Overview of Supplemental Instruction
David R. Arendale, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Revised January 27, 2007
I. Traditional Retention Strategies
Questions That Typically Determine
Learning Center Design
# Who are likely to drop out? Who are
"high risk" ?
# How do you identify them?
# Where are they?
# How do you diagnose their needs?
# How do you meet their needs?
Traditional Answer to Who/Where are
"high risk" Students:
# Academically under-prepared
# Non-traditional demographics
Traditional Methods to Identify &
Diagnose High Risk:
# Standardized test scores
# High school class rank and high
school course performance
# In-house screening or diagnostic
# Self-referral by the student
Traditional Methods to Meet the Needs of
High Risk:
# Individual tutoring
# Study skill courses
# Remedial subject courses
# Workshops
# Counseling sessions
Challenges with the Traditional
# Inaccurate and incomplete
Identification of "high risk" students
# Expensive to provide traditional
developmental education courses,
testing, etc.
# Presumes substantial time to identify
and to remediate
# Promotes remedial image
# Difficult to evaluate effectiveness
II. Overview of Supplemental
A. Definition of SI. SI is an academic
enhancement and support program
# Targets historically difficult academic
# Offered to all enrolled students
# Provide regularly scheduled learning
community sessions outside of class
# Model and practice use of cognitive
learning strategies within review of
course content material
# SI sessions activities differ by
academic discipline
# SI sessions provided several times
weekly beginning the first week of
class on an outreach basis in the
geographic area assigned to the
academic department
# Student serves as session facilitator
and attends class along with other
# Sessions are voluntary and
# Extensive training and supervision is
provided for SI program and the
student facilitators
# Offered through cooperation and
support of the professor of the course.
B. Background on Development of SI
1. In 1973 began in UMKC professional
schools (e.g., medicine, dentistry,
2. Major considerations in establishing SI
at UMKC:
a. Did not want to lose students at
such a high rate
b. Did not want to lower academic
c. Did not want to inflate grades
d. Did not want to spend any money
3. Concerns of administrators:
a. Results must be measurable
through tight evaluation
b. Program must be cost effective
c. Acceptable to faculty, if possible
4. Concerns of faculty members:
a. Complement the lecture system
b. Could not be an extra burden on
c. SI should attempt to correct student
d. Work toward independent learners
e. Have a non-remedial image
5. Major assumption of SI: the
mismatch between instruction and
student preparation. Attrition cannot be
addressed effectively by treating only
those who show either symptoms or
predisposing weaknesses. The treatment
must be more generalized; the problem
must be addressed at or near its source:
the mismatch between the level of
instruction and the level of student
"The underprepared student is often one
who may have the basic intellectual
capacity but who has reached a point of
impasse temporarily created by a
mismatch between his or her knowledge
base and the new information that he or
she is expected to absorb on an
independent basis."-- Tomlinson,
Postsecondary developmental programs,
1989, p. 20.
6. Certification by U.S. Department of
Education as an "Exemplary
Educational Program" SI was the first of
only two programs certified by USDOE as
contributing to higher academic
achievement and higher persistence
7. International dissemination to over
1,000 institutions both in the US and
abroad in dozens of countries including:
Australia, Canada, Egypt, Malaysia,
Marshall Islands, Mexico, Puerto Rico,
South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom, &
West Indies
C. Foundation & Theoretical
Framework for SI:
A conscious decision was made to base
the SI model on a developmental
perspective. Such a theory base
assumes that the students will learn if the
conditions for learning are in place. A
leading researcher in the field at the time
the SI model was created was Jean
1. Constructivism
Some of Jean Piaget's ideas have been
formalized into an educational theory
called "constructivism." Proponents of
constructivism take their name from
Piaget's observation that students must
"construct" their own knowledge in order
to be able to understand and use it. The
major stages of cognitive development
identified by Piaget were the
sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage,
concrete operations stage, and formal
operations stage.
2. Socio-Cultural
"[The Zone of Proximal Development is]
the distance between the actual
developmental level as determined by
independent problem solving and the
level of potential development as
determined through problem solving
under adult guidance and under the
direction of more capable peers."-Vygotsky, Mind in society, 1978, p. 86.
3. Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience
Compatible with Piaget's theory base, the
Cone of Experience (Dale, 1969) conveys
some of Piaget's ideas on learning in a
useful, graphic form. Dale proposes that
learning is stimulated progressively from
concrete (i.e., hands-on) experiences to
abstract (i.e., verbal and visual) symbols.
The foundations for instruction reside in
direct sensory experiences combined with
purposeful interaction with the stimuli
sources. At the most basic and most
effective level of instruction, students are
introduced to new material through an
actual hands-on experience or "doing the
real thing."
# Knowledge about themselves as
learners (e.g., their cognitive
# Knowledge about the cognitive
demands of the academic tasks.
# Knowledge of a wide variety of
strategies and study skills.
# Prior knowledge of the content
material -- Weinstein and Stone,
"Broadening our conception of general
education: The self-regulated
learner", pp. 3-5.
4. Academic/Social Integration
A key concept in Tinto's model is that the
departure decision for a student is more
heavily influenced by experiences with
the college environment than by the
previous academic and social
experiences that occurred before college
attendance. The institution has an
opportunity to manipulate its environment
to provide through informal and formal
contacts an opportunity for the student to
be integrated into the social and
academic dimensions of the institution.
"An expert learner is a self-regulated
learner. Self-regulated learning requires
skill, it requires will, and it requires
executive control."-- Weinstein and Stone,
"Broadening our conception of general
education: The self-regulated learner",
pp. 9-10.
5. Metacognition
Major variables that separate expert and
novice learners:
# Experts know more.
# Knowledge held by experts is better
organized and more integrated.
# Experts have more effective and more
efficient strategies for accessing and
using their knowledge.
# Experts seems to have different
motivations for acquiring and using
their knowledge.
# Experts evidence more self-regulation
in both the acquisition and application
of their expertise. -- Weinstein and
Stone, "Broadening our conception of
general education: Self-regulated
learner", pp. 1-2.
Four kinds of knowledge are needed by
expert learners:
Steps to establishing executive control in
# Create a plan.
# Select the specific strategies or
methods they will use to achieve their
# Implement the methods they have
selected to carry out their plan.
# Monitor and evaluate their progress
on both a formative and summative
# If students are not reaching their
goals, they must modify what they are
# Make an overall evaluation of what
was done and decide if this is the best
way to go about meeting similar goals
in the future.-- Weinstein and Stone,
"Broadening our conception of general
education: The self-regulated
learner", pp 10-11.
D. Goals of SI:
# Improve student performance.
# Increase continued enrollment.
# Improve learning skills: thinking and
reasoning; responsibility; and
# "Gatekeeper" or prerequisite course
E. Unique Features of SI:
# Identifying the "historically difficult"
course rather than the "high-risk"
# Delivering services to students from
the first class meeting rather than
waiting for students to be referred or
to self- refer.
# Integrating study skills instruction with
the content of academic disciplines.
# Delivering support services in the
geographic area assigned to the
academic department rather than in a
separate learning assistance center.
# Encouraging peer collaborative
learning and instructing students in
the techniques that this study mode
F. Reasons that Schools Choose SI:
# No remedial stigma.
# Population easy to identify.
# Record keeping simple.
# Evaluation tight.
# Program cost-effective.
# Faculty supportive.
G. SI Session Activities:
# Students discuss and analyze course
# Students clarify and enhance their
understanding of what they read and
# Students learn to criticize, question,
and seek verification of ideas.
# Students recognize that individuals
perceive the world differently as a
function of personal experiences and
H. Target Classes for SI:
# Historically difficult for students
# Over 30 percent unsuccessful
enrollment (D or F final course grade
or Withdrawal)
# Required class for many students
(e.g., general education)
I. SI Used in a Variety of Settings:
# Undergraduate level
# Graduate level
# Professional schools (e.g., Medicine,
Law, Pharmacy)
# Secondary schools
# Proprietary test preparation programs
(e.g., MCAT)
J. Key Persons Involved with the SI
# SI leader
# Faculty member
# SI supervisor
# Students
K. SI Leader Qualifications:
1. Approved by class instructor.
2. Trained in proactive learning
3. Model "good student" behavior.
a. Attend all class sessions
b. Do all assigned work
c. Show how effective students learn
4. Conducts three to five review sessions
each week.
L. Implementation Costs
# Training for SI supervisor and SI
# Supervision of SI leader.
# SI leader salary.
# Textbooks for SI leader.
# Photocopying of handouts and
publicity announcement.
M. SI Research Data:
# Research since 1973
# Results replicated at different types of
institutions (two/four year;
public/private institutions)
# Effective with variety of students (e.g.,
different levels of previous academic
achievement, different ethnicities)
# Claims of SI effectiveness validated
by the U.S. Department of Education
(1981, 1988 and 1992)
a. Students participating in SI within the
targeted high risk courses earn higher
mean final course grades than students
who do not participate in SI. This is still
true when differences are analyzed,
despite ethnicity and prior academic
b. Despite ethnicity and prior academic
achievement, students participating in SI
within targeted high risk courses succeed
at a higher rate (withdraw at a lower rate
and receive a lower percentage of D or F
final course grades) than those who do
not participate in SI.
c. Students participating in SI persist at
the institution (reenrolling and graduating)
at higher rates than students who do not
participate in SI.
Arendale, D. (Ed.). (2003-2005).
Postsecondary peer cooperative
learning programs annotated
bibliography. [On-line]. Retrieved May 8,
2005, from http://www.tc.umn.
Arendale, D. (2001). Effect of
administrative placement and fidelity of
implementation of the model of
effectiveness of Supplemental
Instruction programs [Dissertation,
University of Missouri-Kansas City,
2000]. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 62, 93. Retrieved July 1,
2004, from http://www.tc.umn.edu/
Arendale, D. (2002). History of
Supplemental Instruction:
Mainstreaming of developmental
education. In D. B. Lundell, & J. L.
Higbee (Eds), Histories of
developmental education (pp. 15-27).
Minneapolis, MN: Center for Research
on Developmental Education and Urban
Literacy, General College, University of
Minnesota. Retrieved July 1, 2004, from
Dale, E. (1969). Audiovisual methods in
teaching. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
Inc. The Dryden Press.
Martin, D. C., & Arendale, D. (Eds.).
(1994). Supplemental Instruction:
Increasing achievement and retention.
New Directions for Teaching and
Learning No. 60. San Francisco, CA:
Martin, D. C., & Hurley, M. (2005).
Supplemental Instruction. In M. L.
Upcraft, J. N. Gardner, & B. O. Barefoot
(Eds.), Challenging & supporting the
first-year student: A handbook for
improving the first year of college (pp.
308-319). San Francisco, CA: JosseyBass.
Stone, M. E., & Jacobs, G. (Eds.). (2006).
Supplemental Instruction: New visions
for empowering student learning. New
Directions for Teaching and Learning,
No. 106, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college:
Rethinking the causes and cures of
student attrition. (2nd Edition).
Chicago: The University of Chicago
Tinto, V. (1985). "Dropping out and other
forms of withdrawal from college". In L.
Noel, R. Levitz, D. Saluri, & Associates,
Increasing student retention: Effective
programs and practices for reducing the
dropout rate. San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, Inc.
Tomlinson, L.M. (1989). Postsecondary
developmental programs: A traditional
agenda with new imperatives.
ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report
No. 3. Washington, D.C.: Association
for Study of Higher Education.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in society.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Weinstein, C.E., & Stone, G.V.M. (In
press). "Broadening our conception of
general education: The self-regulated
learner." In N. Raisman (Ed.).
Directing general education outcomes.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc.
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Supplemental Instruction Web Page
For more information, contact:
David Arendale, Ph.D., Assistant
Professor – Social Sciences, University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities, 262 Appleby Hall,
College of Education and Human
Development, 128 Pleasant Street SE,
Minneapolis, MN 55455; (612) 625-2928;
FAX (612) 625-0709; E-mail:
David@Arendale.org; http://arendale.org
A framework for understanding Supplemental Instruction u presented
along with theoretical and philosophical underpinnings.
Understanding the Supplemental
Instruction Model
David R.Arendale
Overview of Supplemental Instruction
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a student academic assistance program that
increases academic performance and retention through its use of collaborative
learning strategies. The SI program targets traditionally difficulty academic
courses, those that typically have 30 percent or higher rate of D or F final
course grades or withdrawals, and provides regularly scheduled, out-of-class,
peer-facilitated sessions that offer students an opportunity to discuss and
process course information (Martin, Lorton, Blanc, and Evans, 1977).
High-Risk Courses Versus High-Risk Students. SI thus avoids the
remedial stigma often attached to traditional academic assistance programs,
since it does not identify high-risk students but identifies high-risk classes. SI is
open to all students in the targeted course; therefore, prescreening of students
is unnecessary. Since the SI program begins the first week of the academic
term, the program provides academic assistance during the critical initial sixweek period of class before many students face their first major examination.
Attrition is highest during this period (Blanc, DeBuhr, and Martin, 1983; Noel,
kvitz, and Saluri, 1985).
Historically difficult or high-risk courses often share the following characteristics: large amounts of weekly readings from both difficult textbooks and
secondary library reference works, infrequent examinations that focus on
higher cognitive levels of Bloom’s taxonomy, voluntary and unrecorded class
attendance, and large classes in which each student has little opportunity for
interactionwith the professor or the other students. SI is often attached to traditionally difficult,high-risk courses that serve first- and second-year students.
Several institutions report the successful use of SL with students in graduate
and professional schools (Bridgham and Scarborough, 1992; Martin and Arendale, 1992; Martin, 1980). However, each institution may develop its own definition of high-risk courses.
Such a designation of high-risk for a course makes no prejudicial comment about the professor or the students. It is a numerical calculationthat indicates a sizeable number of students have difficulty in meeting academic
requirements for the class. Rather than blaming the students or the professor,
the designation suggests that additional academic support is needed for students to raise their level of academic performance to meet the level deemed
appropriate by the classroom professor. In recent years, the popular and professional literature has been replete with extensive discussions about who is at
fault for the perceived lower quality of student academic achievement. SI
bypasses this issue and provides a practical solution that helps students meet
the professor's level of expectation.
Proactive Assistance Before Problems Occur. Assistance begins in the
first week of the term. The SI leader introduces the program during the first
class session and surveys the students to establish a schedule for the SI sessions. Attendance is voluntary Students of varymg abilities participate, and no
effort is made to segregate students based on academic ability. Many underprepared students who might otherwise avoid seeking assistance will participate in SI since it is not perceived to be remediation and there is no stigma
attached. Such stigma can cause motivation problems for developmental students (Somers, 1988).
SI enables students to master course content while they develop and integrate effective learning and study strategies. Therefore, learninglstudy strategies (for example, note-taking, organization, test preparation) are integrated
into the course content during the SI sessions. Immediate practice and reinforcement of these acquired skills are provided. SI collaborative sessions capitalize on the use of the "teachable moment" to apply the learning strategies to
the course material. Educational researchers (Dimon, 1988; Keimig, 1983;
Stahl, Simpson, and Hayes, 1992) have concluded that it is difficult to teach
transferable study skills in isolation from content material.
Features of SI That Contribute to Student Success. Several featuresof
the SI model operate to influence higher levels of student academic performance. The impact of Supplemental Instruction can be quantified by positive
differences in student performance and retention rates. The following factors
are most often mentioned by SI staff as well as by participating faculty and students (Martin and others, 1983)
The service is proactive rather than reactive. SI schedules are set during the
first week of class, allowing students to obtain assistance before they encounter
academic difficulty.Most "early alert" retention program are not triggered until
the student has already earned a "D" or "F" on a major examination.
The service is attached directly to specijc courses. Reading, learning, and
study skills instruction are offered in the context of course requirements and
as an outgrowth of student questions and concerns. Thus instruction has
immediate application. While many students may self-report their need for
academic assistance, only a small group will voluntarily attend workshops that
feature instruction in isolated study skills.
SI leaders attend all class sessions. Such attendance contrasts sharply with
the more common tutorial practice of pmviding instruction based largely upon
the student’s perceptions of what occurred in class. Student perceptions are
often distorted as well as timetonsuming to report during the academic assistance sessions.
By design, SI is not a remedial program. Although SI is effective with underprepared students, it is not viewed as remedial. The students who are most
likely to volunteer initially are those who tend to be better prepared academically The willingness of this group to participate encourages the participation
of less able students who often find it difficult to admit that they need assistance.
SI sessions are designed to promote a high degree of student interaction and
mutual support. Such interaction leads to the formation of peer study groups
and facilitates the mainstreaming of culturally diverse as well as disadvantaged
students. SI has relied upon the power of group study for the past twenty
years, long before the current trend of promoting collaborativelearning groups
in higher education.
SI provides an opportunityfor the course instructor to receive useful feedback
from the sr leader. Students genedy hesitate to be candid about academic concerns to course instructors for fear of demeaning themselves or offending the
professor. They will, however, openly acknowledge their problems to the SI
leader. The duty of the SI leader is to listen to their comments and then to redirect the students toward developing strategies to cope with the situation. The
SI leader is not to assess the course professor or agree or disagree with student
comments. If the course professor has previously invited feedback from the SI
leader, the SI leader shares student comments or concerns in a nonthreatening and anonymous fashion, privately with the course instructor.
When SI May Be Less Effective. While success vanes among and between SI programs, we have no data that would suggest any major limitations
in SI. We do know, however, that conducting SI is more challenging in content areas where prerequisite skills are a key variable.
For example, if students do not remember any algebra, they will have a
particularly difficulttime in chemistry. SI can be and is effective in these areas.
However, SI leaders must invest more time in planning. SI sessions often need
to last longer than fifty minutes to cover additional material and provide additional time for students to practice and master the course material and study
strategies. Additionally, SI groups may need to be reorganized to ensure that
leaders who review the basics of algebra do not bore the more mathematically
able students.
Our experience has been that SI is least effective when it is attached to
remedial classes. First, students may refuse to attend SI sessions if they do not
perceive the course to be demanding. Second, SI has not been effective for students who cannot read, take lecture notes, write, or study at the high school
level. Therefore, we stress that adopting institutions use SI in nonremedial settings with high-risk, demanding courses.
We have also found that the SI model needs to be slightly modified in
courses that are problem-based and involve practice for mastery In those circumstances, SI sessions need to be more frequent and sometimes longer. For
example, a three-credit-hour accounting course might require sufficient SI sessions to allow for the review of-varioustypes of problems, or a calculus class
might require extended sessions to allow time for modeling and practice so
that students become proficient problem solvers.
Key SI Program Personnel. Key people involved with SI on each campus include the SI leaders, the SI supervisor, and the course instructors. Each
plays an important role in creating the environment that allows the SI program
to flourish.
With the increasing diversity in the college classroom and in the level of
student academic preparedness, institutions are seeking to develop a community of learners. SI helps promote the formation of such communities and promotes scholarshp through increased academic performance and retention of
students. Faculty enjoy the resources and support provided by the SI leader.
The SI Icader. The SI leader is a student who has successfully completed
the targeted class or a comparable course. It is ideal’if the student has taken
the course from the same instructor for whom he or she is now providing SI
assistance. The SI leader is trained in proactive learning and study strategies
and operates as a “model student,” attending all course lectures, talung notes,
and reading all assigned materials. The SI leader conducts three or more outof-class SI sessions per week during which he or she integrates “how to learn”
with “what to learn” (Martin and others, 1983).
The SI leader is a facilitator, not a mini-professor. The role of the leader is
to provide structure to the study session, not relecture or introduce new material. The SI leader should be a “model student” who shows how successful students think about and process course content. He or she facilitates a process
of collaborative learning, an important strategy since it helps students to
empower themselves rather than remain dependent as they ;night in traditional
tutoring. Research suggests that tutoring relationships do not always promote
transfer of needed academic skills (Blanc, DeBuhr, and Martin, 1983;Dimon,
1988; Keimig, 1983; Martin and Arendale, 1990, 1992; Martin and Gravina,
1990; Martin and others, 1983; Martin and Blanc, 1981; Martin, 1980; Martin, Lorton, Blanc, and Evans, 1977; Maxwell, 1990).
A central responsibility of the SI leader is to integrate study skills with the
course content. As someone who has performed well in the course, the SI
leader has displayed mastery of the course material. However, it is important
that the SI leader share his or her learning strategies with the other students in
the SI sessions. If the students learn only content material and not the underlying study strategies, they will have a high probability of experiencing academic difficulty in succeeding courses.
The integration of study skills with the course content is a key difference
between SI and other forms of collaborative learning. It is not just that students
are working together; rather, it is the planned integration and practice of study
strateges that sets SI apart. We believe that by combining what to learn with
how to learn it, students are able to develop both content competencyand
transferableacademic skills that pay off in higher grades during future academic terms.
The SI supervisor The SI supervisor is an on-site professional staff person
who implements the SI program and supervises the SI leader. The supervisor
is responsible for identifying the targeted courses, gaining faculty support,
selecting and training leaders, and monitoring and evaluating the program.
Supervisors meet with SI leaders weekly during the term as a group or individually Supervisors of most programs have formal meetings with all SI leaders together at least three times during the term for follow-up and problem
SI supervisors attend a three and one-half day training workshop covering the areas of implementation and management, training, supervision, evaluation, and study strategies. Continued professional development is available
through professional development seminars.
Thefaculty member The third key person in implementing SI is the faculty
member who teaches the course in which SI is offered. Faculty screen SI leaders for content competency. SI leaders are encouraged to meet weekly with SI
course faculty members during their office hours to discuss SI session activities. Faculty cooperation is an essential ingredient of the SI model; therefore,
SI is only used in classes where professors understand and support the idea.
This policy holds true even if department chairs and deans request that SI be
attached to certain classes.
While regular meetings are encouraged, faculty are free to choose their
level of involvement with the S1 leaders and the program supervisor. Some faculty members choose to meet with the SI leader to plan for SI sessions. This
may include the creation of work sheets, mock examinations, or other materials. Many other faculty also request that the SI leader provide anonymous
feedback from students concerning difficulties encountered during class lectures or with the reading materials. On the other hand, some faculty choose
not to devote additional time to the program.
The SI program staff makes every effort to be supportive of the professor.
This support might include checkmg the bookstore to see that the number of
textbooks is sufficient to accommodate the number enrolled; calling students
who are absent; checking materials on reserve in the library; and handing out
materials during class. The only restrictions placed on SI leaders are that they
may not share the SI session attendance sheets nor help create or grade course
Creating Awareness and Generating
Support for SI on Campus .
Gaining acceptance for any new student support program has historically been
a difficult undertaking, especially in times of limited resources. Additionally,
since the impetus for new academic support programs often comes from
administrators or student affairs staff, there is the risk of potential opposition
among the faculty
Our experience (Martin and others, 1983),as well as reports from other
institutions that have adopted SI, lead us to the following four suggestions for
generating on-campus program support:
It is essential, our experience demonstrates,that facilitators receive training in the use of the SI program. While the basic tenets of SI programs are relatively simple, integration of course content review with study strategy practice
and implementationis more complex. Issues and activities often covered during training workshops include mock SI session participation, SI session supervision, S1 leader training topics, data collection and analysis activities,strategies
to promote the SI program, and other practical issues related to program
implementation and growth.
Such workshops are held in Kansas City and at a variety of locations
across the United States, providing an opportunity to not only receive helpful
training, but also to meet with other institutions that are also present for the
workshop. SI has continued to grow and evolve for the last two decades in part
because of the interaction between other adopting institutions.
Our second recommendationfor generating on-campe support is to have
a pilot program approach to starting SI. The best way to generate on-campus
support is to have a successful pilot in place. Faculty members who have had
positive experiences with SI become the program's strongest advocates.
We advise adopting institutions to begin a pilot program by eliciting the
support of one or two faculty members who are well respected by their peers
and teach entry level courses that are traditionally difficult for students. These
faculty should have reputations as excellent instructors who have both rigorous and fair grading standards. They should also be willing to assign a higher
than normal distribution of A, B, and C grades if students display increased
levels of performance on examinations.
Our final suggestion for generating support for SI concerns the data collected. After conducting the pilot program, it is critical to prepare and disseminate final reports on the outcomes. Part of the attraction of SI to
administrators and faculty members is the analysis of hard data-final course
grades of SI participants compared with nonparticipants. Such reports are also
helpful in presenting the findings to other faculty who may be interested in
attaching SI to their courses. We suggest that faculty be approached individually, in small groups, or in departmental meetings. The SI supervisor should
invite the instructors who were involved in the pilot to be part of these presentations.
When Supplemental Instruction has been carried out on other campuses
without a pilot program to generate initial on-campus support (for example,
when SI has been mandated by an administrator), the service has proven less
than successful. Once faculty concerns are made public, they are difficult to
address adequately, and attempts to do so are often viewed with skepticism.
On the other hand, if SI is willingly piloted with a school or department, the
program will generate its own support. One final note: while the UMKC SI
program has not been a success with all students who have tried it, we have
yet to lose a single faculty member!
Different Approaches to Assisting Students
Robert Blanc, associate professor and curriculum specialist for the School of
Medicine at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, should be credited with
the conceptual framework for comparing and contrasting the traditional (medical) and nontraditional approaches to assisting students.
Traditional Approaches to Assisting Students. Traditional individual
tutorial practices may be described as following a medical model: an individual is identified as needing professional assistance on the basis of (a) prior history and diagnostic testing, (b) self-referral in response to perceived symptoms,
or (c) referral by another professional in response to observed symptoms.
In some institutions, identification of high-risk students is based primarily on prior history of test scores (a). These tertiary institutions are likely to be
somewhat selective, requiring students to submit to extensive prematriculation testing and interviews. Professional schools and private, selective colleges
are among those fitting this category: Students entering such institutions typically commit for the long term and, at a minimum, can be expected to persist
for a year. Under these circumstances, academic therapy ivith students at risk
can begin immediately upon matriculation and can continue until students
give evidence of being able to function independently in the academic environment.
As noted (b), some students voluntarily seek assistance. Their syfnptoms
in these instances may range from free-floating anxiety in the academic setting
to unsatisfactory performance in one or more highly spec& settings. The tutor
or resource specialist must function first as diagnostician,identifylng the basis
for the students’ self-referral and differentiating between anxiety and a variety
of other reasons for unsatisfactory performance. Having established at least a
tentative diagnosis, the tutor then becomes the therapist, helping students to
negotiate the academic demands of the institution.
Finally, another professional, usually a professor or graduate teaching
assistant, may become aware that a student is in academic difficulty (c). This
awareness may come in a variety of ways, most likely in the wake of unsuccessful performance on an academic task. For example, the faculty member
may refer the student for tutorial assistance to correct an academic problem
apparent because of a low test score. In this instance, the tutor functions, as
described previously;first as a diagnosticianand then as a therapist.
Rationale for a Nontraditional Approach. It was in a milieu dominated
by tutorial services in the medical model that SI developed. The developers at
UMKC found that several assumptions of the medical model either did not
apply or were not practiced in their institution. Subsequent adoption of SI on
other campuses may suggest that the same assumptions were found wanting
on these other campuses as well.
As noted, the traditional model relies on identification of the "high-risk"
student, the student deemed deficient or "at-risk" in some way. In institutions
other than those described, that is, selective tertiary and professional schools,
several factors preclude such prematriculation identification.
First, the faculty and staff must know entering students in time for key
personnel to establish contact with at-risk students. Second, they must note in
this context that neither prior performance nor standardized testing is sufficiently reliable as a prediction criterion of who is and is not at-risk. As many
as 50 percent of those whose prior scores suggest they are at-risk prove to be
successful without intervention, and many of those who are not identified in
this manner prove to be unsuccessful.
Analyses of high school grades and standardized college entrance examinations do not identify all students who will drop out of college for academic
reasons (Blanc, DeBuhr, and Martin, 1983; Christie and Dinham, 1991; Martin and others, 1983; Tinto, 1987). and attrition cannot be addressed effectively by providing help only to those students who show either symptoms or
predisposing weaknesses. The treatment must be more generalized, and the
problem must be addressed at or near its source: the mismatch between the
level of instruction and the level of student preparation (Martin, Lorton, Blanc,
and Evans, 1977).
Timely identification of students who are at-risk is difficult in the traditional model. Faculty who can refer students for corrective instruction are
rarely able to make a referral before the scoring of the first course examination.
Students who are referred after that time are at a considerable disadvantage,
trying to catch up with the class after a very poor start. The rate of student attrition across courses is greatest in the first six weeks or after the first exam when
students may find their grades disappointing (Blanc, DeBuhr, and Martin,
1983; Noel, kvitz, and Saluri, 1985).
Students who are at risk are among those least compliant with faculty recommendations for special help, whether for personal counseling or for academic assistance. Such students often perceive that tutorial help, far from
relieving them of their academic burden, increases the burden as they must
now answer to a tutor in addition to the course professor.
Finally, students who are at risk are notorious for their reluctance to refer
themselves for assistance until much too late. Whether through denial, pride,
or ignorance, students who need help the most are least likely to request it. So
goes the axiom of the learning assistance trade (Somers, 1988).
SI first developed in an institution that did not fit into the medical model
described previously in this chapter. At UMKC, students can register as late as
the first day of class, with their prior transcripts and test score data to be submitted sometime before the beginning of the following semester. This large,
inner-city commuter institution typically turned over 40 percent of its students
each semester,most of them due to transfer but some due to the phenomenon
now known as "stopping out" as distinguished from "dropping out." "Stopping
out" refers to the widespread practice of taking no classes during a semester
that would be devoted to other priorities, such as working to reestablish a
bankroll sufficient to allow subsequent reentry
Delivery of services from the first day of class changes the support program from a reactive to a proactive mode. One of the noncognitivevariables that
differentiates between more capable and less capable students is this: those
who are less capable are inclined to do without support services until they
need them; those who are more capable will avail themselves of services at the
beginning and stop services if they find the services to be neither productive
nor essential. The presence of these more capable students in support sessions
affirms that the sessions are not remedial. That fact enables less capable students to participate without the fear of stigma.
The'integration of skills and content allows the SI leader to meet the perceived content needs of students while delivering essential-skillsinstruction
simultaneously If, as McLuhan argued, "the medium is the message," then the
message of S1 is skill instruction, delivered along with the course content
Delivering services on an outreach basis, that is, in the classroom buildings assigned for regular academic instruction, lends an air of academic credibility to the support service. Similarly, the overt endorsement of the SI
program from the participating course professor lends further authority to the
claim that SI is valuable.
Of course, the voluntary nature of the SI pact which is renewable every
week (or every day, for that matter) comforts the wary student who shuns taking on additional responsibility. The combination of voluntary participation,
early intervention, and proactive support differentiates the SI model from the
traditional medical model that relies on diagnosis of signs and symptoms followed by prescriptive treatment.
It has been nearly two decades since Supplemental Instruction first appeared
in higher education. After starting at the University of Missouri-Kansas City
in 1973, SI has been implemented at a variety of institutions across the United
States and around the world. Borrowing ideas from developmental psychology, SI hs attempted to encourage students to become actively involved in
their own learning. By integrating appropriate study skills with the review of
the course content, students begin to understand how to use the learning
strategies they have heard about from teachers and advisors. As new educational theories and practices have surfaced, the S1 model has been adapted to
incorporate the best in educational research.
With the increasing diversity of today's college students and the advent of
alternative admission programs, the student body is continuing its evolution
into a heterogeneous group reflective of American society. The popular and
professional literature often came articles decrying the poor academic preparation level of students or the poor quality of teaching by classroom professors.
Few solutions have been offered that work. From our point of view, the matter is moot. Many professors have tenure and colleges need all the students that
they can recruit. Rather than blaming either party, strategies must be developed that allow students to succeed while ensuring that academic standards
are maintained, if not strengthened. SI, as one component, can contribute to
an overall institutional plan for student success.
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Tinto, V. Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1987.
DAVIDR ARENDALEis national project directorfor Supplemental Instruction
and associate director of the Centerfor Academic Development at the University of Missouri-Kans.as. City.