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Husserl Studie~ 6: 193-198, 1989. © 1989 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Chronicle I. Collected Volumes I. 1 Zeit in Natur und Geschichte: Elisabeth Stri~ker zum 60. Geburtstag, Ulrich Charpa and Paul Janssen (eds.), Philosophia Naturalis, 25 (Heft 1-2), 1988. See the items by Carr, Janssen, Lohmar and Mohanty in II. below. 1.2 The Horizons of Continental Philosophy: Essays on Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty, ed. by Hugh J. Silverman, Algis Mickunas, Theodore Kisiel and Alphonso Lingis, Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster: Nijhoff (Nijhoff Philosophy Library vol. 30), 1988, 304 pp. See the items by Haney, Huertas-Jourda, Langsdorf and Reeder, and Mensch in II. below. 1.3 Heidegger e Husserl, special issue of the journal aut aut edited by Renato Cristin, no. 223--224, January-April 1988. See the items by Bernet, Boehm, Cristin, Heidegger, Held, IJsseling, van Kerckhoven, Marini, P0ggeler and Volpi in II. below. 1.4 A Companion to Martin Heidegger's 'Being and Time' (Current Continental Research, 550), J. J. Kockelmans (ed.), Lanham and London: University Press of America and Pittsburgh: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, 1986. See the items by Caputo and Taminiaux in II. below. H. Books, articles and reviews Bemet, Rudolf "Trascendenza ed intenzionalit~: Heidegger e Husserl sui prolegomeni a un'ontologia fenomenologica", in 1.3, 145-164. Boehm, Rudolf "Hussed e Heidegger: Critica dei fondamenti", in 1.3, 69-87. 194 Caputo, John D. "Husserl, Heidegger and the Question of a 'Hermeneutic' Phenomenology", in 1.4, 104--26. Carr, David "Time and the Phenomenology of History", in 1.1,152-63. Casement, William "Husserl and the Philosophy of History", History and Theory 27 (1988), 22%240. Cataldo, Peter J. "Husserl on Galileo's Intentionality", The Thomist 51 (1987), 680-689. Cristin, Renato "La monade, l'eco, l'arcobaleno: Heidegger, Husserl e il concetto leibniziano di sostanza", in 1.3, 231-254. Dummett, Michael Ursprfinge der analytischen Philosophie, Eng. trans. by Joachim Schulte, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1988, 180 pp. Eng. original in Lingue e stile (Bologna), 23 (1988), 3--49 and 171-210. Fano, Vicenzo "A Phenomenological Analysis of the EPR Argument", G. Tarozzi and A. van der Merwe (eds.), The Nature of Quantum Paradoxes, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988, 155-167. (Uses the semantics of Husserl's Logical lnvesitgations to throw new light on the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen argument.) Fellmann, Ferdinand "Husserliana: Die Zweischneidigkeit des editorischen Veffahrens bei Husserls Nachlass", Information Philosophie 5 (1988), 50--52. Geiger, Moritz Lo spettatore dilettante (Aestetica Preprint, 21), translated with an introduction by Gabriele Scaramuzza, Palermo: Centro Internazionale Studi di Estetica, 1988, 74 pp. Includes an extensive bibliography of writings on and by Geiger. Granel, G6rard (ed.), Frege-Husserl Correspondance, Mauvezin: TransEurop-Repress, 1987, postface de J.-T. Desanti, 88 pp. Hakoishi, Masayuki "An aspect of phenomenological research in France in the year 1930: The periodical 'Recherches Philosophiques'" (in Japanese), Annual Report of the Faculty of Education, lwate University, 48 (1988), 1-15. 195 Haney, Kathleen M. "The Necessity of Intersubjectivity", in 1.2, 32--61. Hart, James G. "Transcendental Phenomenology and Zen Buddhism. A Start of a Conversation", Zen Buddhism Today (Annual Report of the Kyoto Zen Symposium, 5), 1987, 145-160. Hartmann, Klaus Studies in Foundational Philosophy, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1988, 446 pp. Harvey, Charles W. "A Review of Theodor Adomo's Against Epistemology: Studies in Husserl and the Phenomenological Antinomies,", Synthese 77 (1988), 415--425. Heidegger, Martin "Brief an Elisabeth Husserl", in 1.3, 6-11. Held, Klaus "Heidegger e il principio della fenomenologia", in 1.3, 88-110. Huertas-Jourda, Jos6 "Questions of Method: On Describing the Individual as Exemplary", in 1.2, 3-31. IJsseling, Samuel "Heidegger nella fenomenologia", in 1.3, 129-144. Iribame, Julia V. "La fenomenologia de Husserl como monadologia", Escritos de Filosofia 8 (1985), 71-82. Iribame, Julia V. La intersubjetividad en Husserl: Bosquejo de una teoria, Buenos Aires: Ediciones Carlos Lohl6, vol. 1, 1987, 152 pp.; vol. 2, 1988, 392 pp. Janssen, Paul "Von der unvermeidlichen Pluralit~it der Rede von Zeit und der Irrelevanz der einen Zeit", in 1.1,131-51. Kerckhoven, Guy van "Note alia lettera di Heidegger a Elisabeth Husserl", in 1.3, 12-14. Kortooms, A. and Struyker Boudier, C. "Een bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de Hussed-receptie in Belgi~ en Nederland, eerste deel", Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 81 (1989), 1-20. 196 Langsdorf, Lenore and Reeder, Harry "A Phenomenological Exploration of Popper's 'World 3'", in 1.2, 93-129. Lembeck, Karl-Heinz "Wahrheits/ahnlichkeit als Regulativ der Intentionalit~it?", Zeitschrift far allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 19 (1988), 252-265. (Seeks to interpret Popper's work on verisimilitude in terms of Husserl's genetic phenomenology.) Lohmar, Dieter "Zur Allzeitlichkeit mathematischer Gegenst~de: Bemerkungen aus der Sicht der Husserlschen Phanomenologie", in 1.1, 186--93. Mafini, Alfredo "Sei paragrafi su Hussefl e Heidegger, Parmenide ed Eraclito, il tragico e la dialettica", in 1.3, 169-202. Mensch, James R. "Existence and Essence in Thomas and Husserl", in 1.2, 62-92. Mohanty, J. N. "Time: Linear or Cyclic, and Hussefl's Phenomenology of Inner Time Consciousness", in 1.1,123-30. Ott, Hugo Martin Heidegger: Unterwegs zu einer Biographie, Frankfurt/New York: Campus Veflag, 1988, 355 pp. (pp. 167-79: "Edmund Husserl und Martin Heidegger: Das menschliche und politische Profil"). Pato6ka, Jan Qu'est-ce que la pMnomenologie, Grenoble: Millon, 1988, 328 pp., with Pr6face by M. Richir. POggeler, Otto "Heidegger e Husserl a confronto", in 1.3, 54-68, Reinach, Adolf lntroducci6n a la Fenomenologfa, translation of Reinach's Marburg lecture of 1914 with introduction and notes by Rogelio Rovira, Madrid: Ediciones Encuentro, 1986, 69 pp. Richir, Marc Ph~nomdnes, temps et dtres: Ontologie et ph~nom~nologie, Paris: JerOmeMiUon, 1987, 352 pp. 197 Ricoeur, Paul A l'dcole de la phdnomdnologie, Paris: Vrin, 1986, 296 pp. Reprints of papers on Husserl and phenomenologyfrom 1949 to 1980. Rouilhan, Philippe de Frege: Les Paradoxes de la Reprdsentation, Paris: l~ditions de Minuit, 1988, 210 pp. See esp. ch. 2 which includes an extended discussion of Husserl's theory of meaning. Schwemmer, Oswald "Edmund Husserls ph/inomenologische Psychologie", Fundamenta Psychiatrica 4 (1988), 251-258. Smith, Barry "Kasimir Twardowski: An Essay on the Borderlines of Psychology, Ontology and Logic", in K. Szaniawski (ed.), The Vienna Circle and the Philosophy of the Lvov-Warsaw School, Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster: Kluwer (1989), 313-373. Taminiaux, Jacques "Heidegger and Husserl's Logical Investigations: In Remembrance of Heidegger's Last Seminar (Z~ihringen, 1973)", in 1.4, 40-62. Volpi, Franco "L'approcio fenomenologico alia storia della filosofia nel primo Heidegger", in 1.3,203-230. 1II. Varia From 8 to 11 September 1987 there was organized at Niigata University the First International Phenomenological Conference in Japan, including a special symposium on the a priori of the lifeworld. Participants included B. Waldenfels, J. Watanabe, A. Bello, S. M~iller, H. Kojima, Y. Yamazaki, R. Grathoff, D. Laskey, A. Mickunas, M. Nakada, W. Schirmacher, R. Hosokawa, E. Shimomiss6, A.-T. Tyminiecka. From 18 to 21 October 1988 there was organised in Paris a Colloque International en Comm6moration du Cinquanti~me Anniversaire de la Mort de E. Husserl (27 Avril 1938) in the Coll6ge International de Philosophic and the Ecole Normale Sup6rieure. Speakers included F. Volpi, J. Sallis, P. Guenancia CLa constitution de l'espace dans la Krisis"), J.-L. Marion CL'ontologie est-elle r6gionale?"). 198 On 26 and 27 November 1988 there was organised at Hiroshima University the 19th Colloquium of the Phenomenological Association of Japan. Theme of the Symposium was: Phenomenology of the Horizon. The panelists were Y. Nitta, Y. Chida and Y. Yamagata. From 29 to 30 April 1988 there was organised in Cracow a conference commemorating the 30th anniversary of Husserl's death. Speakers included A. Poltawski ("Husserl's Conception of Time"), M. Bielawka ("Discovering the Inner Consciousness Constituting Time"), A. Workowski ("Reality, Existence and World in Husserl's Thought"), J. Krokos ("Is there only one conception of Husserl's Phenomenology?"), W. Galewicz ("Feelings and Value. On Husserl's Description of Axiological Consciousness"), K. Swiecicka ("Husserl's Theory of Intersubjectivity"), S. Walczewska ("Two Notions of History in Husserl's Phenomenology"), I. Fiut ("Did Husserl make the next Copernican Turn?"). Barry Smith University of Manchester