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EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION AND CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION Ruhul Sarker, Thomas P. Runarsson* and Charles Newton School of Computer Science UC, University of New South Wales, ADFA Northcott Drive, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia <ruhul@cs.adfa.edu.au> *Current Address: Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Iceland, Iceland Abstract We consider a class of constrained nonlinear integer programs, which arise in manufacturing batch sizing problems. We investigate the use of genetic algorithms (GAs) for solving these models. In this paper, a new penalty function based GA method is proposed. Both binary and real coded genetic algorithms with six other penalty functions are developed and compared with the proposed method. The real coded genetic algorithm works well for all penalty functions compared to binary coding and the new method shows the best performance. Numerical examples are provided and computational experiences are discussed. 1. Introduction Consider a constrained nonlinear programming problem. Problem P1 Minimize f(x) Subject to g(x)  0 h(x) = 0 xX where g is a vector function with components g1, ……, gm and h is a vector function with components h1, ……, hl. Here f, g1, ……, gm, h1, ……, hl are functions on En and X is a nonempty set in En. The set X represents simple constraints that could be easily handled explicitly, such as lower and upper bounds on the variables. In contrast to the unifying role of the simplex method in linear programming, there exists no unique approach to nonlinear optimization. Numerous algorithms have been proposed to solve the nonlinear programming problem such as method of steepest decent [1] for solving unconstrained optimization, method of Lagrange multipliers [2] for solving equality constrained optimization, and the gradient projection method [3]. The gradient projection method provides a good procedure for moving along the boundary of linearly constrained regions. In order to solve a general nonlinear constrained programming problem, many different techniques have been proposed. Courant [4] initially suggested the penalty function, which studies constrained problems via related unconstrained ones. In the penalty function method, a penalty term is added to the objective function for any violation of the constraints. 1 Similar to the penalty function, Carroll [5] proposed the barrier function approach in which a barrier term that prevents the points generated from leaving the feasible region is added to the objective function. This method can be used for inequality constrained problems. Abadie and Carpenter [6] generalized the reduced gradient methods to nonlinear constraints. The method is an extension of the Wolfe [7] algorithm to accommodate both nonlinear objective functions and nonlinear constraints. These methods have been studied in detail in the past and have been found to have weaknesses. In the penalty and barrier function methods, the unconstrained subproblem becomes extremely ill-conditioned for extreme values of the penalty/barrier parameters. Reduced gradient methods have difficulties following the boundary of high nonlinear constraints. These methods rely on local gradient information; the optimum is the best in the neighborhood of the current point. To enhance the reliability and robustness of the search technique in constrained optimization, a GA based search method incorporating several penalty functions is tested in this paper. We consider a manufacturing batch sizing problem. A single raw material unconstrained manufacturing batch sizing model was developed by Sarker and Khan [8]. Later, this model was modified by Sarker and Newton [9] to incorporate the transportation module for finished products delivery. In this paper, we considered a problem similar to Sarker and Khan [8] but with multiple raw materials and several constraints to make the situation more realistic. The new problem forms a constrained nonlinear integer program. Considering the complexity of solving such a model, we investigated the use of genetic algorithms (GAs). We used both binary coding and real coded genetic algorithms with different crossovers and mutations. We also proposed a new penalty function based GA method. This method provides better solutions than the existing methods. It is found in the experimentation that the real coded genetic algorithm works well for this batch sizing problem. The detailed computational experiences are presented. The organization of the paper is as follows: Following this introduction, this paper presents a brief introduction on penalty function methods and then on genetic algorithms. In section 4, the batch sizing problem is described, and its mathematical formulation is presented. In section 5, the different transformation methods are provided. The model solving approach using GAs is implemented in section 6. The computational experiences are presented in section 7. Finally, conclusions are provided in section 8. 2. Penalty Function Method The penalty function method has been well known for solving constrained optimization problems for decades. The approach converts the problem into an equivalent unconstrained problem and then solves it using a suitable search algorithm. Two basic types of penalty functions exist: exterior penalty functions, which penalize infeasible solutions, and interior penalty functions, which penalize feasible solutions. We will discuss only the exterior penalty functions in this paper as the implementation of interior penalty functions is considerably more complex for multiple constraint cases [10]. Three degrees of exterior penalty functions exist: (i) barrier methods in which no infeasible solution is considered, (ii) partial penalty functions in which a penalty is applied near the feasibility boundary, and (iii) global penalty functions that are applied throughout the infeasible region [11]. In general a penalty function approach places the constraints into the objective function via a penalty parameter in such a way that it penalizes any violation of the constraints. A general form of the unconstrained problem is as follows: Problem P2 Minimize fp(x) = f(x) + (x) 2 Subject to x  X where  > 0 is a large number, and (x) is the penalty function. We define the problem P2 as a penalty problem and the objective function of P2 as the penalized objective function (fp(x)) which is the simple sum of the unpenalized objective function and a penalty (for a minimization problem). A suitable penalty function incurs a positive penalty for infeasible points and no penalty for feasible points. The penalty function  is usually of the form: (x) = m  [maximum{0, gi(x)}]p + i 1 l  | hi(x)|p ….. ….. ……… (1) i 1 where p is a positive integer. If the penalty parameter  = 0, the problem P2 forms an unconstrained optimization problem. Normally an independent penalty parameter is imposed for the violation of each constraint i, instead of having a constant  for all constraints. The solution to the penalty problem can be made arbitraily close to the optimal solution of the original problem by choosing  sufficiently large. However, if we choose a very large  and attempt to solve the penalty problem, we may get into some computational difficulties of ill-conditioning [12]. With a large , more emphasis is placed on feasibility, and most procedures will move quickly toward a feasible point. Even though this point may be far from optimal, premature termination could occur. As a result of the above difficulties associated with large penalty parameters, most algorithms use penalty functions that employ a sequence of increasing penalty parameters [k+1 = . With each new value of the penalty parameter, an optimization technique is employed, starting with the optimal solution corresponding to the previously chosen parameter value. It is very difficult to choose an appropriate  [13]. A lower value of  means a higher number of iterations is required to solve the penalty problem. A number of methods for selecting  are discussed in a later section. 3. Introduction to GA During the last two decades there has been a growing interest in algorithms which are based on a principle of evolution- survival of the fittest. A common term, accepted recently, refers to such techniques as evolutionary computation (EC) methods. The best known algorithms in this class include genetic algorithms, evolutionary programming, evolution strategies, and genetic programming. There are also many hybrid systems which incorporate various features of the above paradigms, and consequently are hard to classify; they are just referred to as EC methods [14]. The methods of EC are stochastic algorithms whose search methods model some natural phenomena: genetic inheritance and darwinian strife for survival. GAs follow a stepby-step procedure that mimic the process of natural evolution, following the principles of natural selection and "survival of the fittest". In these algorithms a population of individuals (potential solutions) undergoes a sequence of unary (mutation type) and higher order (crossover type) transformations. These individuals strive for survival. A selection scheme, biased towards fitter individuals, selects the next generation. This new generation contains a higher proportion of the characteristics possessed by the "good" members of the previous generation, in this way good characteristics are spread over the population and mixed with 3 other good characteristics. After some number of generations, the program converges and the best individuals represent a near-optimum solution. The GA procedure is shown on the next page. begin t0 initialize Population (t) evaluate Population (t) while (not terminate-condition) do begin tt+1 select Population (t) from Population (t-1) alter Population (t) evaluate Population (t) end end 4. Batch Sizing Problem (BSP) We consider a batch manufacturing environment that processes raw materials procured from outside suppliers to convert them into finished products for retailers. The manufacturing batch size is dependent upon the retailer’s sales volume (/market demand), unit product cost, set-up cost, and inventory holding cost. The raw material purchasing lot size is dependent upon the raw material requirement in the manufacturing system, unit raw material cost, ordering cost and inventory holding cost. Therefore, the optimal raw material purchasing quantity may not be equal to the raw material requirement for an optimal manufacturing batch size. To operate the manufacturing system optimally, it is necessary to optimise the activities of both raw material purchasing and production batch sizing simultaneously, taking all operating parameters into consideration. The detail problem description can be found in [8 & 9]. The unconstrained models under various situations are presented in Sarker and Khan [8] and Sarker and Newton [9], and the single raw material constrained model was recently developed by Sarker and Newton [15]. The mathematical formulation for the multiple raw materials constrained model is presented in this section. The notations used in developing the model are as follows: Dp Pp Qp Hp Ap ri = = = = = = Di Qi Ai Hi PRi Q*i = = = = = = demand rate of a product p, units per year production rate, units per year (here, Pp>Dp) production lot size annual inventory holding cost, $/unit/year setup cost for a product p ($/setup) amount/quantity of raw material i required in producing one unit of a product demand of raw material i for the product p in a year, Di = riDp ordering quantity of raw material i ordering cost of a raw material i annual inventory holding cost for raw material i price of raw material i optimum ordering quantity of raw material i 4 xp = L T mp ni = = = = si TC = = shipment quantity to customer at a regular interval (units/shipment) time between successive shipments = x/Dp cycle time measured in years = Qp/Dp number of full shipments during the cycle time = T/L number of production cycles which consume one lot of raw material i = Qi/Qp space required by one unit of raw material i total cost of the system The mathematical model is presented below: Dp A Minimize TC  ( Ap +  i )+ mp xp i ni mp xp 2 (( xp Dp Dp + ni - 1) ) + 1) H p +  r i H i ( Hp 2 Pp Pp i Subject to: n r m p x p si  Raw _ s _ Cap n r m p x p si  Min _ Truck _ Load i i i i i i m p x p s p  Finish _ S  Cap mp and ni are integers and greater than zero. This is clearly a nonlinear-integer program. The first constraint indicates that the storage space required by the raw materials must be less than the space specified for raw materials. The second constraint represents the lower limit truck load for transportation and the third constraint is for the finished products storage capacity. If we assign i = 1, then the model represents a single raw material batch sizing problem. 5. Transformation Methods The transformation method, from a constrained to an unconstrained problem, in evolutionary algorithms is almost the same as the classical approach but with a slight difference. The value of k is changed as a function of generation k, but not is equal to k-1. Some selected transformation techniques used in the evolutionary computation literature for solving constrained optimization problems are presented below. Most, if not all, are of the exterior kind which will allow the initial population of solutions to be partially or completely infeasible. In some techniques, the controlling parameters are updated in a predetermined manner. The controlling (or penalty) parameters k may be updated each generation or every n generations. We present our new approach in this section. 5.1 Static Penalties The method of static penalties [16] assumes that for every constraint we establish a family of intervals that determine the appropriate penalty coefficient.  For each constraint, create several (n) levels of violation. 5    For each level of violation and for each constraint, create a penalty coefficient ij (i = 1, 2, …, m+l; j = 1, 2, .., n); higher levels of violation require larger values of these coefficients. Start with a random population of individuals (feasible or infeasible). Evolve the population; evaluate individuals. It is clear that the results are parameter dependent. It is quite likely that for a given problem there exists one optimal set of parameters for which the system returns a feasible near-optimum solution; however, it might be hard to find. A limited set of experiments reported by Michalewicz [13] indicate that the method can provide good results if violation levels and penalty coefficients are tuned to the problem. We use three levels of fixed penalty coefficients for each constraints: 0.5, 0.5x103 and 0.5x106. 5.2 Dynamic Penalties Joines and Houck [17] proposed dynamic penalties. The authors assumed that k = (Ck), where C and  are constants. The constant p in equation 1 has a value that is greater than one. A reasonable choice for these parameters is C = 0.5,  = p = 2. This method requires a much smaller number (independent of the number of constraints) of parameters than the first method. Also, instead of defining several levels of violation, the pressure on infeasible solutions is increased due to the (Ck) component of the penalty term: towards the end of the process (for high values of the generation number k), this component assumes large values. 5.3 Annealing Penalties The method of annealing penalties, called Genocop II (for Genetic algorithms for Numerical Optimization of Constrained Problems) is also based on dynamic penalties and was described by Michalewicz and Attia [18] and Michalewicz [19]. In this system, a fixed k is used for all constraints of a given generation k, where k = 1/2. An initial temperature  is set and is used to evaluate the individuals. After a certain number of generations, the temperature  is decreased and the best solution found so far serves as a starting point for the next iteration. This process continues until the temperature reaches freezing point. Genocop proved its usefulness for linearly constrained optimization problems; it gave a surprisingly good performance for many functions [19 & 20]. Michalewicz and Attia [18] proposed the control parameters to be k+1 = 10.k, where 0 = 1 and k remains constant once it reaches 1x106. 5.4 Adaptive Penalties Adaptive transformation attempts to use the information from the search to adjust the control parameters. This is usually done by examining the fitness of feasible and infeasible members in the current population. Bean and Hadi-Alouane proposed an adaptive penalty method in 1992 which uses the feedback from the search process [see 21]. This method allows either an increase or a decrease of the imposed penalty during evolution as shown below. This involves the selection of two constants, 1 and 2 (1 > 2 > 1), to adaptively update the penalty function multiplier, and the evaluation of the feasibility of the best solution over successive intervals 6 of Nf generations. As the search progresses, the penalty function multiplier is updated every Nf generations based on whether or not the best solution was feasible during that interval. Specifically, the penalty function is as follows;  k 1   k 1    k / 2   k  if previous N f generations have only infeasible best solutions if previous N f generations have only feasible best solutions Otherwise The parameters were chosen to be similar to the above methods with Nf = 3, 1 = 5, 2 = 10 and 0 = 1. In our experimentation, the  values were increased by 10. 5.5 Death Penalty The death penalty method just rejects infeasible individuals. It can be interpreted as a truncation selection based on (x) and then followed by a selection procedure based on f(x). In this method, the initial population must be feasible. In the experiments reported by Michalewicz [13] it was shown that the method generally gives a poor performance. Also, the method is not as stable as others; the standard deviation of solutions returned is relatively high. 5.6 Superiority of Feasible Points The method of superiority of feasible points was developed by Powell and Skolnick [22] and is based on a classical penalty approach, with one notable exception. Each individual is evaluated by the formula: fp(x) = f(x) + (x) + (t, x)] where  is a constant; however, the component (t, x) is an additional iteration-dependent function that influences the evaluation of infeasible solutions. The point is that the method distinguishes between feasible and infeasible individuals by adopting an additional heuristic rule: For any feasible individual x and any infeasible individual y, fp(x) < fp(y) (i.e., any feasible solution is better than any infeasible one). The penalties are increased for infeasible individuals. The method performs reasonably well. However, for some case problems, the method may have some difficulty in locating a feasible solution [13]. 5.7 A New Method At this point it seems reasonable to re-examine our goals and what transformations mean for the evolutionary algorithm. In principle these transformations will influence selection only. In this paper the commonly used binary tournament selection is applied. In binary tournament selection two individuals are chosen randomly from the population and the better of them is allowed to survive to the next generation. Consider this comparison between two individuals 1 and 2 transformed to take the general form from problem P2: f1(x) + (x)  f2(x) + (x),  for a given penalty parameter  > 0. From equation (2) we can write   [f1(x) f2(x))/((x) - (x)]. Now suppose c = [f1(x) - f2(x))/((x) - (x)]. This relation holds the following conditions: 7 1. If1 = 2, common for feasible solutions, then c is infinity. The competition is decided by objective function. 2. If f2 = f1, the value of c is zero. The competition is decided by penalty function. 3. If f2 < f1 and 2 < 1. c is negative in this case. Comparison is independent of  4. If f2 < f1 and 1 < 2,c is positive with objective function domination. 5. If f2 > f1 and 1 > 2, c is positive with penalty function domination. Only for the last two conditions is the value for  critical to the outcome of the comparison and this value is c. Evolutionary algorithms are a population based search method. Population information can be used to estimate the most appropriate value for . This value would be the one that attempts to balances the number of competitions decided by the objective and penalty function. This value may be approximated by simulating the binary tournament selection and computing for each comparison the critical penalty coefficient c. Then for the actual selection the  used will be the average of these values, or more precisely  1 M N  i 1,  c  0 c (i ) , where N is the number of simulated competitions held and M<N is the number of competitions for which c > 0. The number of simulated competitions held is at least twice the size of the population. 6. Solving BSP using Genetic Algorithms It is generally accepted that any GA to solve a problem must have five basic components:      problem representation, a way to create an initial population of solutions, an evaluation function rating solutions in terms of their "fitness", genetic operators that alter the genetic composition of parents during reproduction, and values for the parameters (population size, probabilities of applying genetic operators, etc.) Two types of evolutionary algorithms were tested, for each of the methods discussed in the previous section: a Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) and a Real Coded Genetic Algorithm (RGA). In the light of the above five components, these two algorithms are discussed briefly below. 6.1 Problem Representation The first hurdle to overcome in using GAs is problem representation- we must represent our problem in such a way that is suitable for handling by a GA, which works with strings of symbols that in structure resemble chromosomes. The representation often relies on binary coding. GAs work with a population of competing strings, each of which represents a potential solution for the problem under investigation. The individual strings within the population are gradually transformed using biological based operations. For 8 example, two strings might 'mate' and produce an offspring that combines the best features of its parents. In accordance with the law of the survival of the fittest, the best-performing individual in the population will eventually dominate the population. 6.2 Initialize the Population There are no strict rules for determining the population size. Larger populations ensure greater diversity but require more computing resources. We use a population size of 50, a commonly used size (Back, 1996, page 123). Once the population size is chosen, then the initial population must be randomly generated. For binary coding, the random number generator generates random bits (0 or 1). Each individual in the population is a string of n bits. For real coding, the actual numbers are generated randomly. 6.3 Calculate fitness Now that we have a population of potential problem solutions, we need to see how good they are. Therefore, we calculate a fitness, or performance, for each string. The fitness function is the penalty objective (fp) function in our case. For binary coding, each string is decoded into its decimal equivalent. This gives us a candidate value for the solution. This candidate value is used to calculate the fitness value. 6.4 Selection and Genetic Operators Genetic algorithms work with a population of competing problem solutions that gradually evolve over successive generations. Survival of the fittest means that only the best-performing members of the population will survive in the long run. In the short run we merely tip the odds in favour of the better performers; we do not eliminate all the poor performers. This can be done in a variety of ways. We use a binary tournament selection, where two individuals are selected at random from the population pool and the better one is allowed to survive to the next generation. The chromosomes, which survive the selection step undergo genetic operations, crossover and mutation. Crossover is the step that really powers the GA. It allows the search to fan out in diverse directions looking for attractive solutions and permits two strings to 'mate'. This may result in offspring that are 'fitter' than their parents. Crossover is accomplished for binary coding in four small steps as follows.     two potential parents are randomly chosen from the population; generate the crossover probability to answer 'yes, perform crossover' or 'no'; if the answer is 'yes', randomly choose a cutting point; and cut each string at the cutting point and create two offspring by gluing parts of the parents. Usually, the classical 1-point crossover is used. Sometimes more than one cutting point is used. For example, in case of two 2-point crossovers, the first segment of the first chromosome is followed by the second segment of the second chromosome. We use a Heuristic crossover for real coding GAs. This is a unique crossover for the following reasons:  it uses values of the penalty objective function in determining the direction of the search, 9   it produces only one offspring, and it may produce no offspring at all. There is a 80% probability that a variable gets “crossed”. The operator generates a single offspring x3 from two parents x1 and x2 according to the following rule: x3 = rounded[r.(x2 - x1) + x2,] where r is a random number between 0 and 1, and the parent x2 is no worse than x1. Actually, when the generated value x3 is out of bounds (upper and lower bounds) it is set equal to the corresponding violated bound. Also, note that x1 and x2 are “parent variables” not parents. Also x3 is rounded after crossing to integer. This is not required for binary coding. Rounding is also performed after the mutation operator. Mutation introduces random deviations into the population. For binary coding, mutation changes a 0 into a 1 and vice versa. Mutation is usually performed with low probability, otherwise it would defeat the order building being generated through selection and crossover. Mutation attempts to bump the population gently into a slightly better course. Nonuniform mutation is also used in real coding GA, where x t 1 k  x kt  (t , u (k )  x k )  t  x k  (t , x k  l (k )) if a random binary digit is 0 if a random binary digit is 1 for k = 1, …, n. The u(k) and l(k) are upper and lower domain bounds of the variable xk. The function  (t,y) returns a value in the range [0,y] such that the probability of  (t,y) being close to 0 increases as t increases (t is the generation number). This property causes this operator to search the space uniformly initially (when t is small), and very locally at a later stage. Michalewicz et al. [20] used the following function for experimentation: t (t , y )  y.r.(1  ) b T where r is a random number from (0..1), T is the maximal generation number, and b (b=6.r+1 was used) is a system parameter determining the degree of nonuniformity. 6.5 Parameters of GA All GA runs have the following standard characteristics:        Probability of crossover: 1.0 Probability of mutation: 1/(string length of the chromosome) Population size: 50 Number of generations in each run: 200 Number of independent runs: 300 for SGA: binary coding, two point crossover, and bit-wise mutation. for RGA: heuristic crossover and non-uniform mutations 7. Computational Results 10 The mathematical model presented in Section 4 is solved for a test problem of a single product with three raw materials using seven different penalty functions based on binary and real coded GAs described in Section 5. The data used for the model are as follows: Sample Data: Dp = 4x106 ; Pp= 5x106 ; Ap= $ 50.00 ; Hp= $ 1.20 , xP = 1,000 units, Sp = 1.00. Other data are as follows: Ai Hi si ri Single Raw Material For i = 1 3,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 Multiple Raw material 1 3,000 1.00 1.00 0.5 Raw Raw material 2 2,500 1.20 1.10 0.2 Materials Raw material 3 4,600 1.50 1.20 0.3 The right hand sides (RHS) for different test problems are given below: RHS Raw_S_Cap Truck_Min_load Fin_S_Cap Problem#1 400,000 200,000 20,000 Problem#2 300,000 100,000 18,000 Problem#3 200,000 40,000 17,000 Problem#4 150,000 30,000 15,000 Problem#5 130,000 25,000 13,000 For single raw material with RHS similar to problem#1, the best solution found was: m = 13 and n = 10 with TC = $1.8483E5. For multiple raw materials case, the best solution found for problem#1 was: m = 15, n1 = 15, n2 = 19, and n3 = 19 with TC = $3.3471E5 and for problem#5 was: m = 12, n1 = 8, n2 = 11, and n3 = 12 with TC = $4.2837E5. A sample detail comparison of results, for single raw material, provided by seven different penalty functions are shown in Table 1 for real coded GAs and in Table 2 for binary coded GAs. The minimum, presented in column 2, means the best objective function value obtained in any of 300 runs and maximum, presented in column 6, indicates the worst value. The statistics (like mean, standard deviation and median) of the objective function values based on 300 runs are also produced to sense the variability of the target value. The right most columns represent the number of times we hit the optimal solution out of 300 runs, expressed in percentage. The detail sample comparison of results, for multiple raw materials case problem#1, provided by seven different penalty functions are shown in Table 3 for real coded GAs and in Table 4 for binary coded GAs. Table 1: Results of single raw material case using real coded GAs Method New/ Proposed Death Penalty Superiority of Feasible points Dynamic Penalty Annealing Penalty Static Penalty Adaptive Penalty Minimum 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 Mean 1.8483 1.8483 1.8492 Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0000 0.0047 Median 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 Maximum 1.8483 1.8483 1.8868 % times Opt. Sol. 100 100 96 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 100 100 100 100 Table 2: Results of single raw material case using binary coded GAs Method New/ Proposed Death Penalty Superiority of Feasible points Dynamic Penalty Annealing Penalty Minimum 1.8483 1.8483 1.8483 Mean 1.8484 1.8558 1.9266 Std. Dev. 0.0010 0.0320 0.1521 Median 1.8483 1.8483 1.8868 Maximum 1.8651 2.2653 3.5813 % times Opt. Sol. 100 3 22 1.8483 1.8483 1.8484 1.8484 0.0014 0.0014 1.8483 1.8483 1.8651 1.8651 99 99 11 Static Penalty Adaptive Penalty 1.8483 1.8483 1.8484 1.8484 0.0010 0.0014 1.8483 1.8483 1.8651 1.8651 100 99 Table 3: Results of multiple raw materials case problem#1 using real coded GAs Method New/ Proposed Death Penalty Superiority of Feasible points Dynamic Penalty Annealing Penalty Static Penalty Adaptive Penalty Minimum 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 Mean 3.3471 3.3471 3.3472 Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 Median 3.3471 3.3471 3.3472 Maximum 3.3471 3.3471 3.3482 % times Opt. Sol. 100 100 35 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 100 100 100 100 Table 4: Results of multiple raw materials case problem#1 using binary coded GAs Method New/ Proposed Death Penalty Superiority of Feasible points Dynamic Penalty Annealing Penalty Static Penalty Adaptive Penalty Minimum 3.3472 3.3471 3.3561 Mean 3.3773 3.4478 3.4420 Std. Dev. 0.0210 0.0881 0.0535 Median 3.3853 3.4151 3.4314 Maximum 3.4344 3.6287 3.6462 % times Opt. Sol. 0 1 0 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 3.3471 3.3773 3.3802 3.3789 3.3774 0.0232 0.0256 0.0219 0.0223 3.3795 3.3933 3.3850 3.3961 3.5313 3.6076 3.4661 3.4270 1 1 1 4 The results, in terms of percentage of times the optimal solution was obtained, are always better with real coded GAs as compared to binary coded GAs for all seven penalty functions considered in this paper. All the penalty functions, except Superiority of Feasible Points, worked extremely well with real coded GAs for the above two test problems. The results are worse with tighter constrained problems which are demonstrated in Table 5. The Death Penalty method along with Superiority of Feasible Points performed badly for tighter constraints. However, all seven penalty functions, with real coding GAs, provide unique optimal solutions for all the test problems. These solutions are acceptable irrespective of how many times the optimal solutions are generated in a single run. The binary coded GAs failed to produce any optimal solution for the tighter constrained test problems. The proposed method seems a bit superior for the tighter constrained problems. Table 5: Percentage times optimum solution obtained by different methods Method New/ Proposed Death Penalty Superiority of Feasible points Dynamic Penalty Annealing Penalty Static Penalty Adaptive Penalty Problem#1 100 100 36 Problem#2 100 90 30 Problem#3 80 9 7 Problem#4 64 6 3 Problem#5 49 5 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 76 74 78 73 52 54 58 58 42 41 37 38 8. Conclusions We considered a single product- multiple raw materials joint batch sizing problem. The mathematical programming model of this problem forms a constrained nonlinear integer program. It is difficult to solve such a complex model using the existing algorithms. In this 12 paper, we investigate the use of genetic algorithms (GAs) for solving such a model with one product and single or three raw materials. We used both binary and real coded genetic algorithms with six different penalty functions reported in the literature. We also presented a new method in this paper. 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