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They Had Faces Then: Max Factor and the 30s Hollywood Close Up (7-9 September 2017)

2017, "That’s Entertainment!” Spectacle, Amusement, Audience and the Culture of Recreation in the Audiovisual Contexts of English-Speaking Countries, Università di Bologna, Bologna

That’s Entertainment! Spectacle, Amusement, Audience and the Culture of Recreation in the Audiovisual Contexts of English-Speaking Countries Spectacle, recreation, amusement, free time, in a word entertainment: not something accessory, but rather a key element in understanding not only an aesthetic expression, but also certain socio-economic transformations, and in reality also political, of 20th century modernity. And yet the role played by the entertainment dimension in the codification, in particular, of the cultural specificity of the twentieth century, over and above the canons imposed by so-called high culture, is still today undervalued and only occasionally investigated in a careful and in-depth manner. What relations have been established, in the era of new means of mass communication, between popular entertainment and official culture? What effects have been produced by specific performative and recreational practices, coming from the various fields of expression (theatre, music, radio, serious and popular literature, comic strips) not only in the linguistic but also systemic evolution of cinema and television? What is the role played by technology in the development of recreational forms, including audiovisual, in the 20th century? How is the body viewed, engaged, or conceived, and what notion of personality and actoriality is imposed after the diffusion of a certain idea of entertainment? And again: to what extent, in the era of new media and the internet, can the main ways of entertainment - and their exploitation - that dominated the last century, still be operative? The twenty-third SERCIA conference will endeavor to answer these and other questions, trying to offer new historical perspectives on the cultural forms of entertainment in the audiovisual production of English-speaking countries, that is to say in those territories in which greater space has been given to the conception of amusement that over the years has ended by imposing itself at a global level, transforming the customs, habits and the very culture of many nations, not only in the west. ALMA MATER STUDIORUM UNIVERSITà DI BOLOGNA dipartimento delle arti visive, performative mediali That’s Entertainment! Spectacle, Amusement, Audience and the Culture of Recreation in the Audiovisual Contexts of English-Speaking Countries Societé d’Etudes et de Recherche sur le Cinéma Anglophone 23rd SERCIA International Conference September 7, 8, 9, 2017 Dipartimento delle Arti Università di Bologna, Italy Keynote speakers: Richard Dyer (University of St Andrews) Krin Gabbard (Columbia University) Conference organized by: Michele Fadda Sara Pesce Scientific committee: Jean-François Baillon Giulia Carluccio Leonardo Gandini Michele Fadda Giacomo Manzoli Enrico Menduni Franco Minganti Guglielmo Pescatore Sara Pesce David Roche Gianluca Sergi Peter Stanfield Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Dipartimento delle Arti La Soffitta - Centro di promozione teatrale info: tel. 051 2092400 www.dar.unibo.it www.facebook.com/lasoffitta.unibo Logistic and communication: Articolture 051 18899687 info.dar@articolture.it darvipem.comunicazione@unibo.it Organizational secretary: Costanza Salvi costanza.salvi2@unibo.it In collaboration with: Laboratori delle Arti, Piazzetta P.P.Pasolini, 5/b live streaming - free entrance https://events.unibo.it/serciaconference-darvipem-bologna-2017 7 9,00 Registration 9,30 Auditorium: Welcoming address Greetings and Introduction, Michele FADDA and Sara PESCE, Università di Bologna 10,00 - 11,20 Auditorium: Keynote address. The Space of Entertainment Richard DYER, University of St. Andrews Discussant: Giacomo MANZOLI, Università di Bologna 11,20 coffee break 11,40 - 13,30 Auditorium: Panel 1. Chair: Veronica INNOCENTI, Università di Bologna Entertainment as a Genre in Media, Social Networking and Consumer Culture Enrico MENDUNI, Università degli Studi Roma 3 14,30 -16 Auditorium: Panel 2. Chair: Sara PESCE, Università di Bologna Retro-active: Pride’s Nostalgia as Unofficial Heritage Louis BAYMAN University of Southampton Mourning the Studio System: Nostalgia, Cinephilia, and Entertainment in Feud Bette and Joan Ilaria DE PASCALIS Università degli Studi Roma 3 Tears: The Case of Two Silent Clowns in He Who Gets Slapped (Victor Sjoström 1924) and The Laughing Man (Paul Leni 1928) Raphaëlle COSTA DE BEAUREGARD, Université de Toulouse II - Jean Jaurès Art, Entertainment, and Spectatorship in Woody Allen’s Cinema Gilles MENEGALDO Université de Poitiers ore 9,30 - 11 Auditorium: Keynote address. La La Land Is a Hit. But Is It Good for Jazz? Krin GABBARD, Columbia University Discussant: Franco MINGANTI, Università di Bologna 11,00 coffee break Woody Allen and the Spectacle of Magic Isabelle SCHMITT-PITIOT Université de Bourgogne The World as a Toy. On Miniaturization, Nostalgia, and Atmosphere in Wes Anderson’s Grand Budapest Hotel Lorenzo MARMO Università di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’ Entertaining with Movement: the Essence of Animation Pierre FLOQUET Université de Bordeaux 14,30 - 16 Teatro: Panel 3. Chair: Luca BARRA, Università di Bologna 16,20 - 18,10 Teatro: Panel 5. Chair: Hervé MAYER, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre The Perfection Series. Informercial Demonstrations as Entertaining Programs Adriano D’ALOIA Università Uninettuno Roma Des étoiles au dés/astre: le monde entropique de Maps to the Stars de David Cronenberg Isabelle LABROUILLERE, Université de Toulouse II - Jean Jaurès Texts and Audiences in the New TV Entertainment Environment Piergiorgio DEGLI ESPOSTI, Antonella MASCIO, Roberta PALTRINIERI Università di Bologna That’s Infotainment David LIPSON Université Paris Sud Who’s Running the Show? Structure and Governance in Hollywood Today Gianluca SERGI, University of Nottingham You Cannot Spell Supernatural Without Fandom: Dynamics of Entertainment and Parasocial Relationship inside Supernatural Fandom Olimpia CALÌ, Università di Messina Show Must Go On. Hollywood à travers les spectaculaires métamorphoses du film A Star Is Born (1937, 1954, 1976) Jean Baptiste CHANTOISEAU Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle 13,30 -14,30 lunch 8 A star is porn. Part obscène de l’entertainment dans Showgirls de Paul Verhoeven (1995) Xavier DAVERAT Université de Bordeaux 16,00-16,20 coffee break 16,20 - 18,10 Auditorium: Panel 4. Fatima CHINITA, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa What Price Hollywood? Grooming Daisy Clover for Stardom Zeenat SALEH Université de Franche-Comté Besançon Entertainment Between Laughter and 19,00 Cocktail 11,20 -13 Auditorium: Panel 6. Chair: Leonardo GANDINI, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia The Bitter Politics of Audio-visual Metafiction in the Digital Age: Bourdieu, Rancière, Black Mirror 1.1 (Channel 4, 2011) and I, Daniel Blake (Ken Loach, 2016) David ROCHE Université de Toulouse II - Jean Jourès Debating the War on Terror in Entertainment Cinema: The Politics of Spectacle in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Zack Snyder, 2016) Hervé MAYER Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, Land of Wolves: The Spectacle of the Border/The Border as Entertainment in Sicario Celestino DELEYTO Universidad de Zaragoza 11,20 - 13 Teatro: Panel 7. Chair: Isabelle LE CORFF, Université de Bretagne Occidentale Theatre Performance in Wes Anderson’s Films: Meaningful Games or Mere Entertainment? Julie ASSOULY, Université d’Artois Danny Boyle’s The Beach (2000), The Most Dangerous Game? Anne-Marie PAQUET-DEYRIS Université Paris Ouest Nanterre From The Sixth Sense (M. Night Shyamalan, 1999) to Memento (Christopher Nolan, 2000): Re-viewing as Entertainment Christophe GELLY Université Clermont Auvergne Avatars, Spectacle, and Identity in Atom Egoyan’s Adoration (2008) Chloé MONASTEROLO Université de Toulouse II - Jean Jourès, Would keep a person entertained whether he or she wanted to be or not - le potentiel d’entertainment des films musicaux hollywoodiens classiques à l’épreuve des discours de spectateurs Fanny BEURÉ, Université Paris Diderot L’Entertainment, une nouvelle science cinématographique? Yola LE CAÏNEC Université de Rennes 2 13,00 - 14,00 lunch 14,10 -16 Auditorium: Panel 8. Chair: Michele FADDA, Università di Bologna Film Documentary, Government Propaganda, and Entertainment: The Case of Lorentz’s Films of Merit Zachary BAQUÉ Université de Toulouse II - Jean Jaurès Crooners & Cowboys: How 1930s American Sensibility Was Shaped by Vocal Tracks Costanza SALVI, Independent Scholar They Had Faces: Max Factor and the Making of the Star Close-up in 1930s Hollywood Silvia VACIRCA Università di Roma La Sapienza, Richmond University 14,10 - 16,00 Teatro: Panel 9. Chair: Gilles MENEGALDO, Université de Poitiers When is Entertainment? Multi-level Reality in Hollywood Musicals (from 42nd Street to La La Land) and a Few Other Genres Dominique SIPIÈRE Université Paris Ouest Nanterre The Aura of Entertainment: Baz Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge! and The Show that Must Go On Fatima CHINITA Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa 16,00 coffee break 16,20 - 18,00 Auditorium: Panel 10. Chair: Gino SCATASTA, Università di Bologna Re-creating the West: Robert Altman’s Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull’s History Lesson (1976) Penny STARFIELD Université de Caen Normandie The Role of Audiovisuals in Building the Pop Celebrities’ Identities: The Case of The Beatles and a Comparison with Contemporary State of the Art Lucio SPAZIANTE Università di Bologna TV Party and Social(ist) Events in No Wave Films Céline MURILLO, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Excitingly Different and Disquieting Unusual: Entertainment and the Incredibly Strange Culture Alessandra CHIARINI Università di Bologna 16,20 - 18,00 Teatro: Panel 11. Chair: CELESTINO DELEYTO, Universidad de Zaragoza “ …Presents”: The Framing of Horror Entertainment in Television Anthology Series Philippe MET Pennsylvania University None Are Immune: The Spread of Zombietainment in 21st Century Film, Television and Beyond Elizabeth MULLEN Université de Bretagne Occidentale Framing Reality Entertainment in Contemporary Cinema: The Case of Humilitainment Sébastien LEFAIT Université Paris 8 Vincennes-St.Denis Vampire?… Vous dites toujours vampire? (ou quel(s) genre(s) de «divertissement(s)» le vampire nous propose-t-il aujourd’hui ?) Stella LOUIS Université Paris Ouest Nanterre 20,00 dinner 9 9,30 - 11,00 Auditorium: Panel 12. Chair: Penny STARFIELD, Université de Caen Normandie The World Is a Stage: Entertainment, Spectacle, and Mike Leigh’s Discourse of Class Jean-François BAILLON Université Bordeaux-Montaigne British Nonsense and the Culture of Recreation in Film Isabelle LE CORFF Université de Bretagne Occidentale From Kitchen Sink to Bollywood: Differing Regional and Ethnic Constructions of Filmic Entertainment in 1960s Britain Melvyn STOKES University College London Post-Bollywood: Entertainment Through Globalization? Kristian FEIGELSON, Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle 9,30 - 11,00 Teatro: Panel 13. Chair: Elizabeth MULLEN, Université de Bretagne Occidentale You Know The Trope: But Do We? Entertainment on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Anaïs LE FÈVRE-BERTHELOT Université de Rennes 2 Without Schwarzie: Female Bodily Performance in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Fox, 2008-2009) Marianne KAC-VERGNE Université de Picardie Jules Verne “Big Ben Said Stop!”, Portobello, When Entertainment Shocked the Italian Public Service Broadcaster Anna BISOGNO Università degli Studi Roma 3 11,00 coffee break 11,30 Auditorium SERCIA General Meeting Conclusions