Specific reduction in cortisol stress reactivity after social
but not attention-based mental training
Veronika Engert,1 Bethany E. Kok,1 Ioannis Papassotiriou,2 George P. Chrousos,3 Tania Singer1*
Throughout history and up to this day, mankind has been battling
“ancient,” potentially fatal stressors, such as threat to physical integrity,
starvation, and physical hardship. However, it is the human tendency
to mount a stress response also for purely psychosocial reasons (for
example, a lack of predictability, sense of control, and social support)
that has led to chronic stress exposure in modern Western societies
(1, 2). Through the stimulation of continual hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis and sympathetic-adrenal-medullary activation,
which exert complex effects on the immune system (3), this chronic
stress has detrimental health implications, including the promotion of
cardiovascular, metabolic, and autoimmune diseases (1, 3, 4). Emerging
stress-related expenses to society are substantial, with workplace stress
alone costing the U.S. economy more than $300 billion annually (5).
Given the profound individual and societal impact of psychosocial
stress, finding ways to stress relief has become an imperative goal.
Since the late 1990s, scientific interest in secular meditation–
based mental training programs has markedly increased (6). Aiming
to foster stress resilience and improve mental and physical health,
interventions, such as the 8-week mindfulness-based stress reduction
program (MBSR) (7) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)
(8), have gained acceptance in mainstream clinical and educational
settings (6). Whereas mindfulness-based interventions cultivate nonjudgmental moment-to-moment awareness of internal (for example,
thoughts and bodily feelings) and external events (for example, sound
and vision), compassion-based interventions [such as compassionfocused therapy (9) and mindful self-compassion program (10)] em1
Department of Social Neuroscience, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive
and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany. 2Department of Clinical Biochemistry,
“Aghia Sophia” Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece. 3First Department of Pediatrics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School, “Aghia Sophia”
Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece.
*Corresponding author. Email:
Engert et al., Sci. Adv. 2017; 3 : e1700495
4 October 2017
phasize the social dimension of humans by targeting emotions, such
as empathy and compassion. Training to compassionately relate to
others instead of overidentifying with one’s own self and emotions may
be especially powerful in reducing psychosocial stress susceptibility.
Although the popularity of meditation-based mental training
programs is undisputed, empirical evidence for their effectiveness in
psychosocial stress reduction remains inconclusive. Significant findings
of acute stress reduction after mental training are mainly based on
changes in self-reported (11–13), autonomic (12, 14), and immune reactivity (13, 15). However, the investigation of cortisol release, an integral component of the human stress response (3), has yielded mixed
results. Although one research group found evidence for lower cortisol
responses to laboratory-induced psychosocial stress immediately after
a mindfulness-based meditation session (16, 17), this effect awaits
independent replication (12–15, 18). A recent study instead reported
increased psychosocial stress–induced cortisol levels after a 3-day
mindfulness training (11), indicating short-term stress sensitization
rather than stress reduction. The interpretation of findings is further
hampered by the multifaceted nature of mindfulness-based intervention programs, which typically combine diverse mental practice types
targeting various functions, such as attention, socio-affective, and
cognitive skills (19). This makes it difficult to isolate the specific effects
of one particular practice type on the human stress response.
Given the state of the field, we asked whether different types of
mental practice would differ in their effectiveness in reducing the psychosocial stress response to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) (20). This
motivated performance task induces feelings of unpredictability, uncontrollability, and social threat, thus mimicking the type of everyday
experiences that eventually accumulate to chronic stress in our society
(1, 2). We hypothesized that intersubjective practices focused on
socio-affective and socio-cognitive skills would be superior to mindfulness practices focused on present-moment attention and interoception. We based this hypothesis on the notion that psychosocial
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Psychosocial stress is a public health burden in modern societies. Chronic stress–induced disease processes are,
in large part, mediated via the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympatheticadrenal-medullary system. We asked whether the contemplative mental training of different practice types targeting
attentional, socio-affective (for example, compassion), or socio-cognitive abilities (for example, perspective-taking)
in the context of a 9-month longitudinal training study offers an effective means for psychosocial stress reduction.
Using a multimethod approach including subjective, endocrine, autonomic, and immune markers and testing 313
participants in a standardized psychosocial laboratory stressor, we show that all three practice types markedly reduced
self-reported stress reactivity in healthy participants. However, only the training of intersubjective skills via socioaffective and socio-cognitive routes attenuated the physiological stress response, specifically the secretion of the
HPA axis end-product cortisol, by up to 51%. The assessed autonomic and innate immune markers were not influenced
by any practice type. Mental training focused on present-moment attention and interoceptive awareness as implemented in many mindfulness-based intervention programs was thus limited to stress reduction on the level of
self-report. However, its effectiveness was equal to that of intersubjective practice types in boosting the association
between subjective and endocrine stress markers. Our results reveal a broadly accessible low-cost approach to
acquiring psychosocial stress resilience. Short daily intersubjective practice may be a promising method for minimizing the incidence of chronic social stress–related disease, thereby reducing individual suffering and relieving a
substantial financial burden on society.
Copyright © 2017
The Authors, some
rights reserved;
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American Association
for the Advancement
of Science. No claim to
original U.S. Government
Works. Distributed
under a Creative
Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).
Engert et al., Sci. Adv. 2017; 3 : e1700495
4 October 2017
we collected self-perceived cognitive, affective, and bodily states with the
state scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) (25), the most
frequently used validated questionnaire of stress-induced subjective
emotional states (26).
Verification of successful stress induction
We verified the effectiveness of the TSST to activate the HPA axis. A
subsistent stress response has been defined by an average cortisol peak
of 1.5 nM above baseline levels (27). The TSST increased cortisol levels
above this threshold of physiological significance in 75% of untrained
participants (Fig. 1C), indicating successful stress induction.
Exploratory associations between stress reactivity scores
Although all of the assessed markers are generally stress-reactive,
associations between them are only inconsistently found (26, 28, 29).
In an initial analysis, we therefore explored bivariate correlations of
the cortisol, AA, HR, HF-HRV, hsCRP, IL-6, and STAI state stress
reactivity scores (operationalized as baseline-to-peak change; D) in
the no training group. As expected from previous work, these correlations were low or nonsignificant, indicating the relative independence of
stress markers and underlying (endocrine, autonomic, immune, and
subjective) response systems following psychosocial stress induction
(Table 1).
Effects of mental training on the stress response
For the stress markers with >2 measurement points (cortisol, AA, HR,
HF-HRV, hsCRP, and STAI state), linear mixed model analyses focused
on two facets of the stress response: reactivity (baseline-to-peak increase) and recovery (post-peak decline). All markers showed change
over time indicated by significant reactivity and recovery effects (all
P values ≤0.001) (Fig. 2 and Table 2). Because IL-6 levels increased
until the last measurement time point, only two samples (baseline
and peak) were analyzed. Consequently, a univariate general linear
model with peak IL-6 levels as the dependent variable and baseline levels
as the covariate was calculated; change over time was not determined
in the context of this model.
The calculated linear mixed models indicated significant effects of
mental training specifically on self-reported and cortisol stress responses. In detail, group differences were seen in reactivity [F477 =
8.43, P ≤ 0.001] and recovery [F480 = 8.68, P ≤ 0.001] for subjective
experience and in reactivity for cortisol release [F304 = 5.26, P ≤
0.001] (Fig. 2, A and B, and Table 2). The assessed autonomic (AA,
HR, and HF-HRV) and immune (IL-6 and hsCRP) markers were not
influenced by mental training (Fig. 2, C to G and Table 3).
Between-group contrasts (Table 4) revealed that self-reported
stress reactivity was reduced in all training groups relative to the no
training group (all t values between −2.92 and −4.42, P values between
≤0.01 and ≤0.001). Training groups did not differ from one another.
Percentage reductions in baseline-to-peak increase (DSTAI) amounted
to 26% for Presence, 36% for Affect, 39% for Presence/Affect, and 31%
for Presence/Perspective. Because of a floor effect at the final measurement point (that is, all groups had returned to baseline levels
independent of the height of the previous stress peak), training groups
also showed relatively flatter self-reported stress recovery than the no
training group (all t values between 2.93 and 4.50, P values ≤0.001).
Between-group contrasts (Table 4) further showed that the cortisol
stress response was unaffected by the 3-month mindfulness-based
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stressors may lose their threatening potential if processed from a perspective of mutual acceptance and common humanity rather than egoinvolvement. Note that this hypothesis implies the possibility that
training to stabilize the mind through present-moment attention and
interoceptive awareness may be superior for the reduction of nonsocial
stressors, such as physical strain or pain. Finally, because mental
training is argued to increase the accuracy of first-person accounts by
enabling a more attentive stance toward inner experience (6), we asked
whether the frequently lacking covariance between subjectively
experienced and endocrine stress responses (21) would increase with
mental training.
To answer these questions, 332 participants enrolled in a longitudinal training study, the ReSource Project (22), involving three distinct
3-month modules cultivating (i) Presence (present-moment focused
attention and interoceptive awareness), (ii) Affect (gratitude, compassion, prosocial motivation, and dealing with difficult emotions), and (iii)
Perspective (metacognition and perspective-taking on self and others)
(Fig. 1A). Including classic meditation techniques, such as Breathing
Meditation and Body Scan, as core curricular techniques, the Presence
Module resembles typical mindfulness-based interventions [for example, MBSR (7) and MBCT (8)]. In contrast, the Affect and Perspective
Modules target intersubjectivity by training either socio-emotional
and socio-motivational or socio-cognitive skills. The division in Affect
and Perspective Modules reflects recent research identifying distinct
neural routes to social understanding: one socio-affective route including social emotions, such as empathy and compassion, and one
socio-cognitive route including the capacity to take perspective on self
and others (the latter termed Theory of Mind or mentalizing) (23, 24).
To train these intersubjective skills, we developed contemplative dyadic
exercises and used these alongside classic meditation techniques
(Loving-kindness Meditation in the Affect Module and Observingthoughts Meditation in the Perspective Module) {see Materials and
Methods and Singer et al. [(22), chap. 3] for a thorough description
of all core exercises}. Creating these distinct process-oriented training
modules allowed for systematically investigating the specific effects of
different mental practice types—an essential step to establishing a theoretical framework for the scientific study of contemplative mental
training (19).
The longitudinal ReSource study design included two major training
cohorts that experienced the three 3-month training modules in different orders, one 3-month Affect only cohort and one retest control cohort, which took part in all testing but not in training activities (Fig. 1B).
Of the initial 332 participants, 313 underwent the TSST (20), a psychosocial laboratory stressor involving free speech and mental arithmetic
in front of a critical audience [also see Materials and Methods and
Kirschbaum et al. (20)]. Because the TSST builds on deception to create
a stress-inducing social-evaluative context, a cross-sectional design was
applied: Participants were tested once, either without training, after
3-month Presence training, after 3-month Affect training, after 6-month
Presence and Affect training, or after 6-month Presence and Perspective
training (Fig. 1B). To allow maximal comparability with previous
stress and mental training studies, we used a multimethod approach
and assessed a broad range of stress markers, including cortisol representing HPA axis activity, a-amylase (AA) and heart rate (HR) representing sympathetic activity, and high-frequency HR variability
(HF-HRV) representing parasympathetic activity. In addition, the inflammatory markers circulating interleukin-6 (IL-6) and high-sensitive
C-reactive protein (hsCRP) as indicators of stress-influenced innate
immune activity were examined. To assess subjective stress experience,
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Fig. 1. Methodological details of the ReSource Project and the stress testing session. (A) Training modules and core exercises of the ReSource Project. (B) Time
points of cross-sectional stress testing within the greater context of the ReSource training timeline and cohort membership of each participant. NT, no training; Prs,
Presence; Aff, Affect; Prs/Aff, Presence/Affect; Prs/Per, Presence/Perspective. (C) Stress testing timeline and raw cortisol data (in nanomolar) (error bars represent SEM)
over time (relative to stressor onset at 0 min), separated by group. Because covariates are not considered, results deviate from the model-derived depiction. ECG,
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4 October 2017
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Table 1. Bivariate correlations of stress reactivity scores (D) in the no
training group.
Response system
HPA axis
DCortisol DAA
−0.004 0.165
−0.434*** 0.019
−0.117 −0.265**
**P ≤ 0.01.
***P ≤ 0.001.
Fig. 2. Parameter estimates from hierarchical linear models showing training effects on stress markers. Values at the first measurement point are equalized,
representing statistical control for baseline scores. (A) Training groups, which did not differ from one another (all P values >0.10), showed reduced self-reported stress
reactivity [assessed with the STAI (25)] compared to the no training group (all P values between ≤0.01 and ≤0.001). (B) Three-month Presence relative to no training had
no impact on the HPA axis stress response (P > 0.10). Three-month Affect (P ≤ 0.05), 6-month Presence/Affect (P ≤ 0.01), and 6-month Presence/Perspective training (P ≤
0.001) reduced cortisol stress reactivity relative to no training. Affect and Perspective groups did not differ from one another (P > 0.10). Compared to 3-month Presence
training, 3-month Affect training reduced cortisol stress reactivity (P ≤ 0.05). Mental training did not influence (C) AA, (D) HR, (E) HF-HRV, (F) hsCRP, and (G) IL-6 stress
responses (all P values >0.10).
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*P ≤ 0.05.
0.184* −0.049
0.141 −0.027
attention training (Presence) relative to no training. However, 3-month
compassion-based Affect training alone and both intersubjective modules tested after 6 months of training (Affect or Perspective following
Presence) reduced cortisol stress reactivity relative to no training (Affect:
t304 = −2.06, P ≤ 0.05; Presence/Affect: t304 = −2.99, P ≤ 0.01; Presence/
Perspective: t304 = −3.22, P ≤ 0.001). Percentage reductions in baselineto-peak increase (Dcortisol) were 32% for Affect, 48% for Presence/
Affect, and 51% for Presence/Perspective groups. The degree of cortisol
stress reduction did not differ between the socio-affective (Affect) and
socio-cognitive (Perspective) groups. Comparing 3-month Presence
with 3-month Affect training revealed lower reactivity following
the Affect Module (t304 = −2.21, P ≤ 0.05). Thus, compassion-based
training was more effective in psychosocial stress reduction than
attention-based training, even after only 3 months of training time.
Untrained participants tested at baseline or 3 or 6 months into the
study showed similar self-reported and cortisol stress responses. Thus,
stress habituation due to longer study duration in training relative to no
training groups was ruled out as a confound in the above results (see the
Supplementary Materials).
Table 2. Omnibus F tests in linear mixed models for training effects
on self-reported and HPA axis stress responses. Removing the covariates from a respective model did not change the pattern of significance.
Fixed effects
F (df)
F (df)
13180.99 (473)
1450.30 (303)
8.43 (477)
5.26 (304)
113.00 (476)
15.74 (304)
Intercept (peak)
2.76 (283)
9.79 (300)
0.72 (283)
0.85 (300)
11.37 (300)
Time of day
Recovery slope
770.32 (480)
653.77 (307)
8.68 (480)
2.10 (307)
2.51 (480)
5.09 (308)
Random effects
Estimate (SE)
Estimate (SE)
25.53 (2.66)
0.40 (0.03)
Recovery slope
0.005 (.003)
≤0.001 (≤0.001)
Effects of mental training on psychoendocrine covariance
Next, we tested whether mental training improved psychoendocrine covariance using linear regression. Relative to the untrained group, mental
training influenced the association between self-report and cortisol
stress markers [F9,296 = 4.01, P ≤ 0.001, R2 = 0.11]. The initial 3-month
attention-based Presence (b = 0.25, t = 2.45, P = 0.015), the sequential
Presence/Perspective (b = 0.21, t = 1.98, P = 0.049), and the sequential
Presence/Affect training (albeit only marginally; b = 0.15, t = 1.72, P =
0.086) increased the association of DSTAI and Dcortisol. The 3-month
Affect training alone had no effect on psychoendocrine covariance (b =
0.09, t = 1.08, P > 0.20) (Fig. 3). Changes in psychoendocrine covariance
did not differ between the training groups (all P values >0.10).
Consistent with the idea of weakened mind-body connections with
age (30), we show an influence of age on these training-induced changes
in psychoendocrine covariance in an additional post hoc analysis (see
the Supplementary Materials).
Identifying effective ways to reduce stress and thus attain a healthier
lifestyle has gained critical importance in our stress-ridden society.
We conducted a large-scale 9-month longitudinal study, the ReSource
Project (22), to test whether we could find convincing evidence for psychosocial stress reduction after long-term mental training. Using a multimethod approach, a broad range of subjective and physiological stress
markers was assessed. It is unique to the ReSource Project that training
was extended beyond the usual 8 weeks of established secular mindfulnessEngert et al., Sci. Adv. 2017; 3 : e1700495
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based programs (7, 8) and that different types of contemplative practice—
namely, present-moment attention-based, socio-affective, and sociocognitive practice—were parceled into three independent 3-month training
modules (Presence, Affect, and Perspective). This approach allowed for
systematically investigating the specific effects of each practice type.
Our results reveal that, indeed, different types of mental practice
varied in their influence on the psychosocial stress response. Although
we observed training effects on subjective and cortisol stress reactivity,
the assessed autonomic and immune markers were unaffected by mental training. In detail, 3 months of Presence training cultivating attention
and nonjudgmental moment-to-moment awareness through the core
techniques Breathing Meditation and Body Scan lowered self-reported
stress intensity by 26% but failed to influence cortisol secretion. Although challenging the notion that present-moment and attentionbased meditation techniques are a remedy for social stress, this result
reflects existing research. Mindfulness-based interventions have been
shown to reduce self-reported (11–13), sympathetic (14), and immune
(15) reactivity yet lack reliable effects on the acute cortisol stress response. To our knowledge, only one laboratory reported diminished
cortisol reactivity to acute stress exposure immediately after a session
of integrative body-mind training (16, 17). Several other studies yielded
null results (14, 18) or even found stress sensitization (11). Because reduced subjective stress experience after committing to effortful mental
practice may result from social desirability response bias (the tendency
to present oneself in a favorable light) (31), we argue that claims of stress
reduction based solely on self-reports (without a physiological basis)
should be considered with more caution. Together, the previous and
current results suggest that the training of attention and interoceptive
awareness alone may not be the optimal strategy for cortisol stress
reduction following psychosocial challenge. Although a sharpened
sense for the physiological state of the body may successfully prevent
rumination during acute psychosocial stress, it may be ineffective to
buffer the bodily stress symptoms. However, it is conceivable that with
longer practice time, reduced subjective stress reactivity will progressively manifest in reduced cortisol release. In this context, it is important to consider that mindfulness-based intervention programs, such
as MBSR (7) and MBCT (8), typically go beyond the scope of the Presence Module. That is, besides the practice of present-moment attention
and interoceptive awareness (through, for example, Breathing Meditation and Body Scan), mindfulness-based interventions include practices
targeting emotional and cognitive capacities (for example, Lovingkindness Meditation and Observing-thoughts Mediation) (19).
Contrary to the 3-month attention-based Presence training, the
3-month compassion-based Affect training reduced self-reported and
cortisol stress reactivity by 36 and 32%, respectively. We can conclude
that 3 months of mental training is sufficient for physiologically meaningful (27) psychosocial stress reduction—provided the right practice is
performed. The observed ineffectiveness in decreasing cortisol stress
levels after 3 months of Presence training was thus specific to the particular training type and not to a lack of practice time. However, note
that although statistically nonsignificant, when preceded by Presence,
cortisol stress reduction after the Affect Module did increase from 32
to 48%. This suggests that the previous cultivation of attention and
interoceptive awareness may promote stress reduction by optimizing
compassion-based Affect training, consistent with the order in which these
practice types are taught traditionally (19). Our results match crosssectional studies showing that individuals high in questionnaireassessed trait compassion (32) or instructed to adopt a compassionate
stance through a brief cognitive intervention (33) exhibited lower cortisol
Table 3. Omnibus F tests in linear mixed models for training effects on autonomic and immune stress responses. Removing the covariates from a
respective model did not change the pattern of significance. BMI, body mass index.
Autonomic markers
Fixed effects
F (df)
F (df)
29132.77 (367)
317646.14 (371)
5253.12 (433)
0.91 (368)
0.98 (374)
1.79 (436)
321.53 (368)
230.68 (374)
101.47 (417)
5.79 (299)
1.72 (257)
5.98 (251)
0.46 (298)
2.12 (258)
8.47 (252)
2.15 (298)
0.38 (258)
0.22 (252)
360.90 (369)
938.89 (254)
26.96 (250)
1.92 (369)
0.67 (254)
1.33 (250)
1.41 (373)
0.05 (258)
2.87 (249)
F (df)
Intercept (peak)
Random effects
Estimate (SE)
Estimate (SE)
Estimate (SE)
0.18 (0.02)
0.009 (0.001)
0.43 (0.08)
≤0.001 (≤0.001)
No variance; excluded
No variance; excluded
Recovery slope
Immune markers
Fixed effects
F (df)
F (df)
Intercept (peak)
1160.07 (469)
<0.01 (1)
0.64 (473)
0.43 (4)
27503.27 (452)
260.49 (1)
0.36 (283)
7.07 (1)
3.69 (284)
0.02 (1)
1.09 (284)
2.04 (1)
55.34 (281)
0.74 (281)
0.11 (282)
Recovery slope
Random effects
Estimate (SE)
Recovery slope
Engert et al., Sci. Adv. 2017; 3 : e1700495
0.004 (≤0.001)
No variance; excluded
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Recovery slope
Table 4. Between-group contrasts and effect sizes for training effects in self-reported and HPA axis stress reactivity. Between-group Cohen’s d effect
sizes were calculated using t values and degrees of freedom. Aff, Affect; NT, no training; Per, Perspective; Prs, Presence.
t (df)
−2.92** (477)
−4.12*** (478)
−4.42*** (476)
−3.65*** (476)
−0.97 (477)
−1.24 (476)
−0.54 (476)
−0.28 (477)
0.44 (477)
0.72 (476)
2.92** (477)
4.12*** (478)
0.97 (477)
4.42*** (476)
1.24 (476)
0.28 (477)
3.65*** (476)
0.54 (476)
−0.44 (477)
−0.72 (476)
0.63 (304)
−3.22*** (304)
−2.06* (304)
−2.99** (304)
−2.21* (304)
−2.97** (304)
−3.17** (304)
−0.79 (304)
−0.96 (304)
−0.17 (304)
−0.63 (304)
2.06* (304)
2.21* (304)
2.99** (304)
2.97** (304)
0.79 (304)
3.22*** (304)
3.17** (304)
0.69 (304)
**P ≤ 0.01.
***P ≤ 0.001.
*P ≤ 0.05.
0.17 (304)
Fig. 3. Psychoendocrine covariance after training relative to no training. For illustrative purpose, we show bivariate correlations between STAI and cortisol baseline-to-peak
change scores (D) in (A) the no training group and (B) all training groups. Linear regression showed that relative to the untrained group, mental training influenced the association
between subjective and cortisol stress markers (P ≤ 0.001). Both the initial 3-month attention-based Presence (P = 0.015) and the sequential Presence/Perspective training (P =
0.049) significantly increased the association of DSTAI and Dcortisol. The sequential Presence/Affect training only induced a marginal change (P = 0.086). Three-month Affect
training alone had no effect on psychoendocrine covariance (P > 0.20). Changes in psychoendocrine covariance did not differ between the training groups (all P values >0.10).
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t (df)
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cope with a stressor and, vice versa, there is enhanced awareness of the
source of stress-induced physiological activation.
Contrary to previous studies (12–15), no effect of mental training on
autonomic and innate immune markers was found. However, our study
had a larger sample size, longer training time, and used a more sensitive
modeling technique than previous studies. Because the results of
underpowered studies are less likely to represent true effects (44), this
failure to replicate despite increased statistical power indicates that the
relation between mental training and both autonomic and immune
markers is less clear-cut than presumed. Furthermore, differences in
the specific composition of training regimes and methodological study
details may account for divergent findings. For example, Pace et al. (13)
detected training effects on IL-6 within their meditation group (as
opposed to the health discussion control group) only after considering
individual differences in the amount of reported meditation practice.
Similar to our study, the authors found no main effect of group assignment. In addition to using the TSST, Rosenkranz et al. (15) used topical
application of capsaicin cream to stimulate neurogenic inflammation in
the skin. This combinatorial approach of inducing psychosocial stress
and targeted inflammation was likely more sensitive in detecting subtle
immunological changes than the measurement of inflammatory markers
in the blood.
We suggest that the discrepancy between HPA axis and autonomic/
immune findings reflects differences in the reactivity of these response
systems. Whereas HPA axis activity is stress-specific and strongly
determined by internal evaluations (36), autonomic activity is a sign of
general moment-to-moment arousal equally responding to emotional
stimuli of positive and negative valence (45). Training of intersubjective
capacities as implemented in the Affect and Perspective Modules seems
to target the processing of socially and ego-relevant information, thus buffering the threat inherent to social-evaluative stress and not its arousing
nature. The discrepancy between HPA axis and immune findings may
be explained by the fact that although activated by stress (28), inflammatory markers are not principal effectors of the stress response (3). Accordingly, associations between cortisol and inflammatory markers are not
consistently found, both in the present and in previous studies (28), and
reductions in stress-induced innate immunity after mindfulness-based
interventions were seen in the absence of cortisol effects (13, 15). Future
research will need to explore how baseline immune activity relates to
different types of contemplative practice and whether the current results
generalize to nonpsychosocial stressors, such as physical strain or pain.
It is a limitation of the present study that we focused solely on the
magnitude of the stress response. A more fine-grained metric of stress is
proposed in the biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat, which
differentiates between the physiological signatures of adaptive and maladaptive responses to acute stressful situations (46, 47). We would like
to encourage future research to investigate whether mental training shifts
stress appraisals and sympathetic output from threat-like to challenge-like
response patterns. Rather than in HR and HF-HRV, training-induced
change may manifest in these more subtle sympathetic measures.
In conclusion, despite the relative absence of physical threat in modern society, the wear and tear of psychosocial stress increasingly
contributes toward negative mental and physical health outcomes (1).
Consequent financial costs to society are significant (5). Alleviating psychosocial stress must hence be a primary societal goal. Our data reveal
substantial reduction in self-reported and cortisol stress responses by up
to 51%, specifically after intersubjective mental training focused on
compassion and cognitive perspective-taking skills. Integrating short
intersubjective mental practice into our daily routine would be a broadly
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responses to psychosocial challenge. In contrast, 6 weeks of (self-)
compassion training without dyadic exercises (as implemented in
the current protocol) solely reduced self-reported and immune reactivity (12, 13).
Whereas both mindfulness- and compassion-based intervention
programs have previously been investigated, the Perspective Module with
its focus on metacognition and perspective-taking on self and others
has no precedence in secular contemplative intervention research. We
observed that Affect and Perspective trainings were equally successful
in reducing psychosocial stress. Self-reported reactivity was lowered by
39 and 31% and cortisol reactivity by 48 and 51% after Affect training
and Perspective training (both following Presence), respectively. The
comparable effectiveness of these two modules likely originates from their
common intersubjective content. Although targeting different processes,
either socio-affective or socio-cognitive in nature (23, 24), both aim to
improve an individual’s social relations, be it by taking an empathic
and compassionate stance or by engaging in perspective-taking on others’
minds. With the realization of contemplative dyads, the two modules
share another important aspect distinguishing them from both Presence
training and previously studied mindfulness-based interventions, which
mostly failed to detect cortisol effects after acute psychosocial challenge.
We suggest that regular self-disclosure and consequent exposure to the
potential evaluations of their fellow trainees within the daily dyadic practice (34, 35) may have “immunized” participants against the fear of social
shame and judgment by others. A psychosocial stressor like the TSST, the
stressful nature of which largely depends on the experience of an uncontrollable threat to the social self (36), would consequently lose its negative impact. Future research will need to isolate the specific effects of
contemplative dyadic exercises and classic meditation techniques that
were coupled as daily core exercises in the two social modules of the
ReSource Project (for example, Loving-kindness Meditation in the Affect
Module and Observing-thoughts Meditation in the Perspective Module).
From a mechanistic perspective, it can be hypothesized on the basis of
previous research that the Affect Module stimulates positive affect
systems (37) linked to care and affiliation and modulated by oxytocin
and opiates (38, 39). Given their additional involvement in stress regulation (40, 41), these neuropeptides are prime candidates for mediating
stress reduction after compassion-based practice. Stress reduction after
Perspective training is likely mediated by different mechanisms linked
to an improved understanding of own and others’ perspectives and the
ability to detach from invasive, stress-inducing thoughts.
Because both subjectively experienced and HPA axis responses represent indicators of the construct “stress,” they are expected to correlate
substantially. One reason for the often reported lack of psychoendocrine
covariance (21) may be the participants’ inability to accurately interocept their internal states. It has been a long-standing hypothesis that
meditation enhances first-person accounts by sharpening interoception and enabling a more granular description of internal experience.
Subjective first-person and objective third-person measures should
consequently be more closely aligned (6). Our results demonstrate
that mental training unspecifically increased the correlation of subjectively experienced and cortisol stress reactivity. This is in line with
other findings from the ReSource Project showing equal increases in
self-reports of body awareness after all meditation types (42) and a
steady improvement in heartbeat perception accuracy over the course of
the training (43). We propose that increased psychoendocrine covariance
may reflect the development toward a healthier stress response, that is,
a balanced state in which subjective stress experience is coupled with
the necessary endocrine adaptations (namely, the release of cortisol) to
accessible, low-cost approach to preventing stress-related disease and
the associated financial burden to society. It would involve the additional
benefit of improving social capacities, such as compassion, social intelligence, and prosocial behavior (48).
Experimental design
Stress testing was organized in a cross-sectional design, that is, groups of
participants underwent the TSST at different phases of the ReSource
Project. One hundred thirty participants were tested without training
(no training group). Of these, 84 participants were part of the retest
control cohorts and tested either at baseline (T0; n = 46), in the first test
phase (T1; n = 20), or in the second test phase (T2; n = 18); 46 were part
of the training cohorts and tested before training at T0. Of the remaining training participants, 46 were tested at T1 following Presence, 46 at
T1 following Affect, 44 at T2 following Presence/Affect, and 47 at T2
following Presence/Perspective training (Fig. 1B).
Because cortisol secretion is characterized by a strong circadian
rhythm (52), testing was performed between 12 and 6 p.m. in one
130-min session. To adjust blood sugar levels, participants had a stanEngert et al., Sci. Adv. 2017; 3 : e1700495
4 October 2017
ReSource training program
In the ReSource Project, we investigated the specific effects of commonly
used mental training techniques by parceling the training program into
three separate modules (Presence, Affect, and Perspective), each cultivating distinct cognitive and socio-affective capacities (22). Participants were
divided in two 9-month training cohorts experiencing the modules in different orders, one 3-month Affect training cohort and one retest control
cohort. In detail, two training cohorts (TC1 and TC2) started their
training with the mindfulness-based Presence Module. They then
underwent Affect and Perspective Modules in different orders, thereby
acting as Mutual active control groups. To isolate the specific effects of
the Presence Module, a third training cohort (TC3) underwent a 3-month
Affect Module only (Fig. 1B).
As illustrated in Fig. 1A, the core psychological processes targeted
in the Presence Module are attention and interoceptive awareness,
which are trained through the two meditation-based core exercises
Breathing Meditation and Body Scan. The Affect Module targets the
cultivation of social emotions, such as compassion, loving kindness,
and gratitude. It also aims to enhance prosocial motivation and dealing
with difficult emotions. The two core exercises of the Affect Module are
Loving-kindness Meditation and Affect Dyad. In the Perspective
Module, participants train metacognition and perspective-taking on self
and others through the two core exercises Observing-thoughts Meditation and Perspective Dyad. Participants were free to conduct each of the
two core practices of a given module at their best convenience. Although
our recommendation was to train for a minimum of 30 min (for example, 10-min contemplative dyad and 20-min classic meditation) 5 days
per week, there was no guideline on when the two different core
practices had to be realized. The dyadic interactions had to be
coordinated in advance with a respective dyadic partner and could
therefore not be carried out as flexibly as the classic meditation
practice. The average numbers of weekly practice sessions for each
mental training exercise performed in Presence, Affect, and Perspective
Modules are shown in table S3.
The two contemplative dyads address different skills but are similar
in structure. In each 10-min dyadic practice, two randomly paired
participants share their experiences with alternating roles of speaker
and listener. Dyads are conducted using a custom-designed website
or smartphone application, which randomly chooses one participant
as first speaker. The speaker contemplates on a chosen topic for 5 min.
The listener is silent, mindfully listens, and does not respond. Then
the roles reverse. This contemplative dialog is understood as a “loud
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For detailed information on the multistage recruitment procedure,
inclusion/exclusion criteria, and the final sample description of the
ReSource Project, see Singer et al. [(22), chap. 7]. In short, all volunteers
underwent a comprehensive face-to-face mental health diagnostic
interview with a trained clinical psychologist. The interview included
a computer-assisted German version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis-I disorders, the SCID-I DIA-X (49), and a
personal interview for Axis-II disorders, the SKID-II (50, 51). Volunteers were excluded if they fulfilled the criteria for an Axis-I disorder
within the past 2 years or for schizophrenia, psychotic disorder, bipolar
disorder, substance dependency, or any Axis-II disorder at any time in
their life. Volunteers taking medication influencing the HPA axis were
also excluded. Of the 332 initial ReSource participants, 313 (185 women;
age mean ± SD, 40.68 ± 9.30 years; age range, 20 to 55 years) underwent
the TSST (20). The missing 19 participants either dropped out of the
study (n = 10; six women), were excluded from the study (n = 4; three
women), or were repeatedly unavailable for testing (n = 5; three women).
Reasons for study dropout were time constraints (n = 5; two women)
and discomfort with the study or experiments (n = 5; four women). Reasons for exclusion were medical (n = 3; two women) and previous mental
training experience (n = 1; one woman). Table S1 gives an overview of
the available data per stress marker and measurement time point. Female
hormonal status was assessed via self-report on the testing day. Fortyseven women had no menstrual cycle because of menopause or polycystic ovary syndrome, 35 took hormonal contraceptives, and 103 had a
natural menstrual cycle. Thirty-seven participants were cigarette smokers (≤10 cigarettes/day). Participants with differing hormonal status and
smokers were equally distributed among groups (no training, Presence,
Affect, Presence/Affect, and Presence/Perspective) (table S2). The
ReSource Project was registered with the Protocol Registration System
( under the title “Plasticity of the Compassionate
Brain” (identifier NCT01833104). It was approved by the Research Ethics
Boards of Leipzig University (ethic number: 376/12-ff) and Humboldt
University Berlin (ethic numbers: 2013-20, 2013-29, and 2014-10). Participants gave their written informed consent, could withdraw from the
study at any time, and were financially compensated.
dardized snack upon arrival. Throughout testing, they refrained from
taking anything by mouth except water. Fifteen minutes after arrival,
a baseline questionnaire and saliva sample for the measurement of
self-reported stress and cortisol/AA were collected (at −55 min). Subsequently, the baseline blood sample for the measurement of immune
activity was drawn (at −50 min), followed by a 30-min resting phase to
overcome potential stress induced by the blood draw. Participants
were then provided with the test instructions. After 10 min of anticipating the TSST, anticipatory self-reported stress was assessed (at −5 min)
(amounting to a 15-min anticipation phase) and followed by the 10-min
stress phase. Immediately after stress induction, saliva, questionnaire,
and blood samples were collected (at 10 to 15 min). During the 60-min
recovery phase, repeated questionnaire and saliva samples were collected.
At the end of the testing session (60 min), a final blood sample was drawn.
Cardiac measures were recorded from 30 min before until 25 min after
stressor onset (Fig. 1C).
Stress induction
Participants were exposed to the TSST (20), the most frequently used
social-evaluative laboratory stressor that reliably provokes subjective
and physiological stress responses (36). The stressful nature of the TSST
was shown to depend on the elements of novelty, unpredictability,
uncontrollability, and social-evaluative threat (36). In short, after a
preparatory anticipation phase of variable length (15 min in the current study), participants are required to give an audio- and videotaped
mock job talk (5 min) and engage in difficult mental arithmetic (5 min)
while being verbally probed and evaluated by a committee of two
alleged behavioral analysts.
Stress markers
Cortisol and AA
Relative to stressor onset (at 0 min), saliva samples were collected at
−55, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 55 min to capture cortisol and AA peaks and
recoveries (Fig. 1C). Saliva was sampled into Salivette collection devices
(Sarstedt). As recommended by Rohleder and Nater (53), participants
placed the collection swabs in their mouth and refrained from chewing
for 2 min. Salivettes were stored at −30°C until assay. Cortisol levels
(expressed in nanomolar) were determined using a time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay (54) with intra- and interassay variabilities of
less than 10 and 12%, respectively. AA activity (expressed in U/ml)
was determined using an enzyme kinetic method (55, 56).
HF-HRV measures the variability of HR in the respiration frequency
range of 0.15 to 0.4 Hz and is considered a reliable marker of parasympathetic, specifically vagus nerve, activity (57, 58). To capture HR
and HF-HRV from 30 min before until 25 min after TSST onset, we
assessed a continuous ECG with the Zephyr BioHarness 3 (Zephyr
Technology), an ambulatory measurement device that is strapped around
the participant’s chest and samples at a frequency of 250 Hz. The 65-min
ECG recording covered a 10-min time frame within the baseline resting
phase (from −30 to −20 min), a 20-min time frame during which the
participants were brought to the testing room, received testing instructions, and anticipated the TSST (from −20 to 0 min), the 10-min
stress phase (from 0 to 10 min), and a 15-min time frame within the recovery phase, during which the post-stress blood sample was drawn and
Engert et al., Sci. Adv. 2017; 3 : e1700495
4 October 2017
participants returned to their resting rooms (from 10 to 25 min). Because
of interindividual variation in the transition between phases, only the
middle 8-min ECG sequences of baseline and stress phases were included
in the analysis (that is, first and last minutes per phase were excluded).
Likewise, because the post-stress blood draw varied in length between
participants, only the final 8-min ECG sequence of the recovery phase
was included. The anticipation phase was dropped from the analysis because no equivalent anticipation samples for cortisol and AA were used.
ECGs were extracted with the software Matrix Laboratory (Matlab;
version R2014a). Raw recordings were automatically checked for artifacts
using in-house software and subsequently manually corrected for further artifacts. Average HR (expressed in beats per minute) and HF-HRV
(expressed in square millisecond) were then calculated for the 8-min
time frames of each experimental phase (baseline, stress, and recovery)
with the software ARTiiFACT (version 2) (59).
hsCRP and IL-6
Relative to stressor onset (at 0 min), blood samples were collected at
−50, 15, and 60 min to capture hsCRP and IL-6 stress responses (Fig.
1C). Blood (5.5 ml) was collected into serum vacutainers (Sarstedt),
allowed to clot for 30 to 45 min, and subsequently centrifuged at
3500 rpm for 15 min. Serum was frozen at −80°C until assay. hsCRP
measurements were performed by a latex-enhanced immunoturbidimetric assay using the Siemens Advia 1800 Clinical Chemistry System
(Siemens Healthineers). Intra- and interassay coefficients of variation
were <4.4 and <3.8%, respectively. IL-6 levels were measured with
a solid-phase enzyme-labeled chemiluminescence immunometric
assay using a random access chemiluminescence immunoassay system
(IMMULITE 2000, Siemens Healthineers). Intra- and interassay coefficients of variation were <7.4 and <5.8%, respectively.
Subjective stress experience
Because subjective stress experience results from the appraisal of a stimulus as harmful and threatening (60), we used the 20-item state scale of
the STAI (25) to assess self-reports of stress. Relative to stressor onset (at
0 min), the STAI state scale was administered at baseline (−55 min),
after anticipation (at −5 min), and after stressor termination at 10, 20,
and 30 min. Among the validated questionnaires, the STAI state scale is
the most frequently used measure of stress-induced subjective-emotional
states (26), asking for acute feelings of apprehension, tension, nervousness, worry, and activation/arousal of the autonomic nervous system.
To show that the STAI state scale goes beyond merely measuring anxiety (see the Supplementary Materials), participants additionally completed the conceptually broader 65-item Profile of Mood States (POMS)
(61) at the peak of subjective stress experience (−5 min). The POMS is
the second most frequently used measure of subjective-emotional stress
experience (26), measuring fluctuations along the dimensions tensionanxiety, depression-dejection, anger-hostility, vigor-activity, fatigueinertia, and confusion-bewilderment. Because of its length, the POMS is
unsuitable for repeated administration.
Statistical analysis
Analyses were performed with the software SPSS (Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences; version 23). Physiological data were lntransformed to account for skewness. To facilitate interpretation,
continuous predictors were mean-centered. Outliers were winsorized to 3 SDs from the mean. All tests were two-sided, and a P value
of ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. Reflecting Bonferroni
correction for multiple tests within a conceptual cluster, the a threshold
was lowered to ≤0.05/3 for autonomic markers and to ≤0.05/2 for
immune markers.
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meditation.” The dyadic format is designed to foster interconnectedness
by providing opportunities for self-disclosure and mindful listening (35).
The unique elements of each dyad teach specific skills relevant to social
interactions. In the Affect Dyad, the speaker spends 2.5 min describing a
difficult situation (with accompanying feelings and bodily sensations)
that occurred in the past 24 hours. For another 2.5 min, the speaker
describes a situation that elicited gratitude with accompanying feelings
and bodily sensations. This exercise should help with both the acceptance of difficult emotions and the cultivation of positive emotions.
The dyadic partner is instructed to practice nonjudgmental empathic
listening. In the Perspective Dyad, the speaker describes a situation
that occurred in the past 24 hours from the perspective of a previously
identified and randomly assigned inner part, that is, a personality aspect
or inner schema. Examples of inner parts are “the judge,” “the manager,” or the “caring mother.” This exercise aims at training perspectivetaking on internal aspects of the self. It should help realize how we
cocreate our realities and social interactions by identifying with our
inner personality aspects (34, 35). The listener attempts to infer which
inner part of the other is currently speaking and thus practices cognitive
Engert et al., Sci. Adv. 2017; 3 : e1700495
4 October 2017
the following model was specified using Raudenbush and Bryk (71)
notation (covariates vary per dependent variable)
Level 1: DVti = b0i + b1i (recovery slope)ti + eti
Level 2: b0i = g00 + g01 (Presence) + g02 (Affect) + g03
(Presence/Affect) + g04 (Presence/Perspective) + g05
(baseline level) + g06 (control variable x) + g07
(control variable y) + r0i
b1i = g10 + g11 (Presence) + g12 (Affect) + g13
(Presence/Affect) + g14 (Presence/Perspective) + g15
(baseline level) + r1i
Fixed effects: DV = g00 + g01 (Presence) + g02 (Affect) + g03 (Presence/
Affect) + g04 (Presence/Perspective) + g05 (baseline levels) + g06 (control
variable x) + g07 (control variable y) + g10 (recovery slope) + g11 (recovery
slope) (Presence) + g12 (recovery slope) (Affect) + g13 (recovery slope)
(Presence/Affect) + g14 (recovery slope) (Presence/Perspective) + g15
(recovery slope) (baseline level)
Random effects: DVi = r0i + r1i (recovery slope) + eti
where g00 represents the intercept (stress peak) and g10 represents
the recovery slope of estimated cortisol, AA, HR, HF-HRV, hsCRP, or
self-reported stress levels. Unstandardized coefficients for predictors of
the slope represent the change in slope per minute during stress recovery resulting from a one-unit change on the scale of the predictor.
In the case of an overall training effect, estimates for betweengroup tests were calculated using contrasts. Contrasts were not corrected for multiple comparisons because estimates are “shrunk”
toward a common mean within the multilevel model framework. This
“partial pooling” accounts for the dependence of estimates calculated
within the same model without compromising power (72). Because
IL-6 levels increased until 60 min after stressor onset, a univariate
general linear model with peak IL-6 levels as dependent variables, group
and sex as fixed factors, and baseline IL-6, age, and BMI as covariates
was calculated.
Effects of mental training on psychoendocrine covariance
Baseline-to-peak change scores were calculated to quantify the average
stress-induced rise in subjective stress experience (DSTAI) and cortisol
levels (Dcortisol). A linear regression modeling Dcortisol from DSTAI,
the dummy-coded training groups, and the interaction of DSTAI with
the dummy-coded training groups was calculated. The DSTAI by
training group interactions examined the improvement in psychoendocrine covariance in each training group relative to the no training group.
To subsequently assess whether improvements in psychoendocrine
covariance differed between training groups, we repeatedly executed
the linear regression with the different training groups as changing
reference categories. This allowed contrasting each training group
with the respective other training groups.
Supplementary material for this article is available at
Supplementary Materials and Methods
fig. S1. Parameter estimates from hierarchical linear models showing effects of study duration
on self-reported and cortisol stress reactivity and recovery.
table S1. Number of participants with available data (and winsorized outliers) per stress marker
and measurement time point.
table S2. Descriptive statistics per group.
table S3. Mean number (SD) of weekly practice sessions for each mental training exercise per
training module.
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Participants were selected from a larger pool of volunteers and assigned
to training and retest control cohorts matched in demographics and
various self-reported traits using bootstrapping without replacement
{for details on the matching criteria, see Singer et al. [(22), chap. 7]}.
For the current cross-sectional stress testing design, groups were rematched on a subset of variables with potential influence on stress reactivity: sex, hormonal status in women, city of residence (Berlin/
Leipzig), number of smokers, age, depressed mood [Major Depression
Inventory (62)], trait anxiety [STAI (25)], and chronic stress [Perceived
Stress Scale (63)] using Pearson’s c² tests and one-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) (all c² values ≤6.50, F values ≤0.77, P values >0.30;
see table S2 for descriptive statistics).
Exploratory associations between stress reactivity scores
To explore training-independent associations between the assessed stress
markers and their underlying response systems, bivariate correlations of
cortisol, AA, HR, HF-HRV, hsCRP, IL-6, and STAI state stress reactivity scores (operationalized as baseline-to-peak change; D) were
calculated in the no training group.
Effects of mental training on the stress response
Linear mixed models were used to analyze the data (with the exception of IL-6; see below). In each model, repeated measures of a respective stress marker were nested within individuals. The first
measurement point represented the peak stress reaction (at 20 min
for cortisol, 10 min for AA, 15 min for hsCRP, during the stress
phase at average 5 min for HR and HF-HRV, and at −5 min for selfreported stress). The continuous variable “time” (hereafter referred to as
“recovery slope”) was operationalized as the number of minutes between the peak in stress reaction and the succeeding measurement
points returning to baseline (at 55 min for cortisol, 40 min for AA,
60 min for hsCRP, during the recovery phase at average 20 min for
HR and HF-HRV, and at 30 min for self-reported stress). By centering the time variable at the peak, the model intercept provided
an estimate of the magnitude of the peak stress reaction. Because
of an influence on the dynamics of the stress response (law of initial
value) (64), baseline levels of a respective marker and their interactions with the recovery slope were included as level 2 predictors in
the model. This additional information was necessary in accounting
for the likelihood that both the peak in stress reaction and the steepness of the recovery slope would inversely relate to baseline levels.
Additional level 2 predictors were the group (no training, Presence,
Affect, Presence/Affect, and Presence/Perspective) and the two-way
interaction of group and recovery slope. Given their influence on
cortisol levels, hormonal status (65) and time of day (66) were added
to the cortisol model. Common covariates added to the autonomic
and immune models were sex and BMI (67–69). Because of the considerable age range of our participant sample (20 to 55 years) and to
be consistent with other publications from the ReSource Project, we
added age as a covariate to all models.
Provided that there was sufficient variance in the data, subjectlevel random effects for intercept (stress peak) and recovery slopes
were added to the model to accurately reflect the nature of our data
as a sample from a larger population that is the true target of our
inferences. Covariances between random effects were set to zero.
Including random effects for critical parameters increases generalizability, reduces the likelihood of type I error for within-person
effects by increasing the accuracy of SE estimates, and may reduce
the likelihood of type II error for between-person effects by reducing the amount of residual variance left by the model (70). In detail,
table S4. Omnibus F tests in linear mixed models for habituation effects on self-reported and
HPA axis stress responses.
table S5. Coefficients from a linear regression examining improvement in psychoendocrine
covariance (association of DSTAI and Dcortisol) in each training group relative to the no
training group.
Source data (Excel file)
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4 October 2017
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Acknowledgments: We are thankful to the members of the Social Neuroscience Department
involved in the ReSource Project over many years, and to the teachers of the ReSource
intervention program; A. Ackermann, C. Bochow, M. Bolz, and S. Zurborg for managing the
large-scale longitudinal study; E. Murzik, N. Otto, S. Tydecks, and K. Träger for help with
recruiting and data archiving; H. Grunert for technical assistance; and H. Niederhausen and
T. Kästner for data management. We also thank the research assistants and students,
especially A. Koester, whose help with data collection was indispensable. Funding: T.S. as the
principal investigator received funding for the ReSource Project from the European Research
Council (ERC) under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/20072013) ERC grant agreement number 205557 and the Max Planck Society. Author
contributions: T.S. initiated and developed the ReSource Project and model as well as the
training protocol and secured all funding with the exception of the immune marker analysis.
T.S. and V.E. designed the experiment. V.E. was involved in data assessment and analysis.
B.E.K. designed the statistical models. G.P.C. funded and I.P. designed and performed the
immune marker analyses. All authors contributed to writing the manuscript and approved its
final version for submission. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have
no competing interests. Data and materials availability: All data needed to evaluate the
conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials.
Additional data related to this paper may be requested from the authors.
Submitted 14 February 2017
Accepted 24 August 2017
Published 4 October 2017
Citation: V. Engert, B. E. Kok, I. Papassotiriou, G. P. Chrousos, T. Singer, Specific reduction in
cortisol stress reactivity after social but not attention-based mental training. Sci. Adv. 3,
e1700495 (2017).
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Specific reduction in cortisol stress reactivity after social but not attention-based mental
Veronika Engert, Bethany E. Kok, Ioannis Papassotiriou, George P. Chrousos and Tania Singer
Sci Adv 3 (10), e1700495.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1700495
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