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Applied Mathematics and Computation 127 (2002) 249–260 www.elsevier.com/locate/amc A generalized maxentropic inversion procedure for noisy data Amos Golan a a,* , Henryk Gzyl b Department of Economics, American University, 200 Roper Hall, 4400 Massaachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016-8029, USA b USB, UCV. AP 52120, Caracas 1050-A, Venezuela Abstract In this note we present a way of solving linear inverse problems with convex constraints and noisy data. Combining the methods of maximum entropy in the mean (MEM) and the generalized maximum entropy (GEM), we are able to treat both the noiseless and the noisy cases as conceptually the same problem. This new generalized inversion procedure is easy to apply and compute and is useful for a large class of models in the natural and social sciences. Three detailed examples are developed and discussed. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Constrained linear inverse problems; Maximum entropy; Noisy data 1. Introduction During the 1950s, both Jaynes [7,8] and Kullback [11] and Kullback and Liebler [15] introduced a variational method for characterizing probability distributions, when the only available data consisted of the mean value (with respect to the unknown distribution) of a few random variables. This method was greatly applied and used in a variety of fields. See for example [9,10,12,16] or any of the Kluwer’s volumes in the series ‘‘Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods’’. * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: agolan@american.edu (A. Golan), hgzyl@reacciun.ve (H. Gzyl). 0096-3003/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 9 6 - 3 0 0 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 7 2 - 7 250 A. Golan, H. Gzyl / Appl. Math. Comput. 127 (2002) 249–260 More recently, during the last decade, the method of maximum entropy was extended considerably to accommodate for data in terms of any arbitrary convex constraints. Among the more recent studies are the ‘‘second level maximum entropy method’’ of Gzyl [3], better known as the maximum entropy in the mean (MEM) introduced by Bercher et al. [17], Gamboa and Gassiat [18], Gzyl [5], and the work of Golan et al. [1] known as the generalized maximum entropy (GME). Similar entropic methods are also developed and applied by Zellner [13,14] in his Bayesian method of moments (BMOM), and others (e.g., [6]). The common idea behind these approaches consists in transforming, with minumum a priori assumptions, an ill-conditioned, linear problem, subject to non-linear but convex constraints, into a much simpler and much smaller problem in convex optimization. Even though these approaches may seem similar on the very abstract level, they differ in their treatment of the data (the constraints) as they are developed based on the view that the data one observes may be in terms of moments (pure or noisy) which takes us to the ME or MEM, or may be in terms of noisy observations which takes us to the GME. More specifically, a very interesting aspect of the maxentropic approach consists of the way one can deal with observational noise. For example, the standard combination of a geometric and a maxentropic formulation, within the ‘‘regularization’’ approach, is described in Gzyl [4]. But it is in [1] where an all the way maxentropic approach is presented. To briefly describe the first approach, consider the problem of finding an unknown vector b when the only data y available come in the form of y ¼ X b þ e; ð1:1Þ where the vector e denotes observational noise. The obvious geometric approach consists in looking for b in a ball BM ðy; T Þ ¼ fn : jjy  X njj 6 T g, where the metric M is related to our model of the noise, and the regularization parameter T is large enough so that BM (y,T) intersects the range of the linear operator X. In the second approach, the GME, instead of the regularization parameter, both the state and noise vectors are estimated simulataneously via a generalized entropy function that is optimized with respect to each noisy observation. Within the above framework, our objective is to formulate a maxentropic alternative to these ways of dealing with noise. We will reformulate and generalize the GME and MEM problems such that the two are unified to a generalized inversion procedure. Having done this, we will extend the formulation and investigate some of the basic properties of this approach. The basic idea is that the noise ‘‘pushes’’ the data vector y out of the range of X. By means of the technique we propose, the data vector is ‘‘pushed’’ back to the range of X, and simultaneously a solution to the inverse problem with the corrected data is obtained. A main outcome of this new approach is that even though our A. Golan, H. Gzyl / Appl. Math. Comput. 127 (2002) 249–260 251 original a priori model (assumption) of the noise assigns zero mean to the noise vector, our posterior (not in the Bayesian sense) may assign a non-zero mean value for the noise. In Section 2 we formulate the basic maxentropic model for inverting noisy data. To be consistent with the literature, this is done in two steps: the pure (or noiseless) model and the general noisy linear model. In this way, we are able to generalize the GME and show that it is possible to reduce the general noisy linear model to the noiseless case. In Section 3 we provide three examples. Here it will be clear how this GME method allows us to estimate both the noise and the signal from the data based on different assumptions or priors. Finally, we conclude in Section 4. 2. Problem statement and mathematical framework Let y ¼ X b þ e; N ð2:1Þ K where y 2 R , X is an N K known linear operator, b 2 R and e 2 RN is some noise vector. We also assume that b 2 C, where C is a convex set (call it Assumption A1 ). The objective is to estimate the vector b from the indirect noisy observations y, where C is a given closed set that embodies some constraints that the unknown b is to satisfy. A typical example is given by C ¼ fb 2 RK jbk 2 zk , zk ½; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; Kg. If the observation matrix X is irregular or ill-conditioned or if K >> N , the problem is ill-posed. This implies that one has to (i) incorporate some prior knowledge, or constraints, on the solution, or (ii) specify a certain criterion to choose among the infinitely many solutions, or (iii) use both. 2.1. Case 1 – The noiseless case Let y ¼ X b be as is defined by (2.1) but with e ¼ 0, and apply Assumption A1 (i.e., b 2 C). This means that the data y are viewed as a set of N ‘‘pure’’ moments. To solve this problem by means of the MEM (e.g., [5,17,18]), or the GME method of Golan et al. [1], we view the possible solutions as values of a random variable B, defined on some probability space ðW; #; QÞ and replace the quest for the b solving (2.1) by a quest for a probability P on ðW; #Þ; P Q, such that y ¼ XEP ½B ; ð2:2Þ where P Q means that there exists a positive measurable qðnÞ such that dP ðnÞ ¼ qðnÞ dQðnÞ. 252 A. Golan, H. Gzyl / Appl. Math. Comput. 127 (2002) 249–260 Even though it may be convinient to have W 6¼ C, in finite dimensional situations (like those discussed here) we can consider W ¼ C, as the constraint space, and # ¼ BðCÞ the Borel subsets of C. In this case BðnÞ ¼ n for n 2 C is just the identity mapping. Further, the only assumption about the prior probability distribution Q is that the closure of the convex set generated by the support of Q, coincides with C. Next, introduce the class of solutions P ðQÞ ¼ fP QjXEP fBg ¼ yg ð2:3Þ and assume that it is not empty. This implies that there is a solution to our problem. Note also that P ðQÞ is convex. The concave entropy function on P ðQÞ is defined by Z Z dP dP SQ ðP Þ :¼  log dQ ¼ qðnÞ log qðnÞ dQ ð2:4Þ dQ C C dQ or 1 when j log qðnÞj is not P-integrable. From the concavity of x log x for x > 0, one obtains the concavity of SQ ðP Þ on P ðQÞ. For future reference, recall the familiar and trivial to prove, but extremely important lemma. Lemma 2.1. Let ðE; e; mÞ be any measure space. Let f and g be positive, e-measurable functions, then   Z f Km ðf =gÞ ¼ f log dm P 0 g E and Km ðf =gÞ ¼ 0 if and only if f ¼ g m-almost everywhere. Next, consider the parametric family of measure on ðC; BðCÞÞ given by dP ðkÞ ¼ 1 exp hk; XBi dQ; XðkÞ ð2:5Þ where hk; li denotes the scalar product of vectors in RN and XðkÞ is defined by Z XðkÞ ¼ expðhk; XBiÞ dQ: ð2:6Þ C Now, let the role of the f in Lemma 2.1 be played by any P 2 PðQÞ, and that of g to be played by any P ðkÞ defined in (2.5). Then, it is trivial to verify that, although P ðkÞ may not be in PðQÞ, SQ ðP ðkÞÞ  ‘ðkÞ ¼ ln XðkÞ þ hk; yi ð2:7Þ and that according to Lemma 2.1 SðP Þ 6 ‘ðkÞ: ð2:8Þ A. Golan, H. Gzyl / Appl. Math. Comput. 127 (2002) 249–260 253 That is, if for any k, such that XðkÞ is finite, the entropy SQ ðP ðkÞÞ maximizes that of any P 2 P ðQÞ, it is sufficient to produce one k, call it k , such that P ðk Þ is in P ðQÞ. Note that the expected value of the coordinate vector with respect to such P ðk Þ satisfies Eq. (2.2). To be able to formally go on, it is sufficient to assume that the set   DðX ; QÞ ¼ k 2 RN jXðkÞ < 1 ð2:9Þ is not empty. In particular, the set DðX ; QÞ is convex (see [5] for examples) and ‘ðkÞ ¼ log XðkÞ þ ðk; yÞ is convex on DðX ; QÞ. Note, that P ðQÞ being non-empty implies that ‘ðkÞ is bounded below, and DðX ; QÞ being not empty means that SQ ðP Þ is bounded above. A simple version of this result is stated below. Theorem 2.1. Assume that P ðQÞ and DðX ; QÞ are not empty, and that the infimum of ‘ðkÞ is reached in the interior of DðX; QÞ. Then, if k ¼ N arginf ‘ðkÞ : k 2 and Sup SQ ðP Þ : P 2 PðQÞ ¼ P ðk Þ 2 PðQÞ R ; N  inf ‘ðkÞ k 2 R . Proof. Since ‘ðkÞ is differentiable in k and if k minimizes ‘ðkÞ, then rk ‘ðk Þ ¼ 0, or Z  Beðk ;XBÞ X dQ ¼ y; XðkÞ which means that P ðk Þ 2 PðQÞ. The rest of the proof is immediate. Remark 2.1. Note that the distribution ðdP k0 Þ is called the posterior (or postdata) distribution of b as dQ is called the a priori (or prior) distribution. However there is no direct Bayesian connection between them. Remark 2.2. Note that for the traditional moment-constraints problems, the beauty of this set-up consists of the enormous reduction in the size of (2.1) as we only need to minimize the unconstrained function ‘ðkÞ. 2.2. Case 2 – The general noisy problem Consider the problem consisting of solving y ¼ X b þ e; b 2 CS ; ð2:10Þ in which e is an RN -valued random variable describing the noise in the measurement of y, and y, X and b are defined as before. Assume that e ranges over a convex set Cn . To simplify, we further assume that e : Cn ! Cn is the identity 254 A. Golan, H. Gzyl / Appl. Math. Comput. 127 (2002) 249–260 mapping, and that the only prior statistical information (assumptions) about e is carried by a probability measure Qn ðdgÞ and that the closure of the convex set is generated by the support of Qn . Note, that this does not imply that Qn ðdgÞ is the true distribution of e. Remark 2.3. Note that this type of problem can be viewed in two different ways, depending on the available data y. In the more traditional way (e.g., MEM, etc.) the y are noisy moments with possible K  N . In the tradition of the linear statistical model, however, the vector y reflects the N individual observations where in that case N  K. Even though the solution procedure discussed here is general enough to encompass both scenarios, the emphasis here (unlike the MEM literature) is on solving the traditional linear statistical model where the data (constraints) are in terms of noisy observations. To solve for b and for the posterior distribution for the noise e, we extend the approach discussed in Case 2.1. Let C ¼ CS Cn , L ¼ BðCS Þ  BðCn Þ and Q ¼ QS  Qn , which describe our a priori information about both sets of variables (i.e., state and noise variables). Next, set d ¼ ðb; eÞ ¼ ðf; gÞ 2 C and X  ¼ ½X ; I where X  is an N ðN þ KÞ matrix. Since our only data in (2.10) are y, it can be viewed as a problem consisting of solving for d in y ¼ X  d; d 2 C: ð2:11Þ Following the above (Case 2.1) solution procedure, we end up with some k 2 RN which minimizes (2.7), where now Z  XðkÞ ¼ eðk;X dÞ dQðdÞ C and also  d ¼ EP ðk Þ ðdÞ ¼  EP ðk Þ ðfÞ EP ðk Þ ðgÞ  satisfies (2.11). Under this set-up, we can show the following. Theorem 2.2. The components b and e, or similarly f and g, of d are independent with respect to P ðk Þ. Proof. Note that Z Z XðkÞ ¼ ehk;X di dQðdÞ ¼ C ¼ XS ðkÞXn ðkÞ: CS Cn ehk;X fi ehk;gi dQS ðfÞ dQn ðgÞ A. Golan, H. Gzyl / Appl. Math. Comput. 127 (2002) 249–260 255 Therefore, dP ðkÞ ¼   hk;X fi  hk;gi 1 hk;X  di e e e dQS ðfÞ dQðfÞ : dQðdÞ ¼ XðkÞ XS ðkÞ Xn ðkÞ ð2:12Þ The function to be minimized in this case is ‘ðkÞ ¼ ln XS ðkÞ þ ln Xn ðkÞ þ hk; yi: ð2:13Þ  Once k is found, it is inserted in (2.12) and according to Theorem 2.1, d ¼ EP ðk Þ ðdÞ solves (2.10). Also, since P ðk Þ ¼ Pn ðk ÞPS ðk Þ is a product measure, it follows that the components of d ¼ ðf; gÞ are independent with respect to P ðk Þ. Remark 2.4. An interesting consequence of this theorem is that even though e R has zero mean with respect to the a priori Qn (i.e., Cn gQn ðdgÞ ¼ 0), it may have mean with respect to the post-data (posteriors) Pn ðk Þ (i.e., Ra non-zero  gPn ðdgÞ 6¼ 0). Cn 3. Examples 3.1. The uniform case Consider the linear noisy model (2.1), where e is a realization of a random variable n : ðWn ; #n ; Qn Þ ! Cn  RN . Recall also that Cn is a closed, convex set and we assumed that the prior distribution of n, conveyed by Qn , is such that Cn equals the closure of the convex hull generated by the support of Qn . We now construct the posteriors Pn and mean of n for the case where Wn ¼ N Cn ¼ ½v; v , and Qn ðdgÞ ¼ ð1=2vÞ dg1 . . . dgN . This means that each one of the noise components ei ði ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N Þ is assumed to range in a symmetric around zero interval with a prior uniform distribution in this range. This case reflects the continuous limit of the GME model with a finite number of support points for both space and noise components (e.g., [1]. By Theorem 2.2, there is a k , depending on the data y and the matrix X, such that the posterior Pn ðdgÞ is given by  dPn ðgÞ ehk ;gi dQn ðkÞ ¼ Xn ðk Þ with Xn ðk Þ being explicitly given by Z v Z N  Y  1 Xn ðkÞ ¼ ehk ;gi dQn ðgÞ ¼ eki gi dgi 2v Cn v i¼1  N  Y cosh ki v ¼ ki v i¼1 ð3:1Þ 256 A. Golan, H. Gzyl / Appl. Math. Comput. 127 (2002) 249–260 evaluated at k that minimizes ‘ðkÞ ¼ log XS ðkÞ þ log Xn ðkÞ þ hk; yi: Given the posterior Pn ðdgÞ, the mean value of the jth component is ! Z Z v cosh kj v 1 kj gj   ej ¼ EPn ðnj Þ ¼ gj dPn ðgÞ ¼ ge dgj = 2v v j kj v Cn ) ( 1 ¼  v tghkj v j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N : kj ð3:2Þ Finally, we note that the corresponding solution to (2.11) satisfies y ¼ X b þ e , or e ‘‘pushes’’ y back into X ðRNQ Þ and b solves for y  e ¼ X b . K Had we considered the constraint set C ¼ 1 ½zj ; zj with a uniform a priori measure on each factor, and carried out the steps described above, we would have obtained the following point estimate for each bk : !Z zk  1 o bk  ¼ eak fk dfk   ðzk  zk Þ oak zk ( )    a zk 1 zk e k  zk eak zk eak zk  eak zk ¼ þ ð3:2aÞ ðzk  zk Þ ak a2 k and in this case Xs ðkÞ is a product of factors  Xks ðk Þ a zk eak zk  e kk ¼ ak ðzk  zk Þ for a ¼ X 0 k with X 0 denoting the transpose of X. 3.2. The normal case Consider the opposite situation where the noise vector n is allowed to take any value. Thus, Cn ¼ RN and #n ¼ RN . A common and reasonable prior distribution for the noise variable is the Normal distribution Qn ðdgÞ ¼ N =2 ð2prÞ expðg2 =2rÞ. To make this formulation more general and more realistic, we allow the noise components to be correlated among the N degrees of freedom, or similarly we do not exclude the possibility that the N observations are correlated via the vector n. Then,  N =2   det R Qn ðdgÞ ¼ exp  ðg0 R1 gÞ=2; ; ð3:3Þ 2p where R is the covariance matrix. For the time being, assume that r or the covariance matrix R are known. A. Golan, H. Gzyl / Appl. Math. Comput. 127 (2002) 249–260 257 Starting with the simpler case (no autocorrelations), the corresponding normalization factor Xn ðkÞ is !Z Z hk;gi g2 =2r N Y e 1 e 2 eki gi gi =2r dgi Xn ðkÞ ¼ dg ¼ N =2 ð2prÞ ð2prÞN =2 i¼1 ¼ N Y 2 2 eki r=2 ¼ ek r=2 ð3:4Þ ; i¼1 Minimizing the dual, or unconstrained, problem ‘ðkÞ ¼ hk; yi þ log XS ðkÞ þ log Xn ðkÞ X 2 ¼ hk; yi þ log XS ðkÞ þ ðrki =2Þ ð3:5Þ i yields the desired k , which, in turn, determines Pn ðgÞ by  dPn ðgÞ ¼  2 ehk ;gi eðgþk rÞ =2r dg:  dQn ðgÞ ¼ Xn ðk Þ ð2prÞN =2 Finally, the maxentropic mean of the post-data (or estimated) noise is Z Z ðgþk rÞ2 =2r e dg ¼ rk : e ¼ g dPn ðgÞ ¼ ð2prÞN =2 ð3:6Þ ð3:7Þ This means that, for finite samples, the posterior distribution of the noise may have a non-zero mean. Given e , the solution to the linear problem satisfies y þ k r ¼ X b . Next, we generalize this result to allow (but not force) for autocorrelation among the N observed data points. Building on Eq. (3.3) the normalization factor Xn ðkÞ is  N =2 Z 0 1 0 <k;g> det R Xn ðkÞ ¼ e eðg R gÞ dg ¼ eðg RgÞ=2 : ð3:4aÞ 2p Minimizing the dual analogue of Eq. (3.5) yields  ehk ;gi dQn ðgÞ Xn ðk Þ  N=2     det R ¼ exp  ðRk þ gÞ; R1 ðRk þ gÞ =2 dg; ð3:6aÞ 2p     where we note that hk; gi þ 12 g; R1 g þ hk; Rki ¼ ðRk þ gÞ; R1 ðRk þ gÞ =2. Finally, e ¼ Rk and we can view y þ Rk as the corrected, or filtered, data. Thus, the actual reconstructed b satisfies y þ Rk ¼ X b . dPn ðgÞ ¼ 258 A. Golan, H. Gzyl / Appl. Math. Comput. 127 (2002) 249–260 3.3. Multinomial discrete choice problem As an example of how an unordered multinomial discrete choice problem can be formulated within this framework, when the unknown parameters are multinomial probabilities, we follow Golan et al. [2]. Suppose, in an experiment consisting of N trials, that binary random variables y1j ; y2j ; . . . ; yNj are observed, where yij , for i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N , takes on one of J unordered categories for j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; J . Thus, on trial i, one of the J alternatives is observed in the form of a binary variable yij , that equals unity iff alternative j is observed in trial i and zero Let the probability of alternative j on trial i be  otherwise.  pij ¼ Pr yij ¼ 1 and assume the pij are related to a set of explanatory variables through the model  pij ðbÞ  Prðyij ¼ 1xi ; bj Þ ¼ Gðx0 bj Þ > 0 for i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N and j i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; J ð3:8Þ where bj is a ðK 1Þ vector of unknown parameters x0i ¼ ðxi1 ; xi2 ; . . . ; xiK Þ is a ð1 KÞ vector of covariates and GðÞ is a function, linking the probabilities pij 0 with PJ the 0 linear structure xi bj , that maps the real line into [0,1] and j¼1 Gðxi bj Þ ¼ 1. Traditionally, a log-likelihood function is specified on some prior assumptions regarding the data generation process and the CDF GðÞ. Alternatively, suppose we are given noisy data yij which we model as yij ¼ Gðx0i bj Þ þ eij ¼ pij þ eij or y ¼ p þ e; ð3:9Þ where the pij are the unknown multinomial probabilities and the eij are noise components contained in the natural interval Cn ¼ ½1; 1 . Given the known covariates xi , we rewrite (3.9) as ðIJ  X 0 Þy ¼ ðIJ  X 0 Þp þ ðIJ  X 0 Þe; ð3:10Þ where X is ðN KÞ. There are NJ data points, yij , KJ moment relations (data points) and NJ ð> KJ Þ unknown multinomial parameters. To cast the problem in a GME (uniform priors) form, we use the procedure of Example 3.1, but with a discrete support space. That is, we reparameterize P eij ¼ h vh wijh ¼ Ew ½V to transform the eij to probabilities that may take on values over the interval [0,1]. Under this reparameterization, we may rewrite (3.10) as ðIJ  X 0 Þy ¼ ðIJ  X 0 Þp þ ðIJ  X 0 ÞV w; ð3:11Þ where both the unknown p and w are in the form of proper probabilities. Given the reparameterized inverse relation (3.11) involving the unknown and unobservable p and w. The (discrete) GME solution is pij ¼ expðx0i bj Þ expðx0i bj Þ P ¼ 0  Xi ðbj Þ j expðxi bj Þ ð3:12Þ A. Golan, H. Gzyl / Appl. Math. Comput. 127 (2002) 249–260 259 and wijh ¼ expðx0i bj vh Þ expðx0i bj vh Þ ¼P ;  0  Wij ðbj Þ h expðxi bj vh Þ ð3:13Þ where bj ¼ kj and k are the Lagrange multipliers associated with the moment restrictions (3.11). If the moment condition (3.10) or (3.11), is written in a pure form (i.e., v ¼ 0 and/or e ¼ 0), then the corresponding ME formulation yields a solution similar to the ML multinomial logit solution. Similarly, just like the general problem (2.10), the unconstrained problem has the same basic structure as this of Eq. (2.13). To show the relationship with the traditional ML approach, we note that the information matrix Iðbj Þ is Iðbj Þ ¼ X expðx0i bj Þ X  1 0 pij Xi ðbj Þ xi x0i ;  2 xi xi ¼ Xi ðbj Þ i i ð3:14Þ where (3.14) is the jth diagonal block of J 2 blocks of dimension ðK KÞ. At the limit of a large sample, v ! 0 and b ! bML and therefore, this information matrix converges to the ML information matrix. Finally, we note that the formulation developed in Examples 3.1 and 3.2 can be easily applied and used in this specific model. 4. Concluding remarks In this paper we present a way for solving linear inverse problems with convex constraints and noisy data. Within the Maximum entropy approach, we follow the idea of the MEM and GME and are able to treat both the noiseless and noisy problems as conceptually the same problem, while avoiding the use of some external, pre-determined regularization parameter. 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