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A joint Initiative of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and Ifo Institute for Economic Research Working Papers EDUCATION, GROWTH AND INCOME INEQUALITY Coen Teulings Thijs van Rens* CESifo Working Paper No. 653 (4) January 2002 Category 4: Labour Markets CESifo Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research Poschingerstr. 5, 81679 Munich, Germany Phone: +49 (89) 9224-1410 - Fax: +49 (89) 9224-1409 e-mail: office@CESifo.de ISSN 1617-9595 ¯ An electronic version of the paper may be downloaded • from the SSRN website: www.SSRN.com • from the CESifo website: www.CESifo.de * We would like to thank Mikael Lindahl and Daniele Checchi for sharing their datasets. We are also grateful to Robert Shimer, Giorgio Primiceri and Alan Krueger for helpful comments. CESifo Working Paper No. 653 January 2002 EDUCATION, GROWTH AND INCOME INEQUALITY Abstract When types of workers are imperfect substitutes, the Mincerian rate of return to human capital is negatively related to the supply of human capital. We work out a simple model for the joint evolution of output and wage dispersion. We estimate this model using cross-country panel data on GDP and Gini coefficients. The results are broadly consistent with our hypothesis of diminishing returns to education. The implied elasticity of substitution fits Katz and Murphy’s (1992) estimate. A one year increase in the stock of human capital reduces the rate of return by about 2 per cent. The combination of imperfect substitution and skill biased technological change closes the gap between the Mincer equation and GDP growth regressions almost completely. JEL Classification: E20, J24, O10, O15. Coen Teulings Tinbergen Institute Erasmus University Burg. Oudlaan 50 3062 PA Rotterdam The Netherlands Teulings@few.eur.nl Thijs van Rens Princeton University Department of Economics 001 Fisher Hall Princeton NJ 08544-1021 U.S.A. 1 I nt r oduct ion If workers wit h various levels of educat ion were perfect subst it ut es, relat ive wages would be independent of t he dist ribut ion of human capit al. However, st udies int o t he subst it ut ability of worker types, for example K at z and Murphy (1992), have shown t hat t his is not t he case. T hen, a simple economic argument est ablishes t hat t he Mincerian rat e of ret urn should be negat ively relat ed t o t he average years of educat ion among t he workforce. Raising t he average years of educat ion in t he economy makes low-skilled workers more scarce, raising t heir wages, while at t he same t ime increasing t he supply of highly educat ed workers, t hereby reducing t heir wages. This mechanism reduces t he ret urn t o human capit al. T he relat ion between GDP and educat ion at t he aggregat e level is a simple re‡ect ion of a Mincerian earnings funct ion at t he micro level, when ext ernalit ies of educat ion can be ignored, as is suggest ed by a number of recent st udies (Heckman and K lenow, 1997; Acemoglu and Angrist , 1999). T his simple t heory of imperfect subst it ut ion between workers wit h di¤erent levels of human capit al has joint implicat ions for GDP and income dispersion. The e¤ect of an increase in t he mean level of educat ion on GDP should decline wit h t he level of educat ion. Hence, we expect a negat ive second order e¤ect of increases in t he educat ion level on growt h. Since wages are t he main source of income for most families, measures of income inequality should be posit ively relat ed t o t he ret urn t o educat ion. T he average level of educat ion in t he economy a¤ect s t he ret urn t o schooling negat ively. Hence, it compresses t he wage dist ribut ion. The main idea of t his paper is t o simult aneously est imat e t he e¤ect of t he average educat ion level on GDP and income dispersion. T he applicat ion of t he Mincerian earning funct ion as t he driving force in t he relat ion between GDP and educat ion put s t his paper in t he ext ensive st ream of research int o t he cross count ry relat ion between educat ion and growt h. In Barro and Sala-i-Mart in (1999), a higher educat ion level makes t he labor force more able t o deal wit h t echnological innovat ions, yielding a relat ion between t he level of human capit al and t he growt h of out put . Barro and Sala-i-Mart in found indeed t hat t he level of educat ion has a st rong and signi…cant e¤ect on fut ure GDP growt h, as did Benhabib and Spiegel (1994) in an earlier st udy. T he e¤ect of t he growt h in educat ion on t he growt h of out put , condit ional on t he e¤ect of t he level of educat ion, is insigni…cant in t heir regressions. T hese result s cast doubt on t he relevance of t he Mincer equat ion for t he aggregat e level, increasing t he popularity of human capit al based endogenous growt h models. Following K rueger and Lindahl (2000), we argue t hat t hese conclusion are due t o a 2 number of misspeci…cat ions. Measurement error at t enuat es t he coe¢ cient for t he growt h in educat ion. However, just Krueger and Lindahl’s argument does not …ll t he whole gap between t he Mincer equat ion and t he GDP growt h regression. T he long run rat e of ret urn t o educat ion remains above any reasonable est imat e. Gallup, Sachs and Mellinger (1999) show t hat geography mat t ers for GDP. Proximity t o t he sea for t ransport and a t emperat e climat e t o avoid t ropical diseases are great advant ages t o a count ry. A combinat ion of …xed e¤ect s due t o geography, imperfect subst it ut ion between types of labor, and skill biased t echnological progress brings us much closer t o a full reconcilliat ion of t he GDP dat a and t he Mincer equat ion. Count ries wit h a favorable geography are richer and can t herefore invest more in human capit al. Hence, human capit al variables pick up part of t he favorable …xed geography e¤ect . The init ial advant age in human capit al increases in t he course of t ime due t o skill biased t echnological progress. T his gives t he impression t hat educat ion yields a higher growt h of GDP, not a higher level. Previous st udies on t he relat ion between inequality and growt h have focused on t he e¤ect of t he one upon t he ot her, some papers arguing t hat growt h reduces inequality (t he so called K uznet s curve), ot hers highlight ing t he e¤ect of inequality on growt h (see Bénabou 1996 for a survey). Our approach di¤ers from t his lit erat ure, in t hat we t ake bot h inequality and growt h as dependent variables, simult aneously det ermined by t he level of human capit al. If t he average educat ion level has a negat ive e¤ect on inequality and a posit ive e¤ect on growt h, as implied by our model, t hen t his provides an explanat ion for t he negat ive correlat ion between inequality and growt h t hat has spurred t his lit erat ure. T he t heoret ical framework we apply is derived from an assignment model wit h het erogeneous workers and het erogeneous jobs, see Teulings (2001). Highly educat ed workers have a comparat ive advant age in complex jobs. The ret urn t o educat ion is t herefore higher in more complex jobs. When t he supply of highly educat ed workers increases, t here are insu¢ cient complex jobs for t hem. Some high skilled workers have t o do less complex jobs, where t heir human capit al has a lower ret urn. This yields a negat ive relat ion between t he aggregat e supply of educat ion and it s Mincerian rat e of ret urn. We t est t his relat ionship by ent ering a second order t erm in educat ion in a GDP regression. Furt hermore, educat ion should ent er negat ively in a regression of t he variance of log wages, since a reduct ion of t he Mincerian rat e of ret urn compresses wage di¤erent ials. T he simple model we present in t he next sect ion formalizes t hese ideas. We also use our est imat es t o derive t he compression elasticity: t he percent age decline in t he ret urn t o human capit al per percent increase in t he value of it s st ock. T his concept relat es our result s t o K at z and Murphy’s (1992) est imat e of t he elast icity of subst it ut ion between 3 low- and highly skilled workers, providing a check on t he int erpret at ion of our est imat ion result s. Our empirical work uses Barro and Lee’s (1999) panel dat a on GDP and educat ion and Deininger and Squires’ (1996) dat a on Gini coe¢ cient s for 100 count ries over t he period 1960-1990. Alt hough t he micro labor lit erat ure has shown t hat t he log-linear Mincerian wage equat ion is st rikingly robust (see Card 1999 for a survey), t he est imat ed ret urns for di¤erent count ries vary subst ant ially (Psacharopoulos 1994; Bils and K lenow 1998). T his paper exploit s t his variat ion t o est imat e t he degree of subst it ut ability between worker types. We will also present direct evidence of diminishing ret urns t o educat ion from a cross sect ion of Mincerian rat es of ret urn est imat ed from micro dat a for various count ries. Empirical research in t his area is t roubled by t he issue of causality: does a higher educat ion level lead t o higher GDP or is it t he ot her way around. T he same problem applies t o t he relat ion between educat ion and income inequality. Indeed, Bils and K lenow (1998) have argued t hat t he posit ed causat ion from educat ion t o growt h should be reversed. However, t heir argument s apply t o t he endogenous growt h relat ion, and not t o t he Mincerian relat ion invoked here.1 Our solut ion t o t he endogeneity problem relies on t he t ime-lags in t he causat ion from GDP t o average level of schooling of t he populat ion. First , t he polit ical syst em has t o decide on spending of addit ional t ax revenues on educat ion. Then, new t eachers have t o be t rained and schools have t o be built . Only t hen t he …rst new cohort can undergo t he improved t raining. It will t hen t ake some years or so before t he …rst cohort of bet t er educat ed st udent s ent er t he labor market . It t akes several new cohort s of bet t er educat ed workers before t here is a not iceable e¤ect on t he average level of educat ion of t he workforce. We argue t herefore, t hat it is reasonable t o assume t hat GDP only a¤ect s educat ion level wit h a lag of at least 10 years. We explore whet her our result s are driven by a few count ries t hat experience high growt h during t he sample period (e.g. Asian t igers). Our empirical result s provide st rong support for a negat ive relat ion between t he supply of human capit al and it s ret urn. Moreover, t he est imat ion result s are also largely mut ually consist ent quant it at ively: a one year increase in t he st ock of human capit al reduces it s ret urn by about 2 percent age point s. T his est imat e is consist ent wit h K at z and Murphy’s (1992) est imat e of t he elast icity between low and high skilled workers. We account for skill biased t echnological progress by ent ering cross e¤ect s of t ime 1 Bils and K lenow (1999) argue t hat if endogenous growt h is due t o t he role of educat ion di¤using t he most recent st at e of t echnology, t hen t he educat ion of new cohort s should be more valuable, leading t o a negat ive correlat ion between growt h and t he ret urn t o experience. 4 dummies and educat ion. T his relat es our analysis t o O’Neill (1995). He asks t he quest ion as t o why t he huge invest ment s in human capit al by LDCs have not cont ribut ed t o a convergence in GDP between LDCs and t he indust rialized world. His explanat ion relies on skill biased t echnological progress: “ T he recent shift in product ion t echniques t oward high-skilled labor has result ed in a subst ant ial increase in t he ret urns t o educat ion. T his t rend, when combined wit h t he large disparit ies t hat st ill exist in educat ion levels between t he developed and less developed count ries, has led t o an increase in inequality despit e t he signi…cant reduct ion in t he educat ion gap t hat has occurred over t he last 20 years.” (p.1299). Our result s con…rm his analysis. T he int eract ion t erms of educat ion and t ime dummies allow inference on t he pace of skill biased t echnological change. T he GDP and inequality regressions yield quant it at ively similar est imat es, suggest ing skill biased t echnological change t o account for a 3% t o 4% increase in t he ret urn t o educat ion per decade. This is equivalent t o t he reduct ion in t he ret urn t hat would be achieved by a 0.8 year increase in t he average level of schooling, about as much as t he act ual increase in t he educat ion level over period covered by our sample. Finally, our analysis reduces t he di¤erence between t he long and t he short run rat e of ret urn t o educat ion from a fact or 6, as in K rueger and Lindahl (2000), t o less t han 2. One can t herefore conclude, wit h some exaggerat ion, t hat T inbergen’s race (1975) between educat ion and t echnology and Mincer’s earnings funct ion rule t he world. T he paper is st ruct ured as follows. In sect ion 2, we present a simple Walrasian model wit h imperfect subst it ut ion between types of labor. Sect ion 3 discusses t he dat a and present s t he est imat ion result s. Sect ion 4 concludes. 2 2.1 T heor et ical fr am ewor k A simple gr owt h model wit h em phasis on human capit al Consider t he long run growt h pat h of an economy wit h physical and human capit al. All market s are perfect ly compet it ive, so t hat wages equal marginal product ivity. We specify bot h a simple aggregat e product ion funct ion and a Mincerian earnings funct ion. First , consider t he Mincerian earnings funct ion. Let wi t be t he log wage of worker i at t ime t and let si t be t he years of schooling she at t ained; wi t is assumed t o sat isfy t he Mincerian earnings funct ion: wi t = ! 0 (St ; t) + ! 1 (St ; t) si t + ¾ui t ´ wt (si t ; ui t ) (1) where St is t he average educat ion level of t he workforce in t he economy, ui t is a mean zero unit variance random variable represent ing ot her charact erist ics of workers (like 5 experience and innat e ability) and ¾is it s st andard deviat ion. Bot h t he int ercept ! 0 (¢) and t he Mincerian rat e of ret urn t o human capit al ! 1 (¢) vary over t ime and wit h t he average educat ion level of t he workforce. Equat ion (1) is const rained t o be linear in si t , implying t hat t he rat e of ret urn t o educat ion at part icular point in t ime t is independent of t he years of schooling of an individual worker. T his assumpt ion plays an import ant role in t he subsequent analysis. Next , consider t he aggregat e product ion funct ion. Let out put per worker be governed by a const ant ret urns t o scale Cobb Douglas product ion funct ion: yt ht = ´ ®ht + (1 ¡ ®) kt ¯ 1St ¡ 2 1 2 ¯ 2St (2) + ¯ 3St t + ¯ 4t where yt is log out put per worker, kt log capit al per worker and ht is log average pro¯ dh t > 0. The …rst t erm in t he expression for ht duct ivity. We assume St < ¯ 1 , so t hat dS t 2 measures t he e¤ect of schooling. T he second t erm measures t he diminishing ret urns t o educat ion: t he higher t he mean level of educat ion of t he workforce, t he smaller t he ret urn t o addit ional schooling. T he t hird t erm capt ures t he e¤ect of skill biased t echnical progress, while t he …nal t erm re‡ect s neut ral t echnical progress: ot her t hings equal, t he ret urn t o educat ion increases over t ime when ¯ 3 > 0. First , consider t he role of capit al in t his economy. Firms maximize pro…ts per worker, yielding a …rst order condit ion for t he opt imal capit al st ock: RK t = (1 ¡ ®) Yt ) kt = yt + ln (1 ¡ ®) ¡ ln r (3) where Yt and K t denot e t he exponent ials of t he corresponding lower case variables, and R is t he rent al rat e of capit al which we assume t o be const ant over t ime. Equat ion (3) re‡ect s t he st andard result for a Cobb Douglas t echnology t hat t he share of capit al in out put is equal t o 1 ¡ ®. We assume t hat …rms adjust t heir capit al st ock su¢ cient ly fast , so t hat we can ignore deviat ions from it s equilibrium value. Then, combining t he FOC for capit al and t he product ion funct ion: yt = kt = 1¡ ® (ln (1 ¡ ®) ¡ ln r ) ® 1 ¯ 1St ¡ 21 ¯ 2St2 + ¯ 4t + ¯ 3St t + (ln (1 ¡ ®) ¡ ln r ) ® ¯ 1St ¡ 2 1 2 ¯ 2 St + ¯ 4t + ¯ 3St t + (4) T he equat ions for log out put and capit al are ident ical, up t o a const ant t erm. Est imat ion of t he separat e cont ribut ions of human and physical capit al on t he basis of equat ion (2) is t herefore problemat ic, due t o endogeneity of kt . In t he absence of measurement 6 error in bot h St and kt , equat ion (2) is unident i…ed since ¯ 1St ¡ 12 ¯ 2St2 + ¯ 4t + ¯ 3St t is collinear wit h kt . In t he presence of measurement error, t he relat ive magnit udes of t heir coe¢ cient s merely re‡ect s t he precision of t heir measurement . Krueger and Lindahl (2000) argue t hat capit al dat a are correlat ed t o out put by const ruct ion, since invest ment dat a …gure in bot h series. Hence, measurement error in bot h series are likely t o be correlat ed. T his explains why t hey …nd 1 ¡ ® t o be much higher t han one would expect on t he basis of capit al’s share in out put (about 0.35). We shall t herefore omit capit al from all our regressions and report est imat ion result s for equat ion (4) only. Next , consider t he role of types of labor in t his economy. We have a similar condit ion for labor as for capit al, aggregat ing over all individuals: Z Z ®Yt = Wt (s; u) f t (s; u) dsdu (5) where f t (s; u) is t he joint cross-sect ional density of s and u, and Wt (s; u) ´ exp (wt (s; u)) is t he wage rat e of an individual wit h s years of schooling and charact erist ics u. Labor get s a share ® of t ot al out put . Marginal product ivity t heory implies t hat t he increase in out put from adding one worker wit h charact erist ics (s; u) t o t he workforce of t his economy raises out put by Wt (s; u). T his implicat ion ext ends t o t he (marginal) e¤ect of new human capit al: a marginal increase in t he years of educat ion of worker i will raise out put by: @Wt (si t ; ui t ) @Yt = = Wt (si t ; ui t ) ! 1 (St ; t) @si t @si t (6) where Yt denot es aggregat e out put , and Wt (si t ; ui t ) is given by t he Mincer equat ion (1). Equat ion (6) st at es t hat t he increase in out put due t o an increase in t he schooling level of worker i by an amount h, equals t he gain in out put due t o t he addit ion of a worker wit h charact erist ics (s + h; u) minus t he loss in out put due t o t he removal of a worker wit h charact erist ics (s; u). Consider an increase of t he years of educat ion of all workers by an equal amount dsi t = ds for all i . By const ruct ion, t he average years of educat ion St changes by t hat same amount : dSt = ds, t hus shift ing t he marginal dist ribut ion of educat ion t o t he right . (si t ;u i t ) T hen, each worker’s wageincreases by an amount @W t @ ds = Wt (si t ; ui t ) ! 1 (St ; t) ds. si t T he change in t ot al out put is obt ained from t he product ion funct ion (2): @Yt ds = (¯ 1 ¡ ¯ 2St + ¯ 3t) ®Yt ds @St 7 By equat ion (6), t he e¤ect of t his increase in St on aggregat e out put is equal t o t he sum over all workers of t he increases in individual wages. T hus: Z Z @Wt (s; u) @Yt = f t (s; u) dsdu @St @s Z Z (¯ 1 ¡ ¯ 2St + ¯ 3t) ®Yt = ! 1 (St ; t) Wt (s; u) f t (s; u) dsdu = ! 1 (St ; t) ®Yt where t he t hird equality follows from equat ion (5). T he second line relies on t he linearity of t he Mincerian earnings funct ion (1) in si t , for ot herwise ! 1 (St ; t) could not be brought out side t he int egral. Dividing t hrough by t he labor share, we obt ain an expression for t he ret urn t o educat ion: ! 1 (St ; t) = ¯ 1 ¡ ¯ 2St + ¯ 3t (7) T he increase in log aggregat e out put is equal t o Mincerian rat e of ret urn t o educat ion. Or, in ot her words, t he privat e ret urn t o educat ion, as measured in a cross sect ion analysis on individual wages, is equal t o t he social rat e of ret urn, as measured in a t ime series analysis of log aggregat e out put . T his conclusion does not come as a surprise, since in t his Walrasian world, t here are no ext ernal e¤ect s of schooling decisions. T he ret urn t o educat ion ! 1 (¢) det ermines relat ive wages of workers wit h various levels of educat ion. If ¯ 2 were 0, t hen t he relat ive wages would be independent of St and workers wit h di¤erent levels of educat ion would be perfect subst it ut es. Wit h ¯ 2 > 0, an increase in t he mean level of educat ion in t he economy reduces t he rat e of ret urn t o educat ion. Teulings (2001) provides a product ion t echnology t hat yields t his implicat ion.2 2.2 I nequalit y and t he compr ession elast icit y An increase in t he level of educat ion reduces t he ret urn on furt her invest ment s in human capit al by ¯ 2dSt . T his fall in t he ret urn on human capit al compresses wage di¤erent ials. We use t his relat ion t o analyze t he int eract ion between t he evolut ion of out put and income dispersion D t . For simplicity, capit al income is assumed t o be dist ribut ed 2 Because we do not need an expression for ! 0 (St ; t) for our empirical applicat ion, it is not present ed here. However, t he declining marginal ret urn t o educat ion implies t hat a below average educat ed worker gains from an increase in t he mean level of human capit al, whereas an above average worker looses out (in bot h cases, keeping const ant t he human capit al of t hat worker). 8 proport ional t o labor income, so t hat t he log wage dist ribut ion and t he log income dist ribut ion di¤er only by t heir …rst moment . We assume t hat si t and ui t are joint ly normally dist ribut ed, wit h correlat ion ½. Furt hermore, we assume t hat t he variance of si t is const ant over t ime V (si t ) = V .3 We can t hen derive an expression for t he variance of log income D t = V (wi t ) from t he Mincer equat ion (1). Dt = ! 1 (St ; t) 2 V + 2! 1 (St ; t) V 1=2¾½+ ¾2 = µ0t ¡ µ1t St + µ2St2 (8) where µ0t = (¯ 1 + ¯ 3t) 2 V + 2 (¯ 1 + ¯ 3t) V 1=2¾½+ ¾2 µ1t = 2¯ 2 (¯ 1 + ¯ 3t) V + 2¯ 2V 1=2¾½ µ2 = ¯ 22V T he variat ion in income due t o t he educat ion component is equal t o t he variance of years of educat ion, mult iplied by t he ret urn t o educat ion. T he second equality follows from subst it ut ion of equat ion (7). Equat ion (8) est ablishes cross equat ion rest rict ions on t he equat ions for out put and income dispersion. When informat ion on ½; ¾and V is available, t hese rest rict ions can be t est ed. Not ice t hat if ¯ 2 = 0, D t would not depend on St . T he coe¢ cient ¯ 2 relat es in a simple way t o earlier empirical …ndings, like K at z and Murphy’s (1992) est imat e of t he subst it ut ion elast icity between low- and highskilled workers of 1.4. For t his purpose, we de…ne t he compression elasticity ° as t he percent age reduct ion in t he ret urn t o human capit al per percent increase in t he value of it s st ock. T his elast icity can be calculat ed from equat ions (1) and (2) as t he relat ive reduct ion of t he ret urn t o human capit al per year increase in St , divided by t he e¤ect of t his increase in t he level of schooling on t he log value of t he st ock of human capit al: ° (St ; t) ´ ¡ ¡ @! 1 (St ; t) =@St ¯2 @ln ! 1 (St ; t) = = @ln H t ! 1 (St ; t) @ht =@St (¯ 1 ¡ ¯ 2St + ¯ 3t) 2 (9) Equat ion (9) implies t hat t he compression elast icity is increasing in St . This implicat ion is imposed by t he quadrat ic speci…cat ion for ht adopt ed in equat ion (2) and 3 T his is a crucial assumpt ion for t he analysis. If V varies over t ime, t he linear form of M incerian equat ion (1) would collapse, see Teulings (2001) for det ails. A n increase in V raises labor supply in bot h t ails of t he schooling dist ribut ion. T his reduces relat ive wages in t he t ails. In t he empirical sect ions, we shall adopt a pragmat ic approach, by including Vt as an addit ive cont rol variable in our regressions. 9 should not be t aken at face value. However, Teulings (2001) shows t hat t he compression elast icity is indeed increasing in t he level of human capit al in t he special case of a Leont ief product ion t echnology over di¤erent types of labor.4 T he compression elast icity relat es t o t he K at z and Murphy elast icity of subst it ut ion between high and low-skilled labor ´ low-high by t he following relat ion, see Teulings (2001): 1 ° (St ; t) = (10) ´ low-high D t Using Kat z and Murphy’s (1992) est imat e of ´ low-high = 1:4 and using a typical value for wage dispersion in t he Unit ed St at es of D t » = 0:36, t he compression elast icity is of t he order of magnit ude of 2 for t he Unit ed St at es. We will use equat ions (9) and (10) t o compare K at z and Murphy’s est imat e t o our est imat ion result s. 2.3 W hy linear it y of t he M incer equat ion is im por t ant T he int erpret at ion of t he second order e¤ect of years of educat ion on GDP as being caused by imperfect subst it ut ability of worker types relies on t he linearity of t he Mincer equat ion in si t . In t hesubsequent argument , we ignore t echnological progress and assume ui t and si t t o be uncorrelat ed for convenience. Suppose t hat workers wit h various levels of schooling are perfect subst it ut es (so ! 0 and ! 1 do not depend on St ), but t hat t he Mincerian earnings funct ion (1) is concave in t he years of educat ion: wi t = wt (si t ; ui t ) = ! 0 + ! 1si t ¡ 2 1 2 ! 2si t + ¾ui t (11) T hen, repeat ing t he derivat ion of equat ion (7), we get : Z Z @Yt @Wt (s; u) = f t (s; u) dsdu @St @s Z Z (¯ 1 ¡ ¯ 2St ) ®Yt = (! 1 ¡ ! 2s) Wt (s; u) f t (s; u) dsdu In appendix A we show t hat t he int egral has an analyt ic solut ion, and t he above expression can be writ t en as: ¶ µ !2 !1 ¡ St ®Yt (12) (¯ 1 ¡ ¯ 2St ) ®Yt = ! 2V + 1 ! 2V + 1 4 In t hat case, t he compression elast icity sat is…es (dropping t he t ime dependence for convenience) ° (S) = ° (0) exp [° (0) ! 10 1 (0) S] Hence, t he model implies: ¯2= !2 ! 2V + 1 T his expression yields an alt ernat ive int erpret at ion for ¯ 2 > 0. Inst ead of imperfect subst it ut ion between types of labor, t he negat ive second order e¤ect of educat ion on out put is now int erpret ed as declining marginal ret urns t o human capit al for each individual worker. In t his case t he aggregat e ret urn t o human capit al also declines when t he human capit al st ock increases since every worker moves along it s schedule of declining marginal ret urns. We can derive an equat ion for income inequality D t for t his int erpret at ion which is observat ionally equivalent t o equat ion (8). Again, t his yields an alt ernat ive int erpret at ion of a negat ive e¤ect of St on income inequality. In fact , any combinat ion of concavity of t he Mincerian earnings funct ion and imperfect ion in t he subst it ut ability of worker types can explain ¯ 2 > 0. Dat a on out put and t he variance of log income alone do allow t o disent angle bot h models. However, as observed by Krueger and Lindahl (2000), t he abundant empirical evidence on t he Mincerian earnings funct ion does not suggest any syst emat ic non-linearit ies in t he relat ion between log wages and years of schooling. We shall t herefore int erpret t he second order e¤ect in t he log out put equat ion as evidence t hat di¤erent types of labor are imperfect subst it ut es. 3 3.1 Em pir ical evidence D at a sour ces Our empirical analysis is largely based on dat a from two sources: t he Barro and Lee (1996, 1993) dat a on educat ional at t ainment and t he Deininger and Squire (1996) dat a on income inequality. These dat aset s were supplement ed wit h dat a on real GDP per worker from t he Penn World Table (Summers and Hest on 1991) mark 5.6a. T he Barro and Lee dat aset cont ains det ailed dat a on educat ional at t ainment for 114 count ries for t he period 1960-1990 in int ervals of 5 years. Barro and Lee report t he fract ion of t he populat ion t hat at t ained a cert ain educat ion level, as well as t he average durat ion of t his educat ion level. T hey use t hese dat a t o const ruct t he average educat ion level of t he populat ion in years. We also calculat e a rough est imat e of t he variance of t he educat ion dist ribut ion.5 5 Barro and Lee calculat e average years of educat ion from at t ainment dat a (percent age of t he populat ion t hat have at t ained a cert ain level of schooling) combined wit h dat a on t he typical durat ion of 11 Deininger and Squire (1996) use result s from a large number of st udies and assess t heir comparability. T heir dat aset cont ains Gini coe¢ cient s of t he income dist ribut ion for 115 count ries from 1947 t o 1996. We use only t he ‘high quality’ dat a for t he period 1960-1990. The ‘high quality’ label is provided by Deininger and Squire on t he basis of t hree crit eria: dat a are (i ) based on a nat ional household survey, (ii ) which is represent at ive of t he populat ion, and (iii ) in which all sources of income have been count ed. T he t ot al number of observat ions in t he high quality sample is 693. T he dat a cont ain missing values due t o limit at ions t o t he t ime period of dat a availability, and due t o missing observat ions wit hin t hat t ime period. For virt ually all count ries, dat a are available only every two or …ve years or at irregular int ervals. We const ruct dat a for 5 year int ervals from 1960 t o 1995 by linear int er- and ext rapolat ion.6 T his met hod yields a dat aset cont aining 370 observat ions for 98 count ries. Only for 58 count ries we have t hree or more observat ions. We calculat ed t he variance of log income from t he Gini coe¢ cient s, assuming t hat log income is dist ribut ed normally. T he det ails of t his calculat ion can be found in appendix B. Table 1 summarizes t he main variables in t he combined dat aset .7 3.2 D ir ect est imat es of diminishing r et ur ns t o educat ion Before present ing t he est imat ion result s for our main dat aset , we present some est imat es of t he e¤ect of t he mean years of schooling on t he ret urn t o human capit al as measured direct ly from individual dat a. In t able 2 we have ranked a large number of count ries each level of schooling (1996, p.218). We can express t he calculat ion as: S = f pr i Spr i + f sec (D pr i + Ssec ) + f h i g h (D pr i + D sec + Sh i gh ) where S is average years of schooling in t he t ot al populat ion, f l ev el is t he fract ion of t he populat ion t hat has at t ained a cert ain educat ion level (no educat ion, primary educat ion, secondary educat ion or higher educat ion), D l ev el is t he typical durat ion of t he di¤erent educat ion levels, and Sl ev el is t he average durat ion of a cert ain educat ion level for t hose people t hat have not cont inued t o at t ain a higher educat ion level. Int uit ively Sl ev el < D l ev el due t o early drop-out . T he calculat ion of average years of schooling in t his expression is just an expect ed value, which suggest s t he following proxy for t he variance in educat ion wit hin each count ry (cf. Checchi 1999): 2 2 2 2 V (S) = f pr i Spr i + f sec (D pr i + Ss ec ) + f h i gh (D pr i + D sec + Sh i gh ) ¡ S For int erpolat ion we use xbt = n +n p x t ¡ p + n +p p x t + n , where n is t he t ime span t ill t he next observat ions and p · 2 is t he t ime span since t he previous observat ion. For ext rapolat ion we use t he observat ion t hat is closest by. T his procedure is e¢ cient if t he Gini follows a random walk, as is almost t rue empirically. 7 T he dat a are available at ht t p:/ / www.princet on.edu/ ~t vanrens/ paper. 6 12 for which such est imat es of t he ret urn t o schooling are available. The dat a are obt ained from Bils and Klenow (1998) and include est imat es from Psacharopoulos (1994) and ot her aut hors (sources in t he t able). We have plot t ed t he ret urn t o educat ion against t he average schooling level in …gure 1, panel A. Apart from Jamaica, t here is a clear negat ive relat ionship between t he two. T he ret urn t o educat ion is plot t ed against income inequality in Panel B. T his relat ion document s t hat inequality is indeed st rongly relat ed t o t he ret urn t o educat ion. Table 3 present s t he result s for some simple regressions on t hese dat a. Obviously, t hese est imat es should be int erpret ed wit h some care. The dat a in t able 3 provide t he best est imat es t hat are available for many count ries, but it is not clear t o which ext end t hese est imat es are comparable across count ries. In part icular, t he underlying st udies di¤er in whet her and how t hey account for ability bias and measurement error. Nevert heless, t he est imat es are informat ive. T hey show t hat t he ret urn t o educat ion is about 16% for count ries wit h an educat ion level of zero, and decreases by about 0.7% for every year of educat ion. For t he average educat ion level of 5.3 years in our sample, t his would correspond t o a ret urn t o schooling of 12%. In t he US, wit h an average educat ion level of 12 years of schooling in 1990, t he ret urn t o educat ion would be about 7.5%. T his simple cross sect ion analysis provides t herefore …rst evidence of t he negat ive relat ion between t he ret urn t o educat ion and t he mean years of schooling in t he economy. T he t ime dummies suggest t hat t here has been skill biased t echnological progress from 1985 t o 1990, raising t he ret urn t o human capit al by 4%. However, t here is lit t le act ion before 1985. The est imat ion result s even suggest a negat ive skill bias in t hat period, but t he result s are insigni…cant . Weight ing count ries by log GDP per worker or log populat ion size does not a¤ect t hese conclusions. 3.3 Est imat ion r esult s for G D P We apply an error correct ion version of equat ion (4) for out put as a st art ing point for our empirical analysis. We replace t he t ime t rends in skill biased and neut ral t echnological progress by dummies t o allow for variat ions in t heir pace. Indexing count ries by j , t he equat ion we est imat e is: ¢ yj t = ¡ ±yj t ¡ 1 + ¢ ¯ 0t + ±¯ 0t ¡ 1 + ¯ 1t ¢ Sj t ¡ 12 ¯ 2¢ Sj2t ¡ ¢ + ¢ ¯ 1t + ±¯ 1t¡ 1 Sj t ¡ 1 ¡ 21 ±¯ 2Sj2t ¡ 1 + vj t = ¡ ±yj t ¡ 1 + ° 0t + ° 1t ¢ Sj t + ° 2¢ Sj2t + ° 3t Sj t ¡ 1 + ° 4Sj2t¡ 13 (13) 1 + vj t where vt is an error t erm. The short run ret urn t o human capit al is ° 1t + 2° 2Sj t ¡ 1, while t he long run ret urn is (° 3t + 2° 4Sj t ¡ 1) =±. K rueger and Lindahl (2000) have shown t hat est imat es of t he ret urn t o human capit al from t his type of model are st rongly a¤ect ed by at t enuat ion bias because of measurement error when using short t ime int ervals. However, t he longer t he t ime int erval, t he great er t he risk of reverse causality. As argued in t he int roduct ion, we t ake it t o be unlikely t hat shocks t o GDP have a major impact on t he mean level educat ion wit hin 10 years. Hence, we apply a 10 year observat ion int erval. T his implies t hat we have at most 3 observat ions on t he change in educat ion for each count ry, 1960 t ill 1990. Est imat ion result s for equat ion (13) are report ed in Table 4. Column (1) replicat es K rueger and Lindahl (2000, Table 3). The result s di¤er slight ly because we use GDP per worker rat her t han GDP per capit a. The short run e¤ect of 8% addit ional GDP per year educat ion is roughly consist ent wit h t he micro lit erat ure on t he Mincerian earnings funct ion. T he long run e¤ect t akes a long t ime t o mat erialize, as can be seen from t he low coe¢ cient of t he level of GDP lagged. However, t he long run e¤ect is 6 t imes larger t han t he short run e¤ect (0.00297/ 0.00616 = 48 log point s increase in GDP per addit ional year of educat ion), exceeding by far any est imat e of t he Mincerian rat e of ret urn. Column (2) of Table 4 adds t he crucial second order e¤ect in educat ion. It s coe¢ cient has t he expect ed negat ive sign and is signi…cant at t he 5% level. T he second order t erm is about 1/ 20 of t he …rst order t erm, bot h for t he short and t he long run t erms. T his rat io of one over 20 will be a recurrent t heme in all our est imat es. This regression implies a ret urn t o educat ion in t he range of -1.7% t o 10% for an average educat ion level of 12 t o 4 years. When we allow for skill biased t echnological change as in column (3) t he coe¢ cient ° 1 seems t o increase subst ant ially, but t his is because t he reference cat egory for t he t ime dummy int eract ions is 1990. Alt hough t he short run cross-e¤ect s of t ime dummies and educat ion are not very precisely measured, t hey provide some informat ion regarding t he nat ure of t echnological progress. T heir negat ive sign is evidence of skill biased t echnological progress: keeping const ant t he average educat ion level, t he ret urn t o educat ion has gone up over t he period. The pace of skill biased t echnological progress increased dramat ically during t he eight ies, raising t he ret urn by as much as 6.7%. To get some idea about t he size of t he impact of skill biased t echnological progress, we can use t he second order t erm for educat ion t o calculat e t he increase in average years of 0:067 = 4 years. T he e¤ect of skill educat ion t hat is required t o o¤set t his increase: 2¤0:0085 biased t echnological progress on t he ret urn t o schooling in t he eight ies (one decade) was about twice as high as t he e¤ect of t he increase in t he average educat ion level over t he 14 whole sample period (t hree decades). T he long run coe¢ cient s yield a similar pict ure. Not e however t hat t he long run ret urn t o educat ion is st ill 6 t imes higher t han t he short run ret urn. We report some speci…cat ion t est s in columns (4) t hrough (6). Column (4) adds t he variance in t he years of educat ion. This does not a¤ect t he result s. In columns (5) and (6) observat ions are weight ed by log GDP per worker and log populat ion size respect ively. Again, t his does not make much di¤erence. T he WLS est imat es show t hat our result s are not driven by a few very poor or very small count ries, and are consist ent wit h t est s t hat show t hat t here is no het eroskedast icity in t he residuals. We also est imat ed t he model wit h random and …xed e¤ect s. T hese regressions st rongly suggest t he presence of count ry speci…c …xed e¤ect s. T his does not come as a surprise. Gallup, Sachs and Mellinger (1999) have shown t he import ance of geography for growt h and GDP. Access t o open sea or navigable rivers is an import ant advant age. Count ries wit h a t emperat e climat e do much bet t er t han count ries in t he t ropical zone. T he aut hors present evidence t hat t he e¤ect of climat e is likely t o be due t o t ropical diseases, in part icular malaria. Where t hese fact ors are largely …xed (t here is some reduct ion in t he number of count ries where malaria is endemic), we should allow for …xed e¤ect s in our est imat ion. OLS est imat ion of equat ion (13) is inconsist ent in t he presence of …xed e¤ect s as yt¡ 1 is correlat ed wit h t he …xed e¤ect . Also, OLS in …rst di¤erences would be inconsist ent because of t he lagged dependent variable. We t herefore use t he met hodology set out in Blundell and Bond (1998). We respecify equat ion (13) as: yj t = ° 0t + (1 ¡ ±) yj t ¡ 1 + ° 1t Sj t ¡ (° 1t ¡ ° 3t ) Sj t ¡ + ° 2Sj2t ¡ (° 2 ¡ ° 4) Sj2t ¡ 1 + f j + "j t 1 (14) where we assume: E [" j t f j ] = 0 E [" j t " j t ¡ s ] = 0 for s 6 = 0 E [" j t Sj t ¡ s ] = 0 for s ¸ 0 T he t hird assumpt ion re‡ect s our ident ifying assumpt ions t hat shocks " j t in log GDP t ake at least t en years t o have a signi…cant e¤ect on St . T he e¢ cient GMM est imat or of equat ion (14) uses t he following moment condit ions (Arellano and Bond 1991) E [¢ " j t yj t ¡ s] = 0 for s ¸ 2 E [¢ " j t Sj t ¡ s] = 0 for s ¸ 1 15 which follow direct ly from our assumpt ions on t he error t erm above. We est imat ed t his model using t he DPD98 for Gauss package (Arellano and Bond 1998). Table 5 gives t he est imat ion result s. Column (1) is ident ical t o column (3) in t able 4, but now present ed in levels as in equat ion (14). Column (2) repeat s column (1) in …rst di¤erences. Bot h est imat ors are inconsist ent . Column (3) present s t he GMM est imat ion result s using t he above moment condit ions. The result s are insigni…cant , as was t o be expect ed given t he small number of observat ions and short t ime dimension of our dat a. Blundell and Bond (1998) suggest joint ly est imat ing equat ion (14) in …rst di¤erences and in levels. T his result s in an e¢ ciency gain, part icularly in panels wit h a short t ime dimension, because t he est imat or uses addit ional moment condit ions. We have t o make one addit ional assumpt ion: E [f j ¢ Sj t ] = 0 T hen, two addit ional moment condit ions are available: E [(f j + " j t ) ¢ yj t ¡ s] = 0 for s ¸ 1 E [(f j + " j t ) ¢ Sj t ¡ s] = 0 for s ¸ 0 Columns (4) and (5) present t he est imat ion result s using all moment condit ions, where we use a two st ep procedure t o account for t he covariance st ruct ure in t he error t erms in column (5). We t ake column (5) as t he benchmark for our discussion. T he Sargan t est -st at ist ic for t he validity of inst rument s is 12.65 wit h 12 degrees of freedom (p-value is 39.5%), accept ing t he over-ident ifying rest rict ions. T he rat io of t he …rst and second order t erm of St is st ill about 20, bot h for t he cont emporaneous and t he lagged e¤ect . However, t he long run e¤ect is now much closer t o t he short run e¤ect t han in Table 4: 0:13 t he short run e¤ect of t he …rst order t erm is 0:46 and t he long run e¤ect 0:46¡ 1¡ 0:63 = 0:89, less t han 2 t imes t he short run ret urn. T his is as close as our analysis will bring us t o t he Mincerian wage equat ion. Finally, t here is clear evidence of skill biased t echnological progress, raising t he ret urn t o educat ion by about 4.5% during t he eight ies and about 3.5% during t he ninet ies (keeping const ant t he mean level of educat ion). T he est imat e for t he diminishing ret urns t o educat ion ¯ 2 = 2° 2 = ¡ 0:048 is about 7 t imes higher t han t he direct est imat e in t able 3. The combinat ion of allowing for …xed e¤ect s and skill biased t echnological change is crucial for t his result . T here is a clear int uit ion for t his. Geography gives some nat ions an init ial advant age over ot hers. These count ries can a¤ord a higher level of invest ment in human capit al, raising t heir level of St . Hence, St is correlat ed wit h t he …xed e¤ect and is likely t o pick up some of t he e¤ect s 16 of geography in a regression wit hout …xed e¤ect s. Next , count ries wit h a high level of St see t heir init ial advant age increased by skill biased t echnological progress. When we do not allow for t his type of t echnological progress by including t ime dummies crossed wit h St , t his e¤ect shows up as endogenous growt h due t o a high init ial level of educat ion. A combinat ion of T inbergen’s race between educat ion and t echnology, Mincer’s ret urn t o human capit al and Gallup, Sachs and Mellinger’s geography gives t herefore a …ne descript ion of t he evolut ion of GDP between 1960 and 1990. T he ret urns t o educat ion by decade, evaluat ed at t he average educat ion level across count ries in our sample are as follows. Average educat ion level St Ret urn t o Educat ion 1970 3.83 19.9% 1980 4.56 20.8% 1990 5.32 20.6% Not ice t hat t he numbers are not st rict ly comparable over t ime because some count ries do not have dat a on educat ion for t he whole sample period. T he number for 1980 is about twice t imes Krueger and Lindahl’s est imat e of 8.5%. However, t he ret urn is much lower in t he OECD count ries. It is even negat ive for t he count ry wit h t he highest educat ion level, t he Unit ed St at es (St = 12 in 1990).8 A 0.8 year increase in t he mean value of St during eight ies su¢ ces t o o¤set t he e¤ect of skill biased t echnological progress, which seems t o be a more realist ic number t han t he 4 years calculat ed on t he basis of t able 3. T he race between educat ion and t echnology has no clear winner: t he upward e¤ect of t echnology is o¤set by t he increase in t he average educat ion level across t he world. From equat ion (9) we can calculat e t he compression elast icity evaluat ed at t he average educat ion level in 1990 using t he est imat es of column (5): ° (5:3; 1990) = 1:14. T his is lower t han t he value of 2 implied by Kat z and Murphy’s (1992) est imat e of t he elast icity of subst it ut ion between highly and low-skilled workers. However, t heir est imat e applies t o t he Unit ed St at es. We cannot calculat e t he complexity dispersion paramet er for t he Unit ed St at es due t o it s est imat ed negat ive rat e of ret urn t o human capit al, but t heory suggest s t hat t he complexity dispersion paramet er is increasing in St , see t he discussion in Sect ion 2.2. Hence, our est imat ion result s are reasonably consist ent wit h K at z and Murphy’s elast icity of subst it ut ion. As point ed out by Krueger and Lindahl (2000), a short er observat ion period exacerbat es t he consequences of measurement error in ¢ St . In t able 6 we report t he est imat ion 8 One expect s t his result t o be due t o t he rest rict ed funct ional form of t he model, using only a quadrat ic in educat ion. We t ried including a t hird order t erm, but t he dat a cont ain insu¢ cient variat ion t o allow reliable est imat ion. 17 result s for K rueger and Lindahl’s speci…cat ion and for our baseline regression (t able 4, column 3) using 5, 10 and 20 year changes. Reading t he t able horizont ally, we see t hat ¡ ¢ t he coe¢ cient est imat es for ¢ St and ¢ St2 increase as we use longer t ime int ervals. From column (1) t o column (3) t he number of observat ions drops from 607 t o 292. Nevert heless t he signi…cance of t he paramet er est imat es increases subst ant ially. The long run coe¢ cient s do not change much. Moving from a 10 t o a 20 year observat ion period raises t he coe¢ cient s even furt her, t hough not by far as much as in K rueger and Lindahl’s speci…cat ion. This result is problemat ic for t he conclusions of K rueger and Lindahl. Measurement error provides a just i…cat ion for using long t ime int ervals, but t here is no clear rule as t o how long t he int erval should be. Whereas t he long run ret urn is 6 t imes higher t han t he short run ret urn when measured by using 10 year int ervals, one can increase t he est imat e of t he short run ret urn t o almost any level by using longer and longer t ime di¤erence int ervals. Therefore, t he smaller di¤erence between long and short run ret urn and t he lower sensit ivity of t he est imat ion result s t o t he di¤erencing int erval applied, makes one feel more comfort able about t he int erpret at ion of t he result s. Columns (7) and (8) repeat t he est imat ions for 20 year t ime int erval wit h t he K yriacou (1991) dat a for educat ion. T he result s are largely similar t o t he Barro and Lee educat ion dat a. Table 7 present s a robust ness check. Our result s might be driven by a few count ries wit h except ionally high growt h rat es and except ionally high invest ment in human capit al, bot h persist ing over t he whole 30 year period covered. T his would open a channel for reverse causality by t he following st ory: some count ries grow fast over prolonged period, and use t heir addit ional revenues t o invest in educat ion. In t hat case, t he increase in t he average level of educat ion in t his observat ion period is just a predict or of t he raise in educat ion during t he previous observat ion period. Hence, we exclude …rst t he 10 highest and lowest observat ions on ¢ yt ; ¢ St ; yt and St in a number of regressions. Obviously, t his compression of t he variat ion in t he dat a reduces t he signi…cance of t he coe¢ cient s. However, t he crucial coe¢ cient ° 2 never changes sign and is quit e st able. 3.4 Est imat ion r esult s for inequalit y As st art ing point , we est imat e an ext ended version of equat ion (8): D j t = µ0t + µ1t Sj t + µ2Sj2t + µ3Vj t + " j t (15) where we added Vj t as a cont rol variable as discussed in sect ion 2.2. Again, we use a t en year observat ion period. T he dat a on income inequality are less comparable across 18 count ries t han t he dat a on GDP growt h and educat ion level. In part icular, t he Gini coe¢ cient s in t he Deininger and Squire dat aset are based on di¤erent de…nit ions: some use income and ot hers expendit ure dat a, some are based on t he household as a reference unit and ot hers on t he individual, some are based on gross and ot hers on net income. As suggest ed by Deininger and Squire (1996) we include dummy variables in t he regressions t o cont rol for changes in t he de…nit ion of t he income variable. T he OLS est imat ion result s for equat ion (15) are report ed in t able 8. Columns (1) t o (3) present result s for t he model in levels. Column (1) present s t he full model. The main variables St and St2 have t he expect ed sign, t hough t he lat t er is not signi…cant . Not e however, t hat just t he signi…cance of µ1t is su¢ cient evidence for ¯ 2 > 0, since neit her St nor St2 would have any e¤ect on income dispersion if ¯ 2 = 0. If t he correlat ion ½between ui t and si t were zero, t he model would imply t hat t he …rst and second order e¤ect s in t his regression di¤er by t he same rat io as t he …rst and second order e¤ect s in ¡ ¯2 µ2 = °° 2 , see equat ion (8). In our est imat es of t he GDP = 2¯ t he GDP equat ion: µ1t 1t 1t equat ion we found a rat her robust rat io of one over 20 between t he second and …rst order e¤ect s. In column (1), t his rat io is much lower. T his would be consist ent wit h a posit ive correlat ion between years of schooling and ot her worker charact erist ics, ½> 0, but due t o t he lack of precision in t he measurement of µ2, we cannot draw st rong conclusions. T his is document ed by t he result s in column (2): dropping t he t ime variat ion in µ1t raises µ2 by a fact or 2. We t ake column (2) as a benchmark. Test ing cross equat ion rest rict ions between (8) and (13) requires informat ion on V; ½; and ¾. An est imat e for V can be found in t able 1: V » = 12:6. Since we do not have a reliable est imat e for ½, t he subsequent calculat ions are based on ½= 0.9 The est imat ion result s in column (5) of t able 5 for 1990 imply: µ1t = µ2 = 2¯ 2 (¯ 1 + ¯ 3t) V = 4° 2° 1t V = 0:57 ¯ 22V = 4° 22V = 0:03 T he est imat ed values for µ1t in column (2) of t able 8 are a fact or 7 smaller t han what one would expect on t he basis of est imat e of t he GDP growt h equat ion. T he est imat e for µ2 is a fact or 18 t oo small. 9 T his provides a lower bound on t he e¤ect of educat ion on wage dispersion ³ ´ µ1t = 2¯ 2 (¯ 1 + ¯ 3 t) V + 2¯ 2 V 1=2 ¾½= 2¯ 2 ¯ 1 + ¯ 3 t + V ¡ 1=2 ¾½ V A n upper bound can be found by set t ing ½ = 1 and ¾2 equal t o t he t ot al variance of log wages: 1=2 ¾ = D t ' 0:75 from t able 1. In t hat case V ¡ 1=2 ¾½= 0:21, about half t he size of ¯ 1 + ¯ 3 t which is between 0.38 and 0.46, see Table 5. Hence, set t ing ½= 0 will not great ly a¤ect t he conclusions in t he t ext . 19 T wo remarks are in place here. First , t he est imat es for µ1 and µ2 (in absolut e value) are posit ively correlat ed: a low est imat e for µ1 generat es a low est imat e for µ2 as well. Const raining t he rat io between t he …rst and second order e¤ect t o 20, t he est imat e goes up t o µ1 = ¡ 0:15 (t¡ value: 9:39), reducing t he di¤erence wit h it s expect ed value on t he basis of t he GDP model t o a fact or 4. Second, in t he derivat ion of equat ion (8) we assumed t hat capit al income is dist ribut ed proport ionally t o labor income. This assumpt ion is clearly incorrect . Since capit al income account s for a large share on income inequality and since inequality is unrelat ed t o t he ret urn t o human capit al, t he empirical e¤ect of St on inequality can be expect ed t o be smaller t han predict ed by equat ion (8). T he proxy for t he variance of t he schooling dist ribut ion t hat we include as a cont rol variable in t he regressions is insigni…cant . T his suggest s t hat t he direct e¤ect of schooling on t he income dist ribut ion (a more homogeneous human capit al dist ribut ion leads t o less income dispersion) is less import ant t han t he indirect , general equilibrium e¤ect (a higher average educat ion level reduces t he ret urn t o human capit al and t herefore compresses t he income dist ribut ion). However, since we only have a crude proxy for t he variance of educat ion, we may expect it s coe¢ cient t o be at t enuat ed t owards zero. In any case it s inclusion does not a¤ect t he ot her coe¢ cient est imat es. Column (3) ent ers …xed e¤ect s as a robust ness check. T hough t he sign of t he coe¢ cient s remains consist ent wit h t he model, t hey are no longer signi…cant . An alt ernat ive way t o eliminat e count ry speci…c e¤ect s is by …rst di¤erencing equat ion (15). Est imat ion result s for t his model are present ed in columns (4) t rough (7). Column (4) present s t he result s when bot h St and St2 are included. Bot h µ1t and µ2 are insigni…cant , but have t he expect ed sign. Column (5) present s t he most robust t est of t he model: t est ing ¯ 2 > 0 by ent ering only St while allowing for …xed count ry e¤ect s by …rst di¤erencing. T he coe¢ cient for St is signi…cant . T he posit ive and signi…cant int ercept document s a rising t rend in income inequality, keeping educat ion const ant . This t rend can be explained by t he e¤ect of skill biased t echnological progress. Using t he result s in column (5) we can evaluat e t he size of t his D t =@St e¤ect . From equat ion (8) we have @@ D t =@t = ¯ 2=¯ 3 (again set t ing ½= 0). Hence, we can est imat e ¯ 2=¯ 3 as t he rat io of t he coe¢ cient for ¢ St and t he const ant t erm, yielding ¯ 2=¯ 3 = 5:6. From t he GDP regression in t able 5, column (5) we can ret rieve ¯ 2=¯ 3 as ¡ ¢ 2 £ t he coe¢ cient on ¢ St2 divided by est imat e for skill biased t echnological progress, t hat is, 3.5 % per decade. Hence ¯ 2=¯ 3 = 1:4. Based on t he est imat es for GDP one would have expect ed a four t imes higher int ercept in t he inequality regression. T his calculat ion indicat es t hat t here are ot her fact ors compressing inequality, which o¤set 20 t he e¤ect of skill biased t echnological progress. Columns (6) and (7) present result s when we weigh observat ions by log GDP per worker and log populat ion size. Like in t he GDP growt h equat ion, t his does not make a lot of di¤erence. We present a …nal robust ness check in column (8). As point ed out by At kinson and Brandolini (1999), addit ive dummy variables may be insu¢ cient t o cont rol for changes in de…nit ions of t he Gini coe¢ cient . We t herefore dummied all 21 observat ions wit h a de…nit ional change separat ely. T his correct ion is clearly asking t oo much from t he dat a (t he number of observat ions is only 77), and all coe¢ cient est imat es become insigni…cant , t hough t he coe¢ cient for ¢ St st ill has t he expect ed sign. 3.5 I nequalit y and gr owt h T he posit ive e¤ect of educat ion on GDP and it s negat ive e¤ect on inequality imply a negat ive correlat ion between inequality and GDP. We est imat ed t he global average ret urn t o educat ion at around 21%, and t he e¤ect of educat ion on t he variance of t he log income dist ribut ion at around -8% (evaluat ed at t he average educat ion level St = 4:56 in 1980). These est imat es imply a correlat ion between GDP and t he variance of log wages of Cor r (yj t ; D j t ) = ¡ 0:08 ¢0:21 ¢V (Sj t ) V (yj t ) ¡ 1=2 V (D j t ) ¡ 1=2 = ¡ 0:42 where we used t he variance of t he average educat ion level across count ries and t ime, and t he st andard deviat ions of yj t and D j t from t able 1. The observed correlat ion between yj t and D j t in our sample is ¡ 0:20, and t he correlat ion between ¢ yj t and ¢ D j t is ¡ 0:29. Most of t he exist ing lit erat ure has focused on t he relat ion between inequality and GDP growth (see Bénabou 1996 for a survey). However, since GDP growt h is correlat ed wit h t he level of GDP (correlat ion coe¢ cient 0.24), t he negat ive correlat ion between ¢ yj t and D j t (correlat ion is ¡ 0:13) t hat has spurred t his lit erat ure, may very well be due t o t he negat ive correlat ion between yj t and D j t caused by educat ion and possible ot her t hird fact ors. Inst ead, t he lit erat ure has focused on a causal relat ion between inequality and growt h, an approach t hat has recent ly been quest ioned by Quah (2001). Quah argues t hat because most of t he variat ion in inequality is across count ries and most of t he variat ion in growt h is across t ime, it is unlikely t hat inequality has an empirically relevant e¤ect on growt h. Our result s o¤er support for t his argument . Modelling GDP and inequality as being joint ly det ermined by educat ion implies an even larger negat ive correlat ion t han is observed in t he dat a. This approach seems more promising t han looking for a causal relat ion between inequality and growt h or vice versa. 21 4 Concluding r em ar ks We have shown t hat t he evolut ion of GDP, t he Gini coe¢ cient and t he rat e of ret urn t o educat ion can be capt ured by a simple Walrasian model of imperfect subst it ut ion between workers wit h various levels of educat ion in t he presence of skill-biased t echnological progress. Human capit al ent ers as a fact or of product ion in t his simple const ant ret urns t o scale Cobb-Douglas economy. We derived easy t o int erpret relat ions between educat ional at t ainment , GDP and income inequality t hat can be est imat ed from crosscount ry panel dat a. Our empirical result s provide st rong support for t he negat ive relat ion between t he supply of human capit al and it s ret urn. The implied ret urn t o schooling in di¤erent count ries is well in line wit h evidence from micro dat a. Our est imat es provide a simple explanat ion for t he negat ive correlat ion between inequality and growt h based on t he comovement of t hese variables wit h t he average educat ion level. Our result s suggest t hat t his mechanism is quant it at ively more import ant t han a causal relat ionship between inequality and growt h. A N on-linear M incer equat ion To get expression (12) in t he t ext , we …rst used t he assumpt ion t hat si t and ui t are uncorrelat ed t o int egrat e out over u Z Z (! 1 ¡ ! 2s) Wt (s; u) f t (s; u) dsdu Z Z ¢ ¡ = (! 1 ¡ ! 2s) exp ! 0 + ! 1s ¡ 21 ! 2s2 + ¾u f t (s) f (u) dsdu Z ¢ ¡ = (! 1 ¡ ! 2s) exp ! 0 + ! 1s ¡ 21 ! 2s2 + 21 ¾2 f t (s) ds Second, not ice t hat since f t (s) is t he pdf of a normal (wit h mean St and variance V ), ¢ ¡ exp ! 0 + ! 1s ¡ 21 ! 2s2 + 21 ¾2 f t (s) can be rewrit t en as a const ant A ¤t t imes t he pdf of a normal wit h mean ¹ ¤t and variance V ¤ ¢ ¡ exp ! 0 + ! 1s ¡ 21 ! 2s2 + 12 ¾2 f t (s) ! à 2 1 (s ¡ S ) t 2 2 = p exp ! 0 + ! 1s ¡ 21 ! 2s + 12 ¾ ¡ 12 V 2¼V ! à A¤ (s ¡ ¹ ¤t) 2 = p t exp 21 V¤ 2¼V ¤ 22 where ¹ ¤t = ! 1V + St ! 2V + 1 Furt hermore, from equat ion (5) we have Z Z Z ¡ ®Yt = Wt (s; u) f t (s; u) dsdu = exp ! Hence + ! 1s ¡ 2 1 2 ! 2s + 1 2 2¾ ¢ f t (s) ds = A ¤t Z Z (! B 0 1 ¡ ! 2s) Wt (s; u) f t (s; u) dsdu = ! 1®Yt ¡ ! 2¹ ¤t®Yt G ini coe¢ cient and t he var iance of log incom e ¤ £ Let W 2 W ; W denot e income wit h density f (W ), dist ribut ion funct ion F (W ) and mean M . F (W ) measures t he share of t he populat ion wit h income lower t han W . Let Z (W ) denot e t he cumulat ive share of t ot al income earned by people wit h income lower t han W . By de…nit ion: 1 Z (W ) = M ZW xf (x)dx (16) W T he graph of t he Lorenz curve has F (W ) on t he horizont al and Z (W ) on t he vert ical axis. The Gini coe¢ cient G 2 [0; 1] is given by twice t he area between t he Lorent z curve and t he 45-degree line. Z1 G = 1¡ 2 Z1 Z dF = 2 0 1 M By change of variables, using dZ = 2 G= M F dZ ¡ 1 0 W f (W )dW , t his expression can be writ t en as: ZW W f (W ) F (W ) dW ¡ 1 W 23 ¡ ¢ Assume income t o be log normally dist ribut ed so t hat F (W ) = © w¡¾¹ and M = 1 2 e¹ + 2 ¾ , where w ´ ln W and ¹ and ¾2 are t he mean and variance of w. By change of variables v = w¡¾¹ ) dW = ¾e¾v+ ¹ dv, t he Gini coe¢ cient can writ t en as: 2 G= M Z1 0 ¡ w¡ ¹ ¢ µ ¶ w¡ ¹ ¾ W © dW ¡ 1 = 2e¡ ¾W ¾ Á 1 2 ¾ 2 Z1 e¾v Á(v) © (v) dv ¡ 1 ¡ 1 which maps t he Gini coe¢ cient t o t he variance of t he log income dist ribut ion ¾2. Numerically evaluat ing t his expression for di¤erent values of ¾shows t hat t he relat ionship is virt ually linear in t he relevant range. Variances of log income of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 correspond t o Gini coe¢ cient s of 52.05, 56.33, 60.39, 64.20 and 67.78 respect ively. R efer ences [1] Acemoglu, Daron & Joshua Angrist (1999). How large are Social Ret urns t o Educat ion? Evidence from Compulsory Schooling Laws. NBER Working Paper No.7444. [2] Arellano, Manuel and St eve Bond (1991). Some Test s of Speci…cat ion for Panel Dat a: Mont e Carlo Evidence and an Applicat ion t o Employment Equat ions. Review of Economic Studies, vol.58 no.2, pp. 277-297. [3] Arellano, Manuel and St ephen Bond (1998). 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(annualized) 12.000 Average years of education attained by the population over 25 years of age (Barro and Lee). 0.387 10 year changes in average years of education. (annualized) 35.823 Variance of the education distribution (rough estimate constructed on the basis of Barro and Lee data). 1.361 10 year changes in variance of education. (annualized) Table 2. Return to education in several countries PWT 5.0 country code 123 126 114 118 107 115 50 83 110 89 85 131 121 41 127 68 113 53 117 78 75 21 77 104 66 94 124 29 54 129 97 61 109 72 74 51 92 67 100 98 70 4 62 125 60 56 71 69 86 58 20 59 Average years of schooling population over 25 year educ. level Country Poland Sweden Greece Italy Austria Hungary Canada China Denmark Israel India Australia Netherlands Tanzania Switzerland Bolivia Germany West Dom. Rep. Ireland Venezuela Peru Kenya Uruguay Thailand USA Malaysia Portugal Morocco El Salvador UK Pakistan Nicaragua Cyprus Ecuador Paraguay Costa Rica Korea Argentina Singapore Philippines Chile Botswana Panama Spain Mexico Guatemala Colombia Brazil Indonesia Honduras Cote d'Ivoire Jamaica POL SWE GRC ITA AUT HUN CAN CHN DNK ISR IND AUS NLD TZA CHE BOL DEU DOM IRL VEN PER KEN URY THA USA MYS PRT MAR SLV GBR PAK NIC CYP ECU PRY CRI KOR ARG SGP PHL CHL BWA PAN ESP MEX GTM COL BRA IDN HND CIV JAM 85 80 85 85 85 85 80 85 90 80 80 80 85 80 85 90 90 90 85 90 90 80 90 70 90 80 85 70 90 70 80 80 85 85 90 90 85 90 75 90 90 80 90 90 85 90 90 90 80 90 85 90 8.7 9.45 6.89 5.75 7.17 7.93 10.23 4.04 11.21 9.11 2.72 10.02 8.29 . 8.99 4.11 8.83 3.76 7.87 4.89 5.5 2.46 6.69 3.54 12 4.49 3.45 . 3.4 7.66 1.74 2.83 7.56 5.36 4.72 5.4 8.03 7.77 4.38 6.73 6.16 2.29 7.55 6.25 4.34 2.56 4.25 3.56 3.09 3.68 . 4.51 Return to Education year ret. to educ 86 81 85 87 87 87 81 85 90 79 81 82 83 80 87 89 88 89 87 89 90 80 89 71 89 79 85 70 90 72 79 78 84 87 89 89 86 89 74 88 89 79 89 90 84 89 89 89 81 89 85 89 .024 .026 .027 .028 .039 .039 .042 .045 .047 .057 .062 .064 .066 .067 .072 .073 .077 .078 .079 .084 .085 .085 .09 .091 .093 .094 .094 .095 .096 .097 .097 .097 .098 .098 .103 .105 .106 .107 .113 .119 .121 .126 .126 .13 .141 .142 .145 .154 .17 .172 .207 .28 Education data from Barro and Lee. Return to education data from Bils and Klenow (1998). Original sources return to education: Rosholm and Smith 1996 (Denmark), Calan and Reilly 1993 (Ireland), Armitage and Sabot 1987 (Kenya and Tanzania), Alba-Ramirez and San Segundo 1995 (Spain), Arai 1994 (Sweden), Chiswick 1977 (Thailand), Krueger and Pischke 1992 (USA and Germany) and Psacharopoulos 1994 (all other countries); see Bils and Klenow for full references. Table 3. Direct estimates of diminishing returns to schooling (OLS estimates) (1) OLS (2) OLS excl. Jamaica (3) WLS (GDP/w) (4) (5) (6) WLS WLS WLS (GDP/w) (population) (population) excl. Jamaica excl. Jamaica St -0.00708 -0.00638 -0.00721 -0.00649 -0.00673 -0.00614 (3.23) (3.68) (3.41) (3.86) (3.18) (3.49) (year=70) -0.02297 -0.01538 -0.02100 -0.01382 -0.02247 -0.01620 (0.81) (0.69) (0.75) (0.62) (0.85) (0.74) (year=80) -0.03538 -0.02759 -0.03542 -0.02819 -0.03556 -0.02902 (2.49) (2.44) (2.52) (2.51) (2.55) (2.49) (year=85) -0.04061 -0.03381 -0.04012 -0.03365 -0.04270 -0.03700 (3.06) (3.21) (3.13) (3.28) (3.30) (3.42) Constant 0.15663 0.14513 0.15725 0.14591 0.15451 0.14490 (10.33) (11.95) (10.50) (12.07) (10.34) (11.54) Observations 49 48 49 48 49 48 R-squared 0.36 0.40 0.37 0.41 0.36 0.39 Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses. Dependent variable is the Return to Education as in table 2. WLS regressions are weighted by log GDP per worker or log population size. The dummy for 1975, and the dummy for 1985 in column (6), was dropped because there were no observations. Table 4. GDP growth equation (1) OLS (3) OLS (baseline model) 0.24335 (4) OLS with V[educ] 0.24508 0.24717 0.24814 ∆S t (year=70) (3.84) -0.00848 (2.16) -0.09705 (3.09) -0.00881 (1.75) -0.07495 (3.94) -0.00840 (2.18) -0.09901 (3.99) -0.00898 (2.32) -0.09956 ∆S t (year=80) (1.87) -0.06732 (1.34) -0.07423 (1.95) -0.07728 (1.89) -0.06933 (1.35) (1.42) -0.00461 (1.60) (1.39) 0.01231 (5.51) -0.00058 (3.36) -0.00386 (3.14) -0.00339 (3.02) 0.01218 (5.57) -0.00059 (3.46) -0.00323 (2.65) -0.00276 (2.48) ∆S t ∆ (St2) (2) OLS 0.08546 0.17025 (4.11) (3.25) -0.00780 (2.07) ∆Vt St-1 St-12 St-1(year=70) St-1(year=80) Vt-1 0.00297 (4.31) 0.00857 (4.45) -0.00045 (2.67) 0.01217 (5.42) -0.00058 (3.29) -0.00349 (2.80) -0.00300 (2.63) (0.73) 0.00902 (3.21) -0.00034 (1.60) -0.00325 (2.39) -0.00391 (3.14) 0.00037 (1.03) -0.00723 (2.81) 0.05516 (7.25) 0.04659 (6.12) 0.02040 (1.04) 250 0.38 4.65 0.0321 (5) WLS (GDP/w) (6) WLS (population) -0.00616 -0.00787 -0.00839 -0.00848 -0.00812 (2.99) (3.74) (4.04) (4.07) (4.08) (year=70) 0.03449 0.03506 0.05590 0.05769 0.05427 (10.21) (10.34) (8.17) (8.21) (8.05) (year=80) 0.02120 0.02179 0.04017 0.04269 0.03832 (6.54) (6.82) (5.77) (5.99) (5.61) Constant 0.03816 0.04033 0.02715 0.02735 0.02601 (2.34) (2.51) (1.67) (1.66) (1.66) Observations 292 292 292 292 292 R-squared 0.32 0.34 0.37 0.37 0.37 F-statistic1 11.29 9.56 11.08 11.27 11.29 p-value 0.0009 0.0022 0.0010 0.0009 0.0009 Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses. 1 H0: Long-run effect (coefficient St-1 divided by minus coefficient yt-1) equals short-run effect (coefficient ∆S t ). The F-tests reject the null when the p-value is smaller than 0.05. yt-1 Table 5. GDP growth equation: Dynamic panel data estimates (1) OLS in levels St 0.24335 0.71161 (4) BlundellBond, 1-step 0.37104 (5) BlundellBond, 2-step 0.46365 ∆S t 70 (2.48) -0.00744 (1.31) -0.06567 (1.03) -0.06484 (1.07) 0.07700 (4.26) -0.02025 (4.09) -0.06592 (6.33) -0.02420 (5.94) -0.07970 ∆S t (2) OLS in first difs (incons.) 0.21467 (3) ArellanoBond St 70 (3.84) -0.00848 (2.16) -0.09705 St 80 (1.87) -0.06732 ∆S t 80 (0.82) -0.05795 (0.04) -0.10613 (1.12) -0.02990 (1.59) -0.03461 St-1 (1.35) -0.05954 ∆S t −1 (0.95) -0.00040 (0.10) -0.31410 (0.48) -0.05333 (0.66) -0.12747 ∆S t −1 70 (0.01) 0.00002 (0.00) 0.00240 (0.32) -0.01429 (0.32) 0.31557 (0.70) 0.00225 (0.41) -0.01259 (2.28) 0.00778 (1.84) -0.02127 ∆S t −1 80 (0.04) -0.02123 (0.37) 0.31499 (0.29) -0.00615 (0.77) -0.01405 (0.26) 0.11605 (1.37) (0.17) 1.05351 (1.54) 0.36002 (3.92) -0.26536 (3.03) 184 0.26 0.22577 (0.30) -0.64783 (1.21) 184 (0.10) 0.71236 (7.62) -0.20276 (2.87) -0.59898 (7.50) 2.17565 (3.18) 286 (0.28) 0.62961 (7.53) -0.20986 (3.57) -0.61523 (9.50) 2.81648 (4.73) 286 St2 St-1 70 (1.04) 0.00272 (0.64) -0.02478 St-1 80 (0.48) -0.06210 St-12 yt-1 (yr=70) (yr=80) Const. (1.15) 0.91608 (44.07) 0.55900 (8.17) 0.40168 (5.77) 0.27154 (1.67) 292 0.95 ∆ (St2) ∆ (St-12) ∆yt-1 (yr=80) Const. Obs. Obs. R-sq R-sq Nr of Nr of 102 102 countries countries Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses, based on robust standard errors. 102 Table 6. GDP growth equation: the effect of measurement error (1) (2) 5 year changes ∆S t 0.03991 0.06276 (2.74) ∆S t (year=65) (1.12) -0.00293 (1.02) 0.09728 ∆S t (year=70) (1.35) -0.00882 ∆S t (year=75) (0.18) 0.01557 ∆S t (year=80) (0.28) -0.01051 ∆S t (year=85) (0.22) 0.04885 ∆ (St2) (3) (4) 10 year changes (baseline model) 0.08546 0.24335 (4.11) (3.84) -0.00848 (2.16) (5) (6) 20 year changes 0.15236 0.29273 (3.00) (2.52) -0.01655 (1.77) (7) (8) 20 year changes, Kyriacou data 0.13828 0.24317 (4.37) (2.46) -0.00989 (1.26) -0.09705 (1.87) -0.06732 (1.35) (0.82) 0.01441 0.00297 0.01217 0.00368 0.01176 0.00526 0.01074 (6.21) (4.31) (5.42) (3.88) (4.21) (4.47) (3.15) St-12 -0.00064 -0.00058 -0.00062 -0.00042 (3.89) (3.29) (2.29) (1.32) St-1(year=65) -0.00526 (3.09) St-1(year=70) -0.00510 -0.00349 (3.03) (2.80) St-1(year=75) -0.00447 (2.89) St-1(year=80) -0.00534 -0.00300 (3.50) (2.63) St-1(year=85) -0.00263 (1.77) yt-1 -0.00706 -0.00913 -0.00616 -0.00839 -0.01179 -0.01306 -0.01294 -0.01354 (3.79) (4.80) (2.99) (4.04) (4.42) (4.96) (4.44) (4.61) (year=65) 0.03189 0.05489 (7.02) (6.08) (year=70) 0.03398 0.05876 0.03449 0.05590 (7.71) (6.62) (10.21) (8.17) (year=75) 0.02259 0.04379 (5.22) (4.87) (year=80) 0.01977 0.04715 0.02120 0.04017 (4.62) (5.32) (6.54) (5.77) (year=85) -0.00457 0.00631 (1.08) (0.66) Constant 0.04808 0.03376 0.03816 0.02715 0.09750 0.09286 0.09354 0.08605 (3.25) (2.17) (2.34) (1.67) (4.87) (4.81) (4.48) (4.06) Observations 607 607 292 292 97 97 79 79 R-squared 0.22 0.26 0.32 0.37 0.22 0.29 0.28 0.31 Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses. Estimates in columns 1, 3 and 5 correspond to Krueger and Lindahl (2001) table 3. The results differ slightly because we use GDP per worker rather than GDP per capita as the dependent variable. St-1 0.00349 (5.48) Table 7. Subsample robustness of the GDP growth equation (1) Without 10 countries with highest growth in education 0.23695 (2) Without 10 countries with highest growth in GDP 0.18019 (3) Without 10 countries with highest education level 0.20674 (4) Without 10 countries with highest GDP ∆S t (year=70) (3.34) -0.01001 (2.44) -0.07701 (2.86) -0.00981 (2.47) -0.00388 ∆S t (year=80) (1.30) -0.05366 (0.95) 0.00993 (4.28) -0.00044 (2.50) -0.00284 (2.27) -0.00204 (1.78) -0.00690 (3.11) 0.05228 (7.57) 0.03481 (4.92) 0.02054 (1.21) 269 0.36 ∆S t ∆ (St2) St-1 St-12 St-1(year=70) St-1(year=80) yt-1 (year=70) (year=80) Constant Observations R-squared Countries excluded from the sample Congo Egypt China Hong Kong Jordan Korea Taiwan Austria Cyprus Romania (6) Without 10 countries with lowest GDP 0.22825 (5) Without 10 countries with lowest education level 0.21525 (2.81) -0.00391 (0.76) -0.11270 (3.31) -0.00653 (1.47) -0.10193 (3.26) -0.00574 (1.38) -0.10266 (3.56) -0.00696 (1.71) -0.11475 (0.07) 0.00191 (1.99) -0.06663 (1.81) -0.06577 (1.94) -0.08831 (2.16) -0.07981 (0.04) 0.00926 (4.11) -0.00042 (2.47) -0.00266 (2.17) -0.00183 (1.62) -0.00590 (2.75) 0.04693 (6.94) 0.03057 (4.36) 0.01657 (1.01) 268 0.36 (1.20) 0.00900 (2.92) -0.00037 (1.28) -0.00161 (0.94) -0.00163 (1.11) -0.00766 (3.40) 0.05104 (6.64) 0.03589 (4.65) 0.02804 (1.60) 265 0.38 (1.20) 0.01131 (4.42) -0.00056 (2.73) -0.00288 (1.95) -0.00231 (1.74) -0.00815 (3.63) 0.05416 (7.36) 0.03822 (5.18) 0.02746 (1.58) 268 0.37 (1.72) 0.01084 (4.16) -0.00048 (2.46) -0.00359 (2.61) -0.00358 (2.84) -0.00798 (3.80) 0.05703 (7.21) 0.04533 (5.60) 0.02665 (1.55) 272 0.35 (1.56) 0.01118 (4.71) -0.00048 (2.64) -0.00364 (2.75) -0.00353 (2.90) -0.00874 (3.76) 0.05828 (7.60) 0.04420 (5.67) 0.03153 (1.64) 266 0.37 Botswana Swaziland Hong Kong Japan Korea Singapore Taiwan Malta Bulgaria Romania Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses. Canada USA Denmark Finland Sweden Australia New Zealand Czechoslovakia East Germany Soviet Union Canada USA Bahrain Kuwait Belgium France Germany Netherlands Switzerland Australia Benin Centr. Afr. Rep. Gambia Mali Mozambique Niger Sierra Leone Sudan Afghanistan Nepal 0.23387 Centr. Afr. Rep. Lesotho Malawi Mali Niger Rwanda Togo Uganda Zaire Myanmar Table 8. Income inequality St St2 St 60 St 70 St 80 Vt (yr=60) (yr=70) (yr=80) 1{inc} 1{hh} 1{gr} (1) OLS in levels (2) OLS in levels (3) FE in levels -0.07192 -0.08573 -0.05534 (2.47) 0.00085 (0.38) -0.03155 (0.95) -0.02715 (1.51) 0.00623 (0.41) 0.00065 (3.05) 0.00170 (0.78) (1.62) 0.00365 (1.56) 0.00105 -0.00070 (0.20) 0.11027 (0.60) 0.13346 (1.37) -0.06782 (0.67) 0.09302 (1.70) -0.04313 (1.20) 0.26680 (6.98) (0.33) -0.05257 (0.76) 0.00491 (0.10) -0.02754 (0.68) 0.09840 (1.81) -0.03647 (1.03) 0.26782 (7.00) (0.20) -0.00012 (0.00) -0.01062 (0.44) -0.03376 (1.79) 0.25144 (4.08) -0.00107 (0.04) 0.00693 (0.13) (4) OLS in first difs (5) OLS in first difs (6) WLS (GDP/w) (7) WLS (popul) -0.09820 -0.05611 -0.05718 -0.05394 (8) OLS with dums for def. ch. -0.01934 ∆ (St2) (1.40) 0.00320 (0.66) (1.96) (2.01) (1.94) (0.77) ∆Vt 0.00094 -0.00176 -0.00169 -0.00269 0.00065 (0.13) (0.29) (0.29) (0.47) (0.13) -0.00801 (1.49) -0.00554 (1.28) 0.04095 (3.89) -0.00059 (0.11) -0.00487 (0.42) -0.00846 (1.59) -0.00562 (1.30) 0.04155 (3.98) 0.00007 (0.01) -0.00527 (0.46) -0.00835 (1.57) -0.00560 (1.30) 0.04169 (3.89) -0.00008 (0.01) -0.00550 (0.48) -0.00779 (1.53) -0.00459 (1.11) 0.04030 (3.93) -0.00065 (0.12) -0.00458 (0.42) -0.00474 (1.03) -0.00351 (0.88) ∆S t (yr=70) (yr=80) ∆1{inc} ∆1{hh} ∆1{gr} dumms Const. Obs. R-sq Nr of countries 0.73888 (10.48) 262 0.47 0.76879 (11.35) 262 0.46 0.55529 (5.48) 262 0.21 71 Const. Obs. R-sq Nr of countries F-stat1 p-value yes 0.01011 (2.72) 77 0.29 0.01056 (2.90) 77 0.29 0.01039 (2.90) 77 0.28 0.01008 (2.85) 77 0.27 0.00571 (1.71) 77 0.63 4.34 0.0000 Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses. 1 H0: Dummies for definitional changes jointly insignificant. The F-tests reject the null when the p-value is smaller than 0.05. Table 9. Subsample robustness of the inequality equation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Without 10 countries with highest growth in education Without 10 countries with highest growth in GDP Without 10 countries with highest inequality growth Without 10 countries with highest education level Without 10 countries with highest GDP Without 10 countries with highest inequality Without 10 countries with lowest inequality ∆S t -0.07871 -0.07214 -0.00494 -0.06751 -0.06705 -0.04840 -0.05793 ∆Vt (2.22) -0.00315 (2.00) -0.00174 (0.17) 0.00083 (1.89) -0.00717 (2.03) -0.00005 (1.71) -0.00095 (1.82) -0.00111 (0.45) -0.00933 (1.63) -0.00487 (1.02) 0.04134 (3.88) -0.00038 (0.07) -0.00527 (0.45) 0.01152 (2.98) 69 0.32 (0.26) -0.00874 (1.44) -0.00559 (1.13) 0.04150 (3.79) -0.00020 (0.03) -0.00516 (0.43) 0.01121 (2.84) 66 0.31 (0.16) -0.00724 (1.57) -0.00423 (1.05) 0.02620 (2.99) 0.01535 (2.88) -0.00723 (0.77) 0.00252 (0.73) 61 0.39 (0.86) -0.01193 (1.87) -0.00892 (1.82) 0.04344 (3.90) -0.00052 (0.08) -0.00419 (0.34) 0.01474 (2.98) 64 0.33 (0.01) -0.00853 (1.33) -0.00661 (1.36) 0.04132 (3.34) 0.00088 (0.15) -0.00292 (0.17) 0.01241 (2.81) 64 0.32 (0.16) -0.00967 (1.84) -0.00465 (1.09) 0.03678 (3.60) 0.00538 (0.94) -0.00624 (0.56) 0.00909 (2.55) 73 0.30 (0.16) -0.00831 (1.36) -0.00548 (1.16) 0.04167 (3.79) 0.00028 (0.05) -0.00549 (0.45) 0.01068 (2.61) 70 0.28 (year=70) (year=80) ∆(def=inc) ∆(def=hh) ∆(def=gr.) Constant Obs. R-squared Countries excluded from the sample Congo Egypt China Hong Kong Jordan Korea Taiwan Austria Cyprus Romania Botswana Swaziland Hong Kong Japan Korea Singapore Taiwan Malta Bulgaria Romania Guatemala Brazil Chile Venezuela China Hong Kong Thailand Australia New Zealand Soviet Union Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses. Canada USA Denmark Finland Sweden Australia New Zealand Czechoslov. E. Germany Soviet Union Canada USA Bahrain Kuwait Belgium France Germany Netherlands Switzerland Australia Gabon Guinea Biss. Lesotho Malawi Sierra Leone South Africa Zimbabwe Guatemala Honduras Brazil Belgium Hungary Uk Bulgaria Czechoslov. Romania Latvia Slovak Rep. Slovenia Ukraine Figure 1. Return to education, education and inequality A. Diminishing returns to education .3 Return to Education JAM .2 IDN HND BRA COL MEX GTM ESP CHL PHL BWA .1 PAK SGP PRY CRI ECU NIC SLV MYS PRT THA KEN VEN PER DOM BOL IND PAN ARG KOR CYP GBR URY USA IRL NLD DEU CHE ISR CHN AUT GRC ITA AUS DNK CAN HUN SWE POL 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Average years of schooling 9 10 11 12 B. Returns to education and inequality .3 Return to Education JAM CIV .2 HND IDN BRA GTM COL MEX ESP .1 GBR PAK USA IRL NLD PAN PHL SGP KOR CHL CRI MYS THA BOL VEN DOM AUS DNK CHN CAN HUN ITA SWE POL 0 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Standard deviation log income 1 1.1 1.2