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(1) ______________________________. (2) That should not be surprising, since the study of music and the study of language have a lot in common. (3) Both require you to have a ‘good ear’ – the ability to hear the difference reproduce sounds you have heard. (5) Finally, when you learn music or language, you have to learn complex sets of rules. (6) With language, the rule are about grammar and meaning. (7) in fact, grammar is the rules about how words change their form and combine with other words to make sentences. (8) With music, the rules are about sounds and rhythm. (9) Not surprisingly, researchers have discovered a scientific reason why people are good at music and languages. (10) According to a study done in Germany, you use the same part of the brain for both subjects. (11) This part of the brain is called Broca’s area. (12) Scientists have known for some time that it is connected to learning languages. (13) Now they believe that it is also the part of the brain you use when you are learning music. The sentence which is irrelevant to the text is sentence number _____ (A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9 (E) 10 1. 2. With which of the following sentences should the text begin? (A) We are lucky if we are good at both music and languages. (B) Many people who are good at music are good at languages as well. (C) Both music and languages are commonly taught at schools. (D) Music and languages are two relevant subjects to learn. (E) Both music and languages basically apply the same rules. Colours, hair, and jewellery are frequently determined by a person’s sex. This is not always true for all cultures, ad it ii not even true now throughout the United States. In this country, there were protests to bring about a change from these culturally strict norms. The ‘anti military’ attitudes of the 1960’s and the 1970’s sought to break with the military tradition masculine or ‘macho’ position, thus making it more acceptable for men to wear floral designs on their shirts in pinks, purples, violets, and other ‘feminine colours’. For some people, long hair and jewellery on men also became acceptable as a means of expressing this changed way of thinking. More facial hair also became common, precisely because it differed from the military norm. The business world, however, has been slow to change. ____________________. 3. What is the topic of the text? (A) The change in gender-based attitude in the U.S. (B) Jewellery as a means of expressing thoughts. (C) Feminine colours versus masculine colours. (D) The anti military movement in the U.S. (E) Various cultures in the world. 4. With which of the following sentences should the text end? In most offices today, _____ (A) wearing a bright colours, jewellery, and long hair is still not acceptable for men (B) men and women have the same right in deciding the color of their rooms (C) men are free to wear bright and colorful shirts (D) bright colours are used in the working areas as well as in the common room (E) people coming from various cultural backgrounds work hand in hand Amber is created when the resins produced by certain trees in tropical or subtropical climates undergo a transformation process that usually takes millions of years, and which is still not fully understood. The Baltic sea area, not temperate zone probably holds the best – known and most highly –prized supply of amber, which is used in jewelry. In addition, in earlier centuries, magical properties where attribute to amber become of the electricity. It requires when rubbed. The substance is also of great interest to scientist since it has been the means of preserving fossils, especially of insects as 40 millions years old. Amber varies greatly according to the place where it is formed, the amber in each location having in characteristic color, hardness and even odor. 5. According the passage, what can be said about transportation process that results in amber? It is magical It is made into jewelry It is a very lengthy one It is not take too long It is shorter than usual (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 6. Which of the following can not be inferred from the passage? (A) Amber is of interest for a number of reasons (B) Not amber has the same characteristic (C) When amber is rubbed, it produced electricity (D) Only insect fossils are found in amber (E) The oldest fossils in amber found so far are about 40 million years old. 7. The characteristic of amber vary according to………. (A) Where it is found (B) How old it is (C) How hard it is to find (D) Where it is sold (E) How much it interests scientists Historically, the business person has wanted his or her company to grow. Larger companies meant greater success and greater profits. Larger companies also meant more jobs for people in the community. But some companies have become so large that they are no longer profitable or practical to run. When this happen, the company may downsize, or deliberately reduce growth. This corporate downsizing is no longer unusual. Major corporations have either already downsized or have announced plans to do so. But the decision to downsize is not always popular with the community, because it means loss of the jobs. 8. What has been trend for business in the past? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) to downsize to get smaller to grow larger to be less successful to less important 9. A company tries to slow growth because it wants ……… (A) to stay profitable (B) to avoid moving (C) to move its operations overseas (D) to meet government regulations (E) to lessen the company’s product 10 . Why may the community dislike the decision to downsize? (A) the company will lose profits (B) the company will probably move (C) the community may get their jobs (D) are residents may lose their jobs (E) the company’s products will get more expensive 11. Some companies have become so large that they are no longer profitable or practical to run. The word profitable means…… (A) accountable (B) beneficial (C) actual (D) communal (E) friable There are numerous things you can do to …….(13)…… your risk of cancer by a third research …….(14)…… by Harvard University showed one third of the seven million cancer …….(15)……. in the world in 2001 could have been …..(16)……. If the victims had taken sufficient fruits and vegetables, refrain from smoking, take less salt, sugar and oil, do more exercise, …..(17) ……. Red meat consumption and …..(18) …… their weight. Other indulgence on unhealthy …..(19)…… are key factors for stroke, cancer and heart attack. 12. (A) support (B) creative (C) release 13. (A) carry out (B) carries out (C) carried out 14. (A) death (B) illness (C) disease 15. (A) modified (B) avoided (C) escaped (D) minimize (E) organize (D) carrying out (E) to carry out (D) suffering (E) poverties (D) left out (E) put out 16. (A) cut down (B) calm down (C) take away 17. (A) looked at (B) showed (C) saw 18. (A) sports (B) doing (B) habits (D) think over (E) make up (D) peeped (E) watched (D) exercise (E) sleeps Professor Jones did not want to have long hair, but he used to forget that there were barbers in the world until somebody reminded him. Then he used to go and have his hair cut quite short. This meant that sometimes he went around with long hair for several weeks, or even several months, and then suddenly came to one of his lectures with quite short hair. After sometimes, his students began to bet on the date of his next visit to the barber. Whenever his hair became long enough to need cutting, a jar and a piece of paper were put on a table outside the professor’s lecture room. Students who wanted to bet used to put a shilling in to the jar and write their names and the date they had chosen on the piece of paper. The students who guessed the date of the professor’s next visit to the barber correctly won all the money in the jar. Professor Jones was very puzzled by the jar and list which appeared on the table one day, stayed there for several weeks, then disappeared for quite a long time, and then appeared again. But he was clever man and a university professor of mathematics, so he began to write down the dates on which the jar and the list appeared and disappeared , and study them carefully. After a few months, he suddenly realized what they meant. When he finished his next lecture, he stopped at the table, put a shilling into the jar, wrote his name and the day’s date on the paper, went to the barber’s shop, and then came back to collect the jar of money which he had won. 19. Professor Jones often had long hair because : (A) it was the fashion (B) he liked it that way (C) he wanted to look different from his students (D) he was an- absent minded professor (E) he was too busy to go to the barber 20 . What did the students think of the professor’s long hair? (A) They liked it (B) They made fun of it (C) They reminded him to go to the barber (D) They collected money for his hair cut (E) They wanted him to go to a barber 21. When the professor understood what the student were doing : (A) he made a bet, too (B) he was disappointed (C) he decided to go the barber regularly (D) he collected the jar of money (E) he presented to be angry with them 22. How must probably did the professor find out what the jar of money meant? By counting the money By writing dates By listing names By putting a shilling in to the jar By thinking 23. Why was the jar put outside the professor’s lecture room? (A) to keep the money for the professor’s haircut (B) to remind the professor’s that he needed a haircut (C) to collect the student’s bets (D) to place the list of names and dates (E) to put note reminding the professor about his haircut (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 24. “The stewardess is now serving coffee to the passengers.” The passive form on the above sentence is …………. (A) The passengers are serving coffee now (B) The passengers are now served coffee (C) Coffee is now served by the passengers (D) Coffee is now being served to the passengers (E) Coffee is now served to the passengers 25. To prevent accidents, parents……….. allow their children to play near the well. (A) might not (D) would not (B) do not have to (E) should not (C) can not