J. Limnol., 61(1): 61-68, 2002
Seasonal variation in mortality of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in an acidic
aluminium-rich lake
Espen LYDERSEN, Nina W.A. RUKKE1), Jannike G.B. JENSEN2), Birgitte M. KJELSBERG1), Bente TORNSJØ2),
Rolf D. VOGT2), L. Asbjørn VØLLESTAD1) and Antonio B.S. POLÉO1)*
Norwegian Institute for Water Research, P.O. Box 173, Kjelsås, N-0411, Oslo, Norway.
Department of Biology, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1066, Blindern, N-0316, Oslo, Norway
Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1033, Blindern, N-0315, Oslo, Norway
*e-mail corresponding author: toni.poleo@bio.uio.no
We have studied the seasonal variation in aluminium toxicity in caged brown trout (Salmo trutta), during one year (October 1994
to September 1995) in a small acidic aluminium rich lake, Lake Nepptjern (ANC -22.6 µeq l-1, pH 5.2, total Al 400 µg l-1). Trout from
two and three different year classes were exposed each month to the lake water for 48 h. Fish were placed in keepnets located in the
middle of the lake, at 2 m depth. Fish mortality and water physico-chemistry were monitored during the exposures. The concentration of inorganic monomeric aluminium in the water was approximately 300 µg l-1 in average, and the water was acutely toxic
to the fish. The observed mortality varied throughout the year, and was highest during spring and summer. During spring, the small
fish were more sensitive to the toxic water than larger fish, while the opposite was the case during summer. Water temperature and
fish length could explain most of the seasonal variation in mortality. Statistical analyses indicated that water acid neutralising capacity (ANC) and the amounts of total organic carbon (TOC) and silicon in the water also could explain some of the variation in
mortality. Variation in other physico-chemical parameters, however, such as silicon, TOC and ANC could only explain the variation
in mortality to a limited extent. The mechanism for the temperature dependent mortality is discussed, and we suggest that the dependence of water O2-solubility and fish metabolism upon temperature is of importance. The difference in mortality between small
and large fish is discussed in terms of the gill area/body weight ratio, and it seems to be that small fish suffer more from diffusive ion
loss having a larger relative gill area than larger fish. Large fish, on the other hand, have a lower relative maximum oxygen uptake
than small fish and will suffer more under conditions where aluminium is accumulated on the gill surface.
Key words: acidification, seasonal variation, Al-toxicity, brown trout, mortality
Soil acidification increases the mobilisation of aluminium to surface waters (Cronan & Schofield 1979,
Driscoll & Postek 1996). Increased concentrations of
aqueous aluminium are considered the major environmental problem due to freshwater acidification, and the
relationship between aqueous aluminium and fish toxicity is well documented (Driscoll et al. 1980; Sparling &
Lowe 1996; Gensemer & Playle 1999). Dissolved in
water, aluminium occurs on many different physicochemical forms with varying toxicity to aquatic organisms (Gensemer & Playle 1999). Inorganic monomeric
aluminium species has been considered the most toxic
aluminium forms. Several studies, however, have shown
that aluminium toxicity is correlated to changes in water
physico-chemical conditions, rather than the occurrence
of a certain toxic aluminium species (Dickson 1978;
Driscoll et al. 1980; Grahn 1980; Baker & Schofield
1982; Gensemer & Playle 1999). Water pH, temperature, dissolved organic carbon, and silicon are among
the factors modifying aluminium toxicity directly by influencing aluminium chemistry (Driscoll et al. 1980;
Birchall et al. 1989; Poléo et al. 1991). Calcium is also
important for the aluminium toxicity in fish, but the cal-
cium ions seem to alter the toxicity indirectly mainly by
influencing gill permeability properties (McDonald
1983; Wood & McDonald 1987). Since all these factors
change during the year, we predict that the aluminium
toxicity will also be variable.
We have studied aluminium toxicity in caged brown
trout (Salmo trutta) during one year in a small acidic
aluminium rich lake (pH 5.2, total Al 400 µg l-1). The
purpose of this study was to evaluate relationships between seasonal variation in physico-chemical conditions
and aluminium toxicity. The aim was to identify principal chemical and biological factors explaining the seasonal variation in toxicity.
2.1. Site description
Lake Nepptjern is located 398 m above sea level,
outside Oslo, Norway. It is a small lake (8600 m2, 8.5 m
mean depth) with a catchment area of 0.28 km2. The
mean residence time of the lake water is 3 months. The
lake is relatively well protected against wind, and the
duration of ice cover is normally from October/November until middle of May. During the monitoring year, the lake circulated only during the fall. A
E. Lydersen et al.
Tab. 1. Length and weight (mean ± s.d.) of the three year classes of fish used in the experiments.
Oct 29, 94
Dec 6, 94
Jan 6, 95
Feb 10, 95
Mar 3, 95
Apr 2, 95
Apr 22, 95
May 30, 95
Jul 8, 95
Aug 3, 95
Aug 31, 95
Sep 28,95
10.7 ± 1.0
11.5 ± 1.3
11.2 ± 1.1
12.4 ± 1.2
11.9 ± 0.9
11.1 ± 1.1
11.5 ± 0.9
10.7 ± 1.0
12.4 ± 1.5
15.6 ± 3.5
18.9 ± 2.2
17.4 ± 1.6
13.3 ± 3.8
17.3 ± 6.3
16.1 ± 4.3
19.9 ± 6.0
21.5 ± 5.7
13.8 ± 4.0
17.1 ± 4.4
13.5 ± 3.7
23 ± 8
47 ± 21
90 ± 32
65 ± 17
6.4 ± 0.6
6.1 ± 0.7
6.1 ± 0.9
6.6 ± 0.7
6.1 ± 0.6
7.0 ± 0.8
6.6 ± 0.7
6.6 ± 0.7
8.5 ± 0.9
10.2 ± 1.0
11.1 ± 1.3
11.3 ± 1.2
3.0 ± 1.0
2.7 ± 0.9
3.0 ± 1.3
2.9 ± 0.8
2.6 ± 0.8
3.4 ± 1.3
3.5 ± 1.3
3.5 ± 1.3
7.4 ± 2.3
12.4 ± 3.5
17.9 ± 6.6
17.3 ± 5.9
complete circulation during spring is probably uncommon for this lake, because ice-off takes place relatively
late in the spring. Because the irradiation is high at that
time, the lake stratifies very quickly after ice-off. The
predominant vegetation in the catchment area is heather
species and Norwegian spruce (Pícea abies). The spruce
covers about 70% of the catchment area. The lake is
surrounded by Sphagnum mosses. Despite this vegetation, the lake is a clear water lake with a mean concentration of total organic carbon (TOC) of 1.9 mg l-1. Secchi-depth down to 15 m has been recorded, which is
also the maximum depth of the lake.
Based on a Norwegian lake survey (Henriksen &
Andersen 1992), Lake Nepptjern is probably the most
toxic lake within the geographic area. This is primarily
due to its high concentration of inorganic monomeric
aluminium (300 µg l-1). The high aluminium concentration, as well as the relative low pH (5.0), is due to a
combination of relatively high inputs of acid compounds from precipitation and low pH-buffering capacity within the catchment. A screening of a large array of
other metals showed that only aluminium is elevated in
this lake (data not shown). The lake hosts no fish, and
lost its perch (Perca fluviatilis) population many decades ago (Grande 1970).
2.2. Experimental animals
Brown trout from the Lake Tunhovd strain, were
obtained from a hatchery nearby Oslo. The fish were
first generation hatchery fish, and we used fish from
three different year classes (Tab. 1). The fish were
transported to Lake Nepptjern in closed aerated plastic
bags. The transport time from the hatchery until the fish
was placed in keepnets within the lake was always 4 h.
The hatchery water is untreated water from a nearby
stream. Thus, water temperature in the hatchery varies
throughout the year along with the variation in natural
waters of the area. Water quality of the hatchery water
is considered to be good (pH 6.0-6.5). Fish kept at the
hatchery acted as controls.
3.2 ± 0.3
4.5 ± 0.4
4.7 ± 0.4
5.4 ± 0.6
0.3 ± 0.1
0.9 ± 0.3
1.2 ± 0.4
1.6 ± 0.7
2.3. Experimental protocol
The study was carried out as 12 separate exposures
of fish to the lake water, i.e. one 48 h exposure each
month. We exposed two different year classes (1993
and 1994) monthly in the period from October 1994 to
May 1995, and three different year classes (1993, 1994
and 1995) from July 1995 to September 1995 (see Tab.
1). Approximately 30 fish from each year class were
placed in the keepnets (150 litre), one keepnet for each
year class. The fish density in the keepnets was well
below the density of fish in the holding tanks within the
hatchery. The keepnets were placed in the middle of the
lake, at 2 m depth. The midwater location was chosen to
avoid disturbances of ice, wind, etc. in the littoral zone,
and to avoid extreme changes in water chemistry in the
surface during the initial snow melt (Johannessen et al.
1980). Mortality was recorded every 4 h, and dead fish
were removed from the keepnets. Fish were judged to
be dead when opercular movements had ceased and no
swimming response could be elicited through stimulation of the lateral line organ. Fish surviving the 48 h exposures were killed by a blow to the head. Length and
weight of all fish were recorded (Tab. 1).
Water samples were collected immediately after the
fish exposures, at the same location and depth as the
fish were kept. We used a 3 litre Ruttner sampler to
collect the water samples. In situ measurements of water
temperature and concentrations of dissolved O2 were
also carried out. pH and conductivity measurements,
and aluminium fractionation, were performed immediately after arriving in the laboratory, i.e. never later than
4 h after sampling. The remaining analyses of water
chemistry were conducted within a few days after sampling (see Tab. 2).
2.4. Analytical techniques
pH was measured using a Radiometer PHM-80 with
a Radiometer GK-2401C combined glass-electrode. The
pH readings were taken when the pH-meter drifted less
Seasonal variation in trout mortality
Tab. 2. Physico-chemical parameters of Lake Nepptjern water during the experimental
period (n=12).
Dissolved Oxygen
Total nitrogen
Total organic carbon (TOC)
Total Al (Alr)
Organic monomeric Al (Alo)
Inorganic monomeric Al (Ali)
Ionic strength
mean ± s.d.
µS cm-1
mg l-1
7.7 ± 5.8
22.3 ± 3.0
9.7 ± 1.0
5.2 ± 0.2
9.8 ± 3.4
66.9 ± 12.1
4.6 ± 1.3
45.8 ± 6.5
21.3 ± 4.1
53.1 ± 13.8
104 ± 6
3.8 ± 0.7
3.0 ± 1.1
1.0 ± 0.4
196 ± 87
3.6 ± 0.9
1.9 ± 0.4
404 ± 62
52 ± 14
283 ± 51
260 ± 33
-22.6 ± 7.7
1.7 - 18.9
19.7 - 29.2
10.7 - 7.5
4.8 - 5.4
19.1 - 7.7
99.2 - 50.5
8.4 - 3.8
53.9 - 32.9
31.3 - 15.6
93.1 - 39.5
110 - 89.5
5.5 - 3.1
4.4 - 1.1
1.6 - 0.4
380 - 125
4.3 - 0.9
2.5 - 1.1
497 - 296
73 - 31
339 - 197
322 - 214
-11.4 - -37.2
µeq l-1
µeq l-1
µeq l-1
µeq l-1
µeq l-1
µeq l-1
µeq l-1
µeq l-1
µeq l-1
µeq l-1
µg l-1
mg l-1
mg l-1
µg l-1
µg l-1
µg l-1
µeq l-1
than 0.01 pH unit per minute. The conductivity (κ25)
was measured with a Radiometer CDM-80. The conductivity was read when three consecutive measurements were identical within one tenth of a unit. The in
situ measurements of water temperature and dissolved
O2 were conducted with a YSI-model 5739 Oxymeter.
Aqueous aluminium was fractionated by the HQMIBK extraction technique described by Barnes (1975),
combined with the cation exchange procedure described
by Driscoll (1984) according to the protocol described
by Lydersen et al. (1990a) and Poléo et al. (1997). The
aluminium concentrations were measured by a Shimadzu UV-1201 spectrophotometer at 395 nm (Tikhonov
1973). Absorbance was also measured at 600 nm in order to correct for iron interference (Sullivan et al. 1986).
Calcium, magnesium, and sodium were analysed by
Induced Coupled Plasma atomic-emission spectrometry
(ICP), while potassium was analysed by Atomic Absorption flame Spectrophotometry (AAS). Sulphate and
chloride were measured by ion chromatography (IC),
while total fluoride was analysed according to Harwood
(1969) using an Orion Model 94-09 ion selective electrode, connected to an Orion Research Microprocessor
Ion Analyser/901 with the Orion Model 90-01-00 as
reference electrode. Total nitrogen, nitrate and ammonium was measured colourimetrically. Alkalinity was
measured by potentiometric titration with hydrochloric
acid to pH 4.5. Total organic carbon (TOC) was measured by a standard combined photochemical (UV) wetchemical (S2O82-) oxidation method. Silicon was measured spectrophotometrically by the standard molybdateblue complexing method.
2.5. Calculations and statistics
The acid neutralising capacity (ANC) was estimated
according to Reuss & Johnson (1986):
ANC (µeq l-1) = Σ([Ca2+]+[Mg2+]+[Na+]+[K+]) Σ([SO42-]+[NO3-]+[Cl-])
The ionic strength (I) was calculated as:
I = 0.5Σcizi2
ci is the molar concentration of an ion i and zi its charge.
The sum is taken over all ions in the solution.
Multiple regression analysis was used to test the influence of the various physico-chemical and biological
parameters on fish mortality. Cumulative mortality after
24 and 48 h was the dependent variable in the analysis.
We used a backwards stepwise procedure, starting with
a full model and manually removing nonsignificant parameters. Akaike Information Criterium (AIC) was employed, and minimised in order to find the optimal
3.1. Water chemistry
The physico-chemical properties of the lake varied
throughout the year (Tab. 2). The water temperature
remained under 5 °C from October 1994 until the spring
1995. The temperature increased to about 20 °C in the
summer (Fig. 1). pH was low, between 5.0 and 5.5, under the whole experimental period, but dropped to 4.8
during the snow melt in April. There was also a clear
E. Lydersen et al.
Fig. 1. Seasonal variation in some major physico-chemical water parameters in Lake Nepptjern water at 2 m depth.
Fig. 2. Seasonal variation in aqueous aluminium in Lake Nepptjern water at 2 m depth. Total aluminium (Alr), inorganic monomeric
aluminium (Ali), and organic monomeric aluminium (Alo).
drop in ANC during snowmelt, from about -20 to -37
µeq l-1. There was a gradual increase in TOC from 1.8
mg l-1 in October 1994 to 2.5 mg l-1 in April 1995, and a
decrease during summer, down to 1.1 mg l-1.
The amount of total aluminium (Alr) varied between
300 and 500 µg l-1 during the experimental period (Tab.
2 and Fig. 2). The highest concentrations were measured
during the winter, i.e. February to May. The concentration of inorganic monomeric aluminium (Ali) was
also relatively high (between 200 and 340 µg l-1), and
varied according to the variation in Alr. Ali constituted
more than 70% of the amount of Alr. The concentration
of organic monomeric aluminium (Alo) was low, and
varied between 31 and 73 µg l-1.
Seasonal variation in trout mortality
Fig. 3. Seasonal variation in cumulative mortality of different year classes of brown trout exposed to Lake Nepptjern water. The
starting date for each experiment, and the mean length of fish used are indicated.
3.2. Fish mortality
The mortality data shows that Lake Nepptjern water
is highly toxic to brown trout. However, the mortality
varied throughout the year, and among year classes, i.e.
size groups (Fig. 3). The mortality was relatively low
during winter for all size groups. One exception to this
was an unexpected high mortality in the largest fish under the March 1995 experiment. We have no reasonable
explanation why the mortality was so high in these fish
during this experiment. The hatchery from where we
obtained the fish reported no irregularities from this period concerning fish quality and health. During spring,
April to May, the mortality increased and was highest in
the small fish. From July, we also exposed a third group
of fish, which were very small (young of the year). The
mortality was always lower in these fish compared to
the larger size groups. No mortality was observed in the
hatchery on the same dates as fish were exposed in Lake
More than 82% of the variance in mortality after 24
h exposure to Lake Nepptjern water, could be explained
by the variation in water temperature, fish length,
amounts of TOC and silicon (Multiple stepwise regression, Tab. 3). Excluding the unexpected high mortality
of large fish in March from the analysis did not influence the results. Water temperature and fish length were
the factors which most strongly explained the mortality
variation. In general, mortality increased with increasing
water temperature and fish length. According to the
analysis, the amounts of TOC and silicon seem to be
less important for the mortality than water temperature
and fish length. However, mortality increased with increasing TOC concentration, and decreased with increasing silicon concentration. After 48 h exposure,
62% of the variance in mortality could be explained by
the variation in water temperature, ANC and fish length,
irrespective of the March-95 mortality (Tab. 3). Water
temperature was still the most important factor influencing fish mortality, while fish length and ANC were
E. Lydersen et al.
Tab. 3. Results of multiple stepwise regression analysis of mortality at 24 and
48 hours exposures, using fish length and all physico-chemical parameters
measured at 2 m depth as independent variables. The F-ratio and p-values for
each parameter retained in the model are given, together with parameter
estimates (± s.e.). 1)D.F. = 1 for all effects
-74.42 ± 38.68
0.36 ± 0.10
6.31 ± 0.97
-7.36 ± 4.23
25.19 ± 12.63
-38.15 ± 20.26
0.28 ± 0.13
3.81 ± 0.86
-1.60 ± 0.68
24 hour exposure (R = 0.829, n = 28, p <0.001)
48 hour exposure (R2 = 0.628, n = 28, p <0.001)
less important. Mortality increased with increasing
water temperature and fish length, and decreased with
increasing ANC.
The acidic aluminium rich Lake Nepptjern water
was acutely toxic to brown trout. We have observed that
this toxicity varies throughout the year, and that it is
primarily dependent on water temperature and fish
length. Based on this, we suggest that the degree of hypoxia is important for the mortality variation among experiments and size groups.
The high toxicity of Lake Nepptjern water corresponds well with current knowledge about aluminium
toxicity in fish (Howells et al. 1994; Gensemer & Playle
1999). It is well documented that inorganic monomeric
aluminium is important for toxicity of acidic water
(Driscoll et al. 1980; Howells et al. 1994; Gensemer &
Playle 1999), and that Ali-concentrations of more than
50 µg l-1 can be acutely toxic to fish (Fivelstad &
Leivestad 1984). In Lake Nepptjern, the Ali-concentration was between 200 and 340 µg l-1. Earlier toxicity
studies using Lake Nepptjern water confirm the high
toxicity of the water from this lake (Lydersen et al.
1990b, 1994). However, the intensity of the aluminium
toxicity of this water varies depending on different
physico-chemical and biological properties.
According to the regression analysis, water temperature is the most important factor for the mortality
variation in our study. Poléo et al. (1991) and Poléo &
Muniz (1993) showed that water temperature has a
strong impact on aluminium toxicity in fish. They observed that mortality in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar,
increased with increasing temperature. This is in accordance to our present results, and Poléo et al. (1991) and
Poléo & Muniz (1993) explained this temperature dependent toxicity mainly by the influence of temperature
on aluminium chemistry. The solubility of Al(OH)3 (s)
and its hydrolysis are highly temperature sensitive
(Lydersen et al. 1990a, 1991), and the distribution of the
various dissolved inorganic aluminium species in acidic
aluminium rich water vary with temperature (Lydersen
1990; Poléo et al. 1991). On the other hand, it is also
reported that aluminium toxicity is mainly dependent on
changes in water physico-chemical conditions rather
than on the occurrence of a certain toxic aluminium
species (Dickson 1978; Grahn 1980; Baker & Schofield
1982; Rosseland et al. 1992). Based on this, Poléo
(1995) proposed that aluminium polymerisation onto the
gill surface, in which inorganic monomeric aluminium
species act as precursors, is a mechanism that gives a
good explanation for the acute toxicity of aluminium in
fish. Accordingly, increasing water temperature enhances the aluminium polymerisation process (Lydersen
et al. 1990a, 1991).
Through its effect on metabolism water temperature
does also affect fish directly, and indirectly by its effect
on O2-solubility in water. At high temperature, the metabolism in fish is increased, i.e. higher O2-demand. At
the same time, the O2-solubility in water is reduced, i.e.
lower O2-availability (see Fig. 1). These effects can
also, to some extent, explain why the mortality in the
present study increased with increasing temperature.
The measured dissolved oxygen of the water decreased
to 7.5 mg l-1 in the summer. This amount of dissolved
oxygen is normally not associated with hypoxia in fish.
A common feature, however, in fish exposed to aqueous
aluminium is extensive accumulation of aluminium and
mucus on the gill surfaces (see Howells et al. 1994;
Gensemer & Playle 1999). In combination with a lowered dissolved O2-concentration, such accumulation
might lead to hypoxia. Accordingly, it has been suggested that hypoxia is of major importance for the acute
effect of acidic aluminium rich water, especially under
unstable physico-chemical conditions (Neville 1985;
Poléo et al. 1994, 1995; Witters et al. 1996; Poléo &
Bjerkely 2000). The idea that hypoxia is of importance,
is also indicated by the results showing that the larger
Seasonal variation in trout mortality
fish had the higher mortality. Large fish have a lower
gill surface area/body weight ratio, and thereby a lower
relative maximum oxygen uptake, compared to small
fish (Huges 1970, 1984).
Neville (1985) points out that ionoregulatory disturbances rather than hypoxia, is the major factor for the
acute effect of acidic aluminium rich water at low pH.
During spring, i.e. April to May, we observed that the
mortality was highest in the small fish. In this period,
pH was at its lowest (4.8). The fact that small fish were
more sensitive than large fish to Lake Nepptjern water
when pH was low, can be explained by ionoregulatory
disturbances, according to Neville (1985). Due to their
relatively larger gill area, small fish will suffer more
from diffusive ion loss compared to large fish if acidic
aluminium rich water alters gill permeability properties.
The statistical analysis indicated that the amount of
TOC and silicon in the water could explain some of the
variation in mortality after 24 h, but seem to be of minor
importance compared to water temperature and fish
length (Tab. 3). In general, organic compounds are believed to reduce aluminium toxicity by complexing inorganic monomeric aluminium (Baker & Schofield
1980; Driscoll et al. 1980; Witters et al. 1990). On the
contrary, we found that mortality increased marginally
with increasing TOC concentration. The amount of
TOC in Lake Nepptjern, however, is basically low
(range 1.1 - 2.5 mg l-1), and its complexing capacity is
far from sufficient to complex the large amount of toxic
Ali. This might explain why a small increase in TOC
had no mitigating effect on mortality. An other efficient
aluminium complexing agent is silicon, which has been
demonstrated to detoxify acidic aluminium rich water
(Birchall et al. 1989). We found that the mortality decreased with increasing silicon concentration, thus in
accordance to what have previously been reported (Birchall et al. 1989).
ANC has been correlated to fish status (Bulger et al.
1993), and Lien et al. (1996) found that intact brown
trout populations in most cases corresponded to ANC
values higher than 20 µeq l-1. The negative ANC in
Lake Nepptjern confirm that this water is highly toxic,
and it is to be expected that the toxicity increase with
decreasing ANC.
The present study confirmed earlier observations
that Lake Nepptjern water is highly toxic to fish, and
showed that this toxicity varies throughout the year. Our
analyses point out water temperature as the most important factor for the mortality variations in the study.
This corresponds well to earlier reports pointing out
water temperature as an important factor for aqueous
aluminium chemistry and acute Al-toxicity in fish. We
suggest that the dependence of water O2-solubility and
fish metabolism upon temperature is of importance for
the temperature-dependent mortality observed. To some
extent, this was supported by the higher mortality in
large fish than in small fish, due to a lower gill surface
area/body weight ratio.
We thank the Norwegian Directorate for Nature
Management for funding this project, and Bjørn R. Hansen at the OFA-hatchery for all help with the fish.
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Accepted: February 2002
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