Supplementary Student Material for
A Primer of Biblical Greek
This document contains supplementary material for students, formatted for
printing and bookmarked for easy navigation.
The resources include
• cumulative vocabulary lists
• the Practice and Review exercises from the Primer set out in worksheet format
with adequate blank space for writing answers
• quizzes on the material in each lesson
• five sets of additional periodic exercises
• several pages summarizing particular aspects of biblical Greek, and
• several pages of “fun with Greek”
For an overview of the student materials, with links to separate items,
click here.
© 2007, 2011 N. Clayton Croy
All rights reserved
Published 2007, 2011 in PDF format by
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
2140 Oak Industrial Drive N.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505 /
P.O. Box 163, Cambridge CB3 9PU U.K.
This PDF document has been prepared as a companion to
A Primer of Biblical Greek
by N. Clayton Croy
© 1999 Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Resources for Students
The tables on these pages show at a glance the student resources included in this document.
Each table entry is linked to the relevant page later in the document. You may also navigate
through the entire document using the bookmarks.
Practice and
Helpful Handouts
Additional Exercises
• A as in Angel
• Summary of General Accent
QQ 1
• The Alphabet in Large Print
• Greek Vowels
CV 2
P&R 2
QQ 2
CV 3
P&R 3
QQ 3
CV 4
P&R 4
QQ 4
CV 5
P&R 5
QQ 5
CV 6
P&R 6
CV 7
P&R 7
CV 8
P&R 8
CV 9
P&R 9
CV 10
P&R 10
CV 11
P&R 11
• Deliver Us from Evil
QQ 6
• Neuter Plural Subjects
• K}rmen S~n Di©gw
• Special Uses of AÔtËv
QQ 7
QQ 8
• Hypo- Words
Lessons 1-8
QQ 9
• Uses of the Middle Voice
• Augments
QQ 10
QQ 11
• Formation of the Future Tense
CV 12
P&R 12
QQ 12
• Principal Parts in Greek and
CV 13
P&R 13
CV 14
P&R 14
• Story Time
QQ 14
CV 15
P&R 15
• The Perfect Tense
QQ 15
CV 16
P&R 16
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
• English Past Tense Forms
QQ 13
QQ 16
Lessons 9-14
Practice and
CV 17
P&R 17
CV 18
P&R 18
CV 19
P&R 19
CV 20
P&R 20
CV 21
P&R 21
• P‚v in Various Constructions
QQ 21
CV 22
P&R 22
• Liquid Verbs
QQ 22
CV 23
P&R 23
• Uses of the Subjunctive
QQ 23
Helpful Handouts
Additional Exercises
• Flesh and Blood
QQ 17
• Uses of Present
• Tense and Time
• Uses of Aorist
• Nuances of Adverbial
QQ 18
QQ 19
QQ 20
Lessons 15-20
• Characteristics of the
CV 24
P&R 24
QQ 24
• Uses of the Infinitive
CV 25
P&R 25
QQ 25
CV 26
P&R 26
QQ 26
Lessons 21-26
• The Interrogative and
CV 27
P&R 27
Indefinite Adjective/Pronoun
• “Any” and “Who”
QQ 27
• The Relative Pronoun
• D¾dwmi
CV 28
P&R 28
• Hendiadys
QQ 28
• LÖw
CV 29
P&R 29
CV 30
P&R 30
• T¾jhmi
• The Aorist of 3Isthmi
• Numbers
QQ 29
QQ 30
• Comparisons
CV 31
P&R 31
• Contrary-to-Fact Conditions
QQ 31
• “Questions, Positive and
CV 32
P&R 32
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
QQ 32
Lessons 27-32
Miscellaneous Helps and Fun with Greek
Principal Parts of
Common Greek Verbs
Principal Parts of 50
Greek Verbs List
Common Biblical Greek
Pointless Quizzes
Eight Forms a Word
Lessons 1-3
Lessons 1-14
Greek Verb Paradigm
Lessons 4-5
Lessons 15-20
More than Time
Lessons 6-7
Lessons 21-32
Moveable Nu
Lessons 8-9
Lessons 10-11
Talkin’ T¾v and T¾
Lessons 12-13
Greek Words for “See”
Lessons 14-15
Lessons 16-17
Lessons 18-19
Lessons 20-21
Lessons 22-23
Lessons 24-25
Lessons 26-27
Lessons 28-29
Lessons 30-32
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Hans and Franz
Student Materials for
“a” as in ‡ggelov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Summary of General Accent Rules
1. General Possibilities for Accents
2. The circumflex is used only over a long syllable.
3. Possible accents when the ultima is long.
Long Ultima
4. Possible accents when the ultima is short.
(short penult) Acute
(long penult) Circumflex
Short Ultima
5. A grave accent is a substitute for an acute. An acute accent on the ultima
becomes a grave when the word is followed immediately, i.e., without
intervening punctuation, by another Greek word. Thus: {delfËv. But:
{delfÌv ka¿ {delf©.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Writing the Greek Alphabet
The following large font letters show clearly that Greek letters are written with reference
to two lines: the line on which the letters sit and the line indicating the height of
“normal” sized letters. Note the following groups:
1. Normal sized letters are a, e, i, k, n, o, p, s, t, u, and w.
2. The letters that go slightly below the line are g, h, m, r, final v, and q.
3. The letters that go slightly above the upper line include d, j, and l.
4. Letters that go both below and above the lines are b, z, x, f, and y.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Greek Vowels
Short Vowels
Long Vowels
a (alpha)
a (alpha)
e (epsilon)
h (eta)
i (iota)
i (iota)
o (omicron)
w (omega)
u (upsilon)
u (upsilon)
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 1
1. Write out the Greek alphabet (lower case letters) in the spaces below.
2. What are the seven Greek vowels?
3. Name the three Greek accent marks.
4. What is the Septuagint?
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-2
{koÖw, blŸpw, ginãskw, gr}fw, did}skw, jŸlw, lŸgw, lÖw, pisteÖw
ka¾, Ðti, oÔ, oÔk, oÔq
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 2
1. ginãskomen Ðti pisteÖete ka¿ jŸlete did}skein.
2. {koÖw ka¿ blŸpw Ðti {delfª gr}fei.
3. lŸgeiv Ðti {delfÌv lÖei= oÔ pisteÖomen.
4. jŸlei {delfª {koÖein; oÔ ginãskw.
5. lÖousi ka¿ oÔ jŸlomen blŸpein.
6. {delfÌv lŸgei Ðti jŸlei gr}fein ka¿ did}skein.
7. pisteÖeiv Ðti {delfÌv ka¿ {delfª blŸpousin;
8. ginãskw Ðti {delfÌv lŸgei ka¿ oÔk {koÖeiv.
9. {delfª did}skei ka¿ jŸlomen {koÖein.
10. oÔ jŸlw lÖein= jŸlw ginãskein Ðti {delfÌv pisteÖei.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 2
1. Give the Present Active Indicative of pisteÖw.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
2. Translate the following sentences.
ginãskete Ðti {delfa¿ (sisters) jŸlousin {koÖein ka¿ pisteÖein;
blŸpei {delfÌv Ðti oÔ did}skomen ka¿ oÔ gr}fomen.
3. Parse the verb forms from the above sentences.
1. ginãskete
2. jŸlousin
3. {koÖein
4. pisteÖein
5. blŸpei
6. did}skomen
7. gr}fomen
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-3
{koÖw, blŸpw, ginãskw, gr}fw, did}skw, £qw, jŸlw, lŸgw, lÖw, pisteÖw
{delf©, {l©jeia, basile¾a, g«, dËxa, ›kklhs¾a, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, kard¾a,
fwn©, íra
ka¾, Ðti, oÔ, oÔk, oÔq
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 3
1. £qomen basile¾an dËxhv ka¿ {koÖomen fwnªn {lhje¾av.
2. ginãskousin Ðti blŸpei {delfÌv j}lassan.
3. kard¾a {delf«v oÔ jŸlei pisteÖein Ðti £qete zw©n.
4. ›kklhs¾a ginãskei íran dËxhv ka¿ ¨mŸran {lhje¾av.
5. jŸlete lŸgein {l©jeian basile¾ƒ;
6. £qousin {delfÌv ka¿ {delfª g«n ka¿ jŸlousin £qein basile¾av.
7. oÔ did}skomen {delfªn lÖein= did}skomen kard¾an pisteÖein.
8. gr}fw ›kklhs¾ƒ Ðti oÔ ginãskei {l©jeian.
9. jŸleiv ginãskein zwªn ka¿ blŸpein ¨mŸran dËxhv;
10. g« ka¿ j}lassa ginãskousin Ðti kard¾ai oÔ pisteÖousin.
11. {delfa¿ lŸgousin ›kklhs¾aiv Ðti oÔ blŸpousin íran {lhje¾av. ›kklhs¾ai
12. lŸgei fwnª Ðti £qomen íran zw«v.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 3
1. Give the declensional forms of ¨mŸra.
2. Translate the following sentences.
kard¾ai ginãskousin {l©jeian ka¿ dËxan Ðti £qousin íran zw«v.
{delf©, gr}feiv ›kklhs¾ƒ Ðti lÖei basile¾a g«n ka¿ j}lassan;
3. Give the case and number of these nouns from the above sentences.
1. kard¾ai
2. {l©jeian
3. dËxan
4. zw«v
5. {delf©
6. ›kklhs¾ƒ
7. basile¾a
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-4
{koÖw, blŸpw, ginãskw, gr}fw, did}skw, £qw, jŸlw, lŸgw, lÖw, pisteÖw
{delf©, {delfËv, {l©jeia, ‡njrwpov, basile¾a, g«, dËxa, doØlov, ›kklhs¾a,
£rgon, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jeËv, kard¾a, kÖriov, lËgov, nËmov,
oÅkov, oÔranËv, tŸknon, u½Ëv, fwn©, íra
{ll}, dŸ, ka¾, Ðti, oÔ, oÔk, oÔq
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 4
1. gr}fei ‡njrwpov lËgouv zw«v {delf°.
2. jŸlomen did}skein tŸkna, {ll~ oÔ jŸlousi ginãskein {l©jeian.
3. did}skei nËmov jeoØ Ðti oÔranÌv £qei dËxan.
4. lŸgei {delfÌv ›kklhs¾ƒ ka¿ lŸgousin u½o¿ doÖlæ.
5. oÔ blŸpomen g«n jan}tou, pisteÖomen d¡ Ðti zwªn £qei oÅkov jeoØ.
6. {delfÌv ka¿ {delfª lŸgousin, KÖrie, jŸlomen blŸpein jeoØ £rga.
7. tŸkna {delf«v jŸlousi blŸpein oÔranËn, tŸkna d¡ g«v oÔ blŸpousin oÅkon jeoØ.
8. did}skei kÖriov doÖlouv gr}fein lËgouv ka¿ doØloi did}skousin tŸkna.
9. £qete £rga nËmou, ginãskw d¡ Ðti jeÌv blŸpei kard¾an {njrãpou.
10. u½oØ j}natov lÖei kard¾an {njrãpou, {ll~ ginãskomen ka¿ pisteÖomen Ðti
basile¾a jeoØ £qei zw©n.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 4
1. Give the declensional forms of ‡njrwpov.
2. Translate the following sentences.
oÔ lŸgousin u½o¿ jeoØ lËgouv jan}tou kur¾oiv ka¿ doÖloiv.
tŸkna oÔranoØ oÔ did}skousin £rga nËmou {ll~ £rga {lhje¾av.
3. Give the case and number of these nouns from the above sentences.
1. u½o¾
2. jeoØ
3. lËgouv
4. kur¾oiv
5. tŸkna
6. £rga
7. nËmou
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-5
{koÖw, blŸpw, ginãskw, gr}fw, did}skw, £qw, jŸlw, lamb}nw, lŸgw, lÖw,
{delf©, {delfËv, {l©jeia, ‡njrwpov, basile¾a, g«, dËxa, doØlov, ›kklhs¾a,
£rgon, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jeËv, kard¾a, kÖriov, lËgov, nËmov,
oÅkov, oÔranËv, tŸknon, u½Ëv, fwn©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, pistËv,
ponhrËv, pråtov
{ll}, g}r, dŸ, ka¾, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, oÔ, oÔk, oÔq
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 5
1. d¾kaiov ka¿ ‰giov Ê kÖriov toØ oÔranoØ.
2. lŸgousin Ðti pisteÖousi tê lËgæ toØ jeoØ, £rga d¡ kal~ oÔk £qousin.
3. ¨ g« {gajª Ðti Ê kÖriov t«v g«v £qei doÖlouv {gajoÖv.
4. Ê u½Ìv Ê pråtov did}skei t~ mikr~ tŸkna gr}fein;
5. pistª ¨ kard¾a toØ mikroØ doÖlou, {ll~ kak~ t~ £rga toØ kur¾ou toØ oÂkou.
6. dika¾a ¨ basile¾a ka¿ pisto¿ o½ ‡njrwpoi t«v basile¾av.
7. o½ nekro¿ oÔk £qousin dËxan, oÔ g~r blŸpousi t~ {gaj~ t«v zw«v.
8. Ê pråtov ‡njrwpov lŸgei t° ›kklhs¾ƒ, {ll~ ¨ ›kklhs¾a jŸlei {koÖein t«v
fwn«v toØ ›sq}tou {njrãpou.
9. o½ {delfo¿ o½ ponhro¿ oÔ lamb}nousi tªn {l©jeian toØ jeoØ.
10. a½ ¨mŸrai ponhra¿ {ll~ Ê oÅkov toØ kur¾ou ‰giov.
11. ¨ ›sq}th basile¾a oÔk £qei nËmouv kakoÖv.
12. ¨ mikr~ {delfª oÔ jŸlei blŸpein tÌ tŸknon tÌ nekrËn, Ê g~r j}natov oÔ
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 5
1. Using the words Ê, lËgov, and kalËv, show two constructions with the attributive
adjective and two with the predicate adjective. Translate each into English.
Attributive #1
Attributive #2
Predicate #1
Predicate #2
2. Translate the following paragraph.
ginãskomen Ðti Ê j}natov kakÌv ka¿ ¨ zwª kal©. Ê nËmov ‰giov,
Ê g~r nËmov did}skei Ðti £qousin o½ pisto¿ zw©n, {ll~ lamb}nousin
o½ ponhro¿ j}naton ka¿ o½ nekro¿ oÔ blŸpousin oÔranËn. Ê jeÌv d¾kaiov
ka¿ Ê jeÌv jŸlei t~ mikr~ tŸkna £qein {gajªn zw©n. tÌ pråton £rgon
{njrãpwn Ê j}natov, {ll~ tÌ £sqaton £rgon jeoØ lÖein tÌn j}naton.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-6
{koÖw, b}llw, blŸpw, ginãskw, gr}fw, did}skw, £qw, jŸlw, lamb}nw, lŸgw, lÖw,
mŸnw, pŸmpw, pisteÖw
‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, {l©jeia, ‡njrwpov, basile¾a, g«, dËxa, doØlov,
›kklhs¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jeËv, kard¾a, kËsmov,
kÖriov, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, nËmov, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÔranËv, prof©thv, tŸknon,
u½Ëv, fwn©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, pistËv,
ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, met}, per¾, prËv
{ll}, g}r, dŸ, ka¾, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, (oÔ, oÔk, oÔq)
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 6
1. pŸmpomen to×v {delfo×v to×v kako×v ›k t«v ›kklhs¾av ka¿ e¼v tªn £rhmon.
2. Ê jeÌv mŸnei ›n toÀv oÔranoÀv, b}llei d¡ to×v ponhro×v {ggŸlouv e¼v tªn g«n.
3. ›n t° írƒ t«v dËxhv lŸgei Ê kÖriov prÌv t~v kard¾av tån tŸknwn.
4. o½ {gajo¿ prof«tai ginãskousi tªn {l©jeian per¿ t«v zw«v ka¿ toØ jan}tou;
5. di~ toØ {ggŸlou toØ kur¾ou {koÖete per¿ t«v ÊdoØ t«v zw«v.
6. met~ tån tŸknwn a½ {delfa¿ b}llousi l¾jouv e¼v tªn j}lassan.
7. prof«ta, £qeiv kalo×v lËgouv {pÌ jeoØ ka¿ blŸpeiv tªn dËxan t«v basile¾av;
8. ›n t° ›sq}t¬ ¨mŸrƒ pŸmpei Ê kÖriov to×v {ggŸlouv {p’ oÔranoØ ka¿ o½ ‡ggeloi
lamb}nousi to×v pisto×v ›k toØ kËsmou.
9. ›n t° ›r©mæ did}skei Ê u½Ìv toØ |g¾ou t~v {delf~v per¿ toØ nËmou.
10. o½ per¿ tÌn prof©thn ‡njrwpoi mŸnousi met~ tån majhtån.
11. met~ tÌn nËmon ka¿ to×v prof©tav jŸlomen {koÖein toØ lËgou toØ {delfoØ.
12. oÔ ginãskomen t~v Êdo×v toØ jeoØ ›n tê kËsmæ {ll~ pisteÖomen tê jeê.
13. oÔk ›x £rgwn toØ nËmou lamb}nei ‡njrwpov zwªn {p’ oÔranoØ.
14. di’ {njrãpouv kako×v lŸgomen prÌv tÌn jeËn.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
“Deliver Us from Evil”
The last petition of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:13 says: {ll~ ÓØsai ¨m‚v {pÌ
toØ ponhroØ, “But deliver us from evil/the Evil One.” Is the adjective ponhroØ
neuter or masculine?
The neuter would mean “Rescue us from evil,” i.e., the abstract force of evil.
The masculine would mean “Rescue us from the Evil One,” i.e., a personification of
evil: the devil or Satan.
The debate is ancient. Augustine and most Latin church fathers favored the
neuter; most Greek church fathers (Cyprian, Origen, Chrysostom) construed it as
The neuter is supported by many New Testament passages (but see the
masculine in 1 John 2:13; 5:18; Matt 13:19, 38, and perhaps 5:37). The parallel
petition, “Lead us not into temptation,” also seems to favor impersonal evil
(although some have seen this as a reference to the final tribulation or time of
testing, in which the devil leads an assault on the faithful). There are also countless
references in Jewish prayers to evil as an impulse, temptation, or event. An early
Christian writing echoes the last petition of the Lord’s Prayer and treats evil as an
abstraction (Didache 10:5, “Deliver the church from all evil”). Finally, in the New
Testament when the expression “deliver from . . .” is used, the object is almost
always human or an impersonal force. See, e.g., 2 Corinthians 1:10 (“death”),
2 Timothy 3:11 (“persecutions”), 2 Timothy 4:18 (“every evil work”), and 2 Peter
2:9 (“temptation”). Matthew 6:13 is a hard call, but the neuter seems more likely.
Evil in that context could refer either to the final, eschatological tribulation,
without necessarily envisioning a personified evil being, or to the evil that the one
praying might commit.
Sources: See especially Gerhard Kittel, ed., Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Grand
Rapids: Eerdmans, 1968), Vol. 6, pp. 560-61.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Neuter Plural Subjects
Attic Greek
Koinē Greek
Modern Greek
Neuter plural regularly
has a singular verb.
Neuter plural usually has
a singular verb.
Neuter plural never
has a singular verb.
Biblical Greek Examples
Neuter Plural Subject with a Singular Verb
1 John 3:10
›n toÖtæ faner} ›stin t~ tŸkna toØ jeoØ
In this the children (pl.) of God are (sing.) evident.
Matthew 6:33
ka¿ taØta p}nta prostej©setai ÕmÀn
And all these things (pl.) will be added (sing.) to you.
Neuter Plural Subject with a Plural Verb
James 2:19
ka¿ t~ daimËnia pisteÖousin.
Even the demons (pl.) believe (pl.).
Mark 3:11
t~ pneÖmata t~ {k}jarta Ðtan aÔtÌn ›jŸwroun
Whenever the unclean spirits (pl.) beheld (pl.) him . . .
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 6
1. Translate the following prepositional phrases.
{p! oÔranoØ prÌv g«n
di~ t«v jal}sshv
met~ tån |g¾wn
di~ tªn dËxan toØ jeoØ
met~ tªn ›sq}thn íran
2. Translate the following paragraph.
‡njrwpov kakÌv b}llei l¾jouv e¼v tªn ÊdÌn tån pistån majhtån.
Ê d¡ d¾kaiov prof©thv blŸpei to×v l¾jouv ›n t° Êdê ka¿ lamb}nei
to×v l¾jouv {pÌ t«v ÊdoØ. Ê prof©thv pŸmpei to×v l¾jouv ›k t«v
g«v ka¿ prÌv tªn £rhmon. di~ tÌ £rgon toØ prof©tou mŸnei ¨
dËxa jeoØ per¿ tªn ›kklhs¾an tån majhtån.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-7
{koÖw, b}llw, blŸpw, ginãskw, gr}fw, did}skw, e¼m¾, ›sj¾w, £qw, jŸlw,
lamb}nw, lŸgw, lÖw, mŸnw, pŸmpw, pisteÖw, sézw
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, ‡njrwpov, ‡rtov,
basile¾a, g«, dËxa, doØlov, dåron, ›kklhs¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, zw©, ¨mŸra,
j}lassa, j}natov, jeËv, kard¾a, kËsmov, kÖriov, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, nËmov,
ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÔranËv, Îqlov, ploÀon, prof©thv, tŸknon, u½Ëv, fwn©, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, pistËv,
ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, kat}, met}, per¾, prËv
{ll}, g}r, dŸ, ka¾, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, (oÔ, oÔk, oÔq)
(aÔtËv, -©, -Ë), ›gã, sÖ
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 7
1. lŸgete lËgon kat~ toØ kur¾ou toØ oÔranoØ;
2. a½ yuqa¿ Õmån £qousin |mart¾an Ðti ›sj¾ete tÌn ‡rton tån tŸknwn.
3. ¨ {delf© sou ka¿ tÌ tŸknon aÔt«v e¼sin ›n tê plo¾æ {ll’ oÔk £qousin ‡rton.
4. ¨ {g}ph toØ jeoØ sézei Õm‚v {pÌ t«v |mart¾av Õmån.
5. prof©thv pistÌv oÔ did}skei kat~ toØ nËmou.
6. ¨ {g}ph t«v |mart¾av mŸnei ›n so¾, ›gä d¡ pisteÖw Ðti Ê kÖriov jŸlei sézein
7. ›sj¾ei Ê Îqlov tÌn ‡rton t«v g«v, {ll’ oÔk £qousi t~ dåra toØ oÔranoØ.
8. oÔ lamb}nomen dåra {pÌ toØ jeoØ kat~ t~ £rga ¨mån {ll~ kat~ tªn {g}phn
9. o½ doØloi ¨mån b}llousi l¾jouv e¼v tÌ ploÀon Ðti aÔtÌ jŸlousi lÖein.
10. ¨ dika¾a {koÖei t«v fwn«v t«v {lhje¾av ka¿ sézei tªn yuqªn aÔt«v ›k
11. ginãskomen Ðti s× eÅ Ê ‡ggelov t«v zw«v. met~ soØ o½ u½o¿ t«v basile¾av e¼s¾n;
12. Ê majhtªv oÔk £qei tªn |mart¾an, did}skei g~r kat~ tÌn nËmon toØ jeoØ.
13. di~ tÌn Îqlon tÌn ponhrÌn pŸmpei Ê jeÌv to×v doÖlouv aÔtoØ e¼v tÌn oÅkon.
14. lŸgeiv Ðti ›gã e¼mi Ê ‰giov, s× d¡ oÔ blŸpeiv tªn basile¾an mou.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
PoØ ›n tê kËsmæ ›st¿n K}rmen S~n Di©gw;
PoØ ›stin K}rmen S~n Di©gw; blŸpete K}rmen ›n t° Êdê; oÔ
blŸpomen K}rmen ›n t° Êdê. mŸnei K}rmen met~ l¾jon; oÚ. £qei
K}rmen zwªn met~ tån profhtån ›n t° ›r©mæ; oÚ. pŸmpete
K}rmen {pÌ t«v g«v e¼v to×v oÔranoÖv; oÔ pŸmpomen K}rmen e¼v
to×v oÔranoÖv. pisteÖete Ðti K}rmen ›st¿n ›n t° kard¾ƒ t«v
jal}sshv; oÔ jŸlomen pisteÖein Ðti K}rmen ›st¿n ›n t° kard¾ƒ
t«v jal}sshv. K}rmen ›st¿n met~ tån doÖlwn ›n t° |g¾ƒ g°; oÚ.
b}llousin ‡njrwpoi kako¿ K}rmen ›k t«v basile¾av; oÚ.
pŸmpousi K}rmen di~ t«v›r©mou ka¿ per¿ tªn g«n ka¿ prÌv tÌn
jeÌn toØ oÔranoØ; oÚ. poØ mŸnei K}rmen; K}rmen £qei zwªn
met~ tån tŸknwn t«v dËxhv ›n t° ›kklhs¾ƒ.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 7
1. Translate the following sentences.
›gä oÔ lŸgw kat~ toØ u½oØ toØ {njrãpou.
s× eÅ prof©thv ka¿ t~ £rga soÖ e¼sin ‰gia.
¨ {g}ph ›st¿n {pÌ toØ jeoØ.
did}skeiv kat~ tÌn nËmon toØ oÔranoØ;
gr}fomen lËgouv {lhje¾av ÕmÀn ka¿ toÀv tŸknoiv Õmån.
2. Translate the following paragraph.
Ê ‡rtov t«v g«v ›stin dåron {pÌ toØ oÔranoØ. Ê Îqlov ›sj¾ei tÌn
‡rton, {ll! ¨meÀv oÔ jŸlomen ›sj¾ein aÔtËn. jŸlomen pŸmpein tÌn
‡rton prÌv to×v {delfo×v ¨mån, ¨ g~r j}lassa lÖei t~ ploÀa
aÔtån ka¿ a½ yuqa¿ aÔtån oÔ ginãskousin {g}phn. jŸlomen sézein
aÔto×v Ðti £qomen tªn {g}phn toØ jeoØ ›n taÀv kard¾aiv ¨mån.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-8
{koÖw, {postŸllw, b}llw, bapt¾zw, blŸpw, ginãskw, gr}fw, did}skw, ›ge¾rw,
e¼m¾, ›sj¾w, eÕr¾skw, £qw, jŸlw, kr¾nw, lamb}nw, lŸgw, lÖw, mŸnw, pŸmpw,
pisteÖw, sézw
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, ‡njrwpov, ‡rtov,
basile¾a, g«, dËxa, doØlov, dåron, ›kklhs¾a, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, e¼r©nh,
zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jeËv, kard¾a, kËsmov, kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov,
lËgov, majht©v, nËmov, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÔranËv, Îqlov, ploÀon, prËswpon,
prof©thv, tŸknon, u½Ëv, fwn©, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, pistËv,
ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, kat}, met}, per¾, prËv
{ll}, g}r, dŸ, ka¾, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, (oÔ, oÔk, oÔq), oÞn, oÜtwv
(aÔtËv, -©, -Ë), ›gã, sÖ, oßtov, ›keÀnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 8
1. Ê jeÌv {postŸllei toØton tÌn prof©thn e¼v tÌn laËn.
2. ¨meÀv £qomen ›xous¾an bapt¾zein, ÕmeÀv d¡ oÔk £qete ›xous¾an kr¾nein ¨m‚v.
3. £qomen tªn {g}phn tªn aÔtªn ›n taÀv kard¾aiv ¨mån ka¿ aÔtÌv Ê prof©thv
ginãskei toØto.
4. t~ tŸkna t«v g«v ›ke¾nhv oÔq eÕr¾skousin tªn e¼r©nhn Ðti ¨ kard¾a toØ laoØ
›sti kak©.
5. ›n t° írƒ ›ke¾n¬ Ê kÖriov pŸmpei to×v {ggŸlouv aÔtoØ e¼v tÌn kËsmon
eÕr¾skein tªn ‰gian {delf©n.
6. oÜtwv lŸgei Ê kÖriov, !Ege¾rw ‡ggelon jan}tou di~ to×v kako×v {ll~ pŸmpw
zwªn toÀv pistoÀv.
7. ›n t° ¨mŸrƒ ›ke¾n¬ Ê jeÌv aÔtÌv ›ge¾rei to×v nekro×v ka¿ o½ Îqloi t«v g«v
{koÖousi tªn aÔtªn fwn©n.
8. {postŸllw toÖtouv to×v majht~v bapt¾zein t~ tŸkna t~ mikr}.
9. oÔ blŸpete ¨m‚v prËswpon prÌv prËswpon {ll~ gr}fete to×v lËgouv toÖtouv
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
10. did}skomen ka¿ pisteÖomen t~ aÔt}, ›keÀnoi d¡ o½ {delfo¿ oÔ mŸnousin ›n t°
›kklhs¾ƒ t«v {l©jeiav.
11. oßtov Ê kËsmov mŸnei ›n |mart¾ƒ, ¨meÀv d¡ blŸpomen tªn dËxan ‡llou kËsmou
›n toÀv oÔranoÀv.
12. d¾kaiov Ê kÖriov= kr¾nei oÞn tªn basile¾an ›ke¾nhn kat~ tªn {l©jeian.
13. oÔ jŸlete {koÖein ¨mån t«v fwn«v= ¨meÀv oÞn lŸgomen toÖtouv to×v lËgouv
14. ginãskomen tªn e¼r©nhn toØ jeoØ= ›sj¾omen oÞn tÌn aÔtÌn ‡rton ›n tê aÔtê
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Special Uses of aÔtËv — NT Examples
Identical Use — Attributive Position with a Noun — “Same”
1. diairŸseiv d¡ qarism}twn e¼s¾n, tÌ d¡ aÔtÌ pneØma=
There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit;
ka¿ diairŸseiv diakoniån e¼sin, ka¿ Ê aÔtÌv kÖriov=
and there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord;
ka¿ diairŸseiv ›nerghm}twn e¼s¾n, Ê d¡ aÔtÌv jeËv (1 Cor 12:4-6).
and there are varieties of activities, but the same God.
2. oÔ p‚sa s~rx ¨ aÔtª s}rx (1 Cor 15:39).
Not all flesh [is] the same flesh.
3. o½ . . . oÔrano¿ ka¿ ¨ g« tê aÔtê lËgæ tejhsaurismŸnoi e¼s¾n pur¾ (2 Pet 3:7)
The heavens and the earth by the same word have been reserved for fire.
Identical Use — Used without a Noun — “Same”
1. t~ aÔt~ gr}fein ÕmÀn ›mo¿ m¡n oÔk ÉknhrËn (Phil 3:1).
To write the same [things] to you is not troublesome for me.
2. parakalå d¡ Õm‚v, {delfo¾, . . . Ãna tÌ aÔtÌ lŸghte p}ntev (1 Cor 1:10).
And I exhort you, brothers [and sisters] that you all say the same thing.
Intensive Use — Predicate Position with a Noun — “. . . self/selves”
1. di~ t~ £rga aÔt~ pisteÖete (John 5:36).
Because of the works themselves, believe [me].
2. e¼s«ljen . . . QristËv . . . e¼v aÔtÌn tÌn oÔranËn (Heb 9:24)
Christ entered into heaven itself.
3. tÌ g~r ‰gion pneØma did}xei Õm‚v ›n aÔt° t° írƒ (Luke 12:12).
For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour (the hour itself).
Intensive Use — With a Pronoun or Implied Subject — “. . . self/selves”
1. PŸtrov ±geiren aÔtÌn lŸgwn . . . ka¿ ›gä aÔtÌv ‡njrwpËv e¼mi (Acts 10:26).
Peter raised him, saying . . . “I myself am also a human being.”
2. oÔ qre¾an £qete gr}fein ÕmÀn, aÔto¿ g~r ÕmeÀv jeod¾dakto¾ ›ste (1 Thess 4:9).
You do not have need [for us] to write to you, for you yourselves have been
taught by God.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 8
1. Translate the following phrases and sentences.
›keÀnov Ê doØlov ka¿ oßtov Ê kÖriov
›n taÖt¬ t° basile¾ƒ ka¿ ›n ›ke¾n¬ t° g°
£qousin t~ ploÀa t~ aÔt};
¨ {delfª aÔtª kr¾nei tÌn laËn.
aÔtÌv Ê ‡njrwpov did}skei tÌn aÔtÌn nËmon.
2. Translate the following paragraph.
jŸlomen bapt¾zein tÌn laËn, Ê d¡ kÖriov t«v g«v taÖthv lŸgei Ðti
oÔk £qomen tªn ›xous¾an bapt¾zein. {ll! Ê jeÌv aÔtÌv ›ge¾rei
‡llon kÖrion ka¿ {postŸllei toØton tÌn kÖrion prÌv tªn g«n ¨mån
kr¾nein aÔt©n. Ê aÔtÌv jeÌv pŸmpei e¼r©nhn e¼v ¨m‚v. ›ke¾nh ¨
e¼r©nh ›st¿n oÅkov ‰giov per¿ tÌn laËn. oÜtwv eÕr¾skomen zwªn
ka¿ blŸpomen tÌ prËswpon toØ jeoØ ›n toÀv {delfoÀv ka¿ taÀv
{delfaÀv ¨mån. £qete tªn aÔtªn e¼r©nhn;
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Periodic Exercises — Set #1 (emphasizing Lessons 1-8)
1. jŸlei ›keÀnov Ê prof©thv bapt¾zein t~ tŸkna t~ mikr};
2. {gaj~ t~ dåra toØ oÔranoØ, kak~ d¡ t~ £rga toØ {njrãpou t«v |mart¾av.
3. lŸgete t° {delf° ¨mån Ðti ›xous¾an £qete kr¾nein tªn kard¾an aÔt«v=
ginãskomen d¡ Ðti oÔ lŸgete tªn {l©jeian.
4. ›n t° írƒ aÔt° ›ge¾rei Ê jeÌv to×v nekro×v ka¿ {postŸllei to×v
{ggŸlouv aÔtoØ lamb}nein to×v |g¾ouv.
5. oßtoi o½ doØloi jŸlousin ›sj¾ein ‡rton ›n tê oÂkæ, {ll~ Ê ponhrÌv kÖriov
aÔtån b}llei aÔtÌn e¼v tªn j}lassan.
6. gr}fw to×v aÔto×v lËgouv tê majht° ›ke¾næ, oÔ g~r did}skei kat~ tÌn
nËmon t«v {g}phv.
7. met~ taØta o½ u½o¿ t«v dËxhv {koÖousin fwn«v ›k tån oÔranån ka¿
pisteÖousin e¼v tÌn kÖrion.
8. ›n taÀv ›sq}taiv ¨mŸraiv o½ ponhro¿ eÕr¾skousin l¾jouv ›n t° ›r©mæ ka¿
b}llousin aÔto×v e¼v tªn ›kklhs¾an.
9. ¨ basile¾a oÔk £qei tªn e¼r©nhn, mŸnei g~r Ê j}natov ›n t° g° ka¿ lÖei
t~v yuq~v tån dika¾wn.
10. pŸmpomen tÌn pistÌn {delfÌn di~ t«v ›r©mou lŸgein ÕmÀn tªn {l©jeian
ka¿ sézein Õm‚v {pÌ tån |martiån Õmån.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
11. ›n tê kËsmæ toÖtæ oÔ blŸpw £rga pist}, {ll~ mŸnw ›n t° Êdê t«v zw«v
ka¿ pisteÖw tê jeê.
12. lŸgei per¿ toÖtwn ¨ {delf© sou prÌv to×v Îqlouv. {koÖousi t«v fwn«v
aÔt«v ka¿ kr¾nousi to×v lËgouv aÔt«v ›n taÀv kard¾aiv aÔtån.
13. t~ tŸkna e¼s¿n ›n tê plo¾æ met~ tån majhtån. Ê laÌv oÞn oÔ blŸpei
t~ prËswpa aÔtån.
14. o½ pråtoi ›n t° g° oÔ lamb}nousin dËxan ka¿ dåra {pÌ tån |g¾wn,
oÜtwv g~r oÔk £stin ¨ ÊdÌv toØ jeoØ.
15. {postŸllete ‡llouv doÖlouv did}skein ›keÀna t~ tŸkna;
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-9
{koÖw, {pokr¾nomai, {postŸllw, ‡rqw, b}llw, bapt¾zw, blŸpw, g¾nomai, ginãskw,
gr}fw, did}skw, diŸrqomai, dÖnamai, ›ge¾rw, e¼m¾, e¼sŸrqomai, ›xŸrqomai, £rqomai, ›sj¾w,
eÕr¾skw, £qw, jŸlw, kr¾nw, lamb}nw, lŸgw, lÖw, mŸnw, pŸmpw, pisteÖw, poreÖomai, sézw
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, ‡njrwpov,
‡rtov, basile¾a, g«, dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›xous¾a, £rgon,
£rhmov, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jeËv, kard¾a, kËsmov, kÖriov, laËv,
l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, nËmov, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÔranËv, Îqlov, ploÀon, prËswpon,
prof©thv, tŸknon, u½Ëv, fwn©, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, pistËv,
ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, kat}, met}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpË
{ll}, g}r, dŸ, ka¾, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, oÔ, oÔk, oÔq, oÔdŸ, oÞn, oÜtwv
(aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, oßtov, ›keÀnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 9
1. o½ ponhro¿ |martwlo¿ oßtoi ›xŸrqontai e¼v tÌn prof©thn. aÔto¿ dÖnantai
2. ÕmeÀv {koÖete t«v fwn«v {ggŸlou, ¨meÀv d¡ didaskËmeja ÕpÌ toØ jeoØ aÔtoØ.
3. ‡njrwpov oÔ g¾netai d¾kaiov ›x £rgwn. ¨ e¼r©nh prÌv tÌn jeËn ›sti dåron.
4. dierqËmeja di~ t«v ›r©mou {ll’ oÔk £qomen ‡rton oÔd¡ blŸpomen tªn
5. met~ taØta £rqetai Ê ‡ggelov toØ kur¾ou ka¿ o½ nekro¿ ›ge¾rontai.
6. e¼sŸrqontai t~ t¡kna e¼v tÌn oÂkon s×n toÀv majhtaÀv.
7. ¨ {delfª ¨mån jŸlei ginãskein tªn {l©jeian per¿ toØ u½oØ aÔt«v, ÕmeÀv d¡ oÔk
{pokr¾nesje aÔt°.
8. oÔ jŸlw ‡rqein t«v basile¾av taÖthv= poreÖomai oÞn prÌv ‡llhn g«n.
9. ›n t° ¨mŸrƒ ›ke¾n¬ ploÀa lÖontai ka¿ ¨ j}lassa oÔ dÖnatai eÕr¾skesjai.
10. Ê Îqlov g¾netai mikrÌv Ðti kako¿ |martwlo¿ e¼sŸrqontai e¼v tªn ›kklhs¾an.
11. ‡rqesje pisteÖein ›n taÀv kard¾aiv Õmån, {ll’ oÔk ›xŸrqesje ›k t«v ÊdoØ t«v
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
12. s×n t° {delf° sou £rq¬ prÌv tÌn prof©thn bapt¾zesjai Õp’ aÔtoØ.
13. Ê {delfÌv Õmån oÔk {pokr¾netai tê laê met’ {g}phv= kr¾netai oÞn ÕpÌ toØ
14. poreuËmeja prÌv tªn j}lassan, {ll’ oÔ jŸlomen diŸrqesjai taÖthn tªn g«n.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
English Derivatives from Greek ÕpË
Hypoallergenic — having little chance of causing an allergic response
Hypodermic — pertaining to injection beneath the skin
Hypoglycemia — abnormally low blood sugar level
Hypothermia — abnormally low body temperature
Hypochondria — morbid concern about one’s health
(from Greek ÕpË, “under” + qËndrov, “cartilage of the breastbone.”
Hence, the abdomen and its organs.)
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Uses of the Middle Voice
Active: {le¾fw = I anoint
Middle: {le¾fomai = I anoint myself
(direct reflexive)
= I have myself anointed
= I let myself be anointed
{le¾fomai tªn kefal©n mou = I anoint my head
(indirect reflexive)
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 9
1. Give the Present Passive Indicative of bapt¾zw. Translate each form.
English Translation
English Translation
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
2. Translate the following sentences.
|martwlo¿ sézontai tê lËgæ t«v zw«v. £rqetai ¨ ¨mŸra toØ kur¾ou;
did}skomai ÕpÌ toØ prof©tou ka¿ poreÖomai kat~ to×v nËmouv aÔtoØ.
oÔ dÖnasje blŸpein tªn basile¾an toØ jeoØ, e¼sŸrqesje d¡ e¼v aÔt©n.
3. Parse these verb forms from the above sentences.
1. sézontai
2. £rqetai
3. did}skomai
4. poreÖomai
5. dÖnasje
6. e¼sŸrqesje
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-10
‡gw, aÂrw, {koÖw, {naba¾nw, {pŸrqomai, {pokr¾nomai, {pojn¯skw, {pokte¾nw,
{postŸllw, ‡rqw, b}llw, bapt¾zw, blŸpw, g¾nomai, ginãskw, gr}fw, did}skw,
diŸrqomai, dÖnamai, ›ge¾rw, e¼m¾, e¼sŸrqomai, ›xŸrqomai, £rqomai, ›sj¾w,
eÕr¾skw, £qw, jŸlw, kataba¾nw, kr¾nw, lamb}nw, lŸgw, lÖw, mŸllw, mŸnw, Éfe¾lw,
pŸmpw, pisteÖw, poreÖomai, sun}gw, sézw
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, ‡njrwpov,
{pËstolov, ‡rtov, basile¾a, g«, dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a,
›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jeËv,½erËn, kard¾a,
kËsmov, kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, nËmov, ÊdËv, oÅkov,oÔranËv,
Îqlov, ploÀon, prËswpon, prof©thv, tŸknon, u½Ëv, fwn©, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, pistËv,
ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, g}r, dŸ, ka¾, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, oÔ, oÔk, oÔq, oÔdŸ,
oÞn, oÜtwv
(aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, oßtov, ›keÀnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 10
1. ¨ dËxa toØ jeoØ {pŸrqetai {pÌ t«v ›kklhs¾av Ðti Ê prof©thv {pojn¯skei.
2. oßtov Ê ‡njrwpov {pŸjn¬sken Õp¡r toØ {delfoØ aÔtoØ ka¿ ›d¾daske tÌn laÌn
per¿ {g}phv.
3. prÌv j}naton ‡gei ¨ ÊdÌv t«v |mart¾av, ÕmeÀv d¡ §mŸllete poreÖesjai ›n aÔt°.
4. Ê {pËstolov μgen t~ tŸkna {pÌ toØ ½eroØ e¼v tªn £rhmon.
5. sun«gon o½ majhta¿ o½ pisto¿ ‡rtouv, o½ d¡ ‡rtoi μsan mikro¿ ka¿ kako¾.
6. ±jelen Ê ponhrÌv ‡njrwpov {pokte¾nein tÌn doØlon aÔtoØ, ¨ d¡ {delfª toØ
{njrãpou ±jele sézein aÔtËn.
7. ¨meÀv {neba¾nomen prÌv tªn kalªn g«n, ÕmeÀv d¡ kateba¾nete par~ tªn
8. ›n t° írƒ ›ke¾n¬ ¸rete tªn fwnªn Õmån prÌv tÌn kÖrion zw«v Ðti ›mŸllete
9. oßtoi o½ |martwlo¾ e¼sin ponhro¾, {ll’ oÔk Éfe¾lomen {pokte¾nein aÔtoÖv.
10. aÂreiv tÌ ploÀon par~ toØ {postËlou Ðti Éfe¾leiv kataba¾nein e¼v tªn
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11. ›n t° ¨mŸrƒ ›ke¾n¬ {nŸbainev e¼v tÌ ½erÌn met~ dãrwn taÀv ›xous¾aiv.
12. {pŸrqesje prÌv ‡llouv jeoÖv, Éfe¾lete d¡ pisteÖein e¼v tÌn jeÌn toØ oÔranoØ.
13. Ê prof©thv sun}gei tÌn Îqlon e¼v tÌn oÅkon ka¿ lŸgei aÔtoÀv Õp¡r toØ jeoØ.
14. ›gä ±mhn ›n tê ½erê, ÕmeÀv d¡ μte ›n t° ›r©mæ.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
An augment is a prefix added to an indicative verb of the secondary tenses (imperfect,
aorist, and pluperfect). If the verb begins with a consonant, the augment is normally an
epsilon (›-). If the verb begins with a vowel or diphthong, the augment will usually consist
of the lengthening of that vowel or diphthong. Examples:
Augmenting Verbs Beginning with a Vowel
I hear
I was hearing
I hope
I was hoping
I am obligated
I was obligated
I have power
I had power
I am healthy
I was healthy
Augmenting Verbs Beginning with a Diphthong
I take up
I was taking up
I grow
I was growing
I have compassion
I had compassion
or eu
I find
I was finding
I am at peace
I was at peace
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 10
1. Give the Imperfect Active Indicative of did}skw. Translate each form.
English Translation
English Translation
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
2. Translate the following paragraph.
kakÌv ‡njrwpov {nŸbaine prÌv tÌ ½erÌn {pokte¾nein to×v doÖlouv toØ
jeoØ. {ll! ›n t° írƒ ›ke¾n¬ katŸbainon pisto¿ prof«tai {pÌ toØ ½eroØ.
o½ prof«tai £legon tê {njrãpæ, OÔk Éfe¾leiv aÂrein tªn zwªn ›n tê
½erê, tÌ g~r ½erÌn ‰gion ka¿ ¨ zwª {gaj©. o½ prof«tai oÔk ›g¾nwskon
Ðti Ê kÖriov ±mellen pŸmpein tê {njrãpæ kard¾an t«v {g}phv. Ê g~r
kÖriov £luen tªn kard¾an aÔtoØ t«v |mart¾av ka¿ £sæzen tÌn ‡njrwpon
›k toØ jan}tou. Ê ‡njrwpov ›p¾steuen e¼v tÌn kÖrion ka¿ o½ doØloi toØ
jeoØ oÔk {pŸjn¬skon ›n ›ke¾n¬ t° ¨mŸrƒ.
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Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-11
‡gw, aÂrw, {koÖw, {naba¾nw, {pŸrqomai, {pokr¾nomai, {pojn¯skw, {pokte¾nw,
{postŸllw, ‡rqw, b}llw, bapt¾zw, blŸpw, g¾nomai, ginãskw, gr}fw, dŸqomai,
did}skw, diŸrqomai, dÖnamai, ›ge¾rw, e¼m¾, e¼sŸrqomai, ›xŸrqomai, £rqomai,
›sj¾w, eÕr¾skw, £qw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw, kataba¾nw, kr¾nw, lamb}nw, lŸgw, lÖw,
mŸllw, mŸnw, Éfe¾lw, pŸmpw, pisteÖw, poreÖomai, sun}gw, sézw
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, ‡njrwpov,
{pËstolov, ‡rtov, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, daimËnion, dËxa, doØlov, dåron,
e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jeËv,
½erËn, kard¾a, kËsmov, kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, nËmov, ÊdËv, oÅkov,
oÔranËv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, ploÀon, prËswpon, prof©thv, tŸknon, tËpov, u½Ëv,
fwn©, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, pistËv,
ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, g}r, dŸ, £ti, ¼doÖ, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, oÔ, oÔk, oÔq, oÔdŸ,
oÞn, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, tŸ, tËte
(aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, oßtov, ›keÀnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 11
1. o½ Éfjalmo¿ toØ tŸknou ›jerapeÖonto tê lËgæ toØ prof©tou.
2. ›n tê ½erê §koÖomen toÖtouv to×v lËgouv par~ soØ, {ll’ oÔk §jŸlomen
dŸqesjai aÔtoÖv.
3. taØta ›gr}fonto ›n tê bibl¾æ toØ nËmou, ÕmeÀv d¡ oÔk ›dÖnasje blŸpein aÔt}.
4. t~ m¡n daimËnia ›x©rqonto {pÌ toØ tŸknou, aÔtÌ d¡ £ti {pŸjn¬sken.
5. ›ke¾nh ¨ basile¾a μn ponhr}, {ll~ ka¿ prÌv tÌn tËpon ›keÀnon Ê majhtªv
6. ›pŸmponto bibl¾a te ka¿ dåra prÌv to×v |martwloÖv, aÔto¿ d¡ oÚte ±jelon
oÚte ›dŸqonto aÔt}.
7. ºron ka¿ t~ tŸkna tªn fwnªn aÔtån ka¿ £legon, TÌn aÔtÌn ‡rton Éfe¾lomen
›sj¾ein p}lin;
8. ka¿ ›poreÖesje ›n t° Êdê t«v {g}phv ka¿ ›did}skesje tÌn nËmon t«v {g}phv.
9. s× £legev tËte Ðti jeÌv ›jer}peue to×v ÉfjalmoÖv sou, {mªn d¡ lŸgw soi,
JeÌv mŸllei jerapeÖein tªn kard¾an sou.
10. Ê kÖriov ¨mån m¡n μn pråtov ›n t° g°, aÔtÌv d¡ ›lÖeto taÀv |mart¾aiv aÔtoØ.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
11. kak~ daimËnia di©rqonto tªn g«n, {ll’ oÚte £menon ›n tê tËpæ ›ke¾næ oÚte
±jelon {pokte¾nein tÌn laËn.
12. ¼do× ¨ basile¾a toØ oÔranoØ £rqetai= ¨ dËxa tê jeê ka¿ ¨ e¼r©nh toÀv doÖloiv
aÔtoØ. {m©n.
13. ÕmeÀv μte pisto¿ tê kur¾æ £n te tê ½erê ka¿ ›n t° Êdê, {ll’ ›n toÀv oÂkoiv
Õmån oÔk ›poreÖesje ›n t° {lhje¾ƒ.
14. jŸlomen blŸpein tÌ prËswpon toØ jeoØ ›p¿ t«v g«v ka¿ p}lin ›n oÔranê.
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Quick Quiz — Lesson 11
1. Give the Imperfect Passive Indicative of did}skw. Translate each form.
English Translation
English Translation
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
2. Translate the following paragraph.
¼do× a½ ¨mŸrai a½ £sqatai ±rqonto ›p¿ tªn g«n. daimËnia ›b}lleto
e¼v tªn j}lassan ka¿ a½ kard¾ai a½ ponhra¿ ›jerapeÖonto. bibl¾a
toØ nËmou ›gr}feto ka¿ Ê lËgov toØ kur¾ou §koÖeto ›n t° ›kklhs¾ƒ.
Ê laÌv e¼s©rqonto e¼v tÌ ½erÌn blŸpein tªn dËxan toØ jeoØ. £legon
Ê laËv, 1Erqetai Ê ÕiÌv toØ {njrãpou p}lin; {mªn oÚte blŸpousin
Éfjalmo¿ tÌn tËpon oÚte ginãskousi kard¾ai tªn íran.
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Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-12
‡gw, aÂrw, {koÖw, {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw, {pokr¾nomai,
{pokte¾nw, {postŸllw, ‡rqw, b}llw, bapt¾zw, blŸpw, g¾nomai (gen©somai),
ginãskw (gnãsomai), gr}fw, dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw), diŸrqomai, dox}zw,
dÖnamai, ›ge¾rw, e¼m¾, e¼sŸrqomai, ›xŸrqomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai), ›sj¾w,
eÕr¾skw, £qw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw, kataba¾nw, khrÖssw, kr¾nw, lamb}nw
(l©myomai), lŸgw, lÖw, mŸllw, mŸnw, Éfe¾lw, pŸmpw, pisteÖw, poreÖomai,
proseÖqomai, sun}gw, sézw, fŸrw
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, ‡njrwpov,
{pËstolov, ‡rtov, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, daimËnion, did}skalov, dËxa, doØlov,
dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa,
j}natov, jeËv, ½erËn, kard¾a, kËsmov, kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v,
nËmov, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÔranËv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, ploÀon, prËswpon, prof©thv,
tŸknon, tËpov, u½Ëv, fwn©, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, pistËv,
ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, g}r, dŸ, e¼, £ti, ¼doÖ, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, oÔ, oÔk, oÔq,
oÔdŸ, oÞn, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, tŸ, tËte
(aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, oßtov, ›keÀnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 12
1. ›jaum}zomen ›n toÀv £rgoiv toØ didask}lou ¨mån, ka¿ ÕmeÀv d¡ jaum}sesje ›n
t° ¨mŸrƒ ›ke¾n¬.
2. tËte m¡n oÔk ›ginãskomen t~v Êdo×v t«v e¼r©nhv, nØn d¡ ›leÖsetai Ê prof©thv
ka¿ {no¾xei tªn kard¾an ¨mån.
3. proseÖqontai t~ tŸkna Õp¡r t«v {delf«v aÔtån, {ll’ oÔ pisteÖousin e¼v tÌn
kÖrion ka¿ jeo¿ toØ l¾jou oÔk {pokr¾nontai.
4. e¼ dox}zete tÌ £rgon |martwlån, oÔ l©myesje tÌ dåron zw«v ›n taÀv ¨mŸraiv
taÀv ›sq}taiv.
5. Ê did}skalov lŸgei tê ponhrê Îqlæ, KhrÖssw ÕmÀn tÌn lËgon t«v {lhje¾av
{ll’ oÔ l©myesje aÔtËn.
6. t~v |mart¾av mou oÔk ›dun}mhn fŸrein, Ê d¡ kÖriov oÂsei aÔt~v Õp¡r ›moØ.
7. ¼do× ¨ íra toØ jan}tou ›leÖsetai ka¿ a½ kaka¿ ›xous¾ai toÖtou toØ kËsmou
gnãsontai Ðti jeËv ›stin Ê kÖriov.
8. o½ doØloi aÔto¿ gen©sontai majhta¿ toØ {postËlou ka¿ did}xousin ‡llouv.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
9. {no¾xw tÌ ½erÌn tê laê ka¿ tËte {koÖsousi ka¿ gnãsontai tÌn nËmon toØ
10. t~ tŸkna jeoØ £sontai fwnª {lhje¾av ›n tê kËsmæ, did}xousin oÞn ¨m‚v
11. e¼ jeÌv nØn dox}zetai ÕpÌ toØ {delfoØ mou, ka¿ ›gä gen©somai ‡ggelov ka¿
‡xw tÌn u½Ën mou prÌv dËxan.
12. e¼ khrÖssetai Ðti daimËnia ‡rxetai kr¾nein tÌn kËsmon, oÔ pisteÖsomen toØto
oÔd¡ khrÖxomen ‡lloiv.
13. ¨meÀv m¡n ›sËmeja ›n tê oÂkæ ka¿ fagËmeja tÌn ‡rton t«v g«v, ÕmeÀv d¡
£sesje ›n t° ›kklhs¾ƒ ka¿ f}gesje tÌn ‡rton toØ oÔranoØ.
14. Ê u½Ëv mou oÚte pŸmyei {ggŸlouv oÚte gr}yei moi {p’ ‡llhv g«v.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Classification of Stops (or Mutes)
(or Linguals)
Formation of the Future Stem
1. Verbs Ending in a Palatal Stop: k, g, q + s yields x
plŸkw, “I weave”
plŸxw, “I will weave”
‡gw, “I lead
‡xw, “I will lead”
‡rqw, “I rule”
‡rxw, “I will rule”
2. Verbs Ending in a Labial Stop: p, b, f + s yields y
pŸmpw, “I send”
pŸmyw, “I will send”
bl}ptw, (stem = blab-), “I harm”
bl}yw, “I will harm”
gr}fw, “I write
gr}yw, “I will write”
3. Verbs Ending in a Lingual Stop: t, d, j + s yields s
˜dw, “I sing
˜sw, “I will sing”
pe¾jw, “I persuade”
pe¾sw, “I will persuade”
Note: Verbs whose stems end in zeta (such as -azw or - izw verbs)
usually form the future tense by dropping the zeta. Thus:
dox}zw, “I glorify”
dox}sw, “I will glorify”
bapt¾zw, “I baptize”
bapt¾sw, “I will baptize”
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Principal Parts
English verbs have three principal parts.
1. Present Active
2. Past Active
3. Past Participle
Regular verbs form the 2nd and 3rd principal part by adding the suffix -ed
to the 1st principal part.
But many English verbs are irregular:
1. Present Active
2. Past Active
3. Past Participle
Greek verbs have six principal parts. The principal parts themselves are
often irregular, but the forms derived from them are usually quite regular.
1. The first principal part is the PRESENT ACTIVE INDICATIVE
lÖw = I loosen, am loosening
2. The second principal part is the FUTURE ACTIVE INDICATIVE
lÖsw = I will loosen
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Quick Quiz — Lesson 12
1. Give the Future Active Indicative of lÖw.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
2. Give the Future Middle Indicative of lÖw.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
3. Translate the following paragraph.
›n t° ›sq}t¬ ¨mŸrƒ ›leusËmeja prÌv tÌn oÅkon toØ prof©tou ka¿
{no¾xei tÌ bibl¾on toØ nËmou. tËte khrÖxei tªn {l©jeian toØ jeoØ ka¿
jaum}somen. {koÖsete tÌn lËgon ka¿ gen©sesje majhta¿ toØ kur¾ou
›n t° ¨mŸrƒ ›ke¾n¬; e¼ l©myesje tªn {l©jeian toØ jeoØ, gnwsËmeja
Ðti Ê prof©thv ›st¿n did}skalov {p! oÔranoØ ka¿ dox}somen tÌn u½Ìn
toØ jeoØ. ka¿ nØn proseuqËmeja Ðti Ê kÖriov oÂsei ÕmÀn tªn e¼r©nhn.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-13
‡gw, aÂrw, {koÖw, {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw, {pokr¾nomai,
{pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw, ‡rqw, b}llw, bapt¾zw, blŸpw, g¾nomai
(gen©somai), ginãskw (gnãsomai), gr}fw, deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw),
diŸrqomai, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›ge¾rw, e¼m¾, e¼sŸrqomai, ›xŸrqomai, ›pistrŸfw,
£rqomai (›leÖsomai), ›sj¾w, œtoim}zw, eÕr¾skw, £qw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw,
kataba¾nw, khrÖssw, kr}zw, kr¾nw, lamb}nw (l©myomai), lŸgw, lÖw, mŸllw,
mŸnw, Éfe¾lw, pe¾jw, pŸmpw, pisteÖw, poreÖomai, proseÖqomai, sun}gw, sézw,
ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, ‡njrwpov,
{pËstolov, ‡rtov, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, daimËnion, did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh,
dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, zw©, ¨mŸra,
j}lassa, j}natov, jeËv, jrËnov, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a, kefal©, kËsmov,
kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, nËmov, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÔranËv, ÉfjalmËv,
Îqlov, ploÀon, prËswpon, prof©thv, tŸknon, tËpov, u½Ëv, fwn©, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv,
Ðlov, pistËv, ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, g}r, dŸ, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ±dh, ¼doÖ, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, oÔ,
oÔk, oÔq, oÔdŸ, oÞn, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, tŸ, tËte
(aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, oßtov, ›keÀnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 13
1. tËte Ê did}skalov {pŸluse tÌn Îqlon ka¿ ÕpŸstreyen e¼v tÌn oÅkon aÔtoØ.
2. ›keÀnoi o½ |martwlo¿ ›pŸstreyan prÌv tÌn kÖrion, ka¿ nØn œtoim}zei ›n
oÔranoÀv tËpon aÔtoÀv.
3. ±jelon peÀsai tªn {delf©n mou t~ ½m}tia t~ kal~ dŸxasjai, aÔtª d¡ oÔk
›p¾steusen Ðti deÀ aÔt~ dŸxasjai.
4. s× ¨to¾masav ‡rton tê {postËlæ, aÔtÌv d¡ ±dh ±sjien tÌn Âdion ‡rton.
5. ›pŸmyate t~ tŸkna e¼v tªn £rhmon {pojn¯skein ka¿ oÔk ›sãsate aÔt}= toØto
£stai ›p¿ tªn kefalªn Õmån.
6. ›gä £krazon ›n t° |mart¾ƒ mou, aÔtª d¡ £peisŸ me poreÖesjai ›n t° Êdê t«v
7. §koÖsate tÌn lËgon t«v zw«v ka¿ §no¾xate tªn kard¾an Õmån ka¿ ›pestrŸyate
›p¿ tÌn jeËn.
8. Ê ‡ggelov toØ jan}tou £rqetai kr¾nein tÌn kËsmon, ±dh d¡ kr}zousin o½ jrËnoi
basileiån ponhrån.
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9. oÔk £qei prof©thv dËxan ›n t° ¼d¾ƒ g°, Ê d¡ kËsmov Ðlov lŸgei kat~ t«v
fwn«v toØ {ggŸlou toØ jeoØ.
10. o½ majhta¿ oÔk ›dÖnanto ›keÀ jerapeØsai t~ tŸkna Ðti oÔk ›p¾steusan o½
11. a½ ›xous¾ai a½ kaka¿ ±mellon {pokte¾nein tÌn did}skalon t«v dikaiosÖnhv ka¿
fŸrein tªn kefalªn aÔtoØ e¼v tªn ›kklhs¾an.
12. deÀ to×v doÖlouv {polØsai ka¿ tÌn jeÌn dox}zein, aÜth g~r ¨mŸra e¼r©nhv ›n
Ðl¬ t° g°.
13. oÔk £qw tÌ dåron ½mat¾wn kalån, fŸrw d¡ prÌv tÌ ½erÌn kard¾an {g}phv.
14. Ê jrËnov toØ jeoØ ›stin ›n tê oÔranê ka¿ a½ yuqa¿ tån |g¾wn ÕpostrŸyousin
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Formation of the English Past Tense
(Some English verbs have more than one form for the past tense. Cf. Greek 1st and 2nd aorists.)
Present Tense
Past Tense
1. dive
dived or dove
2. plead
pleaded or pled
3. weave
weaved or wove
4. shine
shined or shone
5. leap
leaped or leapt
6. dream
dreamed or dreamt
7. strive
strived or strove
8. thrive
thrived or throve
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Quick Quiz — Lesson 13
1. Give the Aorist Active Indicative of lÖw.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
2. Give the Aorist Middle Indicative of lÖw.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
3. Translate the following paragraph.
o½ {pËstoloi ›k©russon tÌn lËgon ›n t° kak° basile¾ƒ, Ê d¡ laÌv
›keÀ oÔk ±jelon {koØsai aÔtån. £kraxan oÞn o½ {pËstoloi, Pe¾somen
Õm‚v. met~ taØta Ê laÌv ÕpŸstreyan prÌv tÌn kÖrion, ka¿ o½ {delfo¿
ka¿ a½ {delfa¿ ¨to¾masan aÔtoÀv ½m}tia ‰gia. o½ {pËstoloi ›b}ptisan
aÔto×v ka¿ ›dŸxanto aÔto×v e¼v tªn ›kklhs¾an.
4. Parse these verb forms from the above sentences.
1. ›k©russon
2. £kraxan
3. Pe¾somen
4. ›b}ptisan
5. ›dŸxanto
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-14
‡gw, aÂrw, {koÖw, {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw, {pokr¾nomai,
{pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw, ‡rqw, b}llw, bapt¾zw, blŸpw (Îyomai, eÅdon),
g¾nomai (gen©somai), ginãskw (gnãsomai), gr}fw, deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw
(did}xw), diŸrqomai, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›ge¾rw, e¼m¾, e¼sŸrqomai, ›xŸrqomai,
›pistrŸfw, £rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon), ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon), œtoim}zw,
eÕr¾skw, £qw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw, kataba¾nw, khrÖssw, kr}zw, kr¾nw,
lamb}nw (l©myomai), lŸgw (eÅpon), lÖw, mŸllw, mŸnw, Éfe¾lw, pe¾jw, pŸmpw,
p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (£peson), pisteÖw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai,
proseÖqomai, prosfŸrw, sun}gw, sézw, ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka), feÖgw
(feÖxomai, £fugon)
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, ‡njrwpov,
{pËstolov, ‡rtov, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, daimËnion, did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh,
dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, zw©, ¨mŸra,
j}lassa, j}natov, jeËv, jrËnov, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a, kefal©, kËsmov,
kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, nËmov, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, oÔranËv,
ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, ploÀon, prËswpon, prof©thv, shmeÀon, tŸknon, tËpov, u½Ëv,
fwn©, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv,
Ðlov, pistËv, ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, g}r, dŸ, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ±dh, ¼doÖ, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, oÔ,
oÔk, oÔq, oÔdŸ, oÞn, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, tŸ, tËte
(aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, oßtov, ›keÀnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 14
1. ›n ›ke¾n¬ t° ¨mŸrƒ ¨meÀv ›p¾omen oÅnon ka¿ ›f}gomen ‡rton, {ll~ ÕmeÀv
›fÖgete e¼v tªn £rhmon ka¿ proshÖxasje.
2. Ê prof©thv eÅden tÌn kÖrion ›p¿ toØ jrËnou ka¿ eÅpen prÌv aÔtÌn per¿ t«v
basile¾av toØ jeoØ.
3. o½ majhta¿ eÅdon t~ shmeÀa toØ oÔranoØ ka¿ £pesan ›p¿ prËswpon aÔtån.
4. eßrev tªn ÊdÌn {lhje¾av ›n tê ½erê ka¿ ›gŸnou doØlov dikaiosÖnhv, ›gä d¡ oÔk
±jelon {koØsai.
5. a½ {delfa¿ pros«ljon tê didask}læ ka¿ pros©negkan t~ dåra aÔtån.
6. o½ Éfjalmo¿ toØ kur¾ou Îyontai ka¿ t~ £rga sou ka¿ tªn kard¾an sou.
7. eÂdomen Ðti Ê {pËstolov ›jer}peuen ›keÀna t~ tŸkna, ka¿ ÕmeÀv d¡ Îyesje t~
shmeÀa t~ aÔt}.
8. oÔ fagËmeja ›n tê oÂkæ tån |martwlån, ‡rton d¡ ka¿ oÅnon ›n tê tËpæ tån
dika¾wn ›l}bomen.
9. eÅpen d¡ Ê ‡njrwpov, L¾joi {p’ oÔranoØ £peson, {ll~ Ê laÌv oÔk ›p¾steusan
oÔd¡ sun©gagon t~ tŸkna e¼v to×v oÂkouv.
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10. {pelÖsamen tÌn ponhrÌn Îqlon, proshrqËmeja g~r tê jrËnæ t«v dËxhv.
11. Ê {delfÌv ¨mån oÔk £pien tÌn oÅnon, ±jele g~r aÔtÌn prosfŸrein ›n tê ½erê.
12. μljen Ê u½Ìv Õmån prËv me ka¿ ±negke t~ bibl¾a toØ nËmou.
13. t~ daimËnia £labon t~ ½m}tia tån {ggŸlwn ka¿ £balon aÔt~ e¼v tªn j}lassan.
14. ›gä aÔtÌv ±gagon t~ tŸkna ›k t«v ›kklhs¾av, s× g~r oÔk £sqev tªn ›xous¾an
did}skein aÔt}.
15. ›n ›ke¾n¬ t° írƒ ›fÖgomen {pÌ toØ prosãpou toØ {ggŸlou toØ jeoØ, nØn d¡
feÖgomen {pÌ t«v |mart¾av.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Greek Story Time
tŸkna ponhr~ £balon l¾jouv e¼v tÌ ½erÌn ka¿ £labon t~ ½m}tia
tån ½erŸwn. eÅdon d¡ o½ ½ereÀv aÔt~ ka¿ £kraxan, DeÀ taØta t~
tŸkna {pojaneÀn, tÌ g~r ½erÌn ‰giËn ›stin ka¿ tŸkna Éfe¾lousin
e¼sŸrqesjai e¼v aÔtÌ ›n e¼r©n¬.tËte d¡ Ê did}skalov t«v
dikaiosÖnhv μljen ka¿ £grayen toÖtouv to×v lËgouv e¼v tªn g«n,
¨ dËxa toØ jeoØ oÔ dÖnatai lÖesjai l¾joiv. ka¿ ÕpŸstreyen Ê
did}skalov e¼v tÌn oÅkon aÔtoØ. tËte Ê kÖriov t«v {g}phv
±rxato ›pistrŸyai t~v kard¾av tån ½erŸwn ›p¿ tªn {l©jeian ka¿
›gŸnonto majhta¿ toØ didask}lou. ka¿ oÜtwv oÔk {pŸjanon t~
tŸkna ›n t° ¨mŸrƒ ›ke¾n¬.
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Quick Quiz — Lesson 14
1. Give the 2nd Aorist Active Indicative of lamb}nw.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
2. Give the 2nd Aorist Middle Indicative of lamb}nw.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
3. Translate the following paragraph.
o½ Îqloi μljon e¼v tªn £rhmon {koØsai toØ prof©tou. ka¿ eÅpen Ê prof©thv
aÔtoÀv, JŸlete ¼deÀn shmeÀon {pÌ toØ oÔranoØ; ±dh eÂdete ka¿ §koÖsate tÌn
did}skalon t«v dikaiosÖnhv ›n tê ½erê ka¿ oÔk ›pisteÖsate e¼v aÔtËn. ›p¾ete
oÅnon Ðlhn tªn ¨mŸran. ›fÖgete {pÌ t«v {lhje¾av, {ll! oÔk ›fÖgete {pÌ tån
|martiån Õmån. ka¿ nØn jŸlete ¼deÀn shmeÀon; {mªn deÀ {no¾gein t~v kard¾av
Õmån prÌv tÌn kÖrion. tËte Îyesje t~ dåra toØ oÔranoØ.
4. Parse these verb forms from the above paragraph.
1. μljon
2. eÅpen
3. §koÖsate
4. ›fÖgete
5. Îyesje
Periodic Exercises — Set #2 (emphasizing Lessons 9-14)
1. tËte m¡n o½ |martwlo¿ oÔk ›dÖnanto dŸqesjai tªn {l©jeian, nØn d¡
did}skontai ›k tån bibl¾wn ›n tê ½erê.
2. £ballon o½ {pËstoloi t~ daimËnia e¼v tªn j}lassan ka¿ ›jer}peuon t~
mikr~ tŸkna. ÕmeÀv eÂdete ›keÀna t~ shmeÀa {ll! oÔk ›pisteÖsate.
3. jaum}zw Ðti dÖnasje p¾nein oÅnon met~ tån Îqlwn di~ t«v ¨mŸrav Ðlhv
ka¿ £ti kataba¾nete prÌv tÌn oÅkon Õmån ka¿ oÔ p¾ptete.
4. Ê did}skalov t«v dikaiosÖnhv ›st¿n ¨ kefalª t«v ›kklhs¾av, ka¿ aÔtÌv
khrÖxei tÌ {gajÌn ka¿ œtoim}sei ¨m‚v t° basile¾ƒ toØ oÔranoØ.
5. proshnŸgkamen dåra prÌv tÌn jrËnon, ½m}ti} te ka¿ l¾jouv kaloÖv. tËte
ÕpestrŸyamen e¼v to×v oÂkouv ¨mån ka¿ proshux}meja Õp¡r tån ›xousiån.
6. pros«ljev tê prof©t¬ ›n tê tËpæ ›ke¾næ ka¿ eÅpev, DeÀ ›xŸrqesjai e¼v
tªn £rhmon ka¿ kr}zein tê jeê; Ê d¡ prof©thv oÔk ±jelen
{pokr¾nesja¾ soi.
7. e¼ Ê laÌv {no¾gei to×v Éfjalmo×v ka¿ ›pistrŸfei t~v kard¾av ›p¿ tÌn
kÖrion, Îyetai ka¿ tªn dËxan toØ jeoØ ka¿ tªn ÊdÌn t«v e¼r©nhv.
8. ›n t° írƒ ›ke¾n¬ a½ {delfa¿ katŸbainon prÌv tªn j}lassan ka¿ o½
{delfo¿ {nŸbainon e¼v tÌn oÅkon, {ll! oÔk §dÖnanto eÕreÀn tÌ ploÀon.
9. {pŸjn¬sken Ê pistÌv did}skalov= sun©gagen oÞn to×v ¼d¾ouv ka¿
proshÖxanto, ±jelon g~r peÀsai jeÌn såsai tªn yuqªn aÔtoØ ›k jan}tou.
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10. oßtov Ê kakÌv ‡njrwpov £mellen {pokte¾nein tÌn u½Ìn aÔtoØ. ±negka oÞn
aÔtÌn prÌv t~v ›xous¾av kr¾nesjai, oÔk Éfe¾lomen g~r {polØsai aÔtËn.
11. £fugen Ê doØlov e¼v ‡llhn g«n ka¿ oÔk e¼s«ljen p}lin e¼v tªn basile¾an
toØ kur¾ou aÔtoØ, Ê g~r kÖriov ±rxato dox}zein |mart¾an ka¿ £rga kak}.
12. aÂrw to×v ÉfjalmoÖv mou ka¿ blŸpw to×v {ggŸlouv jeoØ. ¼do×
diŸrqontai di~ toØ kËsmou khrÖssein toÀv |martwloÀv ka¿ ‡gein
aÔto×v prÌv jeËn.
13. Ê d¾kaiov ›leÖsetai ka¿ did}xei t~ tŸkna. {mªn lŸgw ÕmÀn, TËte
gnãsontai tÌn nËmon t«v {g}phv ka¿ gen©sontai majhta¿ toØ |g¾ou.
14. ›leÖsesje e¼v tªn ›kklhs¾an ka¿ l©myesje tÌn ‡rton t«v zw«v. tËte
d¡ s×n ¨mÀn f}gesje tÌ dåron toØ jeoØ ka¿ eÕr©sete e¼r©nhn.
15. ›n t° ¨mŸrƒ ›ke¾n¬ ›dex}meja {gaj~ par~ toØ didask}lou ¨mån, nØn d¡
{pojn¯skei Ê did}skalov ¨mån ka¿ Éfe¾lomen did}skesjai Õp! ‡llou.
16. ±dh Ê kÖriËv ›stin mej! ¨mån ›n t° g° taÖt¬, nØn d¡ deÀ {pŸrqesjai e¼v
‡llon tËpon. ginãskomen oÞn Ðti ka¿ ›keÀ £stai mej! ¨mån.
17. tÌ ploÀon ›lÖeto t° jal}ss¬, {ll~ o½ ‡njrwpoi ›n tê plo¾æ ›sézonto
ÕpÌ toØ kur¾ou. o½ oÞn ‡njrwpoi oÚte {pŸjanon oÚte ›kŸkraxan.
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Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-15
‡gw, aÂrw, {koÖw ({k©koa), {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw,
{pokr¾nomai, {pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw, ‡rqw, b}llw, bapt¾zw, blŸpw
(Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka), g¾nomai (gen©somai, gŸgona), ginãskw (gnãsomai,
£gnwka), gr}fw, deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw), diŸrqomai, dox}zw, dÖnamai,
›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai), e¼m¾, e¼sŸrqomai, ›xŸrqomai, ›pistrŸfw, £rqomai
(›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon), œtoim}zw, eÕr¾skw, £qw,
jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), kataba¾nw, khrÖssw, kr}zw, kr¾nw,
lamb}nw (l©myomai), lŸgw (eÅpon, eÂrhka), lÖw, mŸllw, mŸnw, Éfe¾lw, pe¾jw
(pŸpoija), pŸmpw, p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (£peson), pisteÖw, poreÖomai,
prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, prosfŸrw, sun}gw, sézw, ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw
(±negka), feÖgw (feÖxomai, £fugon)
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, ‡njrwpov,
{pËstolov, ‡rtov, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, daimËnion, did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh,
dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, zw©, ¨mŸra,
j}lassa, j}natov, jeËv, jrËnov, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a, kefal©, kËsmov,
kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, nËmov, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, oÔranËv,
ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, ploÀon, prËswpon, prof©thv, shmeÀon, tŸknon, tËpov, u½Ëv,
fwn©, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, ¥terov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv,
nekrËv, Ðlov, pistËv, ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, g}r, dŸ, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ±dh, ¼doÖ, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, oÔ,
oÔk, oÔq, oÔdŸ, oÞn, oÚpw, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, påv, tŸ, tËte
(aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, oßtov, ›keÀnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 15
1. ›n taÀv ¨mŸraiv ›ke¾naiv μn Ê u½Ìv aÔt«v mikrËv, nØn d¡ gŸgonen ‡njrwpov ka¿
£qei aÔtÌv u½Ën.
2. {khkËate toØ prof©tou; Ê laÌv lŸgei Ðti ›l©lujen {pÌ toØ oÔranoØ aÔtoØ.
3. poll}kiv £peson ›n tê oÂkæ mou, nØn d¡ pŸptwka ka¿ oÔ dÖnamai ›ge¾resjai.
4. a½ ›xous¾ai eÂrhkan ka¿ o½ doØloi {polŸluntai, aÔto¿ g~r oÔk £labon t~ ½m}tia
oÔd¡ tÌn oÅnon.
5. ponhro¿ ‡njrwpoi lŸlukan tÌ ½erËn, ka¿ nØn Éfe¾lomen sunagageÀn kalo×v
l¾jouv ka¿ œtoim}sai ¥teron oÅkon tê jeê ¨mån.
6. e¼ oÚpw ›gnãkate tªn {g}phn toØ jeoØ, oÔd¡ œwr}kate t~ shmeÀa toØ
oÔranoØ, oÔ dÖnasje khrÖxai toÀv Îqloiv.
7. Ê doØlov t«v {delf«v ¨mån eÂlhfen tÌn ‡rton. oÔ dun}meja ›sj¾ein.
8. o½ Éfjalmo¿ toØ |martwloØ tejer}peuntai ÕpÌ toØ kur¾ou, ka¿ nØn pŸpeismai
Ðti gen©setai majht©v.
9. Ê did}skalov t«v dikaiosÖnhv ›g©gertai ›k tån nekrån; ¨ íra t«v basile¾av
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10. tŸjnhken Ê {delfËv sou. proseuxËmeja Õp¡r aÔtoØ, ¨ g~r yuqª aÔtoØ
›xel©lujen {pÌ toÖtou toØ kËsmou;
11. Ê Îqlov ›jaÖmasen ka¿ eÅpen, #Ewr}kamen tÌn ‡ggelon toØ kur¾ou ka¿
{khkËamen t«v fwn«v aÔtoØ.
12. tŸknon μljen e¼v tªn ›kklhs¾an ka¿ £kraxen, EÜrhka ‡njrwpon nekrÌn ›n t°
13. Ê jeÌv aÔtÌv eÂrhken, OÔk {peleÖsomai {pÌ soØ, ka¿ pepe¾smeja Ðti Ê jeÌv
¨mån pistËv.
14. poll}kiv ›xhrqËmeja kat~ œtŸrwn laån ka¿ {pekte¾nomen, nØn d¡ ±ggiken ¨
¨mŸra t«v e¼r©nhv.
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Additional Exercises on the Perfect Tense
1. ›n taÀv ¨mŸraiv ›ke¾naiv μn Ê u½Ëv mou mikrËv, nØn d¡ gŸgonen ‡njrwpov ka¿ £qei aÔtÌv u½Ën.
2. a½ kaka¿ {delfa¿ e¼l©fasi ka¿ t~ bibl¾a ka¿ tÌn oÅnon ¨mån ka¿ oÔ dun}meja eÕreÀn aÔt}.
3. {khkËate toØ prof©tou; Ê laÌv lŸgei Ðti ›l©lujen {pÌ jeoØ ka¿ eÂrhken prÌv {ggŸlouv.
4. e¼ oÚpw ›gnãkate tªn {g}phn toØ kur¾ou, dÖnasje khrÖxai aÔtªn toÀv |martwloÀv;
5. ponhro¿ lŸlukan tÌ ½erËn= oÜtwv deÀ sunagageÀn l¾jouv ka¿ œtoim}sai oÅkon tê jeê ¨mån.
6. tÌ tŸknon μljen e¼v tªn ›kklhs¾an ka¿ £kraxen, !IdoØ eÜrhka ‡njrwpon nekrÌn ›n t° Êdê.
7. eÂrhkan a½ ›xous¾ai ka¿ o½ doØloi {polŸluntai, aÔto¿ g~r oÔk £labon t~ kal~ ½m}tia.
8. DËxa jeê, eÅpen Ê {delfËv mou, œãraka g~r tÌ shmeÀon ka¿ ¨ kard¾a mou tejer}peutai.
9. pŸpeismai Ðti pŸptwkan t~ daimËnia toÖtou toØ kËsmou ka¿ ±ggiken ¨ basile¾a toØ jeoØ.
10. poll}kiv katŸbainev prÌv tªn j}lassan ka¿ ±kouev toØ didask}lou t«v dikaiosÖnhv,
nØn d¡ tŸjnhken Ê did}skalov ka¿ ¥terov oÚpw ›l©lujen labeÀn tÌn tËpon aÔtoØ.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 15
1. Give the Perfect Active Indicative of lÖw.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
2. Give the Perfect Middle Indicative of lÖw.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
3. Translate the following paragraph.
‡njrwpov eÅqen daimËnion, Ê d¡ {pËstolov ›jer}peusen aÔtËn. o½ Îqloi eÅdon tÌ
£rgon ka¿ e¼s«ljon e¼v tÌ ½erÌn ka¿ £kraxan, !El©lujen ¨ basile¾a toØ jeoØ ka¿
±ggiken ¨ ›sq}th íra. œwr}kamen tÌn ‡ggelon toØ kur¾ou ›n t° g° ¨mån. nØn
pŸptwken Ê ponhrÌv ka¿ eÜrhkan o½ d¾kaioi tªn e¼r©nhn. oÜtwv gŸgraptai
›n tê bibl¾æ toØ nËmou.
4. Parse these verb forms from the above paragraph.
1. eÅqen
2. ›jer}peusen
3. ±ggiken
4. œwr}kamen
5. gŸgraptai
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-16
‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, {koÖw ({k©koa), {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw,
{pokr¾nomai, {pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw, b}llw
(›bl©jhn), bapt¾zw, blŸpw (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka, ëfjhn), g¾nomai (gen©somai,
gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw (gnãsomai, £gnwka, ›gnãsjhn), gr}fw (›gr}fhn),
deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw), diŸrqomai, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw
(›g©germai, §gŸrjhn), e¼m¾, e¼sŸrqomai, ›kb}llw, ›xŸrqomai, ›pistrŸfw,
£rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon), œtoim}zw,
eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), kataba¾nw,
khrÖssw, kr}zw, kr¾nw, lamb}nw (l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw (eÅpon, eÂrhka),
lÖw, mŸllw, mŸnw, Éfe¾lw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija), pŸmpw, p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw
(£peson), pisteÖw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, prosfŸrw, sun}gw,
sézw, ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw (feÖxomai, £fugon)
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, ‡njrwpov,
{pËstolov, ‡rtov, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, daimËnion, did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh,
dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, zw©, ¨mŸra,
j}lassa, j}natov, jeËv, jrËnov, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a, kefal©, kËsmov,
kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, nËmov, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, oÔranËv,
ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, ploÀon, prËswpon, prof©thv, shmeÀon, tŸknon, tËpov, u½Ëv,
fwn©, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, ¥terov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv,
nekrËv, Ðlov, pistËv, ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, g}r, dŸ, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ±dh, ¼doÖ, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, oÔ,
oÔk, oÔq, oÔdŸ, oÞn, oÚpw, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, påv, tŸ, tËte
(aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, oßtov, ›keÀnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 16
1. Ê doØlov {pekr¾jh tê {njrãpæ, !Apest}lhn prËv se ÕpÌ toØ kur¾ou mou, {ll’
oÔk ›l©mfjhn e¼v tÌn oÅkËn sou.
2. ±qjhmen e¼v tªn £rhmon fwn° ›k tån oÔranån ka¿ ›keÀ ëfjh ¨mÀn ‡ggelov
3. påv ›gerj©sontai o½ nekro¿ ka¿ påv ›kblhj©setai t~ daimËnia ›k t«v g«v
4. ¨ {delfª Õmån ›poreÖjh prÌv tÌn laÌn khrÖxai tªn {l©jeian ka¿ o½ lËgoi
aÔt«v ›gr}fhsan ›n bibl¾æ.
5. ›n tê ½erê tËpov oÔq eÕrŸjh toÀv tŸknoiv, ›neqj©sontai oÞn e¼v tÌn oÅkon toØ
6. oÔk ›gnãsjh Ê kakÌv tê prosãpæ taÀv ›xous¾aiv, oÜtwv §dun©jh p}lin
7. kal~ dåra proshnŸqjhsan tê prof©t¬, {ll’ ±jelen aÔt~ pemfj«nai toÀv
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
8. ›n t° írƒ ›ke¾n¬ o½ Éfjalmo¿ toØ u½oØ ¨mån ›jerapeÖjhsan ka¿ ›poreÖjh e¼v
tªn ›kklhs¾an dox}sai tÌn jeËn.
9. l¾joi ›bl©jhsan e¼v t~ ploÀa, ka¿ o½ Îqloi ›jaÖmasan Ðti aÔt~ oÔk ›lÖjh.
10. ›bapt¾sjhte ›n t° jal}ss¬ ka¿ ›did}qjhte tªn ÊdËn, oÜtwv d¡ ›gen©jhte
pisto¿ majhta¾.
11. ¨ {delfª ¨mån ›kr¾jh ÕpÌ tån ›xousiån ka¿ eÕrŸjh pistª ›n Ðlæ tê oÂkæ
12. o½ |martwlo¿ {qj©sontai prÌv tÌn jrËnon t«v dikaiosÖnhv, ka¿ t~ £rga aÔtån
kat~ toØ nËmou gnwsj©sontai.
13. påv swj©sontai a½ basileÀai toØ kËsmou toÖtou ›n t° ›sq}t¬ ¨mŸrƒ;
14. ‡rtov ka¿ oÅnov ¨toim}sjhsan tê {postËlæ, {ll~ ¼do× oÚte £fagen oÚte
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 16
1. Give the Aorist Passive Indicative of lÖw.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
2. Give the Future Passive Indicative of lÖw.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
3. Translate the following paragraph.
eÅpen ¨ {delf© sou, 1Epeson {pÌ toØ plo¾ou mou e¼v tªn j}lassan ka¿ ±ggisa
tê jan}tæ. ›sãjhn d¡ ÕpÌ tån doÖlwn ka¿ ›jerapeÖjhn ÕpÌ toØ kur¾ou. tËte
›poreÖjhn e¼v tªn ›kklhs¾an ka¿ ›dËxasa tÌn jeËn. ëfjh ‡ggelov ka¿ eÅpen,
Påv §nŸqjhv prÌv tÌn tËpon toØton; {pekr¾jhn ka¿ eÅpon, !El©mfjhn ›k t«v
kard¾av t«v jal}sshv t° ›xous¾ƒ toØ jeoØ ka¿ ±qjhn prÌv tªn ›kklhs¾an.
4. Parse these verb forms from the above paragraph.
1. ±ggisa
2. ›jerapeÖjhn
3. ëfjh
4. §nŸqjhv
5. ›l©mfjhn
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-17
‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, {koÖw ({k©koa), {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw,
{pokr¾nomai, {pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw, b}llw
(›bl©jhn), bapt¾zw, blŸpw (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka, ëfjhn), g¾nomai (gen©somai,
gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw (gnãsomai, £gnwka, ›gnãsjhn), gr}fw (›gr}fhn),
deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw), diŸrqomai, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw
(›g©germai, §gŸrjhn), e¼m¾, e¼sŸrqomai, ›kb}llw, ›xŸrqomai, ›pistrŸfw,
£rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon), œtoim}zw,
eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), kataba¾nw,
khrÖssw, kr}zw, kr¾nw, lamb}nw (l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw (eÅpon, eÂrhka),
lÖw, mŸllw, mŸnw, Éfe¾lw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija), pŸmpw, p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw
(£peson), pisteÖw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, prosfŸrw, sun}gw,
sézw, ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw (feÖxomai, £fugon)
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv,
{n©r, ‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, gun©,
daimËnion, did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a,
›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov,
½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a, kefal©, kËsmov, kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v,
nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma, oÔranËv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, ploÀon,
pneØma, prËswpon, prof©thv, Ó«ma, s}rx, shmeÀon, spŸrma, stËma, såma,
tŸknon, tËpov, u½Ëv, fwn©, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, ¥terov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv,
nekrËv, Ðlov, pistËv, ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, g}r, dŸ, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ¥wv, ±dh, ¼doÖ, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË),
Ðti, oÔ, oÔk, oÔq, oÔdŸ, oÞn, oÚpw, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, påv, tŸ, tËte
(aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, oßtov, ›keÀnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 17
1. ›k toØ stËmatov toØ didask}lou ¨mån ›xŸrqontai taØta t~ Ó©mata t«v zw«v.
2. oÔ ginãskomen tÌ Înoma toØ {ndrÌv ›ke¾nou, ¨ d¡ gunª aÔtoØ mŸllei lŸgein
Õp¡r aÔtoØ toÀv ‡rqousin.
3. ¥wv tÌ pneØma £rqetai {p’ oÔranoØ, deÀ khrÖssein tÌ jŸlhma toØ jeoØ ›n
toÖtæ tê ponhrê a¼åni.
4. ›n ›ke¾n¬ t° nukt¿ gnãsesje Ðti s~rx ka¿ aÆma oÔ dÖnatai såsai ‡njrwpon {f’
5. t~ £rga t«v sarkÌv oÔ doxasj©setai oÔd¡ Ó©mata daimon¾ou {kousj©setai ›n
t° ›kklhs¾ƒ.
6. ›n tê ÉnËmati toØ {ndrÌv t«v e¼r©nhv §jŸlomen ›ge¾rein l¾jon par~ tªn ÊdËn.
7. Ê pistÌv ‡rqwn t«v g«v ›ke¾nhv mŸllei {pojn¯skein ka¿ oÔk £qei spŸrma.
{qj©setai Ê laÌv tê pneÖmati;
8. n×x oÔk £stai ›n t° basile¾ƒ dËxhv ka¿ sunaqjhsËmeja per¿ tÌn jrËnon toØ
jeoØ e¼v to×v a¼ånav tån a¼ãnwn.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
9. £pesen Ê doØlov ›k toØ plo¾ou e¼v tÌ stËma t«v jal}sshv ka¿ oÔ p}lin ëfjh
tÌ såma aÔtoØ.
10. tÌ aÆma toØ dika¾ou prof©tou £stai spŸrma, ka¿ ¨ basile¾a t«v dikaiosÖnhv
11. {pekr¾jhsan a½ gunaÀkev, T~ sãmata ¨mån ±ggisan ¥wv jan}tou, {ll~ μn tÌ
jŸlhma toØ kur¾ou jerapeØsai ¨m‚v.
12. oÔk ›pisteÖsamen toÀv Ó©masi toØ {ggŸlou, ¨ g~r {l©jeia oÔk μn ›n tê
stËmati aÔtoØ {ll~ oÅnov.
13. aÆma eÕrŸjh ›n tê stËmati toØ {ndrËv, eÅpen d¡ ¨ gunª aÔtoØ toÀv ‡rqousin
Ðti aÔtÌv {pŸjanen ›n t° nukt¿ ka¿ aÔtª oÔk μn ›keÀ.
14. œwr}kamen tÌ shmeÀon toØ pneÖmatov ka¿ ›gnãkamen tÌ Înoma toØ |g¾ou toØ
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
“Flesh and Blood” in the Greek NT
These words occur together seven times in the NT.
Twice the terms are objects of separate verbs. In both cases the order is “flesh”
then “blood.” John 6:54, 56.
Five times they occur in a couplet, separated only by ka¾.
In those five instances, s}rx is first three times (Matt 16:27; 1 Cor 15:50; Gal
1:16); aÆma is first twice (Eph 6:12; Heb 2:14).
Only two times is the expression s}rx ka¿ aÆma the subject of a verb.
Both of these times the verb is singular.
Matt 16:17 with singular verb
1 Cor 15:50 with singular verb
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 17
1. Give the declensional forms of ‡rqwn.
2. Translate the following paragraph.
{pŸjanen Ê ‡rqwn ka¿ o½ doØloi aÔtoØ μljon ‹rai tÌ nŸkron såma toØ
{ndrËv. ›n t° nukt¿ ›ke¾n¬ ¨to¾masan tÌ såma. tËte ¨ gunª aÔtoØ
eÅpen tÌ Ó«ma toØto, TÌ jŸlhma toØ {ndrËv mou μn ‡rqein ¥wv toØ
a¼ånov. nØn d¡ tÌ spŸrma aÔtoØ Éfe¾lei £qein tÌn jrËnon. ¨ g~r s~rx
aÔtoØ mŸllei mŸnein ›n tê stËmati t«v g«v, tÌ d¡ pneØma ka¿ tÌ
Înoma aÔtoØ ¥xei zwªn e¼v to×v a¼ånav tån a¼ãnwn. ‡njrwpov ponhrÌv
{pŸkteinen aÔtËn. tÌ aÆma aÔtoØ £stai ›p¿ ›keÀnon tÌn ‡njrwpon.
3. Identify case and number of these nouns from the above paragraph.
1. ‡rqwn
6. stËmati
2. nukt¿
7. pneØma
3. jŸlhma
8. a¼ånav
4. {ndrËv
9. a¼ãnwn
5. s~rx
10. aÆma
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-18
‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, {koÖw ({k©koa), |mart}nw, {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {pŸrqomai,
{pojn¯skw, {pokr¾nomai, {pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw, b}llw
(›bl©jhn), bapt¾zw, blŸpw (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka, ëfjhn), boÖlomai, g¾nomai
(gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw (gnãsomai, £gnwka, ›gnãsjhn), gr}fw
(›gr}fhn), deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw), diŸrqomai, diãkw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw,
›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn), e¼m¾ (ën), e¼sŸrqomai, ›kb}llw, ›xŸrqomai, ›pistrŸfw,
›rg}zomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon), œtoim}zw,
eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka),
k}jhmai, kataba¾nw, khrÖssw, kr}zw, kr¾nw, lamb}nw (l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw
(eÅpon, eÂrhka), log¾zomai, lÖw, mŸllw, mŸnw, Éfe¾lw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija), pŸmpw, p¾nw
(p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (£peson), pisteÖw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai,
prosfŸrw, sun}gw, sézw, Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka, §nŸqjhn),
feÖgw (feÖxomai, £fugon)
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, {n©r,
‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, gun©, daimËnion, did}skalov,
dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, zw©, ¨mŸra,
j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a, kefal©, kËsmov,
kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma, oÔranËv,
ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, ploÀon, pneØma, prËswpon, prof©thv, Ó«ma, s}rx, shmeÀon, spŸrma,
stËma, såma, tŸknon, tËpov, u½Ëv, fwn©, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, ¥terov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv,
Ðlov, pistËv, ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, g}r, dŸ, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ¥wv, ±dh, ¼doÖ, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, m©, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, oÔ,
oÔk, oÔq, oÔdŸ, oÞn, oÚpw, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, påv, tŸ, tËte
(aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, oßtov, ›keÀnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 18
1. pistÌv majhtªv ìn oÔk |mart}nw e¼v tÌn kÖrion oÔd¡ diãkw to×v dika¾ouv.
2. Ê kaj©menov ›p¿ toØ jrËnou ginãskei t~v kard¾av tån |martwlån ka¿
log¾zetai t~v |mart¾av aÔtoÀv.
3. tËte o½ {pËstoloi di©rqonto di~ t«v g«v khrÖssontev ka¿ eÔaggelizËmenoi tê
4. t~ Õp}rqont} sou oÔk £stin ¨ zw© sou, oÔ deÀ oÞn £qein oÂkouv kalo×v ka¿
½m}tia ka¿ dåra.
5. e¼ lŸgomen Ðti oÔq ¨mart©kamen, oÔ dunhsËmeja ›gg¾sai e¼v tÌn jrËnon t«v
zw«v, mª lŸgontev Ó©mata t«v {lhje¾av.
6. kaj©menoi ›p¿ l¾jæ par~ tÌn oÅkon Õmån, poll}kiv §no¾gete tÌ bibl¾on toØ
7. Ê pisteÖwn jeê ka¿ ›rgazËmenov dikaiosÖnhn {qj©setai e¼v tÌn oÔranËn.
8. {pojn¯skousa ›n t° ›r©mæ ¨ gunª £kraxe tê jeê tê blŸponti ka¿ jerapeÖonti
t~ tŸkna aÔtoØ.
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9. Ê kÖriov t«v dËxhv oÔk ›gg¾sei tê ›rgazomŸnæ £rga toØ nËmou {ll~ tê
pisteÖonti e¼v tÌn jeÌn tÌn sézonta |martwloÖv.
10. e¼ ÕmeÀv ponhro¿ Întev boÖlesje pŸmyai {gaj~ toÀv tŸknoiv Õmån, Ê jeÌv oÔ
pŸmyei {gaj~ ÕmÀn;
11. o½ boulËmenoi eÕr¾skein tªn e¼r©nhn Éfe¾lousi dŸqesjai e¼v to×v oÂkouv aÔtån
to×v poreuomŸnouv di~ t«v g«v.
12. påv {gajËn ›stin {koØsai to×v lËgouv tån eÔaggelizomŸnwn profhtån.
13. Õp}rqontev ‡njrwpoi toØ pneÖmatov ›logizËmeja Ðti ka¿ ›k nekrån ›ge¾rein
dÖnatai Ê jeÌv ¨m‚v.
14. ‡ggeloi ±negkan ‡rton prÌv t~v diwkomŸnav {delf~v ÕpÌ tån ›xousiån.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Present Tense Participles
1. Adjectival (attributive) — Used with a Noun; generally with the article.
Ê |martwlÌv Ê {koÖwn tÌn lËgon toØ jeoØ eÕr©sei zwªn ›n t° ›sq}t¬ ¨mŸrƒ.
¨ {postellomŸnh gunª £qei tªn ›xous¾an did}skein to×v nËmouv toØ kur¾ou.
tÌ pneØma tÌ kataba¾non {pÌ toØ jrËnou toØ oÔranoØ khrÖssei tªn {l©jeian.
2. Adjectival (substantive) — Used as a Noun; generally with the article.
o½ diãkontev to×v majht~v ›l©lujan e¼v tÌ ½erÌn eÕr¾skein tÌn did}skalon.
œwr}kate t~v œtoimazoÖsav ‡rton ka¿ oÅnon toÀv {postËloiv;
o½ mª ›rgazËmenoi t° basile¾ƒ jŸlousi tªn dËxan toØ kËsmou toØtou.
3. Adverbial Participles — Predicate position; lacking the article.
e¼serqËmenov e¼v tÌ ½erÌn ka¿ aÂrwn to×v ÉfjalmoÖv mou eÅdon ‡ggelon.
kr}zontev ka¿ b}llontev l¾jouv, o½ ponhro¿ {delfo¿ £lusan tÌn oÅkon ¨mån.
{no¾gontov toØ stËmatov t«v g«v, ›fÖgete e¼v tªn £rhmon ka¿ proshÖxasje.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 18
1. Translate the following sentences and identify the use of the underlined participles as
attributive, substantive, or adverbial.
Ê majhtªv Ê proseuqËmenov taØta eÅden ‡ggelon toØ jeoØ ›n tê ½erê.
o½ pisteÖontev e¼v tÌn kÖrion Îyontai to×v |g¾ouv {ggŸlouv ›n tê oÔranê.
lŸgwn taØta ›n tê ½erê Ê pistÌv majhtªv eÅden ‡ggelon toØ jeoØ.
2. Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms below.
kaj©menov ›p¿ tÌn jrËnon Ê ‡rqwn ±kousen t«v fwn«v t«v gunaÀkov aÔtoØ
legoÖshv, BoÖlomai £qein tªn ›xous¾an ›n taÖt¬ t° g°, Ê g~r {n©r mou ›st¿n
ponhrÌv ka¿ diãkei to×v mª dox}zontav aÔtËn. {koÖwn taØta, Ê ‡rqwn ›log¾zeto,
Sun}xw to×v doÖlouv to×v ›rgazomŸnouv ›n tê oÂkæ mou. tËte ‡xomen e¼v tªn
£rhmon taÖthn tªn gunaÀka tªn |mart}nousan e¼v ›mŸ. {ll! o½ doØloi, Întev
{gajo¿ ka¿ d¾kaioi, oÔk ±jelon sézein tÌn ‡rqonta. £pemyan aÔtÌn mŸta tån
ÕparqËntwn aÔtoØ prÌv ‡llhn g«n. ka¿ nØn ¨ gunª ‡rqei ›n tê tËpæ aÔtoØ.
3. Parse these verb forms from the above paragraph.
1. kaj©menov
2. legoÖshv
3. dox}zontav
4. ›rgazomŸnouv
5. Întev
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-19
‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, {koÖw ({k©koa), |mart}nw, {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {pŸrqomai,
{pojn¯skw, {pokr¾nomai, {pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw,
{sp}zomai, b}llw (›bl©jhn), bapt¾zw, blŸpw (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka, ëfjhn),
boÖlomai, g¾nomai (gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw (gnãsomai, £gnwka,
›gnãsjhn), gr}fw (›gr}fhn), deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw), diŸrqomai, diãkw,
dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn), e¼m¾ (ën), e¼sŸrqomai, ›kb}llw,
›xŸrqomai, ›pistrŸfw, ›rg}zomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›sj¾w (f}gomai,
£fagon), œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw,
jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), k}jhmai, kaj¾zw, kataba¾nw, khrÖssw, kr}zw, kr¾nw, lamb}nw
(l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw (eÅpon, eÂrhka), log¾zomai, lÖw, mŸllw, mŸnw, Éfe¾lw,
parag¾nomai, paralamb}nw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija), pŸmpw, p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw
(£peson), pisteÖw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, prosfŸrw, sun}gw, sézw,
Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw (feÖxomai, £fugon)
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, {n©r,
‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, gun©, daimËnion, did}skalov,
dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, zw©, ¨mŸra,
j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a, kefal©, kËsmov,
kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, mht©r, nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma,
oÔranËv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, pat©r, ploÀon, pneØma, poÖv, prËswpon, prof©thv, Ó«ma,
s}bbaton, s}rx, shmeÀon, spŸrma, stËma, sunagwg©, såma, tŸknon, tËpov, u½Ëv, fwn©,
qe¾r, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, ¥terov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv,
Ðlov, pistËv, ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, g}r, dŸ, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ¥wv, ±dh, ¼doÖ, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, m©, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, oÔ,
oÔk, oÔq, oÔdŸ, oÞn, oÚpw, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, påv, tŸ, tËte
(aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, oßtov, ›keÀnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 19
1. {spas}menoi to×v {delfo×v ka¿ t~v {delf}v, {p«ljon o½ {pËstoloi e¼v œtŸran
2. paralabän tªn mhtŸra aÔtoØ Ê {nªr ›poreÖjh e¼v tªn £rhmon proseÖxasjai.
3. ¨ yuqª ¨ kr}xasa ›n t° sunagwg° gnãsetai tªn e¼r©nhn toØ jeoØ.
4. kaj¾santov toØ didask}lou ›p¿ l¾jon Ê Îqlov Ê p¾nwn oÅnon ±rxato {koØsai
5. paragenËmenov d¡ ka¿ sunagagän t~ tŸkna Ê patªr pros©negke t~ dåra.
6. ka¿ o½ mª £qontev pËdav ka¿ qeÀrav dÖnantai ›rg}sasjai £rga dikaiosÖnhv.
7. o½ mª logis}menoi tªn jeoØ {g}phn eÅpon ÕmÀn, OÔk Éfe¾lete jerapeØsai ›n tê
8. ›ljËntov toØ prof©tou e¼v tªn sunagwgªn a½ gunaÀkev a½ kaj¾zousai ›n ›ke¾næ
tê tËpæ eÅpon, JŸlomen aÂrein t~v qeÀrav ¨mån ka¿ dox}zein tÌn kÖrion.
9. ›f}gomen ka¿ ›p¾omen met~ toØ patrËv sou {spasamŸnou to×v doÖlouv ka¿
lÖsantov tÌ ½m}tion aÔtoØ.
10. t«v mhtrËv mou £ti œtoimazoÖshv ‡rton paregŸnonto o½ ‡ggeloi.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
11. Ê ‡njrwpov Ê paralabän basile¾an ka¿ boulËmenov ginãskein per¿ aÔt«v
£pemye doÖlouv blŸpein aÔt©n.
12. genomŸnou sabb}tou Ê {naba¾nwn prÌv tÌ ½erÌn £pesen prÌv to×v pËdav toØ
13. toØ pneÖmatov {gagËntov to×v |martwlo×v e¼v tªn ›kklhs¾an, §no¾xamen tÌ
stËma ¨mån ka¿ eÔhggelis}meja.
14. Ê khrÖxav ÕmÀn tÌn lËgon t«v {lhje¾av œãrake tÌ bibl¾on t«v zw«v ka¿ £gnwke
t~ mŸllonta.
Tense and Time in the Participle
Greek participles are fundamentally nontemporal. This means that a present participle doesn’t necessarily denote action in present time, nor does an aorist participle
necessarily denote action in past time. In practice, however, participles had certain
tendencies. Present participles usually denoted action simultaneous with that of the
main verb, and aorist participles usually denoted action prior to the main verb. But
context, not tense, is ultimately what determines the time of the participle’s action.
(Remember also that adverbial participles can serve a variety of functions, not just
the temporal one.) The following chart shows the tendency for each tense.
Participle’s Time Relative to the Main Verb
Present Participle
Aorist Participle
Perfect Participle
Translation Possibilities
1. Present Participle/Present Verb
lamb}nwn tÌ pneØma Ê prof©thv lŸgei tÌn lËgon.
While he is receiving the Spirit, the prophet speaks the word.
2. Present Participle/Past Verb
lamb}nwn tÌ pneØma Ê prof©thv eÅpen tÌn lËgon.
While he was receiving the Spirit, the prophet spoke the word.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
3. Aorist Participle/Present Verb
labän tÌ pneØma Ê prof©thv lŸgei tÌn lËgon.
When/after he has received the Spirit, the prophet speaks the word.
4. Aorist Participle/Past Verb
labän tÌ pneØma Ê prof©thv eÅpen tÌn lËgon.
When/after he had received the Spirit, the prophet spoke the word.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Aorist Participles
Adjectival (attributive) — Used with a Noun; generally with the article.
1. o½ diãxantev ¨m‚v ‡njrwpoi oÔq eÕr©sontai e¼r©nhn ›n t° kard¾ƒ aÔtån.
2. ¨ {delfª ¨ proseuxamŸnh tê kur¾æ gnãsetai tÌ jŸlhma toØ jeoØ.
3. tÌ tŸknon tÌ balÌn l¾jouv e¼v tªn ›kklhs¾an oÔk Îyetai tÌ prËswpon toØ jeoØ.
Adjectival (substantive) — Used as a Noun; generally with the article.
4. o½ ›pistrŸyantev prÌv tÌn jeÌn {naba¾nousin e¼v tÌ ½erËn.
5. ginãskete t~v e¼seljoÖsav tªn sunagwgªn ka¿ krax}sav;
6. pisteÖomen e¼v tÌn prof©thn t«v {lhje¾av ka¿ to×v pŸmyantav aÔtËn.
Adverbial Participles — Predicate position; lacking the article.
7. sãsav to×v |martwlo×v tê jan}tæ aÔtoØ, Ê kÖriov ÕpŸstreyen e¼v oÔranËn.
8. gr}yasa Ó©mata t«v {g}phv, ¨ gunª ›d¾daxen aÔt~ tÌn laËn.
9. toØ didask}lou paragenomŸnou, o½ doØloi ±negkan tÌn oÅnon ka¿ tÌn ‡rton.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
1. The men/persons who persecuted us will not find peace in their heart[s].
2. The sister who prayed to the Lord will know the will of God.
3. The child who threw stones into the church will not see the face of God.
4. The [men/people] who have turned to God are going up to the temple.
5. Do you know the [women] who entered the synagogue and cried out?
6. We believe in the prophet of truth and the ones who sent him.
7. Having saved [the] sinners by his death, the Lord returned to heaven.
8. [After] having written words of love, the woman taught them to the people.
9. The teacher having arrived, the slaves brought the wine and the bread.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 19
1. Translate the following sentences and identify the use of the underlined participles as
attributive, substantive, or adverbial.
{spas}menoi to×v {delfo×v ka¿ t~v {delf~v e¼s©ljomen e¼v tªn sunagwg©n.
o½ paralabËntev tÌn lËgon μran t~v qeÀrav dox}zein tÌn jeÌn toØ oÔranoØ.
¨ m©thr mou §sp}sato to×v doÖlouv to×v paragenomŸnouv prÌv aÔt©n.
2. Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms below.
kaj¾sav ›n tê oÂkæ Ê did}skalov eÅpen, KakÌv ‡rqwn ±jelen diãkein to×v
{koÖsantav ka¿ pisteÖsantav tÌn lËgon t«v {lhje¾av. ¼dän oÞn tªn sunagwgªn
aÔtån £balle l¾jouv e¼v aÔt©n. labän tÌn ‡rton aÔtån £pemyen aÔtÌn prÌv
‡llhn g«n. oÔk ›dŸxato to×v ›ljËntav prÌv aÔtËn, {ll! ›xŸbalen aÔtoÖv. eÅpen
Ê ‡rqwn, LÖsw toÖtouv ÕpÌ to×v pËdav mou. a½ qeÀrev a½ mª {spas}mena¾ me ka¿
t~ stËmata t~ mª jaum}sant} me mŸllousin lÖesjai. Ê d¡ kÖriov Ê {gagän tÌn
laÌn aÔtoØ ›k t«v ›r©mou eÅpen, LÖsw toØton tÌn ‡rqonta ÕpÌ to×v pËdav mou.
3. Parse these verb forms from the above paragraph.
1. kaj¾sav
2. {koÖsantav
3. labän
4. ›ljËntav
5. {gagän
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-20
|gi}zw, ‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, {koÖw ({k©koa), |mart}nw, {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {pŸrqomai,
{pojn¯skw, {pokr¾nomai, {pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw,
{sp}zomai, b}llw (›bl©jhn), bapt¾zw, blŸpw (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka, ëfjhn),
boÖlomai, g¾nomai (gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw (gnãsomai, £gnwka,
›gnãsjhn), gnwr¾zw, gr}fw (›gr}fhn), deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw), diŸrqomai,
diãkw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn), e¼m¾ (ën), e¼sŸrqomai,
›kb}llw, ›xŸrqomai, ›pistrŸfw, ›rg}zomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›sj¾w
(f}gomai, £fagon), œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw, jaum}zw, jŸlw,
jerapeÖw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), k}jhmai, kaj¾zw, kataba¾nw, khrÖssw, kr}zw, kr¾nw,
kt¾zw, lamb}nw (l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw (eÅpon, eÂrhka), log¾zomai, lÖw, mŸllw,
mŸnw, Éfe¾lw, parag¾nomai, paralamb}nw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija), pŸmpw, p¾nw (p¾omai,
£pion), p¾ptw (£peson), pisteÖw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, prosfŸrw,
sun}gw, sézw, Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw
(feÖxomai, £fugon), qar¾zomai
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, {n©r,
‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, gun©, daimËnion, did}skalov,
dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, eÔaggŸlion,
zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov, jÖra, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a,
kefal©, kËsmov, kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, mht©r, nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov,
oÅnov, Înoma, oÔranËv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, pat©r, ploÀon, pneØma, poÖv, prËswpon,
prof©thv, Ó«ma, s}bbaton, s}rx, shmeÀon, spŸrma, stËma, sunagwg©, såma, tŸknon,
tËpov, tuflËv, u½Ëv, fulak©, fwn©, q}riv, qe¾r, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, ¥terov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv,
Ðlov, pistËv, ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, g}r, dŸ, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ¥wv, ±dh, ¼doÖ, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, m©, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti, oÔ,
oÔk, oÔq, oÔdŸ, oÞn, oÚpw, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, påv, tŸ, tËte
(aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, oßtov, ›keÀnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 20
1. ›dex}mhn t~ dåra t~ |giasjŸnta ka¿ ±negka aÔt~ di~ tån jÖrwn toØ ½eroØ.
2. μsan kaj©menoi ›n t° fulak° ka¿ jŸlontev {koØsai tÌ eÔaggŸlion.
3. didaqjŸntev ÕpÌ toØ didask}lou, ka¿ ginãskomen tªn q}rin toØ jeoØ ka¿
gnwr¾zomen ‡lloiv aÔt©n.
4. nØn o½ tuflo¿ oÔ dÖnantai ¼deÀn t~ ktisjŸnta ÕpÌ jeoØ, {ll~ ›n ›ke¾n¬ t°
¨mŸrƒ jeÌv qar¾setai Éfjalmo×v aÔtoÀv blŸpein.
5. poll}kiv |mart}nontev e¼v tÌn nËmon påv lhmyËmeja tªn ¨toimasmŸnhn ¨mÀn
zwªn ›n oÔranoÀv;
6. blŸpontev to×v kalo×v oÔrano×v ka¿ tªn {gajªn g«n pepisteÖkamen Ðti Ê
kËsmov ›kt¾sjh ÕpÌ toØ jeoØ.
7. {pokrije¿v tê patr¾ mou eÅpon, Gnwr¾sw tÌ eÔaggŸlion tê laê, ›mo¿ g~r
›qar¾sato Ê kÖriov t~v |mart¾av.
8. ÕmeÀv aÔto¿ {koÖsantev t~ Ó©mata tån tejerapeumŸnwn oÚpw pisteÖete toÖtoiv
toÀv shme¾oiv.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
9. oßtoi o½ majhta¾ e¼sin ¨giasmŸnoi ›n tê pneÖmati tê |g¾æ ka¿ aÔtån t~
ÉnËmat} ›sti gegrammŸna ›n oÔranê.
10. kr}zousa ›n t° nukt¿ ¨ gunª ›gnãrisen Ðti ‡njrwpov ponhrÌv e¼s«ljen e¼v tÌn
oÅkon aÔt«v ka¿ labän ‡rton £fugen.
11. t~ tŸkna t~ ›kblhjŸnta ›k toØ oÂkou ÕpostrŸyei, t«v mhtrÌv aÔtån jeloÖshv.
12. ¼dËntev {neægmŸnav t~v jÖrav t«v fulak«v ›jaum}samen ›p¿ t° q}riti toØ
13. poreujŸntev e¼v tªn sunagwgªn proshÖxasje lŸgontev, KÖrie, œwr}kamen tÌ
aÆma tån dediwgmŸnwn tŸknwn sou.
14. oÔk £qeiv bibl¾a, t~ d¡ gegrammŸna ›n t° kard¾ƒ sou gnwr¾zei tªn q}rin jeoØ.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Nuances of the Adverbial Participle
Adverbial participles modify verbs. Their chief purpose is not to give information about their subject (the
attributive participle does that), but to describe some circumstance or action related to the action of another
verb (usually the main verb) in the sentence. The precise relationship between the participle and the (main)
verb can only be determined from the context. Some of the possibilities (and words used to translate them)
are the following: temporal (while, when, after), purpose (in order to), conditional (if), causal (because,
since), concessive (though, although), manner (translate with an English participle or some adverbial
expression), instrumental (by), and circumstantial. (Circumstantial participles express action loosely related
to the main verb. To translate a circumstantial participle, either use an English participle or translate as a
finite verb and supply the conjunction “and.”) Translate the following sentences and try to categorize the
function of the participles.
1. £ti taØta lŸgontov toØ didask}lou, Ê Îqlov ›x«ljen ›k t«v sunagwg«v.
2. Întev ›n fulak° oÔ dun}meja ›ljeÀn ka¿ {sp}zesjai to×v {delfo×v ¨mån.
3. påv did}xomen t~ mikr~ tŸkna mª ginãskontev tÌn nËmon ka¿ to×v prof©tav;
4. mŸllwn {pojaneÀn Ê pistÌv doØlov oÔk £krazen taÀv ›xous¾aiv {poluj«nai.
5. ›lhlÖjamen prÌv tÌ ½erÌn prosfŸrontev dåra tê kur¾æ toØ oÔranoØ ka¿ t«v g«v.
6. ›rgazËmenoi di~ t«v nuktÌv Ðlhv ¨toim}sate ‡rtouv taÀv gunaÀkev ka¿ toÀv tŸknoiv.
7. Ðte ¨ {delfª ¨mån §gŸrjh ›k tån nekrån ›x©ljomen ›k t«v sunagwg«v jaum}zontev.
8. Ê {pËstolov ›d¾dasken ›n tê ½erê doxazËmenov ÕpÌ ka¿ tån majhtån ka¿ tån {rqËntwn.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 20
1. Translate the following sentences and identify the use of the underlined participles as
attributive, substantive, or adverbial.
o½ ¨giasmŸnoi tê q}riti jeoØ ›x«ljon e¼v tÌn kËsmon khrÖssein tÌ eÔaggŸlion.
oÔq ÕpŸstreyen t~ daimËnia t~ ›kblhjŸnta ÕpÌ toØ didask}lou t«v dikaiosÖnhv.
tån Éfjalmån aÔtoØ tejerapeumŸnwn eÅpen Ê {n©r, TuflÌv ën, nØn blŸpw.
2. Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms below.
jŸlontev gnwr¾zein tÌ eÔaggŸlion ›poreÖjhmen e¼v tªn fulak©n. ±noixen g~r Ê
kÖriov jÖran |martwloÀv, pŸmpwn ¨m‚v khrÖssein aÔtoÀv tªn q}rin aÔtoØ. oÜtwv
¨giasmŸnoi ka¿ {pestalmŸnoi ÕpÌ toØ |g¾ou pneÖmatov e¼s©ljomen tªn fulak©n.
›keÀ eÔaggelisjŸntev ka¿ baptisjŸntev o½ |martwlo¿ ›gen©jhsan majhta¾. nØn
ginãskomen Ðti Ê jeÌv dÖnatai jerapeØsai tuflo×v ka¿ qar¾sasjai |martwloÖv.
{polelumŸnoi {pÌ tån |martiån aÔtån ka¿ ktisjŸntev p}lin ›n dikaiosÖn¬,
ginãskousin tªn {g}phn toØ jeoØ.
3. Parse these verb forms from the above paragraph.
1. jŸlontev
2. ¨giasmŸnoi
3. baptisjŸntev
4. {polelumŸnoi
5. ktisjŸntev
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Periodic Exercises — Set #3 (emphasizing Lessons 15-20)
1. o½ ‡rqontev £gnwkan tÌ jŸlhma jeoØ ›gg¾zontev t° sunagwg° ka¿
{koÖontev t~ Ó©mata toØ prof©tou toØ tufloØ.
2. oÔ boulËmeja |mart}nein e¼v tÌn oÔranËn, {ll! Întev ponhro¿ oÔ
dun}meja feÖgein t~v |mart¾av ¨mån ka¿ diãkein dikaiosÖnhn.
3. o½ ›rgazËmenoi tªn g«n Éfe¾lousin baleÀn spŸrma. tËte deÀ kaj«sjai ›n
tê ¼d¾æ oÂkæ ¥wv {no¾gei tÌ stËma t«v g«v ka¿ {naba¾nei t~ ktisjŸnta.
4. μsan kaj©menoi o½ did}skaloi toØ nËmou ›n tê ½erê logizËmenoi ›n taÀv
kard¾aiv Ðti aÆma ka¿ s~rx oÔq œãraken tªn basile¾an toØ oÔranoØ.
5. ›gg¾santov toØ kakoØ {ndrÌv t° jÖrƒ toØ oÂkou, £fugon o½ doØloi e¼v
tËpon ‡llon.
6. eÅpon d¡ o½ Îqloi, DÖnatai oßtov Ê ‡njrwpov ›ge¾rein to×v nekroÖv,
eÂdomen g~r shmeÀa di~ tån qeirån aÔtoØ ginËmena.
7. oÔk ±jelon a½ pista¿ gunaÀkev kataba¾nein prÌv tªn j}lassan ka¿
œtoim}zein tÌ ploÀon, eÅdon g~r tÌ s}bbaton ›gg¾zon.
8. ka¿ kaj¾santev ±rxanto gnwr¾zein Ê patªr ka¿ ¨ m©thr Õmån Ñti
›qar¾sjh tÌ pneØma tÌ ‰gion toÀv blhjeÀsin {delfoÀv e¼v fulak©n.
9. paragenËmenoi ka¿ sunagagËntev tªn ›kklhs¾an ›k©ruxan o½ {pËstoloi
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tÌ eÔaggŸlion t«v q}ritov toØ jeoØ dox}zontev tÌ Înoma toØ kur¾ou.
10. ›n ›ke¾n¬ t° nukt¿ proshux}mhn jeê ka¿ o½ pËdev mou ›jerapeÖjhsan.
ka¿ nØn pŸpeismai Ðti oÔk ›st¿n {gajÌn poreÖesjai di~ g«v l¾jwn.
11. o½ {pojanËntev ›n tê kur¾æ £qousin zw©n, ka¿ o½ ‡ggeloi ›leÖsontai
ka¿ l©myontai aÔto×v prÌv oÔranËn. ka¿ oÜtwv £sontai s×n tê kur¾æ
e¼v to×v a¼ånav tån a¼ãnwn.
12. t~ bibl¾a Õmån oÔq eÕrŸjh ›n tê oÂkæ, oÔd¡ eÂdete t~ ‡lla Õp}rqonta,
›l©mfjh g~r ÕpÌ toØ u½oØ Õmån ka¿ §nŸqjh e¼v tªn sunagwg©n.
13. t~ daimËnia t~ ›kblhjŸnta ›k t«v {delf«v ¨mån ÕpŸstreyen p}lin
prÌv tÌn oÅkon ¨mån. {ll~ d¾kaiov prof©thv {pest}lh ÕpÌ toØ jeoØ
såsai ¨m‚v.
14. ›k©ruxen ›keÀnov Ê {nªr ¨mÀn ¥teron eÔaggŸlion, {ll! oÔk ›pisteÖsamen
toÀv lËgoiv aÔtoØ, ¨gi}sjhmen g~r ÕpÌ toØ Õp¡r ¨mån {pojanËntov.
15. eÔhggelis}meja ÕmÀn per¿ t«v ÊdoØ t«v zw«v. nØn {khkËate tån lËgwn
¨mån, {ll! oÚpw pisteÖete e¼v tÌn jeÌn tÌn ›ge¾ronta to×v nekroÖv.
16. o½ mª paralabËntev tÌn lËgon t«v {lhje¾av ka¿ mª genËmenoi majhta¿
Éfe¾lousin {pokrij«nai tê jeê tê kajhmŸnæ ›p¿ tê jrËnæ.
17. {pokrijeÀsa d¡ eÅpen ¨ gunª taÀv ›xous¾aiv, Gnwr¾sw ÕmÀn påv o½ nekro¿
›gerj©sontai, tÌ pneØma g~r eÂrhkŸ moi per¿ tån mellËntwn.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-21
{gap}w, |gi}zw, ‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, a¼tŸw, {koloujŸw, {koÖw ({k©koa), |mart}nw,
{naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw, {pokr¾nomai, {pokte¾nw, {polÖw,
{postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw, {sp}zomai, b}llw (›bl©jhn), bapt¾zw, blŸpw,
boÖlomai, genn}w, g¾nomai (gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw (gnãsomai, £gnwka,
›gnãsjhn), gnwr¾zw, gr}fw (›gr}fhn), deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw), diŸrqomai,
diãkw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn), e¼m¾ (ën), e¼sŸrqomai,
›kb}llw, ›xŸrqomai, ›pistrŸfw, ›rg}zomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›sj¾w
(f}gomai, £fagon), œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw, z}w, zhtŸw,
jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), kalŸw, k}jhmai, kaj¾zw, kataba¾nw,
khrÖssw, kr}zw, kr¾nw, kt¾zw, lalŸw, lamb}nw (l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw (eÅpon,
eÂrhka), log¾zomai, lÖw, mŸllw, mŸnw, Êr}w (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka, ëfjhn), Éfe¾lw,
parag¾nomai, parakalŸw, paralamb}nw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija), pŸmpw, peripatŸw, p¾nw
(p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (£peson), pisteÖw, plhrËw, poiŸw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai,
proseÖqomai, prosfŸrw, staurËw, sun}gw, sézw, Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw,
fŸrw (±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw (feÖxomai, £fugon), fobŸomai, qar¾zomai
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, {n©r,
‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, gun©, daimËnion, did}skalov,
dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, eÔaggŸlion,
zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov, jÖra, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a,
kefal©, kËsmov, kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, mht©r, nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov,
oÅnov, Înoma, oÔranËv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, pat©r, ploÀon, pneØma, poÖv, prËswpon,
prof©thv, Ó«ma, s}bbaton, s}rx, shmeÀon, spŸrma, stËma, sunagwg©, såma, tŸknon,
tËpov, tuflËv, u½Ëv, fulak©, fwn©, q}riv, qe¾r, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, £sqatov, ¥terov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv,
Ðlov, p‚v, pistËv, ponhrËv, pråtov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, g}r, dŸ, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ¥wv, ±dh, ¼doÖ, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, m©, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðti,
oÔ, oÔk, oÔq, oÔdŸ, oÞn, oÚpw, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, påv, tŸ, tËte
(aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, œautoØ, ›keÀnov, ›mautoØ, oßtov, seautoØ
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 21
1. {gapåmen d¡ p}ntav to×v {delfo×v ¨mån ka¿ p}sav t~v {delf~v ¨mån ka¿
parakaloØmen z«n mª œautoÀv {ll~ tê kur¾æ.
2. fobeÀsje to×v ‡rqontav to×v stauroØntav to×v |g¾ouv prof©tav ka¿
diãkontav to×v pistoÖv;
3. t~ tŸkna ›k}lesan tªn mhtŸra aÔtån ka¿ ¸thsan ‡rton par’ aÔt«v, aÔtª d¡
oÔk §dÖnato œtoim}sai aÔtËn.
4. Ê did}skalËv mou ›l}lei toÀv |martwloÀv toÖtoiv, {ll’ oÔk ±jelon {koloujeÀn
aÔtê oÔd¡ peripateÀn ›n t° Êdê toØ pneÖmatov.
5. o½ tuflo¿ oÔq Êråsi t~ ktisjŸnta ÕpÌ jeoØ, o½ d¡ Éfjalmo¿ t«v kard¾av aÔtån
blŸpousi tªn basile¾an toØ oÔranoØ.
6. p‚sai a½ gunaÀkev ›po¾hsan œautaÀv kal~ ½m}tia, {ll~ ponhro¿ ‡njrwpoi
£balon aÔt~ e¼v tªn j}lassan.
7. e¼ zhtå dox}zein ›mautËn, oÚte plhrãsw tÌn lËgon toØ jeoØ oÚte poi©sw tÌ
£rgon pneÖmatov.
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8. Ê {nªr ›keÀnov ›l}lei per¿ œautoØ ka¿ oÔ per¿ t«v q}ritov jeoØ. s× oÞn oÔk
±kousav aÔtoØ oÔd¡ §koloÖjhsav.
9. ›gä oÚpw log¾zomai ›mautÌn peplhrwkŸnai tÌn p}nta nËmon, zhtå d¡ {gap‚n
p}ntav to×v diãkont}v me.
10. Ê m¡n ‡njrwpov ›keÀnov ›gŸnnhsŸn me ka¿ tªn {delf©n mou, ¨meÀv d¡ oÔ zåmen
›n tê oÂkæ aÔtoØ oÔd¡ peripatoØmen ›n taÀv ÊdoÀv aÔtoØ.
11. ›d¾daxav ‡llouv fobeÀsjai tÌn kÖrion= ›d¾daxav d¡ seautÌn tÌ aÔtÌ poieÀn;
12. Êr† Ê doØlov {pÌ t«v g«v ploÀon ›p¿ t«v jal}sshv ka¿ kaleÀ toÀv
›rgazomŸnoiv ›n aÔtê.
13. ¨ m©thr mou parek}lei me ka¿ tªn gunaÀk} mou genn«sai tŸkna, ¨meÀv d¡ £ti
¨toim}zomen œautoÖv.
14. poiån seautê jrËnon ›boÖlou ‡rqein t«v g«v, Ê d¡ ‡ggelov toØ jan}tou eÅpen,
!En taÖt¬ t° nukt¿ tªn yuq©n sou a¼t©sw {pÌ soØ.
15. staurwjŸntov toØ kur¾ou ÕpÌ tån ›xousiån ka¿ {pojanËntov, −t©santo p}ntev
o½ {koloujoØntev aÔtê tÌ såma aÔtoØ.
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P‚v in Various Constructions
1. In the Predicate Position (very common)
Phil 4:22 {sp}zontai Õm‚v p}ntev o½ ‰gioi
“All the saints greet you.”
Matt 7:21 OÔ p‚v Ê lŸgwn moi, KÖrie kÖrie, e¼seleÖsetai e¼v tªn basile¾an. . . .
“Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter into the kingdom. . . .”
2. In the Attributive Position (relatively rare)
Gal 5:14 Ê g~r p‚v nËmov ›n ›n¿ lËgæ pepl©rwtai
“For the entire law is fulfilled in one saying. . . .”
Acts 19:7 μsan d¡ o½ p}ntev ‡ndrev âse¿ dãdeka
“Altogether there were about twelve men.” (See also Acts 27:37.)
3. Without the Article
John 2:10 P‚v ‡njrwpov pråton tÌn kalÌn oÅnon t¾jhsin.
“Every person first sets out the good wine.”
Rom 5:12 ka¿ oÜtwv e¼v p}ntav {njrãpouv Ê j}natov di«ljen
“And so death came to all human beings.”
4. With Personal Pronouns, Demonstratives, and Participles
Gal 3:28 p}ntev g~r ÕmeÀv eÆv ›ste ›n Qristê !IhsoØ.
“For you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
John 15:21 {ll~ taØta p}nta poi©sousin e¼v Õm‚v di~ tÌ Înom} mou.
“But all these things they will do to you because of my name.”
Matt 26:52 p}ntev g~r o½ labËntev m}qairan ›n maqa¾r¬ {poloØntai.
“For all who draw the sword will perish by the sword.”
5. Used as a Substantive, with or without the Article
Matt 21:26 p}ntev g~r âv prof©thn £qousin tÌn !Iw}nnhn.
“For all hold that John is a prophet.”
Col 1:16 ›n aÔtê ›kt¾sjh t~ p}nta ›n toÀv oÔranoÀv ka¿ ›p¿ t«v g«v.
“In him all things were created in heaven and on earth.”
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 21
1. Translate the following sentences.
p}ntev o½ {gapåntev tÌn nËmon ka¿ poioØntev tÌ d¾kaion z©sousin.
p‚v Ê foboÖmenov daimËnia Éfe¾lei genŸsjai majhtªv ka¿ fobeÀsjai tÌn kÖrion.
peripatoØmen ›n t° {lhje¾ƒ, gegenn©meja g~r ›k toØ pneÖmatov toØ |g¾ou.
2. Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms below.
Ê prof©thv ›l}lhsen tê laê ka¿ ót©sato aÔto×v {kolouj«sai aÔtê. eÅpen g}r,
OÔ dox}zw ›mautËn, {ll~ dox}zw tÌn ›staurwmŸnon u½Ìn toØ jeoØ. parakalå oÞn
Õm‚v zhteÀn tªn ÊdÌn toØ u½oØ. oÔ dÖnasje did}skein œautoÖv. didaqj©sesje ÕpÌ
toØ kaloØntov jeoØ {pÌ oÔranoØ, ka¿ ›gã e¼mi Ê doØlov aÔtoØ. Ê jeÌv toØ oÔranoØ
œãraken t~ mŸllonta ka¿ plhrãsei p}nta.
3. Parse these verb forms from the above paragraph.
1. ›l}lhsen
2. ót©sato
3. parakalå
4. ϋraken
5. plhrãsei
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Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-22
{gap}w, |gi}zw, ‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, a¼tŸw, {koloujŸw, {koÖw ({k©koa), |mart}nw,
{naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {paggŸllw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw, {pokr¾nomai, {pokte¾nw,
{polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw, {sp}zomai, b}llw (›bl©jhn), bapt¾zw, blŸpw,
boÖlomai, genn}w, g¾nomai (gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw (gnãsomai, £gnwka,
›gnãsjhn), gnwr¾zw, gr}fw (›gr}fhn), deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw), diŸrqomai,
diãkw, dokŸw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn), e¼m¾ (ën),
e¼sŸrqomai, ›kb}llw, ›xŸrqomai, ›pistrŸfw, ›rg}zomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon,
›l©luja), ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon), œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw,
z}w, zhtŸw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), kalŸw, k}jhmai, kaj¾zw,
kataba¾nw, khrÖssw, kr}zw, kr¾nw, kt¾zw, lalŸw, lamb}nw (l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw
(eÅpon, eÂrhka), log¾zomai, lÖw, mŸllw, mŸnw, Êr}w (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka, ëfjhn),
Éfe¾lw, parag¾nomai, parakalŸw, paralamb}nw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija), pŸmpw, peripatŸw,
p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (pesoØmai, £peson), pisteÖw, plhrËw, poiŸw, poreÖomai,
prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, proskunŸw, prosfŸrw, spe¾rw, staurËw, sun}gw, sézw,
thrŸw, Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw (feÖxomai,
£fugon), fobŸomai, qar¾zomai
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, {n©r,
‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, gun©, daimËnion, did}skalov,
dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›ntol©, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov,
eÔaggŸlion, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov, jÖra, ½erËn, ½m}tion,
kard¾a, kefal©, kËsmov, kÖriov, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, mht©r, nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv,
oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma, oÔranËv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, pat©r, ploÀon, pneØma, poÖv, prËswpon,
prof©thv, pØr, Ó«ma, s}bbaton, s}rx, shmeÀon, spŸrma, stËma, sunagwg©, såma,
tŸknon, tËpov, tuflËv, Üdwr, u½Ëv, fulak©, fwn©, fåv, q}riv, qe¾r, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, ¥kastov, ›mËv, £sqatov, ¥terov, ¨mŸterov, Âdiov, kakËv,
kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, Ðlov, p‚v, pistËv, ponhrËv, pråtov, sËv, ÕmŸterov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, g}r, dŸ, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ¥wv, ±dh, ¼doÖ, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, m©, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðpou,
Ðti, oÔ, oÔk, oÔq, oÔdŸ, oÞn, oÚpw, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, påv, tŸ, tËte
{ll©lwn, (aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, œautoØ, ›keÀnov, ›mautoØ, oßtov, seautoØ
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 22
1. ›n ›ke¾n¬ t° ¨mŸrƒ pØr peseÀtai {pÌ toØ oÔranoØ ka¿ Ê ‡ggelov toØ fwtÌv
{paggeleÀ tÌn lËgon sark¿ p}s¬.
2. ginãskomen Ðti {pojanoÖmeja, {ll’ oÔ ginãskomen Ðpou ›leusËmeja. ¨meÀv g~r
oÔk ›thr©samen t~v ›ntol~v toØ jeoØ.
3. krineÀ Ê jeÌv ¥kaston ¨mån ›n t° ¨mŸrƒ t° ›sq}t¬, Éfe¾lomen oÞn poll}kiv
parakaleÀn {ll©louv.
4. ÕmeÀv m¡n proskuneÀte daimon¾oiv, ¨meÀv d¡ proskunoØmen tê jeê tê poi©santi
tÌ Üdwr ka¿ tªn g«n ka¿ p}nta ›n aÔtoÀv.
5. Ê spe¾rwn baleÀ tÌ spŸrma ›p¿ tªn g«n, {ll~ dokoØmen Ðti Ê ponhrÌv
›leÖsetai ka¿ {reÀ aÔtË.
6. eÕr©somen ›keÀnon tÌn ‡njrwpon ka¿ krinoØmen aÔtÌn kat~ tÌn ¨mŸteron
nËmon= aÔtÌv g~r £labe t~ s~ bibl¾a ka¿ £fugen.
7. ›reÀte to×v ›mo×v lËgouv toÀv Îqloiv ka¿ {posteleÀte to×v ÕmetŸrouv doÖlouv
sunagageÀn t~ tŸkna e¼v tÌ ½erËn.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
8. menoØmen ›n t° {lhje¾ƒ, Ê jeÌv g~r {pŸsteilen tÌn ‰gion prof©thn aÔtoØ
{paggŸllonta taØta.
9. tÌ £rgon œk}stou krij©setai ›n pur¾, ka¿ Ê kÖriov aÔtÌv ›gereÀ ¨m‚v z«n ›n tê
fwt¿ met’ {ll©lwn.
10. baleÀte tÌn ÕmŸteron ‡rton ›p¿ tÌ Üdwr ka¿ proskun©sete tê u½ê t«v
dikaiosÖnhv ›n toÖtæ tê tËpæ.
11. o½ |martwlo¿ ›keÀnoi dokoØsin Ðti throØntev t~v {njrãpwn ›ntol~v eÕr©sousi
q}rin met~ jeoØ.
12. ›n tê sê ÉnËmati, kÖrie, ›spe¾ramen spŸrmata t«v e¼r©nhv, {ll~ meneÀ tÌ
£rgon tÌ ¨mŸteron;
13. Ê kÖriov {pŸsteilen tªn ›mªn {delfªn Ðpou oÔk ±jelen ›ljeÀn, {ll’ £meinen
›keÀ ka¿ {p©ggeilen tÌ p‚n jŸlhma toØ jeoØ.
14. o½ dokoØntev £qein tÌ pØr toØ pneÖmatov μran t~v qeÀrav ka¿ proshÖxanto tê
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Liquid Verbs
— Stems ending in l, m, n, and r
— They do not accept the direct attachment of the -s of the future tense.
— They do not accept the direct attachment of the -sa of the first aorist.
Future of Liquid Verbs
— Add an epsilon to the stem.
— Epsilon contracts with the connecting vowel of the person/number endings.
— Result looks like the present tense of a contract verb in -ew.
Future Active of mŸnw
1. menå, I will remain
2. meneÀv, you will remain
3. meneÀ, he/she will remain
menoØmen, we will remain
meneÀte, you will remain
menoØsi(n), they will remain
Future Middle of mŸnw
1. menoØmai
2. men°
3. meneÀtai
Note: Some forms of the future active and middle of contract verbs differ from the
corresponding present tense forms only by accent. Thus . . .
mŸnw = “I remain”
but menå = “I will remain”
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
First Aorist of Liquid Verbs
First Aorist Active of mŸnw
1. £meina, I remained
2. £meinav, you remained
3. £meine(n), he/she remained
›me¾namen, we remained
›me¾nate, you remained
£meinan, they remained
First Aorist Middle of mŸnw
(see §345 in appendix)
1. ›mein}mhn
2. ›me¾nw
3. ›me¾nato
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 22
1. Give the Future Active Indicative of mŸnw.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
2. Give the Aorist Active Indicative of mŸnw.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
3. Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms.
›spe¾ramen spŸrmata t«v e¼r©nhv ›n t° ¨metŸr¬ g° ka¿ parekalŸsamen
{ll©louv threÀn t~v ›ntol~v toØ jeoØ. {ll~ prosekun©sate daimon¾oiv ka¿
›pŸmyate t~ tŸkna t~ ÕmŸtera e¼v tÌ pØr. nØn {paggelå ÕmÀn, #O kÖriov krineÀ
Õm‚v di~ tªn ÕmetŸran |mart¾an ka¿ oÔk ›gereÀ Õm‚v ›n t° ›sq}t¬ ¨mŸrƒ.
{pojaneÀsje ›n t° |mart¾ƒ Õmån ka¿ oÔk Îyesje tÌ fåv toØ oÔranoØ. dokeÀte g~r
Ðti œk}sth ¨mŸra ›st¿n dåron {pÌ daimon¾wn ka¿ Üdwr zån £rqetai {p! aÔtån.
1. ›spe¾ramen
2. {paggelå
3. krineÀ
4. ›gereÀ
5. {pojaneÀsje
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-23
{gap}w, |gi}zw, {gor}zw, ‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, a¼tŸw, {koloujŸw, {koÖw ({k©koa),
|mart}nw, {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {paggŸllw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw, {pokr¾nomai,
{pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw, {sp}zomai, b}llw (›bl©jhn),
bapt¾zw, blŸpw, boÖlomai, genn}w, g¾nomai (gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw
(gnãsomai, £gnwka, ›gnãsjhn), gnwr¾zw, gr}fw (›gr}fhn), deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw
(did}xw), diŸrqomai, diãkw, dokŸw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn),
e¼m¾ (ën), e¼sŸrqomai, ›kb}llw, ›xŸrqomai, ›pistrŸfw, ›rg}zomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai,
μljon, ›l©luja), ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon), œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn),
£qw, z}w, zhtŸw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), kalŸw, k}jhmai, kaj¾zw,
kataba¾nw, khrÖssw, kr}zw, kr¾nw, kt¾zw, lalŸw, lamb}nw (l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw
(eÅpon, eÂrhka), log¾zomai, lÖw, mŸllw, mŸnw, Êr}w (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka, ëfjhn),
Éfe¾lw, parag¾nomai, parakalŸw, paralamb}nw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija), pŸmpw, peripatŸw,
p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (pesoØmai, £peson), pisteÖw, plhrËw, poiŸw, poreÖomai,
prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, proskunŸw, prosfŸrw, spe¾rw, staurËw, sun}gw, sézw,
thrŸw, Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw (feÖxomai,
£fugon), fobŸomai, qar¾zomai
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, {n©r,
‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, graf©, gun©, daimËnion,
did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›ntol©, ›xous¾a, £rgon,
£rhmov, eÔaggŸlion, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov, jÖra, ½erËn,
½m}tion, kard¾a, kefal©, kËsmov, kÖriov, kwm©, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, mht©r, nËmov,
nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma, oÔranËv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, pat©r, ploÀon, pneØma, poÖv,
prËswpon, prof©thv, pØr, Ó«ma, s}bbaton, s}rx, shmeÀon, spŸrma, stËma, sunagwg©,
såma, tŸknon, tËpov, tuflËv, Üdwr, u½Ëv, fulak©, fwn©, fåv, q}riv, qe¾r, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, ¥kastov, ›mËv, £sqatov, ¥terov, ¨mŸterov, Âdiov, kakËv,
kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, Ðlov, p‚v, pistËv, ponhrËv, pråtov, sËv, ÕmŸterov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, ‡n, g}r, dŸ, ›}n, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ¥wv, ±dh, ¼doÖ, Ãna, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, m©, mhdŸ,
mhkŸti, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðpou, Ðpwv, Ðtan, Ðte, Ðti, (oÔ, oÔk, oÔq), oÔdŸ, oÔkŸti, oÞn, oÚpw,
oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, påv, tŸ, tËte, âv
{ll©lwn, (aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, œautoØ, ›keÀnov, ›mautoØ, oßtov, seautoØ
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 23
1. Ê did}skalov t«v dikaiosÖnhv {pŸlusen to×v Îqlouv Ãna {peljËntev e¼v t~v
kãmav {gor}swsin œautoÀv ‡rton.
2. sunag}gwmen tÌn laÌn e¼v tÌ ½erÌn Ãna di~ tån grafån paraklhjåmen.
3. Ðpou ˆn e¼sŸljhte e¼v oÅkon, ›~n eÜrhte ›keÀ tÌ bibl¾on toØ nËmou, gnãsesje
Ðti ¨ dËxa toØ jeoØ mŸnei ›n ›ke¾næ tê tËpæ.
4. mhkŸti oÞn {ll©louv kr¾nwmen, Ðte g~r kr¾nomen to×v {delfo×v ka¿ t~v
{delf~v ¨mån, oÔ plhroØmen tÌ toØ pneÖmatov jŸlhma.
5. påv z©swmen ›n tê kËsmæ toØtæ Ðpwv Ê laÌv Âd¬ tÌ fåv toØ eÔaggel¾ou;
6. ›~n mª {sp}swmai aÔtªn prÌv tªn jÖran mhd¡ prosenŸgkw Üdwr p¾nein, ¨
m©thr t«v gunaikËv mou oÔ p}lin ÕpostrŸyei e¼v tÌn oÅkon ¨mån.
7. tÌn ›rqËmenon prÌv ›m¡ oÔ mª ›kb}lw ka¿ tÌn zhtoØnta e¼r©nhn oÔ mª
{poste¾lw e¼v tªn £rhmon.
8. ›~n mª |gi}shte tÌn kÖrion ›n taÀv kard¾aiv Õmån, påv proskun©shte aÔtê e¼v
tÌn a¼åna;
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9. Ðtan proseÖqhsje oÔk £sesje âv o½ {gapåntev ›n taÀv ÊdoÀv proseÖqesjai,
Ðpwv o½ ‡njrwpoi Âdwsin aÔtoÖv.
10. mhkŸti |mart}nwmen e¼v tÌn oÔranÌn {ll’ ›rgazãmeja tÌ {gajÌn Ãna îmen
tŸkna t«v basile¾av toØ jeoØ.
11. oÔ mª p}lin {gor}swsin ‡rton ›n taÖt¬ t° kãm¬, p}ntev o½ g~r fagËntev
aÔtÌn oÔkŸti zåsin.
12. Ðtan d¡ £lj¬ Ê u½Ìv toØ {njrãpou, a½ grafa¿ tån profhtån plhrwj©sontai.
13. Ðte ±mhn mej’ Õmån £legon, Mª fobãmeja |mart¾an mhd¡ j}naton, oÔkŸti g}r
›smen doØloi t«v sarkËv.
14. p¾nwmen oÅnon ¥wv ˆn mª dunãmeja peripateÀn mhd¡ laleÀn;
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Uses of the Subjunctive
I. INDEPENDENT USES (Subjunctive is the main verb)
1. Hortatory Subjunctive
{gap©swmen tÌn did}skalon ¨mån ka¿ fŸrwmen aÔtê dåra.
Let us love our teacher and let us bring gifts to him.
2. Deliberative Subjunctive
pisteÖshte toÀv mª {koloujoÖsi tê didask}læ Õmån;
Should you trust the ones who do not follow your teacher?
3. Emphatic Negation
oÔ mª ›rg}zhsje kakÌn tê didask}læ.
You will never do harm to the teacher!
II. DEPENDENT USES (In a subordinate clause)
4. Purpose
ka¿ o½ ponhro¿ {delfo¿ poreÖontai prÌv tÌn did}skalon
Ãna {koÖswsin t~ Ó©mata t«v zw«v.
Even the evil brothers are going to the teacher
in order that they may hear the words of life.
5. Future or Present General Conditions
›~n b}lw tÌ bibl¾on e¼v tÌ pØr, Ê did}skalov £ti did}xei me.
If I should throw the book into the fire, the teacher will still teach me.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 23
Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms.
£kraxen t~ tŸkna, OÔk £qomen ‡rton ›sj¾ein. e¼s«ljen oÞn Ê patªr aÔtån e¼v tªn
kãmhn Ãna {gor}s¬ ‡rton. ›n t° kãm¬ eßren ‡rton ka¿ ÕpŸstreyen e¼v tÌn oÅkon
aÔtoØ. tËte eÅpen Ê pat©r, Dox}swmen tÌn jeÌn tÌn pŸmponta ‡rton toÀv tŸknoiv
t«v g«v, Ðtan g~r ›sj¾wmen ‡rton dun}meja ›rg}zesjai tÌ £rgon toØ jeoØ. ka¿
›~n ›rgazãmeja tÌ £rgon toØ jeoØ, oÔkŸti ›sËmeja basile¾a {njrãpwn ponhrån.
ka¿ oÔ mª eÂphte Ðti Ê jeÌv oÔk {koÖsei ¨mån Ðtan proseuqãmeja ka¿ a¼t©swmen
‡rton. tËte £kraxen t~ tŸkna, P}ter, eÂrhkav tªn {l©jeian. {ll~ nØn oÔ jŸlomen
{koØsai t«v fwn«v sou. boulËmeja ›sj¾ein.
1. £kraxen
2. {gor}s¬
3. Dox}swmen
4. ›sj¾wmen
5. ›rgazãmeja
6. eÂphte
7. proseÖqwmeja
8. eÂrhkav
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-24
{gap}w, |gi}zw, {gor}zw, ‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, a¼tŸw, {koloujŸw, {koÖw ({k©koa),
|mart}nw, {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {paggŸllw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw, {pokr¾nomai,
{pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw, {sp}zomai, b}llw (›bl©jhn),
bapt¾zw, blŸpw, boÖlomai, genn}w, g¾nomai (gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw
(gnãsomai, £gnwka, ›gnãsjhn), gnwr¾zw, gr}fw (›gr}fhn), deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw
(did}xw), diŸrqomai, diãkw, dokŸw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn),
e¼m¾ (ën, eÅnai), e¼sŸrqomai, ›kb}llw, ›xŸrqomai, £xestin, ›pistrŸfw, ›rg}zomai, £rqomai
(›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon), œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw
(eÕrŸjhn), £qw, z}w, zhtŸw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw, jewrŸw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), kalŸw,
k}jhmai, kaj¾zw, kataba¾nw, keleÖw, khrÖssw, kr}zw, kr¾nw, kt¾zw, lalŸw, lamb}nw
(l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw (eÅpon, eÂrhka), log¾zomai, lÖw, marturŸw, mŸllw, mŸnw, Êr}w
(Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka, ëfjhn), Éfe¾lw, parag¾nomai, parakalŸw, paralamb}nw, pe¾jw
(pŸpoija), pŸmpw, peripatŸw, p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (pesoØmai, £peson), pisteÖw,
plhrËw, poiŸw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, proskunŸw, prosfŸrw, spe¾rw,
staurËw, sun}gw, sézw, thrŸw, Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka,
§nŸqjhn), feÖgw (feÖxomai, £fugon), fobŸomai, qar¾zomai
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, {n©r,
‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, {rq©, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, bibl¾on, g«, glåssa, graf©, gun©,
daimËnion, did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov, dåron, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›ntol©,
›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, eÔaggŸlion, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov,
jÖra, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a, kefal©, kËsmov, kÖriov, kwm©, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v,
mht©r, nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma, oÔranËv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, paid¾on,
parabol©, pat©r, ploÀon, pneØma, poÖv, prËswpon, prof©thv, pØr, Ó«ma, s}bbaton, s}rx,
shmeÀon, sof¾a, spŸrma, stËma, sunagwg©, såma, tŸknon, tËpov, tuflËv, Üdwr, u½Ëv,
fulak©, fwn©, fåv, q}riv, qe¾r, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, {gaphtËv, ‰giov, ‡llov, d¾kaiov, ¥kastov, ›mËv, £sqatov, ¥terov, ¨mŸterov, Âdiov,
kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, Ðlov, p‚v, pistËv, ponhrËv, pråtov, sËv, ÕmŸterov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prË, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
{ll}, {m©n, ‡n, g}r, dŸ, ›}n, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ¥wv, ±dh, ¼doÖ, Ãna, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, m©, mhdŸ,
mhkŸti, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðpou, Ðpwv, Ðtan, Ðte, Ðti, (oÔ, oÔk, oÔq), oÔdŸ, oÔkŸti, oÞn, oÚpw,
oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, påv, tŸ, tËte, âv, íste
{ll©lwn, (aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, sÖ, œautoØ, ›keÀnov, ›mautoØ, oßtov, seautoØ
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 24
1. s× m¡n lŸgeiv, OÔk £xestin ›rg}zesjai ›n sabb}tæ oÔd¡ jerapeØsai, ¨meÀv d¡
jŸlomen {noÀxai to×v Éfjalmo×v tån tuflån.
2. Ê ‡rqwn ›kŸleuse tÌn doØlon tÌn {gaphtÌn dŸxasjai t~ kal~ ½m}tia âv dåra.
3. prÌ toØ jewreÀn tªn dËxan toØ oÔranoØ deÀ peripateÀn ‡njrwpon ›n {lhje¾ƒ
›n toÖtæ tê kËsmæ.
4. kakËn ›stin labeÀn paid¾on {pÌ toØ oÂkou t«v mhtrÌv aÔtoØ.
5. di~ tÌ mª lelukŸnai tÌn kÖrion tªn glåssan toØ {ndrËv, oÔk ›dÖnato
martureÀn per¿ q}ritov toØ jeoØ.
6. ›l}lhse parabolªn kat’ aÔtån íste ‹rai aÔto×v l¾jouv baleÀn ›p’ aÔtËn.
7. ›n tê {pojn¯skein tÌn did}skalon, eÅpen Ê u½Ìv aÔtoØ Ðti £qei tªn sof¾an toØ
patrÌv aÔtoØ ka¿ did}xei ›n tê tËpæ aÔtoØ.
8. ¨ {rqª t«v sof¾av ›st¿n tÌ fobeÀsjai tÌn kÖrion ka¿ proskun«sai aÔtê.
9. met~ tÌ {koØsai tªn parabolªn o½ |martwlo¿ −t©santo to×v majht~v
{peljeÀn {pÌ t«v kãmhv aÔtån.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
10. e¼ ¨ glåssa boÖletai ‡rqein Ðlou toØ sãmatov, ¨ kefalª Éfe¾lei keleÖein tÌ
stËma mª {noÀxai.
11. ›lhlÖjamen ¼deÀn tªn {rqªn tån ›sq}twn ¨merån prÌ toØ Éfj«nai tÌn toØ
jan}tou ‡ggelon.
12. £xestin oÜtwv kr}zein ›n tê ½erê íste luj«nai tªn e¼r©nhn ka¿ mª dÖnasjai
tÌn laÌn {koØsai t~v graf}v;
13. kako¿ ‡njrwpoi ›martÖrhsan kat~ toØ {postËlou e¼v tÌ krij«nai aÔtÌn ka¿
›kblhj«nai ›k t«v sunagwg«v.
14. ›n tê jewreÀn Õm‚v tÌ paid¾on tÌ {gaphtÌn paregŸnonto p‚sai a½ ‰giai
gunaÀkev lŸgousai, DeÀ baptisj«nai aÔt©n.
15. ›ginãskete tÌn prof©thn mª eÅnai pistËn= eÂpete oÞn Ðti oÔk {kolouj©sete
aÔtê e¼v tªn £rhmon, {ll~ feÖxesje {p’ aÔtoØ.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Characteristics of the Greek Infinitive
The Greek infinitive is a verbal noun.
Verbal Qualities
Noun-like Qualities
Has tense (present, aorist, perfect)
Has gender (always regarded as neuter)
Has voice (active, middle, passive, deponent)
Has number (always regarded as singular)
May have a subject (accusative of respect)
Is indeclinable, but article may reveal case
May have a direct object or indirect object
May take the definite article
May have adverbial modifiers
May be the object of a preposition
Verbal Functions
Noun-like Functions
May express purpose
Subject of a sentence
May express result
Direct object of a verb
May express time
May express cause
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Noun-related Functions of the Greek Infinitive
1. Subject of a Sentence
taØta gr}fein ÕmÀn oÔk £stin £rgon mikrËn.
To write these things to you is not a small task.
{gajËn ›stin tÌ pisteÖein e¼v tÌn kÖrion.
To believe in the Lord is a good thing.
2. Direct Object of a Verb (may include some complementary infinitives)
eÅpen ¨ gun©, KÖrie, boÖlomai laleÀn.
The woman said, “Lord, I want to speak.”
Ê ‡rqwn oÔk £qei tÌ jŸlein Õp¡r t«v e¼r©nhv.
The ruler does not have the desire for peace.
Verb-related Functions of the Greek Infinitive
1. Purpose
›lhlÖjamen e¼v tÌ blŸpein tÌn prof©thn.
We have come in order to see the prophet.
Ê kÖriov £pemyŸ me bapt¾zein ›n pneÖmati.
The Lord sent me to baptize in [the] Spirit.
2. Result
¨ g« ¨mån ›lÖjh íste mª eÅnai ‡rton.
Our land was destroyed such that there is no bread.
£labev tÌn oÅnon toØ blhj«na¾ se e¼v fulak©n.
You took the wine with the result that you were thrown into prison.
3. Temporal Relationships (three types)
prÌ toØ laleÀn se ginãskomen to×v lËgouv sou.
Before you speak, we know your words.
›n tê khrÖssein me £pesen tÌ pneØma tÌ ‰gion.
While I was preaching, the Holy Spirit fell.
met~ tÌ ›gerj«na¾ me ›leÖsomai prÌv Õm‚v.
After I have been raised, I will come to you.
4. Cause
{pŸjn¬sken Ê {nªr di~ tÌ mª £qein Üdwr.
The man was dying because [he] did not have water.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 24
Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms.
Ê {gaphtÌv majhtªv μljen prÌv tªn kãmhn ¨mån fŸrein tªn sof¾an tån grafån.
p}ntev o½ ‰gioi sun©gagon t~ paid¾a aÔtån e¼v tÌ {koØsai toØ majhtoØ. prÌ toØ
lŸgein ›kŸleusen ¨m‚v kaj¾sai ka¿ {noÀxai t~v kard¾av ¨mån prÌv tÌn kÖrion.
tËte ›l}lhsen parabol©n, #H basile¾a toØ jeoØ ›stin âv pØr ka¿ Üdwr. o½ pisto¿
jŸlousin jewreÀn tÌn kÖrion, ka¿ ›n tê ›ljeÀn aÔtÌn Îyontai aÔtÌn ka¿ p¾ontai
tÌn lËgon toØ jeoØ âv Üdwr. o½ d¡ kako¿ jŸlousin eÅnai pråtoi ka¿ £qein p‚san
›xous¾an, íste tªn basile¾an eÅnai aÔtoÀv âv pØr. Ê g~r jeÌv krineÀ aÔto×v met~
tÌ ›gerj«nai to×v nekroÖv. oÜtwv ›martÖrhsen Ê {gaphtÌv majht©v.
Note: These categories may not always apply.
1. μljen
2. fŸrein
3. {koØsai
4. ›kŸleusen
5. {noÀxai
6. jewreÀn
7. Îyontai
8. ›gerj«nai
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-25
{gap}w, |gi}zw, {gor}zw, ‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, a¼tŸw, {koloujŸw, {koÖw ({k©koa),
|mart}nw, {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {paggŸllw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw, {pokr¾nomai,
{pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw, {sp}zomai, b}llw (›bl©jhn),
bapt¾zw, blŸpw, boÖlomai, genn}w, g¾nomai (gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw
(gnãsomai, £gnwka, ›gnãsjhn), gnwr¾zw, gr}fw (›gr}fhn), deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw
(did}xw), diŸrqomai, diãkw, dokŸw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn),
e¼m¾ (ën, eÅnai), e¼sŸrqomai, ›kb}llw, ›xŸrqomai, £xestin, ›pistrŸfw, ›rg}zomai, £rqomai
(›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon), œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw
(eÕrŸjhn), £qw, z}w, zhtŸw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw, jewrŸw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), kalŸw,
k}jhmai, kaj¾zw, kataba¾nw, keleÖw, khrÖssw, kr}zw, kr¾nw, kt¾zw, lalŸw, lamb}nw
(l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw (eÅpon, eÂrhka), log¾zomai, lÖw, marturŸw, mŸllw, mŸnw, Êr}w
(Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka, ëfjhn), Éfe¾lw, parag¾nomai, parakalŸw, paralamb}nw, pe¾jw
(pŸpoija), pŸmpw, peripatŸw, p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (pesoØmai, £peson), pisteÖw,
plhrËw, poiŸw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, proskunŸw, prosfŸrw, spe¾rw,
staurËw, sun}gw, sézw, thrŸw, Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka,
§nŸqjhn), feÖgw (feÖxomai, £fugon), fobŸomai, qar¾zomai
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, {n©r,
‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, {rq©, {rqiereÖv, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, basileÖv, bibl¾on, gŸnov,
g«, glåssa, grammateÖv, graf©, gun©, daimËnion, did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov,
dÖnamiv, dåron, £jnov, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›ntol©, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, eÔaggŸlion, zw©,
¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov, jÖra, ½ereÖv, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a,
kefal©, kËsmov, kr¾siv, kÖriov, kwm©, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, mht©r, nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv,
oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma, Îrov, oÔranËv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, paid¾on, parabol©, pat©r, p¾stiv,
ploÀon, pneØma, pËliv, poÖv, prËswpon, prof©thv, pØr, Ó«ma, s}bbaton, s}rx, shmeÀon,
sof¾a, spŸrma, stËma, sunagwg©, såma, tŸknon, tŸlov, tËpov, tuflËv, Üdwr, u½Ëv, fulak©,
fwn©, fåv, q}riv, qe¾r, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, {gaphtËv, ‰giov, {lhj©v, ‡llov, {sjen©v, d¾kaiov, ¥kastov, ›mËv, £sqatov,
¥terov, ¨mŸterov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, Ðlov, p‚v, pistËv, pl©rhv, ponhrËv,
pråtov, sËv, ÕmŸterov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prË, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
{ll}, {m©n, ‡n, g}r, dŸ, ›}n, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ¥wv, ±dh, ¼doÖ, Ãna, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, m©, mhdŸ,
mhkŸti, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðpou, Ðpwv, Ðtan, Ðte, Ðti, (oÔ, oÔk, oÔq), oÔdŸ, oÔkŸti, oÞn, oÚpw,
oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, påv, tŸ, tËte, âv, íste
{ll©lwn, (aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, œautoØ, ›keÀnov, ›mautoØ, oßtov, seautoØ, sÖ
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 25
1. e¼ t~ khruqjŸnta ÕpÌ tån majhtån {lhj« ›stin, ¨ kr¾siv toØ jeoØ mŸllei
peseÀn ›p¿ tªn pËlin ¨mån.
2. oÞsai plhreÀv p¾stewv ka¿ dun}mewv a½ {delfa¿ Õmån oÔk ›foboØnto tÌn
3. {nabainËntwn e¼v tÌ Îrov tån ½erŸwn, ‡njrwpoi ponhro¿ e¼s«ljon e¼v tÌ ½erÌn
labeÀn tÌ bibl¾on toØ nËmou.
4. ›keÀnoi o½ ‡ndrev μsan ›k gŸnouv {rqierŸwn= prosŸferon oÞn dåra Õp¡r
|martiån toØ £jnouv.
5. tÌ £rgon toØ grammatŸwv ›st¿n gr}yai t~ Ó©mata toØ jeoØ e¼v bibl¾on ka¿
did}skein aÔt~ tê laê.
6. {sjenªv ±mhn ka¿ ›n fulak° {ll’ oÔk ±ljete ¼deÀn me oÔd¡ proshÖxasje Õp¡r
7. Ê mŸnwn e¼v tÌ tŸlov swj©setai ka¿ gnãsetai tªn {g}phn toØ kur¾ou.
8. Ê pŸmyav me {lhj©v ›stin= ›leÖsomai oÞn ka¿ {paggelå tªn {l©jeian aÔtoØ e¼v
t~ £jnh.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
9. £qwmen p¾stin e¼v jeÌn Ãna Ðtan Ê u½Ìv toØ {njrãpou ÕpostrŸy¬ eÕrejåmen
pisto¿ ›n ¨mŸrƒ kr¾sewv.
10. jewroØntev shmeÀa te ka¿ dun}meiv ginomŸnav di~ tån qeirån toØ prof©tou, o½
{rqiereÀv ka¿ o½ grammateÀv ›jaÖmasan ka¿ ›dËxasan tÌn basilŸa toØ
11. ìn {sjenªv ›n sãmati ka¿ pneÖmati £ti jŸlei Ê tuflÌv ›xeljeÀn {pÌ t«v pËlewv
jerapeuj«nai ÕpÌ toØ didask}lou ›p¿ tÌ Îrov.
12. gŸnov oÞn Õp}rqontev toØ jeoØ oÔk Éfe¾lomen dokeÀn tÌn jeÌn eÅnai l¾jon.
13. tÌ m¡n tŸlov ›ke¾nou toØ dika¾ou doÖlou £stai {lhjªv dËxa, tÌ d¡ tŸlov
toÖtou toØ kakoØ ½erŸwv £stai kr¾siv purËv.
14. eÅpen Ê basile×v Ðti ¨ p‚sa pËliv ›st¿n pl©rhv aÃmatov ka¿ Ê ‡ggelov t«v
kr¾sewv ›p’ aÔtªn ›leÖsetai.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 25
1. Translate the following paragraph.
Ê laÌv ›n t° pËlei ›g¾nonto {sjen©v. oÔk ›dÖnanto blŸpein toÀv ÉfjalmoÀv
oÔd¡ ›rg}zesjai taÀv qŸrsin oÔd¡ peripateÀn toÀv pos¾n. £kraxan oÞn tê
basileÀ lŸgontev, Såson ¨m‚v, {pojn¯skomen g~r ›n taÀv ÊdoÀv. Ê d¡ basile×v
oÔk ›dÖnato såsai aÔtoÖv. £kraxan oÞn toÀv ½ereØsin ka¿ toÀv grammateØsin,
Ê d¡ {rqiere×v eÅpen, OÔk £qomen tªn dÖnamin såsai Õm‚v. tËte £kraxan tê
prof©t¬ ›n tê |g¾æ Îrei lŸgontev, S× eÅ Ê {lhjªv prof©thv toØ jeoØ. S× eÅ
pl©rhv p¾stewv ka¿ pneÖmatov |g¾ou. dÖnasai {pokr¾nesjai ¨mÀn; l©myetai
Ê j}natov ¨m‚v p}ntav; ±ggiken tÌ tŸlov toØ £jnouv ka¿ toØ gŸnouv ¨mån; eÅpen
d¡ Ê prof©thv, AÜth ¨ kr¾siv oÔ fŸrei tÌn j}naton p‚sin. ›n g~r taÖt¬ t° nukt¿
›leÖsontai o½ ‡ggeloi toØ jeoØ {p! oÔranoØ ka¿ jerapeÖsousin tªn pËlin.
2. Identify the case and number of these underlined words from the above paragraph.
1. pËlei
6. dÖnamin
2. {sjen©v
7. Îrei
3. basileÀ
8. {lhj©v
9. p¾stewv
5. {rqiereÖv
10. tŸlov
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Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-26
{gap}w, |gi}zw, {gor}zw, ‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, a¼tŸw, {koloujŸw, {koÖw ({k©koa),
|mart}nw, {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {paggŸllw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw, {pokr¾nomai,
{pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw, {sp}zomai, b}llw (›bl©jhn),
bapt¾zw, blŸpw, boÖlomai, genn}w, g¾nomai (gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw
(gnãsomai, £gnwka, ›gnãsjhn), gnwr¾zw, gr}fw (›gr}fhn), deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw
(did}xw), diŸrqomai, diãkw, dokŸw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn),
e¼m¾ (ën, eÅnai), e¼sŸrqomai, ›kb}llw, ›leŸw, ›xŸrqomai, £xestin, ›perwt}w, ›pistrŸfw,
›rg}zomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›rwt}w, ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon),
œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw, z}w, zhtŸw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw,
jewrŸw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), kalŸw, k}jhmai, kaj¾zw, kataba¾nw, keleÖw, khrÖssw, kr}zw,
kratŸw, kr¾nw, kt¾zw, lalŸw, lamb}nw (l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw (eÅpon, eÂrhka),
log¾zomai, lÖw, marturŸw, mŸllw, mŸnw, metanoŸw, Êr}w (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka, ëfjhn),
Éfe¾lw, parag¾nomai, parakalŸw, paralamb}nw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija), pŸmpw, peripatŸw,
p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (pesoØmai, £peson), pisteÖw, plhrËw, poiŸw, poreÖomai,
prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, proskunŸw, prosfŸrw, spe¾rw, staurËw, sun}gw, sézw,
thrŸw, Õp}gw, Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw
(feÖxomai, £fugon), fobŸomai, qa¾rw, qar¾zomai
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {grËv, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, {n©r,
‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, {rq©, {rqiereÖv, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, basileÖv, bibl¾on, gŸnov,
g«, glåssa, grammateÖv, graf©, gun©, daimËnion, did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov,
dÖnamiv, dåron, £jnov, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›ntol©, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, eÔaggŸlion, zw©,
¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov, jÖra, ½ereÖv, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a,
karpËv, kefal©, kËsmov, kr¾siv, kÖriov, kwm©, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, mht©r, nËmov,
nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma, Îrov, oÔranËv, oÞv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, paid¾on, parabol©,
pat©r, p¾stiv, ploÀon, pneØma, pËliv, poÖv, prËswpon, prof©thv, pØr, Ó«ma, s}bbaton,
s}rx, shmeÀon, sof¾a, spŸrma, stËma, sunagwg©, såma, tŸknon, tŸlov, tËpov, tuflËv,
Üdwr, u½Ëv, fulak©, fwn©, fåv, q}riv, qe¾r, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, {gaphtËv, ‰giov, a¼ãniov, {lhj©v, ‡llov, {sjen©v, d¾kaiov, ¥kastov, ›mËv,
£sqatov, ¥terov, ¨mŸterov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, Ðlov, p‚v, pistËv, pl©rhv,
ponhrËv, pråtov, sËv, ÕmŸterov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prË, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
{ll}, {m©n, ‡n, g}r, dŸ, ›}n, e¼, ›keÀ, £ti, ¥wv, ±dh, ¼doÖ, Ãna, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, m©, mhdŸ,
mhkŸti, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðpou, Ðpwv, Ðtan, Ðte, Ðti, (oÔ, oÔk, oÔq), oÔdŸ, oÔkŸti, oÞn, oÚpw,
oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, påv, tŸ, tËte, ïde, âv, íste
{ll©lwn, (aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, œautoØ, ›keÀnov, ›mautoØ, oßtov, seautoØ, sÖ
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 26
1. o½ |martwlo¿ £kraxan, KÖrie, ›lŸhson ¨m‚v ka¿ mª pŸmy¬v ¨m‚v e¼v kr¾sin
2. eÅpen ¨ gun©, Kr}thson ›keÀnon tÌn ‡njrwpon, aÔtÌv g~r £laben karpÌn ›k
tån stom}twn tån paid¾wn mou.
3. mª ›rwt©shte påv dÖnantai o½ nekro¿ ›gerj«nai= pisteÖsate ka¿ qa¾rete ›n t°
dun}mei toØ jeoØ.
4. Üpage e¼v tÌn sÌn oÅkon ›n tê {grê, eÅpen Ê ponhrÌv basileÖv. ›lj¡ p}lin
prÌv tªn pËlin Ðtan £q¬v dåra prosenŸgkai moi.
5. oÔ ginãskomen påv Ê prof©thv mª £qwn ploÀon di~ t«v jal}sshv di«ljen=
›perãthson aÔtËn, tËte ›lj¡ ïde ka¿ e¼p¡ ¨mÀn.
6. metanËhson {pÌ tån £rgwn tån kakån ka¿ b}le to×v lËgouv toØ pneÖmatov e¼v
t~ ît} sou.
7. mª p¾nete oÅnon ›n t° kãm¬ ¥wv ‡n pŸshte ›p¿ prËswpon Õmån, {ll~
plhroØsje ›n pneÖmati.
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8. mª {no¾x¬v t~ ît} sou toÀv Ó©masin tån daimon¾wn, {ll’ ›rãthson tÌn kÖrion
did}skein se sof¾an.
9. mª qa¾rete ›p¿ taÀv basile¾aiv toØ kËsmou toÖtou, {ll~ dŸxasje tÌ fåv toØ
oÔranoØ ka¿ krat©sate tªn a¼ãnion {l©jeian.
10. o½ ½ereÀv t«v g«v £stwsan pisto¿ ka¿ Ê ‡rqwn ›p¿ toØ jrËnou £stw d¾kaiov.
11. ›~n ¨ kard¾a Õmån º pl©rhv |mart¾av, proseÖxasje tê jeê, metano©sate, ka¿
Õp}gete ›n e¼r©n¬.
12. ›keÀnai a½ gunaÀkev ›ljŸtwsan ïde ka¿ baptisj©twsan ÕpÌ toØ didask}lou.
13. poi©sate tÌn karpÌn dikaiosÖnhv ka¿ ›le©somen Õm‚v, gŸgraptai g}r, !ApÌ
tån karpån aÔtån gnãsesje aÔtoÖv.
14. poreÖjhti e¼v tÌn {grÌn ka¿ ›perãthson to×v doÖlouv to×v ›rgazomŸnouv ›keÀ
e¼ tÌ tŸlov toØ £rgou ›gg¾zei.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 26
Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms.
a½ ‰giai {delfa¿ ›k©russon tÌ eÔaggŸlion tÌ a¼ãnion e¼v to×v £qontav doÖlouv
ka¿ {groÖv. ka¿ eÅpon, #Htoim}kate tÌn karpÌn toØ {groØ, {ll! pepoi©kate tÌn
karpÌn t«v dikaiosÖnhv; metano©sate ka¿ bapt¾sjhte, ka¿ Ê kÖriov ›le©sei
Õm‚v. mª ›perwt©shte, Dun}meja {gor}sai tªn {g}phn toØ kur¾ou; Ê g~r kÖriov
{gap† to×v |martwlo×v to×v mª {gapåntav aÔtÌn ka¿ mª £qontav Õp}rqonta.
£ljete oÞn ïde ka¿ {no¾xate t~ îta Õmån {koØsai tÌn lËgon t«v {lhje¾av. mª
krat©shte t~ Õp}rqonta Õmån, {ll~ pŸmyate dåra toÀv ›n fulak° {njrãpoiv
ka¿ ›rwt©sate tÌn kÖrion qar¾sasjai ÕmÀn. ka¿ Ðte ›po¾hsan taØta, tËte eÅpon
a½ {delfa¾, NØn Õp}gete ›n e¼r©n¬ ka¿ qa¾rete ›n tê kur¾æ.
1. ›k©russon
2. pepoi©kate
3. metano©sate
4. bapt¾sjhte
5. £ljete
6. krat©shte
7. pŸmyate
8. Õp}gete
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Periodic Exercises — Set #4 (emphasizing Lessons 21-26)
1. {gor}swmen karpËn te ka¿ ‡rton Ãna mª îmen {sjeneÀv= deÀ g~r ›sj¾ein
{gaj~ e¼v tÌ ›rg}zesjai ›n tê {grê.
2. parek}lesen Ê ½ere×v t~ paid¾a p}nta lŸgwn, PeripateÀte ›n tê fwt¿
ka¿ laleÀte t~ {lhj« {ll©loiv. oÜtwv g~r oÔ peseÀsje ÕpÌ kr¾sin.
3. §rãthsen Ê {pËstolov, Påv proskun©swmen tê basileÀ toØ oÔranoØ;
prosfŸrwmen dåra toÀv {rqiereØsin; zhtåmen dÖnamin ka¿ ›xous¾an;
4. katabainŸtw Ê kaj©menov ›p¿ tÌ Îrov ka¿ {paggeil}tw ›n t°
pËlei tªn a¼ãnion sof¾an tªn |gi}zousan p}nta.
5. ›~n fÖghte {pÌ t«v kãmhv di~ tÌ pØr tÌ lÖon to×v ÕmetŸrouv
oÂkouv, Ðpou feÖxesje Ðtan ¨ kr¾siv £lj¬ ›p¿ p}nta t~ £jnh;
6. dokeÀte tÌn basilŸa £qein ›xous¾an ›p¿ p}ntwn, ›gä d¡ lŸgw ÕmÀn Ðti
p‚v Ê thrån t~v ›ntol~v jeoØ £qei ›xous¾an ›p¿ |mart¾av ka¿ jan}tou.
7. ›~n t~ îta toØtou toØ grammatŸwv mª jerapeuj°, oÔ dun©setai poieÀn
tÌ £rgon aÔtoØ. deÀ g~r grammateÀv {koØsai p}nta t~ Ó©mata
t~ lalhjŸnta aÔtoÀv.
8. ›~n ¨ mhtªr ¨mån ÕpostrŸy¬ ka¿ Âd¬ påv p¾nontev oÅnon lelÖkamen
tÌn oÅkon, oÔk ›le©sei {ll~ staurãsei ¨m‚v.
9. ›l©lujan o½ pisto¿ majhta¿ e¼v tÌ martur«sai per¿ toØ nËmou=
Éfe¾lousin g~r o½ {gapåntev tÌn kÖrion {koloujeÀn toÀv
gegrammŸnoiv ›n aÔtê.
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10. metanohs}twsan o½ ‡rqontev {pÌ t«v |mart¾av aÔtån ka¿
›pistrey}twsan ›p¿ tÌn jeËn. tËte qarhsËmeja s×n aÔtoÀv
ka¿ kalŸsomen aÔto×v {delfoÖv.
11. ¨ ‡rqh p¾steãv ›stin tÌ baptisj«nai ›n Üdati= tÌ tŸlov p¾steãv ›stin
jewreÀn tÌ prËswpon toØ ¨metŸrou kur¾ou ka¿ plhrwj«nai ›n pneÖmati.
12. îmen pisto¿ tê gŸnei tê {gaphtê ¨mån, {ll~ mª krat©swmen tªn gªn
‡llwn mhd¡ l}bwmen t~ Õp}rqonta aÔtån.
13. ka¿ p‚sai a½ {delfa¿ ›plhrãjhsan pneÖmatov |g¾ou, ka¿ ±rxanto
laleÀn œtŸraiv glãssaiv Ðtan tÌ pneØma ›keleÖs¬ aÔt~v martureÀn.
14. o½ majhta¿ ›k©ruxan toÀv Îqloiv ›n parabolaÀv íste aÔto×v dÖnasjai
{koØsai tÌ eÔaggŸlion ka¿ {noÀxai t~v kard¾av aÔtån tê jeê.
15. ›phrãthsan o½ ½ereÀv {ll©louv e¼ £xestin tê basileÀ £qein tªn gunaÀka
toØ {delfoØ œautoØ ka¿ genn«sai tŸkna ›x aÔt«v.
16. ‡ndrev te ka¿ gunaÀkev toØ {groØ oÔ dÖnantai kaj«sjai ›n tê oÂkæ ka¿
p¾nein oÅnon, prÌ g~r toØ spe¾rein spŸrmata deÀ œtoim}zein tªn g«n.
17. di~ tË ginãskein tÌn prof©thn p}nta, ginãskei Ðti oÔ fobeÀsje tÌn
kÖrion, ›~n g~r shmeÀa mª Âdhte oÔ mª pisteÖshte.
18. Õp}gete ka¿ Âdete tÌn prof©thn ka¿ ›reÀ ÕmÀn Ðti oÔk £qete di~ tÌ mª
a¼teÀsjai Õm‚v. Ê jeÌv g}r ›stin pl©rhv q}ritov ka¿ jŸlei p}nta
t~ tŸkna aÔtoØ £qein e¼r©nhn.
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19. mª krat©s¬v dÖnamin seautê ka¿ mhkŸti l}mbane tÌn ‡rton tån
{sjenån. tÌ pneØma g~r oÔkŸti meneÀ ›n tê sê oÂkæ ›~n taØta poi°v.
20. Ðte ±geira ›mautÌn ›k tån nekrån, tËte ¥kastov tån ½erŸwn ›boÖleto
eÅnai majhtªv ›mËv. eÅpon d¡ aÔtoÀv, MeneÀte ÕpÌ kr¾sin ¥wv ˆn £ljw
›n dËx¬.
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Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-27
{gap}w, |gi}zw, {gor}zw, ‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, a¼tŸw, {koloujŸw, {koÖw ({k©koa),
|mart}nw, {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {paggŸllw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw, {pokr¾nomai,
{pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw, {sp}zomai, b}llw (›bl©jhn),
bapt¾zw, blŸpw, boÖlomai, genn}w, g¾nomai (gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw
(gnãsomai, £gnwka, ›gnãsjhn), gnwr¾zw, gr}fw (›gr}fhn), deÀ, dŸqomai, did}skw
(did}xw), diŸrqomai, diãkw, dokŸw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn),
e¼m¾ (ën, eÅnai), e¼sŸrqomai, ›kb}llw, ›leŸw, ›xŸrqomai, £xestin, ›perwt}w, ›pistrŸfw,
›rg}zomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›rwt}w, ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon),
œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw, z}w, zhtŸw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw,
jewrŸw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), kalŸw, k}jhmai, kaj¾zw, kataba¾nw, keleÖw, khrÖssw, kr}zw,
kratŸw, kr¾nw, kt¾zw, lalŸw, lamb}nw (l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw (eÅpon, eÂrhka),
log¾zomai, lÖw, marturŸw, mŸllw, mŸnw, metanoŸw, oÅda, Êr}w (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka,
ëfjhn), Éfe¾lw, parag¾nomai, parakalŸw, paralamb}nw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija), pŸmpw,
peripatŸw, p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (pesoØmai, £peson), pisteÖw, plhrËw, poiŸw,
poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, proskunŸw, prosfŸrw, spe¾rw, staurËw, sun}gw,
sézw, thrŸw, Õp}gw, Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw
(feÖxomai, £fugon), fobŸomai, qa¾rw, qar¾zomai
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {grËv, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, {n©r,
‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, {rq©, {rqiereÖv, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, basileÖv, bibl¾on, gŸnov,
g«, glåssa, grammateÖv, graf©, gun©, daimËnion, did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov,
dÖnamiv, dåron, £jnov, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›lp¾v, ›ntol©, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, eÔaggŸlion,
zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov, jug}thr, jÖra, ½ereÖv, ½erËn,
½m}tion, kard¾a, karpËv, kefal©, kËsmov, kr¾siv, kÖriov, kwm©, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v,
mht©r, nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma, Îrov, oÔranËv, oÞv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, paid¾on,
parabol©, pat©r, p¾stiv, ploÀon, pneØma, pËliv, poÖv, prËswpon, prof©thv, pØr, Ó«ma,
s}bbaton, s}rx, shmeÀon, sof¾a, spŸrma, stËma, sunagwg©, såma, tŸknon, tŸlov, tËpov,
tuflËv, Üdwr, u½Ëv, fulak©, fwn©, fåv, q}riv, qe¾r, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, {gaphtËv, ‰giov, a¼ãniov, {lhj©v, ‡llov, {sjen©v, d¾kaiov, ¥kastov, ›mËv,
£sqatov, ¥terov, ¨mŸterov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, mikrËv, nekrËv, Ðlov, p‚v, pistËv, pl©rhv,
ponhrËv, pråtov, sËv, ÕmŸterov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prË, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
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{ll}, {m©n, ‡n, g}r, dŸ, ›}n, e¼, ›keÀ, £xw, £ti, ¥wv, ±dh, ¼doÖ, Ãna, kajãv, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, m©,
mhdŸ, mhkŸti, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðpou, Ðpwv, Ðtan, Ðte, Ðti, (oÔ, oÔk, oÔq), oÔdŸ, oÔkŸti, oÞn,
oÚpw, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, poØ, påv, tŸ, tËte, ïde, âv, íste
{ll©lwn, (aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, œautoØ, ›keÀnov, ›mautoØ, Ðv, Ðsov, Ðstiv, oßtov, seautoØ, sÖ,
t¾v, tiv
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Practice and Review — Lesson 27
1. PoØ Õp}geiv, did}skale, t¾ did}skeiv ka¿ t¾v {koloujeÀ soi ›n t° Êdê t«v
2. khrÖssomen tÌ eÔaggŸlion ›n toÖtæ tê kËsmæ Ãna e¼d«te t¾v ›stin ¨ ›lp¿v
3. gunª ³tiv μn ›n tê Îqlæ parek}lese tªn jugatŸra aÔt«v martur«sai per¿ t«v
4. ¼dËntev t~ shmeÀa taØta Éfe¾lomen {paggeÀlai Š ›jewr©samen ka¿ §koÖsamen.
5. {n©r tiv e¼s«ljen e¼v tªn pËlin ka¿ §rãthsen, PoØ ›stin Ê u½Ìv toØ basilŸwv
ka¿ t¾ ›stin tÌ Înoma aÔtoØ;
6. Ê ‡ggelov t«v e¼r©nhv ›leÖsetai ka¿ lÖsei Õm‚v ›k t«v fulak«v ›n írƒ » oÔ
7. oÂdamen Ðti Ðstiv lamb}nei tÌn sÌn oÅnon ka¿ p¾nei aÔtÌn blhj©setai e¼v tªn
8. t¾v oÞn £stai ¨mån ¨ ›lp¿v ka¿ ¨ dËxa ›n t° ¨mŸrƒ t«v kr¾sewv; ¼do× ÕmeÀv ›ste
¨ dËxa ¨mån ka¿ ¨ ›lp¾v.
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9. kajäv gŸgraptai ›n tê bibl¾æ toØ nËmou, e tiv jŸlei pråtov eÅnai £stw âv
paid¾on ka¿ poie¾tw £rga dikaiosÖnhv ‡lloiv.
10. {naba¾nontev {pÌ t«v jal}sshv periepat©samen e¼v tªn kãmhn Ãna
{gor}swmen par~ tån {njrãpwn ploÀa Ðsa eÅqon.
11. Ñv ›~n jŸl¬ tªn zwªn eÕreÀn ›ggis}tw tê jrËnæ t«v q}ritov ka¿ krazŸtw tê
poi©santi oÔranÌn ka¿ g«n.
12. ¨ jug}thr sou ´n Ê pistÌv prof©thv ±geiren ›k tån nekrån oÅde tªn dÖnamin
toØ jeoØ.
13. tin¡v ‡ndrev ›l©lujan e¼v tªn sunagwgªn laloØntev ponhr}. {ll~ Ðsa lŸgousi
ka¿ Ðsa did}skousi mª pisteÖshte, t~ g~r Ó©mata aÔtån oÔk £stin {lhj«.
14. o½ tuflo¿ oÝv ›jer}peusen Ê {pËstolov ›n tê ½erê ›n sabb}tæ ›xebl©jhsan
£xw ÕpÌ tån ›xousiån.
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The Interrogative Adjective/Pronoun
Matt 12:48 t¾v ›stin ¨ m©thr mou, ka¿ t¾nev e¼s¿n o½ {delfo¾ mou;
Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?
John 18:4 ›x«ljen ka¿ lŸgei aÔtoÀv, T¾na zhteÀte;
He went out and said to them, “Whom do you seek?”
Acts 9:4 ±kousen fwnªn lŸgousan aÔtê, Sao×l . . . t¾ me diãkeiv;
He heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, why do you persecute me?”
Memory Device:
Accent in first spot — questions Who? Which? What?
Accent last or none — means A Certain One.
The Indefinite Adjective/Pronoun
Luke 15:11 ‡njrwpËv tiv eÅqen dÖo u½oÖv.
A certain man had two sons.
Mark 9:35 e tiv jŸlei pråtov eÅnai...
If someone wants to be first…
James 1:7 l©myeta¾ ti par~ toØ kur¾ou
He/she will receive something from the Lord.
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The Relative Pronoun
(In the following sentences note how the case of the relative pronoun is
determined by the syntax of its own clause, not by the antecedent.)
1. Ê doØlov Ñv ›rg}zetai ›n tê oÂkæ did}xei t~ tŸkna.
The slave who works in the house will teach the children.
2. Ê doØlov Ñn eÂdete ›n tê oÂkæ did}xei t~ tŸkna.
The slave whom you saw in the house will teach the children.
3. Ê doØlov oß Ê kÖriov £qei tŸkna did}xei aÔt}.
The slave whose master has children will teach them.
4. Ê doØlov ñ ›gg¾zomen did}xei t~ tŸkna.
The slave to whom we are drawing near will teach the children.
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“Any/who” Exercises
Translate the following sentences. Give special attention to indefinite (“anyone,”
“someone”) and interrogative (“who?”) pronouns.
1. t¾v khrÖssei tÌn lËgon toÀv |martwloÀv;
2. t¾na ›jer}peusen Ê pistÌv prof©thv;
3. oÔk ›dun}mhn eÕreÀn tin~v doÖlouv ›n tê {grê.
4. t¾nov e¼s¿n t~ kal~ ploÀa taØta;
5. e¼ dŸ tiv £qei p¾stin, swj©setai ›n taÀv ›sq}taiv ¨mŸraiv.
6. majht©v tiv μn ›n t° pËlei toØ basilŸwv ›ke¾nou.
7. t¾ni prosfŸrete taØta t~ dåra ‡rtou te ka¿ oÂnou;
8. ›p¿ t¾ Îrov kaj¾zousin o½ jeo¿ tån ›jnån;
9. tin¡v grammatŸwn £legon, OÔq œtoim}somen t~ bibl¾a.
10. ginãskomen ka¿ blŸpomen t¾v eÅ sÖ, Ê ‰giov toØ jeoØ.
11. t¾ |mart}nousin a½ ponhra¿ {delfa¿ kat~ toØ kur¾ou;
12. tin¡v eÔaggel¾zontai, {ll! oÔk £qousin p¾stin oÔd¡ {g}phn.
13. e tiv poieÀ kal~ £rga ›p¿ g«v, É jeÌv dox}sjhsetai ›n oÔranê.
14. t¾nwn lËgwn {koÖeiv {pÌ toØ didask}lou toØ ›n tê ½erê;
15. oÔk eÂdomen tin~ ›n t° sunagwg° oÔd¡ ›n t° pËlei.
16. ka¿ μn tiv gunª ›n t° ›kklhs¾ƒ kr}zousa, DËxa jeê.
17. t¾ poieÀte taØta t~ £rga ›n tê sabb}tæ;
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Quick Quiz — Lesson 27
Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms.
¨ jug}thr ¨mån oÅden t~v graf}v. t¾v oÞn dÖnatai lŸgein Ðti oÞsa gunª oÔk £qei
tªn ›xous¾an did}skein ›n t° sunagwg°; e tiv £qei tÌ dåron toØ pneÖmatov,
dexãmeja tÌn lËgon. oÂdamen g~r tÌn kÖrion Ðv ›staurãjh Õp¡r ¨mån ka¿
qa¾romen ›n t° ›lp¾di t«v a¼wn¾ou zw«v. kajäv Ê kÖriov ›qar¾sato zwªn a¼ãnion
t° jugatr¿ ¨mån, oÜtwv ›qar¾sato aÔt° tªn ›xous¾an did}skein ›n t° sunagwg°.
›rg}zetai ¨ jug}thr ¨mån £xw t«v sunagwg«v did}skousa tŸkna ›n t° kãm¬ ka¿
|martwlo×v ›n t° fulak°. poØ ‡gei tÌ pneØma aÔt©n; {m©n, tÌ pneØma ‡gei
aÔtªn did}skein ›n t° sunagwg°. Ðstiv £qei tÌ pneØma oÅden toØto ka¿ Ðsoi
{gapåsin {koØsai tªn {l©jeian ›leÖsontai prÌv tªn sunagwgªn {koØsai aÔt«v.
1. oÅden
2. dÖnatai
3. dexãmeja
4. ›staurãjh
5. ›qar¾sato
6. ›rg}zetai
7. {gapåsin
8. ›leÖsontai
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Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-28
{gap}w, |gi}zw, {gor}zw, ‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, a¼tŸw, {koloujŸw, {koÖw ({k©koa),
|mart}nw, {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {paggŸllw, {pŸrqomai, {pod¾dwmi, {pojn¯skw,
{pokr¾nomai, {pokte¾nw, {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw, {sp}zomai, b}llw
(›bl©jhn), bapt¾zw, blŸpw, boÖlomai, genn}w, g¾nomai (gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn),
ginãskw (gnãsomai, £gnwka, ›gnãsjhn), gnwr¾zw, gr}fw (›gr}fhn), deÀ, dŸqomai,
did}skw (did}xw), d¾dwmi, diŸrqomai, diãkw, dokŸw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw
(›g©germai, §gŸrjhn), e¼m¾ (ën, eÅnai), e¼sŸrqomai, ›kb}llw, ›leŸw, ›xŸrqomai, £xestin,
›perwt}w, ›pistrŸfw, ›rg}zomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›rwt}w, ›sj¾w
(f}gomai, £fagon), œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw, z}w, zhtŸw,
jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw, jewrŸw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), kalŸw, k}jhmai, kaj¾zw,
kataba¾nw, keleÖw, khrÖssw, kr}zw, kratŸw, kr¾nw, kt¾zw, lalŸw, lamb}nw (l©myomai,
›l©mfjhn), lŸgw (eÅpon, eÂrhka), log¾zomai, lÖw, marturŸw, mŸllw, mŸnw, metanoŸw,
oÅda, Êr}w (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka, ëfjhn), Éfe¾lw, parag¾nomai, parad¾dwmi,
parakalŸw, paralamb}nw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija), pŸmpw, peripatŸw, p¾nw (p¾omai,
£pion), p¾ptw (pesoØmai, £peson), pisteÖw, plhrËw, poiŸw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai,
proseÖqomai, proskunŸw, prosfŸrw, spe¾rw, staurËw, sun}gw, sézw, thrŸw, Õp}gw,
Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw (feÖxomai, £fugon),
fobŸomai, qa¾rw, qar¾zomai
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {grËv, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv,
{n©r, ‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, {rq©, {rqiereÖv, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, basileÖv,
bibl¾on, gŸnov, g«, glåssa, grammateÖv, graf©, gun©, daimËnion, did}skalov,
dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov, dÖnamiv, dåron, £jnov, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›lp¾v, ›ntol©,
›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, £tov, eÔaggŸlion, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv,
jrËnov, jug}thr, jÖra, ½ereÖv, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a, karpËv, kefal©, kËsmov, kr¾siv,
kÖriov, kwm©, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, mht©r, nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma,
Îrov, oÔranËv, oÞv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, paid¾on, parabol©, pat©r, p¾stiv, ploÀon, pneØma,
pËliv, poÖv, prËswpon, prof©thv, pØr, Ó«ma, s}bbaton, s}rx, shmeÀon, sof¾a, spŸrma,
stËma, sunagwg©, såma, tŸknon, tŸlov, tËpov, tuflËv, Üdwr, u½Ëv, fulak©, fwn©, fåv,
qar}, q}riv, qe¾r, qrËnov, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, {gaphtËv, ‰giov, a¼ãniov, {lhj©v, ‡llov, {sjen©v, d¾kaiov, ¥kastov, ›mËv,
£sqatov, ¥terov, ¨mŸterov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, mŸgav, mikrËv, nekrËv, Ðlov, p‚v,
pistËv, pl©rhv, polÖv, ponhrËv, presbÖterov, pråtov, sËv, ÕmŸterov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prË, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, ‡n, g}r, dŸ, ›}n, e¼, ›keÀ, £xw, £ti, eÔjÖv, ¥wv, ±dh, ¼doÖ, Ãna, kajãv, ka¾,
mŸn . . . dŸ, m©, mhdŸ, mhkŸti, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðpou, Ðpwv, Ðtan, Ðte, Ðti, (oÔ, oÔk, oÔq),
oÔdŸ, oÔkŸti, oÞn, oÚpw, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, poØ, påv, tŸ, tËte, ïde, âv, íste
{ll©lwn, (aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, œautoØ, ›keÀnov, ›mautoØ, Ðv, Ðsov, Ðstiv, oßtov, seautoØ,
sÖ, t¾v, tiv
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 28
1. ›n t° ›sq}t¬ ¨mŸrƒ {podãsei Ê kÖriov p‚sin {njrãpoiv meg}loiv ka¿ mikroÀv
kat~ t~ £rga aÔtån.
2. μn d¡ Ê u½ov Ê presbÖterov ›n tê {grê= ka¿ âv ±ggisen tê oÂkæ ±kouse t«v
fwn«v qar‚v meg}lhv.
3. ›n ›ke¾næ tê £tei {delfÌv parŸdwken {delfªn e¼v j}naton ka¿ jug}thr
parŸdwken patŸra e¼v fulak©n.
4. oÔ p‚v Ê dido×v meg}la dåra tê ½erê e¼seleÖsetai e¼v tªn basile¾an tån
oÔranån, {ll’ Ê dido×v ka¿ ¼d¾an kard¾an ka¿ Õp}rqonta tê jeê.
5. o½ doØloi toØ {groØ eÅpon, ToØto tÌ £tov ›rgazãmeja tªn g«n ka¿ ÉyËmeja ›n
tê ›rqomŸnæ £tei e¼ d¾dwsi karpËn.
6. met~ d¡ pol×n qrËnon a½ pista¿ {delfa¿ sun©gagon to×v presbutŸrouv t«v
›kklhs¾av proseÖqesjai.
7. Ê basile×v ›kŸleuse tÌ såma toØ prof©tou toØ staurwjŸntov {podoj«nai
eÔj×v toÀv majhtaÀv aÔtoØ.
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8. tÌ pneØma £dwken ¨mÀn ›xous¾an tŸkna jeoØ genŸsjai ka¿ ¨meÀv d¾domen tªn
aÔtªn ›xous¾an ‡lloiv.
9. Ê jeÌv dŸdwken |martwloÀv qrËnon Ãna metano©swsin, {ll} tinev oÔ jŸlousi
metano«sai ›k t«v |mart¾av aÔtån.
10. ›gŸneto d¡ pollª qar~ ›n ›ke¾n¬ t° pËlei, o½ g~r lÖsantev tÌn oÅkon toØ
{rqierŸwv paredËjhsan toÀv presbutŸroiv toØ laoØ.
11. ›ke¾nh ¨ gunª oÜtwv §g}phsen tÌ £jnov aÔt«v íste £dwke tªn yuqªn aÔt«v Ãna
mª paradê to×v ½ereÀv tê kakê basileÀ.
12. mª dåte mŸga bibl¾on toÀv mª boulomŸnoiv poi«sai pol× £rgon, {podãsousin
g~r eÔj×v tÌ bibl¾on b}llontev aÔtÌ ›p¿ tªn g«n.
13. jŸlw ›ljeÀn prÌv Õm‚v ka¿ qrËnon tin~ meÀnai ›n t° kãm¬ Õmån= Ê g~r kÖriov
{nŸæge tê eÔaggel¾æ meg}lhn jÖran.
14. p}ntwn o½ Éfjalmo¿ ›n t° sunagwg° ›jeãroun aÔtÌn ka¿ p}ntwn t~ îta
±kouon, ka¿ p}ntev o½ pisteÖontev £kraxan lŸgontev, P‚n tÌ Ó«ma ›k toØ
stËmatov aÔtoØ {lhjŸv ›stin ka¿ ›dËjh aÔtê ÕpÌ jeoØ.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Conjugation of d¾dwmi
1. d¾dwmi
2. dãsw
3. £dwka
4. dŸdwka
5. dŸdomai
6. ›dËjhn
Present Active Indicative
1. d¾dwmi
2. d¾dwv
3. d¾dwsi(n)
Future Active Indicative
1. dãsw
2. dãseiv
3. dãsei
Aorist Active Indicative
1. £dwka
2. £dwkav
3. £dwke(n)
Perfect Active Indicative
1. dŸdwka
2. dŸdwkav
3. dŸdwke(n)
Perfect M/P Indicative
1. dŸdomai
2. dŸdosai
3. dŸdotai
Aorist Passive Indicative
1. ›dËjhn
2. ›dËjhv
3. ›dËjh
Present M/P Indicative
1. d¾domai
2. d¾dosai
3. d¾dotai
Future Middle Indicative
1. dãsomai
2. dãs¬
3. dãsetai
Aorist Middle Indicative
1. ›dËmhn
2. £dou
3. £doto
Pluperfect M/P Indicative
1. dedwke¾mhn
2. dedãkeiso
3. dedãkeito
Future Passive Indic.
1. doj©somai
2. doj©s¬v
3. doj©setai
Imperfect Act. Indicative
1. ›d¾doun
2. ›d¾douv
3. ›d¾dou
Pluperfect Active Indic.
1. dedãkein
2. dedãkeiv
3. dedãkei
Imperfect M/P Indicative
1. ›didËmhn
2. ›d¾doso
3. ›d¾doto
Pluperfect Active or M/P
forms may have an augment
in addition to reduplication.
Present Act. Subjunctive
1. didå
2. didêv
3. didê
Aorist Act. Subjunctive
1. då
2. dêv
3. dê
Present M/P Subjunctive
1. didåmai
2. didê
3. didåtai
Aorist Mid. Subjunctive
1. dåmai
2. dê
3. dåtai
Present Act. Imperative
2. d¾dou
3. didËtw
Aorist Act. Imperative
2. dËv
3. dËtw
Present M/P Imperative
2. d¾doso
3. didËsjw
Aorist Mid. Imperative
2. doØ
3. dËsjw
Present Infinitives
Active didËnai
M/P d¾dosjai
Aorist Infinitives
Active doØnai
Middle dËsjai
Perfect Active Infinitive
Perfect M/P Infinitive
Aorist Pass. Infinitive
Present Participles
Act. didoÖv didoØsa didËn
M/P didËmenov, -h, -on
Aorist Participles
Act. doÖv doØsa dËn
Middle dËmenov, -h, -on
Perfect Act. Participle
Perfect M/P Participle
Aorist Pass. Participle
dedwkãv, -kuÀa, -kËv
dedomŸnov, -h, -on
doje¾v, dojeÀsa, dojŸn
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Perfect Act. Subjunctive
Very Rare
Perfect M/P Subjunctive
Very Rare
Aorist Pass. Subjunctive
1. dojå
2. doj°v
3. doj°
Perfect Act. Imperative
Very Rare
Perfect M/P Imperative
Very Rare
Aorist Pass. Imperative
2. dËjhti
3. doj©tw
Etymology: From Greek: ¦n di~ duoÀn, hen dia dyoin, “one through two”
Definition: the expression of an idea by two independent words connected
by “and” (as “nice and warm”) instead of the usual combination of a word
and its modifier (as “nicely warm”); the grammatical coordination of two
ideas, one of which is logically dependent on the other.
New Testament Examples
Acts 23:6: “I am on trial concerning hope and the resurrection of the dead”
(= “concerning the hope of the resurrection of the dead”)
Luke 2:47: “they were amazed at his intelligence and his answers”
(= “his intelligent answers”)
Other Examples
“good and mad” (= “very mad”)
“good and ready” (= “quite ready”)
“grace and favor” (= “gracious favor”)
“He came despite the rain and weather” (= “rainy weather”).
“I was moved by her distinction and presence” (= “distinctive presence”).
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Conjugation of the Regular Verb lÖw
1. lÖw
2. lÖsw
3. £lusa
4. lŸluka
5. lŸlumai
6. ›lÖjhn
Present Act. Indicative
1. lÖw
2. lÖeiv
3. lÖei
Future Act. Indicative
1. lÖsw
2. lÖseiv
3. lÖsei
Aorist Active Indicative
1. £lusa
2. £lusav
3. £luse(n)
Perfect Active Indicative
1. lŸluka
2. lŸlukav
3. lŸluke(n)
or lŸlukan
Perfect M/P Indicative
1. lŸlumai
2. lŸlusai
3. lŸlutai
Aorist Passive Indicative
1. ›lÖjhn
2. ›lÖjhv
3. ›lÖjh
Present M/P Indicative
1. lÖomai
2. lÖ¬
3. lÖetai
Future Mid. Indicative
1. lÖsomai
2. lÖs¬
3. lÖsetai
Aorist Middle Indicative
1. ›lus}mhn
2. ›lÖsw
3. ›lÖsato
Pluperfect M/P Indicative
1. ›lelÖmhn
2. ›lŸluso
3. ›lŸluto
Future Passive Indicative
1. luj©somai
2. luj©s¬
3. luj©setai
Imperfect Act. Indicative
1. £luon
2. £luev
3. £lue(n)
Pluperfect Act. Indicative
1. ›lelÖkein
2. ›lelÖkeiv
3. ›lelÖkei
Imperfect M/P Indicative
1. ›luËmhn
2. ›lÖou
3. ›lÖeto
Pluperfect Act. and M/P forms do
not always have
an augment in addition to
Pres. Act. Subjunctive
1. lÖw
2. lÖ¬v
3. lÖ¬
Aorist Act. Subjunctive
1. lÖsw
2. lÖs¬v
3. lÖs¬
Pres. M/P Subjunctive
1. lÖwmai
2. lÖ¬
3. lÖhtai
Aorist Mid. Subjunctive
1. lÖswmai
2. lÖs¬
3. lÖshtai
Present Act. Imperative
2. lØe
3. luŸtw
Aorist Act. Imperative
2. lØson
3. lus}tw
Present M/P Imperative
2. lÖou
3. luŸsjw
Aorist Mid. Imperative
2. lØsai
3. lus}sjw
Perfect Act. Subjunctive
Very Rare
Perfect M/P Subjunctive
Very Rare
Aorist Pass. Subjunctive
1. lujå
2. luj°v
3. luj°
Perfect Act. Imperative
Very Rare
Perfect M/P Imperative
Very Rare
Aorist Pass. Imperative
2. lÖjhti
3. luj©tw
Present Infinitives
Active lÖein
M/P lÖesjai
Future Infinitives (rare)
Active lÖsein
Middle lÖsesjai
Aorist Infinitives
Active lØsai
Middle lÖsasjai
Perfect Active Infinitive
Perfect M/P Infinitive
Aorist Pass. Infinitive
Present Participles
Act. lÖwn lÖousa lØon
M/P luËmenov, -h, -on
Future Participles (rare)
Act. lÖswn, -ousa, -on
Mid. lusËmenov, -h, -on
Aorist Participles
Act. lÖsav lÖsasa lØsan
Mid. lus}menov, -h, -on
Perfect Act. Participle
Perfect M/P Participle
Aorist Pass. Participle
lelukãv, -kuÀa, -kËv
lelumŸnov, -h, -on
luje¾v, lujeÀsa, lujŸn
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 28
Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms.
›n toÀv £tesin toØ ponhroØ basilŸwv oÔk {pŸdwken ¨ g« tÌn karpÌn aÔt«v. Ê g~r
laÌv oÔk ›t©roun tÌn nËmon, ka¿ μn pol× aÆma ›n t° g°. o½ presbÖteroi oÔk
›po¾oun {lhj« kr¾sin, ka¿ Ê did}skalov t«v dikaiosÖnhv paredËjh e¼v t~v qeÀrav
tån ›xousiån. Ðte taØta ›gen©jh, qrËnov kr¾sewv meg}lhv £pesen ›f! ¨m‚v ka¿
qar~ £fugen {pÌ t«v g«v. {ll! Ê kÖriov ›n oÔranê ›le©sei, ka¿ dãsei ¨mÀn qrËnon
Ãna metano©swmen {pÌ tån kakån £rgwn ¨mån. Ðtan ›pistrŸywmen prÌv tÌn jeÌn,
eÔj×v Ê u½Ìv toØ {njrãpou ›leÖsetai ka¿ paradãsei tªn basile¾an tê patr¾.
1. {pŸdwken
2. ›t©roun
3. paredËjh
4. £fugen
5. dãsei
6. metano©swmen
7. ›pistrŸywmen
8. paradãsei
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-29
{gap}w, |gi}zw, {gor}zw, ‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, a¼tŸw, {koloujŸw, {koÖw ({k©koa),
|mart}nw, {naba¾nw, {no¾gw, {paggŸllw, {pŸrqomai, {pod¾dwmi, {pojn¯skw,
{pokr¾nomai, {pokte¾nw, {pËllumi ({pollÖw), {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw,
{sp}zomai, {f¾hmi, b}llw (›bl©jhn), bapt¾zw, blŸpw, boÖlomai, genn}w, g¾nomai
(gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw (gnãsomai, £gnwka, ›gnãsjhn), gnwr¾zw, gr}fw
(›gr}fhn), deÀ, de¾knumi (deiknÖw), dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw), d¾dwmi, diŸrqomai, diãkw,
dokŸw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn), e¼m¾ (ën, eÅnai),
e¼sŸrqomai, ›kb}llw, ›leŸw, ›xŸrqomai, £xestin, ›perwt}w, ›pistrŸfw, ›pit¾jhmi,
›rg}zomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›rwt}w, ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon),
œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw, z}w, zhtŸw, jaum}zw, jŸlw,
jerapeÖw, jewrŸw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), kalŸw, k}jhmai, kaj¾zw, kataba¾nw, keleÖw,
khrÖssw, kr}zw, kratŸw, kr¾nw, kt¾zw, lalŸw, lamb}nw (l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw
(eÅpon, eÂrhka), log¾zomai, lÖw, marturŸw, mŸllw, mŸnw, metanoŸw, oÅda, Êr}w (Îyomai,
eÅdon, œãraka, ëfjhn), Éfe¾lw, parag¾nomai, parad¾dwmi, parakalŸw, paralamb}nw,
pe¾jw (pŸpoija), pŸmpw, peripatŸw, p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (pesoØmai, £peson),
pisteÖw, plhrËw, poiŸw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, proskunŸw,
prost¾jhmi, prosfŸrw, spe¾rw, staurËw, sun}gw, sézw, thrŸw, t¾jhmi, Õp}gw, Õp}rqw
(Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw (±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw (feÖxomai, £fugon),
fobŸomai, qa¾rw, qar¾zomai
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {grËv, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv,
{n©r, ‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, {rq©, {rqiereÖv, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, basileÖv,
bibl¾on, gŸnov, g«, glåssa, grammateÖv, graf©, gun©, daimËnion, did}skalov,
dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov, dÖnamiv, dåron, £jnov, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›lp¾v, ›ntol©,
›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, £tov, eÔaggŸlion, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv,
jrËnov, jug}thr, jÖra, ½ereÖv, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a, karpËv, kefal©, kËsmov, kr¾siv,
kÖriov, kwm©, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, mht©r, nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma,
Îrov, oÔranËv, oÞv, ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, paid¾on, parabol©, pat©r, p¾stiv, ploÀon, pneØma,
pËliv, poÖv, prËswpon, prof©thv, pØr, Ó«ma, s}bbaton, s}rx, shmeÀon, sof¾a, spŸrma,
stËma, sunagwg©, såma, tŸknon, tŸlov, tËpov, tuflËv, Üdwr, u½Ëv, fulak©, fwn©, fåv,
qar}, q}riv, qe¾r, qrËnov, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, {gaphtËv, ‰giov, a¼ãniov, {lhj©v, ‡llov, {sjen©v, d¾kaiov, ¥kastov, ›mËv,
£sqatov, ¥terov, ¨mŸterov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, loipËv, mŸgav, mikrËv, nekrËv, Ðlov, p‚v,
pistËv, pl©rhv, polÖv, ponhrËv, presbÖterov, pråtov, sËv, ÕmŸterov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prË, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, ‡n, g}r, dŸ, ›}n, e¼, eÆv, ›keÀ, £xw, £ti, eÔjÖv, ¥wv, ±dh, ¼doÖ, Ãna, kajãv, ka¾,
mŸn . . . dŸ, m©, mhdŸ, mhkŸti, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðpou, Ðpwv, Ðtan, Ðte, Ðti, (oÔ, oÔk, oÔq),
oÔdŸ, oÔkŸti, oÞn, oÚpw, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, poll}kiv, poØ, påv, tŸ, tËte, ïde, âv, íste
{ll©lwn, (aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, œautoØ, ›keÀnov, ›mautoØ, mhde¾v, Ðv, Ðsov, Ðstiv, oÔde¾v,
oßtov, seautoØ, sÖ, t¾v, tiv
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 29
1. Ê ponhrÌv basile×v eÅpen Ðti jŸlei prosenegkeÀn dåra tê paid¾æ, ›n d¡ t°
kard¾ƒ aÔtoØ ±jelen {polŸsai aÔtË.
2. ¨ gunª oÔk ›boÖleto {fiŸnai t~ tŸkna aÔt«v ›n tê {grê, {ll~ Ðte eÅpen Ê
doØlov Ðti oÂsei aÔt~ e¼v tªn kãmhn tËte eÅpen, !Af©sw aÔt}.
3. oÔ dÖnasje prosjeÀnai ¦n £tov t° zw° Õmån= Éfe¾lete oÞn z«n t~ £th t~ loip~
›n e¼r©n¬ ka¿ ›lp¾di.
4. ¨ m©thr oÔ dÖnatai eÕreÀn tÌn tËpon Ðpou ¨ mikr~ jug}thr aÔt«v £jhken tÌ
bibl¾on ka¿ ¨ mikr~ jug}thr oÔ jŸlei tªn ÊdÌn deiknÖein aÔt°.
5. Ê d¾kaiov grammate×v {pŸjanen {ll’ oÔde¿v tån loipån grammatŸwn ›jeãrhse
poØ tÌ såma aÔtoØ ›tŸjh ÕpÌ tån ›xousiån.
6. oÔde¿v §jŸlhse t~ loip~ ½m}tia= ›pej©kamen oÞn aÔt~ ›p¿ toØ l¾jou ›n tê ½erê
Ãna dojåsin {njrãpoiv ›n fulak°.
7. jer}peusav tÌn tuflÌn eÅpen aÔtê Ê prof©thv, E¼p¡ mhden¾, poreÖou d¡ ka¿
seautÌn deÀxon tê ½ereÀ.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
8. nØn {f¾enta¾ sou a½ |mart¾ai, {ll’ ›~n lal©s¬v kat~ tån |g¾wn grafån oÔk
{fej©seta¾ soi.
9. ›k©ruxen Ê {pËstolov ›n dun}mei ka¿ pneÖmati íste polla¿ yuqa¿
›bapt¾sjhsan ka¿ prosetŸjhsan t° ›kklhs¾ƒ ›n mi† ¨mŸrƒ.
10. Ê ‡ggelov toØ kur¾ou £deixen toÀv majhtaÀv toÀv ›n tê plo¾æ Ðti oÔde¿v ›x
aÔtån {poleÀtai ›n t° jal}ss¬.
11. mhde¿v jŸtw tÌ bibl¾on toØ nËmou e¼v tÌ pØr mhd¡ e¼v tÌ Üdwr, Ê g~r {pËlesav
t~ Ó©mata toØ jeoØ oÔk ›lehj©setai ›n t° kr¾sei.
12. kataba¾nwn {pÌ t«v meg}lhv pËlewv Ê did}skalov §rãthsen, TinŸv e¼sin ›n
toÖtæ tê tËpæ oÄ oÔk £qousin tÌ pneØma; ›pij©sw t~v qeÀrav ›p’ aÔtån.
13. ›j©kamen ¥na l¾jon mŸgan par~ tªn sunagwgªn ka¿ ›keÀ sun}gomen tÌn laÌn
ka¿ ›sj¾omen.
14. TÌ loipËn, {delfo¾ mou ka¿ {delfa¾, qa¾rete ›n tê kur¾æ ka¿ t¾jete ›n taÀv
kard¾aiv Õmån {koloujeÀn aÔtê.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Conjugation of t¾jhmi
1. t¾jhmi
2. j©sw
3. £jhka
4. tŸjeika
5. tŸjeimai
6. ›tŸjhn
Present Active Indicative
1. t¾jhmi
2. t¾jhv
3. t¾jhsi(n)
Future Act. Indicative
1. j©sw
2. j©seiv
3. j©sei
Aorist Active Indicative
1. £jhka
2. £jhkav
3. £jhke(n)
Perfect Active Indicative
1. tŸjeika
2. tŸjeikav
3. tŸjeike(n)
Perfect M/P Indicative
1. tŸjeimai
2. tŸjeisai
3. tŸjeitai
Aorist Passive Indicative
1. ›tŸjhn
2. ›tŸjhv
3. ›tŸjh
Present M/P Indicative
1. t¾jemai
2. t¾jesai
3. t¾jetai
Future Mid. Indicative
1. j©somai
2. j©s¬
3. j©setai
Aorist Mid. Indicative
1. ›jŸmhn
2. £jou
3. £jeto
Pluperfect Act. Indicative
1. teje¾kein
2. teje¾keiv
3. teje¾kei
Imperfect Act. Indicative
1. ›t¾jhn
2. ›t¾jeiv
3. ›t¾jei
Pluperfect M/P Indicative
Imperfect M/P Indicative
1. ›tijŸmhn
2. ›t¾jeso
3. ›t¾jeto
Pluperfect Active forms may
have an augment in addition to
Extremely Rare
Future Passive Indicative
1. tej©somai
2. tej©s¬v
3. tej©setai
Present Act. Subjunctive
1. tijå
2. tij°v
3. tij°
Aorist Act. Subjunctive
1. jå
2. j°v
3. j°
Present M/P Subjunctive
1. tijåmai
2. tij°
3. tij«tai
Aorist Mid.Subjunctive
1. jåmai
2. j°
3. j«tai
Present Act. Imperative
2. t¾jei
3. tijŸtw
Aorist Act. Imperative
2. jŸv
3. jŸtw
Present M/P Imperative
2. t¾jeso
3. tijŸsjw
Aorist Mid. Imperative
2. joØ
3. jŸsjw
Present Infinitives
Active tijŸnai
M/P t¾jesjai
Aorist Infinitives
Active jeÀnai
Middle jŸsjai
Perfect Active Infinitive
Perfect M/P Infinitive
Aorist Pass. Infinitive
Present Participles
Act. tije¾v tijeÀsa tijŸn
M/P tijŸmenov, -h, -on
Aorist Participles
Act. je¾v jeÀsa jŸn
Middle jŸmenov, -h, -on
Perfect Act. Participle
Perfect M/P Participle
Aorist Pass. Participle
tejeikãv, -kuÀa, -kËv
tejeimŸnov, -h, -on
teje¾v, tejeÀsa, tejŸn
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Perfect Act. Subjunctive
Very Rare
Perfect M/P Subjunctive
Very Rare
Aorist Pass. Subjunctive
1. tejå
2. tej°v
3. tej°
Perfect Act. Imperative
Very Rare
Perfect M/P Imperative
Very Rare
Aorist Pass. Imperative
2. tŸjhti
3. tej©tw
Quick Quiz — Lesson 29
Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms.
eÅpon o½ presbÖteroi ›n t° kãm¬ ¨mån, T~ £jnh oÚpw {khkËasin tÌ eÔaggŸlion
ka¿ {pËlluntai di~ t~v |mart¾av aÔtån. ›pijåmen oÞn t~v qeÀrav ›p¿ to×v
{postËlouv ka¿ pŸmywmen aÔto×v prÌv t~ £jnh. £stin g~r eÆv jeÌv ka¿ m¾a ÊdÌv
ka¿ ¦n eÔaggŸlion, ka¿ t~ £jnh £qousin oÔdŸna deiknÖein aÔtoÀv tªn ÊdËn. tËte o½
loipo¿ {delfo¿ prosŸjhkan tÌ !Am©n toÀv legomŸnoiv, lŸgontev, Mhde¿v tijŸtw
l¾jon prÌ tån £jnwn Ãna mª dŸxwntai tÌn lËgon. Ê g~r jeÌv boÖletai {feÀnai t~v
|mart¾av aÔtån ka¿ prosjeÀnai aÔto×v t° ›kklhs¾ƒ. oÜtwv {fŸntev t~ tŸkna ka¿
to×v oÂkouv ›poreÖjhsan o½ {pËstoloi fŸrontev tÌ eÔaggŸlion t«v ›lp¾dov.
1. {khkËasin
2. {pËlluntai
3. ›pijåmen
4. prosŸjhkan
5. tijŸtw
6. dŸxwntai
7. boÖletai
8. ›poreÖjhsan
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-30
{gap}w, |gi}zw, {gor}zw, ‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, a¼tŸw, {koloujŸw, {koÖw ({k©koa),
|mart}nw, {naba¾nw, {n¾sthmi, {no¾gw, {paggŸllw, {pŸrqomai, {pod¾dwmi, {pojn¯skw,
{pokr¾nomai, {pokte¾nw, {pËllumi ({pollÖw), {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw,
{sp}zomai, {f¾hmi, b}llw (›bl©jhn), bapt¾zw, blŸpw, boÖlomai, genn}w, g¾nomai
(gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw (gnãsomai, £gnwka, ›gnãsjhn), gnwr¾zw, gr}fw
(›gr}fhn), deÀ, de¾knumi (deiknÖw), dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw), d¾dwmi, diŸrqomai, diãkw,
dokŸw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn), e¼m¾ (ën, eÅnai), e¼sŸrqomai,
›kb}llw, ›leŸw, ›xŸrqomai, £xestin, ›perwt}w, ›piginãskw, ›pistrŸfw, ›pit¾jhmi,
›rg}zomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›rwt}w, ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon),
œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw, z}w, zhtŸw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw,
jewrŸw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), Ãsthmi, kalŸw, k}jhmai, kaj¾zw, kataba¾nw, keleÖw, khrÖssw,
kr}zw, kratŸw, kr¾nw, kt¾zw, lalŸw, lamb}nw (l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw (eÅpon, eÂrhka),
log¾zomai, lÖw, marturŸw, mŸllw, mŸnw, metanoŸw, oÅda, Êr}w (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka,
ëfjhn), Éfe¾lw, parag¾nomai, parad¾dwmi, parakalŸw, paralamb}nw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija),
pŸmpw, peripatŸw, p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (pesoØmai, £peson), pisteÖw, plhrËw,
poiŸw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, proskunŸw, prost¾jhmi, prosfŸrw, spe¾rw,
staurËw, sun}gw, sézw, thrŸw, t¾jhmi, Õp}gw, Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw
(±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw (feÖxomai, £fugon), fhm¾, fobŸomai, qa¾rw, qar¾zomai
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {grËv, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, {n©r,
‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, {rq©, {rqiereÖv, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, basileÖv, bibl¾on, gŸnov,
g«, glåssa, grammateÖv, graf©, gun©, daimËnion, did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov,
dÖnamiv, dåron, £jnov, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›lp¾v, ›ntol©, ›xous¾a, £rgon, £rhmov, £tov,
eÔaggŸlion, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov, jug}thr, jÖra, ½ereÖv,
½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a, karpËv, kefal©, kËsmov, kr¾siv, kÖriov, kwm©, laËv, l¾jov, lËgov,
majht©v, mht©r, nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma, Îrov, oÔranËv, oÞv, ÉfjalmËv,
Îqlov, paid¾on, parabol©, pat©r, p¾stiv, ploÀon, pneØma, pËliv, poÖv, prËswpon,
prof©thv, pØr, Ó«ma, s}bbaton, s}rx, shmeÀon, sof¾a, spŸrma, stËma, sunagwg©, såma,
tŸknon, tŸlov, tËpov, tuflËv, Üdwr, u½Ëv, fulak©, fwn©, fåv, qar}, q}riv, qe¾r, qrËnov,
yuq©, íra
{gajËv, {gaphtËv, ‰giov, a¼ãniov, {lhj©v, ‡llov, {sjen©v, d¾kaiov, ¥kastov, ›mËv,
£sqatov, ¥terov, ¨mŸterov, Âdiov, kakËv, kalËv, loipËv, mŸgav, mikrËv, nekrËv, Ðlov, p‚v,
pistËv, pl©rhv, polÖv, ponhrËv, presbÖterov, pråtov, sËv, ÕmŸterov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prË, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, ‡n, g}r, dŸ, dŸka, dÖo, dãdeka, ›}n, e¼, eÆv, ›keÀ, £xw, œpt}, £ti, eÔjÖv, ¥wv, ±dh,
¼doÖ, Ãna, kajãv, ka¾, mŸn . . . dŸ, m©, mhdŸ, mhkŸti, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðpou, Ðpwv, Ðtan, Ðte, Ðti,
(oÔ, oÔk, oÔq), oÔdŸ, oÔkŸti, oÞn, oÚpw, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, pŸnte, poll}kiv, poØ, påv, tŸ,
tŸssarev, tËte, treÀv, ïde, âv, íste
{ll©lwn, (aÔtËv, ©, Ë), ›gã, œautoØ, ›keÀnov, ›mautoØ, mhde¾v, Ðv, Ðsov, Ðstiv, oÔde¾v,
oßtov, seautoØ, sÖ, t¾v, tiv
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 30
1. ›keÀnov Ê prof©thv {gap† œstäv ›n tê ½erê lal«sai per¿ tån œpt~ pneum}twn
toØ jeoØ.
2. DŸka doØloi, £fh ¨ gun©, {nŸbhsan prÌv tªn pËlin fŸrontev dÖo l¾jouv
meg}louv e¼v tªn sunagwg©n.
3. eÔj×v ›pignoØsa Ðti tiv {no¾gei tªn jÖran, ¨ jug}thr Õmån §rãthsen, T¾v ›stin
4. a½ dŸka ›ntola¿ ›dËjhsan ¨mÀn Ãna peripat©swmen ›n e¼r©n¬ met’ {ll©lwn,
{ll~ Ê p‚v nËmov plhroØtai ›n dus¿ lËgoiv, jeÌn {gap©seiv ka¿ ‡llouv
5. t~ £jnh £legon prÌv {ll©louv, Gnåji seautËn, {ll~ tÌ {gaphtÌn gŸnov ¨mån
boÖletai prosjeÀnai, Gnåji tÌn kÖrion.
6. påv staj©setai ¨ basile¾a e¼ treÀv basileÀv jŸlousin tªn dÖnamin krat«sai;
7. {n}bhji e¼v tÌ Îrov ka¿ e¼p¡ prÌv to×v majht~v to×v proskunoØntav ›keÀ,
Kat}bate nØn e¼v tªn pËlin ka¿ poi©sate £rga dikaiosÖnhv.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
8. labän paid¾on Ê did}skalov £sthsen aÔtÌ prÌ toØ Îqlou ka¿ eÅpen, ToØto tÌ
paid¾on ›pŸgnw t~ dãdeka bibl¾a tån prof©twn.
9. Ðte katŸbh Ê laÌv prÌv tªn j}lassan {nŸsth œpt~ daimËnia ›k toØ Üdatov.
10. eÜromen pŸnte ‡ndrav œståtav ›n t° kãm¬ zhtoØntav £rgon. ›ljŸtwsan e¼v tÌn
11. Ê ½ere×v fhs¾n, TÌ Ó«ma toØ kur¾ou {nast©sei to×v nŸkrouv ›n t° ›sq}t¬
¨mŸrƒ, {ll~ pollo¿ feÖxontai {pÌ toØ prosãpou toØ kur¾ou.
12. ¨ {delf© sou ›jer}peuse tÌn tuflÌn íste ›pignånai aÔtÌn pollo×v
{njrãpouv œståtav ›n t° sunagwg°.
13. tin¡v tån œsthkËtwn ïde Îyontai to×v tŸssarav {ggŸlouv toØ oÔranoØ
kataba¾nontav e¼v tªn g«n.
14. {nast~v Ê ÕiÌv §koloÖjhsen t° mhtr¿ aÔtoØ e¼v tÌn oÅkon. ¨ d¡ oÔk £gnw Ðti
aÔtÌv ›gg¾zei.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Aorist Systems of Ãsthmi
1st Aorist Active (Transitive)
2nd Aorist Active (Intransitive)
(Meaning = “I cause to stand,
I set up, place, establish”)
(Meaning = “I stand, stand firm”)
aorist active
aorist active
aorist active
aorist active
aorist active
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Numbers in Ancient Greek
(From Herbert W. Smyth, Greek Grammar. Harvard University Press, 1956, pp. 102-6)
In the archaic period Greeks wrote out all ordinal numbers and most
cardinal numbers. The alphabet was used to represent numbers starting in
about the 5th century B.C., and this became the dominant system in the
Hellenistic era. Thus, the first nine letters stood for the numbers 1-9: a = 1, b
= 2, g = 3, etc. For numbers above 9 a quasi-decimal system was used. The
tenth through the eighteenth letters stood for the tens (10, 20, etc.), and the
next nine letters stood for the hundreds (100, 200, etc.). See the full system of
numerical signs and names, both cardinal and ordinal, on the following page.
To do this with a 24 letter alphabet, the Greeks had to use three archaic
letters. The letter digamma (also known as stigma or vau), written F or ½,
stood for the number 6, since its place was sixth in the Phoenician alphabet.
The letter koppa, written », stood for the number 90. The letter sampi,
written Ã, stood for the number 900. To distinguish letters used as numbers
from regular letters, ancient texts used dots or blank spaces before and after
the number. In modern printed texts the numbers 1-999 are indicated by a
raised stroke to the right of the number. The numbers 1000 and higher are
indicated by a subscript stroke to the left of the number.
Numbers might still be written out in full, however, even in the
Hellenistic era. Thus 666 in Rev 13:18 is written out in some manuscripts,
abbreviated in others. In the printed text of the Greek NT (Nestle-Aland 27th
ed., p. 659) the number is written out: œxakËsioi œx©konta ¥x. The textual
apparatus reveals, however, that some manuscripts read the following: qx½Ì.
The meaning is q = 600 + x = 60 + ½ = 6. The raised stroke to the right of the
½ indicates that the letters are to be read as numbers.
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Numbers in Ancient Greek
Sign and Letter
Greek Cardinal Number
Greek Ordinal Number
aÌ (alpha)
eÆv, m¾a, ¥n
bÌ (beta)
gÌ (gamma)
treÀv, tr¾a
dÌ (delta)
tŸssarev, -ara
tŸtartov, -h, -on
eÌ (epsilon)
½Ì (digamma)
zÌ (zeta)
hÌ (eta)
jÌ (theta)
iÌ (iota)
dŸkatov, -h, -on
kÌ (kappa)
e¼kostËv, -©, -Ën
lÌ (lambda)
mÌ (mu)
nÌ (nu)
xÌ (xi)
oÌ (omicron)
pÌ (pi)
»Ì (koppa)
rÌ (rho)
œkatostËv, -©, -Ën
sÌ (sigma)
diakËsioi, -ai, -a
tÌ (tau)
uÌ (upsilon)
fÌ (phi)
qÌ (chi)
yÌ (psi)
wÌ (omega)
ÃÌ (sampi)
Ía (alpha)
q¾lioi, -ai, -a
qiliostËv, -©, Ën
Íb (beta)
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 30
Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms.
periep}tei Ê prof©thv Ê pistÌv par~ tªn j}lassan ka¿ eÅden pŸnte {njrãpouv
œståtav par~ dus¿n plo¾oiv. ›pŸgnw Ðti §rg}zonto dŸka írav ka¿ £sqon oÔdŸn.
eÔj×v oÞn ›k}lesen Ê prof©thv aÔtoÖv, a¼toÖmenov aÔto×v genŸsjai majht~v t«v
ÊdoØ. tËte {fŸntev t~ ploÀa {nŸsthsan ka¿ §koloÖjoun aÔtê. ka¿ Ê prof©thv
›d¾daxen aÔto×v œpt~ ¨mŸrav ka¿ œpt~ nÖktav {pÌ tån |g¾wn bibl¾wn tån dãdeka
{postËlwn. ka¿ Ðte tÌ tŸlov tån œpt~ ¨merån ±ggisen, £fh Ê prof©thv, TreÀv ›x
Õmån gen©sontai did}skaloi ka¿ dÖo ›x Õmån gen©sontai ½ereÀv. {ll~ p}ntev
ÕmeÀv st©sete tÌn nËmon toØ oÔranoØ ka¿ f}gesje ›n t° basile¾ƒ toØ jeoØ. e¼pän
d¡ taØta {nŸbh Ê prof©thv e¼v tÌ ½erÌn Ãna dox}s¬ tÌn kÖrion.
1. periep}tei
2. ›pŸgnw
3. §rg}zonto
4. {nŸsthsan
5. ›d¾daxen
6. £fh
7. st©sete
8. {nŸbh
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-31
{gap}w, |gi}zw, {gor}zw, ‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, a¼tŸw, {koloujŸw, {koÖw ({k©koa),
|mart}nw, {naba¾nw, {n¾sthmi, {no¾gw, {paggŸllw, {pŸrqomai, {pod¾dwmi, {pojn¯skw,
{pokr¾nomai, {pokte¾nw, {pËllumi ({pollÖw), {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw,
{sp}zomai, {f¾hmi, b}llw (›bl©jhn), bapt¾zw, blŸpw, boÖlomai, genn}w, g¾nomai
(gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw (gnãsomai, £gnwka, ›gnãsjhn), gnwr¾zw, gr}fw
(›gr}fhn), deÀ, de¾knumi (deiknÖw), dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw), d¾dwmi, diŸrqomai, diãkw,
dokŸw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn), e¼m¾ (ën, eÅnai), e¼sŸrqomai,
›kb}llw, ›leŸw, ›xŸrqomai, £xestin, ›perwt}w, ›piginãskw, ›pistrŸfw, ›pit¾jhmi,
›rg}zomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›rwt}w, ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon),
œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw, z}w, zhtŸw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw,
jewrŸw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), Ãsthmi, kalŸw, k}jhmai, kaj¾zw, kataba¾nw, keleÖw, khrÖssw,
kr}zw, kratŸw, kr¾nw, kt¾zw, lalŸw, lamb}nw (l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw (eÅpon, eÂrhka),
log¾zomai, lÖw, marturŸw, mŸllw, mŸnw, metanoŸw, oÅda, Êr}w (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka,
ëfjhn), Éfe¾lw, parag¾nomai, parad¾dwmi, parakalŸw, paralamb}nw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija),
pŸmpw, peripatŸw, p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (pesoØmai, £peson), pisteÖw, plhrËw,
poiŸw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, proskunŸw, prost¾jhmi, prosfŸrw, spe¾rw,
staurËw, sun}gw, sézw, thrŸw, t¾jhmi, Õp}gw, Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw
(±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw (feÖxomai, £fugon), fhm¾, fobŸomai, qa¾rw, qar¾zomai
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {grËv, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, {n©r,
‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, {rq©, {rqiereÖv, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, basileÖv, bibl¾on, gŸnov,
g«, glåssa, grammateÖv, graf©, gun©, daimËnion, did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov,
dÖnamiv, dåron, £jnov, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›lp¾v, ›ntol©, ›xous¾a, ›paggel¾a, £rgon, £rhmov,
£tov, eÔaggŸlion, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov, jug}thr, jÖra,
½ereÖv, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kard¾a, karpËv, kefal©, kËsmov, kr¾siv, kÖriov, kwm©, laËv, l¾jov,
lËgov, majht©v, mht©r, nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma, Îrov, oÔranËv, oÞv,
ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, paid¾on, parabol©, pat©r, p¾stiv, ploÀon, pneØma, pËliv, poÖv,
prËswpon, prof©thv, pØr, Ó«ma, s}bbaton, s}rx, shmeÀon, sof¾a, spŸrma, stËma,
sunagwg©, såma, tŸknon, tŸlov, tËpov, tuflËv, Üdwr, u½Ëv, fulak©, fwn©, fåv, qar},
q}riv, qe¾r, qrËnov, yuq©, íra
{gajËv, {gaphtËv, ‰giov, a¼ãniov, {lhj©v, ‡llov, {sjen©v, d¾kaiov, ¥kastov, ›mËv,
£sqatov, ¥terov, ¨mŸterov, Âdiov, ¼squrËv, kakËv, kalËv, kre¾sswn, loipËv, mak}riov,
mŸgav, me¾zwn, mikrËv, mËnov, nekrËv, Ðlov, p‚v, pistËv, ple¾wn, pl©rhv, polÖv, ponhrËv,
presbÖterov, pråtov, sËv, ÕmŸterov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prË, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, ‡n, g}r, dŸ, dŸka, diË, dÖo, dãdeka, ›}n, e¼, eÆv, ›keÀ, £mprosjen, ›nãpion, £xw,
œpt}, £ti, eÔjÖv, ¥wv, ±, ±dh, ¼doÖ, Ãna, kajãv, ka¾, m‚llon, mŸn . . . dŸ, m©, mhdŸ, mhkŸti, nØn,
(Ê, ¨, tË), Ðpou, Ðpwv, Ðtan, Ðte, Ðti, (oÔ, oÔk, oÔq, oÔq¾), oÔdŸ, oÔkŸti, oÞn, oÚpw, oÚte,
oÜtwv, p}lin, pŸnte, poll}kiv, poØ, påv, tŸ, tŸssarev, tËte, treÀv, ïde, âv, íste
{ll©lwn, aÔtËv, ›gã, œautoØ, ›keÀnov, ›mautoØ, mhde¾v, Ðv, Ðsov, Ðstiv, oÔde¾v, oßtov,
seautoØ, sÖ, t¾v, tiv
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Practice and Review — Lesson 31
1. Ê labän tªn ›paggel¾an toØ pneÖmatov toØ |g¾ou me¾zwn ›st¿n toØ œsthkËtov
£mprosjen {rqËntwn.
2. ›~n g~r mËnon {gap©shte to×v {gapåntav Õm‚v, t¾na dËxan dŸxesje; oÔq¿ ka¿
o½ |martwlo¿ poioØsin toØto;
3. e¼ Ê doØlov toØ {ndrÌv ›ke¾nou μn mak}riov, oÔk ˆn {p«ljen Ãna zht©s¬
kre¾ttona zw©n.
4. poØ e¼sin t~ bibl¾a mou; tŸkna, mª ›b}lete t~ bibl¾a mou e¼v tªn j}lassan;
5. Ê ÕiÌv £fh, P}lin ³marton e¼v oÔranÌn ka¿ ›nãpiËn sou. diË e¼mi ponhrËterov
p}ntwn tån {delfån mou.
6. kalËn ›stin di~ dikaiosÖnhn diwqj«nai ² martureÀn mhd¡n ka¿ dŸxasjai dåra.
7. ¨ pËliv ¨mån ›sti ¨ mikrËtera pasån tån pËlewn ›n t° g°, {ll’ ›genn©samen
½ereÀv ka¿ prof©tav ple¾onav ² aÔta¾.
8. lŸgeiv Ðti £qeiv ple¾ona paid¾a toØ meg¾stou basilŸwv. mª s× me¾zwn eÅ t«v
mhtrÌv ¨mån, ³tiv £qei dãdeka paid¾a;
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9. proskun©swmen ›nãpion toØ jrËnou toØ jeoØ m‚llon ² toØ jrËnou tån
10. e¼ ›po¾eiv shmeÀa ple¾ona ka¿ me¾zona tån shme¾wn toØ didask}lou ¨mån,
§koloujoØmen ‡n soi.
11. a½ qeÀrŸv mou {sjenŸsterai ² o½ pËdev mou. diÌ dÖnamai peripateÀn met~ soØ
{ll’ oÔ dÖnamai fŸrein pleÀon ² ¥na l¾jon.
12. mak}rioi o½ ¼squro¿ ›n p¾stei. oÔq¿ sunaqj©sontai £mprosjen toØ kur¾ou ka¿
eÕr©sousi q}rin;
13. mËnov oÔk e¼m¾, o½ g~r ‡ggeloi toØ patrËv moÖ e¼sin ïde ka¿ £qousi dÖnamin
ple¾ona tån ›xousiån toØ kËsmou toÖtou.
14. e¼ £dwkav ¨mÀn ›paggel¾an kre¾ttona ka¿ ›lp¾da ¼squrËteran, oÔk ˆn
›genËmeja majhta¿ toØ khrÖxantov e¼r©nhn.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Degrees of Adjectives
more awkward
more fun (funner?)
most awkward
most fun (funnest?)
Formation of Comparative and Superlative in Greek
1. Regular:
2. Irregular:
-terov, a, on
-(i)wn, (i)on
-tatov, h, on
-istov, h, on
Making a Comparison in Greek
1. With the Genitive of Comparison
tÌ mwrÌn toØ jeoØ sofãteron tån {njrãpwn ›st¾n
The foolishness of God is wiser than human beings (1 Cor 1:25).
2. With ± and the Same Case in Both Parts
me¾zwn . . . Ê profhteÖwn ² Ê lalån glãssaiv
The one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues (1 Cor
Contrary-to-Fact Conditions
In this type of condition an unreal act or circumstance is assumed in the
protasis (“if” clause). The apodosis (“then” clause) expresses what would have
occurred if that action or circumstance had been real.
The “if” clause is introduced with the particle e¼. The “then” clause will
usually have ‡n. Both clauses use past tense indicative verbs. There are two
general types of contrary-to-fact conditions: present and past. The present
type uses the imperfect tense. The past type uses the aorist tense. (Mixed types
do, however, occur.) Examples:
Present Contrary-to-Fact Condition
e¼ μmen ploÖsioi, p}nta t~ bibl¾a ›n tê kËsmæ ˆn §gor}zomen
ka¿ ›d¾domen aÔt~ tê {gaphtê didask}læ ¨mån.
“If we were rich, we would buy all the books in the world and we
would give them to our beloved teacher.”
Past Contrary-to-Fact Condition
e¼ ›pisteÖsate t° {lhje¾ƒ, oÔk ˆn {p©ljete {pÌ t«v ÊdoØ
toØ {gaphtoØ didask}lou ¨mån.
“If you had believed the truth, you would not have departed from
the way of our beloved teacher.”
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Questions Expecting a Positive or Negative Answer
Sometimes a question anticipates a “yes” response or a “no” response. English
achieves this by (1) voice intonation and/or (2) appending a short interrogative
clause to a declarative statement. Examples:
“You are going to the party, aren’t you?”
Expected answer = “Yes, I am!”
“You aren’t going dressed like that, are you?”
Expected answer = “No, I am not!”
Greek does the same thing by adding a negative particle to the question.
Questions expecting a positive answer have oÔ (or oÔk, oÔq, oÔq¾). Questions
expecting a negative answer have m©. Examples:
oÔk eÂpete tªn {l©jeian taÀv ›xous¾aiv;
“You did tell the authorities the truth, didn’t you?”
Expected answer = “Yes, we did!”
mª £labon o½ ‰gioi {delfo¿ t~ Õp}rqonta toØ ½erŸwv;
“The holy brothers did not take the belongings of the priest, did they?”
Expected answer = “No, they did not!”
(Memory Device: m© expects “Nay!”)
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 31
Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms.
Ê did}skalov katŸbh prÌv tªn j}lassan ka¿ £sth ›nãpion tån Îqlwn. ±noixan
t~ îta aÔtån ›lp¾zontev {koÖein a¼ãnion sof¾an. diÌ Ê did}skalov ±rxato laleÀn
lŸgwn, Mak}rioi o½ ¼squro¿ ›n p¾stei, me¾zonev g}r e¼sin tån basilŸwn t«v g«v.
{m©n, tÌ £qein p¾stin kreÀtton ² £qein poll~ Õp}rqonta. ka¿ g~r o½ ‡ggeloi o½
œsthkËtev £mprosjen toØ jeoØ oÔk £qousin ›paggel¾av kre¾ttonav ² o½ £qontev
p¾stin. oÔq¿ ginãskete Ðti ¨ p¾stiv dÖnatai ›kbaleÀn daimËnia ka¿ ›geÀrai to×v
nekroÖv; ¨ p¾stiv poi©sei ka¿ pleÀon, ›~n kr}xhte tê jeê ka¿ dåte œauto×v aÔtê.
mª qa¾rete oÞn ›p¿ oÂnæ ka¿ oÂkoiv, qa¾rete d¡ m‚llon ›p¿ kur¾æ tê jeê Õmån e¼v
Ñn pisteÖete. Ê g~r jeÌv mËnov dÖnatai såsai ¨m‚v. e¼ toØto oÔk μn {lhjŸv,
{pejn¯skomen ˆn ›n taÀv |mart¾aiv ¨mån.
1. katŸbh
2. ±noixan
3. ±rxato
4. ginãskete
5. kr}xhte
6. dåte
7. qa¾rete
8. {pejn¯skomen
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Cumulative Vocabulary — Lessons 1-32
{gap}w, |gi}zw, {gor}zw, ‡gw (±qjhn), aÂrw, a¼tŸw, {koloujŸw, {koÖw ({k©koa),
|mart}nw, {naba¾nw, {n¾sthmi, {no¾gw, {paggŸllw, {pŸrqomai, {pod¾dwmi, {pojn¯skw,
{pokr¾nomai, {pokte¾nw, {pËllumi ({pollÖw), {polÖw, {postŸllw ({pest}lhn), ‡rqw,
{sp}zomai, {f¾hmi, b}llw (›bl©jhn), bapt¾zw, blŸpw, boÖlomai, genn}w, g¾nomai
(gen©somai, gŸgona, ›gen©jhn), ginãskw (gnãsomai, £gnwka, ›gnãsjhn), gnwr¾zw, gr}fw
(›gr}fhn), deÀ, de¾knumi (deiknÖw), dŸqomai, did}skw (did}xw), d¾dwmi, diŸrqomai, diãkw,
dokŸw, dox}zw, dÖnamai, ›gg¾zw, ›ge¾rw (›g©germai, §gŸrjhn), e¼m¾ (ën, eÅnai), e¼sŸrqomai,
›kb}llw, ›leŸw, ›xŸrqomai, £xestin, ›perwt}w, ›piginãskw, ›pistrŸfw, ›pit¾jhmi,
›rg}zomai, £rqomai (›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja), ›rwt}w, ›sj¾w (f}gomai, £fagon),
œtoim}zw, eÔaggel¾zomai, eÕr¾skw (eÕrŸjhn), £qw, z}w, zhtŸw, jaum}zw, jŸlw, jerapeÖw,
jewrŸw, jn¯skw (tŸjnhka), Ãsthmi, kalŸw, k}jhmai, kaj¾zw, kataba¾nw, keleÖw, khrÖssw,
kr}zw, kratŸw, kr¾nw, kt¾zw, lalŸw, lamb}nw (l©myomai, ›l©mfjhn), lŸgw (eÅpon, eÂrhka),
log¾zomai, lÖw, marturŸw, mŸllw, mŸnw, metanoŸw, oÅda, Êr}w (Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka,
ëfjhn), Éfe¾lw, parag¾nomai, parad¾dwmi, parakalŸw, paralamb}nw, pe¾jw (pŸpoija),
pŸmpw, peripatŸw, p¾nw (p¾omai, £pion), p¾ptw (pesoØmai, £peson), pisteÖw, plhrËw,
poiŸw, poreÖomai, prosŸrqomai, proseÖqomai, proskunŸw, prost¾jhmi, prosfŸrw, spe¾rw,
staurËw, sun}gw, sézw, thrŸw, t¾jhmi, Õp}gw, Õp}rqw (Õp}rqonta), ÕpostrŸfw,
fanerËw, fŸrw (±negka, §nŸqjhn), feÖgw (feÖxomai, £fugon), fhm¾, fobŸomai, qa¾rw,
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, {grËv, {delf©, {delfËv, aÆma, a¼ãn, {l©jeia, |mart¾a, |martwlËv, {n©r,
‡njrwpov, {pËstolov, ‡rtov, {rq©, {rqiereÖv, ‡rqwn, basile¾a, basileÖv, bibl¾on, gŸnov,
g«, glåssa, grammateÖv, graf©, gun©, daimËnion, did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh, dËxa, doØlov,
dÖnamiv, dåron, £jnov, e¼r©nh, ›kklhs¾a, ›lp¾v, ›ntol©, ›xous¾a, ›paggel¾a, £rgon, £rhmov,
£tov, eÔaggŸlion, zw©, ¨mŸra, j}lassa, j}natov, jŸlhma, jeËv, jrËnov, jug}thr, jÖra,
½ereÖv, ½erËn, ½m}tion, kairËv, kard¾a, karpËv, kefal©, kËsmov, kr¾siv, kÖriov, kwm©, laËv,
l¾jov, lËgov, majht©v, mht©r, nËmov, nÖx, ÊdËv, oÅkov, oÅnov, Înoma, Îrov, oÔranËv, oÞv,
ÉfjalmËv, Îqlov, paid¾on, parabol©, pat©r, p¾stiv, ploÀon, pneØma, pËliv, poÖv,
prËswpon, prof©thv, pØr, Ó«ma, s}bbaton, s}rx, shmeÀon, sof¾a, spŸrma, stËma,
sunagwg©, såma, swthr¾a, tŸknon, tŸlov, tËpov, tuflËv, Üdwr, u½Ëv, fËbov, fulak©, fwn©,
fåv, qar}, q}riv, qe¾r, qre¾a, qrËnov, yuq©, íra
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{gajËv, {gaphtËv, ‰giov, a¼ãniov, {lhj©v, ‡llov, {sjen©v, dexiËv, d¾kaiov, ¥kastov, ›mËv,
£sqatov, ¥terov, ¨mŸterov, Âdiov, ¼squrËv, kakËv, kalËv, kre¾sswn, loipËv, mak}riov,
mŸgav, me¾zwn, mŸsov, mikrËv, mËnov, nekrËv, Ðlov, Ðmoiov, p‚v, pistËv, ple¾wn, pl©rhv,
polÖv, ponhrËv, presbÖterov, pråtov, sËv, toioØtov, ÕmŸterov
{pË, di}, e¼v, ›k, ›n, ›p¾, kat}, met}, par}, per¾, prË, prËv, sÖn, ÕpŸr, ÕpË
{ll}, {m©n, ‡n, ‡qri, ‡qriv, g}r, dŸ, dŸka, diË, dÖo, dãdeka, ›}n, e¼, eÆv, ›keÀ, £mprosjen,
›nãpion, £xw, œpt}, £ti, eÔjÖv, ¥wv, ±, ±dh, ¼doÖ, Ãna, kajãv, ka¾, m‚llon, mŸn . . . dŸ, m©,
mhdŸ, mhkŸti, nØn, (Ê, ¨, tË), Ðpou, Ðpwv, Ðtan, Ðte, Ðti, (oÔ, oÔk, oÔq, oÔq¾), oÔdŸ, oÔkŸti,
oÞn, oÚpw, oÚte, oÜtwv, p}lin, pŸnte, poll}kiv, poØ, påv, tŸ, tŸssarev, tËte, treÀv, ïde, âv,
{ll©lwn, aÔtËv, ›gã, œautoØ, ›keÀnov, ›mautoØ, mhde¾v, Ðv, Ðsov, Ðstiv, oÔde¾v, oßtov,
seautoØ, sÖ, t¾v, tiv
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Practice and Review — Lesson 32
1. ›dex}meja tªn ›lp¾da t«v swthr¾av ka¿ peripatoØmen ›n t° {lhje¾ƒ {pÌ t«v
prãthv ¨mŸrav ‡qri toØ nØn.
2. ka¿ t~ tŸkna ›fob©jhsan fËbon mŸgan ka¿ £legon prÌv {ll©louv, T«v mhtrÌv
¨mån £qomen qre¾an.
3. ka¿ eÅpon, !Ido× jewrå to×v oÔrano×v §noigmŸnouv ka¿ tÌn u½Ìn toØ {njrãpou
œståta ›k dexiån toØ jeoØ ›n mŸsæ tån |g¾wn {ggŸlwn.
4. o½ poi©santev toiaØta oÔk e¼seleÖsontai tªn basile¾an t«v a¼wn¾ou e¼r©nhv
oÔd¡ Îyontai tÌ fåv t«v swthr¾av.
5. ›n ›ke¾næ tê kairê £pesen fËbov mŸgav ›p¿ p}ntav to×v ›n t° pËlei. oÔk
›dun}meja ¼deÀn tªn swthr¾an ¨mån, ›fÖgomen oÞn e¼v t~ Îrh.
6. o½ toØ {postËlou ›pŸjhkan t~v qeÀrav ›f’ ¨m‚v ka¿ ›x©ljomen khrÖssontev
¨mŸrav ka¿ nuktËv.
7. ka¿ μn {nªr ›n t° sunagwg° oß ¨ dexi~ qe¿r μn {sjen©v, {nast~v d¡ Ê
prof©thv ›n mŸsæ toØ Îqlou ›jer}peusen aÔt©n.
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8. oÔ qre¾an £qete Ãna tiv did}sk¬ Õm‚v, Ê g~r kÖriov aÔtÌv ›fanŸrwsen ÕmÀn
9. o½ majhta¾ mou Éfe¾lousin eÅnai Ðmoioi paid¾oiv, tån g~r toioÖtwn ›st¿n ¨
10. o½ ¼squro¿ t° p¾stei did}xousin ›n tê ½erê Ðlon tÌ £tov ka¿ p‚v Ê laÌv
›leÖsetai {koÖein.
11. t° ›sq}t¬ ¨mŸrƒ toØ £touv Ê grammate×v mª dun}menov eÕreÀn t~ bibl¾a aÔtoØ
£kraxen t° gunaik¾, Mª gŸnoito.
12. genãmeja pisto¿ ‡qri jan}tou ka¿ mª £qwmen fËbon tån {pokteinËntwn tÌ
13. a½ gunaÀkev ›jaÖmazon ka¿ ›phrãtwn {ll©lav t¾v eÂh oßtov Ê tuflËv.
14. μn kairÌv Ðte ›dokoØmen tÌn jeÌn eÅnai Ðmoion {njrãpæ, nØn d¡ ¨ {l©jeia toØ
jeoØ pefanŸrwtai ¨mÀn.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Quick Quiz — Lesson 32
Translate the following paragraph and identify the underlined forms.
Ê kairÌv t«v swthr¾av Õmån ±ggiken ka¿ tÌ tŸlov tån £rgwn Õmån ›l©lujen. Ðte
g~r t~ £jnh ±jelon {koØsai tÌ eÔaggŸlion, £dei khrÖssein tÌn lËgon, ka¿ ‡qri
t«v ¨mŸrav taÖthv eÔhggel¾zesje. nØn d¡ £rqetai Ê u½Ìv t«v dikaiosÖnhv ka¿
fanerãsei p}nta. oÔk oÞn £qomen qre¾an t«v dun}mewv ka¿ t«v dËxhv, Ê g~r u½Ìv
plhrãsei p‚san qre¾an ¨mån. fËbov peseÀtai ›p¿ to×v mª pisteÖontav e¼v tÌn
kÖrion, {ll~ ¨meÀv oÔq ¥xomen fËbon, ¨ g~r {g}ph toØ jeoØ ›kb}llei tÌn fËbon.
e¼ Ê u½Ìv £rqetai mŸshv nuktÌv ² mŸshv ¨mŸrav, ginãskomen Ðti ›sËmeja Ðmoioi
aÔtê. tËte Ê u½Ìv kaj¾sei ›n dexi† toØ patrÌv ka¿ p‚sa ›xous¾a doj©setai tê
›p¿ toØ jrËnou. toiaÖth ›st¿n ¨ ›lp¿v ¨mån. gŸnoito oÜtwv e¼v tÌn a¼åna.
1. ›l©lujen
2. ±jelon
3. fanerãsei
4. peseÀtai
5. ¥xomen
6. ginãskomen
7. doj©setai
8. gŸnoito
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Periodic Exercises — Set #5 (emphasizing Lessons 27-32)
1. £fh Ê ½ere×v tê basileÀ, E¼ ¨ jug}thr sou μn makar¾a, oÔk ˆn £fugen
{pÌ t«v basile¾av sou zhtoØsa zwªn t«v qar‚v ›n ‡llhn g«n.
2. ›n qrËnæ meg}lou fËbou ›de¾xamen ÕmÀn tªn ÊdÌn t«v swthr¾av, {ll! oÔk
§koÖsate ¨mån ka¿ oÜtwv {pãlesje, ÕmeÀv ka¿ t~ tŸssara tŸkna Õmån.
3. ›n tê £tei ›ke¾næ o½ pŸnte presbÖteroi ›pŸjhkan t~v qeÀrav tê pistê
didask}læ ¨mån ka¿ paredËjh t° q}riti toØ jeoØ e¼v tÌ £rgon aÔtoØ.
4. oÔk £qomen qre¾an tån ›paggeliån tinov ‡rqontov ›p¿ t«v g«v, Ê jeÌv
g~r toØ oÔranoØ £dwken ¨mÀn ›paggel¾av me¾zonav ka¿ ¼squrotŸrav.
5. dãdeka ‡ndrev μsan ›n plo¾æ ›n jal}ss¬ dŸka ¨mŸrav ka¿ dŸka nÖktav.
oÔk μn ‡rtov oÔd¡ Üdwr, ka¿ oÔde¿v eÅqen ›lp¾da toØ sézesjai aÔtËn.
6. Ê jeÌv mËnov oÅden tÌn ka¾ron Ðte Ê u½Ìv toØ {njrãpou ›leÖsetai p}lin
ka¿ fanerwj©setai toÀv ›pt~ {ggŸloiv oÄ œst©kasin ›nãpion toØ jrËnou.
7. oÔ dÖnamai ›pignånai tÌ prËswpon toØ {ndrÌv toØ labËntov tÌn loipÌn
‡rton {pÌ toØ oÂkou mou, {podËtw d¡ eÔj×v tÌn ‡rton ka¿ {f©sw aÔtê.
8. t¾v dÖnatai prosjeÀnai yuq~v poll~v t° ›kklhs¾ƒ e¼ mª tÌ pneØma tÌ
‰gion; {nast}ntev oÞn kr}zwmen tê pneÖmati ›n mŸsæ t«v ›kklhs¾av.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
9. dÖo qeÀrŸv e¼sin kre¾ttonev ² m¾a qe¾r. diÌ ›rgazŸsjwsan ka¿ Ê u½Ìv ka¿
¨ jug}thr ¨mån £xw ›n tê {grê ‡qri toØ tŸlouv t«v ¨mŸrav.
10. mhde¿v jŸtw qeÀra ›p¿ tÌn prof©thn toØ jeoØ, o½ g~r prof«tai toØ jeoØ
kaj©sontai ›n t° dexi† tån {ggŸlwn, kajäv gŸgraptai ›n taÀv grafaÀv.
11. tÌ mikrÌn paid¾on §rãthsen tÌn ½erŸa, PoØ ›stin Ê oÔranËv; ka¿ £fh Ê
½ereÖv, OÔde¿v dÖnatai ¼deÀn tÌn oÔranËn, {ll~ Ðstiv {gap† tÌn kÖrion
oÅden Ðti tÌ eÅnai £mprosjen toØ jeoØ eÅnai ›n tê oÔranê.
12. e¼s¿n treÀv Êdo¿ ›n toÖtæ tê kËsmæ. m¾a kataba¾nei e¼v j}naton ka¿
m¾a {naba¾nei e¼v zw©n. ¨ d¡ ›sq}th diŸrqetai tªn g«n Ðlhn, {ll! oÔk
£qei tŸlov. Ðsoi poreÖontai ›n aÔt° £qousin oÚte ›lp¾da oÚte qar}n.
13. Ê kaj©menov ›p¿ toØ jrËnou ›n oÔranê ÐmoiËv ›stin patr¾, kr¾nei g~r
ka¿ ‡rqei. {ll~ ka¿ ÐmoiËv ›stin mhtr¾, {gap† g~r ka¿ genn† tŸkna.
14. eÅpŸn tiv Ñv oÔk eÅqen sof¾an, NekrËv ›stin Ê nËmov. grammate×v d¡
{pekr¾jh, OÔq¿ Ê nËmov ›st¿n pleÀon ›ntolån ka¿ £rgwn;
15. mª zhteÀte t~v basile¾av toØ kËsmou toÖtou, a½ g~r toiaØtai basileÀai
{pËlluntai. {ll~ zhteÀte m‚llon tªn {lhj« basile¾an ›n tê oÔranê.
16. Ñv ›~n katab° e¼v tªn pËlin ka¿ {gor}s¬ dåra tê basileÀ oÔ poieÀ tÌ
jŸlhma jeoØ. Ñv d¡ ›~n {nab° e¼v tÌ Îrov ka¿ proseÖxhtai spe¾rei
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
spŸrmata t«v e¼r©nhv ka¿ t«v dikaiosÖnhv.
17. ›lhlÖjamen prÌv tÌ tŸlov toØ £rgou ¨mån. ›kb}lwmen tªn #Ellhnikªn
glåssan ›n taÀv ›rqomŸnaiv ¨mŸraiv; mª gŸnoito.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Principal Parts of Common Greek Verbs
English Translation
take up, lift up
ask, request
1. Present Active
2. Future Active
destroy; perish
or {pollÖw
or deiknÖw
rule; begin
let go, forgive
become, be
show, explain
pursue, persecute
can, be able
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4. Perfect Active
5. Perfect M/P
6. Aorist Passive
or {polå
3. Aorist Active
or ³marton
or §nŸæxa
or {pwlËmhn
or ±noigmai
or §neéqjhn
or §dun}sjhn
Principal Parts of Common Greek Verbs, cont.
raise up
turn, return
go, come
stand; cause to stand
preach, proclaim
take, receive
say, speak, tell
loosen, destroy
fill, fulfill
do, make
go, walk, live
put, place
bring, bear, carry
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
£sthsa (trans.)
£sthn (intrans.)
or tejŸlhka
Principal Parts of 50 Greek Verbs
1. {gap}w, {gap©sw, §g}phsa, §g}phka, §g}phmai, §gap©jhn, I love
2. ‡gw, ‡xw, ±gagon, μqa, μgmai, ±qjhn, I lead
3. aÂrw, {rå, μra, μrka, μrmai, ±rjhn, I take up, take away, lift up
4. a¼tŸw, a¼t©sw, ¸thsa, ¸thka, ¸thmai, ót©jhn, I ask
5. {koÖw, {koÖsw, ±kousa, {k©koa, ±kousmai, §koÖsjhn, I hear
6. {no¾gw, {no¾xw, {nŸæxa or ±noixa or §nŸæxa, {nŸæga, {nŸægmai or
§nŸægmai or ±noigmai, {neéqjhn or §no¾qjhn or §neéqjhn, I open
7. {pokr¾nomai, {pokrinoØmai, {pekrin}mhn, {pokŸkrimai, --,
{pekr¾jhn, I answer
8. {pËllumi or {pollÖw, {polŸsw or {polå, {pãlesa or {pwlËmhn,
{pËlwla, --, --, I destroy; (mid. voice) perish
9. {postŸllw, {postelå, {pŸsteila, {pŸstalka, {pŸstalmai,
{pest}lhn, I send
10. {f¾hmi, {f©sw, {f«ka, {feÀka, {feÀmai, {fŸjhn, I let go, leave, forgive
11. ba¾nw, b©somai, £bhn, bŸbhka, --, --, I go
12. b}llw, balå, £balon, bŸblhka, bŸblhmai, ›bl©jhn, I throw, cast, place
13. blŸpw, blŸyw, £bleya, I see
14. g¾nomai, gen©somai, ›genËmhn, gŸgona, gegŸnhmai, ›gen©jhn, become, be
15. ginãskw, gnãsomai, £gnwn, £gnwka, £gnwsmai, ›gnãsjhn, I know
16. gr}fw, gr}yw, £graya, gŸgrafa, gŸgrammai, ›gr}fhn, I write
17. de¾knumi and deiknÖw, de¾xw, £deixa, dŸdeiqa, dŸdeigmai, ›de¾qjhn, I show
18. dŸqomai, dŸxomai, ›dex}mhn, --, dŸdegmai, ›dŸqjhn, I receive
19. d¾dwmi, dãsw, £dwka, dŸdwka, dŸdomai, ›dËjhn, I give, grant
20. diãkw, diãxw, ›d¾wxa, ded¾wka, ded¾wgmai, ›diãqjhn, I pursue, persecute
21. dox}zw, dox}sw, ›dËxasa, dedËxaka, dedËxasmai, ›dox}sjhn, I glorify
22. dÖnamai, dun©somai, --, --, --, §dun©jhn or §dun}sjhn, I can, am able
23. ›ge¾rw, ›gerå, ±geira, --, ›g©germai, §gŸrjhn, I raise up
24. ›pistrŸfw, ›pistrŸyw, ›pŸstreya, ›pŸstrofa, ›pŸstrammai,
›pestr}fhn, I turn
25. £rqomai, ›leÖsomai, μljon, ›l©luja, --, --, I come, I go
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
26. ›sj¾w, f}gomai, £fagon, --, --, --, I eat
27. eÕr¾skw, eÕr©sw, eßron, eÜrhka, eÜrhmai, eÕrŸjhn, I find
28. £qw, ¥xw, £sqon, £sqhka, --, --, I have
29. jerapeÖw, jerapeÖsw, ›jer}peusa, tejer}peuka, tejer}peumai,
›jerapeÖjhn, I heal
30. Ãsthmi, st©sw, £sthsa or £sthn, ¥sthka, ¥stamai, ›st}jhn, I stand; cause to
31. khrÖssw, khrÖxw, ›k©ruxa, kek©ruqa, kek©rugmai, ›khrÖqjhn, I preach,
32. kr¾nw, krinå, £krina, kŸkrika, kŸkrimai, ›kr¾jhn, I judge
33. lamb}nw, l©myomai, £labon, eÂlhfa, eÂlhmmai, ›l©mfjhn, I take, receive
34. lŸgw, ›rå, eÅpon, eÂrhka, eÂrhmai, ›rrŸjhn, I say, speak, tell
35. lÖw, lÖsw, £lusa, lŸluka, lŸlumai, ›lÖjhn, I loosen, destroy
36. Êr}w, Îyomai, eÅdon, œãraka, îmmai, ëfjhn, I see
37. pe¾jw, pe¾sw, £peisa, pŸpoija, pŸpeismai, ›pe¾sjhn, I persuade
38. pŸmpw, pŸmyw, £pemya, pŸpomfa, pŸpemmai, ›pŸmfjhn, I send
39. p¾nw, p¾omai, £pion, pŸpwka, pŸpomai, ›pËjhn, I drink
40. p¾ptw, pesoØmai, £peson, pŸptwka, --,--, I fall
41. pisteÖw, pisteÖsw, ›p¾steusa, pep¾steuka, pep¾steumai,
›pisteÖjhn, I believe
42. plhrËw, plhrãsw, ›pl©rwsa, pepl©rwka, pepl©rwmai, ›plhrãjhn, I fill,
43. poiŸw, poi©sw, ›po¾hsa, pepo¾hka, pepo¾hmai, ›po¾hjhn, I do, make
44. poreÖomai, poreÖsomai, ›poreus}mhn, --, pepËreumai, ›poreÖjhn, I go,
walk, live
45. spe¾rw, sperå, £speira, --, £sparmai, ›sp}rhn, I sow
46. sézw, sãsw, £swsa, sŸswka, sŸswmai or sŸswsmai, ›sãjhn, I save
47. t¾jhmi, j©sw, £jhka, tŸjeika, tŸjeimai, ›tŸjhn, I place, put, appoint
48. ÕpostrŸfw, ÕpostrŸyw, ÕpŸstreya, --, --, --, I return
49. fŸrw, oÂsw, ±negka, ›n©noqa, ›n©negmai, §nŸqjhn, I bring, bear, carry
50. feÖgw, feÖxomai, £fugon, I flee
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Common Biblical Greek Prepositions
(Note: Prepositions have a wide range of meanings. The ones given here are among the more common
ones. They are by no means exhaustive.)
Elided form
(if any)
Aspirated Form
(if any)
Meaning with
Genitive Case
from, away from
Meaning with
Dative Case
Meaning with
Accusative Case
because of,
for the sake of
through, by
into, to, toward
from, out of, away
in, among, with
against, toward
according to, in
accordance with
with, among, in the
company of
after, behind
on, upon, near
at, by, beside, near,
on, over, across
by, along, alongside,
about, concerning
around, about, near
before, in front of,
near, at, by (rare)
to, toward, for, with
regard to
on, upon, above
for, in behalf of, for
the sake of
above, beyond, more
under, below
Greek Words for “See”
1. Present Active
2. Future Active
3. Aorist Active
4. Perfect Active
5. Perfect Mid./Pass.
6. Aorist Passive
Common in LXX and
Simple form rare in LXX
and NT. See Isa 6:9,
Matt 13:14, and
Acts 28:26.
Compounds are
Simple form rare in LXX
and NT. See Esth 5:1d,
Acts 3:4, and Rev 22:8.
Compounds are
Not in LXX or NT.
Not in LXX or NT.
Not in LXX or NT.
or œËraka
Once in LXX (Lev 14:35).
Not in NT.
Not in LXX or NT.
Not in LXX or NT.
Rare in LXX.
See Exod 3:16; 4:1, 5. Not in NT.
Common in LXX and NT.
Occasionally in NT,
especially in imperative.
Common in LXX and NT.
Very rare in ancient
Greek. Not in LXX or NT.
Common in LXX and
Hypothetical present
active form. Present
middle occurs in Classical
Greek but not in LXX
or NT.
Rare in LXX and NT.
Only Jer 38:34 and
Heb 8:11.
Common in LXX and
Common in LXX and NT
with present meaning of
“I know.”
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Eight Forms a Word
(To the tune of “Eight Days a Week”)
by Beatles fan and Greek teacher, James Bury, Harding University, 2002
Nouns and pronouns use them, adjectives do too.
It’s easy to confuse them; the article’s a clue.
Help me, learn them. Help me, learn them.
Can’t ignore the endings,
Eight forms a word.
Number tells how many, case tells what they do.
Endings, there are plenty, don't just learn a few!
That’s the first declension,
Eight forms a word.
Eight forms a word, I’ll learn them!
Eight forms a word, they give the number and the case!
“We” and “I” are subjects, so are “he” and “she.”
“Us” and “me” are objects, case provides the key.
That’s the next declension,
Eight forms a word.
Eight forms a word, I’ll learn them!
Eight forms a word, they give the number and the case!
One more thing to mention, we’re not really done.
There’s a third declension and vocative to come!
Help me, learn them. Help me, learn them.
Can’t ignore the endings,
Eight forms a word.
Eight forms a word.
Eight forms a word.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
“Greek Verb Paradigm”
(Words by N. Clayton Croy. Tune = “Gangsta’s Paradise” by Coolio)
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of Greek,
I take a look at my life and see it’s rather bleak.
’Cause I’ve been learnin’ and crammin’ so long;
So when I do my parsin’ I won’t do it wrong.
The Greek verb system, it’s got so many forms.
They’re buzzing in my brain, like bees in swarms.
But I’ve been studyin’ every day and every night.
I gotta get the endings down and get them down right.
My social life is sufferin’, as any fool can see.
My nose is in a book. It’s just reality.
I gotta pass the midterm, and there ain’t no other way
Than studyin’ from the break of dawn until the end of day.
I’ve been spending all my time
Trying to learn the Greek verb paradigm. (Repeat 4×)
My homies come around saying, “Hey, where you been?”
“We come by your place, but you’re never in.”
I have to say to them, “I been in my study carrel.”
“If I don’t learn this paradigm, my life’s in peril.”
So late in the evening, I’m in the library
Beneath a pile of books under which I’ve been buried.
My friendships are dying. Don’t have no time to play.
I spend every waking moment with the Koine.
The way things are goin’ my life is ill-starred.
My best companions are my vocab cards.
But I got one friend with whom I can tarry.
The Greek tutor and I, we’re gonna marry.
Tell me why of late — is it my fate
To do nothing more — than conjugate?
I’ve been spending all my time
Trying to learn the Greek verb paradigm. (Repeat 4×)
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Present and the aorist, perfect and the future.
My brain’s gonna bust. I’m gonna need a suture.
Four different moods and six different tenses.
I study so hard I’m takin’ leave of my senses!
Active, middle, passive; singular and plural —
It all spins around in a great big swirl.
I gotta learn Greek to understand the Bible;
But if I don’t succeed, a breakdown is liable.
I’ve been spending all my time
Trying to learn the Greek verb paradigm. (Repeat 4×)
Tell me why of late — is it my fate
To do nothing more — than conjugate? (Repeat 2×)
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
“So Much More than Time”
(Words: N. Clayton Croy. Tune: “For the Longest Time” by Billy Joel)
Oh, oh, oh, oh . . . much more than . . .
So much more than time. (2×)
1. Once we thought that tense meant only time.
Now we wonder, “How were we so blind?”
Now it’s our passion
To denote the kind of action,
For tense in Greek means so much more than time.
2. If in past time action was prolonged,
the imperfect never will go wrong.
To stress duration,
It’s the tense of elongation,
For tense in Greek means so much more than time.
Oh, oh, oh, oh . . . much more than . . .
So much more than time. (2×)
3. If in past time you just want to state
Simple action, whether short or great.
The aorist tense then
Is the one you ought to throw in,
For tense in Greek means so much more than time.
German scholars use a special word.
It may strike you as strange.
It’s one you’ve never heard.
They call aspect “Aktionsart.”
You may think it sounds smart,
But it’s more than we need know.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
4. Perfect action was done in the past.
Its result into the present lasts.
Though it’s completed,
Its result is not depleted,
For tense in Greek means so much more than time.
English tenses have to do with time.
For kind of action though,
They aren’t worth a dime.
We must use a paraphrase to say
The sense of the Koine,
And that’s not quite the same thing.
5. Verbal tenses are such fun in Greek,
when you know just how you ought to speak.
Now it’s in fashion
To denote the kind of action,
For tense in Greek means so much more than time.
Oh, oh, oh, oh . . . much more than . . .
So much more than time . . . (fade)
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
“Moveable Nu”
(Words: N. Clayton Croy. Tune: “Runaround Sue” by Dion and the Belmonts, 1961)
Here’s my story. It’s sad but true.
It’s about a language that I once knew.
I learned the endings and had them down.
Then they changed them all around.
(Heh, heh, homba hehda hehda, heh, heh) (2×)
I studied hard from the very start.
A thousand cards and a great big chart.
The only thing that I failed to do . . . was
Be aware of the moveable nu.
I thought the endings would never change.
But suddenly they started looking strange.
So if you don’t want to parse like I do,
Be aware of the moveable nu.
(Heh, heh, homba hehda hehda, heh, heh)
First person verbs, it’s true.
They never seem to take the nu.
Second person verbs are fine.
But watch out . . . for the third person kind.
That’s where you’re gonna have a problem, friend.
Trying to figure out how the verb should end.
The dative plural is a problem too. So . . .
Be aware of the moveable nu.
(Heh, heh, homba hehda hehda, heh, heh)
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
The Greeks couldn’t seem to weather
Two vowels buttin’ up together.
Hiatus made them discontent.
And so they . . . add a consonant.
I tried to learn the endings and to learn them well,
But 50 different forms are puttin’ me through hell.
But I’ve learned this so I say to you . . .
Be aware of the moveable nu.
(Heh, heh, homba hehda hehda, heh, heh) fade
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
(Words: N. Clayton Croy. Tune: “Margaritaville” by Jimmy Buffett)
Learning the Koine,
Practicing each day,
All of those endings are startin’ to blur.
The teacher is ramblin’; my memory’s scramblin’.
A noun or verb?
Well, I can’t say for sure.
Wasted away again in Participleville.
Searching for my — full color verb charts.
Some people claim that there’s a teacher to blame,
But I know, it’s those principal parts.
Don’t know the verb stem,
Memory’s too dim,
Can’t read a thing but that little word “kai.”
Now with participles, my headaches have tripled.
Just pass me some aspirin;
Don’t even ask why.
Wasted away again in Participleville.
Searching for my — full color verb charts.
Some people claim that there’s a teacher to blame,
But I know, it’s those principal parts.
(Musical interlude)
The teacher is calling
And now I am stalling
I don’t know the answer. I’m startin’ to drown.
I parsed it as aorist. I sure was embarrassed.
The teacher said, “Sorry,
It’s clearly a noun!”
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Wasted away again in Participleville.
Searching for my — full color verb charts.
Some people claim that there’s a teacher to blame,
But I know, it’s those principal parts.
Yes, and some people claim that there’s a teacher to blame,
But I know, it’s those principal parts.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
“Talkin’ t¾v and t¾”
(Words: Susan R. Garrett; used by permission. Tune: “Nine to Five,” by Dolly Parton;
note: This version fits Dolly Parton’s recording of the song. In recordings by other artists,
number and placement of choruses may vary.)
Stanza 1
I tumble out of bed and I stumble to the kitchen,
Pour myself a cup of ambition
And crack my text, wishin’ I had a life.
I flip through the pages and the blood starts pumpin’,
I know that the seminary halls are a jumpin’
With folks like me, trying to ask, “who,” “what,” or “why?”
Talkin’ t¾v and t¾, they often show interrogation,
Talkin’ tiv and ti, also indefinite notation.
Well, the accent’s key—the accent hints that it’s a question,
Just two sets of endings—it follows third declension!
“Who,” “what,” “why”—tiv/ti can show interrogation!
Or “a certain guy”—also indefinite notation!
When the accent’s nigh, then it is probably a question;
Just two sets of endings—it follows third declension!
Stanza 2
t¾v did}skei; means “who is teaching?”
t¾na zhteÀte; means “whom are you seeking?”
For questions the accent’s front and never grave.
But ‡njrwpËv tiv means “a certain someone,”
“eßrËn ti Üdwr” means “they found some water.”
When it’s indefinite, well the accent’s last or gone!
Chorus (2×)
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 1-3
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. Can you tell me, are those colorful, plastic building blocks part of a
2. I have a hunch that my voice will bounce off the canyon wall with a resounding
3. I told Louis Oglethorpe III to loosen up and just use a nickname and his last initial. “Okay,” he said,
“from now on I’m
4. The newspaper columnist was an ardent enemy of the New Orleans festival. In every column he would
write against it. Clearly he was a Mardi
5. Are Capricorns or Virgos more likely to spend an hour each day studying their
6. Because of his six-pack abs, beautiful smile, and chiseled good looks, all the ladies thought that the new
lifeguard was quite a
7. We had not seen such a beautiful sunset, not here, not elsewhere. No wonder we all said
8. The men in the horse costume couldn’t make a genuine horse sound, so they faked it, using a
9. The bomber that unleashed destruction over the land of Japan was called the Enola
10. If Tammy Faye Baker had a sister named Adele who shared her middle name, she would be
11. For lack of a better name I call my Lhasa Apso dog, “Lhasa.” When she fell off a cruise ship into the
Arctic Sea and came out frozen, I realized that I would have to
12. In a remote island kingdom they do the Bossa Nova dance while wearing flowery garlands around their
necks. They call it the
13. I thought that my friend Thea was ordained. Now I know the truth: she is
14. I want to play Desdemona’s husband, the title character in Shakespeare’s tragedy O-
15. I see that you don’t care for the author of “The Raven,” “The Pit and the Pendulum,” and “The Telltale Heart.” When I read a selection, you stick out your tongue and say
{delf©, {koÖw, {l©jeia, basile¾a, blŸpw, g«, ginãskw, gr}fw, did}skw, dËxa, ›kklhs¾a, £qw, zw©, ¨mŸra,
j}lassa, jŸlw, ka¾, kard¾a, lŸgw, lÖw, Ðti, oÔ, pisteÖw, fwn©, íra
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 4-5
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. The slave gathered early morning moisture from the grass but then misplaced it. It was a case of
2. This creature is also called a “needlefish,” for it has an elongated body and long, narrow jaws.
3. The first touchdown of the game was a perfectly spiraling, 50-yard pass right into the receiver’s hands.
No amateur threw that ball; it was clearly a
4. I had no evil intent when I took a 200-year-old American flag, actually made by Betsy Ross, to the pawn
shop. Nevertheless, I was told that you can’t
5. Mother Superior said, “My child, bring all your computer problems to Sister Mary Blogger. She can
solve anything. We call her our
6. Some may think of this name as a foreign deity, but it’s actually just the Arabic word that Arabicspeaking Christians use for God.
7. Apollo liked to spend time with Eos, the Greek goddess of dawn, and keep her from the other gods.
Finally, the other gods said, “Holy cow, Apollo, you can’t
8. After the ancient Sumerian city of Ur was destroyed by the work of Elamite invaders, a primitive nomad
came upon the site and said
9. Susie wouldn’t be caught dead without wearing religious jewelry. She constantly wears a crucifix on a
necklace that she calls her
10. Although there’s no law against it, I wouldn’t feed clumps of bryophytic plants to beavers. Beavers may
like to gnaw wood, but they don’t normally
11. You claim to have the answer, the final word, the perfect solution. I am skeptical and can only say,
12. My brother knows the farmer in the dell. If the farmer had a soggy ditch running through his property,
could it be called
13. The teacher asked the student to name one of the most common Greek conjunctions, but a blank stare
, I don’t know.”
came over the student’s face and he could only say, “
14. “Dialectic” is an important word to Lutherans. They’re always talking about
15. When the Yiddish produce dealer saw his house overrun with romaine lettuce, he exclaimed,
{gajËv, ‰giov, {delfËv, {ll}, ‡njrwpov, g}r, dŸ, d¾kaiov, doØlov, £rgon, £sqatov, j}natov, jeËv, kakËv,
kalËv, kÖriov, lamb}nw, lËgov, mikrËv, nekrËv, nËmov, Ê, oÅkov, oÔranËv, pistËv, ponhrËv, pråtov, tŸknon,
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 6-7
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. I remain convinced that a trout or a bluegill is much tastier than a
2. You might use that fancy boat to lure somebody else out on the ocean, but you won’t succeed in
working that
3. I lay still as the bear strolled from the woods into our camping tent. A heavy weight on my back and the
sharp point of claws convinced me the bear was probing me with
4. I told Ron, the new employee in the bakery, that baking was not a gift but a skill that he could learn. “In
fact,” I said, “if you’re going to work here, you’ll have to learn to make
5. The crowd watched Tiger Woods’s drive bounce a few times and then roll straight into the hole. No
question about it . . . it was an
6. When I asked who the Employee of the Month was, Amy was too modest to say “I am.” But others
immediately declared that the honor belonged to
7. After a special event there is always a crowd of people wanting to go out for a drink with Charley. He is
truly someone who never
8. Using karate one can defend against an attack. In karate an exercise involving a series of positions and
moves performed according to a strict order is called a
9. In fencing one must maintain constant awareness concerning one’s opponent while moving around. A
quick thrust is important, but always be prepared to
10. In the 1980’s fans of IBM computers said that DOS was the way to go. Macintosh devotees came along
and could only scoff and say,
11. I took my neighbor, Kay, to court. Her negligence endangered my life, both body and soul, so I had no
choice but to
12. Huge clumps of bryophyte plants have grown up around my romaine lettuce! It is the world’s worst
case of
13. The dunking booth was the bread and butter of the school fair. Several tried without success to dunk
the principal. My friend and I used a medicine ball and dunked him with
14. I have my favorite toaster waffle everyday for breakfast, made by the folks at
15. A nasal consonant found almost smack in the middle of the alphabet is the letter
{g}ph, ‡ggelov, |mart¾a, {pË, ‡rtov, aÔtËv, b}llw, di}, dåron, ›gã, e¼m¾, e¼v, ›k, ›n, £rhmov, ›sj¾w,
kat}, kËsmov, l¾jov, majht©v, mŸnw, met}, ÊdËv, Îqlov, pŸmpw, per¾, ploÀon, prËv, prof©thv, sÖ,
sézw, yuq©
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 8-9
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. My Pa blamed me for the window that was broken by my brother, Hugh. Under a cloud of suspicion, I
protested, “Why is it that you never blame
2. Because of the flood we have to build another house. We’ll just chalk up the old one as
3. “Are we there yet?” asked the impatient toddler from the back seat. The father replied, “We have less
than 20 minutes to go. You will be with Grandma and Grandpa
4. My good friend Robert Tidzo asked me to baptize his son, Robert, Jr. In order to avoid confusion
during the service, I used a shortened name for his son, calling him
5. A student in the “Human Sexuality” class raised his hand and asked, “Would a quarrel between two
homosexual men be called
6. Ray and Kay were experts at making animal sounds. Kay’s specialty was a peaceful dove. No one could
mistake “a Kay coo.” Ray’s horse imitation was famous too. No one could mistake
7. Every day I order food delivered from an Italian restaurant. The cook sends me my favorite dish, an odd
combination of pasta and Jello. They call it
8. I find that on rare occasions a man may take his wife’s name, as in the case of my friend, Hugh Smith,
who married Janet Risko and became
9. The saloon owner got fed up with tobacco stains all over the floor. Therefore he put in a spitt-
10. In a strange ritual the natives would gather once a year and throw an owl up in the air. Since the bird
always makes its characteristic sound before flying off, this ritual became known as the
11. One year at the same owl-ritual just mentioned, the bird clawed the man’s hands with its sharp talons
before flying away. The man himself let out a cry, so that year the ritual was called the
12. When Noah began his boat-building, he didn’t know what he was doing. Plans A through N failed.
The boat that succeeded in rescuing his family from the flood was known as
13. “Ninety Nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall” can become rather tiring after singing it for two hours, so I
was surprised when someone called for an encore. Astonished, I said, “Sing it a!”
14. The new sheriff in town, Mr. Os Lincoln, was too timid to confront the lawbreaking gunfighters. But
the people in the town insisted, “You’ve got to uphold the
15. Hamor was a sinner and an evil king (see Genesis 34). When he was killed for his evil deeds, he was
struck on the foot, losing a digit. The incident became known as the
‡llov, |martwlËv, {pokr¾nomai, {postŸllw, ‡rqw, aÔtËv, bapt¾zw, g¾nomai, diŸrqomai, dÖnamai, ›ge¾rw,
e¼r©nh, e¼sŸrqomai, ›keÀnov, ›xŸrqomai, ›xous¾a, £rqomai, eÕr¾skw, kr¾nw, laËv, oÔdŸ, oÞn, oßtov, oßtwv,
poreÖomai, prËswpon, sÖn, ÕpË
Logomania — Lessons 10-11
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were the ones to lead the expedition through the Louisiana
Purchase about 200 years
2. When I run out of fuel for my outboard motor, then I take up the oars and
3. Every few weeks I go up to the little town in the mountains and visit my fair-skinned friend Al Baino
and his wife
4. When I sneezed again and again, I knew there was a high amount of
in the air.
5. As a baby, Leon couldn’t read a cooking book, but he sure could eat. Since he was always eating and was
very messy while doing it, he got the nickname
6. I have never tasted one before, but today I am going to drink a can of that funny-named, lemon-lime
soft drink
7. The priest prayed with all his might. Even as he voiced the “Amen,” his soul struggled
8. Nowadays I teach groups of adults, but last year I was a private tutor in the home of a wealthy family. At
that time I
single child.
9. Above all else, my friend and I cut down dead fruit trees in behalf of a large orchard company. My friend
likes to cut down apple trees, but I prefer to
10. The apostle was sent to Rome to fetch some linguini, fettuccini, ziti, and angel hair. But on the return
trip he dropped it all while fording a stream. Sadly, it was
11. Sue is very traditional, so if she marries Jim Naggo, I gather that she will become
12. The old saying, “Watch your P’s and Q’s,” hinges on the similarity of the two letters. If you take a
lowercase “q” and simply turn it around, it becomes
13. When I got the job at the pizza parlor, they said free pizza was one of the perks. But I had to depart
from that job. When I learned how bad the pizza tasted, I said, “
14. We sat alongside the football field and from a distance watched the action. Naturally, when our team
won, we were beside ourselves, shouting, “Hip, Hip,
15. I once received an invitation to a party where we did nothing but browse books on the sleek, geometric
design style popular in the 1920’s and 30’s while enjoying Tahitian drinks made of rum and fruit juices.
They called it an Art
Tai party.
‡gw, aÂrw, {m©n, {naba¾nw, {pŸrqomai, {pojn¯skw, {pokte¾nw, {pËstolov, bibl¾on, daimËnion, dŸqomai,
›p¾, £ti, jerapeÖw, ¼doÖ, ½erËn, kataba¾nw, mŸllw, mŸn . . . dŸ, oÚte, Éfe¾lw, ÉfjalmËv, p}lin, par},
sun}gw, tŸ, tËpov, tËte, ÕpŸr
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 12-13
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. “Is it time for lunch yet?” asked the impatient worker. “Not now,” said her friend, “Not until
2. Which is the correct spelling: “skeptic” with a “k,” or “sceptic” with a “c”? Over there in Britain they
normally spell the word with a “c,” but Americans use
3. To fulfill all righteousness, I had to repay my debts. In particular, I had borrowed a large sum of money
from my friend, Sue Ney. As I confessed to my buddy, Dick: “
4. The teacher of our religious commune, Ram Das, was supposed to phone us with details of our next
meeting. So when I returned from an errand, I asked my companions, “
5. The night is coming soon, so it is necessary to work while we have the light of
6. If the conditions were right, a Canadian might end a sentence by saying, “
7. Vincent van Gogh was a kooky neighbor, but we wouldn’t open our mouths to criticize him. When we
saw what he did to his own ear, it was clear that we didn’t want to
8. The day after Pearl Harbor President Roosevelt had already declared it a day that would live infamy. For
our generation, September 11, 2001 will be remembered as such
9. The Egyptian slave said, “I’m tired of building pyramids. Every day we bring huge blocks of stone to the
building site, but have we ever gotten any thanks from the
10. I wouldn’t proclaim it as fact, but I wonder if Rene Russo’s sister could be
11. I managed to persuade my roommate to make a trip to Mexico. We came to a tollbooth in Tijuana, but
since the toll collector had a lisp, we didn’t understand him when he said that the toll was a
12. Julie Meye absolutely refused to learn about sewing. “I will know many subjects,” she said, “but not this
one. Just call me “
13. In the midst of the battle a dazed enemy turned toward us and wandered in our direction. We didn’t
have handcuffs to detain him so we took the hoop off a barrel and used it to
14. I will take the rest of the football season off because of my injuries. Stuck on the bench, unable to walk,
I was surprised to see another player in the same condition. So I said, “
15. Master chef Julian Kaye cut the head off the flounder and then expertly sliced and prepared the dish
that was named after him: the
{no¾gw, {polÖw, gen©somai, gnãsomai, deÀ, did}xw, did}skalov, dikaiosÖnh, dox}zw, e¼, ›keÀ, ›leÖsomai,
›pistrŸfw, œtoim}zw, ±dh, jaum}zw, jrËnov, Âdiov, ½m}tion, kefal©, khrÖssw, kr}zw, l©myomai, Ðlov,
pe¾jw, nØn, proseÖqomai, ÕpostrŸfw, fŸrw
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 14-15
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. Looking at the early morning horizon, I saw glorious red, orange, and yellow hues. I had never seen
2. I went to the most bizarre athletic event. People ran twenty six miles while drinking fermented malt
and hops. They called it an
3. Not yet have you yet seen my personal autographed copies of “The Telltale Heart” and “The Pit and
the Pendulum.” You will be so impressed that you’ll gush
4. “I will eat at home tonight,” said the Prime Minister. He cancelled his dinner plans the moment he
looked out the window and saw the dense London vapor, exclaiming, “Such
5. I said, “You may take that lowly chess piece. Why it’s only
6. I have said it before, and I’ll say it again. No one does bird calls as expertly as Billy Wray. Even crows
are fooled by
7. Paula has the most luscious lips of any girl I know. Often I dream of receiving a
8. To teach kids not to drink or use drugs I pinned the words “JUST SAY NO” on the bulletin board.
Some joker switched the last word with “YES,” so I had to
back up again.
9. The movie was so bad that I wanted to flee from the theater. I finally did when my date leaned over
and said, “I’ll go if
10. It’s a sign that I’m not serious about dieting when I use high calorie condiments. But when they ask at
the deli what I want on my sandwich, I almost always
11. I like to store small fruit seeds in an old pair of shoes, but if I then wear those shoes by mistake, I may
fall prey to a rare disease:
12. In New York I knew a guy named Lou Thaw. Now I have come to Los Angeles and met someone with
the same name! To avoid confusion I call this new fellow “
13. Next week I will see my old high school buddy who is now a highly trained, covert agent for the
military. When he first told me about his position, I said, “Special
14. I have come to know Chief Blue Egg as the best Indian guide in the Midwest. When he led me to the
Kaw River and I thought it was the Mississippi, the Chief told me plainly, “
15. I tried to offer a book of poetry to the ruler of ancient Egypt. Unfortunately he hated poetry. This was
{k©koa, gŸgona, ›gg¾zw, ›g©germai, £gnwka, eÅdon, eÅpon, eÂrhka, ›l©luja, ¥terov, œãraka, μljon,
±negka, oÅnov, oÚpw, Îyomai, pŸpoija, p¾nw, p¾ptw, poll}kiv, prosŸrqomai, prosfŸrw, shmeÀon,
tŸjnhka, f}gomai, feÖgw,
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 16-17
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. Every time the love-struck young woman sees her man she feels like she’s walking
2. Any woman who is an ornithologist knows that another word for “albatross” is
3. I appeared to be unkind to my clumsy friend, Thane, when he stumbled for the third time, and I said,
“You’re such an
4. On Halloween night I became cruel and began to pelt Thane with eggs. When the police stopped me
and asked what I was doing, I said, “Officers, I’m just
5. I was led to believe that I got away with the prank, but Thane got back at me by wrestling me to the
ground. After a sound thrashing I said, “Tomorrow morning I’m going to
6. The ancient Greeks didn’t have Weapons of Mass Destruction, but when night fell, they might have had
dreams about an angry god destroying them with
7. In this day and age a lot of people have to rent, but because of my careful financial planning
8. My mother noticed the blood on my face when I ran inside the house and said, “
9. The ruler of the land of edible ice cream holders said, “You’ll like the taste of
10. If your old ma has a mean spirit about her, then you might want a
11. I urged my mother to take needle and thread and fix the body of the coat, saying, “
12. When Mom was a railroad engineer, we once had to deliver a boxcar full of seed to a remote town.
Knowing that we needed to use a track that branched off the mainline, I said, “Take the
13. I saw a movie about two courageous, self-respecting Greek women with the will to be treated fairly. It
was called “
and Louise.”
14. There were more parents at the PTA meeting than I could name. The door prize, a colorful, feathery
hat, looked silly on the father who won it, but it would have looked stunning
15. The word is that ever since mother took up sunbathing, she insists on being called “
aÆma, a¼ãn, {n©r, {pest}lhn, ‡rqwn, gun©, ›bl©jhn, ›gen©jhn, ›gnãsjhn, ›gr}fhn, ›kb}llw,
›l©mfjhn, eÕrŸjhn, ¥wv, §gŸrjhn, §nŸqjhn, ±qjhn, jŸlhma, nÖx, Înoma, pneØma, påv, Ó«ma, s}rx,
spŸrma, stËma, såma, ëfjhn.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 18-19
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. I bought a dress for my mother, but the fabric is so flimsy I’m afraid that it
2. Katherine Mai had to sit and think for a while before deciding to use the shortened name
3. The student said, “I can come to the party. My parents said it was okay.” The teacher corrected him,
“Unless your legs are broken, the question is not whether you can, but whether you
4. My hand was injured at work, but now I get a few days off so, heh, what do I
5. If your father kept a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen in a clay container, he might call it
6. Did the teacher persecute the widow of John Lennon when he gave her a marginal grade on the final
exam and said, “Here’s your exam. You earned a
7. When I arrive at the eighteenth hole of the golf course and achieve a standard score for the eighteenth
time in a row, I cry out, “
8. When I go golfing, I take along a world-famous rock star who is an alumnus of the “Standard Score Golf
School.” I just call him
9. Being a very possessive person, everything that Jim sees, he thinks he has to
10. I work in the land of Ur and have become accustomed to their polytheism. But when I first came to
this land, I was startled by their many deities and said, “
11. I greeted the snake handlers and found that they were taking bets on how long I could survive with a
deadly Egyptian cobra. Know the mathematical improbability, I exclaimed, “
12. Mr. Parko declared confidently, “These are my possessions and they exist for my benefit, or my name
13. The cruelly persecuted Jews wept from one Sabbath to the next. The combined weight of their tears
was 2,000 pounds. One might say that they were able to
14. The tiny Native American newborn was just over a foot long, but her parents beamed with pride at
their new pa.
15. Someone at the synagogue said that my friend, Sue Naggo, was a lesbian. I had never heard this before,
so I posed a question back to the person: “Are you sure of that?
|mart}nw, {sp}zomai, boÖlomai, diãkw, ›rg}zomai, eÔaggel¾zomai, k}jhmai, kaj¾zw, log¾zomai, m©,
m©thr, parag¾nomai, paralamb}nw, pat©r, poÖv, s}bbaton, sunagwg©, Õp}rqw, qe¾r, ën.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 20-21
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. If you deceived your prison cellmate named Kay, you might say, “I was able to
2. I’m not blind to the need for good oral hygiene. Everyday a person ought
3. “To catch the bank robbers,” the sheriff said, “we will deputize all the men in town, every able body.
That’s right; we’re going to form a
4. When baseball star “Spitball” Rahoe refused to fulfill his contract and get on the field, the manager
yelled at him, “
5. Jill Pateo likes to walk around the neighborhood with her husband, whose name is
6. Madeline Owtoo said, “I refer to myself using my first initial and last name:
7. Madeline’s brother Seth said, “Suit yourself. I use a short version of my first name:
8. Forgive me, but I was shocked to learn that automobiles had Freudian lower instincts, so naturally I
blurted out, “
9. When I sailed to America in the 18th century, I had to bring a female sheep aboard the large, Spanish
ship. It was good news when they told me that I was permitted to have a
10. Jill Teo was my date, so I felt that I should ask the jerk in the bar to leave after he spent 30 minutes
straight trying to
11. The son of Daedalus could fly with grace using artificial wings, but recklessness and pride led to his
death. That is the moral of the story of I.
12. Tourists coming to see the famous door in Wittenberg, Germany, have to take a right turn off the main
-fare through town.
13. Bob wanted to fix things around the house by himself so he went to the hardware store and bought a
number of
14. As the personal assistant to Senator Lou Theo I had to follow him constantly. At any time I might have
to hand him the cell phone and say, “You have
15. When the judge told me that I should reveal if I knew any of the defendants in the murder trial of
Tony Ridzo, I had to make known that as the cousin of the accused, of course, I
{gap}w, |gi}zw, a¼tŸw, {koloujŸw, genn}w, gnwr¾zw, œautoØ, ›mautoØ, eÔaggŸlion, z}w, zhtŸw, jÖra,
kalŸw, kt¾zw, lalŸw, Êr}w, parakalŸw, p‚v, peripatŸw, plhrËw, poiŸw, seautoØ, staurËw, tuflËv,
fobŸomai, fulak©, qar¾zomai, q}riv.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 22-23
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. My botany project requires a fern or a moss. I can’t find a fern, so I’ll have to use
2. It’s cold on Mars, but be careful whenever you travel toward the sun because its
3. Our village insists on thorough hair grooming. Before going out in public, everyone is required to
hundred strokes.
4. When my friend Fay asked me to a seasonal event in New Orleans, I responded in writing: “I will
gladly accompany you to the Mardi
5. My friend, the sauce on this taco is so spicy it can’t be mine. This must be your
6. There was no light in the room so I called to the shadowy figures, “Are you friends or
7. When May Ketty-Jones divorced, her friends said to her, “Use that hyphenated name no longer!” Now
she’s just
8. Hugh, the guy who reads the company water meter, enters the building by his own special entrance. In
fact, we call it the
9. One day Hugh ran into the Greek god of Love, Eros. I told them, “Your encounter could be described
in one Greek word:
10. When Eros visited our farm and ran into a stack of alfalfa bales, one might say, “
11. When the Greek student used this negative and not oÔdŸ with an indicative verb, he realized his
mistake and said, “Oops! I
12. My cat won’t sow any wild oats now. I took her to that street that has so many veterinary clinics that
specialize in neutering that they call it
13. Experts say humans need one another, so it’s best not to be a hermit and live
14. In order to dye your hair or get a temporary tattoo, you might use the reddish brown dye that comes
from the
15. Each and every member of a relay team must put forth an effort. So when Heck Ledbetter dogged it
the race.”
and we came in last, the rest of the team said, “
{gor}zw, {ll©lwn, ‡n, {paggŸllw, graf©, dokŸw, ›}n, ¥kastov, ›mËv, ›ntol©, ¨mŸterov, Ãna,
kãmh, mhdŸ, mhkŸti, Ðpou, Ðpwv, Ðtan, Ðte, oÔkŸti, pesoØmai, proskunŸw, pØr, sËv, spe¾rw,
thrŸw, Üdwr, ÕmŸterov, fåv, âv.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 24-25
(Using the options given at the bottom of the page, identify the Greek word from the italicized clues.)
1. It is lawful to use one or two teabags per cup, but any more than that is simply
2. When Mr. Nye married, his wife took his name because she wanted to be
3. When Grampa Toose dictates a letter and needs a scribe, he usually asks
4. The king had a favorite cow named Bossy. When she escaped her pen and trampled several villagers,
the incident became known as the
5. Ross Perot was cloned by a mad scientist who lived on a mountain. Perot’s family recognized the clone
as a fake and said, “That’s not
6. It is true that Joe Thace never gets less than perfect grades on his report card. That’s why we all call
7. The Daytona 500 is serious business with full stadiums, big sponsors, and critical decisions. It is by no
means a
8. Whenever Chris thinks the umpire has made a bad judgment, he openly and loudly voices his
disapproval by making a sibilant sound. He calls it the
9. A sport in which you throw a small aquarium fish is stupid and cruel. No wonder it is beloved by so
few. It is no more than
10. That radiant young woman lost her glow when her tongue became painfully infected, but it has fully
healed and again she
11. In the beginning of refractive eye surgery doctors performed something called radial keratotomy,
often referred to by its initials:
12. As a young child Dionne ate so many fruit-filled tarts that she was nicknamed
13. So that we might meet more of our neighbors, we decided to
block party.
14. The expert tennis player from the capital of Texas didn’t know what a weak serve was. Thus he
acquired the nickname, the
15. The powers that be declare that this is the end of the game. Or at least that’s what they
{gaphtËv, {lhj©v, {rq©, {rqiereÖv, {sjen©v, basileÖv, gŸnov, glåssa, grammateÖv, dÖnamiv, £jnov, eÅnai,
£xesti, jewrŸw, ½ereÖv, keleÖw, kr¾siv, marturŸw, Îrov, paid¾on, parabol©, p¾stiv, pl©rhv, pËliv, prË,
sof¾a, tŸlov, íste
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 26-27
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. After crossing the desert sands, I rejoice to see the capital of Egypt:
2. The middle son on the TV show Bonanza was a big, husky fellow who had the nickname
3. Christopher Robin and Piglet called out to their friend, “Where are you,
4. I worked here in the garden. I pulled some weeds and I
row of beans.
5. My daughter Thoo had a nearly flat tire while driving but still made it home. Fortunately there was a
service station en route, so she pulled in and
6. I know a fellow who is Russian but speaks some Yiddish. Whenever he answers a question in the
affirmative but is also exasperated, he says, “
7. Eos, the Greek goddess of dawn, was bought by Zeus to be his eternal slave. Now Zeus can boast,
8. I told my friend Hugh, “Go away to the island town of Pago Pago.” He lived there for a few years and
now he has a new nickname:
9. When you play tic-tac-toe, don’t write outside the lines! And remember, you may only use these two
10. As great as that condiment tastes, I can’t believe it makes you laugh and so is called
11. Whoever would rob a restaurant might try to take hostage a hostess. Would such a hostage hostess be
called a
12. Randy and Ross, two cockney blokes, wondered what animal their neighbor kept in his field. Peering
over the fence and seeing a large swine, Randy exclaimed, “ ‘e’s got an
13. I repent of my bias against the Oeo tribe. My thinking changed recently when I
14. The Mexican sheriff said, “My hope is that we can catch the gunman known as “
15. Tia and Teo were siblings. Teo liked to grab bugs and hold them in Tia’s face. Exasperated, Tia finally
said, “Stop it. Your pranks are really starting to stick in my
{grËv, a¼ãniov, ›leŸw, ›lp¾v, £xw, ›perwt}w, ›rwt}w, jug}thr, kajãv, karpËv, kratŸw, metanoŸw, oÅda,
oÞv, Ðv, Ðsov, Ðstiv, poØ, t¾v, tiv, Õp}gw, qa¾rw, ïde
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 28-29
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. When the wolf got caught in the trap, it took much effort and many tugs to get his
2. I felt great joy when I finished martial arts school and received a black belt in
3. Combat pilots must down five enemy planes to achieve the level of “ace.” Some have achieved this in
two years, but let no one say that during his first year of flying he has
4. In the Mt. Olympus version of “Survivor” the elder gods decided that young Eros should be booted off
the mountain. Voting with electronic buttons, all they had to do was
5. If you duplicated yourself, making a perfect clone, would you give it the name
6. If your clone decided to betray you by created a second clone, would the two of them together be
referred to as a
7. My name is Amy. My friend Susie has had a lisp ever since she got braces put on her teeth. When I saw
her today, I called out, “ ’Tis Susie!” She responded in like manner, “
8. The city boy said, “That is one big pile of alfalfa! Is that what you call a
9. My friend Lou Mee is a great lover of nature. If I were to destroy all the trees growing in my yard, it
would certainly
10. Mr. Dake was able to show the judge that he could not serve as a juror in my trial, since as my former
college roommate, it was obvious that
11. Would it cost less to go to Europe this year or next? I don’t know. It’s
12. Amy drove up to the toll booth at the toll bridge. The attendant said, “I will gladly permit you to cross
over the bridge, but first you must pay
13. Everyone oohed and aahed at the tennis player’s unreturned serve. No one’s serve had ever evoked
such amazement before. It was the most
in the history of tennis.
14. That fellow was always a great actor, but now his career has taken off and he’s a
15. Myrna Loy, movie star of the 30’s and 40’s, retired from film and spent her remaining years perfecting
a seasoned, smoked beef sandwich that she called the
{pod¾dwmi, {pËllumi, {f¾hmi, de¾knumi, d¾dwmi, eÆv, ›pit¾jhmi, £tov, eÔjÖv, loipËv, mŸgav, mhde¾v, oÔde¾v,
parad¾dwmi, polÖv, presbÖterov, prost¾jhmi, t¾jhmi, qar}, qrËnov
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Logomania — Lessons 30-32
(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)
1. The woman set her purse down in the busy department store and looked away for three seconds. When
she reached for it again, it was gone without a
2. Amy was a master on the stage. She played the villain so compellingly that at the climax of the scene the
audience stood and
3. A scandal will never arise in Amy’s life because Amy has impeccable integrity and always tells the truth.
No wonder her friends call her
4. It is such a dangerous practice to throw real hand grenades when training. We recommend that you use
fake, plastic ones. In this way it’s only a
5. The fingers of the clumsy casino dealer slipped and cards went in ten directions. He just didn’t know
how to shuffle a
6. Tess shoplifted four expensive items from the store, but the police caught up with her and performed
what you might call a
7. I gave the car more gas. I would risk a speeding ticket rather than be late to the grand opening of the big,
new shopping center. I absolutely had to get to the
8. I had never seen a greater crowd of housekeepers and hotel domestics. Somehow I had apparently
entered the
9. The Canadian high school teacher told me, “I could give you a grade of “B” or “C,” but you probably
want a better grade than that,
10. I would like to hear more music. I say, “Don’t stop now. Let the band
11. In 1987 Costa Rican President Oscar Arias won the Nobel Peace Prize. Woe to those who would
ridicule this great man of peace. But blessed are those who do not
12. Seymour Cray, inventor of the Cray supercomputer, devised a better dustcover for his computer,
assembling it himself on his sewing machine. One might say the dustcover was
13. If famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma could only think wistfully and sentimentally for days gone by, would he be
afflicted with
14. The hostess said, “Your salvation doesn’t depend on your immediate departure,
moment or two longer.”
15. My two favorite songwriters are Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich, who wrote the lyrics, “There she was
just a-walkin’ down the street, singin’ “
diddy diddy dum diddy doo.”
{n¾sthmi, ‡qri, dŸka, dexiËv, diË, dÖo, dãdeka, £mprosjen, ›nãpion, ›paggel¾a, ›piginãskw, œpt}, ±, Ãsthmi,
¼squrËv, kairËv, kre¾sswn, mak}riov, m‚llon, me¾zwn, mŸsov, mËnov, Ðmoiov, oÔq¾, pŸnte, ple¾wn, swthr¾a,
tŸssarev, toioØtov, treÀv, fanerËw, fhm¾, fËbov, qre¾a.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Pointless Quiz — Lessons 1-14
Objectionable Questions: Carefully choose the best answer . . . or take a wild guess.
1. When a Greek word is to be pronounced with an “h” sound, a special mark is added known as
A. heavy breathing
B. labored breathing
C. phonetic emphysema
D. Greek exasperation
E. rough breathing
2. The mood of a verb
A. tells you when it may be best to leave the verb alone.
B. tells you when the verb is off its medication.
C. depends on whether its context is a happy one.
D. varies dramatically, especially with manic-depressive verbs.
E. tells you how the action is conceived by the speaker, e.g., as a fact, a possibility, a wish, etc.
3. A verb may have which of the following voices?
A. Soprano, alto, tenor, bass
B. Loud, medium, soft
C. Gravelly, smoky, falsetto, shrill
D. Active, middle, passive
4. You need a noun that can function as the subject of a sentence. Which of the following best describes your need?
A. Hopeless case
B. Basket case
C. Head case
D. Nominative case
5. What is the rule for accenting Greek nouns?
A. Try using a little parsley or mint garnish.
B. Consult the expert: Martha Stewartopoulos.
C. Add highlights to the vowels and leave the consonants subtly understated.
D. Noun accent is recessive or persistent.
6. Which of the following is an example of a “substantive” adjective?
A. The German U-boat was swift and silent.
B. The hoagie sandwich was tasty.
C. The replacement teacher was enthusiastic.
D. The wise will perceive the theme in the above choices.
7. Which of the following illustrates the Greek middle?
A. “Uncle Demetrios got a chubby belly from eating too much baklava.”
B. “The Athenian referendum was decided by voters who were neither very liberal nor very conservative.”
C. “A gyro sandwich consists of a pita pocket filled with lamb and beef.”
D. “Alexander was warming himself by the fire.”
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
8. In Greek if you wanted to say “I am being loosened,” you would
A. suppress the urge and remain quiet.
B. first tell everyone to stand back at a safe distance.
C. be sure to re-tighten yourself afterward.
D. say lÖomai.
9. In Greek a “personal agent” would be
A. your cousin Aristotle, who got you a bit part in a movie.
B. your uncle Socrates, who negotiates your professional sports contracts.
C. your good friend Kazantzakis, who books all your airline flights.
D. expressed by the preposition ÕpË followed by the genitive case.
10. To decline a Greek noun you would
A. lower one end of the noun.
B. say, “No thank you, I have quite enough nouns in my life right now.”
C. say, “Thanks, but a more substantive person has already invited me to another context.”
D. give its various grammatical case forms in a prescribed order.
11. The Greek imperfect tense is
A. easy for students to identify with since students are also imperfect and tense.
B. at peace with itself since it let go of its perfectionism.
C. chronically behind and has trouble completing things.
D. a way to depict past, ongoing action.
12. Principal parts
A. is the title of a horror movie set in a grammar school.
B. is the subtitle of a financial investment guide entitled “When the Stock Market Goes Bad.”
C. are to Greek students what avalanches are to skiers.
D. are the basic inflected forms of a verb from which all other forms are derived.
13. The Greek future is formed by
A. the complex interplay of contingent, irrational forces, human will, and divine providence.
B. an all-powerful secretary in the basement of a government building in Athens.
C. two teenage computer geeks in Corinth who have hacked into the space-time continuum.
D. the addition of a sigma to a Greek verb stem.
14. When we say that the aorist tense is “undefined,” we mean that
A. the first volume of our multi-volume dictionary is missing.
B. the aorist once had a meaning but it got lost in translation.
C. the aorist suffers from meaning deprivation and is therefore semantically challenged.
D. the aorist tense affirms action without describing its nature or duration.
15. A second aorist stem often reflects a primitive form of the verb. This is evident in
A. the verb’s small cranial capacity.
B. the discovery of second aorist forms in ancient cave paintings.
C. the presence of gills instead of morphemes.
D. the fact that the stem is often shorter than the present tense stem.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Pointless Quiz — Lessons 15-20
Objectionable Questions: Carefully choose the best answer . . . or take a wild guess.
1. If you saw a “ka” in a Greek word, you would immediately know . . .
A. you were toast because you didn’t recognize it.
B. the word belonged to your old fraternity — Kappa Alpha.
C. somebody took the iota out of a ka¾.
D. the word might very well be perfect.
E. the word at best was mediocre.
2. The perfect tense in Greek refers to what kind of action?
A. 1970’s disco action
B. Swiss watch precision action
C. Arnold Schwarzenegger box office action
D. District attorney legal action
E. Completed action with a continuing effect.
3. The Greek word gŸgraptai might be translated . . .
A. “It is written.”
B. “It is ridden.”
C. “It is wriggling.”
D. “I need Ritalin.”
4. How does a verb beginning with a vowel or diphthong undergo reduplication?
A. With a Xerox machine like any other verb.
B. With the assistance of a fertility specialist.
C. By the lengthening of the vowel or diphthong.
D. By basic cell division or mitosis.
5. The Greek pluperfect tense
A. better not be on the exam.
B. should be deleted from the Greek New Testament.
C. should chill out; it always has to be more perfect than everybody else!
D. is rare enough that its forms need not be learned by people who have a life.
6. The Greek word jn¯skw
A. refers to what I do on most Greek tests.
B. is onomatopoeic and means “I sneeze.”
C. normally occurs in the compound form {pojn¯skw
D. normally wasn’t among the words I bothered to learn.
7. The sixth principal part of a Greek verb
A. is at least two more than a verb really ought to have.
B. is known only by people who have a sixth sense about these things.
C. is the aorist passive indicative.
D. is yet to be discovered by archaeologists.
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8. The major indicator of an aorist passive Greek verb is
A. when the smart guy/girl sitting next to me has “aorist passive” written over it.
B. when I have guessed every other combination and the teacher is still saying, “Try again.”
C. my customized Ouija Board specially adapted for Greek class.
D. the jh tense suffix.
9. Second aorist passives differ from first aorist passives in that
A. they have the word “second” rather than “first” in their name.
B. they have lower self-esteem.
C. their GPA (Greek Point Average) was below 3.0.
D. they lack the j of the jh tense suffix.
E. they simply didn’t try out for first aorist.
10. If you wanted to say to a friend of yours, “we will be loosened,”
A. you need a life outside Greek class.
B. be sure your friend knows that you are taking Greek.
C. first assure your friend, “This is only a test!”
D. you could say lujhsËmeja.
E. say “we will be loosened” since your friend doesn’t know Greek.
11. The Third Declension is
A. a great name for a folk music ensemble.
B. basically unnecessary for a full and meaningful life.
C. a fearful omen of participial woes to come.
D. a varied and complex group of Greek nouns.
12. A brief, accurate description of a Greek participle would be
A. generally avoided in polite company.
B. “Plato’s Payback.”
C. “verbal adjective.”
D. “Homer’s Revenge.”
E. “Drop/Add Omen.”
13. What positions may participles appear in?
A. entry level and mid-management
B. halfback, quarterback, and major drawback
C. attributive, substantive, and predicative
D. win, place, or show.
14. What is the relationship between tense and time in the participle?
A. We spent too much time talking about tense in the participle.
B. I am much too tense to think about time in the participle.
C. It is high time we get rid of tense in the participle.
D. Tense does not pertain to time in the participle, since participles are nontemporal.
E. Participle-induced tension is a good way to destroy your temporal lobes.
15. Constructions that combine a participle with a form of the verb e¼m¾ are called
A. “periphrastic participles.”
B. “paranormal participles.”
C. “periodontal participles.”
D. “parasitic participles.”
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Pointless Quiz — Lessons 21-32
Objectionable Questions: Carefully choose the best answer . . . or take a wild guess.
1. Give an example of a Greek verb that would undergo contraction.
A. A verb left outside on a cold night in February.
B. A verb that had double-crossed a mafia crime family.
C. A verb giving birth to a morpheme.
D. When it comes to contraction, I don’t, won’t, and can’t even think about it.
E. A verb whose stem ends in alpha, epsilon, or omicron.
2. Contract verbs are usually regular . . .
A. when they use daily fiber therapy.
B. when they are not small, large, or extra large.
C. when they come under government regulations.
D. . . . Get real! Only lÖw is regular.
E. in the second through sixth principal parts.
3. A reflexive pronoun is used
A. when a doctor hits your knee with a little rubber hammer.
B. by people who, unlike me, care about such things.
C. only when other pronouns are out of stock or no longer in print.
D. when a subject acts upon itself as in “If you think Greek is easy, you are kidding yourself.”
4. The Greek adjective “p‚v” means
A. “all for one and one for all.”
B. “all things to all people.”
C. “all’s well that ends well.”
D. “all, every, whole.”
E. all of the above.
5. The future of liquid verbs is
A. known only to God since no human being can see the future.
B. the object of intense speculation on Wall Street.
C. clear and smooth, especially for nasal liquids.
D. formed like a contract verb by the attachment of an epsilon to the stem.
6. If you wanted to say “one another” or “each other,” you would
A. go ahead and do so. Who’s stopping you?
B. use just about any other language than Greek.
C. say “{ll©lwn, {ll©loiv, {ll©louv.”
D. say “la, la, la, la, la, la,” which is equally intelligible as “C” to most people.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
7. If you wanted to express doubt, volition, intention, and desire, you would
A. make an appointment with a psychotherapist.
B. lie still until the urge went away.
C. get back on your medication immediately.
D. use large, esoteric, and impressive words.
E. use the subjunctive mood.
8. Give an example of emphatic negation in Greek.
A. “Oedipus emphatically negated his father.”
B. Mama said, “No, you may NOT have a third helping of baklava!”
C. “You will NEVER be a Rhodes scholar, but you may qualify as Cretan of the Month.”
D. Any subjunctive verb preceded by the double negative oÔ m©.
9. The hortatory subjunctive is used by
A. horticulturalists.
B. the Dr. Seuss character in “Horton Hears a Who,” esp. in the sequel, “Horton Exhorts a Who.”
C. people who have lost touch with reality and the indicative mood.
D. people with a strong desire to go about issuing exhortations in the first person plural
(in other words, pretty much the same group as “C.”)
10. The present infinitive of e¼m¾ is
A. rather low on my list of academic priorities.
B. lying in a heap of words that fell off the edge of my learning curve.
C. probably useful in situations that I will never encounter.
D. “to be” or “not to be.” I can’t remember which.
E. eÅnai.
11. The case of the subject of an infinitive
A. was the title of an episode of Perry Mason that was (thankfully) never aired.
B. will be decided later this year by the Supreme Court of Greek Grammar.
C. may be overturned if enough students file appeals.
D. is a basket case, as far as I’m concerned.
E. is accusative.
12. Give an example of a condition contrary to fact.
A. If I were a rich man, yabba-deeba-dabba, yabba-dabba-deeba-dabba-doo.
B. If I had studied Greek any harder, my brain would have exploded.
C. If the teacher had paid me to learn Greek, I would have been more motivated.
D. If you had any sense, you would go on to the next question.
E. All of the above.
13. How is a prohibition expressed in Greek?
A. in the spirit of the great Greek prohibitionist, Carrie Nationopoulos.
B. using a negative particle, which is sorta like an electron only bigger.
C. loudly, firmly, and preferably with a scowl.
D. by m© and the present imperative or m© and the aorist subjunctive.
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
14. Explain the phenomenon: “attraction of the relative.”
A. Beats me! I always thought relative pronouns were rather homely.
B. This occurs when too much static electricity builds up in a relative pronoun.
C. This refers to your Auntie Cedent, who was quite a “looker” in her day.
D. Most therapists think “attraction of the relative” is abnormal and unhealthy.
E. This occurs when an accusative relative pronoun is attracted to a genitive or dative antecedent.
15. The principal parts of d¾dwmi are
A. Greek words, and therefore outside the scope of my knowledge.
B. “whoopdi-doo, do-si-do, dead-am-I, and diapa-wipe.”
C. “doo-bop, ditty-bop, and rama-lama-ding-dong.”
D. “ditto, dorko, groucho, and harpo.”
E. “d¾dwmi, dãsw, £dwka, dŸdwka, dŸdomai, and ›dËjhn.”
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Hans and Franz Skit
Hans: You do not need to adjust your glasses. You are seeing us in actual size. This incredible
muscular development comes from years of rigorous exegetical exercises.
Franz: That is true, little brother. But not everyone is committed to a strict regimen of
exegetical workouts. So we have come here to correct that deficiency.
Hans: Ja, that is right . . . because . . . I am Hans.
Franz: And I am Franz.
In Unison: And we are here to pump (clap) you up . . . exegetically!
Hans: Franz, it is hard to believe, but there are still some students who are not doing original
language exegesis! All they can do is read their sissy boy English translations and flabby
devotional commentaries and then they think that they understand the Bible.
Franz: Ja, and who do they think they are kidding? Their interpretation lacks proper tone
and fitness. Their exegesis is underdeveloped. And their theology has no curvature. They
are doing girlie-man exegesis.
Hans: That is right, big brother. If you asked them to clarify the nuances of the Greek verb
tenses or to explain the significance of a textual variant, they would look at you like you were
from another planet or something!
Franz: Ja, they don’t know a lexicon from a hexagon. They think that “Bauer” refers to
someone who flexes from the waist (make bowing motion).
Hans: Well, if they want to see some flexing motion, let them see this! (Hans and Franz flex.)
Franz: Ja, and these same students think that “Danker” refers to something that is “colder
and damper” than something else.
Hans: Right you are, big brother. These flabby exegetes think that they can provide people
with spiritual nourishment by recycling wimpy interpretations taken off the Internet! Well,
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
listen up, students! Hear me now and believe me later . . . you need to add some serious
pumpitude to your Bible study!
Franz: That is right, Hans, they need an exegetical method with the kind of rigor and
discipline that we practice every day!
Hans: Precisely! Instead of their sissy boy sermonizing, they should strive for the strength and
firmness of the Hans and Franz method.
Franz: You know, Hans, some people think that the exegetical method that we teach is too
rigid, that it needs to be more flexible!
Hans: Ja, but the claim that we don’t know about flexibility is absurd. Right, Franz? If they
want to see some flexibility, let them take a look at this! (Hans and Franz flex.)
Franz: Hans, perhaps you could share with the people here today one of your favorite
exegetical workouts.
Hans: That is a good idea, big brother. One of my favorite workouts is to take all ten volumes
of Kittel’s Theological Dictionary of the New Testament and strap them together with duct
tape. Then I bench press them 50 times every night before going to bed.
Franz: That is a great tip, Hans.
Hans: Ja, but don’t try to do that with the CD-ROM version of Kittel. You do not get the
same effect! How about you, Franz? What secret tip can you share with us for maintaining
the serious pumpitude that you have?
Franz: Well, before I do any heavy exegetical lifting, I always get properly oiled down. It
improves muscle tone, prevents injury, and makes it easier to slip in and out of the study
Hans: A wonderful tip for the students, Franz!
Franz: Ja, the oil also makes my chest hair shiny! And my fans like that! By the way,
Hans, I have been meaning to talk to you about your hair. You may want to start using
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.
Head & Shoulders again. I think your dandruff problem is coming back. I can see a few
flecks on your shoulders.
Hans: Thanks for the tip, Franz, but if the folks here really want to see some shoulder flex,
they should see this! (Hans and Franz flex.) Well, that is all for today! Remember, I am Hans!
Franz: And I am Franz.
In Unison: And we are here to pump (clap) you up . . . exegetically!
© 2007 N. Clayton Croy. All Rights Reserved.