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The theme of friendship flows throughout the paper via a field study into friendship in the rural and remote island communities of the Zadar archipelago. The author explores Derrida’s spirit of friendship and asks: What form of friendship exists? How does it manifest itself? What is its importance to the island’s survival? The study reveals how friendship, in the form of communal friendship, emerges as a fundamental trait amongst the members of these communities and becomes the choice of their survival. As such, it is useful in gaining a better understanding of what drives a sustainable island development. Communal friendship is explored through the ethnography and storytelling. The study emphasises the usefulness of ethnography to a Critical Theory and argues that storytelling and ethnography co-exist, in order to gain an invaluable insight into the intangible aspects of a communal friendship. The author proposes to call this approach ‘an ethnographic storytelling’.
Journal of human kinetics, 2012
The main objective of this study was to analyze the motor variability in the performance of the tennis serve and its relationship to performance outcome. Seventeen male tennis players took part in the research, and they performed 20 serves. Linear and non-linear variability during the hand movement was measured by 3D Motion Tracking. Ball speed was recorded with a sports radar gun and the ball bounces were video recorded to calculate accuracy. The results showed a relationship between the amount of variability and its non-linear structure found in performance of movement and the outcome of the serve. The study also found that movement predictability correlates with performance. An increase in the amount of movement variability could affect the tennis serve performance in a negative way by reducing speed and accuracy of the ball.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2009
Media is the reflection of our society and it depicts what and how society works. Media, either it is printed, electronic or the web is the only medium, which helps in making people informed. It also helps in entertaining the public, educate and make people aware of the current happenings. Media has today become the voice of our society. There is a variety of media platform that has stimulated the thoughts of the young generation and other sections of our society, more eloquently. The research study, aims at analyzing the role of media and its effectiveness at the time of demonetization. The main objectives of the research work are to study the role of media in awarding people about demonetization and its impact. The research will help in studying the nature of media in disseminating information on important issues and how people get informed about issues related to current events. A survey of 300 people was conducted in South City and Eldeco colony, Lucknow. The researchers prepared an interview schedule for the data collection, keeping in mind the role and nature of media, in creating awareness among people. The research study was conducted through convenience sampling. The research work focuses on the behavior and the access pattern of media at the time of demonetization
Víctor M. Brangier y M. Elisa Fernández, Historia cultural hoy. Trece entradas desde América Latina, Prohistoria Ediciones, Rosario, 2018, 348 pp. - Historia & cultura, 13 Este libro reúne trece contribuciones de reconocidos autores latinoamericanos que abordan sus objetos de estudio desde la Historia Cultural. Se trata de una excelente oportunidad para calibrar cómo está desarrollándose esta corriente en distintas latitudes de Latinoamérica. Historia cultural hoy ofrece al lector aproximaciones a distintos episodios de la historia mexicana, colombiana, brasilera, boliviana, argentina y chilena, tomando en consideración las circulaciones, apropiaciones creativas e hibridaciones del campo cultural, que por su naturaleza, franquea y vuelve porosas esas mismas fronteras nacionales.
História Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña, HALAC • v.14, n.2 (2024) • p. 23-51 • ISSN 2237-2717 • , 2024
The text explores actors and institutions involved in the conservation of nature in Brazil during the 20th century. It seeks to understand their ideas, themes and proposals while also focusing on their activism. It deals with convergences and divergences between activists and organizations considering the political contexts in which they operated. We conclude that the continuity among actors was difficult but highly important and that it led to the development of integrated public policies that conserve biodiversity and promote the controlled and equitable use of natural resources. We also identified the relevance of ecocentric environmental ethics, focused on the notion that all species have an intrinsic value.
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Ciencia y tecnología de buques, 2018
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2024
Revista Com Censo: Estudos Educacionais do Distrito Federal, 2021
Archaeology of Food and Foodways, 2023
Separation and Purification Technology, 2014
Pan African Medical Journal, 2018
EAS Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Interspeech 2012, 2012
Sustainability, 2021
Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, 2015