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bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 1 The Genome of the Charophyte Alga Penium margaritaceum Bears Footprints of the 2 Evolutionary Origins of Land Plants 3 4 5 Chen Jiao1,12, Iben Sørensen2,12, Xuepeng Sun1,12, Honghe Sun1, Hila Behar3,4,5,6, Saleh Alseekh7, 6 Glenn Philippe2, Kattia Palacio Lopez8, Li Sun8, Reagan Reed8, Susan Jeon8, Reiko Kiyonami9, 7 Sheng Zhang10, Alisdair R. Fernie7, Harry Brumer3,4,5,6, David S. Domozych8*, Zhangjun Fei1,11* 8 and Jocelyn K. C. Rose2*. 9 10 1 Boyce Thompson Institute, Ithaca, NY, USA. 2Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant 11 Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. 3Michael Smith Laboratories, University of British 12 Columbia, 2185 East Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4. 4Department of Biochemistry and 13 Molecular Biology, University of British Columbia, 2350 Health Sciences Mall, Life Sciences 14 Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z3. 5Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, 15 3200-6270 University Blvd., Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6H 1Z4. 6Department of Chemistry, 16 University of British Columbia, 2036 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 1Z4. 7Max- 17 Planck-Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam-Golm, Germany. 8Skidmore College, 18 Saratoga Springs, New York, USA. 9Thermo Fisher Scientific, 355 River Oaks Parkway, San Jose, 19 CA 95134, USA. 20 Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, Robert W. Holley Center for 21 Agriculture and Health, Ithaca, NY, USA. 10 Institute of Biotechnology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. 11 U.S. 22 23 24 12 These authors contributed equally to this work. 25 26 27 * Correspondence should be addressed to Jocelyn K. C. Rose (jr286@cornell.edu), Zhangjun Fei (zf25@cornell.edu) and David S. Domozych (ddomoz@skidmore.edu). 28 29 1 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 30 ABSTRACT 31 The colonization of land by plants was a pivotal event in the history of the biosphere, and yet the 32 underlying evolutionary features and innovations of the first land plant ancestors are not well 33 understood. Here we present the genome sequence of the unicellular alga Penium margaritaceum, 34 a member of the Zygnematophyceae, the sister lineage to land plants. The P. margaritaceum 35 genome has a high proportion of repeat sequences, which are associated with massive segmental 36 gene duplications, likely facilitating neofunctionalization. Compared with earlier diverging plant 37 lineages, P. margaritaceum has uniquely expanded repertoires of gene families, signaling 38 networks and adaptive responses, supporting its phylogenetic placement and highlighting the 39 evolutionary trajectory towards terrestrialization. These encompass a broad range of physiological 40 processes and cellular structures, such as large families of extracellular polymer biosynthetic and 41 modifying enzymes involved in cell wall assembly and remodeling. Transcriptome profiling of 42 cells exposed to conditions that are common in terrestrial habitats, namely high light and 43 desiccation, further elucidated key adaptations to the semi-aquatic ecosystems that are home to the 44 Zygnematophyceae. Such habitats, in which a simpler body plan would be advantageous, likely 45 provided the evolutionary crucible in which selective pressures shaped the transition to land. 46 Earlier diverging charophyte lineages that are characterized by more complex land plant-like 47 anatomies have either remained exclusively aquatic, or developed alternative life styles that allow 48 periods of desiccation. 49 50 2 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 51 INTRODUCTION 52 One of the most momentous evolutionary events in the history of life on Earth is thought to have 53 occurred approximately 500 million years ago (Mya), when a single lineage of freshwater algae 54 developed the capacity to colonize land (Delwiche and Timme, 2011). These pioneering 55 oxygenating auxotrophs had a profound effect on the atmosphere and geochemical composition of 56 the soil (Rensing, 2018; Delwiche and Cooper, 2015) and paved the way for an explosion of land 57 plant diversification, and the evolution of other branches of terrestrial life. A key question in 58 understanding the origins of life on land is the nature of the adaptive traits that enabled this 59 remarkable transition. 60 Green plants (Viridiplantae) are comprised of the chlorophyte algae and the monophyletic 61 group Streptophyta, comprising land plants (embryophytes) and the charophyte algae (Fig. 1A). 62 Two groups of charophyte lineages have been defined: the earlier diverging Mesostigmatophyceae 63 together with Chlorokybophyceae and Klebsormidophyceae; and the later diverging 64 Charophyceae, Coleochaetophyceae and Zygnematophyceae. There is now considerable 65 molecular evidence that the Zygnematophyceae are the closest relatives to land plants (Delwiche 66 and Cooper, 2015; Wodniok et al., 2011; Leebens-Mack et al., 2019). This may be considered 67 somewhat paradoxical, in that members of the Zygnematophyceae exhibit a notably simpler body 68 plan (e.g. unicells, filaments) than taxa of the Charaophyceae or Coleochaetophyceae (e.g. 69 complex branched filamentous aggregates, pseudoparenchymatous forms) and also undergo sexual 70 reproduction via conjugation rather than oogamy. However, it has been postulated that these less 71 complex characteristics of the Zygnematophyceae represent a manifestation of a reduction trend 72 in their evolutionary history (Delwiche and Timme, 2011). The smaller and simpler growth habit, 73 with an increased capacity to tolerate water stress, may have been advantageous to life in shallow, 74 ephemeral wetlands, i.e., habitats that may have been common during the time of algal emergence 75 onto land. 76 Extant charophytes have a remarkable range of body plans, even though fossil evidence 77 suggests that they represent only a small proportion of the diversity that previously existed (Feist 78 et al., 2005). This morphological diversity and its underlying developmental machinery provide a 79 rich set of opportunities to elucidate adaptations that may have been critical for the invasion of 80 land. Insights into the evolutionary origins and adaptive traits of taxa have been gleaned through 81 analysis of the only two available genome sequences in the six Charophyte orders, 3 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 82 Klebsormidophyceae (Klebsormidium nitens; Hori et al., 2014) and Charophyceae (Chara braunii; 83 Nishiyama et al., 2018). In the earlier diverging K. nitens, the ability to synthesize certain 84 phytohormones and associated signaling intermediates, along with a mechanism to cope with high 85 light, represent physiological adaptations that were likely key for terrestrialization. The genome 86 sequence of the later diverging C. braunii, revealed further innovations, including a reactive 87 oxygen species response (ROS) network, the production of stress and storage proteins, components 88 of canonical phytohormone biosynthetic and response pathways and elaboration of transcription 89 factors for oogamous gamete production. However, a critical gap in the genomic information 90 required to elucidate the evolutionary arc from aquatic to terrestrial plant life has been a well- 91 defined genome representing the Zygnematophyceae, the sister group to embryophytes. 92 Here, we present the genome and transcriptomes of the unicellular desmid Penium 93 margaritaceum, an archetype of the Zygnematophyceae with the simplest of body plans (Fig. 1B). 94 P. margaritaceum has an architecturally complex land plant-like cell wall (Domozych et al., 2007; 95 2014; Sørensen et al., 2011) and secretes mucilaginous polysaccharides (Fig. 1C, D), which may 96 be associated with its adaptation to living in transient wetlands that experience frequent drying. In 97 this study, we sought to identify suites of genes that facilitate adaptation to an ephemeral semi- 98 terrestrial life style, and to determine whether the relatively simple morphology of P. 99 margaritaceum is associated with genome features, such as reductionism compared with other 100 charophyte lineages that have more complex multicellular body plans. We further investigated the 101 responses of P. margaritaceum to a range of abiotic stresses, in order to elucidate the adaptations 102 that enable tolerance of the environmental challenges imposed by terrestrial habitats. 103 104 RESULTS 105 Genome and gene set of P. margaritaceum 106 We generated a total of 954 Gb Illumina paired-end and 433 Gb mate-pair sequences 107 (Supplementary Table 1), representing 201× and 92× coverage, respectively, of the haploid 108 genome of P. margaritaceum with an estimated size of 4.7 Gb (Supplementary Fig. 1A). Assembly 109 of these sequences resulted in 332,786 scaffolds, with a cumulative size of 3.661 Gb and an N50 110 of 116.1 kb. The nuclear assembly captured most of the k-mers in the Illumina reads and low 111 frequency k-mers representing sequencing errors were absent (Supplementary Fig. 1B). In addition, 112 the mapping rates of genomic and RNA-Seq reads against the nuclear assembly were 97.5% and 4 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 113 96.8%, respectively (Supplementary Table 2). The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) 114 frequency distribution on the 100 longest scaffolds was consistent with a haploid genome 115 (Supplementary Fig. 1C). The mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes were also fully assembled, 116 and comprised 95,332 and 145,411 nucleotides, respectively (Supplementary Fig. 2). 117 The assembly contains a large proportion (80.6%) of repeat sequences (Supplementary 118 Table 3), particularly long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons and simple repeats (Fig. 2A). 119 Unlike land plants and C. braunii, in which gypsy is the predominant LTR family, the P. 120 margaritaceum genome has a large proportion of copia retrotransposons, which are rare in other 121 green algae and absent from C. braunii (Nishiyama et al. 2018). An estimation of divergence time 122 indicated that the copia expansion in the P. margaritaceum genome was relatively recent, around 123 2.1 Mya (Fig. 2B). Retrotransposons carrying tyrosine recombinases, such as the DIRS and Ngaro 124 families, which are found in some chlorophytes and both C. braunii and K. nitens genomes, are 125 not present in P. margaritaceum and land plants (Fig. 2A). 126 We predicted 52,333 high-confidence protein-coding genes in the P. margaritaceum genome, 127 of which 99.3% were supported either by Illumina RNA-Seq data, or by homologs in the NCBI 128 non-redundant protein database. Assessment of gene space completeness using BUSCO (Simão et 129 al., 2015) indicated a low rate of missing genes (8.25%), but the fragmented gene rate was 130 relatively high (21.45%). To inform the annotation, we performed transcriptome sequencing with 131 PacBio Iso-Seq technology, which generated 52,134 full-length transcripts consisting of 73,813 132 isoforms. These PacBio transcripts, together with 145,267 representative transcripts assembled 133 from Illumina RNA-Seq data, were used to build a master gene set by integrating with the high- 134 confidence gene models. The final master gene set consisted of 53,262 genes (47,863 from the 135 high-confidence gene models, 2,391 from the PacBio transcripts and 3,008 from the Illumina 136 transcript data). The missing and fragmented gene rates of the master gene set were 2.31% and 137 13.20%, respectively, and the complete BUSCO rate was 84.49% (Supplementary Table 4). 138 139 Genome and gene family evolution 140 Orthologous genes among P. margaritaceum and 13 representative species spanning the green 141 plant lineage were identified. Phylogenetic analysis of low-copy orthologous groups confirmed 142 the close relationship between P. margaritaceum and land plants, and indicated that P. 143 margaritaceum diverged from the common ancestor of land plants around 663-552 Mya (Fig. 3A). 5 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 144 This Proterozoic separation substantially predates a proposed crown origin of embryophytes 492- 145 461 Mya in the Phanerozoic (middle Cambrian-early Ordovician), but is consistent with a recent 146 estimate (Morris et al., 2108). The P. margaritaceum genome has not undergone any whole 147 genome duplication (WGD) events (Supplementary Fig. 3), unlike the multiple rounds that have 148 occurred in land plants (Van de Peer et al., 2017). However, substantial segmental gene 149 duplications were found in the P. margaritaceum genome, which is consistent with the high TE 150 abundance, given that massive segmental gene duplications are often found in organisms with a 151 high TE content (Panchy et al., 2016). 152 We looked for evidence of the morphological and physiological adaptations and key traits 153 associated with terrestrialization through the reconstruction of gene family evolution, focusing on 154 gene family expansions (Fig. 3A; Supplementary Table 5). A total of 11 expanded gene families 155 (P < 0.05) in the ancestor of charophytes following separation from chlorophytes, were identified, 156 while a particularly large number of expanded gene families was evident in the common ancestor 157 of P. margaritaceum and land plants (N=124), compared to family expansions in earlier algal 158 lineages. Given that charophytes contain paraphyletic lineages and that the Zygnematophyceae, 159 including P. margaritaceum, is the closest lineage to land plants, this suggests stepwise gene 160 family expansion (Catarino et al., 2016). The expanded gene families in P. margaritaceum were 161 mostly associated with responses to stresses, such as water deprivation, cold, bacteria, and 162 oxidative stress, as well as the production and signaling of the phytohormones abscisic acid (ABA), 163 auxin (AUX), ethylene (ETH) and jasmonic acid (JA). Other substantially expanded gene 164 categories related to protein phosphorylation and cell wall organization (Supplementary Table 6). 165 166 Transcription factors and transcriptional regulators 167 The P. margaritaceum genome encodes 935 transcription factors (TFs) and 454 transcription 168 regulators (TRs) (Supplementary Table 7 and 8), which is substantially more than those in either 169 K. nitens (292 and 332, respectively) or C. braunii (496, 202). This contradicts the notion that 170 morphological complexity correlates with the size of the TF/TR infrastructure (Lang et al., 2010) 171 (Supplementary Fig. 4). The GRAS, NAC, LOB, bZIP, bHLH, WRKY and AP2/ERF-ERF 172 families, all of which have been associated with abiotic stress responses in embryophytes, showed 173 substantial expansions compared with other algal lineages (Fig. 3B). Moreover, the GRAS and 174 BBR-BPC TF families, as well as specific subfamilies of the bHLH, WRKY, NAC and AP2/ERF6 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 175 ERF families, may have originated in the Zygnematophyceae (Supplementary Fig. 5-7). For 176 example, the P. margaritaceum genome encodes 15 proteins that are ancestral orthologs of the 177 DREB subfamily of AP2/ERF-ERF TFs, but corresponding orthologs have not been found in other 178 algae (Supplementary Fig. 7). In land plants, these regulatory proteins are involved in responses 179 to abiotic stresses, such as cold, dehydration, salinity and heat (Agarwal et al., 2017). 180 Among the P. margaritaceum TF families, a notable feature is the remarkable large size of 181 the GRAS family (291; Fig. 3B). Plant GRAS genes, named after GIBBERELLIN-INSENSITIVE 182 (GAI), Repressor of ga1-3 (RGA) and SCARECROW (SCR), together with SCR-LIKEs (SCLs), 183 may have originated in bacteria (Zhang et al. 2012) and are present in land plants and some 184 Zygnematophyceae (Engstrom, 2011; Delaux et al., 2015). In land plants, they have functionally 185 diversified to regulate processes that are inherent to complex multicellular body plans and three- 186 dimensional architecture, including meristem development, controlling cell division and 187 expansion in roots and shoots, vascular development and seed maturation, as well as stress 188 responses (Bolle, 2004; Ma et al., 2010). This functional divergence was hypothesized to occur 189 after terrestrialization, as algal GRAS proteins form a monophyletic clade located outside of the 190 land plant group (Hernandez-Garcia et al., 2019). However, we found that while most P. 191 margaritaceum GRAS proteins clustered within the algal group (Fig. 3C), four clustered as an 192 outgroup with a subgroup of land plant GRAS proteins (Fig. 3C). This suggests that GRAS 193 proteins diverged in the Zygnematophyceae prior to the emergence of embryophytes. 194 195 Phytohormone biosynthesis and signaling 196 In land plants, interlinked sets of phytohormone signaling pathways orchestrate the exquisitely 197 complex cellular metabolic networks, developmental patterning, and systems that provide 198 protection against environmental stresses, allowing exploitation of essentially all terrestrial 199 habitats. The evolutionary origins of these phytohormones remains an intriguing question. A wide 200 range of algal lineages, including charophytes, are capable of synthesizing and responding to a 201 range of classical plant hormones but their physiological roles are typically not well understood 202 (Ju et al., 2015; Lu and Xu, 2015; Ohtaka et al., 2017; Holzinger and Pichrtova, 2016). Moreover, 203 the genomes of the two sequenced charophytes, K. nitens and C. braunii, do not encode the 204 complete set of orthologs of land plant hormone biosynthesis and signaling pathways (Hori et al., 205 2014; Nishiyama et al., 2018) (Fig. 4; Supplementary Table 9; Supplementary Fig. 8-25). We 7 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 206 investigated the genome of P. margaritaceum to find evidence of evolutionary innovations in the 207 Zygnematophyceae associated with the F-box-mediated (auxin, JA, GA and strigolactone [SL]) 208 and two-component (cytokinin [CK] and ETH) signaling pathways, as well as the ABA, salicylic 209 acid (SA) and brassinosteroid (BR) pathways (Fig. 4). 210 Auxin coordinates a spectrum of growth and developmental processes via biosynthetic and 211 signaling pathways that are conserved across land plants (Bowman et al., 2019). Various algal 212 lineages also synthesize auxin and respond to its exogenous application, with cytological and 213 structrual changes that are similar to those in land plants (Kiseleva et al., 2012; Ohtaka et al., 2017). 214 However, both P. margaritaceum and C. braunii (Nishiyama et al. 2018) lack the primary auxin 215 biosynthetic genes encoding tryptophan aminotransferase (TAA) and flavin-containing 216 monooxygenases (YUCCA) (Supplementary Table 9). TAA and the paralogous family of 217 alliinases are derived from a single land plant ancestor (Romani, 2017; Bowman et al., 2019) 218 (Supplementary Fig. 8), and the YUCCA family is thought to have been acquired via horizontal 219 gene transfer from bacteria to the ancestral land plant (Yue et al., 2012). We conclude that 220 charophytes may use one of the alternative auxin biosynthetic pathways that have been proposed 221 (Tivendale et al., 2014). In addition to the absence of a canonical auxin biosyntehtic pathway, 222 neither C. braunii nor P. margaritaceum encode F-box genes that cluster with the land plant auxin 223 receptor, TIR1, or its paralog COI1, which encodes a JA receptor, although K. nitens has one 224 homolog that is likely the ancestor of both TIR1 and COI1 (Bowman et al., 2019) (Supplementary 225 Fig. 9). Land plant auxin signaling involves binding of the TR AUX/IAA to the co-repressor 226 TOPLESS, TIR1 and AUXIN REPSONSE FACTOR (ARF) TFs, through its I, II and PB1 227 domains, respectively (Leyser, 2018). C. braunii has two AUX/IAA genes and both lack domains 228 I and II, while one of two P. margaritaceum AUX/IAA genes has prototypes of both domains 229 (Supplementary Fig. 10A, Supplementary Table 9). This is reflected in a phylogenetic tree where 230 the C. braunii AUX/IAA proteins cluster within a monoclade formed by non-canonical AUX/IAAs 231 (NCIAAs), which lack domains I and II, whereas the P. margaritaceum homologs represent the 232 ancestor of land plant canonical AUX/IAAs (Supplementary Fig. 10B). ARFs are ancient, 233 predating the formation of a canonical auxin signaling network, and are categorized in land plants 234 into three classes (A, B and C). The evolutionary history of these domains has not yet been fully 235 resolved with the support of genome sequences (Martin-Arevalillo et al., 2019) (Supplementary 236 Fig. 11A). The C. braunii genome encodes a single C-ARF, whereas the P. margaritaceum 8 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 237 genome has two ARFs that cluster together as the ancestor of A/B-ARFs. Homology modeling 238 revealed a high degree of protein structure conservation between the two P. margaritaceum ARFs 239 and ARF1 (B-ARF) from the model land plant Arabidopsis thaliana, particularly in proximity to 240 the dimerization domain (Supplementary Fig. 11B). This supports a model where both C and A/B 241 classes were present in the common ancestor of P. maragaritaceum and land plants, and that loss 242 of C-ARFs has occurred sporadically across charophyte lineages (Martin-Arevalillo et al., 2019). 243 Auxin transport and homeostasis rely on PIN and ABCB exporters, AUX1/LAX influx 244 carriers and PIL proteins (Swarup and Bhosale, 2019). All of these transporters are found in the P. 245 margaritaceum genome (Supplementary Table 9), while AUX1/LAXs and PILs are absent in C. 246 braunii (Nishiyama et al., 2018). In land plants, polar auxin transport (PAT) is a key factor in the 247 spatiotemporal control of development by asymmetric subcellular auxin distribution and is 248 mediated by plasma membrane (PM) localized PIN proteins (Swarup and Bennett, 2014). The 249 presence of PAT (Boot et al., 2012) and the polarized expression of PINs in charophytes (Żabka 250 et al., 2016) suggest that PIN-mediated PAT may have originated in charophytes, although their 251 relocalization to the plasma membrane from an ancestral form in the endoplasmic reticulum may 252 have been key to the development of early land plants (Viaene et al, 2012). In conclusion, while it 253 appears that the canonical auxin biosynthetic and signaling pathways were derived from the 254 assembly and neofunctionalization of molecular interactions that existed in the ancestral land plant, 255 the P. margaritaceum genome sequence has revealed additional core auxin signaling components 256 that likely emerged in the Zygnematophyceae. 257 Genes required for the biosynthesis of JA and GA, and the associated canonical receptors 258 and signaling elements, are absent from P. margaritaceum (Fig. 4; Supplementary Table 9), 259 although both hormones have been detected in some charophytes (Kazmierczak and Rosiak, 2000; 260 Hori et al., 2014). DELLA proteins are central repressors of GA-dependent processes and evolved 261 from a subset of GRAS family proteins. However, while GRAS TFs are particualarly abundant in 262 P. margaritaceum, none has the key N-terminal domain for interaction with the GID1 GA receptor 263 (Hernández-García, et al. 2019). Our data are congruent with the idea that the DELLA proteins 264 emerged in the land plant ancestor where they evolved a transciptional regualtory function, and 265 were then recruited to form the GID1-DELLA signaling with the emergence of vascular land plants 266 (Hernández-García, et al. 2019). 9 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 267 Similarly, there is evidence that canonical SL hormone signaling, which contributes to 268 numerous developmental processes in land plants, including shoot branching, the initiation of 269 lateral roots and leaf development, emerged in land plants through the recruitment of a pre-existing 270 SL-based signaling system (Walker et al., 2019). We found that of the known biosynthetic pathway 271 genes, P. margaritaceum only has an ortholog of MAX1 (Fig. 4). Moreover, the P. margaritaceum 272 genome encodes orthologs of only one SL signaling component, MAX2. While it has been 273 reported that some charophytes have detectable levels of SLs and respond to their exogenous 274 application (Delaux et al. 2015), the presence of SLs in charophytes has been questioned (Walker 275 et al., 2019). The absence of a biosynthetic or signaling framework in P. margaritaceum is more 276 consistent with the idea that SL synthesis orignated at the base of land plants. 277 In contrast to the F-box mediated hormones, there is considerable mechanistic conservation 278 of the two-component hormone systems among streptophytes, consistent with early establishment 279 deep in the lineage. There are structural differences between the cytokinin ligands synthesized by 280 algae and angiosperms (Bowman et al., 2019), and the latter utilize adenylate-IPTs to generate 281 trans-zeatin, while the class I tRNA-IPTs encoded by P. margaritaceum and other streptophytes 282 produce cis-zeatin (Fig. 4; Supplementary Fig. 12). Notably, the P. margaritaceum genome lacks 283 the LOG protein that, in land plants, converts inactive cytokinin nucleotides to biologically active 284 forms (Kurakawa et al., 2007), while LOG is present in all of the other selected algal genomes, 285 suggesting an alternative mechanism for cytokinin activation in P. margaritaceum. Key cytokinin 286 signaling pathway components are found in P. margaritaceum and other algal genomes, except 287 for the RR-A and RR-B response regulators, which are absent in C. braunii, again indicating 288 functional substitution by other genes (Nishiyama et al., 2018). The ethylene pathway also has 289 similarly highly conserved signaling elements, including ETR, CTR1, EBF, and EIN3, which are 290 present in all three completed charophycean algal genome sequences (Fig. 4; Supplementary Table 291 9). The ancient evolution of ethylene as a signaling molecule was also demonstrated through 292 physiological and transcriptome studies of Spirogyra pratensis, a filamentous close relative of P. 293 maragaritaceum in the Zyngnematophyceae, showing regulation of abiotic stress responses, cell 294 wall metabolism and photosynthesis (Ju et al., 2015; Van de Poel et al., 2016). 295 In land plants, ABA is associated with a range of developmental and physiological traits 296 that are central to embryophyte life cycles, and with adaptive responses to the stresses and stimuli 297 inherent in desiccating terrestrial habitats (Lievens et al., 2017; Eklund et al. 2018; Kollist et al., 10 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 298 2019; Kuromori et al., 2018). ABA can be synthesized in a diverse array of organisms via different 299 biosynthetic routes (Siewers et al., 2006; Bowman et al., 2019). Two of the plant ABA biosynthetic 300 genes, NCED and ABA2, are not found in P. margaritaceum and other selected algal lineages (Fig. 301 4; Supplementary Fig. 13 and 14). NCED is the rate-limiting enzyme (converting 9-cis- 302 villa/neoxanthin to xanthoxin) and characterizes the plant-specific indirect ABA biosynthetic 303 pathway (Hauser et al., 2011). The absence of these critical genes suggests that P. margaritaceum 304 and other charophyte algae may employ a direct pathway, via farnesyl-diphosphate for ABA 305 biosynthesis. This pathway has been identified in fungi (Siewers et al., 2006) and the associated 306 genes are present in both algae and land plants (Supplementary Fig. 15). The land plant ABA 307 signaling machinery involves several core components, including the ABA receptors PYR1/PYLs, 308 negative regulators PP2C phosphatases and positive regulators SNRK2 kinases and AREB type 309 bZIP TFs (Hauser et al., 2011). A homolog of PYR1/PYLs was not found in any of the algal 310 genomes examined (Supplementary Fig. 16; Supplementary Table 9), nor in the transcriptomes of 311 15 Desmidiales genera, and was only present in two out of 13 genera of Zygnematales based on 312 the transcriptome data (Ju et al., 2015; de Vries et al., 2018; Leebens-Mack et al., 2019), which is 313 not congruent with the propsoal that PYL arose in the common ancestor of the Zygnematophyceae 314 and land plants (de Vries et al., 2018). Nonetheless, other potential non-canoical ABA receptors 315 in A. thaliana, such as ABAR and GCR (Cutler et al., 2010) were found in the algal genomes 316 (Supplementary Fig. 17 and 18). Group A PP2C, group II and III SNRK2 and AREBs signaling 317 components are all present in low copy numbers in K. nitens (Hori et al., 2014), C. braunii 318 (Nishiyama et al., 2018), and P. margaritaceum (Supplementary Fig. 19-21; Supplementary Table 319 9), and an SNRK2 from K. nitens has been shown to transduce ABA-dependent signals when 320 expressed in A. thaliana cells (Lind et al., 2015). This suggests an evolutionary retention by the 321 first land plants of an ancestral ABA-mediated signaling and transcriptional regulatory module, 322 which was then coupled via a novel receptor to land plant-specific ABA biosythetic machinery. 323 The only traces of a land plant-specific SA pathway in P. margaritaceum are an 324 isochorismate synthase (ICS) homolog and TGA TFs; however, there is evidence of more 325 extensive genetic innovation related to the BR phytohormone. The classical BR steroid hormone 326 biosynthetic pathway includes DET2 and four members of the CYP85 clade of cytochrome P450 327 enzymes (Bak et al., 2011). DET2 orthologs are found widely in algae and land plants, but the four 328 CYP85 enzymes are specific to vascular plants (Supplementary Fig. 22 and 23). BR regulates gene 11 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 329 expression and plant development through a receptor kinase-mediated signal transduction pathway 330 (Kim et al., 2009) and three out of the five kinases, including the BR receptor BRI1 and BAK1, 331 are only present in land plants (Fig. 4; Supplementary Table 9). However, we found orthologs of 332 BSK kinases, contrary to a recent report that BSKs were an embryophyte innovation (Li et al., 333 2019) (Supplementary Fig. 24), as well as BZR TFs (Supplementary Fig. 25) in P. margaritaceum 334 but not in K. nitens or C. braunii. This suggests that these important components of the BR 335 signaling circuitry, which governs cell elongation, interaction with other hormone networks, light 336 signaling and stress responses in land plants (Sun et al., 2010; Ren et al., 2019), originated in the 337 Zygnematophyceae. 338 339 Cell walls and the diversification of extracellular structural polymers 340 The colonization of terrestrial habitats by embryophytes has been dependent upon the ability to 341 synthesize complex cell walls that provide biomechanical support and protection against 342 environmental stresses. Land plant primary walls are comprised of a core scaffolding of cellulose 343 microfibrils embedded within matrices of interconnecting pectin and hemicellulose 344 polysaccharides, together with glycoproteins (Burton et al., 2010; Popper et al., 2011; Dehors et 345 al., 2019). However, immunological and biochemical studies suggest that the capacity to 346 synthesize many of the polysaccharides of extant embryophyte walls evolved prior to the ancestral 347 land plant, during divergence of the charophyte algae (Sørensen et al., 2011). Consistent with this 348 idea, among the most remarkable examples of gene families showing expansion in P. 349 margaritaceum are those encoding carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes; Cantarel et al., 2009) 350 of the glycosyl hydrolase (GH), glycosyl transferase (GT), carbohydrate esterase (CE) and 351 polysaccharide lyase (PL) classes, as well as carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) and auxiliary 352 activities (AAs) (Fig. 5A; Supplementary Table 10). CAZy enzymes are involved in diverse 353 aspects of carbohydrate chemistry, including intracellular glycoconjugates, but notably include 354 many that may be functionally associated with cell walls. There are relatively few, or in the case 355 of PLs no, such genes in chlorophytes, and in every case there is a striking increase in abundance 356 in P. margaritaceum compared with C. braunii. Moreover, in the cases of GTs and PLs there are 357 more than in any of the green plant lineages. The large sizes of the classes typically reflect 358 expansion within individual gene families (Fig. 5A). 12 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 359 It might be expected that land plants with more complex body plans would have more 360 extensive repertoires of CAZy proteins that orchestrate the restructuring of cell wall architecture 361 during cell expansion and differentiation. However, P. margaritaceum has multiple families, 362 associated with a range of cell wall polysaccharide substrates, which are considerably larger than 363 those of A. thaliana. Particularly prominent examples of such gene family expansions are 364 annotated as pectinases, such as the GH28 (polygalacturonase; 96 in P. margaritaceum, 67 in A. 365 thaliana) and PL1 (pectate lyase; 139, 26) families, and GH16 (comprising xyloglucan 366 tranglycosylase/hydrolase, XTH, and endo-glucanase 16, EG16; 41, 33) enzymes. The expansin 367 family of cell wall loosening proteins (Cosgrove, 2015), which is not included in the CAZy 368 grouping, show a similar trend (53, 35; Supplementary Table 11). Given that P. margaritaceum is 369 unicellular, the particularly large size of these protein families is not explained by heterogeneity 370 in wall architecture associated with different cell types or body plan complexity. Rather, it may 371 reflect duplication and neofunctionalization resulting in differences in enzyme activities and 372 properties, or in micro/nano-scale differences in spatial distribution. 373 Additionally, the high-level grouping of members in CAZy gene families can mask the 374 emergence of novel enzymatic activities within distinct subgroups. Indeed, many GH and PL 375 families are known to be “polyspecific”, encompassing several related, yet distinct, substrate 376 specificities (Lombard et al., 2010; Viborg et al., 2019). GH16 is one such family, in which a 377 unique subfamily of mixed-function plant endo-glucanases (comprising clades EG16 and EG16- 378 2) has recently been delineated as a sister group to the XTHs (Elköf et al., 2013; McGregor et al., 379 2017; Behar et al., 2018). The presence of EG16-2 homologs in P. margaritaceum (12 genes) and 380 in K. nitens (six genes; Fig. 5B; Supplementary Fig. 26), is concordant with the early evolution of 381 this endo-glucanase subfamily (Behar et al., 2018), while the P. margaritaceum GH16 family 382 composition suggests that XTHs originated in the Zygnematophyceae. The expansion of EG16 383 homologs in charophyte lineages is also striking because they are found exclusively as single genes 384 in the later-diverging land plants (Fig. 5B; Behar et al., 2018). The complexity of GH16 family 385 expansion and contraction is evident, but its functional significance will require elucidation by 386 enzymology and structural biology data. 387 Another critical innovation for terrestrial plant life has been the elaboration of specific cell 388 wall types with other classes of structural polymers to provide additional biophysical attributes for 389 structural support and barrier properties. Examples include the phenylpropanoid polymer lignin in 13 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 390 xylem vessel walls and the deposition of the structurally related lipid polyesters, cutin and suberin, 391 in the hydrophobic cuticle of epidermal cells and the endodermis of roots, respectively (Fich et al., 392 2016; Renault et al., 2019). Algae do not have true cuticles, but a search of the P. margaritaceum 393 genome for homologs of structural and regulatory genes that are known in A. thaliana to be 394 associated with extracellular polyesters and wax cuticle components revealed traces of 395 biosynthetic, transport and assembly frameworks (Supplementary Table 12). These encode 396 enzymes involved in intracellular biosynthesis, as well as transporters and extracellular proteins 397 that have been linked to extracellular lipid trafficking and cuticle assembly (Yeats and Rose, 2013). 398 For example, homologs of cutin synthase (CUS) and BODYGUARD (BDG), which contribute to 399 cuticle formation in land plants, are present in P. margaritaceum and K. flaccidum. However, other 400 genes that are central to cuticle formation, such as that encoding glycerol-3-phosphate 401 acyltransferase 6 (GPAT6), which forms monoacylglycerol cutin precursors, are unique to land 402 plants, or present in far smaller numbers in algae. The quantitative and qualitative changes in 403 cuticle-associated genes from chlorophytes to charophytes, and then again to land plants, 404 (Supplementary Table 12), is consistent with the stepwise expansion and neofunctionalization of 405 ancient core lipid biosynthetic machinery to synthesize structural lipid precursors, in conjunction 406 with systems for their secretion. There is no evidence in P. margaritaceum or other charophytes 407 of primordial cutin and suberin polyesters, and although wax-like lipid deposits have been reported 408 in the cell walls of K. nitens (Kondo et al., 2016), the assembly of extracellular hydrophobic 409 polymers was likely a land plant innovation. 410 There are parallels between the origins of cuticles and suberized walls, and the evolution of 411 lignin, which is deposited in the secondary walls of specific tissues and cell types in land plants to 412 provide structural reinforcement and protection against pathogens, and to limit water diffusion 413 (Terrett and Dupree, 2019; Zhong et al., 2019). Lignin is synthesized through the phenylpropanoid 414 pathway, and while lignin or lignin-like compounds have been reported in non-vascular plants, 415 including charophytes, some of these likely resulted from misidentification of polyphenols and 416 true lignin is specific to vascular plants (Weng and Chapple, 2010). The P. margaritaceum genome 417 does not have genes that provide a canonical core phenylpropanoid pathway (Supplementary Table 418 13), including the enzyme phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) at the entry point, and it has been 419 suggested that it was acquired in land plants by horizontal gene transfer (Emiliani, et al., 2009). 420 However, PAL is present in K. nitens, but not C. braunii, and other core phenylpropanoid 14 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 421 biosynthetic genes show a similar ‘patchwork’ distribution among K. nitens, C. braunii and P. 422 margaritaceum (de Vries et al., 2017; Supplementary Table 13). This suggests a complex 423 evolutionary history in the production of soluble lignin-like compounds in charophytes, some of 424 which are incorporated into the cell wall (Sørensen et al., 2011; Weng and Chapple, 2010). The 425 development in charophytes and early land plants of mechanisms to secrete and assemble phenolic 426 and aliphatic compounds likely gave rise to an increasingly diverse palette of protective 427 extracellular biopolymers. These in turn paved the way for the formation of lignin, cutin, suberin 428 and sporopollenin polymers that are found in the walls of extant land plants (Niklas et al., 2017; 429 Renault et al., 2019). 430 Neo- and subfunctionalization of catalytically promiscuous enzymes, including those in the 431 ancient shikimate pathway (Niklas et al., 2017), would provide metabolic plasticity, which is 432 associated with the evolution and functional diversification of phenylpropanoid compounds. 433 However, the absence in the genome of P. margaritaceum and other charophytes of clear 434 candidates for key steps in the pathway leading to various phenylpropanoid compound classes 435 suggests the existence of cryptic activities and novel enzymes. A notable example is flavonoids, 436 which were originally thought to only exist in land plants, but have been identified in a few 437 divergent algal lineages (Yonekura-Sakakibara et al., 2019). Among other functions, flavonoids 438 provide protection against UV radiation, which would have been a major challenge for the first 439 land plants, and so the evolutionary trajectory of flavonoid biosynthesis is of great interest. We 440 definitively identified multiple classes of flavonoids in P. margaritaceum by mass spectrometry 441 (Supplementary Fig. 27-30), consistent with the presence of biosynthetic routes that are commonly 442 found in land plants (Supplementary Fig. 31). P. margaritaceum has a 4-coumarate:coA ligase 443 (4CL) and, most notably, 11 homologs of chalcone synthase (CHS), which acts at the entry to 444 flavonoid biosynthesis and is not present in earlier diverging plant lineages. Paradoxically though, 445 P. margaritaceum has neither PAL nor a cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H) in the same cytochrome 446 P450 subfamily (CYP73A) as the C4H genes of land plants (Yonekura-Sakakibara et al., 2019) 447 (Supplementary Table 13). Thus, there is no clear mechanism to synthesize cinnamic acid and 448 coumaric acid, which are intermediates in the formation of the coumaroyl-CoA substrate for CHS 449 (Supplementary Fig. 31). Some of the genes functioning downstream of CHS, such as chalcone 450 isomerase (CHI) and flavanone 3-hydroxylase (F3H), which lead to the spectrum of flavonoid 451 compounds, are also absent. Whether these apparently missing steps are catalyzed by proteins in 15 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 452 the same superfamilies as those of extant land plants, but are more distantly related, or they 453 represent alternative biosynthetic routes to the same product, remains an open question. 454 455 Effects of terrestrial abiotic stresses on cellular responses and transcriptome dynamics 456 To gain further insights into the molecular processes and adaptations that allow P. margaritaceum 457 to tolerate the severe physiological challenges imposed by its ephemeral habitat, we conducted 458 transcriptome profiling of responses to two archetypal terrestrial environmental factors associated 459 with a terrestrial habitat: desiccation (DE) and high light (HL), as well as a combination of the two 460 (HLDE). HL had no notable effect on cellular or chloroplast morphology but DE, imposed by 461 placing the cells on cellulose sheets, and to a lesser degree HLDE, induced asymmetric cell 462 elongation and disruption of the characteristic lobed chloroplast architecture. (Fig. 6A). DE and 463 HLDE treatments also caused substantial accumulation of starch in the chloroplast, as well as the 464 formation of large cytoplasmic vacuoles, some of which showed evidence of autophagy 465 (Supplementary Fig. 32). Starch degradation and biosynthesis have both been observed as abiotic 466 stress responses in different plant taxa (Thalmann and Santelia, 2017), and in land plants, 467 autophagy is associated with stress tolerance, the recycling of organelles and macromolecules, and 468 ROS scavenging (Signorelli et al., 2019). 469 A major structural and behavioral effect of all three treatments was the production of large 470 quantities of mucilage (Fig. 6B). Many zygnematophycean algae secrete large amounts of 471 extracellular polysaccharide mucilage through their cell walls, creating an extensive hydroscopic 472 sheath. This material, also referred to as extracellular polymeric substance (EPS), has many 473 functions that would provide an evolutionary advantage in semi-terrestrial habitats: anti- 474 desiccation; a matrix for conjugation; a biofilm for communication with other microorganisms; 475 and a propulsion mechanism where secretion from one pole of the cell allows directional gliding 476 motility (Boney, 1981; Brook, 1981; Fisher et al., 1998; Oertel et al., 2004; Domozych et al., 2005; 477 Kiemle et al., 2007; Domozych and Domozych, 2008). Mucilage production, which results in cell 478 gliding behaviors (Supplementary Video 1 and 2) increased substantially within a few minutes of 479 applying the HL, DE and HLDE treatments (Fig. 6C,D; Supplementary Fig. 33). Under DE and 480 HLDE conditions, the EPS trails were more densely packed, leading to cell aggregation. This may 481 be beneficial to an ephemeral alga whose short active growth period in the summer is defined by 482 the correlation of high light with drying conditions in shallow wetlands. The tight packing of EPS 16 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 483 trails and cells would provide a means of enhancing water retention in a hydroscopic mass under 484 drying conditions. 485 Consistent with the degree of the morphological and cytological changes, transcriptome 486 profiling of P. margaritaceum revealed a greater response to DE than to the other two treatments 487 (Fig. 6E; Supplementary Fig. 34), with 9,303 and 10,628 genes up- and down-regulated, 488 respectively. Most of the DE-related differentially expressed genes (DEGs; 78% of the up- 489 regulated and 71% of the down-regulated) were DE-specific. HL had the least impact on transcript 490 profiles, while the combined treatment had an intermediate effect. Under HLDE, 51% and 78% of 491 the up- and down-regulated genes, respectively, showed the same expression patterns as under the 492 DE treatment. These results suggest that elevated light levels alleviate the impact of DE stress. 493 Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis of the DEGs (Supplementary Table 14-19; 494 Supplementary Fig. 35) showed that the predominant categories of genes up-regulated by all three 495 treatments are related to carbohydrate metabolism. The HL treatment caused an induction of genes 496 related to central carbon metabolism, while photosynthesis related pathways and associated 497 chloroplast related genes were significantly down-regulated. This is consistent with suppression 498 of photosynthesis to prevent cellular damage caused by HL-induced ROS, as occurs in land plants 499 (Rossel et al., 2007). Complex networks of P. margaritaceum genes were identified as being 500 regulated by DE or HL, including representatives of families that are not present in other sequenced 501 algal genomes. A notable example was GRAS, which corresponded to the TF family with the 502 greatest number of DEGs under DE (50 and 66 induced and repressed, respectively), while none 503 was differentially expressed under HL, consistent with an ancestral role in abiotic stress responses. 504 In addition, 12 of the 15 P. margaritaceum DREB TFs (Supplementary Fig. 7), which are also not 505 found in other algal linages, were responsive to DE (three up-regulated and nine down-regulated), 506 consistent with a role in adaptations to increasingly terrestrial habitats 507 One of the most prominent transcriptome responses was a major up-regulation by DE of 508 genes annotated as being involved in polysaccharide metabolism and cell wall biosynthesis (Fig. 509 6F; Supplementary Table 14 and 18). These include members of various GT classes, glycan 510 synthases, and transglycosylases that function in the synthesis of diverse land plant cell wall 511 polymers, including cellulose, xylan and pectins. It might be expected that the transcriptome 512 profiles reflect the biosynthesis of the mucilage that was induced in large quantities. An analysis 513 of the polysaccharides in the mucilage secreted following HL or DE treatments (Supplementary 17 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 514 Table 20 and 21) revealed that they are quite distinct from those of the P. margaritaceum cell wall 515 (Sørensen et al., 2011), as well as showing compositional differences in response to different 516 treatments, and so these gene sets may provide useful targets for future studies of the biosynthesis 517 and function of the mucilage polymers. 518 The transcriptome profiles also suggested that substantial cell wall remodeling occurred in 519 response to DE. Large proportions of several of the families associated with cell wall loosening 520 and degradation (48%, 77%, 68% and 58% of GH28, PL, GH16, and expansin genes, respectively) 521 were up-regulated in DE stressed cells. Notably, only 1-3% and 6-23% of genes in these families 522 were up-regulated under HL or HLDE treatment, again suggesting that the effects of DE were 523 offset by higher light conditions. Congruent with the upregulation of GH28 and PL pectinase genes, 524 immunological analysis with a monoclonal antibody (JIM5) that recognizes the pectin polymer 525 homogalacturonan (HG), showed that the application of DE or HLDE stress caused major changes 526 in the pectin architecture at the site of wall expansion at the isthmus zone (Supplementary Fig. 527 36A). This was confirmed by ultrastructural observations whereby the HG lattice was significantly 528 reduced, leaving the inner cellulosic wall layer (Supplementary Fig. 36B,C). This alteration most 529 likely compromises the structural integrity of the wall, resulting in the unusual shapes of cells 530 grown under these stress conditions. These results add to growing evidence that abiotic stresses, 531 such as desiccation, cause remodeling of the cell wall in both charophytes (Herburger and 532 Holzinger, 2015; Holzinger and Pichrtova, 2016) and land plants (Tenhaken, 2015). The major 533 expansion of cell wall modifying protein families in P. margaritaceum, together with their 534 upregulation and turnover of their substrates in response to desiccation, highlights the importance 535 of a dynamic primary cell wall to withstand changing osmotic conditions, and the significance of 536 habitats such as transient wetlands in land plant evolution. 537 538 DISCUSSION 539 Approximately 500 Mya, an ancestor of the modern day Zygnematophyceae emerged from a 540 transient freshwater habitat and colonized a barren terrestrial surface. Subsequent evolutionary 541 “tuning” gave rise to the great diversity of land plants that has ultimately transformed the natural 542 history and biogeochemistry of the planet. The P. margaritaceum genome sequence confirms the 543 Zygnematophyceae as the sister lineage of land plants, and has the hallmarks of a dynamic source 544 of genetic innovation, with abundant TEs and the emergence, or major expansion, of gene families 18 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 545 and regulatory systems that are associated with terrestrialization. These include a large 546 compendium of regulatory TF families and components of phytohormone signaling networks that 547 govern stress responses and cell morphology in embryophytes. 548 The genome also provides evidence that several key land plant characteristics found in P. 549 margaritaceum may have been critical pre-adaptations for the successful transition to life in a 550 terrestrial habitat. Key among these are an extensive machinery for the synthesis, secretion and 551 remodeling of the polysaccharide cell wall, much of which originated prior to the first true land 552 plant. This is exemplified by the substantially expanded repertoire of genes involved in the 553 metabolism of pectins. These apparently ancient macromolecules contribute to cell expansion and 554 cell differentiation, as well as forming the middle lamella that mediates intercellular adhesions, 555 allowing tissue and organ formation in land plants (Zamil and Geitmann, 2017; Cosgrove, 2014). 556 Addionally, while most terrestrial plant life requires more extensive depsoition of hydrophobic 557 biopolymers to reinforce the walls of specialized cells, the origins of their building blocks can 558 increasingly be traced back to aquatic ancestors. 559 The unicellular habit of P. margaritaceum repesents a major evolutionary reduction that 560 affords significant advantages to life in aquatic habitats that experience periodic drying. Small size, 561 rapid cell division, simple conjugation-based sexual reproduction and the ability to withstand 562 desiccation-based stress, and the synthetic machinery to secrete large amounts of water-retaining 563 mucilage, provide a more efficient means to survive in shallow wetlands than the multicellular 564 habits and complex reproductive strategies displayed by other late-divergent charophytes. Ancient 565 zygnematophyceaen algae living in isolated freshwater pools were well adapted to make the move 566 to life on land. It is important to note that all zygnematophyceaen taxa are believed to be derived 567 from multicellular ancestors (Delwiche and Cooper, 2015). Upon initial land colonization, a 568 reversion to a multicellular form that would provide a greater surface area for photsynthesis and 569 the absorption of minerals and water from the “new” substrate most likely occurred. 570 More elaborate plant body plans evolved independently in different lineages of the 571 Streptophyta, with members of the Charophyceae taking advantage of the buoyancy provided by 572 their exclusively aquatic environment and the Coleochaetophyceae using a highly compact thallus 573 and unique sensory hairs to live in semi-aquatic and terrestrial habitats. However, it was the 574 Zygnematophyceae that evolved significant thallus reduction, fast growth rates and simplified 575 conjugation-based sexual reproduction, to thrive in transient freshwater wetlands that most likely 19 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 576 dominated Earth’s land surfaces over 500 Mya. As important, these and other characteristics 577 described in this study were critical to successfully colonizing land. Once established, proliferation 578 and subsequent evolutionary events led to the land plants. 20 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 579 MATERIALS AND METHODS 580 General culture conditions 581 Penium margaritaceum Brébisson (Skidmore College Algal Culture Collection) was maintained 582 in sterile 100 mL liquid cultures of Woods Hole medium (Nichols, 1973) supplemented with soil 583 extract (WH soil or WHS: soil extract obtained from Carolina Biological, USA), pH 7.2 at 18 ± 584 2°C in a photoperiod of 16 h light/8 h dark with 74 μmol photons m-2 s-1 Photosynthetic Photon 585 Flux of cool white fluorescent light. Subcultures were made every 10 days and 10-14 day old 586 cultures were used for all experiments. 587 588 Stress conditions 589 Stress cultures were maintained in 50 mL aliquots of WHS in sterile 150 x 15 mm plastic Petri 590 dishes. Cultures (5 mL; 2,000 cells mL-1) were added to each dish, which was then sealed with 591 surgical tape and placed under high light (HL; 150 μmol photons m-2 s-1, 18 +/-2oC), or control (74 592 μmol photons m-2 s-1, 18 +/-2oC) conditions. For the desiccation (DE) stress experiments, 150 x 15 593 mm plastic Petri dishes were filled with 50 mL of WHS containing 2% agarose (Sigma. A-1296) 594 and allowed to cool. Two sterile 80 mm diameter cellulose sheets (325p; AA Packaging Limited) 595 were added to each plate and 1 mL of concentrated cell culture (~5,000 cells mL-1) was spread 596 onto the sheets. The plates were then sealed and placed under control conditions or HL to produce 597 high light plus desiccation (HLDE) conditions. Cells from three independent treatments or the 598 control were collected after 14 days by centrifugation at 1,500 x g for 1 min, the pellets washed 599 three times by resuspension in sterile WHS, shaking and centrifugation, and then frozen in liquid 600 nitrogen. For DE experiments, the cells were scraped off the cellulose sheets and frozen in liquid 601 nitrogen. 602 603 Cell labeling and imaging 604 Cells grown in liquid culture under control or stress conditions were washed three times with WHS, 605 centrifuged (400 x g for 1 min) and the cell pellet was gently resuspended in WHS (1,000 cells 606 mL-1 +/- 50). Samples (200 µL) were placed in the center of a single-welled 607 polytetrafluoroethylene printed slide (Electron Microscopy Sciences, Hatfield, PA, USA) and 608 mixed with 50 µL of a 100 µg/mL solution of Fluoresbrite Plain YG 0.5 µm Microspheres, or with 609 0.5 µm Polybead Polystyrene Microspheres (Polysciences, Warrington, PA, USA). The mixed 21 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 610 suspensions were covered with a 22 x 22 mm glass coverslip and imaged with either light 611 microscopy (LM; Olympus BX-60 or IX-83 equipped with both wide field fluorescence and 612 differential interference contrast optics), or confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM; Olympus 613 Fluoview 1200 CLSM). Single images or Free Run time lapse video clips were acquired with 614 Olympus DP-73 cameras. For some experiments, the slides were placed in a moisture chamber 615 comprising a glass Petri dish with a layer of wet filter paper. The chambers were placed under the 616 control and HL conditions for various periods of time and then viewed with LM or CLSM. To 617 image the mucilage in DE cultures, cell aggregates were removed from the surface of desiccation 618 cultures, placed on the slides as above and a drop of 0.5 mg/mL Fluoresbrite bead solution was 619 placed on the cell aggregate. The coverslip was then added and the slide viewed with LM or CLSM. 620 To visualize starch, cell pellets were resuspended in growth medium and stained for 5 min with 1% 621 v/v iodine then washed before imaging. Immunolabeling of cell wall pectin followed the protocol 622 of Rydahl et al. (2015) with the anti-HG monoclonal antibody, JIM5 (Knox et al., 1990). 623 Immunolabeling of the mucilage (EPS) (Fig. 1D) was as described in Domozych et al. (2005). 624 For transmission electron micrograph (TEM) imaging, cell suspensions were spray frozen 625 into liquid propane cooled with liquid nitrogen. Freeze substitution and embedding followed the 626 protocol of Domozych et al. (2007) and 80 nm sections were cut on an ultramicrotome (Leica), 627 stained with conventional uranyl acetate and lead citrate and viewed with a Zeiss Libra 120 628 transmission electron microscope. For scanning electron microscopy imaging (SEM), cells were 629 collected by centrifugation, placed on nitrocellulose paper attached to a JEOL Cryostub (JEOL, 630 USA) and frozen in liquid nitrogen then imaged with a JEOL 6480 LV SEM under low vacuum 631 conditions (10 kv, spot size 30). 632 633 DNA and RNA extraction 634 Cells were grown for 14 days in sterile 125 mL flasks containing 75 mL of WHS under the 635 conditions described above. Cells were then collected by centrifugation, and used as a source of 636 RNA (Wan and Wilkins, 1994). The quality was confirmed using an Agilent BioAnalyzer (Agilent, 637 Santa Clara, CA, USA). RNA for ISO-seq was extracted from cells grown for 3 days in mating 638 inducing media (Sørensen et al., 2014) using the RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen, USA). Nuclei were 639 isolated from the cell pellets (Raimundo et al., 2018) and used as a source of genomic DNA as this 640 yielded far better quality preparations. DNA quality was verified using a Nanodrop™ 2000 22 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 641 Spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) and an Agilent BioAnalyzer (Agilent, Santa 642 Clara, CA, USA). 643 644 Library construction and sequencing 645 Five paired-end libraries were constructed for genome sequencing, of which three were prepared 646 with the Illumina TruSeq DNA PCR-Free Prep kit, one with the Illumina Genomic DNA Sample 647 Prep kit and one with the Kapa Hyper kit (Kapa Biosystem, Roche). Three mate-pair libraries were 648 constructed using Illumina Nextera Mate Pair Library Prep kit with insert sizes ranging between 649 2-4 kb, 5-7 kb and 8-10 kb, respectively (Supplementary Table 1). All libraries were sequenced on 650 an Illumina HiSeq 2500 system in paired-end mode. 651 Strand-specific RNA-Seq libraries were constructed for each sample as previously described 652 (Zhong et al., 2011) and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 2500 system in paired-end mode. A non- 653 size-selected SMRTbell (Pacific Biosciences, USA) library from the total RNA was constructed 654 using the manufacturer’s Iso-Seq protocol and sequenced in two SMRT cells on the PacBio Sequel 655 platform (v2.0 chemistry). 656 657 Sequence processing, de novo assembly and quality evaluation 658 Genomic paired-end reads were processed to remove adaptors and low-quality bases using 659 Trimmomatic (Bolger et al., 2014) (version 0.32) with parameters “TruSeq3-PE- 660 2.fa:2:30:10:1:TRUE SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 MINLEN:40”. Mate- 661 pair reads were cleaned with the ShortRead package (Morgan et al., 2009) to remove the junction 662 adaptor sequences formed during library construction and the trailing bases. 663 To assemble the genome, we first searched for optimal k-mer size. Since the P. 664 margaritaceum genome is highly repetitive (Supplementary Fig. 1A), large k-mer size can help 665 resolve repetitive regions with a trade-off of increasing the number of unique k-mers, which 666 requires more computational resources. For P. margaritaceum genome assembly, memory 667 efficiency was a major bottleneck for most of the popular assemblers attempted, including 668 MaSuRCA (Zimin et al., 2013), SPAdes (Bankevich et al., 2012), ALLPATHS-LG (Gnerre et al. 669 2011), ABYSS 2.0 (Jackman et al., 2017) and w2rap-contigger (Clavijo et al. 2017). All of them 670 failed after running days to weeks on a 1Tb memory machine and some even failed on a 3Tb 671 memory cluster. The final genome assembly was generated by SOAPdenovo2 (Luo et al., 2012) 23 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 672 (version 2.04) on a 1Tb memory machine with kmer size set to 127. The redundant contigs were 673 removed using BLASTn (coverage ≥90% and identity ≥99%) and the remaining contigs were 674 assembled into a scaffold using the built-in module of SOAPdenovo2, with reads from all the mate- 675 pair and paired-end libraries (parameters ‘-F -u’). Gaps in the resulting scaffolds were filled using 676 GapFiller v1-10 (Nadalin et al. 2012) with all paired-end reads. 677 Additional steps were taken to improve the contiguity and gene space of the assembly. First, 678 the genome was also assembled successfully by MEGAHIT v1.1.1-2-g02102e1 (Li et al., 2015) 679 using discrete k-mer sizes (121, 139, 159, 179, 199, 219, 239 and 249). Although the overall 680 quality of the MEGAHIT assembly (contig N50: 498bp; scaffold N50: 696 bp) was not better, 681 some long contigs were used for further scaffolding or gap filling of the SOAPdenovo2 assembly. 682 MEGAHIT contigs > 2 kb were used in a BLAST search against the SOAPdenovo2 assembly 683 (identity > 99%; minimal HSP length > 100 bp). Gapped scaffolds uniquely spanned by 684 MEGAHIT sequences were filled, or replaced if they were contained by MEGAHIT sequences. 685 When one MEGAHIT contig was aligned with two SOAPdenovo2 scaffolds, and the two 686 alignments in the MEGAHIT contig did not overlap, the SOAPdenovo2 scaffolds were joined with 687 gaps (100 Ns) if: the anchors 1) were located on each contig at the termini; and 2) were ≥100 688 nucleotides. Second, the genome assembly was further polished with assistance of transcriptome 689 de novo assembly. We aligned the transcripts to the genome assembly using GMAP (Wu and 690 Watanabe 2005) (version 2017-10-12) with parameters “--min-identity=0.95 --max-intronlength- 691 middle 50000 -L 100000”. If a transcript was uniquely mapped onto two scaffolds and the 692 alignments met the following criteria, the two scaffolds were joined with gaps (100 Ns): a) 693 individual alignment length > 100 bp; b) total alignments should cover > 80% of the transcript; 694 and c) alignments on the scaffolds should be located within 5 kb of the closest terminus. 695 Consequently, 3,971 scaffolds (~111 Mb) were successfully connected. Lastly, transcripts not 696 covered by the SOAPdenovo2 assembly but with solid homologs in the NCBI protein database 697 were mapped to the MEGAHIT assembly, and the aligned MEGAHIT contigs, if not redundant, 698 were added to the SOAPdenovo2 assembly. 699 To correct base errors in the assembly, the variants were called with all paired-end reads. 700 Briefly, cleaned reads were aligned to the assembly using BWA 0.7.15-r1140 (Li and Durbin 701 2009) and valid alignments (mapping quality ≥ 40; properly paired) were used for SNP calling by 702 FreeBayes (v1.2.0) (Garrison and Marth 2012) with parameters “-q 0 -F 0.2 -p 1”. The variants 24 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 703 were filtered by BCFtools (Narasimhan et al., 2016) using the stringent criteria "QUAL>30 & 704 TYPE='snp' & AO/DP >0.5 & DP>=30 & DP<=300 & MQM>30 & SAF>1 & SAR>1 & RPR>1 705 & RPL>1". The resulting high-confidence variants were used for base correction of the assembly. 706 The assembly was further checked for redundancy as described above. Scaffolds with BLASTn 707 hits (E-value < 1e-5) from non-eukaryotic organisms were manually examined to exclude 708 contamination. 709 To assess the quality of the assembled genome, Illumina genomic and RNA-Seq reads were 710 mapped to the assembly through BWA or HISAT2 (Kim et al., 2015) (v2.1), respectively. K-mer 711 based analysis were carried out with KAT (Mapleson et al., 2016) (V2.4.1). 712 713 PacBio Iso-Seq and Illumina RNA-Seq data analysis and transcriptome de novo assembly 714 Long reads produced by the PacBio Sequel platform were processed using modules in the 715 SMRTLink package (v5.1; PacBio), to generate full-length refined consensus isoforms. Circular 716 consensus sequences (CCSs) were obtained from the ‘ccs’ module using the parameters “-- 717 minPredictedAccuracy=0.75, MinFullPasses =0 and --minLength=100”. CCSs containing poly(A) 718 signal, 5’ and 3’ adapters were then identified, and the adapters and poly(A) sequences were 719 trimmed to create full-length non-chimeric reads (FLNC). The retained FLNC reads were 720 iteratively classified into clusters to build the consensus sequences, which were then polished by 721 Quiver (Chin et al., 2013) with the minimum accuracy rate set to 0.99. Base errors in the polished 722 isoforms were further corrected by Illumina RNA-Seq reads using LoRDEC v0.8 (Salmela and 723 Rivals, 2014) with kmer length set to 19. The LoRDEC-corrected isoforms were used to 724 reconstruct the coding regions of the P. margaritaceum genome using Cogent v3.5 725 (https://github.com/Magdoll/Cogent). To build gene clusters, all the isoforms were aligned to the 726 P. margaritaceum coding genome (the collection of coding sequences generated by Cogent) by 727 minimap2 with parameters “-ax splice -uf” (Li, 2018), and the resulting alignments were then 728 processed by cDNA_Cupcake (https://github.com/Magdoll/cDNA_Cupcake) to collapse isoforms. 729 Illumina RNA-Seq reads were processed with Trimmomatic (Bolger et al., 2014) to remove 730 adaptor and low-quality sequences. Reads aligned to the ribosomal RNA database (Quast et al., 731 2013) were discarded. The remaining cleaned reads were subjected to Trinity (Grabherr et al., 732 2011) for de novo assembly with the minimum kmer coverage set to two. To remove redundancy, 25 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 733 Trinity assembled contigs were further clustered by iAssembler (Zheng et al., 2011) with a 734 sequence identity cutoff of 97%. 735 736 Repeat annotation 737 A species-specific repeat library was built following the advanced repeat library construction 738 tutorial described in Campbell et al. (2014). Specifically, LTRharvest (Ellinghaus et al., 2008) 739 (v1.5.9; parameters ‘-minlenltr 100 -maxlenltr 6000 -mindistltr 1500 -maxdistltr 25000 -mintsd 5 740 -maxtsd 5 -motif tgca -vic 10’) and LTRdigest (http://genometools.org/tools/gt_ltrdigest.html) 741 were used to identify long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, and MITE-Hunter (Han and 742 Wessler, 2010) (v11-2011; parameters ‘-n 30’) to identify miniature inverted transposable 743 elements (MITEs) in the genome assembly. The identified LTRs and MITEs were used to mask 744 the P. margaritaceum genome using RepeatMasker (v4.0.7; www.repeatmasker.org), and the 745 unmasked 746 http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatModeler.html) to identify novel transposable elements (TEs). 747 All identified repeat sequences were searched against the Swiss-Prot database (www.uniprot.org/) 748 using BLASTx with an E-value cutoff of 1e-10, and repeats matching non-TE proteins in the 749 database were excluded. To annotate the repeats, we used a modified approach similar to that 750 implemented in the RepeatClassifier module of RepeatModeler. First, we ran the RepeatClassifier 751 on all identified repeats to get a summary statistic of BLASTx matches against a TE protein dataset 752 provided by RepeatMasker. Repeats were categorized based on the classification of best hits 753 (filtered by E-value < 1e-3 and alignment length > 150 nucleotides or 50 residues). The 754 unclassified repeats were scanned by RepeatMasker with all eukaryotic TEs from the Repbase 755 database (version 20170127). Best hits, with alignments > 200 nucleotides, were kept for TE 756 family assignment. Simple repeat annotation was performed with an independent run of the TRF 757 program (Benson, 1999) (v 4.09; parameters: “2 7 7 80 10 50 2000 -h -f -d -m 1 -l 10”). genomic sequences were analyzed by RepeatModeler (v1.0.11; 758 759 Estimation of LTR retrotransposon insertion time 760 The long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences of each identified full-length retrotransposon were 761 aligned with MAFFT (Katoh and Standley, 2013) (v7.313; parameters: “--maxiterate 1000 – 762 localpair”), and the genetic distance was estimated using the distmat program from the EMBOSS 763 package (Rice et al., 2000) with the Kimura method. The insertion time (T) of the LTR 26 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 764 retrotransposons was calculated according to the formula T=K/2r, where K is the genetic 765 distance and r is the nucleotide substitution rate, which was estimated to be 7.0 × 10-9 766 substitutions per site per year in A. thaliana (Ossowski et al., 2010). 767 768 Gene prediction 769 We predicted protein-coding genes in the P. margaritaceum genome using the MAKER-P pipeline 770 (Cantarel et al., 2008) (v2.31.10), which integrates gene models derived from three sources of 771 predictions: ab initio prediction, protein homology based evidence, and transcript evidence. Three 772 ab initio predictors, GeneMark-ES v3.51 (Lomsadze et al., 2005), SNAP v2006-07-28 (Korf, 2004) 773 and AUGUSTUS v3.3 (Stanke et al., 2006), were incorporated in the MAKER-P pipeline. 774 Proteomes of 18 plant species across the Viridiplantae were used to identify protein homology. To 775 prepare the transcript evidence, RNA-Seq reads were assembled using Trinity v2.6.6 (Grabherr et 776 al., 2011) under both de novo and genome-guided modes. The resulting two assemblies, as well as 777 an additional source of transcript structures obtained from StringTie 1.3.3b (Pertea et al., 2015), 778 which used RNA-Seq alignments to the P. margaritaceum genome by HISAT2 (Kim et al., 2015) 779 (v2.1), were supplied to the PASA pipeline v2.2.0 (Haas et al., 2003) to build a comprehensive 780 transcriptome assembly. Protein-coding regions of the PASA assembly were predicted by 781 TransDecoder (https://github.com/TransDecoder/TransDecoder/wiki) and confirmed through 782 homology search against the Pfam (Bateman et al., 2004) and Uniref (Suzek et al., 2014) protein 783 databases, PASA predicted gene structures were used as a training set for AUGUSTUS and also 784 served as an independent prediction considered by the MAKER-P pipeline. The Trinity assemblies, 785 combined with 29,220 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the NCBI nucleotide database, were 786 fed to the MAKER-P pipeline as transcript evidence. 787 The final MAKER-P gene models were compared to the Pfam database to exclude those 788 containing TE-related domains. Genes with expression value RPKM (reads per kilobase of exon 789 model per million mapped reads) ≥ 1 in combined RNA-Seq data or having at least one valid hit 790 in any knowledge databases (nr/Pfam/InterPro/PANTHER) were classified as high-confidence 791 genes, whereas the rest of the predicted genes were grouped into a low-confidence gene set. 792 793 794 27 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 795 Development of the master gene set 796 To further improve gene completeness, a master gene set was created by incorporating PacBio 797 Iso-Seq full-length transcript isoforms and Trinity assembled transcripts into the high-confidence 798 (HC) 799 (https://sourceforge.net/projects/seqclean) for polyA tail trimming and rRNA sequence removal. 800 Coding regions of the transcripts were identified by TransDecoder, and only those with coding 801 sequences > 90 nucleotides were kept. CD-HIT (Fu et al., 2012) was used to cluster the coding 802 sequences to remove redundancies. Coding sequences of Trinity assembled transcripts were 803 removed if they shared > 90% identity with Iso-Seq isoforms. The remaining coding sequences 804 were mapped to the P. margaritaceum genome using GMAP with parameters “-n 0 -z sense force”. 805 According to the alignments, we replaced HC genes predicted from the P. margaritaceum genome 806 with corresponding coding transcripts if all the following criteria were met: a) alignment between 807 the transcript and the HC gene covered > 80% of the HC coding region; b) the length of coding 808 sequence of the transcript was at least 1.1 times of that of the HC gene; c) length of the transcript 809 coding sequence should not exceed 1.5 times of the average length of the top 10 protein homologs 810 in the GenBank (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) non-redundant (nr) database (to avoid chimeric 811 transcripts); and d) the transcript was the one that contained longest coding sequence in the locus. 812 Some transcripts did not align to the genome or the alignments were located in intergenic 813 regions. To identify likely protein-coding genes from among these transcripts, we assessed their 814 coding potential using CPC (Kong et al., 2007) and discarded those annotated as non-coding 815 transcripts. We also excluded the remaining transcripts without any protein homologs in 816 Viridiplantae species, and those whose predicted protein sequences were considered to be too long 817 (≥1.5 times the average length of their homologs) or too short (≤0.5 times the average length of 818 their homologs). In addition, transcripts encoding TE-related Pfam domains were removed. For 819 the remaining transcripts, we only included the longest transcript for each locus into the master 820 gene set. gene set. Transcript sequences were subjected to SeqClean 821 To annotate genes in the master list, their protein sequences were compared to the GenBank 822 nr database, the A. thaliana proteome (www.arabidopsis.org) and the UniProt database 823 (www.uniprot.org) using BLASTp with an E-value cutoff of 1e-5. The protein sequences were 824 also compared to the InterPro database using InterProScan (v5.29-68.0) (Jones et al., 2014). Gene 825 ontology (GO) annotations were obtained using Blast2GO (version 5.2.4) (Gotz et al., 2008) based 28 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 826 on the BLASTp results from the GenBank nr database and output from the InterProScan. 827 Functional descriptions were integrated and assigned to the genes using AHRD (v3.3.3; 828 https://github.com/groupschoof/AHRD). Enzyme Commission (EC) information was acquired 829 from the Blast2GO analysis. Transcription factors, transcriptional regulators and protein kinases 830 were identified based on the rules of the iTAK pipeline (v1.7) (Zheng et al., 2016). Pathway 831 analysis was performed using the online annotation server BlastKOALA (Kanehisa et al., 2016). 832 833 Gene family identification 834 Homologs of each targeted A. thaliana gene with known function were identified using a BLASTP 835 E-value ≤ 1e-5 and reciprocal coverage ≥35%. Protein sequences from P. margaritaceum and other 836 selected species were used in BLAST searches of the A. thaliana protein database (E-value ≤1e-5, 837 coverage of A. thaliana genes ≥ 30%), and genes with the best hit to the identified homologs or 838 the original A. thaliana genes were identified. Alternatively, some of the gene families were 839 identified based on a search of functional domains with the “--cut-ga” option, or classified based 840 on iTAK (Zheng et al., 2016) results (specified in the Supplementary Table 9). 841 842 Carbohydrate-active enzyme (CAZy) family identification 843 The CAZY families were identified using dbCAN2 (Zhang et al., 2018), and unless indicated the 844 default thresholds (E-value < 1e-15 and coverage >35%) were used to delineate each gene family. 845 846 Differential gene expression analysis 847 Cleaned RNA-Seq reads were used to quantify expression of P. margaritaceum master genes in 848 each sample using Salmon v0.9.1 (quasi mode; -k 31) (Patro et al., 2017). Raw counts were 849 normalized to FPKM (fragments per kilobase of exon model per million mapped fragments). 850 Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between treatment and control samples were identified 851 using the DESeq2 package (Love et al. ,2014). Genes with false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.01 and 852 fold-change > 2 were considered to be DEGs. GO enrichment analysis of the DEGs was performed 853 using BiNGO (Maere et al., 2005). 854 855 856 29 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 857 Species phylogeny, molecular dating, and gene family evolution analysis 858 P. margaritaceum and thirteen other species representing major lineages in the taxon Viridiplantae 859 were included for comparative genomics analysis (Supplementary Table 22). The orthogroups 860 among these species were built by OrthoMCL (Li et al., 2003) (v2.0.9) with parameters “E-value 861 < 1e-5; alignment coverage > 40%; inflation value 1.5”. To infer the species phylogeny, we 862 retrieved sequences from low-copy orthogroups, defined as groups in which gene copies for each 863 species was ≤3 and maximum number of species with multi-copy genes, or missing genes, was 864 one. This yielded a total of 738 orthogroups. Each orthogroup was aligned separately with MAFFT 865 and gap regions in the alignment were trimmed with trimAL (Capella-Gutiérrez et al., 2009). A 866 Maximum likelihood phylogeny was inferred by IQ-TREE (Nguyen et al., 2014) (v 1.6.7) with 867 concatenated alignments and best-fitting model (LG+F+I+G4), as well as 1.000 bootstrap 868 replicates. Molecular dating was carried out by MCMCTree in the PAML package (Yang, 2007). 869 The divergence time of Tracheophyta (450.8 - 430.4 Mya) was used as a calibration point 870 according to Morris et al. (2018). For gene family evolution analysis, we used orthogroups with 871 genes present in at least one algal species and one land plant (N=8859). Modeling of gene family 872 size was performed by CAFE (De Bie et al., 2006) (v 4.2) and the gene birth and death rate was 873 estimated with orthogroups that were conserved in all species. 874 875 Whole genome duplication (WGD) analysis 876 To explore possible WGD in P. margaritaceum, we employed CODEML implemented in the 877 PAML package (v4.9h) to obtain Ks (synonymous substitution) distribution of paralogous genes. 878 Briefly, P. margaritaceum genes in each orthogroup were compared pairwise and gene pairs 879 sharing > 98% identity at both nucleotide and protein levels were eliminated. The Ks distribution 880 was fitted with a mixture model of Gaussian distribution by the mclust R package (Scrucca et al., 881 2016) to identify possible WGD signatures. Ks with values >2 were excluded because of Ks 882 saturation. Identification of optimal number of components (corresponding to possible WGDs) in 883 mclust is prone to overfitting, so we also used SiZer and SiCon from the R package (Duong et al., 884 2008) to distinguish components at a significance level of 0.05. 885 886 887 30 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 888 Phylogenetic analyses 889 Protein sequences of the identified genes were aligned using MAFFT (Katoh and Standley, 2013) 890 and the Maximum Likelihood tree for each family was constructed by IQ-TREE (Nguyen et al., 891 2014) with 1,000 bootstrap replicates. The models used were as specified in the individual tree 892 figures. Abbreviation for selected species (if present) are as follows: Ostreococcus tauri (ota, blue), 893 Chlorella variabilis (cva, blue), Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (cre, blue), Klebsormidium nitens 894 (kni, light blue), Chara braunii (cbr, light blue), Penium margaritaceum (pma, green), Marchantia 895 polymorpha (mpo, orange), Physcomitrella patens (ppa, orange), Selaginella moellendorffii (smo, 896 pink), Azolla filiculoides (afi, pink), Gnetum montanum (gmo, pink), Amborella trichopoda (atr, 897 red), Oryza sativa (osa, red) and Arabidopsis thaliana (ath, red). Branches with bootstrap value 898 (%) >70 are listed. Orthologs from P. margaritaceum and other species were inferred from the 899 tree. 900 901 GH16 sequence characterization and phylogeny construction 902 BLASTp was used to search through the genomes of P. margaritaceum, K. nitens and C. braunii 903 with GH16 queries, including laminarinases, agarases, porphyranases, carrageenases, MLGases, 904 chitin transglycosylases, EG16s and XTHs (Viborg et al., 2019). The resulting sequences were 905 analyzed manually and candidates were aligned using SignalP (www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/SignalP), 906 TargetP 907 (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). They were also aligned with other GH16 sequences (using MAFFT, 908 ginsi strategy) and the presence of conserved EG16 and XTH motifs was noted. For the GH16 909 phylogeny, several representatives of each GH16 group were aligned (MAFFT, ginsi strategy) 910 with all non-fragment P. margaritaceum sequences (n=41), K. nitens (n=12) sequences, C. braunii 911 (n=6) sequences and GH7 cellulases (as outgroup) then trimmed. To calculate the tree, RAxML- 912 HPC2 on XSEDE was used on the CIPRES portal (www.phylo.org), with the JTT amino acid 913 substitution model, which ran for 360 rapid bootstraps. (www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/TargetP) and a NCBI conserved domain search 914 915 Protein structure modeling 916 The protein structure of Arabidopsis ARF1 (PDB accession no. 4LDX) was used as the template 917 for structure modeling of P. margaritaceum ARF proteins using SWISS-MODEL (Waterhouse et 918 al., 2018) with default parameters. The target and template sequences were aligned with MAFFT 31 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 919 (L-INS-I strategy) and the protein structure was visualized using Chimera (version 1.13.1) 920 (Pettersen et al., 2014). 921 Flavonoid extraction and analysis 923 Flavonoids were extracted from P. margaritaceum cell culture pellets based as in Ye et al. (2015). 924 Freeze-dried samples were homogenized with a TissueLyser II (Qiagen), extracted overnight at 925 4°C with 80% methanol then centrifuged at 13,000 x g for 10 min. The supernatant was retained 926 and the pellet re-extracted with 80% methanol for 1 h and centrifuged as before. The supernatants 927 were pooled and dried using a speed-vac then reconstituted in 120 µL of solvent (40 µL MeOH + 928 80 µL H2O) prior to analysis by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry using a Thermo 929 Scientific Vanquish UHPLC system (mobile phase A, water with 0.1% formic acid; mobile phase 930 B, methanol with 0.1% formic acid), with a Thermo Scientific Hypersil Gold column (2.1 x 931 150mm, 1.9µm) operating at 45°C with a flow rate of 200 µL min-1. Separation of compounds was 932 carried out with gradient elution profile: 0 min, A:B 99.5:0.5; 1 min, A:B 90:10; 10 min, A:B 933 70:30, 18 min, A:B 50:50, 22 min, A:B 1:99; total 30 min. The injection volume was 2 µL. 114100 922 934 MS and MSn data were collected with a Thermo Scientific Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid mass 935 spectrometer. Flavonoids were identified using the automated iterative precursor exclusion method 936 of the Acquire X workflow (four iterative runs of the the pooled sample). The MS2 (30 K FWHM 937 at m/z 200) spectra were collected for precursor ions detected in the survey MS scan within a 1.2 938 second cycle time. Higher order MSn (3-4) (30 K FWHM at m/z 200) spectra were collected only 939 when the instrument detected the sugar neutral loss based on MS2 and/or MS3 data. For flavonoid 940 quantification, ultra-high resolution MS data (120 K FWHM at m/z 200) was collected. Flavonoid 941 identification and quantification were carried out using Mass Frontier 8.0 and Compound 942 Discoverer 3.1 software (Thermo Scientific). Specifically, flavonoids were identified and 943 annotated searching MSn tree raw data files against mzCloud spectra library using Mass Frontier 944 8.0. The identified list (full or partial MSn spectral tree data matching MSn spectra of flavonoid 945 references in the mzCloud library) plus an existing database with 6,549 flavonoid structures were 946 used for database search in Compound Discoverer 3.1. The putative flavonoids identified by CD 947 3.1 were further analyzed for structure annotation by the FISh ranking tool (Mass Frontier 8.0). 948 949 32 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 950 Mucilage compositional analysis 951 Mucilage was isolated as in Domozych et al. (2005), freeze dried and analyzed by the carbohydrate 952 analytical service of the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia 953 (www.ccrc.uga.edu/services). 954 33 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 955 REFERENCES 956 Agarwal, P.K., Gupta, K., Lopato, S. & Agarwal, P. 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The mucilage analysis work was 1329 supported by the Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences Division, Office of Basic 1330 Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy grant (DE-SC0015662) to Dr. Parastoo Azadi at the 1331 Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia. 1332 1333 AUTHOR INFORMATION 1334 The authors declare no competing interests 1335 1336 47 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 1337 FIGURE LEGENDS 1338 Figure 1. Phylogeny of green plants and morphology of Penium margaritaceum. (A) Current 1339 positioning of charophytes in plant phylogeny, highlighting variation in typical body plans (e.g. 1340 unicellular, filamentous and complex branched and multicellular) and associated terrestrial or 1341 aquatic habitats. Lineages for which there is a representative genome sequence are shown with an 1342 asterisk. (B) Cylindrical P. margaritaceum cell consisting of two semi-cells, each with one or two 1343 chloroplasts. The cell center (isthmus; arrow) contains the nucleus and is the major site of cell 1344 expansion. (C) Scanning electron micrograph image of a P. margaritaceum cell, highlighting the 1345 complex lattice of cell wall pectin polysaccharides on the cell surface. (D). Confocal scanning 1346 laser microscopy image of P. margaritaceum cells labeled with an antibody to the mucilage that 1347 encases them. Scale bars: B, 15 µm; C, 12 µm; D, 15 µm. 1348 1349 Figure 2. Repeat sequences in genomes of P. margaritaceum and selected green plant species. (A) 1350 Contents of different repeats in different green plant species. The schematic tree on the left shows 1351 evolutionary relationships. Numbers on the right panel correspond to DIRS, Ngaro, copia, and 1352 gypsy percentages. (B) Estimated insertion time of full-length copia and gypsy LTRs in the P. 1353 margaritaceum genome (band width: 0.4). 1354 1355 Figure 3. Gene family evolution in green plant species. (A) Divergence and gene family evolution 1356 of selected species. Numbers in bracket indicate the estimated age in million years. Numbers on 1357 branches represent significantly (P < 0.05) expanded (red) or contracted (green) gene families in 1358 that branch compared to its last ancestor. (B) Transcription factor families expanded compared to 1359 earlier diverging lineages, or starting to emerge, in Penium margaritaceum. (C) Maximum 1360 likelihood phylogeny of GRAS proteins. The tree on the left includes GRAS proteins from five 1361 plant species: P. margaritaceum (green), Marchantia polymorpha and Physcomitrella patens 1362 (orange), and Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa (dark red). The collapsed clade (right) 1363 contains GRAS proteins of P. margaritaceum (green branches) and other algae (dark branches) 1364 based on transcriptome data. Pies indicate branches with bootstrap value < 90. 1365 1366 Figure 4. Genes involved in phytohormone biosynthesis and signaling. JA, jasmonic acid; GA, 1367 gibberellins; SL, strigolactone; CK, cytokinin; ETH, ethylene; ABA, abscisic acid (ABA); SA, 48 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 1368 salicylic acid; and BR, brassinosteroid. Rectangles, biosynthetic enzymes; hexagons, receptors; 1369 ovals, signal transduction components; and octagons, transcription factors. Shapes with a border 1370 indicate genes present in Penium margaritaceum. Double asterisks indicate genes that are present 1371 in P. margaritaceum, but not in earlier diverging lineages. The red triangle indicates a proto- 1372 domain I/II present in P. margaritaceum and the red star shows the proto A/B ARFs in P. 1373 margaritaceum. Blue shapes indicate genes already present in chlorophytes, and green and pale 1374 yellow shapes represent genes arising in charophytes and land plants, respectively. 1375 1376 Figure 5. Carbohydrate active enzyme (CAZy) class composition. (A) Number of genes (left y 1377 axis; bars) and families (right y axis; lines) in the glycosyl hydrolase (GH), glycosyltransferase 1378 (GT), pectate lyase (PL), carbohydrate esterase (CE), carbohydrate binding module (CBM) and 1379 ancillary activity (AA) classes. (B) Census of EG16, EG16-2, XTH, and other GH16 homologs in 1380 the genomes of selected plants. 1381 1382 Figure 6. Responses of Penium margaritaceum to high light and desiccation stress. (A) 1383 Morphology of P. margaritaceum cells grown under control, high light (HL), or desiccating (DE) 1384 conditions, or a combined treatment (HLDE), imaged using differential interference contrast 1385 microscopy (DIC; left panel of each condition) and fluorescent light microscopy (FLM; right 1386 panels). (B) DIC (top) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) image (bottom) after 1387 labeling with Fluoresbrite beads, showing mucilage secretion predominating from one pole of the 1388 cell, resulting in propulsion. (C) Gliding trails in control cells. (D) Dense cellular aggregation 1389 following HL treatment. (E) Gene expression analysis, based on RNA-seq data, of HL, DE, and 1390 HLDE treated P. margaritaceum cells compared with cells grown under control conditions. (F) 1391 Word clouds of gene ontology (GO) terms in the ‘biological process’ category related to 1392 differential gene expression under DE and HLDE conditions. 1393 49 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. Figure 1 Terrestrial A Embryophyta* Zygnematophyceae Chlorokybophyceae Mesostigmophyceae Chlorophyta* 15 µm B C Aquatic D Charophyta Klebsormidiophyceae* Viridiplantae Charophyceae* Streptophyta Coleochaetaophyceae bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. Figure 2 A B bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. Figure 3 A B C bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. Figure 4 F-Box mediated Biosynthesis Auxin JA GA 2-component SL CK ETH ABA SA BR CPS ZEP LOX KS ABA4 DET2 AOS KO D27 IPT NCED DWF4 AOC KAO CCD7 tRNA-IPT ABA2 ROT3 TAA OPR3/2 GA3ox CCD8 CYP735A ACS ABA3 CPD YUCCA JAR1 GA20ox MAX1 LOG ACO AAO ICS Br6ox TIR1 COI1 GID1 D14 CHK ETR PYL NPR3/4 BRI1 BAK1 Signaling JAZ CTR1 GID2 PP2C NPR1 BKI1 BSK** AUX/IAA MAX2 SMXL NINJA ARF MYC HP DELLA CDG1/ CDL1 EIN2 EBF RR-B EIN3 RR-A ERF1 SnRK2 NIMIN BSU BIN2/ ASKθ AREB TGA BZRs** bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. Figure 5 Chlorophyta Charophyta 500 Embryophyta GH 400 40 300 30 200 20 100 10 0 0 700 200 0 10 CBM 500 50 400 40 100 300 30 200 20 100 10 0 PL 10 5 0 300 0 AA 15 200 10 100 5 0 0 5 0 A. thaliana O. sativa A. trichopoda G. montanum A. filiculoides S. moellendorfii P. patens M. polymorpha P. margaritaceum C. braunii K. nitens C. variabilis C. reinhardtii O. tauri A. thaliana O. sativa A. trichopoda G. montanum A. filiculoides S. moellendorfii P. patens M. polymorpha P. margaritaceum C. braunii K. nitens C. variabilis C. reinhardtii O. tauri 0 10 0 200 60 200 CE 5 600 0 Embryophyta 100 GT 100 B Chlorophyta Charophyta 50 Number of gene families in CAZy enzyme class Number of genes in CAZy class A bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/835561. this version posted November 8, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. Figure 6 A Control DE HL C B D Control E F HL DE HLDE HLDE D