Simple two-electrode biosignal
D. Dobrev
T. Neycheva
N. Mudrov
1Centre of Biomedical Engineering 'Ivan Daskalov', Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Abstract--A simple, cost effective circuit for a two-electrode non-differential biopotential amplifier is proposed. It uses a "virtual ground" transimpedance amplifier and a parallel RC network for input common mode current equalisation, while the signal input
impedance preserves its high value. With this innovative interface circuit, a simple
non-inverting amplifier fully emulates high CMRR differential. The amplifier equivalent
CMRR (typical range from 70-100 dB) is equal to the open loop gain of the operational
amplifier used in the transimpedance interface stage. The circuit has very simple structure and utilises a small number of popular components. The amplifier is intended for
u s e in various two-electrode applications, such as Holter-type monitors, defibrillators,
ECG monitors, biotelemetry devices etc.
Keywords--ECG amplifier, Biopotential amplifier, Non-differential amplifier, Common
mode interference
Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 2005, 43, 725-730
1 Introduction
THE USE of conventional, unsymmetrical amplifier circuits in
biomedical engineering is very limited, because of their inadequacy in suppressing power-line interference. Because one of
the patient electrodes is directly connected to the amplifier
signal ground and the other is a high impedance point, the interference current flows only through the grounded electrode. The
grounded electrode impedance voltage drop is amplified and
leads to circuit saturation or masking of the useful biopotential
Many biosignal acquisition devices could benefit from the
use of only two electrodes. Electrocardiogram monitoring in
intensive care wards, ambulatory monitors, defibrillators etc.
are among the most common examples.
The most widely used technique for biosignal amplification
is based on an instrumentation amplifier first-stage design,
because of its ability to suppress the common mode interference (NEUMAN, 1998). In two-electrode instrumentation, the
amplifier inputs must have a differential impedance that is as
high as possible to avoid signal attenuation. On the other
hand, the amplifier should have reasonably low common
mode impedance, to create a path for the common mode interference currents without significant voltage drop, keeping both
inputs in their specified operating voltage range.
THAKOR and WEBSTER (1980) introduced a bootstrapped
input stage. However, it has an inductive common mode
input impedance, resulting in a very poor common mode
input current range, especially for higher frequencies.
A circuit for a two-electrode, non-differential amplifier
was developed (DOBREV, 2002), the performance of which is
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Dobromir Dobrew
Paper received 22 February 2005 and in final form 30 September
MBEConline number: 20054061
9 IFMBE: 2005
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2005, Vol. 43
quasi-equivalent to the differential amplifier described by
DOBREV and DASKALOV (2002). Because the body as signal
source is floating and, in addition, the modern biopotential
amplifiers are isolated, it is possible to drive actively one of
the electrodes to the circuit common potential and thus to
balance the flowing interference currents.
Now, a very simple, low-cost circuit of a two-electrode nondifferential amplifier is suggested, where the interference
current balancing is achieved by one operational amplifier
(OA) and two parallel RC networks.
2 Body-amplifier interface circuit concept
An equivalent circuit of the body-amplifier interface is presented in Fig.1. The interference current Ipi (200 nA typical
value; can reach a few microamperes in close approach to
power-line connected cables or instruments) is mainly
defined by the power-line-body stray capacitance Cp: Ipi
o)Cpgpl, because Cp < Cu < Cb and l/toCp >> R b a , Rbb, Zea,
Zeb, ZFea, ZFeb. The skin-electrode impedances are Zea and
Z~b, and Cu is the capacitance between the circuit ground and
earth. A part of this interference current
Icb = Ipl Cb + Cg
flows through the body impedances Rba, Rbb and the stray
capacitance to earth Cb. Another part of the interference
/g = / . +/b =/pZ cb + cg
traverses the impedances Zea (Ia) , Zeb(Ib) , the output of OA A1,
which is a grounded voltage source, and C~ to earth.
2~ r
As the OA A 1 maintains the potential at input b equal to its
offset voltage (virtual ground), A2 amplifies the voltage
between inputs a and b.
It is interesting to establish how stable the 'virtual ground'
voltage is at node b and what the equivalent CMRR of the
circuit is if we compare it with the differential one with the
same input impedances ZIN, = ZFea, ZINb = Zmb, the same
gain and the same output level of interference.
For a differential amplifier, the common mode input error is
e err - - _ _
- - _ _
Fig. 1
Equivalent circuit of patient-amplifier interface
The input currents I, and Ib have common mode Icm and differential mode Ia components (DOBREV and DASKALOV, 2002)
where A .... and Aa are the amplifier common and differential
mode gain coefficients, and Zorn is the amplifier common
mode impedance component per input.
For the proposed circuit, the voltage variation at node b is the
interface circuit error
eerr = Vb =[cmZb =[cm -
Alo~ + 1
Ia = I c m § 2 4 7
Ib =Icm
2 --Icm--Iecg
Here, Iec~ = Ia/2 is the current generated by the body as biopotential signal source Ve~- Note that Ic,, has the same values and
directions for both inputs, whereas Ie~ has equal values, but is in
opposite directions.
The input current Ib is converted to voltage at the output of
the OA A 1 t h r o u g h the feedback impedance Zmb. A1 drives and
equalises the input b potential to the common point. In
addition, A 1 o u t p u t is connected to the amplifier input a by
impedance Zma.
The potential at node a is a superposition from Zma and Zmb
voltage drops achieved by flowing common mode interference
(Ic,,) and differential mode signal (Ie~) input currents.
In the following consideration, the body resistances Rba and
Rbb continue to be neglected, as they have a very small value
compared with the other impedances.
For common mode interference, the remaining impedances
Zea, Zeb, Zma, Zmb take the shape of the familiar Wheatstone
bridge. If the ratio Zea to ZFB a is precisely the same as the
ratio Zeb to Zmb, the bridge is 'nullified' or balanced
Here Zb is the 'virtual ground' impedance at node b, and Alo L is
the A 1 open loop gain.
If we compare eerr in the two equations above, it can be seen
that the equivalent CMRR of the described circuit is equal to
the open loop gain of the OA A 1
CMRReqv = AloL
This conclusion is a general rule of thumb when selecting the
OA A 1. The selection should be done as follows: First,
because of high-ohmic resistors used in the circuit, all OAs
should have a MOSFET or JFET input stage to minimise the
offset voltage error created by their input bias currents. Next,
the OA A 1 should be unity-gain stable, because it works as a
current to voltage converter. Finally, using the parameter specified in the OA datasheet gain bandwidth product (GBP) (or
unity gain bandwidth) and considering first-order open loop
gain roll-off, the CMRReq~for an arbitrary frequency of interest
can be easily calculated
CMRReqv(f) = 20 log G f PAl
In this ideal condition, no interference signal will appear
as voltage drop between points a and b. Considering that,
the input current common mode component Ic,, has the same
value for I, and, Ib, and, if Zma is identical to Zmb, then
the corresponding impedance voltage drops axe equal, and
the circuit becomes quasi-symmetric with respect to the interference. Assuming that Zea equalled Zeb, the above bridge
equation would be met, and the interference would be fully
cancelled. However, in real life, Zea and Zeb are not equal,
and the flowing common mode interference current Ic,, multiplied by their difference AZe will cause an unwanted residual
interference signal at node a
Va = AZelcm = (Zea -- Zeb) Ia § Ib
amplified by A2.
-- _ _
-- _ _ - - _ _
For example, if an OA with GBP = 3 MHz, e.g. TL082,
MCP602, is selected, then CMRReqv(50 H z ) = 95 dB. If low
power and a slow OA, e.g. MCP607 with GBP = 150 kHz
are used, then CMRReqv(50Hz) = 69 dB. Note that
CMRReq~, calculated in such a way, cannot exceed the OA
open loop gain DC value specified in the datasheet.
As the signal source Vecs generates only differential currents
(in opposite direction for both inputs), the amplifier input impedance (between inputs a and b) is ZIN = Zma + Zmb. The
common mode input impedance between both inputs and
ground has a very low value
ZCM --
AloL + 1
The amplifier common mode current capability (both inputs)
IcM,,ox depends on Zma, Zmb, the selected supply voltage
Vcc and the A 1 o u t p u t stage voltage drop Vos at maximum
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2005, Vol. 43
signal swing
ICMmax - -
Vcc - Vos 2(Vcc - Vos)
~' - -
The Ic~m,x value should be at least 1 ~ A for batterysupplied telemetric or Holter-type devices installed close to
the body surface, and at least 5 - 6 IxA for monitors with
conventional leads 9
3 Practical circuits and design tips
A very low cost circuit of an ECG amplifier built according
to the proposed principle, is shown in Fig.2. It is powered by a
_+5 V split supply voltage source. The low cost and very
popular general purpose JEET OAs TL082 (TL084) are
selected 9The amplifier performances axe listed below:
9 frequency band: 0 . 0 5 - 1 0 0 Hz
9 gain: 525 (54.4 dB)
9 input impedance Z I N = 2(Rprt + RFB/1 + SCFBRFB)
9 input DC differential voltage range: 0.33 V
9 input common mode current range:
ICMmax --
. /(~oCFsRFs) 2 + 1
= 2(Vcc - ZVbe)f
For TL082, the output stage voltage drop at maximum signal
swing is about two base-emitter junctions: Vos = 2Vb~
therefore Icmm~(50 Hz) ~ 5.4 ~A
9 transfer function:
A(s) =
RF8 + Rprt 1 § SCFB(RFBIIRprt)
R1 + R2 1 + sCI(RIIIR2)
1 + sC1R1
1 + sC2R3
R4 § R5 1 + sC3(R411Rs)
1 § sC3R4
Protective input resistors Rp~ axe inserted and used for
RF noise filtering also 9 The value of the time constant
CFBRp~t can be derived from the following consideration 9
CfB(RfBllRprt) = C3(R4IIRs) ~ CFBRprt = C3R5, the
second high frequency zero in the amplifier transfer function
is cancelled 9
The following practical recommendations should be taken
into account 9
The protective resistor values Rp~t should be selected in
range of 1 0 - 4 7 k. Higher values are not convenient, as the
divider with RFB would reduce the biosignal amplitude and
the signal-to-noise ratio 9Lower values would weaken the protection against radio-frequency interference 9
CFB is to be selected in view of the following limitations 9
A very small CFe would reduce the amplifier stability,
RF noise filtering and input common mode current range,
CFe > 2.2 nF would reduce the input impedance for the
signal frequency band. Therefore a recommendable range for
CFe values is 330 p F - 2 . 2 nF.
RFe can be selected from 2 . 2 - 1 0 M ~ , depending on the
desired input impedance, supply voltage used and expected
level of interference 9RFB < 2.2 M ~ would reduce the amplifier input impedance 9A higher RFe value would degrade the
input common mode current range, possibly leading to saturation of A1, especially when CFe is small and the supply
voltage is low.
All resistors used in the circuit have 1% tolerance. The
capacitors CFe axe NP0 type, with 5% tolerance 9All remaining
capacitors axe X7R type, with 10% tolerance 9
The component cost of the described amplifier circuit is less
than $0.50 (see the Avnet price list
It is important to avoid an additional low-resistance DC link
between a point on the body and the circuit ground, for
example by a third electrode 9Such a condition would cause
amplification of the input offset voltage of A1 and is able to
block the next stage 9Therefore this circuit is intended only
for use with two electrodes 9A three-electrode connection can
be used, if deemed necessary 9The third electrode should be
connected through a ceramic (non-electrolytic) capacitor of,
for example, 10 ~F, Y5V type, and Rprt should be increased
to 4 7 - 6 8 k ~ .
A practical ECG circuit for 5 V single supply operation is
shown in. It is rather complicated, with increased low-pass filtering and added protection against defibrillator shocks 9
Because two dual (or one quad) OA ICs are enough for the
signal amplification, the fourth, spare OA can be used to
provide a low impedance ground reference 9
The low-pass RC network, inserted after Uza with time constant CIR2, cancels the first high-frequency zero in the amplifier transfer function 9The time constant CFe(RDF + Rpr~) is
chosen three times bigger than C3R5 and ensures the second
high frequency zero effect elimination 9Also, additional RF
noise filtering is implemented by the time constant CRFRp~
(for common mode currents). As the OA input differential
pair can act as an RF detector separating a lower-frequency
Rprt l
10 k
Fig. 2
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2005, Vol. 43
_~ ~- 33C0p _
T lOn
zvo c,o: 22;~
~ 1M
Fig. 3 Practical single supplied ECG amplifier with additional filtering and defibrillator protection
envelope from a carrier, the RF interference can simply
increase the OA input offset voltage or even transfer an amplified envelope replica to the circuit output. The added capacitors
CRF additionally protect U2e and UIA from incoming R F noise.
The inserted resistors RDF and Zeners diodes DDF protect
against defibrillator shocks. Their values should be defined
by the following consideration. The maximum energy delivered into the body by the present-day defibrillators is limited
to 360 J, owing to possible myocardial cell damage. The
required energy is achieved usually by a 47 ixF capacitor
charged to 4000 V. At defibrillation time, the body resistance
Rb.,.x can have a maximum value of 200 ~ . Rb.,.x and both
protection resistors RDF axe in parallel and implement a
current divider, therefore the energy absorbed by one RDF
resistor is half of all delivered energy multiplied by the
current divider gain
JRDF = ~ - - " Rb,~x + 2RDF -- 0.46J
A good choice for RDF is the OhmCraft high-voltage resistor
series (HVC series, Data Sheet), in the SMD 2512 package,
which can absorb up to 2 J energy without failure, has an operating range of 2500 V and can withstand up to 5000 V surcharge.
The Zener diodes DDF should be selected in the 8 . 2 - 1 2 V
range. These values minimise the effects of higher leakage
current and obtuse knee characteristic related to the lowvoltage Zener diodies. The 0.5 W Minimelf package for DDF
is enough.
The circuit described can be easily extended to a multichannel configuration by simple reproduction, except for the
transimpedance stage, which is common for all channels, as
shown in Fig. 4. The parallel RC networks used must be
equal. They can be implemented with a slightly higher impedance value, e.g. 10 M O 11330 pF.
4 Results and conclusions
Two ECG signal records acquired using the circuit illustrated in Fig. 2 and a differential two-electrode ECG amplifier
with AD620 input stage are shown in Figs 5 and 6. The AD620
input stage replaces the functions of the stages around UIA and
UI~ in Fig. 2. It is set with a gain of 11 (like the UI~ stage) and
uses exactly the same passive components: resistors Rpr~ connected to AD620 inputs, and RFB, CFB connected between
each AD620 input and the circuit ground. The breadboard is
supplied by two 9 V batteries and is connected with nonshielded wires, of approximately 80 cm length, to a pair of
electrodes located on the chest (modified lead I). Only one
input stage at a time can be selected by jumpers.
Looking at Figs 5 and 6, it is clear that the power-line interference levels in both circuits are almost the same. The first
iI~l i
Fig. 4
Ground-free multichannel amplifier principle
Fig. 5 Electrocardiogram acquired with AD620 differential input
stage amplifier
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2005, Vol. 43
imbalance). The measured interference level in the ECG
signal was approximately the same and the original, CFB capacitors were restored. The CFB capacitors were measured, and a
40 pF (2%) imbalance was found. Next, the input resistor pairs
Rprt and RFB were measured, and an imbalance of 20
(0.2%) for Rprt and 1 0 k f l (0.3%) for RFB was found. Both
inputs of the circuit were connected by a 22 IxF tantalum capacitor to a 50 Hz sinusoidal voltage generator. The generator amplitude was set to 2 mV to generate a common mode current of
0.2 IxA amplitude per input. The measured interference, RTI,
is about 30 IxV peal; and corresponds to an equivalent CMRR
of 78.7 dB (16.3 dB decreased in view of Rp,~, RFB and CFB
CMRReqv = 20 log
Fig. 6
Electrocardiogram (trace II) and intelference (trace I)
acquired with proposed non-differential circuit
trace shown in Fig. 6 is the OA U1A output, which can be used
for power-line interference current monitoring. From its value
(approximately 0.25 V pea];), the power-line interference
current flowing through the electrodes, for this example, is
2 x 0.25 V
/g = / .
x ~/(2 x 3.14 x 5 0 H z x 2.2nF x 3.3 M ~ ) 2 + 1
,-~ 0.4 btA peak
The amplifier was tested in a laboratory environment with an
oscilloscope supplied by the power-line through an uninterruptible power supply unit (UPS). The UPS power-line connecting
contact plug was switched off during the measuring time. At
the same time, the oscilloscope was supplied by the UPS
battery and was isolated. Further, the circuit was tested
without UPS isolation, and, in that case, the measured interference level was about twice as high.
It should be noted that the limited value of the amplifier
CMRR could be a reason for interference, but not the only
one (WINTER and WEBSTER, 1983). In a two-electrode differential amplifier, the main components of the interference axe
V~n ~ IcmAZ~ + IcmZcm/CMRR
The CMRR and Zc,, axe responsible only for the second term of
the above equation. Even with an infinite CMRR differential
amplifier, the second term becomes zero, but the first term is
able to produce significant noise proportional to Iv,, and AZe.
The interference voltage shown in Figs 5 and 6 is about
100 mV peak. Referred to the amplifier input (RTI), it
represents V#, = 0.2 mV peaR. The instrumentation amplifier
AD620 has a specified minimum CMRR of 100 dB at a gain
of 10 (AD620, Data Sheet). Using these values and ignoring
the complex character of all the components, the approximate
electrode imbalance AZe can be found, taking into consideration
that Ic,, = Ig/2 = 0.2 IxA, Zc,,(50 Hz) = ZFB(50Hz) = 1.3 M f l
(2.2 nFll3.3 Mfl) and CMRR = 105 (100 dB)
AZ~ ~ Vin/Icm-Zcm/CMRR ,,~ l k -
1 3 ~ ,-~ lk.
Additional measurements and experiments were performed.
First, the input network capacitors CFB were decreased to
2 2 p F (this value ensures the interface stage stability
and does not introduce a power-line frequency impedance
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2005, Vol. 43
0.21xA x 1 . 3 M ~
= 20 log
= 78.7 dB
In addition, an electrode imbalance of 1 k ~ was simulated by
two 1 0 k ~ and 11 k ~ resistors connected in series to each
input. The generator amplitude was increased to 4 mV to keep
the same level of input current. The measured interference
was approximately 0.25 mV peak RTI, and its value proves
the above stated equation for Vin.
It should also be noted that very precise matching of the input
RC networks (ZFBa, ZFBb) is not needed, as the electrode impedances can differ dramatically by up to 100%. Therefore the
off-the shelf component tolerances, e.g. 1% for resistors and
5% for capacitors, are quite acceptable. Nowadays, in modern
biosignal instrumentation, the problem of reducing powerline noise becomes less critical owing to the presence of very
efficient and powerful algorithms for its suppression and
elimination (CHRISTOV and DOTSINSKY, 1988; DASKALOV
et al., 1998; LEVKOV et al., 2005). Furthermore, removal of
interference by software has no production cost.
The amplifier described can be used for practically all kinds
of two-electrode application. Other biosignal applications can
be considered, depending on the types of electrode used. The
moderately high differential input impedance of this amplifier
would limit its application in cases where special, very high
electrode-skin impedance electrodes are necessary and/or a
high level of common mode interference has to be tolerated.
In these cases, previously published designs are more
convenient (DOBREV, 2002; 2004; DOBREV and DASKALOV,
The following advantages of the proposed innovative amplifier circuit should be pointed out:
9 it is a very simple and cost effective solution, the component
cost is less than $0.50
9 the simple, non-differential amplifier fully emulates a high
CMRR differential by a tricky interface circuit
9 the amplifier is made from a small number of popular components; precise elements or matched resistors are not
9 the suggested amplifier principle eliminates the necessity of
an instrumentation amplifier input stage in almost all kinds
of two-electrode biosignal application.
CHRISTOV,I. I., and DOTSINSKY,I. A. (1988): 'New approach to the
digital elimination of 50 Hz interference from the electrocardiogram', Med. Biol. Eng. Comput, 26, pp. 431 434
DASKALOV, I. K., DOTSINSKY, I. A., and CHRISTOV, I. I. (1998):
'Developments in ECG acquisition, preprocessing, parameter
measurement and recording', IEEE Eng. ivied. Biol., 17, pp. 50 58
DOBREV, D. P. (2002): 'Two-electrode biopotential amplifier', Med.
Biol. Eng. Comput., 40, pp. 546 549
DOBREV, D. P. (2004): 'Two-electrode low supply voltage electrocardiogram signal amplifier', Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 42, pp.
272 276
DOBREV, D. P., and DASKALOV,I. K. (2002): 'Two-electrode biopotential amplifier with current-driven inputs', Med. Biol. Eng.
Comput., 40, pp. 12 127
and DOTSINSKY, I. (2005): 'Removal of power-line interference
from the ECG: a review of the subtraction procedure', Biomed.
Eng. Online, 4:50,
NEUMAN, M. R. (1998): 'Biopotential amplifiers' in Webster, J. G.
(Ed.): 'Medical instrumentation: applications and design, 3rd edn'
(John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1998), pp. 262 264
THAKOR, N., and WEBSTER, J. (1980): 'Ground-free ECG recording
with two electrodes', IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 27, pp. 699 704
WINTER, B. B., and WEBSTER,J. G. (1983): 'Reduction of interference
due to common mode voltage in biopotential amplifiers', IEEE
Trans. Biomed. Eng., 30, pp. 58 62
AD620 Data Sheet,
Devices Inc., 2005, http://
HVC series Data Sheet, 9 OhmCraft Inc., 2005, http://www.
Avnet price list, 2005,
Authors" biographies
DOBROMIRDOBREVobtained the MSc degree in Electronic Engineering from the Technical University of Sofia, in 1994. He received the
PhD degree in 2000, in the field of Neonatal Monitoring. He has
worked in the Institute of Medical Engineering of the Medical
Academy and, since 1997, has been with the Centre of Biomedical
Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He is currently an
Analogue IC Designer at Melexis, Bulgaria, and his technical interests
include analogue IC and systems design.
TATYANANEYCHEVA obtained the MSc degree in Telecommunications from the Technical University of Sofia, in 1995. Her PhD,
received in 2003, is on fast recovery defibrillator amplifiers. She is a
research fellow at the Centre of Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences, and her technical interests include digital
signal processing and firmware development for embedded microcontroller systems.
NIKOLAYMUDROVobtained the MSc degree in Electronic Engineering from the Technical University of Sofia, in 1973. His PhD, received
in 1983, is on Pacemaker Signal Processing. He has worked at the
Institute of Medical Engineering of the Medical Academy as a
Senior Research Fellow, and since 1997, has been with the Centre
of Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. His
technical interests include electrical defibrillation, stimulation and
biomedical signal processing.
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2005, Vol. 43