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Topological Closure of Translation Invariant Preorders

2013, Mathematics of Operations Research

TOPOLOGICAL CLOSURE OF TRANSLATION INVARIANT PREORDERS Efe A. Ok and Gil Riella Abstract. Our primary query is to Önd conditions under which the closure of a preorder on a topological space remains transitive. We study this problem for translation invariant preorders on topological groups. The results are fairly positive; we Önd that the closure of preorders and normal-orders remain as such in this context. The same is true for factor orders as well under quite general conditions. In turn, in the context of topological linear spaces, these results allow us to obtain a simple condition under which the order-duals with respect to a vector order and its closure coincide. Various order-theoretic applications of these results are also provided in the paper. 1. INTRODUCTION Continuous preorders on a topological space X ñ by continuity here we mean being closed in X  X ñ play an essential role in applications of order theory to optimization theory, topology and functional analysis. For instance, the existence of extremal elements with respect to a preorder on X is often established by appealing to the continuity of that preorder. Similarly, Nachbin-Urysohn type monotonic extension theorems (cf. [15], [12], and Chapter 5 of [3]), and Carruth-Urysohn type metrization theorems (cf. [5]), are based on this continuity property. In addition, continuity of preorders plays a fundamental role in economics. In particular, many multi-utility representation theorems for preorders (interpreted as ìincomplete preference relationsî) are obtained on the basis of continuity of those preorders. (See, for instance, [6], [7], [16], and [20].) When one is given a preorder % on X which need not be continuous, the next best thing is often to minimally extend % to a continuous preorder on X: Taking the topological closure of % in X  X is a natural strategy in this regard, but, unfortunately, transitivity of % is in general not preserved under this operation. This is the case even when % is antisymmetric. For instance, let % be the partial order on R whose asymmetric part  is given as follows: s  t i§ (s; t) = (1; 2) or (s; t) = (3; 0) or 1 > t > s > 0 or 3 > t > s > 2: Then, the closure of % in R2 ñ let us denote this by D ñ is an antisymmetric binary relation on R such that 1 D 2000 Mathematics Subject ClassiÖcation. Primary 06A06; Secondary 06F15, 06F20. Key words and phrases. Closure, transitive closure, translation invariance, vector preorder. This paper is in Önal form and no version of it will be submitted for publication elsewhere. 1 2 EFE A. OK AND GIL RIELLA 2 D 3 D 0 D 1: Thus, the closure of a partial order (on R) need not be acyclic, let alone transitive. Positive results concerning the transitivity of the ìclosure of a preorderî can apparently be obtained only in the presence of further structure. In this paper we use an additional algebraic structure to this end. In particular, we focus on translation invariant preorders on topological groups and vector preorders on topological linear spaces. This property is naturally motivated from an algebraic viewpoint. Indeed, in the theory of partially ordered groups, it is precisely this property that brings together the group and order structures that are imposed on a given set. From a more applied point of view, we note that translation invariance is widely used in welfare economics to derive certain types of (utilitarian) social welfare functions/relations on the space of (Önite or inÖnite) cardinal utility vectors (see [14] and references cited therein). Our main Öndings can be summarized as follows. After going through some preliminaries, we show in Section 3.1 that the closure of a translation invariant preorder on a topological group is transitive, that is, a preordered topological group remains as such relative to the closure of its preorder. The same does not hold for partially ordered topological groups. This is because the closure of a partial order < need not be a partial order in this context, for it need not inherit the antisymmetry of <. We report two general conditions under which this di¢culty would not arise, however. First, we show in Section 3.2 that if the original partial order < is normal (that is, there is an order-convex neighborhood base at the identity of the group), then the closure of < is also a partial order (as well as normal). Second, we demonstrate in Section 3.3 that the preordered factor group induced by a preordered Hausdor§ topological group and a compact and normal subgroup is bound to be partially ordered (even though the preorder of the ambient group is not antisymmetric), provided that the subgroup at hand is order-convex with respect to the closure of <. As simple as they are, the results of Section 3 seem to have a scope for applications; in Section 4 we provide some applications to functional analysis, topological order theory, utility theory, optimization, and combinatorics. In particular, in Section 4.1, we show that, under the hypotheses of local convexity and solidity, the order-dual of a normally ordered topological linear space remains intact relative to the closure of that order. In Section 4.2, we provide some continuous extension theorems for preorders on topological groups. In Section 4.3 we derive a utility representation theorem for incomplete preference relations, and in Section 4.4, we obtain su¢cient conditions for the existence of extrema in a set with respect to a given translation invariant partial order on a topological group. Finally, in Section 4.5, we prove that at most 4 relations can be generated from a given translation invariant binary relation by taking topological and transitive closures. It is also shown that this is the best bound. 2. PRELIMINARIES Let X be a nonempty set. By a binary relation on X, we mean any nonempty subset of X  X: For any binary relation R on X; we adopt the usual convention of writing x R y instead of (x; y) 2 R. The inverse of R is itself a binary relation on X deÖned as R1 := f(y; x) : x R yg: Moreover, for any binary relations R and S on X, we simply write x R y S z to mean x R y and y S z; and so on. For any subset A CLOSURES OF PREORDERS 3 of X; the increasing closure of A with respect to R is deÖned as A";R := fx 2 X : x R y for some y 2 Ag. The decreasing closure of A with respect to R is then deÖned 1 as A";R ; we denote this set by A#;R . (For any x 2 X; we write x";R for fxg";R #;R and x for fxg#;R .) In addition, we say that A is R-convex if for any x; y 2 A with x R z R y we have z 2 A: That is, A is R-convex i§ A  A";R \ A#;R : Finally, A is said to be R-bounded if A  x#;R \ y ";R for some x; y 2 X, while a set of the form x#;R \ y ";R is called an R-interval. The asymmetric part of a binary relation R on X is deÖned as PR := RnR1 and the symmetric part of R is IR := R \ R1 : The composition of two binary relations R and S on X is deÖned as R  S := f(x; y) 2 X  X : x R z S y for some z 2 Xg: In turn, we let R1 := R and Rn := R  Rn1 for any integer n > 1; here Rn is said to be the nth iterate of R: We denote the diagonal of X X by 4X : A binary relation R on X is said to be reáexive if 4X  R; antisymmetric if R \ R1  4X ; transitive if R  R  R; and total (or complete, or linear ) if R [ R1 = X  X: If R is reáexive and transitive, we refer to it as a preorder on X: If it is an antisymmetric preorder, we call it a partial order on X; and if it is a total partial order, we call it a linear order. The pair (X; R) is called a preordered set if R is a preorder on X, a poset if R is a partial order on X; and a loset if R is a linear order on X: (Throughout the paper, a generic preorder is denoted as %; and a generic partial order as <.) Finally, we say that R is acyclic if 4X \ PRn = ; for every positive integer n: It is readily veriÖed that transitivity of a binary relation implies its acyclicity, but not conversely. When X is a topological space, we say that a binary relation R on X is continuous if R is a closed subset of X X, and that it is open-continuous if the asymmetric part of R is an open subset of X  X (relative to the product topology). The closure of R in X  X is denoted by cl(R): In turn, where % is a preorder (partial order), we refer to (X; %) as a preordered (partially ordered ) topological space if X is a topological space. If, in addition, % is continuous, we say that (X; %) is a continuously preordered topological space, but, as usual, we refer to a continuously partially ordered topological space as a pospace. It is well known that if (X; %) is a pospace, then X must be Hausdor§. (See, for instance, Proposition 2 of [15].) This is false in the case of continuously preordered topological spaces. (Indeed, (X; X  X) is such a space for any topological space X:) Let X be a group, which we notate multiplicatively, and R a reáexive binary relation on X: (As usual, 1 stands for the neutral element of this group, and for any x 2 X and A; B  X; we set AB := fab : (a; b) 2 A  Bg; Ax := Afxg; xB := fxgB; and A1 := fa1 : a 2 Ag:) We deÖne C(R) := fx 2 X : x R 1g; and recall that R is called translation invariant on X if xRy implies x! R y! and !x R !y for every x; y; ! 2 X: When R is translation invariant, we have (2.1) A";R = AC(R) = C(R)A and A#;R = AC(R)1 = C(R)1 A for any subset A of X: (For instance, if x 2 A";R ; then x R y for some y 2 A; so by translation invariance of R; we have y 1 x 2 C(R); and hence x = y(y 1 x) 2 AC(R): Conversely, if x = yz for some (y; z) 2 AC(R); then translation invariance of R and z R 1 imply x = yz R y1 = y; that is, x 2 A";R : Thus: A";R = AC(R):) 4 EFE A. OK AND GIL RIELLA Note also that C(R) is a normal submonoid of X; that is, 1 2 CC  C and x1 Cx  C for every x 2 X; provided that R is a translation invariant preorder. We say that a preordered set (X; %) is a preordered group if X is a group and % is translation invariant on X: (We will often consider X as a topological group, but in that case no relation between the topology of X and % will be postulated; these will be connected at the outset only indirectly through the continuity of the operations of X and the translation invariance of %.) Po-groups and lattice-ordered groups are deÖned similarly. For future reference, we recall that the lattice and group operations of a lattice-ordered group (X; %) are brought together by the fact that (x _ y)z = xz _ yz and (x ^ y)z = xz ^ yz for every x; y; z 2 X: 3. CLOSURES OF PREORDERS 3.1. Closure of a Translation-Invariant Preorder. The following result collects some elementary observations about translation invariant relations on a topological group X (for which the collection of all open neighborhoods of 1 is denoted as NX ). In what follows, cl() stands for the topological closure operator. When applied to sets in X  X; the presumed topology on the X  X is the product topology. Lemma 3.1.1. Let R be a reáexive translation invariant relation on a topological group X. Then: (a) cl(R) is translation invariant on X; (b) R is continuous i§ C(R) is closed in X; (c) cl(C(R)) = C(cl(R)); T T (d) C(cl(R)) = fN C(R) : N 2 NX g = fC(R)N : N 2 NX g; (e) x";cl(R) = cl(x";R ) and x#;cl(R) = cl(x#;R ) for any x 2 X: Proof. It is easily checked that parts (a) and (b) follow from the continuity of the product operation (x; y) 7! xy (from X  X onto X) and that of inversion x 7! x1 (from X onto X). In turn, (a) and (b) together entail that C(cl(R)) is a closed subset of X: As this set contains C(R); then, cl(C(R))  C(cl(R)): On the other hand, for any given x 2 C(cl(R)); we have x cl(R) 1; so there are nets (x ) and (y ) in X such that x ! x; y ! 1 and x R y for each : Then, by translation invariance, x y1 2 C(R) for each ; so by continuity of the product operation and inversion, we Önd x 2 cl(C(R)): It thus follows that C(cl(R))  cl(C(R)); and partT(c) is proved. T In turn, part (d) follows from part (c) and the fact that cl(A) = N 2NX N A = N 2NX AN for any subset A of X (which is valid in any topological group).1 Finally, for any given x in X; part (c) and (2.1) imply x";cl(R) = xC(cl(R)) = xcl(C(R)) = cl(xC(R)) = cl(x";R ) and similarly for x#;cl(R) . We now use this lemma to show that the closure of a preorder on a topological group is indeed transitive, provided that this preorder is translation invariant. Proposition 3.1.2. Let (X; %) be a preordered topological group. Then cl(%) is a preorder on X: 1 See, for instance, [19], Lemma 14.11. CLOSURES OF PREORDERS 5 Proof. Take any x; y; z 2 X with x cl(%) y cl(%) z. Then, by translation invariance of cl(%); both xy 1 and yz 1 belong to C(cl(%)); so by part (c) of Lemma 3.1.1, fxy 1 ; yz 1 g  cl(C(%)): It follows that there exist two nets (a ) and (b ) in C(%) such that a ! xy 1 and b ! yz 1 : Then, by translation invariance of %, a b % 1b = b % 1; so by transitivity of %, we Önd a b 2 C(%) for every  and : As continuity of the product operation ensures a b ! xy 1 yz 1 = xz 1 ; therefore, xz 1 2 cl(C(%)): Then, by part (c) of Lemma 3.1.1, xz 1 cl(%) 1; and hence, x cl(%) z, as we sought. Combining part (a) of Lemma 3.1.1 and Proposition 3.1.2 yields: Corollary 3.1.3. If (X; %) is a preordered topological group, so is (X;cl(%)): 3.2. Closure of a Translation-Invariant Normal Order. In general, we cannot replace ìpreorderedî with ìpartially orderedî in the statement of Corollary 3.1.3, because antisymmetry of % need not be inherited by cl(%): For instance, R2 is an ordered topological group under the lexicographic order <lex but cl(<lex ) is not antisymmetric, for (x1 ; x2 ) cl(<lex ) (y1 ; y2 ) i§ x1  y1 .2 However, this sort of a problem does not arise under reasonable conditions. In what follows, we will show that normality of the partial order would provide an escape route in this respect. We shall later show that the di¢culty is also largely alleviated in the case of preordered topological factor groups. We say that a preorder % on a topological group X is normal if, for any two nets (x ) and (y ) in X with x ! 1 and x % y % 1 for each ; we have y ! 1. If it is translation invariant and X is Hausdor§, such a preorder must be antisymmetric, for then x % y % x implies 1 % x1 y % 1; and hence, by normality of %, (x1 y) is a constant net that converges to 1; which, as X is Hausdor§, means x = y: Consequently, we say that a partially ordered Hausdor§ topological group (X; <) is normally ordered if < is normal. (It is well known that (X; <) is normally ordered i§ there is a base of %-convex neighborhoods of 1.3 ) We will now show that the closure of < remains antisymmetric in the context of any such po-group.4 Proposition 3.2.1. If (X; <) is a normally ordered Hausdor§ topological group, so is (X;cl(<)): We will use the following fact to prove this result. Lemma 3.2.2. Let (X; <) be a normally ordered Hausdor§ topological group. Then, for every open neighborhood O of 1 there is an open neighborhood U of 1 such that U ";cl(<) \ U #;cl(<)  O: Proof. We will Örst establish the desired property for <; and then extend it to the case of cl(<): Let NX be the collection of all open neighborhoods of 1: To derive a contradiction, suppose we could Önd an open neighborhood O of 1 such that there 2 By deÖnition, we have (x ; x ) < 1 2 le x (y1 ; y2 ) i§ either x1 > y1 or x1 = y1 and x2  y2 : 3 See, for example, [1], Theorem 2.23. 4 One may wonder if this observation really has some bite. That is, one may wonder if a translation invariant normal preorder is not continuous to start with. In general, these two properties are not related. For example, the relation < R  R deÖned by x < y i§ x = y or x  y > 1 is a translation invariant normal preorder that is not continuous. In fact, its closure is the normal preorder such that xcl(<)y i§ x = y or x  y  1. 6 EFE A. OK AND GIL RIELLA is some aV in (V ";< \ V #;< )nO for every V 2 NX : Then, for any V 2 NX ; there is an (xV ; yV ) 2 V  V such that xV < aV < yV while aV 2 XnO: Furthermore, as NX is a directed set under the reverse containment ordering, we can regard (xV ); (aV ) and (yV ) as nets in X where V varies over NX : Clearly, we have (xV ; yV ) ! (1; 1); so xV yV1 ! 1 by continuity of multiplication and inversion. Furthermore, xV yV1 < aV yV1 < 1 for each V 2 NX ; so normality ensures that aV yV1 ! 1: Then aV = (aV yV1 )yV ! 1; so aV 2 O for some V 2 NX ; a contradiction. We proved: For every O 2 NX there is a V 2 NX such that V ";< \ V #;<  O: Now, Öx an arbitrary O 2 NX ; and use what we have just shown to Önd a V 2 NX with V ";< \ V #;<  O: In turn, using the continuity of the operations of multiplication and inversion we can Önd an U 2 NX such that U = U 1 and U U  V .5 Then, by (2.1) and part (d) of Lemma 3.1.1, U ";cl(<) = U C(cl(<))  U (U C(<))  V C(<) = V ";< : As a similar argument shows that U #;cl(<)  V #;< ; we Önd that U ";cl(<) \ U #;cl(<) lies within V ";< \ V #;< and hence within O; as we sought. Proof of Proposition 3.2.1. Let (X; <) be a normally ordered Hausdor§ topological group. By Corollary 3.1.3, cl(<) is a translation invariant preorder on X: We are to show that this preorder is normal. To this end, take any two nets (x ) and (y ) in X with x ! 1 and x cl(<) y cl(<) 1 for each : (We denote here the directed (index) set of these nets by A; and the partial order that ìdirectsî A by D.) Pick any O 2 NX : By Lemma 3.2.2, U ";cl(<) \ U #;cl(<)  O for some U 2 NX : Since x ! 1; there is an index U 2 A such that x 2 U for all  2 A with  D U : It follows that y 2 U ";cl(<) \ U #;cl(<) ; and hence y 2 O; for all  2 A with  D U : This proves that y ! 1; and completes the proof. As an application of Proposition 3.2.1, we provide a su¢cient condition for the closure of a normal lattice-order on a topological group to be total. Proposition 3.2.3. Let (X; <) be a normally lattice-ordered Hausdor§ topological group. Then, cl(<) is a linear order on X, provided that every x in X that is isolated from C(<) is comparable to x1 with respect to <. Proof. By part (a) of Lemma 3.1.1, cl(<) is translation invariant, so this relation is total i§ C(cl(<)) [ C(cl(<))1 = X: Suppose cl(<) is not total. By, part (c) of Lemma 3.1.1, then, cl(C(<)) [ (cl(C(<)))1 is a proper subset of X: It follows that there is an x in XnC(<)1 which is isolated from C(<): We wish to show that x and x1 are not comparable with respect to <. To derive a contradiction, suppose x < x1 , which implies that x2 < 1: But then (x ^ 1)2 = x2 ^ x ^ 1 = x ^ 1; and hence x^1 = 1; that is, x < 1; a contradiction. If, on the other hand, x1 < x were the case, a similar reasoning would yield 1 < x; that is, x 2 C(<)1 ; which is again a contradiction. Conclusion: cl(<) is total. Combining this fact with Proposition 3.2.1 completes the proof. 5 See, for instance, [19], Lemma 14.9. CLOSURES OF PREORDERS 7 3.3. Closure of a Translation-Invariant Factor Order. Let (X; %) be a preordered group and Z a normal subgroup of X: We deÖne the binary relation %Z on the factor group X=Z by xZ %Z yZ i§ x % yz for some z 2 Z: It is readily checked that %Z is well-deÖned, and it is a preorder on X=Z; we refer to %Z as the factor preorder induced by Z: It is worth noting that x%y implies xZ %Z yZ, but not conversely, for any x and y in X: The following result recalls a few other properties of this preorder. Lemma 3.3.1. Let (X; %) be a preordered group and Z a normal subgroup of X: Then (X=Z; %Z ) is a preordered group. Furthermore, %Z is antisymmetric i§ Z is %-convex. Proof. Take any x; y and ! in X such that xZ %Z yZ. Then x % yz for some z 2 Z so, by translation invariance of %, we have !x % !yz. It follows that !ZxZ = (!x)Z %Z (!y)Z = !ZyZ: Similarly, x! % yz!; so, because (yz)Z = y(zZ) = yZ; we Önd xZ!Z = (x!)Z %Z (yz!)Z = (yz)Z!Z = yZ!Z. We conclude that %Z is translation invariant on X=Z; that is, (X=Z; %Z ) is a preordered group. Suppose now %Z is antisymmetric, and take any a; b 2 Z and x 2 X such that a % x % b: Then, Z = aZ %Z xZ %Z bZ = Z so that xZ = Z; that is, x 2 Z; which proves that Z is %-convex. Conversely, suppose Z is %-convex, and take any x and y in X such that xZ %Z yZ %Z xZ. Then, x % yz1 and y % xz2 for some z1 ; z2 2 Z. It follows that y % xz2 % yz1 z2 ; and hence 1 % y 1 xz2 % z1 z2 by translation invariance of %. As both 1 and z1 z2 belong to Z and Z is %-convex, therefore, y 1 xz2 2 Z. This means that y 1 x 2 Z; that is, xZ = yZ; establishing that %Z is antisymmetric. Let (X; %) be a preordered topological group and Z a normal subgroup of X: We view X=Z as a topological S space relative to the quotient topology (that is, a subset U of X=Z is open i§ fx : xZ 2 U g is open in X). Then, as it is well-known, X=Z is itself a topological group (which is Hausdor§ i§ Z is closed). In view of the preceding lemma, therefore, (X=Z; %Z ) is a preordered topological group in general, and it is an ordered Hausdor§ topological group provided that Z is closed and %convex. The main result of this section is that (X=Z;cl(%Z )) is itself an ordered Hausdor§ topological group provided that X is Hausdor§ and Z is compact and cl(%)-convex. Theorem 3.3.2. Let (X; %) be a preordered Hausdor§ topological group and Z a compact and cl(%)-convex normal subgroup of X: Then, (X=Z;cl(%Z )) is a partially ordered Hausdor§ topological group. Our proof of this result is indirect, and is based on some auxiliary observations. Lemma 3.3.3. Let X be a Hausdor§ topological group and Z a normal subgroup of X: Let (x )2A be a net in X such that x Z ! xZ for some x 2 X: Then, there is a net (y )2B in X such that y ! x and, for each  2 B, y Z = x Z for some  2 A. 8 EFE A. OK AND GIL RIELLA Proof. Let  : X ! X=Z be the identiÖcation map, that is, (!) := !Z: By deÖnition of the quotient topology, a subset U of X=Z is open i§  1 (U ) is open. But, if O is an open subset of X; then OZ is open in X, so, as we have  1 ((O)) = O  Z, it must be the case that (O) is open in X=Z. That is, as is well known,  is an open map. It follows that (N x) is an open neighborhood of xZ for every N 2 NX . As x Z ! xZ; then, for every N 2 NX there is an N 2 A such that xN Z 2 (N x): Consequently, for every N 2 NX there is a yN 2 N x such that xN Z = yN Z: We now deÖne B := NX to complete the proof of the lemma. Corollary 3.3.4. Let (X; %) be a preordered Hausdor§ topological group and Z a compact normal subgroup of X: If % is continuous, so is %Z . Proof. Assume that % is continuous. We wish to show that C(%Z ) is a closed subset of X=Z (Lemma 3.1.1). To this end, take any net (x ) in X with x Z %Z Z for each  and x Z ! xZ for some x 2 X: We use Lemma 3.3.3 to Önd a net (y ) in X, such that y ! x and, for each  2 B, y Z = x Z, for some  2 A. Then y Z %Z Z for each , which means that there is a net (z ) in Z such that y % z for each . As Z is compact, there is a convergent subnet of (z ); we denote this subnet also as (z ) for simplicity. Then, as % is continuous, we have x % lim z : But as X is Hausdor§, compactness of Z implies its closedness. Thus lim z 2 Z, and we may conclude that xZ %Z (lim z )Z = Z; that is, xZ 2 C(%Z ). The following is the main conclusion we wish to derive from these auxiliary resuls: Proposition 3.3.5. Let (X; %) be a preordered Hausdor§ topological group and Z a compact normal subgroup of X: Then, cl(%Z ) = (cl(%))Z : Proof. By Corollary 3.3.4, (cl(%))Z is closed in X=Z  X=Z. As %Z  (cl(%))Z ; therefore, cl(%Z )  (cl(%))Z : Conversely, take any x; y 2 X with xZ (cl(%))Z yZ: Then, x cl(%) yz for some z 2 Z: So, we may Önd two nets (x ) and (w ) such that x ! x; w ! yz and x % w for each : But then x Z ! xZ; w Z ! yzZ and x Z %Z w Z for each ; so we have xZ cl(%Z ) yzZ = yZ: Thus: cl(%Z )  (cl(%))Z : Proof of Theorem 3.3.2. We have already noted that (X=Z; %Z ) is a preordered Hausdor§ topological group at the beginning of this section. By Corollary 3.1.3, therefore, (X=Z;cl(%Z )) is a preordered Hausdor§ topological group. It remains to establish the antisymmetry of cl(%Z ). To this end, we Örst note that (X; cl(%)) is a preordered group by Corollary 3.1.3. By Lemma 3.3.1, therefore, (cl(%))Z must be antisymmetric, because Z is cl(%)-convex by hypothesis. Applying Proposition 3.3.5, then, completes the proof. 4. APPLICATIONS 4.1. Order-Dual with respect to the Closure of a Vector Order. A poset (X; <) is said to be a partially ordered linear space if X is a linear space and < is a vector relation on X in the sense that x + z < y + z holds for every x; y; z 2 X and  > 0 such that x < y: If X is a topological linear space here, we refer to (X; <) as a partially ordered topological linear space. CLOSURES OF PREORDERS 9 Let (X; <) be a partially ordered linear space. A subset C of X is said to be a cone in X if C  C (that is, x 2 C for each x 2 C) for all   0; and a convex cone in X if C is a cone in X such that C + C  C: Denoting the origin of X by 0; and following the notation we used in the previous section, we deÖne C(<) := fx 2 X : x < 0g; which is a convex cone in X: In turn, we say that a linear functional L : X ! R is <-positive if L(C(<))  R+ ; and that L is <-bounded if L(S) is a bounded subset of R whenever S is a <-bounded subset of X. We denote the collection of all <-positive linear functionals on X by L+ (X; <); and that of all <-bounded linear functionals on X by Lb (X; <). The former is a convex cone, and the latter a linear subspace, within the algebraic dual of X: Let (X; <) be a partially ordered topological linear space such that cl(<) is antisymmetric. (This is the case, for instance, when < is normal.) Then, (X;cl(<)) is also a partially ordered topological linear space, and it is natural to inquire under what conditions the order-duals of (X; <) and (X;cl(<)) would be identical. The following result shows that this indeed happens under fairly standard conditions. Theorem 4.1.1. Let (X; <) be a normally-ordered locally convex Hausdor§ topological linear space. If int(C(<)) 6= ;, then Lb (X; <) = Lb (X;cl(<)): Proof. Evidently, x cl(<) y i§ x cl(<) y, for all x; y 2 X and  > 0: We can therefore invoke Proposition 3.2.1 to conclude that (X;cl(<)) is a normally ordered topological linear space. We now recall that the order-dual of a normally ordered locally convex topological linear space whose positive cone has nonempty interior is the span of the convex cone of all positive linear functionals on that space. (See, for instance, [1], Corollary 2.27.) It follows that the order-duals of (X; <) and (X;cl(<)) equal the spans of L+ (X; <) and L+ (X;cl(<)), respectively. As it is obvious that L+ (X;cl(<)) is contained in L+ (X; <); it remains to show that L+ (X; <)  L+ (X;cl(<)): To this end, pick any <-positive linear functional L on X: We recall that a positive linear functional on a partially ordered topological linear space is continuous, provided that the positive cone of that space has nonempty interior. (This is a special case of the Nachbin-Namioka-Schaefer Theorem; see Proposition 2.16 of [18].) Thus, under the assumption int(C(<)) 6= ;, our L must be continuous. Then, part (c) of Lemma 3.1.1 implies L(C(cl(<))) = L(cl(C(<)))  cl(L(C(<)))  R+ ; that is, L 2 L+ (X;cl(<)). It follows that L+ (X; <) = L+ (X;cl(<)), and our proof is complete. 4.2. Continuous Extension of Partial Orders on Groups. A preorder D on a nonempty set X is said to extend another preorder % on X if the symmetric and asymmetric parts of % are contained in those of D, respectively. The problem of extending a given preorder that satisÖes a given property to a total preorder which satisÖes the same property is a major topic of interest in order theory and its applications. In particular, in topological order theory, an important problem is to determine when a given continuous preorder on a topological space can be extended to a continuous total preorder; see, for instance, [9] and [2]. We now provide an extension theorem of this áavor in the context of topological groups. 10 EFE A. OK AND GIL RIELLA Theorem 4.2.1. Let (X; %) be a preordered commutative topological group. If % is open-continuous, there exists a continuous and translation invariant total preorder on X that extends %. Proof. In [17] it is proved that every translation invariant preorder on a commutative group can be extended to a translation invariant total preorder on that group. Therefore, let % be any translation invariant total preorder that extends %. By Corollary 3.1.3, cl(% ) is a continuous and translation invariant preorder on X: As % is total, so is cl(% ). Finally, take any x; y 2 X with x  y. Then, by opencontinuity of %, there are open neighborhoods U and V of x and y; respectively, such that u  v for every (u; v) 2 U  V: As % extends %, we also have u  v for every (u; v) 2 U  V; where  is the asymmetric part of % . It follows readily from this fact that y cl(% ) x cannot hold. As cl(% ) is total, therefore, (x; y) is contained in the asymmetric part of cl(% ): Conclusion: cl(% ) extends %. There are a few interesting open problems that emanate from these results. First, we do not know, but conjecture that it is not true, if one can replace the open-continuity condition in Theorem 4.2.1 with continuity. Second, it is not clear when one can ensure that the extending preorder found in Theorem 4.2.1 is either a partial or a lattice order. 4.3. Numerical Representation of Preorders. Let (X; %) be a preordered set. Recall that a function f : X ! R is said to be %-increasing if f (x)  f (y) for every x; y 2 X with x % y, and strictly %-increasing if it is %-increasing and f (x) > f (y) for every x; y 2 X with x  y. We say that % admits a numerical representation if there exists a strictly %-increasing real map on X. In decision theory, where (X; %) is a preordered topological space, a strictly %increasing and continuous real map on X is called a Richter-Peleg utility function, and if there exists such a function, % is said to admit a Richter-Peleg representation. (See [3] and [7] for outlines of the theory of Richter-Peleg utility representation.) In this terminology, Levinís Theorem ñ see [12] ñ says that every continuous preorder on a locally compact and second countable Hausdor§ topological space X admits a Richter-Peleg representation. The following result gives an instance in which this result extends to the case of open-continuous preorders. Theorem 4.3.1. Let X be a locally compact and second countable Hausdor§ topological group. Then, every open-continuous and translation invariant preorder % on X admits a Richter-Peleg representation. Proof. Let % be an open-continuous and translation invariant preorder % on X: By Proposition 3.1.2, cl(%) is a continuous preorder on X; so by Levinís Theorem, there is a continuous and strictly cl(%)-increasing real map on X: As % is opencontinuous, this map is strictly %-increasing as well. Corollary 4.3.2. Every open-continuous and translation invariant preorder on a compact Hausdor§ topological group X admits a Richter-Peleg representation. Remark 4.3.3. (a) The classical Birkho§-Kakutani Theorem says that every Örst (and hence second) countable topological group is metrizable. But a locally compact and second countable metrizable topological space is homeomorphic to a locally compact and separable metric space. It is thus without loss of generality to CLOSURES OF PREORDERS 11 take X in Theorem 4.3.1 as a locally compact and separably metrizable topological group. (b) We can generalize Levinís Theorem, and hence Theorem 4.3.1, by replacing the second countability property with -compactness. The proof, which is routine, is sketched in [7]. (c) Theorem 4.3.1 complements the main theorem of [4] which states that every open-continuous and order-separable partial order on a locally compact commutative Hausdor§ topological group admits a Richter-Peleg representation. In e§ect, Theorem 4.3.1 shows that if the topological group at hand has a countable basis (or is -compact), then in the said result we can omit the requirements of commutativity, antisymmetry and order-separability. In particular, for compact Hausdor§ topological groups, Corollary 4.3.2 is more general than that theorem. 4.4. Existence of Extremal Elements Relative to a Partial Order. Let (X; %) be a preordered set, and recall that an element x of a subset S of X is said to be %-maximal in S if y  x does not hold for any y 2 S: (Here  is the asymmetric part of %.) In turn, x is said to be %-minimal in S if it is --maximal in S. We denote the set of all %-maximal and %-minimal elements in S by MAX (S; %) and MIN (S; %); respectively. The following result provides su¢cient conditions for the existence of extrema in a set with respect to a given translation invariant partial order on a topological group. Theorem 4.4.1. Let (X; <) be a normally ordered Hausdor§ topological group, and S a nonempty compact subset of X. Then, MAX (S; <) 6= ; and MIN (S; <) 6= ;. Proof. By Proposition 3.2.1, cl(<) is a partial order on X; and due to the antisymmetry of cl(<); an element x of S is cl(<)-maximal in S i§ y cl(<) x fails for any y 2 Snfxg: It follows that MAX (S;cl(<))  MAX (S; <): But a classical theorem of order theory says that every compact topological space admits a maximal element relative to a continuous partial order on that space.6 We thus have MAX (S;cl(<)) 6= ;; and our Örst assertion is proved. The second assertion follows from applying what we have just established in the context of the poset (X; 4). 4.5. The Topological/Transitive Closure Problem. In his famous dissertation, [10] showed that a subset of a topological space can generate at most 14 sets upon taking topological closures and complements. A similar result is proved by [8] where it is shown that a binary relation on a (nonempty) set can generate at most 10 binary relations under the operations of transitive closure and complementation. (The transitive closure of a binary relation R on nonempty set X, denoted by tran(R); is the smallest transitive relation on X that contains R; and is given by tran(R) := R [ R2 [   .) We are then led to the following topological/transitive closure problem: How many distinct binary relations may be obtained by taking topological and transitive closures of a binary relation deÖned on a topological space? [13] have recently shown that there is no Önite upper bound to this e§ect. (In fact, a binary relation may well generate inÖnitely many distinct binary relations by applying these two closure operators.) However, it is still of interest to Önd out if a Önite bound can be obtained by imposing suitable conditions on the 6 This result goes back to [21], but see also [22]. 12 EFE A. OK AND GIL RIELLA binary relation and the topological space under consideration. The following is a result of this form. Theorem 4.5.1. Let R be a reáexive translation invariant binary relation on a topological group X. Then, at most 4 relations can be generated from R by taking topological and transitive closures. (This is the best possible bound.) Proof. It is plain that tran(R) is a preorder on X: This relation is also translation invariant. To see this, take any x and y in X; and suppose there is a Önite subset fa1 ; :::; an g of X such that x = a1 R   R an = y: As ai R ai+1 implies ai ! R ai+1 ! for each i = 1; :::; n  1; we see that x! = a1 ! R   R an ! = y!; and hence x! tran(R) y!; for every ! 2 X: One can show analogously that !x tran(R) !y for every ! 2 X: Consequently, we may apply Proposition 3.1.2 to conclude that cl(tran(R)) is a preorder. As this relation obviously contains cl(R); therefore, tran(cl(R)))  cl(tran(R)); and hence, cl(tran(cl(R)))  cl(tran(R)): As the converse containment is trivially true, then, we may conclude that cl(tran(cl(R))) = cl(tran(R)). Consequently, any binary relation that can be generated from R under the operations of transitive closure and topological closure must be included in the set fcl(R); tran(R); tran(cl(R)); cl(tran(R))g. It remains to prove that 4 is the best possible upper bound in the context of Theorem 4.5.1. In what follows, we write x ^ for the 3-vector (x1 ; x2 ; x3 ) and x ~ for (x4 ; x5 ) for any given 5-vector x := (x1 ; :::; x5 ): Let us pick a closed cone C in R3 such that conv(C) is not closed (cf. [11]), and deÖne the binary relation S on R3 by x S y i§ x  y 2 C: Next, we deÖne the binary relation R on R5 by x R y i§ x ^ S y^ and either x ~  y~ or x ~ = y~:7 This is a vector relation, and for any x and y in R5 ; we have a. x cl(R) y i§ x ^ S y^ and x ~  y~; b. x tran(cl(R)) y i§ x ^ tran(S) y^ and x ~  y~; c. x tran(R) y i§ x ^ tran(S) y^ and either x ~  y~ or x ~ = y~; d. x cl(tran(R)) y i§ x ^ cl(tran(S)) y^ and x ~  y~; As all four of these binary relations are distinct, we are done. References 1. Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Rabee Tourky, Cones and duality, AMS, Rhode Island, 2007. 2. Gianni Bosi and Gerhard Herden, On a possible continuous analogue of the szpilrajn theorem and its strengthening by dushnik and miller, Order 23 (2006), no. 4, 271ñ296. 3. Douglas S. Bridges and Ghanshyam Mehta, Representations of preference orderings, SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 1995. 4. 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