Dating the rise of atmospheric oxygen
A. Bekker1, H. D. Holland1, P.-L. Wang2, D. Rumble III2, H. J. Stein3, J. L. Hannah3, L. L. Coetzee4 & N. J. Beukes4
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 20 Oxford Street, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 5251 Broad Branch Road, Washington DC 20015, USA
AIRIE Program, Department of Geosciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-1482, USA
Department of Geology, Rand Afrikaans University, Auckland Park 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa
Several lines of geological and geochemical evidence indicate that the level of atmospheric oxygen was extremely low before 2.45
billion years (Gyr) ago, and that it had reached considerable levels by 2.22 Gyr ago. Here we present evidence that the rise
of atmospheric oxygen had occurred by 2.32 Gyr ago. We found that syngenetic pyrite is present in organic-rich shales of the
2.32-Gyr-old Rooihoogte and Timeball Hill formations, South Africa. The range of the isotopic composition of sulphur in this pyrite
is large and shows no evidence of mass-independent fractionation, indicating that atmospheric oxygen was present at significant
levels (that is, greater than 1025 times that of the present atmospheric level) during the deposition of these units. The presence of
rounded pebbles of sideritic iron formation at the base of the Rooihoogte Formation and an extensive and thick ironstone layer
consisting of haematitic pisolites and oölites in the upper Timeball Hill Formation indicate that atmospheric oxygen rose
significantly, perhaps for the first time, during the deposition of the Rooihoogte and Timeball Hill formations. These units were
deposited between what are probably the second and third of the three Palaeoproterozoic glacial events.
It was proposed long ago that the redox state of the atmosphere
changed during the early Palaeoproterozoic1. Sedimentary successions of age $2.45 Gyr include placer deposits that contain detrital
uraninite, siderite and pyrite2,3, reduced shallow-water facies of iron
formations4, highly carbonaceous shales that are not enriched in
redox-sensitive elements5,6 and palaeosols that are not oxidized6.
Early diagenetic pyrite in these successions has d34S values consistent with a seawater sulphate content of ,200 mM (ref. 7; see Table 1
for a definition of d notation). In contrast, sedimentary successions
younger than 2.22 Gyr contain red beds8, CaSO4-rich evaporites9,10,
and shallow-water iron formations that are oxidized11. These
successions overlie oxidized palaeosols12 and have d34S records
that are consistent with seawater sulphate concentrations
.200 mM (ref. 13). The changes are strong evidence for a major
increase in the O2 content of the atmosphere between 2.45 and
2.22 Gyr ago, although it has been argued that they are related to
differences in post-depositional alteration and to different tectonic
settings rather than to an increase in the level of atmospheric
The recent discovery of mass independent fractionation (MIF) in
sulphur isotopes has provided a new tool for tracing changes in the
oxygen content of the atmosphere18. Sulphur of sulphides and
sulphates from sedimentary units older than 2.47 Gyr has values
of MIF (expressed in terms of D33S; see Table 1 for a definition of D
notation) ranging from 22.5‰ to þ8.1‰, whereas all sulphides
and sulphates younger than 1.9 Gyr have D33S values ,j0.4‰j
(refs 18–20). The only known mechanism for producing MIF in
sulphur isotopes is photodissociation in the gas phase21, which has
been observed in the modern atmosphere22. Preservation of large
MIF signals in the Archaean record is probably related to the lack of
an ozone shield in the atmosphere, allowing deep penetration of
high energy ultraviolet and photochemical dissociation of SO2 into
elemental and water-soluble S species. The isotopic composition of
elemental sulphur particles and water-soluble S species did not
exchange completely in the Archaean atmosphere; hence some of
their MIF signal was delivered to the Earth’s surface23. In an
atmosphere with an oxygen content larger than ,1025 times the
present atmospheric level (PAL)23, sulphur species are oxidized to
sulphate, exchange, and lose most of their MIF signal. The change
from an anoxic to an oxygenated atmosphere therefore explains the
absence of D33S values .0.4‰ in the S isotopes of sulphides and
sulphates during the past 1.9 Gyr, a period during which the
NATURE | VOL 427 | 8 JANUARY 2004 |
atmospheric partial pressure of oxygen ðpO2 Þ has been much greater
than 1025 PAL. These observations suggest that it should be possible
to determine when pO2 became .1025 PAL by defining the time
when the range of MIF signals in sedimentary sulphides and
sulphates decreased to ,0.4‰. The results of our study of synsedimentary to early diagenetic pyrites in black shales of South Africa
suggest that by 2.32 Gyr ago atmospheric pO2 was already .1025
Geological setting of studied units
The Rooihoogte Formation and the conformably overlying Timeball Hill Formation of the Pretoria Group, South Africa (Figs 1 and
Table 1 Sulphur isotope data and stratigraphic position of samples
Timeball Hill Formation
Rooihoogte Formation
In column GC (gas chromatograph record): c, clean (no significant peaks other than SF6 were seen);
d, dirty (peaks in addition to SF6 were seen; the impurities were vented and did not enter the ion
source of the mass spectrometer). Sulphur isotope ratios are represented by conventional d
notation with respect to CDT as dx S ¼ 1;000½ðx S=32 SÞsample =ðx S=32 SÞCDT 2 1; where x is either 33
or 34. D33S is defined by the following equation: D33 S ¼ d33 S 2 ð0:5138d34 SÞ: The accuracy and
precision of the technique as determined by repeated KrF excimer laser analyses of isotopically
homogeneous sphalerite from Broken Hill, Australia, and comparison with CO2 laser analyses of
powders microdrilled adjacent to in situ analyses, is better than 0.2‰ (1j) for both d33S and d34S,
while values of D33S are measured to ^0.07‰ (ref. 33). Several grains or different spots of the
same grain were analysed in each sample; these are marked with a numerical extension after
the sample number (for example, -1; -2; -3; and so on). Depths are given as m below surface.
©2004 Nature Publishing Group
Figure 1 Map of Early Palaeoproterozoic sedimentary successions of South Africa.
Distribution of the Chuniespoort (dark grey) and Pretoria (light grey) groups in the
Transvaal structural basin and Ghaap (dark grey) and Postmasburg (light grey) groups in
the Griqualand West structural basin of South Africa (after Coetzee28). Both structural
basins belong to the same depositional basin. ‘D’ indicates the location of the Duitschland
Formation exposures.
2) overlie a prominent karstified unconformity on the Late
Archaean Malmani carbonate platform and the 2,480 ^ 6-Myrold Penge Iron Formation24. Several lines of evidence suggest that the
units below the unconformity are older than the rise of atmospheric
oxygen: (1) early diagenetic pyrite of the Gamohaan Formation in
the Campbellrand Subgroup carries a strong MIF signal18; (2)
shallow-water iron formations of the Griqualand West basin,
Figure 2 Correlation chart for the Transvaal Supergroup in the Griqualand West and
Transvaal structural basins, South Africa (modified from ref. 39). Studied units are shown
in bold; units in italics contain glacial diamictites. The Re–Os pyrite age is from ref. 38, the
which are slightly younger than the Penge iron formation, are
reduced and lack a Ce anomaly4,25; (3) d34S values of early diagenetic
pyrites from these units cluster close to 0‰ and have a narrow
range13,26; (4) detrital uraninite and pyrite grains are present in the
Black Reef Quartzite3. Unfortunately, the units immediately below
the unconformity in the Transvaal basin (Penge Iron Formation and
Tongwane Formation) lack pyrite that is suitable for MIF analysis.
On the basis of stacking patterns, the isopach map, facies analysis,
and sedimentary structures, it follows that the Rooihoogte and
Timeball Hill formations were deposited in a deltaic part of a basin
open to the ocean on the southwest27–30. Volcanic contributions to
these units are lacking except in the extreme southwestern part of
the basin, where the 30-m-thick Bushy Bend Lava occurs within the
upper Rooihoogte Formation28. The formations are sandwiched
between two glacial diamictites, one at the base of the Rooihoogte
Formation28, the other at the top of the Timeball Hill Formation28,31.
We sampled a 3.6-m-thick section of highly carbonaceous shale that
straddles the upper Rooihoogte and lower Timeball Hill formations
in core EBA-2. The Rooihoogte Formation is condensed in this area,
and the sampled section is only 12.5 m above the base of the
formation. The units have been affected by lower greenschist facies
Description of the studied material
Pyrite in this section is confined to highly organic-rich layers. It
occurs as nodules, mineralized microbial mats, disseminated grains,
and laminated seams up to several centimetres in thickness. The
nodules are up to several centimetres in diameter. They either have
no internal structure or are composed of globules, concentrically
laminated, fine-grained pyrite, or radial, bladed pyrite crystals.
Where nodules with radial, bladed crystals (spherulites) are closely
packed, they form a substrate for layers of fibrous pyrite crystals.
The spherulites (Fig. 3) probably consisted initially of marcasite.
The small pyrite globules have a diameter of 10–600 mm. The outer
parts of the nodules are commonly overgrown by euhedral pyrite
crystals. Laminae in the shale bend around nodules, suggesting that
age of the Kuruman iron formation is from ref. 44; see ref. 39 for references to other ages.
BIF, banded iron formation; SHRIMP, sensitive high-resolution ion micro-probe.
©2004 Nature Publishing Group
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the nodules predate compaction. Microbial mats and microbial mat
rip-ups mineralized by pyrite form wavy-crinkly laminae which are
similar to those in shales of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Group,
Montana, and in many Phanerozoic units32. The laminated seams
are fine-grained. Their parallel laminations are defined by variable
crystal size and by variations in the concentration of clay and
organic matter. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses
indicate that the pyrite contains small amounts of sphalerite,
chalcopyrite and galena. These sulphides also occur in veins that
cut across bedding. Some of the small pyrite grains contain Se, Pb
and, rarely, As. These textural and mineralogic characteristics as well
as the association of the pyrite with organic-rich shales suggest an
early diagenetic origin for all or nearly all of the pyrite.
If the D33Sln values of our data set are representative of sedimentary
sulphur during the deposition of the Timeball Hill and Rooihoogte
formations, they are strong indications that the level of atmospheric
O2 was .1025 PAL. The lack of MIF .0.33‰ could be related to a
hydrothermal source of sulphur that was not influenced by photodissociation in the atmosphere, or to local, complete mixing of S
species affected by MIF. However, the highly negative d34S values of
sulphur in the pyrite, consistently small D33S values over the 3.5-mthick section of organic-rich shales, and their deposition in a
shallow-water epicontinental basin far from sites of contemporaneous volcanic activity, speaks for its origin via the bacterial
reduction of normal seawater sulphate.
Two additional observations support the interpretation that the
lack of (or small) MIF signal in the Rooihoogte and Timeball Hill
pyrites is related to the rise of the atmospheric oxygen level before
these units were deposited rather than to local, complete mixing of S
species affected by MIF. First, the d34S values of the pyrites range
from 234.7 to 223.9‰. This range is consistent with the results of
whole rock analyses in a previous study26, suggesting that 34S
depletion in pyrites from these units is basin-wide. These values
are much lower than those found in all older sedimentary units13.
The small S isotope fractionation in the Archaean ocean has been
explained by a seawater sulphate content of ,200 mM (ref. 7). The
Timeball Hill and Rooihoogte S isotope data suggest a higher
seawater sulphate content during their deposition, consistent with
an intensification of the oxidative part of the S cycle rather than
local hydrothermal influence. Second, sandstones overlying shales
of the lower Timeball Hill Formation contain iron ore consisting of
haematitic oölites and pisolites deposited in shallow-water fluvial
and deltaic settings36. These haematitic iron ores cover an area of
.100,000 km2 and contain ore reserves of 6 billion tons at 40–55%
Fe (refs 36, 37). Their presence implies that the level of atmospheric
oxygen was at least high enough to oxidize Fe in shallow deltaic and
fluvial settings. These data are all consistent with an oxygen content
of the atmosphere .1025 PAL.
Until recently, the age of the Rooihoogte and Timeball Hill
formations was only constrained to be between 2.48 and 2.22 Gyr
(Fig. 2). A Re–Os age of 2,322 ^ 15 Myr has been reported38 for the
early diagenetic pyrites described above. The rise of atmospheric
oxygen to values .1025 PAL therefore began before 2,322 ^ 15 Myr
ago. The Duitschland Formation, which is preserved in the northeastern part of the Transvaal basin (Fig. 1), is a time equivalent of the
Rooihoogte Formation. It occupies the same stratigraphic position
with respect to the prominent underlying karstified unconformity
Figure 3 Reflected-light photomicrograph of pyrite spherulite in a polished thin section of
sample EBA2/30-1.
Figure 4 Plot of d33S* versus d34S* values in pyrite of the Rooihoogte and Timeball Hill
formations. The grey area defines the field of isotopic data that can be produced by massdependent fractionation processes along the fractionation arrays with slopes ranging
between 0.500 and 0.516 (ref. 35). Note that the d33S*/d34S* ratio in the analysed
samples lies on (or close to) the line of slope 0.5114.
Isotopic data
Drill core samples were cut parallel to bedding, polished, and then
analysed. Early diagenetic pyrite grains larger than 0.5 mm in
polished thick sections were pre-fluorinated, and SF6 analyte was
prepared by the in situ KrF excimer laser photoablation technique33.
The analyte was passed through a gas chromatograph, peaks from
contaminants were vented, and analysis of the purified SF6 was
made on a ThermoFinnigan Mat-251 at the Geophysical Laboratory
of the Carnegie Institution. On a d33S* versus d34S* diagram, the
isotopic composition of sulphur in the Rooihoogte-Timeball Hill
pyrites plots along or close to a line with slope 0.5114 that passes
through the origin (Fig. 4; d33S* and d34S* are defined34 as dx S* ¼
1;000 lnð½dx S=1;000 þ 1Þ; where x is 33 and 34, respectively). All of
the data in Fig. 4 lie within (or are less than the analytical error
from) the area defined by fractionation arrays with slopes ranging
between 0.500 and 0.516, typical of mass-dependent fractionation
processes35. This indicates that the data in Fig. 4 can be explained
without invoking any MIF.
Values of D33Sln in Table 1 were calculated by means of the
equation D33Sln ¼ d33S* 2 (0.5138 d34S*), where the slope 0.5138 is
defined by more than 100 unpublished analyses done at the
Geophysical Laboratory. All the values are #0.33‰. This indicates
that the range of the MIF signal in these data, if present at all, is
much smaller than the range observed in most Archaean sulphides
and sulphates but is similar to D33Sln values in recent marine
Implication for the rise of oxygen in the atmosphere
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©2004 Nature Publishing Group
surface and the overlying Timeball Hill Formation. There is a basal
glacial diamictite in both the Duitschland and the Rooihoogte
formations. Quartzites occur in the middle of both formations,
and a chert breccia is present at their top28. The upper part of the
Duitschland Formation contains marine carbonates with d13C
values as high as þ10.1‰, suggesting the production of excess
oxygen by biological carbon cycling39. Their stratigraphic position is
broadly correlative with that of the black shales of the Rooihoogte
Formation, suggesting a possible link between the high relative
burial rate of organic carbon and the rise of atmospheric oxygen.
There is still a time gap of ,150 Myr between the youngest
sediments with a strong MIF signal (,2.47-Gyr-old Dales Gorge
Member of the Brockman Iron Formation, Western Australia18,40)
and the oldest sediments with a small or no MIF signal (Rooihoogte
Formation). The record of sedimentation in the Huronian Supergroup, Canada might fill this gap. The glacial diamictites of the
Rooihoogte and Timeball Hill formations have recently been
correlated on the basis of chemostratigraphy and event stratigraphy
with the second and third of the three glacial diamictites of the
Huronian Supergroup, Canada39. Wing et al.41. found no D33S
values .0.3‰ in the sulphur isotopes of pyrite in shales that
underlie and overlie the oldest glacial diamictite of the Huronian
Supergroup in Ontario. This suggests that the loss of the MIF signal
pre-dates the first glacial diamictite. However, the early diagenetic
origin of the pyrite analysed by Wing et al. is not firmly established.
Although large MIF signals may have disappeared before the first
glacial event, the O2 content of the atmosphere seems to have
remained very low until ,2,322 Myr ago. Detrital pyrite and
uraninite grains occur in sandstones above the first glacial diamictite in North America42 and pebbles of siderite facies iron formation
occur in a conglomerate at the base of the Rooihoogte Formation28.
The carbon isotope record, though still rather poorly defined for
this time interval, does not indicate the presence of a positive
excursion before the first glacial event or between the first and
second glacial events43. The first major increase in atmospheric
oxygen may, therefore, have occurred during the deposition of the
Rooihoogte and Timeball Hill formations.
Received 5 August; accepted 28 November 2003; doi:10.1038/nature02260.
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Acknowledgements We thank D. Lange for help with the SEM work; W. Yang for help with
sample preparation; and J. Brouwer for giving us access to drill core EBA-2, which was drilled by
Gold Fields Ltd in the Potchefstroom area, and is now stored by the Geological Survey of South
Africa. This study was supported by the NASA-Ames Research Center, NASA, PRF/ACS, NSF and
South African Research Foundation.
Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.B.
©2004 Nature Publishing Group
NATURE | VOL 427 | 8 JANUARY 2004 |