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292 Improvement of Soil Properties, Bratislava on June 4 – 5, 2007 TREATMENT OF SOILS WITH THE RBI-81 AND RENOLITH ADDITIVES Milorad Jovanovski, Spasen Gjorgevski, Jovan Papic, Josif Josifovski ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results from field and laboratory testing on low bearing natural subsoil and coarse grained material for pavement layers, stabilised with additives type RBI-81 and RENOLITH. The effect of improvement of mechanical properties such as Californian Bearing Ratio, Uniaxial Compressive Strength etc is analyzed for several soil types. The methodology of testing is briefly explained. The improvement of named soil properties is 2,36 - 4 times. Adequate recommendations about possible using of additives RBI and RENOLITH, are discussed for cases of improvement of low bearing subsoil, as well as for coarse grained material which can be used in pavement layers. The favorable aspects of the treatment with such additives, as well as limitations are noted. The problem needs a close communications between Geotechnics, Geology, Chemistry and Civil Engineering experts, in order to minimize the expenses for construction of the roads and the ecological influences on the natural media. 1. Introduction During the design of traffic infrastructure, several main aspects of the natural foundational media are of primary technical and economical interest. One of them can be the problem of low-bearing capacity subsoil, which has a direct or indirect influence on the technical solution and economical impact on the project. The other one can be a problem with providing of an adequate coarse-grained material for pavement layers because of the strict technical criteria, that must be satisfied for such materials. Having in mind that the Geotechnical Department from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Skopje, R.Macedonia, during several years worked on some road projects in the country with specific types of additives called RBI and RENOLITH, in the paper the experiences from the tests are presented. This is a relatively new technology for stabilisation of the natural soil or pavement layer of the roads, based on the reaction of the ecological stabilisers with a natural soil. In general, the following effect with treatment of the lowbearing subsoil with this stabilizer: -Decreasing of the dry unit weight, -Increasing of the strength properties, -Decreasing of the soaking of water, Finally, the effect in soil improvement is expressed in a higher bearing capacity of low bearing soil or reducing in the thickness of the pavement layers. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prof. Milorad Jovanovski, Prof. Spasen Gjorgevski, Assist. Jovan Papich & Assist. Josif Josifovski, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje, blvd.Partizanski odredi No24,1000,Skopje,Macedonia, E-mail:jovanovski@gf.ukim.edu.mk 293 In some cases, for lower range of roads (local roads) construction of the road can be without asphalt final covering. Having this in mind, it is clear that this problem has a large practical and scientific importance. 2. Analysed soil types The testing with stabilizers RBI and RHENOLITH are performed in the framework of the geotechnical studies for the local road to the mountain Vodno (closely spaced to the capital Skopje), and for some sections on the highway from Skopje to Negotino in R.Macedonia. The products were from Israel. The chemical composition of the additives was not declared by the Investor (company Makedonija pat). It seems that it is based on some mixture of gypsum and carbonate material, with some specific ingredients. An extensive program is applied in order to determine the physical and mechanical characteristics of the soils before and after stabilization. All typical classification tests, determination of the Californian Bearing Ratio (CBR), Optimal Moisture Content (OMC), Maximal Dry Density (MDD), and Uniaxial Compressive Strength (USC) etc are prepared on a soil types given on figures 1, 2, 3 and 4. Fig. 1. Typical granulometric curves for the tested samples along road to mountain Vodno Fig. 2. Range of values for plasticity limits for fine grained soils along road to mountain Vodno 294 Fig. 3. Correlation between Californian Bearing Ratio and Optimal Moisture Content for the coarse grained material along road to mountain Vodno Fig. 4. Typical granulometric curves for the samples from the highway Skopje-Negotino From the figures, it is obvious that, there are a cases of fine grained and coarse grained materials. All of them are tested additionaly after ading of some percenatge of aditives. The main data about tested material are underlined bellow: - - Material for pavement layer according to the Unified Soil Classification System was ussualy in a class of well graded gravel (GW). The values of optimal moisture content was usual between 5-8 %, while the maximal value of dry unit weight is from gd=2121,7 kN/m3. The value of CBR is usually around CBR=34 - 90%. These materials are usually in a class A1-a, according to the AASHTO classification system The natural sub-soil was usually in a class of sandy silt mixtures with low plasticity claylike matrix. The values of optimal moisture content is usual between 11-13 %, while the maximal value of dry unit weight is from gd=19,2 - 29, 1 kN/m3. The value 295 of „natural“ CBR is usually around CBR=7-8%. These materials are usually in a class A4 to A2-4, according to the AASHTO system 3. Methodology of testing with stabilizer RBI-81 and results The main idea for testing was to define the optimal percent of added stabilizer and to insure best possible improvement. Once the optimum water has been admixed, the samples were left in airtight containers for 24 hours before commencing with a compaction effort. After the compaction, the material was left for a 7 days in a suitable curing room to prevent the compacted material from drying too quickly. After 7 days curing period, the samples were submerged in water for a 4 days soaking period. This is a so-called 7+4 days procedure for defining of the CBR value (table 1). The effect is also checked for the longer time period, in order to the time-effect on the necessary properties. Table 1: Results from laboratory tests of Californian Bearing Ratio (stabilization with RBI-81 after 7+4 days tretment period) SERIAE I (coarse grained material) I (coarse grained material) I (coarse grained material) I (coarse grained material) II (natural claylike material) II (natural claylike material) II (natural claylike material) II (natural claylike material) % of RBI CBR(%) 0 64 2 151 4 157 6 172 0 7,1 2 15,7 4 18 5 22,85 From the table is visible that the value of Californian Bearing Ratio for coarse grained material after treatment with stabilizer gets very high values. The values are usually higher than the standard CBR-curve. The regression lines which shows the influence of the added percentage of RBI-81 on the CBR value are given in figures 5 and 6. The effect of improvement is evident. Namely, for a coarse grained material, improvement is from 2,36 2,68 times. For a silty to claylike material, 2.1 - 3.21 times compared with a relevant basic value at RBI = 0%. The results from the constructional phase along road to Vodno are given in a table 2. As for a case from laboratory tests, it is visible that the value of Californian Bearing Ratio after treatment with stabilizer gets high values. One example is given on a figure 7. Here, it is important to note that a serial of tests were performed after 27 and 56 days curing period, because it was noticed that RBI-81 needs a longer time to exceed optimal degree of chemical reaction (several months). The time effect of improvement is given on a figure 8. 296 200 180 160 140 120 CBR = -4.4375%RBI2 + 43.075%RBI + 68.65 R2 = 0.9391 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 % of RBI- 81 Fig. 5. Correlation between % of added RBI and CBR for tampon(coarse grained material) 25 CBR = -0.2087(%RBI)2 + 3.92538x(%RBI) + 7.4656 R2 = 0.9546 CBR(%) 20 15 10 clayike material 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 % of RBI-81 Fig. 6. Correlation between % of added RBI and CBR for natural soil (claylike material) Table 2: Results from CBR testing on field during constructional phase SAMPLE DATE OF TEST CBR (%) 1 Km 0+550 Km 0+900 Km 1+400 Km 2+540 Km 0+550 Km 0+900 Km 1+400 Km 2+540 Km 0+550 Km 0+900 Km 1+400 Km 2+540 Natural 7+4 days procedure 7+4 days procedure 7+4 days procedure 7+4 days procedure 28+4 days procedure 28+4 days procedure 28+4 days procedure 28+4 days procedure 56+4 days procedure 56+4 days procedure 56+4 days procedure 56+4 days procedure 34 208 267 204 69 340 362 354 234 371 402 436 350 297 Californian Bearing Ratio (%) Fig. 7. Comparison between standard CBR curve (1) and curve from testing (curve 2) 500 450 400 350 300 0+550 0+900 1+400 2+540 250 200 150 100 50 0 natural 7+4 days 28+4 days 56+4days time Fig. 8. Time dependent improvement effect in a value of CBR 4. Results from testing with stabilizer RHENOLITH The results are given in a brief form in following tables and figure for the parameters CBR and UCS. It is visible that in some cases the cement was added. Table 4. Results from testing of the Californian Bearing Ratio CASE OF TESTING Sample from E75 road Negotino to DemirKapija (natural sub-soil, with gd=17,25 kN/m3 and with optimal moisture content ωopt=17,6%) Sample from E75 road Negotino to DemirKapija (treated with 5% Renolith and 9% cement) CBR [%] 2,54 100 298 Table 5: Results from testing of the Uniaxial Compressive Strength CASE OF TESTING Sample from E75 road Negotino to Demir Kapija (natural sub-soil) Sample from E75 road Negotino to Demir Kapija (treated with 5% Renolith and 9% cement) Sample ”gravel” treated with 5% Renolith and 5% cement Sample ”cobbles” treated with 5% Renolith and 5% cement Sample from E75 road Negotino to Demir Kapija UCS [kPa] 291 1198 1758 1646 412 Fig. 9. Increasing in a CBR value with increasing of the added percentage of RENOLITH stabiliser (from the „natural value“ of CBR = 2,54% to CBR = 100%) The improvement in the mechanical properties is very visible, esspecially in CBR value for low-bearing silty material. The improvement in a value of UCS, is also very important, because from UCS = 291 kPa for the natural conditions, the value is increased up to UCS = 1198 kPa. This is improvement of about 4 times. The naturally non-cohesive materials as gravel samples after adding of Renolith, gets properties of “cohesive” material which is also very important effect. 5. Conclusions The technology of improvement of the subsoil and pavement layers in the road construction is a field where every positive experience of the development of "new" additives is very important for future scientific and practical researches. This is a field where we feel necessity of mutual close communications between Geotechnics, Geology, Chemistry and 299 Civil Engineering experts. Every kind of stabilizer must fulfill criteria of positive effect on the subsoil or the pavement layers, and also to avoid any kind of negative ecological influences on the natural media. With an adequate choosing of stabilizer, the following positive aspects can be achieved: - Very important effect on the bearing capacity of the subsoil. Design of the adequate (optimal) composition of the road. Minimizing of the excavations for removal of the low-bearing soils, and minimal transport expenses for the coarse grained material used as pavement layer. Minimal disturbance of the natural media. Maximal possibility of using of closely spaced material to the constructional sites. We can conclude that the effect of improvement is evident for all kind of materials, and that the stabilization additive type RBI and Renolith can be used in a practice with success for several purposes. Here, it is important to note that beside the positive effect, all limitations must be analysed in detail in every separate project. For example, it is of primary importance to fulfill the criteria for effective surface and subsurface drainage of the road construction in order to minimize the possible negative longer time atmospheric influences (freezing-towing and soaking of water). Our experiences indicates that for the higher mountain regions and for the zones with higher temperature changes during day and seasonal changes, the pavement layers is advisable to be covered with minimal (optimal) thickness of the asphalt layers. 6. Bibliography 1. Guide to the construction of a stabilized material or pavement layer using RBI-81 (last modified on 07/01/2001), Road Building International. 2. RBI-81, Natural soil stabiliser, Levocell spa, Castendolo, Bologna, 10 May, 2001. 3. Guides and recommendations about the percentage of added Renolith.