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Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol. 19, No. 3, June 1996, pp. 549-557. :~? Printed in India. Structure-property correlation on AA 2219 aluminium alloy weldments P SRINIVASA RAO, K G SIVADASAN and P K BALASUBRAMANIAN Materials and Metallurgy Group, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum 695 022, India MS received 3 May 1995; revised 2 January 1996 Abstract. AA 2219 aluminium alloy is the material proposed for the construction of tanks for liquid cryogenic fuels like liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen, in Indian launch vehicle programmes. To meet the material requirement, ISRO has developed the alloy AA 2219 indigenously on an industrial scale. Process development and structure property correlation of auto TIG weldments of AA 2219 AI alloy reported in this paper establishes that postweld reaging of AA 2219 weldments in T62 condition enhances both strength and ductility. Keywords. AA 2219 aluminium alloy: cryogenic fuel tank: auto TIG welding; postweld reaging; structure- property correlation. 1. Introduction Aluminium alloy AA 2219 is the most used material for the construction of liquid cryogenic rocket fuel tanks. It has a unique combination of properties such as its good ability to weld, high strength to weight ratio and superior cryogenic properties. AA 2219 aluminium alloy has already been successfully used in various launch vehicle systems such as Saturn V, Apollo, Space Shuttle etc. and is the material selected for Ariane V and for substituting AFNOR 7020. The cryogenic tankage being supplied to India by Russia is also using AA 2219 for the liquid hydrogen tank. Pressure vessels of AA 2219 aluminium are usually re-heat treated after welding or used in the as welded condition. The T81 and T87 tempers (table 1) are recommended for assemblies to be left in the as welded conditions. Assemblies to be re-heat treated after welding, may be welded in 'F' condition (Robinson et al 1962). For better weld efficiency the most desirable weld/heat treating sequence is solution treatment and aging after welding. The use of this sequence may be prohibited for large tanks due to distortion and quenching problems which can occur during solution treatment. Another methodology of weld sequence is a post-weld aging. However, there are contradictory reports about ductility of weldments. Hence, further studies are required to optimize the re-aging sequence for better ductility (Material data handbook on AA 2219, 1972). AA 2219 was neither produced nor used till recently in India and now has been indigenously developed on an industrial scale. Plates and sheets of width up to 1"5 m have already been produced in India. It proposes to use indigenously produced AA 2219 A1 alloy for cryogenic fuel tank. A technological programme has been evaluated to establish weld parameters for welding of AA 2219 alloy sheets and plates. Emphasis is on studying the effects of post-weld reaging treatment on the properties of weldment. This paper deals with the structure-property correlation on auto TIG weldments of AA 2219 3 mm A1 alloy sheets. The welding technology has already been published elsewhere (Vinod Kumar et al 1994). 549 550 P Srinivasa Rao, K G Sivadasan and P K Balasubramanian Table 1. Tempers and aging treatments for AA 2219 alloy. Temper Description F T31 T37 T4 T62 T81 T87 As fabricated Solution heat treat + stretch Solution heat treat + 8% cold work Solution heat treat T4 aged 36h at 190°C T31 aged 18h at 177°C T37 aged 24h at 163"C Table 2. Chemicalcomposition. Elements (wt%) 2. Material Cu Mn Zr V Ti AI AA2219 AA2319 6"3 6-25 0"38 0-36 0.2 0-2 0"1 0-12 0.06 0.13 bal bal Materials and experimental methods The chemical composition of 2219 sheet and 2319 filler wire as analysed by XRF method is shown in table 2. The 3 mm thick AA 2219 aluminium alloy sheets used in this study were produced indigenously and heat treated to T62 temper involving solution treatment at 535°C and water quenching and artificial aging for 36h at 190°C. Auto T I G welding was accomplished using POLY S O U D E SAF F R A N C E - 360 A Welding Machine. The weldments were sectioned, polished and etched using Keller's reagent for metallographic examination. A Reichert MeF optical microscope was used to examine the weld quality that included porosity, weld interface and grain structure. A Vicker's microhardness tester was used to determine the hardness profile along the weld at a load of 100 g. Tensile specimens were cut transverse to the weld, with the weld bead in the centre. Tensile tests were carried out using Model I N S T R O N Universal Testing Machine. Tensile fractures were observed using Stereo Scan 250 Mk3 Model scanning electrolJ microscope (SEM) for fractographic analysis. 3. Results and discussion Mechanical properties and microhardness values of the as-welded samples are compared with parent metal properties in table 3. Since the dominant factor governing all significant thermal events in welding is the energy input which affects the peak temperature distribution and solidification time, metallurgical considerations favour low energy heat input. It can be anticipated that tensile properties of low heat input (condition D of table 3) would be highest due to reduced total thermal exposure and thereby better metallurgical characteristics. Structure-property correlation on AA 2219 aluminium alloy 551 Table 3. Efficiencyand microhardness in as welded condition. Conditions A B C D PM 2219 T62 Weld Heat speed input (mm/min) (J/ram) 150 200 250 300 -- 800 625 575 510 -- Weldment microhardness Mechanical properties Weld efficiency (%) LS C RS UTS YS (MPa) %El UTS YS 89 81 118 97 122 79 82 82 78 122 89 81 102 95 122 265 267 259 227 410 176 176 179 172 310 7 6 4.8 4.2 10min 65 66 64 56 57 58 58 56 LS, Left hand side; RS, right hand side; C, centre of weld: PM, parent metal. Figure 1. Microstructure of condition D at the centre of the weld. Solute handing with twinning is seen. However, this was not the case as shown by the tensile test results (table 3), which indicated the lowest weld efficiency of 56% for this weldment. The weld failure occurred at the centre of the weld. The poorer properties can be attributed to generally observed tear drop solidification geometry at higher weld speeds which in turn results in solute banding as shown in figure I. As a general rule, higher welding speed results in heavy solute banding as the rate of solidification fluctuates more cyclically above and below a mean value of solidification rate (ASM Welding h a n d b o o k 1983). The solute band is clearly evident at the centre of the weld which solidifies at the end. The fractograph of the tensile fracture (figure 2) exhibits delamination of solute rich and solute p o o r bands, as analysed by E D A X , with fine dimples of ductile m o d e fracture on band free structure. The weld structure away from the centre of the weld is not banded but is more dendritic (figure 3a). The weld bead heat affected zone (HAZ) interface shown in figure 4 exhibits cellular structure with uniformly distributed CuA12 precipitates as confirmed by 552 P Srinivasa Rao, K G Sivadasan and P K Balasubramanian Figure 2. Fractograph of condition D weldment. Figure 3. Structure-property correlation on AA 2219 aluminium alloy 553 Figure 3. Microstructure of wetdments: a. condition D, b. condition C, c. condition B and d. condition A. EDAX. Such a structure is preferred to brittle banded structure, for better mechanical properties. In the case of condition C (table 3) the weld efficiency was marginally better than condition D but elongation was again not significant. The tensile specimen failed in HAZ region and not in the weldment unlike in the former case. The microstructure of weldment (figure 3b) indicates fine dendritic structure with no banding. The microstructure of HAZ region as shown in figure 5 indicates partial grain boundary melting causing brittle eutectic structure. Large porosity of about 30/~m size were also observed in HAZ region. This could be the reason for the failure of the samples in HAZ region. Pores have also contributed to loss of ductility. The fractograph shown in figure 6 indicates secondary cracks in the grain boundaries and a mixed mode of fracture. Conditions A and B have shown similar mechanical properties and are superior to the other two sequences with better ductility. Tensile specimen in both the conditions failed in the weldment. The microstructure of condition B (figure 3c) is more fine and uniform than condition A (figure 3d). Microhardness variations within the weldments 554 P Srinivasa Rao, K G Sivadasan and P K Balasubramanian Figure 4. Microstructure of condition D HAZ. Figure 5. Microstructure of condition C HAZ. is minimum in condition B as compared to condition A. The fractographs of both the conditions shown in figures 7 and 8 show ductile mode of failure. From the above observations it is understood that condition B with weld speed of 200 mm/min is most optimum under present experimental conditions. Weld samples of this condition have been subjected to various reaging treatments as shown in table 4. The term reaging is used here to represent additional stage aging after welding of already aged material (T62 condition). Reaging time was varied from 6 h to 30 h at the aging temperature of 190°C. The properties of post-weld aged samples are also shown in table 4. It was observed that post-weld aging for 18 h gives the highest weld efficiencyof 80% UTS and 84% YS with no significant drop in ductility. However, the tensile specimens failed within HAZ and not within the weldments after the reaging treatment. This indicates that reaging treatment resulted in significant strengthening of the weldments. The weld strength increases from 267 MPa to beyond 328 MPa by Structure-property correlation on AA 2219 alurninium alloy 555 Figure 6. Fractographof HAZ/weldmentinterface condition C. Figure 7. Fractographof condition B weldment. reaging treatment. Reaging has not caused any deterioration of properties in the parent metal. The failure in HAZ region is due to the fact that both weldment and parent metal are stronger than the HAZ. The weakness of the HAZ is quite possibly due to overaging during welding, and reaging did not have any influence on HAZ. In a previous report (Trazil and Hood 1969) it was mentioned that post-weld aging results in loss of ductility, the weld sequence used was solution treatment-welding-aging. In this sequence, structure in the solution treated condition, prior to welding, contains GP zones and 0'. During welding, the GP zones and 0' revert to solid solution and, subsequently, 0 precipitates out, preferentially atgrain boundaries in the HAZ region (Dumolt et al 1981). This reduces the ductility. Further aging after welding does not enhance properties of HAZ. The failure on these samples should have presumably occurred within HAZ with overaged coarse precipitates at grain boundaries, resulting in loss of ductility. Hence, it can be concluded that solution treatment-welding-post-weld 556 P Srinivasa Rao, K G Sivadasan and P K Balasuhramanian Figure8. Fractograph of condition A weldment. Table 4. Effectof reaging on weldments (condition B, table 3). Mechanical properties Reaging time (h) 30 24 18 14 10 8 6 Weld efficiency (%) (wrt PM 2219 in T62} Hardness BHN UTS (MPa) YS (MPa) %El UTS YS 12 13 17 15 11 10 I0 287 316 328 254 221 246 246 232 248 260 202 192 195 189 5 5 6 4 6 5 3.5 70 77 80 62 54 60 60 75 80 84 65 62 63 61 aging sequence is not recommended for AA 2219 alloy. However, partial reaging after welding in T62 condition enhances strength without the loss of ductility. 4. Conclusions (i) A weld speed of 200 mm/min is optimum and gives weld efficiency of 65% on UTS, in the as welded condition. (ii) Reaging after welding in T62 condition improves weld efficiency by progressive strengthening of weldment by aging. (iii) Post-weld reaging for 18 h was found to be optimum with better weld efficiency of 80% on UTS but without any sacrifice in weld ductility. Acknowledgements The authors thank the staff members of Materials and Metallurgy Group, R P F F and Q D C C for extending the facilities of heat-treatment, fabrication, welding, metallography, Structure-property correlation on A A 2219 aluminium alloy 557 non-destructive testing and materials testing. The authors are also grateful to Shri M C Mittal, Head, SMD, Dr K V Nagarajan, Group Director, MMG and Director, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre for their interest. References ASM Welding Handbook 6 1983 9th edition pp 28-35 Dumolt S D, Laughlin D E and Williams J C 1981 Proc. of the first international aluminum welding conference, Cleveland, Ohio (eds) R A Kelsey and C R Felmley Jr. pp 115-135 Material Data Handbook Aluminum Alloy 2219 1972 2nd Edn Western Applied Research & Development Inc. Robinson I B, Collins F R and Dowd J D 1962 Welding J. 42 2215 Trazil J P and Hood D W 1969 Welding J. 48 395 Vinod Kumar C, Sivadasan K G, Kurup M S, Kothandaraman G and Balasubramanian P K 1994 National welding seminar, Jamshedpur, India pp 5-11