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Southern Agricultural Economics Association NEWSLETTER LES MYERS President Virginia Tech University Agricultural and Applied Economics 208 Hutcheson Hall Blacksburg, VA 24061-0401 540/231-6301 540/231-7417 (FAX) myersl@vt.edu RICHARD L. KILMER President-Elect University of Florida Food & Resource Economics P.O. Box 110240 Gainesville, FL 32611 352/392-1881 (x304) 352/392-9898 (FAX) Kilmer@ufl.edu LOIS SCHERTZ WILLETT Director Food & Resource Economics Indian River Research & Ed. Ctr. University of Florida 2199 South Rock Road Fort Pierce, FL 34945- 3138 561/468-3922 561/468-3973 (FAX) lwillett@ufl.edu MICHELE C. MARRA Director Ag. & Resource Economics North Carolina State University Box 8109 Raleigh, NC 27695-8109 919/515-6091 919/515-1824 (FAX) michele_marra@ncsu.edu RANDALL D. LITTLE Director Dept. Agr. Econ. P.O. Box 5187 Mississippi State, MS 39762 662/325-2884 662/325-8777 (FAX) little@agecon.msstate.edu June 2003 SAEA web site http://www.saea.org PRESIDENT’S CORNER The SAEA Executive Committee met June 9 and 10 in Charleston, South Carolina. I am pleased to report that our budget is on target to breakeven this year. Thanks to the hard work of Ken Paxton and Lonnie Vandeveer, revenue generated at the annual meetings fully covered the meetings expense for the first time in three years. In addition, our expenses connected to producing and distributing the SAEA Newsletter are reduced dramatically with electronic distribution. The JAAE, under John Penson’s editorship, is operating smoothly with high quality articles. The acceptance rate is around 23 percent and the average number of days a submitted article is in review is down to 72. The special issue in memory of Henri Theil has been distributed and represents an especially noteworthy addition to our professional literature. Our project to have past issues converted to electronic media ha s been completed. You can electronically access articles published in the Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics for 1969 through 1992 and articles published in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics for 1993 through 1999. The site address is http://agecon.lib.umn.edu. We appreciate the work of Steve Turner to assure that this project came to completion. Under the agreement, new editions will be added annually with a two year lag. STEVE TURNER Past-President Dept. of Ag. & Appl. Economics University of Georgia 312 Conner Hall Athens, GA 30602 706/542-0852 706/542-0739 (FAX) sturner@agecon.uga.edu JOHN B. PENSON, JR. The editorship of the JAAE will change at the end of 2004. Anyone interested in becoming editor of the journal should express a statement of interest to myself or anyone else on the Executive Board. Please see the announcement elsewhere in this newsletter. Editor LINDA S. CRENWELGE Associate Editor Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics Dept. of Agr. Economics 352D Blocker Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-2124 979/845-5223 979/862-1563 (FAX) JAAE@tamu.edu KENNETH W. PAXTON Secretary/Treasurer Dept. of Ag. Econ. & Agribusiness 101 Ag. Admin. Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5604 225/578-2266 225/578-2716 (FAX) akpaxt@lsu.edu LONNIE R. VANDEVEER Secretary/Treasurer Dept. of Ag. Econ. & Agribusiness 101 Ag. Admin. Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5604 225/578-2266 225/578-2716 (FAX) lvandeveer@agctr.lsu.edu Membership continues to be an area of concern. Total membership continues to decline, especially among junior members. Please encourage your colleagues and graduate students to join the SAEA. Graduate student dues are only $10 per year. Because of the costs of paying for returned mail, graduate members should be aware that their issues of the JAAE will only be sent to an academic department address. We will be contacting all academic departments directly concerning efforts to encourage membership growth. The next annual meetings will be held February 14-18, 2004, in Tulsa Oklahoma. Please note that this is about two weeks later than usual the usual time. Announcements are in this newsletter regarding calls for selected papers, posters, organized symposia, and nominations for the various awards. This year’s Selected Papers program is co-chaired by Roderick Rejesus and Jaime Malaga, both at Texas Tech University. Please note that the deadline for submission of paper proposals is Friday, September 12, 2002. Rod and Jaime welcome individuals interested in reviewing articles and/or moderating sessions to contact them as soon as possible. Instructions for contacting them are included in the call for papers later in this Newsletter. The Organized Symposia program is being coordinated by President-Elect Richard Kilmer at the University of Florida. The Poster Session is chaired by Phillip Kenkel, Oklahoma State University. Please note the call for proposals in this Newsletter issue. Past-President, Steven Turner is coordinating the awards program. Please note the call for nominations for Awards for Distinguished professional Contributions and the call for nominations for the Lifetime Achievement Award in this Newsletter. Steve is moving to Mississippi State University as Department Head in August. All nominations should be sent to him at Mississippi State. For the second time in three years, the Southern Agricultural Economics Association will be providing leadership in organizing a general Sunday session for the entire Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists at the Tulsa meetings. Director Michele Marra is organizing a multidisciplinary panel to discuss the pros and cons associated with biotechnology. This promises to be an excellent session and we hope you plan your trave l schedule to arrive in Tulsa before the 4:00pm Sunday session. Have a pleasant summer. Les Myers President SOUTHERN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION February 14 - 18, 2004 Tulsa, Oklahoma AWARDS FOR DISTINGUISHED PROFESSIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Purpose of the Awards: To recognize significant contributions of individuals to the profession of agricultural economics, to bring such contributions to the attention of the profession, and to facilitate firsthand sharing of such contributions through annual SAEA meetings. Nature of the Awards: The "Southern Agricultural Economics Association Awards for Distinguished Professional Contributions" are made annually and recipients share their award-winning contributions with the membership at SAEA annual meetings. More than one award may be made each year in each category based on the judgment of evaluation committees concerning the significance of nominated works. Committees shall not be obligated to make awards if no nominee is judged deserving. Each winner will receive a certificate of recognition. Award Categories: Awards are considered for distinguished contributions to the profession in the following categories: Λ Outstanding JAAE Article Λ Outstanding Teaching of a Course Award Λ Distinguished Extension Program Award Λ Graduate Student Paper Award Eligibility Requirements: Nominees must be SAEA members and actively involved in the area for which the work is nominated. The contribution nominated may be the work of a single individual or group of individuals. In the case of group awards, one-half or more of the contributing individuals must be SAEA members actively involved in the area of the nominated work. Graduate students must be full-time students (may be on part time assistance) and student members of the SAEA. The focus of the Graduate Student Paper Award is on single authored papers written for academic courses and not previously published in academic outlets or presented at professional meetings . Papers which are “cut and paste” from theses or dissertations will be disqualified. The Outstanding JAAE Publication Award is limited to articles published in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (JAAE). Selection Criteria: Selection of award winners will be made by committees appointed by the President of the SAEA. All nominations will be judged by the same criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Relevance and importance of topic, problem, or issue addressed; Application of appropriate economic principles, methods, and concepts; Appropriate use of logic, scientific approach, method, or process; Contribution of results and/or process to advancing the agricultural economics profession; and Transferability of achievement to professional development of other economists. Nomination Process: Outstanding JAAE Publication: 1. JAAE articles appearing in the previous year (2001) will routinely be considered by the selection committee. No supporting materials are required. 2. JAAE articles appearing in preceding years (before 2001) may be nominated for consideration by the selection committee. Nominations must include a copy of the article and letters (or other materials) supporting the relevance and professional quality of the nominated publication. 3. Invited and refereed articles are eligible for consideration. 3 Teaching of a Course: 1. Statements, no longer than two double -spaced pages, should be submitted by the nominator to the SAEA Past-President. These statements should summarize the contribution of nominated works with respect to the evaluation criteria listed above as they relate to the teaching of a course of instruction. 2. A brief resume of extension economist(s) nominated and a brief summary of course covered by nomination. 3. A copy of formal evaluations and description of teaching aids or materials supporting nomination (e.g., VHS videotape sample of nominee’s teaching would be helpful). 4. Letters supporting contribution of nominated work with respect to the evaluation criteria listed above (maximum of 3). Extension Program: 1. Statements, no longer than two double -spaced pages, should be submitted by the nominator to the SAEA Past-President. These statements should summarize the contribution of nominated works with respect to the evaluation criteria listed above as they relate to the extension program nominated. 2. A brief resume of extension economist(s) nominated and a brief summary of the extension program nominated. 3. A copy of formal evaluations and extension program materials supporting nomination. 4. Letters supporting contribution of nominated work with respect to the evaluation criteria listed above (maximum of 3). Graduate Student Paper: As stated in the above eligibility requirements, graduate students must be full-time students (may be on part time assistance) and student members of the SAEA. The focus of the Graduate Student Paper award is on single authored student papers written for academic courses and not previously published in academic outlets or presented at professional meetings. Papers which are “cut and paste” from theses or dissertations will be disqualified. 1. Statements, no longer than two double -spaced pages, should be submitted by the nominator to the SAEA Past-President. These statements should summarize the contribution of nominated works with respect to the evaluation criteria listed above as they relate to a graduate student paper. 2. A brief resume of the author(s) of the graduate student paper nominated. 3. A copy of the nominated paper and a summary of any other directly related work of nominee(s). 4. Letters supporting the relevance and professional quality of the nominated paper (giving consideration to the professional status of author(s)) and its value as an example for other graduate students (maximum of 2). 5. The winning graduate student will receive a $500 cash award and, if the student wishes, the paper will be published in the August issue of the Journal. Award Winner Responsibilities ?• Acceptance of an award carries a commitment on the part of the award winner to share this work, in person, with other members of the profession at the next annual meeting of the SAEA. Award recipients will be asked to summarize and highlight their accomplishments in a poster presentation at the annual meeting. Poster session guidelines will be made available to award recipients. Award winners will be notified at least 30 days before the annual meetings. Mail four copies of nominations for Distinguished Professional Contributions Awards by September 26, 2003 (postmarked, 1st class mail, no FAXed nominations will be accepted) to: Dr. Steve Turner Dept. of Agric. Econ. P. O. Box 5187 Mississippi State University Mississippi State, MS 39762 Phone: 662-325-2750 Fax: 662-325-8777 email: turner@agecon.msstate.edu Telephone and e -mail are for information only, please. SOUTHERN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION February 14 - 18, 2003 Tulsa, Oklahoma LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD CALL FOR NOMINATIONS The Southern Agricultural Economics Association requests nominations for its Lifetime Achievement Award. This award recognizes individual distinguished contributions to the profession over a career. Purpose of the Award • To recognize significant and enduring contributions in the scholarship or public service to southern agricultural economics. Scholarship would entail teaching and research, while public service would embrace not only extension but all other outreach activities in government and agribusiness. Nature of the Award • The award shall be called “Southern Agricultural Economics Association Lifetime Achievement Award.” The winners of the award shall be announced annually with the awards presented at the annual meetings of the SAEA. Each recipient will receive a framed certificate and a free membership to the Southern Agricultural Economics Association for the remainder of his or her life. Eligibility Requirements • Nominees must have completed at least 25 years of professional service and must have made significant contributions to the profession. This award is in recognition of one’s contribution to southern agricultural economics throughout a professional career. The award may be given posthumously. The recipient need not live (or have lived) in the southern region, but must have been a member of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association at some time in his or her career. Nomination Procedure • Nominations must be made by SAEA members and/or agricultural economics and related departments. Nominations will consist of the following: A statement, not longer than two double -spaced pages, summarizing the contributions in scholarship (teaching and/or research) and/or public service (extension and other outreach activities including such activities in government or agribusiness) to southern agricultural economics throughout the nominee’s professional career. A detailed resume of the nominee. Copies of not more than three published works which exemplify research contributions of the nominee and a brief summary of other works which provide tangible evidence of the nominee’s contributions to southern agricultural economics; and/or summaries of courses taught, topics covered, formal evaluations of teaching, and not more than three tangible examples of teaching aids or other tangible examples of extension or outreach program materials exemplifying the nominee’s contributions in public service to southern agricultural economics. Letters indicating contributions the nominee has made to southern agricultural economics (maximum of 3). A synopsis of the candidate’s career suitable for publication in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. See examples in the August issue of the JAAE. Selection Committee • The Selection Committee for the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Lifetime Achievement Award shall be composed of the Past-President of the SAEA and three members of the SAEA, not on the executive committee, to be appointed to staggered three-year terms by the President. The Past-President will chair the selection committee and will be the liaison between the selection committee and the SAEA executive committee. The deadline for nominations is September 26, 2003 (postmark, 1st class mail). Mail four copies of nominations to: Dr. Steve Turner Dept. of Agric. Econ. P. O. Box 5187 Mississippi State University Mississippi State, MS 39762 Phone: 662-325-2750 Fax: 662-325-8777 email: turner@agecon.msstate.edu Telephone and e -mail are for information only, please. 5 SOUTHERN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION February 14 - 18, 2004 Tulsa, Oklahoma CALL FOR SYMPOSIUM PROPOSALS Eligibility Guidelines • The purpose of an organized symposium is to stimulate discussion of a single theme or problem related to agricultural economics. Interdisciplinary proposals are welcomed and encouraged. The emphasis on audience discussion and participation distinguishes a symposium from a selected papers session. At least one participant must be a SAEA member. If not, a check for $30 for a regular membership for one year ($35 for international) should be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer of SAEA. Submission Guidelines • Proposals must be submitted via email no later than Friday, August 29, 2003. Email should be addressed to Richa rd Kilmer at: kilmer@ufl.edu. The email subject must be “SAEA Organized Symposium Proposal.” The body of the email must include the following items: (a) name, affiliation, address, phone number, and email address of the organizer, (b) the symposium title, (c) the name of the attached file containing the proposal, and (d) the attachment file type (Word or WordPerfect). The proposal must be attached to the email as a Word or WordPerfect file and follow the submission format below. Proposals are limited to three pages in length, including the cover page (single or double spaced on 8 ½" x 11" paper with 1- inch margins on all sides, 12 point font). Questions regarding submission format for organized symposia should be addressed to Richard Kilmer, Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida, P.O. Box 110240, Gainesville, FL 32611-0240, Phone: (352) 392-1881, kilmer@ufl.edu. Selection, Presentation, and Publication • Acceptance decisions, based on evaluations by a committee from among the SAEA membership, will be communicated to the symposium organizer. All proposed participants must agree to be at the meetings, prior to submitting symposium proposals. The time allotted to selected symposia will be one hour and 45 minutes, of which at least 30-45 minutes should include open discussion with the audience. Abstracts of selected symposia will be published in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Proposal Submission Format: Page 1: Organizer: (please include address, phone number, and email address) Title: Tentative Symposium title Abstract: Summary of “Justification and Description” from pages 2 and 3; 100 words maximum Moderator and Participants: Names, affiliations, titles, and viewpoints to be represented, for all participants. Addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses must also be included for all participants. Format: Specify time allocated to formal statements by presenters, discussion among presenters, and audience participation. Pages 2 and 3: Justification and Description: Why is this topic timely and appropriate? What is the purpose to be served? What are the unique dimensions offered by the proposal? SOUTHERN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION MEETINGS February 14 - 18, 2004 Tulsa, Oklahoma CALL FOR SELECTED PAPER PROPOSALS Eligibility Guidelines: Proposals on any aspect of agricultural economics are welcomed. Papers presented or published previously are not eligible. At least one author must be a SAEA member. If not, a check for $30.00 for a regular membership for one year ($35 for international) should be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer of SAEA. Submission Guidelines: Proposals must be submitted via e-mail no later than Friday, September 12, 2003. E-mails should be addressed to Dr. Rod M. Rejesus at roderick.rejesus@ttu.edu. The e-mail subject must be "SAEA Selected Paper Proposal 2004." The body of the e-mail serves as the cover page for the proposal and must include the name, affiliation, address, phone number, and e-mail address of all authors, the title of the paper, the subject area(s), the name of the attached file containing the proposal, and the attachment file type (Word or WordPerfect). The proposal must be attached to the e-mail as a MS Word (Word2000 or lower) or a WordPerfect (Version 8.0 or lower) file. Please follow the submission format below. Please do not include the authors’ names in the attached proposal file and make sure to delete all electronic marks that may identify the authors (i.e. delete the names in the ‘Properties’ tab of a MS Word file). Proposals are limited to two pages in total length (in addition to the cover page) and should be single-spaced on 8" x 11" paper with 1 inch margins on all sides, 12 pitch font. Authors will receive an e-mail confirmation of receipt of their submission. Selection, Presentation, and Publication: Acceptance decisions, based on evaluations by reviewers from among the SAEA membership, will be communicated to authors. For accepted selected paper proposals, SAEA requires that a hard copy of your final paper be sent to: Dr. Jaime Malaga, Dept. of Agric. & Appl. Econ., Texas Tech Univ., Box 42132, Lubbock, TX 79407-2132. Hard copy of the final paper should be postmarked no later than January 16, 2004. Final manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages in total length (including figures, tables, and references) and must be double spaced on 8.5" x 11" paper. Please see the back cover of a recent issue of the J. of Agric. and Appl. Econ. (JAAE) for other format guidelines. Authors of accepted papers will also need to post electronic versions of the final paper in the AgEcon Search website by January 16, 2004. Final versions of abstracts must be submitted via e-mail by January 16, 2004. Abstracts of selected papers will be published in the JAAE. Authors failing to meet the above January 16th deadline will not have their abstract published in the JAAE and may be pulled from the program. If you have any questions or concerns you can email or call Dr. Rod Rejesus (Tel. 806-742-0261 ext 253; email: see above) or Dr. Jaime Malaga (Tel. 806-742-0261 ext 241; email: jaime.malaga@ttu.edu). Submission Format: I. Cover Page (in the body of the E-mail) a. Author(s) (Please include name, affiliation, address, phone number, and E-mail address of all authors) b. Title c. Subject Area(s) (Two subject areas may be selected. Rank if more than one is selected) ____International Agriculture and Trade ____Resource and Environmental Economics ____Food Consumption, Safety, and Policy ____Rural/Community Development ____Agricultural Policy ____Research Methods - Quantitative - Econometrics ____Marketing and Industrial Organization ____Teaching ____Agribusiness and Finance ____Extension ____Farm Management and Production Econ. ____ Others (Pls. specify)________________________ d. Name of the Attached File containing the proposal e. Attachment File Type(Word is preferred but WordPerfect is acceptable) II. Proposal (in the e-mail attachment) (No authors' names in proposal) a. Title e. Data and methods b. Abstract (100 words or less) f. Results/Expected Results c. Objectives g. Discussion d. Background 7 SOUTHERN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION February 14 - 18, 2004 Tulsa, Oklahoma CALL FOR POSTERS The Southern Agricultural Economics Associa tion (SAEA) is soliciting proposals for posters to be presented at the 2004 annual meeting in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Eligibility • Posters on all topics of agricultural and applied economics are welcome. Previously presented or published posters are ineligible . Only one submission per sole or senior author will be considered. At least one author must be an SAEA member. Otherwise, include a check made out to SAEA for an annual membership ($30 regular or $35 international). Selection, Presentation, and Publication • Submissions will be judged on (a) relevance to members of the association, (b) importance of the work, (c) quality of the work, and (d) clarity of communication. Authors of selected posters will be given information on poster preparation for and presentation at the SAEA meeting. Presented posters will be judged and winners will be announced at the SAEA awards ceremony. Abstracts of selected posters will be published in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Submission information: Cover page: Author(s): For each author include name, affiliation, address, phone number, email, and SAEA membership status. Indicate corresponding author. Poster Title: Poster Abstract: (up to 100 words) Subject Matter: (rank if more than one) ___ Agricultural and Food Policy ___ Quant/Research Methods ___ Agricultural Finance ___ Rural/Community Develop. ___ Farm Manage. and Production ___ Agribusiness Primary audience: G Research G Teaching G ___ Marketing and Agric. Prices ___ Resource and Environ. Econ. ___ International Economics Extension/Outreach Two-page proposal: The proposal is limited to two, single -spaced, 8.5" by 11" pages with one-inch margins on all sides, and a font size of at least 11 points. In narrative form, include the following information. 1) Title 2) Problem statement and importance of work 3) Data and methods 4) Major results and implications 5) References Send cover page and proposal to : kenkel@okstate.edu Mail to: Dr. Philip Kenkel Dept. Agricultural Economics 516 Ag Hall Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74075 Phone: 405-744-9818 Fax: 405-744-9835 Submissions must be sent by Friday, August 29, 2003. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR EDITOR, JAAE JAAE editor John Penson’s term of office ends in the fall of 2004. The editorship of our journal is critical to the continued success of the SAEA. With this notice, we invite statements of interest for the editorship. The Executive Board will be making a decision this fall and hope to have a new editor appointed in time to attend the February meetings in Tulsa. While the Association makes every effort to cover costs, we understand the position of JAAE editor entails costs for the individual(s) and the host department. However, we have an outstanding professional journal and the professional rewards for serving as editor are substantial. We encourage anyone interested to contact Les Myers at myersl@vt.edu by July 30, 2003. Those interested will be asked to complete a formal proposal for Executive Board evaluation. Questions concerning what is involved may be directed to Les Myers, John Penson or any Executive Board member. Previous editors in reverse chronological order are: John Penson – Texas A&M (current editor) Chuck Moss, Jim Seale – University of Florida Charlie Huang, Mike Wetzstein – University of Georgia Barry Bobst, Dave Debertin, Angelos Pagoulatos – University of Kentucky John Brooker, Dan McLemore – University of Tennessee Steve Miller, Gary Wells – Clemson University John Adrian, Rob Martin – Auburn University Leo Guedry, Ken Paxton, Al Schupp – Louisiana State University Bob Schulstad – University of Arkansas John Nixon, Wen Williams – University of Georgia Gerald Doeksen – Oklahoma State University Rod Martin – USDA – Texas A&M Unviersity ANNOUNCEMENTS Southern Regional Science Association – 43 rd Annual Meetings New Orleans, Louisiana, March 11-13, 2004, USA The Southern Regional Science Association’s 43rd annual meeting will be held at the LePavillon Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana on March 11-13, 2004. Papers from all areas of regional science are welcome. If you have an idea for a session or panel, please contact Mark Partridge, St. Cloud State University, 2004 Program Chair. The deadline for abstracts for papers is December 15, 2003. Mark can be contacted by e-mail at mpartridge@stcloudstate.edu. For additional information, the SRSA web site at (http://www.srsa.org) will have more details. Food Distribution Research Society 2003 Annual Conference Call For Research Reports, Updates And Posters The Society welcomes submissions of research reports, research updates and poster session presentations for the 44th Annual Conference, which will be held October 26-29, 2003, at the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino in Biloxi, MS. Send all materials to: Dr. Delmy L. Salin USDA-Economic Research Service Room 5096 N Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 694-5170 All materials should be postmarked no later than July 1, 2003. Authors will be notified about the status of their submissions by August 31, 2003. For more information visit our website “http://fdrs.ag.utk.edu”. 9 Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2003Membership Renewal/Application ______________ New Member _______________ Update My Address Membership is based on January through December calendar year. Journal subscriptions begin with the next issue after payment is received. NAME:___________________________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Initial) Agency/Company/University:___________________________________________________ Department:_________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State/Province:____________________ Zip: _____________________________ Country: __________________________________ Email: _________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ SAEA MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY (check one): LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP (Based on age on or before January 1 of year applying): Full benefits and voting rights open to those who are at least 55 years old. ? 55-59 $275 ? 65-69 $195 ? 60-65 $225 ? 70+ $150 NORTH AMERICA (U.S. Canada, Mexico, and Caribbean) ? $30 Students Please Note: A special student rate of $10 may be available through your department – see your Department Chair or Graduate Adviser for details. This special rate is paid through your department, not with this form. INTERNATIONAL (all other countries) ? $35 Please make checks payable to: SAEA and mail to the address below: Lonnie Vandeveer, Sec/Treas, SAEA Dept. Agr. Econ. & Agribusiness 101 Ag. Admin. Bldg. Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Phone (225) 578-2266 FAX (225) 578-2716 Email: lvandeveer@agcenter.lsu.edu Website: www.saea.org 2004 SAEA ANNUAL MEETINGS Tulsa, Oklahoma February 13 -18, 2004 SAEA Newsletter Going Electronic Important Dates/Deadlines Symposium proposals Selected poster proposals Selected paper proposals Award nominations August 29, 2003 August 29, 2003 September 12, 2003 September 26, 2003 The September Newsletter will contain ballots for election of SAEA officers . Effective with the December issue, the SAEA newsletter began electronic distribution via email notification. The newsletter is posted at our website: www.saea.org and members are notified via email that the newsletter is available. Hard copies will be mailed to current members who are unable to receive the newsletter electronically. Requests for distribution via regular mail should be sent to the SAEA Secretary/Treasurer. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 11