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Length and sequence variation in evening bat D-loop mtDNA

1991, Genetics

Length variation in D-loop mitochondrial DNA was observed after amplification with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 28% of 195 evening bats, Nycticeius humeralis, from seven colonies. Nucleotide sequences of PCR products show that this heteroplasmy is characterized by an 81-bp region which is tandemly repeated five to eight times. Southern blots using PCR products as probes on HaeIII genomic digests confirm the presence of heteroplasmy. Furthermore, densitometry of electrophoresed PCR products from 109 mother-offspring pairs indicate that heteroplasmy is stably transmitted from mother to offspring with one exception: a heteroplasmic offspring had a homoplastic mother and sib. Nucleotide sequences from this family reveal that a repeat duplication and deletion occurred. The observed mutation rate per generation, mu, for length polymorphism is comparable to an independent estimate, mu = 10(-2), based on hierarchical diversity statistics. With the exception of the repeat nearest t...

zyxwvutsrqponm Copyright 0 1991 by the Genetics Society of America zyxw zyxw Length and Sequence Variationin Evening Bat D-Loop mtDNA Gerald S. Wilkinson and Alyson M. Chapman Department of Zoology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742 Manuscript received November 12, 1990 Accepted for publication March 2 1, 1991 ABSTRACT Length variation in D-loop mitochondrial DNA was observed after amplificationwith the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 28% of 195 evening bats, Nycticeius humeralis, from seven colonies. Nucleotide sequences of PCR products show that this heteroplasmy is characterized by an 81-bp region which is tandemly repeated five to eight times. Southern blots using PCR products as probes on HaeIII genomicdigests confirm the presence ofheteroplasmy. Furthermore, densitometry of electrophoresed PCR products from 109 mother-offspring pairs indicate that heteroplasmy is stably transmitted from mother to offspring with one exception: a heteroplasmic offspring had a homoplasmic mother and sib. Nucleotide sequencesfrom this family reveal that a repeat duplication and deletionoccurred. The observed mutation rate pergeneration, p, for lengthpolymorphism is comparable toan independent estimate, p = 1O-', based on hierarchical diversity statistics.With the exception of the repeat nearest the prolinetRNA gene, sequencesimilarities between repeats within bats are consistent with a model of concerted evolution due to unidirectional replication slippage. Selection is inferred to act on the first repeat because in comparison to other repeats it has the least sequence divergence among bats, the fewest transversions, and the lowest minimum free energy associated with folding. zyxw zyxwvutsr M ITOCHONDRIAL DNA of most animals ranges in size from 16 to 18 kb and contains 13 proteingenes, 22transferRNAs,2 ribosomal RNAs, and a regulatory region known as the control region in invertebrates or the displacement loop (Dloop) in vertebrates. T h e D-loop lies between the phenylalanine tRNA (tRNAPhe) and theproline tRNA (tRNAP'") and is so named because the two parent strands are displaced by a short, variable length replication product known as 7s mtDNA (CLAYTON 1982). T h e presence of this single-stranded component enables this region of the mtDNA molecule to bind hydrophobic regulatory proteins (ALBRING, GRIFFITHand ATTARDI1977) and to undergoduplication and deletion events when repeats are present et al. 1990).Comparison of rat, mouse, (BUROKER human, cow and Xenopus laevis D-loop sequences reveal that most of the D-loop is A T rich with the C rich region containing exception of a central G an open reading frame that shows substantial similarity across species at the level of amino acid function (SACCONE, ATTIMONELLI and SBISA1987). Substantial length variationhas recently beenfound in or near the control region or D-loop of many animal mtDNAs. For example, three species of bark weevils possess mitochondria ranging in size from 30 to 36 kb (BOYCE,ZWICK and AQUADRO1989) because an 0.8-2.0-kb sequence is tandemly repeated adjacentto the control region. All individuals sampled had more than one mtDNA form, i.e. were heteroplasmic. Het- + + eroplasmy has also been attributed to variable copy number of tandem repeats in the control region of sea scallop (LA ROCHEet al. 1990), Drosophila mauritiana (SOLIGNAC, MONNEROTand MOUNOLOU1986), and field crickets (RAND and HARRISON 1989), andin the D-loop of shad (BENTZEN, LEGGETTand BROWN 1988), sturgeon(BUROKER et al. 1990), whiptail lizards (MORITZand BROWN 1987), and rabbit (MIGNOTTEet al. 1990). In humans, heteroplasmy is rare but has been detected in association with several disorders as an 8-kb duplication encompassing the D-loop (POULTON, DEADMAN and GARDINER 1989) and as a series of multiple deletions within the D-loop (ZEVIANIet al. 1989). Length variation between humans, in contrast, is well-known for D-loop mtDNA (CANNand WILSON 1983; GREENBERG, NEUBOLD and SUGINO1983). The apparent scarcity of heteroplasmy among mammals has prompted some investigators (e.g. RAND and HARRISON 1989) to speculate that homeotherms, due to their higher metabolic rates, may experience stronger selection for smaller and less variable mtDNAs than poikilotherms. In addition to length variation, substantial nucleotide sequence variability in the D-loop has been recorded bothwithin (AQUADRO and GREENBERC 1983) and between species (FORAN,HIXSONand BROWN 1989). Because the polymerases for both replication and transcription are nuclear-coded, the promoters for transcription of both strands lie between the open reading frame of the D-loop and the tRNAPhe, and zy zyxwvutsrqpon Genetics 128: 607-617 (July, 1991) zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyxwvuts zyx zyx zy zyxwvutsrqpon 608 G. S . Wilkinson and A. M. Chapman replication of the heavy (H) strand is primed by Dloop light (L) strand RNA (CHANGand CLAYTON 1985), severalworkers (GREENBERG, NEUBOLDand SUGINO1983; BROWN1985; CHANGet ai. 1985; FORAN, HIXSONand BROWN1989) have claimed that the species-specificity of the D-loop sequence is evidence for nuclear-mitochondria1genome coevolution. This interpretation assumes that mitochondrial Dloop nucleotide sequences have been under selection for their ability to facilitate nuclear enzyme binding. An alternative, although not exclusive, hypothesis is that D-loop sequence variability between speciesmay be the result of concerted evolution, i.e. the creation of tandemly repeated sequences through replication slippage or unequal crossing over (OHNO1970; HILLIS et al. 1991). Concerted evolution could generate species-specific D-loop sequences independent of functional differences if separate lineages accumulate substitutions independently. In this paper we use the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to characterize length and sequence variation in the D-loopof evening bat (Nycticeius humeralis) mitochondrial DNA. By examining PCR product sizes and sequences between known mother-pup pairs we verify that length heteroplasmy is transmitted maternally and is caused by a duplication or deletion of an 8 1-bp sequence that is tandemly copied five to eight times in the D-loop. By convention we use the term heteroplasmy to refer to multiple mtDNA genomes within an individual rather than within a cell. But, in contrast to prior studies in which length variation is assessed using restriction enzyme digests of DNAextracted from an organ or the entire animal, we can localize heteroplasmyto relatively few cells within an individual using PCR. By comparing nucleotide sequence similarity between 81-bp repeats within bats to sequencesimilarityof corresponding repeats in different bats, we evaluate concerted evolution and nuclear-mitochondria1coevolutionaspossible alternative explanations for creating and maintaining the substantial nucleotide sequence variation observed between bats both between and within nursery colonies. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study sites: Tissue samples were taken from adult female evening bats, a small (10 g) insectivorous Vespertilionid bat, at seven attic nursery colonies (Table I), sixin northern Missouri and southern Iowa and one in North Carolina (G. S. WILKINSON, unpublished) during the summer between 1987 and 1990. At these sites, females migrate in April from winter hibernacula and faithfully return to theirnatal nursery colonies in either hollow trees or attics (WATKINS 1970). T o document transmission of length and sequence variants, 58 pregnant females were kept in captivity through parturition until their young were large enough to sample. In 1988 we kept ten bats and in 1989 nine bats from the Hutton colony and in 1989 we also kept nine bats from the Grim colony. In 1990 we kept 30 females captured in an attic in Edenton, North Carolina. All bats were released near the site of capture before the young were old enough to feed independently. Sample collection and preparation: Bats were captured with hoop or mist nets as they departed from attics at dusk. After banding and measuring, each adult bat's chest fur was clipped, a 3-mm excisionwas made, and approximately 1-3 mg of pectoral muscle was excised while applying ethylene chloride topically as a local anesthetic. Tissue samples were stored in liquid nitrogen until returned to the laboratory where they were kept at -80" until DNA was extracted. Muscle biopsies were minced in 300 p1 of buffer (0.05 M Tris/HCl pH 8.0, 0.1 M EDTA, 0.1 M NaCI, and 1% SDS), incubated overnight at 55" with proteinase K (0.5 pg/ml), and then kept at 37" for 1 h with RNase (0.1 pg/ml) prior to several phenol/phenol:chloroform:isoamyl/chloroform:isoamyl alcohol extractions (SAMBROOK, FRITSCH and MANIATIS1989). The resulting supernatant contained 501000 ng of genomic DNA and was purified and concentrated using Centricon-30 microconcentrators following manufacturer's instructions (AmiconDivision,Danvers, Massachusetts). PCR primers and reactions: Three pairs of 20-bp sequences were usedas primers to amplify and sequence mtDNA (Figure 1). The location, abbreviation, sequence and orientation (L or H) of eachstrand is cytochrome B (C): L, 5'-TGAATTGGAGGACAACCAGT-3', tRNAP'" (P): L, 5'-TCCTACCATCAGCACCCAAAGC-3',initiation of the repeat array (I): L, 5"TGAAAAAACTACACACATGTAC-3', termination of the repeat (T): H, 5'-TTGACTGTATGGGGTATG TAC-3', conserved sequence block F (F): 5"GTTGCTGGTTTCAH, CGGAGGTAG-3', and conserved sequence block E (E): H, 5'-CCTGAAGTAGGAACCAGATG-3'. Conserved sequence blocks(CSB) are highly homologous regions that have been found in dolphin, cow, human and mouse mtDNA (SOUTHERN, SOUTHERN and DIZON1988). While the I and T primers are specific for evening bats, the other two pairs of primers will amplify D-loop mtDNA from at leastfivefamiliesof bats (G. S. WILKINSON and A. M. CHAPMAN, unpublished). Double-stranded amplifications using the PCR were performed following standard protocol (Perkin-Elmer-Cetus, Norwalk, Connecticut) and included a control with no template DNA. Forty cycles of 95" for 1 min, 55" for 1.5 min and 72" for 2 min were followed by 7 min at 72". PCR product size was determined by agarose gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining (see Figures 2 and 3). T o quantify the relative amount of each PCR product, Polaroid photographs of UV illuminated gels were digitized with a video camera, 16-bit frame-grabber board, and Macintosh computer and then measured using the program Image 1.24. The average inverse pixel value withinan 8 by 40 pixel rectangle positioned over each band was recorded for each fragment and for anadjacent background sample. To compute relative frequencies, the background value was subtracted before normalizing each fragment value for an individual to sum to one. Only relative frequencies greater than 0.05 are recorded. This technique provided a rapid and highly repeatable measure of fragment frequency. Southern blot analysis:To corroborate estimates of heteroplasmybased on PCR products we digested purified genomic DNA with HaeIII. This enzyme cuts the mtDNA outside each end of the tandem repeat array. Digested DNA was electrophoresed through 1.O% agarose, blotted to ZetaProbe (Bio-Rad, Richmond, California) nylon and probed with a PCR product obtained using the C and F primers. zyxw Bat D-Loop Sequence Variation 81 tpdrectrepeatr A C I 0 2 1 I S 6 4 3 609 > I 1 z zyxw z zyxw ] zyxwvutsrqponm zyxwvutsrqp A A P I I I I I I I I I 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 A A T F A E I mbp FIGURE1.-Locations of PCR primers (arrows) and tandem repeats within evening bat mtDNA. See text for primer sequences. square value as large or larger than that observed. This The probe was labeled with"P using a random primer technique permits inclusion of categories in which cell values labeling kit (United States Biochemical, Clevelend, Ohio). are small by randomizing elements while keeping row and Prehybridization and hybridization were carried out using Denhardt's reagent as a blocking agent (SAMBROOK, FRITSCHcolumn totalsconstant. To assess the difference between nucleotide sequences and MANIATIS 1989). Mitochondrial DNA fragments that from the same repeat we calculate the expected number of hybridized to the PCR probe were visualizedafter 3 days of substitutionsper site using the Jukes-Cantor distance, exposure to x-ray film. DNA sequencing: Sequencing of double-stranded (ds) d = % In (3/(4q - 1)) and single-stranded (ss) DNA was performed by the dideoxy chain termination method (SANGER, NICKLENand C O U L ~ ~ N where q is estimated as the fraction of homologous nucleo1977) using a Sequenase kit (United States Biochemical). tides which have the same base. We use this distance metric Double-stranded DNAwas obtained from PCR products rather than 1 - q because q overestimates true similarity that had been cut from an agarose gel and purified using due to multiplesubstitutionevents and because d scales glass beads (GENECLEAN,BIO 101 Inc., La Jolla, Califorlinearly with time if substitution rates are equivalent at all nia). Single-strandedDNA was created either by denaturing sites (JUKES and CANTOR 1969). dsDNA or by asymmetrical PCR (GYLLENSTEN and EHRLICH We apportion the similarity between sequencesto differ1988). Single-stranded binding protein (SSB, 0.5 rg) was ent regions analogous to the diversity statistics described added to the labeling mix to eliminate compression zones in above by computing the average number of nucleotide the gel. The SSB was inactivated by incubating each termisubstitutions either between pairs of bats from the same nation reaction at 95 O for 15 min with 0.1 Pg of proteinase colony, from different colonies or from different regions. K. The sequencing reaction products were separated in an The proportion of DNA divergence attributable to each 8.0% acrylamide/urea gel for which the top buffer was 0.5 levelis then found by taking the difference in average X TBE (SAMBROOK, FRITSCHand MANIATIS1989)while the substitution rates and scaling by the substitution rate for bat bottom buffer was 1 X TBE and 3 M sodium acetate in a pairs from the highest level, i e . in different regions (NEI 2:l ratio. These procedures allowed us to score approxi1987). mately 350 bp from each 50-cm lane. Descriptive statistics are given as mean f one standard Sequences wereobtained starting with either the C or P error. primer and moving into the D-loop or using the E or T primers and sequencing toward the tRNAProgene. These primer pairs allowed us to sequence complimentarystrands RESULTS through the region of overlap in the middle of the tandem repeats and provided an average of 64 bp of single-copy Repeat inheritanceand mutation: PCR resulted in sequencebetween the C primer andthe I primer that amplificationproducts that varied in length both included part of the cytochrome 6 gene and the tRNAThr within and betweenindividuals (Figures 2 and 3). gene. Substantial sequence similarity between evening bat Direct sequencing ofeach product revealed that fragand other mammalian sequencesfor these genes confirmed ments differ insize d u e to the addition or deletion of that we were amplifyingand sequencing mtDNA. Statistics: T o apportion the variability in fragment numan 81-bp sequence that is tandemly repeated five to ber within individuals, among individuals within colonies, eight times in the D-loop (Figure 1). Southern blot and among colonies we used the diversity indices (BIRKY, analysis of Hue111 digested genomic DNA obtained MARUYAMA and FUERST1983),Ki = 1 - S xV2, where xV is from muscletissue and probed withPCRproduct the frequency of the jth size class in the ith level. In this confirmed the same pattern of fragments among and study we consider three levels for i:individual, colony and region. T o maintainconsistencywith BIRKY MARUYAMA within individuals as obtained by PCR (Figure 2). and FUERST(1983)and RAND and HARRISON (1989)we PCR band patterns arevery similar among females denote the diversity index within individuals asKb, among and pups from the same family (Figure 3). To quantify individuals within colonies as K,, and among colonies within this similarity we estimated the repeatability,R , within regions as Kd. T o quantify relative variation in diversity at families of the arcsin-square root transform of thesix each level we used three C statistics (RAND andHARRISON 1989).The frattion of diversity found within individualsis repeat frequency obtained by densitometry. With an given by CI = &/&. The fraction among individuals within average of 2.9 bats measured in each of 58 families, colonies is CIC = (Kc - k)/& andthe frac5on among R = 0.989 & 0.003 (BECKER1975). Densitometric colonies within regionsis given by CCR= ( K d - Kc)/&. estimatesof six repeat frequenciesinpups closely To test for differences in genotype or size class frequencorrespond to those of their mothers (Figure 4) with cies among colonies we used a Monte Carlo randomization one exception. The boxinFigure 4 indicates a n procedure (ROFF and BENTZEN 1989) for computing the significanceassociatedwith obtaining a contingencychioffspring that produced two amplification products zyxwv zyxwvuts 610 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts zyxwvu zyxw G . S. Wilkinson and A. M. Chapman 1 .o 38 :Yo zyxwvutsr zyxwvu 0.8 - B 0.6- 1 2 3 4 5 '- 0.4 - 0.2 - 0.0 1 2 3 4 0.0 5 FIGURE 2.-PCR products using the C-E primer pair (A) and Southern blots of HuellI-digested genomic DNA probed with a PE PCR product (B)from five bats. Lane I contains a blot from a bat that was homoplasmic for five repeats, lanes 2 and 3 contain siblings' blots that were heteroplasmic for five and six repeats, lane 4 contains a blot of a bat heteroplasmic for six and seven repeats, and lane 5 contains a blot of a bat homoplasmic for seven repeats. Outside lanes in (A) contain length standards. 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 12 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Maternal Frequency FIGURE4.-Frequency of six repeat PCR productsfor 109 mother-offspring pairs. The box indicates an offspring which was heteroplasmic with a homoplasmic mother. Numbers indicate r e p licate values for homoplasmic pairs. The least squares regression equation is y = 0.0029 + 0.986x, r2 = 0.98. zyxwvu -1 1 . 2 - 3 . 4 . 5 1 1018 bp b 516 bp b 394 bp b 298 bp b FIGURE 3.-PCR products from three families resulting from amplification using the P-E primer pair. Lanes 1 , 5 and 9 are length standards. Lanes 2, 6 and 10 contain samples from adult females while the two lanes following them contain samples from their two pups. Lanes 10-12 display heteroplasmy for fragments with five and six 8 1-bp repeats. while its mother and sibling produced just one. Thus, a length mutation must have occurred in the mother. Given that we scored 109 meiotic events, the effective rate at which such mutations can be scored in each zygote by PCRis 1/109 = 0.0092 -C 0.0091. Note that this is not the mutation rate per mitochondrion because we have not assessed the number or distribution of mitochondrial types per gamete. Furthermore, this is a lower estimate of mutation rates per zygote because PCR cannot detect simultaneous duplication and deletion events. As shown below, these do occur. Because each maternal repeat had a characteristic pattern of base substitutions, we were able to deter- FIGURE5.-Diagram of the positions of identical repeat sequences in the one family in which a homoplasmic mother had a heteroplasmic offspring. Note that repeat 3 duplicated in all offspring arrays while repeat 4 was deleted in the 5 repeat offspring fragments. mine how the length change in this family occurred. T h e six repeat offspring fragmentis one repeat longer than the maternal fragment because repeat three has beenduplicated(Figure 5). Furthermore,the five repeat fragment for the heteroplasmic pup and its homoplasmic sib share this duplication but lack maternal repeat four. Thus, the five repeat fragments of both pups also show a deletion and concordantduplication of internal maternal repeatswhile the six repeat fragment of the heteroplasmic pup is due just to a duplication. Over 500 bp of nucleotide sequence for five other families, i.e. all repeats for a mother and her two pups, were also obtained. In all mother-offspring comparisons, including afive repeat family and a seven repeat family, both pup sequences were identical to the maternal sequence. Occurrence of heteroplasmy: Of the195 adult bats sampled, 27.7% of the individuals were heteroplasmic (Table 1). Only three heteroplasmic animals had evidence of three different size classes; the remaining heteroplasmic individuals contained two sizeclasses (Table 2). Although the NorthCarolina colony sample appears to have a lower incidence of heteroplasmy than most of the Missouri colonies, this difference is Bat D-Loop Sequence Variation TABLE 1 zyxwv zy 61 1 Frequency of mtDNA size classesand heteroplasmy, and diversity indices among sites Site (n) P(5) P(6) P(7) P(8) P( H ) a Kc ArcsinG(6) Total (1 95) Missouri (1 66) Busby ( 1 7) Grim (1 4) Easton (37) Smith (23) Zion (48) Hutton (27) North Carolina (29) 0.313 0.279 0.218 0.268 0.264 0.133 0.205 0.601 0.509 0.643 0.677 0.7 14 0.696 0.693 0.705 0.790 0.397 0.446 0.040 0.039 0.068 0.036 0.044 0.130 0.005 0.002 0.045 0.004 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.03 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.277 0.295 0.294 0.357 0.324 0.304 0.292 0.222 0.172 0.125 0.133 0.126 0.186 0.139 0.135 0.135 0.094 0.080 0.487 0.462 0.439 0.443 0.449 0.467 0.333 0.481 0.540 1.005 f 0.046 1.059 k 0.048 1.103 k 0.148 1.064 f 0.149 1.08 1 f 0.098 1.114 f 0.132 1.243 k 0.071 0.627 f 0.134 0.692 f 0.134 ~~ zyxwv zyxwvu zyxwvutsrq zyxwvut zyxwv Site indicates the location where the sample was obtained, i.e. either state or cdony. n = sample size, p(5) = frequency of the size class containing 5 tandem repeats, p ( H ) = frequency of heteroplasmic individuals, K b = mean diversity index over all individuals at that site, K c = diversity index for that site, and arcsinG(6) = mean arcsinG(6) over all individuals. TABLE 2 Frequencies of mtDNA genotypes at each site Site (n) Total ( 1 95) Missouri ( 1 66) Busby ( 1 7) Grim (1 4) Hutton (27) Easton (37) Smith (23) Zion (48) North Carolina (29) f ( 5 ) f(6) f ( 7 ) f(56) f ( 6 f7()5 6 f7()7 8 ) 40 27 3 2 1 5 1 3 13 97 87 9 6 3 8 1 9 1 4 3 1 10 3 2 0 20 0 31 21 0 1 38 34 1 4 5 9 3 12 4 12 21 1 3 0 3 3 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 square root transformed frequencies indicates that this variation is caused by two colonies, Hutton and the NorthCarolina colony, which have lower frequencies of sixand higher frequencies of five repeats than the remaining Missouricolonies (Table 1). Similar results are obtained for genotype frequencies upon posthoc comparison(Table 2). The genotype frequencies at the Hutton and Edenton colonies are independent of colony(?? = 3.266, P = 0.91,500 randomizations) asare those at the five other Missouri colonies (X2= 29.256, P = 0.17, 500 randomizations). Thus, although differences in both genotype and repeat frequency can be demonstrated betweencolonies, they do not increase with geographic distance. Sequence similarity among sites: To determine if there were more nucleotide substitutionsbetween bats from different colonies or different regions than within colonies we computed the Jukes-Cantor distance between all possible pairs of the 52 unrelated bats for which sequence data was obtained for six repeats. This gave 549 pairs of bats from the same colony, 630 pairs from two different colonies in the same region, and 147 pairs from different regionsone from a Missouri colony and the other from the North Carolina colony. We tested for differences between thesethree sets of pairs by taking 1000 samples of 549 pairs of distancesat random without regard to the identity of the bats, ordering the means, and then counting the number of sampled means less than the observed mean obtained from bats, in this case, from the same colony. Identical randomization tests were conducted with 630 pairs and 147 pairs to determine if two bats from different colonies in the same state or two different states, respectively,have more or fewer nucleotide substitutions than expected by chance. Although very little sequence variation exists among batsbetween the cytochrome b andthe tRNAP'" gene sequences, there were somedifferences between individuals in the number of adenosine nu- zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu 1 1 Site indicates the location where the sample was obtained, i e . either state or colony. n = sample sizef(56) = number of individuals which are heteroplasmic for 5 and 6 tandem repeats,f(5) number of individuals which are homoplasmic for 5 repeats. not sufficient to cause heteroplasmy frequency to vary significantly among colony sites (x'= 1.77, d.f. = 6, P = 0.939). These results are consistent both with an analysis of variance on Kb and with the hierarchical C statistics. The within individual diversity, Kb, does not differ significantly among colonies (F6,188 = 0.596, P = 0.733). In terms of relative diversity, the variation among colonies, CCR= 7.2%, is much less than either the diversity among individuals within colonies,CIc = 66.8%or the diversity within individuals,CI= 25.6%. Population subdivision: In contrast to the lack of variation in the proportion of heteroplasmic individualswithin each colony,significant variation does occur among colonies in genotype frequencies (x'= 70.431, P < 0.001, 1000 randomizations, Table 2) and in the arcsin-square root transform of the frequencyofsix repeats (F6,188= 4.523, P = 0.0003, Table 1). Note that the genotype frequencies only score the presence or absence of a size class while the frequency of sixrepeats is calculated from theindividual frequencies obtained from densitometric measurements.ApplicationofFisher's partial least squares differences (PLSD) posthoc comparison to the arcsin- zyxwvut zyxwvu 612 yj zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe 0 zyxwvutsrqpo G.'S. Wilkinson and A. M. Chapman 5 b . I . C td 2 a, Y 2 0.15 0.02 zyxwv 0.10 0.05 0.01 0.00 -J n nn _." 1 2 3 4 5 6 Repeat Position FIGURE6.-Jukes-Cantor distances between pairs of bats in the same colony, in different colonies in Missouri,or between bats from Missouri and North Carolina colonies. The distances for pairs within ;I colony include sequences for 33 bats at the Zion colony, four bats from the Hutton colony, and three bats at each of the other five colonies. Sequences were obtained either from bats homoplasmic for six repeats or from the six repeat fragment of a heteroplasmic bat. Asterisks indicate those sets of paired distances that were significantly different from the overall mean distance according to r.;lndomi;lation tests as described in the text. Repeat position 1 is closest to the tRNA"'" gene. cleotides at the beginningof the D-loop. Most individuals had seven adenosine residues at this position, but both six and eight were recorded. However, randomization tests indicated that no significant differences exist between any of the three sets of pairs and the overall mean. T h e overall average Jukes-Cantor distance between batpairs was 0.0044 f 0.0003. In contrast, if the sequence data from all six repeats is pooled, a significant difference is obtained for pairs of bats within colonies versus pairs between colonies o r between regions ( P C 0.001).T h e average JukesCantor distance within the repeat region is 0.0143 f 0.0002 indicating greater sequencedivergence between bats within the repeat region than outside the repeats. To determine if anynucleotidesequence heterogeneity exists among thesix repeats, we analyze each repeat separately below. Although heterogeneity exists among themean distances for all repeats depending on whether the pairs were from the same or different colonies, the most instructive difference between these groups occursin repeat one, that repeat closest to the tRNA"'" gene (Figure 6). This repeat is the most conserved repeat in that it shows significantly less divergence between pairs of bats than any of the other repeats. In comparison to the within repeat nucleotide substitution rate between regions, 25.5% of the genetic differentiation observed at repeatone is due to variation within colonies, 30.9% is due to variation between colonies, and 43.6% is due to sequence variation between regions. Incontrast,repeat six shows much greater divergence between bats, althoughbats within the same colony do not have consistently more similar sequences at repeat six than bats from different colo- 0 zyxwv 3 4 No. Intervening Repeats FIGURE7.-Jukes-Cantor distances between the sequences of two 81-bp repeats within each of 52 bats. The number of repeats separating the two repeats is indicated on the abscissa. Sequences were obtained either from bats homoplasmic for six repeats or from the six repeat fragment of a heteroplasmic bat. Error bar indicates one standard error obtained by bootstrapping. nies (Figure 6). Internal repeats show distances between individuals which are intermediate tothose for repeats one andsix, and also fail to show consistently greater divergence between bats from different colonies. Sequence similarity among repeats within bats: If either unequal crossing over or replication slippage causes heteroplasmy, then the greatest sequence similarity should occur between those repeats that most frequently undergo duplication events (OHTA1980). Under this premise, duplication almost certainly is restricted to neighboring repeats because of the 52 bats sequenced, adjacent repeatsare most similar and the distances between repeat sequences diverge at an exponentially increasing rate as the number of intervening repeats increases (Figure 7). Because the adjacent repeat category in Figure 7 pools all pairs of adjacent repeats together, any effect of repeat position on adjacent repeat sequence similarity is obscured. Figure 8 shows that repeat location does affect the similarity between adjacent repeats. Adjacent pairsof repeats in the middle of the tandem repeatregion show the most sequence similarity whereas adjacent repeats at each end of the repeat region show significantly greater distances. However, this divergence in sequence similarity is asymmetrical in that the repeat furthest from the tRNAPr", repeat six in most individuals, shows much greater differentiationfrom its neighboringrepeatthandoes the repeat closest to the tRNA"'". Note, however, that repeat one is much less similar to repeat two than internal adjacent repeats.Thus, repeat oneis unlikely to be the result of a recent duplication event. Substitution bias and location within repeats: Base pair substitutionshave not occurredat random among repeats with respect to base pair identity or position. Within the consensus repeatsequence, i.e. that sequence obtainedby using the base pair observed most often in all bats at each of the 81 positions, there are zyxwvutsrq 00 92 zyxwvut zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvut zyxwvutsrqpo Bat Variation D-Loop Sequence 0.15 8 K a c. v) 6 b c c vnr 0.05 a, Y 3 7 0.00 2-3 1-2 3-4 4-5 5-6 Repeat Pair Position FIGUREIl.-Jukes-Cantor distances between adjacent 81-bp repeats w i t h i n each of 52 bats. Sequences were obtained either from Ixlts homophsmic for six repeats or from the six repeat fragment of a heteroplasmic bat. Repeat positions are the .same as in Figure 6.Error bar indicates one standard error obtained by bootstrapping. TABLE 3 Substitution bias within each repeat using all pairs of 52 sequences Repeat Transversions Transitions 1 0 2 3 4 6 Total (Figure 10) with a stem and terminal loop when the sequence is folded to minimize the free energy of the structure (ZUKERand STIECLER1981). Comparison of the minimum free energies associated withall first, second and end repeats, of which there are 9, 13 and 17 haplotypes, respectively, shows a significant differenceamongthe mean bindingenergies (F2.155 = 68.14, P = 0.0001). Fisher PLSD tests indicate that significant differences exist between all three repeats. Note,however, thatrepeatone shows noticeably lower average free energies than either repeat t w o or six (Table 4). T h e sequence in the terminal loop of all structures formed is of interest because it includes the first 7 bp, 5’-ACATAAA-3‘, which DODA,WRIGHTand CLAYTON (1981) identified in humans as being 51-53 bp upstream from the termination of replication of the 7 s daughter strand.In the mouse, there are foursuch termination-associated sequences (TAS),one of which is the same as the human, and the other threediffer by 1 bp, i.e. 5”ACATTAA-3 ’. T h e 7-bp human TAS also appears along oneside of the stem in the secondary structures. T h e probability of finding these 7 bp together anywhere in the 81-bprepeat, given the frequency of each nucleotide in the most common first repeat, is 0.069. T h e probability of finding these 7bp in the terminalloop is 0.00086. Thus,the consistent location of this 7-bp sequence in the terminal loop can be considered a nonrandom event. As with sturgeon mtDNA repeats (BUROKERet al. 1990), lower free energies are obtained when more than one repeat is allowed to fold into a secondary structure. For example, folding repeat one and two for one bat gave a minimum free energy of -25.4, repeats one through three gave -40.9, repeats one through four -51.2, and repeats one through five -64.4. All of thesestructures were two-branched stem-loops with 5’-ACATAA-3’ in each terminal loop. zyxwv 0.10 v) 5 613 194 378 1253 21 17 Percent Transversions 497 1718 1411 1130 1050 784 6590 0 5.5 12.0 14.6 26.5 61.5 32.1 ~~ ~ ~ 5 (6.1%) guanosine, 9 (1 1.15%) cytosine, 29 (35.8) thymidine and 38 (46.9) adenosinebases. Given these base pair frequencies, transversions should represent 78.4% of all substitutions. Instead, only 32.1 % of all substitutions are transversions. Transversions increase progressively from 0% in repeatone to 61.5% in repeat six (Table 3). Furthermore,thedistribution of transversions is not random with respect to nucleotide position within a repeat (Figure 9). T h e transversions in repeats two through five are all due toanA-Tsubstitution at position 40 in the repeat. Although substitutions have occurred at least once at 2 1of the 8 1 sites in a repeat (Figure 9) only 11 sites have altered in repeats two through five. Nine of those 11 sites have also changed in repeat six, but only two of the 11 sites have ever changed in repeat one. Both repeat one and repeat six have substitutions at an additional five sites each. Some, but notall, of these substitutions occurin bulge areas or are paired with complimentary substitutions in stem regions of secondary structures (Figure 10) that can be computed, as described below, for each repeat. Repeat secondary structures: T h e most common sequence of the L strand first repeat, as well as all other repeat sequences, forms a secondary structure zy DISCUSSION T h e resultspresented in this paperdemonstrate that PCR can be used to quantify length variation in mtDNA among populations. T h e advantages of this technique over traditional restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis are several: PCR is quicker, does not require radioactivity, can be conducted on minute samples obviating the need to sacrifice small animals and can be used for direct sequencing. Furthermore, estimates of sequence differences between individuals based on restriction maps may be misleading if there is duplication and deletion of repeats in a tandem array. Frequent duplication/deletion events will cause substitutionrates to appearhigher than they really are. On the other hand, the presence of substantial length and nucleotide variation means that 614 zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvuts zyxwv zyxwvutsrqponm zyxw G . S. Wilkinson and A. M.Chapman ATTAAACTATATTCCACATGAATATTAAACATGTACATAAATATATTAATATTACATAAGACATATAATGTATAATTGTAC 1:.C....T o w . . . . . ..T...G.A . . w w N O D 2:..... .. 0 Wol N NN N P W w 0 m zyxwv 4 ........G. .........T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A P N w 0 4 03 P O VIN .......... W P .C .......A ........G. ..................... 0 ..................... 0 N ......T... .CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G. ..........T C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 0 N 5: ................................ ........G. .........T 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A .CC......A 3:......T... .. .CG....... 00 Nh) ..... .CC......A .. Lnw No 4: ................... o w 0 0 m N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. .... 0 N ......... T ................... A P 0 W P 0 0 h) W 03 N 0 N .....C.... ......c.. . 0 0 zyxwvutsrqponm 6: ...... T... 2 .. .CC......A 3 P ow 0 0 9 4 4 .....C..G. b ,? 0 0 .A Io 4 ....... .T .C......G.. 0 4 W 0 w w w N N .........T .....G.... CG....C P 0 w 0 . P w. JO .... ' w 4 FIGURE9.-Location and frequency of substitutions within the 3' to 5' consensus sequence of the light strand of the 81-bp repeat. The proportion of the 52 bats carrying a particular substitution in each repeat is indicated below the respective base. Each substitution involved only one base pair change as indicated with four exceptions: ') one of three changes was A to G , ') one of two changes was T to A, ') one of two changes was G to C, and ') one of 39 changes was A to G . Repeat #I Consensus A T FIGURE10.-Secondary structures for the most common first repeat andthe consensus sequence obtained by minimizing the free energy according to the Zuker-Stiegler method. The location and number of substitutions observed among repeats two through six for 52 bat sequences are indicated on the consensus repeat. TABLE 4 Minimum free energies associated withstem-loop secondary structures of each repeat ~ Repeat 1 2 6 Mean (kcal/mole) -9.78 -8.03 -7.44 SE No. of different structures 0.09 0.13 0.22 13 17 9 PCR of mtDNAcan be used in parentage studies when maternal relationships are unknown. Utility for matriline assignment:A high mutation rate for length variation reduces genetic differentiation of colonies. In the evening bat D-loop, mutation rates for length polymorphism are too high to allow fixation of different length variants in isolated populations, but not high enough for most of the variation to be present within an individual. Thus,the frequency of mtDNA size classes within an individual can be used as a first approximation to assign individuals to matrilines because the mostlikely source fora length variant is through acommon maternal ancestor rather than from a mutational event. However, a more accurate classification can be made by comparing the sequence patterns within repeats because there are many more unique repeat genotypes than length variants andtheper generation mutation rate for a nucleotide substitution in each repeat is much smaller thanthe mutation ratefor length polymorphism. Thus, by compiling a catalog ofrepeat haplotypes and then comparing the sequences of the repeats, rather than the nucleotides, it is not only possible to identify individuals to matrilines (G. S. WILKINSONunpublished), but also to track repeat evolution. Estimationof length mutation rates: The existence of up to eight copies of a direct repeat suggests that mammal mtDNA maynot experience strong selection for reduced mtDNA size as hasbeen proposed (HARRISON 1989). Because PCR hasonlyrecentlybeen used to assess mtDNA length variation, we predict that more examples of heteroplasmy in mammalswill be found. For example, in addition to evening bats, we have found tandem repeats and similar frequencies of length heteroplasmy intwo other Vespertilionid zyxwvu zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvuts Bat D-Loop Sequence Variation bats, Myotis lucijigus and Eptesicus fuscus (G. S. WILKINSON and A. M. CHAPMAN, in preparation). Rabbits exhibit similar length variation except that the tandem repeats lie between the CSBs and the tRNAPhe(MIGNOTTE et al. 1990). Although the frequency of heteroplasmyin evening bats, 28%, is lower than that estimated in Gyllusfirmus, 60%, or Gryllus pennsyluanicus, 45%, (RANDand HARRISON 1989), thediversity indices of allhybrid crickets, K c = 0.471 and Kc = 0.149, are very similar to the diversity indices for all evening bats, Kc = 0.487 and E b = 0.125. These indices show that most of the length variation, 66.8% in evening bats and between 61.3and 67.4% for crickets, occurs within a colony, or in the caseof crickets, lineage. T o maintainthislevelof length variation in the absence ofselection, the mutation rate for length polymorphism mustbe relatively highand/ or the population size must be large to counteract the effects of random assortment of mitochondria into gameteswhich will rapidly remove variation unless the poolof mitochondria per gamete is very large (CLARK1988). If the effective number of females is known and transmission is strictly maternal, then K , = 2Np/ (2Np 1) where N is the number of breeding females in the population and p is the mutation rate per individual (BIRKY,MARUYAMA and FUERST1983). If we substitute the observed mutation rate of 0.0092 and the observed K , of 0.487 into this equation then N = 52. Because this estimate of population size is very close to the average number of adult females in the seven colonies we sampled, we conclude that the per generation mutation rate is near9 X This mutation rate is about 20 times greater than that estimated for field crickets (RANDand HARRISON 1989). The length mutation event described in this paper required both a duplication anda deletion event. Initially, a duplication must have occurred in repeat three which presumably affected at least some of the maternal mtDNA molecules in the ovaries. In other words, the mother must have had different mtDNA forms in different tissues. This would explainwhy the maternal sequence amplified from a chest muscle biopsy could differ from both offspring sequences. The duplication event was apparently followed by a deletion of repeat four in some mtDNA molecules. If an ovum received one mtDNA type, a homoplasmic offspring would result; if it received both types, the offspring would be heteroplasmic. Mechanisms for length variation: Four different mechanisms have beenproposed to account for length variation in mitochondrial DNA: intra- and intermolecular recombination (RANDand HARRISON 19$9), slipped mispairing (STREISINGER et al. 1966; EFSTRATIADIS et al. 1980), illegitimate elongation (BUROKER 615 et al. 1990), and transposition (RANDand HARRISON 1989). The recent documentation of DNAbeing transferred into mitochondria by a protein (VESTWEBER and SCHATZ 1989)opens the possibility that transposition could occur among mitochondria. Transposition wouldnot, however, produce both a duplication and deletion nor would it result in adjacent internal repeats being more similar than external repeats. Thus, transposition cannot account for the patterns of sequence variation we observe in N. humeralis, but it may account for the origin of the tandem repeat unit. Although both intra- and intermolecular recombination is frequent in plant mtDNA (SEDEROFF 1987), no direct evidence of recombination has yet been found for animal mtDNA. As RANDand HARRISON (1 989) point out, intermolecular recombination results in molecules of differing sizes which have not yetbeen found. However, intramolecular recombination between, for example, 7 s and parent mtDNA, need not alter molecule size and would be very difficult to distinguish from replication slippage. Although the slippedmispairingmodel was presented to explain deletions which are flanked by short direct repeats (EFSTRATIADIS et al. 1980), a similar process could also produce duplications. Instead of the parental strand forming a single-strandedloop which gets excised before replication occurs, formation of a single-stranded loop in the daughter strand will result in a repeat duplication after DNA replication and resolution of the heteroduplex molecule. This is, in fact, the essence of the illegitimate elongation model (BUROKERet al. 1990). Both processes are clearly a form of replication slippage. BUROKERet al. (1990) claim that illegitimate elongation is unique to mitochondrial replication because of triplex its nature. An alternative and perhaps more revealing distinction is that mtDNA, unlike nuclear DNA, replicates each strand independently. In the D-loopthisprocess is unidirectional for 7s mtDNAbecause the L strand does not begin replicating until H strand replication reaches the L strand origin of replication, a conserved noncoding region between the tRNAAsn and the tRNACysgenes (CLAYTON 1982). Unidirectional replication is significant because repeat duplication can only occur in one direction. Thus, the most recently duplicated repeat should be at the end of an array unless the last repeat in the array is protected in some way from undergoing a deletion event. The increased nucleotide divergence between repeats one and two, as compared to adjacent internal repeats (Figure 8), indicates that repeat one has not duplicated as recently as have the internal repeats. The even greater divergence between the last repeat (number five, six, seven or eight depending on the size of the repeat array) and the adjacent internal repeat suggests that the last repeat also has not dupli- zyx zyxwvu + zyxwvu 616 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvut zyxwvu G . S.Wilkinson and A. M.Chapman cated recently. Presumably, the first and last repeats in the array undergo duplication and deletion events at much lowerrates, if at all, than theinternal repeats. Evidence for selection: If a duplication event is not always accompanied by a corresponding deletion, then copy number will change in one strand and heteroplasmy will result. Thus, partial independence between duplicationsand deletions can account for heteroplasmy, but cannot explain why we usually found six but never less than five or more than eight repeats. If our estimate of p is correct and the occurrence of tandem repeats predates the origin of the genus, as their presence in both Myotis and Eptesicus indicates, then there has been ample time for more variation in repeat copy number to occur unless selection also acts to maintain an optimal number of copies.One possible reason for an intermediate number of repeats is that a large secondary structure composed of five, six or more repeats may form when a 7s strand binds to a protein. If such protein binding occurs, then an optimal number of repeats probably exists and more or fewer repeats should decrease binding efficiency. Under this scenario we might expect to find repeat number, as well as nucleotide sequence, differing between related species. The explanation just provided is insufficient by itself, however, to explain the patterns of nucleotide sequencesimilarity we found between bats at each repeat. If substitution rates are equal along each repeat and selection is absent, then all repeats, even those that duplicate, should diverge between bats at equal rates. Thus, in the absenceofselection the nucleotide differences between bats from different states should be the same for each repeat. However, the repeat nearest the tRNAP'" is much more conserved between bats than the other five repeats indicating that substitutions are either less frequent or less tolerated in this repeat. The hypothesis that repeat one is under purifying selection is consistent with the absence of transversions in this repeat but not in other repeats and with repeat one having the lowest average free energy associated with a folded stem-loop structure. Therefore,an alternative interpretation of these findings is that only one repeat is necessary for protein binding. Some other explanation must then be provided to explainthe apparentlimitation on copy number within a tandem array. If true, this latter scenario implicatesconcerted evolution as the mechanism causing sequence similarity among internal repeats and within, but not necessarily between, batswhile nuclear-mitochondrialcoevolution is likely to be responsible for sequence similarity between bats at the first repeat. Comparison of repeat sequences among closely related species should help to resolve where and how selection acts on length and sequence variation in this region. We thank W. STEPHAN, A. CLARK and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript, F. MAYER,D. O'REILLY, A. SCHERRER, S. STEELE,P. TRAIL,R. WILLIAMS and L. WOLFENBARGER for assistance in the field, and the Smith, Grim, Hutton, Busby, Easton, and McLain families for access to bat colonies. We are grateful to T. KOCHER for providing the C and E primers and to W. RASBAND for providing the image analysis program. 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