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Algo más sobre el autismo… Este padecimiento que se manifiesta en los tres primeros años de vida y en ocasiones desde el nacimiento suele afectar más a los niños que a las niñas y puede ocurrir que en niños que parecen normales se presente alguna regresión inexplicable que detone el autismo.
El trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) es una condición neurológica y de desarrollo que comienza en la niñez y dura toda la vida. Afecta cómo una persona se comporta, interactúa con otros, se comunica y aprende. Este trastorno incluye lo que se conocía como síndrome de Asperger y el trastorno generalizado del desarrollo no especificado.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2020
An acoustic-based index of biomass was developed due to concerns that the existing bottom-trawl index for western component pollock (Pollachius virens) was inaccurate and imprecise. Acoustic data were recorded during annual summer ecosystem surveys. Pollock and other common groundfish could not be readily identified from echo-traces within echograms. Survey catch data were analyzed concurrently with acoustic data to estimate biomass from echo-integrals contributed by the six most commonly caught fish species: pollock, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), redfish (Sebastes fasciatus), Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), and spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias). A cluster analyses that used a Bayesian conditional probability classified homogeneous regions based on species composition. Species composition, nautical area scatter coefficient, and backscattering cross-section of fishes for regions were used to calculate the biomass of fishes. Acoustic indices were...
Non-stationary function optimization has proved a difficult area for Genetic Algorithms. Standard haploid populations find it difficult to track a moving target, and tend to converge on a local optimum that appears early in a run. It is generally accepted that diploid GAs can cope with these problems because they have a genetic memory, that is, genes that may be required in the future are maintained in the current population.
This study was conducted to investigate the proximate composition of Brycinus nurse from Alau Lake in Maiduguri, Nigeria at different periods of the year (wet season, dry season and harmattan periods). The moisture, protein, fat and ash contents, crude fibre and dry matter were determined using the international accepted methods of AOAC for the analysis. The average moisture content for periods varied from 62.50 to 71.36 % with wet season having the highest value followed by harmattan period and least in dry season. The protein content ranges from 14.00 to 32.56 % with dry season with the highest value, followed by harmattan period and wet season had the least value. The fat content for harmattan period was 40.00 % as the highest followed by wet season 23.00 % and least in dry season 10.00%. The ash content wet season 1.5% was the highest value and dry season and harmattan period I.0 % was least. Crude fibre was highest in harmattan period 45.00 %, followed by dry season 29.00 % and wet season was least at 23.00 %. Dry matter was highest in dry season 37.50 %, followed by harmattan period 36.68 % and wet season had the least value of 28.00 %. However, statistical analysis showed no significant difference at p˂0.05 level of significance. Conclusively, the period of year has effect on the proximate composition of Brycinus nurse in Alau Lake.
Feminist Community Research
This chapter in Feminist Community Research: Case Studies and Methodologies, ed. by Gillian Creese & Wendy Frisby. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2011) explores why and how the incorporation of feminist PAR (FPAR) principles within university-community partnerships for both research-focused collaboration and capacity-building work could be difficult. It reviews the current literature on capacity-building and feminist PAR or FPAR to find potential synergy in their principles. It analyzes project documents and participant observation notes, including those taken by student interns, graduate students and staff during workshops, meetings, study tours and field work in a Canada-Vietnam capacity-building program to demonstrate how institutional and bureaucratic practices embedded within gendered hierarchical power relations and lines of authority influence the acceptability and attitudes towards FPAR and community-based research in universities.
Esta guía de práctica clínica fue elaborada con la participación de las instituciones que conforman el Sistema Nacional de Salud, bajo la coordinación del Centro Nacional de Excelencia Tecnológica en Salud. Los autores han hecho un esfuerzo por asegurarse de que la información aquí contenida sea completa y actual; por lo que asumen la responsabilidad editorial por el contenido de esta guía, que incluye evidencias y recomendaciones y declaran que no tienen conflicto de intereses.
British Journal of Nutrition, 2010
Predictive power, for total and vascular mortality, of selected indices measured at baseline in the British National Diet and Nutrition Survey (community-living subset) of People Aged 65 Years and Over was tested. Mortality status and its primary and underlying causes were recorded for 1100 (mean age 76·7 (SD 7·5) years, 50·2 % females) respondents from the baseline survey in 1994-5 until September 2008. Follow-up data analyses focussed especially on known predictors of vascular disease risk, together with intakes and status indices of selected nutrients known to affect, or to be affected by, these predictors. Total mortality was significantly predicted by hazard ratios of baseline plasma concentrations (per SD) of total homocysteine (tHcy) (95 % CI) 1·19 (1·11, 1·27), pyridoxal phosphate 0·90 (0·81, 1·00), pyridoxic acid 1·10 (1·03, 1·19), α 1antichymotrypsin 1·21 (1·13, 1·29), fibrinogen 1·14 (1·05, 1·23), creatinine 1·20 (1·10, 1·31) and glycosylated Hb 1·23 (1·14, 1·32), and by dietary intakes of energy 0·87 (0·80, 0·96) and protein 0·86 (0·77, 0·97). Prediction patterns and significance were similar for primary-cause vascular mortality. The traditional risk predictors plasma total and HDL cholesterol were not significant mortality predictors in this age group, nor were the known tHcy-regulating nutrients, folate and vitamin B 12 (intakes and status indices). Model adjustment for known risk predictors resulted in the loss of significance for some of the afore-mentioned indices; however, tHcy 1·34 (1·04, 1·73) remained a significant predictor for vascular mortality. Thus, total and primary vascular mortality is predicted by energy and protein intakes, and by biochemical indices including tHcy, independent of serum folate or vitamin B 12 .
Research in family business tends to concentrate on the founder and CEO but rarely discusses the importance of the board members in business development. It is the primary contention of this paper that social networks of small business board members have strong performance and growth implications. Analysis of 73 community bank CEO responses indicates that firms that use their board's networks show higher ROA, ROE, and asset increase.
The Economics of Transition, 2006
Aeolian Research, 2014
Ecology Safety, 2014
An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Vol. 1, 3rd Edition by William Feller (Hardcover
Revista Digital do Laboratório de Artes Visuais , 2025
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2013
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 2013
Artuklu International Journal of Health Sciences
International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 2025
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2013
International Journal of Poultry Science, 2014
BMC Nutrition, 2017
arXiv (Cornell University), 2017