American Journal of Primatology 74:332–343 (2012)
Energetic Payoff of Tool Use for Capuchin Monkeys in the Caatinga: Variation
by Season and Habitat Type
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicobiologia, Centro de Biociências, Universidade Federal do, Rio Grande do
Norte, Brazil
2 CO-LAB, Departamento de Fisiologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicobiologia, Centro de Biociências Universidade
Federal do, Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil
In this paper, we analyze predictions from the energetic bottleneck and opportunity models to explain
the use of stones to crack open encased fruit by capuchins in dry environments. The energetic bottleneck
model argues that tool use derives from the need to crack open hard-encased fruits which are key
resources during periods of food scarcity. The opportunity model argues that tool use by capuchins
derives from simultaneous access to stones and encased fruits. The study was conducted in the Caatinga
biome, northeastern Brazil, at two areas where capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus and Sapajus
spp.) regularly use stones to crack open encased fruit of Syagrus cearensis and Manihot dichotoma.
Energetic gains were inferred based on the number of tool-use sites used and the mass of encased
fruit consumed per month, and compared across seasons and areas occupied by the two groups. For
the drier habitat, a significant increase in frequency of tool use (Ndry = 329 vs. Nwet = 59) and in the
mean monthly mass of fruits consumed in the dry season (meandry = 193g vs. meanwet = 13.5 g) offered
support for the energetic bottleneck model. However, our inference of low energetic payoffs for tool
using individuals (in the drier caatinga habitat from 13 to 193 cal·ind−1 ·month−1 and in the wetter
caatinga habitat from 805 to 1150 cal·ind−1 ·month−1 ) offer support for the opportunity model. Finally,
our analyses indicate that consumption of six S. cearensis fruits would equal the daily requirements
of capuchins for β-carotene, and the consumption of 1.22 g·day−1 of M. dichotoma encased fruit or
1.0 g·day−1 of S. cearensis can supply capuchin’s daily requirement of vitamin C. So, specific nutritional
requirements may play a role in explaining the continuous consumption of encased fruit and customary
C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
use of stones to crack open encased fruit. Am. J. Primatol. 74:332–343, 2012.
Key words: Tool use; capuchin monkeys; fallback foods; feeding ecology; energetic payoffs
The robust capuchin monkey (Sapajus spp.) is
a medium size Neotropical primate that diverged
from its sister clade (gracile capuchin, genus Cebus) about 6.15 million years ago, and currently
occurs in almost all South America biomes [Lynch
Alfaro et al., 2012a, b]. Sapajus weight between 2
and 4 kg, with males 15–30% heavier and larger
than females—depending on the species (eight in total), with a diet comprised mostly of fruits and insects [Fragaszy et al., 2004]. Robust capuchins are
known for their dietary flexibility, including the exploitation of bromeliads (meristem and leaf base) in
montane forests [Brown & Zunino, 1990] and oysters (Crassostrea rizophorae) [Fernandes, 1991] and
crabs (Ucides cordatus) [dos Santos, 2010] in mangroves. In tropical forests capuchins may consume
palm nuts, which they access by banging the nut
against bamboo nodes [Izawa, 1979; Janson, 1988].
Galleti and Pedroni [1994] presented data showing that tufted capuchins (S. nigritus—according to
C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Lynch Alfaro et al., 2012a) increase their time on the
ground and increase the consumption of nuts during
dry periods in the semi-deciduous forest in southeastern Brazil. This dietary variability is linked to a
manipulative-destructive foraging strategy [Parker
& Gibson, 1977].
Capuchin monkeys are of interest to biological anthropologists because they constitute an
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online
version of this article.
Contract grant sponsor: CNPq; Contract grant number:
∗ Correspondence to: Pós-Graduação em Psicobiologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Campus Universitário, Centro de Biociências, PO Box 1511, Natal, RN 59072970, Brazil. E-mail:
Received 2 February 2011; revised 4 December 2011; revision
accepted 4 December 2011
DOI 10.1002/ajp.22009
Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.
Energetic Payoff of Capuchin Tool Use / 333
independent contrast for evolutionary studies of the
function of two acclaimed human traits: large neocortex ratio and tool-use behavior [Visalberghi &
McGrew, 1997]. The discovery that in dry areas robust capuchins practice customary second-order use
of percussive stones (i.e., stones as hammers and as
anvils Westergaard, 1999) to consume encased fruit
has triggered a series of studies on tool using capuchin groups [see review in Ottoni and Izar, 2008].
Two models have been proposed to explain the
relationship between tool-use behavior and large
neocortex size in capuchin monkeys. Moura [2004],
Moura and Lee [2004], Lee and Moura [2005] proposed the Energetic Bottleneck Hypothesis, that is,
encased fruit are “important” resources to capuchins
in highly seasonal areas particularly during dry periods. Therefore, food scarcity is expected to constitute a strong selective force resulting in behavioral, morphological, and cognitive changes which
could include tool manufacture and manipulation
and brain expansion (e.g., “We proposed that the use
of embedded resources was associated with habitual food scarcity and that the energetically expensive use of stones and other tools was a vital mechanism for food acquisition,” pg. 951, Lee and Moura,
Conversely, Visalberghi et al. [2005] propose the
Opportunity Hypothesis, arguing that the use of
tools by capuchins in semiarid areas results from
the combined opportunity to exploit resources on the
ground (terrestriality), and the availability of encased fruit and stones (e.g., “this [Moura and Lee’s]
argument is weakened by the frequent observations
of spontaneous tool use by capuchins in captivity
and in semi–free-ranging, provisioned groups, and
by the absence of tool use in wild groups facing energy bottlenecks in many habitats” p 951). In this
case, tool use would evolve from a preexisting ability for manipulative foraging. The two models are
not mutually exclusive, and both can be seen as capuchins solving a set of foraging problems that result
in tool-use behavior (as proposed by van Schaik et al.
[1999]). However, these models differ in the importance attributed to food scarcity as a prime mover
in the evolution of tool use and, therefore, the intensity of selection acting on adaptations for behavior, morphology, and cognition (sensu Marshall and
Wrangham’s [2007] distinction on preferred, staple
and filler fallback foods).
In this paper, we analyze the monthly net energetic gain afforded by the consumption of encased
fruit cracked with stones by two non-provisioned
wild groups of capuchins (Sapajus libidinosus and
Sapajus spp.). We infer the energetic gain using
data on the weight of encased fruit consumed converted to calories based on the chemical composition
of the fruits described by Crepaldi et al. [2001] and
Martins et al. [2007]. We infer energetic costs using Liu et al. [2009] indices. In order to compare
the energetic bottleneck and opportunity models, we
analyze the number of active tool-use sites and
mass of encased fruit consumed across conditions
where resource availability differed in two different caatinga areas across two different seasons (see
Study Area under Methods section).
We predict that, if capuchins principally use
tools during energetic bottleneck conditions, then (1)
a higher number of active tool-use sites and (2) a
higher mass of encased fruit consumed will be found
in drier areas, during the dry season, and when there
are no available cultivated crops. We also predict
that such encased fruits will provide energetic intake sufficient for capuchins living during energetic
bottleneck periods. If, instead, there are no differences in the rates of tool use and encased fruit consumed across seasons and habitat types, this would
add support to the opportunity hypothesis.
Study Area
The caatinga biome is endemic to northeastern
Brazil. It extends over 750,000 km2 and includes all
the northeastern states and part of Minas Gerais
[Ab’Saber, 2003]. It is one of the least studied biomes
[Prado, 2003] and about 20% of its area is desertified
due to anthropogenic processes [Alves et al., 2009].
Caatinga is characterized by a dry climate, following
are classification criteria for semiarid regions [MIN,
2005]: (i) mean annual rainfall of less than 800 mm;
(ii) aridity index of up to 0.5, calculated by hydric balance, relating rainfall, and potential evapotranspiration, between 1961 and 1990; and (iii) greater than
60% risk of drought, based on the period between
1970 and 1990. Floristic and fauna diversity is low
and there is high incidence of endemic plants with
adaptations for diminishing water loss, such as the
presence of thorns, small leaves, and deep roots in
deciduous hardwood trees [Alves et al., 2009]. Compared to other habitat types, there is a reduction
in population density for many mammals, including
primates [Alves et al., 2009; Ferreira et al., 2009].
Recent reports [MMA, 2003, 2004] have documented
the extreme heterogeneity of the caatinga resulting
from habitat diversity in water availability, soil composition, altitude, wind forces, solar incidence, and
anthropogenic processes.
We monitored indirect evidence of tool-use behavior by capuchins (S. libidinosus and Sapajus
spp.) in two areas representing two different types
of caatinga (see Table I). The Serra do Estreito (elevation: 203 m), located in the municipality of Jucurutu (Fig. 1, Figs. S1a and b) exhibits a vegetation pattern classified as open-shrub caatinga, oscaatinga hereafter [Alves, 2007]. The second study
area is located in the highland region of Luis Gomes
(elevation: 527 m) approximately 300 km southwest
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TABLE I. Envirnomnetal Characteristics of the Study Areas: Jucurutu (Open-Shrub Caatinga) and Luis Gomes
(Shrub-Arboreal Caatinga)
Jucurutu study site
Type of caatinga
Average and cumulative annual
rainfall in 2009
Sapajus species present (see Fig. S2)
Sampling effort
Monitored area
Average and cumulative parcel area
Type of rocks
6◦ 12′ 40.2′′ S 37◦ 02′ 10.7′′ W
Open shrub
80.3/963.6 mm3
6◦ 23′ 47.1′′ S 38◦ 23′ 10.6′′ W
84.1/1009.2 mm3
Sapajus spp.
780 hr
361.18 ha
3/12.32 ha
Dioritic orthogneiss to granite with
remnants of supracrustals
[CPRM, 2005a]
Sapajus libidinosus
780 hr
225.40 ha
5/20.35 ha
Metamorphic rocks forming the
crystalline shield, where granite,
gneiss, migmatite, schist, and
amphibolite predominate
occasionally traversed by veins of
quartz and pegmatite [CPRM,
Syagrus cearensis, Manihot
dichotoma, Diclea grandiflora
Capparis cynophallophora,
Commiphora leptophloeos,
Pilosocereus gounellei, Cereus
jamacaru, Pouteria gardneriana
Presence of encased fruits
Manihot dichotoma
Flesh fruit producing trees
Passiflora foetida, Phoradendron
affine, Cissus verticillata,
Capparis cynophallophora,
Commiphora leptophloeos,
Pilosocereus gounellei, Cereus
Presence of cultivar fruits
from Jucurutu (Fig. 1; Figs. S1c and d). This area
is classified as shrub-arboreal caatinga, sa-caatinga
hereafter [Alves, 2007; MMA, 2003]. This region has
been designated as a conservation and research area
owing to its biological richness, and it exhibits several indicators of biodiversity, endemism, and, of interest for this study, greater resource availability
(both fruits, encased fruits, vertebrates, and invertebrates) for capuchins [MMA, 2003]. These caatinga
areas represent the driest and hottest extreme for capuchin monkey habitat. Seasonal variation strongly
influences the landscape in both study areas. Lush
vegetation is present in the rainy season, with most
tree species exhibiting a well-defined reproductive
phase (see Fig. S1). Many botanical and ecological
studies indicate that the caatinga landscape changes
drastically in the dry season, evidenced by trees void
of leaves and fleshy fruits [compiled at MMA, 2003;
MIN, 2005].
In the wetter sa-caatinga, there are areas with
agricultural activity (e.g., mango, corn, cashew fruit)
from where capuchins are known to obtain food
[Ferreira et al., 2009, 2010].
Study Subjects
The capuchin monkeys that used the tools sampled in this study belong to two non-habituated
groups. The group at sa-caatinga is classified as
Am. J. Primatol.
Luı́s Gomes study site
Mango (Manguifera indica), corn
(Zea mays), cashew (Anacardium
S. libidinosus [Ferreira et al., 2010], a species formally grouped within S. apella, that occupy semiarid
areas throughout central and northeastern Brazil.
A previous study indicates that only one group
with fewer than 30 individuals inhabits this area
(Ferreira et al., 2009). The group observed at Serra
do Estreito (os-caatinga) was defined as S. flavius
based on fur color pattern by technicians from the
Brazilian Agency for Protection of Primates [Ferreira et al., 2009]. Sapajus flavius (blonde capuchin)
is a recently rediscovered species occupying northern areas in Coastal Atlantic Forest [Oliveira and
Langguth, 2001]. So, the group found at os-caatinga
would represent the extreme of S. flavius distribution, at the limits of the distribution of S. libidinosus.
However, in a later study, Silva [2010], one of the coauthors of the previous study [Ferreira et al., 2009],
reclassified S. libidinosus, and argued that the group
at Serra do Estreito is a S. libidinosus var 07, with
the lightest color fur type of this species (see suplementary material 2). A previous study indicates that
only one group composed of about 45 individuals inhabits this area (Ferreira et al., 2009).
Despite such uncertainty on taxonomy, Ferreira
et al. [2010] reported that these two groups customarily use tools to crack open two different encased
fruit: Syagrus cearensis (Palmae/Arecaceae—nut
size aproximately 16 cm3 ), and Manihot dichotoma
(Euphorbiaceae—nut size aproximately 0.24 cm3 ).
Energetic Payoff of Capuchin Tool Use / 335
Fig. 1. (a) Satelite image of studied areas. (b) Jucurutu study site, open-shrub caatinga. (c) Luis Gomes study site: Shrub-arboreal
caatinga. Squares depict monitored parcels.
Sampling Effort
A total of twenty-six 5-day field excursions were
conducted between December 2008 and December
2009 (i.e., one 5-day visit per month to each study
area), resulting in 130 days of visits to the caatinga
(65 days for each site) and over 1,000 hr of data
Monitored Parcels
Four parcels (pieces of land) within each
study area were demarcated for monthly sampling
(Fig. 1). Each parcel measured approximately 3 ha
in the drier os-caatinga and 5 ha in the wetter sacaatinga and was located more than 400 m from
other parcels and away from human settlements.
Although we could not conduct diversity analyses,
it is evident from walking through the landscape
that the nut producing trees of S. cearensis occur
in clusters, whereas trees of M. dichotoma are more
uniformly distributed. Parcels were purposefully located at clusters of S. cearensis, and differed in size
due to accessibility (many areas are hillsides that
make data collection difficult). In our monthly monitoring of the two sites, a total area of 361.18 ha in
the drier os-caatinga and of 225.40 ha in the wetter sa-caatinga was traversed. The entire area of the
plots monitored was 12.32 ha in drier os-caatinga
and 20.35 ha in wetter sa-caatinga. This represents
3.4% of the total os-caatinga area and 9% of the total sa-caatinga area of our study groups. GPS coordinates were taken for all encased fruit-producing
plants with diameter at breast height (DBH) of at
least 3 cm (total of 1,264 and 401 of encased fruit
producing trees inside parcels at os-caatinga and
sa-caatinga, respectively). Trails were created inside
each parcel to permit systematic data collection, and
the trails were inventoried in the same direction for
each monthly sampling.
A preliminary investigation [see also Ferreira
et al., 2010] showed that stones used as hammers
(see tool-use site definition in the next topic) displayed extensive size variation (mean = 10.13 cm;
CI 95% = ±7.02 cm—Fig. S3). Also, anvils consisted
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336 / Emidio and Ferreira
of stones or tree trunks, the former ranging from
10 cm to more than 5 m in length (Fig. S3). Unlike
the Fazenda Boa Vista (FBV) area studied by Visalberghi et al. [2005, 2007], stones were abundant and
readily available to be used as hammers and anvils
in both of our sampled areas. Also, due to the different geological formations in these environments, the
granitic stones at this caatinga are less friable than
are the arenitic stones available to capuchins at FBV
cerrado-caatinga ecotone.
Recording Number of Tool-Use Sites
We considered a site to be an active tool-use site
when one or more small stones with wear marks (i.e.,
hammers) were on top of larger stones that also had
wear marks (i.e., anvils), with remains of cracked
encased fruits on the anvil. While at FBV stones
used as anvils present pitted surfaces due to the
arenitic origin of stones [Visalberghi et al., 2007], in
our study areas, due to the granitic o-ring of stones,
wear marks (in anvils and hammers) consisted of
white dots or paler patches on stones derived from
the friction with nuts (see Fig. S3e).
Each month, we traversed the trails inside each
parcel and recorded the geographic location of each
active cracking site found, in addition to information on which encased fruit species were cracked.
When cracking sites with encased fruits from different species were found, they were classified as
mixed cracking sites. A Garmin GPSMAP® 76CSx
with UTM grid reader and SAD 69 (South American
datum 1969) was used to record global positioning
system (GPS) data.
Once data were collected on encased fruit
species, the sites were cleaned, so that no encased
fruits or hammers remained up to 20 cm from the
anvil. When cracked encased fruits were found at inactive cracking sites, they also were removed using
the same procedure. The cleaning of cracking sites,
which began during the final preliminary excursion
(December 2008) prior to the study, enabled us to
record the continuous visits by capuchins to these
areas and resulted in a record of monthly cracking
site use.
Record of Consumed Encased Fruit Weight
and Calculus of Energetic Payoff
All GPS points of active sites were collected for
analyses of the frequency of tool use. However, given
the large number of active sites, we recorded the
masses of broken encased fruits sequentially once
every ten active sites (i.e., only the encased fruits
at the 10th, 20th, 30th site, and so on). All encased
fruits within 20 cm of the anvil were collected and
weighed with a balance accurate to 1 g (ER2856st
model). At mixed sites with more than one encased
fruit type, each type was weighed and recorded separately.
Am. J. Primatol.
Encased fruits of S. cearensis differed according
to the state of moisture (average weight of an encased fruit unit = 7 g dry, damp = 9 g, and wet = 15
g). We converted wet weight to dry weight for all
analyses according to the formula 1 in Table II. For
the encased fruits of M. dichotoma this type of adjustment was not necessary since moisture did not
affect the mass.
Analyses of energy gains, foraging costs, and dietary payoffs are not easy to conduct [Felton et al.,
2009]. For this study we calculated mean monthly
values of indices measured and gross normalizations
in order to tackle the question of the costs and benefits of tool use. These analyses should be considered
preliminary estimates.
As we measured the weight of shells at a tool-use
site, we calculated monthly energetic gain through
tool use by: (i) converting shell weight to kernel
weight (formula 2 in Table II); (ii) defining the caloric
value per gram of kernel for each encased fruit
species based on chemical composition described in
literature (formula 3); (iii) multiplying the caloric
value per gram by the monthly kernel weight, multiplied by 10, since we measured one of every ten
tool-use sites (formula 4).
The cost of tool use was inferred based on the
equation presented by Liu et al. [2009, Table III],
in which the work to lift a stone is described as
the potential energy at maximum height (τ = mgh,
where m = stone mass, g = acceleration of gravity,
and h = maximum height that stone was lifted—
calculated by authors as 35 cm). Liu et al. [2009] detected that capuchins employ force during the downward movement of approximately equal value as the
upward movement. Therefore, the total cost of using
a stone to crack open an encased fruit includes the
energy in upward and downward movements with
half of the energy spent during lift, and the other
half spent pushing the stone against the nut during the downward phase (see Table III in Liu et al.
We calculated the monthly costs of tool use
for these two groups by (i) estimating the number of broken encased fruits based on the weight
of shells per month (formula 5, Table II); (ii) employing Liu et al. [2009] formula multiplied by the
number of broken encased fruits by month, multiplied by 2 (work lift and work push down), multiplied by 10 (since only one out of ten sites were measured). As Work is defined in Joules we converted
results in calories by 1 cal = 4.184 j (formula 6,
Table II).
The energetic payoff of tool-use behavior can
be seen as the difference between energetic gains
and costs of tool use (formula 7, Table II). Mean
monthly energetic payoff per individual was inferred
assuming a group size of 20 individuals, regardless of
season (formula 8, Table II). The mean group size of
20 individuals was based on previous observations
Energetic Payoff of Capuchin Tool Use / 337
TABLE II. Formulas Used to Calculate Energetic Gains, Costs, and Payoffs
(1) Dry shell weight
Dsw = Wet shell weight × moisture index
(2) Kernel weight (Kw)
Kw = Dsw × Kernel index
(3) Calorific value (Cv)
Cv =
(4) Energetic gain (EG)
(5) No. of broken
EG = 10 × Cv × Kw
NBs = Dsw × Shell index
(6) Energetic cost (EC)
Ec =
(7) Energetic payoff (EPF)
(8) Energetic payoff per
individual (EPF/Id)
4 × [%Protein + %Carbohydrate + 9(%Lipids)]
2 × (Hw × NBs × G × H) × 10
Moisture indexes
M. dichotoma = 1; S. cearensis
dry shell = 1, damp
shell = 0.777; wet
shell = 0.466
Kernel indexes
M. dichotoma = 1 g·shell−1 ;
S. cearensis = 0.714 g·shell−1
Cv for M. dichotoma = 2.506 and
for S. cearensis = 5.273
Shell’s index for M.
dichotoma = 6 µ·g−1 and
S. cearensis = 0.142 µ·g−1
Hammer weight (Hw) for
M. dichotoma = 0.089 Kg; for
S. cearensis = 0.612 Kg
Gravity acceleration (G) = 9.8 m
× s−2
H = height of stone lifting
(arbitrarily defined as 0.2 m).
Conversion joule calories
(Cjc) = 4.184
No. of individuals in each group
(N#Id) = 20
Unit of
(1) M. dichotoma dry shell = wet shell = 0.16g. Manihot shells are impermeable, dry and wet shells weight the same. S. cearensis dry shell = 7g; damp
shell = 9g; wet shell = 15g.
(2) M.dichotoma shell = 0,16g; kernel = 0.16g dry weight. S cearensis shell = 7g; kernel = 5g, dry weight. For manihot, three unbroken encased fruits
weight 1g, from which half is weight of shells and other half is weight of kernel.
(3) Since we could not find the Calorific value (Cv) data for M dichotoma, we used the mean Cv of M. glaziovii (3.03), M. spseudoglaziovii (2.453), and
M. paiuhensis (2.035), see Martins et al. [2007, Table I, page 635]. Similarly, we assumed that Cv of S. cearensis is the same of S. coronata, see Crepaldi
et al. [2001, Table I, page 156].
(5) M. dichotoma 1 g of dry shell = 6 encased fruits. S. cearensis: 7 g of dry shell = 1 unit.
(6) Hammer weight data are Emidio and Ferreira (personal observation). This formula is based on the equation of Liu et al. [2009].
of capuchin groups in these areas [Ferreira et al.,
Data Analyses
The values of the dependent variables (number
of active tool-use sites, broken encased fruit mass)
for each parcel were clustered in monthly unique
values. We discarded values on parcels that had
no trees producing encased fruits, resulting in 10
monthly samples at the drier os-caatinga (February, April–December 2009) and 11 samples at the
wetter sa-caatinga (February–December 2009). The
data showed a normal distribution according to
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (N > 10, D > 0.21, and
P > 0.20), so parametric tests were applied. Student’s
t-tests were used to compare areas and seasons. We
C StatSoft for data analused Statistica 8, Copyright
yses, and the significance level was set at α ≤ 0.05.
This research adhered to the American Society of
Primatologists’ principles for the ethical treatment
of primates, and complied with the Laws of Brazil
that govern animal research.
We recorded a total of 2,212 active tool-use sites
in the drier os-caatinga and 558 sites in the wetter sa-caatinga. This resulted in a mean value of 59
active sites at the os-caatinga during wet periods
(or 4.78 active sites/ha), 329 active sites at the oscaatinga during dry periods (or 26.7 active sites/ha),
and approximately 70 active tool-use sites per month
at the sa-caatinga in either period (or 3.5 active
sites/ha—see also Table IV).
In the drier os-caatinga area, all tool-use sites
contained manihot broken encased fruits, whereas
in the wetter sa-caatinga area, 75% of active sites
contained encased fruits of S. cearensis, 16% of M.
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TABLE III. Statistical Results of Seasonal and Habitat Comparisons of the Two Indices Measured: (a) Total
Frequency of Active Tool-Use Sites; (b) Total Weight of Encased Fruit
Dependent variable
Between areas—overall
N1 = os-caatinga
Total number of active sites
N2 = sa-caatinga
Total mass consumed (g)
Between areas—wet season
N1 = os-caatinga
Total number of active sites
N2 = sa-caatinga
Total mass consumed (g)
Between areas—dry season
N1 = os-caatinga
Total number of active sites
N2 = sa-caatinga
Total mass consumed (g)
Season within open-shrub caatinga
N1 = wet period
Total number of active sites
N2 = dry period
Total mass consumed (g)
Season within shrub-arboreal caatinga
N1 = wet period
Total number of active sites
N2 = dry period
Total mass consumed (g)
Cultivar × non-cultivar period
Total number of active sites
Total mass consumed (g)
dichotoma, 1% of Diclea grandiflora, and 8% were
mixed tool-use sites.
Comparison Between Areas and Seasons
Our phenological analyses indicate that rainfall
affects the availability of native fleshy fruits which
are the presumed preferred foods for capuchins in
this area (assuming capuchins are primarily frugivorous). Conversely, Syagrus sp and Manihot sp trees
produce encased fruits regularly throughout the year
(see Fig. 2).
N (Number of months)
− 2.5
− 2.01
− 1.63
− 2.63
− 3.88
The number of active tool-use sites was higher
at the drier os-caatinga, while overall monthly mass
consumed was higher at the wetter sa-caatinga
(Fig. 3 a x a’; b x b’). Analyses by season showed
that this difference between areas exists only during drier periods. During wetter periods there were
no significant differences between these two areas
regarding these two indices (Table III, Fig. 3).
In comparing between seasons within each area,
we found no seasonal variation in the two indices
at the wetter sa-caatinga. At the drier os-caatinga,
Fig. 2. Presence or absence of fructifying trees at each parcel per month, and its relation to rainfall, at open-shrub caatinga and at
shrub-arboreal caatinga. *These data are presented on a binary scale (i.e., presence or absence of flesh fruits or encased fruits at trees,
in each parcel). Zero values indicate that none of the trees at any of the four sampled parcel contained fruits that month. For fleshy
fruits, only one parcel had fleshy fruit trees (since we purposefully placed our parcels in areas associated with clusters of Syagrus and
Maninhot). For encased fruits, values range from 0 to 4, since all parcels contained encased fruit producing tress.
Am. J. Primatol.
TABLE IV. Mean Monthly Values of the Number of Active Tool-Use Sites, Mass Consumed, Energetic Gain, Energetic Cost, and Energetic Payoff
Inferred for Capuchins Groups in the Two Study Areas: Open-Shrub Caatinga (Jucurutu) and Shrub-Arboreal Caatinga (Luis Gomes) During Wet
and Dry Seasons
Dry season
(N = 6)
Wet season
(N = 4)
Dry season (N = 6)
Wet season (N = 5)
Manihot +
Manihot +
Active tool-use site
Dry weight (g)
Kernel weight (g)
Energetic gain (cal)
Energetic gain per
individual (cal)
Number of broken
encased fruits
Energetic cost (cal)
Energetic cost per
individual (cal)
Energetic payoff (cal)
Energetic payoff per
individual (cal)
· There is no standard deviation for the mean value of Manihot at sa-caatinga because its consumption was observed during only two months during the dry season and in one parcel during one month
in the wet season.
· We did not use the values for consumption of Diclea grandiflora since the amounts were negligible.
Am. J. Primatol.
Energetic Payoff of Capuchin Tool Use / 339
340 / Emidio and Ferreira
Fig. 3. Measures of the two indices across months in the following order: (a) number of active sites; (b) total mass consumed. Left side
displays os-caatinga and right side displays sa-caatinga.
total mass consumed was higher and the number of
active tool-use sites was significantly higher during
drier periods (Table III and Fig. 3).
In the wetter sa-caatinga, we tested whether the
availability of crops (mango, corn, and cashew) influenced tool-use behavior in terms of mean monthly
mass of kernels consumed or number of active
tool sites. Neither of the two indices were significantly different for months with and without crops
(Table III).
The cost of tool use was relatively low at both
sites due to the light weight of the stones used [Ferreira et al., 2010]. The costs of tool use ranged from
a mean of 67 to 966 cal per month at dry os-caatinga,
and from 363 to 510 cal per month at wet sa-caatinga,
or from 3 to 48 cal·ind−1 ·month−1 at dry os-caatinga,
and from 18 to 25 cal·ind−1 ·month−1 at wet sacaatinga. Consequently, the energetic payoff of tool
use ranged from 13 to 193 cal·ind−1 ·month−1 at dry
os-caatinga and from 805 to 1150 cal·ind−1 ·month−1
at wet sa-caatinga.
Energetic Gains, Costs, and Payoffs
of Tool Use
Table IV presents the inferred values of energetic gains, costs, and payoffs of tool-use behavior in
each area per season. The inferred mean energetic
gain per month within sampled parcels was lower
at the drier os-caatinga than the wetter sa-caatinga,
ranging from a total of 338 to 4,836 cal per month at
drier os-caatinga, and from a total of 16,470 to 23,524
cal per month at wet sa-caatinga. These values are
lower if we divide the mean total by an assumed
number of 20 individuals per group: from 16 to 241
cal·ind−1 ·month−1 at drier os-caatinga, and from 823
to 1,176 cal·ind−1 ·month−1 at wetter sa-caatinga.
Am. J. Primatol.
In this study, we examined predictions concerning tool use in wild capuchins derived from the Energetic Bottleneck and Opportunity hypotheses. Our
primary data used to test these hypotheses were
based on the number of tool-use sites and weight
of encased fruit shells broken by capuchins at two
caatinga areas. The density of active tool-use sites
at our wetter shrub-arboreal caatinga biome was
higher than that described by Visalberghi et al.
[2007]: 4.78–26.5 active sites·ha−1 versus 1.82 ±
0.82 active sites·ha−1 at FBV—an area of ecotone
between cerrado and caatinga inhabited by S. libidinosus. The density of active tool-use sites in the dry
Energetic Payoff of Capuchin Tool Use / 341
os-caatinga was 13 times greater than that described
at FBV. Although this indicates that capuchins at
these caatinga areas frequently use tools, a simple
count of the number of tool-use sites is not a reliable
indicator of more frequent tool using behavior since
capuchins at FBV repeatedly use the same tool-use
sites due to the scarcity of appropriate hammers.
Canale et al. [2009] describes similar total values
(over 2,000 sites mapped) across an area of S. xanthosternos occurrence; however, as their sites were
not previously cleaned, we do not know how long it
took for the S. xanthosternos to accumulate these
tool-use sites.
Our phenological analyses indicated that trees
produce fleshy fruits only during the rainy period (February–June 2010), while trees produce encased fruits regularly throughout the year. Thus, capuchins have the opportunity to crack open encased
fruits during all months, but may have a greater
need to do so during dry periods. We counted twice
as many active tool-use sites in the drier area and,
assuming that capuchin group size did not differ between seasons, there was a fivefold increase in the
intensity of tool use during dry periods in the dry oscaatinga. This offers support for the energetic bottleneck model, which predicts increased consumption of encased fruits during periods and areas of
low resource availability. However, we found no evidence of seasonal variation in tool use frequency in
the wetter sa-caatinga. In addition, the rate of tool
use and the mass of cracked encased fruit consumed
remained constant at sa-caatinga regardless of cultivated crop availability. Thus, data from sa-caatinga
offer support to the Opportunity Hypothesis. Taken
together, it appears that capuchins opportunistically made use of tools to crack open encased fruits
throughout the year, but increased the frequency
of such behavior during periods of low food availability, or times of the year of presumed energetic
Despite the higher use of stone tools by capuchins at the os-caatinga, the total mass consumed
from cracked encased fruit was higher in the wetter sa-caatinga (the area with greater abundance of
fresh fruits and cultivars). This difference is likely
due to the type of encased fruit cracked in each area:
small manihot at os-caatinga and medium sized syagrus at sa-caatinga. This means that encased fruit
contributes more to the energetic intake of capuchins
at the wetter sa-caatinga area than at the dry oscaatinga area, and this contribution was not related to periods of low food availability in the wetter
Our analyses reveal that the monthly caloric
input obtained from encased fruit accessed with
the help of stones is small, from 16 to 241
cal·ind−1 ·month−1 at the drier os-caatinga and from
823 to 1,175 cal·ind−1 ·month−1 at the wetter sacaatinga. Considering that the daily energetic costs
of an adult capuchin are estimated to be approximately 311 cal [Janson 1988], these daily caloric
gains are not sufficient to support a capuchin for an
entire day at the dry os-caatinga site, although these
foods may supply energy for 3–4 days in the wetter
sa-caatinga under conditions in which encased fruit
is intensively consumed over a short period (and not
equally over the month).
The inferred cost of tool use was very low: from
3 to 48 cal·ind−1 ·month−1 at the dry os-caatinga site
and from 18 to 25 cal·ind−1 ·month−1 at the wet sacaatinga site. This low cost is due to the relatively
lightweight of stones used. Emidio and Ferreira [submitted] report that the median weight of stones was
46 g at os-caatinga and 429 g at sa-caatinga. The
stones at our study areas are lighter than those at
the FBV ecotone caatinga-cerrado (ca. 1 kg) where
Fragaszy et al. [2004] conducted their studies, and
are more similar to stone weight (mean = 150 g) reported by Moura [2004].
It is important to note, though, that both the energetic gains and costs of tool use inferred here are
general approximations. First, although the caloric
gains per gram are likely to be fairly accurate (based
on data of Martins et al. [2007] and Crepaldi et al.
[2001]), we used a very restricted definition of active tool-use sites: we marked only those sites where
both hammer and encased fruits were found on top
of anvils. We did not sample sites with anvils and
encased fruit but not hammers, nor sites with anvils
and hammers but not encased fruit on top of anvil
stones, even though encased fruits were scattered
around the anvil. Second, these caloric gains were inferred considering only the area of sampled parcels,
and we selected parcels purposefully around clusters of nut producing trees. Thus, this might have
inflated the energetic gains. However, our sites did
include dispersed nut producing trees with a confirmed presence of tool-use sites. Third, costs were
inferred assuming 20 cm as the maximum height
that stones were lifted, and these costs refer to one
strike per stone/encased fruit. It is reasonable to assume that capuchins will make multiple strikes before cracking a nut, however small the nut is. Fourth,
individual gains and costs were inferred considering
a mean group size of 20 individuals throughout the
year, although it is known that adults perform most
of the tool use and on average 50% of individuals in
groups are adults/sub-adults [Moura, 2004; Mannu
& Ottoni, 2001; Verderane, 2010]. And finally, the
year we collected data had higher than average rainfall. It is possible that consumption of encased fruit
was diminished due to higher availability of fleshy
fruits. Therefore, both the energetic gains and energetic costs of tool use may be higher than the conservative estimates calculated here.
Notwithstanding the above caveats, based on
a purely energetic analysis our data do not support the hypothesis that embedded encased fruit
Am. J. Primatol.
342 / Emidio and Ferreira
represent key energetic resources to capuchins inhabiting caatinga habitats. It is reasonable to suggest that for these capuchins any caloric gain results
in a benefit, and that in the absence of greater floristic diversity and increased opportunity to forage on
the ground (as is observed in caatinga), tool use behavior may provide foraging advantages (therefore,
favoring the “opportunity” hypothesis).
A second possibility is that encased fruits are
important due to their nutritional content. Altmann
[2009] suggests that fallback foods can be essential
to primates when these foods contain special nutrients, such as vitamin C that is not synthesized by
haplorhines. The kernel of Syagrus contains 6.36
mg·g−1 of vitamin C, and 26.1 ± 0.7 µg·g−1 of βcarotenes [each fruit weights a mean of 4.26 g—
Crepaldi et al., 2001, Table I]. Similarly, the encased
fruit of Manihot esculenta contain 26.1% protein and
3.6 mg·g−1 of vitamin C [Nartey & Møller 1976].
According to the National Research Council of the
National Academies [2003], the daily requirement of
β-carotene for non-human primates is 625 µg. Therefore, the consumption of six S. cearensis fruits (each
fruit weights a mean of 4.26 g per fruit—[Crepaldi
et al., 2001]) would equal the daily requirements of
capuchins. Nutritional requirements of vitamin C by
primates are still imprecisely described; if we take
Callithrix jacchus as a model [based on National Research Council of the National Academies, 2003], and
isometrically regress the requirement to the body
weight of capuchins, we obtain a daily requirement
of 4.4 mg·g−1 of vitamin C. If this is the case, an individual capuchin would need to consume 1.22 g·day−1
of M. dichotoma encased fruit or 1.0 g·day−1 of S.
cearensis to supply its requirements. In addition,
these encased fruits contain larvae of Tenebrio molitor, each weighing about 3–4 g, yielding 2.78 cal·g−1 ,
18% protein [based on National Research Council of
the National Academies, 2003]. The possibility that
capuchins forage on these nuts to consume the larvae was proposed by Rocha et al. [1998] observing
S. nigritus at Parque Municipal Arthur Thomas, in
southern Brazil. In this case, capuchin tool use would
provide an important nutritional reward (protein)
and these encased fruits would be best described as
a high quality resource and not as a fallback food.
In summary, data on the frequency of tool use by
area and by season offer some support for the energetic bottleneck model. However, although we agree
with Lee and Moura’s [2005, p 951] statement that
“First principles suggest that the foraging strategy
is a consequence of what is available in the habitat rather than a secondary consequence of changing substrate or mode of locomotion,” our estimates
of energetic gain indicate that encased fruits are
not key energetic resources for the capuchis studied
here, and point toward the opportunistic consumption of encased fruit. Finally, analyses of chemical
compounds point toward the importance of these en-
Am. J. Primatol.
cased fruits in supplying specific micronutritional requirements for capuchins.
Ricardo Almeida Emidio received a Master of
Science Grant from CNPq (n° 564275/20085). We are
grateful to IDEMA for satellite images, IBAMA for
transportation, and to Lı́dia Brasileira for offering
the house at RPPN Stossel Brito. We thank Jessica Lynch Alfaro, Paul Garber, Patricia Izar, Jean
Boubli, and two anonymous reviewers for helpful
comments on the manuscript. This research adhered
to Brazil’s legal requirements.
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