Philippine Institute for Development Studies
M acroeconom ic M odels
and Stabilization Policy
Josef T. Yap
The PIDS Discussion Paper Series
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July 1994
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arid Stabilization
Josef T. Yap
The PIDS Discussion Paper Series
,itutes studies that are prelirninary
an 9 subject to further revisions. They are
being circulated in a limited number of
copies only for purposes of soliciting comme,_tsand suggestions for further rel_emeats. The studies under the Series are
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July 1994
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Modelling Stabilization Policy
• B.
Models in the Philippines
A Brief Review
Some Simulation Results
. : .......
. .....................
. . .............................
Stabilization Policy and Income Distribution
.. 1
Analytical Aspects ....................................
Adjustment with a flexible NT price ....................
Adjustment with a non-flexible NT price...
, ..............
Monetary and fiscal restraint
• ............................
Model Specification ...................................
Microeconomic Effects of Stabilization Policy ..................
The Time Series Approach
Metcalf's study
Beach: the indirect quantile approach ...................
Blinder and Esaki . ..............................
Blejer and Guerrero: an application to the Philippines .........
The Simulation Type Approach ................
The Bourguignon, Branson, and de Melo Micro-Macro Model ........
Key Issues and Future Directions
Josef T. Yap"
Quantitative models of national economies have been increasingly used for policy analysis
and projections. Macroeconometric models are part of this genre of econotnic tools which have
developed along the lines of the pioneering work of Jan Tinbergen. While macroeconometric
models have lost mucla of their lustre in the past decade, they nevertheless remain useful in
guiding policy decisions and making forecasts.
This paper reviews the basic tbundations of macroeconometric models and their use in
the analysis of stabilization policy. Section II gives a brief background on the nature of
macroeconometric modelling. This is followed by a similar exposition on stabilization policy
which includes a segment on the method of modelling the channels of stabilization policy. In
Section IV, the latest macroeconometric
models of the Philippine economy is reviewed,
emphasizing how they incorporate the analysis of stabilization policy. Since the general interest
is on the microeconomic impact of macroeconomic adjustment policies, a section on linkingan
income-distribution bloc to the macroeconomy is included. Areas for future study close the
This paper is concerned with the estimation and use of structural rnacroeconometric
models. The term "structural" is importan 3 as it explicitly excludes the non-theoretical, timeseries models of tile vector atttoregressive (VAR) type. A structural model is a formalization of
a theoretical view of how the economy functions. The individual equations can then be given
causal interpretation and the model represents a testable version of the underlying theory. By
expressing the "structure" quantitatively, two objectives may be accomplished: 1) the testing of
"Paper presented during the teehnlc:tl workshop of Ihe Micro Impact of Macroeconomic Adjustment Policies
(MIMAP) Project Phase Ill on 17-18 February 1994 :_tthe Cayl;,Ime Bay Resurt, Ternate, Cavite.
"'Research Fellow, Philipl_ine Institute tar Development Studies (PtDS). The author is grateful to Dr. Joseph Y.
Lira and the MIMAP staff liar helllfUl ctmunet'tts ar,d to Ms. Merle G. Galvan t'or help in text processing. The usual
disclaimer applies.
1. This section is drawn from Hall and Henry (1988), pp. 131-134.
the theoretical constructs themselves;
and 2) the use of the model for prediction and policy
All structurb.1 models may be thought of as representing a set of markets which together
describe the macroeconomy. In the very broadest sense we can describe almoit all models within
the following set of equations:
XDi = f (p,xD,xs,x,z)
XDi = g (p,XD,XS,X,Z)
Xi =
h (P,XD,XS,X,Z)
Pi --"
j (p,XD,XS,X,Z) •
i=l ..... ,N
The economy is made up of N markets with endogenous variables X; and each market
has a demand XD, and a supply Xs. The actual quantity traded, X, is a function of prices P, the
exogenous variables Z, and the demand, supply and quantity traded in all markets. Different
classes of models are then produced by imposing broad restrictions on this very general
structure. Models are usually classified according to the theory which they represent.
By far the most important, or at least most popular, class of modeIs is the incomeexpen4iture model which implements conventional Keynesian theoretical views. The model
generally assumes that the demand side of the model is dominant, so that X=X D. The supply
side of many of the markets is then virtually ignored, and prices are set on a fairly "ad hoc" cost
mark-up basis. To be more specific, total output is generally determined by total demand which,
in turn, is deterinined by summing the components Of aggregate expenditures, consumption,
investment, etc. The central part of the model -- expenditure -- then determines the real
components of the economy, and it is around this central structure that additional sectors
determining prices and monetary aggregates may be added.
Other classes of models include equilibrium models, supply-side
models, and
disequilibrium models. All of these may be seen as attempts to relax the restrictive assumption
of demand-side dominance of the income-expenditure model, and to cope with the question of
how prices are actually determined within the system.
An equilibrium model, for instance, makes the general assumption that markets
continuously clear so X=XD=X s, and prices are set so that market clearing occurs. While the
assumption of continuous market clearing may be an extreme one, its major advantage is that
it does offer a sound theoretical foundation for the determination of prices within the model.
It is worth distinguishing the idea of a "supply side" model from the model just discussed
given the increasing attention now paid to supply-side factors. The concept of a supply-side
model, however, is not clearly defined; in particular it is not straightforward to use the natural
analogue to a demand-side definition which is that all markets are assumed to be determined on
the supply-side. "Supply-side" models do not geneS'allymake such an extreme assumption.
Instead the term is generally taken to mean that the supply side of the market has some
important influenc_ in the determination of the quantities actually traded. In general practice,
- this means that an 'unusually large role is played by relative price effects in expenditure
equations, without the model being explicitly formed in terms of demand or supply functions
with full market clearing.
Disequilibrium models contain both supply and demand equations with a "minimum"
condition being applied to determine actual output. A price equation is likewise specified, but
it takes on a stock-adjustment form to account for slow movement towards equilibrium.
Analytical Aspects
Lamberte et al. (1991) note that macroeconomic adjustment policie} usually include the
tight monetary policy while savings are encouraged;
efforts to reduce the budget deficit through, among others,
a cut in public expenditures and/or
adoption of new revenue-raising measures;
exchange-rate reforms usually involving a devaluation;
reforms in the external sector such as changes in export taxes and import duties; and
price deregulation while wages are rest_:ained.
The first three policies will be discussed asthey directly affect macroeconomic aggregates
such as output, employment, and the balance of payments.
The "Dependent Economy" (or Australian) two-sector model will be used to illustrate
the stabilization process. Demery and Addison (1987) provide a useful description of the model
as follows. The model assumes a small economy, therefore a price-taker, in international trade,
with two sectors distinguished as traded (T) and non-traded (NT) sectors. Traded goods are the
importables and exportables, while the non-traded goods are produced and consumed
domestically. The model emphasizes tlae role of relative prices in illustrating the process of
Figure 1 represents this small-country case with NT as the production frontier for traded
and non-traded goods. With expansionary monetary and fiscalstance adopted in the past, the real
level of expenditure (OA in terms of the non-traded good) exceeds output, x, with the relative
price of traded to non-traded (Px/PN) represented as AA'.
Given expenditure at y, the monetary and fiical expansion leads to an
(since NT demand is equal to supply), but at a trade deficit equal to xy. This
be eliminated by reducing the level of aggregate expenditure or absorption if
is fully flexible arid a combination of disabsorption and devaluation, if the
" inflexible downwardl
internal balance
trade deficit can
the price of NT
price of NT. is
Adjustment with a flexible NT price
Reducing the level of aggregate expenditure or absorption creates an excess supply of
non-traded goods, resulting in a fall in their prices and a devaluation of the real exchange rate
or an increase in P-r/Pro This then leads to switching of production from non-traded goods into
traded goods. As shown in Figure 1, real absorption is cut back to OB and the real exchange
rate to BB', with internal and external balances restored at z. The general price level falls since
the price of traded goods is unchanged while the price of non-traded goods has fallen.
The stabilization process can be either due to an "automatic" response mechanism or to
discretionary policy inteFvention. With the automatic response, the loss of foreign exchange
caused by the trade deficit will lead to a decline in the domestic money supply, assuming that
authorities do not "sterilize" this effect. This leads to a reduction in expenditures and a decline
in PN. With the policy intervention, the decline in absorption may not only involve a decline in
money supply to limit private-sector expenditure but also fiscal contraction which may include
either an increase in taxes or reductions in govermnent spending.
Adjustment with a non-flexible NT price
In this situation, the change in tl_e real exchange rate is effected through an increase in
the price of T rather than a fall in the price of NT. With the devaluation, the general price level
increases since the price of T goods rises in domestic currency and NT prices remain fixed. If
there is no devaluation and P_ remains fixed, the absorption must be reduced to OC to have
external balance (Figure 2). At point u, external balance is achieved at the cost of the internal
balance, with the excess supply of NT equal to ux. It therefore requires a greater reduction in
to achieve external balance when there is excess supply of NT goods than the
reduction needed when accompanied by a devaluation. With inflexible NT prices, stabilization
requires a combination of absorption and exchange-rate changes.
Monetary and fiscal restraint
A tight monetary program is adopted by the government to ease inflationary pressures.
For any given BOP deficit, a sufficient contraction of the money stock will restore external
balance. The underlying reason for this is that since monetary contraction raises interest rates
and reduces spending, a contraction in economic activities ensues, thereby resulting in a decline
in income and therefore a decline in imports. As shown by the Dependent Economy model,
monetary and fiscal restraint can achieve internal and external equilibrium at z if prices are
flexible (Figure 1).
Figure -!
Imp..a'ct of Adjustment
Policies with
F. l_exible NT Price
* .....
Impact of Adjustment
Fixed NT Price
Financial reforms are likewise implemented to increase savings and to ensure their
efficient use. Interest-rate ceilings are usually removed to achieve positive interest rates and
regulations are usually abolished.
Studies whicl_ correlate monetary restraint with output contraction sliow mixed results.
.These cases are, however, limited by the highly aggregative nature of the studies. It was
observed that it is only through the specification and estimation of the mechanisms and the
intermediate variables (mainly through investment) that monetary restraint affects output. Khan
and Knight (1985) examined cases on the relationshi p between monetary policy and investment
and noted that there is a significant effect on the private capital formation.
A model was likewise developed by Taylor (1983) in which monetary restraint,
associated with increased interest rates drives up the cost of loans on working capital and
investment. Firms then tend to raise prices and reduce activity. The contraction in aggregate
supply can exceed the reduction in aggregate demand (generated by monetary contraction),
resulting in an increase in the level of excess demand in the product market.
has generated such controversy owing to two broad areas of concern:
the effectiveness and appropriateness of devaluation; and
. the politicall) destabilizing effects of devaluation which are closely related to incomedistribution changes.
Demery and Addison (1987) contend that the presence of two effects may determine
whether or not devaluation will improve the current account. These two effects are:
brought about by the change in the relative price of traded to
non-traded goods; and
expenditure reduction which has been shown to be a direct result of devaluation.
,'- _.,
Foxley (1983) notes that conventional theory predicts that devaluation will help reduce
the BOP deficit since it improves the relative price of traded vis-d-vis non-traded goods, thereby
shifting services toward exports or import-substituting activities. At the same time, there will
be an excess demand for the relatively cheaper non-traded goods which will result in an increase
in the price of domestic goods. With such inflationary effects, real wages may fall constraining
consumption and reducing aggregate demand.(absorption). Such a reduction in aggregate demand
may dominate any improvement that might have been achieved in the trade balance. The net
effect in the economy therefore, will be recessionary.
Ahluwalia and Lysy (1981) support this view with the contention that exports may not
sufficiently respond to devaluation. They note that in many developing economies, exports are
primary commodities whose supply is rigidly limited in the short-run by sector-specific capital,
such as the number of rubber trees, or are otherwise characterized by low income and price
elasticities of demand. Moreover, imports in these countries are the minimal necessary raw
materials or capital goods with which no domestic industry can hope to compete. Production
may then be depreised as a result of higher irnport costs for industries.
• B.
Model Specification
To capture the effects of stabilization policies using a macroeconometric
following broad principles must be considered:
model, the
the specification of the economic sector (e.g., financial sector) such that the appropriate
policy variables are present:,
the specification of proper linkages among the various sectors that allows the effects of
policy to be transmitted in a reasonable manner; and
adherenceto a consistent theoretical framework in order that results of policy simulations
may be interpreted accurately.
The discussion in the previous section on the adjustment process involved in stabilization
policies readily gives rise to the appropriate policy variables that must be made explicit in each
sector of the economy.
In the case of the financial sector, policy tools must be present that allow the monetary
authorities to influence the level of money supply and the interest rate. A useful framework is
the reserve-multiplier approach to determine money supply. If TL is total domestic liquidity,
defined as the sum of currency, total deposits and deposit substitutes, m is the money multiplie_
and MB is the monetary base, then
The money multiplier can be expressed as a function of the cttrrency deposit ratio (CU/TD) and
the ratio of total reserves to total deposits (RES/TD)
m = (1 + CU/TDiiiCU/TD
while the monetary base defined from the sources side is the sum of net foreign assets and net
domestic assets
The reserves-deposit ratio is determined by tile reserve-requirement ratio which is a
policy instrument of the Bangko Sentral. The level of net domestic assets likewise depends on
the policy stance of the BSP. For example, in order to tighten money supply, the BSP can
reduce credit to deposit money banks, which is a component of NDA.
The fiscal sector generally centers on the determination of the national government's
budget deficit and the identification of the different ways by which the deficit can be financed.
Government expenditures and the tax rate are considered to be the major policy tools. A useful
concept to deal wi'th is the financeable deficit (Anand and Van Wijnbergen 1989) which is
defined as the deficii that does not require more financing that is compatible with sustainable
external and internal borrowing and with existing targets for inflation and output growth. This
will ensure consistency between macroeconomic targets and stabilization policy.
In order to understand the relationship between fiscal deficits and other key
macroeconomic variables, and to assess whether a deficit is financeable, we can use the
following relation:
The left-hand side of the equation lists the expenses of the public sector (net of taxes): its
noninterest deficit, D, plus nominal interest payments on domestic and foreign debt. The variable
i (i*) is the nominal domestic (foreign) interest rate on domestic (foreign) debt B (B*). E is the
nominal exchange rate. These expenses are covered (on the right-hand side) by the issue of
domestic or foreign debt, plus central-bank advances to the public sector, the stock of which
equals DC. (with "." indicating change in tile vahie of the variable). The non-interest deficit,
D, and the interest payments should include the obligations of all government entities: national
government, LGUs, and public corporations.
To incorporate the Bangko Sentral into the accounting identity above, central-bank profits
need to be subtracted from the deficit and its increase in net worth (NW) from the public
sector's increase in liabilities (sources of financing). This would yield the following
D + iS + i'(B'-NFA')E = 13+ B'E + DCg - lqW
By further manipulation which entails consolidation of all balance sheets the following equation
is derived:
D + iB + i'(B'-NFA')E = B + (B' - NFA')E + /I
where M is base money (equivalent to MB above)
The analysis can be further extended, in particular by expressing
identity in real terms; but for our purposes the last equation is adequate.
constraint, which links deficits to sources of financing, can be used to
between fiscal deficits and other rnacroeconomic targets. Fiscal deficits
the public-sector deficit
The government budget
evaluate the consistency
can be financed in three
ways: through the issue of external or internal interest-bearing debt, or through monetary
financing. Macroeconomic targets, such as the inflation rate, external debt, and GNP growth,
however, imply restrictions on each of this-financing methods. These restrictions add up to a
total financeable deficit; if the actual deficit exceeds that financeable deficit, one of the nonfiscal
targets will have to l_e abandoned or fiscal policy will need to be adjusted.
If the effects of a currency devaluation are to be determined, the exchange rate is
specified to be exogenous in the macroeconometric model. Endogenizing the exchange rate is
an alternative that can be adopted if the effects of monetary policy and fiscal policy on the
exchange rate are to be evaluated. The majority of exchange-rate models are based on the openarbitrage condition which simply postulates that assets will move to maximizethe expected value
of the stock of assets. This formulation, however, implies that/1rods will continue to flow across
exchange markets until the interest-rate differential is eliminated. A slightly more general
approach is to model the determination of equilibrium asset stock associated with a given
interest-rate diffei'ential. This is derived by introducing the effect of risk in the maximization of
expected returns on the asset and is justified since uncertainty drives a wedge into the openarbitrage condition.
Hall (1987) specifies such a model for the exchange rate and makes adjustments to
overcome certain limitations. First, he includes a lagged exchange-rate variable based on the
government's objective of guarding against abrupt fluctuations in the exchange rate. Second, he
adds the current-account balance as a determinant of the exchange rate. The inclusion of this
variable accounts for the smooth historical trend of exchange-rate data which is not consistent
with the'possibility of large jumps due to expectations about future interest rates.
A real depreciation will, ceteris paribus, increase the ratio of foreign debt to GNP and
restrict external financing if the debt-output level is to be maintained at a particular level. This
link, which can be gleaned from the fiscal-deficit identity above, points to a potential conflict
between fiscal retrenchment and increasing external competitiveness through exchange-rate
depreciation in the presence of a substantial foreign debt. This relationship must be considered
when incorporating exchange-rate adjustment in stabilization policy.
The standard procedure is to model_theeffects of the exchange rate on the trade balance.
Import demand is usually specified as a function of import prices, which is the dollar import
price converted to its equivalent peso level using the exchange rate, relative to domestic prices.
A similar procedure is followed for exports although the relative price variable is interpreted as
a supply incentive.
The various transmission mechanisms are integrated in the real sector of the economy.
Credit variables which reflect the degree of tightness of monetary policy should be specified as
determinants of supply variables. If credit rationing is not the prevailing condition, the interest
rate should appear instead. The import price level is also an important determinant of the level
of supply since the Philippines is highly dependent on imported inputs. Other standard
explanatory variables are own-price, tax rates, and the wage rate.
The expenditure sector is generally divided into consumptioE_and investrnent. The publicsector component of consumption, which is the transmission mechanism from the fiscal sector,
is usually taken to be a policy variable and, hence, exogenous to the model. Another linkage
from the fiscal the real sector is the amount of tax revenues which enters into the
,consumption functio?_via the level of disposable income.
Perhaps investment spending is the most crucial variable to model since it is the key to
future economic growth and stabilizatio_apolicy is largely aimed at improving the investment
climate. For developing countries, the usual method followed in specifying the investment
function is to modify standard approaches established for industrialized countries which usually
include the following: accelerator elements based on aggregate demand changes; the existing
capital stock (usually captured by lagged private investment); user cost of capital or interest rate;
financing variables such as cash flow or credit levels; and variables reflectingbusiness conditions
such as capacity utilization or inflation.
The special conditions of developing couniries are then captured by adding variables to
a standard private investment equation in an ad hoe manner. Three aspects have received
particular attention:
the interaction between public and private investment;
the foreign exchange constraint;
the role of international variables in modelling private investment risks.
•It may be hypothesized that crowding out is occurring because of the following:
public investment displaces private investors from !6rofitableproject opportunities;
domestic funding of public investme_atby bond issues reduces credit supply to the private
funding by monetary expansion causes inflation and busir_essuncertainty; and
funding by external debt increases the perceived risk by foreign and domestic investors.
It is hypothesized that crowding-in is a longer-term effect and that infrastructure provision
accomplishes the following:
increases the profitability of those,private sector activities directly affected;
leads to faster aggregate output growth;
increases exports, providing foreign exchange for capital goods imports;
increases exports, providing foreign exchange for capital goods imports; and
generates increased private savings rates as real incomes rise.
Stabilization policy has mixed effects on investment depending on which variables appear as
determinants and the actual values of the coefficients.
The idea behind the foreigr_-excha_geconstraint is that investment is affected by an
economy's import capacity since capital goods are generally source from abroad. Fitzgerald, et
al, (1993) provide a theoretical framework based on the standard accelerator model that can
incorporate an import constraint. Their framework was prompted by the relatively poor recovery
of private investment in developing countries undergoing structural adjustment programs. They
argue that the misplaced optimism of policymakers may be based on an underestimation of the
influence of external-sector imbalances on domestic private investment.,
A Brief Review
Three articles provide art adequatereview
of the structure and application of
macroeconometric models in the Philippines up to 1988: velasco (1980), Montes (1986) and
Bautista (1988). This review focuses on macroeconometric modelling efforts from 1989 and
deals only with those which have been circulated to the public.
The centei" of modelling efforts shifted in the mid-1980s to the Philippine Institute for
Development Studies with the development of the PIDS-NEDA Anmtal Macroeconometric Model.
Begun in 1985 as a joint effort by PIDS and the National Economic Development Authority, the
model aimed to aid government economic planners in arriving at annual and medium-term
economic forecasts and targets and in assessing the implications of various policy options.
Of those options, the impact of the country's economic adjustment program, which is
usually formulated in connection with the country's use of a funding facility from the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), necessitated a model which could accommodate the analysis
of stabilization policy. The first version of the model arose in 1985, consisted of 73 equations
and accommodated all those options (Constantino and Mariano 1987). Since then there were two
major rex/isions, one in 1989 and orre beginni_lg i_ 1992 and continuing today (Reyes and Yap
1993). The latest effort stems mainly from thechange i_athe base year of the National Income
Accounts from 1972 to 1985.
In previous versions of the PIDS-NEDA model, the level of total liquidity was
determined based on the reserve-multiplier concept of motley supply, readily capturing the effect
of monetary policy. With recent financia}-sector data, however, it has become increasingly
difficult to arrive at reasonable equations for the components of monetary base; moreover, the
forecasting ability of the model suffers greatly when using this approach to determine money
supply. The reserve-mttltiplier
concept was, therefore, dropped in favor of a more
straightforward money-demand function. It has been proposed that two models be maintained,
one for forecasting purposes which contains the latter specification, and one for policy analysis
which has explicit monetary-policy tools.
The fiscal sector is specified along standard lines with expenditure components exogenous
to the model. In the government budget constraint, commercial-bank financing of the deficit is
taken as the residual component, which in turn feeds into the interest-rate equation. This
accounts for potential crowding-out effects of deficit spending. Interest payments on both
domestic and foreign debt, however, are also specified as exogenous and hence the link between
a currency devaluation and the fiscal deficit-is lacking.
The exchan_,e rate was exogenous in past versions of the model. With the liberalization
of regulations goverriing transactions in foreign exchange, it has become imperative to attempt
to model exchange-rate behavior. An equation along the lines of the Hall model was estimated
with mild success. The exchange rate then feeds into a general price equation, export equations
as a supply incentive variable, and also import-demandequations through the import-priceindex.
Output in the PIDS-NEDA model is determined from the production side but is
reconciled with the expenditure sector via adjustments in the statistical discrepancy, a procedure
that follows the practice in the National Income Accounts. Credit constraints and government
capital, outlays appear as determinants in the various supply timctions, but it is the price variable
that dominates the production sector. The general price variable (the wholesale price index),
which is an explanatory variable in the majority of sectoral price equations, is specifiedin markup over cost fashion and has the wage rate, import price, growth in capital stock and an excess
liquidity variable as determinants. Stabilization policy affects the production sector primarily
through these variables.
The expenditure sector is likewise specified along standard lines. The investment
equations include the following explanatory .variables:
the level of imports which captures the foreign exchange constraint;
,the real interest rate which confirms the crowding-out phenomenon;
the inflation rate reflecting the effeci on business uncertainty, and
government investment, in order to account for possible crowding-in effects.
A model where output is completely determined from the supply side is that of Lira
(1992). The monetary and fiscal sectors of his model are highly simplified, consisting mainly
of bridge equations, since the main objective of the study is to assess the impact of changes in
the exchange rate.
Among the components of the consolidated public sector deficit (CPSD) only the national
government deficit is endogenous, being equal to the product of a predetermined deficit-to-GDP
ratio and nominal GDP. The past value of.CPSD then determines the amount of domestic debt
service which, together with government payments for foreign debt, appears in the government
budget constraint. The latter is used to determine "fiscal savings" which then feeds into the
government investment equation. Lira's model has the added advantage of being able to capture
the effect of a devaluation on debt service payrnents.
CPSD is also a determinant of monetary base which in turn is related to total liquidity
via a behavioral equation. Monetary policy instrumentsare notably lacking in this model. Total
liquidity functions as a credit constraint in the equation for private investment. Following the
supply-side structure of the model, capital formation does not affect the level of current output
but its future time path through the build-up of capital stock.
A novel feature of the Lirn model is the use of gross international reserves instead of the
exchange rate in the supply function. He argues that inasmuch as the exchange rate is restricted
due to Central Bank interventions, the actual exchange rate does not capture the shadow price
of foreign exchangi_ and fails to measure the scarcity of foreign exchahge. It captures only the
relative cost of imports for privileged agents with access to rationed foreign exchange traded at
the lower exchange rate. A drawback of this specification is that a simulation of a stabilization "
policy that aims to curtail imports to shore up foreign-exchange reserves may result in a positive
impa.ct on output. This, of course, is a perverse outcome since the import elasticity of supply
in the Philippines is quite high and a reduction in our import capacity is generally
A rather compact macroeconometrie model is that of Bautista (1993). The equations of
his model are directly derived from a standard IS-LM model, determine the model demand and
providing it with a fircn theoretical basis. The price equation appears as an inverted supply
function. As in tile case of tile Lirn model, the choices of policy instruments are limited, there
being only the level of government spending, the exchange rate and money supply (which has "
to be exogenized in policy simulation). The model assumes only monetization of the fiscal deficit
and hence the alternative methods of deficit financing cannot be evaluated in the model.
A disequilibrium model was attempted recently by Reyes (1993) using the PIDS-NEDA
model as a basis. This generalizes the production sector.since, in the standard version, specific
sectors were identified as either being market clearing, where demand is equated to supply in
order to determine value added, or fixprice, where value added is equal to demand. Sectoral
demand and supply functions were estimated using the method of Fair and Jaffee which is a twostage least-squares procedure. Alternative estimates using maximum likelihood with sample
separation were also obtained. However, this model is theoretically unsound in that it does not
take into account spillover effects across markets. However, it would be almost impossible to
estimate the disequilibriunl model without this simplifying assumption.
Some Simulation Restdts
Validation procedures require that t!aemodels be used for multiplier analysis in order to
test whether the effects of changes in exogenous variables are reasonable in terms of magnitude
and direction. This section will also give a. flavor of potential effects of stabilization policy.
A d'evaluation of the peso is contractionary in the PIDS-NEDA model even if the
anticipated improvement in the trade balance materializes. This result stems from the strong
exchange-rate pass through that is present in the model. Among the explanatory variables in the
general price equation, the import-price index has the highest estimated elasticity, suggesting that
in order for a devaluation to have beneficial effects, the following reforms should be
reduction of the import elasticity of production especially in the export sector; and
elimination or reduction of the oligopolistic structure of the industry sector in order to
mitigate the exchange-rate pass through.
The model of Lira yields a completely different result because a devaluation increases
the level of gross international reserves via an improvement in the trade balance. In this
exercise, the exchange rate is equated to the Devarajan measure of the desired level. The
equation for this rfieasure shows that the growth rate of the exchange rate should exceed the
.growth rate for the pi'ice for domestic goods in order to correct for the worldprice changes, for
changes in the terms of trade, and for changes in the trade balance.
Bautista only presents the simulation results of a relaxation of the fiscal constraint. Since
an increase in the budget deficit is automatically financed by money creation, output expansion
is accompanied by an increase in the inflation rate and a decline in the interest rate. The latter
result shows that the liquidity effect dominates the potential Fisher effect.
The PIDS-NEDA model was applied to analyze alternatives to overcome the fiscal bind
of the economy (Yap and Reyes 1993). The results show that an increase in capital outlays
accompanied by :an increase in revenues has the largest impact in increasing output. Deficit
financing via an increase in government domestic borrowing, while having a positive impact in
the short-run, has long-term adverse effects. Another potentia ! source of financing for investment
spending is the reallocation of resources away from governrnent consumption spending towards
infrastructure. Of course, the political consequences of such a move are not captured in the
E.ff'ects of Stabilization Policy
Broadly, structural adjustment policies affect household welfare by changing'income
levels, employment status, returns to production factors owned by households, relative prices
of goods and services and, particularly relevant to low-income groups, transfers and government
expenditures on social services. The magnitude and direction of impact depend largely on the
nature and composition of household income and assets (e.g., land/rent or wages/salaries), the
breakdown of government expenditures and revenues (among and within the social sectors), the
intra-household distribution of production/income-generation
and consumption (husband-wife
employment, male-female food consumption, etc.), and the ability of the household to substitute
items and activities in response to income and price changes.
Figure 3 depicts a general framework tbr analyzing the impact of economic adjustment
policies on income distribution. The maeroeconomy determines the aggregate supply and demand
of goods and services, the overall price anc! employment levels, and the aggregate balance of
trade in goods and services and international financial flows with the rest of the world, The
interface between
the macroeconomy
and household level can be described as a Stolper-
2. This section is drawn from Yap, et hi. (1993)..
Po]{ LLca'L/
, ,
D_ Lribu
" SelJr.._p
'.............. ]
E _o=eno
ply by
In o
tic t%
D{_ Lri b ution
by Soc{oRe_I /ncomm
Rate o{"
Ui, lr{b_L{on
ecof_o fni¢
._ "
m B rkot,_
. '
Soc{o- _acidenc_
to Save
Rate o[
Tech u]ca{
bjr Sector
. Porte }es
f .....
Developme_t '_
_ Structure
on income
for ana!yzing
and Demery,"
a Preliminary
• .
Institute, 1985, p.35 .
Samuelson setting where output, relative and general price levels affect sectoral factor demand
and supply, factor quantities employed, factor returns and the functional distribution of income.
The stipulated ownership and access to the variot,s productive factors then determine the size
distribution of income.
A similar framework was presented by Dagum (1978) wherein tile process of production
and distribution is modelled as a sequential game. In this structure, the human and physical
capital variables are the most relevant among the variables that contribt,te to the explanation and
determination of the level of income of each economic agent. What is relevant for our analysis
are the macroeconomic variables or forces accounting for the levels, composition, and
distribution of human and physical capital. The list shot,ld include the rate of economic growth,
per capita income of tile population, the educational system, economic institutions (e.g., financial
system and tax structure), social institutions (e.g., health care system and social security
system), investment in research and development, investment in social infrastructure, and natural
resource endownient. Most of these variables are represented in Figure 3.
TITeTime "SeriesApproach
The studies presented in this section examine actual changes in the size "distribution of
income andattempt to relate these changes to those in macroeconomicconditions. I focus on the
time-series approach because of the nature of the data that is used to estimate the econometric
models. Nolan (1988) argues that the time-series approach presents the difficulty that the
observed changes in the size distribution are the net result of many different factors, structural
as well as macroeconomic, probably worki,ag in different directions. Data problems are also
serious: the time-series data on the size distribution may not be consistent over time or
sufficiently reliable for changes, from one year to the next to bear the weight of analysis. In the
case of the Philippines, it is the availability or, more accurately, the non-availability, of an
extended time series on income distribt,tiot'_that constrains the methods that can be used in the
Schultz (1969) began the econometric analysis of the interaction between the
macroeconomy and income disiribt,tion,, estimating an equation relating the inequality in the
distribution as measured by the Gini coefficient to variables such as inflation, unemployment,
the growth rate, and time trend. Because of the aggregate nature and relative stability of this
inequality measure, some attthors questioned the use of this type of specification. In subsequent
work a particular functional form was fitted to the distribution and changes over time in the
parameters of this form were related to macroecono,a_icvariables.
Metcalf's study
Metcalf's study (1972), for example, fits a displaced lognormal distribution using US
income data. This probability distribution has at least two favorable properties. First, a
transformation of the normal distributiot'_which possesses the desired degree of skewness may
be fit to the data, unlike the two-parameter lognorrnal distribution. Second, the degree of
skewness in the distribution may vary over time, independently of changes in the variance of the
distribution. Three dimensions are available not only to describe the distribution at a point in
time, but also to register its movements over time.
Thus, if y is "income and exhibits a certain degree of skewness, log(y + c) is assumed
to follow a 1ognormal distribution, where c is the constant of displacement, and c > 0. The
lognormal distribution would thus be characterized by three parameters: its mean, p., its standard
deviation, o', and the displacement parameter c.
Suppose the median is observed at d and the cutoffs of the lower and upper deciles are
at h.d and j°d respectively. From the assumption of normality of the transformed distribution,
we have:
lo_[(d +¢)/fhd--Fc)]
= lo_.g[(jd+c)/(d +c'_1 = g.
Then c/d = (hj-1)/(2-h-j). The constant of displacement as a proportion of the median is a
simple observable function of the two quantile cutoffs, expressed as proportions of the median.
Given c, p. and o can be solved for by st,bstitution, where g is observable from the standard
normal table:
,u. = }og(d+c)
o"= t_o_gr(d
+c'Hfhd +c)l =
A displaced lognorrnal distribution with' parameters e_timated in the above manner will
be consistent with the observed data, in the sense that the estimated Cumulative distribution will
have zero error at the three chosen quantiles. Any three quantiles may be chosen as the points
at which the estirnated distribution has zero cumulative error; the median need not be one of
them. A simple solutior_ exists as long as the second of the three points is midway between the
other two measured in standard deviation units (under the hypothesis of normality).
To summarize, the major point of this exposition is that given the parameters c, d, h, j,
g., o, one has to determine just three of them in order to specify the actual distribution.
Metcalf examines different subgroups of the population rather than the aggregate
population. Fie then specifies econometric equations for the mean, the lower decile and the upper
decile of each distribution. He is quite fortunate to have annual data for each distribution.
For example, one group consists of households classified as either MWL (male head,
wife in labor force) or MWN (male head, wife not in labor force). Thus a total of six equations
will have to be specified for both these groups. We list the equations for the MWL group.
BMWL = (at + a2T + a3PAR1)°W'E
+ a6(Yti_+ Yo) + tt.
+ a4UBR.U + asY.,._
--: [(b_+bzU)°UBR
+ (b3 + b4T +
bsYxR + b9(Ytr_+ Yo)]/BMWL + tt.
JMWL = ctPROF + [(c_ + c"3T+ c4"CWEN + csPAR1)"W'E
+ c6Y-r_ + cTYIr_]/BMWL + u.
The definition of variables is as follows:
BMWL - mean income;
HMWL - income below which 10 percent of families lie, divided by the group median;
JMWL - income above which 10 percent of families lie, divided by the group median;
PAR1 - riumber of families in MWL group as proportion of number of families in MWL
and MWN groups combined;
W - private wage and salary clisbursements per private wage and salary employee
(constant prices);
E - employment
UBR - tmemployed be_lefits per tmemployed person;
U - unemployment
YrR - go_,ernment transfer payments per capita, excluding unemployment benefits;
Yo - other income per capita;
PROF - corporate profits and capital consumption allowance as a share of gross private
CWEN - rate of change of nominal wage;
T - time trend.
Given estimates of these three variables, appropriate identities are then specified for the
other parameters of the lognormal distribution. We can write, for example:
: Ilogr Pv, c,]/ ,
L N_+ C_
where Ci is the.constant of displacenaent (derived from an identity), Ni is the median (also
derived frorn an ider{tity related to the estimated mean), YPV_is the income"level and GPV_is
a point on the cumulative distribution measured in deviation units. If YPV_is a poverty threshold
for the group, the above equation will provide a standard deviation measure which defines an
estimate of the incidence of poverty in the group.
Another advantage of the specification adopted by Metcalf is the ready economic
interpretation of the distribution parameters which appear as dependent variables, facilitating the
choice of right hand side variables. Metcalf deals solely with income variables. The specification
of explanatory variables that follows is quite straightforward.
Beach: the indirect quantile approacfi
Beach (1976, 1977) and Blinder and Esaki (1978) avoid the imposition of a particular
functional form on the distribution. Beach e.mploysan "indirect quantile approach" wherein a
distribution is characterized by a set of quantile income levels which are then related to
corresponding fluctuations in macroeconomic activity via a set of specified reduced-form
equations. Changes iraeconomic aggregates affect inequality only indirectly (as contrasted to the
methodology of Schtdtz) via their impacts on a set of income quantiles.
In his specification of the model, Beach assumes the individual rather than the family to
be the basic income-receiving unit in order to avoid complications associated with changing
compositions and cyclical fluctuations in the number of family units. For empirical convenience,
the quantiles analyzed are nine deciles. Thus "y(i) represents the gross money income of
individuals at the i'h decile position in the income distribution, and can be decomposed into
several components according to the incorne source:
y(i) = YE(i) + YU(i) + YPF(i) + YTR(i)
+ YTP(i) + v(i)
where YE(i) is income received from employment, YU(i) average unemployment benefits
received, YPF(i) farm proprietary income, YTR(i) and YTP(i) relief transfers and pension
transfers, and v(i) a random term assumed to represent remaining minor sources of income. The
first two labor income components Can be further factored as
YE(i) = PR(i),ER(i).W(i)
YU(i) - PR(i)°UR(i)°UB(i)
where PR(i) is the decile's labor force participation rate; ER(i) = I - UR(i) is its employment
rate; W(i), its wage and salary income per employed person at that decile point; and UB(i), the
deci!e's average unemployment benefits per unemployed person.
Upon adding'an equation for, the mean, _, of the income distribution, one ends up with
Lset of ten income equations written in matrix tbrm as
y(i) = x(i)/3(i) + v(i)
i = I, ...... ,9
/_ = xj,_,, + v_,
where y(i) and _ are column vectors of T observations each, x(i) and x,, matrices of observations
on terms involving tile independent variables PR, ER, W, YPF, YTR,etc., and B(i) and B_,
conformable column vectors of coefficients derived from the linear substitutions made into (la)
and (2a).
Since the right-hand variables in (la) and (2a) are generally unobserved, these are
assumed to be nondecreasing linear functions of corresponding observed economic aggregates..
Thus the x vector would c:ontain twelve elenlents: E R, PR, PR,ER, ER.W, PR.W, W,
PR.ER°W, YPF, YTR, YTP, YK, and the constant term. In order to simplify and render
feasible the estimation, a priori constraints specifying the beta coefficients on some of the labor
income terms to be zero were imposed. The model thus consists of a set of 10 seemingly
unrelated equations subject to a set of adding-up constraints, and was estimated for the income
distribution of individual males from atmual data over the period 1947-1973. Since
autocorrelation and multicollinearity appeared significant in several of the equations, a
constrained version of Parks's estimation procedure with multicollinearity adjustments was
developed and used on the full set of equations so as to yield consistent and asymptotically
efficient estimates.
Blinder and Esaki
Blinder and Esaki use a simpler framework, with the basic statistical model being
S_(t) = cY
i + _iU(t) + ri_r(t) + _T(t) + Ei(t)
where S_(t) is the share of the iU'quintile (i = 1..... ,5) in tl_e distribution of income among US
families in the tth year (t = 1947..... 1974), U the overall unemployment rate, _r the rate of
inflation as measured by the GNP deflator, and T a linear time trend beginning with 1 in 1947.
The time trend is included in the estimating equation in order to separate secular trends
in the distribution data from cyclical influences although one must exercise caution in using a
trend variable when the dependent variable is bounded either from below or above. Estimation
of the equations was by ordinary least squares (OLS), which automatically imposes the
cross-equation constraints
-- l_'r i = Eft i = 0
E% = Ofor'allt.
The set of five equations for the quintile shares are in fact a set of "seemingly unrelated
regressions" but the SURE estimation reduces to OLS when the right-hand side variables are the
same in each equation. In addition to.the quintile shares, Blinder and Esaki estimated an equation
of the same form for tile share of the top 5 percent of the families.
Although Beach and Blinder and Esaki do not situate their models in an economy-wide
framework, it would be quite straightforward to-do so. The latter model has the advantage of
relating explicitly both inflation and unempioyment to income-distribution variables while the
former is specified in a manner similar to Metcalf where only unemployment is explicit. The
aggregate income variables, however, could form the link between distribution of income and
the macroeconomy as is the case with the Metcalf model.
In summarizing the results of the above-mentioned studies, Nolan notes that while Schultz
failed to identify any significant influence of macroeconomic variables on the Gini coefficient
for the US distribution, the more disaggregated studies did find such effects on the distribution
time series. The most consistent result across these was the significant disequalizing effect of
increases in unemployment, reducing the shares of lower groups. Results on the effect of
inflation were much more limited and variable; Blinder and Esaki suggested that increases in the
inflation rate might have an equalizing effect whereas Metcalf found an adverse effect on some
lower groups, s
Blejer and Guerrero: An application to the Philippines
Application of these empirical methods to developing countries has been quite limited,
most likely due to the paucity of relevant data. Blejer and Guerrero (1990) acknowledge this to
be a "rather under-researched area" which .is a cause for concern considering the severity of the
macroeconomic stabilization programs that IYavebeen irnposedon these countries. In their study
of the Philippines they estimated an equation of the following form:
1og.(St/SH)= C + /3flogp + _2U + 331ogE + 341og g
+ 3sr +/36_r + BTt
where St]SH is tile ratio between the family incorne pertaining to the lower deciles and the
income of the higher deciles, expressed as a function of productMty (p), underemployment (U),
3. Nolan (1988), p. 6.
real government spending (g), the real exchange rate (E), the real rate of interest (r), and the
rate of inflation (+Jr),with a constant time trend.
In the actmil estimation, SL/S.,_is calculated as the ratio of the share of income of the
-lowest three deciles'of farnilies to the share of income of the highest de'tile. The data for
estimation covers the period 1980-1986 with quarterly data primarily obtained from the National
Income Accounts and the Integrated Survey of Households (ISH). The results were used mainly
to shed some light on the Philippine experience with the draconian stabilization program
implemented in the latter part of 1983 lasting up to the early part of 1986.
The empirical results of Blejer and Guerrero show that underemployment and inflation
are strongly regressive. The same is true for the level of government expenditure, reflecting the
specific composition of public spending during the period. Productivity levels, the real interest
rate, and the real exchange rate were found to be progressive instruments, since gains in these
variables improved the relative incorne shares of the poor. However, these results should be
interpreted with caution since there are trade+offs in targeting the explanatory variables. Policy
trade-offs could be captured to a reasonable degree if the above equation could be situated in an
economy-wide model.
There are also problems associated with ISH data specifically with regard to the extent
of coverage and timing of incorne sources. Thus the dependent variable used by Blejer and
Guerrero may be subject to gross measurement errors.
The Simtdation Type Apl)roach
This method was developed in order to overcome a major difficulty associated with timeseries approacfies -- distinguishing the eft'ects of diffeient macroeconomic factors, and separating
the different macroeconomic influetaces (e.g., inflation and unemployment) from each other. The
general procedure in the simulation approach is to take cross-section data on incomes of
individuals/families for a particular year, usually from sample surveys, and examine the impact
on the size distribution of macroeconomic policies whicla have specific effects on factor incomes.
These effects are normally derived from tin}e-series evidence on the behavior of macroeconomic
aggregates, such as the behavior of aggregate income from particular sources as unetnployment
or inflation increase.
A particular application is with regard to the effect of the level of economic activity on
factor and personal-income shares and t'ltirnately income distribution. Nolan summarizes the
process as: level of economic activity-- > shares of factor incomes-- > shares of income types in
personal income--> shares of income types in household income--> distribution of household
income among households.
The flow from the level of economic activity to shares of income types in household
income is developed using a macroecozaometric model based on National Income Accounts data.
Following Nolan's methodology, the first step is to regress components of factor incomes on a
.'.apacity-utilization index and a time trend. In his study, Nolan decomposes factor income into
mployment income, self-employment income, gross trading profits, and z:ents. These changes
a factor income shares then lead to changes in the shares in total personal income made up of
he different types 'of income from work and property going to persons, such as employment
ncome, self-ernploy'ment income, rent, interest and dividends, in addition, fluctuations in
.conomic activity affect the various lorms of transfer going to persons. Given the different
:ategories of income, it is evident that in looking at the link between changes in factor income
.ype shares and those in personal sector incomes, focus must be on the relationship between the
factor incomes "profits" and "rent," and the personal component "rent, dividends, and interest."
A similar process is pursued in relating the personal-income sector to household income.
The latter is composed of employment income (excluding employers' contributions),
self-employment income, rent, gross interest and dividends (excluding imputed rent), pensions,
and other current grants. The next step is to examine the effect of changes in income-type shares
on the size distribution of personal income. This is done by simulating the impact of changes
in the shares of income from different sources on the observed size distribution for a particular
year, based on cross-section data on the income form different sources of individuals/families/
households. Nolan uses the Family Expenditure Survey (FES) data for 1977 in his study of
income distribution in England.
The effects of sl.aort-terrn shifts in the shares of income from different sources are then
quantified using two different approaches. The first involves the use of the disaggregation of
inequality measures by income source. This type of analysis has been applied by Fei, Ranis and
Kuo (1978) and has been generalized by Kanbur (1987). The second involves simulating the
effects of such shifts on the income of each recipient in the FES sample. Since we are assuming
no changes in shares in the various sources of income due to structural changes in the economy,
the analysis must be confined to the effects 6f short-term shifts in factor income. This is likewi,/e
a shortcoming, albeit an implicit one, of the time-series approach.
T17eBottrguignon, Brctnson, and de Melo Micro-Macro Model
Given the data constraints, the use of CGE models is a more practical approach. Analysis
of income distribution in CGE models is considered an extension of the simulation type approach
whereby econometric models are absent and the parameters of the model are largely derived
from data obtained from a baseline period. The use of a pure CGE model would overcome the
primary weakness of the time-series approach in the absence of any firm foundation in economic
theory. At best the equations estimated by Metcalf, Beach, Blinder and Esaki, and Blejer and
Guerrero can be viewed as reduced forms of an unspecified structural model.
The Bourguignon, Branson, and de Melo (1992) model provides a suitable framework
to assess the microeconomic impact of structural adjustment policies. The model combines the
explicit microeconomic optimizing behavior characteristic of computable general equilibrium
models with asset portfolio behavior of macroeconomic models in Tobin's tradition.
The structure of the macroeconomic sector is similar to a standard IS-LM framework for
an open economy. The microeconon'fic sector is then developed by disaggregating product and
factor .markets across socioeconomic (or household) groups. The link between the macroeconomy
and microeconomy'is established by mapping physical and human wealth (originating from factor
.incomes) across socibeconomic groups, showing that households receive incomes from several
sources. In this model there are four main mechanisms by which policy changes affect the
distribution of income and wealth. First, changes in factor rewards directly affect household
income distribution. Second, household real incomes are affected by changes in their respective
cost-of-living indexes. Third, household real incomes are affected by changes in real returns on
financial assets since household incomes include income from financial holdings. Fourth,
household wealth distribution is affected by capital gains and losses.
The authors claim that the distinctive characteristic of their simulation model is that it
links the short-run impact of macroeconomic policies that affect the distribution of income
through inflation_ the interest rate and other price changes, with the more-often emphasized
medium-run impacts of adjustment policies (i.e., incentive reforms) that affect the distribution
of income through relative commodity and factor Price changes. In the paper, though, the
manner in which they account for medium- to long-run adjustment is by changing the values of
certain exogenous variables and obtaining a "period equilibriurn" by simulating the model. There
are no shifts in the sense of a changing economic structure, which can be simulated by varying
the parameters of the model.
An added advaniage of the Bourguignon et al. model is its ability to handle a large
number of different parametrizations and closures, among them the Walrasian regime. It is not
clear in the discussion, however, how a market-clearing process in the microeconomic sector is
consistent with disequilibrium in the macroeconomic sector. The ability to incorporate a
Keynesian closure via mark-up pricing in a way solves this dilemma. As a inatter of fact, the
authors note that typically a mixture of the two closures is adopted with a Walrasian closure for
agriculture and a Keynesian closure for marfufacturing. In other words, the end result is still a
pseudo-CGE model.
Obviously there is no dearth of macroeconometric models for use in the analysis of
stabilization policy. Improvement in the present crop of macroeconometric models lies in three
general areas:
use of a more flexible approach in model specification that allows for less theoretical
rigor as in the LSE approach;
experimentation with alternative estimation procedures, e.g., the Error Correction Model;
a more explicit approach in modelling'and estimating expectations variables.
For the MIMAP project the major limitation of macroeconometric models is tile difficulty
of incorporating an inconle-distribution bloc which will become the basis for tile quantitative
analysis of microeconomic issues. The solution is tile availability of more time-series data on
income distributiori to ensure more rigorotis estimation results. Since the solution lies in the
future, the alternative is to rely on CGE models for this purpose. Of course, it is possible to
combine the use of macroeconometric and CGE models with the former identifying the time path
of key macroeconomic variables which will then be fed into the CGE model.
Perhaps the most practical approach given the current constraints is a modified version
of the Bourguignon et al. model. This would entail the following process.
The macroeconomic component will be derived from any of the macroeconometric
models reviewed in Section IV, One advantage of this approach over the straightforward CGE
framework adopted by Bourguignon et al. is the ability to incorporate dynamics in the model.
A more realistic b,djustment process can then be traced.
A mapping procedure should be designed to relate output in various sectors to
factor incomes. Ideally factor incomes should also be endogenous variables in the.
macroeconometric model but data limitations prevent tke estimation of the relevant equations.
There should be a subsequent mapping from factor incomes to incomes of the
identified households. A parallel mapping should be designed to relate macroeconomic outcomes
to wealth distribution. Steps (2) and (3) are expected to be the most difficult and time consuming
stages in the process.
Of course an inventory of tile data requirements and available data should be undertaken
before embarking on this eflbrt. A rather conspicuous drawback of the procedure outlined above
is the absence of a feedback mechanism fi'om household income distribution to macroeconomic
outcomes. Given the data constraints,
a shortcoming that can be tolerated.
however, and the ambitious goals of the project, this is
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