C HA P T E R 1 8
The resurrection of ribonucleases
from mammals: from ecology to
Slim O. Sassi and Steven A. Benner
18.1 Introduction
The family of proteins related to bovine pancreatic
ribonuclease A (RNase A) provided the first biomolecular system to be analyzed using experimental paleogenetics. This protein family was
chosen in 1979, as it was one of only three families
of protein sequences that were sufficiently well
represented in the then modest database for which
one might consider doing experimental resurrections. Other families that were also considered
included cytochrome c, which had been developed
as a paradigm for molecular evolution by Margoliash (1963, 1964), and hemoglobin, which was
studied as a model for biomolecular adaptation
(Riggs, 1959; Bonaventura et al., 1974). Cytochromes are substrates for cytochrome oxidases,
and it was not considered possible to resurrect
both ancestral cytochromes and their ancient oxidases. Hemoglobins are complicated to express, a
problem solved only later. This left the RNases.
Fortunately, Jaap Beintema and his colleagues in
Groningen had done an excellent job of sequencing
(at the level of the protein) ribonucleases from a
wide range of ruminants and closely related nonruminant mammals (Beintema and Gruber, 1967,
1973; Gaastra et al., 1974; Groen et al., 1975; Welling
et al., 1975; Emmens et al., 1976; Kuper and Beintema, 1976; Muskiet et al., 1976; Vandenberg et al.,
1976; Vandijk et al., 1976; Welling et al., 1976;
Gaastra et al., 1978; Beintema et al., 1979, 1984,
1985; Jekel et al., 1979; Lenstra and Beintema, 1979;
Beintema and Martena, 1982; Breukelman et al.,
2001). Done before the so-called age of the genome,
this work exploited classical Edman degradation
of peptide fragments derived by selective cleavage
of the protein. Such work required substantial
amounts of protein, making convenient the large
amount of RNase found in the digestive tracts of
oxen and their immediate relatives. Beintema had
also inferred the sequences of the ancestral proteins throughout the recent history of the digestive
enzymes, using parsimony tools that adapted the
ideas that Margaret Dayhoff had laid out (Dayhoff
et al., 1978).
18.2 Background
Members of the secreted RNase family of proteins
are typically composed of a signal peptide of about
25 amino acids and a mature peptide of about 130
amino acids. Most members of the RNase family
have three catalytic residues (one lysine and two
histidines, at positions 41, 12, and 119 in RNase A,
respectively). These come together in the folded
enzyme to form an active site. In addition, RNases
generally have six or eight cysteines that form
three or four disulfide bonds. Except for these
conserved residues, the sequences of RNases have
diverged substantially in vertebrates, with
sequence identities as low as 20% when comparing
oxen and frog homologs (for example). RNase was
well known as a digestive enzyme. As expected for
enzymes found in the digestive tract, RNases are
themselves biochemically robust. For example, the
first step in the purification of RNase A involved
the treatment of an extract from ox pancreas with
0.25 M sulfuric acid. This procedure precipitates
most other proteins and removes the glycosyl
groups from RNase, but otherwise leaves the
protein intact.
RNases proved to present several opportunities
for biological interpretation and discovery. As
digestive enzymes, pancreatic RNases lie at one
interface between their host organisms and their
changing environments, and are expected to
evolve with the environment. Not all mammals,
however, have large amounts of pancreatic RNase.
In fact, RNase is abundant in the digestive systems
primarily in ruminants (which include the oxen,
antelopes, and other bovids, together with the
sheep, the deer, the giraffe, okapi, and pronghorn)
and certain other special groups of herbivores
(Barnard, 1969).
In 1969, Barnard proposed that pancreatic
RNase was abundant primarily in ruminants
because ruminant digestion had a special need for
an enzyme that digested RNA (Barnard, 1969).
Ruminant digestive physiology is considerably
different from human digestive physiology (for
example). The ruminant foregut serves as a vat to
hold fermenting microorganisms. The ox delivers
fodder to these microorganisms, which produce
digestive enzymes (including cellulases) that the
ox cannot. The microorganisms digest the grass,
converting its carbon into a variety of products,
including low-molecular-mass fatty acids. The
fatty acids then enter the circulation system of the
ruminant, providing energy.
The ox then eats the microorganisms for further
nourishment. According to the Barnard hypothesis, this digestive physiology creates a need for
especially large amounts of intestinal RNase. The
fermenting microorganisms are rich in ribosomes
and rRNA, tRNA, and mRNA. Fermenting bacteria therefore deliver large amounts of RNA to
the gastric region of the bovine stomach and the
small intestine. Barnard estimated that between
10 and 20% of the nitrogen in the diet of a typical
bovid enters the lower digestive tract in the form
of RNA.
Barnard’s hypothesis was certainly consistent
with the high level of digestive enzymes in ruminants generally. For example, ruminants have
large amounts of lysozyme active against bacterial cell walls in their digestive tracts. Was the
Barnard hypothesis merely a just-so story, based
on correlations that did not require causality or
functional necessity? The first experimental
paleogenetics program set out to test this.
The available sequences were adequate to support the inference, with little ambiguity, of the
sequence of the RNase represented (approximately) by the fossil ruminant Pachyportax (Stackhouse et al., 1990). This was also the case for the
more ancient Eotragus, which lived in the Miocene.
The available RNase sequences also permitted the
inference, with only modest ambiguity, of
sequences for RNases in the first ruminant,
approximated in the fossil record by the genus
Archaeomeryx. With slightly more ambiguity, the
contemporary RNase sequences allowed the
inference of the sequences of RNase in the first
artiodactyl, the order of mammals having cloven
hooves that includes the true ruminants as well as
the camels, the pigs, and the hippos. This ancestor
is approximately represented in the fossil record
by the genus Diacodexis. A collaboration between
Barbara Durrant at the Center for Reproduction of
Endangered Species at the San Diego Zoo and the
Benner laboratory yielded several additional
sequences that assisted in making these inferences
(TrabesingerRuef et al., 1996).
Once the ancestral sequences were reconstructed, the Benner group prepared by total
synthesis a gene for RNase that was specially
designed to support the resurrection of ancient
proteins (Nambiar et al., 1984; Stackhouse et al.,
1990). From this gene, approximately two dozen
candidate ancestral genes for intermediates in the
evolution of artiodactyl ribonucleases were synthesized, cloned, and expressed to resurrect the
ancestral proteins for laboratory study (Stackhouse
et al., 1990; Jermann et al., 1995).
To assess whether reconstructions yielded proteins that were plausible as intermediates in the
evolution of the RNase family, the catalytic activities, substrate specificities, and thermal/proteolytic stabilities of the resurrected ancestral RNases
were examined. Most of the resurrected proteins,
and all of those corresponding to proteins expected in artiodactyls living after Archaeomeryx,
behaved as expected for digestive enzymes.
This was especially apparent from their kinetic
properties (Table 18.1). Modern digestive RNases
are catalytically active against small RNA substrates and single-stranded RNA (Blackburn and
Moore, 1982). The RNase from Pachyportax was
also, as were many of the earlier RNases. Thus, if
one assumes that these catalytic properties are
indicative of a digestive enzyme, these ancestral
proteins were digestive enzymes as well.
This was also true quantitatively. Thus, the kcat/Km
values for the putative ancestral RNases with
the ribodinucleotide uridylyl 3 0 ! 5 0 -adenosine
(UpA) as a substrate (Ipata and Felicioli, 1968) in
many ancient artiodactyls proved not to differ
more than 25% from those of contemporary bovine
digestive RNase (Table 18.1). With single-stranded
poly(U) as substrate, the variance in catalytic activity
was even smaller (18%).
Modern digestive RNases, like most digestive
enzymes, are stable to thermal denaturation and
cleavage by proteases. This suggested another
metric for determining whether an ancestral protein acted in the digestive tract. Using a method
developed by Lang and Schmid (1986), the sensitivity of the ancestral RNases to proteolysis as
a function of temperature was measured
(Table 18.2). Again, little change was observed
in thermal stability of the ancestral RNases back
to the ancestral artiodactyls approximated by
Archaeomeryx in the fossil record. The midpoints in
the activity/temperature curves for these ancient
proteins varied by only 1.1 C when compared
with RNase A. This can be compared with typical
experimental errors of 0.5 C.
Had all of the ancestral RNases behaved like
modern RNases, the resulting evolutionary narrative would have had little interest. The experiments in paleogenetics became interesting because
the behavior of RNases resurrected from organisms more ancient than the last common ancestor
of the true ruminants (Archaeomeryx and earlier)
did not behave like digestive enzymes using these
These more ancient resurrected ancestral RNases
displayed a 5-fold increase in catalytic activity
against double-stranded RNA (poly(A)-poly(U)).
This is not necessarily a digestive substrate. Further, the ancestral RNases showed an increased
ability to bind and melt double-stranded DNA.
Bovine digestive RNase A has only low catalytic
activity against duplex RNA under physiological
conditions, and does not bind and melt duplex
DNA; these activities are presumably not needed
for a digestive enzyme. At the same time, the
catalytic activity of the candidate ancestral
sequences against single-stranded RNA and short
RNA fragments, the kinds of substrate that are
Table 18.1 Kinetic properties of reconstructed ancestral ribonucleases
RNase A
Ancestor of
Ox, buffalo, eland
Ox, buffalo, eland, nilgai
b, Gazelles
Deer, pronghorn, giraffe
Pecora and seminal RNase
Pecora and seminal RNase
kcat/Km (UpA 106)
kcat/Km (%)
Relative to RNase A
RNase names refer to nodes in the evolutionary tree shown in Figure 18.1. All assays were performed at 25 C. UpA, uridylyl 3 0 ! 5 0 -adenosine.
Table 18.2 Thermal transition temperatures for reconstructed
ancient ribonucleases
Tm ( C)
Tm ( C)
RNase Aa
RNase Ab
þ 0.4
þ 1.3
þ 1.7
þ 1.4
þ 1.8
Thermal unfolding/proteolytic digestion temperatures (0.5 C) were
determined by incubating the RNase ancestor in 100 mM sodium acetate
(pH 5.0) in the presence of trypsin.
Expressed in Escherichia coli.
Boehringer Mannheim.
expected in the digestive tract, was substantially
lower (by a factor of five) than in the modern
proteins. Proposing that these behaviors can be
used as metrics, Jermann et al. (1995) concluded
that RNases in artiodactyls that were ancestral to
Archaeomeryx were not digestive enzymes.
A similar inference was drawn from stability
studies. The more ancient ancestors displayed a
modest but significant decrease in thermalproteolytic stability using the assay of Lang and
Schmid. A less stable enzyme, and a lower activity
against single-stranded RNA, for example, might
imply simply that the incorrect amino acid
sequence was inferred for the ancestral protein.
The fact that catalytic activity against doublestranded RNA, and the ability to melt duplex
RNA, was higher in the ancestors argued against
this possibility.
The issue was probed further by considering the
ambiguity in the tree. The connectivity of deep
branches in the artiodactyl evolutionary tree is not
fully clarified by either the sequence data or the
fossil record (Graur, 1993). This created a degree of
ambiguity in the ancestral sequences. To manage
this ambiguity, Jermann et al. (1995) synthesized a
variety of alternative candidate ancestral RNase
sequences. These effectively covered all of the
ambiguity in the tree topology, and the resulting
ambiguity in the sequences. The survey showed
that the measured behavior and the consequent
biological interpretation were robust with respect
to the ambiguity.
Site 38 proved to be especially interesting. The
variant of h1 (Figure 18.1) that restores Asp at
position 38 (as in RNase A) has a catalytic activity
against duplex RNA similar to that of RNase A
(Jermann et al., 1995; Opitz et al., 1998). Conversely,
the variant of RNase A that introduces Gly alone at
position 38 has catalytic activity against duplex
RNA essentially that of ancestor h. These results
show that substitution at a single position, 38,
accounts for essentially all of the increased catalytic activity against duplex RNA in ancestor h.
The reconstructed amino acids at position 38 are
unambiguous before and after the Archaeomeryx
sequence. Thus, it is highly probable that the
changes in catalytic activity against duplex RNA in
fact occurred in RNases as the ruminant RNases
arose. In one interpretation, catalytic activity
against duplex RNA was not necessary in the
descendent RNases, and therefore was lost. This
implies that the replacement of Gly-38 by Asp in
the evolution of ancestor g from ancestor h was
neutral. Jermann et al. (1995) could not, however,
rule out an alternative model, that Asp-38 confers
positive selective advantage on RNases found in
the ruminants.
18.3 Understanding the origin of
ruminant digestion
The experimental paleobiochemical data within
the pancreatic RNase family suggested a coherent
evolutionary narrative consistent with the Barnard
hypothesis. RNases with increased stability,
decreased catalytic activity against duplex RNA,
decreased ability to bind and melt duplex DNA,
and increased activity against single-stranded
RNA and small RNA substrates emerged near the
time when Archaeomeryx lived. The properties that
increased are essential for digestive function; the
properties that decreased are not. Archaeomeryx
River buffalo
Swamo buffalo
Thompson’s gazelle
Bridled gnu
Roe deer
Red deer
Fallow deer
Pronghorn antelope
Bovine seminal
Camel, acidic
Camel, basic
Million years before present (approximate)
was the first artiodactyl to be a true ruminant. This
implies that a digestive RNase emerged when
ruminant digestion emerged.
This converts the Barnard hypothesis into a
broader and robust narrative. This narrative
became still more compelling when the molecular
behavior is joined to the historical record as known
from the fossil and geological records. These
records suggested that the camels, deer, and bovid
artiodactyl genera diverged ca.40 million years ago,
together with ruminant digestion and the digestive
RNases to support it, at the time of global climate
change that began at the end of the Eocene,
extended through the Oligocene, and reached a
climax with the ice ages in the Pliocene and
This climate change eventually involved the
lowering of the mean temperature of Earth by
approximately 17 C, and the drying of large parts
of the Earth’s surface (Janis et al., 1998). This, in
Figure 18.1 The evolutionary tree used in the analysis
of ancestral pancreatic RNases. Lower-case letters at the
nodes designate putative intermediates in the evolution
of the protein family. Upper-case letters (D and G)
indicate the residue at position 38 in the contemporary
and reconstructed RNases. The time scale is
approximate. The tree was adapted from Beintema
et al. (1988) with a single alteration to join the pig and
the hippopotamus together in a separate subfamily that
branches together from the main line of descent. In the
Beintema–Fitch tree, the pig and the hippopotamus
diverge from the main line at separate points. Reprinted
with permission from Benner et al. (2002) Planetary
biology: paleontological, geological, and molecular
histories of life. Science 296: 864–868, # 2002 AAAS.
turn, was almost certainly causally related to the
emergence of grasses as a predominant source of
vegetable food in many ecosystems. Tropical
rainforests receded, grasslands emerged, and the
interactions between herbivores and their foliage
changed. Grasses offer poor nutrition compared to
many other flora, and ruminant physiology
appears to have substantial adaptive value when
eating grasses.
This, in turn, may help explain why ruminant
artiodactyls were enormously successful in competition with the herbivorous perissodactyls (for
example, horses, tapirs, and rhinoceroses) as the
global climate change proceeded. Today, nearly
200 species of artiodactyls have displaced the
approximately 250 species of perissodactyls that
were found in the tropical Eocene. Today, only
three species groups of perissodactyl survive. This
is the principal reason why resurrection of
enzymes from the dawn horse will remain outside
of the reach of contemporary paleomolecular
biologists, unless ancestral DNA is extracted from
the fossil of the dawn horse directly.
18.4 Ribonuclease homologs involved
in unexpected biological activities
The paleobiochemical experiments with pancreatic
RNases suggested that RNases having digestive
function emerged in artiodactyls from a nondigestive precursor about 40 million years ago.
This implies, in turn, that non-digestive cousins of
digestive RNases might remain in the genomes of
modern mammals, where they might continue to
play a non-digestive role there.
This suggestion, generated from the first
experiments in paleogenetics, emerged at the same
time as researchers were independently discovering non-digestive paralogs of digestive RNase A.
These were termed RIBAses (ribonucleases with
interesting biological activities) by D’Alessio et al.
(1991). They include RNase homologs that display
immunosuppressive (Soucek et al., 1986), cytostatic
(Matousek, 1973), anti-tumor (Ardelt et al., 1991),
endothelial-cell-stimulatory (Strydom et al., 1985),
and lectin-like activities (Okabe et al., 1991). These
proteins all appeared to be extracellular, based on
their secretory signal peptides and the presence of
disulfide bonds. Their existence suggested to some
that perhaps a functional RNA existed outside of
cells (Benner, 1988).
These results suggested that the RNase A
superfamily was extremely dynamic in vertebrates, with larger than typical amounts of gene
duplication, paralog generation, and gene loss. In
humans, for example, prior to the completion of
the complete genome sequence, eight RNases were
already known. These included the poorly named
human pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase 1; which
does not appear to be a protein specific for the
pancreas), the equally poorly named eosinophilderived neurotoxin (EDN, or RNase 2; which does
not appear to have a physiological role as a neurotoxin), the eosinophil-cationic protein (ECP, or
RNase 3; aptly named in the sense that the
name captured all we knew about the protein),
RNase 4, angiogenin (RNase 5), RNase 6 (sometimes known as k6), RNase 7 (Harder and
Schroder, 2002; Zhang et al., 2003), and RNase 8
(Zhang et al., 2002).
The analysis in silico of the human genome
showed that the human RNase 1–8 genes lie on
chromosome 14q11.2 as a cluster of approximately
368 kb. In order from the centromere to the telomere, the genes are angiogenin (RNase 5), RNase
4, RNase 6, RNase 1, ECP (RNase 3), an EDN
pseudogene, EDN itself (RNase 2), RNase 7, and
RNase 8, separated from each other by 6–90-kb
intervals. The genome also helped identification of
two new human RNase homologs (RNases 9 and
10) in this cluster, preceding angiogenin. In addition, three new open reading frames sharing a
number of common features with other RNases
were found. Beintema therefore proposed to name
these RNases 11, 12, and 13. RNases 11 and 12 are
located between RNase 9 and angiogenin. RNase
13 lies on the centromere side of RNase 7, and has
a transcriptional direction opposite to that of
RNases 7 and 8. The human genome reveals no
other open reading frames with significant similarity to these RNase genes. Therefore, it is likely
that all human RNase A superfamily members
have been identified.
As in humans, rat RNase genes are located on
one chromosome (15p14) in a single cluster. The
cluster in the rat genome contains the RNase
family in the same syntenic order and transcriptional direction as in human, with only a few
exceptions. The RNase 1 family (RNase1h, RNase1g, and RNase1y), the eosinophil-associated
RNase family (EAR; R15–17, ECP, R-pseudogene,
and Ear3), and the angiogenin family (Ang1 and
Ang2) have undergone expansion in the rat (Zhao
et al., 1998; Singhania et al., 1999; Dubois et al.,
2002). Further, orthologs of human RNases 7 and 8
are not present in the rat genome. This permits us
to propose a relatively coherent model for the
order of gene creation in the time separating primates and rodents, and a listing of the RNase
homologs likely to have been present in the last
common ancestor of primates and rodents.
The dynamic behavior of this group of genes is
shown by the differences separating the rat and
mouse groups. In mouse, two RNase gene clusters
are found, on mouse chromosome 14qB–qC1
(bcluster AQ) and chromosome 10qB1 (bcluster
BQ). Cluster A is syntenic to the human and rat
clusters and is essentially identical to the rat cluster in gene content and order except for substantial
expansions of the EAR and angiogenin gene subfamilies. Cluster B emerged in mouse after the
mouse/rat divergence, and contains only genes
and pseudogenes that belong to the EAR and
angiogenin subfamilies. It also includes a large
number of pseudogenes.
This level of diversity presents many why-type
questions that might be addressed using molecular
paleoscience. To date, three of these have been
pursued, one in the Rosenberg laboratory, and two
in the Benner laboratory.
18.5 Paleogenetics with eosinophil
RNase homologs
In an effort to understand more about the function
of these abundant RNase paralogs, Zhang and
Rosenberg (2002) examined the EDN and ECP in
primates. These proteins arose by gene duplication
some 30 million years ago in an African primate
ancestral to humans and Old World monkeys.
Zhang and Rosenberg first asked the basic question: why do eosinophils have two RNase paralogs? Eosinophils are associated with asthma,
infective wheezing, and eczema (Onorato et al.,
1996); their role in the non-diseased state remains
enigmatic. Some textbooks say that eosinophils
function to destroy larger parasites and modulate
allergic inflammatory responses. Others suggest
that eosinophils defend their host from outside agents, with allergic diseases arising as an
undesired side effect.
Earlier work by Zhang, Rosenberg and their
associates had suggested that ECP and EDN might
contribute to organismic defense in other ways.
ECP kills bacteria in vitro, whereas EDN inactivates retroviruses (Rosenberg and Domachowske,
2001). In silico analysis of reconstructed ancestral
sequences in primates suggested that the proteins
had suffered rapid sequence change near the time
of the duplication that generated the paralogs, a
change that might account for their differing
behaviors in vitro (Zhang et al., 1998). This suggests
that, in primate evolution, mutations in EDN
and ECP may have adapted them for different,
specialized roles during the episodes of rapid
sequence evolution.
To obtain a more densely articulated tree for the
protein family, Zhang and Rosenberg (2002)
sequenced additional genes from various primates.
They used these sequences to better reconstruct
ancestral sequences for ancient EDN/ECPs. They
estimated the posterior probabilities of these
ancestral sequences using Bayesian inference.
Then they resurrected these ancient proteins by
cloning and expressing their genes. Guiding the
experimental work was the hypothesis that the
anti-retroviral activity of EDN might be related to
the ability of the protein to cleave RNA. Studies of
the ancestral proteins allowed Zhang and Rosenberg to retrace the origins of the anti-retroviral
and RNA-cleaving activities of EDN. Both the
ribonuclease and antiviral activities of the last
common ancestor of ECP and EDN, which lived
ca. 30 million years ago, were low. Both activities
increased in the EDN lineage after its emergence
by duplication.
Zhang and Rosenberg showed that replacements
at sites 64 and 132 in the sequence were required
together to increase the ribonucleolytic activity of the protein; neither alone was sufficient.
Zhang and Rosenberg then analyzed the threedimensional crystal structure of EDN to offer
possible explanations for the interconnection
between sites suffering replacement and the changes in biomolecular behavior that they created. They
concluded that in the EDN/ECP family, either of the
two replacements at sites 64 and 132 individually
had little impact on behavior. Each does, however,
provide the context for the other to have an impact
on behavior. This provides one example where a
neutral (or, perhaps better, behaviorally inconsequential) replacement might have set the stage for
a second adaptive replacement.
This observation influences how protein engineering is done in general. Virtually all analyses of
divergent evolution treat protein sequences as if
they were linear strings of letters (Benner et al.,
1998). With this treatment, each site is modeled to
suffer replacement independent of all others,
future replacement at a site is viewed as being
independent of past replacement, and patterns of
replacements are treated as being the same at each
site. This has long been known to be an approximation, useful primarily for mathematical analysis
(the ‘‘spherical cow’’). Understanding higher-order
features of protein sequence divergence has
offered in silico approaches to some of the most
puzzling conundrums in biological chemistry,
including how to predict the folded structure of
proteins from sequence data (Benner et al., 1997a),
and how to assign function to protein sequences
(Benner et al., 1998). The results of Zhang and
Rosenberg provide an experimental case where
higher-order analysis is necessary to understand a
biomolecular phenomenon.
Another interpretive strategy involving resurrected proteins (Benner et al., 1997b) was suggested
from the results produced by Zhang and Rosenberg. This strategy identifies physiologically relevant behaviors in vitro for a protein where new
biological function has emerged, as indicated by an
episode of rapid (and therefore presumably
adaptive) sequence evolution. The strategy examines the behavior of proteins resurrected from
points in history before and after the episode of
adaptive evolution. Those behaviors that are
rapidly changing during the episode of adaptive
sequence evolution, by hypothesis, confer selective
value on the protein in its new function, and
therefore are relevant to the change in function,
either directly or by close coupling to behaviors
that are. The properties in vitro that are the same at
the beginning and end of this episode are not
relevant to the change in function. This idea is
fully implemented in the example of seminal
RNases reviewed next in this chapter.
Whereas the number of amino acids changing is
insufficient to make the case statistically compelling, the rate of change in the EDN lineage
is strongly suggestive of adaptive evolution
(Zhang et al., 1998). The antiviral and ribonucleolytic activities of the proteins before and after the
adaptive episode in the EDN lineage are quite
different. Benner (2002), interpreting the data of
Zhang et al. (1998), suggested that these activities
are important to the emerging physiological role
for EDN. This adds support, perhaps only modest,
for the notion that the antiviral activity of EDN
became important in Old World primates
ca. 30 million years ago.
The timing of the emergence of the ECP/EDN
pair in Old World primates might also contain
information. The duplication occurred near the
start of a global climatic deterioration that has
continued until the present, with the Ice Ages in
the past million years being the culmination (we
hope) of this deterioration. These are the same
changes as those that presumably drove the
selection of ruminant digestion. If EDN, ECP, and
eosinophils are part of a defensive system, it is
appropriate to ask: what happened during the
Oligocene that might have encouraged this type of
system to be selected? Why might new defenses
against retroviruses be needed at this time? If we
are able to address these questions we might better
understand how to improve our immune defenses
against viral infections, an area of biomedical
research that is in need of rapid progress.
18.6 Paleogenetics with ribonuclease
homologs in bovine seminal fluid
New biomolecular function is believed to arise, at
least in recent times, largely through recruitment
of existing proteins with established roles to play
new roles following gene duplication (Ohno, 1970;
Benner and Ellington, 1990). Under one model, one
copy of a gene continues to divergently evolve
under constraints dictated by the ancestral function. The duplicate, meanwhile, is unencumbered
by a functional role, and is free to search protein
structure space. It may eventually come to encode
new behaviors required for a new physiological
function, and thereby confer selective advantage.
This model contains a well-recognized paradox.
Because duplicate genes are not under selective
pressure, they should also accumulate mutations
that render them incapable of encoding a protein
useful for any function. Most duplicates therefore
should become pseudogenes (Lynch and Conery,
2000) or inexpressible genetic information (junk
DNA; Li et al., 1981) in just a few million years
(Jukes and Kimura, 1984; Marshall et al., 1994).
This limits the evolutionary value of a functionally
unconstrained gene duplicate as a tool for exploring protein structure space in the search of new
behaviors that might confer selectable physiological function.
One of the non-digestive RNase subfamilies
offered an interesting system to use experimental
paleogenetics to study how new function arises in
proteins. This focused on the seminal RNase
paralogs found in ruminants that arose by duplication of the RNase A gene just as it was becoming
a digestive protein. In ox, seminal RNase is 23
amino acids different from pancreatic RNase A. As
suggested by its name, the paralog is expressed in
the seminal plasma, where it constitutes some 2%
of total protein (D’Alessio et al., 1972). Seminal
RNase has evolved to become a dimer with composite active sites. It binds tightly to anionic glycolipids (Opitz, 1995), including seminolipid, a
fusogenic sulfated galactolipid found in bovine
spermatozoa (Vos et al., 1994). Further, seminal
RNase has immunosuppressive and cytotoxic
activities that pancreatic RNase A lacks (Soucek
et al., 1986; Benner and Allemann, 1989).
Laboratory reconstructions of ancient RNases
(Jermann et al., 1995) suggested that each of these
traits was not present in the most recent common
ancestor of seminal and pancreatic RNase, but
rather arose in the seminal lineage after the
divergence of these two protein families. To learn
more about how this remarkable example of evolutionary recruitment occurred, RNase genes were
collected from peccary (Tayassu pecari), Eld’s deer
(Cervus eldi), domestic sheep (Ovis aries), oryx
(Oryx leucoryx), saiga (Saiga tatarica), yellow
backed duiker (Cephalophus sylvicultor), lesser kudu
(Tragelaphus imberbis), and Cape buffalo (Syncerus
caffer caffer). These diverged approximately in that
order within the mammal order Artiodactyla
(Carroll, 1988). The newly sequenced genes complemented the known genes for various pancreatic
RNases (Carsana et al., 1988) and seminal RNases
from ox (Bos taurus; Preuss et al., 1990), giraffe
(Giraffa camelopardalis; Breukelman et al., 1993), and
hog deer.
Seminal RNase genes are distinguished from
their pancreatic cousins by several marker substitutions introduced early after the gene duplication, including Pro-19, Cys-32, and Lys-62. By this
standard, the genes from saiga, sheep, duiker,
kudu, and the buffaloes were all assigned to the
seminal RNase family. No evidence for a seminallike gene could be found in peccary. Thus, these
data are consistent with an analysis of previously
published genes that places the gene duplication
separating pancreatic and seminal RNases at ca. 35
million years before present (Beintema et al., 1988),
preceding the divergence of giraffe, sheep, saiga,
duiker, kudu, Cape buffalo, and ox, in this order,
consistent with mitochondrial sequence data
(Allard et al., 1992) and global phylogenetic analyses of Ruminanta (Hassanin and Douzery, 2003;
Hernandez Fernandez and Vrba, 2005).
Sequence analysis shows that the seminal RNase
genes from giraffe, hog deer, roe deer, and Cape
buffalo almost certainly could not produce folded
stable protein to serve a physiological function.
Deletions or insertions create frame shifts in
these genes. Further, the seminal RNase genes
from okapi, kudu, and saiga were found to
encode substitutions at active-site residues. Thus,
these proteins are not likely to have catalytic
To show that these seminal genes were indeed
not expressed in semen, seminal plasmas from 15
artiodactyls were examined (ox, forest buffalo
(Syncerus caffer nanus), Cape buffalo, kudu, sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekei), nyala (Tragelaphus angasi), eland (Tragelaphus oryx), Maxwell’s duiker
(Cephalophus monticola maxwelli), yellow-backed
duiker, suni (Neotragus moschatus), sable antelope
(Hippotragus niger), impala (Aepyceros melampus),
saiga, sheep, and Eld’s deer). Catalytically active
RNase was not detected in the seminal plasma in
significant amounts in any artiodactyl genus
diverging before the Cape buffalo, except in Ovis.
Independent mutagenesis experiments showed
that the proteins encoded by these genes, all carrying a Cys at position 32, should form dimers
(Trautwein, 1991; Raillard, 1993; Jermann, 1995;
Opitz, 1995). By Western blotting, however, only
small amounts of a monomeric, presumably pancreatic, RNase were detected in these seminal
plasmas. In contrast, the seminal plasmas of forest
buffalo, cape buffalo, and ox all contained substantial amounts of Western blot-active RNase
(Kleineidam et al., 1999). Only in the seminal
plasma of ox, however, is seminal RNase expressed. Even though the gene is intact in water buffalo, no expressed protein could be found in its
seminal plasma.
The seminal plasma from the Ovis genus (sheep
and goat) was a notable exception. Sheep seminal
plasma contained significant amounts of RNase
protein and the corresponding ribonucleolytic
activity. To learn whether RNases in the Ovis
seminal plasma were derived from a seminal
RNase gene, the RNase from goat seminal plasma
was isolated, purified, and sequenced by tryptic
cleavage and Edman degradation. Both Edman
degradation (covering 80% of the sequence)
and matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization
(MALDI) mass spectroscopy showed that the
sequence of the RNase isolated from goat seminal
plasma is identical to the sequence of its pancreatic
RNase (Beintema et al., 1988; Jermann, 1995). This
shows that the RNase in Ovis seminal plasma is
not expressed from a seminal RNase gene, but
rather from the Ovis pancreatic gene. To confirm
this conclusion, a fragment of the seminal RNase
gene from sheep was sequenced, and shown to be
different in structure from the pancreatic gene.
These results could be perceived as inconsistent
with a model that the seminal RNase gene family
gradually developed a new seminal function by
stepwise point mutation and continuous selection
under functional constraints in the seminal plasma
following gene duplication. Rather, the duplicate
RNase gene seems initially to have served no
function at all. It therefore suffered damage, only
to be repaired much later in evolution, after the
divergence of kudu, but before the divergence
of Cape buffalo, from the lineage leading to
ox. Clades containing the saiga, duiker, and
sheep are known in the early Miocene (23.8–
16.4 million years ago), whereas clades containing
the kudu and cape buffalo are known in the late
Miocene (11.2–5.3 million years ago). Despite the
incompleteness of the fossil record, we might
conclude that the damaged gene was repaired
extremely rapidly in only a few million years
(TrabesingerRuef et al., 1996). The paleogenetic
study, however, will show support for an alternative scenario.
But what was this new function of bovine
seminal RNase? What is the molecular basis of the
newly acquired function? To address these questions, we set out to reconstruct and resurrect the
ancestral seminal proteins. Figure 18.2 shows the
nodes where sequences were reconstructed using a
likelihood method. These nodes include the evolutionary period where the new biological function
might be arising. Three different evolutionary
models, one amino acid-based and two codonbased, were used to make the reconstructions. Two
outgroups were also considered, those holding the
pancreatic RNases and brain RNases, as the data
did not unambiguously force the conclusion that
one of these two RNAse subfamilies was the closest outgroup. Next, ambiguity at the level of the
phylogeny was considered.
To determine the phylogeny four methods were
used: a Bayesian analysis as implemented by the
program MrBayes, and three different maximumlikelihood models implemented by the PAUP
software package. Both outgroups were considered for the different methods. Using the brain
sequences as the outgroup, paleontologically
unreasonable topologies resulted, as judged by
comparison to species trees based on much larger
data-sets. With the pancreatic RNases as the outgroup, however, each tool generated the same set
of trees, but with slightly different ranking based
on slightly different scores. These trees generally
agreed with the accepted species trees based on
large sets of data (Hassanin and Douzery, 2003;
Hernandez Fernandez and Vrba, 2005). The same
was observed if both pancreatic and brain
RNases were used to construct trees. Therefore, the
following tree topologies were considered (see
Figure 18.2).
1 Topology 1. Preferred when the work began, this
topology also received the highest score from a
complete Bayesian analysis. Topology 1 groups the
okapi with the deer, and models the saiga and
duiker as diverging separately from the lineage
leading to oxen after the divergence of deer.
2 Topology 2. Preferred today based on a global
analysis of all available sequence and paleontological data. Topology 2 places okapi as an
outgroup separate from deer, with the giraffe,
and diverging before deer diverged from oxen. It
also groups saiga and duiker.
3 Topology 3. This topology places okapi in a
clade with deer, and places saiga and duiker
Roe deer
Hog deer
Hog deer
Roe deer
Roe deer
Lesser kudu
Water buffalo
Forest buffalo
Cape buffalo
13 Bovine
14 Roe deer
15 Hog deer
T4 topology
Water buffalo
Forest buffalo
Cape buffalo
T1 topology
Seminal RNase
Lesser kudu
Roe deer
Hog deer
Hog deer
Hog deer
12 Roe deer
Roe deer
T2 topology
Seminal RNase
Lesser kudu
Seminal RNase
Cape buffalo
Forest buffalo
Water buffalo
Lesser kudu
T3 topology
Seminal RNase
Roe deer
Hog deer
Hog deer
Forest buffalo
Cape buffalo
Water buffalo
Figure 18.2 Four candidate trees describing the relationship between the artiodactyls providing genes for seminal ribonuclease. Ancestral proteins from
the marked nodes (An19–An28) were resurrected in paleogenetic study. See text for discussion.
4 Topology 4. This topology was considered
reasonable when this work began, but less so
now in light of subsequently emerging data. Here,
okapi lies in a clade separate from deer, but
diverges from the lineage leading to oxen after
deer diverge. Duiker and saiga again were
represented as diverging separately from the
lineage leading to ox after the divergence of deer.
The closely scoring alternative trees are the consequence of the seminal RNase family having a
remarkable amount of homoplasy (parallel and
convergent sequence evolution); homoplasy is
found at sites 9, 18, 22, 53, 55, 64, 101, and 113.
Given this level of homoplasy, no tree can
be unambiguously viewed as being correct.
Therefore, alternative trees were considered in
proposing candidate ancestral sequences. In
an effort to manage ambiguities, all possible
sequences were resurrected whenever the reconstructions disagreed.
The distribution of ancestral replacements on the
three-dimensional structure of seminal RNase followed a specific pattern. All of the active-site
residues remained conserved after the gene
duplication. Moreover, the RNA-binding site was
also conserved. Most of the replacements were
concentrated on the surface of the protein and
away from the RNA-binding site. This replacement
pattern is consistent with an evolutionary path
where the enzymatic function of the protein was
conserved; it is not consistent with an inference
that the ancestral seminal RNase genes were
pseudogenes. Furthermore, the lesions causing the
pseudogene formation in the different lineages are
different. These two observations taken together
imply that the ancestral seminal RNases were
enzymatically active, and that independent inactivation events converted active genes in the different lineages into pseudogenes in many of the
modern artiodactyls. Consistent with this model,
the resurrected ancestral seminal RNases were all
enzymatically active (hydrolyzing a fluorescently
labeled RNA substrate; Kelemen et al., 1999).
What then were the properties of seminal RNases that were the targets for natural selection over
the past 30 million years? As noted above, there are
many behaviors in vitro to choose from. For some
(such as anti-proliferative activity against cancer
cells in culture), it is difficult to rationalize how
such behaviors might be important for a protein
that exists in seminal plasma. But the site of
expression of a protein is changeable over short
periods of evolutionary time, meaning that we
cannot be certain where seminal RNase has been
expressed over its history.
We hypothesized that since seminal RNase is
expressed in the seminal fluid and has immunosuppressive activity, it could have evolved to
confer a selective reproductive advantage to bulls
when the female reproductive tract mounts an
immune response against the invading sperm.
Indeed, it has been shown in reproductive biology
that in many species sperm encounters a defensive
immune response and that in many cases seminal
plasma is capable of repressing this response
(James and Hargreave, 1984; Schroder et al., 1990;
Kelly and Critchley, 1997).
To test whether this is true, Benner et al. (2007)
exploited the strategy to identify the physiologically relevant behaviors in vitro for a newly emerging function. As noted above, the strategy
examines the behavior of proteins resurrected
from points in history before and after the presumed episode of adaptive evolution. The behaviors in vitro that are rapidly changing during this
episode are inferred to be those relevant to adaptive change. The behaviors in vitro that are the
same at the beginning and end of this episode are
not relevant to the change in function.
Episodes of adaptive evolution are frequently inferred
from high normalized non-synonymous/synonymous
(dN/dS) ratios (significantly greater than unity),
where amino acid replacements conferred new
behaviors that conferred enhanced fitness on a
protein subject to new functional demands. Thus,
they characterize episodes where the derived
sequence, at the end of the episode, has (in some
sense) a physiological function different from that
of the ancestral sequence at its beginning. Low
ratios ( < 1; although these ratios approach zero in
highly conserved proteins) characterize episodes
where the ancestral and derived sequences at the
beginning and end of the episode have the same
physiological function.
The application of this tool in this gene family
detected a phase of evolution during the emergence of bovine seminal ribonuclease after the ox
diverged from the buffalo. A variety of models
within PAML were used to determine dN/dS ratios
for individual branches in the tree. The Akaike
Information Criterion (AIC; Posada and Buckley,
2004) was then used to select the model that best
fits the data. Model comparison showed that
regardless of the ambiguities in the evolutionary
model, the outgroup, or the tree, only the branch
leading to the modern seminal RNase in ox, in its
three forms (the gaur, Brahman, and ox), underwent adaptive evolution; for no other branch of the
tree is this conclusion required. The dN/dS ratio
was in the range of 1.6–6, depending on the historical model, including the tree topology, choice
of outgroup, and choice of codon model.
This strongly suggests that the functional constraints on protein structure, and a correlated
change in the physiological function of the protein,
occurred in this episode. To identify which in vitro
behaviors are also changing at this time, the genes
encoding ancestral seminal RNase were synthesized by site-directed mutagenesis of a previously
prepared RNase synthetic gene. The ancestral
RNase candidates were expressed in Escherichia
coli and purified using newly developed oligonucleotide affinity chromatography.
To address the biomolecular behaviors changing
during this adaptive phase, Sassi et al. (unpublished data) examined several biochemical and
cell-based biomolecular behaviors. The kcat/Km
ratios characterizing the enzyme’s ability to catalyze the hydrolysis of a fluorescently labeled
model RNA substrate (carboxyfluoresceinylhexylpdAUdAdAp-hexyl-tetramethylrhodamine, IDT)
were not significantly different from that of bovine
seminal RNase. This implies that this biomolecular
behavior is not key to the newly emerging biological function in bovine seminal plasma. All of
the candidate ancestral RNases could form dimers
under oxidizing conditions, as does seminal RNA,
implying that this behavior was not key to the
newly emerging function. The rates of folding and
other gross physical properties of the ancestors
were also not greatly different in the ancestral and
modern seminal RNases.
In contrast, the immunosuppressivity of the
seminal RNases, measured in vitro using a mixed
lymphocyte reaction assay exploiting bovine leukocytes isolated from fresh peripheral bovine blood,
increased noticeably in the descendents following
the branch having adaptive evolution. This suggests that immunosuppression, as measured in
this assay in vitro, is physiologically relevant for
the new function of seminal RNase. This result
was paralleled by results in mitogen induction
assays which have less physiological relevance.
This suggests that the cell-based assays are measuring a property that is important for the new
biological function of seminal RNase.
Raines recently suggested that the cell-based
activities of RNase might require a swapping of
residues 1–20, mentioned above, to form composite active sites (Kim et al., 1995; Lee and Raines,
2005). Accordingly, the extent of the swap was
measured using a divinylsulfone crosslinking
reagent following the procedure of Ciglic et al.
(1998). Whereas the extent of swapping may be
sensitive to the precise conditions under which the
proteins were renatured, the extent of swapping
measured in vitro also increases during the episode
of adaptive evolution. This confirms the hypothesis of Raines, and suggests a structural feature
relevant to an adaptive change as well as a biomolecular behavior.
It is important to note that these paleogenetic
experiments suggest inferences about the structural changes and behavioral changes that may be
important to changing physiological function
without recourse to specific studies on the living
animals. Further, these inferences are robust
with respect to the ambiguities inherent in the
reconstruction of historical states from derived
This study presents an example where the evolutionary history of a gene and the physiological
function of the protein were both unknown but the
resurrection of the ancestral protein provided evidence for a hypothesis and hints at the evolutionary events shaping this gene’s history.
As the number of genomic sequences available
increases, the paleogenetic strategy to connect
biomolecular behavior in vitro to physiological
relevance will become easier to apply. Whereas we
do not expect it to replace specific studies on the
living animals, it should be useful to direct those
studies in fruitful directions, and add an interpretive dimension. Paleogenetics is applicable to
any biomolecular system where evolutionary
reconstructions indicate an episode of adaptive
evolution, either through high non-synonymous/
synonymous ratios or by high absolute rates of
protein sequence divergence deduced using geobiological markers (e.g. fossils) for dating times of
18.7 Lessons learned
The emergence of systems biology as a paradigm
in modern science has brought new attention to a
longstanding problem in reductionist biology,
which asks whether a particular behavior of an
isolated protein, measured in vitro, is physiologically relevant in a complex living organism. As
Darwinism admits natural selection as the only
mechanism for obtaining functional behaviors in
biology, this question is equivalent to asking
whether the in vitro behavior in question, if changed, would lead to a host organism with a
diminished ability to survive and reproduce. It has
proven remarkably difficult to correlate specific
behaviors to fitness although biomolecular behaviors must correlate with fitness in a general sense.
A strategy mainly demonstrated in the seminal
RNase example uses resurrected ancestral
proteins from extinct organisms to help identify
biomolecular behaviors in vitro that are physiologically relevant to newly emerging biomolecular
The ribonuclease family contains the bestdeveloped example of the use of paleomolecular
resurrections to understand protein function. It
also demonstrates most of the key issues that must
be addressed when implementing this paradigm.
This includes the management of ambiguities.
In all of the cases reviewed here, additional
sequences were obtained from additional organisms to increase the articulation of the evolutionary
tree, and thereby reduce the ambiguity in the
inferred ancestral sequences. When ambiguities
remained, multiple candidate ancestral sequences
were resurrected to determine that the behavior
subject to biological interpretation was robust with
respect to the ambiguity.
These examples also show the value of maximum likelihood and empirical Bayes tools in
reconstructing ancestral sequences. The simplest
parsimony tools, which minimize the number of
changes in a tree, are easily deceived by swaps
around short branches. Ancestral character states
are less likely to be confused by incorrect detailed
topology of a tree when they are constructed using
maximum-likelihood tools than by maximumparsimony tools.
More important, however, these examples show
the potential of molecular paleoscience as a strategy to sort out the complexities of biological
function in complex genome systems. Here, the
potential of this strategy has only begun to be
explored. In the long term, we expect that paleomolecular resurrections will allow us to understand changing biomolecular function in the
context of ecological and planetary systems. Margulis and others have referred to this as planetary
biology (Margulis and West, 1993; Margulis and
Guerrero, 1995; Benner et al., 2002).
Last, these examples show the value of paleomolecular resurrections in converting just-so stories
into serious scientific narratives that connect phenomenology inferred by correlation into a comprehensive historical-molecular hypothesis that
incorporates experimental data and suggests new
experiments. Thus they offer a key example of how
paleobiology might enter the mainstream of molecular biology as the number of genome sequences
becomes large, and the frustration with their lack of
meaning becomes still more widespread.
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