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International Conference on Autonomic Computing, 2004. Proceedings.
8 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
This paper presents an approach to autonomic pervasive computing that leverages planning techniques to enhance the self-management capabilities of distributed systems. Focusing on the integration of various services and devices, the study outlines a framework that allows for dynamic resource allocation and efficient handling of user interactions in pervasive environments. The approach aims to improve user experience by automating decisions and optimizing resource utilization, providing a foundation for future developments in autonomic computing.
… Showcase Proceedings of …, 2009
The area of pervasive systems is characterized by high heterogeneity, with thousands of autonomous devices living together, and requiring high level of interoperation. In particular, domotics is concerned with the pervasion of technology into housing, in order to make homes more pro-active and improve the level of security and comfort of their inhabitants.
The DFKI conducts application-oriented basic research in the field of artificial intelligence and other related subfields of computer science. The overall goal is to construct systems with technical knowledge and common sense which-by using AI methods-implement a problem solution for a selected application area. Currently, there are the following research areas at the DFKI: 2 PPP Project Description 2.1 The Need für Interactive Multimedia Presentatiün Systems Rapid progress in technology for informat.ion pro cessing, storing, distribution, anel displaying is paving the way for the information society of the next century. lt is one thing t.o have great potential in produ cing alld accessing vast amount.s of information , but quite another to make information available to human users in a way. Since present.ation of information is becoming more and more crucial in an expanding field of a.pplications, intelligent presentation systems are needed as important building block s for the next generation of user interfaces. Such prese ntation syst.ems should be able to ge nerate interactive multimedia presen tations in order to account. for : • Adapl:ivit!J Interactive multimedia presentation syst.e ms tran s lat.e from t.he nano\\' output channds providecl by most. of t.hc current. application systems int.o high-bandwiclt.h COI11-l11unications t.ailored to the individual user. The nee d far adaptation ,is based on t.h e fad that it is impossible to anticipat.e t.11e nee ds and requirel1len ts of e ach pote nt.i a l user in an infinit.e number of presentation situations. In an intelligent presentation system like PPP d esign decisions concerning the can be postponed unLiI runt.ime and all part.s of the present.ation can be generateel on thc fly and so cllstol1lizeel for t.he int.ended t.arget: audience and situation. • E.ffecfiven ess In many sit.uations, informat.ion is prestcl1t.e cl ef{ anel effect.i vely only through CI. pa.rLiCldar cOl1lbinat.ion of COllll1l1lJlic.atioll modes. For ex ample, when explail1ing; 110W 1.0 us e CI. technical c1evice , hUl1l a llS will oft-ell ut.ilize a. c0111bination of language anel gra.phics. It. is a rare illsLruct.ioll Ill a 111.1 a I that eloes not contain illust.rations. Mull.inwdi a presentat.ion systems t.ake advantage oi bot.b tiJe individu a l st.rellgtll of ccl ch cOl1lmllnicat.ion m ed iulll anti thc fact lhat several media can b e elllployecl ill parC\llel, e.g., natural language allel g ra pllics to proeluce ,1 fiexibk allcl eHlcient informat.ion 1\l10reover, facilit.ies of modern computer (.("chnology proviele t.h c pot.ent.ial t.o generat.e aelvancccl prese nt,at.ion s that go beyond Ihe lin (' <H. sta.t:ic nat.ure imposecl Gy paper-print.ecl dOCU!l1ClltS. Sxarnples are hypereloC1ll1lent~. simult.a.neously cOl1l!l1ent.eel animation, int(~ractive graphics, allel virt.ual realities : Ir carefully clesigne cl, thes e prese ntatiolls ,viii be !1l11ch lllore efl'ecti vE' thall p res c lltations basecl Oll traclit.iona.l t.echuiques, c.g. , hardcopi es , coulcl evc r be. • Rrrld' ivit!J fixed prese nta.t.ions such as paper printecl .clO Clllllent.s provicle onl)' a olle-w ay f'~ change of illforma.t.ion. Since a. USf'r con["rollt.ecl wit:h a llon-inte ractive clOClll1lPllt is lost wh e n he eloes not unclers tallcl an insl' luction , it woulcl be l1111ch better 10 a. llo\\• for from thc user. Pro hahlv tlJ(' grf'a\es(, o pp or t.ullir y ([n illter Clc li\'(' l11ult.inwcli,t pres c lltatioll provieles lies ill tll(' gCIH'ldli/, (üioll of nwtlloc!s. \\'lli ch gCllf'ratc coopcntLiv<.' res ponses Ln f"ollow-l.lji q~lcsliollS ill IICl.t.unt! 1'1.11g11rlge didlog '; \ •.-; \.ClllS. 10 t1IC h!"Oa<!('r (I 01 11<1. i II 01" lllllliilll()<!dl ('()llJIlllllli «It. iOII. i'v[ore O\•l' l". ill ,'I S() IJlli Sli«(1ll 'd 1. Rapidly expaneling activities in intelligent multimedia interfaces pro\'icle eviclence lhat the importance of mult.imedia in human-computer commllnication has been \\'ell recognized worldwide. TiIere are !lew funding programs currently in prepararion , e.g .. in es.-\.. Japan, ami France. Universities have foundeel mult.imedia groll ps (e.g .. j\tIIT i\Iedia Lab. Stanforel University, UC Berkeley). Industrial interest and support ha\'e been 5ho\\'n by nearly alilarger companies (e.g., Apple, IBM, Microsoft, SUN, Inte l, NeXT, and Siemens). In Japan the Human Int.erface Laborat.ories at NTT anel the FRIEND 21 project fund ecl by all major compcl.l1ies are the elriving force behinel the research in this area. Specialized new conference series have been set up , e.g., IJ CA 1-89 \Vorkshop on ; A N e\\' Cenerationof Intelligent Int.erfaces' (cf. [Arens et (/I., 1989]), ACM Syrnposia on 'Use r Interfa ce Software anel Technology ' (UIST , cf. con fer eren ce proceeelings 1988-1992), Illt elll<-ttiona l Workshop on ' Int.elligent User Int.erfaces' (cf. [Sullivan anel Tyler, 1991]), Workshop on 'Task Coml11unicatiqn t.hrough Natural Langllage and Graphics' (cf. [Badler anel \\'ebher, 1090]) , NATO Workshop on 'Com putational Theories of COl11l11unicatioll alld thc ir Applications' (cf. [Ortony et ul. , 1902]), AAAI-91 \Vorkshop on 'Intelligent Multim ed ia 111terfaces ' (cf. [Maybury, 1992]), Inte rnational Workshop on 'Aspects of .-\. lltol1lated \" atura l Language Generat.ion' (cf. [Dale d ul., 1992]), anel Advanced Visual Interfaces \\'ork;:;hotJ (AVI, cf. [Costabile et ul., 1992]). Furt.hermore a ne\V ACL sp ecial int erest grollp O ll 111telligent. Multimedia Interfaces has been establishecl anel the fir s t inte rnati ona l book O ll ' Intelligent Mult.imedia Inte rfaces ' will lw [Jubli' shed by AAAI Press ([\Iaybury. lCJC)'] ]) For th e next Internat.ionalJoint Conferenceon Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-9 3, a palle l O ll 'Instrllct.ions allel Language' ha s been organizeel by Prof. \Nebber (UPenn) allel the PPP t.eall1 has been invited t.o prepaw a cont.riblltion on mliitimoelal in st ructions fOI thi ::; panel cliscussion. Finally, in Saarbücken two s pin-off companies have been founcleel by former membels of Prof. \Vahlster's research group, that clevelop, seil anel deploy mlilrimodal interfaces. Th e BQ company elevelopeel various multimodal information systems for Son,' alld 11111\t.imodal entert.ainment. sy stems for Philips and Ravensburger. The Trans\[ o dul company seils an int.elact.ive mliitimoclal interface t o t.he DOS operating sy ste m (DOS-MAN) that natural lallguCl ge Clne! pllll-doWIl menu s. :~
Today, pervasive computing often centers around accessing web information from handheld devices. One attractive alternative is for a user to subscribe to relevant information and to be notified when such information becomes available. In this paper, we describe a system that allows users to specify a wide variety of interesting, and possibly complex, events, which may require the system to aggregate data from numerous content sources. Furthermore, because users typically have different devices available to them at different times, the system delivers the message to one or more of the users' devices based upon their general preferences as well as their present context. Our Intelligent Notification System reduces the demand for user attention by delivering the requested information to the user on a convenient device in a timely and appropriate fashion.
6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2007), 2007
Abstract. The goal of human-centered, ubiquitous computing should be to hide the details of the computing environment, allowing users to concentrate on their goals, rather than on the direct management of devices. This paper describes a system that operates at the level of goals and plans, rather than individual resources. It adaptively selects from its plan library that plan which is likely to best achieve the user's goal in light of his preferences and current resource availability.
—Now days it is essential to develop electricity with renewable sources or required to save energy, because of low creativity and high demand of electricity. 12Mega Watt energy was sufficient above 60 years ago, but now days this number is very big (approximately 1.5 million Mega Watt). Many times we forgot to switch off the light or fan or other home appliances, due to which there is large waste of electricity. To save the electricity we are going to implement this project named as " Automatic Room Light Controller with Visitor Counter and GSM Messaging ". It automatically count the number of person enter or exit the room and depend on counter value it automatically turn on or off the lights of room. To show the Count value we use the 7-Segment display and the GSM is used to transmit the count value on allowed mobile number as a message " count=___ " .This project can be used for security purpose.
Academia Mental Health and Well-Being, 2024
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between socioemotional competencies (SECs) and happiness and to test the moderating effects of mindfulness, social media engagement (SME), and cultural orientation. A total of 224 participants (Mage = 23.29, SD = 6.01; 69% women) from Nepal (n = 70) and the United States (n = 154) completed an online survey. This study utilized the SEC and mindfulness scales, as well as the Subjective Happiness Scale, and employed hierarchical regression and moderation analyses. The results revealed that SECs and mindfulness were positively associated with happiness (SECs: B = 0.38, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.15; mindfulness: B = 0.39, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.31), while high SME was negatively associated with happiness. However, neither mindfulness (B = 0.17, p < 0.05, ∆R2 = 0.02) nor SME (B = 0.03, p = 0.46, ∆R2 = 0.02) moderated these relationships. The moderating effect of cultural orientation on the SECs–happiness relationship was statistically significant (B = 0.54, p < 0.05), suggesting that happiness is a subjective phenomenon influenced by cultural context. This study highlights the interconnections between SECs, mindfulness, SME, and happiness, with an emphasis on cultural variations. It suggests that integrating mindfulness and SECs while accounting for cultural differences can enhance happiness. These insights provide valuable guidance for promoting emotional regulation and mental health in a technology-driven society.
Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2014
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