International Journal of Business and Social Science
Vol. 5 No. 4 [Special Issue – March 2014]
Problems with the Application of Environmental Accounting in Middle East
Dr. Hussein Mohammed Eltahir Khalifa
Assistant Professor
College of Science & Humanities, Shaqra University, Aldawadmi, KSA 11911
On Secondment from Shendi University .Sudan
Dr. Suleiman Musa Elzain Hammad
Assistant Professor
Community College, Shaqra University, Aldawadmi. KSA 11911
On Secondment from Sudan Open University.
The study aimed at increasing interest in environmental accounting, laying the foundations applied for
accounting environment, the problem of the study in the lack of accuracy of the estimates and the accounting
measurement of the items of the environment, the inadequacy of some of the Principles of Accounting for
accounting environment, hypotheses: the adaptation of the principles and my principles and assumptions
accounting for the accounting environment helps in preserving the environment, the development of an
international accounting standard for accounting of the environment increases the effectiveness of Performance
and the concept of global environmental accounting, we used deductive approach and descriptive analytical
results: application actual accounting environment in study environment, financial items allocated to an
environment that is unfair with the pollution of the environment, the recommendations: requiring all polluters
natural and legal payment for the benefit of the environment, the application of the accounting standard
environmental, re-estimate of the amounts allocated to the environment in the Middle East.
Key Words: Environment, visual pollution, environmental degradation, a pile of waste, liquid waste,
environmental emergencies, polluting the environment, environmental quality, environmental accounting,
environmental disaster, environmental standards, environmental protection
Human behavior and the economic focus of the science of accounting works this science to find solutions to the
range of problems caused by this human behavior, including the problem of environmental pollution, especially in
finding a way to measure pollution financially and technically so they can find the resources necessary to reduce
or fight it or you make financial estimates to prove economic events which is reflected on the basis and
assumptions and accounting principles which are based on general goals, including the report on economic
activities and human behavior in part, the financial and the environment, including of humans and animals and
plants and inanimate resources of the seas and rivers, oceans and other components of the environment occupied
the attention of most researchers in the subjects related to the direct and indirect environmental ,human in their
conduct economic daily uses the surrounding environment, making such an application impact on the lives of
others and their environmental .This daily use of natural elements and components of the environment. The
financial cost, like human activity in agriculture, industry, trade, construction, water, and technical and other
human activities that have aspects Financial and cost accounting requires measurement of financial exact unit
consumption environment that should be priced according to the cost criteria in measuring units consumed
environmentally, and perhaps the growing interest in the topics of global warming and the ozone layer and the
problems of modern diseases caused by environmental pollution and the use of fertilizers, greenhouses and other
topics made thinkers accounting and some organizations working in the environmental field and relevant
ministries urges others in thinking about the dangers of Great threaten rights in various aspects of his life, even
holding the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1991 to address the problems of the environment and discusses
those challenges environment faced by human.
The Special Issue on Contemporary Research in Business and Social Science
© Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
Wherever it is found in rich or poor and developing countries which are the most in the production of pollution
and industries dirty or those that are called them as environmentally friendly, or so-called clean industries, those
challenges have helped speed in response to the increase of the accounting concerns about the previous
accounting environment was the basis for building the basis of intellectual or artistic application helps measure,
analyze and evaluate information system that will serve the users Financial statements, the environment and meet
the expectations in the service of the environment.
Problem of the Study
The problem with the study in the absence of the basis of accounting for the allocation of sufficient funds items
within the approved expenditure of financial companies, organizations and institutions producing pollution, lack
of measurement of an accounting objective of the components and elements of the environment surrounding the
company, and the problem of the study in the lack of financial estimates for the menu items for future budgets
Financial planning at financial planning for the future of environmental spending, the lack of a widespread culture
of customizable accounting for the spending environment, lack of proper application of international accounting
standards concerning environmental spending, weak financial laws binding to deduct the amount of financial
support from both public and private sectors to assist in the protection of the environment, the non-recognition of
tax authorities limits Higher expenses for the environment when calculating the tax base, also Lack of accounting
thought, which deals with issues related to environmental accounting, also lack of enthusiasm financial
management executive in the application of the principles and procedures of financial accounting for the
environment currently approved, considering that the cost of environmental costs sunken, does not contain the
profit and loss account on the expense of the environment in most institutions, the spread of making expenses
related to the environment within the general operating expenses, do not include financial compensation as a
result of illness as a result of environmental contamination in the work environment expensed human capital. The
following questions can help explain the problem:
1 / What are the foundations and principles of accounting and assumptions that govern environmental
2 / To what extent can the recognition of environmental spending within operating costs in facilities, tools and
machinery producing pollution?.
3 / What are the assumptions that are consistent accounting and accounting procedures for the environment?.
4 / to what extent can adapt the accounting principles generally accepted in favor of the environment?.
5 / What are the main problems facing the accounting in the process of estimating the terms of the environment?
6 / What are the accounting methods adopted in the allocation of funds for environmental spending? .
7 / How effective are the foundations of the application of withholding financial environment for the benefit of
companies producing polluting?.
The Importance of the study
The importance of the study of a variety of reasons which can abstract as follows: 1 / importance of the environment and conservation imperative to determine the accounting concept and its
elements2 / put the problems of the application of the principles and concepts and procedures for application in
environmental accounting
3 / provide some of the organizations working in the field of environment, financial information and methods of
4 / work to spread the culture of environmental protection, environmental accounting in facilities producing
5 / assist management in making decisions about the allocation of funds and the development of financial reserves
6 / extend range of professional organizations interested in the environment were assisted in the performance
7 / encourage spenders on the environment to increase the geographical area with a relatively clean environment.
Research Objectives
This study aims to achieve a set of general objectives for the environment and private accounting, as follows: 1 / definition of environmental concepts that help in caring for the environment and the dissemination of culture
and consciousness.
International Journal of Business and Social Science
Vol. 5 No. 4 [Special Issue – March 2014]
2 /dissemination of theoretical foundations, practical and procedural about the accounting measurement of the
cost of the environment.
3 / to shed light on how to estimate the terms of environmental accounting and financial reserves.
4 / knowledge of environmental accounting concepts, types and link of accounting types.
5 / helping to increase the disclosure of accounting for environmental problems and ways to treat them.
6 / working on the development of the conceptual framework and intellectual development of environmental
7 / dissemination of giving attention to financial allocations of profit institutions producing pollution.
Hypotheses of the Study
This study examined a group of scientific hypotheses that help to ask questions that can help in the analysis of the
main and sub-questions related to the study, namely:
1 / there is a significant relationship between the moral problems of the application of accounting between the
environment and pollution
2 / affect the allocation of amounts of cash in the budget to increase concern for the environment and the
prevention of risks
Methodology of the Study
The study followed a group of scientific methods to track the phenomenon and find out the intellectual
foundations and Conceptual study has been used deductive approach to assist in reaching a set of core routers on
this study and devise some generalizations intellectual, and follow the descriptive analytical method to identify
the components of partial to study the numbers associated with the field study and analysis to detailed
components to arrive at the results help to know the problem solving questions and achieve the objectives of the
study and its importance Use as a comparative historical approach to track aspects of time in the study and take
advantage of them.
Data Collection Tools
The study included a set of tools used to collect the raw data of the study and the means to obtain the basic
information you can work on increasing verify the authenticity of the study and that they involved credible The
researchers used observation and comparison and random samples, interviews, and personal control method in the
data and study relied reference books and scientific journals in addition to internet sites.
The Study Sample
The study used a sampling system can then disseminates the results of the study on the phenomenon in general
and this has taken the study of some Arab countries in the Middle East and another country as a sample for the
study of the field of the environment and the problems of accounting environment there in general.
Previous Studies
Nickel and Michael (1995) (1)
The study examined the problem of disclosure of environmental pollution of industrial companies, where the
study aimed to analyze the disclosure in the financial statements of companies that are industry-sensitivity high
environmental results: that there is a noticeable growth in the number of companies that disclose environmental
information, there is a disclosure of private information private investments in activities to combat environmental
pollution, there is becoming more frequent in operating expenses to preserve the environment
Ismail Mohammed Ismail ( 1997 ) (2)
The study examined ( environmental pollution between thought and measurement instruments accounting ) The
problem with the study of environmental damage to the community as a result of environmental pollution , where
study aimed to identify the possibility of measuring the social cost of pollution of the environment has reached the
study group to accounting requirements that must be provided to enable the measurement of The social cost of
environmental pollution , which is the existence of the records relating to the accounts of spending on
environmental protection and the presence of a planning budgets and spending budgets for environmental
protection, both types of capital and current accounts , as well as the final list included the social costs that help
the auditor to carry out a review.
The Special Issue on Contemporary Research in Business and Social Science
© Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
Abdel-Salam Kamal Abdel -Salam (1999)
The study examined (environmental accounting one basic requirements for review) lies the problem in assessing
the environmental commitments in addition to the disclosure of accounting for the costs of the environmental
performance of some of the companies, the study focused on the disclosure of environmental information, study
aimed to prepare information reflects environmental responsibility
Fayez Mohammad Sheikh Muzahim (2008) (4)
Subject of the study (accounting measurement of the costs of damage to environmental pollution on workers in
the oil sector), the problem in the accounting measurement of the cost of the environment, the difficulty of
identifying activities that are measured, their importance in the recognition of expenses, environmental, and most
important characteristic of the current study for the previous study sample was selected to study in Middle East
countries and attention to set conditions for binding facility that does not appear to address the environmental
costs in its financial statements
Laibi Hato Khalaf (2009) (5)
The study examined accounting methods to measure the costs of environmental pollution. And measurement of
expenses reduce pollution and problems related to the environment, and the problem of measuring the
commissioning of pollution types, different study aimed to find solutions to the damage caused by environmental
pollution and the most important results of the study are suffering most developing countries, the problem of
environmental pollution, scarcity of studies and research on the problem of environmental pollution and has
recommended the study to increase spending from states and major environmental organizations, environmental
interest in research, especially in the field of accounting.
Abdul Raziq Qasim Shehata ( 2010 )
The study examined ( accounting measurement of the costs of environmental performance ) , the problem of the
study in the weakness of the traditional means of measuring environmental costs , and the inadequacy of the
theory of the total cost of the measure and the unit price of the unit cost , environmental study aimed to the
statement of the ability of the accounting system in the company to measure the costs of environmental
performance , attention control environmental , to assist in reducing corruption , environmental hypotheses : the
existence of a relationship between the accounting system and the areas of corruption , environmental affects
measure the costs of environmental performance reduces environmental pollution , the results : there is a conflict
between the requirements of environmental protection and the efficient exploitation of the resources of the
company , there is integration between organizational factors and political and accounting appropriate in the
analysis of the elements of the costs of environmental performance .
Layout of the Study
The study was divided into an introduction and three sections, in the first section: the concepts and objectives of
the environment and environmental accounting, the second section: Influential factors in the accounting
measurement of the environment (applied study), and in the third Section: Discussion and analysis
Section one: the concepts and objectives of the environment and environmental accounting
The Concept of the Environment
Are all it takes to humans from water, air, land and outer space and all that it contains these circles of Mad and
flora and fauna and the different forms of energy systems and the natural processes and human activities?
Concept of the air:
A mixture of gases composed his natural characteristics and name known and environmental standards
specified in (KSA), Publications (General Presidency of Meteorology and Environmental Protection, 2013, p 1)
The Concept of Environmental Pollution
The presence of one or more of the materials and factors quantities or qualities or period of time lead either
directly or indirectly, to the detriment of public health or revival or natural resources or property or adversely
affect human well-being, and known pollution that a change in the environment that surrounds living organisms
and human-induced and daily activities leading to the emergence of some of the resources that do not fit with the
place in which they live organism and lead to the Fifty (Laibi Hato behind 0.2009, p 2)
International Journal of Business and Social Science
Vol. 5 No. 4 [Special Issue – March 2014]
Interest in Environmental Accounting
Environmental accounting profession is mandated to develop information that highlights the role of the unit and
its contribution to the community through optimum utilization of resources and preservation of the environment
and the fair distribution of profit, where he wrote many of the accountants about that relationship and organized
the National Association of Accountants and Accountants Association of America many meetings with the aim of
conducting research in environmental accounting in the period between 1970 -1975 m. interest in environmental
accounting led to the restoration of the environment which resulted in new case for the accounting profession to
accept the extradition of an active role with respect to the cost of pollution (AAA ,1975,53-89) The application of
traditional accounting on the cost of production is based on the assumption that reducing the damage caused to the
environment is only the cost of production and this means that the cost of disbursements and related to the
production must treated as a cost of production and that the cost spent to reduce environmental pollution must be
expected to carry on productive activities and that the costs associated with the process of reforming the damage
resulting from the activities that have taken place previously considered the previous period and treated her
income during that period.
Problems associated with the application of the accounting environment.
There are a series of observations that led to the disability application accounting system environment such as
lack of attention to the conceptual framework for environmental accounting and explain the vocabulary of
environmental accounting more clearly than can take down these concepts to the reality of the application of
accounting when calculating the cost of the environment or the deduction of the amounts deducted in favor of the
environment , the problem is not included accounting Standards means and procedures and basic methods and
allowed alternative when calculating the share of environmental expenditure binding institutions polluting the
environment , accounting principles generally accepted need to increase disclosure regarding the environment ,
Accounting estimate of the items is not an objective environmental and historical cost basis is an obstacle to the
recognition of expenses environment the future , not to adopt Financial allocations on the expenses of the
environment in the preparation of annual budgets , not to identify and measure the level of contamination of the
institution or company or individual to the environment in a quantity, the disclosure in the financial statements of
assets, environmental or participate at high rates in support of the environment , the lack of financial laws that
support the position of environmental accounting , to specialize public institutions and private sites geographically
within the organization to support the environment and environmental accounting in particular, to some
management in the institutions of public training courses on environmental accounting , the lack of a minimum of
assets that help clean the environment and support and must be followed by supervisory institutions of
government , non- deduction amounts when vehicle license or license renewal leadership to support the activities
of environmentally friendly , direct payments to hospitals to treat patients pollution Environmental direct and
indirect, do not include the school curriculum at all stages conservation culture adequately to means the current
estimate, the ineffectiveness of current methods for duty prohibitive costs of environmental degradation, free
curriculum for accounting departments or schools of Administrative Sciences or colleges economics in
universities in the Middle East approach effectively environmental accounting in more than a semester to increase
qualification in environmental accounting, environmental organizations supported by the lack of activities in a
satisfactory manner to manage users and the environment.
Pollution levels: There are several types of contamination and recall, for example, but not limited to: (A) Undangerous pollution -Is the pollution that man can live with that without being harmed (Laibi Hato Khalaf ،2009,
p 2 , (B) Dangerous pollution: -Is the pollution that appears negative effects affect the rights and the
environment in which they live and linked to industrial activity in all its forms and gravity lies in the need to take
preventive measures that protect human food from contamination? (C) The devastating pollution: Is the
pollution that has occurred in which the collapse of the environment and human together and eliminates all forms
of ecological balance is connected to technological development.
Types of pollution: Includes several types of pollution, including the following: (Air pollution, Waste pollution,
,Visual pollution. Noise pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, Food contamination)
Section 2: Influential factors in the accounting measurement of the environment: -
The Special Issue on Contemporary Research in Business and Social Science
© Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
There are a variety of factors that must be taken into account when determining the accounting items related to the
environment , whether those costs directly or indirectly, for example, there are costs to be taken into account
when calculating the cost of environmental damage is not limited to direct damages and indirect but be linked to
processes operating such delay incoming imports and exports, export or operating the full potential of the
production process and the decline in the state in general , including the cost of hardware failure imported by sea
which affects the transit trade, not to mention the direct damage to fisheries , for example.
Cost of Damage Measuring
Suggested by some researchers to measure damage to fisheries, for example, as a result of contamination by
comparing the quantities that can be caught in an area at specific intervals p1, p2-pn so as to calculate the rate of
decline in the growth of the fisheries potential during the period for a number of years (n) using the following
R = (-n-1 √ P2) / P1 : It is to know the rate of decline is possible to predict the quantities produced in the years to
come Fn = F1 (1 + r) r
Appreciation cannot measure the rate of reproduction of the human being at rates close if possible comparison
between the two types of where they were revived and the relative level of pollution, which affects the lower the
human species and other creatures, including fish in the oceans, seas and rivers as a result of environmental
pollution, and in spite of the expected (Food and Agriculture Organization) that the least census the world's
population by the year 2030 to eight billion, but that if this increase did not take into account some environmental
factors will be in doubt, based on the previous equation. Appreciation decrease represent years n and the decline
in the proportion of the population during that period, which can be measured between the years 2014-2030,
which is expected by the increase in the population of the world while ignoring environmental factors as the rate
of births with mothers and fathers and the Pacific exhibition of pollution can restore the decline equation
phenomenon, namely: Fn = f1 (1 + r) r .
According to this equation are such that reduced the world's population comparison between the birth of a clean
environment and birth in an environment of industries dirty not to mention the wars, famines and natural disasters,
deadly diseases and traffic accidents and some other methods that help in the exposed human and rehabilitation of
the death of the collective and without death fold as a result of pollution , And punctured this system when
predicting population growth did not apply its findings on the growth rates of Fisheries before, as it is not taken
into account the amount of fish that suffered harm from environmental pollution and ignores the increasing
consumption of fish over the years, and can be rationalizing this method later to account for those considerations,
must also take into account the cost of pollution resulting from water desalination, the greatest damage is damage
to health, which is often taken as an indicator of pollution, as is the case in the event of chemical contamination
caused by remnants of the oil sector.
Accounting Measurement of Pollution from Oil
Accounting theoretical framework discuss the effect of the petroleum industry employees to measure the cost of
human damage that may be caused to them as a major asset classes where you use the same method of
measurement of the damage the environment to human health in spite of the difficulty that beset, this can limit the
impact of environmental pollution on health water pollution own drinking and pollution, which affects fisheries
and pollution to the environment and your transition to humans and those costs are measured for the following
1 - The cost of pollution and disease implications .The cost of treatment. Opportunity cost the cost of discomfort.
The accounting mechanism provided by the accounting standards are still dealing with the subject in theory only
and by estimating the cost of treatment only as follows: - Ten = (n √ (dn * en * yn * pn)) / (d = 2)
The terms of the quality of diseases caused by environmental damage = DN, Average cost of treating patients =
EN, Number of days of treatment = YN , Special case ground = PN and duration .
The accounting measurement often deals with the unit cost in terms of affiliation to cost accounting , especially
on the side of manufacturing in order to determine the unit cost of producing only that this measurement helps
management in its decisions regarding the pricing of industrial products or pricing of services provided, and
therefore, the accounting environment as part of the accounting social responsibility imperative measuring unit
social cost ,
International Journal of Business and Social Science
Vol. 5 No. 4 [Special Issue – March 2014]
including the cost of treatment despite the fact that the previous study on measuring the cost of treatment of
diseases in general, and especially on the side of estimating the cost of treatment to insurance companies or to
account for insurance to help make decisions Actuaries In insurance companies who appreciated the cost of
damaging for the purposes of compensation for insured peer withholdings of them as a believer them and attic can
use the same previous equation in measuring the cost of treatment for patients heading environmental pollution so
that it can estimate the number of years in which he was to make environmental for many years , such as the
victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the second World War specially in the area of Japan and the number
of years that heals of them were exposed to these environmental disaster or a group of other waste that affected
the human race in any space environmental her life , and can be environmental accounting adoption of estimating
the cost of treatment and determine the prices of the units exposed to environmental pollution of revival through
the later years and estimate the amounts that can be allocated to existing patients in hospitals And patients
expected as a result of environmental indicators , the cost of the treatment you need to measure accounting
beyond the historical cost basis of accounting , which requires documents the historical moment of the event ,
which substantiate the application of accounting for those accounting entries that have been recognized in
accordance with the theory of double entry , we suggest that taking into account the accounting for environmental
adopt the principle of current cost in measuring the risk environment , based on the estimates projected by the
collapse of system interoperability in the area of what is then put reserves existing in the budgets of monetary
institutions consuming environment and assess the items that can be included in the financial statements for the
periods subsequent to measure environmental damage predicted using the theory of the total cost of treatment as a
result of pollution environmental for the previous equation and the adoption rates of population growth and the
patients in treatment costs and duration of hypnosis and the level of functionality after recovery from the disease
as a result of exposure to environmental damage ( the consumption of human assets ) within the accounting
expenses for social responsibility and social security costs and lower job performance Within the cost of
environmental accounting, and the possibility of different values of each variable of the above variables
depending on the quality of diseases caused by pollution elements and rates of different concentration.
C - Opportunity cost: Is the cost resulting from the work center bearing burdens due to lack of productivity of
individuals to unnecessary illness or poisoning, and used the following equation: - Pe = vyp ,TW × nd , Where: nd day of the year the total number of workers, two annual production value vyp =, pe= gains lost
D- The cost of discomfort: Accounting problem appreciation in general, and especially in some aspects where
there is overlap in the characteristics and accounting measurement proper and in accordance with the principle of
accrual and cash basis , especially if it is linked to certain factors, indirect and that you need to foundations of
different load and identify cost centers of service centers , centers of support , it is not easy being extracted with
an indirect impact , especially if coincided with serious illnesses and can be invoked here some studies carried out
in this aspect , especially the psychological ones, which seeks to measure the cost of the relationship between the
cost of connectivity inconvenience and cost of treating a patient One psychiatric hospitals, as in the following
equation: -The cost of treatment of inconvenience (discomfort) = vd , The daily cost to the patient at the hospital =
cu , The number of days of hospitalization = m2, V1 = M * ca: The cost of these particular deaths linked to a high
cost in human beings and there are no other related enjoy life (environmental disability), as in the following
Mc = s +-cipn , Social value = se, the social value that cannot be reduced because of death = si, the cost of
premature death = ( murder cost) mc It can extract value( cipn) the following equation: - (Cipn = ti-cn
Per capita consumption of goods and services = cn, the gross income derived by an individual of years lost to
death early = Ti, It can calculate the damage coefficient (df) to know the cost of the damage, if possible,
determine deprivation increase in the death rate (dr) and the average value of life (agl) and the number of
residents in the area of environmental damage (P) by the following equation: DF = Ad * A g l/p
And often is determined by the increase in the rate of death by increasing the effect of one unit of environmental
pollution by comparing the number of cases of death before and after this increase are the survey methods and
indirect measurement and questionnaires of the most important means of inference on the increase.
The Special Issue on Contemporary Research in Business and Social Science
© Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
The Equation of Environmental Control to: Dr.: Wilson
Wi = √ ((E * E-1) N) /
The real distribution of services = e, the total output of goods and services, n, public
welfare = W and N can be obtained through the N = Ni + T, The total cost of the damage and control pollution =
T, the value of goods and services to the lack of control on the environmental damage = Ni, Can be obtained on
the E by the following equation: , E = Ei_D, Total cost of pollution = D + T, the environmental cost , loss in the
quality of environmental services = D, the value of the environment in the case of non- pollution control = Ei,
The audit activity Environmental must contain vocabulary and objectives of the internal audit first as a guarantee
for the performance of the executive and institutional to include international auditing standards and control over
the activities of the institutions that did not take into account the environmental safety and thus try by supervisory
institutions of the state , and perhaps environmental accounting in measurable environmental damage and estimate
the value of a quantitative help extend government regulators in making decisions for the benefit of
environmental and working to strengthen the role of environmental auditing of environmental activities Entrusted
with the institution within the plan approved by the state and provide a schedule executive timetable and
organizations that monitor the environmental organizations informal and some civil society organizations
interested in the environment in general, and the internal audit is often the activities of the regulatory traditional
audit activities and operational data for billing, accounting , administrative, legal and health operations combined
and subtraction and other conventional processes , such as the discovery of errors related Omissions or those
mistakes intentional or errors related to the clay and the addendum or complete neglect of some of the processes
related to the limitations of accounting or other errors intentional or unintentional , and evolved revision to
include a review of policies, operational management and performance measurement and help the administration
and enforcement of laws And regulations, so the internal control should include directives of accounting societies
in the Arab countries and the Middle East, which was characterized by the element of compulsion in the bulletins
and regulations published for the adoption of methods and tools and performance reports lead to increased control
over the operations of the environment within the organization and activities of the financial implications of such
control on the environmental performance in Foundation contaminated environmental, and should add a
paragraph to express an opinion in the auditor's report environmental application procedures and regulations and
the foundations of withholding financial benefit of the environment and the extent of approval activities
ecosystem proper in the side of productive activities or by the human resources in the organization and then the
adoption of this report by the regulatory authorities of the State The organizations supporting the environment and
the public eco -friendly and accounting environment.
Section 3: Discussion and Analysis
Numbers and environmental indicators:
More than 81 million of the population of South America lives in the cities of contaminated resources and lose 65
working days per year , 290 African does not know way to a cup of pure and healthy water , indicating to United
Nations report to be 2 '3 billion people in the world suffer deficiencies in the recourses water , this confirms the
size of the humanitarian disaster facing the revival all and first of human virtue the largest source of
environmental pollution and the affected bulk of this pollution , it is clear from the study provided by the United
Nations about the environment that poverty is an essential factor in the increase in the proportion of
environmental pollution and the increasing affected by the pollution , where clear that South America and then
followed Africa represents the highest percentage in the vulnerability to environmental damage , this necessitates
the accounting as a measure of human activity and are affected by it and the affect it can find a set of standards
and ways to contribute to the reduction of the effects of this deadly plague Holland tops the list of countries
producing paper from waste paper with a total production in the country 77% of total production by the paper
industries , followed by Garman 67% , Austria 65% , Switzerland 61% , Finland 57 % ( United Nations
estimation )
Environmental Expenditure in Saudi Arabia:
The reports in the year 2010 for the Department of Statistics and surveys of environmental statistics annual
administrative records data , the number of workers and employees based on the environmental protection of the
public and private sectors about 23,062 people , as the total current and capital expenditures on the environment
for both sectors about 82.5 million Real and that sectors ministries and government institutions , universities ,
municipalities and industrial activities hazardous and non-hazardous and services , hotels , education and medical
services , both public and private
International Journal of Business and Social Science
Vol. 5 No. 4 [Special Issue – March 2014]
The results of statistical studies that more sectors spending on environmental protection where municipalities
spent about 65.5 million and represented expenses in the amount of 89% operating expenses and 11 % capital
expenditure and resolving ranked second in the medical services sector, where about 7.2 million spent Real
spending comes sector industrial activities in third place (environmental spending in1434 Journal Constitution)
The rate of environmental pollution in some sea shores in Kuwait 25%.(study of Kuwait University College of
Engineering and Petroleum (Ecosc ape means the port environment)).but the Global ratio must be less than 4 %)
The World Health Organization set of standards permitted with respect to dust and is 90 mg / m 3.
Many group of countries held meetings and conventions to help in the fight against environmental problems such
as acid rain and the decrease of the ozone layer and dumping waste in the ocean , and this so-called Montreal
Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer , in 1989 agreed producing countries Fluor carbonates to
stop production gradually and prohibits the production year 1991, and stopped completely in 2000 , met with
representatives of 178 countries in Radii Jean a wry 1992 on Environment and development (Earth Summit ),
where members of the United Nations signed an agreement to prevent the greenhouse effect and maintain forests
and endangered species . also 127 countries have signed the 2001 Convention on the Prohibition of the use of 12
pollutants (POPs) , including Article ( DPT) , which travel through the air ( network Tim Emirates ).( Middle East
newspaper No 11825 , April 14, 2011 Thursday 10 m inanimate initial 1432) .
Noted Dr. Conseco specialist pollution that air pollution has a negative impact on the overall economy , according
to a study conducted by the Ministry of Environment in Lebanon, and the World Bank, the percentage of the costs
resulting from the deterioration of the ratio in the Lebanese economy from 2.8 % to 4 % of GDP ( 565 million
dollars) , he drew captain doctors Lebanon Professor Sharaf Abu Sharaf that varies the proportion of outdoor air
pollution in Lebanon between cities and quail , as shown last local statistics that 62.4 % of Lebanese households
owns one car and 28% of households own at least two cars , which helps to 0 pollution that the numbers listed
show very clearly the seriousness of the deterioration of the environment movement . Said Dr. Nadim president of
the Lebanese Association for Chest Diseases that environmental pollution of different types is alarmist and claim
the need to take the necessary measures of the danger of repression and avoid violations of health ( traffic 70 %) 0
confirm the figures cited by persons with competence technical aspects of health and the increasing numbers of
environmental requiring the rise of accounting thought in general, and the Middle East, especially the attention to
the environment more than it is now , and with the efforts of the ability of the United Arab Emirates in the
completion of some major projects that can support environmental accounting in the performance of its functions
without being the inclusion of issues of environmental accounting within the cost accounting or responsibility
within the accounting Social with a social responsibilities that are interested by accounting for social
responsibility and we are theorizing intellectual accounting environment as a branch of pure types of accounting
that are taught within the decision accounting departments in the Middle East in general, and despite the fact that
some countries in the Middle East have financial returns, considering especially Petroleum states that the only
topic of concern for the environment and accounting for them is a great interest in upgrades for the risks and
threats surrounding the human form and the attention span of accounting humanitarian activities that need
It clear that from the foregoing that the hypothesis of the study, (there is a significant relationship between the
moral problems of the application of accounting between the environment and pollution).
The existence of such a relationship which demonstrate the existence of deficiencies in the application problems
accounting mentioned in the study, and the increasing rates of pollution in places that are less than the funds
allocated to the environment, such as South America, Africa and some countries in the Middle East, which
increases the environmental pollution associated with the lack of environmental spending.
The second hypothesis (affect allocation of funds Budget cash in increasing concern for the environment and the
prevention of risks) is clear from the test this hypothesis on the data collected from the field study and the
theoretical framework that the process of spending on operations environment and the lack of projects and
through the use of the tool's accounting oversight on the performance and implementation follow-up help to
evaluate the performance, both for the environment and environmental protection projects or finding
environmental standards or increased attention to environmental quality Factors of environmental pollution and
degradation of the environment in those voluntary groups, environmental or institutional work the government
helps in drying of environmental degradation and reduce the risk of sizes and types of waste pile of dry,
The Special Issue on Contemporary Research in Business and Social Science
© Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
liquid and prevent visual pollution and jealous of the health effects of pollution and environmental factors
polluting the environment. From the above illustrated the stability hypothesis.
Results & Recommendations: Results: The study found a range of results, including: 1- There are difficulties in accounting measurement of indirect cost to the environment.
2- The applicable accounting environment in most of the facilities and organizations polluting.
3- We need to develop accounting principles generally accepted to fit in with environmental accounting
4-There is no application of alternative accounting or allowed to download the operating costs in the unit and the
environment within the accounting standards.
5- There are no funds allocated for the environment within the licensed cars and driving licenses and factories.
6- There is no obliging institutions polluting the financial reserves to their employees affected.
7- There is less of planning budgets for organizations on the financial terms to meet the challenges of the
8- There is no rely of tax administration costs of environmental spending within the allowable expenses deducted
when estimates of the tax base.
9 - lack of financial laws that support the position of environmental accounting.
10- allocate public and private institutions geographic locations within the organization to support the
environment and prevent pollution.
11- Less care of administration authority in the institutions of public training courses on environmental
12- Lack of a minimum of clean assets that help to support environmental programs.
13- Absence of formal guidance for hospitals to treat patients with direct environmental pollution.
14- NO educational Courses that include schools subjects
in all stages of the culture of preserving the
environment are adequately assessed the current means.
15-There is no accounting departments or schools or colleges of Administrative Sciences economics in
universities in the Middle East effective approach for environmental accounting in more than a semester to
increase qualification in environmental accounting.
16- lack of environmental organizations backed activities in a satisfactory manner to manage users and the
environment in all the cover of the environment and environmental quality.
17 - late-onset environmental accounting in response to the requirements of rapid human behavior.
1 – Must create a basis for measuring the environmental accounting solves the problem of appreciation and
speculative arbitration for the environmental cost to suit the existing environmental challenges.
2- Sport to The application of the principles and the rules and procedures of applied and technical performance of
accounting recognized in the accounting environment in business organizations and institutions, non-profit
3- Need to develop a conceptual framework for accounting principles generally accepted to accommodate the
challenges of the environment and the proper accounting measurement of the cost of the environment
4- Disclosure of a set of allowed applications and alternative in environmental standards.
5 - Adoption of the foundations of the download to the cost of the environmental load theory within the total
environmental costs.
6 - Emphasize the need to follow-up and control the allocation of funds from the profits of polluting
environmental institutions in favor of environmental -friendly projects.
7- To make the role of government ministries and voluntary organizations active to support and improve its
performance in order to serve the issues of environment and accounting for environmental activities and employ
the funds allocated to them.
8 / need to pass legislation to ensure financial fiscal law of the States in the Middle East to support environmental
issues and accounted for.
9 / interest in environmental activities and increase the funds allocated for training and environmental disasters
10 / encourages planning budgets contain annual recognition tied to each item of business organizations with
pollution direct and indirect support for the environment and for the treatment of patients pollution 11 /
administrative department follows the opening of the senior management regard to environmental issues within
the organization and a member of associations, organizations, government ministries and civil society
organizations for the environment
International Journal of Business and Social Science
Vol. 5 No. 4 [Special Issue – March 2014]
12 / encourage and support industries and services, clean and monitor awards and incentives and loans
13 / Design courses with environmental culture is high in all levels of education below university with open
sections accounting includes more than 10 credit hours in university education and the opening of free
scholarships and supported by studies over the university about the environment 14 / encourage innovation and
measurement units cash new species developed in environmental pollution
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