Rules for Learner Modeling and Adaptation Provisioning in an Educational
Hypermedia System∗
Elvira Popescu, Costin Bădică
Software Engineering Department
University of Craiova
Bvd.Decebal 107, Craiova, 200440, Romania
{popescu elvira, badica costin}
This note presents our initial proposal for capturing
knowledge required for learner modeling and adaptation
provisioning in an educational hypermedia system using
a rule-based approach. Rules have been categorized as
i) modeling rules – necessary for the identification of the
learner style based on observed learning preferences and ii)
adaptation rules – necessary for content adaptation based
on learning style and/or learning preferences.
1. Introduction
Adaptation is an important requirement that has been set
for the next generation e-learning systems. In particular,
adaptation to the learning style has been described as an
important step towards individualized instruction.
Learning style has been intensely studied by educational
psychology and related areas during the last two decades.
These efforts have produced a great amount of knowledge
regarding categorization and description of learning styles
along many dimensions.
The work presented in this paper proposes the explicit
capturing and application of learning style knowledge into
an adaptive educational hypermedia system. The paper is
organized as follows. We start with a discussion of the
context of our work including the general structure of the
system and an outline of our approach. We follow with a
precise description of modeling rules for identification of
learning styles and adaptation rules based on learning styles
and/or learning preferences. In order to make the presentation independent of a particular rule representation formalism, we have chosen to express our rules in an informal
pseudo-code notation.
∗ This research was partially supported by the CNCSIS grant TD
Philippe Trigano
Heudiasyc, UMR CNRS 6599
Université de Technologie de Compiègne
60200 Compiègne, France
In our opinion the main achievements of our work are
threefold: i) separation of knowledge about learning styles
as modularized sets of rules; ii) explicit representation of
the rules, encouraging their understandability, maintainability and reusability; iii) facilitation of appropriate implementation of the rules in an adaptive educational hypermedia
2. Context of use
This research takes place in the framework of a learningstyle based adaptive educational system (LSAES), i.e. an
educational system that adapts the learning content and
navigation to the particular learning style of each student.
Learning style can be defined as a combination of cognitive, affective and other psychological characteristics that
serve as relatively stable indicators of the way a learner perceives, interacts with and responds to the learning environment [13]. In order to accomplish this goal, the first task is
to have a model of the student with regard to learning style,
therefore a learner modeling component is necessary. Our
LSAES thus offers the following functionalities:
• an authoring tool for the teachers, allowing them to
create courses conforming to the LSAES format;
• a course player for the students, enhanced with two
special capabilities: i) learner tracking functionality
(monitoring the student interaction with the system);
ii) adaptation component (supplying the student with
educational content that best matches her/his learning
• a modeling component that analyzes the behavior of
the student and identifies the corresponding learning
The general structure of the application is presented in
figure 1.
Usually, LSAESs are based on a single particular learning style model [16]. The most popular learning style models are: Felder-Silverman [10] (used in [2], [4], [5]), Honey
and Mumford [12] (used in [14]) and Witkin [20] (used in
[18]). We take a different approach by characterizing the
student by a set of learning preferences, which we included
in a unified learning style model (ULSM) [15], rather than
directly by a particular learning style. ULSM integrates
learning preferences related to: perception modality (visual
vs. verbal), field dependence/field independence, processing information (abstract concepts and generalizations vs.
concrete, practical examples; serial vs. holistic; active experimentation vs. reflective observation, careful vs. not
careful with details), reasoning (deductive vs. inductive),
organizing information (synthesis vs. analysis), motivation (intrinsic vs. extrinsic; deep vs. surface vs. strategic
vs. resistant approach), persistence (high vs. low), pacing
(concentrate on one task at a time vs. alternate tasks and
subjects), social aspects (individual work vs. team work;
introversion vs. extraversion; competitive vs. collaborative), study organization (formal vs. informal), coordinating instance (affectivity vs. thinking). This set of learning
preferences has the advantage of being independent of any
particular learning style model. In addition, most learning
styles introduced in the literature can be characterized by a
subset of these learning preferences. The correspondence
between the learning preferences and a particular learning
style model is captured within the ”Modeling rules” component (see fig. 1), as it will be described in section 3.
The characteristic-based modeling of the student also allows for a finer granularity of adaptation actions. The specific adaptation actions that must be applied for each learning preference are specified by means of the ”Adaptation
rules” component, as illustrated in section 4.
According to [8], the existence of a static description
of the learning content (metadata) is a necessary condition for introducing an adaptation model (dynamic description). Our choice for organizing and annotating the educational material has been detailed in [17]. Basically, we
have conceptualized the learning material using a hierarchical organization: each course consists of several chapters,
and each chapter can contain several sections and subsections. The lowest level subsection contains the actual educational resources. Each such elementary learning object
corresponds to a physical file and has an associated metadata file. These metadata were created by enhancing core
parts of Dublin Core [9] and Ullrich’s instructional ontology [19] with some specific extensions to cover the requirements of a LSAES. Specifically, these metadata describe
the learning object from the point of view of instructional
role(LoT ype), media type(dc : type), level of abstractness
and formality (hasAbstractness, hasF ormalness), type
of competence (hasCompetency) etc. The use of these
metadata facilitates both the learner modeling and the adaptivity provisioning. Thus, by analyzing the interaction between the student and the learning objects described by the
metadata (time spent on each learning object, order of access, frequency of accesses), the system can infer a particular learning preference of the student. Furthermore, the
teacher has to supply only annotated learning content while
the adaptation logic is provided by the system, in the form
of adaptation rules, as we will see in section 4.
3. Rules for identifying learning styles
Currently more than 70 learning style models were proposed in the literature [7]. Each such model contains, apart
from its rationale and the psychological theory behind it,
a description of the typical behavior of the learner belonging to each learning style dimension. Based on this natural
language description and starting from the set of identified
learning preferences presented in section 2, we can extract
a set of rules for inferring learning styles (the ”Modeling
rules”, as they appear in figure 1),
More formally, let L be a learner and let P ref (L)
be the set of learning preferences identified for learner
L by analyzing her/his behavioral indicators. Obviously,
P ref (L) ⊂ P ref U LSM , where P ref U LSM
is the set of learning preferences included in our
ULSM [15]. Specifically, P ref U LSM = {p visual,
p verbal, p f ieldDependence, p f ieldIndependence,
p abstract,
p concrete,
p serial,
p holistic,
p activeExperimentation, p ref lectiveObservation,
p caref ulDetails, p notCaref ulDetails, p deductive,
p inductive, p synthesis, p analysis, p intrinsic,
p extrinsic,
p deep,
p strategic,
p surf ace,
p resistant, p highP ersistence, p lowP ersistence,
p oneT ask, p alternateT asks, p individual, p team,
p extraversion,
p introversion,
p competitive,
p collaborative, p f ormal, p inf ormal, p af f ectivity,
p thinking} (meaning of each preference obviously results
from its name).
We are now interested in categorizing the student according to a particular learning style model. Let LSM (L) be
the learning style of learner L with regard to learning style
model M . It should be noted that some learning style models include the learner into only one learning style, while
others offer several dimensions, each with two opposite
axes. In the first case, LSM (L) has exactly one element,
while in the second case, LSM (L) is an n-tuple, where n
is the number of dimensions defined in the learning style
Let us take for example Ned Herrmann’s Whole Brain
Model [11]. According to this model, the brain can be divided into four quadrants, each area having an associated
model of thinking and learning:
Presentation logic
Authoring tool
(Course editor)
Course files
Web server
(Cocoon publishing
Data analysis tool
data mining)
Figure 1. Schematic representation of our LSAES
• left cerebral – ”theorists”. They like facts, details, critical thinking, precise definitions, unambiguous instructions.
• left limbic – ”organizers”. They like step-by-step
instructions, outlines, check-lists, timelines, problem
solving with clear steps and procedures.
• right limbic – ”humanitarians”. They prefer cooperative learning, group discussion, role-playing, personal
approaches and examples.
• right cerebral – ”innovators”. They prefer brainstorming, metaphors, illustrations, pictures, synthesis, holistic approaches, alert rhythm.
Herrmann model set = {′′ T heorist′′ , ′′ Organizer′′ ,
Humanitarian′′ , ′′ Innovator′′ }.
This means that
for all learners L, we have LSHerrmann model (L) ∈
Herrmann model set. For example, for a particular
learner L we might have LSHerrmann model (L) =
Humanitarian′′ .
The following set of four rules can be extracted from the
characteristics of the four learning styles, as they are defined
by Herrmann [11]:
p caref ulDetails ∈ P ref (L) AND
p abstract ∈ P ref (L) AND
p deductive ∈ P ref (L) AND
p analysis ∈ P ref (L) AND
p highP ersistence ∈ P ref (L)
LSHerrmann model (L) =′′ T heorist′′
p concrete ∈ P ref (L) AND
p deductive ∈ P ref (L) AND
p analysis ∈ P ref (L) AND
p oneT ask ∈ P ref (L)
LSHerrmann model (L) =′′ Organizer ′′
p concrete ∈ P ref (L) AND
p team ∈ P ref (L) AND
p extraversion ∈ P ref (L) AND
p inductive ∈ P ref (L)
LSHerrmann model (L) =′′ Humanitarian′′
p activeExperimentation ∈ P ref (L) AND
p team ∈ P ref (L) AND
p synthetis ∈ P ref (L) AND
p inductive ∈ P ref (L) AND
p holistic ∈ P ref (L)
LSHerrmann model (L) =′′ Innovator ′′
For example, the intended interpretation of the ORGANIZER rule is: if a learner has preference of processing
concrete information (rather than abstract or general information), has preference for deductive (rather than inductive) reasoning, has preference for an analytic (rather than
synthetic) way of organizing information and usually concentrates on a single task at a time (rather than on multiple
tasks) then it can be inferred as belonging to the ”Organizer”
learning style model according to Ned Herrmann’s model.
Let us now take another example, the Felder-Silverman
learning style model [10]. According to this model learners
are characterized by their preferences in four dimensions:
• active versus reflective learners
• sensing versus intuitive learners
• visual versus verbal learners
p activeExperimentation ∈ P ref (L) AND
p team ∈ P ref (L)
LSF elderSilverman model (L) ∋′′ Active′′
p ref lectiveObservation ∈ P ref (L) AND
p individual ∈ P ref (L)
LSF elderSilverman model (L) ∋′′ Ref lective′′
p concrete ∈ P ref (L) AND
p caref ulDetails ∈ P ref (L)
LSF elderSilverman model (L) ∋′′ Sensing ′′
p abstract ∈ P ref (L) AND
p notCaref ulDetails ∈ P ref (L)
LSF elderSilverman model (L) ∋′′ Intuitive′′
• sequential versus global learners.
Active learners learn by trying things out and enjoy collaborative working, while reflective learners like to think about
the material first and prefer working alone. Sensing learners have a preference towards facts and details and they tend
to be practical and careful, whereas intuitive learners prefer abstract material, they like to innovate, to discover possibilities and relationships. Visual learners remember best
what they see (pictures, diagrams, schemas etc) while verbal learners get more out of words, either spoken or written. Sequential learners tend to gain understanding in linear
steps, while global learners learn in large leaps, being fuzzy
about the details of the subject but being able to make rapid
connections between subjects.
F elderSilverman model set = {(A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 )|
A1 ∈ {′′ Active′′ , ′′ Ref lective′′}, A2 ∈ {′′ Sensing ′′,
Intuitive′′ }, A3
{′′ V isual′′ , ′′ V erbal′′ },
′′ ′′
A4 ∈ { Sequential , Global′′ }}. This means that
for all learners L, we have: LSF elderSilverman model (L) ∈
examF elderSilverman model set.
ple, for a particular learner L we might have
LSF elderSilverman model (L) = (′′ Active′′ , ′′ Sensitive′′,
V isual′′ , ′′ Global′′ ).
The following set of rules can be extracted from the characteristics of the four learning styles, as they are defined in
p visual ∈ P ref (L)
LSF elderSilverman
model (L)
∋′′ V isual′′
p verbal ∈ P ref (L)
LSF elderSilverman
model (L)
∋′′ V erbal′′
p serial ∈ P ref (L)
LSF elderSilverman
model (L)
∋′′ Sequential′′
p holistic ∈ P ref (L)
LSF elderSilverman
model (L)
∋′′ Global′′
As we can see, in case of the ”Visual”/”Verbal”
and ”Sequential”/”Global” dimensions, there is a oneto-one correspondence between the learning preference in P ref U LSM and the learning style axis in
LSF elderSilverman model(L).
4. Adaptation rules
Adaptation can be done based on the student learning
style according to educational practices or directly based on
the set of characteristics associated to the student preferences.
Apart from defining the characteristics of the learners
belonging to each learning style, for most of these models there are proposed teaching practices that effectively address the educational needs of students with the identified
styles. Starting from these teaching methods (which only
include a traditional learning view) and enhancing them
with e-learning specific aspects (technology related preferences), we can extract the adaptation rules for our LSAES
(shown as ”Adaptation rules” in figure 1).
We will first illustrate this approach with some simple rules for adapting an e-learning course to the needs of
the students with different Felder-Silverman learning styles
Adapt course for ACTIVE learner
′′ Active′′ ∈ LS
F elderSilverman model (L)
Integrate interactive animations, simulations, small games
Include many exercises
Provide communication facilities (forum/chat)
Adapt course for REFLECTIVE learner
′′ Ref lective′′ ∈ LS
F elderSilverman model (L)
Include less exercises
Integrate questions that encourage reflection
Provide context-aware note-taking tool
Adapt course for SENSING learner
′′ Sensing ′′ ∈ LS
F elderSilverman model (L)
Include more facts and practical content
Provide many examples
Include various multimedia objects
Adapt course for INTUITIVE learner
′′ Intuitive′′ ∈ LS
F elderSilverman model (L)
Focus on abstract concepts and theories
Provide less examples
Adapt course for VISUAL learner
′′ V isual′′ ∈ LS
F elderSilverman model (L)
Include plenty of videos and images
Present content using graphics, schemas, flowcharts
Adapt course for VERBAL learner
′′ V erbal′′ ∈ LS
F elderSilverman model (L)
Include text and audio material
Provide communication opportunities (forum, chat)
Adapt course for SEQUENTIAL learner
′′ Sequential′′ ∈ LS
F elderSilverman model (L)
Include step-by-step presentation of the content
Place links to related subjects at the end of the course
Highlight Next and Previous buttons
Hide outlines
Present tests at shorter intervals
Adapt course for GLOBAL learner
′′ Global′′ ∈ LS
F elderSilverman model (L)
Include outlines and summaries
Integrate links to related topics in the content
Place exercises at the end of the chapter
Provide advanced organizers or mind maps
Alternatively, based on our characteristic-based modeling approach, we can associate adaptation rules for each of
the identified learning preferences (P ref (L)).
According to [1] and [3], adaptation of educational hypermedia systems can be done with regard to three levels:
• Navigation Level Adaptation by means of direct guidance, link ranking, link hiding (hiding, disabling, removing), link annotation, link generation, adaptive
• Content Level Adaptation by means of content hiding,
additional explanations, specific media type filtering
(e.g. no video or no audio), specific item filtering (e.g.
no definitions, no examples, no outlines), different web
page versions for different student learning styles;
• Presentation Level Adaptation by means of inserting/removing fragments, altering fragments, stretchtext, sorting fragments, dimming fragments.
The adaptation logic can be thus decomposed into elementary actions, such as inserting, eliminating, sorting or
moving learning objects. In the case of our LSAES, an
adaptation rule can be abstracted as follows:
General adaptation rule
X ∈ P ref (L)
Action Object {Value}
Object can be either a metadata element of a learning
object, carrying a specific Value (as described in section 2),
or an interface element or a communication tool.
For example, in case of a specific perception modality
preference, the recommended action would be to present
the learner first with the preferred media type and then with
the alternative representation types:
Adaptation actions for learners with ”Visual” preference
p visual ∈ P ref (L)
Sort dc : type {image, video, animation, text, sound}
Adaptation actions for learners with ”Verbal” preference
p verbal ∈ P ref (L)
Sort dc : type {sound, text, video, image, animation}
Similarly, in case of a preference towards concrete, practical examples, the course should be focused more on facts,
practical aspects and examples. Each new concept will be
first illustrated by an example and only then the theoretical
aspects will be covered. More formally,
Adaptation actions for learners with ”Concrete” preference
p concrete ∈ P ref (L)
Sort LoT ype {Example, Definition}
Sort hasAbstractness {concrete, neutral, abstract}
In case of a holistic preference, the interface elements for
sequential navigation (in our case the buttons ”Next” and
”Previous”) will be hidden, given the learner the possibility
to freely jump through the courseware. At the same time,
the exercises will be moved at the end of the chapter, in
order to give the learners the opportunity to holistically understand the subject first. Furthermore, there will be added
links to related or complex to help situate the learnt subject
and contribute to create the big picture.
Adaptation actions for learners with ”Holistic” preference
p holistic ∈ P ref (L)
Hide N ext Button
Hide P rev Button
Move endChapter LoT ype {Exercise}
Insert LoT ype {AdditionalInfo}
In case of an introvert learner, she/he will be presented
with an asynchronous communication channel, such as a
forum, while an extravert learner will benefit more from a
synchronous communication channel, such as a chat.
Adaptation actions for learners with ”Introvert” preference
p introversion ∈ P ref (L)
Highlight F orum
Adaptation actions for learners with ”Extravert” preference
p extraversion ∈ P ref (L)
Highlight Chat
Note that a prototype LSAES providing functionalities
discussed in section 2 is currently under implementation using Apache Cocoon framework [6] . Rules can be mapped
to XSLT transformations and then they can be easily integrated into the Cocoon pipeline.
5. Conclusions
We have proposed an initial formalization of knowledge
about learning styles and/or learning preferences and its application in an adaptive educational hypermedia system, as
modularized sets of rules. The proposal is under implementation in a prototype system. We shall report on our progress
in forthcoming papers.
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