C. J. Bayne, B. H. Cogan, A. W. Diamond, J . Frazier, P. Grubb,
A. Hutson, M. E. D. Poore, D. R. Stoddart, J. D. Taylor
Astove, 10°6'S, 47°45'E, is an elevated atoll with a nearly continuous land rim, located 35 km south of Cosmoledo Atoll and 145 km south east of Aldabra. There have been fewer visits by scientists to Astove
than to many of the neighbouring islands, and older records are particularly scarce. Fryer called there briefly in 1908 (Fryer 1911),
following Dupont in 1906 (Dupont 1907). The main accounts are those by
Vesey- FitzGerald (1942), Baker (1963), and Piggott (196la, 196lb, 1968).
Table 8 lists scientific visitors to Astove. This account is based on
the literature, and on observations made during two visits by Royal
Society Expedition personnel, the first by ten members on 5 March and
the second by five on 14 September 1968. Most of these observations
were made on the western side of the atoll, though some members visited
the northern part of the east side, and Stoddart walked round the whole
land rim. The first hydrographic survey of Astove was by H.M.S. Owen in
1964 (Admiralty Chart 718, 1967); Figure 5 is based on small-scale
aerial photography carried out in 1960, with details added from Baker
(1963) and Piggott (196lb, 1968).
Astove has maximum surface dimensions of 4 . 6 x 2 . 8 km : the land
area is 4 . 25 sq km, that of the lagoon 5 sq km, and the total, including
peripheral reef, about 9 . 5 sq km. It stands on the southernmost of two
presumably volcanic peaks which rise from the ocean floor at depths of
4000-4400 m; Cosmoledo stands on the adjacent peak to the north. The
atoll lagoon is very shallow, with large areas less than 0 . 5 m, and it
has a restricted tidal range. According to the lessee, the lagoon level
gradually falls in the two weeks preceding neaps until a large part of
the floor is exposed . Between neap and spring tides the level rises .
Thus flow into the lagoon is greater than out of it during spring tides,
and vice versa during neaps. The diurnal cycle is damped within the
lagoon. The lagoon entrance at the south point is approximately 100 m
wide, and also shallow .
Much of the west rim of Astove is formed of elevated reef-rock,
which rises to 4-5 m above sea level. In the north the reef-rock is
fairly smooth and partly covered with sand, but further south it is
Atoll Research Bulletin No. 136: pp . 83 - 99 , 1970 .
. .: .·........ SAND & GRAVEL
:·:-·:.·· :·.
7~ I
Fig . 5.
Table 8. Scientific Studies at Astove
1906 Sept.10-14
1908 Aug . 28Sept .l
1937 Oct.
1952 Nov.
1957 Dec . 9
1960 Oct. 6-9
1964 March 16
1967 March 8
1967 Oct . 7
1968 March 5
1968 Sept . 15
1969 June
S. C. E. Baty, agricultural survey
and rudimentary chart
H. A'C . Bergne, general observations
R. Dupont, fauna, flora, agricultural
H. L. Thomasset , insects
J . C. F. Fryer , insects, general
R. Dupont, insects, plants
L. D. E. F. Vesey-FitzGerald,
vegetation and birds
E. S . Brown , insects
W. Travis, underwater and general
W. D. Hartman, land birds
B. H. Baker , C. J. Piggott, geology
and soils
H. M. S. Owen , Cmdr D. W. Haslam :
survey, birds
R. E. Honegger, reptiles
J . F. G. Lionnet, H. A. Beamish,
M. D. Gwynne , D. Wood , I . S . C.
Parker , collections of plants and
Mrs R. M. Veevers-Carter and Miss
T. Ridgway , collection of plants
C. w·. Benson , B. H. Cogan, A. W.
Diamond, F. R. Fosberg , J . Frazier,
A. Graham , P. Grubb, A. Hutson , K.
McKenzie , S. A. Renvoize
C. J . Bayne, J . C. Gamble, M. E. D.
Poor e , D. R. Stoddart, T. S .
Wes toll
A. W. Di amond , J . Frazier
Bergne (1900);
Adm.Ch . 718(1911)
Bergne (1901)
Dupont (1907)
Fryer (1908,
1911, 1912);
Gardiner (1936)
Travis (1959)
Hartman ( 1958)
Baker (1963);
Piggott (196la,
196lb' 1968)
Bourne (1966)
Honegger (1966)
Lionnet (1970)
Parker (1970);
Gwynne and Wood
Fosberg and
Renvoize (1970)
Thi s report
This report
This report
* J . A. de Gaye collected Lepi doptera, now i n the Rothschild Collection,
British Museum (Natural His tory), on Astove at a date unknown , probably
c. 1910 .
deeply dissected with large solution holes and is comparable to some of
the more extreme Aldabra champignon . The reef-rock is known on Astove
as pave, a name which might be adopted for smoother-surfaced raised
limestone which is more irregular than Aldabra platin and stands at a
higher l evel. Baker (1963, 92-97), who calculates the area of raised
reef-rock to be 236 ha or nearly 50 per cent of the total land area, has
noted that the solution holes are arranged in straight lines in the reefrock surface.
The reef-rock outcrops to form low cliffs along the southwest coast,
but further north there is a seaward sand strip up to 500 m wide (forming
Grand Anse) between the sea and the raised limestone. There is also a
discontinuous sand strip on the lagoon side of the limestone: it is more
complete in the north, where there are vegetated dunes 5-6 m high.
The eastern rim of Astove consists of low sand and gravel spreads
overtopped on the seaward coast by active dunes up to 18 m high. These
are highest and steepest in the north and become progressively lower and
smal l er southwards. There is no raised reef-rock outcropping on the
surface of the east rim. Much of the seaward coast is rocky, however,
though with the appearance of a massive bedded beach conglomerate, with
seaward dip, rather than a raised reef-rock. This is a rough-water
coast during the Southeast Trades, and because of the narrowness of the
reef platform the beaches are formed by gravel, cobbles and rubble as
well as sand. Patches of horizontally-bedded sandstone outcrop in places
along the lagoon shore, but these may be of recent origin exposed only
by the enlargement of the lagoon, and hence do not necessarily result
from uplift.
The northern area linking the east and west rims, Plaine Pailleen-Queue, is a largely unvegetated gravel fan that appears to have been
recently deposited. It may be either a recent channel fill in a
depression formerly separating the two rims, or a cyclone deposit. It
is surmounted along the seaward coast by a low sandy beach.
The fringing reef surrounding the land rim is narrow, with an
average width of 250 m. On the east side it is an erosional feature,
with potholes and deep grooves normal to the shore. The reef front is
exceptionally steep, especially on the west side, where the bottom
plunges so steeply that ships are unable to anchor and a cable must be
taken inshore by small boat and an anchor lodged on the reef flat. A
buoy formerly moored outside the reef near the settlement has been
washed away.
Fryer (1911) considered that the raised reef-rock indicated a
relative uplift of Astove by at least 18 m. The asymmetry of the atoll
is striking, with reef-rock confined to the western side, with its
straight, vertical (faulted?) coast, and absent from the east side.
This suggests tilting rather than simple eustatic emergence of the atoll
rim; the asymmetry is also evident in the 100 and 500 m isobaths (Figure
5). No evidence has yet been seen on Astove either of an 8 m ridge or
of a newer limestone at the 4 m level, as on Aldabra, but observations
have been rapid and the reef-rock areas have been much altered by
phosphate mining in the past.
The usual soil series have been distinguished by Piggott (1961):
Desnoeufs Series on the limestone, now largely removed for phosphate;
Farquhar Series on the dunes; and a variable Shioya Series, including
gravelly loamy sand and loamy sand.
Previous workers have recorded 58 species of flowering plants from
Astove (Dupont 1907, Vesey-FitzGerald 1942). Recent collections have
been made by Gwynne and Wood (1969) in 1967, by Veevers-Carter and
Ridgway in 1967-68, by Fosberg and Renvoize in March 1968, and by Stoddart
and ·Po.o re in September 1968 . These collections are listed in the
following paper (Fosberg and Renvoize 1970) . The flora resembles that of
Aldabra, though the area of sand is much greater, and there has been more
interference by man . The following vegetation types can be distinguished:
1. Pemphis hedge on leeward cliffs.
2. Scaevola hedge on leeward sand beach.
3. Mixed scrub on raised reef-rock.
4. Coconut woodland on leeward sand plains.
5. Coconut woodland on leeward stable dunes.
6. Casuarina woodland on the western rim.
7. L·agoon beach scrub of Scaevola and Pemphis.
8. Scrub of Suriana maritima on high dunes, with ground cover of
Fimbristylis cymosa, and with ·scrub of Tournefortia and Scaevola
in protected situations .
9. Grasslands of the exposed sand and gravel plains of the north
and east sides .
10. Sesuvium mat of the eastern lagoon shore, with occasional
11. Dwarf mangrove woodland of lagoon islets .
The characteristics of these types can best be described in terms of
their distribution round the atoll rim.
West rim
The raised limestone vegetation is similar to that of Aldabra, but
more open . Thespesia populneoides (3 m) and Grewia salicifolia are the
only common trees, and Pisonia grandis, Euphorbia abbotti and Sideroxylon
inerme, all previously recorded, were not seen . The most common shrubs
are Vernonia aldabrensis (1-2 m), Colubrina asiatica (2-3 m) , Azima
tetracantha and Gagnebina pterocarpa. Other characteristic plants are
Capparis cartilaginea, Lomatophyllum borbonicum, Cassia occidentalis and
Euphorbia hirta. North of the ·settlement the limestone outcrop is
narrower, with fewer and smaller shrubs (mainly Vernonia aldabrensis and
Colubrina asiatica) ancl with a ground cover of Ipomoea tuba, Cassytha
filiformis, Plumbago aphylla, Sarcostemma viminale , Launaea intybacea,
Boerhavia elegans, Asystasia bojeriana and Vernonia cinerea . This
resembles the vegetation of the more disturbed areas on the limestone
near the West Island settlement on Aldabra.
The sand strip south of the raised reef-rock has a seaward hedge of
Pemphis acidula 3-4 m tall, then a low dune area under woodland of Cocos
and Casuarina. Cordia subcordata is common in the lee of the Pemphis
hedge. The ground cover in the woodland consists of grasses
(Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Enteropogon sechellensis, Cenchrus echinatus),
with Cassytha, Vernonia cinerea and other plants. Gossypium hirsutum,
Caesalpinia, and Ricinus communis are common under the coconuts and in
the more open areas. There is a large ornamental tree of Tabebuia
pallida at a small fishermen's hut in this section.
Further north the lagoonward sand strip has a discontinuous hedge
of Suriana maritima and Pemphis acidula, with a woodland of Cocos and
Casuarina on low hummocky dunes. Guettarda speciosa is quite common,
Tournefortia argentea much less so. The woodland has a low tree storey
of Guettarda, and a ground layer of long vines of Ipomoea , pes-caprae and
I. tuba, wi th Digitaria horizontalis, Fimbristylis cymosa, Boerhavia
repens and Stachytarpheta jamaicensis.
The seaward sand area on the west rim has a littoral hedge of
Suriana maritima and Scaevola, with Guettarda; Tournefortia is again
uncommon. The coconut woodland is mostly 5-10 m tall, with some
Guettarda and Vernonia beneath, but generally there is no shrub layer
and only a ground cover of grasses, sedges, vines and herbs. This carpet
includes Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Cenchrus echinatus, Sporobolus
virginicus, Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, Euphorbia prostrata, Sida
parvifolia, Boerhavia, Ipomoea tuba, Achyranthes aspera and Fimbristylis
cymosa. Immediately south of the settlement the coconut woodland has a
layer of scattered shrubs, with Maytenus, Barleria sp., Grewia salicifolia
and Vernonia aldabrensis as well as low trees of Guettarda.
At the settlement there is a grove of tall Casuarina trees, a
single Hernandia, and common introduced plants. Catharanthus roseus and
Ipomoea pes-caprae are plentiful round the houses, and Agave is
East rim
The vegetation of the east rim differs markedly from that of the
west, largely in the almost complete absence of trees, except for some
small chlorotic coconuts on Plaine St George, in the lee of the highest
dunes, but also in the absence of raised limestone and its characteristic
The high northern dunes are covered on their seaward side with a
dense scrub of Suriana maritima, overgrown with Cassytha . Bare areas,
especially on the tops of the dunes, have clumps of Fimbristylis cymosa,
Euphorbia sp., and Boerhavia; and immediately in the lee there is less
luxuriant Stiriana, with Scaevola and Totirnefortia on more protected
sites, and a ground cover of Fimbristylis cyni6sa and Sporobolus, with
Portulaca oleracea, Euphorbia sp., and Sida parvifolia . The gravel and
sand plains lack not only trees but also shrubs: the gravel spreads are
covered with mats of Plumbago aphylla and Cassytha filiformis, the sand
with Dactyloctenium aegypt ium, Eragrostis sp. cf. riparia, Sporobolus
virginicus, Fimbristylis cymosa, Cleome strigosa, Stachytarpheta
jamaicensis and Ipomoea tuba . Much of this ground is burnt over
frequently .
The lagoon shore is fringed with a low (1-2 m) scrub of Pemphis
acidula or Suriana maritima, which is very difficult to penetrate, and
much of which is dead . On the lagoonward side of the Pemphis there
is normally a zone of bare silty sand, then a belt of fleshy Sesuvium
portulacastrum, extending along most of the lagoon shore, forming a mat
up to 80 m wide. There are very occasional stunted trees of Avicennia
marina up to 2 m tall in this Sesuvium zone.
The islets near the south end of the lagoon support a dwarf mangrove
woodland (1-1.5 m high) of Lumnitzera racemosa and Rhizophora mucronata,
the former on the windward eroding shores, the latter (more rarely) on
higher drier areas. Suriana and Pemphis are both present on these islets .
The northern gravel spread of Plaine Paille-en-Queue has a very
sparse vegetation cover, with a line of windbreak Casuarina at its west
end, and a mosaic of Stachytarpheta, Achyranthes, Boerhavia, Plumbago.,
Dactyloctenium and Fimbristylis . Cassytha is widespread . Pemphis
acidula forms a hedge along the lagoon shore .
Fauna other than Birds
Small faunal collections were made by Fryer in 1908: in addition to
insects, he collected two spiders (Hirst 1911) and two reptiles
(Boulenger 1911} . Honegger (1966) collected reptiles more recently, and
Legrand (1965) and Lionnet (1970) the Lepidoptera . Further collections
were made by the Royal Society party in March 1968 .
The littoral fauna and flora resemble those at Aldabra . On the
west rim, near the Settlement, the reef flat is sandy and covered with
marine grasses, of which Cymodocea predominates toward the seaward edge .
Low overhanging cliffs to the north have a fauna which includes the
snails Nerita plicata and Nerita undata, the large chiton Acanthopleura
brevispinosa, the limpet Cellana cernica, a red xanthid rock crab, and
the grapsid Grapsus tenuicrustatus . Echinometra matthai was also
collected on the flat . On the east coast, near the high dunes, the
cliff is formed by a rough champignon sloping down to an abrasional
flat. The cliff lacks the pinnacles and pools of similar cliffs at
Cinq Cases, Aldabra, and there is no spray fauna such as that associated
with Cinq Cases rock pools . Grapsus tenuicrustatus, Coenobita rugosa
and C. perlatus were observed here. Round the lagoon shore there are
wide muddy flats. In the north there are abundant Uca holes in the mud,
as well as numerous large elliptical holes occupied by the giant portunid
crab Scylla serrata. On the lagoon shore there are many mol lusc shells,
both of bivalves and Cerithium. Table 9 lists the marine mollusca and
Table 10 the Decapod Crustacea collected by P. Grubb in 1968, and
identified by J. D. Taylor.
Astove is an important nesting ground for Green Turtle, Chelonia
mydas, though on a smaller scale than formerly: Baty in 1895 was told
of 150 being taken in a single 24 hour period (Bergne 1900) . Hirth
(FAQ 1967) considers that Astove has the largest Green Turtle rookery
in the Aldabra group, though he gives no evidence for this. Hawksbill
turtle are said to be rare.
Of the land fauna, Rothschild (1915) records the former existence of
the Giant Land Tortoise Geochelone gigantea, now extinct, and Fryer
(1911) records the finding of remains in the raised limestone. No
historical records of its presence on Astove are known. Three other
reptiles are found: Phelsuma astricta astovei Fi tzSimons (~1ertns
a brightly coloured form; Hemidactylus mercatorius (Honegger 1966); and
Ablepharus boutonii. All were seen ln 1968 in the settlement area, and
Ablepharus was also seen on lagoon islets. All three genera are common
on southwest Indian Ocean coral islands. Among the land Crustacea,
Birgus latro and Cardisoma carnifex are conspicuous.
Table 11 keys the literature on the small recorded insect fauna of
Astove found in the Percy Sladen Expedition reports. Collections made
by Cogan and Hutson in 1968 will probably increase the known insect
fauna from less than 30 to more than 100 species, in spite of only about
six hours collecting. The vegetation on Astove, like that on Cosmoledo,
is more luxuriant than on Aldabra, and this is reflected in the insect
population. This shows a great variety of form, including many of the
species found on Aldabra and Cosmoledo, with one or two striking additions . The large dark brown Hemipteran Anoplocnemis curvipes (Fab.)
was particularly noticeable, and although this species has been taken in
Aldabra in the past it has not been found there during the present
expedition. The composition of the insect fauna appears to be very
similar to that of the other islands in the Aldabra group. It consists
of a large Ethiopian element with strong Malagasy connections, the
remainder consisting of cosmotropical species together with a small
number of endemics. These generalisations are based on previously
recorded material and a preliminary survey of the 1968 material. So
far the 1968 collections have been found to include one Dolichopodid
fly of the genus Sciapus endemic to Astove, and a probable new subspecies of the Pierid butterfly Colotis evanthides Holl.
Astove is noted for its Lepidoptera (see also the subsequent paper
by Lionnet, 1970), but this is not the result of a very rich fauna, but
of favourable conditions for the presence of very large numbers of
certain species, such as Acraea ranavalona Boisd. and Junonia clelia
epiclelia Boisd. Another Junonia, J. rhadama Boisd., a brilliant blue
Table 9. Mollusca collected on Astove, 1968
Bursa granularis Roding
Trochus flammulatus Lamarck
Tonna perdix (Linnaeus)
Tectus mauritianus (Gould)
Quimalea pomum (Linnaeus)
Turbo argyrostomus Linnaeus
Nerita albicilla Linnaeus
Drupa margariticola (Broderip)
Morula granulata (Duclos)
Nerita plicata Linnaeus
Nassa francolina (Bruguiere)
Nerita polita Linnaeus
Nerita textilis Dillwyn
Engina mendicaria (Linnaeus)
Nassarius grandiosa (Hinds)
Nerita undata Linnaeus
Nassarius muricatus (Quoy and Gaim.)
Phasianella aethiopica
Latirus craticulatus (Lamarck)
Philippia hybrida (Linnaeus)
Peristernia nassatula (Lamarck)
Cantharus undosus (Linnaeus)
Cerithium articulatum Adams
Mitra stictica (Link)
and Reeve
Cerithium columna Sowerby
Strigatella litterata (Lamarck)
Cerithium echinatum Lamarck
Chrysame fraga (Quoy and Giamard)
Hipponyx conica Schumacher
Pterygia nucea (Gmelin)
Strombus gibberulus Linnaeus
Vasum turbinellus (Linnaeus)
Strombus mutabilis Swainson
Conus arenatus Hwass
Polynices melanostoma (Gmelin) Conus coronatus Gmelin
Cypraea annulus Linnaeus
Conus ebraeus Linnaeus
Cypraea carneola Linnaeus
Conus flavians Lamarck
Conus pulicarius Hwass
Cypraea erosa Linnaeus
Cypraea helvola Linnaeus
Conus rattus Hwass
Cypraea histrio Gmelin
Terebra af finis Gray
Cypraea isabella Linnaeus
Cypraea lynx Linnaeus
Bi val via
Cypraea moneta Linnaeus
Cypraea vitellus Linn8eus
Modiolus auriculatus Krauss
Septifer bilocularis (Linnaeus)
Phalium achatina Lamarck
Cymatium nicobaricum (Roding) Gafrarium pectinatum (Linnaeus)
Cymatium pileane (Linnaeus)
Collected by P. Grubb ; ident i fied by J . D. Taylor; incorporated into the
collections of the British Museum (Natural History), accession number
Table 10. Crustacea (Decapoda) collected on Astove, 1968
Grapsus tenuicrustatus (Herbst): 29 l d'
Metopograpsus messor (Forskal): . 29 ovig.
Pachygrapsus polyodus (Stebbing): ld'
Percnon guinot ae Crosnier: l d'
Thalamita prymna (Herbst): l d'
Charybdis orientalis (Dana): 29 ovig.
Actaea ruppelli (Krauss)
Chlorodiella niger (Forskal): l d'
Phymodius monticulosus (Milne Edwards)
Phymodius ungulatus (Milne Edwards): 2d'
Epixanthus frontalis (Milne Edwards): l d' 39
Xanthias larnarckii (Milne Edwards): 2&
Liomera monticulosus (Milne Edwards): l d'
Lachnopodus subacutus (Stimpson): 19
Atergatis floridus (Linnaeus): 2d'
Zozimnus aeneus (Linnaeus): 19
Eriphia laevimanus (Guerin): 19
Eriphia scabicula (Dana): 19
Lybia tessellata (Latreille): l d' 19
Madaens granulosus (Haswell): 19
Coenobita perlatus r(Milne Edwards): 19
Coenobita rugosus (Milne Edwards)
Pagurus megistos (Herbst): 1
Pagurus pedunculatus (Herbst): 3
Calcinus elegans (Milne Edwards): 2
Calcinus laevimanus (Randall)
Clibanarius striolatus (Dana)
Clibanarius virescens (Krauss)
Collected by P. Grubb; identified by J . D. Taylor; incorporated into the
collections of the British Museum (Natural History).
Table 11. Insects recorded from Astove by the Percy Sladen Expedition
Nwnber of species
Bolivar (1912, 1924)
Green (1907), Distant
(1913), Mamet (1943).
Fryer (1912)
Champion (1914), Gebien
(1922), Schenkling (1922),
Scott (1912)
Burr (1910), Turner
Lamb (1912)
Nymphalid, is found on Astove, presumably colonising from Malagasy, but
it has progressed no further in the Aldabra group. Unfortunately it
appears to be decreasing in numbers and was not seen by the 1968 party.
Fryer in 1908 found it not uncommon along the lagoon shore (Fryer 1912) .
Another less pleasant part of the insect fauna, very much in
evidence, is the mosquito Aedes (Ochlerotatus) fryeri Theo . , found in
very large numbers. This species breeds in brackish and salt water in
the crab-holes along the shore, and the human inhabitants must often sit
in clouds of smoke for protection in the evenings .
The land bird fauna is small and very similar to that of Cosmoledo;
it is considered in detail by Benson (1970) in a later paper . Of the
six probably resident land birds, two (Dryolimnas cuvieri, Streptopelia
picturata) have not been recorded since 1906 and 1908 respectively
(Dupont 1907, Fryer 1911) and are certainly extinct. Corvus albus is
present in very small numbers . Cisticola cherina is the most abundant
land bird, followed by Nectarinia sovimanga; the white-eye Zosterops
maderaspatana is not common . In addition to these land birds considered
by Benson, Stoddart was informed that pigeons inhabited a large bird box
in a tall Casuarina at the settlement, but he did not see the birds,
which may have been recently introduced . Benson lists four shore birds
as possibly resident: Ardea cinerea, Egretta garzetta, Bubulcus ibis and
Butorides striatus. Adults and young of Ardea cinerea were seen in June
1969 by Frazier and Diamond .
The sea bird fauna is unusualiy impoverished, presumably as a
result of the lack of suitable habitat for tree-nesting birds (the absence
of mangroves, for example), the degree of human interference, and the
continuity of the land rim and resulting lack of isolated refugia. Sea
birds have been recorded by Dupont (1907), Vesey-FitzGerald (1941), and
Bourne (1966) . Diamond made observations on the western rim briefly
in March 1968 . The only sea birds seen were one or two adult Caspian
Terns Hydroprogne caspia and three Crested Terns Thalasseus bergii . The
site of a small colony of terns, probably Sooty Terns Sterna fuscata, was
found on the islet Petit Astove off the western extremity of the atoll .
Frazier saw the Caspian Tern in the lagoon on the same occasion, and
Stoddart two of the same species on the eastern rim in September 1968 .
Frazier also saw the Crested Tern over the lagoon in March .
Previous records are scanty, and often refer to the Aldabra
archipelago generally rather than to Astove itself. They may be summarised
as follows:
Phaethon lepturus
Recorded from the archipelago by Watson et al. (1963).
Sula sula
Recorded by Watson et al. (1963) as ''fonnerly" occurring. Seen on
the west side by Hartman (1958) and by H.M.S. Owen (Bourne 1966).
Fregata ariel
Fregata minor
Both species recorded generally in the archipelago by Dupont (1907).
Hydroprogne caspia
Seen in March by Diamond and Frazier on the west side and in the
lagoon; in September by Stoddart on the east side; and in October by
Vesey-FitzGerald (1941, 527). Young seen with adults in June 1969
by Frazier and Diamond .
Sterna fuscata?
Colony probably of this species on Petit Astove, noted by Diamond.
Sterna albifrons
Recorded by Dupont (1907), as S. minuta.
Thalasseus bergii
Recorded by Bourne (1966); three seen by Diamond.
adults in June 1969 by Frazier and Diamond.
Young seen with
Gygis alba
Recorded by Dupont (1907).
Seychellois labourers on Aldabra, who were familiar with Astove, said
that both "Diament" (a Creole tenn covering three species of tern but
here most likely to be the Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana) and
Audubon's Shearwater Puffinus -l'herminieri nest on Astove. Even if this
were confirmed, Astove would still have the most impoverished sea bird
avifauna in the archipelago. In addition to the lack of trees for
nesting of such species as Fregata spp., Sula sula and Gygis alba, there
are very few of the small islets favoured by Noddy Terns Anous stolidus,
Black-naped and Crested Terns, Sterna sumatrana and Thalasseus bergii
and Yellow-billed and Red-tailed Tropic Birds Phaethon lepturus and P.
Little is known of the early history of Astove. A Portuguese slaver
Don Royal is said to have been wrecked there, probably in the eighteenth
century, and the survivors to have lived on the atoll for 30-40 years.
Other vessels were certainly wrecked, and the remains of some can still
be found on the western reefs. Two old graves formerly existed on the
west shore. At the time of Sebert Baty's survey in 1895 (Bergne
1900), the atoll was uninhabited, and there were only six coconut palms
on the entire island, one of them at the landing place on the west side.
In that year James Spurs left four men there for fishing and built a hut
100 m south of the palm tree on the west shore. Because of lac}( of rain
for six months, water had to be landed for these first settlers. Bergne
(1901) found the s ettlement deserted six years later and the buildings
destroyed. Though Baty had forecast that maize would probably be a failure, 150 acres (60 ha) had been cleared for this crop by 1901, a few
hundred coconuts had been planted, and tomatoes and pumpkins had been
cultivated. Five labourers were left there, and Fryer (1908) found
gourds, pumpkins, water melons, maize and tobacco to be cultivated .
No details have been traced of the progress of the guano mining
industry on the atoll. According to Baker (1963, 92-97), 72,162 tons of
guano were exported between 1927 and 1960, leaving reserves (Baker 1963,
124) of less than 5,000 tons. Baker's analyses of the guano gave a
phosphate (total P20 5 ) content of 25-29 per cent .
By 1960 (Piggott 1961) 100 ha were planted to coconut palms, but the
yield (15 tons per annum or 7 nuts per tree per year) was very poor,
presumably as a result of low rainfall, cyclones, or poor management .
Piggott states that the maximum area possible for coconut growing is 240
ha. Since Piggott ' s survey the lease has changed hands, and the present
lessee, Mr R. M. Veevers-Carter, is vigorously developing the plantations
with the aid of a tractor and small labour force. Maize has long been
grown on the low stable dunes in the wet season . Other crops include
sisal, cotton, sweet potatoes . Baty in 1895 had found numerous rats but
no goats . Chickens and pigs were introduced at an early stage, and the
present lessee has introduced turkeys, ducks and cattle. Giant Tortoises
have been introduced from Aldabra, and the lessee hopes to introduce many
other animals, and to establish a turtle hatchery . He is at present
building a large new house south of the present landing point.
Between 1814, when the administration of Mauritius passed from the
French to the English, and 1903 , when the new colony of Seychelles was
formed, Astove was administered from Mauritius. It now forms part of the
Colony of Seychelles, and was not included in the British Indian Ocean
Territory in 1965 .
We thank Mr and Mrs R. M. Veevers-Carter* for their hospitality and
kindness during our two vi s its to the atoll , and Miss T. Ridgway for her
* We regret to announce the untimely death of Mr . Mark Veevers-Carter
in Momoasa on March 11, 1970 [Eds.] .
assistance. Also Mr Basil Bell, Director, East African Marine Fisheries
Research Organization, Zanzibar, and Captain M. Williams and Captain T.
Phipps, M.F.R.V. Manihine, for the opportunities for Royal Society
parties to visit Astove in March and September 1968; and the Frank M.
Chapman Fund, a grant from which to C. W. Benson made the first visit
possible . We thank Lady Joan Fryer for the loan of the late Sir John
Fryer's manuscript diary of his visit to Astove in 1908, and other
material, and Mr J. A'C. Bergne, for the loan of his father's journal of
a visit to Astove in 1901, and other papers, and both Lady Fryer and Mr
Bergne for permission to quote from these documents.
Baker, B. H. 1963. Geology and mineral resources of the Seychelles
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Hirst, S. 1911 . The Araneae, Opiliones and Pseudoscorpiones.
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Legrand, H. 1965 . Lepidopteres des fles Seychelles et d'Aldabra.
Mus . Nat. Hist . Natur ., Ser. A, Zool., 37 : 1-210 .
Lionnet, J. F. G. 1970. Note on the Lepidoptera of Astove Atoll. Atoll
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Mamet, R. 1943. A revised list of the Coccoidea of the islands of the
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Resources Division, typescript, 1-71; Chapter 4, Astove, 17-23.
---------- 196lb . Notes on some of the Seychelles Islands, Indian Ocean.
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Mascarene group . Novitates Zool., 22: 418-442.
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---------- 1955b. The fishes of the f amily Anthiidae of the western
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Travis. W. 1959. Beyond the reefs.
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