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SOC 104 1 Deviance Winter Quarter, 2000 Lake Tahoe Community College Tuesday 6-9:50 HSSV1 Scott A. Lukas, Ph.D. Full-Time Instructor, ANT & SOC Office: Trailer Annex Phone: 541-4660, ext. 316 lukas@ltcc.cc.ca.us (or) scottlukas@yahoo.com Office Hours: Office Hours: M,W,R,F: 9:30-10:30/ T: 9-10 Course Description An examination of the social construction of deviance with emphasis on theoretical perspectives explaining how people become or are labeled as deviant. Topics studied will include crime, substance abuse, mental illness, sexuality and elite deviance. Course Objectives The successful student will: 1. Understand theoretical explanations of deviance including, structural strain perspective, cultural transmission perspective, conflict perspective and labeling theory; 2. Apply the theoretical perspectives of deviance to case studies generated from course readings and outside research; 3. Understand the broader implications of deviance, and its social construction, as they relate to other sociological issues, such as institutions, social power, race, class and gender. Getting Help So you have read the course objectives and you might be wondering what you should do if you find you are having difficulty in the class. The most important thing is to be proactive, that means making sure that you get the necessary help should you find that you are not doing as well in the course as you would like. The instructor of the class is an obvious person to talk to should this occur. Office hours are a great time to go over concepts you might not have understood in class. Other needs, such as help with papers or test-related issues, may be handled at our wonderful Learning Assistance Center and our Disabilities Resource Center. Please see them for these needs. Other issues, whatever they might be, can also be directed to me and if I don’t know how to handle the issue, I will certainly find out and refer you to the right person or persons. Above all, keep up with the reading and be active in class. Doing these simple things will usually assure success in my courses. Texts (Required) 1) Images of Deviance and Social Control: A Sociological History, Second Edition, Stephen Pfohl, McGraw-Hill, 1994. 2) Annual Editions: Deviant Behavior (98/99), Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, 1998. 1 These texts are available at the Book Center. REMEMBER: the bookstore will not stock texts for the entirety of the Winter quarter; this means that you should not wait until the end of the quarter to purchase the texts. If you do wait it will be your responsibility to find copies of the texts if they have been sent back at the bookstore. In addition, I will provide other articles to you. These will be marked as “HANDOUT” on the syllabus. Grading Your grade will be calculated on the following scale: Class Participation……………………………………200 (20/class) Examination 1 ……………………………………….200 Final Examination…………………………………....300 Papers………………………………………………...300 Theoretical Applications……………..100 Papers…………………………………200 Total………………………………………………….1000 Class Participation You may receive 20 points per class that you attend and in which you actively participate. 200 points = 20 points x 10 (non-exam, classes). Extremely active participation may have the additional bonus of raising your course grade at the end of the quarter. EACH class that you miss will mean that you lose 20 points from your final 1000 course points. Coming in excessively late and/or leaving class early will result in no points being rewarded for the day. Attendance Since we meet only once per week, attendance in this course is crucial. You must attend each and every class of the quarter. Missing more than one class a quarter usually means that you will miss course material and that you will not be successful in the class. Examinations Examination 1, 200 points Final Comprehensive Examination, 300 points Examination 1 is a take-home exam and is all essay. The final will be in-class and will consist of objective and written questions. Plagiarism Plagiarism in this course is defined as: 1) Having someone else complete class work for you. 2) Having another person write your paper, including term paper companies. 3) The use of another author’s words of ideas in a paper without citation. This means any text over seven words must be referenced. 4) Using a complete or partial paper from another class to fulfill an assignment in this class. 5) Use of web or text sources in a paper and portraying that material as one’s own. If you plagiarize in any form, you will: 1) Receive 0 points for that assignment. 2) Be subject to disciplinary action and/or withdrawal from the course. 2 I have very sophisticated plagiarism software and I have caught numerous plagiarists in the past. Don’t plagiarize because I will check every paper in this course to assure its originality. Theoretical Applications, 100 points (4 total x 25 points each) (All Theoretical Applications should be double-spaced; font should be Times or Times New Roman 12 point with 1 inch margins all around. Any deviations from this will be subject to major point deductions). Each is to be 2 pages in length. Where listed on the syllabus (as “TA”), you will be expected to apply the theories discussed in Pfohl’s text to a contemporary example of deviance. Papers, 200 points (100 point per paper). (All papers should be double-spaced; font should be Times or Times New Roman 12 point with 1 inch margins all around. Any deviations from this will be subject to major point deductions). Each is to be 5 pages in length. Papers are due by the beginning of the class period. No exceptions will be made (this includes broken printers and the like). Paper 1: Based on your viewing of Over the Edge, apply the Social Disorganization perspective to the film (Chapter 5 of Images). Your paper should draw out the perspective and explain the “deviance” in the film as it is socially embedded in the circumstances of New Granada. Paper 2: The social notion of deviance is often that deviance is a negative consequence of social conditions or that it creates negative situations or social patterns in society. For this paper I would like you to take an opposite view and consider how deviance could actually be beneficial to society. How do the behaviors of “deviants” (as we have understood deviance to be socially constructed) often push society in the direction of social change? Use appropriate readings, films and class notes in writing your paper. Late Papers & Missing Exams NO LATE PAPERS. NO MAKE-UP EXAMINATIONS. All papers are due on the date listed. I will not accept late papers unless a medical circumstance or family emergency is verified with me in written form. Papers are due by the beginning of the class period. No exceptions will be made (this includes broken printers and the like). The same policy applies for examinations: no make-up exams will be given unless you verify your absence with me in writing. In addition, any make-up exam will be an oral examination. Incompletes Incompletes are not available except under extreme emergencies. This means you will NOT be able to take an incomplete if, for example, you do not have the time to finish your last paper and/or if you fail to take the final exam. Films We will view a number of films throughout the quarter. Please make sure that you are in class to watch them. They will not be available for outside of class viewing. There will be no exception made to this policy. 3 Course Schedule: DATE TOPIC READING Tuesday, January 4 Introduction AE (1, 2) Strosek Tuesday, January 11 Theories of Deviance Images (1, 2, 3) Segments Tuesday, January 18 Social Disorganization Images (5) Tuesday, January 25 Crime and Pathology Drugs & Society Images (4) AE (24, 26, 27, 28) Tuesday, February 8 Functionalism Drugs & Society Images (6) AE (29, 30, 31) TA 2 Train.. Exam 1 (Take-home) Tuesday, February 15 Anomie Prostitution Images (7) AE (35) Paper 1 Prostitutes Tuesday, February 22 Learning Perspectives Sexuality Images (8) AE (34, 37, 38) TA 3 Violent Years Tuesday, February 29 Societal Reaction Mental Illness Images (9) AE (39, 42, 43) Tuesday, March 7 Critical Perspectives Elite Deviance Images (10) El. Dev. HANDOUT AE (19, 20) TA 4 Tuesday, March 14 Deviance & Social Change Images (11) Paper 2 Tuesday, March 21, 6:00-8:00 p.m. DUE TA 1 Film Over the Edge Busted/ Binge One Flew Over… Roger & ME Final Examination 4