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Script of my presentation held on ECER Conference 2021 (Sept.)
Community Eye Health International Centre For Eye Health, 2013
Art of Inclusion – an Examination of the Circle is the master thesis of the artist Åsa Maria Hedberg. It retells the process of an examination of the circle, used as a conceptual and visual tool in two public art acts: IMPRINT and IMPRESSION. The purpose of the study is to understand the characteristics and effects of the circle when used in participatory art of the artist. The study also aims to position the artist within the field of participatory art and artists of today. The use of the circle is found to inform the art of the author-artist when her art works conceptually touches upon the subject matter of inclusion/exclusion. The socio-political aspect of openness of the circles of societies to any newcomer, will be an increasingly important future topic for artists to take on and engage in. As a parallel, the international art world is another circle that includes and excludes. The artist learns from her participants and will find her way in.
Here is a book that is different to most others in this field. It provides clear insight from vastly experienced 'experts' on inclusion. There is no rival publication that has brought together such a wealth of knowledge and insight between the covers of one book. We, as editors, believe that whether you read chapters in any order you fancy (as this book is designed to accommodate) or read these pages in a more sequential fashion, you will be satisfied.
Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2012
The new interpretation of a well-known fable, the story about the dinner of the fox and the stork serves the purpose of giving an example of opening new horizons based on the approach of inclusion. Striving for mutual acceptance, as I define inclusion, is the way that the society has to go through in order to make headway for the realization of successful co-existence. The volume presents the components of the viewpoint necessary for the implementation of inclusion, the history of its evolution, its systematic approach and the expanding areas of its appearance. With examining various situations, it will illustrate how the presence or the lack of actions for mutual acceptance influences the life of individuals and their communities. The book provides a comprehensive view of the equality-based theory of inclusion and points out opportunities of practical realization in this interpretational framework. At the same time, it highlights those current trends that reinforce the necessity of the inclusive approach and enrich its varieties of appearance.
Interactive Technologies are useless unless they are used. This applies even more to assistive technologies, since poor uptake and diffusion here is a moral as well as a design failure. Good intentions are not enough. Designs for inclusive technologies must be demonstrably successful with respect to personal and social criteria, and not just technical criteria. Success is more likely if emerging positions and approaches from Interaction Design are adopted. In this keynote presentation, I will present a high level framework for designing that aims at balance, integration and generosity. The framework is inclusive with respect to both intellectual traditions and also the needs of design work. I argue that inclusiveness within the design process is required to achieve fully human accessibility.
This essay critically examines the challenges of inclusion especially in Africa. It looks at how Africa as a whole is perceived and related with. One of those issues that pertains to the way Africa is being perceived is due to the inconsistency in value systems, problem solving approaches and historical backdrop. However, Our society has reached a turning point where we must make decisions about values, direction and budgets. We no longer have the luxury of buying all the solutions-and thus never having to answer hard questions. The hard questions are about values- what do we believe in? What kind of future do we want for our children? How do we get there? This essay answers some of these pertinent quetions
Aesthetics of Inclusion. An Empirical Approach to School Websites
Paper Presentation at ECER 2021 on 08/Sept/2021; 02:30-03:00 pm in Session 04 SES 11 A Link to Literature (page 6)
================================================================== SLIDE 1 | Opening, greeting and thanks
Hello, my name is Ann-Kathrin Stoltenhoff, I am a postdoc researcher at Europa-University-Flensburg in the north of Germany and I'm thankful for the opportunity to present a current project, that is in the stage of conception for a while now, so I am looking forward to discuss my work in progress with you after my presentation.
The project focusses on the «Aesthetics of Inclusion» and within it, I want to develop a transdisciplinary Empirical Approach to School Websites. This project is part of my cumulative habilitation within which I examine the interconnection of Knowledge, Mediality and Difference in pedagogical contexts from a discourse and hegemony theoretical perspective referring to the works of Foucault, Laclau/ Mouffe and current perspectives inspired by poststructuralism and the idea of culture as practice (Hörning 2004, Hörning/ Reuter 2004, Schatzki/Knorr-Cetina/Von Savigny 2001. So this is a bit out of the box of traditional educational research but at is focuses on how we construct differences within educational settings in a digital media society.
SLIDE 2 | Structure of the lecture
My lecture starts with a short foreword, to locate my scientific research. After that, I'll explain theoretical positions that are crucial to the understanding of my research subject. That will be followed by an explanation of methodology and method. Before going into the discussion with you, I will also share current challenges I am facing in the process.
SLIDE 3 | Foreword
My aim is to investigate how the human condition aka Conditio Humana is negotiated within the dispositive Inclusion in educational contexts in Digital Culture. I understand Inclusion as a dispositive according to Foucault and the school websites as elements of this dispositive. In the sense of Foucault, a dispositive is the network, which links various discourses, institutions and media with one another (cf. Foucault 1978) . An important element of my work are education, media and cultural studies approaches that deal with difference, subjectification, inequality, processes of in-and exclusion and vulnerability processed through and represented via media. This kind of research has been taking place for many years in a society that describes itself as a media society and is experiencing profound processes of change that Krotz (2014) described as Mediatization, while Stalder (2016) speaks of a 'digitality of culture ' and Pirani and Smith (2013) of a "Digital Media Society". These perspectives, which can be subsumed under Digital Media and Culture Studies, form important reference points for my work; as well as post-structuralistinspired approaches from Feminist technoscience (Braidotti 2014, Haraway 1995, Wajcman 2004 und Digital Design Theory (Armstrong 2016).
SLIDE 4 | Theoretical Research Perspectives
My research perspective is based on the work of Foucault, Laclau and Mouffe.
Central to Foucault's approach are -I quote Großkopf (2007, [2]): "(...) questions about the construction of reality, knowledge or symbolic order through discourses as well as the question of power that unfolds through discourses". According to Wrana (2012, p. 196), discourses always include modes of action "in which the meaning and the objects of knowledge are constituted as well as the subject positions of the discursive actors". So a discourse and dispositive analytical approach not only explores relatively stable orders, but also -I quote Bublitz (1998: 9) -"the practice of symbolic production of objects, their materialization and their re-production through the constitution of meaning and meaning in a complex social practice". This understanding of discourse and dispositive analysis is supplemented by a hegemony theoretical perspective on society and the social in the sense of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe who draw their attention more strongly than Foucault to the social as a result of discourse struggles. Based on their work, the analysis of certain practices or their materialization -e.g. in the form of a website or a school book -can be used to analyze how a certain discursive formation comes about and is fixed by a continuously reproducing practice.
SLIDE 5 | Mediality as research gap
So, referring to Gere (2001)
SLIDE 6 | Methodology: Websites as Elements of the Dispositive INCLUSION
Reconstructive Educational research about Inclusion (Blasse et al. 2015, Budde et al. 2017, Wulf / Roßbach 2015 suggests that the way in which schools create inclusion is strongly influenced by the logic of traditional binary categories of difference such as gender and disability, and thus at the same time A-historical and apolitical: within the dispositiv Inclusion, "Difference" is often framed as an individual personality trait. For example with the phrase ‹picking up all students where they are› on the homepage of a school based in northern Germany.
Contrary to perspectives which see physical differences as essentialist features, the Disability Studies advocate a post-structuralist perspective on disability, which understands this category of difference as a socially constructed (cf. Waldschmidt 2007Waldschmidt , 2021. This perspective is shared by other disciplines: Transdisciplinary research at the interface of disability studies, educational vulnerability research, educational, cultural and media studies prove that and how images -I quote Ochsner and Grebe (2013: 8) -"as part of a diverse discursive and media network" contribute to the visibility or invisibility of disability (cf. Renggli 2007Renggli , 2013 and thus to the production of knowledge about disability and inclusion (cf. Aktas 2020, Aktaş / Waldmann 2018).
SLIDE 7 | The question of the human in Digital Media Culture
The core of the debate on Inclusion is -in my opinion -the not entirely new question of the es- • and how within this specific mediality a new image of the human can become visible in a possibly new aesthetic.
SLIDE 10 | Steps of Analysis
Following the development of a transdisciplinary theoretical perspective, an analysis method based on Hepp (2010), Gille (2012) and Traue (2013) is developed to investigate the school homepages. In the first step, comparisons of the homepages with print media (flyers or similar) of the respective schools are made. In the second step, an international comparative perspective is adopted, from which German and Danish school websites can be compared. In the third step, it will be checked whether the guidelines of the WCAG have been successfully implemented.
The results of the qualitative empirical investigation are processed taking into account the previously developed theoretical perspective. They will be contextualized with regard to current questions in educational anthropology about the Conditio Humana.
SLIDE 11 | Current Challenges
Before we move to the discussion, I want to share with you some of the current challenges. One of the most important tasks of the empirical part is to look at the material as impartially as possible and beyond established categories of difference. It is not easy being sensitive to the reproduction of stereotypical images and readings of the human and at the same time remaining open to queer, abject and marginal aspects in order to be able to grasp and analyze them appropriately. To do this, I refer to the work of reconstructive educational research on heterogeneity (Budde, Fritzsche and others) and to the work of Paul, Schaffer, Engel and other representatives of a queer art, culture and media research practice that is characterized by "a lust for contradictions, inconsistencies [and] ambiguities " (Paul / Schaffer 2009, p. 7 translated by Stoltenhoff).
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