Indonesian Management and
Accounting Research
Indications of Manipulated Financial Statements:
Evidence from Indonesia State Owned
18 Jan 2020
01 May 2020
27 Jun 2020
Sekar Mayangsari
Universitas Trisakti
This research investigates the variables that influence manipulated financial
statements. There are several fraud theories explaining these conditions,
including fraud pentagon which shows six factors that might influence
manipulated financial statements. This study uses state-owned entities as
samples with a total of 96 non-financial firms listed during 2013-2018, all
disclosing audited financial statements. The results of the study show that
capability is the only factor with a positive effect on manipulated financial
statements. Furthermore, the audit quality has the potential to weaken the
effect of capability on manipulated financial statements.
Keywords: fraud pentagon, audit quality, state-owned entities, manipulated
financial statement
Management and
(e) 2441-9724
(p) 1411-8858
Volume 19
Number 02
July 2020
Indications of Manipulated Financial Statements: Evidence from
Indonesia State Owned Enterprise
Sekar Mayangsari
There is a need for public sector accountability for good governance in
Indonesia, which relates to transparency and the provision of information
to fulfill the wider community's rights. Three main aspects support the
creation of good governance, including supervision, control, and audit.
Auditing ensures that the management of funds is in line with the
regulations outlined by the government. Therefore, one of the contents of
the package of laws on state finances is the provision of the audit function,
precisely Law Number 15 of 2004. It includes internal government and
external audits by the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI).
BPK RI is mandated by Law No. 15 of 2004 on the Inspection of State
Financial Responsibility to conduct audits of Government Financial
Statements, including state-owned enterprises. The activities carried out
provide opinions and show various findings that explain the weaknesses of
internal control and disobedience to laws and regulations. They also reveal
information on potential losses resulting from misuse and inefficiency in
the use of APBN (State budget) / APBD (Regional Budget). After obtaining
findings, investigations on the audit begin, and where necessary, graft
cases are initiated.
Earnings quality is divided into three, including earnings character,
investor response, and external misstatement indicators. It has other
characteristics, such as persistence and accruals, smoothness, and time
inaccuracy when acknowledging the loss. The investor response to
earnings, including the R2 earnings-returns model, relates to the earnings
response coefficient, which is also used as an audit quality construct. The
last category is external indicators, such as earnings misstatement or
earnings management (Dechow, Ge, & Schrand, 2010). However, to
understand audit quality, it is necessary to add auditors' ability to detect
misstatements and report them (DeFond & Zhang, 2014). This quality
needs to be built from the beginning of the audit to reporting and provision
of recommendations.
Cases of fraudulent financial statements in Indonesia, which
declines investor confidence in management, have occurred several times.
For instance, there was an incidence of fraud at PT Kimia Farma, which was
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2001. Based on an
examination conducted by the Ministry of SOEs and the Capital Market
Audit Agency (Bapepam), currently known as the Financial Services
Authority (OJK), there was an overstatement of the net income of PT Kimia
Indonesian Management and Accounting Research
ISSN 2441-9724 (Online)
ISSN 1411-8858 (Print)
Volume 19
Number 02
July 2020
Farma, Tbk in 2001. The overstatement involved manipulating sales and
inventory accounts in three business units by increasing the inventory
price as authorized by the Production Director. Additionally, the
management also doubles listed sales in two business units. It was
established that the company uses return on assets as a means of
manipulating financial statements—the stock price of PT Kimia Farma
declined sharply when the misstatement was reported to the public
(Martantya & Daljono, 2013). In practice, fraud can occur in various
sectors, including SOEs. In another case, PT Waskita Karya, in 2009,
overstated net income between 2004 and 2007. This condition was
disclosed when the substitute Director re-audits the financial statements
for issuance of the prior year's initial public offering. The audit results
found an over-statement in profit recording of around Rp. 400 billion.
Figure 1. Industry of victim organizations. Source: Association of Certified Fraud Examiner (2014)
Consequently, the initial offering of PT Waskita Karya shares was
postponed until PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (PPA) completed the
restructuring case, which was estimated to take two years. At that time,
PPA provided an additional fund of IDR 200 billion to improve the survival
of PT Waskita Karya (WIKA). According to a survey by the Association of
Certified Fraud Examiner (ACFE, 2014), the government sector, including
state-owned enterprises, commits much fraud than other industries, as
shown in the diagram below.
Indications of Manipulated Financial Statements: Evidence from
Indonesia State Owned Enterprise
Sekar Mayangsari
The novelty of this research, we use state-owned enterprises
(SOEs), which are listed in the Indonesia stock market. Compared with
other firms, SOEs have a purpose, mission, and objectives related to some
aspect of public service and social outcomes. State ownership has been
regarded as an instrument through which governments can regulate
natural monopolies, public goods provision, regional policies, employment
or social issues, and reduce market failures. Their ultimate goal is not only
to maximize profit. Nonetheless, the contrasting views are that state
ownership is mainly used for the interests of the ruling elite and that even
in the case of market failure, state ownership proves to be inefficient.
Agency Theory
This study uses agency theory as a theoretical basis (Jensen & Meckling,
1976). The theory explains various matters related to the characteristics of
a company, such as (1) a manager in a company with a diverse financial
structure choose a series of activities that lessens the value of the company
(2) the background of management failure maximizing company value is
consistent with efficiency, (3) the reason why shares are a significant
financial source even though managers are unable to optimize the firm’s
value, (4) why debt is relied on as a source of capital even though it does
not provide tax benefits, (5) reasons for the issuance of preferred shares,
(6) why audited financial statements need to be given to creditors and
shareholders voluntarily, (7) why creditors often place restrictions on the
activities of debtor companies, and (8) why highly regulated industries
such as utility companies or banks have higher debt-equity ratios than nonregulated firms. Furthermore, the agency is a contract between company
owners and management (Jensen & Meckling, 1976). The agency problem
is caused by a conflict of interest between the company owner and
management since they have different maximum utility. Based on agency
theory, the emergence of manipulator behavior is driven by conflicts of
For this reason, the management tries to maximize its interests. The
urge to manipulate financial statements is also attributed to the selfinterest of human beings. According to Bosse and Phillips (2016), selfinterest is based on reciprocal norms between positive-negative behavior
and fairness. For example, in case the management demands are large, the
reciprocity is negative behavior.
Indonesian Management and Accounting Research
ISSN 2441-9724 (Online)
ISSN 1411-8858 (Print)
Volume 19
Number 02
July 2020
Fraud is defined as a deliberate behavior to manipulate or any act that is
not reasonable for one's interests at the other parties' expense. It might
also involve taking money, property, or the legal rights of others.
Corporate fraud is a fraudulent behavior that causes errors in
presenting financial statements (AICPA, 2019). It can be classified into two,
including fraud in the presentation of financial statements and the use of
assets. Furthermore, corporate fraud is a dishonesty activity that affects
other parties (CIMA, 2017). These activities include stealing, corruption,
money laundry, conspiracy, bribery, embezzlement, and extortion. In the
company, fraud can be committed by stakeholders and the government,
fraudulent financial statements, and violations of various existing
regulations (Agrawal, Jaffe, & Karpoff, 1999). In general, companies in a
dynamic environment or a government vortex commit fraud easily
(Abdullahi & Noorhayati, 2015). Political interests and the demands of the
authorities sometimes force the management to commit fraud. Company
fraud research was first conducted in the 1980s on manipulating earnings
by company executives to achieve the company targets (Vassiljev & Alver,
2016). The executive's motivation to manipulate earnings is earning
obtained in case the company reaches the target. This manipulation is
mainly associated with corporate governance and financial ratios. The
research scope for corporate fraud has also changed in decades. Only
financial statement fraud was initially discussed but later progressed to
stakeholders, regulatory violations, and the government sector. Fraud
research is often carried out using several financial ratio variables (Brazel,
Jones, & Zimbelman, 2009), (Dechow, Ge, Larson, & Sloan, 2011), (Nelson,
2012b), (Nelson, 2012a), (Schrand & Zechman, 2012) and (Shih, Cheng, &
Wang, 2011). For instance, recent research on earnings manipulation is
associated with earnings management, income smoothing, and corporate
The theory of fraud explains the reason a corporation commits this
violation and has been developing for decades. For instance, the fraud
theory literature first developed was a fraud triangle (Cressey, 1953). It
stated three main components of fraud, including pressure, opportunity,
and rationalization. The theory was then developed into a fraud diamond
by adding capability as a new component (Wolfe & Hermanson, 2004). The
last model developed was fraud pentagon, which incorporated arrogance
(Marks, 2012).
Indications of Manipulated Financial Statements: Evidence from
Indonesia State Owned Enterprise
Sekar Mayangsari
Beneish theory is a financial statement analysis technique that can
be applied to detect fraudulent financial statements based on earnings
manipulation. Beneish (1999) studied quantitative differences between
companies involved in earnings manipulation and companies that are not
identified as doing earnings manipulation. Beneish uses the company's
data and calculates the financial ratios to determine the availability of
conditions that encourage earnings manipulation.
According to the study, earnings manipulation is indicated by an
increase in revenue or a decrease in company expenses significantly from
the year (t) to the previous year (t-1). From this, a ratio related to changes
in assets and sales growth was formulated in the M-Score to reflect
earnings manipulation.
Some financial ratios used to detect earnings manipulation include
a. Days Sales in Receivables (DSRI) Index
b. Gross Margin Index (GMI)
c. Asset Quality Index (AQI)
d. Sales Growth Index (SGI)
e. Depreciation Index (DEPI)
f. Sales and Administration expense index (SGAI)
g. Leverage Index (LVGI)
h. Total Accruals on Total Assets (TATA)
Audit Quality
Audit quality occurs if an audit results produce published earnings free of
material misstatement and are relevant and reliable.
Conceptual Framework
The purpose of this research is to detect the alleged manipulation in the
financial statements, which is conducted using the fraud pentagon model
(Marks, 2012). The model shows that fraudulent behavior is caused by
pressure, rationalization, opportunity, fraudsters' ability, and the arrogant
attitude of leaders. Although a company has the urge to commit fraud, with
efficient external party control, fraud can be reduced.
Indonesian Management and Accounting Research
ISSN 2441-9724 (Online)
ISSN 1411-8858 (Print)
Volume 19
Number 02
July 2020
Figure 2. Conceptual Framework
Audit Quality
Hypothesis Development
According to Summers and Sweeney (1998), financial targets between
non-fraud and fraud companies are significantly different. One form of
pressure that trigger fraud is the financial target. They lead to excessive
pressure on management to achieve the targets set, including revenues and
profits. According to Skousen, Smith, and Wright (2009a), financial targets
are generally used to measure the manager's performance and
determination for earnings. The higher the financial targets set, the higher
the pressure felt by management. This target increases the possibility of
management to manipulate earnings. Therefore, the hypothesis developed
H1: Financial pressure has a positive effect on the manipulation of
financial statements.
Studies show that receivables and inventories accounts require a
subjective valuation to estimate uncollectible amounts and obsolete stock
(Summers & Sweeney, 1998; Hammersley, 2011). Under these conditions,
management may use them as tools to manipulate financial statements.
Furthermore, receivables and inventories also show the characteristics of
a particular industry (Summers & Sweeney, 1998). In the financial
statements, there are certain accounts whose balances are determined by
Indications of Manipulated Financial Statements: Evidence from
Indonesia State Owned Enterprise
Sekar Mayangsari
the company based on an estimate, including uncollectible receivable and
obsolete inventory accounts. The management uses these accounts to
manipulate financial statements, including earnings (Beneish, 1999).
Therefore, the second hypothesis is:
H2: Industry characteristic has a positive effect on the
manipulation of financial statements
Rationalization is the main factor causing manipulation of financial
statements, with fraudsters seeking justification for their actions. This
attitude encourages individuals to commit fraud. Therefore, management
integrity is needed to eliminate the desire to manipulate. The honesty of
managers determines the reliability of financial statements. Someone with
a dishonest attitude easily justifies manipulative behavior. Contrastingly,
someone with high moral standards cannot participate in manipulative
actions. Fraudsters always look for reasons that justify fraudulent deeds.
Therefore, the hypothesis developed is
H3: Rationalization has a positive effect on the manipulation of
financial statements.
According to Wolfe & Hermanson (2004), capability is a qualitative
complement to the fraud triangle model (Cressey, 1953). Many capability
components might encourage someone to commit fraudulent financial
statements, including position, reason, selfishness, depression, and stress.
In this study, directors' changes are a form of capability or competence and
depend on political content and interests of certain parties, which often
causes conflicts of interest. Capabilities due to changes in directors indicate
the occurrence of fraud (Wolfe & Hermanson, 2004). The change in
directors in state-owned companies was motivated by political reasons or
other subjective factors and may hurt the company. Directors are often
changed to improve the performance of previous management. However,
the change is sometimes a company's attempt to get rid of directors
knowing the fraud committed by the company (Schrand & Zechman, 2012).
Therefore, the fourth hypothesis is
H4: Capability has a positive effect on the manipulation of financial
Arrogant attitude is one of the factors that trigger fraud in financial
statements (Marks, 2011). CEOs' arrogant attitudes trigger fraudulent
behavior, including egos, underestimating other people, autocratic style,
fear of losing position, and desire to do all activities without being
Indonesian Management and Accounting Research
ISSN 2441-9724 (Online)
ISSN 1411-8858 (Print)
Volume 19
Number 02
July 2020
supervised. These five factors individually and collectively form an
arrogant attitude that influences the desire to commit fraud and maintain
the position. One proxy that is often used to measure arrogant attitudes is
how often photos of company leaders appear in the public sphere (Marks,
2012). Furthermore, the appetite CEO's frequency encourages a leader to
maintain the quality of personal appearance. The leader belief often that
the image of the company depends on the appearance of the leader.
Previous works show the arrogant attitude of CEOs in the form of repeated
explanations related to their appearance in the companies' annual report
(Yusof, Khair, & Simon, 2015). Leaders tend to show the power and career
possessed in the company to maintain their status. This arrogant attitude
leads to fraudulent financial statements through the use and utilization of
the authority possessed. Any internal party cannot limit the actions and
behavior of the leaders because of the powers possessed. According to
Yusof et al. (2015) and Tessa and Harto (2016), the frequency of
CEOphotos' appearances is related to arrogance relates to fraud in financial
statements. Therefore, the fifth hypothesis is,
H5: Arrogance has a positive effect on the manipulation of financial
Agency theory states that there are differences in interests between
management and company owners. Therefore, the company owner needs
to create a mechanism to control management behavior to be in line with
their needs (Jensen & Meckling, 1976). Setting financial targets is among
the tools used by company owners to control management behavior.
Agents and principals hope to fulfill each other's interests. In this regard,
there is a desire for management to get a bonus for the results of their
performance in the fulfillment of the principal's wish, specifically profit
maximization. Profit is one of the strategies used for manipulating financial
statements because it is a performance measure used as the basis for
determining bonuses (Skousen et al., 2009).
The auditor is responsible for carrying out audit activities to obtain
adequate confidence about the financial statements' fairness and being free
from material misstatement. The auditor needs to have sufficient
knowledge of audit techniques and understand the criteria used. This
knowledge can be obtained through formal and informal education, as well
as experience in conducting audits. The increasing competition today
makes it more difficult for public accountants to behave professionally.
Consequently, many public accounting firms are more interested in
Indications of Manipulated Financial Statements: Evidence from
Indonesia State Owned Enterprise
Sekar Mayangsari
retaining clients and large profits. However, demands for quality audits
suppress opportunistic attitudes of management.
H6: Audit quality weakens the effect of financial targets on the
manipulation of financial statements
Summers and Sweeney (1998), Loebbecke et al. (1989) stated that
accounts receivable and inventory require subjective judgment in
estimating uncollectible receivables and obsolete inventories. Since
there are subjective judgments in determining the account's value,
management may use it as a tool to manipulate financial statements.
Good quality of financial statements can be achieved if the process
carried out by the auditor proceeds effectively. This quality means the
implementation of the audit achieves predetermined objectives. This
quality needs to be built from the beginning of the audit to reporting and
provision of recommendations.
H7: Audit quality weakens the effect of industry characteristics on
the manipulation of financial statements
Lack of integrity causes one or more individuals to commit fraud
rationally and determines financial statements' quality. When the
integrity of managers is questioned, the reliability of financial
statements is doubtful. For those who are generally dishonest, it might
be easier to rationalize fraud. In contrast, it might not be too easy for
those with higher moral standards to commit fraud.
In auditing financial statements, each public accountant needs to
fulfill professional responsibilities with the highest possible integrity
level. Accountability possessed by an auditor improves the cognitive
process in making decisions that affect financial statements' quality.
H8: Audit quality weakens the effect of rationalization on the
manipulation of financial statements
There are six components of capabilities: position, intelligence,
confidence, coercion, fraud, and stress management. The substitution of
directors shows the ability to carry out stress management. Public
accountants or independent auditors need to have certain professional
principles and quality guidelines. Arens (2017) and Daljono (2013) stated
that directors' change is often used as an agenda to manipulate financial
statements with specific objectives. Good quality of financial statements
should not be affected by the change of directors.
H9: Audit quality weakens the effect of capability on the
manipulation of financial statements
Indonesian Management and Accounting Research
ISSN 2441-9724 (Online)
ISSN 1411-8858 (Print)
Volume 19
Number 02
July 2020
Company leaders often want to be respected because of their status
in the company. This argument is consistent with one of the elements
presented by (Tessa & Harto, 2016) and (Laffin & Gomes, 2013),
specifically arrogance. However, it is quite challenging to measure a
leader's arrogance. Research shows that the frequent appearance of toplevel management in the media is an indication of arrogance. This
indication is shown by the frequency of the CEO's picture or the number of
photos displayed in the company's financial statements (Oktarigusta,
2017; Faradiza, 2019). The number of photos displayed in a company's
financial statements may represent the level of arrogance or superiority
possessed by the CEO. Financial statements' quality is a joint probability
where an auditor finds and reports violations in the client's accounting
system. The probability that the auditor might find misstatements depends
on the quality of the auditor's competence. However, the act of reporting
misstatements depends on the independence of the auditor. The quality of
financial statements is critical because high quality means they can be
trusted as the basis for decision making.
H10: Audit quality weakens the effect of arrogance on the
manipulation of financial statements
Research Design
This study used a hypothesis test design to determine the effect of the fraud
pentagon indicator on manipulating financial statements using the Beneish
M-Score model. This study used secondary data and panel data. Fraud
pentagon variables used include pressure factors with financial target
based on return on assets (ROA) variable, opportunity factors with
industry characteristics categories determined receivable, rationalization
factors measured by total accruals (TACC), capability factors based on
changes in directors (DCHANGE), arrogance, and audit quality as a
moderating variable. This study was conducted on Non-Bank SOE
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2018. The
sampling method utilized was purposive, while the analysis unit was based
on entities.
Indications of Manipulated Financial Statements: Evidence from
Indonesia State Owned Enterprise
Sekar Mayangsari
Operational Definition of Variable
The operational definition of each variable is as follows.
Table 1. Variable Measurement
Beneish M-Score Model
ncial Reporting
ROA (X1)
Audit Quality
KA (Z)
Net income / Total asset
(Receivables/Sales) (Receivables/Sales)
Total Accrualst / Total Assets
Dummy variable
1 = in case of a change in
company directors.
0 = in case there is no change in
company directors
This variable is measured by
counting the number of CEO
photos contained in the
financial statements.
Dummy Variable
1 = if BIG4
0 = if Non-BIG4
Hypothesis Test
The analysis used in this study was the logit regression analysis, with the
following regression equation:
β10DCHANGE*AQit+ β11CEOPIC*AQit+ε.... (1)
: Manipulated financial statements
: Constant
: Return on Asset Receivableit: Receivable
: Total accruals
: Change of Directors
: Number of CEO's photos
: Audit quality
: error term
Indonesian Management and Accounting Research
ISSN 2441-9724 (Online)
ISSN 1411-8858 (Print)
Volume 19
Number 02
July 2020
Description of Data / Research Object
The study used secondary data available on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
(IDX) during the period 2013-2018. The research object was all Non-Bank
State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Indonesia, which were listed during
2013 - 2018. Also, the study used a purposive sampling method based on
the following criteria 1) Non-Financial State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The financial industry is not
used since this industry is highly regulated, and some accounts are
different compared to other sectors. 2) Non-Financial State-Owned
Enterprise (SOE) reports their complete financial data on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange from 2013 through 2018. 3) Non-Bank State-Owned
Enterprises (SOEs) are listed until 2018.
This study used the panel data method, which is a merger between
the cross-section and time-series data. The observation period was 20132018 with 16 Non-Financial SOEs in one year and a five-year research
period between 2013-2018. Therefore, a total of 96 company data were
obtained. Table 2 shows the stages in the sampling of Non-Bank SOE
companies on the IDX.
Table 2. Sampling Chronology
Description Number of
Number of
Listed SOEs
Number of
(four years)
Source: IDX data processed
SOE companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange totaled 20
companies, including four banking and 16 non-banking. The 16 companies
were from several sectors, including energy, transportation, mining,
construction, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, and cement. However,
not all these companies reported their complete financial statements from
2013-2018. The purposive sampling was used. It was based on the
following criteria, 1) Non-Financial State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) listed
on the Stock Exchange Indonesia (IDX). This study did not use banking
Indications of Manipulated Financial Statements: Evidence from
Indonesia State Owned Enterprise
Sekar Mayangsari
companies because several research variables are not in banks' financial
statements. 2) Non-Bank State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) reported their
complete financial data on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 20132018. 3) Non-Bank State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are listed until 2018.
This study used secondary data from the 16 annual financial
statements of non-financial listed SOEs during 2013-2018. Therefore, the
total sample is 96 companies.
Descriptive Statistics
Based on the results of descriptive statistical tests, the multiplication of the
number of samples by research year periods (six years) was 96. Descriptive
statistics explain the data description of all variables included in the
research. Table 3 shows the descriptive statistics of the variables used.
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics Data
Source: Processed Data
Based on the descriptive analysis results above, the Fraud has the
highest value of 8.305 for PT Perusahaan Gas Negara in 2014, while the
lowest value was -7.7251 for PT Garuda Indonesia in 2015. The company
with the most fraud was PT Semen Baturaja in 2013, while the one with the
least fraud was PT Garuda Indonesia in 2015. The mean value was
0.243013, where the average company committed fraud and the standard
deviation was 12.0328.
The highest value of ROA was 0.1959 for PT Perusahaan Gas Negara
in 2014, while the lowest was 0.0021 for PT Aneka Tambang in 2016. The
company with the highest profit was PT Perusahaan Gas Negara in 2014,
while the one with the lowest profit was PT Aneka Tambang in 2016. The
mean value was 0.066180, which means that the average company has a
profit of 0.0066180, while the standard deviation was 0.0448755.
For Receivable, the highest value was 0.8978 for PT Perusahaan Gas
Negara is 2013, while the lowest value was 0,000 for PT Krakatau Steel in
2017. The higher the value, the greater the risk faced by a company. This
Indonesian Management and Accounting Research
ISSN 2441-9724 (Online)
ISSN 1411-8858 (Print)
Volume 19
Number 02
July 2020
value requires significantly higher estimates and considerations. The mean
value was 0.074481, which means that the average company has a risk of
0.074481 with a standard deviation of 0.1540516.
For Total Accruals, the highest value was 0.0698871 for PT
Krakatau Steel in 2015, while the lowest was -0.2075 for PT Indo Farma in
2016. The higher the value, the greater the rationalization by management
to commit fraud. The mean value was -0.013947, with a standard deviation
of 0.0736296.
DCHANGE is a dummy variable used to measure capability. In case
the company has management or directors with capabilities, it will not
change its directors. If company changes directors from the previous year,
it is coded 2, and if not, it is coded 1.
CEOPIC is a dummy variable used to measure the level of arrogance
of a company's management.
Audit Quality is determined by the dummy variable using BIG4 audit
firm. A company that uses a BIG4 audit firm is coded by 1, and if not, it is
coded 0. The BIG4 audit firm is used as a proxy for audit quality because it
is perceived to have good quality, competent, and well known to the public.
Therefore, the audit quality can be reliably compared to the published
financial report audited by Non-Big4 audit firm.
Table 4. Prediction Accuracy
% Predicted
Source: Processed Data
Data analysis performed using logistic regression showed that the
prediction accuracy for entities categorized as fraud was approximately
41%, while the non-fraud was 59% correct. The test results of ROA,
receivable, TACC, DCHANGE, CEOPIC, and audit quality as a moderating
variable on fraudulent financial statements are shown in Table 5. below.
Indications of Manipulated Financial Statements: Evidence from
Indonesia State Owned Enterprise
Sekar Mayangsari
Table 5. Hypothesis Testing Results
Sig. (one tail)
**Sig.level 5%; *Sig.level 10%
Hypothesis testing is carried out by comparing the level of
significance with an error rate of 5%. Based on the results of the statistical
tests, the financial target shows a regression coefficient (β1) of 0.337. Since
the significant value is greater than α = 0.05 or 0.3365> 0.05, H1 is rejected.
The hypothesis stating that financial targets have a positive effect on
fraudulent financial statements is rejected.
From statistical tests, the receivable has a significance of 0.310.
Since the value is greater than α = 0.05 or 0.310> 0.05, H2 is rejected.
Therefore, the hypothesis stating that receivable has a positive effect on
fraudulent financial statements is rejected. Additionally, TACC has a
significance value of 0.037, which is significant. For this reason, the third
hypothesis stating that opportunities have a positive effect on fraudulent
financial statements is accepted. From statistical tests, DCHANGE shows a
significance of 0.008. Therefore, the change of the director harms a
fraudulent financial statement.
CEOPIC variable has a significance value of
0.05. Therefore, the hypothesis stating that CEOPIC has a positive effect on
fraudulent financial statements is rejected. Other results show that audit
quality cannot moderate the relationship between financial targets and
fraudulent financial statements. Furthermore, the hypothesis stating that
audit quality strengthens industry characteristics on fraudulent financial
statements is not supported. The role of audit quality in strengthening the
effect of TACC and arrogance on fraudulent financial statements is rejected.
However, the moderating role of audit quality on arrogance and fraudulent
financial statements is not supported.
Indonesian Management and Accounting Research
ISSN 2441-9724 (Online)
ISSN 1411-8858 (Print)
Volume 19
Number 02
July 2020
Based on the results, return on assets has not a positive effect on fraudulent
financial statements. Therefore, the first hypothesis was rejected. Skousen
et al. (2009) stated that firm performance is often used in assessing a
manager's performance and determining bonuses and wage increases. The
higher the performance, the more vulnerable the management do earnings
manipulation. This result is against the pentagon theory.
The industry characteristics do not affect the fraudulent financial
statement. The hypothesis stating that receivables have a positive effect on
fraudulent financial statements is rejected. According to Summers &
Sweeney (1998), receivables and inventories require subjective judgment
in estimating uncollectible receivables and obsolete inventories.
Furthermore, managers focus on both accounts in case they intend to
manipulate financial statements. Also, Summers and Sweeney (1998) show
that the ratio of changes in accounts receivable has a positive effect on the
manipulation of financial statements. The result is against fraud pentagon
theory, which is suggested that financial targets will cause fraud.
Changes in company leaders do not always have a good effect on the
company. Sometimes, it could be an attempt by the company to improve
the previous directors' performance by changing their composition of the
directors or recruiting more competent individuals. However, the change
may be the company's attempt to get rid of directors who know the
company's fraud. Since the changes require adaptation time, the initial
performance is not optimal because they do not want to lose their status or
position in the company's management. Arrogance is yet another factor
that triggers fraud. Dietrich & Amrein (2017) and Tessa & Harto (2016)
established that the frequent number of CEOs' pictures related to the
arrogance that influenced fraud.
The test results also show that audit quality moderates the effect of
financial targets on manipulated financial statements. Therefore, the
hypothesis stating that audit quality strengthens financial targets' effect on
manipulated financial statements is accepted. Because with high-quality
audits, even though management is depressed by these targets, it is not
easy to commit fraud because high audit quality is generated from a
qualified audit process. This result support agency theory
The audit quality does not weaken the effect of receivables on
manipulated financial statements. The hypothesis stating that the audit
quality strengthens the effect of opportunity on manipulated financial
Indications of Manipulated Financial Statements: Evidence from
Indonesia State Owned Enterprise
Sekar Mayangsari
statements is rejected. According to Skousen, Smith, & Wright (2009b),
accounts receivable and inventory require subjective judgment in
estimating uncollectible receivable and obsolete inventory. Since there is a
subjective judgment in determining the value of the account, management
can use it as a tool to manipulate financial statements. In Summers and
Sweeney (1998), the proxy used for receivables' industry characteristics is
the ratio of changes in accounts receivable. Quality financial statements can
be achieved if the auditing proceeds effectively, hence achieving the
predetermined goals. Importantly, quality needs to be built from the
beginning of the audit to reporting and provision of recommendations. The
result against agency theory, which stated that an audit could influence the
opportunities behavior of management. This influence is not surprising
because auditors are under pressure management in certain conditions,
especially for a deep pocket. Another reason, detecting fraud is neither the
purpose nor the focus of an external audit. Based annual report of SOEs
has some of the essentials in place to prevent fraud. They have fraud
policies and codes of conduct and encourage staff to raise concerns.
The hypothesis stating that audit quality strengthens the effect of
TACC on manipulated financial statements is not supported. Management
integrity is the main determinant of the quality of financial statements.
When manager integrity is questioned, the reliability of earnings is also
doubtful. For generally dishonest, it might be easier to rationalize fraud. In
contrast, managers with higher moral standards cannot commit fraud. In
auditing financial statements, each public accountant needs to fulfill
professional responsibilities with the highest possible integrity.
Accountability of an auditor improves the cognitive process in making
decisions that affect the quality of financial statements.
Some of the results do not support agency theory. The study results
are consistent with the assumption that the audit process on SOEs is less
effective due to various reasons, such as politics and economics. The
auditors are not strong enough to reduce agency conflicts between the
government as the majority owner and SOEs. The political pressure often
makes SOEs unable to take professional action.
Indonesian Management and Accounting Research
ISSN 2441-9724 (Online)
ISSN 1411-8858 (Print)
Volume 19
Number 02
July 2020
The test results prove that financial targets, arrogance, industry
characteristics, and opportunities do not influence manipulated
financial statements. However, the change of directors has a positive effect
on manipulated financial statements. Also, audit quality weakens the
positive influence of capability on manipulated financial statements.
There are limitations on data access for state-owned firms affecting the
number of study samples.
Suggestions for Further Research
These empirical results can be expanded using a sample of non-stateowned companies in the financial sector to determine the research results'
robustness. Furthermore, it can be tested using non-state-owned
companies to improve the generalization of the results. Future studies need
to add other variables, such as a positive accounting hypothesis, which
states that bonus plans, debt contracts, and company size influence
financial statements' preparation.
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Indonesia State Owned Enterprise
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