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Controversy in Genesis of Shilajitu

2021, IRJPMS

Shilajitu is one of the Maharasa [1]. It is named as it comes out of the stones heated by the sun in summer in the form of thick exudation having many shades. It is found in Himalayan regions, Kashmir, Bhutan and Tibet. It also occurs in the vicinity of petroleum and coal mines. Ayurvedic texts had mentioned that Loha, Tamra, Swarna and Roupya varieties of Shilajitu are found in the vicinity of the mines of these metals and Shilajitu is formed as exudates from these rocks. But Shilajitu is not found either in Rajasthan where there are copper mines or in Bihar, where there are iron mines. All these regions are well-known as hot-places, still no Shilajitu was found there. Further, there are many similarities between the plant Snuhi and Shilajitu .A controversy is there among the practitioners of Ayurveda regarding the origin of Shilajitu whether it is mineral or vegetable origin. Considering the above facts, this review gives a comprehensive approach on Shilajitu highlighting the significance, definition, source, synonyms, varieties, origin, physical properties, and chemical constituents including controversy in genesis of Shilajitu.

International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences ISSN (Online): 2581-3277 Controversy in Genesis of Shilajitu Dr. R. Magesh1, Dr. R. Jayalekshmi2 1 Professor & HOD, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Ahalia Ayurveda Medical College Hospital, Kerala University of Health Science, Palakkad, Kerala, India, 678557 2 Professor, Department of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga, Ahalia Ayurveda Medical College Hospital, Kerala University of Health Science, Palakkad, Kerala, India, 678577 Email address: dr.lekshmy83@gmail.com Abstract— Shilajitu is one of the Maharasa [1]. It is named as it comes out of the stones heated by the sun in summer in the form of thick exudation having many shades. It is found in Himalayan regions, Kashmir, Bhutan and Tibet. It also occurs in the vicinity of petroleum and coal mines. Ayurvedic texts had mentioned that Loha, Tamra, Swarna and Roupya varieties of Shilajitu are found in the vicinity of the mines of these metals and Shilajitu is formed as exudates from these rocks. But Shilajitu is not found either in Rajasthan where there are copper mines or in Bihar, where there are iron mines. All these regions are well- known as hot- places, still no Shilajitu was found there. Further, there are many similarities between the plant Snuhi and Shilajitu .A controversy is there among the practitioners of Ayurveda regarding the origin of Shilajitu whether it is mineral or vegetable origin. Considering the above facts, this review gives a comprehensive approach on Shilajitu highlighting the significance, definition, source, synonyms, varieties, origin, physical properties, and chemical constituents including controversy in genesis of Shilajitu. Keywords— Ayurveda, Controversy, Shilajitu, Snuhi. I. blackish, heavy, smooth, free from sand and soil; having a smell similar to cow‟s urine is considered to be the best. INTRODUCTION I n the traditional Indian pharmacopoeia, out of the 220 mineral and metal substances used in traditional Indian medical systems, Shilajitu is a natural mineral, a gift of nature's resource. Shilajitu is widely used in oriental medicine to arrest ageing and to accelerate the process of rejuvenationthe two major attributes of an Ayurvedic medicine. It is a potent and very safe dietary supplement, restoring the energetic balance and potentially able to prevent several diseases. Types Charaka classified it into four varieties, on the basis of the metal contents such as Gold, Silver, Copper and Iron. Susrutha mentioned 6 varieties of Shilajitu adding Trapusa and Vanga varieties to the above four varieties. In Rasaratna Samuchaya, Shilajitu is classified into two types, Gomutra Shilajitu and Karpura Shilajitu. Gomutra Shilajitu possesses the odours of cow‟s urine. Karpura Shilajitu possesses the odours of camphor [2]. In Ayurveda Prakasha, two types of Shilajitu are mentioned as Giri Sambhava and Ksharabhumi Janya [3]. In these first one can be considered as Gomutra Shilajitu and the second one as Karpura Shilajitu. Definition Shilajitu is described by Brihatrayi. According to Susrutha Samhita, Shilajitu exudates similar to „Laksha‟ and comes out from the mountains due to intense sun heat .It is claimed to destroy all the diseases. Out of its varieties that which is S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Shilajitu Swarna Rajata Tamra Loha Trapu Naga TABLE 1. Special properties of different kinds of Shilajitu [4] Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka Appearance Madhura, Tikta Snigdha, Guru Sita Katu Reddish in colour like hibiscus flower. Kshara, Katu, Amla Guru, Vidahi Sita Madhura Whitish in colour similar to moon or conch shell. Tikta, Katu Tikshna Ushna Katu Peacock neck like colour. Tikta, Lavana ---Sita Katu Its colour resembles like Guggulu. Tikta, Katu ------It looks like Tin. Tikta Mridu Katu --Black colour. and render yellowish colour. Shilajitu is insoluble in alcohol, ether and chloroform. As it is moist and sticky, it is used for tableting. It has a pungent smell like cow‟s urine due to hippuric acid [5]. Physical Properties Hemagarbha Shilajitu- It is red just like Japapushpa, Guru and Gomutra Gandhi. Taragarbha Shilajitu- It is Pandu, Guru and Gomutra Gandhi Tamragarbha Shilajitu- It is Barhi kanthabha, Ghana, Guru and Gomutra Gandhi Lohagarbha Shilajitu- It is just like Guggulu, Jatapakshabha, Guru, Mridhu and Krishna. Shilajitu is black in colour and shiny. It is heavy and burns on fire without fumes or smoke. It slowly dissolves in water Chemical Composition The Chemical composition of it varies in wide range; hence its chemical formula cannot be derived. The organic substances mainly urea, causes its pungent odour. English Name: Black bitumen or Mineral pitch 29 Dr. R. Magesh and Dr. R. Jayalekshmi, “Controversy in Genesis of Shilajitu,” International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences (IRJPMS), Volume 4, Issue 5, pp. 29-30, 2021. International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences ISSN (Online): 2581-3277 TABLE 2. Chemical composition of Shilajitu Minerals 38.65% Organic substances 36.2% Water 9.5% Nitrogenous substances 1.3% Lime 7.8% Mica 1.35% II. DISCUSSION There are several hypotheses regarding the origin of Shilajitu  European scientists Stiffenson and Compbell [1813] had done on elaborate research on the chemical composition of Black bitumen i.e Shilajitu  Indian scientists Rajnath and Prasad observed that a plant resembling Snuhi grows in the vicinity of rocks which exude Shilajitu.  Indian scientist Chopra also solicited that Shilajitu is a plant originated substance and moreover, the hippuric acid albuminoids (which are found in animal urine) has an animal origin also.  The scientists Singh and Sharma observed the plant resembling common milk hedge (Snuhi) which is known as „Euphorbia royalina‟. Controversy Studies More than 150 years ago, European scientists Stiffenson and Compbell [1813] had done on elaborate research on the chemical composition of Black bitumen called Shilajitu. They had found that it contains impure form of mineral as Bitumen (or) mineral resin. They had also correlated black bitumen with coal and related minerals. A geological survey of various samples of Shilajitu from western Himalayas was done by Indian scientists Rajnath and Prasad [1942]. They found that inflammable mineral substance bitumen or the rocks from which Shilajitu exudates are not related with the genesis of Shilajitu. They observed that a plant resembling Snuhi grows in the vicinity of rocks which exude Shilajitu. Indian scientist Chopra [1958] showed by chemical analysis that Shilajitu contains albuminoids, gums, resins, benzoic acid, fatty acid, and hippuric acid. He also solicited that Shilajitu is a plant originated substance and moreover, the hippuric acid albuminoids (which are found in animal urine) has an animal origin also. The scientists Singh and Sharma (1970) endorsed the postulate of Chopra. The plant resembling common milk hedge (Snuhi) which is known as „Euphorbia royalina‟, that exudes ample amount of latex is the origin of Shilajitu was postulated by the scientist Pande (1973). Scientists Joshi and Lal (1976) analysed the rocks which exude Shilajitu and showed that both are totally unrelated chemically. The rocks contained very insignificant amount of Iron. From these observations it is clear that the inter relation between the rocks and their exudation, Shilajitu is a very fable. Moreover, the scientists enlightened that the variation in colours of Shilajitu are due to changes in the colour of latex in colours of Snuhi, due to atmosphere. First it is golden yellow, than turns into red- brownish and finally black [6]. III. CONCLUSION The chemical analysis of Shilajitu and latex of Snuhi they proved similarity and stated the possibility Shilajitu to be of plant originated. All research studies established a definite relationship between Euphorbia royalina (Snuhi) latex and the formation Shilajitu. But still controversy remains as there are Ayurvedic scholars who believe only in ancient texts of Ayurveda. From these views it seems that Shilajitu is to be considered as a plant originated substance. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Rasaratna Samuchaya, Dr.A.D.Satpute, Sanskrit text with English translation, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Delhi, 2006, Ch- 2, Pg.no. 18. Rasaratna Samuchaya, Dr.A.D.Satpute, Sanskrit text with English translation, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Delhi, 2006, Ch- 2, Pg.no.40. Ayurveda Praksha, Srigulraj Sharma, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, 2007, Ch- 5, Verse No 93, Pg.no. 427. Susrutha Samhita,Hindi Commentary, Kaviraj Ambikadutta Shastri, Part-I, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan,Varanasi, 2012, Ch- 12,Chikitsa sthana, Pg.no. 81. Rasashastra, P. Himasagara Chandra Murthy, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 2013, Pg.no. 218. A Text Book of Rasashastra, Dr. Vilas A.Dole, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Delhi, 2010, Ch- 1, Pg.no: 202, 203. 30 Dr. R. Magesh and Dr. R. Jayalekshmi, “Controversy in Genesis of Shilajitu,” International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences (IRJPMS), Volume 4, Issue 5, pp. 29-30, 2021.