133,276-288 (1984)
Variant dsRNAs Associated with Transmission-Defective
Isolates of
Wound Tumor Virus Represent Terminally Conserved
Remnants of Genome Segments
Center for Laboratories and Research, New York State Department of Health, Albany, New York 1.%‘01
Received August 17, 1983; accepted December 22, 1985
Variant double-stranded
RNAs are often associated with the genome of transmissiondefective isolates of wound tumor virus. These RNAs are replicated and packaged into
virus particles in systemically
infected plants and are transcribed in vitro by the virionassociated transcriptase.
Direct physical evidence that the variant RNAs are remnants
of particular
WTV genome segments was provided by molecular hybridization
Subsequently, ribonuclease Tl digestion products of 3’-end-labeled genome and remnant
RNAs were analyzed by one- and two-dimensional
techniques. One-dimensional partial and complete digestion patterns were indistinguishable,
indicating that
the guanosine positions relative to the 3’ terminus of the corresponding
strands of a
particular genome segment and its remnant RNA are the same for at least 40 nucleotides
from each end. Fingerprints of the 3’ terminal ribonuclease Tl-resistant fragments were
identical, showing that the nucleotide composition of the 3’ terminal ends of the corresponding strands of a particular genome segment and its remnant RNA are also identical.
These results indicate that variant RNAs associated with transmission-defective
isolates are formed by deletion of an internal portion (as much as 85%) of genomic RNA
segments yielding terminally conserved genomic remnants that are functional with respect
to transcription,
and packaging.
m7G(5’)ppp(5’)Am . . . (Rhodes et cd, 1977;
Nuss and Peterson, 1981b).
Wound tumor virus replicates in a wide
range of plant hosts and in several species
of leafhoppers that act as vector (Black,
1965). Infection of the plant host results
in a variety of disease symptoms including
the formation
of tumors (Black, 1965),
while infection of the insect vector is nonet al,
pathogenic (Black, 1957; Hirumi
1967). Maintenance of WTV exclusively in
the plant host by vegetative propagation
of infected plants results in virus populations that are defective in transmission
(Black et aZ., 1958; Reddy and Black, 1974).
These virus populations are characterized
by the inability to replicate either in leafhoppers or in cultured leafhopper cells that
of standard
(Reddy and Black, 1974). However, trans-
The genome of wound tumor virus
(WTV), a member of the family Reoviridae,
consists of 12 double-stranded
(ds) RNA
segments with a combined
weight of approximately
16 X lo6 (Reddy
and Black, 19’73a). Purified WTV particles
exhibit RNA polymerase activity (Black
and Knight, 1970) that catalyzes the synthesis
of single-stranded
(Reddy et al, 1977; Nuss
and Peterson, 1980) from each of the
dsRNA genome segments (Nuss and Peterson, 1981a). Other virion-associated
enzymatic activities include a mRNA guanyltransferase,
a guanine-7-methyltransferase, and a mRNA 2’-O-methyltransferase that
are involved
1 To whom
in modifying
the 5’the
0042-6822/34 $3.00
All rights
0 1984 by Academic Press, Inc.
of reproduction
in any form reserved.
to induce tumors
be addressed.
virus retains the ability
in vegetatively
gated, systemically infected plants (Reddy maintained in vector cell monolayers
[AgaZZia ccmstrictu, line AC20 (Chiu and
and Black, 1974; 1977).
In 1974 Reddy and Black published an Black, 1967)] and purified by the method
extensive electrophoretic analysis of the of Reddy and Black (Reddy and Black,
genomes of transmission-deficient
(sub- 1973b). Exvectorial WTV isolates originally
vectorial) and transmission-defective (ex- obtained from L. M. Black were purified
vectorial) WTV isolates (Reddy and Black, by the same procedure from root tumors
freshly harvested from systemically in1974). Each isolate exhibited a distinctive
electrophoretic pattern which included a fected sweet clover plants. Control and inreduction in the concentration of certain fected plants were maintained in Conviron
genome segments and the appearance of El5 Chambers (Controlled Environment,
variant dsRNA segments. Observing re- Inc., Pembina, N. D.) at 20”. Daily light
ductions in the molar proportion of a par- cycles consisted of 8 hr of dark and 16 hr
ticular genome segment and the concom- of light programmed to range from 185 to
itant appearance of a variant RNA over 650 lux.
When discussing exvectorial isolates of
time, these investigators concluded that
the variant RNAs were remnants of ge- WTV, it is helpful to define several terms
nome segments and tentatively designated introduced by Black and co-workers during
individual remnant RNAs as being derived their discovery and examination of these
from specific genome segments. Mutation
isolates. Although individual virus prepevents appeared to be restricted to only 4 arations may have consisted of mixed popof the WTV genome segments (segments ulations of transmissible (vectorial) and
exvectorial virus particles, these popula1, 2, 5, and 7).
Since these presumptive genome rem- tions were termed “isolates” because they
nants are replicated and packaged into vi- were physically isolated from each other
rus particles in systemically infected plants within a plant that was maintained by
(Reddy and Black, 1974, 1977) and are vegetative propagation (Reddy and Black,
transcribed in vitro by purified exvectorial
1974). That is, each virus population
isolate particles (Nuss, 1983a, b), they must evolved in the isolated environment of the
retain nucleotide sequences that are im- infected plant without the introduction of
portant for efficient transcription, repliexogenous virus or the opportunity to repcation, and packaging of the WTV genome. licate in the insect vector. Using techniques
They therefore represent potentially useful that allowed a determination of the genome
tools with which to examine the role of pattern of virus particles derived from sinWTV genome structures in these events. gle plants, Reddy and Black (1977) selected
In this communication we provide direct successive cuttings of systemically infected
physical evidence that several variant
plants containing virus populations that
RNAs are derived from specific genome exhibited a progressive loss of genome segsegments and that their formation is a re- ments 2 or 5 and variant RNAs that may
sult of an internal deletion event, i.e., they have been derived from these segments. In
represent terminally conserved remnants
this way viral isolates were obtained that
of genome segments. (Some of the obser- appeared to be free of these segments:
vations contained in this communication
-S2(70), -S5(60), and -S5(64) [nomenclawere presented in preliminary form at the ture from Reddy and Black, 1977; the numInternational
Symposium on Double- ber in parenthesis indicates the year in
Stranded RNA Viruses, Frenchman’s Reef, which the vectorial parent virus was inU. S. Virgin Islands, October, 1982, and at troduced into sweet clover]. Other isolates
the Banbury Conference on Plant Viruses were selected that contained 10% of the
and Viroids, Cold Spring Harbor, Febru- normal complement of segment 1, 10%
ary, 1983).
S1(49), and 10% Sl(60) or a full complement
of a presumptive remnant of segment 7 in
place of the intact segment, MS7(57), where
Virus preparation. Standard WTV [in- M signifies mutant. The nomenclature for
oculum RB (Reddy and Black, 1972)] was these selected isolates as presented by
Reddy and Black (1977) will be retained
even though the isolates have continued to
evolve over the last 5 years in the absence
of selection, as will be illustrated in this
Purijkaticm, 3' end tkbeling, and isolation
SSC), and spotted individually with the aid
of a Hybri-Dot manifold (Bethesda Research Laboratories) onto nitrocellulose
paper presoaked in 20X SSC. The spotted
membrane was air-dried and baked under
vacuum for 2 hr at 80”.
of indiwidual
genomic and remnant cl.9
Prehybridization and hybridization buffRNAs. Double-stranded genome RNA was ers were similar to those described by Thoreleased from purified standard or exvec- mas (1980) with the modification that 100
torial WTV particles by treatment with pg/ml of Torula RNA (Sigma Biochemical)
1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The RNA replaced the sonicated salmon sperm DNA.
was deproteinized by extraction with phe- Prehybridization was performed at 42” for
alcohol (25:24:1). 18-20 hr, while hybridization was perAlternatively, WTV genome RNA was pu- formed for 24 hr at 42” with 30,000to 60,000
rified directly from infected vector cells. cpm of heat-denatured, 3’-end-labeled
Clarified lysates were adjusted to a final remnant RNA in a volume of 2.5 ml. Folconcentration of 25 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 100 lowing hybridization, the dot-blots were
mM NaCI, 7.5 mlM ethylenediamine tet- washed four times, 30 min each, at room
raacetate acid (EDTA), and 2.4% SDS, and temperature with 1X SSC, 0.2% SDS. Octreated with 208 pg/ml of Proteinase K for casionally, the blots were washed twice
30 min at 37” and then extracted with phe- more for 30 min each with 0.2X SSC, 0.2%
alcohol. The SDS at 68”. Blots were dried, covered with
dsRNA was precipitated with ethanol, dis- Saran Wrap, and exposed to Kodak XARsolved in 10 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 10 mlMNaC1, 2 film.
10 mM MgCl,, and treated with 20 pg/ml
Anal&s of d’-end-labeled RNAs. IndiDNase (Worthington) for 1 hr at 4”. After
vidual 3’-end-labeled RNAs (20,000-40,000
one cycle of extraction with phenol/chlocpm) were denatured by incubation at 45”
roform/isoamyl alcohol the dsRNA was in 90% Nz-flushed dimethyl sulfoxide consubjected to CF-11 chromatography, as taining 10 pg carrier tRNA for 30 min and
described by Morris and Dodds (1979), to then precipitated with ethanol. The dried
remove single-stranded RNA and DNA RNA pellets were dissolved in 10 ~1 of 10
degradation products. The purity of all mMTris (pH 7.4), 1 mMEDTA containing
preparations was determined by electro- 0.005 units (partial digestion) or 5 units
phoresis in 7.5% polyacrylamide gels (Nuss (complete digestion) of ribonuclease Tl.
and Peterson, 1981a). Genome segments Incubation was at 37” for 15 min or 1 hr,
were visualized by using the protocol sup- respectively. Partial alkaline hydrolysis of
plied with the Bio-Rad silver staining kit end-labeled RNA was performed in half
reactions containing 50 mM NaHC03, 1
(Merril et al, 1979).
Purified RNA was labeled at the 3’ ter- mM EDTA (pH 9.0) at 90” for 15 and 30
mini with [5’-32P]pCp(Amersham Corp.) by min, respectively. The half reactions were
the method of Bruce and Uhlenbeck (1978) pooled prior to gel electrophoresis. Olias described by Peattie (1979). To isolate gonucleotides were fractionated on a 0.75individual 3’-end-labeled dsRNA segments mm thick, 30-cm long, 20% polyacrylamide
the reaction mixture was subjected to elec- gel containing 7 M urea, as described by
trophoresis in a 30-cm, 7.5% polyacrylMaxam and Gilbert (1977). After electroamide gel for 5600 v-hr at room temper- phoresis, gels were exposed to Kodak XARature. Individual genome segments were 2 film at -70” using a DuPont Lightingvisualized by ethidium bromide staining,
Plus intensifying screen.
excised, and electroeluted.
Fingerprinting of complete ribonuclease
Dot hybridization, Gel-purified unlabeled Tl digest of 3’-end-labeled RNAs (50,000genome segments (40 ng in 10 ~1 of 2 mM 100,000cpm) was performed essentially as
EDTA) were denatured by boiling 5 min, described by Barrel1 (1971). Electrophoquenched on ice, diluted with 9 volumes of resis on cellulose acetate strips (3 X 55 cm;
3 M NaCl, 0.3 M trisodium citrate (20x Schleicher and Schuell) was performed for
1 hr at 2500 V in 5% acetic acid/5 M urea/
1 mM EDTA adjusted to pH 3.5 with pyridine. The oligonucleotides were transferred to plastic-backed polyethyleneimine
cellulose thin layer plates (20 X 20 cm;
Baker) previously washed in 2 M formic
acid (pH 2.2) and chromatographed at 60”
with homomixture C for 7.5-8 hr. After
drying, the plates were exposed to Kodak
XAR-2 film.
The 3’ terminal nucleotide of individual
oligonucleotides was determined by thinlayer chromatography of ribonuclease T2
digests. Oligonucleotides were eluted with
0.5 mM ammonium bicarbonate following
fingerprint analysis or electroeluted from
polyacrylamide gels after one-dimensional
analysis, adsorbed to DEAE cellulose, and
eluted with 0.5 mM ammonium bicarbonate. In both cases the ammonium bicarbonate was removed by repeated lyophilization. Ribonuclease T2 digestion was
performed in 5 ~1 of 20 mM sodium citrate
(pH 5.0) 1 mM EDTA with 0.1 unit of ribonuclease T2 at 37” for 2 hr. Chromatography was performed as described by
Cashel et al. (1969) on polyethyleneimine
cellulose thin-layer plates developed with
0.2 M KH,PO,.
A gallery of genome patterns for individual selected exvectorial isolates is presented in Fig. 1. Many of the presumptive
remnant RNAs, and in one case an intact
S6 s7 -
S8 s9SlO SK
s12 -
Genome Pattern of Exvectorial
WTV Iso-
In 1977 Ready and Black reported the
selection of exvectorial isolates of WTV
that lacked detectable levels of genome
segments 2 or 5 or presumptive remnants
of these segments, that contained 10% of
the normal complement of segment 1 or
that contained a presumptive remnant of
segment 7 in place of the intact segment.
These authors estimated that they could
detect a dsRNA segment when present in
as few as 0.1% of the virus particles in the
population. Following the 1977 study, the
selected isolates were maintained by vegetative propagation of the systemically infected plants without further selection. In
1982-1983 we reexamined the genome patterns of the isolates by 3’ end labeling of
the purified genome segments with [“2PlpCp
followed by gel electrophoretic analysis.
FIG. 3. Gallery of genome profiles of WTV-exvec-torial isolates. Genome segments extracted from pu
rified standard and selected exvectorial
virus populations labeled at the 3’ ends with [5’-“P]pCp were
analyzed in a 7.5% polyacrylamide
gel. The genome
segments are numbered (left) according to the convention established by Reddy and Black (19’73a). The
dots indicate the position of presumptive
of genome segments observed among the genome segments of individual
virus populations.
Lanes: 1, transmissible
WTV; 2, MS’i’(57); 3, -S5(64):
4, -S5(60); 5, -S2(70); 6, 10% Sl(60); 7, 10% Sl(49).
The nomenclature
is taken from Reddy and Black
(1977) as discussed in the text and designate the constitution with regard to a particular genome segment.
For example -S5 and -S2 indicate “minus” segments
5 and 2 respectivey while 10% Sl indicates 10% the
normal complement of segment 1 and MS7 indicates
a mutated segment 7. The numbers in parenthesis
indicate the year in which the vectorial parent virus
was introduced into sweet clover (from Nuss, 1983a)
segment, that were undetectable in the
1977 study of the selected isolate, were
present. It must be noted that many of
these presumptive remnant RNAs were
present in virus populations from which
the exvectorial isolates were selected
(Reddy and Black, 1974). The apparent increase of the presumptive remnant RNAs
from less than one copy per 1000 particles
in isolates examined in 1977 to the concentration observed in Fig. 1 suggests that
in the absence of negative selection, these
RNAs are efficiently (perhaps preferentially) replicated an/or packaged in the
systemically infected plant.
It was of some interest to provide phys-
ical evidence that the presumptive remnant
RNAs were derived from genome segments
and to determine whether their formation
involved an internal deletion or deletion
of one or both termini. The following approach was considered a convenient way
of distinguishing between these two mechanisms. After establishing the origin of a
presumptive remnant to be a particular
genome segment, 3’-end-labeled genome
segments and their remnants would be denatured and digested with ribonuclease Tl.
Since this nuclease cleaves specifically at
the 3’ side of guanosine residues, partial
digestion of the denatured dsRNAs would
yield a series of 3’-end-labeled oligonucle-
FIG. 2. Polyacrylamide
gel electrophoretic
pattern of partial ribonuclease Tl digests of [s2PfpCpend-labeled WTV genome segments Sl-S12. Lanes marked L contain the oligonucleotide
generated by partial alkali digestion of end-labeled genome segments 4 + 5. The migration positions
of bromphenol blue (BPB) and xylene cyan01 (XC) markers are indicated.
otides from each RNA strand. By analyzing
these digestion products on 20% polyacrylamide sequencing gels (Maxam and Gilbert, 1977) against an alkali-generated oligonucleotide ladder, the guanosine positions relative to the 3’ terminus for each
strand of a genome segment and its remnant RNA could be compared simultaneously. A similar pattern would indicate
that the remnant RNAs were derived by
internal deletions. This approach would be
feasible only if the partial ribonuclease
digestion pattern of each individual ge-
FIG. 4. Dot hybridization
of end-labeled
against isolated genome segments fixed to nitrocellulose. The positions of genome segments Sl-S12 are
indicated by the numbers at the top.
nome segment was distinct. As shown in
Fig. 2, this is the case.
2d2 .05-
FIG. 3. Polyacrylamide
gel electrophoretic
of [32P]pCp-end-laheled
total and isolated genomic
RNAs from standard and exvectorial isolates of WTV.
Lane 1, genome RNA of exvectorial isolate -S2(‘70).
Lane 2, RNA 2d2.05 isolated from preparative
gel of
-S2(70) (see Reddy and Black, 1977 and text for nomenclatures). Lane 3, genome segments 4 + 5 also
isolated from the -S2(70) preparative
gel. Lane 4,
genome segment 2 of standard virus. Lane 5, RNA
5d.26 isolated from a preparative
gel of exvectorial
isolate 10% Sl(49). Lane 6, genome RNA of 10% Sl(49).
The position of genome segments and remnant RNAs
are indicated in the margins (from Nuss, 1983a).
of Subgenomic RNAs
Two presumptive remnant RNAs earlier
suspected of having been derived from genome segments 1 and 2 (Reddy and Black,
19741977) were selected for analysis. The
3’-end-labeled presumptive remnant RNAs
with estimated molecular weights of 2.05
x lo6 and 0.26 X lo6 (Reddy and Black,
1974) were separated from the other endlabeled WTV genomic RNAs of exvectorial
isolates -S2(70) and 10% S1(49), respectively, by preparative polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (Fig. 3).
To physically determine the genome
segments from which a presumptive remnant RNA was derived, the end-labeled,
isolated, presumptive remnant RNAs were
hybridized against individual gel-purified
genome segments fixed to nitrocellulose.
The presumptive remnant RNA previously
reported to have originated form segment
2, the 2.05 X 106-Da RNA (Fig. 3, lane 2),
hybridized to purified segment 2 and to a
lesser extent to segment 4 + 5 (Fig. 4). This
RNA migrates very near genome segment
4 + 5 during preparative gel electrophoresis
(Fig. 3). One- and two-dimensional analysis
of the ribonuclease Tl digestion products
of the end-labeled presumptive remnant
RNA preparation revealed a low-level of
crosscontamination by end-labeled segments 4 + 5 (see Figs. 6 and 8), explaining
the apparent hybridization of the end-labeled remnant RNA to segments 4 + 5.
Following confirmation that the 2.05
X 10” molecular weight remnant RNA was
derived from genome segment 2, it was
designated 2d2.05 after the nomenclature
of Reddy and Black (1974), with the mod-
Sl S2 S3 &
S6 S7 S8 S9 SlO Sll S12 54.26
FIG. 5. Dot hybridization of end-labeled 5d.26 against isolated genome segments fixed to nitrocellulose (A). Hybridization of end-labeled 5d.26 against total genome RNA of standard virus,
position 1; 10% S1(49), position 2; -S2(70), position 3; and 5d.26 RNA, position 4; is presented
in B.
ification that d stands for deletion rather
than defective. That is, the designation
2d2.05 indicates a molecule of approximately 2.05 X lo6 molecular weight that
was derived from genome segment 2 by a
deletion event.
The 0.26 X lo6 molecular weight presumptive remnant RNA (Fig. 3, lane 5) reported to be derived from genome segment
1 (Reddy and Black, 1977) hybridized exclusively to the unresolved mixture of genome segments 4 + 5 (Fig. 5). The origin
of this remnant RNA was established as
genome segment 5 by its reduced level of
hybridization to genome segments 4 + 5
obtained from exvectorial isolates known
to contain low levels of genome segment 5
(Nuss and Peterson, 1981a; NUSS,1983a, b)
(Fig. 5). This remnant RNA was designated
Once it was determined from which genome segments the remnant RNAs were
derived, the ribonuclease Tl digestion patterns of the molecules were compared. As
shown in Fig. 6, the partial ribonuclease
Tl digestion patterns (lanes 2 and 3) for
genome segment 2 and RNA 2d2.05 are indistinguishable for at least 40 nucleotides
from each 3’ end. The one-dimensional
patterns of the complete ribonuclease Tl
digestion products (lanes 4 and 5) also are
indistinguishable, except for the presence
of oligonucleotides e and f among the remnant RNA digestion products. The 3’-terminal ends of the individual WTV genome
segments were previously shown to contain
equal amounts of cytidine and uridine (Lewandowski and Leppla, 1972). Oligonucleotides e and f correspond to the 3’-cytidine
terminal fragments of genome segments 4
and 5, respectively, which contaminate the
remnant RNA preparation. The 3’-uridine
terminal fragments of segments 4 and 5
both migrate in the position of oligonucleotide b (see legend to Fig. 6).
Similar results were obtained for the
digestion pattern of genome segment 5 and
RNA 5d.26 (Fig. 7). The analysis of these
molecules was complicated by the difficulty
of separating segment 5 from segment 4.
This problem was resolved by hybrid-selection of end-labeled segment 5 from segment 4 by using unlabeled 5d.26 fixed to
nitrocellulose. The level ,of contamination
of segment 5 with segment 4 after hybridselection is indicated by the presence of
oligonucleotide e.
To ensure that the terminal ends of the
genome segments were conserved when the
remnant RNAs were formed, the 3’-terminal oligonucleotide fragments of the genome segments and the corresponding
FIG. 6. Polyacrylamide
gel electrophoretic
of partial and complete ribonuclease Tl digests of
genome segment 2 and RNA
2d2.05. Lane 1, oligonucleotide
ladder generated by
partial alkaline digestion of end-labeled genome segments 4 + 5. Lane 2, partial digest of genome segment
2. Lane 3, partial digest of 2d2.05. Lanes 4 and 5,
complete digests of segment 2 and 2d2.05, respectively.
The migration positions of BPB and XC markers are
indicated in the left margin. Indicated in the right
margin is the position of 3’ terminal oligonucleotides
of interest. Oligonucleotide
a contains a 3’ terminal
adenosine. Oligonucleotide
b contains a 3’ terminal
uridine and is obtained upon complete ribonuclease
Tl digestion of each individual genome segment. Oligonucleotide c also contains a 3’ terminal uridine,
while oligonucleotides
d-f all contain a 3’ terminal
cytidine. Oligonucleotide
d is derived from genome
segment 2, while oligonucleotide
e and f are derived
from genome segments 4 and 5, respectively.
was obtained by performing
one- and
FIG. 7. Polyacrylamide
gel electrophoretic
of partial and complete ribonuclease Tl digests of
[arPjpCp-end-labeled, hybrid-selected genome segment
5 and RNA 5d.26. Lane 1, oligonueleotide
ladder generated by partial alkaline digestion of end-labeled
genome segments 4 and 5. Lane 2, partial digest of
genome segment 5. Lane 3, partial
digestion of 5d.26. Lane 4, complete digest of hybridselected genome segment 5. Lane 5, complete digest
of 5d.26. The position of oligonucleotides
u-f which
corresponds to the oligonucleotide
described in Fig.
6 are shown on the right while the position of the
BPB and XC markers are shown on the left.
analyses of complete ribonuclease
Tl digests of isolated individual
genome segments
including genome segments 4 and 5, which were sep-,
arated by hybrid-selection.
The positions of oligo-,
nucleotides a, b, d, e, and f after two-dimensional
analysis is shown in Fig. 8.
remnant RNAs were subjected to two-di- the 3’-terminal oligonucleotides of genome
mensional fingerprint analysis. As ex- segments 4 + 5 (Fig. 8C). The fingerprint
of RNA 5d.26 is identical to that of segpected, the fingerprints of the 3’-terminal
oligonucleotides of genome segment 2 and ments 4 + 5 except that it lacks oligonuremnant 2d2.05 are identical, except for cleotide e-a 3’-terminal oligonucleotide of
the presence of 3’-terminal oligonucleotide
segment 4.
For other members of the Reoviridae,
fragments of contaminating genome segment 4 (oligonucleotide e) and segment 5 the genome segments of a particular virus
(oligonucleotide f) present in the 2d2.05 have common terminal base sequences
RNA preparation (Figs. 8A and B). Note (Darzynkiewica and Shatkin, 1980; Li et
these oligonucleotides in the fingerprint of al, 1980; McCrae, 1981; Rao et al, 1983;
FIG. 8. Fingerprint
of 3’ terminal Tl ribonuclease-resistant
fragments of genome segment 2 (A),
RNA 2d2.05 (B), segments 4 + 5 (C), and RNA 5d.26 (D). Again oligonucleotides
a, b, d, e, andf
correspond to the oligonucleotides
described in Fig. 6. The dotted circle indicates the position of
BPB marker. The first dimension involved electrophoresis
on cellulose acetate at pH 3.5, and the
second dimension involved chromatography
on polyethyleneimine
cellulose thin-layer
plates in
Kuchino et aZ., 1982; McCrae and McCorquodale, 1983). 3’-Uridine terminal oligonucleotide b (Figs. 6-8) is generated by
completed ribonuclease Tl digestion of
each of the 12 WTV genome segments and
apparently represents a conserved sequence common to one end of each WTV
genome segment. Oligonucleotides a and c
are minor oligonucleotides that are also
generated upon complete ribonuclease Tl
digestion of each WTV genome segment.
These oligonucleotides may represent a
minor degree of heterogeneity naturally
existing in the population or generated
during extraction of the dsRNA segments
from virus particles or infected cell lysates.
Sequence analysis of the 3’ and 5’ ends of
both strands of each WTV genome segment
is now in progress.
Variant dsRNAs have been observed in
genome RNA preparations of other segmented dsRNA viruses: human reovirus
(Ahmed and Fields, 1981;Brown et aL, 1983)
and Saccharcmyces cerevisiae virus, ScV
(Vodkin et aL, 1974; Tzen et aL, 1974). Base
sequence analysis has established that ScV
variant RNAs are derived from genome
RNA by internal deletion events (Bruenn
and Brennan, 1980), while the variant
RNAs associated with human reovirus
have not been characterized. The results
for wound tumor virus presented in this
report represent the first direct evidence
that variant RNAs associated with the genome of a member of the family Reoviridae
are terminally conserved remnants (TCRs)
of genome segments.
Generation of the terminally conserved
remnant 2d2.05 involves the deletion of 15%
of genome segment 2, while 85% of genome
segment 5 is deleted to form TCR-5d.26.
Genome segment 5 encodes the 76,000 molecular weight component of the outer protein coat of WTV (Nuss, 1983a). With approximately 85% of the genome deleted, it
is unlikely that TCR-5d.26 would contain
sequences specifying a functional polypeptide. In this regard, Reddy and Black (1977)
have reported that the isolate -S2(70),
which contains TCR-2d2.05 in place of seg-
ment 2, lacks any detectable product of genome segment 2, the 130,000 molecular
weight component of the outer protein coat.
However, the possibility that TCR-2d2.05
codes for a polypeptide that is functionally
unable to associate with virus particles has
not been ruled out.
Polypeptides which migrate differently
than the standard gene products on polyacrylamide gels and which are of a size
corresponding to that predicted by the size
of several remnant RNAs have been observed among the cell-free translation
products of several exvectorial isolates
(Nuss, unpublished observation). This is
not surprising since, as indicated by the
ribonuclease Tl patterns, the deletion
boundaries for the TCRs analyzed in this
report are located more than 40 base pairs
from either end, i.e., the ribosome binding
site and initiation codon could be conserved
(Kozak and Shatkin, 1978).
Terminally conserved remnant 5d.26 is
associated with an exvectorial isolate that
evolved during vegetative propagation of
a sweet clover plant inoculated in 1949. The
standard virus population from which genome segment 5 was prepared for comparison to TCR-5d.26 has a quite different
history. The standard virus inoculum (RB)
prepared in 1972 (Reddy and Black, 1972)
was used directly from the freezer to infect
AC20 cell monolayers in 1983. Genome
RNA was then purified from the infected
cells after 10 or 20 cell passages. Given the
different histories of these two dsRNA
segments, it is surprising that no divergence in the guanosine position relative to
the 3’ termini is observed in the one-dimensional Tl digestion pattern. Similarly,
the one- and two-dimensional fingerprints
of TCR-2d2.05 and genome segment 2 obtained from either exvectorial isolate 10%
Sl(49) or standard virus were indistinguishable.
In several respects WTV exvectorial isolates resemble the defective interfering
(DI) particles described for human reovirus. Both the WTV exvectorial isolates and
the reovirus DI particles lack certain genome segments (Reddy and Black, 1974,
1977; Nonoyama and Graham, 1970; Nonoyama et al, 1970; Schuerch et ak, 1974;
Spandidos and Graham, 1976; Ahmed and
Graham, 1977) and often contain variant
RNAs (Reddy and Black, 1974; Ahmed and
Graham 1977; Ahmed and Fields, 1981).
Furthermore WTV exvectorial isolates
have been reported to interfere with standard virus infection of vector cells (unpublished observation cited in Reddy and
Black, 1977). Both the DI particles and
WTV exvectorial isolates are transcriptionally active in vitro and in vivo (Spandidos et aL, 1976; Nuss and Peterson, 1981b;
Nuss, 1983b). The possibility that the exvectorial isolates act as DI particles in the
vector cell but not in the plant host is now
being explored.
The occurrence of homologous terminal
sequences at the respective ends of genome
segments appears to be a general phenomenon for viruses that have segmented single stranded or double stranded RNA genomes (Dasgupta and Kaesberg, 1977; Symons, 1979; Darzynkiewica and Shatkin,
1980; Li et al, 1980; McCrae, 1981; Kuchino
et aL, 1982; Rao et al, 1983; Desselberger
et aL, 1980; Iba et ok, 1982; Bruenn and
Brennan, 1980; McCrae and McCorquodale,
1983). This feature has obviously led to
predictions that the terminal sequences
play a critical role in genome transcription,
replication, and packaging. The fact that
the terminal sequences of the WTV genome
segments are conserved in the formation
of TCRs-a situation similar to that of influenza DI RNA (Davis et czL,1980)-adds
emphasis to that prediction. Presumably
WTV remnant RNAs generated by deletion
of one end of the genome fail to replicate
or are not packaged, resulting in the loss
of the complete segment, while remnant
RNAs with conserved termini are perpetuated. It will be instructive to determine
the minimal sequence requirements of a
functional WTV terminally conserved genome remnant.
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lROl-AI 17613from the National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Disease, PHS/DHHS.
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