Carcinogenesis vol.25 no.2 pp.277±281, 2004
DOI: 10.1093/carcin/bgh005
Mucin-depleted foci (MDF) in the colon of rats treated with azoxymethane (AOM)
are useful biomarkers for colon carcinogenesis
Angelo Pietro Femia, Piero Dolara and Giovanna
Department of Pharmacology, University of Florence, 6 Viale Pieraccini,
I-50139 Florence, Italy
Crypt foci with absent or scant mucous production (mucindepleted foci, MDF) were recently described by our group
in the colon of azoxymethane (AOM)-treated rats. Since
MDF are dysplastic and easy to quantify, we think that
MDF are pre-neoplastic lesions that could be used as biomarkers for carcinogenesis. To test this hypothesis, we
studied MDF in azoxymethane (AOM)-initiated rats treated with cholic acid (CHA), a promoter of colon carcinogenesis or with piroxicam (PXC), a colon cancer-inhibiting
drug. Aberrant crypt foci (ACF) were determined as well.
F344 male rats were treated with AOM (15 mg/kg 2, s.c.)
and then divided into: controls, which were fed AIN76 diet;
CHA group, which was fed AIN76 diet containing CHA
0.5% w/w; PXC group, which was fed AIN76 diet containing PXC 0.02% w/w. Ten weeks after the first dose of
AOM, the total number of MDF was significantly increased
in rats treated with CHA (P 5 0.05) and drastically
reduced (P 5 0.01) in rats treated with PXC (MDF/colon
were 6.10 1.26, 10.59 1.96 and 1.31 0.21 in controls,
CHA and PXC groups, respectively, means SE). The
multiplicity of MDF was also increased in CHA-treated
rats. On the contrary, ACF multiplicity was significantly
decreased by CHA. In PXC-treated rats there were fewer
ACF with lower multiplicity. The effect of PXC was also
investigated 15 weeks after the first AOM dose and the
results showed that the total number of MDF in the PXC
group was significantly lower than in controls. The number
of `large' MDF, formed by 12 or more crypts, was also
reduced (P 5 0.01) by PXC (`large' MDF were 1.7 0.5 and
0.4 0.2 in control and PXC groups, respectively). Since
CHA promotes and PXC reduces colon cancer, MDF are
correlated with carcinogenesis and can be proposed as
endpoints to study the modulation of colon carcinogenesis
in short-term experiments.
Pre-neoplastic lesions with various degrees of dysplasia
represent an obligatory step in colon carcinogenesis and much
effort has been dedicated to their identification and characterization in humans and experimental animals (1±6). In fact,
since colon carcinogenesis is a long process, taking months
Abbreviations: ACF, aberrant crypt foci; AOM, azoxymethane; BCAC,
b-catenin accumulated crypts; CHA, cholic acid; MB, methylene blue; MDF,
mucin-depleted foci; PXC, piroxicam.
Carcinogenesis vol.25 no.2 # Oxford University Press; all rights reserved
Materials and methods
AOM, CHA and PXC were purchased from Sigma (Milan, Italy). Dietary
components for the preparation of the AIN76 diet were purchased from
Piccioni (Gessate, Milan, Italy).
Animals and treatments
We used 4- to 5-week-old, male F344 rats (Nossan, Correzzana, Milan, Italy).
The animals were housed according to the European Union Regulations on the
Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, as reported previously (21). After their
arrival from the supplier, animals (n 45) were quarantined for 1 week, during
which they were fed the AIN 76 diet. Rats were then treated s.c. with two
injections (1 week apart) of AOM (15 mg/kg, total dose 30 mg/kg). One week
after the last injection of AOM, the rats were randomly allocated to the
different dietary treatments: controls (20 rats/group) were fed AIN76 diet;
the CHA group (eight rats) was fed AIN76 diet containing 0.5% CHA (w/w);
the PXC (17 rats) group was fed AIN76 diet containing 0.02% PXC w/w. Diets
containing CHA or PXC were prepared every week, kept refrigerated and fed
ad libitum to rats. Control rats were fed ad libitum as well.
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To whom correspondence should be addressed
to develop in rodents, pre-neoplastic lesions such as aberrant
crypt foci (ACF), which occur ~30 days after carcinogen
administration, or even earlier, have been extensively used as
an endpoint in short-term carcinogenesis and chemoprevention
studies (7±9). However, some studies report a lack of correlation between ACF induction and tumour development (10±12),
thus challenging the use of ACF as biomarkers for colon
While other pre-neoplastic lesions such as `b-catenin
accumulated crypts' (BCAC) have been described recently in
carcinogen-treated rodents and proposed as additional biomarkers for colon carcinogenesis (5,13,14), their identification,
based on immunohistochemical methods, is problematic in
unsectioned colons.
Recently, we identified new lesions in the colon of rats
treated with azoxymethane (AOM), formed by crypts characterized by the absence or scant production of mucus (mucindepleted foci, MDF) (12). MDF are easy to quantify in the
entire unsectioned colon and show clear characteristics of
dysplasia in histological sections (12). In a study in which
prebiotics and probiotics prevented colon cancer development (12,15), we demonstrated that MDF are correlated
with carcinogenesis and we suggested that MDF are preneoplastic lesions that can be used as a biomarker in colon
carcinogenesis (12).
If this hypothesis is correct, MDF should increase with
treatments that promote colon cancer and, on the contrary,
should be reduced by chemopreventive agents. Accordingly,
we thought it of interest to evaluate MDF in AOM-induced rats
treated with cholic acid (CHA), a known promoter of colon
cancer (16±18) or in rats treated with piroxicam (PCX), a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which inhibits colon carcinogenesis (7,19,20). MDF were determined at different times
after carcinogen administration. We also determined ACF in
these animals to compare the results obtained by enumerating
these two purported pre-neoplastic lesions.
A.Pietro Femia, P.Dolara and G.Caderni
Ten weeks after the first AOM injection, rats were killed by CO2
asphyxiation and ACF and MDF were determined as described below. An
additional group of controls and PXC-treated rats were killed 15 weeks after
the first injection of AOM to determine ACF and MDF also at this time point.
Statistical analysis
Data obtained from individual rats in the different groups were analyzed with
one-way ANOVA by calculating the contrasts between means using the
Duncan's method for multiple comparisons. Correlation between MDF scores
of the two observers was determined with a simple regression model calculating the correlation coefficient and probability values. Calculations were performed using the Statgraphics Statistical Package (Statistical Graphic
Corporation, Rockville, MD, USA). Differences were considered statistically
significant when P was 50.05.
Body weights
CHA-treated rats had a significantly lower body weight, compared with controls (Figure 2). This effect was evident as early
as 1 week after CHA treatment and persisted for the duration of
the experiment with CHA. PXC did not affect body weight
(Figure 2).
ACF and MDF determination 10 weeks after AOM
Ten weeks after the first AOM injection, rats were killed and
ACF determined in MB-stained colon. The number of ACF/
colon (Table I) was similar in controls and CHA-treated rats,
whereas in PXC-treated rats we observed a significant (P 5
0.01) reduction of ACF. The multiplicity of ACF was lower in
CHA and PXC groups when compared with controls (Table I).
We also calculated the number of `large' ACF, a parameter
often used to predict carcinogenic outcome using the two
criteria described in the Materials and methods section
(7,22,23). The results of this determination (Table II) showed
that the number of ACF with a multiplicity 4 crypts was
significantly lower in CHA and PXC groups relative to controls; similarly, the number of ACF formed by 10 crypts was
lower in CHA and PXC groups, although this difference did
not attain statistical significance (Table II).
MB-stained colons were then re-stained with HID-AB to
determine MDF. Contrary to what we observed with ACF,
the number of MDF/colon in rats treated with the cancer
Fig. 1. Topographical identification of MDF in colon stained with HID-AB;
MDF were harvested from rats killed 10 weeks after the first injection of
AOM. (A) MDF formed by 15 crypts harvested from a rat in the control
group. (B) MDF formed by 36 crypts from a rat fed CHA 0.5% w/w in the
diet. Original magnification 100.
Fig. 2. Mean body weight (g) of rats treated with AOM and fed a control
diet, CHA 0.5% w/w in the diet or PXC 0.02%. Animals were killed for MDF
and ACF determination 10 and 15 weeks after the first AOM injection.
Starting 4 weeks after the first AOM, body weight in the CHA group was
significantly lower (P 5 0.01, by ANOVA analysis) than in controls; this
difference persisted for the entire experiment until death.
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Determination of ACF and MDF
At death, the colon was removed and pinned flat on a polystyrene board to
reduce any folding of the colon mucosa, which interferes with a good visualization of the crypts after the high-iron diamine Alcian blue staining (see
below). The polystyrene board was dipped in formalin to fix the colon. ACF
were then determined according to Bird (2) by staining colons with methylene
blue (MB). We also calculated the number of `large' ACF, a parameter often
used to predict carcinogenesis outcome (7,22,23). `Large ACF' were defined
with two different criteria (22,23): as ACF with a multiplicity (i.e. the number
of crypts forming each focus) equal to or higher than 4 crypts/ACF (23) or as
ACF being of such a multiplicity that there was the same total number of large
ACF in the control group as the number of animals in the group (22). Using this
last definition, in ACF determined 10 weeks after the first injection of AOM,
`large' lesions have a multiplicity 10 crypts, while in those harvested 15
weeks after the first dose of AOM, `large' lesions are 12 crypts. After ACF
determination, MB-stained colons were kept in formalin and then processed
with the high-iron diamine Alcian blue staining (HID-AB) to visualize MDF as
described (12,24). The HID-AB-stained colons were scored at the microscope
(Optiphot-2, Nikon, NIKON, Japan) (40 magnification) and MDF were
identified as focal lesions characterized by the absence or very limited production of mucins (Figure 1). Besides this defect in mucin production, MDF can be
recognized since they are focal lesions and are formed by crypts with a lumen,
which is often distorted when compared with normal surrounding crypts.
Elevation of the lesion above the surface of the colon, and a multiplicity
(i.e. the number of crypts forming each focus) of 43 crypts, are also frequent
features of MDF (Figure 1). We also determined the number of `large' MDF
defined with the same criteria specified above for ACF. The colons were coded
and scored independently by two observers. The correlation coefficient
between scores of two observers on a set of 26 colon samples was 0.95
(P 5 0.001) for the number of MDF/colon and 0.92 (P 5 0.001) for the multiplicity of MDF (number of crypts forming each focus).
The size of MDF was determined with a grid placed on the ocular of the
microscope, calculating the area occupied by an MDF observed at 100
MDF as biomarkers of colon carcinogenesis
Table I. Number of total ACF and MDF/colon and their multiplicity (number of crypts/focus) at different times after the first injection of AOM in control
rats or in rats treated with CHA (0.5% w/w in the diet) or PXC (0.02% w/w in the diet)
10 weeks after the first injection of AOM
15 weeks after the first injection of AOM
Total ACF/colon Crypts /ACF
Total MDF/colon Crypts/MDF
Total ACF/colon Crypts /ACF
Total MDF/colon Crypts/MDF
210 17 (10)
182 16 (8)
62 10a (8)
2.96 0.03 (10) 6.1 1.3 (10)
2.56 0.08a (8) 10.6 2.0a (8)
2.50 0.04a (8) 1.3 0.2a (8)
6.62 0.47 (10) 201 11 (10)
11.15 2.00a (8)
6.30 0.81 (8)
48 6a (9)
3.23 0.06 (10) 7.8 1.1 (10)
11.0 2.6 (10)
2.87 0.06a (9) 2.1 0.3a (9)
8.4 1.2 (9)
Values are means SE, numbers in parentheses are the number of rats /group.
Significantly different from control values (P 5 0.01, by ANOVA analysis).
10 weeks after the first injection of AOM
15 weeks after the first injection of AOM
`large' ACFa
`large' ACFa
`large' MDFa
`large' MDFa
61.5 15.3 (10)
37.4 6.1d (8)
12.8 3.3d (8)
1.2 0.7(10)
0.9 0.3(8)
0.4 0.3(8)
5.1 1.1 (10)
9.5 1.5d (8)
1.2 0.2d (8)
1.2 0.5 (10)
2.9 0.6d (8)
0.2 0.2 (8)
76.6 4.4 (10)
1.0 0.3 (10)
7.3 1.0 (10)
1.7 0.5 (10)
13.6 1.8d (9)
0.0 0.0d (9)
1.3 0.2d (9)
0.4 0.2d (9)
Values are means SE, numbers in parentheses are the number of rats/group.
`Large' ACF or MDF were defined as: b lesions with a multiplicity 4 or c as lesions being of such a multiplicity that at least one `large' lesion/rat is present in
controls. Using this last definition, in ACF and MDF determined 10 weeks after the first AOM injection, `large' lesions have a multiplicity 10 crypts, while in
those harvested 15 weeks after the last injection of AOM, `large' lesions are 12 crypts. d Significantly different from control values (P 5 0.01, by ANOVA
promoter CHA was significantly higher than in controls
(Table I). The number of MDF/colon in rats treated with
PXC was significantly lower than in controls and in this
group the average number of MDF was as low as 1.3/rat
while in control rats there were ~6 MDF/colon (see Table I).
The multiplicity of MDF was significantly higher in the
CHA-treated group than in controls, while there was no difference in the PXC group (Table I). We also measured the
average size of MDF; the results indicated that MDF were
significantly larger (P 5 0.01) in the CHA group than in controls; the PXC group was similar to controls [MDF size was
3.71 0.01, 7.51 0.02, 4.29 0.01 ( 10 ÿ2 ) mm2 in
controls, CHA, PXC groups, respectively; means SE].
We also determined the number of `large' MDF and saw that
the number of `large' MDF was significantly higher in rats
treated with CHA than in controls (Table II). In rats treated
with PXC, the number of MDF 44 crypts was significantly
lower than in controls. Similar results were obtained when
defining `large' MDF as lesions formed by 410 crypts, but
in this case the results did not attain statistical significance
(Table II).
ACF and MDF determination 15 weeks after AOM
An additional group of controls and PXC-treated rats were
killed 15 weeks after the first AOM treatment. As observed
at the previous time point, the number, the multiplicity of ACF
and the number of `large ACF' were significantly lower in the
PXC group than in controls (Tables I and II).
The number of MDF in the PXC group was also considerably lower than controls (Table I); while MDF multiplicity was
slightly reduced but this effect did not attain statistical significance (Table I). The number of `large' MDF was also significantly lower in the PXC group than in controls (Table II).
MDF, newly identified lesions in AOM-treated rats (12), are
candidate biomarkers for colon carcinogenesis. They are formed
in response to AOM, are histologically dysplastic and easy to
quantify in the entire colon of a rat (12). Consequently, we
thought it of importance to study whether MDF vary in
response to known promoters of colon carcinogenesis or to
chemopreventive agents.
The present data demonstrate that the number of MDF, their
multiplicity and the number of `large' MDF are significantly
increased by CHA, a known promoter of colon carcinogenesis
in different experimental models (16±18). The number of
`large' MDF, defined using the same criteria as `large' ACF
(22,23), is also increased in CHA-treated rats, further supporting the idea that MDF can predict cancer. Recently, Hiroshe
et al. (13) demonstrated that CHA also increases the multiplicity, but not the number, of BCAC, purported pre-neoplastic
lesions in rat colon (5). We do not know at the present if BCAC
and MDF are related lesions; in fact, while MDF can be
counted in the entire unsectioned colon, BCAC are identified
in histological sections with immunohistochemical techniques.
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Table II. Number of `large' ACF and MDF at different times after the first injection of AOM in control rats or in rats treated with CHA (0.5% w/w in the diet)
or PXC (0.02% w/w in the diet)
A.Pietro Femia, P.Dolara and G.Caderni
~200 ACF/colon, whereas the number of MDF is much lower
(510/colon) and in the same order of magnitude of tumours
(12); this fact, which should be further confirmed by other
studies, could explain why MDF results may predict carcinogenesis better than ACF.
In conclusion, we found that MDF are more numerous and
larger in CHA-treated rats, whereas MDF formation is
depressed in those treated with PXC. Since CHA is known to
promote colon cancer and PXC to inhibit it, our results demonstrate that MDF are correlated with carcinogenesis and can be
proposed as biomarkers in short-term colon carcinogenesis
We thank M.Salvadori, S.Mori, M.Beni and P.Ceccatelli for assistance during
the animal experiments and Mary Forrest for revision of the English usage.
This work was supported by EU Projects: QLKI-1999-00346 and QLRT 199900505, by MURST (Ministero Ricerca Scientifica Tecnologica), Italy and by
World Cancer Research Fund, UK.
1. Chang,W.W.L. (1984) Histogenesis of colon cancer in experimental
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2. Bird,R.P. (1987) Observation and quantification of aberrant crypts in the
murine colon treated with a colon carcinogen: preliminary findings.
Cancer. Lett., 37, 147±151.
3. Pretlow,T.P., Barrow,B.J., Ashton,W.S., O'Riordan,M.A., Pretlow,T.G.,
Jurcisek.,J.A. and Stellato,T.A. (1991) Aberrant crypts: putative preneoplastic foci. In human colonic mucosa. Cancer Res., 51, 1564±1567.
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Identification and quantification of aberrant crypt foci and microadenomas
in the human colon. Hum. Pathol., 22, 287±294.
5. Yamada,Y., Yoshimi,N., Hiroshe,Y., Kawabata,K., Matsunaga,K.,
Shimizu,M., Hara,A. and Mori,H. (2000) Frequent b-catenin gene
mutations and accumulation of the protein in the putative preneoplastic
lesions lacking macroscopic aberrant crypt foci appearance, in rat colon
carcinogenesis. Cancer Res., 60, 3323±3327.
6. Paulsen,J.E., Steffensen,I.L., Loberg,E.M., Husoy,T., Namork,E. and
Alexander,J. (2001) Qualitative and quantitative relationship between
dysplastic aberrant crypt foci and tumorigenesis in the Min/ mouse
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7. Corpet,D.E. and Tache,S. (2002) Most effective colon cancer chemopreventive agents in rats: a review of aberrant crypt foci and tumour data,
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8. Pereira,M.A., Barnes,L.H., Rassman,V.L., Kelloff,G.V. and Steele,V.E.
(1994) Use of azoxymethane-induced foci of aberrant crypts in rat colon to
identify potential cancer chemopreventive agents. Carcinogenesis, 15,
9. Wargovich,M.J., Jimenez,A., McKee,K., Steele,V.E., Velasco,M.,
Woods,J., Price,R., Gray,K. and Kelloff,G.J. (2000) Efficacy of potential
chemopreventive agents on rat colon aberrant crypt formation and
progression. Carcinogenesis, 21, 1149±1155.
10. Magnusson,B.A., Carr,I. and Bird,R.P. (1993) Ability of aberrant crypt
foci characteristics to predict colonic tumor incidence in rats fed cholic
acid. Cancer Res., 53, 4499±4504.
11. Zheng.,Y., Kramer,P.M., Lubet,R.A., Steele,V.E., Keloff,G.J. and
Pereira,M.A. (1999) Effect of retinoids on AOM-induced colon cancer
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12. Caderni,G., Femia,A.P., Giannini,A., Favuzza,A., Luceri,C., Salvadori,M.
and Dolara,P. (2003) Identification of mucin-depleted foci in the
unsectioned colon of azoxymethane-treated rats: correlation with carcinogenesis. Cancer Res., 63, 2388±2392.
13. Hiroshe,Y., Kuno,T., Yamada,Y., Sakata,K., Katayama,M., Yoshida,K.,
Qiao,Z., Hata,K., Yoshi,I.N. and Mori,H. (2003) Azoxymethane-induced
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15. Femia,A.P., Luceri,C., Dolara,P., Giannini,A., Biggeri,A., Salvadori,M.,
Clune,Y., Collins,K.J., Paglierani,M. and Caderni,G. (2002)
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However, it is interesting to note that BCAC, like MDF, have a
low production of mucins (5).
CHA administered at 0.5% in the diet significantly decreases
body weight, as documented by others in carcinogen-treated
rats (13,18); lower concentrations of CHA (0.2% in the diet)
have also been reported to decrease body weight in rats not
treated with AOM (10). Since caloric restriction depresses
chemical carcinogenesis (7), the lower body weight observed
in CHA-treated rats might have hampered the enhancing effect
of CHA on ACF and MDF. Actually, MDF were higher in the
group with lower body weight and lower in a group with body
weight similar to controls (PXC group), therefore, the variation in body weight did not affect the results obtained, at least
in the case of MDF.
In the present study we also tested the effect of PXC, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug on MDF. PXC is repeatedly
reported to decrease AOM-induced colon cancer (19,20) and
ACF (7±9,25). In this study we show that PXC drastically
reduced the number of MDF and of `large' MDF, which, in
analogy with `large' ACF used to predict carcinogenesis
(7,22,23), may be considered as lesions more prone to progress
to cancer. Despite the significant reduction in the number of
`large' MDF, the multiplicity of MDF was not changed.
In this study we also compared ACF with MDF. Up to now,
ACF are considered the `gold standard' of colon carcinogenesis biomarkers (7) and ACF determination is widely used
to identify potential chemopreventive agents (7,9). Our study
demonstrates that in PXC-treated rats, ACF determination is
correlated with MDF, showing that in this case both lesions
predict carcinogenesis. On the contrary, CHA, administered
during the promotion phase of carcinogenesis, decreased ACF
multiplicity and the number of `large' ACF.
Lack of agreement between ACF and carcinogenesis in
CHA-treated rats has been reported before (10,13) and different results have been obtained with different experimental
protocols and by varying the timing of CHA administration
(26). In fact CHA decreased the number of ACF (10,26,27)
and increased their multiplicity in carcinogen-initiated rats
(10). It has also been suggested that the tumour-enhancing
effect of CHA is exerted only during initiation, through the
induction of lesions with an enhancing growth phenotype in
the very early stages of ACF formation (26). Whatever the
effect of CHA on ACF might be, since the protocol we used is
associated with tumour induction (AOM 2, followed by
0.5% CHA) (18), it is clear that ACF are not correlated with
carcinogenesis, at least in these experimental conditions.
This lack of correlation has been reported with other substances (11,12) and may be due to the heterogeneity of the
multitude of ACF induced by AOM. Accordingly, it has been
suggested that only a subgroup of ACF, those with dysplastic
characteristics, progress to cancer, while the rest of nondysplastic ACF are not directly related to tumour formation
(14,28,29). Therefore, only if a substance has similar effects on
both types of ACF, will the results be correlated with carcinogenesis. Theoretically, if the substance has different effects
on dysplastic and non-dysplastic ACF, the results of the test,
reflecting the entire population of ACF, will not predict carcinogenesis. Accordingly, the ability of MDF to predict carcinogenesis that we observed here and in a previous
chemoprevention study (12) might be related to the fact that
MDF are less heterogeneous than ACF, a hypothesis that
should be tested by further characterization of these lesions.
It is also important to note that 30 mg/ kg of AOM induce
MDF as biomarkers of colon carcinogenesis
24. Caderni,G., Giannini,A., Lancioni,L., Luceri,C., Biggeri,A. and Dolara,P.
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Received July 31, 2003; revised September 23, 2003;
accepted October 19, 2003
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