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SOME HIGHER FUNGI FROM SAGARMATHA NATIONAL PARK (SNP) AND ITS ADJOINING AREAS, NEPAL Anjana Giri* and Prabina Rana* *Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Kathmandu, Nepal. Abstract: The present paper includes a list of 69 species of wild mushrooms collected from Sagarmatha National Park (SNP) and its adjoining areas, which are recorded for the first time from this area. Key words: Mushrooms; Mixed forest; Khumbu region. INTRODUCTION Fig. 1: Map showing the study area. The investigation and study on mushrooms of Nepal started since the period of J.D Hooker (1848-1850), from which Berkeley (1854) described 44 species of higher fungi. Since then many authors like Balfour and Browne (1955 & 68); Imazeki et al. (1966); Kreisel (1969 & 1976); Singh et al. (1977/ 78); Pandey (1976); Adhikari (1976, 1984, 1987, 1988abc, 1990, 1991, 1996ab, 1999ab, 2000, 2001); Adhikari and Manandar (1986, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2004ab); Ryvarden (1977); Adhikari 7 Parajuli (1993, 1996); Bhandary (1984 &1991); Otani (1982); Hjortstam et al. (1984); Cotter (1987); Pandey (1976); Pandey & Budathoki (2003) and Devkota et al. (2005) have contributed their knowledge on Nepalese mycoflora. STUDY AREA The study area lies in Solu-Khumbu district of the northeastern region of Nepal. It encompasses the Sagarmatha National Park (1148 sq. km) and its Buffer Zone area (275 sq. km) (Fig. 1) .The Park includes the upper catchments areas of the Dudh Kosi and Bhote Kosi Rivers. Due to its altitudinal diversity, various type of vegetation is found in different climatic zones (temperate, subalpine, alpine, nival and permanent snow zones). The dominant vegetation at the lower elevation of the park below 3000 meter above sea level (msl.) is composed mostly of blue pine and Hemlock forest. The lower subalpine region above 3000 msl. comprises Pinus walliachana, Abies spectabilis and Juniperus recurva forests. The upper subalpine, above 3600 msl. consists of Birch - Rhododendron forest (Betula utilis, Rhododendron campanulatum and R. campylocarpum) and the lower alpine region above the timber–line at 3800-4000 msl. houses scrubs (Juniperus spp, R. anthopogan & R . lepidotum). to September 2004. The mushroom specimens were collected by carefully digging them with the help of a sharp knife. Data on habit and habitat such as ecological parameters such as altitude forest type, etc. were recorded in the field. The collected mushroom specimens were photographed in their natural habitat before they were picked up. Each collection was placed in butter paper bags and tag numbers were assigned to them. The morphological characters such as spore print and colour, habitat, forest type, pileus and tube colour, colour change induced after bruising or cutting and exposing MATERIALS AND METHODS The mushroom specimens were collected from Lukla (2,800 msl.) to Pangboche (4,000 msl.) during the month of August Author for Correspondence: Anjana Giri, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Kathmandu, Nepal. E-mail: anjanagiri@hotmail.com. 67 Scientific World, Vol. 5, No. 5, June 2007 to chemicals such as potassium hydroxide (KOH), Ferrous sulphate (FeSO4) were noted. The specimens were either sun dried or dried by placing them on tin foil over a local oven. Dried specimens were placed in butter paper bags. Naphthalene balls were used as insect repellents. The dried specimens were identified in the laboratory with the help of standard literatures (Adhikari, 2000; Imazeki, Otani & Hongo, 1979; Purukayastha & Chandra, 1985; Svreck, 1975; McKenny, 1971; Mcknight & Mcknight, 1987) and studying macro and microscopic characters. The specimens are housed in Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Khumaltar. 5. Amanita pachycolea (Bull.: Fr.) Vitt On moist soil, under Rhododendron Forest, Debuche, 3700m, 24.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no.450, NAST. Distribution: Japan, Europe, Nepal. Auriculariaceae 6. Auricularia polytricha (Mont.) Sacc. Growing on moist soil under Pine forest, Khumjung, 3800m, 22.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 258, NAST. On tree branch, Tamrang khola (Balfour-Browne, 1968). Distribution: World wide. Boletaceae 7. Boletus auripes Peck Growing on moist soil, under Rhododendron & Quercus forest, Muse Forest, Lukla, 2783m 13.8. 2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 33, NAST. Distribution: North America, Japan, Nepal. 8. Boletus edulis Bull.: Fr. Growing on moist soil, under mixed forest of Pinus and Tsuga, Muse Forest, Lukla, 2783m, 13.8. 2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 10I, NAST. Previously recorded form Kakani (Pandey, 1976); Syabru (Cotter, 1987) and Suryavinayak (Adhikari et al. 1996). Distribution: Worldwide. 9. Boletus pulverulentus Opat. Growing on moist soil, under mixed forest of Rhododendron sp. and Tsuga sp., Muse Forest, Lukla, 2783m, 13.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 22, NAST. Distribution: Taiwan, North America, Europe, Nepal. 10. Boletinus asiaticus Sing. Growing on moist soil, in Pinus forest, Tok Tok, 2725m, 15.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 84, NAST. Distribution: Japan, China, North America, Taiwan, Nepal. 11.Boletinus cavipes (Klotz.: Fr) Kalchbr. Growing on moist soil associated with mosses, under Pinus forest, Phakdin, 2500m, 14.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 70, NAST. Place not mentioned (Singh, 1966). Distribution: Europe, Japan, China, North America, India, Nepal. 12. Gyrodon merulioides (Schw.) Sing. Growing on moist soil in open place near to Rhododendron – Quercus forest, Muse forest, Lukla, 2783m, 13.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 32, NAST. Distribution: Europe, North America, Australia, South Africa, Nepal. 13. Phylloporus bellus (Mass.) Corner Growing on dry soil at steep wall under Coniferous forest, Lukla/Ghat, 2604m, 14.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 42, NAST. Distribution: Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Nepal. 14. Pulverboletus ravenelli (Berkeley & Curtis) Murrill Enumeration of species A total of 150 mushrooms specimens belonging to 37 families and 65 genera were collected from Lukla to Pangboche. Out of the collected specimens expect five species, all were identified upto the generic level and 69 were identified upto species level. The identified 69 species are enumerated as follows. Agariaceae 1. Agaricus xanthoderma Genevier Growing on soil in shady places, under Pinus forest, Phungi tenga, 3255m, 26 .8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 583, NAST. Distribution: Ireland, Africa, Nepal. Amanitaceae 2. Amanita hemibapha (Berk. & Br.) Sacc. On moist soil, under mixed forest of Rhododendron and Tsuga, Muse Forest, Lukla, 2783m, 13 .8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 20, NAST. Previously recorded from Manichur; Suryabinayak, Dakshinkali, Kakani, Nagarkot; Brajayoginin and Kathmandu valley ((Adhikari, 1976-1996a) and amongst grasses under tree, Sundarijal (Singh & Nisha, 1976a) (Pandey, 1976). Distribution: Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Borneo, Java, Nepal. 3. Amanita gemmata (Fr.) Gill. [= Amanita junquillea Quel.; Amanitopsis adnata (W.G. Smith) Sacc.] Growing on dry soil in open area, Namche, 3065m, 16.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 129, NAST. Distribution: Japan, Europe, America, Nepal. 4. Amanita vaginata (Bull.: Fr.) Vitt. [= Amanitopsis vaginata (Bull) Roxb.] Growing on moist soil, under Tsuga and Rhododendron forest, Muse Forest, Lukla, 2783m, 13.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 21, NAST. Previously recorded from Manichur; Suryabinayak; Dakshinkali; Kakani; Nagarkot; Brajayogini ; Kathmandu valley (Adhikari, 1976- 1996a) and amongst grasses under tree, Sudarijal (Singh & Nisha, 1976a) (Pandey, 1976). Distribution: Australia, Europe, North America, Japan, India, China, Nepal. Scientific World, Vol. 5, No. 5, June 2007 68 Growing on moist soil under Coniferous forest, Lukla/Ghat 2604m, 14.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 43, NAST. Distribution: Europe, North America, South America, Nepal. 15. Suillus placidus (Bonord.) Singer Growing on moist soil under Pinus - Daphnea forest, Namche, 3150m, 16.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 128, NAST. In pine forest, Chautara, Daman, Nagarkot and Syabru (Cotter, 1987). Distribution: Europe, North America, Japan, Nepal. 16. Suillus sibiricus (Singer) Singer Growing on rocky soil in open area, near to Pinus forest, way to Namche, 3150m, 16.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 130, NAST. In Pine forest, Ghasa, Godavary, Kakani, Larjung, Lete, Syabru (Cotter, 1987) and Pisang (Bhandary, 1991). Distribution: Europe, Japan, Nepal. 17. Tylopilus alboater (Peck) Sing. Growing on steep wall on moist soil, under Coniferous forest, between Lukla to Ghat, 2604m, 14.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 50, NAST. Distribution: East Asia, North America, Europe, Nepal. 18. Tylopilus eximus (Peck) Sing. Growing on moist soil, under pure Rhododendron forest, Jami khiau, 3825m, 22.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 270, NAST. Distribution: East Asia, Costa Rica, North America, Europe, Nepal. Cantharellaceae 19. Cantharellus cibarius (Fr.: Fr) Fr. Growing on moist soil, in Rhododendron forest, Khunde, 3900m, 20.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 237, NAST. In Pinus roxburghii forest, on soil, Bajrajogini (Manichur) (Adhakari, 1976); Manang (Bhandari, 1991); Sudarijal and Kathmandu market (Adhikari, 1996a and Adhikari et al. 1996) and on soil in Pinus roxburghii forest, Lumle (Devkota, 2005). Distribution: Worldwide. Clavariaceae 20. Clavaria acuta Sch.: Fr. Growing on moist soil, under Abies forest, Phurte, 3585m, 17.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 210, NAST. On soil in Castanopsis forest, Godavary (Adhakari,1988b); in mixed forest, Suryavinayak and Sundarijal (Adhakari, 1996; Adhikari, et al., 1996) and on soil of Rhododendron arboreum, Bhirmuni, Lumle (Devkota, 2005). Distribution: Europe, Australia, North America, USSR, Japan, India, Nepal. Clavulinaceae 21. Clavulina cinerea (Bull.:Fr.) Schroet. (= Clavaria cinerea Fr.) Growing on moist soil, Jami khiau forest, Khumjung, 3825m, 22.8.2004; Giri, Rana and Shrestha, no. 268, NAST. On ground, Godavary (Pandey, 1976) and Kathmandu market (Adhikari, 1996; Adhikari, 1997; Adhikari et al., 1996)). Distribution: Europe, North America, Japan, India, Nepal. Coprinaceae 22. Coprinus micaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Fr. (= Coprinellus micaceus (Bull: Fr.) Vil., Hop. & John. Growing on moist soil and dead tree trunk open area near Rhododendron and Abies forest, Tengboche, 3702m, 24.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 410, NAST. Distribution: Worldwide. 23. Coprinus niveus (Pers.) Fr Growing on moist soil in open area near Pinus forest, Tengboche, 3445m, 26.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 579, NAST. Distribution: America, Europe, Nepal. 24. Coprinus radians (Desm.: Fr.) Fr. Growing on twig of Rhododendron sp., Jami khiau forest, 3860m, 22.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no.279, NAST. Distribution: Europe, America, Japan, Nepal. Cortinariaceae 25. Cortinarius traganus (Fr.: Fr.) Fr. Growing on moist soil, under Rhododendron Forest, Omaka Forest (Pangboche), 3890m, 25.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 552, NAST. Distribution: North America, Europe, Nepal. 26. Dermocybe phoenicea (Bull.) Moser Growing on moist soil, under Rhododendron & Abies mixed forest, Khumjung, 3800m, 22.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 261, NAST. Distribution: Japan, Europe, Nepal. Fomitopsidaceae 27. Gloeophyllum sepiarium (Wolf.: Fr.) Karst. (= Lenzites sepiaria Wolf.: Fr.) Growing on Pine root, Pinus forest, Jorsalle, 2690m, 15.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 100, NAST. Previously recorded from Hetauda (Pandey, 1976). Distribution: Europe, Japan, China, North America, India, Nepal Ganodermataceae 28. Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat. Growing on dead log of Abies, Lausasa 3570m, 23.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 312, NAST. On rotten tree, Terai forest, Dharan (Balfour-Browne, 1968); on rotten tree trunk, Bakhri Kharka (north of Pokhara); Taglung (Kaligandaki) (Balfour-Browne, 1968); Hetauda (Pandey, 1976); on Quercus sp., Daman (Singh 1976); on stump, Phulchoki (Lalitpur Dist.) (Singh & Nisha, 1976c); on tree trunk, Namrung (Gorkha Dist.) (Adhikari, 1988a) and on wood of Betula utilis, Nilgatti Odar (Bajhang Dist.) (Adhikari, 1988a). In tropical to temperate belts (Adhikari, 1996). 69 Scientific World, Vol. 5, No. 5, June 2007 Dudh Koshi (Ryv., 1977); on moist ground, Phulchowki( Lalitpur Dist.) (Singh & Nisha, 1976a) and on thick humus soil with mosses, Seti khola Agra goan forest (Bajhang Dist.) (Adhikari, 1988a). Distribution: Europe, North America, India, Japan, Russia, Nepal. Lycoperdaceae 36. Lycoperdon perlatum Pers.: Pers. (= Lycoperdon gemmatum Batsch.) Growing on soil, under Abies spectabilis tree, Deboche, 3665m, 25.8. 2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no.505, NAST. Growing on soil in moist shady places among mosses, Kyangjing, Langtang, Rasuwa district (Central Nepal) (Adhikari, 1988d); between Khandhe and Seti Khola bagar, Bajang district (West Nepal) (Adhikari, 1996); and Lohar (Bhandari, 1991). Distribution: China, Europe, India, Japan, North America, Tasmania, Africa, Australia, Nepal. 37. Lycoperdon pyriforme Schaeff.: Pers. (= Lycoperdon emodense Berk.) Growing on moist soil, under Rhododendron forest, Phungi tenga, 3590m, 24.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no.407, NAST. Growing on rotten dead wood in moist shady places, Suliigadh ( West Nepal) ( Balfour- Browne, 1968); Thodung, Lamjura and Junbesi ( Kreisel, 1969); Phulchowki and Sundarijal (Singh &Nisha, 1976a); Kakani (Pandey, 1976); Kali gad, surmasarowa Lekh, Khuli, Simen, Langtang valley (Kreisel, 1976); between Syabru besi and Lama hotel, Langtang National Park (Adhikari, 1996); Kakani and Pokhara (Adhikari et al., 1996) and on moist ground, under shade of Alnus nepalensis, Gauri Khoria, Lumle (Devkota 2005). Distribution: Europe, Sino- Japan, Central and South East Asia, North America, Australia, Africa, Tasmania, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, Nepal. Marasmiaceae 38. Rhodocollybia butyraceae (Bull.: Fr) Lennox [= Collybia butyracea (Bull.:Fr.) Kummer] Growing on moist soil, under Coniferous forest, way to Namche, 3150 m, 16.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 141, NAST. On soil, Godavary (Pandey, 1976). Distribution: Europe, Japan, North America, Nepal. 39. Mycena capillaries (Schum.:Fr.)Kummer Growing on leaf of Quercus sp., under mixed forest of Quercus - Rhododendron, Muse forest, Lukla, 2783m, 13.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 4, NAST. Distribution: Australia, Europe, Nepal. Nidulariaceae 40. Cyathus striatus (Hud.: Pers.) Will. Growing on moist twigs of Abies sp., Phurte, 3585m, 17.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 211B, NAST. On ground and rotten wood in forest, Sundarijal (Singh & Nisha, 1976a). Distribution: Worldwide. Gomphaceae 29. Gomphus clavatus (Pers: Fr.) S.F. Gray (= Craterellus clavatus Pers.) Growing on soil, shady and moist place, under Abies forest, Phurte, 3546m, 17.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 206, NAST. On soil, Kakani (Pandey, 1976) Distribution: Europe, North America, Japan, Nepal. 30. Gomphus floccosus (Schw.) Singer var. floccosus Growing on moist soil, under Abies forest, Lausasa 3570m, 23.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 320, NAST. On earth bank in Quercus forest (Balfour-Browne, 1968); in humus in Abies–Betula forest, Ratomata, Chakure Lekh (Balfour-Browne, 1955) and on ground, in the mixed forest, Syabru (Adhikari, 1996a). Distribution: Europe, China, North America, Japan, India, Nepal. Gomphidiceae 31. Chroogomphus tomentosus (Murr.) O.K. Miller Growing on moist soil, in Rhododendron forest, Khunde, 3900m, 20.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 241, NAST. Distribution: Japan, Nepal. Hydnaceae 32. Hydnum repandum L.: Fr. Growing on moist soil under Rhododendron forest, Jami khiau, 3860m, 22.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 280, NAST. In Pinus roxburghii forest, on soil, Daman, Kakani, (Pandey, 1976); Kathmandu Manichur (Adhikari, 1976); Suryavinayak (Singh & Nisha, 1976a); market (Adhikari, 1987) and Tokha (Adhikari 1996a; Adhikari & Adhikari, 1997; Adhikari et al., 1996). Distribution: Europe, North America, Japan, Nepal. Hygrophoraceae 33. Hygrocybe strangulata Orton Growing on moist soil under Rhododendron forest, Khunde, 3900m, 20.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, No. 227, NAST. Distribution: Europe, America, Nepal. 34. Hygrocybe coccinea (Schaeff.: Fr.) Kummer Growing on moist soil under Rhododendron forest, Khunde, 3900m, 20.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 229, NAST. On soil, Phulchowki (Singh & Nisha, 1976a) and on moist shady place in Quercus forest, Doka Dada, Lumle (Devkota 2005). Distribution: Europe, Japan, China, N. America, India, Nepal. Hymenochaetaceae 35. Coltricia perennis (Fr.) Murr. [= Polystictus perennis (L.) Fr.] Growing on dry and sandy soil in open area, Tok Tok, 2725m, 15.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 81, NAST. Previously recorded from Thodung, Lamjura, Rigmo, and Scientific World, Vol. 5, No. 5, June 2007 70 & Thind, 1977). Distribution: North America, Europe, Japan, China, Australia, Nepal. Ramariaceae 48. Ramaria flava (Schaeff.: Fr.) Quel. On Moist Soil, under Abies spectabilis tree, Phurte, 3615m, 17.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 207, NAST. Sold at Kathmandu market (Adhikari, 1996; Adhikari &Adhikari, 1997; Adhikari et al., 1996). Distribution: Europe, North America, Australia, Japan, India, China, Nepal. Russulaceae 49. Lactarius deliciosus (L.: Fr.) S.F. Gray Growing on moist soil, under Abies forest, Lausasa, 3570m, 23.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 303, NAST. This species is recorded from Manichur (Adhikari, 1976); Daman (Pandey, 1976); Manang (Bhandary, 1991); on ground in Abies spectabilis, Larix himalaica and Rhododendron sp. forest between Syabrua and Chandanbari (Bill and Cotter, 1989) and in mixed forest, Sundarijal ( Adhikari et al., 1996). Distribution: Europe, North America, Japan, Nepal. 50. Lactarius piperatus (Fr.) S.F. Gray Growing on moist soil under Coniferous forest, Muse Forest, Lukla, 2783m, 13.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 10GH, NAST. Kathmandu valley (Singh, 1966); Daman (Pandey, 1976); growing on soil in Pinus roxburghii forest, Tokha, Nagarkot (Adhikari, 1996; Adhikari et al., 1996); Suryavinayak, Lele and Phulchoki (Adhikari, 1996); Hetauda (Poudel, 1997) and on soil in Rhododendron forest, Gauri Khoria, Lumle (Devkota, 2005). Distribution: China, Europe, Russia, North America, Japan, Nepal. 51. Lactarius subdulcis (Pers.:Fr.) S. F. Gray Growing on Moist soil, Muse Forest, Lukla, 2783m, 13.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 10L, NAST. From Kathmandu valley (Adhikari, 1976; Singh, 1966) Distribution: Europe, North America, Japan, Nepal. 52. Lactarius volemus (Fr.) Fr. Growing on moist soil, under Rhododendron - Betula mixed forest, Deboche, 3665m, 25.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 502, NAST. From Manichur (Adhikari, 1976); Nagarjoon, Kathmandu Valley (Pandey 1976); on soil in Pinus roxburghii forest, Nagarkot, Lele, Bajrayogini, Dakshinkali, in mixed forest, Matatirtha; Suryavinak and Phulchowki ( Adhikari, 1996; Adhikari et al., 1996); Mai pokhari (Adhikari, 2000) and on soil in shade of Rhododendron arboreum, Mulbari, Lumle (Devkota, 2005). Distribution: Worldwide. 53. Russula densifolia (Secr.) Gill. Growing on moist soil under Pinus forest, Tengboche, 3702m, Distribution: North America, China, Europe India, Japan, Russia, Nepal. Paxillaceae 41. Paxillus involutus (Batsch : Fr.) Fr. Growing on moist soil under Rhododendron forest, Jami khiau, 3825m, 22.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 271, NAST. Distribution: North America, Europe, Nepal. Pezizaceae 42. Peziza badia Pers.: Fr. Growing on dry soil, under mixed forest of Rhododendron Abies, Tengboche, 3445m, 26.8.2004; Rana ,Giri, & Shrestha, no.590, NAST. On soil, Ban Thanti (Otani, 1982). Distribution: Europe, Japan, Nepal, America. Pleurotaceae 43. Pleurotus dryinus (Pers.: Fr.) Kummer [= Pleurotus corticatus Fr.: Fr.) Quel] Growing on tree trunk of Abies spectabilis, Lausasa, 3570m, 23.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 306, NAST. On tree trunk of Quercus semicarpifolia, Phulchowki ( Singh & Nisha, 1976b). Distribution: Japan, India, Europe, North America, Nepal. Polyporaceae 44. Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. Growing on cut stump of Pinus sp. tree, Jorsalle, 2690m, 15.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no 91, NAST. On wood of Rhododendron arboreum, Manichur (Adhikari, 1988a) and in tropical to temperate belts (Adhikari, 1996a). Distribution: Europe, Japan, China, North America, India, Nepal. Pyronemataceae 45. Aleuria aurantia (Fr.) Fuck. (= Peziza aurantia Fr.) Growing on moist places on twigs of Rhododendron sp., Deboche, 3665m, 25.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 554, NAST. On soil, Ghar Khola (Balfour-Browne, 1968; Singh & Nisha, 1976a); Kyumnu (Otani, 1982) and from Maipokhari area, Ilam (Adhikari, 1998). Distribution: Europe, Japan, China, India, America, Nepal. 46. Otidea onotica (Pers.: Fr.) Fuck. Growing on moist soil, Phungi tenga, 3340m, 21.8 2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 403, NAST. On soil, Dhunche, Sing Gompa (Otani, 1982). Distribution: North America, Europe, Japan, Nepal. 47. Scutellinia scutellata (L.: Fr.) Lamb Growing on Tsuga tree, Deboche, 3665m, 26.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 572, NAST. On soil, dead Yucca and twigs, Balaju, Kathmandu (Waraitch 71 Scientific World, Vol. 5, No. 5, June 2007 24.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 427, NAST. Growing on soil in moist shady place in Pinus roxburghii forest, Royal Botanical Garden, Godavary (Adhikari, 1984); Lele, Brjayogini, Lele and in mixed forest, Suryavinayak Adhikari, 2000). Distribution: Worldwide. 54. Russula olivacea (Schaeff.) Fr. On moist soil, under mixed forest of Rhododendron - Tsuga, Muse forest, Lukla, 2783m, 13.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 24, NAST. Growing on soil in moist shady place in mixed forest of Pinus wallichiana – Abies sp., Junbesi-Rachuwa (Adhakari, 1990b). Distribution: Europe, North America, Nepal. 55. Russula metachroa Hongo Growing on moist soil in open place, in Abies forest, Phurte, 3585m, 17.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 203, NAST. Distribution: Japan, North America, Europe, Nepal. 56. Russula paludosa Britz. Growing on moist soil under Rhododendron and Abies tree, Tengboche, 3645m 24.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no.413, NAST. Distribution: North America, Europe, Nepal. Sclerodermataceae 57. Scleroderma citrinum Pers.:Pers. [=Scleroderma vulgare (Horneum) Fr.; Scleroderma aurantium Pers.] Growing on soil in shady places, in Rhododendron forest, Khunde, 3900m, 20.8.2004; Rana, Giri& Shrestha, no. 243, NAST. Growing on soil in moist shady places, in Pinus roxburghii forest, Methand Pokhara (Balfour - Browne, 1968); Nagarjoon (Pandey, 1976); Godavary (Singh & Nisha, 1976a); Manichur, Sybrubesi (Langtang area), (Adhikari, 1987); Sundarijal, Kathmandu valley; sold in Kathmandu market, in mixed forest, Matatirtha and Pokhara, Raniban (Adhikari et al., 1996). Distribution: Europe, North and South America, Australia, Japan, India. Strobilomycetaceae 58. Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Scop.:Fr.) Berk. [=Strobilomyces floccopus (Vahl. : Fr.) Karst.] Growing on moist soil under Coniferous forest, Lukla/Ghat, 2604m, 14.8.2004; Rana, Giri& Shrestha, no. 41, NAST. On ground, Phulchowki (Singh & Nisha, 1976a) and Suryavinayak. (Adhikari, 1996). Distribution: Worldwide. Strophariaceae 59. Hypholoma capnoides (Fries) Kumm. (= Naematoloma capnoides (Fr.: Fr.) Kumm. Growing on moist soil in bunch, under Pinus and Rhododendron forest, Phurte 2840m, 17.8.2004, Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 121, NAST. Distribution: North America, Europe, Japan, China, Nepal. Scientific World, Vol. 5, No. 5, June 2007 60. Stropharia semiglobata (Batsch.: Fr.) Quel Growing on Yak dung, Lausasa, 3770m, 23.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no.302A, NAST. Distribution: America, Europe, China, Japan, Nepal. 61. Pholiata aurivella (Batsch.: Fr.) Kummer Growing on Abies tree trunk in a bunch, shady moist place, Tengboche, 3702m, 24.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no.408, NAST. Manichur (Adhikari, 1976); Market and Landrung (Bhandary, 1984). Distribution: Worldwide. 62. Pholiota nameko (Ito) Ito & Imai [= Collybia nameko T. Ito; Pholiota gultinosa Kawam.; Kuehneromyces nameko (T. Ito) S. Ito] Growing on moist soil, under Abies tree, Khumjung, 3800m, 21.8.2004; Rana, Giri, & Shrestha, no. 251, NAST. Place not mentioned (Bhandary, 1984). Distribution: Japan, Nepal. Tremellaceae 63. Pseudohydnum gelatinosum (Scop.: Fr.) Karst. Growing on dead log of Rhododendron tree, Omaka forest (Pangboche), 3890m, 25.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 550, NAST. Distribution: America, Japan, Europe, Nepal. Tricholomataceae 64. Armillaria mellea (Vahl.: Fr.) Kummer. Growing under coniferous forest, Lukla, Muse forest, 2783m, 13.8.2004; Giri, Rana and Shrestha, no. 1, NAST. Host not mentioned, Lele (Pandey,1976); Arun valley (Balfour - Browne, 1968); Phulchoki (Singh & Nisha,1976a); Kutungsang and Kalopani (Cotter,1987) and growing on decayed log in moist shady place in afforested area of pine (exotic), Kakani (Adhikari et al., 1996). Distribution: Worldwide. 65. Laccaria amethystina (Huds.) Cooke Growing on moist soil under coniferous forest, Lukla, Muse forest, 2783m, 13.8.2004; Rana, Giri and Shrestha, no.10c, NAST. On soil, Hetauda (Pandey, 1976); Suryavinayk (Bhandari, 1980); in Pinus forest, Kakani, Brajayogini, in mixed forest Suryabinayak, Matatirtha and Sundarijal (Adhikari & Adhikari, 1997). Distribution: Europe, North America, Japan, Nepal. 66. Laccaria bicolor (Maire) P.D. Orton Growing on moist soil associated with mosses, under Pine forest, Phakdin, 2500m, 14.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 61, NAST. Distribution: Japan, Nepal. 67. Laccaria laccata (Scop.: Fr) Cooke Growing on moist soil under Rhododendron and Juniperus forest, Syanboche, 3940m, 20.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 233, NAST. 72 and Technology (April 24-29,1988). pp. 237-241. On soil, Arun Valley (Balfour - Browne, 1968); Bajrabarahi, Nagarjoon ( Pandey,1976); Godavari ( Singh & Nisha, 1966c); growing in moist shady place in Pinus forest, Kakani, Tokha, Bajrayogini, Lele, Nagarkot, in mixed forest, Sudarijal, Suryavinayak, Matatirtha and Pokhara (Adhikari et al.,1996) and on soil, Syaniswara, Lumle (Devkota, 2005). Distribution: Worldwide. 68. Lacccaria proxima (Boudier) Pat Growing on moist soil, under Pine forest, Jorsalle, 2690m, 15.8.2004; Giri, Rana & Shrestha, no. 102, NAST. Distribution: Japan, North America, Bulgaria, Nepal. 69. Tricholoma saponaceum (Fr.:Fr.) Kummer Growing on shady places, on soil, under Abies forest, Phurte, 3615m, 17.8.2004; Rana, Giri & Shrestha, no. 208, NAST. On soil, Godavary (Pandey, 1976). Distribution: Europe, Japan, North America, Nepal. Adhikari, M.K.1990a. History of mycological explorations in Nepal. Cryptog. mycol. 11: 111-128. Adhikari, M.K. 1990b. The genus Russula from Nepal (II).In: Cryptograms of the Himalayas, Central and Eastern Nepal. M Watanabe and S. B. Malla (Eds.). National Science Museum, Tsukuba. Japan. pp.101-112. Adhikari, M.K.1991. Notes on some higher fungi from Nepal. Jour. Nat. Hist. Mus. 12: 9-18. Adhikari, M.K. and Parajuli, P. 1993. The genus Amanita in Nepal. Banko Jankari 4: 5-8. Adhikari, M.K. 1994-95. Mycodiversity in Nepal; a Glimpse. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. Nep. 4: 4-6. Adhikari, M.K.1995. New records of fleshy fungi from the Kathmandu valley. Green World 6: 37-38. Adhikari, M.K. and Parajuli 1996. Mycorrhizal fungal diversity in the Pine forests of Kathmandu valley, Nepal: An ecological approach. Environment and a Biodiversity: In the context of South Asia. ECOS, Kathmandu, Nepal pp.182-197. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Adhikari, M.K., Adhikari, K.S., Joshi, A.R., Bhandary, R.C., Gyawali, M.B. and Pradhan, B.1996. Studies on food value and mycotoxic wild mushrooms of Nepal submitted to APINMAP/ SCAPMAP/ UNESCO Committee of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Nepal. p.92. We are grateful to Prof. Dr. H.N. Bhattarai, Vice chancellor and Prof. Dr. D. Subba Secretary, of NAST for their support. Our special thanks go to Mr. Shekhar Shah, Chief, Planning and Evaluation Division of NAST. We express our profound gratitude to Ev-K2-CNR, Italy for the financial support. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Prof. R. Baudo, Mr. A Polenza, Ms. B. Schommer, and Mr.G. P. Verza of CNR, Italy for their constant support. Our special appreciation goes to Warden, staff and people of Sagarmatha National Park (SNP). We would like to thank Mr. S. K. Shrestha for assisting us during our field work. We are indebted to Mr. M. Christensen, PhD scholar of the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark for assisting us in the identification work. Adhikari, M.K. 1996. Biodiversite des Basidiomycetes au Nepal. Etdue Systematique et biogeographique. Specialtite Ecologie-Mycoloique. 1996. These due Doctorat de l’Universite present devant l’Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, No. D’ordre 2309, pp.205. Adhikari, M.K. and Durrieu, G. 1996. Ethnoimycologie Nepalaise Bull. Soc. Myc. France 113: 31-41. Adhikari, M.K. and Manandhar, V. 1996. The genus Lactarius in Nepal. Advances in Botany. 21: 238-395, India. Adhikari, M.K. and Manandhar, V. 1997. Fungi of Nepal, Part 2: Mastigomycotina, Zygomycotina and Ascomycotina. Bull. Dept. Pl. Res. 16, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal. pp. 60. 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