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Department of Psychology
The Varieties of Pathways to Dysfluent Reading Comparing
Subtypes of Children With Dyslexia at Letter, Word, and Connected
Text Levels of Reading
Maryanne Wolf
Tufts University,
Robin Morris
Georgia State University,
Maureen Lovett
University of Toronto,
Tami Katzir
Haifa University,
Young-Suk Kim
Florida State University,
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Katzir, T., Kim, Y-S, Wolf, M., Morris, R. & Lovett, M. (2008). The varieties of pathways to dysfluent reading:
Comparing subtypes of children with dyslexia at letter, word and connected-text reading. Journal of
Learning Disabilities, 41(1), 47-66.
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The Varieties of Pathways to Dysfluent Reading
Comparing Subtypes of Children With Dyslexia at Letter,
Word, and Connected Text Levels of Reading
Tami Katzir
Haifa University, Mount Carmel, Israel
Young-Suk Kim
Florida State University, Tallahassee, and Florida Center for Reading Research
Maryanne Wolf
Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts
Robin Morris
Georgia State University, Atlanta
Maureen W. Lovett
University of Toronto, Ontario
Authors’ Note: Support for this research was provided by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Grant HD30970 to
Robin Morris, Maryanne Wolf, and Maureen W. Lovett at Georgia State University, Tufts University, and the Hospital for Sick Children, University
of Toronto, respectively, and from the AVI grant for doctoral studies of Tami Katzir. Some of the experimental measures described in this study
(Word Reading Efficiency, Elision, Blending) are now available on a nationally normed basis as the Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE) and
the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP), respectively. We thank the families of our participants and their schools for their
cooperation and support. We also thank past and present members of the Center for Reading and Language Research at Tufts University. We thank
Nonie Lesaux and David Share for helpful comments. Finally, we thank Kristy Cooper for technical assistance with this manuscript.
The majority of work on the double-deficit hypothesis (DDH) of dyslexia has been done at the letter
and word levels of reading. Key research questions addressed in this study are (a) do readers with
different subtypes of dyslexia display differences in fluency at particular reading levels (e.g., letter,
word, and connected text)? and (b) do children with dyslexia identified by either low-achievement or
ability–achievement discrepancy criteria show similar differences when classified by the DDH? To
address these questions, the authors assessed a sample of 158 children with severe reading impairments
in second and third grades on an extensive battery and classified them into three reader subtypes using
the DDH. The results demonstrated that the three DDH subtypes exhibited differences in fluency at
different levels of reading (letter, word, and connected text), underscoring the separate reading profiles
of these subtypes and the different possible routes to dysfluency in reading disabilities. Furthermore,
the results suggest that the different patterns among DDH subtypes are primarily driven by the ability–
achievement discrepancy group. The implications of these findings are discussed for intervention,
reading theory, and a more refined understanding of heterogeneity.
Keywords: dyslexia; fluency; naming speed; phonological processing; connected-text; Double
Deficit Hypothesis; classification; early identification/intervention
The double-deficit hypothesis (DDH) of dyslexia rep- resents an evolving, theoretically driven approach
to subtyping classification that incorporates two of the best studied characteristics of most readers with
dyslexia— deficits in phonological processing and in the processes underlying naming speed (Wolf, 1999;
Wolf et al., 2002). However, a recent review by Vukovic and Siegel (2006) has called into question the
existence of a core deficit in naming speed for readers with dyslexia. This study examines the utility of the
DDH framework for examining differences in an area less covered in the recent review, namely, potential
differences of children classified by the DDH at the connected text level.
In ongoing research on cognitive development, there is a shift from a focus on identifying universals of
development to an effort to describe and analyze both the observed variation in development and the
underlying factors (Fischer & Pare-Blagoev, 2000; Fischer & Pipp, 1984). For example, Fischer and PareBlagoev proposed a dynamic systems analysis to illuminate the pluralistic and multidimensional nature of
development. Such a dynamic systems approach begins with a
recognition of the variability of human activity and seeks to identify and analyze patterns of stability and order
within the variation. . . . The focus is important because variation has historically been typically regarded as
noise due to experimenter or instrument error or random processes. (p. 850)
The characterization of individual differences is important not only in the study of typical cognitive
development, but also in the study of less typical development. In the present study, we examine group-based
differences based on a possible classification of readers with dyslexia at different reading levels, particularly in
the less-studied area of reading fluency. The significance of this approach lies in its potential for illuminating
multiple pathways to dysfluent connected text reading, with the implications of such findings for diagnosis
and intervention. In the present study, we aimed (a) to examine multiple pathways to dysfluent reading in
word-level and connected text reading for readers with dyslexia using a DDH framework; and (b) to examine
patterns of dsyfluent reading in word-level and connected text reading using the DDH for children who are
classified as having a reading disability for different etiological reasons: one group of children who were
referred due to overall low achievement, and another group of children who were referred due to an ability–
achievement gap.
Variation, Classification, and the DDH
From early 19th-century emphasis on visually based explanations of dyslexia to recent emphasis on
phonologically based explanations, the history of reading disabilities research has seen a number of efforts to
explain reading failure through parsimonious discrepancy models, or single- deficit models. In the past two
decades, it has been well established that children with dyslexia often have difficulty with phonological processing.
Specifically, children with dyslexia often fail to develop an awareness that words— both written and spoken—can
be broken down into smaller units of sounds (e.g., Catts, 1996; Stanovich, 1991). Phonological processing has
been suggested as the core and, in many cases, single deficit that children with reading disabilities face.
Although systematic research on the role of phonological processes in reading failure and intervention has
proven highly predictive for many children, it has been insufficient in dealing with the heterogeneity of
reading disabilities and the complexity of reading breakdown, particularly in the area of reading fluency (for a
recent review, see Meyer & Felton, 1999; see also Breznitz & Share, 1992; Wolf & Katzir-Cohen, 2001).
The DDH does not attempt to explain all sources of reading failure but, rather, uses the two best known
behavioral deficits as a first index of these underlying sources. More specifically, the DDH integrates the
unidimensional view— in which a single core phonological deficit is the underlying mechanism in reading
impairment—with a view in which the range of component processes that underlie naming speed are seen as an
additional set of possible, disruptive factors. Wolf and Bowers (1999) explored several other potential hypotheses
to explain the relationships between reading problems and a deficit in processes underlying rapid naming.
For example, Bowers and Wolf (1993; see also Katzir et al., 2006) described how a deficit in naming speed
might be responsible for some—but not all—orthographic development and reading deficits. In this view,
processes responsible for the slow recognition of multiple letters in common orthographic patterns adversely
affect word identification, with concomitant effects on dysfluent reading and comprehension. Indeed, naming
speed has been found to be related both to the latency in single- word and connected text reading (Bowers,
Sunseth, & Golden, 1999; Bowers & Wolf, 1993) and to the effective- ness of practice in producing quick
recognition of single words and text passages (Bowers et al., 1999; Levy, Bourassa, & Horn, 1999; Levy &
Lysynchuk, 1997; Young & Bowers, 1995).
A recent review by Vukovic and Siegel (2006) called into question the validity of the DDH for classifying
children with reading disabilities. Vukovic and Siegel claimed that inconsistencies in sample characterization,
methods of classification, and violation of statistical para- meters make generalization of specific findings
difficult. However, as represented in the review, a growing body of work now demonstrates that there are discrete
groups of children with dyslexia who show single deficits in either naming speed or phonological processes or
combined deficits in both areas (Badian, 1997; Carver, 1997; Compton & Carlisle, 1994; Kirby, Parrila, & Pfeiffer,
2003; Lovett, 1987; Lovett, Steinbach, & Frijters, 2000; Manis, Doi, & Bhadha, 2000; Manis, Seidenberg, &
Doi, 1999; Wolf & Bowers, 1999). As shown in one study not cited in the review, children with both
phonological and naming speed deficits were consistently found to possess the most severe problems in reading
accuracy and reading comprehension— a finding that suggests a possible cumulative effect of multiple deficit
sources (Kirby et al., 2003).
The review by Vukovic and Siegel (2006) did highlight, however, two major gaps in the study of the DDH.
First, no studies to date have systematically compared the three subtypes on oral reading fluency and
comprehension. Oral reading fluency allows for the comparison of the disruptive effects of individual deficits (e.g.,
naming speed or phono- logical processes) at the connected text reading level. Investigating differences at this level
will illuminate the possible cumulative effects of combined deficits or, potentially, the effect of component-general
processing speed impediments. Second, no study has directly compared different types of children with reading
disabilities when they are segregated according to the DDH. Thus, children who are characterized as gardenvariety poor readers and children who are identified as having discrepancy-based dyslexia need to be compared.
The DDH and Multiple Sources of Dysfluency
A major implication of the subtype analysis in the DDH is that there may be multiple pathways to reading
break- down, and by extension, we hypothesize, to dysfluent reading (Wolf & Bowers, 1999, 2000). Meyer and
Felton’s (1999) review on reading fluency implied that a breakdown in fluent reading can happen at the sublexical,
lexical, sentence, or higher conceptual integration levels. More recently, Berninger, Abbott, Billingsley, and
Nagy (2001) argued that dysfluency can arise from deficits in efficiency, automaticity, or executive functions.
Difficulties in efficiency would be evidenced in poor readers by accurate but slow performance; difficulties in
automaticity would be characterized by many repetitions yet good monitoring; and difficulties in executive
function would result in poor monitoring by readers of what they read.
Wolf and Katzir-Cohen (2001) integrated a developmental view of fluency with a componential view. In their
definition, which is also used in this study, they referred to reading fluency as the product of the initial
development of both accuracy and automaticity in the processes and systems that underlie reading at the levels
of letters, words, and connected text. According to their definition, achieving reading fluency involves the
successful integration of information from phonological, orthographic, semantic, syntactic, and morphological
Taken together, Wolf and Katzir-Cohen’s (2001), Berninger et al.’s (2001), and Meyer and Felton’s (1999)
conceptualizations of fluency reinforce the suggestion that there are different levels at work in fluency,
particularly sublexical, word, and sentence levels, and that different systems are used in varying degrees at
each level. Thus, whereas successful performance at each level is necessary for performance at the next level,
such performance is not sufficient for advancement to the next level, because each level requires additional
coordination and differentiation from the previous one (Kame’enui, Simmons, Good, & Harn, 2001). As the
processes under- lying naming speed, which are serial in nature, are suggested to be important for the
development of fluency, examining the DDH at the connected text level, which goes beyond single word
processing to serial, sequential processing, promises to shed light on the potential existence of separate reader
Garden-Variety Poor Readers Versus Ability–Achievement Discrepancy
A review of the literature on reading disabilities indicates cognitive differences between “garden-variety”
poor readers and children with dyslexia outside of the word recognition module (i.e., these children differ in
intelligence), but there is limited indication that the nature of processing within the word recognition module
differs at all for poor readers with and without an IQ–achievement discrepancy. In fact, a number of studies
have found no evidence that children with dyslexia and garden-variety poor readers are different in reading,
mathematics, or spelling skills, or in other basic cognitive processes (e.g., Share, McGee, & Silva, 1989; Siegel,
1992, 2003; Stanovich, 1989; Stanovich & Siegel, 1994). Furthermore, Siegel (1993) has found that most of
the variance in word reading is contributed by phonological processing, as measured by pseudoword reading.
Based on these findings, Siegel (2003) has suggested identifying all children performing below the 20th or
25th percentile on phonological decoding as having a reading disability.
Although the field is shifting away from discrepancy models to low achievement–based identification models,
the issue of a single parsimonious deficit should be reevaluated. Inevitably, in a process as complex as reading,
a parsimonious explanation of reading difficulty such as phonological processing can never explain all
sources of reading breakdown, with the result that some children elude diagnosis, classification, and
treatment. This may be especially true for children who are only diagnosed on the basis of their low reading
scores, because there may be multiple pathways that lead to low reading skills. Thus, the examination of
potential sub- groups within this group could help tailor an appropriate intervention for them as well. In this
research, we examine whether discrepancy versus garden-variety differences are found among groups of
children with reading disabilities who are subtyped in ways other than IQ.
Within this context, and under the new definition of fluency proposed by Wolf and Katzir-Cohen (2001), the
overarching question to be resolved becomes the following: From an etiological perspective, can different subtypes of dyslexia be characterized by specific patterns of fluency deficits at different reading levels, or is there a
more universal path to dysfluent reading, manifested in all readers with dyslexia?
As a first step toward investigating these questions, this study focuses on the group-based differences using
the DDH framework in the reading levels that lead to reading fluency, specifically:
1. Do children classified by the DDH differ on fluency at the letter, word, and connected text levels?
2. Do children identified by either low-achievement or ability–achievement discrepancy criteria show
similar patterns of differences when classified by the DDH?
To address these questions, we subtyped the dyslexia populations in this study according to the DDH (Wolf
& Bowers, 1999; Wolf et al., 2002)—a framework that acknowledges the importance of both accuracy and
automaticity in reading performance. We then compared performance across fluency-based subtypes on
letter, word, and connected text reading measures. We hypothesized that children with different DDH
subtypes would differ from each other on the different reading levels leading to dysfluent reading: The
children with phono- logical deficits would have more difficulty with accuracy, the children with
shortcomings in the processes underlying naming speed would have more difficulties with rate, and the
children with double deficits would have the most impairment on all measures. We also hypothesized that
the differences would become more apparent as the tasks became more demanding at the connected text
reading level. Finally, we hypothesized that different patterns might be more apparent among different
subtypes in the ability–achievement discrepancy group than in the low-achievement group because children
with overall low achievement, despite their DDH subtype classification, may not have disparate
underlying deficits.
Our 158 study participants were selected from a larger sample of 269 children with severe reading
disabilities who participated in a 4-year, multisite treatment study funded by the National Institute
of Child and Human Development (NICHD; Wolf et al., 2002). The NICHD researchers recruited
participants from public and private schools in three large metropolitan areas (Boston, Atlanta, and
Toronto). Classroom teachers referred students with observed difficulties in learning to read for
participation in the intervention. All participants were screened for participation at either the end of
first grade or the beginning of second grade. Inclusion criteria for the NICHD study required that the
child’s (a) primary language was English, (b) age fell between 6-4 and 8-6 at the time of initial
testing, (c) hearing and vision were within typical limits, and (d) race was either European American
or African American. Exclusion criteria included (a) a composite score on the Kaufman Brief
Intelligence Tests (K-BIT; Kaufman & Kaufman, 1990) below 70, (b) a history of psychotic or other
serious psychiatric or neurological illness, and (c) a vision or hearing impairment. Common
comorbid disorders such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were allowed to covary
naturally and did not serve as exclusionary criteria. Based on Morrison (see summary in Stevens,
1996), to control for IQ scores in the subsample used in this study, participants had to meet an
additional criterion of a full scale composite score of 80 or above on the Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children, third edition (WISC-III; Wechsler, 1991).
Selection Criteria and Subtype Classification
Full Sample
To guarantee a wide representation of poor readers in the intervention program, NICHD researchers selected
children who met the criteria for either low achievement (LA) or regression-corrected ability–achievement
discrepancy (AA) definitions of reading disability (Stanovich & Siegel, 1994). They included participants by
the LA criteria if their composite K-BIT score was higher than 80 and their average achievement on multiple
measures was equal to or less than a standard score of 85. They included participants under the AA criteria if
their actual reading scores fell one or more standard errors of the estimate below their predicted scores (as
determined by regressing obtained scores on intellectual ability to correct for their correlation). Achievement
level was established on the Word Identification subtest of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test–Revised
(WRMT-R; Woodcock, 1987). Because findings from previous research indicated that in referred samples,
reading dis- ability is more prevalent in boys than in girls, female students were preferentially included in this
study. This served to increase the proportion of girls within the sample (Shaywitz, Shaywitz, Fletcher, &
Escobar, 1990).
For the present study, we identified a subsample of 158 children from the NICHD sample for whom we
had complete data for all participant selection, subtyping, and most experimental variables. Our subsample
included 87 boys and 71 girls, which dramatically minimized the gender gap. Three main considerations directed
participant selection criteria and study design: generalizability, ability to evaluate diverse classification models of
reading disability, and replicability. In the NICHD sample, researchers chose three main factors within a factorial
design to increase diversity of children with developmental reading disabilities: socioeconomic status (SES),
race, and intelligence (IQ). They derived SES from parental occupational and educational information using the
Hollingshead SES index and characterized all children in the sample as either aver- age or low SES. The dyslexia
sample in the present study included 69 African American children and 89 European American children.
Children’s demographic information is summarized in Table 1.
Researchers used the K-BIT Composite IQ score as a screening measure of intellectual ability in the
NICHD sample. As described earlier, participant selection criteria for this study included a Full Scale IQ
score on the WISC of 80 and above (see Table 2).
NICHD identified three subtypes of readers with dyslexia according to the classification framework
of the DDH (Wolf et al., 2002). They characterized these subtypes respectively by phonological deficits,
naming speed deficits, and a combination of both deficits (see Figure 1). In this study, we identified a
phonological deficit (PD) if a child’s score on the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP;
Wagner, Torgesen, & Rashotte, 1999) Elision, but not Blending subtest (see Note 1) was at least 1 SD below
age-normed expectations. We identified a naming speed deficit (NSD) if a child’s rapid automatized
naming (RAN) latency performance was more than 1 SD below age norms on the RAN Letter task. We
classified children who met criteria for both phonological and naming speed deficits in a double- deficit (DD)
subgroup. We characterized children who did not fit into any of these groups as having neither deficit, and
we labeled them as having other reading impairment (ORI). The sample distribution according to the DDH
framework can be seen in Figure 1.
LA and AA Subgroups
In addition to the criteria described earlier, in the sub- group analysis of the LA and AA groups, we used a
more stringent criterion: we removed children whose WRMT-R Word Identification score was above 85,
because preliminary analysis showed higher representation of children whose Word Identification score was
higher than 85 in the LA group than in the AA group. The removal of children whose Word Identification
score was within 1 SD ensured that the remaining children showed high impairment and were more
comparable in their sight-word reading skills. This reduced the sample sizes to 73 children in the LA reading
disability group and 39 children in AA reading disability group. Table 3 presents demographic information
for the LA and AA groups. There was no significant difference in their socioeconomic status, F(1, 111) = .08,
p = .78. Figures 2 and 3 show the composition of the DDH subtypes in the LA group and AA group, respectively.
It is notable that DD is more highly represented in the AA group (63%) than in the LA group (41%).
Processing-Related Constructs and Measures
Cognitive Ability
To assess cognitive ability, we used the WISC-III, which is scaled for children ages 6 to 16 (Wechsler,
1991). This comprehensive measure of children’s intellectual abilities is divided into two scales: a Verbal scale
and a Nonverbal scale. The subtests that make up the Verbal scale include Information, Similarities,
Arithmetic, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. The subtests that make up the Nonverbal scale include Picture
Completion, Coding, Picture Arrangement, Block Design, and Object Assembly.
Rapid Letter Naming
The Rapid Automatized Naming Test (RAN; Denckla & Rudel, 1976; Wolf, Bally, & Morris, 1986;
Wolf & Denckla, 2005) comprises four subtests containing 50 stimuli each. The first three subtests,
containing single category stimuli (Digits, Letters, and Objects, respectively), were used in this study. The
stimuli in each sub- test are arranged randomly in a 10 × 5 matrix. The participant is required to name the
stimuli in each subtest as quickly and accurately as possible. Speed and accuracy are measured. Standard
scores (M = 100, SD = 15) are reported.
Phonological Awareness
We assessed phonological awareness using the CTOPP (Wagner et al., 1999). We used early versions
of the Elision and Blending subtests, using the same stimuli with local norms. Z scores were used for both
measures in this study. The Elision subtest requires the child to say a word produced by the experimenter
and then repeat the word after deleting either a syllable or a phoneme specified by the experimenter, with the
correct response forming a real word. The Blending subtest involves a series of orally presented isolated
syllables or phonemes, which the child must blend together to form a word. The experimental version of
these subtests was used in this study, along with preliminary norms.
Spelling Pattern Recognition
The Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT; Markwardt, 1989) Spelling subtest was used to assess
spelling. This task requires children to recognize letters by name or sound and to recognize standard spelling by
choosing the correct spelling, from among four choices, of a word spoken by the examiner. It has 73 items and
yields standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15).
Literacy Skill Measures
The Word Attack subtest of the WRMT-R (Woodcock,
1987) assesses a child’s ability to apply grapheme– phoneme correspondence rules and word analysis skills
to pronounce unfamiliar printed words (i.e., phonetically regular nonwords). Errors are recorded, and
correct scores are standardized according to both grade and age norms (M = 100, SD = 15).
Word Reading
Two measures of word-level reading were used. The Word Identification subtest of the WRMT-R
requires the participant to identify regular and irregular sight words within a 5-second limit per word.
Standard scores are reported (M = 100, SD = 15).
An early version of the Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE; Torgesen, Wagner, & Rashotte, 1999)
with local norms was used with the participants with dyslexia. This test contains 104 words of increasing difficulty
arranged in four columns. The participant is required to read aloud as many words as possible within 45 seconds.
Standard scores are reported (M = 100, SD = 15).
Connected Paragraph Reading
Two measures assessed connected text reading. The Gray Oral Reading Test (GORT; Wiederholt &
Bryant, 1992) was used to assess paragraph comprehension (number of correct comprehension responses),
reading accuracy (number of oral reading errors only for the oral reading paragraph), and reading time. All
scores are reported as standard scores ranging from 0 to 20 (M = 10, SD = 3).
The Passage Comprehension subtest of the WRMT-R uses a cloze procedure that requires the
participant to read sentences missing a word that is important to the meaning of the passage. Participants
must supply a word that fits the meaning of each sentence or passage. Standard scores are reported (M =
100, SD = 15).
The descriptive statistics on reading measures for the full sample are presented in Table 4. Not
surprisingly, students’ performance on the word-level and connected text–level reading measures was low—
far below 1 SD of the norm. The students’ performance in timed word reading (i.e., TOWRE) was particularly
low—below 2 SD. It should be noted that many students had missing values on the GORT measures, most
prominently in GORT Comprehension and Quotient. The inspection of the data showed that many students
with double deficits tended to have missing values (28 out of 72; 39%). In this study, we excluded the missing
values in the analysis, not imputing any values or replacing missing values with lowest observed values. The
missing scores were systematic, not random, in that some of the GORT tasks were too challenging for many
children to complete. Thus, from a measurement point of view, assigning a certain score would distort the true
relationship when we did not have information on the children’s performance on some of the GORT measures.
Subtyping Classifications
To explore whether the mean performance of the children in the three DDH subtypes (NSD, PD, and
DD) differed significantly on different measures, we employed multiple regressions using general linear
hypothesis (GLH) tests, instead of a univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA), because the estimates of the p
values from post hoc tests in ANOVA tend to be unduly conservative, particularly when the sample size is small
(see Note 2). For this analysis, we only included children who were classified as having NSD (n = 28), PD (n =
40), or DD (n = 72), and we excluded the ORI group (n = 18). Table 5 shows children’s mean performance in
intelligence measures, rapid naming, phonological awareness measures, and spelling pattern recognition by DDH
All groups fell within the average IQ range for all IQ subscales, with no significant difference on Full
Scale IQ. The PD group performed significantly higher than the DD group on the Verbal IQ subtask, but no
statistical difference was observed in the Picture IQ. The DD group performed higher than the NSD group on
Picture IQ, but the NSD group outperformed the DD group in Verbal IQ (for more descriptive analyses of IQ
differences among subtypes, see O’Rourke, 2002).
On the symbol-level naming tasks, the PD group performed significantly higher than the NSD group,
who in turn performed significantly higher than the DD group. On phonological measures (Elision and
Blending), the NSD group performed significantly higher than both groups with a phonological deficit. The PD
and the DD groups did not differ either on the Blending task or on the Elision task. Finally, the mean
performance of the DD group was significantly lower than those of the PD and the NSD groups in the PIAT
Spelling Recognition task.
Table 6 shows correlations between the measures in the study. The three RAN measures are fairly
highly correlated with one another (rs > .61, ps < .001). Blending and Elision are moderately correlated with
each other (r = .55, p < .001) but show differences in their relationships with word-level and connected
text–level reading measures. Children’s performance in the Elision task was significantly correlated with all
the word-level reading measures and comprehension measures (WRMT-R and GORT) except GORT
Accuracy, Rate, and Quotient. However, children’s performance in the Blending task was significantly
correlated only with Word Attack, but not with any other word-level or connected text–level reading
measures (except for a marginally significant relation- ship with GORT Comprehension, r = .17, p = .07).
Finally, all the word-level reading measures and connected text–level reading measures were significantly
correlated with one another (rs > .33, ps < .001).
Research Question 1
To answer the first research question, “Do children classified by the DDH differ on fluency at the
letter, word, and connected text levels?” we used GLH tests to examine whether there were differences among
the three groups on the following measures: WRMT-R Word Identification, Word Attack, TOWRE, and
WRMT-R Comprehension, and the four measures of the GORT. Effect sizes were found to be small to
moderate (Cohen, Durant, & Cook, 1988; see Tables 7 and 8).
At the word level (see Table 7), the DD subtype performed significantly lower than the PD and the
NSD sub- types on all the measures (WRMT-R Word Identification, Word Attack, and TOWRE). The children
with NSD and PD were not significantly different from each other on Word Identification and Word Attack,
but the PD subtype out- performed the NSD on word reading efficiency.
At the connected text level (see Table 8), the PD sub- type performed significantly better than the
DD subtype on all the measures. The PD subtype did not differ from the NSD subtype on the
comprehension measures (i.e., WRMT-R Comprehension and GORT Comprehension), but the PD subtype
performed significantly higher than the NSD subtype on GORT accuracy and Rate. On the GORT
Reading Quotient, the PD subtype outperformed the NSD and the DD sub- types, whereas the NSD subtype
did not significantly differ from the DD subtype.
Table 8
Mean Connected Text–Level Reading Performance Scores of Children by Reading Deficit Subtype
F(2, 137) = 12.69, p < .001
(PD = NSD) > DD
F(2, 104) = 7.85, p = .001
PD > (NSD = DD)
F(2, 104) = 6.42, p = .002
F(2, 93) = 7.67, p = .001
PD > (NSD = DD)
(PD = NSD) > DD
F(2, 93) = 7.82, p = .001
PD > (NSD = DD)
Note: NSD = Naming Speed Deficit; PD = Phonological Deficit; DD = Double Deficit; WRMT-R = Woodcock Reading Mastery Test–Revised
(Woodcock, 1987); GORT = Gray Oral Reading Test (Wiederholt & Bryant, 1992).
a. The general linear hypothesis was used in all individual comparisons. Differences reported are significant at p < .05.
Table 9
Means and Standard Deviations on Processing-Related and Reading-Related
Measures by Reading Disability Criterion Group
Processing-related measures
Full Scale IQ
Verbal IQ
Performance IQ
RAN Letters
PIAT Spelling
Word-level reading measures
Word Identification
Word Attack
Connected text reading measures
WRMT-R Comprehension
F(1, 110) = 32.12, p < .001
F(1, 110) = 15.28, p < .001
F(1, 110) = 19.09, p < .001
F(1, 109) = 34.50, p < .001
F(1, 110) = 4.33, p = .04
F(1, 110) = 7.16, p = .009
F(1, 110) = 10.85, p = .001
F(1, 87) = 4.35, p = .04
F(1, 87) = 7.03, p = .003
F(1, 77) = .23, p = .64
F(1, 77) = 1.24, p = .27
−0.48 1.41
−1.64 0.81
61.12 25.39
−3.09–3.38 F(1, 110) = .07, p = .81
−3.15–0.35 F(1, 110) = .00, p = .99
25–119 F(1, 110) = 9.44, p = .003
56–105 F(1, 110) = 3.79, p = .05
Note: LA = Low-Achievement criterion group; AA = Ability–Achievement discrepancy criterion group; WISC-III = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children (3rd ed; Wechsler, 1991); CTOPP = Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (Wagner, Torgesen, & Rashotte, 1999); RAN = Rapid
Automatized Naming Test (Denckla & Rudel, 1976; Wolf & Denckla, 2005); PIAT = Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT; Markwardt, 1989);
WRMT-R = Woodcock Reading Mastery Test–Revised (Woodcock, 1987); TOWRE = Test of Word Reading Efficiency (Torgesen, Wagner, &
Rashotte, 1999); GORT= Gray Oral Reading Test (Wiederholt & Bryant, 1992).
a. n = 39; n = 33 for GORT Accuracy and Rate; n = 30 for GORT Comprehension and Quotient.
b. n = 73; n = 56 for GORT Accuracy and Rate; n = 49 for GORT Comprehension and Quotient.
c. Differences reported are significant at p < .05.
Research Question 2
To answer the second research question, “Do children identified by either low-achievement
(LA) or ability–achievement discrepancy (AA) criteria show similar patterns of differences when classified by
the DDH?” we investigated whether the differences among the deficit subtypes found in the previous section
were true for children who were included in the study for different etiological reasons. Table 9 shows
descriptive statistics on the measures for the LA and AA groups. The overall performance of the two groups
was quite low on the majority of the measures, except for the intelligence measures, where the mean scores
were close to the age norm average. As expected, the AA group showed significantly higher average cognitive
performance on all measures than the LA group. However, the AA group had significantly lower scores than
the LA group in all the other measures except phonological awareness tasks, GORT Comprehension, and
GORT Quotient. The mean performance on the Blending task was within the average range for both groups,
but their mean scores were very low in the Elision task—close to the fifth percentile. Also, the AA group’s
performance on RAN Letters and word reading efficiency was close to 2 SD below the age norm.
We conducted GLH tests again to compare the performance of the three DDH subgroups on different
processes, word-level, and connected text reading measures within the LA and AA groups (see Tables 10–12).
It should be noted that in some cases, the sample sizes were very small, so that the estimates may not be
precise. As Table 10 shows, on the Elision task, the NSD subtype scored significantly higher than the PD and
DD sub- types, but the PD subtype did not differ from the DD subtype for both the LA and AA criterion
groups. Also, in RAN letter naming, the PD subtype scored significantly higher than the NSD and the DD
subtypes, and the NSD subtype scored significantly higher than the DD subtype. Despite similar patterns in
the Elision and RAN letter naming tasks, the LA and AA groups showed a different pattern in PIAT: In the LA
group, the three sub- types were not different from each other in their mean spelling performance, but in the
AA group, the PD sub- type scored significantly higher than the DD subtype.
Table 11 displays children’s performance on the word-level reading tasks for the LA and AA groups.
In the LA group, children of different subtypes did not differ from one another on WRMT-R Word
Identification and Word Attack. On word reading efficiency, however, the PD subtype scored significantly
higher than the DD subtype and marginally higher than the NSD subtype (p = .06), whereas the NSD
subtype was not different from the DD subtype. Within the AA group, the NSD subtype was not
significantly different from the DD sub- type on all three word reading measures, whereas the PD subtype
scored significantly higher than the NSD sub- type on word identification and word reading efficiency.
Table 12 presents results on the connected text–level reading measures for the three DDH subtypes
within the LA and AA groups. In the AA group, the PD subtype outperformed the DD subtype on all the
connected text reading measures. The PD subtype did not differ from the NSD subtype, and the NSD
subtype did not differ from the DD subtype on the comprehension measures. However, in the GORT Accuracy
and GORT Rate tasks, the DD subtype outperformed the NSD subtype. In the LA group, there did not appear
to be any consistent pattern. On GORT Comprehension, the children of the three deficit subtypes did not
differ from one another in their performance, whereas on WRMT-R Comprehension, the PD subtype
outperformed the DD subtype, and the NSD subtype marginally outperformed the DD subtype. On GORT
Accuracy and Rate, the DD subtype outperformed the NSD subtype, whereas the PD did not differ from the
DD subtype.
In summary, children in the AA group showed higher IQ scores but lower scores in the majority of
process- related tasks and word-level and connected text–level reading measures, except for the phonological
awareness tasks, GORT Comprehension, and GORT Quotient. The children in the three subtypes in the LA
and AA groups showed similar patterns in elision and rapid letter naming, but a different pattern emerged in
the spelling pat- tern recognition (PIAT). In the AA group, the PD subtype outperformed the DD subtype in
PIAT, whereas no such difference was observed in the LA group. Furthermore, in the AA group, the PD
subtype outperformed the DD subtype in all the word and connected text reading measures except Word
Attack. Finally, the NSD subtype was not significantly different from the DD subtype in any of the word
reading and connected text measures except GORT Accuracy and GORT Rate. In contrast, in the LA group,
the three subtypes did not differ from each other in their performance in PIAT, Word Identification, Word
Attack, or GORT comprehension. Interesting enough, the DD subtype also outperformed the NSD subtype in
GORT Reading Rate.
Subtype Classification
The classification of the students with severe reading impairment in the full sample into putative subtypes was
consistent with previous results on the DDH. The results indicated that roughly 46% of the participants were
categorized with double deficits in naming speed and phonology. Furthermore, approximately 25% of the
sample could be classified as having a single phonological deficit, 18% had a single naming speed deficit, and 11% of
the participants could not be classified into one of the DDH subtypes. In one of the few studies that have
employed the DDH framework with populations with severe reading impairment, Lovett et al. (2000) found
similar group ratios. Although several researchers have questioned the utility of a subtyping approach to
reading (see O’Rourke, 2002, for a review), we believe that this study provides external validity to the DDH
classification. After group member- ship had been established, the subtypes in this study differed in
predictable ways on a set of variables that were not included in the generating of the subtypes.
Table 10
Mean Intelligence and Symbol-Level Reading Performance Scores of Children
by Reading Deficit Subtype and Reading Disability Criterion Group
Full Scale IQ
Verbal IQ
Picture IQ
RAN Letters
PIAT Spelling
F(2, 34) = 0.002,
p = .99
F(2, 34) = 8.65,
p = .001
F(2, 34) = 10.85,
p < .001
(NSD = PD) > DD
F(2, 34) = 18.55,
p < .001
F(2, 34) = 1.69,
p = .20
F(2, 34) = 40.86,
p < .001
F(2, 34) = 0.22,
p = .80
NSD > (PD = DD)
F(2, 63) = 10.30,
p < .001
F(2, 63) = 3.73,
p = .03
F(2, 63) = 8.24,
p = .001
PD > (NSD = DD)
F(2, 63) = 22.92,
p < .001
F(2, 63) = 7.79,
p = .001
F(2, 63) = 44.61,
p < .001
F(2, 63) = 5.97,
p = .004
NSD > (PD = DD)
PD > DD, PD = NSD,
PD > (NSD = DD)
NSD > (PD = DD)
PD > DD, PD = NSD,
Note: LA = Low-Achievement criterion group; AA = Ability–Achievement discrepancy criterion group; NSD = Naming Speed Deficit; PD = Phonological Deficit; DD = Double Deficit; WISC-III = Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children (3rd ed.; Wechsler, 1991); CTOPP = Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (Wagner, Torgesen, & Rashotte, 1999); RAN = Rapid Automatized Naming Test (Denckla &
Rudel, 1976; Wolf & Denckla, 2005); PIAT = Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT; Markwardt, 1989).
a. n = 7.
b. n = 14.
c. n = 16.
d. Differences reported are significant at p < .05.
e. n = 8.
f. n = 12.
g. n = 46.
Table 11
Mean Word-Level Reading Performance Scores of Children by Reading
Deficit Subtype and Reading Disability Criterion Group
Word Attack 73.86
F(2, 34) = 1.29,
p = .29
F(2, 34) = 0.21,
p = .81
F(2, 34) = 10.21,
p < .001
PD > (NSD = DD)h
73.83 10.53
F(2, 63) = 8.31,
p = .001
F(2, 63) = 1.92,
p = .16
F(2, 63) = 5.00,
p = .01
PD > (NSD = DD)
PD > (NSD = DD)
Note: LA = Low-Achievement criterion group; AA = Ability–Achievement discrepancy criterion group; NSD = Naming Speed Deficit; PD = Phonological Deficit; DD = Double Deficit; WRMT-R = Woodcock
Reading Mastery Test–Revised (Woodcock, 1987); TOWRE = Test of Word Reading Efficiency (Torgesen, Wagner, & Rashotte, 1999).
a. n = 7.
b. n = 14.
c. n = 16.
d. The general linear hypothesis was used in all individual comparisons. Differences reported are significant at p < .05.
e. n = 8.
f. n = 12.
g. n = 46.
h. PD > NSD at p = .06.
Table 12
Mean Connected Text–Level Reading Performance Scores of Children by Reading Deficit Subtype
and Reading Disability Criterion Group
F(2, 63) = 3.07,
p = .06
F(2, 28) = 5.48,
p = .01
F(2, 28) = 2.20,
p = .13
F(2, 25) = 0.30,
p = .75
F(2, 25) = 1.05,
p = .36
PD > DD,
(NSD > DD)b,
(PD = DD) > NSD
(PD = DD) > NSD
F(2, 63) = 4.48,
p = .02
F(2, 47) = 9.15,
p < .001
F(2, 47) = 7.47,
p = .002
F(2, 40) = 3.05,
p = .06
F(2, 40) = 3.48,
p = .04
PD > DD,
PD > DD,
PD > (NSD = DD)
Note: LA = low-achievement criterion group; AA = ability–achievement discrepancy criterion group; NSD = naming speed deficit; PD = phonological deficit; DD = double deficit; WRMT-R = Woodcock Reading Mastery Test–Revised
(Woodcock, 1987); GORT = Gray Oral Reading Test (Wiederholt & Bryant, 1992). Lowest recorded scores are substituted for missing GORT scores.
a. The general linear hypothesis was used in all individual comparisons. Differences reported are significant at p < .05.
b. NSD > DD at p = .06.
Interesting enough, as Figures 2 and 3 show, the ratio of the DDH subgroups was different when
segregated into LA and AA groups. The percentage of children in the PD category was double that of the
NSD category for the LA group (36% vs. 18%), but the two categories claimed relatively similar proportions
(11% vs. 16%) in the AA group. Furthermore, the proportion of the DD category was higher in the AA
group (63%; 46 children) than in the LA group (41%; 16 children). These ratios suggest that these groups
may have different literacy pro- files. Moreover, as phonological deficits are more highly correlated with
Verbal IQ, it may be that the LA group’s challenges reflect a more global language deficit and less of the
processing speed deficit that is found in the AA group. The higher proportion of children with naming
speed deficits (including double deficits) in the AA group suggests the existence of different etiologies for
the shared reading difficulties of the two groups.
Differences on Categorization Measures
Consistent with previous studies (Lovett et al., 2000; Manis et al., 2000; O’Rourke, 2002; Wolf et al.,
2000), in the full sample, the group with double deficits showed significantly more impairments on most
measures. At the letter level, the PD category had relative strength in rapid letter naming, receiving a standard
score within the average range. Interesting enough, no difference between the two single-deficit groups was
found in object naming. Several studies have suggested that object naming differentiates individuals with
ADHD from those with reading disabilities. Future error analysis of the RAN Letters task may reveal
qualitative differences among the three groups.
Schatschneider, Carlson, Francis, Foorman, and Fletcher (2002) claimed that if a subtyping
classification is based on predictor variables that are correlated with each other, the results from an analysis
of variance could be substantially altered because, in this statistical frame- work, it is often assumed that the
relevant factors are uncorrelated. In the case of phonological awareness and rapid naming, if the two are
positively correlated, the group with the double deficit will have lower phonological awareness than the
group with a single deficit in phonological awareness, and this may in turn imply that their lower scores can
be explained in terms of their lower phonological skills.
Similar to Schatschneider et al. (2002), Katzir et al. (2006) found that rapid automatized naming
correlated moderately with Elision in a sample of average-achieving readers in Grades 1 through 3. However, in
the present sample of students with severe reading impairment in second and third grades, we found a very
modest correlation between different RAN measures and Elision (rs = .10–.34) and with Blending (rs = .07–
.23). Moreover, in this study, we found no significant differences between the PD and the DD subtypes on the
Blending and Elision scores. We also found significant differences on RAN scores between the three
subtypes, with the DD subtype showing the most impairment in naming speed. Thus, the DD children’s low
reading scores may not be explained solely by their low phonological skills, but rather by their deficits in both
naming speed and phonology.
Schatschneider et al. (2002) suggested that a matched design would be difficult to accomplish, because
it would be difficult to find children with very low phonological skills but average rapid naming scores.
Furthermore, Vukovic and Siegel (2006) suggested that there appear to be only few individuals who have a
naming speed deficit but intact phonological skills. In the present sample, how- ever, 90% of the children who
had a single phonological deficit (n = 40) had a standard score of 90 or above on a rapid letter naming task
(M = 92.85, SD = 12.05). On the other hand, children with a single naming speed deficit (n = 28) showed
average phonological skills. Their z scores on two phonological measures were well within the average range
(Elision, M = −0.26, SD = 0.86; Blending, M = 0.57, SD = 0.89). These findings lend support to a
heterogeneous sample of readers in which a deficit in RAN at the level of the single naming speed group
appears independently from phonological awareness, whereas for the children with the most profound
reading problems, the more severe RAN scores are more typically found together with phonological deficits. In
average-achieving children, who represent a more homogeneous group and do well on all reading and readingrelated tasks, phonological awareness and naming speed are more highly correlated.
In sum, the results of the present study support the DDH as a valid framework for the investigation of
distinct subtypes of children with reading disabilities. In future studies of the DDH, profile analysis of the
ORI subgroup (showing neither deficit) may yield important clues about the ways in which additional
cognitive and linguistic processes may be related to reading failure.
Differences Among DDH Subtypes
Our initial hypothesis—that DDH subtypes would differ from each other on the various reading levels
and in the two reading process that lead to fluent reading—was partially confirmed. We found differences on
all measures, but several predictions were not confirmed—specifically, that the DD children would show the
most impairment on all measures, that the PD children would show more impairment on accuracy measures,
and that the NSD children would show more impairment on rate measures.
Differences at the Word Level
Congruent with previous studies (e.g., Manis et al., 2000), the DD group showed the most
impairment on all measures of word-level reading. This may suggest that the double deficit is more than
the sum of the two single deficits and reflects a more severe deficit. Dissimilar from the findings by Wolf and
Bowers (1999) and Manis et al. (2000), we found no significant differences between the PD and the NSD
subtypes in any of the word-level measures. However, Manis et al. used the 25th percentile as the cutoff
criterion, whereas we used 1 SD (16th percentile), so our results cannot be not directly compared. Similar to
past findings, the PD children per- formed significantly better than the DD children on single-word reading
efficiency. This finding is partially consistent with Bowers’s (Bowers et al., 1999; Wolf & Bowers, 2000)
proposal that slow naming speed interferes with the recognition and storage of orthographic patterns in
printed words. The results suggest that the rapid retrieval of orthographic patterns is especially challenging
for children with double deficits.
Differences at the Connected Text Level
The pattern that emerged for connected reading reflected a dissociation between reading rate and
accuracy, on one hand, and reading comprehension, on the other hand. The NSD group performed
significantly lower than the PD group on measures of rate and measures of accuracy. At first glance, these
findings do not seem to be consistent with the DDH, which might predict that the NSD subtype would have
a relative strength in accuracy (Wolf & Bowers, 2000). However, these data seem congruent with the
temporal processing deficit hypothesis proposed by several researchers (see reviews by Farmer & Klein,
1995; Habib, 2000; Wolf & Bowers, 2000). One of the claims made by this line of research is that although
students with dyslexia may not have difficulty in processing single, low-level stimuli, they have great
difficulty in processing rapid, serially presented stimuli. As Wolf and Bowers (1999) speculated, naming
speed “would represent at once both the effect of lower level processes on lexical retrieval and also a cause of
further disruption of fluent reading” (p. 16). The findings from this study suggest that demanding serial
processing in connected text reading from children with a naming speed deficit affects not only their speed of
processing but also their accuracy. The multiple task demands of reading connected text may require more
resources than the mere rule-governed word decoding for which NSD readers have a relative strength. Having
to coordinate all the additional subprocesses involved in serial reading may be the central cause of their lower
reading fluency scores.
The finding that the DD children in this study did not score lower than the NSD children on GORT
Reading Rate does not refute the DDH. On the contrary, the majority of the children who did not complete
the GORT task (and therefore were not included in the analyses) were from the DD group, implying that they
actually have the most difficulty with this task. Future recoding of the existing data in a manner that will
account for task completion will help illuminate this issue. It is of interest that although the NSD group
showed more impairment than the PD group on accuracy and rate measures, the NSD group did not differ
from the PD group on the comprehension measures. This finding may be explained by previous findings
suggesting that the NSD group has a relative strength in Verbal IQ (O’Rourke, 2002). O’Rourke’s (2002)
profile analysis of the DDH on the WISC-III also helps to explain why the DD group, which had significantly
lower IQ scores, performed at the lowest level on the GORT Comprehension task. An additional
explanation would stipulate reading rate as causing more error-like behaviors on the GORT. If the NSD
children indeed exhibited more pauses, repetitions, and self-corrections, these would have been scored as
errors, making their accuracy scores lower. As these were not truly decoding errors but error-like behaviors
that in fact enhanced their word retrieval, their comprehension would be higher than that of the DD children
who made more genuine errors. A detailed error analysis for the different subtypes would provide important
qualitative data and information on the nature of the errors that children make. An error analysis would also
serve as an important clinical diagnostic measure and would help tailor intervention based on the type and
quantity of errors made by a child.
Subtypes in the LA and AA Groups
Research comparing the cognitive and literacy profiles of LA and AA readers has attempted to answer the
tough definitional questions about dyslexia that have persisted in the field for more than two decades
(O’Rourke, 2002). One area of hypothesized differences between the two groups is on tasks that demand
efficient and automatic processing of information. In this sample, we found a dissociation between
performance on the WISC-III, which was lower for the LA group, and performance on all timed reading tasks,
including RAN, on which the LA readers outperformed the AA group. This finding refutes the hypothesis that
RAN can be explained by processing speed (Vukovic & Siegel, 2006). The AA group demonstrated a performance
well within average on the general speed of processing as measured on the Performance IQ on the WISC-III. They
also performed significantly higher than the LA group, who are typically characterized by slow general processing
speed. Despite these differences, the AA group showed significantly more impairment than the LA group on the
RAN. There was almost a full standard deviation difference in the mean of RAN Letters between the two groups.
Moreover, whereas the percentage of children with single naming speed deficits in the LA group was similar to the
one in the overall sample, there was a much higher percentage of children with single phonological deficits in the
LA sample. Further research on the oral skills of this group is needed to under- stand the nature of their low
reading scores.
The comparison of the results from the overall sample (where LA and AA are combined) and the
separate analysis of the DDH subtypes within LA and AA shows that the results in the overall sample may
have been driven by the AA group. The results of word reading skills in Tables 7 and 11 and connected text
reading skills in Tables 8 and 12 show more similarities between the overall sample results and the results
from the AA group. Specifically, in the overall sample and the AA group, the DD subtype’s mean performance
was significantly lower than that of the PD subtype in all word reading and connected text reading measures
except word decoding (Word Attack), whereas in the LA group no such consistent pattern was observed.
Furthermore, the results suggest that the deficit of the DD subtype in the AA group may be more severe
than that of the DD subtype in the LA group: The DD subtype’s performances in the AA group were
consistently lower than those in the LA group on RAN Letters, PIAT Spelling, and all the word and
connected text reading measures. It is possible that some of the inconsistent results in past literature have
actually been due to the LA–AA distinction.
An interesting finding in the examination of the sub- types within the LA and the AA groups
separately is that whereas children’s mean performances showed the same pattern in the phonological
awareness task (i.e., Elision) and the rapid naming task (i.e., RAN Letters), we noted a difference in
orthographic processing (i.e., PIAT). In the LA group, the three DDH subtypes did not show differences in
PIAT and some word and connected text reading measures. However, in the AA group, the PD subtype
scored consistently higher in PIAT and all the word and connected text reading measures except Word
Attack. This indicates that a critical starting point of divergence between children who are garden-variety
poor readers and children with an ability–achievement discrepancy may be orthographic processing. These
results suggest that the LA group is qualitatively different from the AA group in terms of the causes of
reading failure but shows similar symptoms of reading failure (e.g., low performance in word reading).
Therefore, different interventions may be required for garden-variety poor readers and for children with an
ability–achievement discrepancy. Specifically, the subtypes within garden-variety poor readers may require
differentiated, targeted emphasis on phonological awareness and rapid naming training depending on their
subtype classification. However, the subtypes within garden-variety poor readers may not need differentiated
training in orthographic processing. How- ever, some children in the ability–achievement discrepancy group
(e.g., the NSD and the DD subtypes) may benefit from more targeted intervention in orthographic processing.
More research is needed on specific profiles of children’s expressive and receptive oral language skills for
both groups.
Our findings suggest that different subgroups proceed via different paths to the same place—dysfluent
reading. For the NSD group, deficits in reading rate beginning at the letter level and preceding through the
sentence level may lead to deficits in accuracy, which lead to dysfluent read- ing. For the PD group, an opposite
scenario may occur, in which deficits in accuracy may lead to deficits in reading rate, which again lead to
dysfluent reading. For the DD group, both their reading rate and accuracy at each level, in conjunction with
their lower verbal skills, will obstruct flu- ent reading development. This finding supports looking at reading
rate as an independent variable, causing inaccura- cies, rather than as an outcome-dependent variable of inaccurate reading (Breznitz, 2006).
Teachers and clinicians basing their intervention plans on a composite measure like the GORT
Reading Quotient will miss the complexity of the challenges that different children face. This is why
developmentally appropriate reading rate scales should be developed to provide practitioners with useful
assessment tools that— in combination with other existing materials—will pro- vide a more comprehensive
picture of a student’s reading profile. Only a multicomponent assessment can inform a well-rounded
intervention that addresses the multiple sources of reading deficits. In other words, rather than merely
focusing on one dimension of student responding (e.g., accuracy), intervention should target the multiple
synchronic processes that are involved in reading.
As Coltheart and Jackson (1998) emphasized, applied studies of reading should differentiate outcome
from cause: “Thus, we might have two children with comparable degrees of difficulty in learning to read, and
with the same proximal cause of this difficulty, but with two very different distal causes” (p. 14). In the study
of fluent reading, the proximal cause at the connected text level of reading should not be confused with
different distal causes that may arise as early as the letter level for different groups of readers with dyslexia.
Future studies should examine the differential contributions of synchronic processes for different groups of
With all the promising prospects of this line of research held in mind, a cautionary note should be
added: Although component skill analyses provide a valuable source of data, this approach has several
limitations (Levy & Carr, 1990). First, the analysis is limited by the tasks selected for inclusion in the test
battery. This study focused on oral reading. Future studies should compare oral and silent reading to examine
whether articulation has an effect on reading flu- ency. Second, in this study, the GORT’s scoring system may
have accounted for some of the differences between the DD and the NSD groups. Third, although we
acknowledge that the sample sizes in the subtype analysis of the LA and AA groups were small, thus requiring
caution in the interpretation, we believe that the results in the present study represent a revealing first step. A
future study with a larger sample is warranted. Finally, different paths may exist in different orthographies
(Ben Dror, Frost, & Bentin, 1995). Children reading in a regular orthography, such as Spanish, may encounter
different reading difficulties than children reading in a complex orthography such as English.
This study provides a first step in the development of an interactive model of reading fluency. Much
more work is necessary on the components suggested, mainly on the contribution of orthography,
morphology, syntax, and semantics to fluent reading. Moreover, the interrelation- ships among the different
components of the model at different phases in development remain unknown. More efforts to unravel the
independent roles of each component, as well as the connections among them, will help researchers and
practitioners devise better assessment and intervention tools for children who have difficulties in developing
fluent reading. In sum, a comprehensive fluency battery that is theoretically based would be a valuable clinical
tool to develop.
1. This decision was partly based on the finding that students’ performance on the Blending and Elision tasks showed different patterns of
relationships with word and connected text reading variables (see Table 5), and Elision was more highly associated with word and connected text
reading measures. However, it should be noted that although only Elision was used as the criterion for the phonological deficit designation, there
were only two children who would have been identified differently if Blending were also used as a criterion. Furthermore, the results based on
the Elision subtest did not differ when Blending was also used as a criterion.
2. The results from general linear hypothesis (GLH) tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA) post hoc tests were almost identical for
Research Question 1, but some discrepancies were noted for Research Question 2. For example, some differences in mean scores did not reach
significance when using ANOVA post hoc tests, whereas they did when using GLH tests. In this article, we report the results from the GLH
tests. The results from the ANOVA post hoc tests are available on request.
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Tami Katzir, PhD, is an assistant professor at Haifa University. Her
research interests include factors influencing the development of
reading fluency and comprehension and cross-linguistic and heterogeneity studies of dyslexia.
Young-Suk Kim is an assistant professor at Florida State University
and Florida Center for Reading Research. Her research interests
include language and literacy development of at-risk children and linguistic and cognitive factors that influence literacy development in
Korean and English.
Maryanne Wolf, EdD, is the director of the Center for Reading and
Language Research at Tufts University, where she is the John
DiBiaggio Professor of Citizenship and Public Service. She is the
editor of Dyslexia, Fluency, and the Brain and the author of the
book Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of Reading the
Robin Morris, PhD, is a developmental neuropsychologist and
Regents Professor of Psychology and also holds appointments in the
Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education. He is
the associate dean of research and graduate studies in the College of
Arts and Sciences at Georgia State University.
Maureen W. Lovett, PhD, is a senior scientist in the Brain and
Behaviour Program of the Hospital for Sick Children and a professor
in the Departments of Pediatrics and Psychology at the University of
Toronto. Her recent research examines what components of effective
remedial programming will result in the best outcomes for children and
adolescents with significant language learning problems.
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