Plant Viruses ©2008 Global Science Books
Virus Diseases of Lettuce in Brazil
Marcelo Agenor Pavan1 • Renate Krause-Sakate1 • Norberto da Silva1 •
Francisco Murilo Zerbini2 • Olivier Le Gall3*
1 Departamento de Produção Vegetal, FCA-UNESP, Rua José Barbosa de Barros, 1780, CEP: 18610-307, Botucatu, SP, Brazil
2 Departamento de Fitopatologia/BIOAGRO, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Brazil
3 Virologie Végétale, UMR GDPP INRA-Bordeaux 2, IBVM, INRA, BP81, F-33883 Villenave d’Ornon Cedex, France
Corresponding author: * mapavan@fca.unesp.br
Several viruses have been reported to infect lettuce. The most important is Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV), a potyvirus found worldwide
transmitted by seeds and aphids, in a non-persistent manner. LMV causes quite variable symptoms, including mosaic, dwarfing, failure to
form proper heads, and sometimes necrotic reactions. Cultivars carrying the mo11 and mo12 genes have resistance to the common strains,
although most (mo breaking seed transmitted) strains can overcome this resistance. At least three species of tospovirus, including Tomato
spotted wilt virus (TSWV), Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) and Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV) causes significant losses,
especially during summer, in which high populations of thrips vectors can be found in the field. Tospoviruses causes systemic necrosis
and plant death. During the cooler season (May to September), two viruses have been found associated with big-vein disease, Mirafiori
lettuce big-vein virus (MLBVV) which belongs to the genus Ophiovirus and Lettuce big-vein associated virus (LBVaV; genus
Varicosavirus). LBVaV and MLBVV are both transmitted by the soil-borne fungus Olpidium brassicae. Lettuce mottle virus (LeMoV,
genus Sequivirus); Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, genus Cucumovirus), and Bidens mosaic virus (BiMV, genus Potyvirus) are also found
to cause mosaic symptoms on lettuce, although their incidence in lettuce fields is low throughout the year. Epidemiological aspects,
variability of viruses, methods of control, genetic variability for lettuce resistance and breeding programs will be discussed.
Keywords: Bidens mosaic virus, Cucumber mosaic virus, Lettuce big-vein associated virus, Lettuce mosaic virus, Lettuce mottle virus,
Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus, tospovirus
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................................................ 35
LETTUCE VIRUSES .................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Lettuce mosaic virus – LMV ................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Big-vein disease....................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Lettuce-infecting Tospovirus species ....................................................................................................................................................... 37
Lettuce viruses of minor importance in Brazil......................................................................................................................................... 38
CONCLUSIONS.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L) was domesticated in the Mediterranean area of Europe and was introduced in Brazil by
the Portuguese by 1650. Lettuce is cultivated worldwide
and is one of the most important vegetables consumed in
the world (FAOSTAT, http:www.fao.org).
Nowadays it is the most consumed leaf plant in Brazil
and cultivated over about 30,000 hectares, the largest producer being the state of São Paulo (Agrianual 2004). In Brazil lettuce is cultivated in open fields, in hydroponic systems, in greenhouses or as organic cultures, typically on
small family-owned periurban areas in green belts.
Brazilian lettuce cultivation occurs all year long and
plants are therefore permanently exposed to phytopathogen
attack. Of these the viruses are of particular importance
because they are difficult to control and their vectors are
present year around. Furthermore, viruses directly affect the
quality of the leaves, preventing sale of affected plants. Depending on the environmental conditions and on the degree
of care given to the culture, viruses can be responsible for
the loss of up to 100% of lettuce crops (Resende and Cupertino 1995). Even under hydroponic cultivation viruses have
Received: 22 July, 2008. Accepted: 25 November, 2008.
been identified in different producing regions. In this article
the main types of virus occurring in Brazil, as well as issues
related to diagnosis, control and strain variability are
Lettuce mosaic virus – LMV
Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) is one of the most important
pathogens of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) worldwide (Dinant
and Lot 1992). LMV belongs to the genus Potyvirus within
the family Potyviridae. The genomic organization of LMV
is typical of potyviruses, with a single positive-sense genomic RNA of 10,080 nucleotides (nt) encapsidated as flexuous rods (Revers et al. 1997). The genome organization of
LMV is typical of potyviruses, with a single positive-sense,
single-stranded genomic RNA of 10,080 nucleotides (nt)
encapsidated by coat protein subunits as flexuous rods
(Revers et al. 1997). The viral genomic RNA has a virus encoded protein linked covalently at its 5 end, a poly-A tail at
its 3 end, and contains a single open reading frame (ORF)
which encodes a large polyprotein with 3255 amino acids
Invited Mini-Review
Plant Viruses 2 (1), 35-41 ©2008 Global Science Books
(Costa and Duffus 1958; McLean and Kinsey 1963; Zerbini
et al. 1995, 1997).
Detection of LMV in infected plants or in seed lots is
routinely carried out using immunological techniques such
as ELISA (Clark and Adams 1977; Falk and Purcifull 1983)
or radioimmunosorbent assay (Ghabrial and Sheperd 1982).
More recently, efforts have been made to develop more
sensitive techniques for the detection of LMV based on the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (Revers et al. 1999; Peypelut et al. 2004). Degenerate primer pair 08894p (5-CCG
ATGTCGTCATCYTT-3) that amplifies a fragment of 278
nucleotide size covering part of the CP region of LMV can
be used for general detection of LMV isolates (Revers et al.
1997a; Krause-Sakate et al. 2002; Peypelut et al. 2004) and
primer pair Most5930p (5-GATGGGGGTATTTTCGAT-3)
and Most6544m (5-GACAAGATAAGCTCTAATTCCAC3) can be used for the specific detection of Most isolates
(Peypelut et al. 2004).
The control of lettuce mosaic relies on prophylactic
measures such as the elimination of contaminated commercial seed lots and on genetic resistance (Dinand and Lot
1992; Ryder 1970). Two alleles of the recessive gene mo1
(mo1¹, formerly named g, and mo1², formerly named mo)
were introgressed into different lettuce cultivars, conferring
either tolerance (systemic virus accumulation but no symptoms) or resistance (no systemic virus accumulation), depending on the virus isolate considered. The mo1 alleles
from resistant and susceptible lettuce cultivars were isolated
recently and shown to encode the cap-binding protein,
eIF4E (Nicaise et al. 2003).
LMV isolates capable of overcoming the resistance afforded by mo1 have been described in various parts of the
world, including Europe (Dinant and Lot 1992; Pink et al.
1992a, 1992b; Revers et al. 1997a; Varveri et al. 2002),
South America (Stangarlin et al. 2000) and North Africa
(Fakhfakh et al. 2001). While generally resistance-breaking
isolates generally are not seed-borne, limiting their economic significance to local outbreaks, these newly observed
LMV isolates combine resistance breaking and efficient
seed transmission in resistant hosts. In a study of the genetic
diversity within LMV isolates collected on a worldwide
scale, such isolates clustered separately, suggesting a monophyletic origin of this group of isolates for which the name
LMV-Most (for mo1-breaking, seed transmitted) was proposed (Krause-Sakate et al. 2002). Similarly, the name
LMV-Common was proposed for another monophyletic
group corresponding to the seed-borne isolates that are unable to causes symptoms on mo1 plants. The mo1 alleles
also provide control of seed transmission for the LMVCommon isolates because, even in the tolerance cases, these
isolates accumulate in the mother plants containing mo1¹ or
mo1², but do not access the embryo.
Most-type isolates should be considered an increasing
threat to lettuce production worldwide, because of their ability to spread in seed lots even in the presence of the two
available LMV resistance genes. To evaluate the occurrence
of these two types of LMV isolates, a survey was carried
out during 2002-2005 in three lettuce production areas of
São Paulo State, on susceptible cultivars, LMV-Common
isolates were prevalent (77.3% of the plants evaluated) and
LMV-Most isolates were found frequently associated with
tolerant (mo11) lettuce cultivars. Susceptible cultivars are
grown today in most of the lettuce production areas in São
Paulo State. So, despite the ability of LMV-Most isolates to
overcome the resistance provided by the recessive mo11
gene, they are not prevalent in our conditions (Firmino et al.
2008). The comparison of LMV-AF-199 (Most) and LMVAF198 (Common) on susceptible cultivars reveals that the
Most strain reduces drastically the fresh weight, leaf area
and chlorophyll content, on the White Boston (susceptible)
and Elisa (mo11) cultivars (Jadão et al. 2003). At least one
naturally recombinant isolate between LMV-Most and
LMV-Common was identified in Tunisia (Krause-Sakate et
al. 2004).
Fig. 1 Elisa lettuce cultivar infected by Lettuce mosaic virus (right).
Healthy plant (left).
(Revers et al. 1997).
Disease symptoms are quite variable and depend on the
particular isolate–host plant combination but frequently include dwarfing, failure to form proper heads, leaf distortion,
leaf mosaic or mottling, vein clearing and sometimes necrosis (Candresse et al. 2007). Lettuce plants may fail to
‘heart’ and inner leaves remain dwarfed and rosetted (Fig.
1). Infected plants like Chenopodium amaranticolor develop pale green or chlorotic local lesions (usually with reddish margins) after 8-10 days and systemic yellow veinal
flecks or yellow netting of the younger leaves especially in
winter. C. quinoa is more sensitive than C. amaranticolor
and local lesions more numerous but without reddish margins followed by systemic yellow vein-net symptoms with
twisting and stunting of apical leaves can be observed.
Gomphrena globosa develop whitish, local necrotic dots (47 days) enlarging into red-rimmed lesions (http://www.
As with other potyviruses, LMV is transmitted efficiently by aphids in a nonpersistent manner (Tomlinson 1970),
notably by Myzus persicae, Macrosiphum euphorbiae and
Acyrthosiphon scariolae barri. Non-vectors include Nasonovia ribisnigri. All instars of M. persicae transmit but
alates are less efficient than apterae. Transmission efficiency increases with increasing periods of fasting (5-240
min), but decreases with increasing acquisition access time
from 5 to 120 min (Sylvester 1955).
Rapid epidemics can develop in susceptible lettuce cultivars, leading to losses of up to 80-100% (Dinant and Lot
1992). In addition, a number of LMV isolates can also be
transmitted through infected seeds (Grogan et al. 1952;
Tomlinson 1970). Seed transmission is probably the major
factor in the spread of the disease (Broadbent et al. 1951;
Grogan et al. 1952; Tomlinson 1962). Spread occurs (a)
from seedlings infected through the seed and (b) from
neighboring infected lettuce. The disease can be controlled
by ensuring that the crop is isolated from external sources
of virus and that less than 0.1% of the seed carries the virus
(Zink et al. 1956; Tomlinson 1962; Grogan 1980). Even
where adjacent crops are infected, use of mosaic-free seed
provides some control (Tomlinson 1962). LMV transmission rate varies among genotypes as a function of LMV
variability. This rate depends on the time the receptor plant
has been infected as well as on the genotype and on environmental conditions. The highest levels are observed when
the plant grows in mild temperatures. Studies related to the
seed transmission of LMV showed transmission rates of 1.9
and 16.5%, respectively in tolerant and susceptible lettuce
cultivars (Jadão et al. 2002).
LMV-susceptible species occur in 20 genera (9 genera
of Compositae) in 10 families. The virus is transmissible by
inoculation with sap from young infected plants, but transmission with sap from old leaves may be difficult. Weeds
and ornamental plants can serve as reservoirs of LMV
Virus diseases of lettuce in Brazil. Pavan et al.
ting spores of the fungus can persist for over 20 years in
soil and can retain the ability to transmit the virus for over
15 years (Campbell 1996). Both LBVaV and MLBVV are
sap transmitted, but with low efficiency (Lot et al. 2002;
Sanches et al. 2008). LBVaV are transmitted to C. quinoa,
C. amaranthicolor, Nicotiana benthamiana, N. clevelandii
and N. occidentalis (Hujberts 1990). MLBVV is transmitted
to C. quinoa, N. benthamiana, N. tabacum White Burley, N.
occidentalis (Roggero et al. 2000), N. clevelandii (Lot et al.
2002) and N. hesperis (van der Wilk et al. 2002). The natural infection of Sonchus oleraceus by both viruses was also
observed by Navarro et al. (2005) indicating that this weed
acts as a reservoir for the viruses and for O. brassicae.
LBVaV and MLBVV detection can be carried out with
virus-specific antiserum (Lot et al. 2002; Colariccio et al.
2003; Roggero et al. 2003; Colariccio et al. 2005), as well
as by RT-PCR, where the primers described by Rosales et al.
(2004) or Navarro et al. (2004) can be used. Navarro et al.
(2004) observed that both LBVaV and MLBVV show greatest concentration on the older roots and leaves of lettuce
plants and that symptoms begin 40-50 days after transplanting, coinciding with the peak of spore production of vector
Olpidium brassicae.
Previous studies have found that plants exhibiting big
vein symptoms were frequently co infected with both viruses, suggesting that LBVaV may also contribute to the disease symptoms (Roggero et al. 2003; Navarro et al. 2004,
2005b). The presence of symptomatic lettuce plants,
MLBVV-negative, but LBVaV-positive by ELISA, also has
been observed in a field survey (Roggero et al. 2003).
LBVaV and MLBVV are widespread in the important
lettuce-producing areas of São Paulo State and most plants
are co-infected with LBVaV and MLBVV (Sanches et al.
2008). Similar results were reported by Roggero et al.
(2003), Navarro et al. (2004) and Hayes et al. (2006),
showing a strong correlation between big vein symptom expression and MLBVV presence, and indicating that coinfection with both MLBVV and LBVaV could be due to the
shared vector (Lot et al. 2002). In Brazil during summer
plants were found infected alone or in combination by both
MLBVV and LBVaV, but the plants did not show any
symptoms of the disease (Sanches et al. 2007).
The amino acid identities in the coat protein (CP) gene
between brazilian LBVaV isolates and other sequences deposited in the Genbank is higher than 93% and no correlation of the geographic origin can be made. For the MLBVV
isolates, the aminoacid identities is higher tham 91%, and
MLBVaV brazilian isolates belong to the Subgroup A (Sanches et al. 2008) according to Navarro et al. (2005) classification, that implies the presence of an RsaI restriction site
in the CP gene. The subgroup B consists only of Spanish
isolates (ALM1, ALM4, ALM5 and SON3) previously described by Navarro et al. (2005). These results supports the
suggestion of Hayes et al. (2006) that research on big vein
disease in the United States, Europe and Japan will likely be
relevant for lettuce production in others areas as well, due
to nucleotide sequence conservation among lettuce isolates
of these pathogens, including countries in South America.
For an effective disease control several cultural measures like irrigation, to avoid fungal zoospore dissemination,
the use of healthy shoots, elimination of alternative hosts,
soil solarization to reduce fungal population and sowing
with plastic films to reduce soil humidity and increase temperature therefore reducing zoospore activity, are recommended (Jones 2003; Lathan and Jones 2004). Fletcher et al.
(2005) recommends the use of products like carbendazim,
propamocarb or thiabendazole to improve lettuce production in high incidence areas. Culture rotation is indicated
specially during winter, the season when the disease is most
prevalent in lettuce. No tolerant or resistant varieties exist
in Brazil.
Among the many control measures that should be adopted one may mention the use of virus-free seeds, vector
aphid control in order to keep insect population low in the
fields and elimination of alternative hosts. Also, should the
virus incidence be low, it is recommended to remove and
burn infected plants as well as to use quality shoots produced under screen-surrounded by aphid-free environments.
Big-vein disease
Lettuce big vein disease was first described in California
(Jagger and Chandler 1934), and is a soil-borne disease
found worldwide (Roggero et al. 2003). In Brazil the disease was reported in 2003 and observed during the cooler
season (Colariccio et al. 2003; Lima Neto et al. 2004). The
name of the disease refers to the appearance of chlorotic
areas surrounding the vascular tissue that confers the aspect
of an anomalous vein enlargement (Fig. 2), commonly accompanied by severe leaf deformations and growth reducetions. The economic importance of the disease is a result of
the unsightliness of the lettuce foliage, which reduces market value, due to delayed head formation, decreased head
size and a reduced proportion of harvestable plants (Zink
and Grogan 1954). The symptom expression of big-vein
disease is dependent on local factors such as low temperature, luminosity and soil condition (Walsh 1994). This
disease is more common when temperatures remain below
20°C. In Brazil symptoms are observed mainly in winter
when daylight temperatures range from 18 to 22°C and
night temperatures from 10 to 16°C (Colariccio et al. 2003).
The big vein symptoms were historically attributed to
Lettuce big-vein associated virus (LBVaV; genus Varicosavirus), formerly known as Lettuce big-vein virus (LBVV),
but a causative relationship was never confirmed (Kuwata
et al. 1983; Vetten et al. 1987). According to Roggero et al.
(2000), the Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus (MLBVV), formerly known as Mirafiori lettuce virus (MiLV), which belongs to the genus Ophiovirus, was reported to be the causal
agent of big-vein disease. Symptoms occur in plants after
they have been inoculated mechanically with MLBVV or
by the vector (Lot et al. 2002). LBVaV and MLBVV have a
segmented genome of ssRNA and virus particles contain
RNA molecules of both polarities. Negative-sense RNAs
predominate for LBVaV while MLBVV contain nearly
equimolar amounts of RNA molecules of both polarities
(Sasaya et al. 2001, 2002; van der Wilk et al. 2002; Sasaya
et al. 2004)
LBVaV and MLBVV are both transmitted by the soilborne fungus Olpidium brassicae (Lot et al. 2002). The res-
Lettuce-infecting Tospovirus species
Fig. 2 Symptoms exhibited by Lettuce big-vein associated virus and
Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus.
Tospovirus is the only plant-infecting genus in the family
Plant Viruses 2 (1), 35-41 ©2008 Global Science Books
ral vegetable crops. Assay plants like Nicotiana glutinosa,
N. rustica, Gomphrena globosa and Tropaeolum majus can
be used to propagate the virus. Local lesions in Petunia
hybrida, chlorotic and necrotics lesion in N. glutinosa and
necrotic lesions in Datura stramonium can indicate the presence of tospoviruses (Costa and Forster 1942). TSWV can
infect 550 species of plants, including monocots and dicots
(de Ávila 1992).
The following tospovirus species have been reported in
Brazil: Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), Tomato chlorotic
spot virus (TCSV), Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV),
Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus (CSNV), Zucchini
lethal chlorotic virus (ZLCV), and Iris yellow spot virus
(IYSV) (Pozzer et al. 1999). In lettuce, only TSWV, TCSV
and GRSV were observed (Chaves et al. 2001). TCSV is
the main tospovirus in the state of São Paulo where it is
harmful to different crops, but especially to vegetables,
while GRSV is prevalent in lettuce in the São Francisco
River Valley, in the state of Pernambuco (Colariccio et al.
2001). TCSV is also found in hydroponically-grown lettuce
in São Paulo State (Colariccio et al. 2004). Both TCSV and
GRSV are efficiently transmitted by the thrips species F.
occidentalis Pergande and F. schultzei (Wijkamp et al.
1995; Borbon and Garcia 1996), which are prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions (Wijkamp et al. 1995).
Breeding cultivars for high resistance levels seems to be
the best control strategy, since thrips control has not been
efficient. In this context, cultures susceptible to tospoviruses, including vegetables and ornamentals, represent important sources for spreading these viruses. Eradication of
weeds and volunteer growth close to lettuce fields, in association with other cultural practices, could minimize and
prevent infection by tospoviruses. Before sowing the following measures should be adopted: culture rotation with
non-susceptible plants, sowing in sites without adjacent susceptible crops and alternate vector and virus host control.
During sowing, virus-free shoots should be used, insecticide
should be regularly applied (both in the field and in shoot
storage areas), trap-plants like broccoli, cauliflower and tolerant wild tomato species, which blossom intensely attracting thrips, be set up and corn barriers around the crop area
to hinder vector insect migration and reduce cultivation
operations that avoid the motion of thrips from infected to
healthy plants, be erected. After harvesting, it is recommended to let the areas with high disease incidence rest for 3 to
4 weeks, and to treat soil (fumigation) to eliminate thrips
associated with harvest left-overs. Soil handling is not
totally effective if virus and vector have high incidence all
over the area. In those conditions sowing should be avoided.
Community cooperation is important for thrips control.
TSWV resistance has been observed in Tinto and PI 342517
(“Ancora”) cultivars and such resistance is of partial dominance. Research towards resistance transfer and selection of
plants more adequate to the local conditions are being carried out by Norberto da Silva (unpublished).
Fig. 3 Tospovirus disease observed on Elisa lettuce cultivar.
Bunyaviridae, a large group of enveloped, mostly arthropod-transmitted, animal-infecting viruses with tripartite negative-stranded ssRNA genomes (Nichol et al. 2005).
TSWV is the type species and has a genome consisting of
three negative or ambisense ssRNAs designated S (2.9 kb),
M (4.8 kb), and L (8.9 kb) (Nichol et al. 2005). The RNAs
may form a panhandle conformation created by base pairing
of about 60 complementary nucleotides at the 3 and 5 ends
of each strand (De Haan 1989). The core of the virion contains ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) composed of the ssRNA
components encapsidated by the nucleoprotein (N) and a
few copies of the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
(RdRp or L protein). The 80-120 nm pleiomorphic virus
particles are formed by enclosure of the RNPs in a host derived lipid membrane studded with surface projections composed of two viral glycoproteins, GN and GC (Nichol et al.
At least 10 species of insects in the order Thysanoptera
(commonly known as thrips) transmit viruses in the genus
Tospovirus (Whitfield et al. 2005). Tospoviruses are transmitted in a persistent propagative fashion and are transstadially passed on their insect vector. Thrips eggs are oviposited into plant tissue and within a few days the first instar
larvae emerge. Virus acquisition occurs solely during the
larval stages after which the virus is passed transstadially to
the adult. The pupal stages are non-feeding and do not
move, although they do maintain virus infection. In nature,
Frankliniella occidentalis pupates in the soil. Many other
vector species, e.g., Thrips tabaci, pupate in the foliage.
Adults emerge and have a tendency to disperse widely.
Only adult thrips (male and female) that acquired the virus
during their larval stages can transmit tospoviruses (Whitfield et al. 2005). F. occidentalis, F. schultzei, T.s tabaci
and T. palmi are the main vetors species of tospovirus in
Brazil (Nagata and Inoue-Nagata 2003).
In Brazil the first report of a disease caused by a virus
of the genus Tospovirus was made by Costa and Forster
(1938). The lettuce is a natural host of tospoviruses in the
field (Costa and Forster 1942). Since 1986 severe losses are
related to tospoviruses in lettuce. In the summer, (December
to March) losses may occur from 30 to 100% in field conditions (Moraes et al. 1986) or 40% under hydroponic cultivation (Colariccio et al. 2004).
Symptoms observed in lettuce are circular necrotic
stains and browning of the leaves. With systemic infection
the plant usually falls to one side. Eventually it becomes
completely necrotic and death of the plant occurs (Fig. 3).
The identification of species in the genus Tospovirus is
made by examining host range, serology, and according to
the divergence of amino acids in the nucleoprotein (N Protein) (de Ávila et al. 1993a, 1993b; Pozzer et al. 1999).
Such species infect plants in 92 botanical families (van
Regenmortel et al. 2000), causing significant losses in seve-
Lettuce viruses of minor importance in Brazil
Bidens mosaic virus (BiMV) is a tentative species of the
genus Potyvirus. It has flexuous rod shaped particles around
720 nm length by 12-13 nm diameter (Kitajima et al. 1961).
It was verified naturally infecting lettuce in Brazil by Costa
and Kitajima (1966). So far this virus has been described
only in Brazil.
Besides lettuce, some BiMV isolates also infect tobacco
(Nicotiana tabacum Turkish), sunflower (Helianthus annus),
Physalis floridana, Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. ambrosioides, broom stick (Bidens pilosa), Cassia occidentalis,
Leonotis nepaetifolia (Kitajima et al. 1961), Pisum sativum
(Nagata et al. 1995), Zinia elegans, N. tabacum TNN (Hasegawa 2004), Emilia sonchifolia, Acanthospermum hispidum, Amaranthus sp., Solanum nigrum (Kuhn et al. 1980)
and Coreopsis lanceolata (Rodrigues et al. 1991). Hasegawa 2006 observed that a BiMV isolate from lettuce was
not able to infect sunflowers, B. pilosa or N. tabacum TNN,
Virus diseases of lettuce in Brazil. Pavan et al.
Fig. 4 Symptoms exhibited by Bidens mosaic virus.
hosts therefore considered susceptible for the virus.
Symptoms observed in lettuce include mosaic and foliar
deformation very similar to those caused by LMV (Fig. 4).
The diagnosis of the virus is hindered by the absence of
good antisera and of RT-PCR-specific oligonucleotides.
The virus is sap transmitted and also by the aphids
Myzus persicae, Aphis coreopsidis and Dactynotus sp. In
lettuce, transmission tests with Myzus persicae showed
results from 20 to 80% depending on the cultivar. The virus
is not transmitted by the seed (Kuhn et al. 1980).
There is no study in Brazil in the incidence of this virus
in field conditions. Economic losses have been observed in
sunflowers and peas (Nagata et al. 1995). However the
lettuce cultivars in São Paulo appear to be susceptible to at
least one BiMV isolate naturally collected from lettuce. Of
the tested cultivars only ‘Gizele’ has proved tolerant to the
virus (Krause-Sakate, pers. comm.). Control measures for
this virus include handling to keep vector insect population
low, elimination of infected plants and alternative hosts as
well as the use of tolerant varieties.
Lettuce mottle virus (LeMoV) is a possible member of
the genus Sequivirus, family Sequiviridae (Jadão et al.
2007) infecting lettuce in Brazil (Marinho et al. 1982) and
Chile (Krause-Sakate et al. 2005). It is closely related to
Dandelion yellow mosaic virus (DaYMV) a sequivirus that
infects lettuce in Europe. LeMoV possesses isometric particles 30 nm in diameter, occurs at low concentration in
plants and is sap-transmitted but has a narrow host range
(Marinho et al. 1982; Jadão et al. 2007). C. quinoa is systemically infected by the virus and some lettuce cultivars like
‘Vanguard-75’ and ‘Elisa’ are tolerant (Jadão et al. 2007).
LeMoV is not seed-borne in lettuce and causes mosaic
symptoms very similar to LMV (Fig. 5) (Jadão et al. 2007).
Transmission is in a semi-persistent manner by Hyperomyzus lactucae (Marinho et al. 1982). Specifics primers for
Lmo4 5-AGATAGAGCCGTCTGGCG-3) can be used for
diagnosis by RT-PCR. The incidence of LeMoV in the field
is low. A survey was carried out in São Paulo State and in
1,362 samples of lettuce showing mosaic symptoms tested,
only 137 (10.05%) were positive for LeMoV. LeMoV can
also be found in mixed infections with LMV (KrauseSakate et al. 2008).
Lettuce mottle virus (LeMoV) is a possible member of
the genus Sequivirus, family Sequiviridae (Jadão et al.
2007) reported infecting lettuce in Brazil (Marinho et al.
1982) and Chili (Krause-Sakate et al. 2005) and closely related to Dandelion yellow mosaic virus (DaYMV) a sequivirus that infects lettuce in Europe. LeMoV possesses iso-
Fig. 5 Symptoms exhibited by Lettuce mottle virus.
metric particles 30 nm in diameter, occurs at low concentration in plants and is sap transmitted but have a narrow host
range (Marinho et al. 1982; Jadão et al. 2007). C. quinoa is
systemically infected by the virus and some lettuce cultivars
like ‘Vanguard-75’ and ‘Elisa’ are tolerant to the virus
(Jadão et al. 2007). LeMoV is not seed-borne in lettuce and
causes mosaic symptoms very similar to LMV (Fig. 5) (Jadão et al. 2007). Transmission is in a semi-persistant manner by Hyperomyzus lactucae (Marinho et al. 1982). Specifics primers for LeMoV (Lmo3 5-ACATGAGCACTAGTG
be used for diagnosis by RT-PCR. The incidence of LeMoV
in the champ is low. A survey was carried out in São Paulo
State and for 1,362 samples of lettuce showing mosaic
symptoms tested, only 137 (10.05%) were positive for
LeMoV. The incidence of LeMoV in the field is low, but its
symptoms are very similar to those caused by LMV, while
LeMoV is not controlled by the mo1 LMV resistance alleles.
A survey was carried out in São Paulo State and out of
1,362 samples of lettuce showing mosaic symptoms tested,
only 137 (10.05%) were positive for LeMoV. LeMoV can
also be found in mixed infections with LMV (KrauseSakate et al. 2008).
Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV, genus Potyvirus) was first
reported infecting lettuce in California. In susceptible lettuce cultivars the initial symptoms include abundant, small,
light-green lesions, circular to irregular lesions distributed
randomly on the leaves (Duffus 1997). Non-persistent transmission can be performed by aphids Myzus persicae and
Plant Viruses 2 (1), 35-41 ©2008 Global Science Books
Brevicoryne brassicae (Brunt et al. 1996). No data on its
incidence in the field exist in Brazil.
Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, genus Cucumovirus)
also cause symptoms similar to LMV but is not seed borne
like LMV so distribution within the field is usually along
margins. The virus is transmitted by several species of
aphids including in a non-persistent manner. There is no
data of incidence of CMV on lettuce in Brazil, and the disease can be prevented by controlling the vector sources. There is no information of resistance cultivars to CMV.
logical and molecular properties. Journal of Plant Pathology 83, 3-11
Falk BW, Purcifull DE (1983) Development and application of an enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test to index lettuce seeds for lettuce
mosaic virus in Florida. Plant Disease 67, 413-416
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RH, Nietzshe T, Le Gall O (2008) Prevalence of Lettuce mosaic virus –
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Phytopathologica 34, 161-163
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isolate of Lettuce mosaic virus. Archives of Virology 149, 191-197
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SM, Anbo RH, Nietzsche T (2008) Ocorrência generalizada do Lettuce
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Summa Phytopathologica 34, 88-89
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MI, Bustamente P, Le Gall O (2005) First report of a lettuce infecting sequivirus in Chile. Plant Disease 89, 1129
Krause-Sakate R, Le Gall O, Fakhfakh H, Peypelut M, Marrakchi M,
Varveri C, Pavan MA, Souche S, Lot H, Zerbini FM, Candresse T (2002)
Molecular characterization of Lettuce mosaic virus field isolates reveals a
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Kuhn CB, Lin MT, Costa CL (1980) Transmissão, círculo de hospedeiros e
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Lot H, Campbell RN, Souche S, Milne RG, Roggero P (2002) Transmission
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Lettuce viruses are one of the great current challenges to its
culture since no tolerant or resistant varieties are available
commercially for most viruses herein described in this
review. Improvement programs towards multiple viral resistance cultivars are in progress at FCA/UNESP/Botucatu,
using sources tolerant to tospoviruses, Lettuce mosaic virus,
LMV common and most strains, LeMoVLettuce mottle
virus and Bidens mosaic virusBiMV in different lettuce
groups. This genetic research has made it possible in 2007
the introduction of the cultivar ‘Cuesta’ with that carries
multiple resistances resistance genes to tospoviruses, LMV
and LeMoV.
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