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2008, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology
The objectives of this study were to assess the microbiological quality of Egyptian yoghurt and to investigate the antagonistic activity of some probiotic bacteria against some food borne pathogens in vitro and in yoghurt. The results indicated a poor microbiological quality of yoghurt, since the microbiological parameters recorded higher values than the admissible levels. Results from the agar spot test and well diffusion assay showed the capability of probiotic bacteria to inhibit the growth of S. aureus, E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes in vitro. Yoghurt produced from milk artificially contaminated with S. aureus (8.48 log cfu mL -1 ) and E. coli O157:H7 (8.3 log cfu mL -1 ) was used for studying the ability of L. acidophilus La-5 and B. longum ATCC15707 to inhibit the growth of such pathogens. During the refrigerated storage the counts of both pathogens decreased significantly in the probiotic yoghurt than in control one. Survival of both L. acidophilus La-5 and B. longum AT...
International Journal of fermented Foods, 2018
Food Microbiology, 2013
Stamford Journal of Microbiology, 2013
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are regarded as effective probiotic organisms and used with a view of augmenting the safety of the food. In the present study, five food items (meat, fish, apple, milk and carrot) were selected having high nutritive and economic value, assumptive of harboring lactic acid bacteria. A total of 29 LABs were isolated from 5 different samples after 2 batches of fermentation. All of the isolates were then tested against 4 most frequently encountered pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Vibrio cholerae. Among all these isolates, those from meat and fish samples showed positive average inhibitory coefficient (AIC) against two target pathogens, while those from milk and carrot showed positive AIC against three pathogens each, and isolates from apple revealed positive AIC against all four pathogens used. More than 50% of the isolates were found to inhibit or mask the pathogens when allowed to grow along with the individual ...
Pharmacognosy Communication, 2014
The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2017
Lactic acid bacteria are a major part of the probiotics, microflora of the intestine and of fermented dairy products, and are found in a variety of environments. In this study kambu koozh (pearl millet) was used as a source to isolate bacteria by serial dilution method. The isolate was identified as Enterococcus morphological, cultural and biochemical characteristics and evaluated for probiotic characteristics acid tolerance, bile tolerance and tolerance to digestive enzymes pepsin and trypsin. Acid tolerance of the Enterococcus sp ranges from 80% (pH5) to 69% (pH2) survivability for 1 hr and 68% (pH5) to 52.0% (pH2) survivability for 2hr. Bile salt tolerance of Enterococcus sp. was 69% survivability at (1%w/v) to 51.0% survivability (4%w/v) bile salt concentration for 24 hrs. Tolerance to digestive enzymes showed 78.6% to 35.7% survival (2g/L-10g/L) pepsin and 68.9% to 13.8% survival (2g/L-10g/L) trypsin for 2 hrs.
Asian Journal of Sports History and Culture, 2024
This work engages with a longstanding problem of East-West cultural difference: the different conceptions of anatomy and biology between modern scientific/'Western' medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. To do so, the work focuses on only one example of difference: the Chinese notion of the dantian (丹田). This is not present in Western anatomy or biology. So, the question arises as to its objective existence: If Western science cannot detect it, what does it mean to say that it exists? Must a Westerner who has no prior exposure to such a notion believe in the dantian? What is the status of this belief? Many approaches to such questions turn to debates in phenomenology, epistemology, translation and religious studies. However, this work instead proposes a more direct way to proceed. It proposes that that such differences arise and can helpfully be understood in terms of the specific sensory maps and fields of the body that are developed by specific exercises, disciplines, or training regimes (what philosopher Peter Sloterdijk calls anthropotechnic practices).
7 RESUMO NOME DO TRABALHO: O ISEB na perspectiva de seu tempo – Intelectuais, política e cultura no Brasil (1952-1964). PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Intelectuais; Política; Cultura; Trajetória Institucional; Desenvolvimento. Esta tese analisa a trajetória do Instituto Superior de Estudos Brasileiros (ISEB), criado em julho de 1955 e fechado pelo regime militar em abril de 1964. Com esse propósito, ele se remete a um período anterior à formação desse Instituto (1952), quando o grupo de intelectuais formadores se estrutura e se organiza sistematicamente, realizando estudos e pesquisas voltados à compreensão dos “problemas brasileiros”. A tese principal sustentada neste trabalho é de que a trajetória do ISEB deve ser interpretada a partir de dois elementos fundamentais: 1) dos condicionantes da conjuntura histórica dentro da qual ele se move; e 2) da produção e da ação dos seus intelectuais formadores que têm um peso decisivo nas alterações sofridas pela instituição no decorrer de sua existência. Partindo dessa tese, o trabalho estará estruturado em seis capítulos. Merecem referência: o segundo e o terceiro, que procuram analisar elementos presentes na conjuntura histórica que foram capazes de condicionar os desdobramentos da trajetória institucional; e o quarto e quinto capítulos, cujo objetivo fundamental é examinar a produção e a ação dos intelectuais formadores da instituição como determinantes essenciais das alterações relativas à orientação das atividades do ISEB ao longo de sua trajetória. Ao final da análise desenvolvida no trabalho, foi possível constatar de que forma a experiência isebiana possibilita uma reflexão sobre as articulações possíveis entre cultura e política em determinados contextos. E, também, como o significado político da trajetória institucional analisada se torna mais explícito à medida que é ela compreendida a partir do seu próprio tempo.
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Global Christian Forum - Manado (Indonesia) 2011 - Plenary Session.
Open Borders: In Defense of Free Movement, 2019
Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception
Journal of Indian Education, 2012
Contemporary Jewry
Hormônios, Técnica e Corpos: a arqueologia dos hormônios sexuais (1923 – 1940), 2023
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 1999
Acta Physica Polonica A, 1993
2009 International Students and Young Scientists Workshop "Photonics and Microsystems", 2009
Applied Optics, 2007
Anuario de hojas de Warmi, 2010