867-1914), and Adolpho Ducke (1876-1959). At the time, these specimens were sent to
Auguste Forel at the Musée d’Histoire Naturelle Genève, who published one of the first checklists of ants for Brazil
(Forel, 1895). Then, in the early 20th century, the myrmecologist William M. Mann (1886-1960), the entomologist
for the 1911 Stanford Expedition to Brazil, collected ants from the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, which
led to new distribution records and the discovery of several new species (Mann 1916). After the passage of these
naturalists, for many years, entomological research in the North region was neglected. Between 1950 and 1960
there was a great investment by the National Council of Science and Technology (CNPq) to conserve and reactivate
the entomological collections in the Amazon region, including financial incentives for field expeditions (Overal &
Gorayeb 1981). Between 1966 and 1967, the myrmecologist Walter W. Kempf (1920-1976) initiated a collaboration
with researchers in the Amazon and conducted the first ant survey in the region of Belém (Kempf 1970). These
surveys associated with the financial investment by government agencies that revitalized biological collections were
crucial to increase both the voucher specimens deposited in Brazilian collections and knowledge of ants in Pará. In
the 1970’s, William L. Overal, other researchers, and technicians from MPEG began to regularly collect ants from
different sites in Pará, primarily as part of environmental impact assessments and scientific expeditions. Since then,
studies on insect pest control (Wetterer & Porter 2003), cytogenetics (Santos et al. 2012), ecology (Solar et al. 2016;
Lima et al. 2020), and taxonomy (Fernandes et al. 2014), among others, have used or surveyed ants collected in the
This development was followed by an increase in the number of specimens and species records over time in
local museums (also depicted by Fig. 3, 1950-60’s and 1970-80’s), resulting in a massive effort to digitize the main
Brazilian collections in late 2010’s, bringing us a new perspective and a challenge about how to store, manage,
integrate and share this data.
Distribution of ant sampling in the state of Pará
In this study, we report a high heterogeneity in ant sampling across a Brazilian state in the eastern Amazon
region. There is a strong bias in ant collection in Pará caused by proximity to access routes such as roads and
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rivers. This is a common pattern for Amazon localities, since access to the interior of dense forests is not easy
or even possible in most places. Sampling coverage was driven by environmental impact assessments of mining
areas and hydroelectric dams required by the Brazilian legislation (that is, studies required during the planning and
environmental licensing phases of major infrastructure projects); research units near urban centers (for example,
sampling concentrated near Belém and Santarém) and/or field stations (e.g., Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã); and
main roads and rivers. Spatially, sampling diversity is essentially described by (i) an east-southeast axis accessible
through roads, and (ii) collections along main rivers and cities (Tocantins, Amazon, and Tapajós Rivers).
The Belém area of endemism, a biogeographic region east of the Tocantins River, is located in the easternmost
part of Amazon. It is the most deforested area in the Amazon (only 29–32% of the original forest cover is preserved;
Prudente et al. 2018; INCT 2012), but it is also the second area with the largest number of ant records. However,
most sampling occurred near urban centers (mainly Belém) and along highways connecting Belém to the coast.
Therefore, our understanding of ant distribution in the most accessible but largely destroyed area of endemism of the
Amazon is essentially incomplete. Studies of ant fauna in the remaining old-growth and secondary-growth forests
are crucial to understand and record the biodiversity of this area of endemism (Almeida & Vieira 2010).
Since sampling efforts in the state of Pará have been concentrated on environmental assessments for large
infrastructure projects in eastern Amazonia and around urban centers, we found low sampling density in protected
areas, despite 55% of the territory of the state of Pará is currently protected by law (Veríssimo et al. 2011). Indeed,
the best sampled protected areas were near mining areas, cities, or field stations run by research centers (Floresta
Nacional de Carajás, Floresta Nacional de Saracá-Taquera, Parque Estadual do Utinga, Belém, and Floresta
Nacional de Caxiuanã). Given current concerns about the impact of plans by the Brazilian government for major
infrastructure development and natural resource harvesting in protected areas, the need for intense invertebrate
surveys in protected areas of the state of Pará has also become more pressing. In addition, ants have high local
dominance (Fittkau & Klinge 1973, Elwood & Foster 2004) and play a key ecological role (Griffiths et al. 2018),
therefore information about ant diversity is crucial to develop management plans for protected areas.
Priority areas for ant surveys in the state of Pará
There were numerous and significant gaps in sampling coverage of the territory of Pará. Two large geographical
areas, the Guiana and Tapajós areas of endemism, provided scattered ant records and may be considered particularly
poorly sampled areas. For example, the Calha Norte region of the state (Guiana area of endemism) and the protected
areas in the states of Amapá and Amazonas, which are part of the largest block of protected areas in the world, remain
largely unsampled. This continuously forested area is considered of high biological importance but is relatively
poorly known (Strand et al. 2018). Similarly, across the Tapajós area of endemism, large blocks of forest in the
central-west or central-south regions of Pará (including indigenous lands) have not been surveyed. Furthermore,
large blocks of forest within harvest reserves (reservas extrativistas, a type of conservation unit that allows for
sustainable uses) that are nevertheless severely threatened by deforestation, such as those bounded by the Amazonas
River to the north of Amazonas and Xingu River to the East, are poorly sampled systematically.
From 2005 to 2012, governmental interventions based on a set of strategies aimed at controlling deforestation
across the region had reduced annual deforestation rates by 80% in 2009 (Nepstad et al. 2009; Da Silva et al.
2017). However, this progress was fragile and ephemeral. The Amazon Basin continues to suffer rapid clearing and
degradation (Azevedo-Santos et al. 2017; Magnusson et al. 2018; Ferrante & Fearnside 2019), and deforestation has
been increasing in the last few years (Carvalho et al. 2019; Vilela et al. 2020; INPE 2020).
At present, the rate of deforestation and fires in the Amazon has been increasing substantially, and total
deforestation rate is almost 20% of the forested area (Nobre et al. 2016), making Pará one of the leaders in Amazon
Forest loss (Vedovato et al. 2016; INPE 2020). Forest loss is still pervasive across the region and does not respond
to a systematic plan and investments of funding agencies to increase sampling coverage of invertebrates; our
knowledge of the little things that run the world (Wilson 1987) is largely underestimated and threatened by land-use
and climate changes in the largest tropical forest of the world.
Concluding remarks
Scientific expeditions conducted by legendary naturalists and recent ones, mainly associated with large development
projects implemented in the state of Pará have great historical and scientific importance in documenting the
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biodiversity of the region (Vanzolini 2004; Lovejoy 2019), and through natural history collections, we are able
to redeem its extremely valuable source of information for biodiversity studies (Meineke et al. 2018; Jones et al.
In addition, we found a strong bias in ant collection in Pará in terms of proximity of sampled sites to access
routes, such as roads and rivers. We also found that species records were highly unevenly distributed based on areas
of endemism within the Amazon, vegetation type, and protected areas within the state. Ant surveys are still lacking
from most protected areas of Pará, and further sampling is urgently needed in view of the current trend of expansion
of major infrastructure projects and natural resource harvesting within protected areas of Pará.
Lastly, we developed the largest database of ant species distribution in Pará, which is instrumental to inform
further sampling to increase knowledge and develop conservation strategies for the Amazon region.
list of species
Ant species recorded for the state of Pará according to data from the literature, online databases (GBIF, GABI
database, and SiBBr) and museum collections of ants. Species followed by an asterisk indicate new records for the
state of Pará and species with two asterisks indicate new records for Brazil.
Agroecomyrmecinae Carpenter, 1930 [1 genus, 1 species]
Tatuidris Brown & Kempf, 1968
Tatuidris tatusia Brown & Kempf, 1968. Jacareacanga [ANTWEB; MZSP].
Amblyoponinae Forel, 1893 [2 genera, 6 species]
Fulakora Mann, 1919
Fulakora elongata (Santschi, 1912)*. Bagre [MPEG], Curionópolis [MPEG], Oriximiná [MPEG], Portel [MPEG].
Fulakora lurilabes (Lattke, 1991). Primavera [MPEG]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006], Terra Santa
Fulakora mystriops (Brown, 1960)*. Curionópolis [MPEG].
Prionopelta Mayr, 1866
Prionopelta amabilis Borgmeier, 1949. Municipality unavailable [Ladino & Feitosa, 2020]; Belém [Ladino &
Feitosa, 2020], Benevides [Ladino & Feitosa, 2020]; Marabá [Ladino & Feitosa, 2020]; Parauapebas [Ladino
& Feitosa, 2020].
Prionopelta antillana Forel, 1909. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MZSP]; Benevides [MZSP];
Curionópolis [MPEG]; Marituba [CPDC]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP].
Prionopelta dubia Ladino & Feitosa, 2020. Municipality unavailable [Ladino & Feitosa, 2020]; Belém [Ladino &
Feitosa, 2020]; Curionópolis [Ladino & Feitosa, 2020]; Paragominas [Ladino & Feitosa, 2020].
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Dolichoderinae Forel, 1878 [7 genera, 74 species, and 9 subspecies]
Azteca Forel, 1878
Azteca alfari Emery, 1893. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Longino, 1989]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém
[ANTWEB; INPA]; Óbidos [Santschi, 1939]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [Solar
et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB].
Azteca angusticeps Emery, 1893*. Jacareacanga [MZSP].
Azteca aurita Emery, 1893. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c;
Baroni Urbani, 1977; Shattuck, 1994]; Belém [ANTWEB; MZSP; Guerrero et al., 2010]; Bragança [ANTWEB;
Emery, 1893; Borgmeier, 1923; Shattuck, 1994; Longino, 2007]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Santarém
[Forel, 1912e; Borgmeier, 1923; Longino, 2007].
Azteca barbifex Forel, 1906. Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1923].
Azteca bequaerti Wheeler & Bequaert, 1929. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1913b; Wheeler & Bequaert, 1929;
Kempf, 1972c; Shattuck, 1994].
Azteca brevicornis (Mayr, 1878)*. Chaves [MZSP]; Óbidos [MZSP].
Azteca chartifex Emery, 1896. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém
[MZSP; Forel, 1906; Borgmeier, 1923]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Paragominas [Solar et al.,
2016b]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Azteca chartifex decipiens Forel, 1906. Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1904b; Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923;
Kempf, 1972c; Baroni Urbani, 1977; Shattuck, 1994].
Azteca chartifex lanians Emery, 1913. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1913b; Shattuck, 1994]; Belém [Forel,
1906; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c].
Azteca chartifex multinida Forel, 1899. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923].
Azteca chartifex stalactitica Emery, 1896. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1896a; Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier,
1923; Shattuck, 1994]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c].
Azteca crassicornis Emery, 1893. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1893; Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier,
1923; Shattuck, 1994]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c].
Azteca delpini Emery, 1893*. Parauapebas [MZSP].
Azteca depilis Emery, 1893. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1896a; Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf,
1972c]; Cametá [MZSP].
Azteca fasciata Emery, 1893. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1913b; Kempf, 1972c]; Santarém [Emery, 1896a;
Borgmeier, 1923].
Azteca fasciata similis Mann, 1916. Santarém [Mann, 1916].
Azteca goeldii Forel, 1906. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923].
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Azteca huberi Forel, 1906. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923; Baroni Urbani, 1977].
Azteca instabilis (Smith, 1862). Almeirim [MZSP]; Cametá [INPA]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [MZSP; Majer &
Delabie, 1994]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Azteca isthmica Wheeler, 1942*. São Félix do Xingu [MPEG].
Azteca muelleri Emery, 1893*. Altamira [MZSP]; Medicilândia [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC].
Azteca olitrix Forel, 1904. Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1921; Wheeler, 1942; Kempf, 1972c].
Azteca ovaticeps Forel, 1904. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Forel, 1904b; Forel, 1908; Emery, 1913b;
Borgmeier, 1923; Wheeler & Bequaert, 1929; Wheeler, 1942; Kempf, 1972c; Baroni Urbani, 1977; Longino,
1989; Brandão, 1991; Shattuck, 1994; Longino, 2007]; Belém [ANTWEB]; Benevides [ANTWEB]; Óbidos
[Forel, 1906; Borgmeier, 1923; Wheeler, 1942; Longino, 1989; Longino, 1991]; Paragominas [Solar et al.,
Azteca paraensis Forel, 1904. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf,
1972c]; Almeirim [MZSP]; Belém [MZSP]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie,
Azteca polymorpha Forel, 1899. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB].
Azteca schumannii Emery, 1893. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB].
Azteca schumannii taediosa Forel, 1904. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c;
Baroni Urbani, 1977; Shattuck, 1994].
Azteca stanleyuli Forel, 1921. Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1921; Wheeler, 1942; Shattuck, 1994]; Belém
[Kempf, 1972c].
Azteca stigmatica Emery, 1896. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1896a; Forel, 1912e; Emery, 1913b;
Borgmeier, 1923; Shattuck, 1994]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c]; Parauapebas [MZSP].
Azteca trailii Emery, 1893. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1896a; Forel, 1906; Kempf, 1972c].
Azteca trailii tococae Forel, 1904. Municipality unavailable [Wheeler & Bequaert, 1929; Kempf, 1972c].
Azteca trigona Emery, 1893. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB]; Altamira [MZSP]; Igarapé-Açu [MZSP];
Oriximiná [MZSP]; Santarém [ANTWEB; Emery, 1893; Emery, 1896b; Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923;
Kempf, 1972c].
Azteca trigona mathildae Forel, 1906. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923].
Azteca trigona subdentata Forel, 1904. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c;
Shattuck, 1994].
Azteca ulei Forel, 1904. Municipality unavailable [Wheeler & Bequaert, 1929; Kempf, 1972c].
Azteca velox Forel, 1899. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923]; Marabá [MZSP]; Oriximiná
[MZSP]; Parauapebas [MZSP].
Azteca xanthochroa (Roger, 1863). Conceição do Araguaia [INPA]; Parauapebas [MZSP].
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Dolichoderus Lund, 1831
Dolichoderus abruptus (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1894b; Emery, 1913b;
Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c; MacKay, 1993; Shattuck, 1994]; Altamira [MZSP]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná
[MZSP]; Paragominas [CPDC; INPA].
Dolichoderus attelaboides (Fabricius, 1775). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Acará [MPEG; MZSP];
água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP; MPEG]; Bannach [MPEG]; Barcarena [MPEG]; Belém
[MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Boa Vista [MPEG]; Breves [MPEG]; Bujaru [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia
[INPA; MPEG]; Dom Eliseu [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Jacareacanga [MZSP];
Marituba [CPDC]; Medicilândia [CPDC]; Melgaço [MPEG; Andrade-Silva & Almeida, 2020]; Moju [CPDC];
Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA; MZSP;
Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas [MPEG; MZSP]; Parauapebas [MZSP];
Ponta de Pedras [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Santarém
[Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; São Francisco do Pará [MPEG]; São Miguel do
Guamá [MPEG]; São Sebastião da Tucuruí [MPEG]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Dolichoderus bidens (Linnaeus, 1758). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; CSIRO; Emery, 1894b; Forel,
1903; Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c; Baroni Urbani, 1977; MacKay, 1993; Shattuck, 1994];
Almeirim [DZUP; MZSP]; Altamira [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [INPA; MZSP; Kempf, 1970; Kempf,
1972c]; Capanema [MZSP]; Faro [INPA]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Marituba [CPDC]; Medicilândia [CPDC];
Melgaço [Andrade-Silva & Almeida, 2020]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC;
INPA; MZSP]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG].
Dolichoderus bispinosus (Olivier, 1792). Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1923; Wheeler, 1942; Kempf,
1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Altamira [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1959a]; Belterra
[MZSP; Kempf, 1959a]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG; MZSP]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Faro [MZSP];
Ipixuna do Pará [MZSP]; Itaituba [INPA]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Melgaço [MPEG; Andrade-Silva & Almeida,
2020]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Novo Progresso [MZSP; Kempf, 1959a]; Oriximiná [CPDC; DZUP; INPA;
MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas [MZSP; Solar
et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA;
Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008]; Trairão [INPA]; Tucuruí [INPA].
Dolichoderus debilis Emery, 1890. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém [MZSP];
Curionópolis [MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Medicilândia [DZUP]; Oriximiná [CPDC;
INPA; MZSP]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santarém [INPA; MZSP; Kempf, 1959a; Vasconcelos
et al., 2006]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Dolichoderus decollatus Smith, 1858. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c];
Abaetetuba [MPEG]; Acará [MPEG]; Almeirim [INPA; MPEG; MZSP]; Altamira [MZSP]; Anajás [ANTWEB];
Bannach [MPEG]; Barcarena [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1969; Kempf, 1970]; Breves [MPEG;
MZSP]; Castanhal [DZUP; INPA]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Dom Eliseu [MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG];
Marabá [DZUP; MZSP]; Marituba [ANTWEB; CSIRO; Kempf, 1969]; Melgaço [MPEG; Andrade-Silva &
Almeida, 2020]; Moju [DZUP]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Novo Progresso [MZSP; Kempf, 1969]; Oriximiná
[CPDC; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Ourém [MPEG]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas [MPEG;
Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santa Bárbara
do Pará [MPEG]; Santarém Novo [MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Senador José Porfírio [MPEG]; Terra
Santa [Santos et al., 2008]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [INPA; MPEG].
Dolichoderus diversus Emery, 1894. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Borgmeier, 1923; Shattuck, 1994];
Almeirim [MZSP]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1972c; MacKay, 1993]; Bannach [MPEG]; Conceição do
Araguaia [MPEG]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Medicilândia [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC;
INPA; MZSP]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Primavera [MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [INPA].
20 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
Dolichoderus fernandezi MacKay, 1993. Ananindeua [MZSP]; Belém [MacKay, 1993].
Dolichoderus ferrugineus Forel, 1903. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Forel, 1903; Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier,
1923; Baroni Urbani, 1977; MacKay, 1993; Shattuck, 1994]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP];
Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1972c]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Monte Alegre [MZSP]; Oriximiná
[MZSP]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG].
Dolichoderus gagates Emery, 1890. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c;
MacKay, 1993]; Bragança [ANTWEB; Emery, 1890b; Kempf, 1959a; Shattuck, 1994]; Melgaço [MPEG];
Mojuí dos Campos [MPEG]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Santarém [Jeanne, 1979].
Dolichoderus germaini Emery, 1894*. Almeirim [DZUP].
Dolichoderus ghilianii Emery, 1894. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1894b; Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923;
Kempf, 1969]; Belém [ANTWEB; Kempf, 1972c; MacKay, 1993; Shattuck, 1994].
Dolichoderus haradae MacKay, 1993*. Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP].
Dolichoderus imitator Emery, 1894. Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1923; Emery, 1894b; Emery, 1913b;
Shattuck, 1994]; Acará [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [INPA; MPEG; MZSP; Kempf,
1969; Kempf, 1972c; MacKay, 1993; Salinas, 2010]; Bragança [ANTWEB]; Bujaru [MPEG]; Marituba [CPDC];
Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG; Andrade-Silva & Almeida, 2020];
Oriximiná [MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1969; Solar et al., 2016b];
Parauapebas [MPEG]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [INPA];
São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Dolichoderus lamellosus (Mayr, 1870). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1894b; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1959a;
Kempf, 1972c; MacKay, 1993]; Ipixuna do Pará [MPEG]; Soure [Kempf, 1959a].
Dolichoderus laminatus (Mayr, 1870). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1894b; Emery, 1913b;
Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c; Shattuck, 1994]; Anajás [MPEG]; Barcarena [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG;
MZSP; Kempf, 1959a; Kempf, 1972a; MacKay, 1993]; Breves [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Oriximiná [MZSP];
Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Dolichoderus lobicornis (Kempf, 1959). Municipality unavailable [MacKay, 1993; Ortiz-Sepúlveda & Fernández,
2011]; Bannach [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Dolichoderus lutosus (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP; MZSP]; Bannach
[MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Maracanã [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG];
Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Ourém [MPEG]; Paragominas [MPEG; Solar et al., 2016b];
Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al.,
2006]; São Caetano de Odivelas [INPA; MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; São Francisco do Pará [MPEG];
São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; Tracuateua [INPA].
Dolichoderus mesonotalis Forel, 1907. Cametá [Borgmeier, 1923].
Dolichoderus mucronifer (Roger, 1862). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; MacKay, 1993]; Bannach
[MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG].
Dolichoderus quadridenticulatus (Roger, 1862). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1894b; Emery,
1913b; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c; Brandão, 1991; MacKay, 1993]; Altamira [MZSP]; Belém [MZSP;
Kempf, 1970; Kempf, 1972c; MacKay, 1993; Shattuck, 1994]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Monte Alegre [MZSP];
Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [MZSP]; Prainha [INPA].
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Dolichoderus rufescens Mann, 1912. Belém [MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG].
Dolichoderus rugosus (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c];
Jacareacanga [MZSP; Kempf, 1969]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG].
Dolichoderus schulzi Emery, 1894. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1894b; Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier,
1923; Shattuck, 1994]; Belém [Kempf, 1959a; Kempf, 1972c; MacKay, 1993].
Dolichoderus septemspinosus Emery, 1894. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1894b; Emery, 1913b;
Borgmeier, 1923; MacKay, 1993; Shattuck, 1994]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1959a; Kempf, 1970; Kempf, 1972c;
MacKay, 1993]; Paragominas [MZSP]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Dolichoderus setosus (Kempf, 1959). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; MacKay, 1993].
Dolichoderus spinicollis (Latreille, 1817). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Ortiz-Sepúlveda & Fernández,
2011]; Santarém [Kempf, 1959a; MacKay, 1993].
Dolichoderus tristis Mann, 1916. Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991; MacKay, 1993]; Mojuí dos Campos
[MZSP]; Santarém [Jeanne, 1979].
Dolichoderus varians Mann, 1916. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MPEG; Kempf, 1972a];
Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b].
Dorymyrmex Mayr, 1866
Dorymyrmex biconis Forel, 1912. Municipality unavailable [Cuezzo & Guerrero, 2011].
Dorymyrmex brunneus Forel, 1908. Alenquer [INPA]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [INPA]; Parauapebas [MZSP];
Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [CPDC].
Dorymyrmex goeldii Forel, 1904. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Forel, 1904b; Emery, 1913b; Borgmeier,
1923; Baroni Urbani, 1977; Shattuck, 1994; Cuezzo & Guerrero, 2011]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c].
Dorymyrmex pyramicus alticonis Forel, 1912. Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Dorymyrmex pyramicus guyanensis Santschi, 1922. Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Dorymyrmex spurius Santschi, 1929. Almeirim [DZUP]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b].
Dorymyrmex thoracicus Gallardo, 1916. Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MZSP]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Santarém
Forelius Emery, 1888
Forelius brasiliensis (Forel, 1908). Santarém [INPA].
Forelius maranhaoensis Cuezzo, 2000. Santarém [INPA].
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Gracilidris Wild & Cuezzo, 2006
Gracilidris pombero Wild & Cuezzo, 2006. Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b].
Linepithema Mayr, 1866
Linepithema angulatum (Emery, 1894)*. Almeirim [DZUP].
Linepithema humile (Mayr, 1868). Moju [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Linepithema micans (Forel, 1908). Altamira [ANTWEB].
Linepithema neotropicum Wild, 2007. Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b].
Tapinoma Foerster, 1850
Tapinoma amazonae Wheeler, 1934. Municipality unavailable [Wheeler, 1934; Shattuck, 1994; Ulysséa et al.,
2017]; Altamira [MZSP]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c].
Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius, 1793) (Exotic). Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c];
água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [Solar et
al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Jeanne, 1979].
Tapinoma ramulorum Emery, 1896. Belém [INPA; MZSP].
Dorylinae leach, 1815 [8 genera, 43 species, and 5 subspecies]
Acanthostichus Mayr, 1887
Acanthostichus fuscipennis Emery, 1895. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1895; Emery, 1911; Brown
Jr., 1975]; Belém [Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c; MacKay, 1996].
Acanthostichus kirbyi Emery, 1895. Municipality unavailable [MacKay, 1996].
Acanthostichus laticornis Forel, 1908. Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b].
Acanthostichus quadratus Emery, 1895. Municipality unavailable [Kusnezov, 1962]; Altamira [MZSP]; Capanema
[MZSP]; Oriximiná [INPA].
Cheliomyrmex Mayr, 1870
Cheliomyrmex megalonyx Wheeler, 1921*. Moju [CPDC].
Cylindromyrmex Mayr, 1870
Cylindromyrmex striatus Mayr, 1870. Melgaço [MPEG]; Santarém [MZSP; Overal & Bandeira, 1985; Vasconcelos
et al., 2006].
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Eciton Latreille, 1804
Eciton burchellii (Westwood, 1842). Municipality unavailable [INPA; Watkins, 1976; Brandão, 1991]; água Azul
do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP; INPA]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Breves
[MPEG]; Bujaru [MPEG]; Itaituba [INPA; MPEG; MZSP]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Marabá [MPEG]; Marituba
[CPDC]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA]; Paragominas [MZSP; Solar et al., 2016b];
Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP; Esquivel et al., 2019]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santa Bárbara
do Pará [MPEG]; Santarém [DZUP; MZSP; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; São João
de Pirabas [MPEG]; Tracuateua [INPA]; Tucumã [MPEG].
Eciton burchellii cupiens Santschi, 1923. Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1955; Kempf, 1972c; Watkins,
1976]; Altamira [Kempf, 1975a]; Aveiro [Borgmeier, 1955]; Belém [Borgmeier, 1955]; Itaituba [Borgmeier,
1955]; Marituba [Borgmeier, 1955]; Oriximiná [Kempf, 1975a]; Santarém [Borgmeier, 1955].
Eciton burchellii foreli Mayr, 1886. Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1939].
Eciton drepanophorum Smith, 1858. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976]; Belém [MPEG];
Breves [MPEG]; Bujaru [MPEG]; Dom Eliseu [MPEG]; Itaituba [INPA; MPEG; Borgmeier, 1955]; Melgaço
[MPEG]; Ourém [MPEG]; Paragominas [MPEG]; Peixe-Boi [MPEG]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Rurópolis
[Borgmeier, 1955]; São Caetano de Odivelas [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Eciton hamatum (Fabricius, 1782). Municipality unavailable [INPA; Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976]; Almeirim
[MPEG]; Altamira [ANTWEB; INPA; Santschi, 1923; Santschi, 1925a; Borgmeier, 1955; Lampe et al., 2006;
Esteves et al., 2011]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [Santschi, 1939; Borgmeier, 1955; Kempf, 1970]; Belterra
[Borgmeier, 1955]; Itaituba [ANTWEB; INPA; Borgmeier, 1955]; Monte Alegre [Baroni Urbani, 1977]; Óbidos
[INPA; Borgmeier, 1955]; Oriximiná [INPA]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santa Bárbara do Pará
[MPEG]; Santa Luzia do Pará [Esquivel et al., 2019]; Santarém [Borgmeier, 1955; Vasconcelos et al., 2006];
São Félix do Xingu [INPA; MPEG]; Tracuateua [INPA]; Tucumã [MPEG].
Eciton mexicanum Roger, 1863. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976]; Belém [Kempf, 1970];
Oriximiná [CPDC]; Paragominas [CPDC; Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Borgmeier,
Eciton mexicanum latidens Santschi, 1911. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976]; Altamira
[MZSP]; Santarém [Borgmeier, 1955].
Eciton quadriglume (Haliday, 1836). Municipality unavailable [Watkins, 1976]; Oriximiná [INPA]; Portel [Harada,
2016]; Santa Maria do Pará [MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG].
Eciton rapax Smith, 1855. Municipality unavailable [INPA; Emery, 1894b; Borgmeier, 1923; Borgmeier, 1953;
Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976]; Altamira [MZSP]; Belém [INPA; MZSP; Borgmeier, 1955; Kempf, 1970;
Kempf, 1972c]; Bragança [Lima et al., 2020]; Bujaru [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA]; Itaituba
[MZSP; Borgmeier, 1955]; Marabá [DZUP]; Medicilândia [CPDC]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Moju [MPEG]; Mojuí
dos Campos [MZSP]; Paragominas [MZSP; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al.,
1997; Harada, 2016]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Santana do Araguaia [MZSP]; Santarém [FMNH;
INPA; MZSP; Borgmeier, 1955]; São Caetano de Odivelas [MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Tracuateua
[ANTWEB]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Eciton vagans (Olivier, 1792). Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1953; Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976]; Belém
[MZSP; Borgmeier, 1955; Kempf, 1970]; Breu Branco [MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie,
1994]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Eciton vagans dubitatum Emery, 1896*. Belém [MZSP].
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Labidus Jurine, 1807
Labidus coecus (Latreille, 1802). Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1923; Borgmeier, 1936; Borgmeier, 1953;
Borgmeier, 1955; Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Altamira
[MZSP]; Aveiro [Borgmeier, 1955]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970; Esquivel et al., 2019]; Bujaru [Esquivel et
al., 2019]; Conceição do Araguaia [Esquivel et al., 2019]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Ipixuna do Pará [MZSP];
Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [MZSP; Majer
& Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [CPDC; MPEG; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel
[Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Soure [MZSP; Borgmeier, 1936].
Labidus mars (Forel, 1912). Almeirim [DZUP]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b].
Labidus mars denticulatus Borgmeier, 1955 Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976]; Novo
Progresso [Borgmeier, 1955; Esteves et al., 2011].
Labidus praedator (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976]; água Azul do Norte
[MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Altamira [MZSP]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG; Esquivel et al., 2019];
Curionópolis [MPEG]; Itaituba [INPA; MZSP; Borgmeier, 1955]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento
[CPDC]; Óbidos [ANTWEB; Borgmeier, 1953; Borgmeier, 1955]; Oriximiná [INPA; MZSP]; Paragominas
[MPEG; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016].
Labidus spininodis (Emery, 1890). Municipality unavailable [Watkins, 1976]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Melgaço [INPA;
MPEG; Esquivel et al., 2019]; Paragominas [MZSP; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Harada,
Neivamyrmex Borgmeier, 1940
Neivamyrmex adnepos (Wheeler, 1922). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976].
Neivamyrmex angustinodis (Emery, 1888). Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Neivamyrmex cristatus (André, 1889)*. Melgaço [MPEG].
Neivamyrmex diana (Forel, 1912). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976]; Altamira [MZSP];
Faro [INPA]; Novo Progresso [MZSP].
Neivamyrmex dorbignii (Shuckard, 1840). Tucuruí [INPA].
Neivamyrmex emersoni (Wheeler, 1921). Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf,
Neivamyrmex falcifer (Emery, 1900)*. Jacareacanga [MZSP].
Neivamyrmex gibbatus Borgmeier, 1953. Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Neivamyrmex guerinii (Shuckard, 1840). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976; Kempf, 1978];
Altamira [MZSP]; Novo Progresso [MZSP; Borgmeier, 1955].
Neivamyrmex halidaii (Shuckard, 1840). Municipality unavailable [Watkins, 1976]; Altamira [MZSP]; Jacareacanga
[MZSP]; Oriximiná [MZSP]; Paragominas [MZSP].
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Neivamyrmex jerrmanni (Forel, 1901). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976]; Altamira [MZSP];
Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Santarém [Borgmeier, 1955].
Neivamyrmex legionis (Smith, 1855). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1910; Borgmeier, 1923; Borgmeier, 1930;
Watkins, 1976]; Santarém [ANTWEB; Borgmeier, 1953; Borgmeier, 1955; Kempf, 1972c].
Neivamyrmex micans Borgmeier, 1953*. Altamira [MZSP].
Neivamyrmex pertii (Shuckard, 1840)*. Belém [MZSP].
Neivamyrmex pilosus (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976];
Altamira [MZSP]; Belém [MZSP; Borgmeier, 1955; Kempf, 1970]; Faro [INPA]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Santarém
[INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Neivamyrmex planidorsus (Emery, 1906). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Forel, 1912a; Borgmeier, 1923;
Borgmeier, 1953; Borgmeier, 1955; Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976].
Neivamyrmex postangustatus (Borgmeier, 1934)*. Belém [MZSP].
Neivamyrmex postcarinatus Borgmeier, 1953. Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994].
Neivamyrmex pseudops (Forel, 1909). Melgaço [MPEG]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Neivamyrmex punctaticeps (Emery, 1894). Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1923]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Tucuruí
Neivamyrmex romandii (Shuckard, 1840)*. Paragominas [MZSP].
Neivamyrmex swainsonii (Shuckard, 1840). Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1955; Kempf, 1972c; Watkins,
Neivamyrmex walkerii (Westwood, 1842). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1910; Borgmeier, 1923; Borgmeier,
1936; Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976]; Altamira [MZSP]; Aveiro [Borgmeier, 1955]; Belém [Borgmeier, 1955];
Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Novo Progresso [MZSP; Borgmeier, 1955].
Neocerapachys Borowiec, 2016
Neocerapachys splendens (Borgmeier, 1957). Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al.,
Nomamyrmex Borgmeier, 1936
Nomamyrmex esenbeckii (Westwood, 1842). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Watkins, 1976]; Altamira
[MZSP; Borgmeier, 1955]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Juruti [MZSP]; Melgaço
[INPA; MPEG]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Novo Progresso [MZSP; Borgmeier, 1955]; Óbidos [MZSP];
Oriximiná [INPA]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [MZSP; Borgmeier,
1955; Watkins, 1977].
Nomamyrmex hartigii (Westwood, 1842). Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1923; Watkins, 1976]; Altamira
[MZSP]; Melgaço [MPEG].
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Ectatomminae Emery, 1895 [3 genera, 45 species]
Ectatomma Smith, 1858
Ectatomma brunneum Smith, 1858. Municipality unavailable [INPA; Kempf, 1972c]; Abaetetuba [MPEG]; Acará
[MPEG]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Altamira [DZUP; INPA; MZSP]; Ananindeua
[MPEG]; Aveiro [MZSP]; Barcarena [MPEG]; Belém [INPA; MPEG; MZSP; Borgmeier, 1923; Santschi,
1939]; Benevides [INPA; MPEG]; Bragança [MPEG]; Breves [MPEG]; Bujaru [INPA; MPEG]; Capitão Poço
[MPEG]; Castanhal [MPEG]; Colares [MZSP]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG; MZSP]; Cumaru do
Norte [MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Curuçá [MPEG]; Faro [INPA]; Goianésia do Pará [MPEG]; Itaituba
[MPEG; MZSP]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Maracanã [MPEG]; Marapanim [MPEG]; Marituba [CPDC];
Medicilândia [CPDC]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Mocajuba [MZSP]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC;
MPEG]; Óbidos [MPEG; MZSP; Santschi, 1939]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA; MZSP]; Paragominas [Solar et
al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Peixe-Boi [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada,
2016]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Santarém [DZUP; INPA; MZSP; Vasconcelos et
al., 2006]; Santarém Novo [MPEG]; São Caetano de Odivelas [MPEG]; São Francisco do Pará [MPEG]; São
João de Pirabas [MPEG]; Soure [MPEG]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008]; Tracuateua [INPA; MPEG]; Tucuruí
[MPEG]; Vigia [INPA]; Viseu [MPEG].
Ectatomma edentatum Roger, 1863. água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Marabá [DZUP; Pereira,
2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Maracanã [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná
[INPA]; Paragominas [MPEG; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada,
2016]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Santarém Novo [MPEG]; São Francisco do Pará [MPEG];
Tucuruí [MPEG].
Ectatomma lugens Emery, 1894. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1894b; Emery, 1911; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf,
1959c; Kempf, 1972c]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP; MPEG]; Altamira [MZSP]; Bannach
[MPEG]; Barcarena [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG; Fernández, 1992]; Bragança [ANTWEB]; Cumaru do Norte
[MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Dom Eliseu [MPEG]; Faro [INPA]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Itaituba
[MPEG]; Itupiranga [CPDC]; Marabá [MPEG; Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço
[MPEG]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG];
Paragominas [CPDC; MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos
et al., 2006; Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG];
São Francisco do Pará [MPEG]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Ectatomma muticum Mayr, 1870. Santarém [INPA].
Ectatomma opaciventre (Roger, 1861). Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Ectatomma permagnum Forel, 1908. Belém [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA]; Marabá [DZUP]; Parauapebas
Ectatomma suzanae Almeida Filho, 1986. Oriximiná [CPDC]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Ectatomma tuberculatum (Olivier, 1792). Municipality unavailable [INPA; Kempf, 1972c]; Abaetetuba [MPEG];
Acará [MPEG]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [INPA; MPEG; MZSP]; Altamira [MPEG; MZSP;
Kempf, 1962; Kempf, 1970]; Ananindeua [MPEG]; Belém [INPA; MPEG; MZSP; Borgmeier, 1923; Santschi,
1939; Kempf, 1962]; Bragança [MPEG]; Breves [MPEG]; Breu Branco [MPEG]; Bujaru [MPEG]; Capitão
Poço [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG]; Cumaru do Norte [MPEG]; Curuçá [MPEG]; Dom
Eliseu [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Jacareacanga [MZSP; Kempf, 1962]; Juruti
[MZSP]; Marabá [DZUP; MPEG; Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Maracanã [MPEG]; Marapanim [MPEG];
Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [MPEG; Andrade-Silva & Almeida, 2020]; Moju [CPDC]; Mojuí dos Campos
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
[MZSP]; Monte Alegre [MZSP]; Muaná [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná
[CPDC; INPA; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Ourém [MPEG]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas
[MPEG; MZSP; Harada et al., 2013; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Peixe-Boi [MPEG];
Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Santarém
[INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Santarém Novo [MPEG]; São Caetano de Odivelas [MPEG]; São Félix do
Xingu [MPEG]; São Francisco do Pará [MPEG]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; São Miguel do Guamá [MPEG];
Soure [MPEG]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Gnamptogenys Roger, 1863
Gnamptogenys acuminata (Emery, 1896). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1896c; Emery, 1911; Borgmeier,
1923]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marabá
[Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Paragominas [CPDC; Solar
et al., 2016b]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Gnamptogenys acuta (Brown, 1956)*. Belém [DZUP].
Gnamptogenys ammophila Lattke, 1990*. Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Itupiranga [CPDC]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo
Repartimento [CPDC].
Gnamptogenys annulata (Mayr, 1887). Municipality unavailable [OSUC; Kempf, 1972c; Camacho et al., 2020];
Belém [OSUC; Borgmeier, 1923]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Melgaço [INPA; Souza et al.,
2007]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [MZSP]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Gnamptogenys bisulca Kempf & Brown, 1968. Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020].
Gnamptogenys caelata Kempf, 1967. Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020]; Belém [Kempf & Brown,
1968; Kempf, 1972c; Scott-Santos et al., 2008]; Itaituba [MPEG].
Gnamptogenys concinna (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012;
Pereira et al., 2016]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Santarém [ANTWEB; Kempf, 1972c].
Gnamptogenys continua (Mayr, 1887). Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Moju [CPDC].
Gnamptogenys enodis Lattke et al., 2004. Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020].
Gnamptogenys fernandezi Lattke, 1990. Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Gnamptogenys haenschi (Emery, 1902). Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020]; Almeirim [DZUP];
Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Melgaço [INPA; Souza et al.,
2007]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Paragominas [INPA; Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Harada,
Gnamptogenys hartmani (Wheeler, 1915). Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020].
Gnamptogenys haytiana (Wheeler & Mann, 1914). Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020].
Gnamptogenys horni (Santschi, 1929). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Altamira
[INPA]; Belém [INPA; Lattke, 1995]; Benevides [OSUC]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Goianésia do
Pará [CPDC]; Gurupá [INPA]; Marabá [DZUP; Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC; DZUP];
Melgaço [DZUP; MPEG; Souza et al., 2007]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC;
28 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
INPA; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [CPDC; DZUP; INPA; Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al.,
2016b]; Parauapebas [INPA; MZSP; Lattke, 1995]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al.,
Gnamptogenys kempfi Lenko, 1964. Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020]; Itupiranga [CPDC]; Melgaço
[INPA; MPEG]; Moju [CPDC; DZUP]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém
[Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Gnamptogenys lanei Kempf, 1960. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Camacho et al., 2020]; Belém [MZSP;
Kempf, 1968b; Kempf, 1970; Lattke, 1995]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016].
Gnamptogenys lineolata Brown, 1993. Melgaço [INPA].
Gnamptogenys mecotyle Brown, 1958. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Camacho et al., 2020]; Belém
[Kempf, 1968b].
Gnamptogenys mediatrix Brown, 1958. Municipality unavailable [Scott-Santos et al., 2008; Camacho et al., 2020];
Belém [Brown Jr., 1958a; Kempf, 1972c]; Melgaço [Souza et al., 2007]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém
Gnamptogenys mina (Brown, 1956). Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Gnamptogenys minuta (Emery, 1896). Municipality unavailable [Lattke, 1992]; Belém [OSUC]; Capanema [MZSP];
Curionópolis [MPEG]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Gnamptogenys moelleri (Forel, 1912). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Santschi, 1929b; Kempf, 1972c];
Almeirim [DZUP]; Bannach [DZUP]; Belém [DZUP; OSUC]; Capanema [MZSP]; Itaituba [DZUP]; Marabá
[Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC; DZUP]; Medicilândia [CPDC; DZUP]; Melgaço [DZUP;
INPA; Souza et al., 2007]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [DZUP; Majer & Delabie,
1994]; Paragominas [CPDC; DZUP; Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [DZUP]; Portel
[Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Gnamptogenys mordax (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1911; Borgmeier, 1923; Camacho et al.,
2020]; Belém [MZSP]; Paragominas [MZSP].
Gnamptogenys nana Kempf, 1960. Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020].
Gnamptogenys pernambucana (Santschi, 1929). Parauapebas [Camacho et al., 2020].
Gnamptogenys perspicax Kempf & Brown, 1970. Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020].
Gnamptogenys pleurodon (Emery, 1896). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1896c; Emery, 1911;
Santschi, 1929b]; Belém [DZUP; OSUC; MZSP; Kempf, 1970; Kempf, 1972c]; Melgaço [DZUP; MPEG];
Moju [DZUP]; Paragominas [DZUP; MZSP]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Gnamptogenys porcata (Emery, 1896)*. Bujaru [DZUP]; Paragominas [DZUP].
Gnamptogenys regularis Mayr, 1870. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1911; Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MZSP];
Parauapebas [MPEG]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Gnamptogenys relicta (Mann, 1916). Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020]; Breves [DZUP]; Melgaço
[DZUP; Souza et al., 2007]; Moju [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Gnamptogenys striatula Mayr, 1884. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; OSUC; Emery, 1896c; Forel, 1908;
Emery, 1911; Borgmeier, 1923; Santschi, 1929b; Brown Jr., 1958a; Kempf, 1972c]; Abaetetuba [DZUP];
Belém [DZUP; MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Bujaru [DZUP]; Conceição do Araguaia [DZUP; MPEG]; Curionópolis
[MPEG]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Melgaço [DZUP; Souza et al., 2007]; Moju [CPDC];
Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; DZUP]; Paragominas [CPDC; DZUP; Solar et al., 2016a;
Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Terra Santa
[Santos et al., 2008]; Tucuruí [DZUP; Lattke, 1995].
Gnamptogenys strigata (Norton, 1868). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c].
Gnamptogenys sulcata (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1912a; Borgmeier, 1923]; Almeirim [DZUP];
Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC; DZUP]; Melgaço
[MPEG]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b].
Gnamptogenys tortuolosa (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1896c; Emery, 1911; Borgmeier, 1923;
Kempf, 1972c; Lattke, 1990; Camacho et al., 2020]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Itaituba
[MPEG]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG; Souza et al., 2007]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; INPA; Solar
et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA].
Gnamptogenys triangularis (Mayr, 1887). Municipality unavailable [Camacho et al., 2020]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c];
Melgaço [Souza et al., 2007]; Paragominas [INPA]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Typhlomyrmex Mayr, 1862
Typhlomyrmex pusillus Emery, 1894. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Lacau et al., 2008]; Belém [Brown
Jr., 1965]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Melgaço [INPA]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Typhlomyrmex rogenhoferi Mayr, 1862. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1911; Kempf, 1972c]; Altamira [MZSP];
Belém [MZSP; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1970]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Óbidos [Borgmeier, 1923]; Oriximiná
[MZSP]; Paragominas [MZSP]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Formicinae latreille, 1809 [7 genera, 78 species, and 6 subspecies]
Acropyga Roger, 1862
Acropyga decedens (Mayr, 1887). Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994].
Acropyga donisthorpei Weber, 1944*. Parauapebas [MZSP].
Acropyga fuhrmanni (Forel, 1914). Municipality unavailable [LaPolla, 2004]; Belém [LaPolla, 2004]; Portel
[Harada, 2016].
Acropyga goeldii Forel, 1893. Municipality unavailable [Weber, 1944; Kempf, 1972c]; Chaves [Wheeler, 1915];
Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MZSP].
Acropyga tricuspis LaPolla, 2004*. Itupiranga [CPDC].
Brachymyrmex Mayr, 1868
Brachymyrmex admotus Mayr, 1887*. Marituba [CPDC].
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Brachymyrmex aphidicola Forel, 1909. Municipality unavailable [Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019]; Melgaço [OrtizSepúlveda et al., 2019]; Parauapebas [Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019].
Brachymyrmex australis Forel, 1901. Municipality unavailable [Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019].
Brachymyrmex cavernicola Wheeler, 1938. Municipality unavailable [Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019]; Parauapebas
[Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019].
Brachymyrmex cordemoyi Forel, 1895. Municipality unavailable [Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019].
Brachymyrmex degener Emery, 1906. Municipality unavailable [Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019].
Brachymyrmex heeri Forel, 1874. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019]; Belém
[Kempf, 1970]; Marituba [CPDC]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Portel
[Harada, 2016]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Brachymyrmex minutus Forel, 1893. Municipality unavailable [Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019]; Belém [OrtizSepúlveda et al., 2019].
Brachymyrmex myops Emery, 1906. Municipality unavailable [Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019]; Belém [OrtizSepúlveda et al., 2019].
Brachymyrmex patagonicus Mayr, 1868. Municipality unavailable [Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019].
Brachymyrmex pictus Mayr, 1887. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA].
Camponotus Mayr, 1861
Camponotus ager (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1903; Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP];
Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997].
Camponotus apicalis (Mann, 1916). Belém [MZSP]; Jacareacanga [MZSP; Fernández, 2002]; Melgaço [AndradeSilva & Almeida, 2020].
Camponotus arboreus (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1965; Kempf, 1972c]; Parauapebas
[MZSP]; Ponta de Pedras [ANTWEB].
Camponotus atriceps (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1912f; Kempf, 1972c; Hashmi, 1973];
água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP; MPEG]; Altamira [MPEG; MZSP; Hashmi, 1973]; Bannach
[MPEG]; Barcarena [MPEG]; Belém [INPA; MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1970; Kempf, 1972c; Hashmi, 1973];
Benevides [MPEG; Hashmi, 1973]; Bragança [MPEG]; Breves [MPEG]; Bujaru [MPEG]; Cachoeira do Arari
[MPEG]; Chaves [MPEG; Wheeler, 1915]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG];
Itaituba [MPEG; MZSP]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Marabá [MPEG]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [Andrade-Silva
& Almeida, 2020]; Mojuí dos Campos [MPEG; MZSP]; Monte Alegre [MPEG; MZSP]; Novo Repartimento
[CPDC]; Oriximiná [INPA; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas [INPA;
MPEG; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Primavera
[MPEG]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Santarém [Hashmi, 1973; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do
Xingu [MPEG]; São Francisco do Pará [MPEG]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; Senador José Porfírio [MPEG];
Soure [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Camponotus balzani Emery, 1894. Almeirim [DZUP]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Parauapebas [MPEG];
Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
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Camponotus bidens Mayr, 1870. Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Paragominas [CPDC];
Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Camponotus bidens repressus Forel, 1912. Belém [Kempf, 1972c].
Camponotus blandus (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; de Zolessi et al., 1989]; Alenquer
[MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP; MPEG]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Conceição
do Araguaia [MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Maracanã [INPA]; Marituba [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA];
Paragominas [CPDC; Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santa
Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Santarém [ANTWEB; Emery, 1903; Kempf, 1972c; Zolessi et al., 1989; Vasconcelos
et al., 2006] São Caetano de Odivelas [MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; São
Miguel do Guamá [MPEG]; Vigia [MPEG].
Camponotus brasiliensis Mayr, 1862. Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1912f]; Parauapebas [MZSP].
Camponotus brevis Forel, 1899**. Belém [MZSP].
Camponotus cacicus Emery, 1903. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Bannach [MPEG]; Bujaru [MZSP].
Camponotus callistus Emery, 1911. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c].
Camponotus cameranoi Emery, 1894. Conceição do Araguaia [INPA].
Camponotus chartifex (Smith, 1860). Belém [Fernández, 2002].
Camponotus cingulatus Mayr, 1862. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Altamira
[Santschi, 1925a]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Parauapebas [MPEG].
Camponotus claviscapus Forel, 1899*. Bannach [MPEG]; Breves [MPEG]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG].
Camponotus clypeatus Mayr, 1866*. Parauapebas [MZSP].
Camponotus crassicornis Emery, 1920. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c].
Camponotus crassus Mayr, 1862. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Brandão, 1991]; água Azul do Norte
[MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA];
Curionópolis [MPEG]; Faro [INPA]; Marabá [MPEG]; Mojuí dos Campos [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento
[CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA]; Paragominas [CPDC; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Santarém
[Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Camponotus crassus amazonicus Santschi, 1922. Óbidos [Santschi, 1939].
Camponotus crassus delabiatus Santschi, 1925. Municipality unavailable [Kusnezov, 1952; Kempf, 1972c];
Altamira [Santschi, 1925a; Ulysséa et al., 2017].
Camponotus cressoni André, 1887. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1903; Kempf, 1972c]; Marabá [MPEG];
Parauapebas [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Camponotus depressus Mayr, 1866. Bannach [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Marabá [MPEG];
Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MPEG].
Camponotus diversipalpus Santschi, 1922*. Almeirim [DZUP]; Parauapebas [MZSP].
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Camponotus eurynotus Forel, 1907*. Belém [MZSP]; Oriximiná [MZSP].
Camponotus fastigatus Roger, 1863. Abaetetuba [MPEG]; Almeirim [MPEG]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG];
Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Cumaru do Norte [MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Marabá [MPEG]; Marituba
[CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MPEG];
Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG];
Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Camponotus femoratus (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1894b; Forel, 1904a; Forel, 1904b;
Kempf, 1972c; Hashmi, 1973]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP; MZSP]; Altamira [MZSP];
Ananindeua [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [INPA; MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Benevides [MPEG];
Cametá [MZSP]; Faro [INPA]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Marabá [MPEG; DZUP]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Medicilândia
[CPDC]; Melgaço [Andrade-Silva & Almeida, 2020]; Novo Progresso [MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA;
Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG;
MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Jeanne, 1979; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São
Félix do Xingu [INPA; MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG];
Camponotus godmani Forel, 1899. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [Kempf, 1970]; Oriximiná
[CPDC; INPA]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Camponotus heathi Mann, 1916. Oriximiná [INPA; MZSP].
Camponotus lancifer Emery, 1894. Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [INPA; MZSP].
Camponotus latangulus Roger, 1863. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1894b; Forel, 1912f; Wheeler, 1934; Kempf,
1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MZSP]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG]; Óbidos
[MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et
al., 2006]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Camponotus leydigi Forel, 1886. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Abaetetuba [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG];
Benevides [MPEG]; Bujaru [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Oriximiná [INPA];
Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Peixe-Boi [MPEG]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santa
Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Caetano de Odivelas [Kempf, 1960b]; São
Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; São Francisco do Pará [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Camponotus macrochaeta Emery, 1903. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1903]; Belém [MZSP;
Kempf, 1972c]; Jacareacanga [MZSP].
Camponotus melanoticus Emery, 1894. Marituba [CPDC]; Prainha [INPA].
Camponotus mus Roger, 1863*. Almeirim [DZUP].
Camponotus nidulans (Smith, 1860). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém [MZSP;
Kempf, 1970; Fernández, 2002]; Benevides [Fernández, 2002]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA;
Majer & Delabie, 1994; Fernández, 2002]; Paragominas [MZSP].
Camponotus novogranadensis Mayr, 1870. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Carvalho-Filho, 2020];
Almeirim [DZUP; MPEG]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG; Kempf, 1970]; Chaves [MPEG]; Conceição do
Araguaia [MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Marabá [MPEG; MZSP]; Mojuí dos Campos [MPEG]; Óbidos [INPA];
Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas [MPEG; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP];
Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Santarém
[Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; São Miguel do Guamá
[MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Camponotus pittieri Forel, 1899. Almeirim [DZUP]; Oriximiná [INPA].
Camponotus propinquus Mayr, 1887*. Oriximiná [CPDC].
Camponotus punctulatus andigenus Emery, 1903*. Oriximiná [CPDC].
Camponotus rapax (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Oriximiná
[CPDC; INPA; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém
[Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MZSP]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Camponotus rectangularis Emery, 1890. Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1904b; Kempf, 1972c]; Conceição do
Araguaia [INPA; MPEG]; Paragominas [INPA]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Camponotus renggeri Emery, 1894. Almeirim [DZUP; MPEG]; Belém [MPEG]; Breu Branco [MPEG]; Bujaru
[MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas
[Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Peixe-Boi [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997;
Harada, 2016]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; São Caetano de Odivelas [MPEG]; São Miguel do Guamá
[MPEG]; São Sebastião da Boa Vista [MPEG]; Soure [MPEG].
Camponotus rufipes (Fabricius, 1775). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Oriximiná
[CPDC]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Camponotus sanctaefidei Dalla Torre, 1892. Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1894b; Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim
[DZUP]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Parauapebas [MZSP].
Camponotus sanctaefidei coronatus Santschi, 1922*. Parauapebas [MZSP].
Camponotus scissus Mayr, 1887. Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Camponotus senex (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MZSP]; Paragominas [Harada
et al., 2013; Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016].
Camponotus sericeiventris (Guérin-Méneville, 1838). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; São Félix do
Xingu [MPEG].
Camponotus sexguttatus (Fabricius, 1793). Oriximiná [CPDC]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas
[MPEG]; Prainha [INPA].
Camponotus silvestrii Emery, 1906*. Bannach [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG].
Camponotus silvicola Forel, 1902**. Belém [MZSP].
Camponotus substitutus Forel, 1899. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; de Zolessi et al., 1989]; Almeirim
[DZUP]; Santarém [Kempf, 1972c; Zolessi et al., 1989].
Camponotus testaceus Emery, 1894. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1886; Emery, 1894a]; Belém
[Kempf, 1972c].
Camponotus textor Forel, 1899. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP].
Camponotus tonduzi Forel, 1899**. Parauapebas [MZSP].
34 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
Camponotus traili Mayr, 1878*. São Félix do Xingu [MPEG].
Camponotus trapezoideus Mayr, 1870. Belém [MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Parauapebas
Camponotus urichi sculnus Forel, 1904. Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1904b]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c].
Camponotus vittatus Forel, 1904*. Moju [CPDC].
Gigantiops Roger, 1863
Gigantiops destructor (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1904b; Wheeler, 1922c; Kempf & Lenko,
1968; Kempf, 1972c]; Abaetetuba [MPEG]; Acará [MPEG]; Almeirim [MPEG]; Altamira [MPEG]; Anajás
[MPEG]; Ananindeua [MPEG]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [INPA; MPEG; MZSP; Kempf & Lenko, 1968;
Kempf, 1970]; Benevides [INPA; MPEG]; Bragança [MPEG]; Breves [MPEG]; Bujaru [MPEG]; Conceição
do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Dom Eliseu [MPEG]; Faro [MZSP]; Goianésia do Pará
[CPDC; MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Juruti [MZSP]; Marapanim [MPEG]; Marituba
[CPDC]; Medicilândia [CPDC]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA; Majer & Delabie, 1994];
Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas [CPDC; MPEG; MZSP; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG;
MZSP]; Primavera [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG];
Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; São Francisco do Pará [MPEG]; São Geraldo
do Araguaia [MPEG]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; São Sebastião da Boa Vista [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG];
Tucuruí [INPA; MPEG]; Vitória do Xingu [MPEG].
Myrmelachista Roger, 1863
Myrmelachista bambusarum Forel, 1903. Portel [Harada, 2016].
Myrmelachista brevicornis Wheeler, 1934. Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Santarém [Wheeler, 1934;
Kempf, 1972c; Longino, 2006a].
Nylanderia Emery, 1906
Nylanderia fulva (Mayr, 1862). Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991; Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [Kempf, 1970];
Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Nylanderia guatemalensis (Forel, 1885)*. Marituba [CPDC]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC].
Nylanderia steinheili (Forel, 1893). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Brandão, 1991]; Almeirim [DZUP];
Chaves [Wheeler, 1915].
Nylanderia vividula (Nylander, 1846). Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991; Kempf, 1972c].
Paratrechina Motschoulsky, 1863
Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille, 1802) (Exotic). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Goianésia do Pará
[CPDC]; Maracanã [INPA]; Moju [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Paragominas [CPDC; Solar et al., 2016b];
Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Mann, 1916].
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Heteroponerinae Bolton, 2003 [2 genera, 3 species]
Acanthoponera Mayr, 1862
Acanthoponera peruviana Brown, 1958. Melgaço [Feitosa, 2011]; Novo Repartimento [MZSP].
Heteroponera Mayr, 1887
Heteroponera dolo (Roger, 1860)*. Altamira [MPEG].
Heteroponera microps Borgmeier, 1957*. Curionópolis [MPEG].
Myrmicinae lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1835 [41 genera, 330 species, and 2 subspecies]
Acanthognathus Mayr, 1887
Acanthognathus brevicornis Smith, 1944. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [Brown Jr. & Kempf,
1969]; Marituba [CPDC].
Acanthognathus ocellatus Mayr, 1887. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [Brown Jr. & Kempf,
1969; Kempf, 1975b]; Curionópolis [MPEG].
Acromyrmex Mayr, 1865
Acromyrmex aspersus (Smith, 1858)*. Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG].
Acromyrmex balzani (Emery, 1890)*. Bragança [MPEG].
Acromyrmex coronatus (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Forel, 1904b; Santschi, 1925b;
Kempf, 1972c; Abreu et al., 1986]; Altamira [MZSP]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Gonçalves, 1961; Kempf, 1970];
Capanema [Gonçalves, 1961]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA]; Igarapé-Açu [Gonçalves, 1961]; Marituba
[CPDC; MZSP; Gonçalves, 1961]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b]; Vigia [Gonçalves, 1961].
Acromyrmex coronatus globoculis Kempf, 1972. Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1916].
Acromyrmex hystrix (Latreille, 1802). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Kempf, 1972c; Dáttilo et al., 2010];
Altamira [MZSP]; Belém [ANTWEB; MPEG; MZSP; Santschi, 1939; Gonçalves, 1961; Kempf, 1970; Kempf,
1976]; Chaves [MZSP]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Igarapé-Açu [Gonçalves, 1961]; Irituia [MZSP;
Gonçalves, 1961]; Óbidos [Gonçalves, 1961]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016].
Acromyrmex landolti (Forel, 1885). Almeirim [MZSP; Gonçalves, 1961]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Marapanim [Gonçalves,
1961]; Oriximiná [MZSP].
Acromyrmex laticeps (Emery, 1905). Belém [MPEG]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b]; Santa Bárbara
do Pará [MPEG]; Soure [MPEG].
Acromyrmex lundii (Guérin-Méneville, 1838). Prainha [INPA].
Acromyrmex lundii carli Gonçalves, 1961. Municipality unavailable [Santschi, 1925b; Kempf, 1972c]; Óbidos
[Gonçalves, 1961]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
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Acromyrmex niger (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1904b].
Acromyrmex nigrosetosus (Forel, 1908). Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1912b; Santschi, 1925b; Gonçalves,
1961; Kempf, 1972c]; Altamira [Gonçalves, 1961]; Belém [Gonçalves, 1961]; Igarapé-Açu [Gonçalves, 1961];
Marituba [Gonçalves, 1961]; Santarém [Gonçalves, 1961]; Soure [MPEG; Gonçalves, 1961].
Acromyrmex nobilis Santschi, 1939*. São Sebastião da Boa Vista [MPEG].
Acromyrmex octospinosus (Reich, 1793). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Abreu et al., 1986]; Almeirim
[Gonçalves, 1961]; Altamira [Gonçalves, 1961]; Itaituba [MZSP]; Óbidos [Santschi, 1939; Gonçalves, 1961];
Oriximiná [MZSP]; Prainha [MZSP].
Acromyrmex rugosus (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1904b; Kempf, 1972c; Klingenberg &
Brandão, 2005]; Altamira [ANTWEB; Santschi, 1925a; Gonçalves, 1961]; Monte Alegre [MZSP]; São Félix
do Xingu [MPEG].
Acromyrmex subterraneus (Forel, 1893). Melgaço [INPA]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Allomerus Mayr, 1878
Allomerus decemarticulatus Mayr, 1878. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Allomerus octoarticulatus Mayr, 1878. Municipality unavailable [Wheeler, 1942]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Oriximiná
[CPDC; INPA; MZSP]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Allomerus septemarticulatus Mayr, 1878 Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Oriximiná [INPA].
Apterostigma Mayr, 1865
Apterostigma auriculatum Wheeler, 1925. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970;
Lattke, 1997]; Marituba [CPDC].
Apterostigma collare Emery, 1896**. Belém [MZSP].
Apterostigma ierense Weber, 1937. Belém [Lattke, 1997].
Apterostigma jubatum Wheeler, 1925. Almeirim [Lattke, 1997]; Belém [MZSP; Lattke, 1997].
Apterostigma megacephala Lattke, 1999. Parauapebas [MZSP; Schultz et al., 2015; Sosa-Calvo et al., 2017].
Apterostigma pilosum Mayr, 1865. Melgaço [INPA]; Paragominas [INPA]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém
[Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Apterostigma robustum Emery, 1896. Belém [Lattke, 1997].
Apterostigma tropicoxa Lattke, 1997*. Marituba [CPDC].
Apterostigma urichii Forel, 1893. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [INPA; Kempf, 1970; Lattke,
1997]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Moju [CPDC]; Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas
[INPA; Lattke, 1997]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Atta Fabricius, 1804
Atta cephalotes (Linnaeus, 1758). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Forel, 1904b; Forel, 1912b; Borgmeier,
1939; Gonçalves, 1942; Borgmeier, 1950a; Borgmeier, 1950b; Kempf, 1972c; Abreu et al., 1986]; Almeirim
[MPEG]; Ananindeua [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG]; Breves [MPEG]; Marapanim [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG];
Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Paragominas [MPEG; Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas
[MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Atta laevigata (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Abreu et al., 1986]; Altamira [MPEG];
Belém [MPEG]; Bujaru [MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Marabá [INPA]; Marapanim [MPEG]; Paragominas [INPA];
Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [ANTWEB; INPA; Borgmeier,
1939; Gonçalves, 1942; Gonçalves, 1947; Borgmeier, 1950a; Borgmeier, 1950b; Kempf, 1972c; Vasconcelos et
al., 2006; Salinas, 2010]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Soure [MPEG].
Atta sexdens (Linnaeus, 1758). Municipality unavailable [Wheeler, 1942; Kempf, 1972c; Baroni Urbani, 1977; Abreu
et al., 1986; Longino, 1989; Brandão, 1991; Shattuck, 1994]; Almeirim [MPEG]; Altamira [MZSP]; Belém
[MPEG; MZSP; Luederwaldt, 1918; Gonçalves, 1942]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG];
Moju [CPDC]; Mojuí dos Campos [MPEG]; Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [CPDC; INPA;
Moutinho et al., 2003; Solar et al., 2016a]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA; MPEG;
MZSP]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; Soure [MPEG].
Basiceros Schulz, 1906
Basiceros conjugans Brown, 1974. Canaã dos Carajás [Probst, 2015]; Parauapebas [MZSP].
Basiceros disciger (Mayr, 1887)*. Marituba [CPDC].
Basiceros militaris (Weber, 1950). Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991; Probst, 2015]; Belém [MZSP]; Marabá
[DZUP]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Basiceros scambognathus (Brown, 1949). Municipality unavailable [Delabie, 2000; Feitosa et al., 2007; Probst,
2015]; Belém [MZSP]; Igarapé-Açu [ANTWEB; Brown Jr. & Kempf, 1960; Castilho et al., 2007].
Basiceros singularis (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Probst, 2015]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Melgaço [INPA;
Blepharidatta Wheeler, 1915
Blepharidatta brasiliensis Wheeler, 1915. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; da Silva, 2007; Pereira et al., 2014];
Almeirim [DZUP; Brandão et al., 2015]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1972c; Harada & Araújo, 2002; Brandão et
al., 2015; Ulysséa et al., 2015]; Chaves [Wheeler, 1915]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG; Harada
& Araújo, 2002]; Oriximiná [CPDC; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994; Harada & Araújo, 2002; Brandão et al.,
2015]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada & Araújo, 2002; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006];
Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Cardiocondyla Emery, 1869
Cardiocondyla emeryi Forel, 1881 (Exotic). água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016a; Solar
et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
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Cardiocondyla minutior Forel, 1899 (Exotic). Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b].
Carebara Westwood, 1840
Carebara arabara Fernández, 2010. Belém [ANTWEB; Fernández, 2004; Ulysséa & Brandão, 2013]; Santarém
[Fernández, 2004; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Carebara brevipilosa Fernández, 2004. Almeirim [DZUP]; Marabá [DZUP]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al.,
Carebara inca Fernández, 2004. Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b].
Carebara majeri Fernández, 2004. Oriximiná [CPDC; Fernández, 2004].
Carebara panamensis (Wheeler, 1925)*. Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC].
Carebara urichi (Wheeler, 1922). Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém [Fernández, 2004]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC];
Gurupá [INPA]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b];
Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Cephalotes Latreille, 1802
Cephalotes adolphi (Emery, 1906)*. Almeirim [DZUP].
Cephalotes atratus (Linnaeus, 1758). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani,
1999]; Abaetetuba [MPEG]; Acará [MPEG]; Alenquer [MZSP]; Almeirim [MPEG]; Altamira [MZSP]; Anajás
[MPEG]; Bannach [MPEG]; Barcarena [MPEG]; Belém [INPA; MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1951; Kempf, 1970; de
Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Benevides [MPEG]; Bragança [MPEG]; Breves [MPEG]; Bujaru [MPEG];
Castanhal [INPA]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG]; Cumaru do Norte [MPEG; MZSP]; Curionópolis
[MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC; MPEG]; Itaituba [INPA; MPEG]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Limoeiro do
Ajuru [MPEG]; Marabá [MPEG]; Marapanim [MZSP]; Marituba [ANTWEB; CPDC; MPEG]; Melgaço
[INPA; MPEG; Andrade-Silva & Almeida, 2020]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani,
1999]; Novo Repartimento [MPEG]; Óbidos [MZSP; Kempf, 1951]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA; MZSP]; Ourém
[MPEG]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas [CPDC; MPEG; MZSP; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas
[MPEG; MZSP]; Peixe-Boi [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santa
Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Santarém [MZSP; Kempf, 1951; Jeanne, 1979; Majer & Delabie, 1994; de Andrade
& Baroni Urbani, 1999; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Caetano de Odivelas [MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu
[MPEG]; São Francisco do Pará [MPEG]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; São Miguel do Guamá [MPEG]; São
Sebastião da Boa Vista [MPEG]; Senador José Porfírio [MPEG]; Soure [MPEG]; Terra Santa [Santos et al.,
2008]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [INPA; MPEG]; Viseu [MPEG].
Cephalotes clypeatus (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani,
1999]; Belém [MPEG]; Cumaru do Norte [MZSP]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; MZSP];
Santarém [Mann, 1916; Kempf, 1951; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Senador José Porfírio [MPEG]; Tucuruí
Cephalotes complanatus (Guérin-Méneville, 1844). Municipality unavailable [de Andrade & Baroni Urbani,
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Cephalotes cordatus (Smith, 1853). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1894b; Brandão, 1991; de Andrade & Baroni
Urbani, 1999]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [Kempf, 1951]; Benevides [MPEG]; Chaves [MPEG]; Conceição
do Araguaia [MPEG]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santarém [ANTWEB; Emery,
1894b; Kempf, 1951; Kempf, 1972c]; Santarém Novo [MPEG]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG].
Cephalotes depressus (Klug, 1824). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Brandão, 1991; de Andrade & Baroni
Urbani, 1999]; Altamira [MZSP]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG; MZSP]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Mojuí
dos Campos [MZSP; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Monte Alegre [MZSP]; Óbidos [MZSP; Kempf,
1951]; Oriximiná [MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém Novo [MPEG].
Cephalotes duckei (Forel, 1906). Municipality unavailable [de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Bannach [MPEG];
Óbidos [MZSP].
Cephalotes eduarduli (Forel, 1921). Municipality unavailable [de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999].
Cephalotes grandinosus (Smith, 1860). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1894b; Forel, 1912b; Kempf, 1972c;
Brandão, 1991; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Belém [Kempf, 1952]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC];
Marituba [CPDC]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Santarém [INPA]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG].
Cephalotes inaequalis (Mann, 1916). Municipality unavailable [de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Bannach
[MPEG]; Breves [MPEG]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Marabá [MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Santa Bárbara do Pará
[MPEG]; Soure [MPEG].
Cephalotes laminatus (Smith, 1860). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1894b; Kempf, 1951; Kempf, 1972c;
Brandão, 1991; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MZSP; de Andrade & Baroni
Urbani, 1999]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Santarém Novo [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG].
Cephalotes maculatus (Smith, 1876). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1894b; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999];
Bannach [MPEG]; Capanema [MZSP]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Igarapé-Açu [MZSP]; Jacareacanga
[MZSP]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Oriximiná [MZSP]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG;
MZSP]; Santarém [INPA; Kempf, 1952; Kempf, 1972c; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Santarém Novo [MPEG];
São João de Pirabas [MPEG].
Cephalotes manni (Kempf, 1951). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Brandão, 1991; de Andrade & Baroni
Urbani, 1999]; Oriximiná [MZSP]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Cephalotes marginatus (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Abaetetuba
[MPEG]; Acará [MPEG]; Almeirim [MPEG]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani,
1999]; Breu Branco [MPEG]; Bujaru [MPEG]; Castanhal [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Itaituba
[MPEG]; Paragominas [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Santarém [INPA]; São Caetano de Odivelas [MPEG];
Senador José Porfírio [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG]; Viseu [MPEG].
Cephalotes minutus (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1912b; Kempf, 1951; Kempf, 1972c;
Brandão, 1991; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Alenquer [MPEG]; Almeirim [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG];
Belém [INPA; MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1951; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Bragança [MPEG];
Conceição do Araguaia [INPA]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Maracanã [INPA]; Mojuí dos Campos [de Andrade
& Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA; Majer &
Delabie, 1994]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Primavera [MPEG]; São João de
Pirabas [MPEG]; Senador José Porfírio [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Cephalotes oculatus (Spinola, 1851). Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1912b; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999];
Acará [MPEG]; Almeirim [MPEG]; Altamira [MZSP]; Ananindeua [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG;
40 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
MZSP; Kempf, 1951; Kempf, 1970; Kempf, 1972c; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Bujaru [MPEG];
Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Marabá [DZUP; MPEG];
Novo Repartimento [CPDC; MPEG]; Óbidos [Kempf, 1959d]; Ourém [MPEG]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG];
Paragominas [CPDC; MPEG; MZSP; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Santa Bárbara do Pará
[MPEG]; Santa Maria do Pará [MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Cephalotes opacus Santschi, 1920. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1960b; Kempf, 1972c; de Andrade & Baroni
Urbani, 1999]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA];
Óbidos [MZSP; Kempf, 1951; Kempf, 1974]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Cephalotes pallens (Klug, 1824). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Brandão, 1991; de Andrade & Baroni
Urbani, 1999]; Bannach [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA]; Maracanã [MPEG]; Santa Bárbara do Pará
[MPEG]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; Senador José Porfírio
[MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Cephalotes pallidoides De Andrade, 1999. Municipality unavailable [de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Bannach
[MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA].
Cephalotes pallidus De Andrade, 1999*. Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Primavera [MPEG].
Cephalotes palustris De Andrade, 1999. Municipality unavailable [de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Belém
[MZSP; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Mojuí dos Campos [de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999];
Oriximiná [INPA]; Paragominas [MZSP].
Cephalotes pavonii (Latreille, 1809). Municipality unavailable [de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Altamira
[MZSP]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São
Félix do Xingu [MPEG].
Cephalotes persimilis De Andrade, 1999. Municipality unavailable [de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999].
Cephalotes placidus (Smith, 1860). Municipality unavailable [de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Almeirim
[DZUP]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Juruti [MZSP]; Marabá [MPEG]; Oriximiná
[CPDC; INPA]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Cephalotes pusillus (Klug, 1824). Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1906; Kempf, 1951; Kempf, 1972c; Brandão,
1991; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Acará [Kempf, 1951]; Almeirim [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG];
Belém [MPEG; MZSP; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Benevides [MPEG]; Canaã dos Carajás [MZSP];
Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG; MZSP]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG; MZSP]; Jacareacanga
[MZSP]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [MZSP];
Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Prainha [Kempf, 1951]; Santarém [ANTWEB; DZUP;
MZSP; Kempf, 1951; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; São João do Araguaia
[INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Cephalotes serraticeps (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani,
1999]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MZSP; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Marabá [MPEG]; Parauapebas
[MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Cephalotes simillimus (Kempf, 1951). Municipality unavailable [de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Belém
[MZSP; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Óbidos [INPA]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006];
Soure [MPEG]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Cephalotes spinosus (Mayr, 1862). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Brandão, 1991; de Andrade & Baroni
Urbani, 1999]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Parauapebas [MZSP].
Cephalotes umbraculatus (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Brandão, 1991; de Andrade
& Baroni Urbani, 1999]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP; de Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999];
Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [MZSP]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006];
Senador José Porfírio [MPEG].
Crematogaster Lund, 1831
Crematogaster abstinens Forel, 1899. Municipality unavailable [Longino, 2003]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Mojuí
dos Campos [ANTWEB]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [ANTWEB].
Crematogaster acuta (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Felizardo & Harada, 2007];
Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie,
1994]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Crematogaster brasiliensis Mayr, 1878. Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1912c; Kempf, 1972c; Brandão, 1991;
Longino, 2003; Felizardo & Harada, 2007]; Almeirim [DZUP; MZSP]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970];
Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [ANTWEB; INPA; MPEG; Souza et al., 2007]; Moju [CPDC]; Mojuí dos
Campos [ANTWEB]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; MZSP]; Paragominas
[CPDC; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Prainha [ANTWEB]; Santarém
[Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB].
Crematogaster bryophilia Longino, 2003. Municipality unavailable [Felizardo & Harada, 2007].
Crematogaster carinata Mayr, 1862. Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1904a; Forel, 1912c; Kempf, 1972c;
Felizardo & Harada, 2007]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP; INPA]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém
[ANTWEB]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marituba [CPDC]; Moju [CPDC]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel
[Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Jeanne, 1979]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG].
Crematogaster crinosa Mayr, 1862. Municipality unavailable [Longino, 2003; Felizardo & Harada, 2007]; Almeirim
[DZUP]; Belém [ANTWEB]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Mojuí dos Campos [ANTWEB]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; São
Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB].
Crematogaster curvispinosa Mayr, 1862. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Longino, 2003]; Belém
[MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Marituba [CPDC]; Mojuí dos Campos [ANTWEB]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b];
Parauapebas [ANTWEB]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Crematogaster distans Mayr, 1870. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Forel, 1904b; Kempf, 1972c; Longino,
2003; Ulysséa et al., 2015]; Belém [ANTWEB; Kempf, 1968b]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB].
Crematogaster egregior Forel, 1912. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Forel, 1912c]; Belém [ANTWEB;
Kempf, 1970; Kempf, 1972c]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB].
Crematogaster erecta Mayr, 1866. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Longino, 2003; Felizardo & Harada,
2007]; Almeirim [INPA]; Belém [ANTWEB; MZSP; Kempf, 1968b; Kempf, 1970]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC];
Gurupá [INPA]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Marituba [CPDC]; Moju [CPDC]; Mojuí dos Campos [ANTWEB]; Novo
Repartimento [CPDC]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et
al., 2006].
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Crematogaster evallans Forel, 1907. Altamira [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB]; Terra Santa
[Santos et al., 2008].
Crematogaster flavosensitiva Longino, 2003. Municipality unavailable [Felizardo & Harada, 2007]; Almeirim
[DZUP]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Marabá [DZUP; INPA]; Melgaço [ANTWEB; MPEG; Souza et al.,
2007]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Crematogaster huberi (Forel, 1907). Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1907].
Crematogaster levior Longino, 2003. Municipality unavailable [Longino, 2003]; Belém [ANTWEB]; Melgaço
[ANTWEB; INPA; Souza et al., 2007; Andrade-Silva & Almeida, 2020]; Mojuí dos Campos [ANTWEB];
Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB].
Crematogaster limata Smith, 1858. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Forel, 1912c; Kempf, 1972c; Longino,
2003; Felizardo & Harada, 2007]; Almeirim [DZUP; MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970];
Canaã dos Carajás [INPA]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marabá [DZUP]; Marituba [CPDC]; Moju [CPDC];
Mojuí dos Campos [ANTWEB]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; MZSP]; Ourilândia do
Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB; MPEG]; Portel [Harada, 2016];
Santarém [MZSP; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008];
Tucumã [MPEG].
Crematogaster longispina Emery, 1890. Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Terra Santa [Santos et al.,
Crematogaster nigropilosa Mayr, 1870. Municipality unavailable [Longino, 2003]; Almeirim [DZUP; MZSP];
Itaituba [MPEG]; Melgaço [ANTWEB; INPA; Souza et al., 2007]; Mojuí dos Campos [ANTWEB]; Parauapebas
[ANTWEB]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Crematogaster obscurata Emery, 1895. Municipality unavailable [Felizardo & Harada, 2007]; Paragominas [Morgan
& MacKay, 2017].
Crematogaster quadriformis Roger, 1863. Municipality unavailable [Felizardo & Harada, 2007]; Mojuí dos Campos
[ANTWEB]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Crematogaster rochai Forel, 1903. Municipality unavailable [Longino, 2003]; Mojuí dos Campos [ANTWEB].
Crematogaster sotobosque Longino, 2003. Municipality unavailable [Longino, 2003; Felizardo & Harada, 2007];
Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém [ANTWEB]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço
[ANTWEB; INPA; MPEG; Souza et al., 2007]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB];
Portel [Harada, 2016].
Crematogaster stollii Forel, 1885. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Longino, 2003; Felizardo & Harada,
2007]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém [ANTWEB; Kempf, 1968b]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA;
Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Crematogaster sumichrasti Mayr, 1870. Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Belém [Kempf, 1970].
Crematogaster tenuicula Forel, 1904. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Wheeler, 1916a; Longino, 2003;
Felizardo & Harada, 2007]; Belém [ANTWEB; Kempf, 1972c]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [ANTWEB; INPA;
Souza et al., 2007]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Paragominas [CPDC;
Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Tailândia [CPDC].
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Crematogaster victima Smith, 1858. Municipality unavailable [de Zolessi et al., 1989]; Chaves [Wheeler, 1915];
Mojuí dos Campos [ANTWEB]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB]; Santarém [ANTWEB; Kempf,
1972c; Zolessi et al., 1989]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Crematogaster wardi Longino, 2003. Marituba [CPDC]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Cryptomyrmex Fernández, 2004
Cryptomyrmex longinodus (Fernández & Brandão, 2003). Terra Santa [ANTWEB].
Cyphomyrmex Mayr, 1862
Cyphomyrmex hamulatus Weber, 1938. Oriximiná [CPDC; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Portel [Harada, 2016];
Tailândia [MPEG].
Cyphomyrmex laevigatus Weber, 1938. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém
[MZSP; Kempf, 1968a; Snelling & Longino, 1992; Albuquerque, 2014;]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [INPA;
MPEG]; Moju [CPDC]; Nova Ipixuna [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Paragominas [CPDC; Solar et
al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [MPEG; Harada, 2016]; Tailândia [MPEG].
Cyphomyrmex minutus Mayr, 1862. Almeirim [DZUP]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG];
Marabá [DZUP]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Paragominas [MPEG; Albuquerque, 2014]; Santarém [INPA;
Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Santarém Novo [INPA].
Cyphomyrmex peltatus Kempf, 1966. água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Belém [INPA]; Conceição do Araguaia
[MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG];
Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Parauapebas [MPEG].
Cyphomyrmex rimosus (Spinola, 1851). Municipality unavailable [Weber, 1941; Weber, 1946; Kempf, 1972c; de
Zolessi et al., 1989]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1972c; Zolessi et al., 1989]; Chaves [Wheeler, 1915];
Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel
[Harada, 2016]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG; Albuquerque, 2014]; Santarém [ANTWEB; INPA; Vasconcelos
et al., 2006]; Santarém Novo [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG; Albuquerque, 2014].
Cyphomyrmex transversus Emery, 1894. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Marituba [CPDC]; Moju
[CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Óbidos [MZSP; Kempf, 1966]; Oriximiná [MZSP]; Paragominas
[MPEG]; Santa Maria das Barreiras [USNM]; Santarém [SIBR]; Soure [MZSP]; Vigia [Kempf, 1966].
Cyphomyrmex vorticis Weber, 1940*. Itaituba [MPEG].
Daceton Perty, 1833
Daceton armigerum (Latreille, 1802). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Azorsa & Sosa-Calvo, 2008];
Almeirim [DZUP; MPEG]; Altamira [MPEG]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Mann, 1916; Kempf,
1970]; Benevides [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG; MZSP]; Faro [INPA]; Gurupá [INPA];
Itaituba [MPEG]; Marabá [MPEG]; Melgaço [DZUP; MPEG]; Medicilândia [CPDC]; Monte Alegre [MPEG];
Novo Repartimento [MPEG]; Óbidos [MZSP; Forel, 1907]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA; MZSP]; Paragominas
[MZSP]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Primavera [MPEG]; Juruti [MZSP];
Santarém [MPEG; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; São Geraldo do Araguaia [MPEG];
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Senador José Porfírio [MPEG]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG]; Vitória
do Xingu [MPEG]; Viseu [MZSP].
Hylomyrma Forel, 1912
Hylomyrma balzani (Emery, 1894). Moju [CPDC]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Hylomyrma blandiens Kempf, 1961. Belém [Kempf, 1975a]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MPEG].
Hylomyrma immanis Kempf, 1973*. Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [MPEG].
Hylomyrma reginae Kutter, 1977*. Belém [MZSP]; Marituba [MZSP].
Hylomyrma reitteri (Mayr, 1887). Melgaço [INPA]; Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994].
Kalathomyrmex Klingenberg & Brandão, 2009
Kalathomyrmex emeryi (Forel, 1907). Santarém [INPA; MZSP; Klingenberg & Brandão, 2009].
Lachnomyrmex Wheeler, 1910
Lachnomyrmex amazonicus Feitosa & Brandão, 2008. Melgaço [ANTWEB; DZUP; MZSP; Feitosa & Brandão,
2008]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB; INPA; MZSP; Feitosa & Brandão, 2008; Ulysséa et al., 2015].
Lachnomyrmex pilosus Weber, 1950. Marituba [Feitosa & Brandão, 2008]; Melgaço [DZUP; INPA; MZSP; Feitosa
& Brandão, 2008]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Megalomyrmex Forel, 1885
Megalomyrmex ayri Brandão, 1990*. Itaituba [MPEG].
Megalomyrmex balzani Emery, 1894. Oriximiná [INPA]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Megalomyrmex cuatiara Brandão, 1990*. Almeirim [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG];
Marabá [DZUP]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Primavera [MPEG].
Megalomyrmex drifti Kempf, 1961. Curionópolis [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et
al., 2006].
Megalomyrmex emeryi Forel, 1904. Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Megalomyrmex incisus Smith, 1947. Itaituba [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Paragominas [MPEG]; Primavera
[MPEG]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Megalomyrmex leoninus Forel, 1885*. Oriximiná [CPDC].
Megalomyrmex mondaboroides Longino, 2010*. Melgaço [MPEG].
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Megalomyrmex silvestrii Wheeler, 1909*. Bagre [MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Igarapé-Açu [MPEG]; Itaituba
[MPEG]; Paragominas [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG].
Megalomyrmex symmetochus Wheeler, 1925. Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Belém [MZSP; Brandão,
1990; Brandão, 2003]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Paragominas [MZSP].
Megalomyrmex wallacei Mann, 1916. Municipality unavailable [Longino, 2010]; Breu Branco [Brandão, 2003];
Curralinho [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MZSP].
Monomorium Mayr, 1855
Monomorium floricola (Jerdon, 1851) (Exotic). Almeirim [DZUP]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Paragominas [Solar et al.,
2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Santarém [Jeanne, 1979]; Vitória do Xingu [MPEG].
Monomorium pharaonis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Exotic). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP];
Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Tucuruí
Mycetagroicus Brandão & Mayhé-Nunes, 2001
Mycetagroicus inflatus Brandão & Mayhé-Nunes, 2008. Municipality unavailable [Brandão & Mayhé-Nunes,
2008]; Santa Maria das Barreiras [MZSP; Ješovnik et al., 2013]; Santana do Araguaia [MZSP].
Mycetarotes Emery, 1913
Mycetarotes acutus Mayhé-Nunes, 1995. Municipality unavailable [Mayhé-Nunes & Brandão, 2006]; Melgaço
[INPA]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Mycetarotes parallelus (Emery, 1906). Melgaço [INPA]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Mycetomoellerius Solomon et al., 2019
Mycetomoellerius farinosus (Emery, 1894). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1894b; Weber, 1958];
Belém [Kempf, 1972c]; Marituba [CPDC]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016];
Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Mycetomoellerius holmgreni (Wheeler, 1925). Óbidos [Mayhé-Nunes & Brandão, 2005].
Mycetomoellerius opulentus (Mann, 1922). Belém [MZSP; Mayhé-Nunes & Brandão, 2002]; Goianésia do Pará
[CPDC]; Marituba [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Mycetomoellerius relictus (Borgmeier, 1934). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MZSP; MayhéNunes & Brandão, 2002]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marituba [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém
[Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Mycetomoellerius ruthae (Weber, 1937). Portel [Harada, 2016].
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Mycetophylax Emery, 1913
Mycetophylax bigibbosus (Emery, 1894). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1894b; Weber, 1945; Weber, 1946;
Kempf, 1959c; Kempf, 1964a]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970; Kempf, 1972c]; Benevides [INPA; MZSP];
Marituba [MZSP].
Mycetophylax conformis (Mayr, 1884). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Kempf, 1978]; Salinópolis
[MZSP; Kempf, 1962; Klingenberg & Brandão, 2009].
Mycetophylax faunulus (Wheeler, 1925). Municipality unavailable [Mayhé-Nunes & Jaffé, 1998]; Belém [MZSP];
Parauapebas [MZSP]; Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994].
Mycetophylax lectus (Forel, 1911). Capanema [Kempf, 1964a]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Santarém
Mycetophylax vallensis (Kusnezov, 1949)*. Belém [MZSP]; Capanema [MZSP].
Mycocepurus Forel, 1893
Mycocepurus goeldii (Forel, 1893). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG];
Belterra [MZSP; Kempf, 1963a]; Marituba [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Óbidos [MPEG; MZSP;
Kempf, 1963a]; Oriximiná [INPA]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Santarém [MZSP; Kempf, 1963a].
Mycocepurus obsoletus Emery, 1913. Melgaço [INPA]; Santarém [ANTWEB; Emery, 1913a; Kempf, 1963a;
Kempf, 1972c].
Mycocepurus smithii (Forel, 1893). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; MacKay et al., 2004]; Almeirim
[DZUP]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1963a]; Marabá [DZUP; INPA]; Paragominas [Harada et al., 2013; Solar et
al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Myrmicocrypta Smith, 1860
Myrmicocrypta bucki Sosa-Calvo & Schultz, 2010. Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b].
Myrmicocrypta foreli Mann, 1916. Marabá [INPA]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Harada, 2016];
Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Nesomyrmex Wheeler, 1910
Nesomyrmex anduzei (Weber, 1943)*. Belém [MPEG].
Nesomyrmex asper (Mayr, 1887). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1896c; Kempf, 1972c; Longino,
2006b]; Capanema [Kempf, 1959b]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Nesomyrmex brasiliensis (Kempf, 1958)*. Marabá [DZUP].
Nesomyrmex pleuriticus (Kempf, 1959)*. Belém [MZSP].
Nesomyrmex spininodis (Mayr, 1887). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [Kempf, 1959b];
Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG].
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Ochetomyrmex Mayr, 1878
Ochetomyrmex neopolitus Fernández, 2003. Almeirim [DZUP]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Curionópolis
[MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marabá [DZUP]; Marituba [CPDC; Meurer et al., 2015]; Melgaço [MPEG;
Mendoza-Penagos et al., 2020]; Moju [CPDC; Meurer et al., 2015]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná
[CPDC; Meurer et al., 2015]; Paragominas [CPDC; Meurer et al., 2015; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas
[MPEG; MZSP]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Tailândia [CPDC]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008; Meurer et
al., 2015].
Ochetomyrmex semipolitus Mayr, 1878. Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991; Meurer et al., 2015]; Almeirim
[DZUP]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG]; Mojuí dos Campos [Fernández, 2003];
Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006];
Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Octostruma Forel, 1912
Octostruma amrishi (Makhan, 2007). Belém [ANTWEB]; Marituba [CPDC].
Octostruma balzani (Emery, 1894). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG];
Curionópolis [MPEG]; Belém [Brown Jr. & Kempf, 1960]; Chaves [Wheeler, 1915]; Marituba [CPDC];
Melgaço [INPA]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Paragominas [CPDC]; Parauapebas [MPEG];
Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Octostruma batesi (Emery, 1894)*. Marituba [CPDC]; Moju [CPDC]; Parauapebas [MZSP].
Octostruma betschi Perrault, 1988. Belém [ANTWEB]; Capanema [MZSP]; Marabá [DZUP]; Marituba [CPDC];
Melgaço [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Octostruma iheringi (Emery, 1888). Almeirim [DZUP]; Capanema [MZSP]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG];
Curionópolis [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al.,
2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Octostruma obtusidens Longino, 2013**. Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG].
Octostruma pexidorsum Longino, 2013**. Belém [MZSP]; Portel [MPEG].
Oxyepoecus Santschi, 1926
Oxyepoecus inquilinus (Kusnezov, 1952). Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b].
Oxyepoecus vezenyii (Forel, 1907)*. Maracanã [MPEG]; Portel [MPEG].
Paratrachymyrmex Solomon et al., 2019
Paratrachymyrmex bugnioni (Forel, 1912). Marabá [DZUP]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Harada,
2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Paratrachymyrmex carib (Weber, 1945)**. Belém [MZSP].
Paratrachymyrmex cornetzi (Forel, 1912)*. Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Moju [CPDC].
48 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
Paratrachymyrmex diversus (Mann, 1916). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Altamira [MZSP]; Óbidos
[MZSP]; Oriximiná [MZSP].
Paratrachymyrmex levis (Weber, 1938). Melgaço [INPA]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Paratrachymyrmex mandibularis (Weber, 1938). Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Pheidole Westwood, 1839
Pheidole aberrans Mayr, 1868. Municipality unavailable [INPA].
Pheidole aenescens Wilson, 2003. Belém [MCZC; Wilson, 2003].
Pheidole alexeter Wilson, 2003. Municipality unavailable [MCZC]; Vigia [Wilson, 2003].
Pheidole allarmata Wilson, 2003. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB]; Belém [MCZC]; Marituba [Wilson,
Pheidole araneoides Wilson, 2003. Parauapebas [Wilson, 2003]; Senador José Porfírio [MCZC].
Pheidole astur Wilson, 2003*. Marabá [DZUP]; Melgaço [MPEG].
Pheidole biconstricta Mayr, 1870. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém [Kempf,
1970]; Bragança [ANTWEB]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG; Andrade-Silva & Almeida,
2020; Mendoza-Penagos et al., 2020]; Oriximiná [CPDC].
Pheidole bidens Wilson, 2003. Belém [ANTWEB; MCZC]; Marituba [Wilson, 2003].
Pheidole bruesi Wheeler, 1911. Melgaço [MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Pheidole bufo Wilson, 2003. Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marabá [DZUP];
Oriximiná [CPDC]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Pheidole cataractae Wheeler, 1916*. Marabá [DZUP]; Oriximiná [CPDC].
Pheidole chrysops Wilson, 2003. Mojuí dos Campos [MZCZ]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Santarém [Wilson, 2003].
Pheidole coffeicola Borgmeier, 1934. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MPEG; Kempf, 1970];
Melgaço [MPEG]; Moju [CPDC].
Pheidole cramptoni Wheeler, 1916*. Belém [MPEG]; Marituba [CPDC].
Pheidole cursor Wilson, 2003**. Melgaço [MPEG].
Pheidole deima Wilson, 2003. Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Moju [CPDC];
Oriximiná [CPDC]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Pheidole dolon Wilson, 2003*. Curionópolis [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Parauapebas
Pheidole embolopyx Brown, 1968. Melgaço [MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Pheidole exigua Mayr, 1884. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Wilson, 2003]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et
al., 2006].
Pheidole fallax Mayr, 1870. Municipality unavailable [INPA]; Belém [Santschi, 1939]; Oriximiná [INPA]; Terra
Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Pheidole fimbriata Roger, 1863. Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Terra
Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Pheidole flavens Roger, 1863. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Chaves [Wheeler, 1915].
Pheidole fowleri Wilson, 2003*. Curionópolis [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG].
Pheidole fracticeps Wilson, 2003. Melgaço [MPEG; Mendoza-Penagos et al., 2020]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al.,
Pheidole gauthieri Forel, 1901. Melgaço [MPEG]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Pheidole gertrudae Forel, 1886*. Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC].
Pheidole gibba Mayr, 1887. Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991].
Pheidole gigas Wilson, 2003. Oriximiná [CPDC]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Pheidole guilelmimuelleri Forel, 1886. Belém [Kempf, 1970].
Pheidole horribilis Wilson, 2003*. Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG].
Pheidole jeannei Wilson, 2003. Melgaço [MPEG]; Mojuí dos Campos [ANTWEB; MCZC; Wilson, 2003]; Santarém
Pheidole jelskii Mayr, 1884. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento
Pheidole jujuyensis Forel, 1913*. Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG].
Pheidole lancifera Wilson, 2003*. Novo Repartimento [CPDC].
Pheidole lemur Forel, 1912. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Forel, 1912c]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c].
Pheidole leonina Wilson, 2003*. Oriximiná [CPDC].
Pheidole mamore Mann, 1916. Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius, 1793) (Exotic). Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994].
Pheidole meinerti Forel, 1905. Melgaço [MPEG]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Pheidole mendicula Wheeler, 1925*. Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG].
Pheidole microps Wilson, 2003*. Melgaço [MPEG].
Pheidole midas Wilson, 2003*. Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Marabá [DZUP].
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Pheidole minutula Mayr, 1878. Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1912c; Wheeler & Bequaert, 1929; Kempf, 1972c];
Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1970].
Pheidole oxyops Forel, 1908*. Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC].
Pheidole paraensis Wilson, 2003. Belém [ANTWEB; Wilson, 2003].
Pheidole pedana Wilson, 2003*. Marabá [DZUP].
Pheidole peltastes Wilson, 2003. Belém [ANTWEB; MCZC; Wilson, 2003]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Pheidole perpusilla Emery, 1894. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1894b; Kempf, 1972b; Kempf,
1972c; Brandão, 1991; Longino, 2009]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP].
Pheidole puttemansi Forel, 1911. Almeirim [DZUP]; Juruti [DZUP]; Marituba [CPDC]; Óbidos [INPA]; Prainha
[DZUP]; Santarém [DZUP]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Pheidole radoszkowskii Mayr, 1884. Belém [MPEG]; Marabá [DZUP]; Marituba [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC];
Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Pheidole risii Forel, 1892. Altamira [Santschi, 1929a].
Pheidole rogeri Emery, 1896. Municipality unavailable [Santos et al., 2008].
Pheidole rudigenis Emery, 1906. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Altamira [ANTWEB; Santschi,
Pheidole rutilana Wilson, 2003. Mojuí dos Campos [ANTWEB; MCZC; Wilson, 2003]; Santarém [CASC].
Pheidole schwarzmaieri Borgmeier, 1939. Melgaço [Mendoza-Penagos et al., 2020].
Pheidole scimitara Wilson, 2003*. Juruti [DZUP]; Óbidos [DZUP]; Prainha [DZUP]; Santarém [DZUP].
Pheidole scolioceps Wilson, 2003*. Marabá [DZUP]; Melgaço [MPEG].
Pheidole socrates Forel, 1912. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Forel, 1912c]; Belém [ANTWEB; Kempf,
1972c]; Oriximiná [CPDC].
Pheidole stigma Wilson, 2003. Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Pheidole strigosa Wilson, 2003. Mojuí dos Campos [ANTWEB; MCZC; Wilson, 2003].
Pheidole subarmata Mayr, 1884. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Chaves [Wheeler, 1915]; Conceição
do Araguaia [MPEG]; Marabá [DZUP]; Melgaço [MPEG; Mendoza-Penagos et al., 2020]; Portel [Harada,
Pheidole susannae Forel, 1886. Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC];
Marabá [DZUP]; Moju [CPDC]; Paragominas [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Pheidole synarmata Wilson, 2003*. Itupiranga [CPDC]; Melgaço [MPEG].
Pheidole transversostriata Mayr, 1887*. Marituba [CPDC].
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Pheidole triconstricta Forel, 1886*. Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC].
Pheidole vallifica Forel, 1901*. Curionópolis [MPEG].
Pheidole vorax (Fabricius, 1804)*. Municipality unavailable [Wheeler, 1928; Kempf, 1972c]; Conceição do
Araguaia [MPEG]; Medicilândia [CPDC]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC].
Pheidole zeteki Smith, 1947*. Marabá [DZUP].
Pogonomyrmex Mayr, 1868
Pogonomyrmex naegelii Emery, 1878. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG];
Conceição do Araguaia [INPA]; Óbidos [Kempf, 1960c]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Santarém [INPA].
Procryptocerus Emery, 1887
Procryptocerus attenuatus (Smith, 1876). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1894b; Kempf, 1951;
Kempf, 1963b; Longino & Snelling, 2002]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c].
Procryptocerus convexus Forel, 1904. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Forel, 1904b; Kempf, 1951; Longino
& Snelling, 2002]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA].
Procryptocerus goeldii Forel, 1899. Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santa Maria das Barreiras [INPA].
Procryptocerus hirsutus Emery, 1896. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1896c; Kempf, 1951; Longino
& Snelling, 2002]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c].
Procryptocerus hylaeus Kempf, 1951. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Longino & Snelling, 2002].
Procryptocerus pictipes Emery, 1896. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Kempf, 1964b; Kempf, 1972c]; Belém
[INPA; Kempf, 1957]; Conceição do Araguaia [ANTWEB; INPA; MZSP; Longino & Snelling, 2002]; Oriximiná
[MZSP]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB; INPA; MZSP; Longino & Snelling, 2002]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al.,
2006]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB; Longino & Snelling, 2002].
Procryptocerus spiniperdus Forel, 1899. Tucuruí [ANTWEB].
Procryptocerus subpilosus (Smith, 1860). Belém [ANTWEB; Longino & Snelling, 2002].
Rogeria Emery, 1894
Rogeria belti Mann, 1922. Portel [Harada, 2016].
Rogeria besucheti Kugler, 1994*. Marituba [CPDC].
Rogeria blanda (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MZSP; Kugler, 1994]; Capanema
[MZSP]; Jacareacanga [MZSP; Kugler, 1994]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB].
Rogeria ciliosa Kugler, 1994*. Marituba [CPDC].
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Rogeria curvipubens Emery, 1894*. Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Rogeria foreli Emery, 1894. Portel [Harada, 2016].
Rogeria germaini Emery, 1894*. Marituba [CPDC].
Rogeria lirata Kugler, 1994. Almeirim [DZUP]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo
Repartimento [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Rogeria micromma Kempf, 1961. Belém [Kugler, 1994]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et
al., 2006].
Rogeria procera Emery, 1896. Municipality unavailable [Kusnezov, 1978]; Belém [INPA; Kempf, 1972c; Kugler,
1994]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Óbidos [Kugler, 1994]; Ourém [ANTWEB; Emery, 1896c; Kugler, 1994].
Rogeria prominula Kugler, 1994*. Marabá [DZUP].
Rogeria scobinata Kugler, 1994. Municipality unavailable [Kugler, 1994]; Capanema [MZSP]; Conceição do
Araguaia [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Rogeria sicaria Kempf, 1962. Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994].
Rogeria subarmata (Kempf, 1961). Belém [MZSP; Kugler, 1994]; Capanema [MZSP]; Conceição do Araguaia
[MPEG]; Marabá [DZUP]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MZSP].
Sericomyrmex Mayr, 1865
Sericomyrmex bondari Borgmeier, 1937. Gurupá [INPA]; Melgaço [ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Nova
Ipixuna [ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Novo Repartimento [ANTWEB; CPDC; Ješovnik & Schultz,
2017]; Oriximiná [ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB; INPA; Ješovnik & Schultz,
2017]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Sericomyrmex mayri Forel, 1912. Almeirim [ANTWEB]; Belém [ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Goianésia
do Pará [ANTWEB; CPDC; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Marabá [DZUP]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço
[ANTWEB; INPA; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Moju [CPDC]; Nova Ipixuna [ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz,
2017]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Paragominas [CPDC]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz,
2017]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Viseu [ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017].
Sericomyrmex parvulus Forel, 1912. Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1912b; Kempf, 1972c; Ješovnik & Schultz,
2017]; Altamira [ANTWEB]; Belém [ANTWEB; MZSP; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Goianésia do Pará
[CPDC]; Marituba [ANTWEB; CPDC; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Melgaço [ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz,
2017]; Nova Ipixuna [ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Paragominas [INPA]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB;
Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Tailândia [ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017].
Sericomyrmex saussurei Emery, 1894. Goianésia do Pará [ANTWEB; CPDC; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Gurupá
[ANTWEB; INPA, Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Marabá [ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Marituba
[ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Melgaço [Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC];
Santarém [ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017]; Tailândia [ANTWEB; Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017].
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Solenopsis Westwood, 1840
Solenopsis brevicornis Emery, 1888. Municipality unavailable [Pacheco & MacKay, 2013].
Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1912d]; Marituba [CPDC]; Novo
Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016a; Solar
et al., 2016b]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA; Jeanne, 1979; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Terra Santa
[Santos et al., 2008].
Solenopsis globularia (Smith, 1858). Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São
João do Araguaia [INPA]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Solenopsis helena Emery, 1895. Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Belém [MZSP].
Solenopsis invicta Buren, 1972. Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b].
Solenopsis laeviceps Mayr, 1870. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [Kempf, 1970].
Solenopsis pollux Forel, 1893. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970].
Solenopsis saevissima (Smith, 1855). Municipality unavailable [Wheeler, 1916b; Kempf, 1972c; de Zolessi et al.,
1989]; Almeirim [MZSP]; Altamira [MZSP]; Ananindeua [ANTWEB]; Aveiro [Wheeler, 1922a; Creighton,
1930; Wilson, 1952; Zolessi et al., 1989; Trager, 1991]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Buren, 1972]; Conceição
do Araguaia [INPA]; Marituba [CPDC]; Moju [CPDC]; Mojuí dos Campos [MPEG; MZSP]; Monte Alegre
[MZSP]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Óbidos [Creighton, 1930]; Oriximiná [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Harada,
2016]; Santarém [ANTWEB; MZSP; Jeanne, 1979; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Santarém Novo [MPEG].
Solenopsis stricta Emery, 1896. Belém [MPEG; MZSP].
Solenopsis substituta Santschi, 1925. Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Solenopsis subtilis Emery, 1896. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Pacheco & MacKay, 2013]; Chaves
[Wheeler, 1915].
Solenopsis succinea Emery, 1890. Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b].
Solenopsis virulens (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Kempf & Brown, 1968; Kempf, 1972c]; Belém
[MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Marabá [DZUP]; Marituba [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Paragominas [Harada et al.,
2013; Solar et al., 2016b].
Stegomyrmex Emery, 1912
Stegomyrmex bensoni Feitosa et al., 2008. água Azul do Norte [Feitosa et al., 2008; Ulysséa et al., 2015]; Canaã
dos Carajás [MZSP].
Stegomyrmex olindae Feitosa et al., 2008*. Curionópolis [MPEG].
Strumigenys Smith, 1860
Strumigenys alberti Forel, 1893. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Bolton, 2000]; Belém [INPA; MZSP;
Brown, 1964; Bolton, 2000]; Paragominas [MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
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Strumigenys appretiata (Borgmeier, 1954). Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Strumigenys auctidens (Bolton, 2000). Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Strumigenys beebei (Wheeler, 1915). Municipality unavailable [Smith, 1944; Brown Jr., 1950; Bolton, 2000];
Belém [ANTWEB; MZSP; Kempf, 1972c]; Chaves [Wheeler, 1915]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [INPA];
Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Strumigenys borgmeieri Brown, 1954. Municipality unavailable [Harada, 2016].
Strumigenys carinithorax Borgmeier, 1934. Melgaço [MPEG]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Harada,
Strumigenys cincinnata (Kempf, 1975)*. Almeirim [DZUP].
Strumigenys cordovensis Mayr, 1887. Municipality unavailable [Bolton, 2000]; Melgaço [MPEG].
Strumigenys cosmostela Kempf, 1975. Belém [ANTWEB; Kempf, 1975b; Brandão, 1991; Bolton, 2000; Ulysséa &
Brandão, 2013]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Strumigenys crassicornis Mayr, 1887. Municipality unavailable [Bolton, 2000]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Marituba
[CPDC]; Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA;
Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Strumigenys denticulata Mayr, 1887. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Bolton, 2000]; água Azul do Norte
[MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém [INPA; Brown Jr., 1960]; Benevides [INPA]; Capanema [MZSP]; Conceição
do Araguaia [MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marabá [DZUP]; Marituba [CPDC];
Melgaço [MPEG]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994];
Paragominas [ANTWEB; CPDC; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016];
Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Strumigenys diabola Bolton, 2000. Portel [Harada, 2016].
Strumigenys dolichognatha Weber, 1934. Municipality unavailable [Bolton, 2000].
Strumigenys eggersi Emery, 1890. Marituba [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas
[ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b].
Strumigenys elongata Roger, 1863. Curionópolis [MPEG]; Marabá [DZUP]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG]; Oriximiná
[MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel
[Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Strumigenys emmae (Emery, 1890) (Exotic). Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994].
Strumigenys epinotalis Weber, 1934. Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b].
Strumigenys furtiva (Bolton, 2000). Municipality unavailable [Bolton, 2000].
Strumigenys glenognatha (Bolton, 2000). Santarém [ANTWEB].
Strumigenys grytava (Bolton, 2000). Municipality unavailable [Bolton, 2000]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et
al., 2016b]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Strumigenys hadrodens (Bolton, 2000). Portel [Harada, 2016].
Strumigenys hyphata (Brown, 1953). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [Brown, 1964; Bolton,
2000]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Strumigenys infidelis Santschi, 1919. Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b].
Strumigenys inusitata (Lattke, 1992). Melgaço [ANTWEB; INPA]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Strumigenys louisianae Roger, 1863. Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Belém [Almeida-Filho, 1984];
Curionópolis [MPEG]; Paragominas [Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG].
Strumigenys mandibularis Smith, 1860*. Almeirim [DZUP].
Strumigenys metopia (Brown, 1959). Municipality unavailable [Bolton, 2000]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al.,
Strumigenys perparva Brown, 1958. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MZSP; Brown Jr., 1958b;
Bolton, 2000]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et
al., 2006].
Strumigenys planeti Brown, 1953. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [Brown Jr., 1953a; Bolton,
Strumigenys precava Brown, 1954. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970];
Melgaço [MPEG]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Strumigenys ruta Bolton, 2000. Marituba [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Strumigenys schmalzi Emery, 1906*. Almeirim [DZUP]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP].
Strumigenys schulzi Emery, 1894. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1894b; Brown Jr., 1953b; Bolton,
2000]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Strumigenys smithii Forel, 1886. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MZSP]; Portel [Harada,
Strumigenys subedentata Mayr, 1887. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Bolton, 2000]; Belém [MZSP;
Brown Jr., 1960]; Capanema [MZSP]; Chaves [Wheeler, 1915]; Marabá [DZUP]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço
[MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC; MZSP]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG];
Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Strumigenys sublonga Brown, 1958*. Oriximiná [MZSP].
Strumigenys thomae Kempf, 1976. Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1976; Bolton,
2000; Ulysséa & Brandão, 2013].
Strumigenys tococae Wheeler & Bequaert, 1929. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Wheeler & Bequaert, 1929;
Bolton, 2000]; Belém [MZSP; Brown Jr., 1957; Brown Jr., 1962; Kempf, 1972c].
Strumigenys trinidadensis Wheeler, 1922. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Bolton, 2000]; Belém [Kempf,
1970]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
56 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
Strumigenys trudifera Kempf & Brown, 1969. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém
[ANTWEB; MZSP; Kempf & Brown, 1969; Bolton, 2000; Ulysséa & Brandão, 2013]; Marituba [CPDC];
Melgaço [INPA; MPEG]; Paragominas [Harada et al., 2013]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et
al., 2006].
Strumigenys urrhobia (Bolton, 2000). Belém [Bolton, 2000]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b].
Strumigenys villiersi (Perrault, 1986). Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Strumigenys zeteki (Brown, 1959)*. Almeirim [DZUP]; Melgaço [MPEG].
Talaridris Weber, 1941
Talaridris mandibularis Weber, 1941*. Curionópolis [MPEG]; Itaituba [MPEG].
Tetramorium Mayr, 1855
Tetramorium bicarinatum (Nylander, 1846) (Exotic). Cametá [MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Tetramorium guineense (Bernard, 1953) (Exotic). Cametá [Kempf, 1975a].
Tetramorium simillimum (Smith, 1851) (Exotic). Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991].
Tranopelta Mayr, 1866
Tranopelta gilva Mayr, 1866. Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1912d; Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [Wheeler, 1922b;
Fernández, 2003]; Igarapé-Açu [Fernández, 2003].
Wasmannia Forel, 1893
Wasmannia auropunctata (Roger, 1863). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Wetterer & Porter, 2003]; água
Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Capanema
[MZSP]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marabá
[DZUP]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG]; Moju [CPDC]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Oriximiná
[CPDC; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [CPDC; Harada et al., 2013; Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et
al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos
et al., 2006]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Wasmannia rochai Forel, 1912. Almeirim [DZUP]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Maracanã [INPA]; Novo Repartimento
[CPDC]; Paragominas [Harada et al., 2013]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Wasmannia scrobifera Kempf, 1961. Portel [Harada, 2016].
Paraponerinae Emery, 1901 [1 genus, 1 species]
Paraponera Smith, 1858
Paraponera clavata (Fabricius, 1775). Municipality unavailable [INPA; Kempf, 1972c]; Acará [MPEG]; Almeirim
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
[DZUP; MPEG; MZSP]; Altamira [INPA; MPEG; MZSP]; Aveiro [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Barcarena
[MPEG]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Borgmeier, 1923; Santschi, 1939; Kempf, 1970]; Benevides [MPEG; MZSP];
Breu Branco [MPEG]; Bujaru [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG]; Cumaru do Norte [MZSP];
Curionópolis [MPEG]; Faro [INPA]; Ipixuna do Pará [MZSP]; Itaituba [INPA; MPEG; MZSP]; Jacareacanga
[MZSP]; Juruti [MZSP]; Marabá [MPEG]; Maracanã [MPEG]; Marituba [CPDC]; Medicilândia [CPDC];
Melgaço [MPEG; Andrade-Silva & Almeida, 2020]; Mocajuba [MZSP]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Óbidos
[MZSP; Forel, 1907]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC; MZSP;
Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; MPEG; MZSP; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG;
MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG];
Santarém [INPA; MZSP; Borgmeier, 1923; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Santarém Novo [MPEG]; São Caetano
de Odivelas [MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [ANTWEB; MPEG]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; São Miguel do
Guamá [MPEG]; Soure [MPEG]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008]; Trairão [INPA]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí
Ponerinae lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1835 [14 genus, 93 species]
Anochetus Mayr, 1861
Anochetus altisquamis Mayr, 1887. Paragominas [ANTWEB].
Anochetus bispinosus (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1894b; Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [ANTWEB;
MZSP; Brown Jr., 1978]; Marabá [DZUP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos
et al., 2006]; São João do Araguaia [INPA].
Anochetus diegensis Forel, 1912. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [Brown Jr., 1978]; Capanema
[MZSP]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [INPA; Bastos & Harada,
2011]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Anochetus emarginatus (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1911; Forel, 1912a; Borgmeier, 1923;
Kempf, 1972c]; Anajás [ANTWEB]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Cametá [MZSP]; Marituba [CPDC;
DZUP]; Ourém [MZSP]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB]; Paragominas [MZSP]; Viseu [MZSP].
Anochetus horridus Kempf, 1964. Municipality unavailable [Fernández, 2008]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém [Kempf,
1964c; Kempf, 1970; Kempf, 1972c; Brown Jr., 1978; Scott-Santos et al., 2008]; Marabá [DZUP; Pereira,
2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC; DZUP]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG; Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Moju
[CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [ANTWEB;
Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Anochetus mayri Emery, 1884. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Capanema [MZSP]; Chaves [Wheeler,
1915]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012]; Melgaço [Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994];
Paragominas [Harada et al., 2013]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Marabá [Pereira et al., 2016].
Anochetus neglectus Emery, 1894. Marabá [DZUP]; Marituba [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994];
Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Anochetus targionii Emery, 1894. Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Belém [Brown Jr., 1978]; Goianésia
do Pará [CPDC]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [Bastos & Harada,
2011]; Portel [Harada, 2016]
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Centromyrmex Mayr, 1866
Centromyrmex alfaroi Emery, 1890*. Almeirim [DZUP].
Centromyrmex brachycola (Roger, 1861). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1911; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c;
Kempf, 1978]; Abel Figueiredo [ANTWEB]; Belém [Kempf, 1967a]; Melgaço [MPEG]; São João do Araguaia
Centromyrmex gigas Forel, 1911. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1978]; Melgaço [INPA].
Dinoponera Roger, 1861
Dinoponera gigantea (Perty, 1833). Municipality unavailable [INPA; Emery, 1901; Emery, 1911; Kempf, 1972c;
Lenhart et al., 2013]; Acará [Kempf, 1971]; Altamira [MZSP]; Ananindeua [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém
[DZUP; MZSP; Santschi, 1939; Kempf, 1970; Kempf, 1971; Lenhart et al., 2013]; Bragança [Lenhart et al.,
2013]; Bujaru [INPA]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marabá [MZSP]; Marapanim [MZSP];
Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [INPA]; Mocajuba [Lenhart et al., 2013]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento
[CPDC; Santos et al., 2012]; Óbidos [MZSP; Kempf, 1971]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; CPDC; DZUP; MZSP;
Fourcassie & Oliveira, 2002; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Peixe-Boi [Lenhart et al.,
2013]; Portel [Kempf, 1971; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [MZSP; Kempf, 1971]; São Caetano de Odivelas [INPA];
Tracuateua [INPA]; Tucuruí [INPA; Lenhart et al., 2013].
Dinoponera hispida Lenhart et al., 2013. Tucuruí [Lenhart et al., 2013].
Dinoponera longipes Emery, 1901. Bannach [MPEG]; Cumaru do Norte [MPEG]; Melgaço [INPA]; Ourilândia do
Norte [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG].
Dinoponera mutica Emery, 1901. Tucuruí [INPA].
Dinoponera quadriceps Kempf, 1971. Aveiro [Lenhart et al., 2013]; Óbidos [Lenhart et al., 2013]; Santarém
[Lenhart et al., 2013].
Hypoponera Santschi, 1938
Hypoponera argentina (Santschi, 1922). Municipality unavailable [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016].
Hypoponera distinguenda (Emery, 1890). Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Hypoponera foreli (Mayr, 1887)*. Benevides [MZSP]; Monte Alegre [MZSP].
Hypoponera opaciceps (Mayr, 1887). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Chaves [Wheeler, 1915]; Óbidos
[MZSP; Santschi, 1939]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Hypoponera punctatissima (Roger, 1859) (Exotic). Municipality unavailable [Pereira, 2012].
Hypoponera schmalzi (Emery, 1896). Municipality unavailable [Pereira et al., 2016].
Hypoponera trigona (Mayr, 1887). Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Oriximiná [CPDC].
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Leptogenys Roger, 1861
Leptogenys arcuata Roger, 1861. Marituba [CPDC]; Senador José Porfírio [Lattke, 2011].
Leptogenys bohlsi Emery, 1896*. Almeirim [DZUP].
Leptogenys famelica Emery, 1896. Belém [Lattke, 2011]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Melgaço
[Lattke, 2011]; Paragominas [ANTWEB]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Leptogenys gaigei Wheeler, 1923. Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Melgaço [Lattke, 2011]; Paragominas
[ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Lattke, 2011].
Leptogenys guianensis Wheeler, 1923. Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço
[Lattke, 2011]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Leptogenys langi Wheeler, 1923. Belém [Lattke, 2011]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Melgaço
[Lattke, 2011]; Oriximiná [Lattke, 2011]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Leptogenys linearis (Smith, 1858). Curionópolis [MPEG]; Melgaço [Lattke, 2011]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel
[Harada, 2016]; Santarém [ANTWEB; Kempf, 1972c; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Leptogenys paraensis Lattke, 2011. Belém [ANTWEB; Lattke, 2011]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Portel
[Harada, 2016]; Porto de Moz [Lattke, 2011].
Leptogenys pusilla (Emery, 1890). Melgaço [Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Santarém
[Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Leptogenys unistimulosa Roger, 1863. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970;
Lattke, 2011]; Benevides [MZSP]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marituba [CPDC]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP];
Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Lattke, 2011].
Leptogenys vogeli Borgmeier, 1933. Moju [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Mayaponera Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014
Mayaponera arhuaca (Forel, 1901). Municipality unavailable [MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Bannach [MPEG];
Belém [MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço
[INPA; MPEG; Souza et al., 2007; Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC];
Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA; MZSP]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel
[Harada, 2016]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB].
Mayaponera constricta (Mayr, 1884). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Belém
[MZSP; OSUC; MacKay & MacKay, 2010; Esquivel et al., 2019]; Benevides [INPA]; Capanema [MZSP];
Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Gurupá [INPA]; Marabá
[DZUP; Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC; MZSP]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG; Souza et al.,
2007; Bastos & Harada, 2011; Esquivel et al., 2019; Mendoza-Penagos et al., 2020]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo
Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; CPDC;
MPEG; Harada et al., 2013; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997;
Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; São Francisco do Pará
[Esquivel et al., 2019].
60 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
Neoponera Emery, 1901
Neoponera apicalis (Latreille, 1802). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1911; INPA; OSUC; Kempf, 1972c]; água
Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP; INPA]; Altamira [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [ANTWEB;
INPA; MZSP; OSUC; Borgmeier, 1923; Santschi, 1939; Wild, 2005; MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Benevides
[INPA]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Cumaru do Norte [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Itaituba
[INPA]; Marabá [DZUP; MZSP; Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG;
Souza et al., 2007]; Moju [CPDC]; Mojuí dos Campos [ANTWEB]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná
[CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; CPDC; MPEG; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas
[MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Jeanne, 1979; Vasconcelos et al., 2006];
São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB; Wild, 2005].
Neoponera bactronica (Fernandes et al., 2014). Itaituba [MPEG; Fernandes et al., 2014].
Neoponera billemma (Fernandes et al., 2014). Benevides [Fernandes et al., 2014]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MZSP].
Neoponera bucki (Borgmeier, 1927). Portel [Harada, 2016].
Neoponera carinulata (Roger, 1861). Belém [MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Parauapebas
[MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Neoponera cavinodis Mann, 1916. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Belém
Neoponera commutata (Roger, 1860). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1911; Kempf, 1959c; Kempf, 1972c;
MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Altamira [INPA; Borgmeier, 1959]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [Wheeler, 1936;
Santschi, 1939; Kempf, 1970; MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Breves [Esquivel et al., 2019]; Cametá [Borgmeier,
1923]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG]; Itaituba [INPA; MZSP; Borgmeier, 1959]; Marabá [Pereira,
2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG; Souza et al., 2007; Esquivel et al., 2019]; Mocajuba [MZSP];
Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Monte Alegre [INPA]; Óbidos [Wheeler, 1936; Santschi, 1939]; Oriximiná [INPA;
MZSP]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; MZSP; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas
[MPEG; MZSP; Esquivel et al., 2019]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Prainha [Borgmeier, 1959];
Santa Bárbara do Pará [Esquivel et al., 2019]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu
[MPEG]; Trairão [INPA]; Tucumã [MPEG].
Neoponera crenata (Roger, 1861). Municipality unavailable [Gallardo, 1918; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c;
MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Almeirim [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Jacareacanga
[MZSP]; Marabá [MPEG]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG; Souza et al., 2007; Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Moju [CPDC];
Oriximiná [MZSP]; Paragominas [ANTWEB]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; São Félix do
Xingu [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG].
Neoponera curvinodis (Forel, 1899). Belém [MZSP; Fernandes et al., 2014]; Benevides [Fernandes et al., 2014].
Neoponera globularia (MacKay & MacKay, 2010). Belém [MacKay & MacKay, 2010].
Neoponera goeldii Forel, 1912. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Altamira
[MZSP]; Belém [MZSP]; Marituba [CPDC]; Oriximiná [INPA]; Santarém [Jeanne, 1979]; Soure [MZSP].
Neoponera inversa (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Belém [MZSP; Fernandes
et al., 2014]; Benevides [Fernandes et al., 2014]; Melgaço [Fernandes et al., 2014]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos
et al., 2006; Fernandes et al., 2014]; Tucuruí [Fernandes et al., 2014].
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Neoponera laevigata (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1911; Borgmeier, 1923; Wheeler, 1936;
Kempf, 1972c; MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Belém [MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira
et al., 2016]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al.,
1997; Harada, 2016].
Neoponera magnifica (Borgmeier, 1929). Marabá [DZUP]; Melgaço [INPA; Souza et al., 2007]; Portel [Harada,
Neoponera marginata (Roger, 1861). Itaituba [INPA]; Paragominas [ANTWEB]; Parauapebas [MZSP].
Neoponera moesta (Mayr, 1870). Municipality unavailable [Wheeler & Bequaert, 1929; Kempf, 1972c; MacKay &
MacKay, 2010]; Melgaço [Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Moju [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC];
Neoponera oberthueri (Emery, 1890). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1911; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c;
MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Belém [MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Bragança [ANTWEB; Emery, 1890b].
Neoponera obscuricornis (Emery, 1890). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1911; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c;
Wild, 2005; MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [ANTWEB;
MZSP; Kempf, 1970; Wild, 2005]; Bragança [ANTWEB]; Marabá [MZSP; Pereira, 2012]; Marituba [CPDC];
Melgaço [INPA; Souza et al., 2007]; Moju [CPDC]; Oriximiná [MZSP]; Paragominas [CPDC]; Parauapebas
[MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Tucumã
[MPEG]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB; Wild, 2005].
Neoponera procidua (Emery, 1890). Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016].
Neoponera striatinodis (Emery, 1890)*. Bannach [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC].
Neoponera unidentata (Mayr, 1862). Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c]; Altamira [MZSP];
Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1970; dos Santos et al., 2007]; Canaã dos Carajás [MZSP]; Marabá [Pereira,
2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Melgaço [INPA; Souza et al., 2007; Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Oriximiná [CPDC;
INPA; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [MZSP]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al.,
1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Neoponera venusta Forel, 1912. Municipality unavailable [Bastos & Harada, 2011].
Neoponera verenae Forel, 1922. Municipality unavailable [MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Belém [ANTWEB; Wild,
2005; MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará
[CPDC]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [MPEG; Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento
[CPDC]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; CPDC; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB; MPEG]; Portel
[Harada, 2016].
Neoponera villosa (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c; MacKay &
MacKay, 2010]; Alenquer [Fernandes et al., 2014]; Altamira [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MZSP;
Kempf, 1970]; Benevides [Fernandes et al., 2014]; Cumaru do Norte [MPEG]; Juruti [MZSP]; Marapanim
[Fernandes et al., 2014]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Monte Alegre [MZSP]; Novo Repartimento [Fernandes et
al., 2014]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém
[INPA; Fernandes et al., 2014]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [Fernandes et al.,
Odontomachus Latreille, 1804
Odontomachus bauri Emery, 1892. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Brandão, 1991]; Almeirim [DZUP];
62 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
Altamira [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MZSP; Brown Jr., 1976]; Benevides [MZSP]; Capanema [MZSP];
Curionópolis [MPEG]; Marabá [DZUP; MPEG; MZSP; Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Melgaço [Bastos &
Harada, 2011]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Paragominas [Harada et al., 2013; Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b];
Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Tucumã
Odontomachus biumbonatus Brown, 1976. Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991; Scott-Santos et al., 2008];
Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MZSP; Brown Jr., 1976]; Benevides [INPA]; Marituba [MZSP]; Medicilândia
[CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; DZUP]; Paragominas [MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém
[Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Odontomachus brunneus (Patton, 1894). Municipality unavailable [Brown Jr., 1976; Brandão, 1991]; Almeirim
[DZUP]; Belém [MZSP]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Itupiranga [CPDC]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et
al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Moju [CPDC]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP];
Novo Progresso [MZSP]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Paragominas [CPDC; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas
[MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Tucumã
Odontomachus caelatus Brown, 1976. Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Bannach
[MPEG]; Belém [MZSP; Brown Jr., 1976]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al.,
2016]; Melgaço [Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [Solar
et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Prainha [Brown Jr., 1976]; Santarém
[Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Odontomachus chelifer (Latreille, 1802)*. Almeirim [DZUP].
Odontomachus haematodus (Linnaeus, 1758). Municipality unavailable [INPA; Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c];
Altamira [MZSP]; Belém [INPA; MZSP; Kempf, 1970; Kempf, 1972c]; Capanema [MZSP]; Conceição do
Araguaia [INPA]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Juruti [MZSP]; Marabá [MZSP; Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016];
Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Óbidos
[MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [CPDC; MZSP; Solar et
al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [ANTWEB;
Kempf, 1972c; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Odontomachus hastatus (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Belém
[MZSP; Kempf, 1970]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Melgaço [INPA]; Mojuí dos Campos
[MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Parauapebas [MZSP];
Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG].
Odontomachus laticeps Roger, 1861. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [Kempf,
1970]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Itupiranga [CPDC]; Marituba [CPDC]; Paragominas [CPDC]; Portel
[Harada, 2016]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG].
Odontomachus mayi Mann, 1912. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [MZSP]; Jacareacanga [MZSP];
Oriximiná [INPA].
Odontomachus meinerti Forel, 1905. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG];
Altamira [MZSP]; Belém [MZSP]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Marabá [DZUP; Pereira,
2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo
Repartimento [CPDC]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [MZSP;
Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006];
São João do Araguaia [INPA].
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Odontomachus opaciventris Forel, 1899. Curionópolis [MPEG]; Melgaço [INPA].
Odontomachus scalptus Brown, 1978. Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Melgaço [Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Moju [CPDC];
Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Odontomachus spissus Kempf, 1962. Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Odontomachus yucatecus Brown, 1976. Bannach [MPEG]; Marabá [Pereira, 2012]; Paragominas [Solar et al.,
2016b]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997]; Tucumã [MPEG].
Pachycondyla Smith, 1858
Pachycondyla crassinoda (Latreille, 1802). Municipality unavailable [INPA; OSUC; Borgmeier, 1923; MacKay &
MacKay, 2010]; Almeirim [DZUP; INPA]; Altamira [MZSP; Kempf, 1961a]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG];
Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [INPA; MZSP; OSUC; Kempf, 1961; MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Conceição do
Araguaia [DZUP; INPA; MPEG]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Gurupá [INPA];
Jacareacanga [MZSP; Kempf, 1961a]; Marabá [DZUP; Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC];
Medicilândia [CPDC]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG; Souza et al., 2007]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC];
Oriximiná [CPDC; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; CPDC; MPEG; MZSP; Solar et
al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [INPA; Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016];
Santarém [DZUP; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG].
Pachycondyla fuscoatra (Roger, 1861). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Óbidos [Forel, 1907].
Pachycondyla harpax (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c; MacKay
& MacKay, 2010]; Almeirim [DZUP; INPA]; Belém [Kempf, 1961a; MZSP]; Capanema [MZSP]; Chaves
[Wheeler, 1915]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Gurupá [INPA]; Itupiranga [CPDC];
Marabá [DZUP; Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG; Souza et al.,
2007; Bastos & Harada, 2011; Mendoza-Penagos et al., 2020]; Moju [CPDC]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP];
Novo Repartimento [CPDC]; Oriximiná [CPDC; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [CPDC; MPEG; MZSP;
Harada et al., 2013; Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al., 2016b]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al.,
1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Terra Santa [Santos et al., 2008].
Pachycondyla impressa (Roger, 1861). Municipality unavailable [MPEG; MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Melgaço
[INPA; MPEG; Souza et al., 2007; Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; Solar et al., 2016b];
Parauapebas [MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Pachycondyla lenis Kempf, 1961. Melgaço [Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Paragominas [MPEG]; Portel [Harada,
Pachycondyla striata Smith, 1858. água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Marabá [Pereira,
2012; Pereira et al., 2016]; Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Paragominas [INPA]; Parauapebas [MPEG];
Portel [Harada, 2016].
Platythyrea Roger, 1863
Platythyrea angusta Forel, 1901. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [INPA; MZSP]; Cametá
[Borgmeier, 1923]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [MZSP]; Parauapebas [MPEG;
64 · Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press
Platythyrea pilosula (Smith, 1858). Belém [MZSP]; Melgaço [INPA]; Parauapebas [MPEG].
Platythyrea punctata (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [DZUP; INPA]; Oriximiná
[Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Santarém [INPA].
Platythyrea sinuata (Roger, 1860). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c; Brandão, 1991]; Belém [Borgmeier,
1923; Kempf, 1959c; Brown Jr., 1975]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC]; Melgaço [Bastos &
Harada, 2011]; Moju [CPDC]; Paragominas [ANTWEB; CPDC; Solar et al., 2016b].
Pseudoponera Emery, 1900
Pseudoponera gilberti (Kempf, 1960). Municipality unavailable [MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Marituba [CPDC;
MZSP]; Parauapebas [MZSP].
Pseudoponera stigma (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Borgmeier, 1923; Kempf, 1972c; MacKay &
MacKay, 2010]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MZSP; MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Chaves [Wheeler, 1915];
Conceição do Araguaia [INPA]; Jacareacanga [MZSP; Kempf, 1960c]; Marituba [CPDC; MZSP]; Melgaço
[INPA; Souza et al., 2007; Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Moju [MacKay & MacKay, 2010]; Óbidos [MZSP; Kempf,
1960c]; Oriximiná [INPA]; Paragominas [MZSP]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Tucumã
Pseudoponera succedanea (Roger, 1863). Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Marituba [CPDC].
Rasopone Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014
Rasopone ferruginea (Smith, 1858). Capanema [MZSP]; Marabá [DZUP; Pereira, 2012; Pereira et al., 2016];
Marituba [CPDC]; Melgaço [INPA; MPEG; Souza et al., 2007; Bastos & Harada, 2011]; Moju [CPDC]; Novo
Repartimento [CPDC]; Portel [Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Simopelta Mann, 1922
Simopelta jeckylli (Mann, 1916). Moju [Fernandes et al., 2015].
Simopelta pergandei (Forel, 1909)**. Almeirim [DZUP].
Thaumatomyrmex Mayr, 1887
Thaumatomyrmex atrox Weber, 1939. Melgaço [INPA].
Thaumatomyrmex ferox Mann, 1922. Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Harada, 2016].
Thaumatomyrmex paludis Weber, 1942. Oriximiná [Majer & Delabie, 1994].
Proceratiinae Emery, 1895 [2 genera, 4 species]
Discothyrea Roger, 1863
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Discothyrea sexarticulata Borgmeier, 1954. Almeirim [DZUP]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Harada, 2016];
Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Probolomyrmex Mayr, 1901
Probolomyrmex dentinodis Oliveira & Feitosa, 2019. Municipality unavailable [Oliveira & Feitosa, 2019].
Probolomyrmex lamellatus Oliveira & Feitosa, 2019. Municipality unavailable [Oliveira & Feitosa, 2019].
Probolomyrmex petiolatus Weber, 1940. Santarém [INPA; Delabie et al., 2001; Nascimento et al., 2004; Vasconcelos
et al., 2006].
Pseudomyrmecinae Smith, 1952 [1 genus, 52 species]
Pseudomyrmex Lund, 1831
Pseudomyrmex alvarengai Kempf, 1961. Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [ANTWEB];
Jacareacanga [MZSP; Kempf, 1961b; Brandão et al., 2010].
Pseudomyrmex atripes (Smith, 1860). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [MZSP; Kempf, 1958;
Kempf, 1967b]; Belém [MPEG]; Cametá [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA]; Goianésia do Pará [MPEG];
Jacundá [MPEG]; Juruti [MZSP]; Novo Repartimento [MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Parauapebas [MPEG];
Santarém [ANTWEB]; São Geraldo do Araguaia [MPEG]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB].
Pseudomyrmex beccarii (Menozzi, 1935)*. Almeirim [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG]; Jacundá [MPEG]; Melgaço
[MPEG]; Oriximiná [MZSP]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; Vitória do Xingu [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex boopis (Roger, 1863)*. Itaituba [MZSP].
Pseudomyrmex cladoicus (Smith, 1858)*. Santarém Novo [MPEG]; Senador José Porfírio [MPEG]; Vitória do
Xingu [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex concolor (Smith, 1860). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; água Azul do Norte [MZSP];
Almeirim [ANTWEB; MPEG; Ward, 1999]; Altamira [ANTWEB; MZSP]; Bagre [MPEG]; Belém [ANTWEB;
MZSP; Kempf, 1970; Ward, 1999]; Goianésia do Pará [MPEG]; Igarapé-Açu [MZSP]; Irituia [MZSP]; Marabá
[MZSP]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [MPEG]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [INPA; MZSP; Ward,
1999]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Santarém [ANTWEB]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; Tucuruí [INPA; MPEG;
Ward, 1999]; Vitória do Xingu [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex cordiae (Forel, 1904)*. Marabá [MZSP].
Pseudomyrmex cubaensis (Forel, 1901). Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA];
Santarém [INPA; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Tucuruí [Ward, 1989].
Pseudomyrmex curacaensis (Forel, 1912). Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Almeirim [MZSP]; Belém
[MZSP; Ward, 1989]; Igarapé-Açu [MZSP; Ward, 1989]; Oriximiná [MZSP]; Soure [MZSP; Ward, 1989].
Pseudomyrmex dendroicus (Forel, 1904). Belém [Ward, 1999].
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Pseudomyrmex duckei (Forel, 1906)*. Goianésia do Pará [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [MPEG]; Oriximiná
Pseudomyrmex eduardi (Forel, 1912). Cametá [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [MPEG]; Tucuruí [Ward, 1989].
Pseudomyrmex ejectus (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1894b; Kempf, 1972].
Pseudomyrmex elongatus (Mayr, 1870). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Belém [INPA; MZSP; Ward,
1989]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; Ward, 1989]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Igarapé-Açu [MZSP; Ward, 1989];
Marabá [MZSP]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA; MZSP; Ward, 1989]; Portel [Overal et
al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santarém [Ward, 1989; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Senador José Porfírio [Ward, 1989];
Tucuruí [Ward, 1989].
Pseudomyrmex ethicus (Forel, 1911). Almeirim [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [INPA; MPEG]; Cametá
[MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [MPEG]; Marabá [MPEG; MZSP]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento
[MPEG]; Paragominas [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Vitória do Xingu [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex euryblemma (Forel, 1899)*. Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG]; Igarapé-Açu [MZSP].
Pseudomyrmex faber (Smith, 1858). Almeirim [MPEG]; Belém [Kempf, 1958]; Goianésia do Pará [MPEG]; Itaituba
[MPEG]; Jacundá [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [MPEG]; Parauapebas [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997;
Harada, 2016]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Senador José Porfírio [MPEG]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB]; Vitória
do Xingu [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex filiformis (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Anajás [MPEG]; Belém
[MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [MPEG]; Itupiranga [CPDC]; Jacundá [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Novo
Repartimento [MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Santarém
[ANTWEB; CPDC; INPA; Ward, 1989; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; Senador José
Porfírio [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG]; Vitória do Xingu [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex flavidulus (Smith, 1858). Bannach [MPEG]; Castanhal [INPA]; Salinópolis [MZSP]; Santarém
[ANTWEB; INPA; Kempf, 1972c; Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Pseudomyrmex godmani (Forel, 1899)*. Novo Repartimento [MPEG]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex gracilis (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [INPA; Kempf, 1972c]; água Azul do Norte
[MPEG]; Alenquer [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP; MPEG; MZSP]; Altamira [MZSP]; Ananindeua [MPEG];
Augusto Corrêa [MPEG]; Bannach [MPEG]; Barcarena [MPEG]; Belém [ANTWEB; MPEG; MZSP]; Belterra
[MZSP]; Cachoeira do Arari [MPEG]; Cametá [MZSP]; Canaã dos Carajás [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia
[INPA; MPEG; MZSP]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [MPEG]; Igarapé-Açu [MZSP]; Itaituba
[MPEG]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Jacundá [MPEG]; Marabá [MPEG]; Maracanã [INPA]; Marapanim [MPEG];
Melgaço [MPEG]; Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Muaná [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [MPEG]; Óbidos
[MZSP]; Oriximiná [CPDC; MZSP; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Ourilândia do Norte [MPEG]; Paragominas
[MZSP]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santa
Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Santa Maria das Barreiras [INPA]; Santarém [CPDC; INPA; Vasconcelos et al.,
2006]; Santarém Novo [MPEG]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; São Geraldo do Araguaia [MPEG]; São João
de Pirabas [MPEG]; Senador José Porfírio [MPEG]; Soure [MZSP]; Tracuateua [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG];
Tucuruí [MPEG]; Vitória do Xingu [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex holmgreni (Wheeler, 1925)*. Mojuí dos Campos [MZSP]; Parauapebas [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex hospitalis Ward, 1999*. Senador José Porfírio [MPEG].
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Pseudomyrmex kuenckeli (Emery, 1890). Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG; Ward, 1999]; Oriximiná [Ward, 1999];
São Geraldo do Araguaia [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex laevifrons Ward, 1989. Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Ward, 1989]; Almeirim [Ward, 2017];
Belém [MPEG; Kempf, 1972c]; Novo Repartimento [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex laevigatus (Smith, 1877). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1890a; Kempf, 1958; Kempf, 1972c];
Almeirim [MZSP; Kempf, 1967b]; Bragança [ANTWEB]; Maracanã [ANTWEB]; Oriximiná [CPDC]; São
Geraldo do Araguaia [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex lisus (Enzmann, 1944)*. Novo Repartimento [MPEG]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex maculatus (Smith, 1855). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [MZSP; Kempf,
1958]; Belém [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Oriximiná [MZSP]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Santarém
[CPDC]; São Geraldo do Araguaia [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex malignus (Wheeler, 1921). Almeirim [MZSP]; Altamira [MZSP; Ward, 1999].
Pseudomyrmex mandibularis (Spinola, 1851). Belém [Kempf, 1972c].
Pseudomyrmex oculatus (Smith, 1855). Municipality unavailable [Ward, 1989]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Altamira
[MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [INPA; MZSP; Kempf, 1970; Ward, 1989]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA];
Jacareacanga [MZSP; Kempf, 1961b; Ward, 1989]; Marabá [MPEG; MZSP]; Óbidos [MZSP]; Oriximiná
[MZSP; Ward, 1989; Majer & Delabie, 1994]; Parauapebas [MZSP; Ward, 1989]; Santarém [ANTWEB; INPA;
Kempf, 1961b; Kempf, 1972c; Ward, 1989; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; Senador
José Porfírio [Ward, 1989]; Tucuruí [Ward, 1989].
Pseudomyrmex pallidus (Smith, 1855). Municipality unavailable [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Pseudomyrmex penetrator (Smith, 1877). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Forel, 1904b; Wheeler, 1942;
Baroni Urbani, 1977; Ward, 1999]; Almeirim [DZUP]; Bagre [MPEG]; Barcarena [MPEG]; Belém [ANTWEB;
MPEG; Kempf, 1972c; Ward, 1999]; Dom Eliseu [ANTWEB]; Igarapé-Açu [ANTWEB; Ward, 1999]; Ipixuna
do Pará [MPEG]; Irituia [Ward, 1999]; Jacundá [MPEG]; Marabá [ANTWEB]; Marituba [CPDC; DZUP]; Novo
Repartimento [MPEG]; Paragominas [MPEG; Ward, 1999]; Parauapebas [ANTWEB; MPEG]; Salinópolis
[MPEG]; Santa Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Senador José Porfírio [Ward, 1999]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB; Ward,
Pseudomyrmex peruvianus (Wheeler, 1925)*. Parauapebas [MZSP]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex pisinnus Ward, 1989. Santarém [Vasconcelos et al., 2006].
Pseudomyrmex pupa (Forel, 1911). Municipality unavailable [Kempf, 1972c]; Almeirim [MPEG];
[Santschi, 1925a; Kempf, 1958]; Bannach [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG]; Castanhal [INPA]; Jacundá
Juruti [MPEG]; Marabá [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [MPEG]; Parauapebas
Primavera [MPEG]; Santa Maria das Barreiras [INPA]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB]; São Félix do Xingu
Senador José Porfírio [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex rochai (Forel, 1912)*. Goianésia do Pará [MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [MPEG];
Parauapebas [MPEG]; Vitória do Xingu [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex sericeus (Mayr, 1870). Belém [INPA; MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG]; Moju
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[MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [MPEG]; Oriximiná [INPA]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Santa
Bárbara do Pará [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex simplex (Smith, 1877). Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Bannach [MPEG]; Conceição do
Araguaia [INPA]; Oriximiná [INPA]; Santarém [DZUP; Ward, 1985]; Tucuruí [Ward, 1985].
Pseudomyrmex spiculus Ward, 1989*. Belém [MPEG]; Vitória do Xingu [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex subater (Wheeler & Mann, 1914)*. Novo Repartimento [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex tenuis (Fabricius, 1804). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Emery, 1894b; Forel, 1912d;
Enzmann, 1944; Kempf, 1972c]; água Azul do Norte [MPEG]; Almeirim [DZUP; MPEG; MZSP]; Altamira
[MZSP]; Augusto Corrêa [MPEG]; Bannach [MPEG]; Barcarena [MPEG]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Kempf,
1960a; Kempf, 1970]; Belterra [Kempf, 1960a]; Bragança [MPEG]; Breves [MPEG]; Capanema [MZSP];
Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MZSP]; Curionópolis [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [CPDC; MPEG]; IgarapéAçu [Kempf, 1960a]; Igarapé-Açu [MZSP]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Jacareacanga [MZSP]; Jacundá [MPEG]; Juruti
[MPEG]; Marabá [DZUP; MPEG]; Marapanim [MPEG]; Medicilândia [CPDC]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Moju
[CPDC; MPEG]; Novo Repartimento [CPDC; MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC; INPA; MZSP; Majer & Delabie,
1994]; Paragominas [MZSP]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016];
Primavera [MPEG]; Santarém [INPA; Kempf, 1960a; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; Santarém Novo [MPEG];
São Félix do Xingu [MPEG]; São Francisco do Pará [MPEG]; São Geraldo do Araguaia [MPEG]; São João de
Pirabas [MPEG]; Senador José Porfírio [MPEG]; Soure [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG]; Vitória
do Xingu [MPEG];
Pseudomyrmex tenuissimus (Emery, 1906). Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Almeirim [MZSP]; Belém
[MPEG; MZSP; Ward, 1989]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA]; Igarapé-Açu [MZSP; Ward, 1989]; Jacundá
[MPEG]; Oriximiná [CPDC; MZSP]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; Primavera [MPEG]; Senador José Porfírio
[Ward, 1989]; Vitória do Xingu [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex terminalis (Smith, 1877). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB]; Belém [Kempf, 1972c].
Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, 1855). Municipality unavailable [ANTWEB; Kempf, 1972c]; água Azul do
Norte [MPEG]; Altamira [MZSP]; Anajás [MPEG; Kempf, 1960a]; Belém [MPEG; MZSP; Kempf, 1960a;];
Belterra [MZSP; Kempf, 1960a]; Conceição do Araguaia [MPEG]; Goianésia do Pará [MPEG]; Igarapé-Açu
[MZSP]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Oriximiná [INPA; MZSP]; Paragominas [MPEG; Solar et al., 2016a; Solar et al.,
2016b]; Parauapebas [MZSP]; Portel [MPEG; Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; Primavera [MPEG]; Santa
Bárbara do Pará [MPEG]; Santarém [ANTWEB; Vasconcelos et al., 2006]; São João de Pirabas [MPEG]; Soure
Pseudomyrmex triplaridis (Forel, 1904). Alenquer [Ward, 1999]; Almeirim [Ward, 1999]; Itaituba [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex triplarinus (Weddell, 1850). Altamira [Ward, 1999]; Monte Alegre [MZSP; Ward, 1999]; Santarém
[Ward, 1999].
Pseudomyrmex unicolor (Smith, 1855). Almeirim [MPEG; MZSP]; Altamira [MZSP]; Barcarena [MPEG]; Belém
[MPEG]; Cametá [MPEG]; Canaã dos Carajás [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MPEG; MZSP]; Juruti
[MPEG]; Melgaço [MPEG]; Portel [Overal et al., 1997; Harada, 2016]; São Geraldo do Araguaia [MPEG];
Senador José Porfírio [MPEG]; Tucuruí [MPEG]; Vitória do Xingu [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex urbanus (Smith, 1877). Municipality unavailable [Brandão, 1991]; Almeirim [MZSP]; Canaã dos
Carajás [MZSP]; Oriximiná [MZSP; Ward, 1989]; Parauapebas [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex venustus (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Emery, 1890a; Kempf, 1958; Kempf, 1972c];
Zootaxa 5001 (1) © 2021 Magnolia Press ·
Altamira [MZSP]; Bannach [MPEG]; Conceição do Araguaia [INPA; MZSP]; Igarapé-Açu [MZSP; Kempf,
1958]; Itaituba [MPEG]; Marabá [MPEG; MZSP]; Parauapebas [MPEG; MZSP]; São Félix do Xingu [MPEG];
São Geraldo do Araguaia [MPEG]; Tucumã [MPEG]; Tucuruí [ANTWEB]; Vitória do Xingu [MPEG].
Pseudomyrmex viduus (Smith, 1858). Municipality unavailable [Forel, 1906; Kempf, 1972c]; Alenquer [Ward,
1999]; Altamira [MZSP]; Belém [MPEG; Ward, 1999]; Chaves [Ward, 1999]; Óbidos [MZSP; Ward, 1999];
Oriximiná [INPA; Ward, 1999].
Pseudomyrmex vinneni (Forel, 1906)*. Oriximiná [MZSP].
We would like to thank Orlando Tobias Silveira (the entomology curator at MPEG) for providing access to the
ant collection to retrieve data and William L. Overal and Ana Harada for making availability of data collection
from MPEG. We are very grateful to Benoit Guénard and Evan Economo for sharing the GABI dataset for ants
of Pará. We thank Benoit Guénard and an anonymous reviewer for their constructive and helpful comments.
We also thank Phil Ward and Alexandre Casadei-Ferreira for identifying species of the genera Pseudomyrmex
and Pheidole in the MPEG collection, respectively. EZA acknowledges the support from the National Science
Foundation (DEB1654829) and Peter Buck Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Smithsonian Institution, and thanks
Christian Rabeling of Arizona State University and Ted Schultz of the Smithsonian Institution for their support of
women in science. LPP, JAS, ELSS, and RPSA were funded by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal
de Nível Superior (CAPES), Código de Financiamento 001. RRS was supported by the Amazonian Foundation for
Study and Research (FAPESPA), ICAAF No. 012/2018. RMF and FBB were supported by the National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) (grants No. 301495/2019-0 and 309600/2017-0, respectively).
CRFB was supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP; Grant No. 2017/07366-1), PROTAX-CNPq
(Grant No. 150409) and National Institutes for Science and Technology (INCT) (CNPq 465562/2014-0; FAPESP
2014/50940-2). IOF received a CAPES/PNPD fellowship. JHC was supported by the PRONEX program (FAPESB/
CNPq PNX0011/2009) and a research grant from CNPq (304629/2018-9). JLPS was supported by a CNPq/PCI
postdoctoral scholarship (302065/2021-0).
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