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studies in Ancient Art And civilizAtion 17 Universitas Iagellonica de Antiquorum Artibus et civilisAtione studiA vAriA Pars XVII Edidit Jaroslav Bodzek Cracoviae MMXIII Jagiellonian University studies in Ancient Art And civilizAtion 17 Edited by Jarosław Bodzek Krakow 2013 EdItorIal Board Jarosław Bodzek (Editor-in-Chief, Jagiellonian University, Krakow) Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka (Jagiellonian University, Krakow) Piotr Bieliński (Univeristy of Warsaw) Eliot Braun (W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Jerusalem) Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz (Jagiellonian University, Krakow) Renée Friedman (British Museum, London) Georgia Kokkorou-Alevras (National and Kapodistrian University, Athens) Janusz A. Ostrowski (Jagiellonian University, Krakow) Tomasz Polański (Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce) Joachim Śliwa (Jagiellonian University, Krakow) Michael Vickers (University of Oxford) tECHNICal EdItor agata dobosz traNSlatIoNS aNd laNGUaGE CorrECtIoNS Authors and Ian Jenkins, Michael Vickers, Agnieszka Fulińska, Thomas Altuccini CoVEr dESIGN Szymon Szweda layoUt Marta Korczyńska-Zdąbłarz oN tHE CoVEr Athenian White Ground cylinder lekythos of Achilles Painter, c. 445-435 BC (Jagiellonian University Institute of Archaeology collection, inv. no. 220). Photo by Jakub Śliwa and Paweł Gąsior Photo of Professor Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka on page 7 by Agata Dobosz © CoPyrIGHt By INSTYTUT ARCHEOLOGII UNIWERSYTETU JAGIELLOŃSKIEGO & AUTHORS KRAKOW 2013 Publication inanced from de minimis funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and statutory funds of the Jagiellonian University Faculty of History KSIĘGARNIA AKADEMICKA ul. św. Anny 6, 31-008 Kraków tel./fax: (12) 421 13 87 e-mail: akademicka@akademicka.pl ZAMóWIENIA PRZEZ KSIĘGARNIĘ INTERNETOWą/ AVAILABLE FROM: www.akadEMICka.Pl Published in the e-book form plus 100 paper copies The primary version of the journal is the electronic format ISSN 0083-4300 tHE 17tH VolUME oF StUdIES IN aNCIENt art aNd CIVIlIzatIoN IS dEdICatEd Professor ewdoksia PaPuci-władyka on the 35th anniversary of scientific work to dear readers, We would like to dedicate the present, 17th volume of Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization to the 35th anniversary of scientiic work conducted by our friend, colleague, teacher and collaborating professor, Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka. Professor Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka is an eminent researcher in the ield of Classical archaeology. For 40 years she has been associated with the Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University, irst as a student and then as a teacher and researcher. She began her studies in 1972 and completed her Master’s degree ive years later under the direction of Professor Maria Ludwika Bernhard. In 1986, Ewdoksia defended her PhD and in 1995 she completed her habilitation. Finally, in 2002, the President of the Republic of Poland bestowed upon her the title of Professor. Ewdoksia completed all the stages of her university career as a member of the Department of Classical Archaeology (formerly the Department of Mediterranean Archaeology). She started as a training assistant and has since risen to the highest rank of full professor. From 2005 up to the present day she has been the head of her department. Over these years, she has taught many generations of students and has always been admired for her passion and fairness. To date, she has promoted several doctoral and dozens of Master’s candidates. She has also lectured as a visiting professor at the International Hellenic University of Thermi/Thessaloniki. An important aspect of her university activity is her administrative role. As well as directing the Department of Classical Archaeology, she has also been coordinator of the ERASMUS program at the Faculty of History and the Institute of archaeology of the Jagiellonian University. The research interests of Ewdoksia have always been focused on Classical archaeology, especially that of Greek art and the archaeology of Cyprus and the Black Sea region. Professor Papuci-Władyka demonstrated her fascination with Greek art in her opus magnum Sztuka starożytnej Grecji [The Art of Ancient Greece] (2001). Her main ield of research is pottery and vase painting and she has devoted her most important works to the topic: Corinthian and Italo-Corinthian pottery from the Polish collections (1989), and Nea Pafos. Studia nad ceramiką hellenistyczną z polskich wykopalisk (1965-1991) [Nea Paphos. Studies on Hellenistic Pottery from Polish Excavations (1965-1991)] (1995) and Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, DOI: 10.12797/SAAC.17.2013.17.01 Professor ewdoksia PaPuci-władyka Poland 11, Cracow 1: Jagiellonian University Institute of Archaeology and Museum Collections (2012). Professor Papuci-Władyka has also been involved in various international projects concerning pottery: Groupement de recherches sur les céramiques hellénistico-romaines de Méditerranée orientale at Maison de l’Orient Méditerranéen in Lyon (director: J.-F. Salles), The role of the Demos in the ancient world. The case of Halasarna on Kos: settlement remains, sanctuaries, cemeteries, political and trade relationships with other centers (director: Prof. G. Kokkorou-Alevras) and ΘΑΛΗΣ – ΕΚΠΑ – Ιερό Απόλλωνος – Παλαιοχριστιανικός Οικισμός στην Αλάσαρνα της Κω. Η διαχρονική πορεία ενος αρχαίου ιερού και η μετεξέλιξή του σε παλαιοχριστιανικό οικισμό (director: Prof. G. KokkorouAlevras). From 2002 to the present day, she has directed the project of Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. New Edition of Polish Pre-War Volumes. Ewdoksia also attaches great importance to ield activity. She was a member of the Polish Archaeological Mission (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw) at Nea Paphos (Maloutena site) in 1984, 1986, 1988-2008 and in 2010. Between 1998 and 2008, Professor Papuci-Władyka headed the Polish part of the archaeological mission of the Jagiellonian University at Koshary (Ukraine) and in the years 2009-2010 the Polish team’s excavations at the Zavetnoe 5 site (Ukraine, chora of ancient Akra). From 2011 to the present day, she has directed the archaeological mission excavations at the agora of ancient Nea Paphos (Paphos Agora Project). Professor Papuci-Władyka has taken part in more than 30 international conferences, three of which she organized or co-organised herself. As a scholar or invited guest she has also visited all the major centers of Classical research. She is a member of many scientiic organizations and has repeatedly received awards for her contribution to the ield of research. Last but not least, Professor Papuci-Władyka has been the editor-inchief of Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization since 2010. The full list of her achievements is, of course, much longer. By dedicating this volume to her, we – her friends, colleagues, students and collaborators – would like to wish her much continued success in the future. the Editor Contents Wojciech S. Machowski, Barbara Zając Bibliography of Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka.........................................13 Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz, Joanna Dębowska-Ludwin Tell el-Farkha and its implications for understanding the earliest architecture of Lower Egypt...............................................25 Karolina Rosińska-Balik Multi-chamber graves from the Tell el-Farkha cemeteries..................41 Mariusz a. Jucha Tell el-Murra – results of survey and prospects for research................53 Emanuele M. Ciampini, Grażyna Bąkowska-Czerner Snakes on the Nile. Iconographical and cultural motifs in Egypt, Nubia, and Hellenistic world.................................................67 Zdzisław J. Kapera the archaeological activity of J. t. Milik during his stay in Jerusalem (1952-1961).............................................81 Michalis tiverios The presence of Euboeans in the north Helladic region and the myths of Heracles...................................................................97 Wawrzyniec Miścicki Notes on representations of hoplites with double spears in Archaic Greek art and the usage of javelins and spears by the Archaic phalanx.......................................................................113 Kamila Nocoń An unpublished Ionian cup from the National Museum in Warsaw...121 Mariusz Mielczarek More on the labyrinth on the coins of knossos..................................127 dorota Gorzelany The fatal power of Aphrodite? Some remarks on the iconology of Helen and Paris............................139 Agnieszka Fulińska Mature Heracles and youthful kings. Theocritus 17 and Hellenistic iconography.........................................143 Susan I. rotroff A new moldmade bowl from Athens...................................................151 Tomasz Polański Attalos III, king and sculptor. An appendix to Vollkommer’s Künstlerlexikon.................................163 Georgia Kokkorou-Alevras an honorary votive relief from Laconia.............................................181 Paweł Gołyźniak Monsters, chimeras, masks or gods?..................................................191 Anne Destrooper-Georgiades ‘Paphos’ sur les monnaies depuis le IVème siècle av. J.-C...................203 Wiktor A. Daszewski Hero or god comes to Nea Paphos.......................................................227 agata dobosz Amphora stamps from the Agora of Nea Paphos, Cyprus..................235 Małgorzata Kajzer The ‘Ephesian’ terracotta oil lamps from the Agora of Nea Paphos............................................................249 John lund Cypriot lagynoi with a funnel shaped mouth and a twisted handle............................................................................255 Eustathios Raptou Une nouvelle peinture funéraire de Paphos à décor symbolique........277 Joachim Śliwa Magical amulet from Paphos with the ιαεω- palindrome.....................293 Łukasz Miszk A few comments on loomweight decoration......................................303 Jarosław Bodzek, Evgenia F. Redina A ind of an Istrian cast ‘wheel coin’ at Koshary (Ukraine)................309 Tomasz Scholl The fortiications of the entrance gate in the western defense wall of Western Tanais...................................319 Ewa Stanecka Callatis as a seaport.............................................................................325 Janusz A. Ostrowski Remarks of a Jagiellonian University professor concerning the statues of Venus seen in the year 1845 in Italian museums..............................................................................335 Iwona Modrzewska-Pianetti Note sulla laguna di Venezia in epoca romana...................................341 Michael Vickers A lost ivory diptych panel in an Indian painting.................................355 Alfred Twardecki An early Christian pendant amulet (?) in the collection of the National Museum in Warsaw – a philological approach..........365 Marta kania Who owns, who decides and why not us? The debate on the ownership of the archaeological heritage: old questions, new solutions................................................................371 Editorial Note............................................................................................385